SYBA Sem IV paper VI Indian Economy 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SYBA Sem IV paper VI Indian Economy 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC- 26/07/2019
Item No. - 4.28


Revised Syllabus for the S.Y.B.A . (Sem IV)
Paper VI

Indian Economy

Course: Economics

(As Per C hoice Based Credit System with effect from the
academic year 2020 -21)

Page 4

S.Y.B.A. Semester IV
Paper VI
Indian Economy

This paper deals with the nature and sector wise composition of Indian economy. The learners
shall be able to understand the problems and prospects of Indian Economy. The content has also
intended to orient the learners about the recent developments in the eco nomy.

Module - I: Introduction (12 Lectures)
Trends in India’s National Income and PCI Since 1990; Structural Changes In Indian Economy ;
Brief Overview of the Employment Generation a nd Poverty Alleviation Programmes; Regional
Inequalities; Measures to Reduce Regional Inequalities i n India

Module - II: Agricultural Sector (12 Lectures)
Role o f Agriculture in Econom ic Development; Causes of Low Productivity; Agricul tural Inputs;
Agricultural Price Policy: Rece nt Minimum Support Price Policy; Income Sup port for Farmers;
Sources o f Agricultural Finance; Micro Finance; NABARD : Role a nd Function; Agricultural
Marketing: Structure a nd Problems; National Policy for Farmers, 2007; Organic Farming Policy;
Food Security i n India

Module -III: Industrial Sector (12 Lectures)
Infrastructure f or Indu strial Development ; Industrial Policies in India; Industrial Policy of 1991;
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ( MSME s): Classification, Role and Policy Measures;
Growth o f Large Scale Industries and Economic Development; Recent Policies and Programs for
Industrial Development: Start Up India, Make i n India, Skill India ; Role and Trends o f FDI in
Industrial Sector Development

Module -IV: Service Sector (12 Lectures)
Role of Service Sector in Indian Economy; Growth and Performance of Healthcare; Performance
of Trade a nd Tourism, Information Technology and IT - Enabled Services; Research and
Development Services With Reference t o Education and Skill Development in Employmen t
Generation in India; Performance of Service Sector d uring X IIth Five Year Plan

1) Ashwini Mahajan, Gaurav Datt, (2018 ) ‘Indian Economy ’, S. Chand and Company, New
2) Brahmananda, P.R. and V.R. Panchmukhi (Eds.), (2001 ), ‘Development Experience in the
Indian Economy: Inter -State Perspectives ’, Bookwell, New Delhi.
3) Datt, Rudd ra and K.P.M, Sundaram, (2017), ‘ Indian Economy ’, S. Chand & Company
Ltd., New Delhi .
4) Misra, S. K. and V. K. Puri, (2018) ‘ Indian Economy ’, Himalaya Publishing Hou se,
Mumbai .

Page 5

5) Gaurav Datt and Ashwani Mahajan , (2016 ) ‘Indian Economy ’, S Chand Publishing
House, New Delhi.
6) Uma Kapila, (2018), ’ Indian Economy: Performance and Policies, 2018 -19’, Academic
Foundation, New Delhi.