SYBA Arabic SEM III IV_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SYBA Arabic SEM III IV_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Syllabus for the S.Y.B.A.





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Syllabus in brief:
S.Y.B.A. in Arabic
Name Course
Code Nomenclature Theory
Exam Hrs per
week Credit
Course II Language, Literary History,
Comprehension, Grammar & Writing
Skills - I 100 3 3
Course III Language, Literary History,
Comprehension, Grammar & Writing
Skills - I 100 3 3
Total 200 6 6

Name Course
Code Nomenclature Theory
Exam Hrs per
week Credit
Course II Language, Literary History,
Comprehension, Grammar & Writing
Skills – II 100 3 3
Course III Language, Literary History,
Comprehension, Grammar & Writing
Skills - II 100 3 3
Total 200 6 6

Scheme of Examination: 100 Marks = End Semester Examination (3 hrs)

Paper Pattern for Exam: 5 Questions of 20 Marks (each with internal choice)

(Please refer Question Paper pattern attached at the end of syllabus)

Page 3

Course – II
Language, Literary History, Comprehension, Grammar &
Writing Skills - I
Module 1: Prose (Classical)

Prescribed Book:
Kalilah wa Dimnah
By Abdullah bin al Muqaffah
Published by: Darul Aafaq al Jadeedah, Beirut, Lebanon.

Prescribed Texts:

Module 2: Prose (Modern)

Prescribed Book:
By Mustafa Lutfi al Manfaluti
Published by: Darul Jeel, Beirut, Lebanon.

Prescribed Texts:

Page 4

Module 3:
a) History of Arabic Language (Classical)

Prescribed Book s:
 Tarikh -al-Adab -al-Arabi by Ahmad Hasan al -Zayyat
Published by Shaikh Ghulam Ali & Sons, Publishers.
 Arabi Adab ki Tareekh (Vol. 1) by Abdul Haleem Nadvi
Published by: National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, New

(ii) Life and Literary attainments of the following Prose Writers :
 Qus bin Saaida al Ayaadi
 Aktham bin Saifi
 Umr bin Madikarib

Module 3:
b) History of Arabic Language ( Modern )

(i) Life and Literary attainments of the following Prose Writers :
 Mustafa Lutfi al Manfaluti
 Aktham bin Saifi
 Umr bin Madikarib

Module 4:
a) Functional Arabic

Prescribed Book:
 Dursooul Lughatil Arabiyyah by V. Abdul Rahim Vol. 03
Published by: Islamic Foundation Trust, Chennai.

Prescribed Texts:
Chapter No. 1 to 10

Page 5

b) Current Arabic Material
i) Modern Terminology
ii) Technical Terms
iii) Scientific Terminology

Prescribed Book / Journal :
Majallah al Raaid (Fortnightly)
Published by Darul Uloom Nadvatul Ulama, Lucknow.

c) Grammar

Prescribed Texts:

Prescribed Book s:
 New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language by J.A. Haywood/ H M
ISBN No. 0 -85331 -585-X
 A Grammar of the Arabic Language by: W. Wright L.L.D,
Published by The University Press, Cambridge.
 Arabic Made Easy By Abul Hashim
Published by Taj Publishers, Mohammed Ali Road, Mumb ai.

Module 5:
i. Composition and Reproduction of Text
ii. Essay -writing
iii. Letter -writing

Page 6

Course – III
Language, Literary History, Comprehension, Grammar &
Writing Skills - I
Module 1: Poetry (Classical)

Prescribed Book:
Tarikh -e-Adab -e-Arabi
Ahmed Hasan al Zayyat
Published by: Shaikh Ghulam Ali & Sons, Publishers.

Prescribed Texts:

Module 2: Poetry (Modern)

Prescribed Book:
Arabic Poetry: A Primer for Students By A.J. Arbery for Students
Published by: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Prescribed Texts:

Page 7

Module 3 a): History of Arabic Literature: Pagan Period (Classical)

Prescribed Book:
 Tarikh -e-Adab -e-Arabi by Ahmad Hasan al -Zayyat
Published by: Shaikh Ghulam Ali & Sons, Publishers.
 Arabi Adab ki Tareekh (Vol. 1) by Abdul Haleem Nadvi
Published by: National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, New

Prescribed Texts:
Life and Literary attainments of the following poets of al Mu'allaqat :

Module 3b): Brief History of the poets
i) The Poets of al -Mujahharat
ii) The Poets of al -Muntaqayat
iii) The Sa'aaleek Poets

Module 4: History of Arabic Literature (Modern Period)

Prescribed Book:
1) A Critical Introduction to Modern Arabic Poetry By: M.M. Badawi
Published by: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
2) Modern Arabic Literature By Ismat Mahdi
Published by: Rabi Publishers, Shanti Nagar, Hyderabad.

a) Life and Liter ary attainments of the poets:

b) The revival of Arabic Poetry after 1798 with special reference to Neo -

Page 8

Module 5)
a) Translation of Unseen Poems. (Modern)

b) Grammar:
Prescribed Texts:
c) Summarization:
Summary of any ONE poem included in the syllabus

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Course – II
Language, Literary History, Comprehension, Grammar &
Writing Skills - II
Module 1: Prose (Classical)

Prescribed Book:
Kalilah wa Dimnah
By Abdullah bin al Muqaffah
Published by Darul Aafaq al Jadeedah, Beirut, Lebanon.

Prescribed Texts:

Module 2: Prose (Modern)

Prescribed Book:
Dam’atun wabtisamatun
By Jibran Khalil Jibran
Published by Darul Arab lil Bustani, Cairo .

Prescribed Texts:

Page 10

Module 3:
a) History of Arabic Language (Classical)

Prescribed Book s:
 Tarikh -al-Adab -al-Arabi by Ahmad Hasan al -Zayyat
Published by Shaikh Ghulam Ali & Sons, Publishers.
 Arabi Adab ki Tareekh (Vol. 1) by Abdul Haleem Nadvi
Published by National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, New

Life and Literary attainments of the following Prose Writers :
i) Zuhair bin Jinab al Kalbi
ii) Zul Asba'a al Adwani

b) History of Arabic Language (Modern)
Life and Literary attainments of the following Prose Writers :
i) Khalil Jibran
ii) Mehmood Taymoor
iii) Taha Hussain

Module 4:
a) Functional Arabic

Prescribed Book:
Dursooul Lughatil Arabiyyah , vol. 4 by V. Abdul Rahim
Published by: Islamic Foundation Trust, Chennai.

Prescribed Texts:
Chapter No. 1 to 10

b) Current Arabic Material
i) Modern Terminology
ii) Technical Terms
iii) Scientific Terminology

Prescribed Book / Journal :
Majallah al Raaid (Fortnightly)
Published by Darul Uloom Nadvatul Ulama, Lucknow.

Page 11

c) Grammar

Prescribed Book s:
 A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language by: J.A. Haywood/ H M
ISBN No. 0 -85331 -585-X
 A Grammar of the Arabic Language by: W. Wright L.L.D,
Published by: The University Press, Cambridge.
 Arabic Made Easy By Abul Hashim
Published by: Taj Publishers, Mohammed Ali Road, Mumb ai.

Prescribed Texts:

Module 5
i. Composition and Reproduction of Text
ii. Essay -writing
iii. Letter -writing

Page 12

Course – III
Language, Literary History, Comprehension, Grammar &
Writing Skills - II
Module 1: Poetry (Classic)

Prescribed Book:
1) Tarikh -e-Adab -e-Arabi by Ahmad Hasan al Zayyat
Publishd by: Mirza Ghulam Ali & Sons, Publishers.
2) Arabi Adab ki Tareekh by Abdul Haleem Nadvi
Published by: National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, New Delhi.

Prescribed Texts:

Module 2: Poetry (Modern)

Prescribed Book:
Name of the Book Arabic Poetry: A Primer for Students By A.J. Arbery
Published by: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Prescribed Texts:

Module 3 (a): History of Arabic Literature: Islamic Period (Classical)

Prescribed Book:
Tarikh -e-Adab -e-Arabi by Ahmad Hasan al -Zayyat
Published by: Shaikh Ghulam Ali & Sons, Publishers.

Page 13

Prescribed Texts:
Life and Literary attainments of the following poets of al -Muallaqat :

Module 3 (b): Brief History of the poets :
i) The Mukhazram Poets
ii) The Islamic Poets

Module 4: Life and Literary Attainments of Modern Arabic Poets :
Prescribed Book:
 A Critical Introduction to Modern Arabic Poetry by: M.M. Badawi
Published by Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
 Modern Arabic Literature By Ismat Mahdi
Published by Rabi Publishers, Shanti Nagar, Hyderabad.

b) The revival of Arabic Poetry after 1798 with special reference to the
Salient features of the Neo -Classical Poetry.

Module 5:
a) Translation of Unseen Poems. (Modern)

b) Grammar:

Prescribed Texts:
1) Al Iqtibas

2) Husn -0-taleel

3) Mura’at -u-Nazeer

4) Al Jinas

c) Summarization:
Summary of any ONE poem included in the syllabus.

Page 14

Question Paper Pattern
(SEM -III & IV) Marks: 100, Time: 3Hrs
N.B.: (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Figures to the right indicate marks to a sub -question.

Q.1: Attempt any TWO of the following: (On Module I)
(a) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks
(b) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks
(c) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks

Q.2: Attempt any TWO of the following: (On Module 2)
(a) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks
(b) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks
(c) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks

Q.3: Attempt any TWO of the following: (On Module 3)
(a) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks
(b) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks
(c) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks

Q.4: Attempt any TWO of the following: (On Module 4)
(a) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks
(b) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks
(c) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks

Q.5: Short Notes (any TWO)
(a) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks
(b) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks
(c) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks
(d) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10 marks