SYBA Geography Paper II Oceanography1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SYBA Geography Paper II Oceanography1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus w.e .f. Academic Year, 2017- 18 (CBS GS)
S.Y.B.A. Geography, Sem ester- IV
Paper -II: Introduction to Oceanography
COURSE CODE: UAGEO 402 (2017 -18), Credit - 3
Unit -I: Nature of Oceanography
09 (lectures )
1.3 1.4
Origin and Development of Oceanography
Oceanography : meaning, definition, nature and scope
Branches of oceanography: physical chemical and biological
Major Ocean s and its characteristic feature s
Unit -II: Bottom Relief and Ocean Water
09 (lectures)
2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
Ocean floor and its characteristics
Composition of ocean water
Factors affecting ocean water temperature
Vertical and horizontal distribution of ocean temperature
Factors affecting salinity of ocean water
Vertical and horizontal distribution of oceanic salinity
Unit -III: Movement s of Ocean Water
09 (lectures)
3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Waves - Formation and types
Tsunami and their effects on coast
Concept and types of T ides
Equilibrium theory of T ides
Ocean Currents – t ypes and their effects
Unit -IV: Man and Ocean
09 (lectures)
4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 El- Niño and La -Niña phenomenon
Coral reefs and their importance
Marine Ecosystem
Marine pollution
Oceans and global climate change

Unit -V: Practical Component
09 (lectures)
5.2 Map filling : Related to Oceanography
Reading and Inte rpretation of navigation charts and bathymetric maps

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Reference books: -

1. Bhatt, J.J. 91978): Exploring the Planet Ocean, D.Von Nostrand Co.New York.

2. Birla Economic Research Foundation, economic Research Division 91992): The
Oceans, Allied Publishers Ltd. New Delhi.
3. Chandra, S. and Others (eds).(1993): The Indian Ocean and its islands: Strategic
Scientific and Historical perspectives, sage Publications, New Delhi.

4. Chawan S.V. (ed) (2015): Physical Geography, Paper I, Published by Director (I/C),
Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai.
5. Fairbridge, R.W.ed) Encyclopeadia of Oceanography, Reinholt, New York.

6. Sharma, R.C. (ed)(1985): The Oceans: realities and Prospects, Rajesh Publications,
New Delhi.
7. Sengupta,R. and Desa E,(eds) (2001): The Indian Ocean: A Perspective Vol.,I and II
Oxford and IBH Publishing Company Private Limited, New Delhi.
8. Paul, P.R.(1998): Invitation to Oceanography, Jones and Bartlett Publishing, Sudbury,
9. Rajgopalan, R (ed) (1996): Voices for Oceans, A Report to the Independent World Commission on the Oceans, International Ocean Institute,
Operational centre, Madras, India.
10. Qasim, S.Z(1998): Glimpses of Indian Ocean, Universities Press(India) Limited,

University of Mumbai
Question Paper Pattern
Revised Syllabus w.e.f. Academic Year, 2017- 18 (CBS CS)
S.Y.B.A. Geography, Semester - IV
Paper -II- (Introduction to Oceanography)
Duration : 3 hours Marks : 100
N.B. 1. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
2. Use of Map Stencils and simple Calculator is allowed.
3. Attach appendix along with answer paper.
Q.1 Practical Unit V : 5.1 10 Marks
5.2 10 Marks

Q. 2 Unit-I 20 Marks
Q.2 Unit-I 20 Marks

Q. 3 Unit-II 20 Marks
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Q. 3 Unit-II 20 Marks

Q. 4 Unit-III 20 Marks
Q. 4 Unit-III 20 Marks

Q. 5 Unit-IV 20 Marks
Q. 5 Unit-IV 20 Marks

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