SYBA Sem IV macro economics II 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SYBA Sem IV macro economics II 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC- 26/07/2019
Item No. - 4.27


Revised Syllabus for the S.Y.B.A. (Sem IV )
Paper V

Macro Economics – II

Course: Economics

(As Per C hoice Based Credit System with effect from the academic
year 2020 -21)

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Macro Economics - II

S.Y.B.A. Semester – IV Paper V
(Academic Year: 2020 - 21)

Preamble : This course is designed to make students aware of macroeconomic terminologies and
make them familiar with macroeconomic terms and concepts in order to understand economics at
aggregate level. It also aims to make the students aware about recent developments in
macroeconomic literature.
Mod ule - I: Inflation (12 L ectures)
The Economics of Depression, Hyper Inflation ; Inflation: Features and Causes , Demand Pull
Inflation and Cost Push Inflation, Effects o f Inflation ; Nature of Inflation in Developing
Economy ; Phillips Curve; Stagflation : Meaning , Causes a nd Consequences

Module – II: Economic Policy (12 Lectures)
Monetary Policy: Objectives, Instruments, Limitations, Role of Monetary Polic y in Developing
Economies; Fiscal Policy - Objectives , Instruments, Limitations and Role of Fiscal Policy i n
Developing Economies

Module – III: Post Keynesian Economics (12 Lectures)
The IS -LM Model of Integration of Commodity and Money Market ; IS Curve: Derivation of IS
Curve, Shift in IS Curve , Equilibrium in Goods Market ; LM Curve: Derivation of LM Curve,
Shift i n LM Curve, Equilibrium in Money Market ; Simultaneous Equilibrium i n Goods a nd
Money Market

Module – IV: External Sector (12 Lectures)
Balance of Payment: Structure , Disequilibrium in Ba lance of Payment , Types, Ca uses and
Measures to Correct Balance of Payment Disequilibrium ; Foreign Exchange Market:
Determination of Exchange Rate: Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate; Spot and Forward
Exchange Rate ; Exchange Rate P olicy

1 Richard Froyan , (2012 ), Macroeconomics: Theories and policies , Pearson Education .
2 Eroll D’Souza , (2008) , Macroeconomics , Pearson Education .
3 Suman Kalyan Chakravarty , (2010 ), Macroeconomics, Himalaya Publishing House .
4 N. Gregory Mnakiw , (2015), Principle of Macroeconomics Cengage Learning .
5 Francis Cherunilam, (1999 ), International Economics, Tata McGraw -Hill.
6 Bo Soderstein , (1994 ), International Economics, Palgrave Macmillan .