SYBSc Chemistry Sem III IV1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SYBSc Chemistry Sem III IV1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC_11 -5-2017

Item No.________

Syllabus for Approval

Sr. No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of Course S. Y. B. Sc. Chemistry

2 Eligibility for Admission F. Y. B. Sc. Passed from this university
(or with ATKT in any two courses at
the F. Y. B. Sc. Level) or equivalent
qualification from other universities as
may have been allowed by the relevant
ordinances of this university

3 Passing marks 40%

4 Ordinances/Regulations
(if any)

5 No. of Semesters Two

6 Level U.G.

7 Pattern Semester

8 Status New
9 To be implemented from 2017 -2018
Academic year

Date : 05 -5-2017 Signature:
BoS Chairperson: Dr. Anil V. Karnik
Convener: Dr. Ravindra G. Deshmukh

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Essentials Elements of The Syllabus

1 Title of Course Syllabus for two semester S . Y. B. Sc.
course in chemistry
2 Couse Code USCH301, USCH302, USCH303
USCH401 , USCH402 , USCH404
3 Preamble Attached
4 Objective  To infuse in the learner a spirit of
inquiry into the fundamental aspects
of the various core areas of
 To make the learner proficient in
analysing the various observations
and chemical phenomena presented
to him during the course.
 To make the learner capable of
solving problems in the various
units of this course
 To give the learner an opportunity
to get hands on experience of the
various concepts and processes in
the various branches of chemistry
 To impart various skills of handling
chemicals, reagents, apparatus,
instruments and the care and safety
aspects involved in such handling
 To make the learner capable of
analysing and interpreting results of
the experiments he conducts or

5 Eligibility Pass F. Y. B. Sc.
6 Fee Structure As Per Guidelines issued from the
7 No. of Lectures 9 lectures per week (three lectures per
8 No. of Practicals 9 periods per week (three periods per
9 Duration of Course Two Semester

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10 Notional Hours 72 hours per paper per semester Theory
and 36 hours per paper per semester for
laboratory sessions
11 No of students per batch 120 students per division ( 20 Students for
laboratory sessions)
12 Selection As per merit.
13 Assessment End of semester examination of 100
marks per paper for theory and 50
marks per paper for laboratory sessions
14 Syllabus Detail Attached
15 Title of the Unit As given in the Syllabus text
16 Title of the Sub -unit As given in the syllabus text.
17 Semester wise Theory As prescribed in the syllabus text
18 Semester wise Practicals As prescribed in the syllabus text.
19 Question Paper Pattern As prescribed by the Faculty of Science
20 Scheme of evaluation of
Project N.A.
21 List of suggested reading As Attached
22 List of websites As Attached
23 List of You Tube videos As attached
24 List of MOOCs As Attached

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1. Preamble and objectives of the Course :
In the first two semseters of the six semester graduation program of
B. Sc.(Chemistry) the learner was introduced to some basic aspects in the
various core branches of chemistry like Physical Chemistry, Organic
chemistry and Inorganic chemistry. Concepts about the structure of atom,
distribution of electrons, Thermodynamics, Formation of organic
compounds and basic id eas in reactivity of molecules in general and
organic compounds in particular were introduced to the learner. He was
made inquisitive about why and how should atoms combine to give
molecules or ions . The non -orbital approach to appreciating the shapes of
polyatomic species in general and molecules in particular.
The story of chemistry is taken further in the coming two semesters
of the second year of the B. Sc. (Chemistry) Program. However it is also
realised that some students opting for the course on Chem istry may not
continue with the subject subsequently as such the syllabus is designed to
retain the interest of the serious learner of chemistry as well as be helpful
to non -chemistry learners. With such students who would want to pursue
other branches of science but would want to acquire a basic appreciation
and experience of chemistry a separate paper (Paper -III) is designed. This
paper along with the laboratory session unit that goes with it deals with the
basics of chemical analysis, separating componen ts from a given sample,
basic concepts like pH, experimental techniques like Titrimetry,
Gravimetry, using instruments to carry out analysis, the various techniques
like chromatography, electrophoresis, Instrumentation in general is felt to
be of interest to learners of various branches like physics, botany, zoology,
and microbiology.

The major objectives of B.Sc. Chemistry course are
 To infuse in the learner a spirit of inquiry into the fundamental aspects
of the various core areas of Chemistry.

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 To mak e the learner proficient in analysing the various observations and
chemical phenomena presented to him during the course.
 To make the learner capable of solving problems in the various units of
this course
 To give the learner an opportunity to get hands on experience of the
various concepts and processes in the various branches of chemistry
 To impart various skills of handling chemicals, reagents, apparatus,
instruments and the care and safety aspects involved in such handling
 To make the learner capable of analysing and interpreting results of the
experiments he conducts or performs
 To make the learner capable of acquiring or pursuing a source of
livelihood like jobs in chemical industry
 To arouse the interest to pursue higher levels of learning in chemist ry,
2. Condition for Admission
A candidate who has passed the F.Y.B.Sc . of Mumbai University or
an examination of some other university accepted by the syndicate as
equivalent there to with Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Botany, Zoology or
Life Science shall be eligible for admission into S.Y.B.Sc., course in
3. Duration of the Course: one year
4. Course of study:

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Draft copy of the proposed revised syllabus for
Choice Based Credit System
S.Y.B.Sc. Chemistry
To be impleme nted from the Academic year 2017 -2018

For the subject of chemistry there shall be three papers for 45 lectures each comprising of
three units of 15 L each.

Semester -III

1. Paper -I (General Chemistry) Unit-I Physical Chemistry
Unit-II Inorganic Chemistry
Unit-III Organic Chemistry.
2. Paper -II (General Chemistry) Unit -I Physical Chemistry
Unit-II Inorganic Chemistry
Unit-III Organic Chemistry.
3. Paper III Basics of Analytical Chemistry

Semester -IV

1. Paper -I (General Chemistry) Unit-I Physical Chemistry
Unit-II Inorganic Chemistry
Unit-III Organic Chemistry.
2. Paper -II (General Chemistry) Unit -I Physical Chemistry
Unit-II Inorganic Chemistry
Unit-III Organic Chemistry.
Basics of Analytical Chemistry
3. Paper III

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Choice Based Credit System
S. Y. B. Sc.
Chemistry Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 2017 -2018
Course Content
Semester III

Course Code Unit Topics Credits L/Week
USCH301 I Chemical Thermodynamics -II,
Electrochemistry 2 1
Chemical Bonding 1
III Reactions and reactivity of halogenated
hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols and epoxides 1
USCH302 I Chemical Kinetics -II, Solutions 2 1
II Selected topics on p block elements 1
III Carbonyl Compounds 1
USCH303 I Intorduction to Analytical Chemistry and Statistical
Treatment of analytical data -I 2 1
II Classical Methods of Analysis. 1
III Instrumental Methods -I
USCHP 1 Chemistry Practicals I 1 3
USCHP 2 Chemistry Practicals II 1 3
USCHP 3 Chemistry Practicals III 1 3

Semester IV

Course Code Unit Topics Credits L/Week
USCH401 I Electrochemistry -II, Phase Equilibria 2 1
II Comparative Chemistry of the transition metals &
Coordination Chemistry 1
III Carboxylic acids and their derivatives, Sulphonic acids 1
USCH402 I Solid state, Catalysis 2 1
II Ions in aqeous medium & Uses and Environmental
Chemistry of volatile Oxides and oxo -acids
III Amines, Diazonium salts, Heterocyclic compounds 1
USCH403 I Separation Techniques in Analytical Chemistry 2 1
II Instrumental Methods -II 1
III Statistical Treatment of analytical data --II 1
USCHP4 Chemistry Practicals I 1 3
USCHP5 Chemistry Practicals II 1 3
USCHP6 Chemistry Practicals III 1 3

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Semester III
Paper I
Theory: 45 Lectures

Unit I :Physical Chemistry
1.1 Chemical Thermodynamics -II(8L)
1.1.1 Free Energy Functions: Helmholtz Free Energy, Gibb's Free Energy, Variation of
free energy with Pressure and Temperature.
1.1.2 Gibbs -Helmholtz equation, van't Hoff reaction isotherm and van't Hoff reaction
(Numericals expected).
1.1.3 Thermodynamics of Open System: Partial Molal Properties, Chemical Potential and its
variation with Pressure and Temperature, Gibb's Duhem equation.
1.1.4 Concept of Fugacity an d Activity

1.2 Electrochemistry : (7L)

1.2.1 Conductivity, equivalent and molar conductivity and their variation with dilution for
weak and strong electrolytes.
1.2.2 Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions.
1.2.3 Applications of conductance measurements: determinat ion of degree of ionization
and ionization constant of weak electrolyte, solubility and solubility product of sparingly
soluble salts, ionic product of water. (Numericals expected).
1.2.4 Transference number and its experimental determination using Moving boundary
method. (Numericals expected). Factors affecting transference number.
Unit -II
Chemical Bonding

2.1 Non-Directional Bonding (4L)
2.1.1 Ionic Bond: Conditions for the Formation of Ionic Bond.
2.1.2 Types of Ionic Crystals
2.1.3 Radius Ratio Rules
2.1.4 Lattice Energy, Borne -Lande Equation
2.1.5 Kapustinski Equation
2.1.6 Born -Haber Cycle and its Application

2.2. Directional Bonding: Orbital Approach. (6L)
2.2.1 Covalent Bonding The Valence Bond Theory - Introduction and basic

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2.2.2 Interaction between two hydrogen atoms and the Potential energy
diagram of the resultant system.
2.2.3 Corrections applied to the system of two hydrogen atoms - Formation of
2.2.4 Homonuclear diatomic molecules from He 2 to Ne 2
2.2.5 Resonance and the concept of Formal Charge; Rules for Resonance or
Canonical structures.
2.2.6 Bonding in Polyatomic Species: The role of Hybridization. And ty pes of
hybrid orbitals -sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d, sp2d2and sp2d sp3d2.
2.2.7 Equivalent and Non -Equivalent hybrid orbitals
2.2.8 Contribution of a given atomic orbital to the hybrid orbitals (with
reference to sp3 hybridisation as in CH 4, NH 3 and H 2O and series like
NH 3, PH 3, AsH 3, BiH 3)

2.3 Molecular Orbital Theory (5L)

2.3.1. Comparing Atomic Orbitals and Molecular Orbitals.
2.3.2. Linear combination of atomic orbitals. to give molecular orbitals LCAO -
MO approach for diatomic homonuclear molecules).
2.3.4. Wave m echanical treatment for molecular orbitals (H 2+ and H 2)
2.3.4 Molecular orbital Theory and Bond Order and magnetic property: with
reference to O 2,O2+ O2-,O22-

(Problems and numerical problems expected wherever possible)

Unit III: Organic Chemistry

3.1.1. Reactions and reactivity of halogenated hydrocarbons : [4L]

3.1.1. Alkyl halides: Nucleophilic substitution reactions: S N1, S N2 and S Ni mechanisms with
stereochemical aspects and factors affecting nucleophilic substitution reactions -nature
of substrate, solvent, nucleophilic reagent and leaving group.
3.1.2. Aryl halides: Reactivity of aryl halides towards nucleophilic substitution reactions .
Nucleophilic aromatic substitution (S NAr) addition -elimination mechanism and
benzyne mechanism.
3.1.2. Organomagnesiu m and organolithium compounds : [3L]
Nomenclature, nature, type and reactivity of carbon -metal bond. Preparation using
alkyl / aryl halide. Structure , stability and reactions with compounds containing acidic
hydrogen, carbonyl compounds, CO2, cyanides and epoxides.

3.2 Alcohols, phenols and epoxides: [8 L]

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3.2.1. Alcohols: Nomenclature, Preparation: Hydration of alkenes, hydrolysis of alkyl
halides, reduction of aldehydes and ketones, using Grignard reagent. Properties:
Hydrogen bonding, types and effect of hydrogen bonding on different properties.
Acidity of alcohols , Reactions of alcohols

3.2.2. Phenols: Pr eparation, physical properties and acidic character. Comparative acidic
strengths of alcohols and phenols, resonance stabilization of phenoxide ion. Reactions
of phenols .

3.2.3. Epoxides: Nomenclature, methods of prepa ration and r eactions of epoxides: reactivity,
ring opening reactions by nucleophiles (a) In acidic conditions: hydrolysis, reaction
with halogen halide, alcohol, hydrogen cyanide. (b) In neutra l or basic conditions:
ammonia, amines, Grignard reagents, alkoxides.

Semester III
Paper II

Unit I : Physical Chemistry
1.1 Chemical Kinetics -II (7L)
1.1.1 Types of Complex Chemical reactions: Reversible or opposing, consecutive and
parallel reactions (No derivations, only examples expected ),
Thermal chain reactions: H. and Br. reaction. (only steps involved, no kinetic
expression expec ted).
1.1.2 Effect of temperature on the rate of reaction, Arrhenius equation, Concept of energy of
activation (Ea). (Numericals expected).
1.1.3 Theories of reaction rates: Collision theory and activated complex theory of
bimolecular reactions. Comparison between the two theories
(Qualitative treatment only)

1.2 Solutions: (8 L)
1.2.1 Thermodynamics of ideal solutions: Ideal solutions and Raoult’s law, deviations from
Raoult’s law –non-ideal solutions. Vapour pressure -composition and temperature -composition
curves of ideal and non -ideal solutions. Distillation of solutions.Lever rule.Azeotropes.
1.2.2 Partial miscibility of liquids: Critical solution temperature; effect of impurity on partial
miscibility of liquids with respect to Phenol -Water , Triethanolamine – Water and Nicotine –
Water systems
1.2.3 Immiscibility of liquids - Principle of steam distillation.
1.2.4 Nernst distribution law and its applications, solvent extraction.
Unit -II
2. Selected topics on p block elements (15L)

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2.1 Chemistry of Boron compounds
2.1.1 Electron deficient compounds – BH 3, BF 3, BCl 3 with respect to Lewis
acidity and applications.
2.1.2 Preparation of simple boranes like diborane and tetraborane.
2.1.3 Structure and bonding in diborane and tetraborane (2e -3c bonds)
2.1.4 Synthesis of Borax.

2.2 Chemistry of Silicon and Germanium
2.2.1 Silicon compounds: Occurrence , Structure and inertness of SiO 2
2.2.2 Preparation of structure of SiCl 4
2.2.3 Occurrence and extraction of Germanium
2.2.4 Preparation of extra pure Silicon and Germanium

2.3 Chemistry of Nitrogen family
2.3.1 Trends in chemical reactivity - Formation of hydrides, halides, oxides
with special reference to oxides of nitrogen.
2.3.2 Oxides of nitrogen with respect to prepar ation and structure of NO, NO 2,
N2O and N 2O4.
2.3.3 Synthesis of ammonia by Bosch – Haber process.

Unit III: Organic Chemistry

Carbonyl Compounds: [15L]

3.1 Nomenclature of aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic carbonyl compounds. Structure,
reactivity of aldehydes and ketones and methods of preparation; Oxidation of primary
and secondary alcohols using PCC, hydration of alkynes, action of Grignard reagent on
esters, Rosenmund reduction, Gattermann – Koch formylation and Friedel Craft acylation
of arenes
3.2 General mechanism of nucleophilic addition, and acid catalyzed nucleophilic addition
reactions .
3.3 Reactions of aldehydes and ketones with NaHSO 3, HCN, RMgX, alcoh ol, amine, phenyl
hydrazine, 2,4 -Dinitrophenyl hydrazine, LiAlH 4 and NaBH 4.
3.4 Mechanisms of following reactions: Benzoin condensation, Knoevenagel condensation,
Claisen -Schmidt and Cannizzaro reaction.
3.5 Keto -enol tautomerism: Mechanism of acid and base cataly sed enolization
3.6 Active methylene compounds: Acetylacetone, ethyl acetoacetate diethyl malonate,
stabilised enols. Reactions of Acetylacetone and ethyl acetoacetate (alkylation, conversion
to ketone, mono - and dicarboxylic acid)

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Semester IV
Paper I

Unit I: Physical Chemistry
1.1Electrochemistry -II: (8 L)

1.1.1 Electrochemical conventions, Reversible and irreversible cells.
1.1.2 Nernst equation and its importance, Types of electrodes, Standard electrode potential,
Electrochemical series (Numericals expected).
1.1.3 Thermodynamics of a reversible cell, calculation of thermodynamic properties: ΔG,
ΔH and ΔS from EMF data. (Numericals expected)
1.1.4 Calculation of equilibrium constant from EMF data. (Numericals expected)
1.1.5 Concentration cells with transference and without transference. Liquid junction
potential and salt bridge.
1.1.6 pH determination using hydrogen electrode and quinhydrone electrode.(Numericals

1.2 Phase Equili bria: (7L)
1.2.1 Phases, components and degrees o f freedom of a system, criteria of phase
equilibrium. Gibbs Phase Rule and its thermodynamic derivation.
1.2.2 Derivation of Clausius – Clapeyron equation and its importance in phase equilibria.
(numericals expected)
1.2.3 Phase diagrams of one -component systems (wat er and sulphur).
1.2.4 Two component systems involving eutectics, congruent and incongruent melting
points (lead -silver system).
Unit -II
2.1 Comparative Chemistry of the transition metals (9 L)
2.1.1 Position in the periodic table; Natural occurrence principal ores and
2.1.2 Significance of special stability of d0, d5 and d10 leading to variable
oxidation states; Unusual oxidation states and their stabilities in aqueous
solutions (with special r eference to vanadium, and chromium.)

Page 13

2.1.3 Origin of colour for transition metals and their compounds: such as
reflectivity, surface coatings, particle size, packing density for metals and
nature of d -orbitals, number of electrons in the d -orbitals, geometry, a nd
ability for charge transfer).
2.1.4 Magnetic properties of transition metal compounds: Origin of
magnetism -spin and orbital motion of electrons; equation for spin only
and spin -orbital magnetism in terms of Bohr magnetons (No derivation of
relevant equations expected); Reasons for quenching of orbital moments.
2.1.5 Chemistry of Titanium and vanadium: properties of Oxides and chlorides;
use in titrimetric analysis
2.1.6 Qualitative tests for transition metal ions: General considerations in
devising tests (with reference t o Chromium, Manganese, iron, Cobalt
Nickel and Copper)

2.2 Coordination Chemistry : (6 L)

2.2.1 Introduction to Chemistry of Coordination Compounds
i. Historical perspectives: Early ideas on coordination compounds
ii. Basic terms and nomenclature.
iii. Types of lig ands
iv. Isomerism :General Types with special reference to stereoisomerism of
coordination compounds (C.N=6)
v. Evidence for the formation of coordination compounds,
2.2.2. Theories of coordination compounds
i. Werner’s Theory of coordination compounds,
ii. Effective atomic number rule.
iii. Eighteen electron Rule
2.2.3. Nature of the Metal -Ligand Bond:
i. Valence Bond Theory; Hybridisation of the central metal orbitals -sp3,
sd3/d3s sp3d2/d2sp3, sp2d,
ii. Inner and outer orbital complexes of .(suitable examples of Mn(II)
Fe(II),Fe(III),Co(II)/Co(III),Ni(II), Cu(II) Zn(II) complexes with ligands
like aqua, ammonia CN- and halides may be used)
iii. Limitations of V.B.T
2.2.4. Application of coordination compounds.

Unit III: Organic Chemistry

3.1 Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives : (11 Lectures)

3.1.1. Nomenclature, structure and physical properties, acidity of carboxylic acids, effects of
substituents on acid strength of aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids.

Page 14

3.1.2. Preparation of carboxylic acids: oxidation of alcohols and alkyl benzene, carbonation
of Grignard and hydrolysis of nitriles.

3.1.3. Reactions: Acidity, salt formation, decarboxylation, Reduction of carboxylic acids
with LiAlH 4, diborane, Hell -Volhard -Zelinsky reaction,Conversion of carboxylic acid to acid
chlorides, esters, amides and acid anhydrides and their relative reactivity.

3.1.4. Mechanism of nucleophilic acyl substitution and acid -catalysed nucleophilic acyl
substitution. I nterconversion of acid derivatives by nucleophilic acyl substitution.
3.1.5. Mechanism of Claisen condensation and Dieckmann condensation .

3.2 Sulphonic acids: [4L]
Nomenclature, preparation of aromatic sulphonic acids by sulphonation of benzene (with
mechanism), to luene and naphthalene, Reactions: Acidity of arene sulfonic acid,
Comparative acidity of carboxylic acid and sulfonic acids. Salt formation,
desulphonation.Reaction with alcohol, phosphorous pentachloride, IPSO substitution.

Semester IV
Paper II
Unit I: Physical Chemistry
1.1 Solid State: (7 L)
1.1.1 Recapitulation of laws of crystallography and types of crystals
1.1.2 Characteristics of simple cubic, face centered cubic and body centered cubic systems,
interplanar distance in cubic lattice (only expression for ratio of interplanar distances
are expected)
1.1.3 Use of X -rays in the study of crystal structure, Bragg’s equation (derivation
expected), X -rays diffraction method of studying crystal lattice structure, structure
of NaCl and KCl. Determination of Avogadro’s number (Num ericals expected)
1.2 Catalysis: (8 L)
1.2.1 Types of catalysis, catalytic activity, specificity and selectivity, inhibitors, catalyst
poisoning and deactivation
1.2.2 Mechanisms and kinetics of acid -base catalyzed reactions, effect of pH.
1.2.3 Mechanisms and kinetics of enz yme catalyzed reactions (Michaelis -Menten
1.2.4 Effect of particle size and efficiency of nanoparticles as catalyst.
Unit -II

Page 15

2 Ions in aqeous medium
2.1. Acidity of Cations and Basicity of Anions
i. Hydration of Cations; Hydrolysis of Cations predicting degree of hydrolysis of
Cations -effect of Charge and Radious.
ii. Latimer Equation. Relationship between pKa, acidity and z2/r ratios of metal
ions graphical Presentation
iii. Classification of cations on the basis of acidity category – Non acidic,
Moderately acidic, strongly acidic, very strongly acidic with pKa values range
and examples
iv. Hydration of Anions; Effect of Charge and Radius; Hydration of anions -
concept, diagram classification on the basis of basicity
2.2. Uses and Environmental Chemistry of volatile Oxides and oxo -acids
i. Physical properties of concentrated oxo -acids like sulfuric, Nitric and
Phosphoric acid
ii. Uses and environments aspects of these acids

Unit III: Organic Chemistry

Nitrogen containing compounds and heterocyclic compounds:

3.1 Amines: Nomenclature, effect of substituent on basicity of aliphatic and aromatic amines;
3.1.1. Preparation: Reduction ofaromaticnitro compounds using catalytic
hydrogenation,chemical reduction using Fe -HCI, Sn -HCl, Zn -acetic acid, reduction of
nitriles, ammonolysis of halides, reductive amination , Hofmann bromamide reaction.
3.1.2. Reactions - Salt Formation, N -acylation, N -alkylation, Hofmann’s exhaustive
methylation (HEM), Hofmann -elimination reaction, reaction with nitrous acid,
carbylamine reaction, Electrophilic substitution in aromatic amines: bromination,
nitration and sulphonation.
3.2 Diazonium Salts : (7 Lectures)
Preparation and their r eactions/synthetic application - Sandmeyer reaction, Gattermann
reaction, Gomberg reaction, Replacement of diazo group by -H,-OH. Azo coupling
with phenols, naphthols and aromatic amines, reduction of diazonium salt to aryl
hydrazine and hydroazobenzene
3.3 Heterocyclic Compounds: (8 Lectures)

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3.3.1. Classification, nomenclature, elect ronic structure, aromaticity in 5 -numbered
and 6 -membered rings containing one heteroatom;
3.3.2. Synthesis of Furan, Pyrrole (Paal -Knorr synthesis, Knorr pyrrole synthesis, and
Hantzsch synthesis), Thiophene, Pyridine (Hantzsch synthesis),
3.3.3. Reactivity of furan, pyrrole and thiophene towards electrophilic substitution
reactions on the basis of stability of intermediate and of pyridine on the basis of
electron distribution. Reactivity of pyridine towards nucleophilic substitution on the
basis of electron distribut ion.
3.3.4. Reactions of furan, pyrrole and thiophene: halogenation, nitration,
sulphonation, Vilsmeier -Haack reaction, Friedel -Crafts reaction. Furan: Diels -Alder
reaction, Ring opening. Pyrrole: Acidity and basicity of pyrrole. Comparison of
basicity of pyrrol e and pyrrolidine.
3.3.5. Pyridine: Basicity. Comparison of basicity of pyridine, pyrrole and piperidine.
Sulphonation of pyridine (with and without catalyst), reduction and action of sodamide
(Chichibabin reaction).

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Semester I II
Chemistry Practicals :

Unit I: Physical Chemistry
1. To verify Ostwald’s dilution law for weak acid conductometrically .
2. To determine dissociation constant of weak acid conductometrically .
3. To determine the critical s olution temperature (CST) of p henol - Wate r System.
4. Determination of energy of activation of acid catalyzed hydrolysis of methyl acetate.
5. To investigate the reaction between K 2S2O8 and KI with equal initial concentrations of
the reactants
6. To determine solubility of sparingly soluble salts (any two) conductometrically.

Unit II: Inorganic Chemistry
1. Identification of cations in a given mixture and Analytically separating them
[From a mixture containing not more than two of the following: Pb(II), Ba(II), Ca(II),
Sr (II), Cu(II), Cd(II), Mg(II), Zn(II), Fe(II), Fe(III), Ni(II), Co(II) Al(III), Cr(III)]
2. Crystallisation of potassium iodate and to estimate its purity before and after the
3. Estimation of total hardness
4. Investigation of the raction between Copper supfate and Sodium Hydroxide
(Standard EDTA solution to be provided to the learner) .

Unit III: Organic Chemistry
Short organic preparation and their purification: Use 0.5 -1.0g of the organic compound.
Purify the product by recrystallization. Report theoretical yield, percentage yiel d and
melting point of the purified product.
Preparation of:
1. Cyclohexanone oxime from cyclohexanone.
2. Glucosazone from dextrose or fructose
3. Tribromoaniline from aniline.
4. β-Naphthyl benzoate
5. m-Dinitrobenzene from nitrobenzene

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6. Phthalic anhydride from phthalic acid by sublimation
7. Acetanilide from aniline
8. p-Bromoacetanilide from acetanilide
9. Iodoform from acetone
(Any eight preparations)

Semester I V
Chemistry Practicals :

Unit I: Physical Chemistry
1. To determine standard EMF and the standard free energy change of Daniel cell
potentiometrically .
2. To deter mine the amount of HCl in the given sample potentiometrically.
3. Compare the strengths of HCl and H 2SO 4 by studying kinetics of acid hydrolysis of
methyl acetate.
6. Industrial visit report.

Unit II: Inorganic Chemistry
1. Inorganic preparation – Nickel dimethyl glyoxime using microscale method.
2. Complex cation – Tris (ethylene diamine) nickel (II) thiosulp hate.
3. Complex anion – Sodium Hexanitrocobaltate (III) The aim of this experiment is to
understand the preparation of a soluble cation (sodium)and a large anion
hexanitrocobaltate(III) and its use to precipitate a large cation (potassium)
4. Inorganic salt – Calcium or magnesium oxalate using PFHS technique

Unit III: Organic Chemistry
Qualitative Analysis of bi-functional organic compound s on the basis of
1. Prelimenary examination
2. Solubility profile
3. Detection of elements C, H, (O), N, S, X .
4. Detection of functional groups
5. Determination of physical constants (M.P/B.P)

Solid or liquid Compounds containing not more than two functional groups from among the
following classes may be given for analysis to be given: Carboxylic acids, phenol,
carbohydrates, aldeh ydes, ketones, ester, amides, nitro, anilide s, amines, alkyl and aryl

Page 19

Students are expected to write balanced chemical reactions wherever necessary.
(Minimum 6 compounds to be analyzed)
Reference Books for Practicals:
Unit I:
1. Khosla B.D., Garg V.C. and Gulati A., Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R.
Chand and Co., New Delhi (2011).
2. Garland C. W., Nibler J.W. and Shoemaker D.P., Experiments in Physical Chemistry,
8th Ed., McGraw -Hill, New York (2003).
3. Halpern A.M. and McBane G.C., Experimental Physical Chemistry, 3rd Ed., W.H.
Freeman and Co., New York (2003).
4. Athawale V.D. and Mathur P., Experimental Physical Chemistry, New Age
International, New Delhi (2001)

Unit II:
1. Practical Inorganic Chemistry by G. Marr and B. W. Rockett van Nostrand Rei nhold
Company (1972)

Unit III:

1. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009)
2. Ahluwalia, V.K. & Aggarwal, R. Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry:
Preparation and Quantitative Analysis, University Press (2000). Mann, F.G. &
Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009)

3. Furniss, B.S.; Hannaford, A.J.; Smith, P.W.G.; Tatchell, A.R. Practical Organic
Chemistry, 5th Ed., Pearson (2012)

4. Vogel, A.I., Tatchell, A.R., Furnis, B.S., Hannaford, A. J. & Smith, P.W.G.,
Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, Prentice -Hall, 5th edition, 1996

Page 20

Reference Books:
Unit I:
1. Barrow, G.M. Physical Chemistry Tata McGraw ‐Hill (2007).
2. Castellan, G.W. Physical Chemistry 4th Ed. Narosa (2004).
3. Kotz, J.C., Treichel, P.M. & Townsend, J.R. General Chemistry CengageLearning India
Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi (2009).
4. Mahan, B.H. University Chemistry 3rd Ed. Narosa (1998).
5. Petrucci, R.H. General Chemistry 5th Ed. Macmillan Publishing Co., NewYork (1985).
6. K.L.K apoor A textbook of Physical Chemistry3rd Ed. vol.1,2Macmillan Publishing Co.,

Unit II:
1. Practical Inorganic Chemistry by G. Marr and B. W. Rockett van Nostrand Reinhold
Company (1972)

2. Inorganic Chemistry – Gary Wulfsberg, Viva Book, First Indian Edition 2002
3. Quantitative Analysis – R.A.Day, A.L. Underwood, si xth edition
4. Vogel’s Textbook of quantitative chemical analysis – J Mendham, R C Denny, J D Barnes, M
Thomas, B Sivasankar

5. References.
6. Bruce H. Mahan, University Chemistry, Narosa publishing house pg. 611 to 683.
7. R. Gopalan , Universities Press India Pvt.Ltd. Inorganic Chemistry for Undergraduates.
8. Chemistry of Transition Elements Pg. - 608 – 679 .
9. J. D. Lee, 4th Edn., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, ELBS, The group III elements
Pg. 359 - 648.
10. D. F. Shriver and P. W. Atkins, Inorganic chemistry, 3rd edition, Oxford University
Press (1999) page 325 -446.
11. Ramesh Kapoor and R.S. Chopra, Inorganic Chemistry, R. Chand publishers, New
12. CNR Rao edited, University General Chemist ry, 513 -578.
13. James E. Huheey, Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity,
14. Emeleus and Anderson, Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry, page no. 435 -463.
15. Cotton and Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd. Edition.
16. Gary Wulfsberg , Inorganic chemistry, Viva Books Pvt,. Ltd. (2002).
17. Puri, Sharma and Kalia, Milestone publishers, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, page
18. Bruce H. Mahan, University Chemistry, Narosa publishing house .
19. R. Gopalan , Universities Press India Pvt.Lt d. Inorganic Chemistry for Undergraduates.
20. J. D. Lee, 4th Edn., Concise I norganic Chemistry, ELBS
21. D. F. Shriver and P. W. Atkins, Inorganic chemistry, 3rd edition, Oxford Unive rsity Press
22. Ramesh Kapoor and R.S. Chopra, Inorganic Chemistry, R. Ch and publishers, New Delhi.
23. CNR Rao edited, Univer sity General Chemistry
24. James E. Huheey, Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity,

Page 21

25. Emeleus and Anderson, Modern Aspects of Inorga nic Chemistry
26. Cotton and Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic C hemistry, 3rd. Edition.
27. Gary Wulfsberg, Inorganic chemistry, Viva Books Pvt,. Ltd. (2002).
28. Puri, Sharma and Kalia, Milestone publishers, Principles of I norganic Chemistry

Unit III:
1. Morrison, R. T. and Boyd, R. N. Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education). 2012
2. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry (Volume 1), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Pearson
3. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry (Volume 2: Stereochemistry and the Chemistry of Natural
Products), Dorling Kindersley (India ) Pvt. Ltd. (Pearson Education)
4. Mc Murry, J.E. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 7th Ed. Cengage Learning India
Edition, 2013.
5. Clayden, J.; Greeves, N.; Warren, S.; Wothers, P.; Organic Chemist ry, Oxford University
6. Graham Solomons, T.W. Organic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
7. Comprehensive Organic Chemistry - The synthesis and reactions of Organic
Compounds, Derek barton ,W. David Ollis.
8. Kalsi, P. S. Textbook of Organic Chemistry 1st Ed., New Age International (P) Ltd. Pub.
9. Eliel, E. L. and Wilen, S. H. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, Wiley: London,
10. Kalsi, P. S. Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechani sm, New Age International, 2005

Semester III
Paper III
Basics in analytical Chemistry
Theory: 45 Lectures
The Role of Analytical chemistry in various fields including non -chemistry fields such as
Environmental Science, Pharmacy, Medicine, Life Sciences, Petrochemicals, Arts (like Painting)
Forensic sciences an d so on can never be underestimated. This course is expected to introduce the
learner to this interesting field of Analytical Chemistry.
It is expected to provide the learner an overview of this very important branch of chemistry. After
successful completi on of this course the learner is expected to be familiar with the question of
what is analysis, why it is required and the methods, techniques, procedures and protocols that
may be used or required in the course of a given problem of analysis. The learner is also expected
to appreciate the role of an Analytical Chemist and a Chemical Analyst.
Correctness or acceptability of the results of a given analysis and how to deal with wrong or
erroneous results: when to reject them and when and how to retain them t o be meaningful and/or
acceptable are some other attributes expected as outcomes of learning this paper.

Page 22

As such it is felt that this paper will be a subject of choice and interest for learners preferring a
specialisation in Chemistry as well as to those w ho may have interests in other science fields as
Physics, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Geochemistry and so on.
To introduce the learner to an area of learning that is vital for the inherent nature of the
subject itself but also is important and ir replaceable irrespective of the long term interest of
specialisation or subject of interest of the learner.

Unit I- Intorduction to Analytical Chemistry and Statistical Treatment
of analytical data -I (15 L)

Scope/ Objectives:
Learners should be able to
1. Select a method of analysis
2. Decide how to identify a sample and prepare it for analysis
3. Select a procedure for analysis
4. Identify sources of possible errors in the results obtained.
(Problems including numericals expected wherever necessary)
1.1. Role of Analytical Chemistry (9 L)
1.1.1. Language of analytical chemistry: important terms and their significance in Analytical
1.1.2. Purpose of Chemical Analysis; Analysis Based (i) On the nature of information required:
(Proximate, Partial, Trace, Complete Analysis) and (ii) On the size of the sample used
(Macro, semi -micro and micr o analysis)
1.1.3. Classical and Non -Classical Methods of Analysis; their types and importance.
1.2. Significance of Sampling in Analytical Chemistry
1.2.1. Terms involved in Sampling
1.2.2. Types of Sampling
1.2.3. Sampling techniques
1.3. Results of Analysis. (6L)
1.3.1. Errors in Analysis and their types
1.3.2. Precision and Accuracy in Analysis
1.3.3. Corrections for Determinate Errors
(Problems including Numericals expected wherever required )

1. Instrumental Analysis by Douglas A. Skoog , F. James Holler , Stanley R. Crouch
2. Instrumental methods of analysis by Willard, H.H. ; Merritt, L.L. Jr. ;
Dean, J.A. ; Settle, 7th Edition
3. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry by Douglas A. Skoog , West, F. James Holler ,
S. R. Crouch

Page 23

4. Modern Analytical Chemistry by David Harvey, McGraw -Hill Higher Education

Unit II - Classical Methods of Analysis(15 L)
The main objectives of this unit is to
 Introduce classical methods of chemical analysis.
 Appreciate the various terms and types of titrimetric analysis.
 Ability to select proper titrimetric method
 Appreciate the usefulness of the gravimetric method of analysis
 Identify a suitable gravimetric method
 Perform the required calculations involved in the analysis by titrimetry as well as

2. Classical Methods of Analysis. (04L)
2.1. Titrimetric Methods
2.1.1. Terms involved in Titrimetric methods of analysis. Comparing volumetry and
2.1.2. The Conditions suitable for titrimetry
2.1.3. Types of titrimetry – Neutralisation (Acidimetry, alkalimetry), Redox,
(Iodometry, Iodimetry,) Precipitation and Complexometric titrat ions and indicators
used in these titrations
2.1.4. Tools of Titrimetry: Graduated glasswares and Callibration
2.2. Standard solutions (Primary and Secondary standards in Titrimetry) and Calculations in
2.3. Neutralisation Titrations (04L)
2.3.1. Concept of pH and its importance in Neutralisation Titrations
2.3.2. End point and Equivalence point of Neutralisation titrations
2.3.3. Determination of End point by using
i. Indicators causing colour change
ii. Change in potential, (by potentiometry)
iii. Change in conductance (by conductometry)
2.3.4. Construction of titration curve (on the basis of change in pH )of a titration of
i. Strong acid -weak base
ii. Strong base -weak acid

2.4. Gravimetric analysis ( 06 L)
2.4.1. General Introduction to Gravimetry.
2.4.2. Types of Gravimetric Methods –
2.4.3. Precipitation Gravimetry:
i. Steps involved in precipitation gravimetry analysis
ii. Conditions for precipitation
iii. Completion of precipitation,
iv. Role of Digestion, Filtration, Washing, Drying Ignition of precipitate.

Page 24

v. Applications of Gravimetric Analysis: Determination of sulfur in
organic compounds; Estimation of Nickel in Cu -Ni alloy using
dimethyl glyoxime; Determination of Aluminum by converting it to
its oxide.


1) Skoog et al. “Fundamentals of Analytical chemistry" Cengage Learning, Eight Edition, chapter
13, 14 and 15
2) Day and Underwood, “Quantitative analysis" prentice hall 1991, chapter3
3) S.M. Khopkar, “ Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry”, IInd Edition NewAge
International Publisher
4) Gary D. Christan,” Analytical Chemistry”, VIth Edition, Wiley Students Edition,
Chapter No 8,9,10
5) Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry by Douglas A. Skoog , West, F. James Holler ,
S. R. Crouch
6) Modern Analytical Chemistry , David Harvey ( page numbers 232 -265)

Unit III: Instrumental Methods -I [15 L]
On completing the learning of this unit the learner is expected to
 Know the various instrumental m ethods of analysis
 Advantages of using instruments to make measurements
 The various observable properties of a given analyte and the stimulus best suited for its
 Know about a generalized diagram of an analytical instrument
 Select a suitable instru mental method for analysis
 Appreciate the basic terms in spectrometry
 Use the relationship between absorbance (and its variations) and concentration of the
 Chose a suitable method foe photometric titrations.

3. Basic Concepts in Instrumental methods (03)
3.1. Relation between the Analyte, Stimulus and measurement of change in the observable
3.2. Block Diagram of an Analytical instrument.
3.3. Types of Analytical Instrumental methods based on
i. Optical interactions (eg. Spectrometry: uv -visible, Polarimetry)
ii. Electrochemical interactions (eg. Potentiometry, Conductometry,)
iii. Thermal interactions (eg. Thermogravimetry)
3.4. Spectrometry (07 L)
3.4.1. Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter: Absorption and Emission
3.4.2. Basic Terms: Radiant Power, Absorbance, Transmittance, Monochromatic

Page 25

light, Polychromatic light, Wavelength of maximum absorbance, Abso rptivity
and Molar Absorbtivity
3.4.3. Statement of Beer’s Law and Lambert’s Law, Combined Mathematical
Expression of Beer -Lambert’s Law, Validity of Beer -Lambert’s Law,
Deviations from Beer -Lambert’s Law ((Real deviations, Instrumental
deviations and Chemica l deviations)
(Numerical problems based on Beer -Lambert’s Law)
3.4.4. Instrumentation for absorption spectroscopy: Colorimeters and Spectrophotometers
3.4.5. Block Diagrams for Single beam and Colorimeter, and Spectrophotometer
(Principles, Construction and working -Details of Components expected i.e ,
source ,Sample holder , Filters/Monochromators, Detectors such as Photomultiplier
3.4.6. Applications of UV -Visible Spectrophotometry (02 L)
(a) Qualitative analysis such as Identification of func tional groups in
Organic compounds ,Chromophores and Auxochrome,c is and trans
(b) Quantitative analysis by Calibration curve method and
3.4.7. Photometric Titrations: Principle ,Instrumentation, Types of Photometric
titration Curves with examples. (03L)

1.Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis by Gurdeep R. Chatwal ,
Sham K.Anand pp 2.107 -2.148
2.Principles of Instrumental Ana lysis by Skoog, Holler, Nieman, 5th Edition pp 143 -172.
3. Instrumental Methods of Analysis by Willard, Merritt, Dean, Settle
7th Edition pp 118 -181.
Semester III
Chemistry Practicals:
Paper III
Basics in Analytical Chemistry

1. Tools of Analytical Chemistry -I:
a) Analytical glass wares like burettes, pipettes, Standard flasks, Separating
b) Weighing tools such as two pan balance and monopan balance, digital
c) Incineration devices: Burners, Electrical Incinerators, Muffle Furnace,
d) Drying Devices: Hot Air Oven, Microwave Oven, Descicators, Vacuum
e) Monochromators, Filters, Sample holders, Prisms, Diffraction Gratings,
Photoemissive cells, Photomultiplier tubes

Page 26

(The learner should draw diagrams and write -ups providing uses, care and maintenance of the
items mentioned in (a) and principle, construction and uses of items (b) to (e) in his journal.

2. Gravimetric estimation of Nickel (II) as Ni -DMG and calculation of % error.
(The learner is expected to know the role of the various reagents/chemicals used
In the estimation, various steps involved. They should write the complete and
Balanced chemical reaction for the formation of the Ni(DMG) 2 complex.
3. Colorime tric Determination of Copper Ions in given Solution by using calibration curve
method and calculation of % error.
(The learner is expected to learn the relation between concentration and
Absorbance, to draw a calibrat ion curve, use the slope of the calibration curve
and compare it with the calculated slope. They are also expected to state the
error estimate of their results).
4. Determination of buffer capacity of acid buffer and basic buffer.
(The learner is expected to le arn the use pH meter, standardization of pH meter,
use of Henderson’s equation and calculation of buffer capacity)
5. Estimation of Aspirin
6. Gravimetric estimation of barium ions using K 2CrO 4 as precipitant calculation
of % error.
(The learner is expected to learn the skills of using the counterpoise technique
used in this gravimetric estimation; Using counterpoise method whatman No.42
for filtration. In such a case no incineration or use of silica crucible is requ ired.
They are also expected to state the error estimate of their results)

Semester IV
Paper III Basics in Analytical Chemistry -II
Theory: 45 Lectures
Unit –I -Methods of separation ( 15 L)

The learner is expected to understand
 The importance of separation in sample treatment
 Various methods of separations
 How to select a method of separation of an analyte from the matrix
 How a solute gets distributed between two immiscible phases
 Principle of solvent extraction and various terms involved therein
 Effect of various parameters on solvent extraction of a solute
 Classification of Chromatographic methods
 Paper and thin layer chromatography and using them in practice.

1. Separation Techniques in Analytical Chemistry (02 L)
1.1. An Introduction to Analytical Separations and its importance in analysis.
1.2. Estimation of an analyte without effecting separation.
1.3. Types of separation methods
1.3.1. Based on Solubilities (Precipitation, Filtration Crystallisation)
1.3.2. Based on Gravity - Centrifugation
1.3.3. Based on volatility -Distillation ;

Page 27

1.3.4. Based on Electrical effects -Electrophoresis
1.3.5. Based on retention capacity of a Stationary Phase -Chromatography;
1.3.6. Based on distribution in two immiscible phases -Solvent Extraction;
1.3.7. Based on capacity to exchange with a resin -Ion Exchange;
1.4. Electrophoresis: Principles, Basic Instrumentation, Working and Application in
separation of biomolecules like enzymes and DNA. (02L)
1.5. Solvent extraction (06 L)
1.5.1. Introduction, Nernst distribution Law, Distribution Ratio, Partition Coefficient.
1.5.2. Conditions of extraction: Equilibration time, Solvent volumes, temperature, pH.
1.5.3. Single step and multi step extraction, Percentage extraction for single step and
multistep extraction. Separation factor.
1.5.4. Batch and continuous extraction
1.6. Chromatography : (05L)
1.6.1. Introduction to Chromatography
1.6.2. Classification of c hromatographic methods based on stationary and mobile phase
1.6.3. Paper Chromatography: Principle, techniques and applications of Paper
Chromatography in separation of cations.
1.6.4. Thin layer Chromatography Principle, technique and Applications in determining the
purity of a given solute; Following progress of a given reaction .

References :
1. D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, F.J. Holler and CX.R. Crouch – Funda mentals of Analytical
chemistry, 8th edition
2. G.H. Morrison and H. Freiser , Solvent extraction in analytical chemistry
3. P. G. Swell and B. Clarke, Chromatographic separations , Analytical chemistry by open
Learning , John Wiley and sons, 1987
4. Modern Analytical Chemistry , David Harvey ( page numbers 596 -606)
5. Modern Analytical Chemistry , David Harvey ( page numbers 215 -217)
Unit –II - Instrumental Methods -II (15 L)

On comple ting this unit the learner is
 Expected to appreciate the nature of interaction between applied electrical potential and the
concentration of the analyte.
 The nature of chemical reactions that influence potential of a given cell.
 Familiar with the various types of electrodes or half cells.
 Appreciate the nature, need and importance of pH
 Expected to know the applications of the various instrumental methods dealt with in this

2. Instruments based on the electrochemical proper ties of the analytes
2.1. Potentiometry: (05 L)
2.1.1. Principle.
2.1.2. Role of Reference and indicator electrodes

Page 28

2.1.3. Applications in Neutralisation reactions with reference to the titration of a
Strong acid against a Str ong Base (using quinhydrone electrode)
2.1.4. Graphical methods for detection of end points
2.2. pHmetry: (04 L)
2.2.1. Principle
2.2.2. Types of pH meters.
2.2.3. Principle, Construction Working and Care of Combined Glas s electrode
2.2.4. Applications in Titrimetry (Strtong acid -Strong Base) biological and
environmental analysis.
2.3. Conductometry: (06 L)
2.3.1. Principle
2.3.2. Conductivity cell its construction and care
2.3.3. Applications in Neutralisation Titrimetry with respect to
i. Strong Acid -Strong Base
ii. Strong Acid -Weak Base
iii. Strong Base -weak Acid
iv. Weak Acid - Weak Base .
2.3.4. Advantages & limitations of conductometric titrations.


1) Principles of Instrumental analysis, D. A. Skoog , 3rd edition, Saunders college
publishing. Chapters: 20, 23 Page nos: 600 - 605, 631, 704 - 711.
2) Vogel’s Text book of quantitative inorganic analysis, 4th edition,
ELBS/ Longman. Chapters: XIV, XV Page nos: 566 - 601, 615 – 625.
3) Instrument al methods of analysis, B. K. Sharma, Goel publishing house.
Miscellaneous methods: Chapters: 1, 3, 4 Page nos: 1 - 14, 21 - 57.

Unit III - Statistical Treatment of analytical data --II (15 L)
On completing this unit the learner is expected to understand
i) The use of statistical methods in chemical analysis.
ii) The nature of indeterminate errors
iii) The randomness of such errors and its distribution around a correct or acceptable
iv) Computatio n of Confidence limits and confidence interval
v) Test for rejection of doubtful result
vi) Method to draw best fitting straight line

3.1.Nature of Indeterminate Errors: (03L)
3.1.1. The true and acceptable value of a result of analysis
3.1.2. Measures of central tendency: mean , median. mode, average
3.1.3. Measures of dispersion: Absolute deviation, relative deviation, relative average
deviation, standard deviation,(s,sigma) variance, coefficient of variation

Page 29

3.2.Distribution of random errors: (02L)
3.2.1. Gaussian distribution curve.
3.2.2. Equation and salient features of Gaussian distribution curve
3.3.Concept of Confidence limits and confidence interval and its computation using
(03 L)
(i) Population standard deviation
(ii) Student’s t test
(iii) Range
3.4.Criteria for rejection of doubtful result (02 L)
(i) 2.5 d rule
(ii) 4.0 d rule
(iii) Q test
3.5.Test of Significance (02 L)
(i) Null hypothesis
(ii) F-test ( variance ratio test)
3.6. Graphical representati on of data and obtaining best fitting straight line (03 L)
(a) For line passing through origin
(b) For line not passing through origin
[ Numerical problems wherever possible, expected ]


1. Modern Analytical Chemistry , David Harvey ( page numbers 53 -84)
2. Fundamentals of analytical chemistry – Skoog and West

Semester IV
Chemistry Practicals:
Paper III Elective
( Basics in analytical Chemistry )
1. Tools of Analytical Chemistry -II
a. Filtration Flasks, Funnels, Separating Funnels, Distillation apparatus, Vacuum Distillation
assembly, Centrifuge machine, Electrophoresis apparatus.
b. Development chamber for chromatography
c. Electrodes like Reference Electrodes and Indicator Electrodes (with respect to care and
d. Conductivity cell (with respect to ca re and maintenance.)
e. Combined Glass electrode (with respect to care and maintenance.)
f. Types of Salt Bridges and preparation of any one or use of salt bridge, its effect on the
potential of a given electrode/cell
(The learner should draw diagrams and write -ups providing uses of the items mentioned in (a and
b) and Principle, Construction care and Uses of items (c) to (f) in his journal.)
2. Paper chromatography: Separation of cations like Fe(III), Ni(II) and Cu(II) in a sample.

Page 30

3. Separation of a solute bet ween two immiscible solvents to determine the distribution ratio
and/or extraction efficiency. (Solutes could be as their aqueous solutions and the organic
solvent ethyl acetate) Suggested solute for the distribution study: Fe (III) in aqueous
(The learner is expected to learn the technique of solvent extraction by using separating
funnel, method to estimate the concentrations of the solute distributed in the two
immiscible phases, determination of the extraction efficiency)
4. Conductometric titra tion: Estimation of given acid by conductometric titration with
strong base and calculation of % error. (The learner is expected to learn the handling of
the conductometer and the conductivity cell, determination of end point by plotting a
graph. They ar e also expected to state the error estimate of their results).
5. Estimation of Fe(II) in the given solution by titrating against K 2Cr2O7 potentiometrically
and calculation of % error. (The learner is expected to learn the handling of the
potentiometer, use of Platinum electrode and reference electrode like SCE. They will
learn to determine end point by plotting a graph. They are also expected to state the error
estimate of their results).
6. Gravimetric estimation of Sulfate as BaSO 4 and calculation of % err or. (The learner is
expected to write a balanced chemical reaction, need for digestion of the precipitate and
the skill required to carry out the incineration and to estimate the % error.)
(The learner is expected to write a balanced chemical reaction, nee d for digestion of the
precipitate and the skill required to carry out the incineration and to estimate the % error.)

For paper III
1. D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, F. J. Holler, and S. R. Crouch, Analytical Chemistry: An
Introduction, 7th ed., Chapter 15, pp. 345 -381.
2. A.I. Vogel. “Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis,” Longman, London
3. R.V. Dilts. “Analytical Chemistry. Methods of Separation,” van Nostrand, N.Y.
4. Some Experiments for B. Tech in Chemistry & Chemical Techno logy compiled by
Prof. J.B.BARUAH, Mrs. Abhilasha Mohan Baruah and Mr. Parikshit Gogoi

Page 31

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