SYBSc Microbiology1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SYBSc Microbiology1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Revised Syllabus for S. Y.B.Sc.
Program: B.Sc.

(Choice Based Credit System with effect from the
Academic year 201 7-18)

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Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) was introduced by our University from the academic year
2016 -2017. Objective is to create a curriculum where students are given a chance to learn
course of their choice from other subjects, giving them oppo rtunity to choose from a bouquet of
Science Courses relevant to their curiosity and future career goal.
The process was initiated with restructuring of FYBSc syllabus according to this CBCS pattern
and its implementation in year 2016 -2017. As a continuati on of this theme, the restructured
syllabus of SYBSc is prepared as per the CBCS pattern. As a part of this theme, in SYBSc Paper
III in all subjects is available to any BSc student irrespective of their subject combination. So
students of any subject inte rested in Microbiology can opt for Paper III of Microbiology course.
Likewise Microbiology Students can opt for Paper III of any subject available in their College.
Since this paper is open to all students, 2 options are created to provide diversity of app lied
topics and choice for student and students can select any one option (provided it is offered by
their college) relevant to their curiosity and future career goal .

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S.Y.B.Sc Microbiology Syllabus (General Outline)
Revised for Choice Based Credit Sys tem
To be implemented from the Academic year 2017 -18
Semester III

Course Code Title Credits Lectures /
USMB -301
Theory Biomolecules and Microbial taxonomy 2 Credits
(45 lectures) 3
Unit-I Estimation of Biomolecules 15 lectures. 1
Unit-II Nucleic acid structure and chemistry 15 lectures. 1
Unit-III Microbial Taxonomy 15 lectures. 1

USMB -302
Theory Environmental Microbiology 2 Credits
(45 lectures) 3
Unit-I Air Microbiology 15 lectures. 1
Unit-II Fresh Water & Sewage Microb iology 15 lectures. 1
Unit-III Soil and Geo Microbiology 15 lectures. 1

USMB -303
Option A
Theory Introduction to Clinical Microbiology 2 Credits
(45 lectures) 3
Unit-I Basic Microbiology 15 lectures. 1
Unit-II Common infectious diseases, Epidemiol ogy and
public health awareness 15 lectures. 1
Unit-III Control of Microorganisms & Safety in Clinical
Microbiology 15 lectures. 1
USMB -303
Option B Basic and Advanced Microbiology 2 Credits
(45 lectures) 3
Unit-I Basics of Microbiology 15 lecture s. 1
Unit-II Physical and chemical agents for Microbial Control 15 lectures. 1
Unit-III Basic r DNA technology and Bioinformatics 15 lectures. 1

Biomolecules and Microbial taxonomy
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -301 1 Credit
(45 lectures) 3
Environmental Microbiology
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -302 1 Credit
(45 lectures) 3
Any One
Option Option A: Introduction to Clinical Microbiology
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -303 Option A) 1 Credit
(45 lect ures) 3
Option B: Basic and Advanced Microbiology
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -303 Option B) 1 Credit
(45 lectures) 3

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S.Y.B.Sc Microbiology Syllabus (General Outline)
Revised for Choice Based Credit System
To be implemented from th e Academic year 2017 -18
Semester IV

Code Title Credits Lectures
/ week
USMB -401
Theory Metabolism & Basic Analytical Techniques 2 Credits
(45 Lectures) 3
Unit-I Introduction To Metabolism & Bioenergetics 15 lectures. 1
Unit-II Enzyme Kinetics 15 lectures. 1
Unit-III Analytical techniques 15 lectures. 1

USMB -402
Theory Applied Microbiology 2 Credits
(45 Lectures) 3
Unit-I Host defence and public health (Epidemiology of
infectious diseases) 15 lectures. 1
Unit-II Food Micro biology 15 lectures. 1
Unit-III Dairy Microbiology 15 lectures. 1

USMB -403
Option A
Theory Fermented Foods, Food Sanitation and Microbial
Ecology 2 Credits
(45 lectures) 3
Unit-I Fermented Foods 15 lectures. 1
Unit-II Food Sanitation 15 lectures. 1
Unit-III Microbial evolution and ecology 15 lectures. 1

USMB -403
Option B
Theory Advances & Applications Of Microbiology and
Soft Skills 2 Credits
(45 lectures) 3
Unit-I Nanobiotechnology, Biofilms and biosensors with
applications 15 lectures. 1
Unit-II Scientific writing, research methodology and
Biostatistics 15 lectures. 1
Unit-III Biofertiliser, Biopesticide , Bioremediation 15 lectures. 1

SECTION -1 Metabolism & Basic Analytical Techniques
(Practicals Bas ed On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -401 1 Credit
(45 lectures) 3
SECTION -2 Applied Microbiology
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -402 1 Credit
(45 Lectures) 3
Any One
Option Option A Fermented Foods, Food Sanitation and
Microbial Ecol ogy
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -403 Option A) 1 Credit
(45 Lectures) 3
Option B Advances & Applications Of Microbiology and
Soft Skills
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -403 Option B) 1 Credit
(45 Lectures) 3

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S.Y.B.Sc Microbiology : Detail Syllabus
Revised for Credit Based Semester & Grading System
To be implemented from the academic year 2017 -18

Bachelor of Science in Microbiology Duration: Six Semesters
Code Title Credits Notional
USMB -301
Theory Biomolecules and Microbial taxonomy 2 Credits
(45 lectures) Self Study
Unit -I Unit I: Estimation Of Biomolecules 15 Lectures
15 1a. Macromolecular composition of a microbial cell 1
1b. Methods of elemental analysis:
Carbon ,Nitrogen and Phosphorus 3
1c. Estimation of Proteins and amino acids
Proteins by Biuret method (Direct and indirect)
Amino acids by Ninhydrin method 3
1d. Estimation of Carbohydrates
Total carbohydrates by Anthrone method
Reducing Sugars (maltose) by DNSA me thod
Reducing sugar Felhing’s method 3
1e. Extraction of Lipids by Soxhlet method 1
1f. Estimation of Nucleic acids
General principles and extraction of nucleic acids
DNA by DPA method
RNA by Orcinol method 4
Unit -II Unit II: Nucleic acid structure and chemistry 15 Lectures
15 2a. Nucleic Acid Structure
DNA stores genetic information
DNA molecules have distinctive base composition
DNA is a double helix
DNA can occur in different 3D forms
DNA sequences adopt unusual structures
Many RNAs have comple x 3D structures
15 2b. Nucleic acid chemistry
Denaturation of double helical DNA and RNA
Nucleic acid from different species can form hybrids
Nucleotides and nucleic acids undergo non
enzymatic transformations
DNA methylation
2c. Other Functions of nucleotides
2d. Structures of chromosomes of eukaryotic cell
Unit -III Unit III. Microbial Taxonomy 15 Lectures
15 3a. Introduction to microbial taxonomy
Systems of classification(Cavalier Smith 6 kingdom)
Bergey’s manual
The three domain concept based on phylogeny
Taxonomic ranks 4

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Numerical Taxonomy
3b. Methods of analysis used in classification :
Phenotypic analysis (Morphological characteristics,
Physiological and metabolic characteristics,
Biochemical characteristics, Ecologic al
characteristics, Fatty acid analysis) 2
3c. Genetic analysis
DNA -DNA hybridization
DNA profiling
Multilocus sequence analysis
G+C ratio
Genetic finger printing 4
3d. Amino acid sequencing 1
3e. Phylogenetic analysis
Nucleic acid sequencing
Analysis of individual genes
Multilocus gene sequence analysis
Whole genome sequence analysis 3
3f. Phylogenetic tree: Types 1

USMB -302
Theory Environmental Microbiology 2 Credits
(45 lectures) Self Study
Unit -I Unit I: Air Microbiology 15 Lectu res
1a. Aeromicrobiology:
Important airborne pathogens and toxins,
Aerosols, nature of bioaerosols, aeromicrobiological
pathway, microbial survival in the air, extramural
aeromicrobiology, intramural aeromicrobio logy 7
1b. Sampling Devices for the Collection of Air Samples,
Detection of microorganisms on fomites 3
1c. Air Sanitation 2
1d. Air Quality Standards 3
Unit -II Unit II : Fresh Water and Sewage Microbiology 15 lectures.
15 Unit II (A) Fresh Water Microbiology: ( 7 Lectures )
2a. Fresh water environments and micro -organisms
found in Springs, rivers and streams, Lakes ,
marshes and bogs 3
2b. Potable wa ter: Definition, water purification ,water
quality standards and pathogens transmitted
through water 2
2c. Microbiological analysis of water:
Indicator organisms and their detection in water -
Total Coliforms, Fecal Coliforms and E. coli , Fecal
Strept ococci , Clostridium perfringens 2
Unit II (B) Sewage Microbiology : ( 8 Lectures)
2d Modern Waste Water treatment: Primary, Secondary
and Tertiary Treatment . The 1
2e. nature of was tewater and Monitoring of waste water
treatment process(BOD,COD) 2
2f. Removal of Pathogens by Sewage treatment
Processes 1
2g. Oxidation Ponds and Septic tanks 1
2h. Sludge Processing 1

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2i. Disposal of treated waste water and biosolids. 2
Unit -III Unit III: Soil and Geo Microbiology: 15 lectures.
15 3a. Terrestrial Environment
Soil- Definition, Composition, function , Textural
Types of soil microorganisms and their activitie s 2
3b. Methods of studying soil microorganisms:
Sampling, Cultural methods, Physiological methods,
Immunological methods, Nucleic acid based
methods, Radioisotope techniques 5
3c. Biogeochemical Cycles: Carbon cycle, Nitrogen
cycle, Sulphur cycl e, Phosphorus Cycle, Iron cycle 6
3d. Soil Bioremediation 2

USMB -303
Option A
Theory Introduction to Clinical Microbiology 2 Credits
(45 lectures) Self Study
Unit -I Basic Microbiology 15 lectures.
15 1a. Microbial World & you:
Microbes i n our lives
Types of Microorganisms 2
1b. Morphology and Physiology of Bacteria:
Staining – monochrome, differential and cytological
Shape of Bacteria
Bacterial Anatomy - Structure & function
Growth and Multiplication of Bacteria
Bacterial G rowth Curve 5
1c. Culture Methods
Methods of Isolating Pure Cultures
Anaerobic Culture Methods ( Anaerobic blood agar,
Cooked meat media, Thioglycollate medium) 3
1d. Culture Media and Bacterial Growth
Types of Media and examples of media like
Nutrient agar, Sabouraud agar, MacConkeys
Study of morphological & cultural characteristics . 4
1e. Bacterial Taxonomy
Type Cultures 1
Unit -II Common infectious diseases, Epidemiology and
public health awareness 15 lectures.
15 Part A: Common infectious diseases (10 Lectures)
2a. Skin Infections:
Study of structure and functions of skin
Study of skin infections caused by Pseudomonas ,
Acne & Measles 3
2b. Infections of Nervous system
Study of structure and functions of nervous system
Study of Tetanus & Rabies 2
2c. Infections of Respiratory systems
Study of structure and function of respiratory
Study of pharyngitis, laryngitis, Sinusitis (learn
terms only), Diphtheria and common cold 2

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2d. Infections of Digestive s ystem
Study of structure and function of Digestive system
Study of Typhoid fever, E. coli gastroenteritis,
Hepatitis A, Rotavirus and Amoebiasis 3
Part B: Epidemiology and Public Health Awareness (5 Lectures)
2e. The Epidemiology of Infectious Disea ses and Their
Control Epidemiological terminology: Epidemiology,
sporadic diseases, endemic diseases,
Hyperendemic Diseases, Epidemic Diseases, Index
Case, Pandemic Disease, Outbreak 1
2f. The Spread of Infection:
Reservoirs of infection - Human reserv oir, Animal
reservoir, non -living reservoir
Transmission of Disease - Contact transmission,
Vehicle Transmission and vectors 2
2g. Public Health Measures For Control Of Disease:
Control directed against reservoir, Transmission of
the pathogens.
Immunisa tion, Quarantine, Surveillance and
pathogen eradication 2
Unit -III Control of Microorganisms & Safety in Clinical
Microbiology 15 lectures.
15 3a. Sterilization and disinfection
Methods of sterilization:
Dry heat: Hot air sterilizers
Moist heat: Steaming at 100°C , Autoclave .
Gas Sterilization: Ethylene oxide sterilizer, Gas
Sterilizing filters
Sterilization by radiation 6
3b. Disinfectants:
Disinfection of surfaces and spillages
Disinfection of safety cabinets
Discar d jars
Disinfection of rooms
Disinfection of skin
Testing of disinfectants 4
3c. Safety in Clinical Microbiology
Chemical safety
Fire safety
Electrical safety
Handling of compressed gases:
Exposure control plan: Employee education and
Disposal of hazardous waste, Standard
Engineering controls: Laboratory Environment,
Biological safety cabinet, Personal protective
equipment, Post exposure control
Classification of biologic agents based on hazard

USMB -303
Option B
Theory Basic and Advanced Microbiology 2 Credits
(45 lectures) Self Study
Unit -I Basics of Microbiology 15 lectures. 15

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1a. Major fields of Microbiology 1
1b. Members of microbial world
Size, shape, arrangement and prokaryotic cell structure 2
1c. Microscopy :Bright field and dark field 1
1d. Staining differential and cytological 1
1e. Microbial nutrition 2
1f. Culture media 1
1g. Growth curve 2
1h. Measurement of growth 3
1i. Effect of pH, temperature ,O 2 on growth 2

Unit -II Physical and chemical agents for Microbial Control 15 lectures.
15 2a. Controlling Micro -organisms:
Relative resistance of microbial forms;
Terminology and methods of Microbial control;
Microbial death and factors that affect death rate; 3
2b. Antimicrobial agents and their modes of action 1
2c. Methods of Physical Control and their applications:
Heat, Cold, Desiccation ,Osmotic Pressure,
Radiation and Filtration 5
2d. Chemical agents in Microbial Control:
Choosing a Microbicidal chemical;
Factors that affect the germicidal activity of chemicals
Germicidal chemical compounds: their modes of
action and applications( Halogens, phenolic
compounds, alcohols, hydrogen peroxide,
aldehydes, Gases, detergents and soaps, he avy
metals, dyes, acids, alkalis, , Quaternary Ammonium
compounds) 6

Unit -III Basic r DNA technology and Bioinformatics 15 lectures.
15 3a. Recombinant DNA Technology:
Historical Perspectives
Techniques used in r DNA technology
Synthetic DNA
The Po lymerase Chain Reaction
Gel Electrophoresis
Cloning vectors and creating Recombinant DNA
Construction of Genomic Libraries
Inserting Recombinant DNA into Host cells
Expressing Foreign Genes in Host cells
Social Impacts of Recombinant D NA
Applications of Genetic Engineering 10
3b. Bioinformatics
Definition, aims, tasks and applications of
Database, tools and their uses -
 Importance, Types and classification of
 Nucleic acid sequence databases - EMBL,
DDBJ, GenBank,
 Protein sequence databases -PIR, SWISS -

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Different terminologies – Transcriptome,
Metabolomics, Pharmacogenomics,
Phylogenetic analysis, Phylogenetic tree,
Annotation,. Sequence alignment —(global,
local), FASTA, BLAST. Genomics (structural,
functional and comparative genomics),
Proteomics (structural and functional

USMBP -3 PRACTICALS 2 Credits Notional
Section -1
Biomolecules and Microbial taxonomy
(Pract icals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -301
Unit -I 1. Estimation of total sugar by Anthrone
2. Estimation of reducing sugar by DNSA method
3. Estimation of reducing method by Felhing’s method
4. Estimation of protein Biuret method (indirect and
5. Extraction of lipid by Soxhlet method
(Demonstration) 1 Credit
(45 lectures) Self Study
Unit -II 6. Isolation and detection of DNA from onion / E.coli
7. Estimation of DNA by DPA method
8. Estimation of RNA by Orcinol method
Unit -III 9. Identification of ba cteria
Section -2 Environmental Microbiology
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -302
Unit -I 1. Enumeration of microorganisms in air and study of
its load after fumigation
2. Study of air microflora and determination of
sedimentation rate
1 Credit
(45 lectures) Self Study
(45) Unit -II 3. Routine analysis of water:
a. Standard Plate Count
b. Detection of Coliforms in water: Presumptive
Test, Confirmed Test and Completed Test
c. Rapid Detection of E.coli by MUG Technique
4. Waste water anal ysis:
a. Study of microbial flora in raw and treated
b. Determination of total solids in wastewater
c. Determination of BOD and COD of wastewater
Unit -III 5. Total viable count of soil microflora
6. Isolation of bacteria, Actinomycetes and fungi from
7. Enric hment and isolation of Nitrosifiers, Nitrifiers,
Cellulose degraders, Sulphate reducers and
Phosphate solubilisers from soil
8. Winogradskys column
9. Visit to a sewage treatment plant or water
purification plant
Section -3
Option A Option A: Introduction to Clinical Microbiology
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -303 Option A)
Unit -I 1 Study of different parts of a compound Microscope.
2 Monochrome staining of bacterial smear. 1 Credit Self Study

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3 Gram staining of bacterial smear.
4 To study the growth of yeast on the Sabouraud
To study the growth of lactose fermentor and non
lactose fermentors on the MacConkey’s agar (45 lectures) (45)
Unit -II 5 Isolati on of Pseudomonas, Escherichia coli and S.
6 Permanant slides of Entamoeba histolytica
7 Assignment on: i. Normal flora of - skin/ respiratory
system/ nervous system / digestive system, ii.
Immunization programmes in India (role of CDC,
Unit -III 8 Determination of MIC of a chemical disinfectant
9 AST-Kirby method
10 Effect of UV
Section -3
Option B Option B: Basic and Advanced Microbiology
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -303 Option B)
Unit -I 1 Aseptic transfer technique s
2 Methods of inoculation
3 Isolation of culture on Nutrient agar and
MacConkey’s agar
4 Gram staining
5 Viable count (demonstration)
1 Credit
(45 lectures) Self Study
(45) Unit -II 6 Introduction to Safety Measures in the Laboratory :
Disinfection and discarding techniques in the
7 Method of preparation and sterilization of
glassware and other material
8 Effect of Osmotic pressure, Heavy metals on
9 To study the sensitivity of micro -organisms to
chemotherapeutic agents by disc inhibition method
Unit -III 10 Isolation of plasmid (demonstration)
11 Restriction digestion (demonstration)
12 Visiting & exploring NCBI and EMBL websites
a) Using BLAST and FASTA for sequence
b) Fish out homologs for given specific sequences
(by teacher – decide sequence of som e
relevance to their syllabus and related to some
biological problem e.g. evolution of a specific
protein in bacteria, predicting function of
unknown protein from a new organism based
on its homology)
c) Pair-wise alignment and multiple alignment of a
given p rotein sequences
d) Formation of phylogenetic tree

1. Methods In Microbiology,Vol.5B, Ed. Norris & Ribbon, Academic Press
2. A handbook book of Organic analysis: qualitative and quantitative 4th edition, Hans
Thacher Clarke, CBS publishers & distributors , New Delhi.
3. Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry, J. Jayaraman, (2003) New Age International

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4. Lehninger: Principles Of Biochemistry,4th Ed., D. Nelson & M. Cox, W.H.Freeman & Co.,
5. Prescott’s Microbiology, J.M. Willey, L.M. She rwood, C.J. Woolverton, (2011) 8th edition,
McGraw -Hill International edition
6. Prescott, Harley and Klein’s Microbiology, Willey, Sherwood, Woolverton (2008) 7th
edition, McGraw -Hill International edition
7 Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Madigan, Martinko, Dunlap and Clark (2009) 12th
edition, Pearson Education
8 Peter J. Russell (2006), ―Genetics -A molecular approach‖, 2nd ed. 2

Additional references

1. General Microbiology / Stanier R.Y. And Other, MacMillan (1989) 5th editon
2. Molecular Biotechnology : Princi ples And Applications Of Recombinant Dna / Glick,
Bernard; Pasternak, Jack 2003
3. An Introduction To Practical Biochemistry / Plummer David (1979) TMH
1. Environmental Microbiology , 2nd Edition; Raina M. Maier, Ian L. Pepper, Charles
P.Ge rba, 2010 Academic Press
2. Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology , 7th Editon; A.J. Salle ,Tata Mc Graw Hill
Publishing Company
3. Air Quality Standards - NAAQS Manual , Volume I
4. Prescott’s Microbiology, 8th Edition; Joanne M. Willey, Linda M. Sherwood, Christ opher
J.Woolverton,2011, Mc Graw Hill International Edition
5. Fundamentals of Microbiology, 9th Edition , Frobisher, Hinsdill, Crabtree, Goodheart,
1974, Saunders College Publishing
6. Introduction to Environmental Microbiology – Barbara Kolwzan , Waldemar Adam iak (E
7. Soil Microbiology -4th Edition, N.S Subba Rao,2000, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt
1. Microbiology, An Introduction by Tortora, Funke & Case 9th and 11th edition, Pearson
2. Bailey and Scott’s Diagno stic Microbiology, 11th edition Publ: Mosby
3. Anantnarayan & Paniker's Textbook of Mocrobiology, 8th Ed.
4. Mackie and McCartney Practical medical microbiology 14th edition. Publ: Churchill
5. Brock biology of micro organism by Michael T Madigan. & John M Martinco. Pearson

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1. Brock Biology of Microorganisms, (2009), Madigan, Martinko, Dunlap and Clark 12th
edition, Pearson Education
2. Prescott’s Microbiology, ,(2011) , 8th edition, J.M.Willey ,L.M.Sherwood & C.J. Woolverton
McGraw -Hill International Edition
3. Prescott, Harley and Klein’s Microbiology, (2008), 7th Edition ; Willey, Sherwood and
Woolverton ,Mc Graw Hill International Edition
4. Microbiology An Introduction. . (2007) 9th Edition. Tortora, Funke and Case Addsison
Weseley Longman Inc.
5. Foundations in Microbiology , (2009) 7th Edition, Kathleen Park Talaro , McGraw Hill
International Edition,
6. Microbiology, 5th Edition, (1986) Michael J. Pelczar, Jr., E.C.S Chan, Noel R. Krieg
McGraw Hill International Edition
7. Basic Bioinformatics,(2005)S.Ignacimuthu, Narosa publishing house.
8. Principles of gene manipulation and genomics ,6th ed .Primrose and Twyman, (2001) ,
Blackwell Publishing
9. Introduction to bioinformatics(2003) ,T. K. Attwood & D. J. Parry -Smith, , Pearson

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S.Y.B.Sc Microbiology : Detail ed Syllabus
Revised for Credit Based Semester & Grading System
To be implemented from the academic year 2017 -18

Code Title Credits Notional
USMB -401
Theory Metabolism & Basi c Analytical Techniques 2 Credits
(45 lectures) Self Study
Unit -I Introduction To Metabolism & Bioenergetics 15 Lectures
15 1a Introduction to metabolism , Metabolic pathways 2
1b Organic reaction mechanism 3
1c Experimental approaches to stu dy metabolism
10 1d Thermodynamics of Phosphate compounds
1e Oxidation -reduction reactions
1f Thermodynamics of life

Unit -II Enzyme Kinetics 15 Lectures
15 2a. Introduction of Enzymes:
General properties of enzymes
How do enzymes accelerate re action
Rate law for a simple catalysed reaction,
Michaelis -Menten equation and it’s derivation
Lineweaver Bruck plot
Classification of enzymes 6
2b. Overview of Coenzyme:
Coenzymes : Different types and reactions
catalyzed by coenzymes (i n tabular form)
Nicotinic acid: structure, occurrence & biochemical
function 2
2c. Enzyme Kinetics:
Saturation kinetics
Effect of temperature and pH
Effect of Inhibitors - Reversible and irreversible,
competitive, Non competitive and uncompetitiv e
inhibitors Multisubstrate reactions - Ordered,
Random and pingpong reactions
Allosteric effects in enzyme catalysed reactions -
Koshland -Nemethy and Filmer model & Monod,
Wyman and Changeux model 7

Unit -III Analytical techniques 15 Lectures
15 3a.Ch romatography
Introduction to chromatography, types of
Paper chromatography:Principle, circular, ascending
and descending Paper
Chromatography, Separation of amino acids and
monosaccharides by Paper Chromatography.
Thin layer chromatography : principle, preparation of
TLC plates, procedure for TLC, preparative
TLC, 2D TLC [one paragraph], HPTLC -[1 page], 8

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Separation of amino acids and sugars by TLC.
Column chromatography : Introduction & principle
Exclusion chromatography , gel chro matography
3b. Centrifugation
Introduction : basic principles of sedimentation
Types, care and safety aspects of centrifuges, types
of rotors , care and maintenance, safety &
Preparative centrifugation & its applications,
Analytica l centrifugation and its application 5
3c. Electrophoresis
General principles, support media –agarose gels,
polyacrylamide gels 2

USMB -402
Theory Applied Microbiology 2 Credits
(45 lectures) Self Study
Unit -I Host defence and public health ( Epidemiology of
infectious diseases) 15 lectures
Innate immunity and immune system (11 Lectures)
1a. Classification of immune system (innate immunity &
acquired immunity) 2
1b. Ph ysical barriers in non specific innate resistance
revision. Chemical barriers (Compl ement: principle &
significance (no pathway), Cytokines: interferon,
antimicrobialpeptides, bacteriocins 4
1c. Cells of immune sytem:
Haematopoiesis, lymphocyctes, monocyt es &
macrophages, granulocytes, mast cells, dendritic
cells & NK cells 2
1d.Phagocytosis & Inflammation 3
Epidemiology of infectious diseases (4 Lectures)
1e.Tools of epidemiology, recognition of an infectious
disease in population 4
1f. Sprea d of infection: Reservo irs and transmissions.
Nosocomial infections: Micro organism in hospital,
compromised host, chain of transmission, control of
nosocomial infection. 4

Unit -II Food Microbiology 15 lectures.
15 2a. Introduction, Food as a substr ate for microorganism
a. pH, aw, O -R potential
b. Nutrient Content
c. Accessory food substances
d. Inhibitory substances & biological structure
e. Combined effects of factors affecting growth

2b. Food Control
Enforcement & Control Agency: Internat ional
agencies, Federal agencies (FDA, USDA),
FSSAI [website] , Introduction to HACCP 1

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2.c Important Microorganisms in Food Microbiology:
General characteristics of the enlisted organisms to be
studied wrt spoilage and transmission of
infection/intoxica tion (no clinical features and structural
A. Spoilage -causing microorganisms
a. Yeast & Molds: Saccharomyces, Aspergillus &
b. Bacteria: Bacillus, Clostridium, Flavobacterium ,
B. Food -borne Illness associated Mi croor ganisms:
Classification of Food -borne diseases (Schematic).
Bacteria responsible for food -borne intoxication and
infections -overview/tabulation. Examples of non -
bacterial food -borne pathogens
Details of :
a) Staphylococcus food intoxication (organism,
enterotoxin, incidence, foods involved, prevention of
outbreaks) b) Salmonellosis (organism,
source, incidence, foods involved, outbreak -
conditions & prevention) 5
2d. Food Spoilage, General Principles of spoi lage of:
a. Fruits and vegetables
b. Meat (including spoilage under aerobic & anaerobic
conditions - exclude spoilage of different kinds of
c. Canned foods 3
2e. General Principles of Food Preservation:
a. Preservation using High temperature (inc luding
TDT, D, F, Z values, 12D concept), principle of
b. Low temperature
c. Drying
d. Food preservatives (organic acids & their salts,
Sugar & salt)
e. Ionizing radiations 4
2f. Methods of microbial examination of foods:
a. Homogenization of f ood samples
b. Methods - SPC, spiral plater, membrane filters, dry
films, surface examination -swab rinse & contact
plate methods.
c. Enlist the following methods giving their application
only- Impedance, microcalometry, thermostable
nuclease, LAL test, PCR , ATP, whole animal assay,
Ligate loop technique 3

Unit -III Dairy Microbiology 15 lectures.
15 3a. Raw and fluid milk products
Pasteurization & Ultra -pasteurization 2
3b. Concentrated and dry milk, whey 2
3c. Microbiology of butter 1
3d. Fermented milk: Yogurt, cultured buttermilk and
fermented milk in India 3

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3e. Cheese: Cheddar, Cottage, Processed Cheese,
Cheese Defects. Enlist other cheese and associated
microorganisms 4
3g. Microbiological Quality of Milk & Milk Products: SPC,
coliform count, LPC, thermophilic, psychrophilic
counts and RPT (RRT, MBRT, DMC) 3

USMB -403
Option A
Theory Fermented Foods, Food Sanitation and Microbial
Ecology 2 Credits
(45 lectures) Self Study
Unit -I Fermented Foods 15 lectures.
15 1a. M icroorganisms used in food fermentations: yeasts,
molds and lactic acid bacteria 2
1b. Microbiology of fermented food: bread, cheese, idli
butter, yogurt, soy products, tea, coffee and cocoa, 4
1c. Fermented beverages: beer, wine 4
1d. Food ingre dients of microbial origin: SCP, amino
acids, vitamins, colours, nutraceuticals and flavours 3
1e. Probiotics and intestinal bacteria 2

Unit -II Food Sanitation 15 lectures.
15 2a. Food Sanitation & Hygiene: Water, potable water,
Sources of contam ination of water, treatment of
water, pesticide residue 4
2b. Food, Food Handling, Food contamination,
equipment, Control of insects & Rodents, Practical
rules for good sanitation.
2c. Food borne diseases
2d. Toxins from plants, toxins from animals, Mycotoxins,
Toxic Agricultural Residues, Poisoning by
chemicals, Food poisoning by bacteria, Food
infections, other infection.
2e. Food laws and food adulteration
2f. Consumer protection & consumer guidance society 1

Unit -III
Microbial evolution and ecology 15 lectures.
15 3a. Microbial evolution: formation and early history of
earth, origin of cellular life, microbial diversification,
endosymbiotic origin of eukaryotes
3b. Microbial ecosystems: Principles of microbia l
ecology, the microbial habitats, fresh water ,soil and
plant microbial ecosystems, marine microbial
3c. Microbial Ecology and its Methods - An Overview 3

USMB -403 Advances & Applications Of Microbiology and Soft
Skills 2 Credits Self Study

Page 20

Option B
Theory (45 lectures) (45)
Unit -I Nanobiotechnology, Biofilms and biosensors with
applications 15 lectures.
15 1a. Nanobiotechnology
Introduction of Nanobiotechnology & application in
drug and gene delivery
Types of nanomatrials - nanoparticles,
nanocapsules, nanotubes, liposomes, nanogels,
Gold nanoparticles.(Definition and applications) 8
1.b Biofilms and biosensors with applications:
Biosensors: Introduction, design, working and
applications of biosensors
Biofilms: Introduction of biofilms, Types of biofilms,
Mechanism of formation of biofilms and
applications of biofilms. 7

Unit -II Scientific writing, research methodology and
Biostatistics 15 lectures.
15 2.a Perception of Research
Meaning of research
P M Cook’s definition of Research
General characteristics of research
Functions of research
Specific characteristics of research
Objectives of research
Classification of research
Steps of action research
Characteristics of an investigator
Difference between a ction research and fundamental
research 5
2b. Scientific Writing
The research report
Need of research report
General format of research report
Mechanics of report writing
Writing research abstract: Need of an Abstract
Format of an abstract and Character istics of a good
Writing research papers: Format of a research paper
,Advantages of a research paper 5
2c Basics of Biostatistics
Introduction to Biostatistics Sample and Population
Data presentation: Dot diagram, Bar diagram,
Histogram, Frequ ency curve. Central Tendency:
Mean, Median, Mode Summation, notations.
Standard Deviation, Variance, Q -Test, t -Test 5

Unit -III Biofertiliser, BioPesticide , Bioremediation 15 lectures.
15 3a. Biofertiliser
Introduction of Biofertilizers.
Different t ypes of biofertilizers
Mass production of Biofertilizers
Application of Biofertilizers 8

Page 21

Azolla as cattle feed
List of Biofertilizer production units
Constraints in Biofertilizer Technology
Biofertilizer strains developed
3b. Biopesticides
Introducti on of biopesticides
Types of Biopesticides
Basic requirements for establishment of Biopesticide
Technical Aspects of Biopesticides
Major biopesticides produced and used in India
Biopesticide formulations 3
3c. Bioremediation
Princi ple of Bioremediation
Factors affecting Bioremediation
Microbial Populations used for Bioremediation
Bioremediation strategies
Advantages & Disadvantages of Bioremediation 4

SECTION -1 Metabolism & Basic Analyti cal Techniques
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -401
1 Credit
(45 lectures) Self Study
(45) Unit -I 1. Problems on bioenergetics to calculate the Keq.;
Gibbs energy , enthalpy, etc. .
Unit -II
2. Isolation of amylase, protease, lipase producers.
3. Extracellular production of invertase from yeast.
4. Effect of pH, Temp, substrate and enzyme
concentration on activity of invertase.
5. Determination of Km and Vmax of an enzyme.
Unit -III 6. Separation and identification of amino acids and
sugars by ascending pa per chromatography.
7. Sizing Yeast cells
8. Electrophoresis & centrifuge machine [D]
Section -2 Applied Microbiology
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -402
1 Credit
(45 lectures) Self Study
(45) Unit -I 1. Differential staining:Blood staning
2. Isolation of organism from fomites.
3. Pyocin typing
4. Phagocytosis (demonstration)
5. Selective isolation of Staphylococcus &
Pseudomonas sp
Unit -II 6. Isolation of food spoilage agent:
a) Fruit/Vegetable - Physical & Microscopic &
Pectinol ytic agent
b) Meat - Proteolytic, lipolytic, sacchrolytic
7. Determination of TDT and TDP
8. Determination of Salt and sugar tolerance
9. Determination of MIC of a Chemical preservative
10. Visit to Food/Dairy industry
Unit -III 11. RPT of Milk – RRT, MBRT, DMC
12. Microbiol ogical Quality Control of Milk as per
13. Analysis of Cheese, Paneer, Butter, Yogurt/curd as

Page 22

per BIS/FSSAI (Group experiment)
Section - 3
Option A Fermented Foods, Food Sanitation and Microbial Ecology
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & III Of USMB -403 Option A
1 Credit
(45 lectures) Self Study
(45) Unit -I 1. Wine and Bread making
2. Isolation of lactic acid bacteria from fermented
food-eg Idli, curd
Unit -II 3. Isolation of Staphylococcus aureus from sweets
and demonstrating its virulence.
4. Food adult eration
Unit -III 5. Winogradskys Column of an aquatic ecosystem
Section -3
Option B Advances , Applications Of Microbiology and Soft Skills
(Practicals Based On Unit -I,II & I II Of USMB -403 Option B
1 Credit
(45 lectures) Self Study
(45) Unit -I 1. Study of biofilm: slide immersion tech and staining
2. Preparation of nano particles and study their
antibacterial activity [D]
Unit -II 3. Assignment on report writing
4. Writing an abstrac t from a given paper
5. Statistical analysis of given data
Unit -III 6. Isolation of Azotobacter
7. Isolation of Rhizobium
8. Efficacy of biofertilizer

1. Principles of Biochemistry - G. Zubay, W.W. Parson, D.E.Vance. Wm.C.Brown Publishers
2. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. D. Voet and J. Voet Publisher Wiley plus Edition 5th.
3. Lehninger - Principles of Biochemistry - David Nelson, Michael Cox. 4th edition W.H.
Freeman & Company[Low price edition - for sale in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh, Nepal & Bhutan]
4. Instrumental Methods of chemical analysis, V.K. Ahluwalia, Ane Books Pvt.Ltd; 2015.
5. Principles & techniques of Biochemistry & Mol biology 6th ed, Keith Wilson & John
Walker, Cambridge University press, 2006
6. Laboratory manual in Biochemistr y- J. Jayaraman

1. Presscot, Harley Klein. Mc Graw international edition, 7th Ed
2. Anantnarayan & Paniker's edtn 8th. University press
3. Food Microbiology by Frazier 5th ed
4. Modern Food Microbiology by James Jay 6th ed
5. Applied Dairy Microbio logy by Martha & Steele
6. BIS standards, FSSAI
7. Outlin es of Biochemistry. E.E. Conn & P.K.Stumpf , G. Bruening, R.N.Doi. 5th Edition,
John Wiley and sons

Page 23


1. Fundamental Food Microbiology by Bibek Ray, Arun Bhunia (2007), , 4th ed ition CRC
2. Food Microbiology – An Introduction by Montville and Mathews,(2008), ASM Press
3. Industrial Microbiology by Waites and Morgan, Blackwell Science
4. Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology by Nduka Okafor, (2007), Science
5. Food Science by Sumati R. Mudambi, Shalini Rao, M.V. Rajagopal, revised 2nd edition,
(2006), New Age international publications.
6. Prescott’s Microbiology by J.M. Willey, L.M. Sherwood, C.J. Woolverton, (2011) 8th
edition, McGraw -Hill International edition
7. Prescott, Harley and Klein’s Microbiology by Willey, Sherwood, Woolverton , (2008) 7th
edition, McGraw -Hill International edition
8. Brock Biology of Microorganisms by Madigan, Martinko, Dunlap and Clark (2009) 12th
edition, Pearson Education .

1. Bionanotechnology - Andrew and Waqar, One Central Press Ltd, UK., November, 2014.
2. Text book of Biotechnology by R C Dubey. 4th edition
3. Current Research, Technology & Education Topics in Applied Microbiology & Microbial
Biotechnology. A Men dez Vilas Edition
4. Periodicum Biologorum., Vol 109,, No 2, 2007. Characteristics and Significance of
Microbial Biofilm Formation Biofilms Importance and Applications. Indian Journal of
Biotechnology, Vol8, April 2009, pp159 -169.
5. www.WQPMAG.COM, March 2011
6. Biofilm as New Biomaterial
7. Research Methodology, Yogesh Kumar Singh, New age International Publisher
9. Biostatistics. P.N. Arora, P.K. Malhan. H imalaya Publishing House.
8. Methods in biostatistics for medical & research workers. 6th edition. B.K. Mahajan. Jaypee
brothers, Medical Publishers (P) ltd.
10. Biopesticides: An eco -friendly approach for pest control Journal of Biopesticides 3(1
Special Issue) 186 - 188 (2010) 186,Suman Gu pta and A. K. Dikshit
11. Biopesticide Formulations, Possibility of Application and Future T rendsSlavica Gašić and
Brankica Tanović,Pestic. Phytomed. (Belgrade), 28(2), 2013, 97 –102 Review paper
12. enterprises
13. Bioremediation: Features, Strategies and applications, Shilpi Sharma.
14. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science ISS N 2231 – 4423,Vol. 2 (2), April -June,
2012.Available online on Review Article
15. Prescott and Harley 1075 -79
16. Bioremediation - An Overview Jr. of Industrial Pollution Control 27(2)(2011) pp 161 -168,
V. Mary Kensa

Page 24


Theory Examination Pattern:
Semester End Theory Assessment - 100% Total Marks for Every Paper: 100 Marks
Duration: 3 hrs Total No of Questions: 5

No Maximum
Marks Units
Covered Nature of Q Internal
Options Example
1 20 All Objective None all
2 20 All Subjective 60% 4 out of 6
3 20 Unit 1 Subjective 100% 2 out of 4
Or 3 out of 6
Or 4 out of 8
Or 5 out of 10
etc 4 20 Unit 2 Subjective 100%
5 20 Unit 3 Subjective 100%

Semester end practical examination): - 50 Marks Per Section
Section -I based on course -1, Section -II based on course -2
& Section -III based on course -3 Option A or Option

Sr.No. Particulars Marks Total
1. Laboratory work (Section -I, II, III A or B) 40 + 40 + 40 = 120
2. Journal (Section -I, II, III A or B) 05 + 05 + 05 = 015
3. Viva (Section -I, II, III A or B) 05 + 05 + 05 = 015
Grand Total 50 + 50 + 50 = 150

Semester III & IV
For each semester end practical Examination, students are required to present a duly
certified journal for appearing at the practical examination, failing which they will not be
allowed to appear for the examination.
In case of loss of Jo urnal and/ or Report, a Lost Certificate should be obtained from
Head/ Co -ordinator / In -charge of the department; failing which the student will not
be allowed to appear for the practical examination.

Page 25


Overall Examination and Marks Distribution Patter n

Semester III

Course USMB -
301 USMB -
302 USMB - 303
Option A
R USMB - 303
Option B
External External External External Total
Theory 100 100 100 100 300
Practical 50 50 50 50 150

Semester IV

Course USMB -
401 USMB -
402 USMB - 403
Option A
R USMB - 303
Option B
External External External External Total
Theory 100 100 100 100 300
Practical 50 50 50 50 150