SYBSc IT_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC – 27/06/2023
Item No. 6.4 (R)
Revised Syllabus for
S.Y.B.Sc. (Information Technology )
(Sem. III & IV)
(With effect from the academic year 2023 -24)
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University of Mumbai
Syllabus for Approval
No. Heading Particulars
O: _____________ Title of Course
S.Y.B.Sc. (Information Technology )
2 O: _____________ Eligibility Ordinance no. O.5051
Circular no. UG/284 of 2007 dated 16th
June 2007
R: ______________ Passing Marks
40 %
4 No. of years/Semesters: 3 Years/ 6 Semesters
5 Level: P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
( Strike out which is not applicable)
6 Pattern: Yearly / Semester
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Status: Revised / New
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 To be implemented from Academic Year :
From Academic Year: 2023 -24
Prof. Shivram S. Garje,
Dean ,
Faculty of Science and Technology
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Semester – 3
Course Code Course Type Course Title Credits
USIT301 Skill Enhancement Course Python Programming 2
USIT302 Core Subject Data Structures 2
USIT303 Core Subject Computer Networks 2
USIT304 Core Subject Operating Systems 2
USIT305 Core Subject Applied Mathematics 2
USIT3P1 Skill Enhancement Course
Practical Python Programming Practical 2
USIT3P2 Core Subject Practical Data Structures Practical 2
USIT3P3 Core Subject Practical Computer Networks Practical 2
USIT3P4 Core Subject Practical Operating Systems Practical 2
USIT3P5 Core Subject Practical Mobile Programming Practical 2
Total Credits 20
Semester – 4
Course Code Course Type Course Title Credits
USIT401 Skill Enhancement Course Core Java 2
USIT402 Core Subject Introduction to Embedded
Systems 2
USIT403 Core Subject Computer Oriented Statistical
Techniques 2
USIT404 Core Subject Software Engineering 2
USIT405 Core Subject Computer Graphics and
Animation 2
USIT4P1 Skill Enhancement Course
Practical Core Java Practical 2
USIT4P2 Core Subject Practical Introduction to Embedded
Systems Practical 2
USIT4P3 Core Subject Practical Computer Oriented Statistical
Techniques Practical 2
USIT4P4 Core Subject Practical Software Engineering Practical 2
USIT4P5 Core Subject Practical Computer Graphics and
Animation Practical 2
Total Credits 20
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Table of Contents
Python Programming ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 6
Data Structures ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 9
Computer Netwo rks ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 11
Operating Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 13
Applied Mathematics ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 15
Python P rogramming Practical ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 18
Data Structures Practical ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 21
Computer Network Practical ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 23
Operating System Practical ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 25
Mobile Programming Practical ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 27
Java Programming ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 29
Introduction to Embedded Systems ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 31
Computer Oriented Statistical Techniques ................................ ................................ ................................ . 33
Software Engineering ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 36
Computer Graphics and Animation ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 39
Java Programming Practical ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 42
Introduction to Embedded Systems Practical ................................ ................................ ............................. 44
Software Engineering Practical ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 46
Computer Graphics and Animation ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 47
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Python Programming
B. Sc . (Information Technology) Semester – III
Course Name: Python Programming Course Code: USI T301
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
Course Objective :
Interpret the fundamental Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python
control flow statements.
Express proficiency in the handling of strings and functions.
Determine the methods to create and manipulate Python programs by utilizing the data
structures like lists, dictionaries, tuples and sets.
Identify the commonly used operations involving file systems and regular expressions.
Articulate the Object -Oriented Programming concepts such as encapsu lation, inheritance
and polymorphism as used in Python.
Unit Details Lectures
I Introduction: The Python Programming Language, History, features,
Installing Python, Running Python program, Debugging : Syntax
Errors, Runtime Errors, Semantic Errors, Experimental Debugging,
Formal and Natural Languages, The Difference Between Brackets,
Braces, and Parentheses,
Variabl es and Expressions Values and Types, Variables, Variable
Names and Keywords, Type conversion , Operators and Operands,
Expressions , Inte ractive Mode and Script Mode, Order of Operations .
Conditional Statements: if, if-else, nested if –else
Looping : for, while, nested loops
Control statements: Terminating loops, skipping specific conditions 12
II Functions: Function Calls, Type Conversion Functions, Math
Functions, Composition, Adding New Functions, Definitions and Uses,
Flow of Execution, Parameters and Arguments, Variables and
Parameters Are Local, Stack Diagrams, Fruitful Functions and Void
Functions, Why Functions? Importing with from, Return Values,
Incremental Development, Composition, Boolean Functions, More
Recursion, Leap of Faith, Checking Types
Strings: A String Is a Sequence, Traversal with a for Loop, String
Slices, Strings Are Immutable, Searching, Looping and Counting,
String Methods, The in Operator, String Comparison, String
Operations. 12
Page 9
III Lists: Values and Accessing Elements , Lists are mutable, traversing a
List, Deleting elements from List, Built -in List Operators,
Concatenation, Repetition, In Operato r, Built -in List functions and
Tuples and Dictionaries : Tuples , Accessing values in Tuples , Tuple
Assignment , Tuples as return values , Variable -length argument tuples,
Basic tuples operations, Concatenation, Repetition, in Operator,
Iteration, Buil t-in Tuple Functions
Creating a Dictionary, Accessing Values in a dictionary, Updating
Dictionary, Deleting Elements from Dictionary, Properties of
Dictionary keys, Operations in Dictionary, Built -In Dictionary
Functions, Built -in Dictionary Methods
Files: Text Files, The File Object Attributes, Directories
Exceptions: Built -in Exceptions, Handling Exceptions, Exception with
Arguments, User -defined Exceptions 12
IV Regular Expressions – Concept of regular expression, various types
of regular expressions, using match function.
Classes and Objects: Overview of OOP (Object Oriented
Programming), Class Definition, Creating Objects, Instances as
Arguments, Instances as return values, Built -in Class Attributes,
Inheritance, Method Overriding, Data E ncapsulation, Data Hiding
Multithreaded Programming: Thread Module, creating a thread,
synchronizing threads, multithreaded priority queue
Modules: Importing module, Creating and exploring modules, Math
module, Random module, Time module 12
V Creating the GUI Form and Adding Widgets :
Widgets: Button, Canvas, Checkb utton, Entry, Frame, Label, Listbox,
Menubutton, Menu, Message, Radiobutton, Scale, Scrollbar, text,
Toplevel, Spinbox, PanedWindow, LabelFram e, tkMessagebox.
Handling Standard attri butes and Properties of Widgets.
Layout Management : Designing GUI applications with proper Layout
Management features.
Look and Feel Customization : Enhancing Look and Feel of GUI using
different appearances of widgets.
Storing Data in Our MySQL Database via Our GUI : Connecting to
a MySQL database from Python, Configuring the MySQL connection,
Designing the Python GUI database, Using the INSERT command,
Using the UPDATE command, Using the DELETE command, Storing
and retr ieving data from MySQL database. 12
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Think Python Allen Downey O’Reilly 1st 2012
2. An Introduction to
Computer Science using
Python 3 Jason
Montojo , Jennifer
Campbell , Paul Gries SPD 1st 2014
Page 10
3. Python GUI
Programming Cookbook Burkhard A. Meier Packt 2015
4. Introduction to Problem
Solving with Python E. Balagurusamy TMH 1st 2016
5. Murach’s Python
programming Joel Murach, Michael
Urban SPD 1st 2017
6. Object -oriented
Programming in Python
Michael H.
Goldwasser, David
Letscher Pearson
Hall 1st 2008
7. Exploring Python Budd TMH 1st 2016
Course Outcome:
After completing the course, the learner will be able to:
CO1: Aware of the variables, expressions, looping and conditions used in Python
CO2: Implement functions, strings, lists, tuples and directories
CO3: Create GUI forms and add widgets.
CO4: Use MySQL to store data.
CO5: Apply the programmin g skillset learnt here into various domains by having advance
programming skillset of Python and usage of libraries.
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Data Structures
B. Sc . (Information Technology) Semester – III
Course Name: Data Structures Course Code: USI T302
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
Course Objective:
Ability to analyze the performance of algorithms.
Ability to choose appropriate algorithm design techniques for solving problems.
Understand how the choice of data structures and the algorithm design methods impact
the performance of programs.
Unit Details Lectures
I Introduction: Data and Information, Data Structure, Classification of Data
Structures, Primitive Data Types, Abstract Data Types, Data structure vs. File
Organization, Operations on Data Structure, Algorithm, Importance of
Algorithm Analysis, Complexity of an Algorithm, Asymptotic Analysis and
Notations, Big O Notation, Big Omega Notation, Big Thet a Notation, Rate of
Growth and Big O Notation.
Array : Introduction, One Dimensional Array, Memory Representation of One
Dimensional Array, Traversing, Insertion, Deletion, Searching, Sorting,
Merging of Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Memory Representatio n of Two
Dimensional Arrays, General Multi -Dimensional Arrays, Sparse
Arrays, Sparse Matrix, Memory Representation of Special kind of Matrices,
Advantages and Limitations of Arrays. 12
II Linked List: Linked List, One -way Linked List, Traversal of Linked List,
Searching, Memory Allocation and De -allocation, Insertion in Linked
List, Deletion from Linked List, Copying a List into Other List, Merging Two
Linked Lists, Splitting a List into Two Lists, Reversing One way linked List,
Circular Linked List, Ap plications of Circular Linked List, Two way Linked
List, Traversing a Two way Linked List, Searching in a Two way linked List,
Insertion of an element in Two way Linked List, Deleting a node from Two
way Linked List, Header Linked List, Applications of the Linked
list, Representation of Polynomials, Storage of Sparse Arrays, Implementing
other Data Structures. 12
III Stack : Introduction, Operations on the Stack Memory Representation of Stack,
Array Representation of Stack, Applications of Stack, Evaluation of Arithmetic
Expression, Matching Parenthesis, infix and postfix operations, Recursion .
Queue: Introduction, Queue, Operations on the Queue, Memory
Representation of Queue, Array representation of queue, Linked List
Representation of Queue, Circular Queue, Some special kinds of queues,
Deque, Priority Queue, Application of Priority Queue, Applicat ions of Queues. 12
Page 12
IV Sorting and Searching Techniques
Bubble, Selection, Insertion, Merge Sort.
Searching: Sequential, Binary, Indexed Sequential Searches.
Tree: Tree, Binary Tree, Properties of Binary Tree, Memory Representation of
Binary Tree, Operat ions Performed on Binary Tree, Reconstruction of Binary
Tree from its Traversals, Huffman Algorithm, Binary Search Tree, Operations
on Binary Search Tree, Heap, Memory Representation of Heap, Operation on
Heap, Heap Sort.
Advanced Tree Structures: Red Black Tree, Operations Performed on Red
Black Tree, AVL Tree, Operations performed on AVL Tree, 2 -3 Tree, B -Tree. 12
V Hashing Techniques
Hash function, Address calculation techniques, Common hashing functions
Collision resolution, Linear probing, Q uadratic, Double hashing, Bucket
hashing, Deletion and rehashing
Graph : Introduction, Graph, Graph Terminology, Memory Representation of
Graph, Adjacency Matrix Representation of Graph, Adjacency List or Linked
Representation of Graph, Operations Performe d on Graph, Graph Traversal,
Applications of the Graph, Reachability, Shortest Path Problems, Spanning
Trees. 12
Books and References:
No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. A Simplified Approach to Data
Structures Lalit Goyal , Vishal
Goyal , Pawan Kumar SPD 1st 2014
2. An Introduction to Data
Structure with Applications Jean – Paul Tremblay
and Paul Sorenson Tata
Hill 2nd 2007
3. Data Structure and Algorithm Maria Rukadikar SPD 1st 2017
4. Schaum’s Outlines Data
structure Seymour Lipschutz Tata
Hill 2nd 2005
5. Data structure – A Pseudocode
Approach with C AM Tanenbaum, Y
Langsam and MJ
Augustein Prentice
Hall India 2nd 2006
6. Data structure and Algorithm
Analysis in C Weiss, Mark Allen Addison
Wesley 1st 2006
Course Outcome:
After completing the course, the learner will be able to:
CO1: Identify and distinguish data structure classification, data types, their complexities
CO2: Implement array, linked list, stack and queue.
CO3: Implement trees, various hashing techniques an d graph for various applications
CO4: Compare various sorting and searching techniques
Page 13
Computer Network s
B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – III
Course Name: Computer Network s Course Code: USIT3 03
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
Course Objective:
Knowledge of uses and services of Computer Network.
Ability to identify types and topologies of network.
Understanding of analog and digital transmission of data.
Familiarization with the techniques of routing.
Understand the functioning of networking application
Unit Details Lectures
I Introduction: Computer Network, Evolution of Computer Networks
Different types of Computer Network, Difference between LAN, MAN and
WAN, Hardware Devices used for Networking: Network Interface Card
(NIC), Modem, Hub, Switch L1 and L2 switches, Comparison between
switch and hub, Bridge, Router, Gateway.
Standards and administration. Network Models: Protocol layering, TCP/IP
protocol suite, The OSI model. 12
II Introduction to Physical layer: Data and signals, periodic analog signals,
digital signals, transmission impairment, data rate limits, performance.
Introduction to the Data Link Layer: Link layer addressing, Data Link
Layer Design Issues, Error detection and correction, block coding
Wireless LANs: Introduction, IEEE 802.11 project, Bluetooth, WiMAX,
Cellular telephony, Satellite networks. 12
III Network Layer: IPv4 Addresses, IPv4 Protocol, ARP, ICMP, IPv6
Routing: RIP, OSPF, BGP 12
IV Transport Layer: UDP, TCP 12
V Application Layer: WWW, HTTP, DNS, SMTP, POP3, MIME, IMAP,
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Behrouz A.
Forouzan Tata
Hill 2010 ----- -----
2. Data Communication and
Behrouz A.
Forouzan Tata
Hill ----- -----
3. Computer Networks
Tanenbaum Pearson Fifth 2013
Page 14
Online Resources:
Course Outcome s:
After completing the course, the learner will be able to:
CO1: Identify various data communication standards, topologies and terminologies
CO2: Describe how signals are used to transfer data and communication aspects between
CO3: Configure IP addresses using TCP/IP protocol suite
CO4: Use different application layer protocols
Page 15
Operating Systems
B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – III
Course Name: Operating Systems Course Code: USIT304
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
Course Objective:
Analyze the concepts of processes in operating system and illustration of the scheduling
of processor for a given problem instance.
Identify the dead lock situation and provide appropriate solution so that protection and
security of the operating system is also maintained.
Analyze memory management techniques, concepts of virtual memory and disk
Understand the implementatio n of file systems and directories along with the interfacing
of IO devices with the operating system.
Ability to apply CPU scheduling algorithms to manage tasks.
Initiation into the process of applying memory management methods and allocation
Knowledge of methods of prevention and recovery from a system deadlock.
Unit Details Lectures
I Operating System Overview: Objectives and Functions,
Evolution, Achievements, Modern Operating Systems, Fault
tolerance, OS design considerations for multiprocessor and
multicore, overview of different operating systems
Processes: Process Description and Control.
II Threads, Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization. 12
III Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation,
Memory: Memory Management, Virtual Memory. 12
IV Scheduling: Uniprocessor Scheduling, Multiprocessor and
Real-Time Scheduling 12
V IO and File Management: I/O Management and Disk
Scheduling, File Management, Operating System Security. 12
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Operating Systems –
Internals and Design
Principles Willaim Stallings
9th 2009
2. Operating System Concepts Abraham
Silberschatz, Wiley
Page 16
Peter B. Galvineg
3. Operating Systems Godbole and
Kahate McGraw
Hill 3rd
Online Resources:
https://free.aicte -courses -for-the-operating -system
Course Outcome s:
After completing the course, the learner will be able to:
CO1: Role of Operating System Computer System.
CO2: Use the different types of Operating System and their services.
CO3: configure process scheduling algorithms and synchronization techniques to achieve better
performance of a computer system.
CO4: Apply virtual memory concepts.
CO5: Effectively use and manage secondary memory.
Page 17
Applied Mathematics
B. Sc . (Information Technology) Semester – III
Course Name: Applied Mathematics Course Code: USI T305
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
Course Objective:
The course is aimed to develop the basic Mathematical skills of IT students that are imperative
for effective understanding of IT subjects.
Apply the knowledge of matrices to solve the problems.
Know and to understand various types of numerical methods.
Ability to interpret the mathematical results in physical or practical terms for complex
Inculcate the habit of Mathematical Think ing through Indeterminate forms and Taylor
series expansion
Solve and analyze the Partial derivatives and its application in related field of engineering
Unit Details Lectures
I Matrices: Inverse of a matrix, Properties of matrices, Elementary
Transformation, Rank of Matrix, Echelon or Normal Matrix, Inverse of
matrix, Linear equations, Linear dependence and linear independence
of vectors, Linear transformation, Characteristics roots and
characteristics vectors, Properties of characteristic vect ors, Caley -
Hamilton Theorem, Similarity of matrices, Reduction of matrix to a
diagonal matrix which has elements as characteristics values.
Complex Numbers: Complex number, Equality of complex numbers,
Graphical representation of complex number(Argand’s Di agram), Polar
form of complex numbers, Polar form of x+iy for different signs of x,y,
Exponential form of complex numbers, Mathematical operation with
complex numbers and their representation on Argand’s Diagram,
Circular functions of complex angles, Defin ition of hyperbolic
function, Relations between circular and hyperbolic functions, Inverse
hyperbolic functions, Differentiation and Integration, Graphs of the
hyperbolic functions, Logarithms of complex quality, j(=i)as an
operator(Electrical circuits) 12
II Equation of the first order and of the first degree: Separation of
variables, Equations homogeneous in x and y, Non -homogeneous linear
equations, Exact differential Equation, Integrating Factor, Linear
Equation and equation reducible to this form, M ethod of substitution.
Differential equation of the first order of a degree higher than the
first: Introduction, Solvable for p (or the method of factors), Solve for 12
Page 18
y, Solve for x, Clairaut’s form of the equation, Methods of Substitution,
Method of Substi tution.
Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients:
Introduction, The Differential Operator, Linear Differential Equation
f(D) y = 0, Different cases depending on the nature of the root of the
equation f(D) = 0, Linear differential equation f (D) y = X, The
complimentary Function, The inverse operator 1/f(D) and the symbolic
expiration for the particular integral 1/f(D) X; the general methods,
Particular integral : Short methods, Particular integral : Other methods,
Differential equations reduc ible to the linear differential equations with
constant coefficients.
III The Laplace Transform: Introduction, Definition of the Laplace
Transform, Table of Elementary Laplace Transforms, Theorems on
Important Properties of Laplace Transformation, First Shifting
Theorem, Second Shifting Theorem, The Convolution Theorem,
Laplace Transform of an Integra l, Laplace Transform of Derivatives,
Inverse Laplace Transform: Shifting Theorem, Partial fraction
Methods, Use of Convolution Theorem, Solution of Ordinary Linear
Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients, Solution of
Simultaneous Ordinary Differe ntial Equations, Laplace Transformation
of Special Function, Periodic Functions, Heaviside Unit Step Function,
Dirac -delta Function(Unit Impulse Function), 12
IV Multiple Integrals: Double Integral, Change of the order of the
integration, Double integra l in polar co -ordinates, Triple integrals.
Applications of integration: Areas, Volumes of solids. 12
V Beta and Gamma Functions – Definitions , Properties and Problems.
Duplication formula.
Differentiation Under the Integral Sign
Error Functions 12
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. A text book of Applied
Mathematics Vol I P. N. Wartikar
and J. N.
Wartikar Pune
2. Applied Mathematics II P. N. Wartikar
and J. N.
Wartikar Pune
3. Higher Engineering
Mathematics Dr. B. S. Grewal Khanna
Course Outcomes:
Upon the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
CO 1: Solve the matrix operations, identify the linear dependence and independence of a vectors.
Page 19
CO 2: Familiar with the various forms and operations of a complex number.
CO 3: Find the Laplace transform of a function and Inverse Laplace transform of a function using
definition also solve ordinary differential equations using Laplace transfor m.
CO 4: Evaluate the multiple integrals in Cartesian, Polar coordinates, change the order of the
CO 5: Apply integration methods to calculate the areas and volumes of solids.
CO 6: Evaluate the Beta, Gamma, Differentiation Under integral sign and error functions
Page 20
Python Programming Practical
B. Sc . (Information Technology) Semester – III
Course Name: Python Programming Practical Course Code: USIT 3P1
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --
List of Practical
1. Write the program for the following:
a. Create a program that asks the user to enter their name and their age. Print out a
message addressed to them that tells them the year that they will turn 100 years
b. Enter the number from the user and depending on whether the number is even or
odd, print out an appropriate message to the user.
c. Write a program to generate the Fibonacci series.
d. Write a function that reverses the user defined value.
e. Write a function to check the input value is Armstrong and also write the
function for Palindrome.
f. Write a recursive function to print the factorial for a given number.
2. Write the program for the following:
a. Write a function that takes a character (i.e. a string of length 1) and returns True
if it is a vowel, False otherwise.
b. Define a function that computes the length of a given list or string.
c. Define a procedure histogram() that takes a list of integers and prints a histogram
to the screen. For example, histogram([4, 9, 7]) should print the following:
3. Write the program for the following:
a. A pangram is a sentence that contains all the letters of the English alphabet at least
once, for example: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog . Your task here
is to write a function to check a sentence to see if it is a pangram or not.
b. Take a list, say for example this one:
a = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]
and write a program that prints out all the elements of the list that are less than 5.
4. Write the program for the following:
Page 21
a. Write a program that takes two lists and returns True if they have at least one
common member.
b. Write a Python program to print a specified list after removing the 0th, 2nd, 4th
and 5th elements.
c. Write a Python program to clone or copy a list
5. Write the program for the following:
a. Write a Python script to sort (ascending and descending) a dictionary by value.
b. Write a Python script to concatenate following dictionaries to create a new one.
Sample Dictionary :
dic1={1:10, 2:20}
dic2={3:30, 4:40}
Expected Result : {1: 10, 2: 20, 3: 30, 4: 40, 5: 50, 6: 60}
c. Write a Python program to sum all the items in a dictionary.
6. Write the program for the following:
a. Write a Python program to read an entire text file.
b. Write a Python program to append text to a file and display the text.
c. Write a Python program to read last n lines of a file.
7. Write the program for the following:
a. Design a class that store the information of student and display the same
b. Implement the concept of inheritance using python
c. Create a class called Numbers , which has a single class attribute called
MULTIPLIER , and a constructor which takes the parameters x and y (these should
all be numbers).
i. Write a method called add which returns the sum of the attributes x and y.
ii. Write a class method called multiply, whi ch takes a single number
parameter a and returns the product of a and MULTIPLIER.
iii. Write a static method called subtract, which takes two number parameters, b
and c, and returns b - c.
iv. Write a method called value which returns a tuple containing the values of x
and y. Make this method into a property, and write a setter and a deleter for
manipulating the values of x and y.
8. Write the program for the following:
a. Open a new file in IDLE (“New Window” in the “File” menu) and save it as in the directory where you keep the files you create for this course.
Then copy the functions you wrote for calculating volumes and areas in the
“Control Flow and Functions” exercise into this file and save it.
Now open a new file and save it in the same director y. You should now be able
to import your own module like this:
import geometry
Page 22
Try and add print dir(geometry) to the file and run it.
Now write a function pointyShapeVolume(x, y, squareBase ) that calculates the
volume of a square pyramid if squareBase is True and of a right circular cone if
squareBase is False. x is the length of an edge on a square if squareBase is True
and the radius of a circle when squareBase is False. y is the height of the object.
First use squareBase to distinguish the cases. Use the circleArea and squareArea
from the geometry module to calculate the base areas.
b. Write a program to implement exception handling.
9. Write the program for the following:
a. Try to configure the widget with various options like: bg=”red”, family=”times”,
b. Try to change the widget type and configuration options to experiment with
other widget types like Message, Button, Entry, Checkbutton, Radiobutton, Scale
10. Design the database applications for the following:
a. Design a simple database application that stores the records and retrieve the
b. Design a database application to search the specified record from the database.
c. Design a database application to that allows the user to add, delete and modify
the records.
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Think Python Allen Downey O’Reilly 1st 2012
2. An Introduction to
Computer Science using
Python 3 Jason
Montojo , Jennifer
Campbell , Paul
Gries SPD 1st 2014
Page 23
Data Structures Practical
B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – III
Course Name: Data Structures Practical Course Code: USIT3P2
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --
List of Practical
1. Implement the following:
a. Write a program to store the elements in 1 -D array and perform the operations like
searching, sorting and reversing the elements. [Menu Driven]
b. Read the two arrays from the user and merge them and display the elements in
sorted order. [ Menu Driven]
c. Write a program to perform the Matrix addition, Multiplication and Transpose
Operation. [Menu Driven]
2. Implement the following for Linked List:
a. Write a program to create a single linked list and display the node elements in
reverse order.
b. Write a program to search the elements in the linked list and display the same
c. Write a program to create double linked list and sort the elements in the linked
3. Implement the following for Stack:
a. Write a program to implement the concept of Stack with Push, Pop, Display and
Exit operations.
b. Write a program to convert an infix expression to postfix and prefix conversion.
c. Write a program to implement Tower of Hanoi problem.
4. Implement the following for Queue:
a. Write a program to implement the concept of Queue with Insert, Delete, Display
and Exit operations.
b. Write a program to implement the concept of Circular Queue
c. Write a program to implement the concept of Deque.
5. Implement the following sorting techniques:
a. Write a program to implement bubble sort.
b. Write a program to implement selection sort.
c. Write a program to implement insertion sort.
6. Implement the following data structure techniques:
Page 24
a. Write a program to implement merge sort.
b. Write a program to search the element using sequential search.
c. Write a program to search the element using binary search.
7. Implement the following data structure techniques:
a. Write a program to create the tree and display the elements.
b. Write a program to construct the binary tree.
c. Write a program for inorder, postorder and preorder traversal of tree
8. Implement the following data structure techniques:
a. Write a program to insert the element into maximum heap.
b. Write a program to insert the element into minimum heap.
9. Implement the following data structure techniques:
a. Write a program to implement the collision technique.
b. Write a program to implement the concept of linear probing.
10. Implement the following data structure techniques:
a. Write a program to generate the adjacency matrix.
b. Write a program for shortest path diagram.
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Data Structures and
Algorithms Using Python
Rance Necaise Wiley First 2016
2. Data Structures Using C and
Langsam ,
Tanenbaum Pearson First 2015
Page 25
Computer Network Practical
B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – III
Course Name: Computer Network Practical Course Code: USIT3P3
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal --
List of Practical:
1. Colour code for crimping LAN (Cat 5/6/7) cable
a. Study of Different color codes
b. Study of different connecting devices and their differences
c. Crimping LAN Cable
2. Configuring LAN setup
a. Planning and Setting IP networks
b. Configuring subnet
c. Study of basic network command and Network configuration commands.
ipconfig, netstat, ARP, ping, trace route etc.
d. Basic network troubleshooting.
e. Configuration of TCP/IP Protocols in Windows / Linux.
f. Implementation of Drive/file sharing and printer sharing.
3. IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting
a. Given an IP address and network mask, determine other information about the IP
address such as:
• Network address
• Network broadcast address
• Total number of host bits
• Number of hosts
b. Given an IP address and network mask, determine other information about the IP
address such as:
• The subnet address of this subnet
• The broadcast address of this subnet
• The range of host addresses for this subnet
• The maximum number of subnets for this subnet mask
• The number of hosts for each subnet
• The number of subnet bits
• The number of this subnet
4. Designing and configuring a network topology
a. Configure IP static routing
Page 26
5. Configure IP routing using RIP.
6. Configuring Simple and multi -area OSPF.
7. Configuring server and client.
a. Configure DHCP
b. Configure DNS
c. Configure HTTP
d. Configure Telnet
e. Configure FTP
8. Configure basic security features for networks
9. Packet capture and header analysis by wire -shark (TCP, UDP, IP etc.)
10. Planning and Design a corporate network for a given scenario.
Page 27
Operating System Practical
B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – III
Course Name: Operating System Practical Course Code: USIT3P 4
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal --
List of Practical:
1. Installation and Configuration of virtual machine
a. Installation of virtual machine software.
b. Installation of Windows OS
c. Installation of Linux OS
2. Windows (DOS) Commands
a. Date, time, prompt, md, cd, rd, path.
b. Chkdsk, copy, xcopy, format, fidsk, cls, defrag, del, move.
c. Diskcomp, diskcopy, diskpart, doskey, echo
d. Edit, fc, find, rename, set, type, ver
3. Linux commands:
a. pwd, cd, absolute and relative paths, ls, mkdir, rmdir
b. file, touch, rm, cp. mv, rename, head, tail, cat, tac, more, less, strings, chmod
c. ps, top, kill, pkill, bg, fg
d. grep, locate, find, locate
e. date, cal, uptime, w, whoami, finger, uname, man, df, du, free, whereis, which
f. Compression: tar, gzip
4. Working with Linux Desktop and utilities
a. The vi editor
b. Graphics User Interface
c. Working with Terminal
d. Adjusting display resolution
e. Using the browsers
f. Configuring simple networking
g. Creating users and shares
5. Installing utility software on Linux and Windows
6. Running C/C++/Python programs in Linux
7. Introduction to Linux Shell Scripting
Page 28
a. Basic operators
b. Decision Making
c. Looping
d. Regular Expression
e. Special variables and command Line arguments
8. Case study of Server OS: Windows Server 2022 operating System -
Architecture, Components, Services, Configuration
9. Case study of Android OS: Architecture, Components, Services, Configuration
10. Case study of Cloud OS: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud
Page 29
Mobile Programming Practical
B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – III
Course Name: Mobile Programming Practical Course Code: USIT3P5
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --
The practical’s will be based on HTML5, CSS , Flutter . (Android will be introduced later
after they learn Java)
List of Practical
Setting up Flutter , PhoneGAP Project and environment.
1. Program to demonstrate the features of Dart language.
2. Designing the mobile app to implement different widgets.
3. Designing the mobile app to implement different Layouts.
4. Designing the mobile app to implement Gestures.
5. Designing the mobile app to implement the theming and styling.
6. Designing the mobile app to implement the routing.
7. Designing the mobile app to implement the animation.
8. Designing the mobile app to implement the state management.
9. Designing the mobile app working with SQLite Database.
10. Designing the mobile app working with Firebase.
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Flutter for Beginners Alessandro
Biessek Packt
Publishing 2019
2. PhoneGap By Example Andrey
Kovalenko PACKT
Publishing 1st 2015
Page 30
Page 31
Java Programming
B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – IV
Course Name: Java Programming Course Code: USIT401
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
Course Objectives :
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Understand the concept of OOP as well as the purpose and usage principles of
inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and method overloading.
Identify classes, objects, members of a class and the relationships among them needed for
a specific problem.
Create Java application programs using sound OOP practices (e.g., interfaces and APIs)
and proper program st ructuring (e.g., by using access control identifies, automatic
documentation through comments, error exception handling).
Use testing and debugging tools to automatically discover errors of Java programs as well
as use versioning tools for collaborative pr ogramming/editing.
Develop programs using the Java Collection API as well as the Java standard class
Apply object -oriented programming concepts in problem solving through JAVA.
Unit Details Lectures
I Introduction: History, Features of Java, Java Development Kit, Java
Application Programming Interface, Java Virtual Machine , Java Program
Classes: The Class Object and Its Attributes, Class Methods, Accessing A
Method, Method Overloading, Instantiating Objects from A Class,
Constructors, this keyword, super keyword, Types of Classes, Scope Rules,
Access Modifier, constants, static members of a class, garbage collection. 12
II Inheritance: Derived Class Objects, Inheritance and Access Control, Default
Base Class Constructors, this and su per keywords. Abstract Classes and
Interfaces, Abstract Classes, Abstract Methods,
Interfaces : What Is an Interface? How Is an Interface Different from An
Abstract Class? Multiple Inheritance, Defining an Interface, Implementing
Interfaces. 12
III Exceptions: Catching Java Exceptions, Catching Run -Time Exceptions,
Handling Multiple Exceptions, The finally Clause, The throws Clause, Built -
in Exceptions in java
Multithreading: Thread Creations, Thread Life Cycle, Life Cycle Methods,
Synchronization, w ait() notify() notify all() methods
Packages: Introduction to predefined packages, User Defined Packages,
Access specifier, Java Built -in packages, Array Class, String Class 12
Page 32
IV Introduction to JFC and Swing - Features of the Java Foundation Classes,
Swing API Components, JComponent Class, Containers and Panels, Labels,
Buttons, RadioButton, Check Boxes, Text -Entry Components, Menus
Layouts: Flow Layout, Grid Layout, Border Layout
Event Handling: Delegation Eve nt Model, Events, Event classes, Event
listener interfaces, Using delegation event model, adapter classes. 12
V Advanced Swing Controls: JScrollPane, Lists and Combo Boxes, Colors and
File Choosers, Tables and Trees, JTabbedPane .
JDBC : Introduction, JDBC Architecture, JDBC Drivers, java.sql package,
Using Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, ResultSet 12
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Core Java 8 for
Beginners Vaishali Shah, Sharnam
Shah SPD 1st 2015
2. Java: The Complete
Reference Herbert Schildt McGraw
Hill 9th 2014
3. Murach’s beginning
Java with Net Beans Joel Murach , Michael
Urban SPD 1st 2016
4. Core Java, Volume I:
Fundamentals Hortsman Pearson 9th 2013
5. Core Java, Volume II:
Advanced Features Gary Cornell and
Hortsman Pearson 8th 2008
6. Core Java: An
Integrated Approach
R. Nageswara Rao DreamTech 1st 2008
Course Outcome:
After completing the course, the learner will be able to:
CO1: Learn the architecture of Java
CO2: Identify data types, control flow, classes, inheritance, exceptions and event handling
CO3: Use object -oriented concepts for problem solving real -life applications
CO4: Build GUI programs
CO5 : Create event driven prog rams using java .
Page 33
Introduction to Embedded Systems
B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – IV
Course Name: Introduction to Embedded Systems Course Code: USIT402
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
Course Objective s:
To introduce the Building Blocks of Embedded System
To Educate in Various microcontrollers used in Embedded Development
To Introduce Bus Communication in processors, Input/output interfacing.
To impart knowledge in sensors and actuators.
To familiar with the real world application development using embedded system.
Unit Details Lectures
I PIC MICROCONTROLLER: Architecture – memory organization
– addressing modes – instruction set – PIC programming in Assembly
& C –I/O port, Data Conversion, RAM & ROM Allocation, Timer
Advanced ARM Controllers: Introduction to ARM and its Features,
Architecture – memory organization – addressing modes –The ARM
Programmer’s model -Registers – Pipeline - Interrupts – Coprocessors
– Interrupt Structure 12
II Communication Protocol & Implementation: Introduction to
Communication Protocol, I2C - Interfacing with micro co ntroller using
bit-banking method, I2C devices – RTC, Memory, ADC -DAC, Port
Expander, SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), Bluetooth, Wi -Fi and
RFID. Understanding Serial, Communication, Bluetooth
Communication, SPI Interface ZigBee, Wi -Fi, I2C, Infrared, RF ID,
GSM, GPS, PDH/SDH/Ethernet 12
III Getting Started with Arduino : Introduction, Arduino Variants, Install
the Drivers, Arduino IDE
Basic Functions : Overview, Structure, Digital I/O Functions, Analog
I/O Functions, Advanced I/O Functions, Timer Functions,
Communication Functions, Interrupt Functions, Math Functions,
Programming Language Reference 12
Page 34
IV Using Sensors with the Arduino : Light Sensitive Sensors,
Temperature Sensors, Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Line -
Tracking Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensors, Digital Infrared Motion Sensor,
Joystick Module, Gas Sensor, Hall Sensor, Color Sensor, Digital Tilt
Sensor, Triple Axis Acceleration S ensor, Analog Sound Sensor, Voice
Recognition Module, Digital Vibration Sensor, Flame Sensor,
Capacitive Touch Sensor
Electromechanical Control Using the Arduino : DC Motor, Stepper
Motor, Servo Motor 12
V Wireless Control Using the Arduino : Infrared Transmitter and
Receiver, Wireless Radio Frequency, Bluetooth, GSM/GPRS, Wi -Fi
Case Studies:
Air Quality Monitor Using Arduino
A Fire -Fighting Robot Using Arduino
Intelligent Lock System Using Arduino 12
Books and References:
No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Programming
Embedded Systems in
C and C++ Michael
Barr O'Reilly
First 1999
2. Introduction to
embedded systems Shibu K V Tata Mcgraw -Hill First 2012
3. The 8051
Microcontroller and
Embedded Systems Muhammad
Ali Mazidi Pearson
Second 2011
4. Embedded Systems Rajkamal Tata Mcgraw -Hill
Course Outcome:
CO1: Differentiate between general purpose and embedded systems
CO2: Discuss the characteristics and quality attributes of embedded systems
CO3: Use different types of sensors for appropriately
CO4: Design and develop embedded systems
Page 35
Computer Oriented Statistical Techniques
B. Sc . (Information Technology) Semester – IV
Course Name: Computer Oriented Statistical Techniques Course Code: USIT40 3
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the different methods of calculating the central tendencies.
2. To introduce the moments, skewness and kurtosis.
3. To learn scientific view to conduct the survey in proper way to collect the data about specific
4. To Learn variety of probability sampling methods for selecting a sample from a population.
5. To learn the sampling theory and testing of hypothesis and making inferences.
6. To introduce the students with understanding of the curve fitting, regression and correlation
techniques .
Unit Details Lectures
I The Mean, Median, Mode, and Other Measures of Central
Tendency : Index, or Subscript, Notation, Summation Notation,
Averages, or Measures of Central Tendency ,The Arithmetic Mean ,
The Weighted Arithmetic Mean ,Properties of the Arithmetic Mean
,The Arithmetic Mean Computed from Grouped Data ,The Median ,The
Mode, The Empirical Relation Between the Mean, Media n, and Mode,
The Geometric Mean G, The Harmonic Mean H ,The Relation Between
the Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic Means, The Root Mean
Square, Quartil es, Deciles, and Percentiles , Software and Measures of
Central Tendency.
The Standard Deviation and Oth er Measures of Dispersion :
Dispersion, or Variation, The Range, The Mean Deviation , The Semi -
Interquartile Range , The 10 –90 Percentile Range, The Standard
Deviation, The Variance, Short Methods for Computing the Standard
Deviation, Prope rties of the Standa rd Deviation , Charlie’s Check,
Sheppard’s Correction for Variance, Empirical Relations Bet ween
Measures of Dispersion , Absolute and Relative Dispers ion; Coefficient
of Variation , Standar dized Variable; Standard Scores , Software and
Measures of Dispersion.
Introduction to R: Basic syntax, data types, variables, operators,
control statements, R -functions, R –Vectors, R – lists, R Arrays. 12
Page 36
II Moments, Skewness, and Kurtosis : Moments , Moments for Grouped
Data ,Relations Between Moments , Computation of Momen ts for
Grouped Data, Charlie’s Check and Sheppard’s Corrections, Moments
in Dimensionless Form, Skewness, Kurtosis, Population Moments,
Skewness, and Kurtosis, Software Computation of Skewness and
Elementary Probability Theory : Definitions of Pro bability,
Conditional Probability; Independent and Dependent Events, Mutually
Exclusive Events, Probability Distributions, Mathematical Expectation,
Relation Between Population, Sample Mean, and Variance,
Combinatorial Analysis, Combinations, Stirling’s Approximation to n!,
Relation of Probability to Point Set Theory, Euler or Venn Diagrams
and Probability.
Elementary Sampling Theory : Sampling Theory , Random Samples
and Random Numbers, Sampling With and Without Replacement,
Sampling Distributions, Sampling Distribution of Means, Sampling
Distribution of Proportions, Sampling Distributions of Differences and
Sums, Standard Errors, Software Demonstration of Elementary
Sampling Theory. 12
III Statistical Estimation Theory : Estimation of Parameters, Unbiased
Estimates, Efficient Estimates, Point Estimates and Interval Estimates;
Their Reliability, Confidence -Interval Estimates of Population
Parameters, Probable Error.
Statistical Decision Theory: Statistical Decisions, Statistical
Hypotheses, Tests of Hypotheses and Sig nificance, or Decision Rules ,
Type I and Type II Errors, Level of Significance, Tests Involving
Normal Distributions, Two -Tailed and One -Tailed Tests, Special Tests,
Operating -Characteristic Curves; the Power of a Test, p -Values for
Hypotheses Tests, Control Charts, Tests Involving Sample Differences,
Tests Involving Binomial Distributions.
Statistics in R: mean, median, mode, Normal Distribut ion , Binomial
Distribution, Frequency Distribution in R. 12
IV Small Sampling Theory : Small Samples, Student’s t Distribution,
Confidence Intervals, Tests of Hypotheses and Significance, The Chi -
Square Distribution, Confidence Intervals for Sigma , Degrees of
Freedom, The F Distribution.
The Chi -Square Test : Observed and Theoretical Frequencies,
Definition of chi-square , Significance Tests, The Chi -Square Test for
Goodness of Fit, Contingency Tables, Yates’ Correction for Continuity,
Simple Formulas for Comput ing chi-square , Coefficient of
Contingency, Correlation of Attributes, Additive Property of chi-
square . 12
V Curve Fitting and the Method of Least Squares: Relationship
Between Variables, Curve Fitting, Equations of Approximating Curves,
Freehand Method of Curve Fitting, The Straight Line, The Method of
Least Squares, The Least -Squares Line, Nonlinear Relationships, The 12
Page 37
Least -Squares Parabola, Regression, Applications to Time Series,
Problems Involving More Than Two Variables.
Correlation Theory: Correlation and Regression, Linear Correlation,
Measures of Correlation, The Least -Squares Regression Lines,
Standard Error of Estimate, Explained and Unexplained Variation,
Coefficient of Correlation, Remarks Concerning the Correlation
Coefficient, Product -Moment Formul a for the Linear Correlation
Coefficient, Short Computational Formulas, Regression Lines and the
Linear Correlation Coefficient, Correlation of Time Series, Correlation
of Attributes, Sampling Theory of Correlation, Sampling Theory of
Books an d References:
No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
Spiegel, Larry
J. Stephens. McGRAW –
2. A Practical Approach
using R R.B. Patil,
H.J. Dand and
R. Bhavsar SPD 1st 2017
and V.K.
and H.C.
Course Outcome: Upon the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
CO 1: To calculate and apply measures of central tendencies and measures of dispersion --
grouped and ungrouped data cases.
CO 2: To calculate the moments, skewness and kurtosis by various methods.
CO 3: How to apply discrete and continuo us probability distributions to various business
CO 4: Perform Test of Hypothesis as well as calculate confidence interval for a population
parameter for single sample and two sample cases. Understand the concept of p -values
CO 5: Apply simple li near regression and correlation model to real life examples.
Page 38
Software Engineering
B. Sc . (Information Technology) Semester – IV
Course Name: Software Engineering Course Code: USIT404
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
Course Objective:
Develop the software projects or prototypes by understanding the requirements.
Meet the project deadlines along with the number of resources and type of tasks to be carried out.
Evaluate and analyze the SDLC and basic architecture SRS documents.
Help to understand the software design and coding techniques.
Understand the software testing principles.
Understand the concept project management.
Identify various concepts of Advanced UML techniques
Unit Details Lectures
I Introduction: What is software engineering? Software Development
Life Cycle, Requirements Analysis, Software Design, Coding, Testing,
Maintenance etc.
Software Requirements: Functional and Non -functional
requirements, User Requirements, System Requirements, Interface
Specification, Documentation of the software requirements.
Software Processes:
Process and Project, Component Software Processes.
Software Development Process Models.
Waterfall Model.
Iterative Development.
Rational Unified Process.
The RAD Model
Time boxing Model.
Agile software development : Agile methods, Plan -driven and agile
development, Extreme programming, Agile project management,
Scaling agile methods.
II Socio -technical system: Essential characteristics of socio technical
systems, Emergent System Properties, Systems Engineering,
Components of system such as organization, people and computers,
Dealing Legacy Systems.
Critical system: Types of critical syst em, A simple safety critical
system, Dependability of a system, Availability and Reliability, Safety
and Security of Software systems. 12
Page 39
Requirements Engineering Processes: Feasibility study,
Requirements elicitation and analysis, Requirements Validations,
Requirements Management.
System Models: Models and its types, Context Models, Behavioural
Models, Data Models, Object Models, Structured Methods.
III Architectural Design: Architectural Design Decisions, System
Organisation, Modular Decomposition Styles, Control Styles,
Reference Architectures.
User Interface Design: Need of UI design, Design issues, The UI
design Process, User analysis, User Interface Prototyping, Interface
Project Management
Software Project Management, Management act ivities, Project
Planning, Project Scheduling, Risk Management.
Quality Management: Process and Product Quality, Quality assurance
and Standards, Quality Planning, Quality Control, So ftware
Measurement and Metrics. 12
IV Verification and Validation: Planning Verification and Validation,
Software Inspections, Automated Static Analysis, Verification and
Formal Methods. Software Testing: System Testing, Component
Testing, Test Case Design, Test Automation.
Software Measurement : Size -Oriented Metrics, Fun ction -Oriented
Metrics, Extended Function Point Metrics
Software Cost Estimation: Software Productivity, Estimation
Techniques, Algorithmic Cost Modelling , Project Duration and
Staffing 12
V Process Improvement: Process and product quality, Process
Classification, Process Measurement, Process Analysis and Modeling,
Process Change, The CMMI Process Improvement Framework.
Service Oriented Software Engineering: Services as reusable
Service Engineering, Software Development with Services.
Software reuse: The reuse landscape, Application frameworks,
Software product lines, COTS product reuse.
Distributed software engineering : Distributed systems issues, Client –
server computing, Architectural patterns for distributed systems,
Software as a servi ce 12
Books and References:
No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Software Engineering ,
edition, Ian
Somerville Pearson
Education. Ninth
2. Software Engineering Pankaj
Jalote Narosa
Page 40
3. Software engineering,
a practitioner’s
approach Roger
Pressman Tata Mcgraw -hill Seventh
4. Software Engineering
principles and practice WS
Jawadekar Tata Mcgraw -hill
5. Software Engineering -
A Concise Study S.A Kelkar PHI India.
6. Software Engineering
Concept and
Applications Subhajit
Datta Oxford Higher
7. Software Design D.Budgen Pearson education 2nd
8. Software Engineering KL James PHI EEE 2009
Course Outcome:
After completing the course, the learner will be able to:
CO1: Understand software engineering
CO2: Apply software engineering principles
CO3: Discuss various approaches to verification and validation of software including
testing, measurements and estimation of software products
CO4: Create software usin g different software development models
Page 41
Computer Graphics and Animation
B. Sc . (Information Technology) Semester – IV
Course Name: Computer Graphics and Animation Course Code: USIT405
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
Course Objectives:
1. To train the students to acquire skills in generating marketable computer graphics and animated
pictures, especially in the area of advertisements.
2. To train the students to acquire skills and mastery in the use of different software producing
graphics and animation.
3. The course introduces the basic concepts of computer graphics.
4. It provides the necessary theoretical background and demonstrates the application of computer
science to graphics.
5. The cou rse further allows students to develop programming skills in computer graphics
through programming assignments.
Unit Details Lectures
I Introduction to Computer Graphics:
Overview of Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics Application and
Software, Description of some graphics devices, Input Devices for
Operator Interaction, Active and Passive Graphics Devices, Display
Technologies, Storage Tube Graphics Displays, Calligraphic Refresh
Graphics Displays, Raster Refresh (Raster -Scan) Graphics Displays,
Cathode Ray Tube Basics, Color CRT Raster Scan Basics, Video
Basics, The Video Controller, Random -Scan Display Processor, LCD
Scan conversion – Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm,
Bresenhams’ Line drawing algorithm. Bresenhams’ method of Circle
drawing, Midpoint Circle Algorithm, Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm,
Mid-point criteria, Problems of Aliasing, end -point ordering and
clipping lines, Scan Converting Circles, Clipping Lines algorithms –
Cyrus -Beck, Cohen -Sutherland and Liang -Barsky, C lipping Polygons,
problem with multiple components. 12
II Two -Dimensional Transformations:
Transformations and Matrices, Transformation Conventions, 2D
Transformations, Homogeneous Coordinates and Matrix
Representation of 2D Transformations, Transl ations and Homogeneous
Coordinates, Rotation, Reflection, Scaling, Combined Transformation,
Transformation of Points, Transformation of The Unit Square, Solid
Body Transformations, Rotation About an Arbitrary Point, Reflection 12
Page 42
through an Arbitrary Line, A Geometric Interpretation of
Homogeneous Coordinates, The Window -to-Viewport
Three -Dimensional Transformations:
Three -Dimensional Scaling, Three -Dimensional Shearing, Three -
Dimensional Rotation, Three -Dimensional Reflection, Three -
Dimensional Translation, Multiple Transformation, Rotation about an
Arbitrary Axis in Space, Reflection through an Arbitrary Plane, Matrix
Representation of 3D Transformations, Composition of 3D
Transformations, Affine and Perspective Geometry, Persp ective
Transformations, Techniques for Generating Perspective Views,
Vanishing Points, the Perspective Geometry and camera models,
Orthographic Projections, Axonometric Projections, Oblique
Projections, View volumes for projections.
III Viewing in 3D
Stages in 3D viewing, Canonical View Volume (CVV), Specifying an
Arbitrary 3D View, Examples of 3D Viewing, The Mathematics of
Planar Geometric Projections, Combined transformation matrices for
projections and viewing, Coordinate Systems and matr ices, camera
model and viewing pyramid.
Light: Radiometry, Transport, Equation, Photometry
Color: Colorimetry, Color Spaces, Chromatic Adaptation, Color
Appearance 12
IV Visible -Surface Determination:
Techniques for efficient Visible -Surface Algorithms, C ategories of
algorithms, Back face removal, The z -Buffer Algorithm, Scan -line
method, Painter’s algorithms (depth sorting), Area sub -division
method, BSP trees, Visible -Surface Ray Tracing, comparison of the
Plane Curves and Surfaces:
Curve Representation, Nonparametric Curves, Parametric Curves,
Parametric Representation of a Circle, Parametric Representation of an
Ellipse, Parametric Representation of a Parabola, Parametric
Representation of a Hyperbola, Representation of Space Curves, Cubi c
Splines, , Bezier Curves, B -spline Curves, B -spline Curve Fit, B -spline
Curve Subdivision, Parametric Cubic Curves, Quadric Surfaces. Bezier
Surfaces. 12
V Computer Animation :
Principles of Animation, Key framing, Deformations, Character
Animation, Physics -Based Animation, Procedural Tech niques, Groups
of Objects.
Image Manipulation and Storage:
What is an Image? Digital image file formats, Image compression
standard – JPEG, Image Processing - Digital image enhancement,
contrast stretching, Histogram Equalization, smoothing and median
Filtering. 12
Page 43
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Computer Graphics -
Principles and
Practice J. D. Foley, A. Van
Dam, S. K. Feiner
and J. F. Hughes Pearson
2. Steve Marschner,
Peter Shirley Fundamentals of
Computer Graphics CRC press 4th 2016
3. Computer Graphics Hearn, Baker Pearson 2nd
4. Principles of
Interactive Computer
Graphics William M.
Newman and Robert
F. Sproull TMH 2nd
5. Mathematical
Elements for CG D. F. Rogers, J. A.
Adams TMH 2nd
After completion of the course students are supposed to be able to:
CO 1. Understand the basics of computer graphics, different graphics systems and applications of
computer graphics
CO 2. Compare various algorithms for scan conversion and filling of basic objects
CO 3. Use of geometric transformations on graphics objects and their application in composite
CO 4. Extract scene with different clipping methods and its transformation to graphics display
CO 5. Explore projections and visible surface detection techniques for display of 3D scene on 2D
CO 6. Render projected objects to naturalize the scene in 2D view and use of illumination models
CO 7. Understand the core concepts and mathematical foundations of computer graphics
CO 8. Know the fundamental computer graphics algorithms and data structures
CO 9. Understand an overview of different modeling approaches and methods
CO 10. Apply basic shading and texture mapping techniques
CO 11. Understand light interaction with 3D scenes
CO 12. Explain the applications, areas, and graphic pipeline, display and hardcopy technologies.
CO 13. Apply and compare the algorithms for drawing 2D images also explain aliasing, anti -
aliasing and half toning techniques.
CO 14. Discuss OpenGL application programming Interface and apply it for 2D & 3D computer
CO 15. Analyze and apply clipping algorithms and transformation on 2D images.
CO 16. Solve the problems on viewing transformations and explain the projection and hidden
surface removal algorithms.
CO 17. Apply basic ray tracing algorithm, shading, shadows, curves and surfaces and also solve
the problems of curves.
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Java Programming Practical
B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – III
Course Name: Java Programming Practical Course Code: USIT4P ----
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal --
List of Practical:
1. OOPs concepts in Java – 1
a. Write a program to create a class and implement a default, overloaded and copy
Constructor .
b. Write a program to create a class and implement the concepts of Method
c. Write a program to create a class and implement the concepts of Static methods
2. OOPs concepts in Java – 2
a. Write a program to implement the concepts of Inheritance and Method overriding
b. Write a program to implement the concepts of Abstract classes and methods
c. Write a program to implement the concept of interfaces
3. Excepti ons
a. Write a program to raise built -in exceptions and raise them as per the requirements
b. Write a program to define user defined exceptions and raise them as per the
4. Multithre ading: Write a java application to demonstrate 5 bouncing balls of
different colors using threads.
a. Write a JDBC program that displays the data of a given table in a GUI Table.
b. Write a JDBC program to Show the details of a specified product from a given
table selected using Combobox.
c. Write a GUI application to Navigate forward and reverse result se t data.
6. Swing
a. Create a swing application that randomly changes color on button click.
b. Create a Swing application to demonstrate use of TextArea using scrollpane to
show contest of text file in textarea selected using file chooser.
c. Create a Swing application to demonstrate use of scrollpane to change its color
selected using colour chooser.
7. Layouts : Write programs for the following layouts:
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a. Flow Layout
b. Grid Layout
c. Border Layout
8. Events : Write programs to demonstrate the following events:
a. ActionEvent
b. MouseEvent
c. KeyEvent
d. SelectionEvent
e. FocusEvent
9. Demonstrate the use of Adapter Class in Event Handling
10. Demonstrate the use of Anonymous Inner Class in Event Handling
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Core Java 8 for
Beginners Vaishali Shah,
Sharnam Shah SPD 1st 2015
2. Java: The Complete
Reference Herbert Schildt McGraw
Hill 9th 2014
3. Murach’s beginning Java
with Net Beans Joel Murach , Michael
Urban SPD 1st 2016
4. Core Java, Volume I:
Fundamentals Hortsman Pearson 9th 2013
5. Core Java, Volume II:
Advanced Features Gary Cornell and
Hortsman Pearson 8th 2008
6. Core Java: An Integrated
Approach R. Nageswara Rao DreamTech 1st 2008
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Introduction to Embedded Systems Practical
B. Sc . (Information Technology) Semester – IV
Course Name: Introduction to Embedded System s Practical Course Code: USIT4P2
Periods per week
1 Period is 50 minutes Lectures per week 3
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
List of Practical : All practicals to be done online using TinkerCAD
1. Introduction to Arduino
Introduction to Arduino circuits and breadboarding
Blinking of LEDs
2. Program using Light Sensitive Sensors
3. Program using temperature sensors
4. Programs using humidity sensors
5. Programs using Line tracking sensors
6. Programs using Ultrasonic Sensors
7. Programs using digital infrared motion sensors
8. Programs using gas sensors
9. Programs using servo motors
10. Programs making Joystick with Arduino
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Computer Oriented Statistical Techniques Practical
B. Sc . (Information Technology) Semester – IV
Course Name: Computer Oriented Statistical
Techniques Practical Course Code: USIT4P3
Periods per week
1 Period is 50 minutes Lectures per week 3
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
List of Practical
1. Using R /Python execute the basic commands, array, list and frames.
2. Create a Matrix using R/Python and Perform the operations addition, inverse,
transpose and multiplication operations.
3. Using R/Python Execute the statistical functions: mean, median, mode, quartiles,
range, inter quartile range histogram
4. Using R/Python import the data from Excel / .CSV file and Perform the above
5. Using R/Python import the data from Excel / .CSV file and Calculate the standard
deviation, variance, co -variance.
6. Using R/Python import the data from Excel / .CSV file and draw the skewness.
7. Import the data from Excel / .CSV and perform the hypoth esis testing.
8. Import the data from Excel / .CSV and perform the Chi -squared Test.
9. Using R/Python perform the binomial and normal distribution on the data.
10. a. Perform the Linear Regression using R/Python .
b. Comp ute the Least squares means using R/Python .
c. Compute the Linear Least Square Regression using R/Python
Books and References:
No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. A Practical Approach
to R Tool R.B. Patil,
H.J. Dand and
R. Dahake SPD First 2011
Spiegel, Larry J.
Stephens. McGRAW –HILL
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Software Engineering Practical
B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – IV
Course Name: Software Engineering Practical Course Code: USIT4P4
Periods per week
1 Period is 50 minutes Lectures per week 3
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
List of Practical (To be executed using Star UML or any similar software )
1. Study and implementation of class d iagrams.
2. Study and implementation of Use Case Diagrams.
3. Study and implementation of Entity Relationship Diagrams.
4. Study and implementation of Sequence Diagrams.
5. Study and implementation of State Transition Diagrams.
6. Study and implementation of Data Flow Diagrams.
7. Study and implementation of Collaboration Diagrams.
8. Study and implementation of Activity Diagrams.
9. Study and implementation of Component Diagrams.
10. Study and implementation of Deployment Diagrams.
Books and References:
No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Object - Oriented
Modeling and Design Michael Blaha,
James Rumbaugh Pearson 2011
2. Learning UML 2. 0 Kim Hamilton , Russ
Miles O'Reilly
Media 2006
3. The unified modeling
language user guide Grady Booch, James
Rumbaugh, Ivar
Jacobson Addison -
Wesley 2005
4. UML A Beginners
Guide Jason T. Roff McGraw Hill
Professional 2003
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Computer Graphics and Animation
B. Sc . (Information Technology) Semester – IV
Course Name: Computer Graphics and Animation Course Code: USIT4 P5
Periods per week
1 Period is 50 minutes Lectures per week 3
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
List of Practical
1. Solve the following:
a. Study and enlist the basic functions used for graphics in C / C++ / Python language.
Give an example for each of them.
b. Draw a co -ordinate axis at the center of the screen.
2. Solve the following:
a. Divide your screen into four region, draw circle, rectangle, ellipse and half ellipse
in each region with appropriate message.
b. Draw a simple hut on the screen.
3. Draw the following basic shapes in the center of the screen :
i. Circle ii. Rectangle iii. Square iv. Concentric Circles v. Ellipse vi. Line
4. Solve the following:
a. Develop the program for DDA Line drawing algorithm.
b. Develop the program for Bresenham’s Line drawing algorithm.
5. Solve the following:
a. Develop the program for the mid -point circle drawing algorithm.
b. Develop the program for the mid -point ellipse drawing algorithm.
6. Solve the following:
a. Write a program to implement 2D scaling.
b. Write a program to perform 2D translation
7. Solve the following:
a. Perform 2D Rotation on a given object.
b. Program to create a house like figure and perform the following operations.
i. Scaling about the origin followed by translation.
ii. Scaling with reference to an arbitrary point.
iii. Reflect about the line y = mx + c.
Page 50
8. Solve the following:
a. Write a program to implement Cohen -Sutherland clipping.
b. Write a program to implement Liang - Barsky Line Clipping Algorithm
9. Solve the following:
a. Write a program to fill a circle using Flood Fill Algorithm.
b. Write a program to fill a circle using Boundary Fill Algorithm.
10. Solve the following:
a. Develop a simple text screen saver using graphics functions.
b. Perform smiling face animation using graphic functions.
c. Draw the moving car on the screen.
Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Computer Graphics -
Principles and Practice J. D. Foley, A.
Van Dam, S. K.
Feiner and J. F.
Hughes Pearson
Education Second
2. Steve Marschner, Peter
Shirley Fundamentals of
Graphics CRC press Fourth
Edition 2016
3. Computer Graphics Hearn, Baker Pearson
Education Second
4. Principles of Interactive
Computer Graphics William M.
Newman and
Robert F.
Sproull Tata
Hill Second
Page 51
Evaluation Scheme:
1. Internal Evaluation (25 Marks).
i. Test: 1 Class test of 20 marks. (Can be taken online)
Q Attempt any four of the following: 20
ii. 5 marks: Active participation in the class, overall conduct, attendance.
2. External Examination: (75 marks)
All questions are compulsory
Q1 (Based on Unit 1) Attempt any three of the following: 15
Q2 (Based on Unit 2) Attempt any three of the following: 15
Q3 (Based on Unit 3) Attempt any three of the following: 15
Q4 (Based on Unit 4) Attempt any three of the following: 15
Q5 (Based on Unit 5) Attempt any three of the following: 15
3. Practical Exam: 50 marks
A Certified copy journal is essential to appear for the practical examination.
1. Practical Question 1 20
2. Practical Question 2 20
3. Journal 5
4. Viva Voce 5
1. Practical Question 40
2. Journal 5
3. Viva Voce 5
Prof. Shivram S. Garje,
Dean ,
Faculty of Science and Technology
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