SY BSc Nautical Science Syllabus_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SY BSc Nautical Science Syllabus_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC - 23rdJuly, 2020

Item No. 4.70



B. Sc.
Nautical Science (NS)
Syllabus for Semester III & IV

(Choice Based Credit System with effect
from the academic year 2020 -21)


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AC – 23rdJuly, 2020
Item No. 4.70

Syllabus for Approval

Sr. No. Heading Particulars
1. Title of the Program B.Sc. (Nautical Science)
2. Eligibility for Admission • Indian National
• HSC or equivalent Certificate
• Mark Sheet showing minimum 60% marks in
PCM subjects in HSC (10+2).
• Minimum 50% Marks in English language in SSC
or HSC
• Age not more than 25 yrs on the date of
commencement of course. Age relaxation as per
govt. Rules.
• Medical Fitness Certificate from a Doctor
approved by Di rector General of Shipping
• Eye Sight Test Certificate -6x6 both eyes and no
colour blindness from any DG approved doctor
3. Entrance Examination Should have passed CET conducted by IMU
4. Ordinances / Regulations
(if any) Time to time issued by university.
5. No. of Years / Semesters 3 Years / 6 Semesters.
6. Level U.G.
7. Pattern Semester
8. Status Revised
9. To be implemented from
Academic Year From Academic Year 2020 -21
(w.e.f. Academic Year 2020 -21 onwards.)

Date: Signature:

Name BOS Chairperson : Capt. Vinod Suryavanshi

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Cover Page


Syllabus for Approval

1. Title of the Program: -B.Sc. ( Nautical Science )
Program Code: –42300006
2. Preamble / Scope: -


This course is an integral part of the overall shipboard structured training programme
for the prospective navigating officer and guidelines set by DG Shipping of India . The
course is residential in nature and of Three -year duration comprising of six semesters of
six months each.

The prospective navigating officer will be trained for 12 months onboard ship in
practical application of the theory learnt. Thereafter at th e end of this structured
programme, a “contact programme” for four months (optional) may be conducted at
any of the DG approved Institute to prepare the Cadets for a written & oral examination
conducted by the Director General of Shipping, Ministry of Surf ace Transport,
government of India.

On successful completion of the Programme a Cadet will be awarded a degree of B.Sc.
(Nautical Science) by University of Mumbai and a Certificate of Competency by Govt.
of India, which will enable him to become an offic er on a merchant ship.

A Pre -Sea Navigating Officer Cadet successfully completing the three years
programme would acquire basic knowledge and understanding of the types of merchant
ships, ship operations, types of goods carried by ships, shipping trade, and a foundation
in the basic principles of navigation and environmental science.

The course is designed to impart:
~ Theory and practice of seamanship and ship knowledge.

~ Good foundation in principles of navigation and introduction to celestial Nav igation.
~ Practical knowledge of chart work and cargo work.

~ Detailed study of atmosphere and use of meteorological instruments in connection
with weather reporting.
~ Knowledge of ship construction and ship stability.

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~ Regular practice in Morse code signaling, in addition to International Code of Signals
and use of VHF and R/T.

~ Practical training in handling a lifeboat and motorboat.

~ One Project related to shipping industry to be under taken.

~ Study of envir onmental protection with reference to MARPOL 73/78 as amended.

~ Study of various SCTW courses.

~ Study of basic Marine Engineering and drawing.

Practical Training in carpentry shop, plumbing shop, machine shop, electrical shop and
maintenance worksh op including Electric Arc welding and Gas welding, Hydraulics,
Pneumatics and Diesel Engine maintenance.


This course is designed to assist a prospective navigating officer in achieving the
minimum standards of competence for officers in charg e of navigational watch on ships
of 500 GT or more as specified in Regulation II/1, Table A -1 of STCW 1978, as

This course is aimed at preparing the trainee to develop a right attitude towards tasks
and duties assigned to him during the on -board training programme in learning the job
of being a ship's officer and in achieving the overall standard of competence as

Salient features

• As under the preview of D.G Shipping, it’s a fully residential course

• Students’ daily routine starts from 6: 00 o’clock in the morning till 9 :00 in the
evening, as per the requirement on board ships
• Morning exerci se, parade, evening sports and 1 hour of self study classes 6 days
a week is the part of daily routine.

• Trekking, dock visits, ship visit s is a part of curriculum apart from other
extracurricular and sports activities

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Note: The conduct of STCW courses is strictly conducted as per the guidelines of D.G
Shipping; who in turn being directed by International Marit ime Organization. T hese
guide lines may be modified/ changed time to time as instructed by D.G Shipping
through its training circulars or as the case may be.

Syllabus Committee Members

1) Capt. VinodSuryavanshi Convener /BOS Chairperson

2) Capt. (Dr.) Ashutosh Apandkar Invitee/Ex BOS Chairperson

3) Capt. Mahadeo Makane Member (Teacher)

4) Capt. LaxmanDubey Member (Teacher)

5) Capt. SandeepG. Bhatnagar Member (Teacher)

6) Capt. A.P. Singh Member (Teacher)

3. Eligibility: -
• Indian National
• HSC or equivalent Certificate
• Mark Sheet showing minimum 60% marks in PCM subjects in HSC (10+ 2).
• Minimum 50% Marks in English language either in SSC or HSC
• Age not more than 25 yrs for HSC students on the date of commencement of
course. Age relaxation as per govt. Rules.
• Medical Fitness Certificate from a Doct or approved by Director General of
• Eye Sight Test Certificate -6x6 both eyes and no colour blindness from a
DG approved do ctor

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B.Sc. in Nautical Science : Theory/Practical : 16 Weeks (15 weeks for
lectures/practical & one week for semester end examination)
Semester –III

Code Title of the Course Per
Week Per
Semester Marks Credit
s Total
Core Course
USNSc3 02 Navigation –II 3 1 45 15 100 50
3 2 5 Voyage Planning
Prevention – II 2 2 30 30 100 50
USNSc3 03 Ship Operation
Technology -II 3 1 45 15 100 50
3 2 5 Bridge Procedure &
Legal Knowledge 3 1 45 15 100 50
Naval Architecture -II 3 45 100
AECC – Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
USNSc3 01 Applied Mathematics -
III 4 60 100
3 1 4 Nautical Physics &
Electronics -III 4 2 60 30 100 50
SEC - Skill Enhancement Course
USNSc3 01 Computer Science 3 1 45 15 100 50 1 1 2
DSE – Elective: Discipline Specific
USNSc3 04 Environmental
Science -II 3 1 45 15 100 50
2 2 4
USNSc3 04 Marine Engineering
&Control System - II 3 1 45 15 100 50
Total 31 10 465 150 1000 400 12 8 20

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Semester IV

Code Title of the Course Per Week Per
r Marks Credit
s Total
Core Course
USNSc4 02 Navigation –II 3 1 45 15 100 50
3 2 5 Voyage Planning
Prevention – II 2 2 30 30 100 50
USNSc4 03 Ship Operation
Technology -II 3 1 45 15 100 50
3 2 5 Bridge Procedure &
Legal Knowledge 3 1 45 15 100 50
Naval Architecture -II 3 45 100
AECC – Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
USNSc4 01 Applied Mathematics -
IV 4 60 100
3 1 4 Nautical Physics &
Electronics -IV 4 2 60 30 100 50
SEC - Skill Enhancement Course
USNSc4 01 Computer Science 3 1 45 15 100 50 1 1 2
DSE – Elective: Discipline Specific
USNSc4 04 Environmental
Science -II 3 1 45 15 100 50
2 2 4
USNSc4 04 Marine Engineering
&Control System - II 3 1 45 15 100 50
31 10 465 150 1000 400 12 8 20

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Objective: - This subject exposes the students to Computer Science, Applied
Mathematics & Nautical Physics
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 301 – APPLIED MATHEMATICS -III
Semester I II
No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Bessel Functions, Legendre Polynominals&
PartialDifferential Equations:
Relations between Laplace equation and
Bessel’sdifferential equation, Its solution by series
methods, Besselfunctions of first and second kind,
Recurrence relations forJ (x),
Relation between Laplace equation and Legendre
differential equation, Itssol ution by series
methods, Recurrence relations for
Pn(x),Rodriguez’s formula for P(x),
Partial differential equation governing
Vibrationsof an elastic string, its solution using
Fourier Series,Vibrations of a rectangular and
circular membrane. Heatequation, steady – state
configuration for heat flow andLaplace equation in
two and three dimensions, Variableheat flow in
one dimension. 20 Hrs.
Unit II Laplace Transforms:
Function of bounded variation (Statement only),
transforms of 1, t n ,e at, sin (at), cos (at), Sin h
(at), Cos h(at), erf (t), Shifting properties.
Expressions (with Proofs) for :
(i) L{tnf(t)} (ii) L{f(t)}/T (iii) L{ ꭍf(u)du}(iv)

Evaluation of inverse Laplace Transforms, partial
fractionmet hods, convolution theorem.
Application to solve initial and boundary value
problems involving ordinary differential equations
with onedependent variable. 20 Hrs.

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Unit III Complex Variable s:
Functions of complex variable. Continuity (only
statement)derivability of a function analytic.
Regular function.Necessary condi tions for f (z) to
be analytic. (Statement ofsufficient conditions).
Cauchy Riemann equation in polarco -ordinates.
Harmonic functions, Orthogonal
trajectories.Analytical and Mil ne – Thomson
method to find f (z) from itsreal or imaginary parts.
Integration of complex functions,Cauchy’s integral
theorem for simply connected regions, Cauchy’s
integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’sexpansion,
Zeros, Singularities, poles, residue at
isolatedsingularity and its evaluation. Residue
theorem, itsapplication to evaluate real integrals. 20 Hrs.

Contents of syllabus for USNSC 4 01 – APPLIED MATHEMATICS - IV
Semester I V
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Numerical Methods:
Newton – Raphson method, bisection method. Finite
differences offirst and higher order, forward,
backward differences, difference tables,shift
operator – E. Interpolation: linear and quadratic
interpolation, Newton’s forward and backward
difference interpolation formu las, Langrangian
interpolation, Solutions to systems of linear
algebraic equations: Gause elimination, Gaus s-
Jordan method, Gauss -Seidel iteration Jacobi
iteration. 20 Hrs.
Unit II Matrices:
Types of matrices. Adjoint of a matrix. Inverse of a
matrix.Elem entary transformations, rank of a matrix.
Reduction to a normal form. Linear programming -
problems and applications.Characteristic
polynomial. Cayley Hamilton theorem . Functions of
a square matrix, Minimal Polynomial, Diagona ble
matrix.Quadratic forms, Orthogonal. 20 Hrs.
Unit III Statistics:
Frequency distribution, Measures of central
tendency; Mean, Median and Mode, Measures of
variability, Range, Percentiles, Variance , Standard 20 Hrs.

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Deviation, Skewness , Moments, Discrete ra ndom
variables and their probability distributions,
Binomial and Poisson’s distributions, coefficient of
Correlation, Lines of Regression – Rank Correlation

*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class work,
periodic assignments / project works / tests.

NOTE : A candidate has to s ecure minimum percentage /grade : 40 % as per
Training Circular No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping, Govt o f India

Reference Books: -

1. A Text book for applied mathematics Wartikar P.N. & Wartikar J.N.
2. A Text Book of Matrices Shanti Narayan
3. Mathematical Statistics J.N.Kapur, H.C. Saxena
4. Statistics in Schaum’s Series Murray R.Spiegal
5. Probability & Statistics for engineers Myers
6. Higher Engineering Mathematics Dr. B.S. Grewal
7. Numerical methods for engineers S.K. Gupta
8. Operation Research , An introduction H.A. Taha
9. Operatio n research methods & Problems Sasieni, Yaspan, Friedman
10. Linear Programming G. Hadley

Contents of syllabus for USNSC 301 – NAUTICAL PHYSICS & ELECTRONICS -
Semester I II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Review of a. c. circuits:
Self inductance, inductive reactance, purely
inductive circuit, a.c. through resistance and
inductance, choke, numerical problems.
Capacitance, capacitive reactance, purely capacitive
circuit, a.c. through capacitance, and resistance,
numerical problems. Impedance, admittance, a. c.
through L -C-R circuit, series and parallel resonant
circuits, power and power factor in a. c. circuits,
numerical problems.
Electrical Bridge Circuits: 15 Hrs.

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Bridge circuits, Wheatstone Bridge, Maxwell
Inductance andCapacitance Bridges, De Sauty
Bridge, Schering Bridge, Hay's Bridge, Definition
of Q of coil, Applied Problems.
Calibration, Accuracy, Precision, Methods of
measurement of temperature, pressure, Fluid flow,
venturi tube , sound level meter, thermister and its
application as heat sensors, transducers.

Unit II Modulation concepts:
Amplitude modulation, modulation index, power
distribution in A. M. wave, linear mo dulation,
square law modulation, diode modulator,
transistor modulator, balance modulator, single
side band generation, suppression of carrier.
Freque ncy and phase modulation, F.M. wave,
modulation index, side band in F. M. , Reactance
Modulator. Comparison of AM, FM & PM
Demodulation Techniques:
Demodulation of A.M. waves, diode detector,
transistor modulator, detection efficiency,
amplitu de distortion. Demodulation of FM waves,
frequency demodulator.
Digital Communications:
Types of pulse modulation, generation and
demodulation of Pulse Amplitude Modulation
(PAM) waves, distortion in PAM, Pulse Duration
(width) modulation (PWM or PDM) . Pulse Code
Modulation (PC M), g enerations and demodulation
of PCM, direct FM transmitter, Armstrong FM
system, mobile communication systems. 25 Hrs.
Unit III Wave propagation:
Basic electromagnetic spectrum, mechanism of
wave propagation, field strength, propagation
through troposphere, propagation models, radio
horizon, troposphere monitoring techniques, sky –
wave propagation, ionosphere, microwave links and
other communication links, noise in communication
Radio recei vers & Transmitters:
Straight and regenerative receivers, turned RF
receivers, superheterodyne receivers, AM receivers,
stereo FM multiplexed reception, noise
consideration, AM transmitter, FM transmitter 20 Hrs

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Resonant antenna, antenna gain, radiation
resistance, impedance matching, feeders, resonant
line feed, grounded antennas, higher frequency
antennas, dipole arrays, Yagi – Uda antenna,
Rhombic antenna, microwave antenna, active
antenna, horn antenna, dielectric antenna.
Radar Communicatio n:
Elements of radar system, radar range, limitations
of radar, radar altimeters and beacons, interrogating
radars, Instrument Landing System (ILS), Visual
VHF Omni Range (VOR), Tactical Air Navigation
(TACAN), Radio Direction Finding (RDF).
Satellite Comm unication:
Satellite links, eclipses, orbits and inclination,
satellite construction, communication frequencies,
domestic satellites, telemetry.
1. Use of a C.R.O. –
measurement of voltage,
frequency, time & phase
2. Low pass, High pass filters (R -C)
3. Band pass & Band stop filters (R -C)
4. Series & Parallel resonance (R -C-L) – Q factor
5. Class A Power Amplifier
6. Amplitude Modulation
7. Frequency Modulation
8. Pulse Code Modulation – Generator &
9. Study of PLL
10. Diode as a peak detector for A.M. & F.M.
NOTE: A minimum of 8 experiments are
expected to be performed 30 Hrs.

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Contents of syllabus for USNSC 401 – NAUTICAL PHYSICS & ELECRONICS -
Semester I V
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Network Theorems and its applications:
Kirchoff’s Law, Classification of Network
elements, Constant Voltage and Current Source,
Nodal Analysis, Thevenin’sTheorem, Maxwell
Theorem, Superposition Theorem, Norton’s
Theorem, Millman’ Theorem, Maximum power
transfer Theorem,Applied Numericals.
Transistor Biasing :Operating point, Base bias
(Fixed bias), Emitter bias, Voltage divider bias,
D.C. load lines, Transistor saturation,Transistor as
a switch, Bias Stabilization.Ref.: M:
Transistor Amplifier : C.E. amplifier, DC and AC
equiv alent circuits, small signal operation, voltage
gain, current gain, Input and output impedance,
Frequency response, DC and AC load lines, Class
A operation, Power gain, Decibel Voltage gain, A
typical emitter follower circuit Ref.: M:
Operational Amplifier :The basis differential and
Common Mode Operation, BasicOpamp
Specifications, Practical Opamp circuits –
SchmittTrigger and square wave generator,
Inverting and Non -inverting amplifiers, voltage
follower, Summing Amplifier, Difference
Amplifier, Integrator and Differentiator.
Ref.: BN, M 25 Hrs.
Number System and Logic Gates : Binary
numbers, binaryto decimal conversion, Decimal
to binary conversion, (Octal and hexadecimal
numbers, Binary to Octal and binary –
Hexadecimal inter conversion), NOT, OR,
AND,NAND, NOR Logic gates, EXOR Gate,
arithmetic and data processing circuits (half adder,
full adder, multiplexer andde multiplexer), De
Morgan’s theorems; Boolean algebra, NAND and
NOR as a basic building blocks, L ogic levels for
Ref: ML
Clocks and Timers: 555 times, basic timing
concept, 555 block diagram, monostable and 20 Hrs.

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astablemultivibrators, Voltage
ControlledOscillator (VCO), ramp generator.
Ref: M
NAND gate as a clock.
Ref: ML.
Flip flops and counter s:RS flip flop, Clocked RS
flip flop, D flip flop, JK flip -flop,Master Slave
concept Schmitt trigger, Flip -Flops used asbinary
ripple counters, decade counter.
Ref: ML
Unit III Feedback Types: Voltage and current feedback,
Effects of negative feedback on amplifier
parameters, derivation only for gain with feedback
(No other derivations), typical single transistor
circuits for voltage series and current series
feedback. Oscillator operation Barkhausen criteria,
RC oscillators – phase shift and W ein Bridge (op -
amp and transistor), LC oscillators – Colpitts and
Hartley (transistor and op -amp), crystal oscillator.
Ref:BN:Ch. 18.1 – 18.8 except 18.4
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Construction,
working and basic measurements. Ref: BN.
Microprocessors: Digita l Computers, Computer
Languages, Single Chip Microprocessor
architecture and its operations, Memory, Input and
Output (I/O) devices, Interfacing devices,
Example of a microcomputer system. The 8085
microprocessor, example of 8085 – based
Ref: G: Ch. 1, 2, 4 (except 3.4), 4 (except 4.5,
4.6), 5: 15 Hrs.
1) CE Amplifier – voltage gain, frequency
response, plotting A.C. & D.C. load lines.
2) Emitter Follower – voltage gain & output
3) Op-Amp – inverting & non -inverting amplifier
4) Op-Amp summer & difference amplifiers.
5) Op-amp – square wave generator, slew rate
6) Timer – astablemultivibrators.
7) Timer - monostable mutivibrators.
8) Wien Bridg e Oscillator – transistor & op -amp 30 Hrs.

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9) Study of Basic Logic Gates – NOT, AND, OR,
10) DeMorgan’s Laws & use of NAND & NOR
as basic building blocks.
11) J-K Flip Flop – truth table, Ripple & Decade
12) Microprocessors: Learning (get to kn ow) the
Hardware of a microprocessor.
NOTE: A minimum of 8 experiments are
expected to be performed.

*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class work,
practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.

*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment

NOTE: A candidate has to s ecure minimum percentage /grade : 40 % as per
Training Circu lar No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping , Govt of India.

Reference Books:
1. Communication Electronics N.D. Deshpande, D.A. Deshpande
2. Operational Amplifiers & Linear integrated circuits Coughlin &Drscoll
3. Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory Coughlin & Driscoll
4. Basic Electronics – A text -lab Manual Zbar&Malvino

Contents of syllabus for USNSC 301 –Computer Science
Semester I II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Basic Hardware Familiarization:
Different functional parts of a computer and their
functions. Computer peripherals: Monitor,
Printer,Key b oard, Hard disk and Mouse.
Operating System:
Explain the Windows Operating System. Explain
different types of files and their extension. Finding,
sorting and hyper linking a file.
Basics of C:
History of C. C character set, C operators.
Formattedinput and output. Data Types. Constants
and variables.
Operators: Arithmetic, Increment & 08 Hrs.

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Decrement,Modulo division, Relational, Logical,
Conditional andComma and decision making.
Unit II Networks:
Identify network cable CAT 5 and CAT 6. Explain
crippling and punching of the network cable.
ExplainE -mail, Virus protection and firewall.
Computerconnectivity: LAN, MAN and WAN.
Internet and various facilities available on
internet,Satellite based Communication.
Computer arithmetic:
Bina ry, Octal, Decimal & Hexadecimal numbersystems and mutual conversion. Memorymeasurement: Bits, Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB. Units ofrun -time measurement: sec, ms, μs, ns, ps, fs, as.Different computer environments: Batch processing, Time sharing.
C Programming: While, do and do -While loops. 15 Hrs.
Unit III MS-Word:
Explain how to create and save a word file
usingvarious short cuts. Explain how to manage
files intofolders and sub -folders. Demonstrate the
use of a printcommand and its various options.
Explain the variousoptions of paragraphs and
bulleting .
MS- Excel:
Explain how to create and save an excel file using
various short cuts. Explain how to work with
rows,columns, and various cell formatting options.
Createformula and employ the function wiza rd.
C Programming:
For loop. Switch -Case, continue and break
statements. 22 Hrs
Practical MS-Word: Introducing tables and columns.
Mailmerging address for envelopes.
MS-Excel: Creating and opening workbook
andentering data. Use of formulas, functions
andnamed ranges to process data.
C Programming: To understand various types of
control statements , To understand various loops and
the switch - case statement. 15 Hrs.

Contents of syllabus for USNSC 4 01 –Computer Science

Page 19

Semester IV
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I MS- Power point:
Explain how to create and save a Power point file.
Explain various layout options of a new slides and
how to create them.
PDF: Explain why use a PDF file. Create a PDF
C Programming:
Arrays: Declaration and initialization of one
dimensional, two dimensional and character arrays.
String handling functions from standard library
(strlen( ), strcpy( ), strcat ( ), strcmp ( )). 8 Hrs.
Unit II E-Commerce:
The information technologies and its related
business. E - Commerce concepts. Cryptography and
Digital Signature Protocols for Transactions.
C Programming:
Functions: Need of functions, defining functions,
function call with return values. 15 Hrs.
Unit III MS- Access:
Explain what is a database? Explain Tables, Field,
Record, Column, Primary Key and a Null value in a
database. Introduction to databases using Access
2007. Explain how to create a Table, Query and
Form in MS Access 2007.
C Programming:
Pointers: Understanding pointers. Declaring
pointervariable, accessing address of a variable and
pointer expressions.Structures: Defining structure,
declaring and accessing structure members. 22 Hrs.
Practical • MS-Power point: Creating a simple text slides.
• PDF: Create a PDF documents. Use converter
(Word to PDF)
• MS-Access: Create a Table as: College
Database with the following:
Field Name Data Type Field Size
ID Number 10
Primary Key Text
Name Text 15
Surname Text 15
Telephone Number Number
Integer 15 Hrs.

Page 20

Date of Birth Date/Time Medium
Stipend Currency
Foreigner Yes/No Yes/No
Save the table as “Students Table”

• Create a query showing only Student First
Name and respective Stipend.
• Create a report showing the Fields Name and
Telephone Number.
E-Commerce: Simple exercise using HTML.Create a
web site with minimum details.
C Programming
• To understand arrays in ‘C’.
• To understand functions in ‘C’.
• To understand pointers. Write a prog ram to
print values and their addresses and call by
• Problem based on nautical sciences. Like
solving a spherical triangle when its three sides
are input, etc.

*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class
work, practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.

*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE : A candidate has to s ecure minimum percentage /grade : 40 % as per
Training Circu lar No 4 of 2 005 by DG Shipping, Govt o f India

Recommended Books For Reference:
1. Practical Microsoft Office 2007: June Jamrich Parsons
2. Computer Fundamentals Architecture and Organization: B Ram
3. Let us ‘C’ Kanitkar, 3rd BPB
4. Computer Networking from LAN’s to WAN’s, Hardware, Software & Security
5. Turbo C reference manual
6. Programming in C: Kris A. Jamsa Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd.
7. Mastering turbo C: Kelly/Bootle EPB
8. Turbo C programming tech nique : Stevens A. : BPB
9. Computer Virus – prevention, detection &removal Kapur R : BPB
10. Introduction t o computer science vol. I & II Jain S. : BPB
11. Introducing co mputers I, II & III Mehta S. BPB

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Objective: - The subject will develop basics of Principles of Navigation /
Practical Navigation - II and Voyage Planning & Collision Prevention - II.

Contents of syllabus for USNSC 3 02 – NAVIGATION II
Semester III
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Section A -
The celestial sphere, celestial poles equinoctial,
declination, celestial meridians, vertical circles,
prime vertical, Ecliptic, First point of Aries, RA,
SHA, GHA, LHA.v and d corrections for moon and
planets. Position of a heavenly bo dy on celestial
sphere by its declination and GHA, or by its altitude
and azimuth, or by its celestial latitude and
Nautical Almanac: Information in Nautical Almanac
and using itfor celestial observations
Section B –
To find the true Azimuth of a heavenly body,
thecompass error and hence the deviation of
themagnetic compass for the direction of the ship’s
head(ABC tables). 15 Hrs.
Unit II Section A
Visible, sensible and rational horizons, zenith,
nadir, sextant altitude, apparent altitude, co rrection
of altitude, dip, refraction, semi -diameter, parallax
in altitude, horizontal parallax, augmentation to
moon’s S.D., reduction to H.P.True altitude and
True Zenith dist. Total correction tables.Artificial
horizon & correction of altitudes there fr om; back
angle altitudes.
Principles of position lines. Geographical position,
circle of position, why P/L is at right angles to the
Azimuth – exceptions.
Section B –
To find the latitude by meridian altitude of a
heavenlybody. To calculate meridian passage time
andapprox meridian altitude for setting on the
sextant(computed altitude). 20 Hrs.
Unit III Section A
Position to draw the P/L. Effect of change of DR
position on position for P/L and practical
Section B
Latitude and position line by observation of Polaris. 10 Hrs.
Practical Sextant – To use sextant for altitude of heavenly
bodies. Then to correct the sextant altitude to true 15 Hrs.

Page 22

altitude required for astronomical calculations –
Individual and total corrections.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 402 – NAVIGATION II
Semester IV
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Section A -
Azimuths and amplitudes; Derivation of formula:
Sin amp
=Sin decl. sec lat. Apparent altitude of Sun, Moon
at timeof theoretical rising or setting.
Section B
To find the compass error and deviation
fromamplitude of Sun and Moon.
From an observation of any heavenly body near
themeridian, to find the direction of the position line
and thelatitude corresponding to the D.R. longitude
through whichthe PL passes. Time limits for ex -
meridian sight. 15 Hrs.
Unit II Section A -
Rising, culmination and setting of heavenly bodies.
To findtime of meridian passage, sunrise, sunset,
moon rise andmoon set by calculation and by
perusal of nauticalalmanac with appropriate
corrections .
Section B -
To find the longitude corresponding to the DR
latitudethrough which the position line passes and
the direction ofposition line from an observation of
any heavenly body.(Long by chron). 15 Hrs.
Unit III Section A -
True and apparent motion o f bodies. Solar time,
Solar day;apparen t sun, mean sun, and dynamical
mean sun; equation of t ime. Time and hour angle,
Hour circles, Greenwich time, local time, zone time
& standard time.
Keeping time at sea, advancing & retarding of
clocks with change of longitude; International date
line. Sidereal time,sidereal day, why stars rise four
minutes earlier each day, conversion of solar time to
sidereal time and vice -versa.
Section B -
To find the intercept, Intercept termination point
and direction of position line from an observation of
any heavenly body. (Intercept Method). 15 Hrs.
Practical Use of Azimuth Mirror and pelorus. 15 Hrs.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class
work, practical and periodic assignment s / project works / tests/ orals etc.

*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment

Page 23

NOTE: A candidate has to secure minimum percentage /grade : 70 % as per
Training Circular No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping, Govt of India
Reference Books:
1. Principle s of Navigation Capt. P.M. Sarma
2. Principle s of Navigation Capt. Joseph & Capt. Rewari
3. Practical Navigation Capt. H. Subramanium
4. Admiralty Manual of Navigation Vol. I & II
5. The Principles & Practice of Navigation A. Frost
6. Nicholl’s Concise Guide Vol. I & II
7. Bridge equipment, Charts & Publications Capt. H. Subramanium
8. Nories Nautical Table
9. Nautical Almanac
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 302 – VPCP II
Semester III
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Elementary Knowledge of Passage Planning and
execution – 4 stages of passage planning. Landfall
in fog and clear weather. The selection of a suitable
More detailed knowledge of ‘International
Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea’ than
that at the first year level. IRPCS – Part C – Rules
20 to 26 10 Hrs.
Development of electronic Chart display system.
Raster & Vector Charts
IRPCS – Part C – Rules 27 to 31
The IALA system of b uoyage 10 Hrs.
To find the time and height of high and low water at
Standard Ports.The use of Admiralty Tide tables
and tidal curves to find the time at which the tide
reaches a specified height or heights of the tide at a
given time and thence the correction to be applied to
soundings or charted heights of shore objects.
IRPCS – Part D – Rules 32 to 37, Part E – Rule 38 10 Hrs.
Practical 1) To determine ship’s position by the
‘running Fix’ method with and without
2) To find the ship’s position by ‘Doubling the
angle on the Bow’ method.
3) The use of a station pointer to plot ships 30 Hrs.

Page 24

position - given two horizontal angles.
4) Collision situations in restricted visibility
with or without Radar. Statutory obligations
under both circumstances.
5) Recognition of various buoys and marks
under IALA system and appropriate actions
required under the rules.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 4 02 – VPCP I I
Semester I V
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
The interpretation of a chart or plan, particularly the
information given about Lights, Buoys, Radio
Beacons and other Navigational Aids.
IRPCS Part F – Rules 39 to 41
Precautions while using floating navigational aids,
such as buoys, light vessels etc. 10 Hrs.
Depths and height contours. Tidal Streams Traffic
lanes and separation zones. Recognition of the coast
and radar responsive targets. Chart correction.
Radar Plotting. Relative plot - Report to Master. Set
and Drift. 10 Hrs.
Geographical Range, Luminous Range, Nominal
range; and their significance.
Radar Plotting - Action by own ship, Action by
Target ship. 10 Hrs.
1. Use of single position line obtained from a
celestial observation when near a coast to keep safe
distance off the coast.
2. To find course made good using the three point
bearing method – with & without current
1. The students will be required to identify various
collision situations by day and by night. Practical’s
to be held using a magnetic board, wooden models,
overboard projector, video tapes or any other aid to
simulate such conditions.
2. Candidates will be required to deal with each 30 Hrs.

Page 25

collision situation broadly under the headings –
‘recognition’, ‘responsibility’ , ‘action’,
‘appropriate sound signals’ and ordinary practice of
NOTE: The second year examination will include
the entire ‘practical’s portion of the first year.

*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class
work, practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.

*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment

NOTE: A candidate has to secure minimum percentage /grade : 70 % as per
Training Circu lar No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping , Govt o f India
Reference Books:
1. Chartwork Capt. S.S. Chaudhari
2. Chartwork for Mariners Capt. S.K. Puri
3. Marine Chartwork D.A. Moore
4. IMO Rule of the Road Bhandarkar Publication
5. A guide to The Collision avoidance Rules A.N. Cockroft
6. International Light, Shape and sound Signal D.A. Moore
7. Admiralty IALA Maritime Buoyage System
8. Modern Chartwork W.H. Squair
9. Navigation for Watchkeepers L.W.J. Fifield
10. Shipborne Radar Capt. H. Subrama nium
11. International regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea IMO
12. Manual of the Rule of the Road Capt. S.K. Puri

Objective: -This subject exposes the students to Ship Operation
Technology Paper - II, Bridge Procedure and legal Knowledge & Naval
Architecture Paper - II

Contents of syllabus for USNSC 303 – SOT II
Semester I II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Section – A – CARGO WORK
Introduction to codes and guidelines for carriage of
dry bulk cargoes, bulk chemicals, bulk gas,
Dangerous goods in bulk and packaged form
1. Use & types of anchors.
2. Cable assembly and their care including 20 Hrs.

Page 26

markings. Parts of and connecting a lugless
3. Anchoring Terms - cable, link, swivel, joining
shackle, shackle as a term of length, bitter end,
a’cockbill(anchor ready for letting go), Anchor
aweigh, clear hawse, foul hawse, clear or foul
anchor, anchor dragging, long stay, short stay,
up and down, to veer cable, weighing anchor,
yawing, brought up to three in water / four on
deck etc.
4. Anchoring proced ure – in deep & shallow
5. Factors involved in determining the length of
cable to be used
6. Securing anchor for sea, covering spurling pipe,
use of bow stopper, sledge hammer, chain ho ok
7. Duties on anchor watch
8. Foul anchor or hawse
9. Hanging off an anchor
10. Breaking and slipping cables
11. Load on anchor due to wind, current, waves
12. Anchor holding power
13. Dragging anchor – How to check, what to do
14. Causes for loss of anchor
15. Use of anchor buoys,
16. Mooring – Standing & running moor
Safety precautions while anchoring;
Unit II Section – A – CARGO WORK
Planning stowage of general cargo taking into
account stowage factor, load density, port
rotation, hazardous nature, special stowage
requirements relating to cargoes not covered by
special codes. Calculation based on the same. Use
of dunnage fo r load distribution.
1. Boat drills and musters. Preparation of Muster
2. Action prior to, and after abandoning ship.
3. Managing the craft and personnel in the craft.
4. Handling of the craft.
5. Landing signals.
6. Outline knowledge of SOLAS requirements
of life saving appliances.
1. Safety precautions during the use of personnel
2. Precautions while using portable ladder. 13 Hrs.

Page 27

Unit III Section – A – CARGO WORK
Principles of stowage/securing of cargo taking into
account ship’s motion at sea (Outline knowledge of
CSS Cod e & Cargo securing Manual (CSM)
1. Causes of fire.
2. The fire triangle.
3. Principles of fire fighting.
4. Types of fire and methods of extinguishing
each type.
5. Various methods of detection and fighting of
6. Causes of fires in tankers during various
operations carried out by tankers and its
prevention methods.
7. Outline knowledge of SOLAS requirements on
1. Standard crane signals.
2. Safety precautions while using bosun’s chair and
stages 12Hrs
Practical 1. Rigging a pilot ladder/Use of manropes –
Precautions for safety of men boarding by such
2. Maintenance & repair of various ladders used on
board ships
3. Safety procedure involved in working aloft on
stage and a Bosun’s chair (group activity of 2 -3
15 hrs.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 4 03 – SOT I I
Semester I V
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Section – A – CARGO WORK
1. Factory act
3. Requirements for annealing and periodical
testing of cargo gear
4. Chain register.
5. Methods of testing cargo gear
Effect of various factors on maneuvering –
Controllable & Uncontrollable factors. Concept of
pivot pointManagement of ship in heavy weather.
1. Precautions while using electric, pneumatic and 15 Hrs.

Page 28

hydraulic (power) tools and appliances;
2. Precautions while working with compressed air;
Unit II Section – A – CARGO WORK
Machinery for handling of cargoes such as :
Derrick and rigs, Cranes, Heavy lift crane, Winches
including self tension winch, Conveyor belt/chute
arrangement, Container handling systems.
1. Precaution in maneuvering for launching o f
boats or life rafts in bad weather.
2. Methods of taking on board survivors from life
boats and life rafts.
1. Safety prec autions while painting funnel, R adar
2. Safety precautions while using bosun’s chair and
stages; 15 Hrs.
Unit III Section – A – CARGO WORK
Infrastructure built in ports for loading and
discharging, such as cranes, gantries, conveyor belt
system etc.
1. Properties and uses of various paints.
2. Preparations for dry docking and undocking
(DD Specs etc.). Use of side shores, bilge
blocks and bilge shores.
3. Measures to be taken to prevent spillage of oil
during cargo work, bunkering or oil transfer.
4. Oil record book – Requirements & entries
1. P recautions while working with chipping
2. Precautions whilst working on lathe machine. 15 Hrs.
Practical 1. Demonstrate the ability to climb a ship’s mast
2. Demonstrate ability to climb down stairs in
accommodation and ladders. Show the procedure to
carry objects up or down the ladders or stairs. Use
of bow stopper, devil’s claw
3. To disconnect and connect a lugless shackle
4. Surface Preparation and painting 15 Hrs.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class work,
practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.

Page 29

*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE: A candidate has to s ecure minimum percentage /g rade : 60 % as per
Training Circu lar No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping , Govt o f India

Reference books
1. Cargo Work Kemp and Young
2. Stowage of cargo O.O. Thomas
3. Theory and Practice of Seamanship Danton
4. Seamanship & Cargo work Dinger
5. Seamanship Notes Kemp and Young
6. Code of safe working practices for merchant seafarers MCA
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 303 – Bridge Procedure and legal Knowledge
Semester III
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Bridge Procedures Guide and its Contents: -
Understanding of the principles of safe
watchkeeping as detailed in the ICS Bridge
Procedures Guide. Navigation checklists
Bridge manning levels: Circumstances in which the
OOW (officers on watch) should call Mas ter, extra
lookouts, Explain responsibilities of OOW as in -
charge of Navigational watch.
Steering, Telegraph & BT Orders
Guidelines for watch keeping at sea , at anchor and
in port. VTS Procedure, Ship Reporting Systems.
Introduction and use of Radio Communication
Equipmenton board ship for distress and safety –
Selection of suitable frequencies.
Merchant Shipping Act 1958 with special reference
to General Administration, Procedure and
Certificate of Registry, Passenger Ships,
Certificates and other documents required to be
carried on a ship – How obtained and their
validity, Wreck and salvage. 15 Hrs.

Record keeping and Entries in logbook: Explain
the importance of recording all relevant information
in Logbooks. 15 Hrs.

Page 30

Monitor navigational instruments and record their
performance and other relevant details, Check and
compare Compasses regularly for errors and apply
them correctly, Record all movements and activities
related to the navigation of the ship, IMO Guidelines
for recording of events related to Navigation Res A.
916 (22).
Radio Regulations relating to Maritime Services
including maritime frequency allocation.

Certificate ofOfficers, Seaman and Apprentices,
Engagement, Management and discharg e of crew,
Manning scales. Contracts of employment, Wages
and other remuneration, advances, allotments,
Money orders, Payments into bank accounts.
Desertion, deceased seaman, engagemen t of
substitutes, repatriation.
Use of Radar in navigation - Basic principles and
use of radar. Obtaining position fix by radar bearings
and ranges, possible errors, Reliability of fix, Aids to
radar navigation: Use of passive (trails, history) and
active aids, RACONs and SARTs. Explain AIS
overlay on radar / ARPA, The use of parallel
indexing techni que in radar navigation:, wheel over
positions and safety margins.
1. Safety precautions while repairing radar;
2. Safety precautions while entering battery room;
Satellite Communication and Altering sy stem –
Equipment on board and ashore. Methods adopted.
The official Log Book and the law relating to
entries therein. Offences relating to misconduct to
endangering ship against persons on board.
Discipline and treatment to disciplinary off ences.
Crew accommodation. Hygiene of the ship and
welfare of the crew. Inspection and reports. Fresh
water and provisions. Procedure in cases of
infectious diseases, illness or accident . Maritime
declaration of health. Port Health requirements. 15 Hrs

Page 31

Practical RADAR: Practical adjustment of operational
controls to their optimum setting. To carry out
performance check, using performance monitor. To
take ranges and bearings of fixed and moving
objects. To identify land objects using radar
observations. Evaluation of risk of collision.
Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA): Set vector
lengths based on own vessel speed and range scale in
use. Advantages and limitations of use of relative
and true vectors and when to use which for optimum
efficiency, The effect of course and speed changes
on the display. Advantages of compass st abilization
of a relative display, Use of Trial manoeuvre and
predictive motion vectors.
15 hrs.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 4 03 – Bridge Procedure and legal Knowledge
Semester IV
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Keeping an effective anchor watch - Importance of
Beam bearing, Use of Global Position Fixing System
(GPS) and Radar during anchor watch, Turning
circle in relation to length of vessel and length of
cable used, Indication of anchor dragging, Swinging
of vessel anchored to tide / wind, Use of shapes,
lights and sound signals as per IRPCS 1972.
Custom House procedure, entering and clearing ship.
Load Line Marks, Entries and reports in respect of
freeboard. Draft and allowance.
Calculations on Lay dayand Load Line (zone
probl ems).
Safety of the ship, crew and passengers. Assistance
to vessels in distress and salvage. Duties of Master
in the caseof an accident. 15 Hrs.

Familiarization on :Automatic Identification
System (AIS) , Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) ,
Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System
(BNWAS) , Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) ,
Long Range identification and Tracking (LRIT)
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System – 15 Hrs.

Page 32

principles and actual applications.
World Wide Navigational Warning System – India’s
role as a Co -coordinator for area 8.
The law relating to the reporting of derelicts,
tropical revolving storms and other dangers to
navigation. Compulsory and non-compulsory
pilotage .
Meteorological Broadcast – Routine weather
messages and storm warnings.
Search and Rescue Communications. IAMSAR
LEGAL KNOWLEDGE : A general knowledge of
shipping practice and documents with particular
reference to charter parties, bills of lading and Mates
receipts. The law relating to carriage of cargo and
the ship owners liabilities and responsibilities.
Protests, certificate of sea worthiness. 15 Hrs.

Practical ECHO SOUNDER: Use and care of both visual and
graphic types. To take soundings using Echo
Sounder or Echo sounder simulator.
Practical usage of ‘International Code of Signals’.
Toprepare portable radio equipment for operation.
Ship to ship and ship to shore communication
exercises by portable VHF sets. 15 Hrs.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class work,
practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.

*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE: A candidate has to secure minimum percentage /grade: 60 % as per
Training Circular No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping , Govt o f India
References –
1. Shipborne Radar Capt. Subramanium
2. International Code of Signal HMSO
3. Business and Law Hopkins
4. Merchant shipping Act GOI
6. International convention on Loadline IMO
7. Search and Rescue Manual IMO
8. Bridge Procedure Guide ICS
9. Bridge Team Management NI
10. Code of safe working practices for merchant seafarers MCA

Page 33

Contents of syllabus for USNSC 303 – NAVAL ARCHITECTURE II
Semester III
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Concepts of BM & KM. Calculation based on BM
& KM, KM Curves.
Use of Simpson’s Rules in the computation of areas;
volumes and centroids.
Longitudinal and transverse framing, Beams and
Beam knees. Functions, constructions and stiffening
of water tight bulkheads including collision
bulkhead. Shell and deck p lating.
Bilge keels. Double bottom and peak tanks. Side
and wing tanks. Bilges.
Construction, stiffening and closing arrangements of
opening on deck and superstructures.
Sounding pipes, air pipes, ventilators. Hawse -pipes
spurling pipes and their securing arrangement. 15 Hrs.
Determination of position of the longitudinal centre
of gravity of a ship for different conditions of load
and ballast. The effect on the position of centre of
gravity of a ship by adding, removing and /or
shifting weights.
Longitudinal centre of buoyancy, Longitudinal
metacentre and centre of flotation and factors
affecting their positions. Concept of Pitch, Trim,
An outline knowledge of the functions of
ClassificationSocieties. Surveys for assignment and
retention of class. 15 Hrs.
Theory of Trim. Changes of trim and draft due to
loading, discharging and shifting weights. Change
of trim due to change of density.
Use of stability, hydrostatic and stress data supplied
to ships.Calculations based on the foregoing
including those based on “Trim and Stabili ty
Particulars” of a given ship (MV Hindship).
General Pumping arrangements – Bilge and Ballast
line sy stems. Pumping arrangement on tankers.
Methods adopted to maintain integrity of divisions
and opening in the hull including stern, side and bow
doors. 15Hrs

Page 34

Contents of syllabus for USNSC 4 03 – NAVAL ARCHITECTURE I I
Semester I V
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
List – Calculation of List while Loading, Discharging
and/or shifting weights, Correction of List.Combined
list and trim. Draft increase due to list. List when
initial GM is zero.
Rudders, construction and support. Stern frame,
Propellers and Propeller shaft; stern tube and
adjacent structure. 15 Hrs.
Curve of statical stability and its practical
usage ,Cross C urves of stability, K. N. Curves, KN
Values, determination of Righting moment using
K.N. Values, Calculation based on the same.
Calculation of List by GZ Curve. Carriage of deck
cargoes and their effect on stability.
General ideas on vari ous plans supplied by shipyard.
Midship sections of General cargo ship, tanker, bulk
carrier, container, OBO.
Causes and methods of corrosion control in steel
work and also between dissimilar metals including
cathodic protection. Sacrificial Anode & Impress ed
current system. 15 Hrs.
Stowage of grain and stability aspects in respect
thereof with particular reference to calculations
involved and the manner of presentation of the
information relating to grainheeling Mome nts and
the resulting angle of heel as presented in the
National Statutory Regulations.
Stresses and strains in ships in still water and in a
Parts of ship specially strengthened and stiffened to
resist such stresses including pan ting and pounding. 15 Hrs.

*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class
work, periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.

NOTE: A candidate has to secure minimum percentage /grade: 60 % as per
Training Circular No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping , Govt of India

Page 35

Reference Books:
1. Ship Stability at Operational & Management Level Capt. H. Subramanium
2. Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Derret
3. Ship Stability Notes & Examples Kemp & Young
4. Merchant Ship Stability A.R. Lester
5. Problems on MV Hindship Capt. Joseph & Rewari
6. Ship Construction for Marine Students Reeds
7. Ship Construction sketches & Notes Kemp & Young
8. Ship Construction D J Eyres
9. Merchant Ship Construc tion Pursey
10. Merchant Ship Construction Dr D A Taylor
11. International Grain Code IMO

Objective: - This subject exposes the students to Environment Science – II and
Marine Engineering & Control System - II
Contents of Syllabus for US NSC 304 – Environmental Science - II
Semester III
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Formation of the earth and its structure - Evolution
of continents and ocean basins – Continental drift
hypothesis – concept of isotasy and its application
to surface phenomena – Recent ideas on drift: plate
tectonics – practical significance of recent
information. 18 Hrs.
Unit II Materials of the earth’s crust: minerals and ro cks –
Rock types and their formation – Lithological
characteristics and their impact on landform
development – Tectonic landforms: folds, faults and
associated features – Volcanic and seismic
activities: associated landforms. 14 Hrs.
Unit III Exogenic forces: denudation – Weathering, mass -
wasting and erosion – Marine landforms – Sea level
changes – Classification of coasts. 13 Hrs
Practical 1. Identification of common rocks and minerals.
2. Reading and interpretation of topographical maps
for coastal areas.
3. Reading and interpretation of hydrographic charts.
4. Preparation and interpretation of tidal charts
15 hrs.

Page 36

Contents of syllabus for USNSC 4 04 – Environmental Science - II
Semester I V
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Oceans:
Major relief features of the ocean -floor – Bottom
relief of Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans –
Properties of oceanwater: temperature, salinity and
density – Their vertical and horizontal distribu tion –
Ocean currents: factors and patterns – Ocean
deposits: types and their work – NIO and its
Biotic resources of the oceans: fish corals,
mangroves, etc – Distribution of biotic resources –
Problems of their exploitation – Environmental and
other stresses – Remedial measures – Mariculture:
merits and limitations.
Abiotic resources: types Oceanic mineral nodules
and places – Oil and natural gas – Technological
advances –Marine politics and law of the sea –
Environmental ocea nic problems and oceanic hot -
spots – Future scenario.
Oceanic water as a resource: navigation, power
generation , source of drink ing water etc. - Oceanic
islands and their strategic significance – Indian
Ocean islands. 18 Hrs.
Unit II Atmosphere:
WIND: Factors affecting atmospheric motion & the
resulting winds; Beaufort scale of wind force;
Geostrophic wind; Gradient and Cyclostrophic
winds; pressure gradient force, Cor iolis force, Buys
Ballot’s law.
Factors affecting atmospheric motion and the
resulting winds – Newton’s laws and equation of
motion – Basic
Patterns of air movement.
Horizontal and vertical distribution of atmospheric
pressure and the resulting circulation – Recent
advances in the knowledge of general circulation:
upper air waves and jet stream – Dynamics of the
Indian monsoon 14 Hrs.
Unit III Seasonal weather and climatic characteristics over
India –Cyclones in Indian seas and their impact on
coastal life.
Weather forecasting: methods and techniques –
Constraints in accurate foreca sts 13 Hrs.
Practical 1. True and apparent wind and its vector calculation;
2. Interpreting Wind Rose.
3. Interpretation of weather maps
4. Estimation of geostrophic wind speed from
geostrophic scale.
5. Reading and interpretation of I.M. D. synoptic 15 Hrs.

Page 37

*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class work,
practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.
*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE: A candidate has to secure minimum percentage /grade: 50 % as per
Training Circular No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping, Govt of India
Reference Books: -
1. Physical Geography Savindra Singh
2. An outline of Geomorphology Wooldridge & Morgan
3. Continental Drift D.H. and M.P. Tarling
4. Putnam’s Geology Birkland & Larson
5. Principles of Physical Geography F.J. Monkhouse
6. Oceanography J.J. Bhatt
7. Oceanography for geographers R.C. Sharma
8. The Oceans: Realities & Prospects R.C. Sharma
9. Atmospher e, Weather and Climate R.G. Barry
10. Climate and Weather Flohn Hermann
11. Introduction to Meteorology Petterssen
12. The Atmosphere Anthes R.A.
13. Climatology from Satellites Barrett E.C.
14. World Weather and Climate Riley D.R.
15. Introduction to Meteorology Cole F. W.
Contents of Syllabus for US NSC 304 – MECS - II
Semester III
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Engineering Materials – Common Engineering
Various metals & alloys, Properties & uses.
Ceramics and their use.
Steels – Elementary metallurgy of steels, steel
production –smelting & refining, Iron – carbon
diagram to show role ofcarbon in steels and effect on
properties. Types of steel &use.
Heat t reatment – Heat treatment of steels -obtaining
desired properties from steel for use in different
areas. 18 Hrs.

Page 38

AC & DC Machines: DC generators. AC generators.
Meaning of frequency, phase & power factor.
Parallel r unning & load shearing. Prime mover -
Diesel engine, steam turbines. AC & DC Motors. 14 Hrs.
Transformers: High and Low voltage transformers,
stepup/step down Transformers, Transformer
efficiency and maintenance & care.
Power distribution: Maniswitch boards, power
distributionboards, Circuit breakers, measuring
instruments, overloadtrip short cir cuit trip, fuses
other protections.
Procedures of maintenance of batteries. Purpose &
operation of purifier drive. Navigation light circuit
with indicators/alarms & alternative power supply.
Services to be supplied from emergency
generator. Proc edure for starting emergency
generator manually. 13 Hrs
i) Demonstrate the safety precautions to be observed
while welding including hot work permit.
ii) Identify the arc and gas welding outfits and tools
and welding kits.
iii) Identify ferrous and non -ferrous metals.
iv) Demonstrates the ability to carry ou t
oxyacetylene gas welding and cutting.
v) Connects the arc welding kit and selects the
current /electrode to carry out arc welding beads
vi) Demonstrate the ability to carry out arc welding
but and lap joint.
i) Demonstrate the ability to perform a basic fitting
jobs of given dimension by using proper hand
toolssuchas files, hacksaw, chisel, hammer, scale,
verniercaliper etc.
ii) Demonstrate the use of screw gauge, vernier
caliper, on the above said job.
iii) Demonstrate the use of pedestal drilling
machineon the above said job and carryout
reamingoperation on the drilled hole..
iv) Demonstrate the ability to make internal threads
byusing appropriate tap.
15 hrs.

Page 39

v) Demonstrates th e ability to carry out grinding
operation on given job.
i) Identify electrical insulated hand tools.
ii) Identify electrical measuring instruments suchas
multi meter, tong Tester & megger.
iii) Demonstrate the ability to identify
electricalconductors (wires and cables).
iv) Demonstrate the a bility to identify live and
neutral by using test lamp and multimeter. .
v) Identifies the color codes given to phase, neutral
and earth
vi) Identify the electrical accessories such as fuse,
circuit breakers, choke, starters, earthing, pen dent
light hold er, tube frame, witch, socket, etc. and
demonstrates the use of it in electrical circuits.
vii) Assemble a tube light fitting by using tube
fittings and test it.
viii) Assembles a switch board as per drawing
andcheck its working.
ix) Identifies safety pr ecautions to take to
avoidelectrical hazards .

Contents of syllabus for USNSC 404 – MECS - II
Semester IV
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
a) Fresh water: Methods of generation of
freshwater fromseawater at sea. Principle,
construction & operation offreshwater generator,
steam evaporator, flash evaporator& reverse
osmosis plant. Treatment of water for
obtainingpotable water. Storage and supply of fresh
water in ships.Fresh water and sanitary w ater.
Hydrophase systems.
b) Steam – types of marine steam boilers.
Construction and operation of water tube and
smoke tube boiler. Boiler mountings, accessories,
safety features. Waste heat recovery boiler. Boiler
maintenance. Importance of boiler , feed water 18 Hrs.

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chemical treatment.
c) Compressed air - air compressor, uses of
compressed air. Storage and distribution of
compressed air
a) Refrigeration & Air conditioning: Principle of
refrigeration,compression refrigeratio n cycle,
components & operation.Arrangement of cold
storage holds.
b) Pumps – working principle, construction of
different types ofpumps. Selection of pumps for
different duties onboard theship.
c) Steering – common types of steering gear,
electro -hydraulicsteering gears, two and four ram
systems, telemotors andcontrol systems. Safety
features. Emergency arrangements.
Legislation national and international , operation
andmaintenance. Hydraulic systems – rotary vane
Principle of ‘Hu nting Gear’ Electric steering gear.
The Wheatstone principle of transmission of steering
wheel signals . Variable delivery pump. Steering
gearcircuits. Safe -matic system. Inter -switching of
follow -up and non follow -up steering systems. 14 Hrs.
Internal Combustion Engine:
a) Working principles: Classification of various
types ofengines, various types of modern diesel
engines. Basicprinciples of cycles, P -V diagrams,
work done etc. four
stroke and two stroke engines
b) Components – construction, main components
and working 13 Hrs.
i) Demonstrates safety precautions to be observed
while working on lathe machine
ii) Identifies the parts of lathe machine.
iii) Centre the job on lathe machine
iv) Demonstrates the use of lathe machine by using
appropriate lathe tool to reduce diameter by 1.0 mm
and carry out facing operation.
i) Identify carpentry hand tools such as chisel, jack
plane, augur, mortise gauge, etc.
ii) Identify various wood for specific purposes
treatment materials. 15 Hrs.

Page 41

iii) Identify various wood jointing material using
adhesive, nails, screws etc.
iv) Demonstrate the ability to execute wood jointing
v) Demonstrate the ability to make a cement box;
wooden box as per drawing by using appropriate
tools, wood jointing method and wood jointing
material / adhesives
vi) Use of fiber glass repair kits.
i) Identify plumbing hand tools such as pipe wrench,
dies, pipe benders, hacksaw, pipe vice, spanners, etc.
(ship specific).
ii) Identify leak stopping material such as Teflon,
sealant, jubilee clips, ermeto couplings and
demonstrate their use.
iii) Demons trate the procedures to cut threads on
pipes by selecting appropriate die.
iv) Demonstrate the ability to identify different
pipes, pipe material and methods to join the pipes.
v) Identify various taps, cocks and valves used in
sanitary System, demonstrat e ability to repair them
(ship specific).
vi) Identify various plumbing accessories such as ‘T’
joint, socket, reducer, adapter, etc. used in pipe
fitting and demonstrate its use.
vii) Cut the gasket as per sketch by selecting
appropriate material and to ols.
viii) Demonstrate the ability to clear choked pipes in
accommodation plumbing system by using
appropriate tool / choke clearing material

*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class work,
practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.

*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment

NOTE: A candidate has to secure minimum percentage /grade: 50 % as per
Training Circu lar No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping, Govt o f India

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Reference Books: -
1. Basic Marine Engineering J.K. Dhar
2. Engineering knowledge for Deck Officers Reed
3. General Engineering knowledge Vol. 8 Reed
4. Mechanical Engineering Science Hannah & Hiller
5. Marine Auxiliary Machinery Smith
6. A tex t book of Workshop practice R.S.Khumri and J.K.Gupta
7. Unitor Welding Handbook
8. A Guide to Safety and Health at Work for Gas Welding and Flame Cutting –
Occupational Safety and Health Branch Labor Department
9. Introduction to Hydraulic and pneumatic S.Ilango& V. Soundararajan

Scheme of Examination:

The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two parts. The learner’s
performance shall be assessed by Internal Assessment with 25% marks in the first part
& by conducting the Semester End Examinations with 75% marks in the second part.

The Course having Practical training will have Practical Examination for 50 marks at
the end of Semester, out of which 40 marks for the Practical task assigned at the time
of examination. The 10 marks are allotted Oral/Viva/Journal.

The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinations
are as shown below: -

Internal Assessment : It is defined as the assessment of the learners on the basis of
continuous evaluationas env isaged in the Credit based system by way of participation
of learners in various academic and correlated activities in the given semester of the
Semester End Assessment : It is defined as the assessment of the learners on the basis
of Performance inthe semester end Theory/ written/ Practical examination.

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Modality of Assessment :

Internal Assessment - 25% - 25 Marks
A) Theory 25 marks
No Evaluation type Marks
1 One class Test (multiple choice questions objective) 20
2 Active participation in routine class instructional 05
deliveries. Overall conduct as a responsible student,
manners, skill in articulation, leadership qualities
demonstrated through organizing co-curricular
activities, etc.

B ) External examination - 75 %
Semester End Theory Assessment - 75% 75 marks
i. Duration - These examinations shall be of 2.5 hours duration.
ii. Theory question paper pattern : -
1. There shall be five questions.
2. 1st question will be objective type from entire syllabus, 2nd question from
unit 1, 3rd question from unit 2 and 4th Question from unit 3 and 5th
question examiners choice. 3. All questions will be 15 marks each.
4. All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the
questions for question number 2nd, 3rd, 4th& 5th.
5. Questions may be sub divided into sub questions a, b, c, d & e only & the
allocation of marks depends on the weight age of the topic.

Practical External Assessment 50 mar ks

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