SYBA Russian 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SYBA Russian 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Cover Page
AC 14 -07-2016

Item No. 4.48


Syllabus for Approval

Date: 04.07 .2016 Signature:

Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean: Laxmi S. Mikaelyan
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course
Second Year of the Five-Year Integrated
(B.A+M.A) Programme in Russian
2 Eligibility for
Admission F.Y.B.A in Russian
3 Passing Marks
As per University rules
4 Ordinances/
Regulations (if any) As per University rules
5 No. of Years /
Semesters 1 Year/ 2 Semesters
6 Level
P.G. / U. G./ Diploma /Certificate

7 Pattern
Yearly / Semester

8 Status
New / Revised

9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year 2017 -2018

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Item No.


Revised Syllabus for the Second Year of the
Five‐Year Integrated Programme (B.A. & M.A.)
in Russian

Program: B. A.

Course: Russian

Semester III & IV

(As Per Choice Based Credit System with the Semester
and Grading Pattern as per University Rules with
effect from the Academic Yea r 2017 –18 for Semester III & IV )

Page 5

Proposal for Semester wise distribution of Courses, Marks and Credits for the Second Year
of the Five ‐Year Integrated Programme (B.A. & M.A.) in Russian
and detailed syllabus of the courses with prescribed books with effect from AY201 7‐2018

Semester III
Course Code Course Title Marks (Internal Credits Lectures
No. 25% + Semester per
–end 75%) week

UARUS 301 Russia: Personalities 100 3 3
and Places –1
UARUS 302 Structure of Russian -1 100 3 3
UARUS 303 Structure of Russian -2 100 3 3
UARUS 304 Texts for analysis – 1 100 3 3
UARUS 305 Poems -1 100 3 3
UARUS 306 Communicative Skills in 100 3 3
Russian -Level 3
UARUS 307 Text and course 100 2 2
Foundation content will be as
course prescribed by the
University fo Mumbai
UARUS 308 Students may opt for any 100 2 2
optional language offered as an
optional for the 5 -yr
programme by the
concerned Dept conducting
the course at the Certificate
Level in the university of
Total 800 22 22

Page 6

Detailed syllabus of the courses with prescribed books

Course code and Topics / Lessons/ Chapters / Prescribed book

course title Page numbers

UARUS 301 1.Moskva ( Б): pp. 28 -29 Pugachev I.A., Tugushev A.A.

Russia: 2.Tretyakovskaya galeriya: p.47 Chitaem i govorim po -russki

Personalities 3. M.V.Lomonosov: p. 52 -53 Moscow, Izd -vo RUDN, 2006

and Places -1 4. Afanasii Nikitin: p. 61

UARUS 302 1.Chapters 8 -14: pp.60 -110 of 1.Laxmi S.Mikaelyan “Moya Kniga : Russian

Structure of Laxmi S.Mikaelyan “Moya Kniga Zero Level to Basic (Russian Textbook

Russian -1 : Russian Zero Level to Basic” for Beginners)”. Publisher: University of

2.Part 2: pp 76 -218 of Mumbai; 2007.

Khavronina, S.A,. Russian in 2.Khavronina, S.A,. Russian in Exercises,

Exercises Moscow, “Russky Yazyk.Kursy”, 2004

UARUS 303 1. Chapters 15 -16: pp.111 -123 1.Laxmi S.Mikaelyan “Moya Kniga : Russian

Structure of of Laxmi S.Mikaelyan “Moya Zero Level to Basic (Russian Textbook

Russian -2 Kniga : Russian Zero Level to for Beginners)”. Publisher: University of

Basic” Mumbai; 2007.

2. pp270 – 385 of Khavronina, 2.Khavronina, S.A,. Russian in Exercises,

S.A,. Russian in Exercises Moscow, “Russky Yazyk.Kursy”, 2004

UARUS 304 1.Kto tam: p.9 Tyomkina N.E., Gerasimova K.M., Tyomkina

Texts for 2.Novii god: p.21 -22 A.O. (Compilers) “ Predlagaem pochitata’ po -

analysis -1 3. Aesop i puteshestvennik: p20 russki” Moscow, RUDN, 2008

UARUS 305 1.Gorod Spasibo by Valeriya 1.Dronov V.V., Fedinsky. “Dobroye slovo”,

Poems -1 Ausheva: p.63 of Dronov V.V., Moscow,1990

Fedinsky. “Dobroye slovo” 2.Potapova N., Learning Russian – 3, Moscow

2.Lyubitel rybolov by A.Barto:

p.108 of Potapova N., Learning
3.Panin N.M., Kryuchkova, Moschinskaya
Russian – 3

3. Morzh by A.Stroilo; p.32 of N.V., “Volshebniye slova”, M., Russkii yazyk,

“Volshebniye slova”, M., Russkii 1986

yazyk, 1986

UARUS 306 1.Chapter 3 City points, transport 1.Laxmi S. Mikaelyan “Twenty Four Hours of

Communicative 2.Chapter 4 Health pp 15 -24 of Russian ”, University of Mumbai Press, 2004.

Skills in Laxmi S. Mikaelyan “Twenty Four 2. Belyaeva G.V., Gorskaya, E.I., Yeremina,

Russian -Level 3 Hours of Russian ”,. L.I., Lutskaya, N.E., “Slushaite,

3.Tema 8 V muzee sprashivaite, otvechaite. (Posobiye po

4.Tema 9 Pochta.Telefon.Internet govoreniyu. Dialogicheskaya rech’). “Russky

pp 56 -69 of Belyaeva G.V., Yazyk.Kursy”, Moscow, 2004

Gorskaya, E.I., Yeremina, L.I.,

Lutskaya, N.E., “Slushaite,

sprashivaite, otvechaite.

UARUS 307 Text and course content will be As prescribed by the University

Foundation as prescribed by the University of Mumbai.

course of Mumbai.


Page 7

Text and course content will be
as prescribed by the concerned
University Department offering
the optional language chosen by
the student

Page 8

Semester IV :

Course Code Course Title Marks Credits Lectures
No. (Internal per
25% + week
–end 75 %)

UARUS 401 Russia: 100 3 3
and Places –2
UARUS 402 Structure of 100 3 3
Russian -3
UARUS 403 Structure of 100 3 3
Russian -4
UARUS 404 Texts for 100 3 3
analysis – 2
UARUS 405 Poems –2 100 3 3
UARUS 406 Communicative 100 3 3
Skills in
Russian -Level
UARUS 407 Text and 100 2 2
Foundation course content
course will be as
prescribed by
the University
fo Mumbai
UARUS 408 Students may opt 100 2 2
Optional for any language
offered as an
optional for the 5 -
yr programme by
the concerned
Dept conducting
the course at the
Certificate Level
in the university
of Mumbai
Total 800 22 22


Page 9

Detailed syllabus of the courses with prescribed books
Course code and Topics / Lessons/ Chapters / Prescribed book
course title Page numbers
UARUS 401 1.Rossiya: p. 23 Pugachev I.A., Tugushev A.A.
Russia: 2.Sankt Peterburg: p.31 -32 Chitaem i govorim po -russki
Personalities 4.M.Yu. Lermontov: pp.42 Moscow, Izd -vo RUDN, 2006
and Places --2 5.Ermitage: pp.46 - 47

UARUS 402 pp.219 -241 of Khavronina, S.A,. Khavronina, S.A,. Russian in Exercises,
Structure of Russian in Exercises Moscow, “Russky Yazyk.Kursy”, 2004
Russian -3
UARUS 403 pp 241 -256 of Khavronina, S.A,. Khavronina, S.A,. Russian in Exercises,
Structure of Russian in Exercises Moscow, “Russky Yazyk.Kursy”, 2004
Russian -4
UARUS 404 1.Pochemu ona rasserdilac’: p.18 Tyomkina N.E., Gerasimova K.M., Tyomkina
Texts for 2.Velikaya pobeda chelovechestva: A.O. (Compilers) “ Predlagaem pochitata’ po -
analysis –2 p.22 russki” Moscow, RUDN, 2008

UARUS 405 1. Ty i vy by A.S . Pushkin: p.13 1. Laxmi S. Mikaelyan, Lyrics in the Russian
Poems - 2 of Laxmi S. Mikaelyan Lyrics in classroom, University of Mumbai Press, 2004
the Russian classroom,
2. Zima by A.Blok: p.63 of 2. Rozhdestevenkii N.S. Russkii yazyk – 2,
Rozhdestevenkii N.S , Russkii Moscow, “Prosvescheniye” 1981
yazyk – 2
3. Zima i vesna by F.Tyutchev:
p.176 of Russkii yazyk – 2

UARUS 406 Chapter 5 Address in Russian 1.Laxmi S. Mikaelyan “Twenty Four Hours of
Communicative pp25 -29 Russian ”, University of Mumbai Press, 2004.
Skills in Chapter 6 Purchases pp 30 -31 of 2. Belyaeva G.V., Gorskaya, E.I., Yeremina,
Russian -Level 4 1.Laxmi S. Mikaelyan “Twenty L.I., Lutskaya, N.E., “Slushaite,
Four Hours of Russian ”. sprashivaite, otvechaite. (Posobiye po
Tema 10 Telefonniye razgovory govoreniyu. Dialogicheskaya rech’). “Russky
70-76 of Belyaeva G.V., Yazyk.Kursy”, Moscow, 2004
Gorskaya, E.I., Yeremina, L.I.,
Lutskaya, N.E., “Slushaite,
sprashivaite, otvechaite.
UARUS 407 Text and course content will be As prescribed by the University
Foundation as prescribed by the University of Mumbai.
course of Mumbai.
UARUS 408 Text and course content will be
optional as prescribed by the concerned
University Department offering
the optional language chosen by
the student at the Certificate
Level in the university of

Page 10

Abbreviations :

UARUS = Undergraduate Arts Russian

Grading of marks
Examination and Standard of Passing with effect from AY 201 7‐2018

Regulations regarding the credit system and standard of passing will be as prescribed by
the University of Mumbai.