SYBSc Forensic Science_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Academic Council :
Item No. :
Syllabus for S.Y.B.Sc.
Program : B.Sc.
Course : Forensic Science
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017)
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S.Y.B.Sc . (Forensic Science) (Semester III) Credits
To be implemented from Academic Year 2016 -2017
Title Class Room Instruction Face to Face 50 Hours = 1 Credit
Sem. I Per Week 15 Weeks
(Per Sem) Per Sem
(Hours) Notional
(Hours) Credits
Credits L
Min) P
Min) L P L P L P L P
USFS 301 Forensic Science – III 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 302 Chemical Science - III 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 303 Physical Science – III 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 304 Biological Science –
III 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 305 Psychology – III 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 306 Computer Science – III 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 307 Law - III 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 3P1 Forensic Science and
Chemical Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
USFS 3P2 Physical Science and
Biological Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
USFS 3P3 Psychology and
Computer Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
Total -- 21 18 315 270 252 216 700 300 14 6 20
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Semester III - Theory
Code Title Credits
301 Forensic Science – III 2
Unit No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Crime Reconstruction (CR)
1.1 Introduction and difference between Police Investigation and Scientific
Investigation, Role of Scientist at Crime Scene
1.2 Science of Crime R econstruction, Methods of Crime Reconstruction, Role
of Evidence in R econstruction
1.3 Evidence Dynamics, Factors Affecting Evidence during Pre -discovery:
Role of Offender/Victim, Weather/Climate, D ecomposition, Insect
Activity, A nimal Predation, Fire
1.4 Post-discovery : Failure to S earch Recovery, P remature Scene Cleanup,
Packaging, T ransportation , Storage and Chain of Custody
1.5 Trace Evidences: Fingerprint, Blood, S emen, Hair, Fibers, Paint, Glass,
Soil, D ust, Footwear and Ti re Traces, GSR, Tool Marks, Proje ctile
Wipes, Explosive R esidue s, Trace Evidence Transfer and Interpretation in
Unit II Questioned Document
2.1 Questioned Document: Nature, Scope, Significance, Handling of
Documents, Integrity of Documents, Guideline s for Preservation.
2.2 Classification and Types of D ocument: Financial, A cademic, Personal,
Histori cal, Official and Non -official Records, Government Documents,
Service Documents and Certificates
2.3 Preliminary Examination of Document
2.4 Handwriting, Development of Handwriting
2.5 Principles of Handwriting Identification, Natural Variation in
Handwriting, General and Individual Characteristic of Handwriting
2.6 Standard Documents: Specimen Writing, Admitted Writing, Marking of
2.7 Instruments for Examination of Document
Unit III Fingerprint
3.1 Definition, History and Development
3.2 Dermatoglyphics, Embryology: Primary and Secondary R idge Formation,
Morphology and Anatomy of Dermal Skin.
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3.3 Theories of Pattern Formation, Basic Fingerprint P atterns, Ridge
Counting, Ridge Tracing
3.4 Classificati on System in Fingerprints: Henry, Single Digit: Battley
3.5 Recording of Fingerprints: Requirements, Procedure, Precautions,
Purpose, Plain Print, Rolled Print and Palm Print. Post -mortem
Fingerprinting: Fresh Corpus, Rigor M ortis, Mutilated, Decomposed,
Drown ed, Burned
3.6 Conditions affecting Latent P rints, Search Method for Fi ngerprint s on
Crime S cene
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Code Title Credits
302 Chemical Science – III 2
Unit No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Bonding and Structures of Organic Compounds
1.1 Allotropy of Carbon : Structure and properties of diamond, graphite,
fullerenes and carbon nanotube
1.2 Electronic Effect :Dipole moment, polarizability, inductive effect,
resonance effect, hyperconjugation
1.3 Hydrogen Bond : Nature, effect on melting point and boiling point,
solubility in water, vader waals forces
1.4 Structures of Common Functional Groups :Geometry, electronic structure
and their reactivity.
Unit II Study of Carbonyl Compounds and their Derivatives
2.1 Aldehydes : Preparation, physical properties and chemical properties
2.2 Ketones : Preparation, physical properties and chemical properties
2.3 Acids : Preparation, physical properties and chemical properties.
2.4 Esters : Preparation, physical properties and chemi cal properties.
2.5 Amides : Preparation, physical properties and chemical properties.
Unit III Study of Aromaticity and N -containing Compounds
3.1 Aromaticity : Characteristic properties of aromatic compounds, Huckel
rule, aromaticity and antiaromaticity, Resonance energy.
3.2 Aromatic Hydrocarbon : Benzonoide Hydrocarbons : Benzene,
naphthalene, anthracene and phenanthrene.
3.3 Amines (Aliphatic / Aromatic) : Preparation, physical properties and
chemical properties.
3.4 Nitro Compounds : Preparation, physical properties and chemical
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Code Title Credits
303 Physical Science – III 2
No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Spectroscopy
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Electromagnetic Spectrum
1.3 Sources of Radiations
1.4 Conventional Sources for UV, Visible and IR Rays
1.5 Shorter Wavelength Radiation (X -ray Tube)
1.6 Interaction of Radiation with Matter : Reflection, Absorption,
Transmission , Fluorescence, Phosphorescence
Unit II Instrumentation Electronics
2.1 Introduction to Electronic Components
2.1.1 Passive Componen t : Resisters, its types and Identification,
Capaci tors and its Classification. Inductors and its types,
Transformers and its types
2.1.2 Active component : Dio des and its Identifications , Zener Diode,
Transistors, FET, UJT
2.2 Electronics Circuits and Digital Electronics : Basics of LR, CR, LCR
Circuits, Rectifie r Circuits, Transistor and its Characteristics, Introduction
to OPAM, Logic Gates and Their Applications
2.3 CRO : Cons tructi on, Working, Applications
Unit III Fire Arms
3.1 History : Early Hand Cannons, The Matchlock, The Wheel Lock, The
Flint Locks, The Snapehaunce
3.2 Firing System : The Pin Fire, Rim Dire, Dreyse Needle, Centre fire
3.3 Weapon Types and Operation : Single Shot, Revolving Pistols, Self
Loading Pistols , Rifles - Types and Operations
3.4 Proof Marks : Introduction, Types
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Code Title Credits
304 Biological Science – III 2
No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Biological Evidence Collection and Documentation
1.1 Recognition of biological evidences encountered in various cases
1.2 Protection of biological evidences (blood, hair, semen, saliva, urine,
fecal matter , menstrual blood etc.) at the crime scene
1.3 Search and collection of biological evidences
1.4 Packaging & Transportation of biological evidences
1.5 Documentation of biological evidences
1.6 Chain of custody
Unit II Immunological Concepts and Techniques
2.1 Antigen, Antibodies
2.2 Polyclonal antibodie s
2.3 Monoclonal antibodies
2.4 Antigen Antibody interaction: precipi tation, agglutination, zone of
2.5 Immunological Techniques :
2.5.1 Electrophoretic met hods: Agarose gel, SDS Natured /
2.5.2 ELISA, Western Blottin g, Hemagglutination , complement
2.5.3 Immunochromatography
2.5.4 Immunodiffusion assays
2.5.5 Immunoelectrophoresis assays
2.5.6 Immunoprecipitation assays.
Unit I II Genetics
3.1 Structure and properties of Chromosomes
3.2 Heterochromatin and Euchromatin
3.3 DNA: Structure, Properties, Types
3.4 DNA: Coding region (gene s: housekeeping, regulatory), Non-coding
regions: Tandem repeats, Interspersed repeats, Transposable elements
3.5 Sources used a s DNA Evidence: autosomal DNA, mitochondrial
DNA, gender typing
3.6 DNA extraction : Basic principles, Meth od of DNA Extraction (from
biological fluid and bone)
3.7 DNA Quantificatio n : Slot Blot Assay, Southern, Northern Blotting
3.8 DNA Amplification By Polymerase Chain Reaction
3.9 DNA Electrophoresis
3.10 DNA data -basing
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Code Title Credits
305 Psychology – III 2
Unit No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Domains of Psychology – I
1.1 Social Psychology : Introduction to social psychology, attitude, attitude formation
and attitude change, attribution, aggression, social interaction and influence of
social norms on behavior, non -verbal communication, interpersonal
relationship (Interpersonal attraction), group psychology
1.2 Biological Psychol ogy : Neurons, Sensory system, Development and plasticity of
the brain, br ain damage and recovery, Psy choactive drugs and addiction,
hormones, Biology of emotions, fear, stress, anxiety, depression
Unit II Research Methods in Psychology
2.1 Introduction to Research metho ds in Psychology : Importance, goals, need
and types of research
2.2 Quantitative methods : Exp erimental and Non -experimental methods in
psychology, Descrip tive Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode, Frequency,
Normal d istribution, Central Tendency, Hypothesis testing, Probability,
T-tests, Chi -Square, Correlation) Infe rential Statistics (Analysis of
variance, regression analysis, factor analysis)
2.3 Qualitative methods : Philoso phy and Conceptual Foundations Methods for
analysis, Textual Methods (Conversation analysis, Discourse Analysis,
thematic analysis, Narrative Analysis), Field methods (Grounded Theory,
Observat ion and Interview Inquiry)
Unit III Psychological Assessment
3.1 Introduction : Definitio n and purpose, Types of tests, Applications
3.2 Overview of Psychological tests : Administration, Scoring and
Interpreta tion of tests, Steps in Test Constructi on, characteristics of a good
test, reliability, validity
3.3 Assessment of Cognitive a bilities (Intelligence tests), Personality
(Measurement of int erests, values and attitudes), Aptitude and
Achievemen t test (Distinguishing between Aptitude and Achievement tests
and its types)
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Code Title Credits
306 Computer Science – III 2
Unit No. Contents of Unit
1.1 Introduction of HTML
1.2 How Web Browser W orks
1.4 HTML T ags : B, U, I, H, BR
1.5 Ordered and Unordered L ists
1.6 Links and Images
1.7 Table
1.8 Form
1.9 Style
Unit II JavaScript
2.1 Introduction to JavaS cript : Adding JavaScript to HTML Document,
History and Use of JavaS cript
2.2 JavaScript Core Feature : Basic Definitions, Variables, Flow Control
Statement, Loops, Inputs and Output in JavaS cript
2.3 Operators Expression and Statements
3.1 Introduction to PHP : How PHP Works on Web Server
3.2 Variable , Operators and E xpressions : Data Types, Variable, Constants,
3.3 Control S tatements : If, ’?’ Operator, Switch, L oops
3.4 Date , String Operations
3.5 Session, Cookies
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Code Title Credits
307 Law – III 2
No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Offence Affecting Human Body
1.1 Culpable Homicide and Murder
1.2 Dowry Death
1.3 Attempt to Murder
1.4 Causing Miscarriage, Causing Miscarriage without Woman’s Consent
1.5 Hurt and Grievous Hurt
1.6 Wrongful Restraint and Wrongful Confinement
1.7 Force, Criminal Force and Assault
1.8 Assault or Criminal Force to Women with Intent to Outrage her Modesty
1.9 Kidnapping and Abduction
1.10 Sexual Offence and Rape
1.11 Unnatural Offence
1.12 Cruelty by Husband or Relative of Husband
Unit II Offence Against Property
2.1 Theft, Punishment for Theft, Theft in Dwelling House etc.
2.2 Theft by Clerk or Servant of Property in Possession of Master
2.3 Extortion and Punishment for Extortion
2.4 Robbery and Dacoity
2.5 Punishment for Robbery and Dacoity
2.6 Dishonest Misappropriation of Pr operty
2.7 Criminal Breach of Trust and its Punishment
2.8 Stolen Property
2.9 Cheating and Punishment for Cheating
Unit III Offence Relating to Document
3.1 Forgery, Making a Fal se Document and Punishment for Forgery
3.2 Forgery of Record of Court or of Public Register
3.3 Forgery of Valuable Security, Will, etc.
3.4 Forgery for Purpose of Cheating
3.5 Forgery for Purpose of Harming Reputation
3.6 Forged Document or Electronic Record
3.7 Using as Genuine a Forged Document or Electronic Record
3.8 Counterfeiting Currency -Notes or Bank -Notes, Usi ng as Genuine, Forged
or Counterfeit Currency -Note or Bank Notes
3.9 Possession of Forged or Coun terfeit Currency Notes or Bank Notes
3.10 Making or Possessing Instrumen ts or Materials for Forging or
Counterfeiting Currency -Notes or Bank Notes
3.11 Making or Using Documen ts Resembling Currency -Note or Bank - note
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Semester III – Practical
Note : Every Department is advised to arrange maximum number of experiments from list
provided or experiments based on theory syllabus having forensic relevance . However,
minimum seven experiments should be reported in journal for the purpose of certification.
Code Title Credits
3P1 Forensic Science and Chemical Science Practical 2
No. Title of the Practical No. of
Forensic Science Practical
1 Reconstruct the Crime Scene (Homicide, Suicide, Theft, Robbery,
Sexual Assault, Firearms Cases) 1
2 Collection and Identification of Hair (Trace E vidence ),
Determination of M edullary Index of Human H air and Animal
Hair 1
3 Examination of the Cross -section Characteristics of Various Body
Hair 1
4 Determination of Scale Count and Scale Index of Body H air 1
5 Identification of Hair Subjected to Chemical Process (Dyes and
Bleach) 1
6 Recording of Rolled and Plain Fingerprint for Ten Digit
Classification 1
7 Collection and Identification of Fingerprint P attern 1
8 Study of Palm Prints and Characteristic F eatures 1
9 Examination of Paint Chips by Stereo M icroscope 1
10 Collection and Examination of Blood Stain 1
11 To Study Crime Scene Reconstruction Methods 1
12 To Perform Rough/Final Sketch of Crime S cene 1
13 Study the Effect of Various Conditions on the D evelopment of
Latent P rints 1
14 Collection, Handling and Preservation of D ocuments 1
15 To Perform Preliminary Examination of Document
16 To Study Natural Variation of H andwriting 1
17 Examination and Identification of G eneral and Individual
Characteristics of Handwriting 1
Chemical Science Practical
1 Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds.(8 compounds) 08
2 Preparation of Organic derivatives. (4 Derivatives) 04
3 Organic Estimation.(3 Estimation) 03
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urse Code Title Credits
3P2 Physical Science and Biological Science Practical 2
No. Title of the Practical No. of
Physical Science Practical
1 Investigations of fake documents using UV light. 1
2 Thermal Analysis of given sample using DSC/TGA 1
3 Gravimetric analysis (density measurement of given samples) 1
4 Testing of Electronic/Electrical components/parts 1
5 Testing of Electronic/Electrical circuits 1
6 LDR characteristics and Photosensitive relay using LDR 1
7 LCR series resonance 1
8 Bridge rectifier (to study load regulation) 1
9 Transistor (CE) characteristics 1
10 De’Morgan’s Theorems 1
11 Ex-or gate, NAND and NOR as universal building blocks 1
12 Study of absorption coefficient of given Sample 1
13 Study of transmission coefficient of given Sample 1
14 Examination of Fire Arm according to Arms Act 1
15 Dismantling and assembling of firearms 1
16 Use of CRO
Biological Science Practical
1 Collection and packaging biological evidences 1
2 To determine titre of antisera. 1
3 To perform Immunodiffusion test for species of origin.
a. Ouchterlony assay
b. Radial immunodiffusion assay 2
4 To perform electrophoresis for separation of various polymorphic
enzymes. 1
5 Blood grouping from stains of blood, semen, saliva and other
body fluids by Absorption inhibition, Absorption -elution and
mixed agglutination technique, determination of Secretor/non
secretor status 3
6 Extraction and isolation of DNA from
a. From blood
b. From saliva
c. From hair
d. From Plant source 4
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Code Title Credits
3P3 Psychology and Computer Science Practical 2
No. Title of the Practical No. of
Psychology Practical
1 Social Psychology (T -P Leadership questionnaire, Rosenberg Self -
esteem scale, Assertiveness scale, Social Distance Scale, FIRO -
B(interpersonal relationship orientation), Sodhi’s Attitude Scale,
Effect of competition on performance, Thurston’s Interest Sche dule) 3
2 Developmental Psychology (Adjustment of elderly people, Scholastic
aptitude test, Embedded figures test) 2
3 Apperception test 1
4 Practical based on Qualitative Research Method (Survey, Interview,
Observation, Projective/Semi Projective Tests) 2
5 Practical based on Quantitative Research Method
a. Descriptive Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode, Frequency,
Normal distribution, Central Tendency, Hypothesis testing,
Probability, T -tests, Chi -Square, Correlation
b. Inferential Statistics (Analysis of variance, regression
analysis, factor analysis) 3
6 Psychological Testing and Assessment (NEO -FFI/MMPI,
Computer Science Practical
1 HTML Programming – Basic 1
2 HTML Programming - Links and I mage 2
3 HTML Programming – Forms 2
4 JavaS cript Programming – Basic 1
5 JavaS cript Programming - Conditions and L oops 2
6 JavaS cript - User I nteraction 2
7 PHP Programming – Basic 1
8 PHP Programming - Variables, C onditions, Loops 2
9 PHP Programming - Catching Data from HTML F orm 2
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Semester III – References
USFS 301: Forensic Science – III
No. Reference Books
1 The Forensic Laboratory Handbook procedure and practice Ashraf Mozayani, Carla
2 Crime reconstruction W. Jerry Chisum , Brent E. Turvey.
3 Practical Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction Ross M. Gadner and tom Bevel.
4 Fundamental of Forensic Science Max M. Houck and Jay A. Siegel
5 Introduction to Criminalistics Barry A.J. Fisher. WilliamJ.Tilstone.
6 Crime scene to the court the essential of forensic science, Peter White.
7 Technique of crime scene investigation by Barry A J Fisher, David R. Fisher.
8 Crime scene management scene specific methods by Raul Sutton, Keith Trueman.
9 Crime scene investigation by Jaqueline T fish, Larry S. Miller.
10 Henry lee’s crime scene Handbook by Henry C Lee.
11 Suspect document, Wilson R. Harrison
12 Scientific examination of questioned documents by Jan Seaman Kelly.
13 Questioned document by Albert S. Osborn.
14 Handwriting Forensic, By Dr. B. R. Sharma.
15 Forensic document examination principle and practices by Katherine M. Koppenhaber.
16 Introduction to Criminalistics by Richard Saferstein.
17 Handwriting and fingerprint analysis in criminal trail and inves tigation by B L Bansal
and Rajiv Raheja
18 Forensic science in criminal investigation and trail by B R Sharma.
19 Forensic Handwriting Identification fundamental concept and principle by Ron N
20 Advances in fingerprint technology, 2nd edition, Henry C Lee and R E Gaensslen.
21 Fingerprint analysis and understanding, by Mark R Hawthorne.
22 Fingerprint revolutionized with illustration by F Brewster.
23 Firearms and fingerprint by Edward Hueske.
24 Fingerprint identification by SurinderNath.
25 Forensic science and its related issues by V N Sehgal and Surinder Nath
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USFS 302 : Chemical Science – III
No. Reference Books
1 Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd.
2 Organic Chemistry by John McMurry VthEdn. 1999.
3 Organic Chemistry by Graham Solomans.
4 Organic Chemistry by I.L.FinarVol.II VthEdn.
5 Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition by Marye Anne Fox, James, K Whitesell
6 Organic Recation Simplicity and Logic by Pierre Laszol
7 Advanced Organic Chemistry Part -A, 5th Edition by Francis A. Cary and Richard J.
8 Vogel’s Text book of Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition
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USFS 303 : Physical Science – III
No. Reference Books
1 Modern Spectroscopy, Fourth Edition, J. Michael Hollas
2 Modern Physics – Concepts and Applications, Sanjiv Puri
3 Practical Approach to Electronic Circuit Design By D. S. Mantri and G.P. Jian.
4 Electronic Principles By Albert Malvino and D. J. Bates.
5 OP-Amp and Linear Integrated Circuits By Ramakant Gaikwad.
6 Electronic Instrumentations By H. C. Kalsi.
7 Measurements, Instrumentation and Experiment Design in Physics and Engineering By
Michel Sayer.
9 Digital Electronics by Malnino
10 Digital Electronics by Flloyd
11 Principle of Electronic by V.K. Gupta
12 Engineering Physics by Gaur and Gupta
13 Criminalistics – An Introduction to Forensic Science By Richard Saferstein.
14 Handbook of Firearms and Ballistics Examination and Interpreting Forensic Evidence
by Brain J Heard.
15 Firearm in criminal investigation and trials by B.R.Sharma
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USFS 304 : Biological Science – III
No. Reference Books
1. Forensic Biology – Richard Li
2. Practical Skills in Forensic Science – Alan Langford, John Dean et al
3. Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing – John M. Butler
4. Scientific & Legal Applications of Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation – Stuart H. James
Molecular & cell biology by Lodish.
5. Cell biology by Bruce Alberts
6. Cell by Cooper
7. Cell & Molecular biology by Karp
8. Cell Biology by C.B. Powar
9. Genetics by Gardner
10. Genetics by Russel
11. Genetics by Klug et al
12. Genetics by Strickberger
13. Molecular Biology by David Friefilder
14. Molecular Biology by Clark
15. Molecular Biology of Gene by Watson
16. Molecular biology by T.A. Brown
17. Lehninger Biochemistry by Nelson & Cox
18. Biochemistry by Stryer
19. Biochemistry by Zubay
20. Biochemistry by Satyanarayan
21. Immunology by Kuby
22. Immunology by Riott
23. Immunology by Tizard
24. Microbiology by Prescott
25. Microbiology by Tortora
26. Microbiology by Pelzcar
27. Micro bial forensics -Roger G . Breeze
28. Forensic medicin e-Umadethan
29. Forensic Anthropology -Angi M christenseng
30. Forensic entomology, 2ndedtn: Jason H By rd, James L Castner, CRC press
31. The science of forensic entomology –David B. Rivers
32. Forensic entomology -Dorothy Gennard
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USFS 305 : Psychology – III
No. Reference Books
1 Baron. R.A. , Byrne, D.& Bhardwaj. G (2010).Social Psychology(12thEd).New Delhi:
2 Deaux.K & Wrightsman, L. (2001).Social Psychology. California: Cole Publishing
3 Misra, G. (1990) .Applied Social Psychology. New Delhi: Sage.
4 Misra, G. (2009). Psychology in India, Volume 4: Theoretical and Methodological
Developments (ICSSR survey of advances in research). New Delhi: Pearson.
5 Alcock, J. E., Carment, D. N., Sadava, S.N. , Collins, J. E. & Green J. M. (1998). A
textbook of social psychology. Scarborough, Canada: PrenticeHall.
6 Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Akert, R. M. (2010). Social Psychology(7thEd.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
7 Taylor,S.E., Peplau, L.A. & Sears,D.O. (2006). Social Psychology (12th Ed). New
Delhi: Pearson
8 Baumeister, R. F., & Bushman, B. J. (2008). Social Psychology and Human Nature.
International student edition, Thomson Wadsworth USA.
9 Delamater, J. D., & Myers, D. J. (2007). Social Psychology(6th edi.),
Thomson.Wadsworth International student edition, USA
10 Franzoi, S. L. (2003). Social Psychology.(3rd ed.). New York McGraw Hill co.
11 Kenrick, D. T., Newberg, S. L., & Cialdini, R. B. (2007). Social Psychology: Goals in
Interacton. (4th edi.). Pearson Education Allyn and Bacon, Boston.
12 Aron, A., Aron, E.N., & Coups, E.J. (2007).Statistics for Psychology. (4Th Ed.)India:
Pearson Education, Prentice Hall.
13 King, B.M. & Minium, E.W. (2007).Statistical Reasoning in the Behavioral Sciences.
(5th Ed.) USA: John Wiley.
14 Coakes, S. J.,Steed, L., & Ong,C. (2009). SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish Using
Version 16.0 for Windows.Milton,QLD: Wiley Students Edition.
15 Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics using SPSS (3rd Ed).New Delhi :Sage
16 Breakwell, G. M., Hammon, S, Fife -Shaw, C., & Smith, J. (2006). Research methods in
psychology (3rd edition). London: Sage.
17 Haslam, S. A., & McGarty, C. (2003). Research methods and statistics in psychology.
London: Sage.
18 Aiken, L. R., & Groth -Marnet, G. (2009). Psychological testing and assessment(12th
Ed.) New Delhi: Pearson Education.
19 Gregory, R. J. (2005). Psychological testing: History, principles, and applications(5th
edition). New Delhi: Pearson Education.
20 Howell, D. C. (2010). Statistical methods for psychology. Belmont: Wadsworth.
21 Kaplan, R. M., & Saccuzzo, D. P. (2005). Psychological testing: Principles,
applications and issues. New Delhi: Cengage.
22 Singh, A. K.(2008). Tests, measurement rese arch methods in behavioural sciences.
Patna: Bharti Bhawan.
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USFS 3 06 : Computer Science - III
No. Reference Books
1 HTML and CSS Design and Build Websites , Jon Duckett, Wiley Publication , ISBN
978-1-118-00818 -8
2 Javascript 2.0 - The Complete Reference. Thomas Powell, Mc-Graw Hill
Publication ,
3 Core PHP Programming, Third E dition, Leon A T kinson, Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN
0-13-046346 -9
No. Additional References
1 Computer Networking by Tanenbaum
2 Computer Security Basics by Rick Lehtines
3 Cyber Forensic by Mareculla Menendez
4 Computer Forensic by Newman
5 Data Communication and Networking by Forouzan
6 Network and System Security by John Vacca
7 Security Policies and Implementation Issue by Robert Jahnson
8 Introduction to Computer by Rammohan Joshi
9 Basics of Computer by P. K. Singh
10 Computer Basics by Micheal Miller
11 Internet by John Hamilton
12 The Internet Basics by Jason Whittaker
13 Basic Electronics by V. K. Mehta
14 Digital Electronics by R. K. Jain
15 Introduction to Networking by Charles Severance
16 Python for Informatics – Exploring Information – Version 2.7.2 by Charles Severance
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USFS 307 : Law - III
No. Reference Book Referred
Units Referred
1 K. D. Gaur, The Indian Penal Code Unit I, II and III 1 to 914
No. Additional References
1 Ratanlal and Dhirajlal, The Indian Penal Code, Wadhwa and Co., New Delhi
2 Justice M. R. Malik, Criminal Manual (Criminal Major Acts), Professional Books
Publishers, 2014
3 S.C Sarkar, The Indian Penal Code, Dwivedi Law Agency, New Delhi
4 The Indian Penal Code (Bare Act), Universal Law Publishers Co., New Delhi
5 Batuk Lal, Commentary on The Indian Penal Code, Orient publishing Company, New
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S.Y.B.Sc. (Forensic Science) (Semester IV) Credits
To be implemented from Academic Year 2016 -2017
Title Class Room Instruction Face to Face 50 Hours = 1 Credit
Sem. IV Per Week 15 Weeks
(Per Sem) Per Sem
(Hours) Notional
(Hours) Credits
Credits L
Min) P
Min) L P L P L P L P
USFS 401 Forensic Science – IV 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 402 Chemical Science - IV 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 403 Physical Science – IV 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 404 Biological Science –
IV 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 405 Psychology – IV 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 406 Computer Science – IV 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 407 Environmental Studies 3 45 36 100 2 2
USFS 4P1 Forensic Science and
Chemical Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
USFS 4P2 Physical Science and
Biological Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
USFS 4P3 Psychology and
Computer Science
Practical 6 90 72 100 2 2
Total -- 21 18 315 270 252 216 700 300 14 6 20
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Semester IV - Theory
Code Title Credits
401 Forensic Science – IV 2
Unit No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Crime Scene Reconstruction (CSR)
1.1 Role of Police officers, Forensic Scientists and Forensic Pathologists at
the Crime Scene
1.2 Resolving Significant Investigative Questions in CSR, Role of Protocol in
1.3 Bloodstain Pattern Analysis to Crime Scene R econstruction,
Reconstruction using Bloodstain Evidences
1.4 Role of Fo rensic Pathologist/Medico -legal Expert, Body Examination at
the Crime Scene, Collection of Biological Fluids, Scene Reconstruction,
Medical Autopsy and Examination of Traumatic Injury, Inquest Report by
1.5 Reconstruction of Various Crime Scenes (Vehic ular Accidents, Bomb
Blast Cases, Arson Cases, Bride Burning Cases)
1.6 Collection of Data: Videography, Photography, Measurements, Analysis
of Data
1.7 Writing of CSR Reports, Court Room Testimony
Unit II Impression evidences
2.1 Poroscopy: Individuality, Variation and Reliability of Pores, Method of
Collection and Recording of Pores; Edgeoscopy : Examination and
2.2 Palm prints: Volar pads, Thenar, Eminence, Hypothenar, Longitudinal
Crease, Proximal and Distal Transverse Crease
2.3 Gait pattern: Significance a nd Analysis, Parameters in Gait: Direction
Line, Walking Line, Foot Line, Foot Angle, Step Length, Step Breadth,
Principle Angle, Examination and Determination of Age, Sex, Stature,
Physical State
2.4 Chelioscopy: Significance, Morphology and Anatomy of Lip, T suchi -
hashi Classification, Methods of Collection and Recording of Lip Print
Unit III Fingerprint Development
3.1 Fingerprint at Crime Scene: Chance, Patent, Plastic and Latent
3.2 Morphology and Anatomy of Sweat Gland: Eccrine Gland, Sebaceous
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Gland, Apocrine Gland; Chemical Constituents of Sweat Gland: Water,
Inorganic, Organic, Metallic and Drugs etc.
3.3 Fingerprint Development -Physical Methods: Fingerprint Powders,
Luminescent Powders (Fluorescent and Phosphorescent), Metallic
Fingerprint powders
3.4 Chemical Fumi ng and Enhancement (Iodine Fuming, Iodine Solution
Method, Cyanoacrylate, Super Glue, Ninhydrin Method, DFO Method,
Silver Nitrate Method)
3.5 Instrumental (Laser), Digital Finger Print Identification, Automated
Fingerprint Identification System
3.6 Legal Aspects of Fingerprint Evidence and Court Testimony
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Code Title Credits
402 Chemical Science – IV 2
Unit No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
1.1 Introduction, chemical analysis, application of chemical analysis
1.2 Sampling : Methods of Sampling, common techniques, instrumental
methods, other techniques and factors affecting on choice of methods
1.3 Qualitative Analysis : Introduction, Errors, Accuracy, Precision, methods
of expressing accuracy and precision
1.4 Classification of Errors, significant figures and computations, distribution
of random errors
1.5 Types of Qualitative Analysis : Macroanalysis, Semimicro analysis,
Microanalysis, Ultramicro analysis
Unit II Inorganic Qualitative Analysis
2.1 Introduction and basic principle
2.2 Common Ion Effect : Introduction, Definition, Applications of
common ion effect
2.3 Solubility Product : Introduction, Definition, factor affecting on
solubility product and applications of solubility Product
2.4 Buffer Solution : Definition, Types and Applications
Unit III Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Organic Compounds
3.1 Qualitative Analysis : Types of Organic compounds, Characteristic tests
and Classification, Reactions of different functional groups, Analysis of
binary mixtures.
3.2 Quantitative Analysis : Estimation of C,H,(O) by combustion tube,
Detection of Ni trogen, Sulphur, Halogens and Phosphorus by Lassigen’s
3.3 Estimation of Nitrogen,Sulphur and Phosphate : Estimation of “N” by
Duma’s, Kjeldahl’s Method, estimation of halogens, sulphur and
Phosphate by Carious Method.
3.4 Determination of Em pirical and Molecular Formula and Numerical
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Code Title Credits
403 Physical Science – IV 2
No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Electronic Circuits
1.1 Wave form Generators : Working Principle of oscillators, Wave form
generators; sine, square, triangular, saw tooth
1.2 Modulation and Demodulation : Introduction to Fourier transform,
Amplitude Modulation; Principle, Modulation Index and Percentage
modulation, Side -bands and frequency domain, Amplitude modulation
circuits, amplitude demodulations. Frequency modulation; Principles,
Phase modulations, side -bands modulation Index, Frequency modulations
and demodulation circuit, Difference between AM and FM
1.3 Active Filters : Low pass, High pass, Band pass, All pass filter s
1.4 Signal Converters : ADC, DAC and counters
1.5 Wave Shaping Circuits : Wave Clipping, Clamping circuits and Timer
Unit II Ammunitions
2.1 Rim fire
2.2 Centre fire
2.3 Case less
2.4 Blank ammunition
2.5 Tear gas
2.6 Grenade launcher
2.7 Dummy
2.8 Primer cap types
2.9 Berdan primer
2.10 Boxer primer
2.11 Cartridge cases : Rimless, semi -rimmed, rimmed, belted
2.12 Bullet and its types
2.13 Shotgun ammunition : Shotgun slugs
Unit III Ballistics
3.1 Introduction to Ballistics
3.2 Types of ballistics : internal, external and terminal Ballistics
3.3 Velocity recoil
3.4 Theory of recoil
3.5 Barrel pressure measurement
3.6 Ballistic coefficient
3.7 Angle of elevation of the barrel
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Code Title Credits
404 Biological Science – IV 2
No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
1.1 Analysis of Skeletal Remains
1.2 Forensic Anthropology
1.2.1 Skeletal system and bone formation
1.2.2 Estimation of Age , Sex and race
1.2.3 Estimation of time since death
1.2.4 Human v/s animal bone morphology
1.3 Facial Reconstruction
1.4 Forensic Odontology
1.4.1 Development of Dental structure
1.4.2 Estimation of Age, Sex and Rac
1.4.3 Bitemark Analysis
Unit II Microbial Forensics
2.1 Microbial organisms of forensic significance : Bacillus athracis,
Clostridium botulinum.
2.2 Understanding Bioterrorism : Types of biological agents – Category
A, B, C
2.3 Planning and response to bioterrorism : Preparedness,
Biosurveillance, Biodefence
2.4 Epidemiology of Bioterrorism, Punishments for Bioterrorism act
under Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002.
Unit I II Forensic Entomology
3.1 Forensic entomology :Introduction, history and development
3.2 Post Mortem Interval : role of entomology in determination of
3.3 Introduction of forensically important insects : Necrophagous
Species ( Sarcosaprophages {Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Muscidae,
and Dermestidae} Coprophages { Scarabaeidae and Muscidae}
Dermatophages {Dermestidae, Tineidae.}) Necrophagous
Predaceous Species: ( Ants (Formicidae), Silphid beetles, Clerid
beetles) predaceous Species (Histeridae, Staphylinidae.) Parasitic
Species ( endoparasitic wasps)
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Code Title Credits
405 Psychology – IV 2
Unit No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Domains of Psychology – II
1.1 Cognitive Psychology - Introduction -Nature, theme and introduction to
Cognitive Psy chology, mental imagery, verbal learning, language
compre hension and production, problem solving, reasoning and decision
1.2 Individual Differences - Introduction a nd history of individual difference,
Identification and measurement, characteristics of Intelligence tests and its
types, emotional quotien t, gender differences
Unit II Introduction to Forensic Psychology
2.1 History
2.2 Introduction to Forensic Psyc hology - Definition, Importance and scope of
Forensic Psychology
2.3 Various roles, duties and services provided by Forensic Psychologists
2.4 Risk Assessment within Forensic Psychology.
2.5 Forensic Psychology in India
2.6 Psychological Assessment - Tests which are used in For ensic
Psychological Assessment - Aptitude and Achievement Tests,
Neuropsychological Tests
2.7 Difference between F orensic Evaluation and Clinical Psychological
Assessment .
Unit III Psychology of Violence and Sexual Offending
3.1 Violence - Definition, Nature of Violence - Self directed, Interpersonal,
family and community interpersonal and collective
3.2 Types - Physical, Sexual, emotional, psychological, spiritual and cultural.
3.3 Theories of sexual offending
3.4 Working with sexual offenders
3.5 Relationship between sexual offending and mental disorders
3.6 Psychological impacts of violence and sexual offences, Post -traumatic
stress disorder, Family violence and victimization.
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Code Title Credits
406 Computer Science – IV 2
Unit No. Contents of Unit
Unit I Basic Python P rogramming
1.1 Variable , Expression , Statements
1.2 Conditional E xecution
1.3 Iterations
1.4 Functions
1.5 Strings
Unit II Advanced Python P rogramming
2.1 File H andling
2.2 Dictionaries
2.3 Regular E xpressions
2.4 Accessing Web C ontent
Unit III Introduction to DBMS and SQL
3.1 Introduction to Database Systems
3.2 Entity Relationship Model, Normalization
3.3 SQL B asics : Statements, Names, Data Types, Null Values, B uilt in
3.4 Simple Q ueries : Selecting Columns, Duplicate Rows, Row Selection,
Comparison Operators, Sorting Data
3.5 Multi -Table Q ueries : Simple Joins, Outer Join
3.6 Summary Q ueries : Column Function, Grouped Q ueries, Having Clause
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Code Title Credits
USFS 407 Environmental Studies 2
No. Contents of Unit No. of
Unit I Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies
1.1 Definition
1.2 Scope and importance
1.3 Need for public awareness 2
Unit II Natural Resources
2.1 Renewable and non -renewable resources : Natural resources
and associated problems
2.1.1 Forest resources : Use and over -exploitation,
deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction,
mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal
2.1.2 Water resources : Use and over -utilization of surface
and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over
water, dams -benefits and problems.
2.1.3 Mineral resources : Use and exploitation,
environmental effects of extracting and using
mineral resources, case studies.
2.1.4 Food resources : World food problems, changes
caused by agriculture and over -grazing, effects of
modern agriculture, fertilizer -pesticide problems,
water logging, salinity, case studies.
2.1.5 Energy resources : Growing energy needs, renewable
and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate
energy sources. Case studies.
2.1.6 Land resources : Land as a resource, land
degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion
and desertification.
2.2 Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
2.3 Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. 8
Unit III Ecosystems
3.1 Concept of an ecosystem.
3.2 Structure and function of an ecosystem.
3.3 Producers, consumers and decomposers.
3.4 Energy flow in the ecosystem.
3.5 Ecological succession.
3.6 Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
3.7 Introduction , types, characteristic features, structure and
function of the following ecosystems :
3.7.1 Forest ecosystem
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3.7.2 Grassland ecosystem
3.7.3 Desert ecosystem
3.7.4 Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers,
oceans, estuaries)
Unit IV Biodiversity and its conservation
4.1 Introduction - Definition : genetic, species and ecosystem
4.2 Biogeographical classification of India
4.3 Value of biodiversity : consumptive use, productive use,
social, ethical, aesthetic and option va lues
4.4 Biodiversity at global, National and local levels.
4.5 Inida as a mega -diversity nation
4.6 Hot-sports of biodiversity.
4.7 Threats to biodiversity : habitat loss, poaching of wildlife,
man-wildlife conflicts.
4.8 Endangered and endemic species of India
4.9 Conservation of biodiversity : In -situ and Ex -situ
conservation of biodiversity. 8
Unit V Environmental Pollution
5.1 Definition
5.2 Cause, effects and control measures of :
5.2.1 Air pollution
5.2.2 Water pollution
5.2.3 Soil pollution
5.2.4 Marine pollution
5.2.5 Noise pollution
5.2.6 Thermal pollution
5.2.7 Nuclear hazards
5.3 Solid waste Management : Causes, effects and control
measures of urban and industrial wastes.
5.4 Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.
5.5 Pollution case studies.
5.6 Disaster Management : floods, earthquake, cyclone and
landslides. 8
Unit VI Social Issues and the Environment
6.1 From Unsustainable to Sustainable development
6.2 Urban problems related to energy
6.3 Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed
6.4 Resettlement and rahabilitation of people; its problems and
concerns. Case Studies
6.5 Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions.
6.6 Climate change, global warming, acid rain , ozone layer
depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case Studies.
6.7 Wasteland reclamation.
6.8 Consumerism and waste products.
6.9 Environment Protection Act. 7
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6.10 Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
6.11 Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act
6.12 Wildlife Protection Act
6.13 Forest Conservation Act
6.14 Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation.
6.15 Public awareness.
Unit VII Human Population and the Environment
7.1 Population growth, variation among nations.
7.2 Population explosion - Family Welfare Programme.
7.3 Environment and human health.
7.4 Human Rights.
7.5 Value Education.
7.7 Women and Child Welfare.
7.8 Role of Information Technology in Environment and human
7.9 Case Studies. 6
Unit VIII Field work
8.1 Visit to a local area to document environmental assets
8.2 Visit to a local polluted site
8.3 Study of common plants, insects, birds.
8.4 Study of simple ecosystems -pond, river, hill slopes, etc.
(Field work Equal to 5 lecture hours) 5
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Semester IV – Practical
Note : Every Department is advised to arrange maximum number of experiments from list
provided or experiments based on theory syllabus having forensic relevance. However,
minimum seven experiments should be reported in journal for the purpose of certification.
Code Title Credits
4P1 Forensic Science and Chemical Science Practical 2
No. Title of the Practical No. of
Forensic Science Practical
1 Reconstruction of Crime Scene Based on Case Studies 1
2 Examination of Blood Stain Patterns 1
3 Development of Fingerprint using Physical Methods 1
4 Development of Fingerprint using Iodine/Ninhydrin/Silver
Nitrate/Cyanoacrylate Methods 1
5 Examination of Plastic Prints 1
6 Photography of Fingerprints 1
7 Examination of Lip Prints 1
8 Gait Pattern Analysis 1
9 Tracing Bare Foot Print using Transparent Plastic Sheet 1
10 Casting of Footwear using POP 1
11 Study the Effect of Various Conditions on Latent Prints and their
Development 1
Chemical Science Practical
1 Estimation of Ca and Mg in dolamite ore 1
2 Talcum powder analysis 1
3 Estimation of strength of sodium thiosulfate by iodometryusing
starch indicator 1
4 Permangnetometry :To determine the strength of commercial
hydrogen peroxide using KMnO 4 as an oxidant 1
5 Dichromatometry : Simultaneous estimation of Fe(II) and Fe(III)
in a solution using K 2Cr2O7 as an oxidant 1
6 Iodimetry :To estimate the amount of Vitamin -C in a given
Vitamin -C tablet (Celin) 1
7 Iodometry :
a. To estimate the amount of Cu(II) present in the
given soluti on of CuSO 4
b. To determine the available chlorine in the
commercial sample of bleaching powder. 2
8 Complexometry : To determine the amount of Ca(II) present in
the commercial milk powder using EDTA as a chelating titrant. 1
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9 Gravimetry :
a. To determine the amount of Ni present in the sample of
steel as [Ni(DMG) 2]
b. To determine the amount of Pb present in the sample of
solder alloy as PbCrO 4. 2
10 Colorimetry :To determine the amount of Iron present in an Iron
tablet, Fefol, using SCN- as complexing agent 1
11 Solubility measurements : To determine the solubility of Benzoic
acid in water at room temperature, by alkalimetry 1
12 To estimate the acid neutralising capacity of an antacid
(tablet/syrup) using standard alkali solution 1
13 To estimate the amount of aniline or its derivative by bromination
followed by iodometry 1
14 To determine the molecular weight of the given organic
compound by Rast’s Camphor method by exploiting depression in
freezing point of camphor 1
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Code Title Credits
4P2 Physical Science and Biological Science Practical 2
No. Title of the Practical No. of
Physical Science Practical
1 Classification and measurements of bullets 1
2 Waveform generator 1
3 Study of AM modulation 1
4 Study of FM modulation 1
5 Study of low pass Active filters 1
6 Study of High pass Active filters 1
7 Analog to Digital Convertor 1
8 Digital to Analog Convertor 1
9 Wave clipping using diodes 1
10 Wave Clamping using diodes 1
Biological Science Practical
1 Determination of age from skull sutures 1
2 Determination of sex from skull 1
3 Determination of sex from Pelvis 1
4 Determination of age from dentition 1
5 DNA extraction from microbial source 1
6 Isolation of microorganisms of forensic significance using Plating
techniques 1
7 Collection ,packaging and preservation of entomological evidence 3
8 Identification of orders of insects and other arthropods of forensic
significance 1
9 Mounting of mouth parts & legs of Insects of forensic importance 1
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Code Title Credits
4P3 Psychology and Computer Science Practical 2
No. Title of the Practical No. of
Psychology Practical
1 Cognitive Psychology (Memory process, Test on creativity, Strategies
in Problem Solving/Nine Dot Problem) 3
2 Correlation Coefficient on Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices
(SPM) and Abstract Reasoning (AR) 3
3 Emotional Intelligence Test 1
4 Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence 1
5 Kohs Block test 1
6 Reaction Time 1
7 Aggression test - C.G.Pati 1
8 Medico Psychological Questionnaire - J.Bharatraj 1
Computer Science Practical
1 Python Programming – Basic 1
2 Python Programming - Simple A rithmetic 1
3 Python Programming - Conditions, L oops 2
4 Python Programming - File H andling 2
5 Python Programming - Web Content A ccessing 1
6 Python Programming - Use of Regular E xpressions 2
7 SQL – DDL and DML 2
8 SQL – Select 1
9 SQL - Advanced 3
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Semester IV – References
USFS 401: Forensic Science – IV
No. Reference Books
1 The Forensic Laboratory Handbook procedure and practice Ashraf Mozayani, Carla
2 Crime reconstruction W. Jerry Chisum, Brent E. Turvey.
3 Practical Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction Ross M. Gadner and tom Bevel.
4 Fundamental of Forensic Science Max M. Houck and Jay A. Siegel
5 Introduction to Criminalistics Barry A.J. Fisher. WilliamJ.Tilstone.
6 Crime scene to the court the essential of forensic science, Peter White.
7 Technique of crime scene investigation by Barry A J Fisher, David R. Fisher.
8 Crime scene management scene specific methods by Raul Sutton, Keith Trueman.
9 Crime scene investigation by Jaqueline T fish, Larry S. Miller.
10 Henry lee’s crime scene Handbook by Henry C Lee.
11 Suspect document, Wilson R. Harrison
12 Scientific examination of questioned documents by Jan Seaman Kelly.
13 Questioned document by Albert S. Osborn.
14 Handwriting Forensic, By Dr. B. R. Sharma.
15 Forensic document examination principle and practices by Katherine M. Koppenhaber.
16 Introduction to Criminalistics by Richard Saferstein.
17 Handwriting and fingerprint analysis in criminal trail and investigation by B L Bansal
and Rajiv Raheja
18 Forensic science in criminal investigation and trail by B R Sharma.
19 Forensic Handwriting Identification fundamental concept and principle by Ron N
20 Advances in fingerprint technology, 2nd edition, Henry C Lee and R E Gaensslen.
21 Fingerprint analysis and understanding, by Mark R Hawthorne.
22 Fingerprint revolutionized with illustration by F Brewster.
23 Firearms and fingerprint by Edward Hueske.
24 Fingerprint identification by SurinderNath.
25 Forensic science and its related issues by V N Sehgal and Surinder Nath
26 Forensic medicine and jurisprudence by S K Singhal
27 The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology – Dr. KSN Reddy
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USFS 402 : Chemical Science – IV
No. Reference Books
1 Vogel’s Text book of Quantitative Analysis sixth edition.
2 Text book of Macro and Semi micro Qualitative Analysis by A.J.Vogel,fifth edition.
3 Analytical Chemistry by G.D.Christian, sixth edition.
4 Quantitative Organic Analysis ,fourth edition A.J.Vogel,ELBS.
5 Analytical Chemistry by Skoog.
6 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis - 6th edition Willard, Merritt, Dean and
7 Analytical Chemistry by PCB’s, 2nd Edition, Mitchell D. Erickson
8 Analytical Chemistry for Technicians, 3rd Edition, John Kenkel
9 Vogel’s Qualitative Ingorganic Analysis, 7th Edition
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USFS 403 : Physical Science – IV
No. Reference Books
1 Principle of Electronics by V.K. Gupta
2 Digital Electronics by Malnino
3 Digital Electronics by Flloyd
4 Handbook of Firearms and Ballistics Examination and Interpreting Forensic Evidence
by Brain J Heard
5 Firearms by B.R.Sharma
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USFS 404 : Biological Science – IV
No. Reference Books
1 Forensic Biology – Richard Li
2 Practical Skills in Forensic Science – Alan Langford, John Dean et al
3 Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing – John M. Butler
4 Scientific & Legal Applications of Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation – Stuart H. James
Molecular & cell biology by Lodish.
5 Cell biology by Bruce Alberts
6 Cell by Cooper
7 Cell & Molecular biology by Karp
8 Cell Biology by C.B. Powar
9 Genetics by Gardner
10 Genetics by Russel
11 Genetics by Klug et al
12 Genetics by Strickberger
13 Molecular Biology by David Friefilder
14 Molecular Biology by Clark
15 Molecular Biology of Gene by Watson
16 Molecular biology by T.A. Brown
17 Lehninger Biochemistry by Nelson & Cox
18 Biochemistry by Stryer
19 Biochemistry by Zubay
20 Biochemistry by Satyanarayan
21 Immunology by Kuby
22 Immunology by Riott
23 Immunology by Tizard
24 Microbiology by Prescott
25 Microbiology by Tortora
26 Microbiology by Pelzcar
27 Micro bial forensics -Roger G . Breeze
28 Forensic medicin e-Umadethan
29 Forensic Anthropology -Angi M christenseng
30 Forensic entomology, 2ndedtn: Jason H By rd, James L Castner, CRC press
31 The science of forensic entomology –David B. Rivers
32 Forensic entomology -Dorothy Gennard
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USFS 405 : Psychology – IV
No. Reference Books
1 Matlin, M.W. (2008). Cognition(7th Ed.). CA: John Wiley & Sons.
2 Riegler, B. R., & Riegler, G. R. (2008). Cognitive psychology Applying the science of
the mind (2nd Ed.). New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley
3 Sternberg, R. J. (2009). Cognitive psychology(4th Ed.). Wadworth, Cengage Learning
4 Solso, R L. (2004). Cognitive psychology(6th Ed). New Delhi: Pearson Education
5 Schiffman, H.R. (2000). Sensation and perception: An integrated approach. New York:
John Wiley
6 Bartol, C. & Bartol, A., (2001). Introduction to Forensic Psychology, Research and
Application 3rdEdition
7 Bartol, C. & Bartol, A., (2008). Current Perspectives in For ensic Psychology and
Criminal Behavior
8 Blackburn, R., (1993) The psychology of criminal conduct: Theory research and
practice.Chichester: Wiley & Sons
9 Dhanda, A. (2000) Legal order and mental disorder. New Delhi: Sage
10 Harari , L. (1981) Forensic psychology. London: Batsford Academic.
11 Clark, H.H., & Chase, W.G.(1972) on the process of sentences against pictures.
Cognitive Psychology,3, 472 -571
12 Galotti, K.M.(2004) Cognitive Psychology: In and out of the laboratory. ( 3rd ed.)
Wadsworth/ Thomson Learning.
13 Underwood. B.J.(1968). Experimental Psychology: An Introduction. NewYork:
Appleton Century Croft Ltd.
14 Anastasi, A.& Urbina, S. (1997) Psychological Testing(7th ed.) International edition,
Prentice Hall International, Inc.
15 Garret, H.E. (1973). Statistics in Psychology and Education. (6th ed.) Bombay: Vakils,
Feffer and Simons Pvt.Ltd.
16 Surprenant, A.M., Francis, G., & Neath, I.(2005) . Cog lab Reader. Thomson
17 Criminology by Larry Siegel
18 Handbook of Forensic Psychology by Dr. Vimala Veerraghavan
19 Van Hasselt, V.B & Herson, M. (Eds). (2000). Aggression and Violence:An
introductory Text. Needham Heights, MA:Allyn & Bacon
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USFS 406 : Computer Science - IV
No. Reference Books
1 Python for Informatics, Charles Severance, //Open source
creative license.
2 SQL the Complete Reference , Third Edition, James R . Groff,
Mc-Graw Hill Publications
No. Additional References
1 HTML and CSS Design and Build Websites by John Duckett
2 Introduction to Networking by Charles Severance
3 Computer Networking by Tanenbaum
4 Computer Security Basics by Rick Lehtines
5 Cyber Forensic by Mareculla Menendez
6 Computer Forensic by Newman
7 Data Communication and Networking by Forouzan
8 Network and System Security by John Vacca
9 Security Policies and Implementation Issue by Robert Jahnson
10 Introduction to Computer by Rammohan Joshi
11 Basics of Computer by P. K. Singh
12 Computer Basics by Micheal Miller
13 Internet by John Hamilton
14 The Internet Basics by Jason Whittaker
15 Basic Electronics by V. K. Mehta
16 Digital Electronics by R. K. Jain
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USFS 407 : Environmental Studies
No. Reference Book Referred
Units Referred
1 (eBook) - Text Book for Environmental Studies for
Undergraduate Courses of All Branches of Higher Education,
Erach Bharucha for University Grant Commission I toVIII 1 to 270