SYBA French Studies Sem III IV_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Syllabus for the S.Y.B.A.
Program: B.A.
Course: French
(Five Year Integrated Course in French Studies)
Semester III & IV
(As per Choice Based Credit Syste m (CBCS) with ef fect from
the academic year 2017 –2018)
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The syllabus, nu mber of credits, scheme of examination , standard of passing and grading
system of the existing credit and semester system for S YBA in French Studies (Five Year
Integrated Course in French Studies ) is being modified to bring it on par with the new
credit based semester system for SYBA of the University of Mumbai to be introduced w.e.f.
the year 201 7-18
The revised course pattern of S YBA (French Studies) w.e.f. from 201 7 -18 will be as
follows :
Third Semester
Course Name of the Course
40% +
60% ) Credits Hours
Core Course
UAFREST301 Literature of the XVIIth century
illustrated by 1 literary work
Moliere - Les Femmes savantes 100 4
Language Course
UAFREST302 Oral and Written competence in
French with special reference résumé
writing, formal letter writing and
journalistic reporting, soft skill
training for interviews . 100 4
Skill Based Course
UAFREST303 Optional foreign language (Level A2 )
Italian/Spanish (will be offered as per
faculty availability) German/Arabic
100 4
Special Course
UAFREST304 Literature of the XXth Century
Poèmes choisis – La poésie du
XXème siècle illustré e par des
poèmes français et francophones 100 4
Foundation Course
UAFREST305 History of France - World War I 100 3
Applied Component
UAFREST306 French Painting of the XIX century
with special reference to Painting
(Painters studied David, Ingres, 100 3
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Delacroix )
Total 600 22
Fourth Semester
Course Name of the Course
40% +
60% ) Credits Lectures
per week
Core Course
UAFREST401 Literature of the XVIIIth century
illustrated by 1 literary work
Beaumarchais - Le Mariage de
Figaro 100 4
Language Course
UAFREST402 Oral and Written competence in
French with special reference to
compte rendu and synthèse writing
and debating skills. 100 4
Skill Based Course
UAFREST403 Optional foreign language (Level
B1.1) Italian/Spanish (will be offered
as per faculty availability) /German/Arabic
100 4
Special Course
UAFREST404 Literature of the 20th Century
Raymond Radiguet – Le Diable au
100 4
Foundation Course
UAFREST405 History of France - World War II
100 3
Applied Component
UAFREST406 French Painting of the XIX century
with special reference to Painting
(Painters studied Manet, Monet, 100 3
Page 4
Degas, Renoir)
Total 600 22
S.Y.B.A. (French Studies) Semester III
Core Course UAFREST301 –
Literature of the XVIIth century France illustrated by 1
literary work
Molière – Les femmes savantes
Language Course UAFREST302 : Oral and Written competence in French
This course shall consolidate linguistic competence with special reference to résumé writing,
formal letter writing; newspaper reporting. The oral component w ill comprise of journalistic
reporting and soft skill training for interviews
Prescribed Text :
Alter Ego 3 (Lessons 1 to 5)
Cahier d’exercises – Alter Ego 3 (Lessons 1 to 5)
Reference Material :
(Additional material to be compiled & provided by the teacher)
Skill Based Course UAFREST303 Optional foreign language
Italian/Spanish (Level A2*)
It is reiterated that the SYBA (French St udies) Paper 9.1 in the subjects of Italian
and, Spanish will have the same syllabus and scheme of examination as the
Diploma Course in Italian/Spanish.
German (Diploma level, University of Mumbai)
Arabic (Diploma level, University of Mumbai)
Prescribed text:
Mezzadri - Balboni, Rete! 2 - Libro di Classe e Libro di Casa (+ CD audio), Guerra, Perugia,
Page 5
2001. (Chapter 1 to 8)
Mezzadri, Grammatica essenziale della lingua italiana con esercizi , Guerra, Perugia,
1) Matilde Cerrolaza, Óscar Cerrolaza and Begoña Llovet, Pasaporte compilado A1+A2.
Libro del alumno (Módulos 9 and 10), Edelsa
2) Matilde Cerrolaza, Óscar Cerrolaza and Begoña Llovet, Pasaporte compilado A1+A2. Libro de ejercicios (Módulos 9 and 10), Edelsa
3) Matilde Cerrolaza, Óscar Cerrolaza and Begoña Llovet, Pasaporte B1. Libro del alumno (Módulos 1and 2), Edelsa
4) Matilde Cerrolaza, Óscar Cerrolaza and Begoña Llovet, Pasaporte B1. Libro de ejercicios
(Módulos 1and 2), Edelsa
The prescribed text will be the same as the text book prescribed for Diploma in German
taught by the Department of German University of Mumbai.
Al-Qir – a – cul – Arabia (Chapters 1 to 9)
Reference Material :
G. Patota, Italiano. Grammatica , Garzanti Scuola, 2006
Dizionario visuale italiano -inglese , De Agostini, 2007
N. Santoni, Ferie pericolose, Bonacci, Roma, 2000
R. Nencini, Il mistero del quadro di Porta Portese , Bonacci, Roma, 1997
1) José Emilio Losana, Practica tu espa ñol. Los tiempos de pasado A1, SGEL
2) María Pilar Hernández Mercedes, Tiempo para practicar el indicativo y el subjuntivo,
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Additional print, audio and visual material to be compiled and provided by the teacher.
Additional print, audio and visual material to be compiled and provided by the teacher.
• CEFR (Common European Frame work reference)
Special Course UAFREST304 Literature of the 20th Century
Poèmes choisis – La poésie du XXème siècle illustrée par poèmes français et francophones :
Apollinaire – La nuit rhenane
Les colchiques
Aragon – Je vous salue ma France
La Rose et le reseda
Desnos – Ce cœur qui haissait la guerre
Druon Maurice – Ami, entends -tu le vol noir du corbeau sur nos plaines
Eluard – Liberté
Léopold Senghor – Priere aux masques
Aimé Césaire – Pitié pour nos vainqueurs omniscients et naïfs
Fraçois Sengat Kuo – Au masque
Ils m’ont dit
René Depestre – Mer caraibe
Leon Gontron Damas – Solde
Nous les gueux
Jean Baptiste Tati Loutard – Village ancestral
Birago Diop - Souffles
Foundation Course UAFREST305 History of France World War I
Prescribed Text :
Class material to be compiled & provided by the teacher
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Reference Material :
1) Histoire 3ème Géographie, Le Monde d’Aujourd’hui, Hachette Education, 1999 -
Christian Bouvet et Jean Michel Lambin
2) Histoire -géographie 3°- Collection Martin Ivernel, Hatier , Paris, Avril 2003
Interdisciplinary Applied Component UAFREST306
French Painting of the XIX century with special reference to Painting (Painters studied
David, Ingres, Delacroix)
Prescribed Text :
Class material to be compiled & provided by the teacher
Reference Material:
The Great Artists – David , Marshall -Cavendish Ltd, 1986
The Great Artists – Ingres , Marshall -Cavendish Ltd, 1986
The World of Delacroix, Time -Life Books, 1984
S.Y.B.A. (French Studies) Semester II
Core Course UAFREST401 –
Literature of the XVIIIth century France illustrated by 1
literary work
Beaumarchais- Le Mariage de Figaro
Language Course UAFREST402 :
Oral and Written competence in French
Oral and Written competence in French with special reference to compte rendu and synthèse
writing and debating skills.
Prescribed Text :
Alter Ego 3 (Lessons 6 to 9)
Cahier d’exercises – Alter Ego 3 (Lessons 6 to 9)
Skill Based Course UAFREST403 Optional foreign language
Italian/Spanish (Level B1.1*)
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It is reiterated that the SYBA (French Studies) Paper 9.2 in the subjects of Italian and
Spanish would have the same syllabus and scheme of examination as the Diploma
Course in Italian/Spanish
German (Diploma level, University of Mumbai)
Arabic (Diploma level, University of Mumbai)
Prescribed text:
Mezzadri - Balboni, Rete! 2 - Libro di Classe e Libro di Casa (+ CD audio), Guerra, Perugia,
2001. (Chapter 9 to 15)
Mezzadri, Grammatica essenziale della lingua italiana con esercizi , Guerra, Perugia,
1) Matilde Cerrolaza, Óscar Cerrolaza and Begoña Llovet, Pasaporte B1. Libro del alumno
(Módulos 3to 6), Edelsa
2) Matilde Cerrolaza, Óscar Cerrolaza and Begoña Llovet, Pasaporte B1. Libro de ejercicios (Módulos 3 to 6), Edelsa
The prescribed text will be the same as the text book prescribed for Diploma in German
taught by the Department of German University of Mumbai.
Al-Qir – a – cul – Arabia (Chapters 1 0 to 19)
Reference Material:
G. Patota, Italiano. Grammatica, Garzanti Scuola, 2006
Dizionario visuale italiano -inglese , De Agostini, 2007
N. Santoni, Ferie pericolose, Bonacci, Roma, 2000 R. Nencini, Il mistero del quadro di Porta Portese , Bonacci, Roma, 1997
1) José Emilio Losana, Practica tu español. Los tiempos de pasado A1, SGEL
Page 9
2) María Pilar Hernández Mercedes, Tiempo para practicar el indicativo y el subjuntivo,
Additional print, audio and visual material to be compiled and provided by the teacher.
Additional print, audio and visual material to be compiled and provided by the teacher.
Special Course UAFREST404 Literature of the 20th Century
Raymond Radiguet - Le diable au corps
Foundation Course UAFREST405 History of France World War II
Prescribed Text :
Class material to be compiled & provided by the teacher
Reference Material :
1) Histoire 3ème Géographie, Le Monde d’Aujourd’hui, Hachette Education, 1999 -
Christian Bouvet et Jean Michel Lambin
2) Histoire -géographie 3°- Collection Martin Ivernel, Hatier , Paris, Avril 2003
Interdisciplinary Applied Component UAFREST406
French Painting of the XIX century with special reference to Painting (Painters studied
Manet, Monet, Degas, Renoir)
Prescribed Text :
Class material to be compiled & provided by the teacher
Reference Material :
1) L’impressionnisme – Maurice Serullaz, Presses Universitaires de France, 1985
2) Les Impressionnistes – Hans Platte, B. Arthaud, Paris, 1962
Scheme of Examination
The external assessment of 75 marks will be held the end of each semester.
The internal assessment of 25 marks will be held throughout the semester
The scheme of examination for Course UAFREST301 and UAFREST401 and
UAFREST 304 and UAFREST40 4 will be as follows:
Externa l: (75 marks)
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5 questions of 15 marks each
Internal : (25 marks)
• Project/Class Present ation: 10marks
• Mid-semester test: 10 marks
• Attendance and Participation in all academic activities of the department : 5
The scheme of examination for Course UAFREST30 2 and UAFREST402 will be as
follows: Externa
l: (75 marks)
5 questions of 15 marks each
Internal : (25 marks)
• Project/Class Present ation: 10marks
• Mid-semester test: 10 marks
• Attendance and Participation in all academic activities of the department : 5
The scheme of examination for Course UAFREST303 and UAFREST403 will be as follows for Italian and Spanish:
l: (75 marks)
5 questions of 15 marks each
Internal : (25 marks)
• Project/Class Present ation: 10marks
• Mid-semester test: 10 marks
• Attendance and Participation in all academic act ivities of the department : 5
The scheme of examination for German
will be a follows
Externa l: (75 marks)
5 questions of 15 marks each
Internal : (25 marks)
• Project/Class Present ation: 10marks
• Mid-semester test: 10 marks
• Attendance and Participation in all academic activities of the department : 5
The scheme of examination for Course UAFREST305 and UAFREST405 will be as
Externa l: (75 marks)
5 questions of 15 marks each
Internal : (25 marks)
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• Project/Class Present ation: 10marks
• Mid-semester test: 10 marks
• Attendance and Participation in all academic activities of the department : 5
The scheme of examination for course UAFREST306 and UAFREST406 will be as
Externa l: (75 marks)
5 questions of 15 marks each
Internal : (25 marks)
• Project/Class Present ation: 10marks
• Mid-semester test: 10 marks
• Attendance and Participation in all academic activities of the department : 5
Regulations regarding the credit system and standard of passing will be as prescribed by the University of Mumbai. The Seven Point Grading System prescribed by the University of Mumbai will be as follows:
Grades Marks Grade Points
O 70 & above 7
A 60 to 69.99 6
B 55 to 59.99 5
C 50 to 54.99 4
D 45 to 49.99 3
E 40 to 44.99 2
F (Fail) 39.99 & below 1
Standard of passing and grading system for S YBA (French Studies) shall be the same as per
the U niversity guidelines of the new Choice Based Credit System for S YBA of the University
of Mumbai as introduced w.e.f. the year 2017- 18