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University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus w.e .f. Academic Year, 2017- 18 (CBS GS)
S.Y.B.A. Geography - Semester- III
Paper -III: Physical Geography of India
COURSE CODE: UAGEO 30 2 (2017 -18), Credit - 3
Unit -I: Introduction of India
09 (lectures )
1.2 1.3 1.4
India: Location , e xtent and s ignificance
India: Major physiographic divisions and their formation
Mountainous r egion of India
North Indian plains
Peninsular p lateau of India
Coastal p lains and i slands of India
Unit -II: Drainage and Climate
09 (lectures)
2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
Drainage System in India (Himalayan and Peninsular drainage
system )
Major Himalayan r ivers of India
Major Peninsular Rivers of India
Major lakes of India
Seasons in India
Distribution of rainfall in India
Unit -III: Soils and Natural Vegetation
09 (lectures)
3.1 3.2 3.3
Classification of soils of India
Proble ms associated with soils and its remedies in India
Classification of Forest in India
Importance of Forest in Indian context
Deforestation and measures of forests conservation in India
Unit -IV: Mineral and Power Resources
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Distribution of Metallic Minerals in India: Iron ore, manganese,
bauxite, copper and other important minerals
Distribution of Non -Metallic Minerals in India : Mica, limestone,
gypsum, clay and other important minerals
Distribution of Power Resources : Coa l, mineral oil and natural gas,
thorium and uranium
Depletion and conservation of minerals and power r esources in India
Unit -V: Practical Component
09 (lectures)
Map filling: Showing geographical f eatures in the Map of India
(Related to physiography)
Map Scale – Types, Conversion and drawing
Reference books: -
1. Deshpande C.D. (1992): India: A Regional Interpretation, Northern Book Centre,
New Delhi.
2. Bharucha, F.R. (1983): A text book of the plant geography of India, Oxford
Unievrsity Press, Bombay.
3. Dikshit, K.R.(1991): Environment, Forest Ecology and man in the Western Ghats -
The Case of Mahabaleshwar Plateau, Rawat Publications, New Delhi.
4. Forest Survey of India: Sta te Forests Reports, Dehradun.
5. Khullar , D.R. (2014): India: A Comprehensive Geography; K alyani Publishers
6. Miller, R.W. et al. (1995): Soil in Our Environment , Prentice hall, U.S.A.
7. Raychudhari, S.P.(1958): Soils of India, ICAR, New Delhi
8. Robinson, F (ed.) (1989): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of India, Pakistan, Bangla
desh and Sri Lanka,Cambridge University Press.
9. Savindra Singh (2006) : Physical Geography of India ; Pravalika Publications,
10. Sharma T.C. ( 2013) Economic Geography of India ; Rawat Publications, New Delhi.
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11. Shinde P. ; Pednekar H. (2010): Introduction to Geography, Sheth Publishers
Pvt.Ltd., Mumbai.
12. Shinde P. ; Pednekar H. (2011): Economic Geography of India, SYBA paper II
Sheth Publishers , Pvt.Ltd., Mumbai
13. Singh, R.L. (1971): India -A Regional Geography, National Geographic al Society of
14. Tirth, R (1996): Geography of India, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
15. Majid Hussain (2014, 5th edition) : Geography of India, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Private Ltd, Uttar Pradesh..
University of Mumbai
Question Paper Pattern
Revised Syllabus w.e.f. Academic Year, 2017- 18 (CBS GS)
S.Y.B.A. Geography, Semester - III
Paper -III: Physical Geography of India
Duration : 3 hours Marks: 100
N.B. 1. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
2. Use of Map Stencils and simple Calculator is allowed.
3. Attach appendix along with answer paper.
Q. 1 Practical, Unit - V
10 Marks
5.2 10 Marks
Q. 2 Unit-I 20 Marks
Q.2 Unit-I 20 Marks
Q. 3 Unit-II 20 Marks
Q. 3 Unit-II 20 Marks
Q. 4 Unit-III 20 Marks
Q. 4 Unit-III 20 Marks
Q. 5 Unit-IV 20 Marks
Q. 5 Unit-IV 20 Marks
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