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(100 Marks) UASOC301
Paper II
Course Rationale:
• To Introduce Students to the Indian Sociological Traditions.
• To Familiarise Students with the Research traditions in Indian
• To Acquaint Students with the Emerging Issues in Indian society
Unit I Indian Sociological Perspectives 12 Lectures
a. Indology and Structure --functionalism (G. S. Ghurye, M. N. Srinivas)
b. Dialectical approach to Sociology (A . R. Desai, D.P. Mukerjee)
c. Non- Brahma nical Approach (Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, Mahatma Phule)
Unit II Contemporary Sociologists ( Selected readings ) 12 Lectures
a. Sharmila Rege (Gender)
b. Leela Dube (Kinship)
c. T. K. Oommen (Religion)
Unit III Contemporary Challenges in Indian Society 12 Lectures
a. Strategies of caste mobilisation
b. Resurgence of Ethnic identities
c. Gender and Marginalization
Unit IV Socio– Cultural Landscape of Maharashtra 09 Lectures
a. Regional diversity and communities in Maharashtra
b. Tourism in Maharashtra – Economy and Society
c. Food Culture intertwined with different cultural identities
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Reading List:
1. Ambedkar, B. R. (2007). “Annihilation of Caste” Critical Quest, New Delhi
2. Arya Priya, (2016). “Ethnicity in Post - Independence India: A Sociological Perspective on
Its Causes and Manifestations”, IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 21,
Issue 1, Ver. 5: 55- 61.
3. Dhanagare, D. N. (1999). “Themes and perspectives in Indian Sociology” Rawat
4. Deshpande, S. (2001). “Contemporary India: Sociological View” Penguin Books India
5. Dsouza, Leela (.2006). “Globalisation, Nationalism and Ethnic Identities: The Future of
Nation State” in Sankarama Somayaji and Ganesha Somayaji. (Eds): Sociology of
Globalisation: Perspectives from India 69 -97 Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
6. Dube, Leela. (2001). “Anthropological Explorations in Gender” Sage publications, New
7. Guru, Gopal. (1993). “Dalit Movement in Mainstream Sociology” EPW, 28 (14)
8. Guru, Gopal. (2016). “Shifting Categories in the Discourse of Caste and Class” EPW, Vol.
44(14): 10- 12
9. Mridul Kumar. (2019). “Reservations of Marathas in Maharashtra” Economic and
Political Weekly , Vol. 44 (14): 10- 12.
10. Oommen, T. K. (2001) “Religion as a Source of Violence. A Sociological Perspective”
The Ecumenial Review. Vol. 53, issue 2, April 2001. PP 168 –179
11. Oommen T. K. (2005) “Crisis and Contention in Indian Society” Sage publications.
12. Omvedt, Gail. (1994). “Dalits and Democratic Revolution” Sage, New Delhi
13. Patel, Sujata. (2011). (Ed) Doing Sociology in India: Genealogies, locations and Practices.
New Delhi: Oxford University Press
14. Phadnis, Urmila. (2001). “ Ethnicity and Nati on Building in South Asia” Sage Publications
15. Rege, Sharmila. (2006). “Writing Caste, Writing Gender: Narrating Dalit Women’s
Testimonies”Zubaan Publications. New Delhi
16. Teltumbade, Anand. (2016). ‘Behind the Ire of Marathas’, Economic and Political Weekly,
Vol. 51 (40): 10 -11.
17. Uberoi, Sundar, Deshpande. (2007) (Ed) Anthropology in the East. Founders of Indian
Sociology and Anthropology. New Delhi, Permanent Black
18. Vivek Kumar. (2016). “Caste Contemporaneity and As sertion’, Economic and Political
Weekly, Vol. 51 (50): 84- 86).
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(100 Marks) UASOC401
Paper II
Course Rationale :
• To introduce various theoretical perspectives in Indian society that have
shaped the concept of development.
• To help students to gain an insight into emerging issues and contemporary debates within the development discourse.
Understanding Deve lopment 12 Lectures
a. Meaning of Development and theories of Modernization
b. Dependency theory
c.. Neo -Liberal Economic approach
UNIT II Measuring Development 12
a. Indicators of Development – Human Development Index ( HDI)
b. Survey and Case Study as M ethods of Data Collection
c. Questionnaire as a T echnique of Data Collection
UNIT III Globalization and the Crisis of Development 12 Lectures
a. Land Displacement
b. Forest Rights Act 2006 and its impact on the tribal community
c. Resistance Movements – i) Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC)
ii) Jaitapur (Nuclear power)
iii) Raigad & Gorai (SEZs)
iv) Water Rights (Sangli)
(Focus on farmers and fisher folk)
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UNIT IV Alternative approaches to Development 09 Lectures
a. Sustainable Development – E co-Friendly practices, Organic F arming,
Ankoli in Solapur
b. People - Centric Development –Menda Lekha, Gadchiroli
c. ‘Adarsh Gaon’ – Hi ware Bazaar, Ahmednagar
Reading List:
1. Ahmed, Kundu et al (ed), (2010) India’s New Economic Policy: A Critical Analysis,
New York: Routledge
2. Arundhuti Roy Choudhury, ( 2000) Amusement Parks versus People's Livelihood, EPW,
Vol. 35, Sept. 9- 15
3. Banerjee Swapna, (2011) Contradictions of ‘development’ in contemporary India, Ope n
4. Bryan Alan, (2012) Social research methods, Oxford Publication
5. Bokil Milind, Goshta Mendha Gavachi, Mauj Prakashan
बो�कल िमिलंद गो� म�ढा गावाची , मौज �काशन
6. Bokil Milind, Sahitya, Bhasha v samaj, Mauj Prakashan
बो�कल िमिलंद सा�हत्य , भाषा व समाज , मौज �काशन
7. Bidwai Praful, 19 Feb, 2011, People v/ s Nuclear Power in Jaitapur, Maharashtra, EPW ,
Vol . 46
8. Collective water management through water banks, July 2010, Clean India Journal
9. Dias Anthony, (2012) Development and it s human cost, Rawat publication
10. Deshpande M G, 2007. The nature of ecological problems, Environmental changes and
natural disasters, M d. Babar, New India Publication
11. Devale Kaustubh and Paranjape Suhas, Pani Sang harsh Chalwal,
12. Giddens Anthony, 2000, Runaway world: How globalization is reshaping our lives
Routledge, New York
13. Hiware Bazaar – Dec 22, 2010, Model village f or the nation, The Better India
14. India HDR: (2011) Towards socia l exclusion, Oxford Publication
15. Jogdand P G & Michael S M (2003) , Globalization and social movements, Rawat
Page 5
16. Munshi Indra, (2012) The Adivasi Question – Issues of land, Forests & livelihood,
Orient Black swan
17. Neeraj, (2013) Globalization or Re -colonization, Lokayat Publication
18. Padel, Felix and Das Samarendra (2010), Out of This Earth. East India: Adivasis and
the Aluminium Cartel, New Delhi: Orient Black swan
19. –Arun Deshpande, Development of Ankoli village, Solapur