SYBA Sanskrit Sem III IV_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SYBA Sanskrit Sem III IV_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Revised Syllabus for S.Y.B.A. (Sanskrit)
Optional Paper II – Sanskrit Literature (Selections) & Indian Culture
To be brought into force from the Academic Year 2017 -18
Preamble: Sanskrit Literature is a rich source of Indian Heritage. Apart from Classical Sanskrit Literature
which comprises of Poetry and Prose, Sanskrit literature comprises of varies other texts which involves a
deep study and insight into different fa cets of social and cultural life in Ancient India. The present
syllabus involves study of Dharmashastra texts and Classical Sanskrit Literature. It also deals with
selected topics imbibing the basic facets of social and cultural Life.
i) To cr eate awareness regarding rich cultural heritage of India
ii) To understand cultural life through Sanskrit sources
iii) To understand the scientific development in Ancient India

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Revised Syllabus for S.Y.B.A. (Sanskrit)
Optional Paper II – Sanskrit Literature ( Selections) & Indian Culture
To be brought into force from the Academic Year 2017 -18
Semester III (UGSAN301) –
Theory Paper – 100 Marks
Unit I – Selected passages from Sanskrit Texts –
1. म�न्�दूतोत्प��: तथा द ुगर्वणर्नम् (मनुस्मृित:
2. �वहण�वपयर्यम ् (मृच्छक�टकत :)
3. शुकिशशुकथा (कादंबर�त:)
Unit II – Selected Topics (Indian Culture) –
1. पुरुषाथार्:
2. संस्कारा:
3. आयुव�द:
4. खगोलशा�म ्
Semester IV (UGSAN401) –
Theory Paper – 100 Marks
Unit I – Selected passages from Sanskrit Texts –
1. समु�मन्थनकथा (मत्स्यमहापुराणत:)
2. धमर्संवेग: (बुध्दच�रतत:)
3. प�रवतर्नानुसा�रणी जीवनशैली (सु ज्ञा: उताहो अज्ञा: इित सुधामूितर्िल�खत�न्थत:)

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Unit II – Selected Topics (Indian Culture) –
1. �ाचीन-भारतीय-�व�ापीठािन – A.S.Astekar / Tavkar
2. समाजव्यवस्था – in the light of law and administration and Gender issues (Maurya and
Gupta period)
3. पयार्वरण�वचाराः: - वृक्षायुव�द of सुरपाल
4. नगररचनाशा�म ्:- based on मानसोल्लासः and समराङ्गणसू�धार:
Books Recommended –
1. Sartha Manusmruti – Bapat Vishnushastri
2. A History of Sanskrit Literature (Classical Period) – Dasgupta S.N.
3. Sanskrit Sahityacha Sopapattik Itihas – Karambelkar V.V.,
4. Bharatiya Sahityacha Itihas – Dange Sindhu
5. Kadambari – Kale M.R.
6. Mrucchakatikam – Kale M.R.
7. Buddhacaritam – Pandey Shrikant
8. History of Dharmashastra – Kane P.V.
9. Prachin Bharatiya Vidyapeethe – Tavkar N.G.
10. Education in Ancient India: Altekar A. S.
11. Vrikshayurveda of Surapala, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi

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Paper Patern (For Paper II) (For sem. III & IV)
Q.1. केवलं व्दौ समूहौ अनुवदत |
1)............................................................................................... ..........................
2).............................................................................................. ...........................
3)............................................................................................... ..........................

�.2. केवलं व्दौ प�रच्छेदौ िलखत |
1)............................................................................................... ..........................
2)............................................................................................... ..........................
3)............................................................................................... ..........................
�.3. केवलं व्दौ उ�रत |
1)..................................................................................... ....................................
2)............................................................................................... ..........................
3)............................................................................................... ..........................
�.4. केवलं व्दौ उ�रत | (व्याख्या: िलखत | / समानाथर्क शब्दान ् िलखत | �व�हं िल�खत्वा
समास�कारान ् दशर्यत | संस्कृतम ् आि�त्य उ�रत | / �र�स्थानािन पूरयत | )
1)............................................................................................... ..........................
2)............................................................................... ................ ..........................

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3)............................................................................................... ..........................

�.5. �टप्पणीं िलखत (केवलं व्दे)
1)............................................................................................... ..........................
2)............................................................................................... ..........................
3)............................................................................................... ..........................

Revised Syllabus for S.Y.B.A. (Sanskrit)
Optional Paper III (Ancient Indian Philosophy & Poetics)
To be brought into force from the Academic Year 20 17-18
Semester III – UGSAN 302
Theory Paper – 100 Marks
Unit I – Selected passages from भगव��ता –
1. आत्मवणर्नम ् (II.17- 25)
2. स्वधमर्: (II.31 -38)
3. कमर्योग: (II.47 -51) along with different streams and meanings of Yoga
4. नैष्कम्यर्म ् (III.3 -8)
5. भ��योगलक्षणं तथा वैिशष्ट्यािन (IX.2, 26- 34)
6. गुणसंप��भाग: - Chapter (XIV. 5 -17)

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7. अ�त्थरूपकम ् (XV.1 -5)
8. क्षराक्षर�ववेक: ( X.V.16- 20)
Unit II – Selected Topics
1. गीता – रचनावैिशष्ट्यािन
2. अजुर्न�वषादयोग:
3. �वभूितयोग:
4. �व�वरूपदशर्नम ्
5. यज्ञच�म ्
6. दैवासुरसंपद्
7. अ�तनीये काले गीताया: मह�वम ् – मानसशा�ं व्यवस्थापनशा�ं च |

Semester IV – UGSAN 402
Theory Paper – 100 Marks
Unit I – Selected passages from Sanskrit Text –
1. काव्यस्य �योजनािन, हेतु: लक्षणं तथा शब्दाथर्�वचार: (काव्य�काशत:)
2. नाट्यस्वरुपम् (सा�हत्यदपर्णत:)
3. नायकनाियकाभेदा: (दशरुपकत:)
Unit II – Selected Alank āra-s –
1. उपमा, 2. रूपकम ् 3. अनन्वय: 4. दृ�ान्त: 5. अनु�ास
5. ससन्देह: 7. िनदशर्ना 8. व्यितरेक: 9. व्याजस्तुित: 10. यथासंख्य:

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Books Recommended –
1. Gitarahasya – Tilak B.G.
2. The Bhagavadgita – Radhakrishnan S.
3. Gitatattvarthamanjiri – Karandikar J.S.
4. Kavyaprakasha – Arjunvadkar, Magrulkar
5. Sahityaparpana – Kane P.V.
6. Prachin Kavyashastra – Kangle R.P.
7. Sanskrit Sahityashastrachi Tondolakha – Deshpande Saroj

Paper Patern (For paper IV) (For Sem III & IV)
Q.1. केवलं व्दौ समूहौ अनुवदत |
2).............................................................................................. ...........................

�.2. केवलं व्दौ प�रच्छेदौ िलखत |
1)................................................. ........................................................................

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3)....................................... ..................................................................................

�.3. केवलं व्दौ उ�रत |

�.4. केवलं व्दौ उ�रत | (व्याख्या: िलखत | / समानाथर्क शब्दान ् िलखत | �व�हं िल�खत्वा
समास�कारान ् दशर्यत | संस्कृतम ् आि�त्य उ�रत | / �र�स्थानािन पूरयत | )

�.5. �टप्पणीं िलखत (केवलं व्दे)
1).............................................................................. ...........................................
3).................................................................... .....................................................