SYBSc Physics Sem III IV1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SYBSc Physics Sem III IV1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC 11 -05-2017
Item No. 4.222

Essential Elements of the Syllabus

Title : Syllabus for the B.Sc. Course in Physics ( from academic year 2017 -18) for
Semester III & IV

Course Code :USPH

Preamble :

This is a revised part of the undergraduate programme (Six Semesters) in
Physics, to b e taught in Semester III & IV from the academic year 2017 -18
onwards .
Developing Curriculum that is progressive and purposeful to create positive
improvement in the education system is the logic beh ind this revision.
Out of the three courses in each Semester, two courses are devoted to core
Physics, catering to Mechanics , Thermodynamics, Optics , Electrodynamics,
Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Physics and Digital and Analog Electronics.
These have been tailored to fit in with the existing FYBSc syllabus (Sem I and
Sem II) in terms of continuity and to ensure delivery of quality content to the
The s cience of Physics has diversified immensely in recent times and
numerous new fields in Physic s, such as Biophysics, Geo -Physics, Radio -Physics,
Physics of metals and ma terials, etc. have come into existence.The fundamentals
and the ge nerality of many principles of P hysics are common to all these
specialized diverse fields. Most problems in applied areas have been discussed

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intensely in academic conferences and journals, but have not found their place in
curricula or in text books.
The third course in each semester of fers interdisciplinary application - oriented
topics .It will be offered as a choice to all learner sacross various combinations .
This course will seek to fo ster a spirit of multidisciplinary approach in learning.
The 'practical' component in the applied co urse will be seen as a
combination of laboratory session s , a visit to a Research Institute/Industry, mini
project, an assignment on a relevant topic etc.
For the vari ous units, experts will guide as 'Resource Persons ' and their
laboratories/ departments could serve as Resource C enters . Facul ty
members/Teachers can avail of their expertise to train themselves in the delivery of
these courses when ever required.

Objective :
Upon completion of the course , students should have acquired the following
knowledge and skills:
1. a thorough quantitative and conceptual understanding of the core areas of
physics, including mechanics, , thermodynamics, quantum mechanics,
electronics at a level compatible with graduate programs in physics at peer
2. the ability to analyze and interpret quantitative results, both in the core areas of
physics and interdisciplinary areas.
3. the ability to use contemporary experimental apparatu s and analysis tools to
acquire, analyze and interpret scientific data.
4. the ability to apply the principles of physics to solve new and unfamiliar
5. the ability to communicate scientific results effectively in presentations or
Eligibility :Passed semester 1 and Semester II ; asper rules of passing
Question paper pattern : Paper of 100marks ; 3 hours duration.
(pattern as per guidelines)

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Revised Syllabus in Physics (Theory and Practical )
as per Choice based Credit and Grading system
Second year B.Sc. 2017 -2018
The revised syllabus in Physics as per credit based system (with choice ) of the
Second Year B.S ccourse will be implemented from the academic year 2017 -2018.
 To develop analytical abilities towards real world probl ems
 To familiarize with current and recent scientific and technological
 To en rich knowledge through problem solving hands on activities, study visits,
projects etc.
Semester Paper Title Credits
III USPH 301 Mechanics and
thermodynamics 2
III USPH 302 Vector calculu s ,Analog
Electronics 2
III USPH 303 Applied Physics -I 2
III USPHP3 Practical course -3 (Group
A,B,C and Skill) 3
Total 9
IV USPH 401 Optics and Digital
Electronics 2
IV USPH 402 Quantum Mechanics 2
IV USPH 403 Applied Physics -II 2
IV USPHP4 Practical course -4 (Group
A,B,C and Demo) 3
Total 9

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Proposed syllabus of SYBSc (2017 -18)

USPH301 : Mechanics and thermodynamics

Learning Outcomes :
On succe ssful completion of this course, students will be able to :
i) Understand the concepts of mechanics & properties of matter & to apply them to
ii) Comprehend the basic concepts of thermodynamics & its applications in
physical situation.
iii) Learn about situations in low temperature.
iv) Demonstrate ten tative proble m solving skills in all above a reas.

UNIT –I15Lectures
I Compound pendulum :
Expression for period, m aximum and minimum time period, c entres of
suspension and oscillations , reversible compound pendulum. Kater’s reversible
pendulum , compound pendulum and simple pendulum - a relative study.

Ii Center of Mass , .Motion of the Center of Mass , Linear momentum of a Particle
Linear momentum of a System of Particles , Linear momentum wrt CM
coordinate (i.e shift of origin from Lab to CM) , Conservation of Linear
Momentum , Some Applications of the Momentum Principle , System of
Variable Mass
Torque Acting on a Particle ,Angular Momentum of a Particle , Angular
Momentum of System of Particles , Total angular momentum wrt CM
coordinate . Conservation of Angular Momentum

iiiOscillations , The Simple Harmonic Oscillator , Relation between Simple
Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion , Two Body Oscillations,
Damped Harmonic Mot ion ,Forced Oscillations and Resonance.

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UNIT –II 15Lectures
(Review of zeroth and first law of thermodynamics)
I Conversion of heat into work, h eat engine, Carnot’s cycle: its efficiency.

Ii Second law of thermodynamics, Statements, Equivalence of Kelvin and Plank
statement, Carnot’s theorem, Reversible and irreversible process, Absolute scale
of temperature.

iii Clausius theorem, Entropy, Entropy of a cyclic process, Reversible
process, Entropy change, Reversible heat transfer, Princip le of increase in
entropy, g eneralized form of first and second law , entropy change of an ideal gas,
entropy of steam, entropy and unavailable energy, entropy and disorder, a bsolute

UNIT –III15Lectures
i Third law of thermodynamics, Nernst heat theorem, Consequences of the third
law, Maxwell’s thermodyna mic relations, Clausius – Clape yron equation,
Thermal Expansion.

ii Steam engine, Rankine cycle, Otto engine, Efficiency of Otto cycle, Diesel cycle,
Efficiency of Diesel cycle, Otto and diesel comparison

iii Low temp Physics: Different methods of liquefaction of gases, methods of
freezing, Cooling by evaporation, cooling by adiabatic expansion
Joule - Thompson effect, JT effect of Vander Waal’s gas, Liquefaction of
helium, properties and uses of liquid Helium

Resnick and Halliday : Physics – I
Mechanics – H. S. Hans and S. P. Puri, Tata McGraw Hill (2 nd ED.)
Thermal Physics, AB Gupta and H. Roy, Book and Allied (P) Ltd, Reprint 2008,

Heat thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Brijlal, N.Subramanyam, P.
S. Hemne, S. Chand, edition 2007.

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Additional reference:
1. KRS: Mechanics by K.R Symon.
2. Classical Dynamics of particles and systems by Thornton and Marian,
(CENGAGE Learning)
3. Basic Thermodynamics : Evelyn Guha ( Narosa Publications)
4. Classical mechanics by Kleppener , Kollenkov
5. A treatise on heat :MeghanadSaha and BN Srivastava , 1969, India Press.
6. Mechanics and Electrodynamics Rev Edn. 2005 by Br ijlal and
Subramanyanand JeevanSeshan.

USPH302 : Vector calculus, Analog E lectronics
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to :
1) Understand the basic concepts of mathematical physics and their
applications in physical situations.
2) Understand the basic laws of electrodynamics and be able to perform
calculations using them.
3) Understand the basics of transistor biasing, operational amplifiers, their
4) Understand the basic concept s of oscillators and be able to perform
calculations using them.
5) Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skill in all the topics covered.
Unit I : Vector Calculus: 15Lectures
1. Line, Surface and Volume Integrals, The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus,
The Fundamental Theorem of Gradient, The Fundamental Theorem of
Divergence , The Fundamental Theorem of Curl (Statement and Geometrical
interpretation is included, Proof of these theorems are omitted). Problems
based on these theorems are required to be done.

2. Curvilinear Coordinates: Cylindrical Coordinates, Spherical Coordinates

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Unit II : Analog Electronics 15Lectures
1.Transistor Biasing, Inherent Variations of Transistor Parameters,
Stabilisation, Essentials of a Transistor Biasing Circuit, Stability Fact or,
Methods of Transistor Biasing, Base Resistor Method, Emitter Bias Circuit,
Circuit analysis of Emitter Bias, Biasing with Collector Feedback Resistor,
Voltage Divider Bias Method, Stability factor for Potential Divider Bias.

2.General amplifier characteristics: Concept of amplification, amplifier
notations, current gain, Voltage gain, power gain, input resistance, output
resistance, general theory of feedback, reasons for negative feedback, loop
3.Practical circuit of tra nsistor amplifier, phase reversal, frequency response,
Decibel gain and Band width.
Unit III: Analog Electronics 15Lectures
1. Oscillators: Introduction, effect of positive feedback. Requirements for
oscillations, phase shift oscillator,Wien Bridge Osci llator, Colpitt’s
oscillator, Hart ley oscillator

2. Operational Amplifiers: Introduction, Schematic symbol of OPAMP, Output
voltage from OPAMP, AC analysis, Bandwidth of an OPAMP, Slew rate,
Frequency Response of an OPAMP, OPAMP with Negative feedback,
Inver ting Amplifier, Non -Inverting Amplifier, Voltage Follower, Summing
Amplifier, Applications of Summing amplifier, OPAMP Integrator and
Differentiator, Critical frequency of Integrator, Comparator

Introduction to Electrodynamics 3rd Ed by D.J. Griffith
Principles of Electronics – V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta. (S. Chand –
Multicoloured illustrative edition)

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Electronic devices and circuits – An introduction Allan Mottershead (PHI
Pvt. Ltd. – EEE – Reprint – 2013)

USPH303 : Applied Physics - I
This pa per consists of three modules (u nits) designed in a way so as to offer
interdisciplinary & application oriented learning.
Learning Outcomes :
On comple tion of this, it is expected that
i) Students will be exposed to contex tual real life situations.
ii) Students will appreciate the role of Physics in 'interdisciplinary areas related to
materials, Bio Physics, Acoustics etc.
iii) The learner will understand the scope of the subject in Industry & Research.
iv) Experimental learning opportunities will f aster creative thinking & a spirit of
Unit 1 : Acoustics , Lasers and fibre optics 15Lectures
1)Acoustics of Buildings: Reverberation, Sabine’s formula (without derivation)
Absorption coefficient, Acoustics of Buildings, factors affec ting Acoustics of
Buildings, Sound distribution in an auditorium.
2)Laser : Introduction, transition between Atomic energy states (without
derivation), Principle of Laser, Properties of Laser, Helium –Neon Laser,
Application of Laser , Holography
3)FibreOpt ics : Light propagation through Fibres, Fibre Geometry, Internal
reflection, Numerical Aperture, Step -Index and Graded -Index Fibres, Applications
of Fibres.

Modern Physics Concept and Applications – SanjeevPuri, Narosa Publication.

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Properties of matter and Acoustics – R Murugeshan and K. Shivaprasath, S Chand
&Co.Ltd. (2005 -Ed)

Unit II : Biophysics 15Lecture s

Introduction, definition, History & scope of biophysics, biological fluids, physico -
chemical properties, viscosity, surface tension, pH, osmosis, osmotic pressure.
Diffusion, Ficks’ laws of diffusion, dialysis, Cell is unit of life, fundamental
understanding prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure and function, eukaryotic
cell membrane, Fundamentals of transport process through biol ogical membrane,
membrane channels. electrical properties of cell, Action potential, propagation of
action potential, methods of measurement of action potential, Nernst equation,
Golman equation, The Hodgkin -Huxely model of action potential, voltage clam p
technique, Patch clamp technique, cell impedance and capacitance .
Reference s:
1. Cellular and Molecular Biology: Concept and Experiment by Gerald Karp
2. The Cell: A Molecular Approach by Geoffery Cooper
3. Introductory Biophysics: Perspective on living state by James Claycomb
4. Medical Physiology by Guyton
5. Molecular Biology of Cell by Bruce Albert
6. Text Book of Biophysics by R N Roy
Unit III : Materials – properties and applica tions 15Lectures
Introduction to Materials
Classification of Materials based on structures (Crystalline and Amorphous, single
crystal, polycrystalline and nanomaterials) and Functionality (Conducting,
insulating, superconducting, reflecting, transmitting etc)
Types of Materials: Metals and alloys, Ceramics, Polymers and Composites, Thin
Films, Nanomaterials; Some Physical and Chemical methods of materials synthesis
Properties of materials

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Electrical Properties: Review of energy band diagram for materials - conductors,
semiconductors and insulators, Electrical conductivity in metals, semiconductors
and insulators (dielectrics), effect of temperature on conductivity
Optical Properties: Reflection, refraction, absorption and transmission of
electromagnetic radiat ion in solids.
Magnetic Properties: Origin of magnetism in solids (basic idea), Types of magnetic
order (paramagnetism, diamagnetism, antiferro magnetism, ferromagnetism,
ferrimagnetism), magnetic hysteresis (6L)

Applic ations
Optical materials: LEDs, OLEDs, LCDs, Flat Panel Displays, optical fibers
Dielectric materials: Piezoelectric, ferroelectric and pyroelectric materials
Magnetic Materials: Soft magnets (Transformer steels), Hard magnets for
permanent magnets, Magnet ic Recording and Storage (4L)

1. Electronic Properties of Materials, Rolf E Hummel
2. Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course by V. Raghavan

USPHP 3: Practical course -3
i) All the measurements and readings should be written with proper
units in SI system only.
ii) After completing all the required number of experiments in the
semester and recording them in journal, student will have to get
their journal certified and produce the certified journal at the time
of practical examination.
iii) While evaluating practical, weight age should be given to
circuit/ray diagram, observations, tabular representation,
experimental skills and procedure, graph, calculation and result.
iv) Skill of doing th e experiment and understanding physics concepts
should be more important than the accuracy of final result.

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Learning outcome s :
On successful completion of this course students will be able to :
i) Understand &practi ce the skills while performing experiments.
ii) Understand the use of apparatus and their use without fear& hesitation.
iii) Correlate the physics theory concepts t o practical application.
iv) Understand the concept of errors and their estimation.
Note: Exemption of two experiments from section A and / or B and / or C may be
given if student carr ies out any one of the following activity.
1) Collect the information of at least five Physicists with their work or any
three events on physics, report that in j ournal.
2) Execute a mini project to the satisfaction of teacher in-charge of practical.
3) Participate in a study tour or visit & submit a study tour report.

For practical examination s, the learner will be examined in three experiments (one
from each group ) .
Each experiment will be of three hours'duration .
A Minimum 3 from each group an d in all minimum 12 experiments must be
reported in journal.
All the skill experiments are required to be completed compulsorily. Students are
required to report all these experiments in the journal. Evaluation in viva voce will
be based on regular experiments and skill experiments.
A learner will be allowed to appear for the semester and practical e xamination only
if he submits a ce rtified journal of Physics or a certificate that the learner has
completed the practical course of Physics Semester III as per the minimum
Group A
1 Y by bending.
2 Kater’s pendulum
3 Searle’s experiment: determination of Y and
4 Flat spiral spring (Y)

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5 Flat spiral spring (n)
6 Young’s modulus by Koenig’s method.
7 Determination of thermal conductivity of bad conductor by Lee’s Method.
8 Helmholtz resonator - determination of unknown frequency.
9 Moment of Inertia of compound pendulum by method of coinc idence.
8. Verification of Stefan’s law ( electrical method)
9. Temperature coefficient of resistance of conducting material,
10. e/m by Thomson’s method
11. Charging and discharging of capacitor.
12. LCR parallel resonance.
13. Figure of merit of a mirror galvanometer.
14. Determination of absolute capacitance using BG
15. Measurement of resistance of galvanometer (G by shunting)

Group B
1. Passive low pass filter
2. Passive high pass filters.
3. Passive band pass filter.
4. Opamp: Inverting amplifier with different gains
5. Opamp: Non -inverting amplifier with different gains and voltage follower
6. Opamp: Integrator and Differentiator
7. CE amplifier: determination of bandwidth
8. CE amplifier: variation of gain with load
9. Lissajous figures using CRO.
10. Phase shift oscil lator
11. Wien bridge oscillator
12. UJT characteristics
13. UJT relaxation oscillator
14. Colpitt’s oscillator
15. Hartley oscillator

Group C
1. Laser experiments: straight edge, single slit, ruler grating
2. Optical fibre: transmission of signal
3. Concept of beats
4. Coupled oscillations and resonance
5. Standardization of pH meter & acid -base titration.
6. Determination of Isoelectric point of Amino Acids/protein.
7. Understanding uv visible spectra of protein/Nucleic Acids.
8. Surface tension of Biological fluid.

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9. Microscopic examination of Red blood Cells & White blood Cells.
10. Synthesis of materials - mini project - thin fil m/nano materials/bulk powders
using different routes etc.
11. Visit to research institutes (equivalent to three practical sessions).
12. Assig nment & literature survey (equivalent to 2 practical sessions).

Skill experiments
1. Soldering technique
2. Wiring of a simple circuit using bread board
3. Use of DMM
4. Use of oscilloscope
5. Travelling microscope ( radius of capillary)
6. Spectrometer: mean μ of yellow doublet of mercury source.
7. Spectrometer: optical leveling and Shuster’s method
8. Component testing, colour code of resistors, capacitors etc.
9. Drawing of graph on semi logarithmic / logarithmic scale.
10. Radius of ball bearings (single pan balance)

References :
1) Advanced course in Practical Physics D. Chattopadhya, PC Rakshit& B Saha.
(6th Edition) Book and Allied Pvt.Ltd.
2) B.Sc P ractical Physics – Harnam Singh S.Chand& Co. Ld. 2001
3) A test book of advanced practical PHYSICS _ SAMIR Kumar Ghosh, New
Central Book Agency (3rd edition)
4) B.Sc. Practical Physics – CL Arora (1st Edition) -2001 S.Chand and Co Ltd.
5) Practical Physics CL Squires (3rd Edition) Cambridge University
6) University Practical Physics – DC Tayal. Himalaya Publication
7) Advanced Practical Physics – Worsnop&Flint.

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USPH401 : Optics a nd Digital Electronics

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course students will be able to :
1) Understand the diffraction and polarization processes and applications of them
in physical situations.
2) Understand the applications of interference in design and working of
3) Understand the resolving power of different optical instruments. \
4) Understand the working of digital circuits
5) Use IC 555 time for various timing a pplications.
6) Demonstra te quantitative problem solving skills in all the topics covered.

UNIT I: (15 Lectures)

Background knowledge (dev ote one lecture at commencement) :
i. Introduction, Huygens’s - Fresnel theory, Distinction between interference
and diffraction, Fresnel and Fraunhoffer types of diffraction .
ii. Introduction of Polarization, Natural light is unpolarized, Unpolarized and
Polarized light
iii. Brewster’s law , Polaroid sheets
iv. Prism and grating spectra ,Cornu’s spiral, Fresnel’s integrals.

Fresnel’s Diffraction : Fresnel’s assumptions, Rectilinear propagation (Half period
zones) of light , Diffraction pattern due to straight edge, Positions of maxima and
minima in intensity, Intensity at a point inside the geometrical shadow(straight
edge), Diffraction due to a narrow slit, Diffraction due to a narrow wire
Fraunhoffer Diffraction : Introduc tion, Fraunhoffer diffraction at a single slit,
Intensity distribution in diffraction pattern due to a single slit, Fraunhoffer
diffraction at a double slit,Distinction between single slit and double slit diffraction
pattern and missing orders , Plane diffr action Grating , Theory of plane transmission
grating, Width of principal maxima .

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Unit II (15Lectures)

Polarization: Types of polarization, Plane polarized light, Circularly polarized
light, Elliptically polarized light, Partially polarized light, Production of Plane
polarized light, Polarization by reflection from dielectric surface, Polarization by
refraction –pile o f plates, Polarization by scattering, Polarization by selective
Absorption, Polarization by double refraction, Polarizer and Analyzer, Malus’
Law, Anisotropic crystal, Calcite crystal, Optic Axis, Double refraction in calcite
crystal, Huygens' explanation of double refraction, Ordinary and Extra ordinary
rays, Positive and Negative crystals, Superposition of waves linearly polarized at
right angles,Superposition of e -Ray and o -Ray, Retarders, Quarter wave plate, Half
wave plate, Production of linearly polar ized light,Production of elliptically
polarized light, Production of circularly polarized light, Analysis of polarized light,
Applications of polarized light.

Unit – III
Digital Electronics: (15Lectures)
Background knowledge (devote one lecture at commencement):
i. Binary number system , Arithmetic building blocks , Types of registers
Digital IC signal levels, Binary to Decimal ,Decimal to binary , Hexadecimal
number, Hexadecimal to decimal Conversion, Decimal to hexadecimal conversion,
Hexadecimal to binary conversion, Binary to hexadecimal conversion, Binary
addition, Unsigned binary numbers, Sign magnitude numbers , 1's complement ,
2's complement , Converting to and from 2's complement representation , 2's
complement arithmetic , The adder -subtractor (ignore IC specific diagrams )
RS Flip -Flops (only NOR gate latch, NAND gate latch) , Gated Flip -Flops, Edge -
Triggered RS Flip -Flop, Edge - Triggered D Flip -Flop, Edge -Triggered J -K Flip -Flop,
JK Master - Slave Flip -Flops, Bounce eliminatio n switch
Types of registers : SISO , SIPO, PISO , PIPO [in this chapter the teacher should
make all IC specific diagrams into general diagrams ie. Ignore pin numbers and IC
Asynchronous counter -3 bit (ignore IC spec ific diagrams), Synchronous c ounter
only mod 8, Decade Counters Mod5 and Mod 10

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A Text Book Of Optics By: Dr.N.Subrahmanyam , Brijlal , Dr M.N. Avadhaanulu
(S.Chand, 25th Revised edition2012 Reprint 2013)


LMS – Digital Principles and AplicationsBy Leach, Malvino, Saha 6thedn.
TF – Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L Floyd 10thedn. (Additional Reading)
RPJ – Modern Digital Electronics by R P Jain 4thedn. (Additional Reading)


Learning Outcomes :

On successful completion of this course students will be able to :

1) Understand the postulates of quantum mechanics and to understand its
importance in explaining s ignificant phenomena in Physics.

2) Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skills in all the topics covered.

Backgro und Reading (Review):

Origin of Quantum Mechanics:
1) Review of Black body radiation, b) Review of photoelectric effects.
2) Matter waves -De Broglie hypothesis. Davisson and Germer experiment.
3. Wave particle duality
5. Concept of wave packet, phase velocity, group velocity and relation between
6. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle with thought experiment, different forms of

Unit –I: The Schrodinger wave equation: 15Lectures

1. Concept of wave function, Born interpretation of w ave function.
2. Concepts of operator in quantum mechanics examples – position, momentum
and energy operators.
3. Eigenvalue equations, expectation values of operators.
4. Schrodinger equation.

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5. Postulates of Quantum Mechanics.
6. Analogy between Wave eq uation and Schrodinger equation.
7. Time dependent and time independent (Steady State) Schrodinger equation,
Stationary State
8. Superposition principle.
9. Probability current density, Equation of continuity and its physical significance.

Unit -II: Applications of Schrodinger steady state equation -15Lectures
1. Free particle.
2. Particle in infinitely deep potential well (one - dimension).
3. Particle in finitely deep potential well (one - dimension).
4. Step potential.
5. Particle in three dimensio n rigid box, degeneracy of energy state.

Unit -III: Applications of Schrodinger steady state equation –II 15Lectures

1. Potential barrier (Finite height and width) penetration and tunneling effect
(derivation of approximate transmission probability)
2. Theory of alpha particle decay from radioactive nucleus.
3. Harmonic oscillator (one -dimension), correspondence principle.

[Note: A good number of numerical examples are expected to be covered during
the prescribed lectures].

Reference Books:
1. Concepts of Modern Physics – A. Beiser (6th Ed.) Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Quantum Mechanics – S P Singh, M K Bagade, Kamal Singh, - S. Chand : 2004
3. Quantum Mechanics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and particles. - By R.
Eisberg and R. Resnik Publis hed by Wiley.
5. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. - By D. Griffiths Published by Prentice
6. Quantum Mechanics. - By Ghatak and Lokanathan Published by Mc. Millan.
7. Quantum Mechanics. - By L. I. Schiff.
8. Quantum Mechanics. - By Powell and Crase mann, Addison -Wesley Pub. Co.

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USPH403 : Applied Physics II

Learning Outcomes :
On succe ssful completion of this course, students will be able to :
i) Understand the concepts of mechanics & properties of matter & to apply them to
ii) Comprehend the basic concepts of thermodynamics & its applications in
physical situation.
iii) Learn about situations in low temperature.
iv) Demonstrate tentative problem solving skills in all above areas.

Unit 1 : Introduction to Geophysics 15Lectures
1.1 Introduction to Geophysics its branches and relationship with other sciences.
1.2 Earth and solar system: Meteorites and other extra -terrestrial materials.
1.3 Age of Earth and various methods of determination. Planetary ev olution of
the Earth and its internal struct ure: Elastic waves and variation of physical
and chemical properties in the interior of Earth.
1.4 Major tectonic features of the ocean oceanic and continental crust.
1.5 Continental drift – geological and geophysical evidence: mechanisms,
objections and present status.
1.6 Gravity and magnetic anomalies at Mid -ocean ridges: deep sea trenches,
continental shield areas and mountain chains.
1.7 Geomagnetism, elements of Earth’s magnetism: Internal, external fields and
their cau ses, Palaeomagnetism, Polar wandering paths and reversals,
Seafloor spreading and Plate tectonics.
1.8 Seismic belts of the Earth: Seismicity and plate movements.
1.9 Geodynamics of the Indian plate.
1.10 Utility of the different geophysical techniques (discussed a bove) in
exploration for academic as well as for harnessing resources. Geophysical
potential fields: Principles of Gravity and Magnetic methods.
1.11 Instrumentation, field procedures used in geophysical studies.
1.12 Case studies
1.13 Problems.

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Suggested Textbooks and References
1. Geomagnetism: Solid Earth and Upper Atmosphere
Perspectives. NathaniBasavaiah, Springer (2011).
2. Introduction to Applied Geophysics: Exploring the Shallow Subsurface. H.R.
Burger, A.F. Sheehan and C.H. Jones. W.W. Norton, New York (2006).
3. Earth Science. E.J. Tarbuck, F.K. Lutgens and D. Tasa, Prentice & Hall (2005).
4. Mantle Plumes and Their Record in Earth History. K.C. Condie, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK (2001)
5. The Magnetic Field of the Earth: Paleomagnetism, the C ore, and the Deep
Mantle. R.T. Merrill, M.W. McElhinny and P.L. McFadden, International
Geophysical Series 63, Academic Press (1996).
6. Applied Geophysics (Paperback) . W.M. Telford, L.P. Geldart and R.E. Sheriff,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (19 90).

2.1 Environmental Magnetic Analysis relating to magnetic minerals and
environmental systems, soil magnetism, mineral magnetic studies of lake
and marine sediments and magnetic monitoring of air -, land - and wat er-
2.2 Geo-Environmental Studies relating to mining, urban, industrial, coastal
and desert management, palaeoclimate, palaeoenvironment, medical
geology, climate change and studies related to their impact on ecosystem.
2.3 Natural Hazard Investigations including scientific studies related to natural
hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, floods and tsunamis.
2.4 Impact Assessment of Anthropogenic Activities such as heavy metal
pollution in Mumbai aquatic system with industries and therma l power
plants, urbanization, disposal of industrial and radio -active waste, excessive
withdrawal of ground water and use of fertilizers.

Suggested Textbooks and References
1. Energy and Environment, 3rd Edition. Robert A. Ristinen and Jack P.
Kraushaar, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (2015).
2. Geomagnetism: Solid Earth and Upper Atmosphere
Perspectives. NathaniBasavaiah, Springer (2011).
3. Textbook of Environmental Chemistry. BalaramPani, I.K. International
Publishing House (2007).

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4. A Textbook of Environmental Studies, 1/e. D.K. Asthana and MeeraAsthana, S.
Chand and Co. Publishing (2006).
5. Environment: Problems and Solutions, 2/e . D.K. Asthana and MeeraAsthana, S.
Chand and Co. Publishing (2006).
6. Environmental magnetism. R. Thompson and F. Ol dfield F, Allen &Unwin

Unit II : Microprocessors (15 Lectures )

8085 Microprocessor and Basic Assembly Language Programming (15
Introduction, Historical Perspective, Organization of a Microprocessor Based
system, how does
the Microprocessor works, Machine Language, Assembly Language, High Level
Writing and executing an Assembly Language Program.

8085 Bus Organization, 8085 Programming Model, The 8085 Microprocessor, Pin
diagram and function of each pin, A detailed look at 8085 Microprocessor.

Basic definitions: Instruction, Opcode, operand. Instruction word Size, instruction
Format, dataformat ,Addressing Modes ,The 8085 Instruction Set(Classification)
Data transfer Operations,Arithmetic Operation s, Logical Operations Branch
Operations ,
Introduction to AdvancedInstructions Flowchart

Main References:
1. G: Microprocessor Architecture, programming and Applications with the
8085 by Ramesh Gaonkar, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall of India.
Additional refere nces:
1) Microprocessor and Applications by Vibhute and Borole, Technova
Publications, Pune.
2) Microprocessor, Principles & Applications by Gilmore (2nd Ed) TMH

Page 21

Unit III : 15Lectures
A)Radiation Physics
1: Basics of Radiation Science 3L
Electromagnetic Spectrum, Introduction to radioactivity, Sources of radiation:
Alpha, beta and gamma radiation, high energy electron radiation and X -rays,
Radiation units, Sources of radiation: natural and man -made, Radiation protection
2: Radiation De tectors and Beam Calibration 4L
Types of radiation detectors, Ionization detectors, scintillation detectors, particle
detectors, TLD, thin film detectors, Radiation field analyzer, Basic principles of
beam profile measurement

Recommended Books:
1. Course in DRP by Dept of Atomic Energy

B) Radio communication :
1: Basics of Communication 3L
Block diagram of communication system, types of communication system: simplex,
duplex, analog and digital communication,
Electromagnetic spectrum, base band and broad band communication. Noise
concept and types, signal to noise ratio, noise figure, noise temperature.
2: Amplitude Modulation 2 L
Need of modulation, concept of modulation, AM waveform, mathematical expression
of AM, concept of sideband , demodulation principles. AM Receiver: TRF and super -
heterodyne receiver,
3: Frequency Modulation 2 L
FM modulation: definition, mathematical representation, frequency spectrum,
bandwidth and modulation index.
4.Concept of ASK, PSK, FSK, PAM, PW M, PPM, PCM. 1 L
Recommended Books:
1. Communication Electronics: Principles and applications by Louis E Frenzel 3rd
edition TMH Publications.

Page 22

2. Electronics Communication Systems by Kennedy
3. Telecommunication Switching Systems and Network by Vishwana than and
Thiagarajan, PHI publication.
4. Electronics Communication Systems by Denis Roddy and John Coolen, PHI

USPHP4 : Practical course -4

i. All the measurements and readings should be written with proper
units in SI system only.
ii. After completing all the Required number of experiments in the
semester and recording them in journal, student will have to get
their journal certified and produce the certified journal at the time
of practical examination.
iii. While evaluating practica l, weight age should be given to
circuit/ray diagram, observations, tabular representation,
experimental skills and procedure, graph, calculation and result.
iv. Skill of doing the experiment and understanding physics concepts
should be more important than the accuracy of final result.
Learning Outcome s :
On successful completion of this course students will be able to :
i) Understand &practi se the skills while performing experiments.
ii) Understand the use of apparatus and their use without fear & hesitation.
iii) Correlate their physics theory concepts to practical application.
iv) Understand the concept of errors and their estimation.
For practical examination the learner will be examined in the experiments ( one
from each group ) . Each experiment will be of three hour duration;
Minimum 3 from each group and in all minimum 12 experiments and all the
demonstration experiments are required to be completed compulsorily.
Students are required to report all these experiments in the journal. Evaluation in
viva voce will be based on regular experiments and skill experiments.

Page 23

A learner will be allowed to appear for the semester and practical e xamination only
if he submits a certified journal of Physics or a certificate that the learner has
completed the practical course of Ph ysics Semester III as per the minimum
Group A
1. Optical lever: determination of μ
2. Cylindrical obstacle: determination of λ
3. Single slit diffraction
4. Fresnel’s bi -prism: determination of λ
5. Determination of Couchy’s constants.
6. R.P. of telescope.
7. R.P. of grating
8. R. P. of prism
9. Brewster’s law: determination of μ
10. Double refraction
11. Polarimeter
12. Laser beam profile
13. Determination of wavelength of laser using grating
14. Determination of R.I . of liquid by laser
15. μ by total internal reflection

Group B
1. Square wave oscillator using gates.
2. Half adder and full adder (7486, 7408)
3. Study of MS -JK flip flop
4. Study of Latch (74LS373)
5. Study of 3:8 Decoder (74LS138)
6. Study of 8:3 Priority Encoder (74LS148)
7. Counters mod 2,5 and 10
8. Shift register s
9. Transistorized Astablemultivibrator
10. Transistorized Monostablemultivibrator
11. Transistorized Bistablemultivibrator
12. Op -Amp as Astablemultivibrator
13. IC 555 timer as Astablemultivibrator
14. IC 555 timer as Monostablemultivibrator
15. IC 555 timer as a Ramp generator

Page 24

Group C
1. Study of 8085 microprocessor kit and commands.
2. 8 -bit addition, su btraction, multiplication
3. Two digit Decimal addition, subtraction.
4. Memory block transfer from one location to another.
5. Find largest/smallest number in given block.
6. Find number of positive/negative, odd/even elements in given block.
7. Arrange given number in ascending/descending order
(Note : Use 8085 kit or any 8085 simulator to perform practicals)
8. Use of initial magnetizati on curve to find flux in core
9. Project on a topic (equivalent to three practical sessions)
10.Visit to research institutes (equivalent to three practical sessions)
11.Assignment& literature survey (equivalent to 2 practical sessions).
12.Visit to Hospital with medical diagnostic equipment .
13.Plotting and analysis of de tector data (from University / research institutions)
14. Design, Build and test Amplitude Modulator and/or Frequency Modulator
15.Time Division Multiplexing circuit.
16 Frequency Shift Keying(FSK) using IC 555 or XR 2206
17. Demonstration of PAM, PPM and PWM.

Demonstration experiments
1. Error analysis of a given experiment
2. Wave form generator using Op -amp
3. PC simulations: graph, curve fitting etc.
4. Straight edge Fresnel diffraction
5. First order active filter.
6. DAD instruction.

1. Advanced course in Practical Physics D. Chattopadhya, PC Rakshit& B Saha.
(6th Edition) Book and Allied Pvt.Ltd.
2. B.Sc PRACTICAL Physics – Harnam Singh S.Chand& Co. Ld. 2001
3. A test book of advanced practical PHYSICS _ SAMIR Kumar Ghosh, New
Central Book Agency (3rd edition)
4. B.Sc. Practical Physics – CL Arora (1st Edition) -2001 S.Chand and Co Ltd.
5. Practical Physics CL Squires (3rd Edition) Cambridge University
6. University Practical Physics – DC Tayal. Himalaya Publication
7. Advanced Practical Physics – Worsnop&Flint.