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University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus w.e .f. Academic Year, 2017 -18 (CBS GS)
S.Y.B.A. Geography , Sem ester - III
Paper -II: An Introduction to Climatology
COURSE CODE: UAGEO 301 (2017 -18), Credit - 3
Unit -I: Introduction to C limatology
09 (lectures )
Definition, nature, scope and branches of climatology
Concept and elements of weather and c limate
Composition and structure of atmosphere
Insolation: Vertical and horizont al distribution of temperature
Unit -II : Air Pressure and Atmospheric C irculation
09 (lectures)
Air pressure: Influencing factors – Tricellular model
Horizontal distribution of air pressure
Wind: Types of winds – global, regional and local
Upper air circulation – jet stream ( concept, origin and effects)
Unit -III: Humidity and Precipitation
09 (lectures)
Humidity: Types - absolute, relative and specific
Condensation and its forms
Precipitation and its types
Global distribution of rainfall
Unit -IV: Climate and Weather Phenomena
09 (lectures)
Cyclones: tropical and temperate
Anti-cyclones and tornados
El Nino and India n monsoon
Global warming and climate change
Unit -V: Practical Component
09 (lectures)
5.2 IMD: Weather signs and symbols, Interpretation of IMD weather
Construction of :wind rose, climograph and hythergraph
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Reference B ooks: -
1. Ahrens, C.D. (2012): Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere;
Cengage Learning, Boston
2. Ahrens, C.D., Jackson, P.L., Jackson, C.E.J. and Jackson, C.E.O. (2012):
Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate and the
Environment ; Cengage Learning; Boston
3. Barry, R.G. and Chorley, R.J. ( 2003): Atmosphere, Weather and Climate; Psychology
Press, Hove; East Sussex .
4. Chawan S.V. (ed) (2015): Physical Geography, Paper I, Published by Director (I/C),
Institute of Distance and Open Learning, Univer sity of Mumbai.
5. Critchfield, H.J., (1975): general Climatology, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
6. Lal D.S. (1997): Climatology ; Sharda Pustak Bhavan ; Allahabad
7. Lydolph, P.E.( 1985): Th e Climate of the Earth, Rowman Nad Allanheld, Totowa,
New Jersey.
8. Mather,J.R.(1974): Climatology: Fundamentals and Applications ; Mc Craw Hill Book
Co., U.S.A.
9. Matthews, W. H., Kellogg, W., Robinson, G.D. (1971): Man’s Impact on Climate;
M.I.T. Press Design Dept. U.S.A.
10. Oliver, J.E. (1993): Climatology: An Atmospheric Science, Pearson Education India,
New Delhi
11. Rosenberg, N.J., Blad, B.L., Verma, S.B.(1983): Micro -climate Biological
Environment ; John Wiley & Sons, U.S.A.
12. Rumney, G.R. (1968): Climatology and the World Climates, Macmillan, London.
13. Shinde P. ; Pednekar H. (2010): Introduction to Geography, Sheth Publishers
Pvt.Ltd., Mumbai.
14. Subrahmanyam, V.P. (ed) (1983): Contributions to Indian Geography a) Vol III -
General Climatology , b) Volume IV - Applied Climatology. Heritage
Publishers , New Delhi .
15. Trewartha, G.T. (1980): An Introduction to Climate; McGraw Hill, New York, 5th
edition, (International Student Edition )
University of Mumbai
Question Paper Pattern
Revised Syllabus w.e.f. Academic Year, 2017 -18 (CBS GS)
S.Y.B.A. Geography, Semester - III
Paper -II: An Introduction to Climatology
COURSE CODE: UAGEO 301 (2017 -18)
Duration: 3 hours Marks: 100
N.B. 1. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
2. Use of Map Stencils and simple Calculator is allowed.
3. Attach appendix along with answer paper.
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Q. 1 Practical, Unit – V
A) Weather signs and symbols
B) Interpretation / question answers on weather maps
C) Construction of one diagram based on climatic data 20 marks
(05 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(10 Marks )
Q. 2 Unit -I 20 Marks
Q.2 Unit -I 20 Marks
Q. 3 Unit -II 20 Marks
Q. 3 Unit -II 20 Marks
Q. 4 Unit -III 20 Marks
Q. 4 Unit -III 20 Marks
Q. 5 Unit -IV 20 Marks
Q. 5 Unit -IV 20 Marks