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1Chapter 1: Introduction To Soft Computing
Unit 1
Unit Structure
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Computational Paradigm
1.1.1 Soft Computing v/s Hard Computing
1.2 Soft Computing
1.3 Premises of Soft Computing
1.4 Guidelines of Soft Computing
1.5 Uncertainty in AI
1.6 Application of Soft Computing
1.0 Objectives
In this chapter, we will try to learn what is soft computing, difference between hard
computing and soft computing and reason for why soft computing evolved. At the
end, some application of soft computing will be discussed.
1.1 Computational Par adigm

Figure 1.1: Computational Paradigms

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Computational paradigm is classified into two viz: Hard computing and soft
computing. Hard computing is the conventional computing. It is based on the
principles of precision, certainty, and inflexibility. It requires mathematical model
to solve problems. It deals withs the precis e models. Th is model is further classified
into symbolic logic and reasoning, and traditional numerical modelling and search
methods. The basic of traditional artificial intelligence is utilised by these methods.
It consumes a lot of time to deal with real life problem which contains imprecise
and uncertain information. The following problems cannot accommodate hard
computing techniques:
1. Recognition problems
2. Mobile robot co -ordination, forecasting
3. Combinatorial problems
Soft computing deals with approximate models. This model is further classified
into two approximate reasoning, and functional optimization & random search
methods. It handles imprecise and uncertain information of the real world. It can
be used in all industries and business sector s to solve problems. Complex systems
can be designed with soft computing to deal with the incomplete information,
where the system behaviour is not completely known or the existence of measures
of variable is noisy.
1.1.1 Soft Computing v/s Hard Computing Hard Computing Soft Computing It uses precisely stated analytical model. It is tolerant to imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth and
approximation . It is based on binary logic and crisp systems . It is based on fuzzy logic and probabilistic reasoning . It has features such as precision and categoricity . It has features such as approximation and dispositionality. It is deterministic in nature. It is stochastic in nature. It can work with exact input data. It can work with ambiguous and noisy data. It performs sequential computation. It performs parallel computation. It produces precise outcome. It produces approximate outcome.

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3Chapter 1: Introduction To Soft Computing
1.2 Introduction to Soft Computing
The real -world problems require systems that combines knowledge, techniques,
and methodologies from various source. These systems should possess humanlike
expertise within specific domain, adapt themselves and learn to do better in the
changing environment s and explain how they make decisions or take actions.
Natural language is used by human for reasoning and drawing conclusion. In
conventional AI , the human intelligent behaviour is expressed in the language form
or symbolic rules. It manipulates the symbols on the assumption that such
behaviour can be stored in symbolically structured knowledge base known as
physical symbol system hypothesis.
“Basi cally, Soft Computing is not a homogenous body of concepts & techniques.
Rather, it is partnership of distinct methods that in one way or another conform to
its guiding principle. At this juncture, the dominant aim of soft computing is to
exploit the tolerance for imprecision and uncertainty to achieve tractability, robustness and low solutions cost. The principal constituents of soft computing are
fuzzy logic, neurocomputing, and probabilistic reasoning, with the latter subsuming
genetic algorithms, belief networks, chaotic systems, and parts of learning theory.
In partnership of fuzzy logic, neurocomputing, and probabilistic reasoning, fuzzy logic is mainly concerned with imprecision and approximate reasoning; neurocomputing with learning and curve -fitting ; and probabilistic reasoning with
uncertainty and belief propagation.”
-Zadeh (1994)
Soft computing combines different techniques and concepts. It can handle imprecision and uncertainty. Fuzzy logic, neurocomputing, evolutionary and genetic programming, a nd probabilistic computing are fields of soft computing.
Soft computing is designed to model and enable solutions to real world problems ,
which cannot be modelled mathematically. It does not perform much symbolic
The main computing paradigm of soft computing are: Fuzzy systems, Neural
Networks and Genetic Algorithms.
• Fuzzy set are for knowledge representation via fuzzy If – Then rules.
• Neural network for learning and adaptivity and
• Genetic algorithm for evolutionary computation.

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To achieve close resemblance with human like decision making, soft computing
aims to exploit the tolerance for approximation, uncertainty, imprecision, and
partial truth.
• Approximation: the model has similar features but not same.
• Uncertainty : the features of the model may not be same as that of the
• Imprecision: the model features (quantities) are not same as that the real ones
but are close to them.
1.3 Premises of Soft Computing
• The real -world problems are imprecise and uncertain.
• Precision and certainty carry a cost.
• There may not be precise solutions for some problems.
1.4 Guidelines of Soft Computing The guiding principle of soft computing is to exploit the tolerance for approximation, uncertainty, imprecision and part ial truth to achieve tractability,
robustness and low solution cost. Human mind is the role model for soft computing.
1.5 Uncertainty of AI
• Objective (features of whole environment)
o There are lot of uncertainty in the world. We have limited capabilities
to sense these uncertainties.
• Subjective (features of interaction with concrete environment
o For the same/similar situation people may have different experience s.
This experience maps on the features of semantics of different languages.
1.6 Application of Soft Computing
The application of soft computing has proved following advantages:
• The application that cannot be modelled mathematically can be solved.
• Non-linear problems can be solved.
• Introducing human knowledge such as cognition, understanding, recognition,
learning and other into the field of computing.

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5Chapter 1: Introduction To Soft Computing
Few applications of soft computing are enlisted below:
• Handwritten Script Recognition using Soft Computing:
It is one of the demanding parts of computer science. It can translate
multilingual documents and sort the various scripts accordingly. Block -level
technique concept is used by the system to recognize the script from several
script document given. To classify the script according to their features, it
uses Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT) together.
• Image Processing and Data Compression using Soft Computing :
Image analysis is the high -level processing technique which includes recognition and bifurcation of patterns. It is one of the most important parts
of the medical field. The problem of computational complexity and efficiency
in the classification can be ea sily be solved using soft computing techniques.
Genetic algorithms, genetic programming, classifier systems, evolutionary
strategies, etc are the techniques of soft computing that can be used. These
algorithms give the fastest solutions to pattern recognit ion. These help in
analysing the medical images obtained from microscopes as well as examine
the X -rays.
• Use of Soft Computing in Automotive Systems and Manufacturing :
Automobile industry has also adapted soft computing to solve some of the
major problems .
Classic control methods is built in vehicles using the Fuzzy logic techniques.
It takes the example of human behavior, which is described in the forms of
rule – “If-Then “statements.
The logic controller then converts the sensor inputs into fuzzy varia bles that
are then defined according to these rules. Fuzzy logic techniques are used in
engine control, automatic transmissions, antiskid steering, etc.
• Soft Computing based Architecture :
An intelligent building takes inputs from the sensors and controls effectors
by using them. The construction industry uses the technique of DAI (Distributed Artificial Intelligence) and fuzzy genetic agents to provide the
building with capabilities that match human intelligence. The fuzzy logic is
used to create behaviour -based architecture in intelligent buildings to deal
with the unpredictable nature of the environment, and these agents embed
sensory information in the buildings.

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• Soft Computing and Decision Support System :
Soft computing gives an advantage of re ducing the cost of the decision
support system. The techniques are used to design, maintain, and maximize
the value of the decision process. The first application of fuzzy logic is to
create a decision system that can predict any sort of risk. The second
application is using fuzzy information that selects the areas which need
• Soft Computing Techniques in Power System Analysis :
Soft computing uses the method of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to
predict any instability in the voltage of the powe r system. Using the ANN,
the pending voltage instability can be predicted. The methods which are
deployed here, are very low in cost .
• Soft Computing Techniques in Bioinformatics :
The techniques of soft computing help in modifying any uncertainty and
indifference that biometrics data may have. Soft computing is a technique
that provides distinct low -cost solutions with the help of algorithms, databases, Fuzzy Sets (FSs), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). These
techniques are best suited to give qu ality results in an efficient way.
• Soft Computing in Investment and Trading :
The data present in the finance field is in opulence and traditional computing
is not able to handle and process that kind of data. There are various
approaches done through soft computing techniques that help to handle noisy
data. Pattern recognition technique is used to analyse the pattern or behaviour
of the data and time series is used to predict future trading points.
In this chapter, we have learned that the soft comp uting is the partnership of
multiple techniques which helps to accomplish a particular task. The real -world
problem that contains uncertain and imprecise information can be solved using soft
computing techniques.

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7Chapter 1: Introduction To Soft Computing
Review Questions
1. What is computational paradigm?
2. State difference between hard computing and soft computing?
3. Write a short note on soft computing.
4. What are the premises and guiding principle of soft computing techniques?
5. Give any three applications of soft computing.
Bibliography, References and Further Reading
• -Introduction -to-Soft-
Computing -CSE-TUBEpdf/
• -between -soft-computing -and-hard-
omputing_Applications/attachment/5b8ef4933 843b0067537cb3b/AS%3A6
• -soft-computing/
• Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, by Anandita Das Battacharya,
SPD 3rd, 2018
• Principles of Soft Computing, S.N. Sivanandam, S.N.Deepa, Wiley, 3rd , 2019
• Neuro -fuzzy and soft computing, J.S.R. Jang, C.T.Sun and E.Mizutani, Prentice Hall of India, 2004


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Unit 1
Unit Structure
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Types of Soft Computing Techniques
2.2 Fuzzy Computing
2.3 Neural Computing
2.4 Genetics Algorithms
2.5 Associative Memory
2.6 Adaptive of Resonance Theory
2.7 Classification
2.8 Clustering
2.9 Probabilistic Reasoning
2.10 Bayesian Network
2.0 Objectives
The objective of this chapter is to give the overview of various soft computing
2.1 Types of Soft Computing Techniques
Following are the various techniques of soft computing:
1. Fuzzy Computing
2. Neural Network
3. Genetic Algorithms
4. Associative memory
5. Adaptive Resonance Theory

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9Chapter 2: Types of Soft Computing Techniques
6. Classification
7. Clustering
8. Probabilistic Reasoning
9. Bayesian Network
All the above techniques are discussed in brief in the below sections.
2.2 Fuzzy Computing
The knowledge that exists in real world is vague, imprecise, uncertain, ambiguous, or probabilistic in nature. This type of knowledge is also known as fuzzy knowledge. Human thinking and reasoning frequently involves fuzzy information.
The classical compu ting system involves two valued logic (true/false, 1/0, yes/no).
This system sometimes may not be able to answer some questions as human does,
as they do not have complete true answer. The computing system is not just
expected to give answers like human bu t also describe the reality level calculated
with the imprecision and uncertainty of the facts and rules applied.
Lofti Zadeh observed that the classical computing system was not capable to handle
subjective data representation or unclear human ideas. In 1965, he introduced fuzzy
set theory as the extension of classical set theory where elements have degrees of
memberships. It allows to determine the distinctions among the data that is neither
true nor false. It is like process of human thinking like very h ot, hot, warm, little
warm, cold, too cold.
In classical system, 1 represents absolute truth value and 0 represents absolute false
value. But in the fuzzy system, there is no logic for absolute truth and absolute false
value. But in fuzzy logic, there is intermediate value too present which is partially
true and partially false.

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Fig 2.1: Fuzzy logic with example
Fuzzy Logic Architecture:

Fig 2.2: Fuzzy Logic Architecture
Fuzzy logic architecture mainly constitutes of following four components:
• Rule base : It contains the set of rules. The If -then conditions are provided by
the experts to govern the decision -making system. These conditions are based
on linguistic information.
• Fuzzification : It converts the crisp numbers into the fuzz y sets. The crisp
input is measured by the sensors and passed into the control system for
• Inference engine: It determines the matching degree of the current fuzzy
input with respect to each rule and decides which rules are to be fired
accordin g to the input field. Next, the fired rules are combined to form the
control actions.
• Defuzzification: The fuzzy set obtained from the inference engine is
converted into the crisp value.

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11Chapter 2: Types of Soft Computing Techniques
Characteristics of fuzzy logic:
1. It is flexible and easy to implement.
2. It helps to represent the human logic.
3. It is highly suitable method for uncertain or approximate learning.
4. It views inference as a process of propagating elastic constraints.
5. It allows you to build nonlinear functions of arbitrary complexity.
When not to use fuzzy logic:
1. If it is inconvenient to map an input space to an output space.
2. When the problem can be solved using common sense.
3. When many controllers can do the fine job, without the use of fuzzy logic.
Advantages of Fuzzy Logic System:
• Its structur e is easy and understandable.
• It is used for commercial and practical purposes.
• It helps to control machines and consumer products.
• It offers acceptable reasoning. It may not offer accurate reasoning.
• In data mining it helps you to deal with uncertainty.
• It is mostly robust as no precise inputs are required.
• It can be programmed to in the situation when feedback sensor stops working.
• Performance of the system can be modified or altered by using inexpensive
sensors to keep the overall system cost and complexity low.
• It provides a most effective solution to complex issues.
Disadvantages of Fuzzy Logic System:
• The res ults of the system m ay not be widely accepted as the fuzzy logic is
not always accurate.
• It does not have the capability of machine learning as -well-as neural network
type pattern recognition.
• Extensive testing with the hardware is needed for validation and verification
of a fuzzy knowledge -based system.
• It is difficult task to set exact, fuzzy rules and membership functions.

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Application areas of Fuzzy Logic:
• Automotive Systems: Automatic Gearboxes, Four -Wheel Steering, Vehicle
environment control.
• Consumer Electronic Goods: Photocopiers, Still and video cameras, television.
• Domestic Goods: Refrigerators, Vacuum cleaners, Washing Machines.
• Environment Control: Air conditioners, Humidifiers.
2.3 Neural Computing
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) also known as ne ural network is the concept
inspired from human brain and the way the neurons in the human brain works. It is
computational learning system that uses a network of functions to understand and
translate a data input of one form into another form. It contains large number of
interconnected processing elements called as neuron. These neurons operate in
parallel and are configured. Every neuron is connected with other neurons by a connection link. Each connection is associated with weights which contain informat ion about the input signal.
Component s of Neural Networks :
1. Neuron model: The information process unit of ANN .
Neuron model consist of the following:
a. Input
b. Weight
c. Activation functions
2. Architecture: The arrangement of neurons and links connecting neurons,
where every link .
Following are the different ANN architecture:
a. Single layer Feed forward Network
b. Multi -layer Feed forward Network
c. Single node with its own feedback
d. Single layer recurrent network
e. Multi-layer recurrent network

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13Chapter 2: Types of Soft Computing Techniques
3. A learning algorithm: For training ANN by modifying the weights in order to
model a particular learning task correctly on the training examples.
Following are the different types of learning algorithm:
a. Supervised Learning
b. Unsu pervised Learning
c. Reinforcement Learning
Applications of Neural Network:
1. Image recognition
2. Pattern recognition
3. Self-driving car trajectory prediction
4. Email spam filtering
5. Medical diagnosis
2.4 Genetics Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms initiated and developed in the early 1970’s by John Holland are
unorthodox search and optimization algorithms, which mimic some of the process
of natural evolution. Gas perform directed random search through a given set of
alternative with the aim of finding the best al ternative with respect to the given
criteria of goodness. These criteria are required to be expressed in terms of an object
function which is usually referred to as a fitness function.
Biological Background:
All living organism consist of cell. In each cell, there is a set of chromosomes which
are strings of DNA and serves as a model of the organism. A chromosomes consist
of genes of blocks of DNA. Each gene encodes a particular pattern. Basically, it
can be said that each gene encodes a traits.
Steps in volved in the genetic algorithm:
• Initialization: Define the population for the problem.
• Fitness Function: It calculates the fitness function for all the chromosomes in
the population.
• Selection: Two fittest chromosomes are selected for the producing the offspring.

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• Crossover: Information in the two chromosomes is exchanged to produce the
new offspring.
• Mutation: It is the process of promoting diversity in the populations.
Benefits Of Genetic Algorithm
• Easy to understand.
• We always get an answer and the answer gets better with time.
• Good for noisy environment.
• Flexible in forming building blocks for hybrid application.
• Has substantial history and range of use.
• Supports multi -objective optimization.
• Modular, separate from application.
Application of Geneti c Algorithm:
• Recurrent Neural Network
• Mutation testing
• Code breaking
• Filtering and signal processing
2.5 Associative Memory
An associative memory is a content -addressable structure that maps a set of input
patterns to a set of output patterns. The associative memory are of two types : auto -
associative and hetero -associative.
An auto -associative memory retrieves a previously stored pattern that most
closely resembles the current pattern. In a hetero -associative memory , the
retrieved pattern is, in general, different from the input pattern not only in content
but possibly also in type and format.

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15Chapter 2: Types of Soft Computing Techniques
Description of Associative Memory :

Fig 2. 3: A content -addressable memory, Input and output
A content -addressable memory is a type of memory that allows, the recall of data
based on the degree of similarity between the input pattern and the patterns stored
in memory. It refers to a memory organization in which the memory is accessed by
its content and not or opposed to an explicit address in th e traditional computer
memory system. This type of memory allows the recall of information based on
partial knowledge of its contents.
The simplest artificial neural associative memory is the linear associator. The other
popular ANN models used as associative memories are Hopfield model and
Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) models.
2.6 Adaptive Resonance Theory
ART stands for "Adaptive Resonance Theory", invented by Stephen Grossberg in
1976. ART encompasses a wide variety of neural networks, b ased explicitly on
neurophysiology. The word "Resonance" is a concept, just a matter of being within
a certain threshold of a second similarity measure. The basic ART system is an
unsupervised learning model, like many iterative clustering algorithms wher e each
case is processed by finding the "nearest" cluster seed that resonate with the case
and update the cluster seed to be "closer" to the case. If no seed resonate with the
case, then a new cluster is created.
Grossberg developed ART as a theory of hum an cognitive information processing.
The emphasis of ART neural networks lies at unsupervised learning and self -
organization to mimic biological behavior. Self -organization means that the system
must be able to build stable recognition categories in real -time. The unsupervised

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learning means that the network learns the significant patterns based on the inputs
only. There is no feedback. There is no external teacher that instructs the network
or tells which category a certain input belongs. The basic ART system is an
unsupervised learning model.
The model typically consists of:
• a comparison field and a recognition field composed of neurons,
• a vigilance parameter, and
• a reset module.
Comparison field and Recognition field :
• The Comparison field takes an input vector (a 1 -D array of values) and
transfers it to its best match in the Recognition field; the best match is, the
single neuron whose set of weights (weight vector) matches most closely the
input vector.
• Each Recognition Field neuron outputs a nega tive signal(proportional to that
neuron’s quality of match to the input vector) to each of the other Recognition
field neurons and inhibits their output accordingly.
• Recognition field thus exhibits lateral inhibition, allowing each neuron in it
to represent a category to which input vectors are classified.
Vigilance parameter :
• It has considerable influence on the system memories:
o higher vigilance produces highly detailed memories,
o lower vigilance results in more general memories
Reset module :
• After the input vector is classified, the Reset module compares the strength
of the recognition match with the vigilance parameter.
o If the vigilance threshold is met, then training commences.
o Else, the firing recognition neuron is inhibited until a new input vector
is applied.
Training ART -based Neural Networks :
• Training commences only upon completion of a search procedure. What
happens in this search procedure :

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17Chapter 2: Types of Soft Computing Techniques
o The Recognition neurons are di sabled one by one by the reset function
until the vigilance parameter is satisfied by a recognition match.
o If no committed recognition neuron’s match meets the vigilance threshold, then an uncommitted neuron is committed and adjusted
towards matching the input vector.
Methods of Learning :
• Slow learning method: here the degree of training of the recognition neuron’s
weights towards the input vector is calculated using differential equations and
is thus dependent on the length of time the input vector is presented.
• Fast learning method: here the algebraic equations are used to calculate degree
of weight adjustments to be made, and binary values are used.
Types of ART Systems:
• ART 1 : The simplest variety of ART networks, accept only binary inputs.
• ART 2 : It extends network capabilities to sup port continuous inputs.
• Fuzzy ART : It Implements fuzzy logic into ART’s pattern recognition, thus enhances generalizing ability. One very useful feature of fuzzy ART is complement coding, a means of incorporating the absence of features into
pattern clas sifications, which goes a long way towards preventing inefficient
and unnecessary category proliferation.
• ARTMAP : Also known as Predictive ART, combines two slightly modified
ARTs , may be two ART -1 or two ART -2 units into a supervised learning
structure where the first unit takes the input data and the second unit takes
the correct output data, then used to make the minimum possible adjustment
of the vigilance parameter in the first unit in order to make the correct
2.7 Classification
Classification is supervised learning. Classification algorithms is used to predict
the categorical values. Training is provided to identify the category of new observations. The program learns from the given dataset or observations and then
classifies new observation into a number of classes or groups. Classes are also
called as target/labels or categories.

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Classification algorithms:
• Logistic Regression
• Naïve Bayes
• K-Nearest Neighbour
• Decision tree
• Random Forest
Application of Classification :
• Email Spam Detection
• Speech Recognition
• Identification of Cancer tumour cells
• Biometric Identifications
2.8 Clustering
Clustering is type of unsupervised learning method. In this learning we draw
references from datasets consisting of input data without labelled responses. Generally, it is used as a process to find meaningful structure, explanatory underlying processes, generative features, and groupings inherent in a set of
Its task is to divide the population or data points into several groups. Data points in
the same group are similar to the other data point in the same group and dissimilar
to the data points in other groups.
Why Clustering?
Clustering determines the group ing among the unlabelled data present. There is no
criteria for a good clustering. It depends on the criteria that the user fits the need of
the user.
Clustering Methods:
• Density -Based Methods
• Hierarchical Based Methods
o Agglomerative (bottom up approach)
o Divisive (top down approach)
• Partitioning Methods
• Grid-based Methods

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19Chapter 2: Types of Soft Computing Techniques
Applications of Clustering in different fields
• Marketing
• Biology
• Insurance
• City Planning
• Earthquake studies
2.9 Probabilistic Reasoning
Probabilistic reasoning is a way of knowledge representation where we apply the
concept of probability to indicate the uncertainty in knowledge. In probabilistic
reasoning, we combine probability theory with logic to handle the uncertainty. We
use probability in probabilistic reasoning becau se it provides a way to handle the
uncertainty that is the result of someone's laziness and ignorance. In the real world,
there are lots of scenarios, where the certainty of something is not confirmed, such
as "It will rain today," "behavior of someone for some situations," "A match
between two teams or two players." These are probable sentences for which we can
assume that it will happen but not sure about it, so here we use probabilistic
Need of probabilistic reasoning in AI:
• When there are unpredictable outcomes.
• When specifications or possibilities of predicates becomes too large to
• When an unknown error occurs during an experiment.
• In probabilistic reasoning, there are two ways to solve problems with
uncertain knowledge:
o Bayes' rule
o Bayesian Statistics
2.10 Bayesian Networks
Bayesian network is also known Bayesian belief network, decision network or
Bayesian Model. It deals with the probabilistic events and solves a problem which
has uncertainty.

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Baye sian networks are a type of probabilistic graphical model that uses Bayesian
inference for probability computations. Bayesian networks aim to model conditional dependence, and therefore causation, by representing conditional
dependence by edges in a direc ted graph. Through these relationships, one can
efficiently conduct inference on the random variables in the graph through the use
of factors.

Fig 2. 4: Bayesian Network example
A Bayesian network is a directed acyclic graph in which each edge corresponds
to a conditional dependency, and each node corresponds to a unique random
variable. Formally, if an edge (A, B) exists in the graph connecting random
variables A and B, it means that P(B|A) is a factor in the joint probabili ty
distribution, so we must know P(B|A) for all values of B and A in order to conduct
The Bayesian network has mainly two components:
• Causal Component
• Actual numbers
Each node in the Bayesian network has condition probability distribution P(Xi
|Parent(Xi) ), which determines the effect of the parent on that node.
Applications of Bayesian Network s:
• Medical Diagnosis
• Management efficiency
• Biotechnology

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21Chapter 2: Types of Soft Computing Techniques
In this chapter we have learned different techniques used in soft computing. Fuzzy
system can be used when we want to deal with uncertainty and imprecision.
Adaptivity and learning abilities in the system can be build using neural computing.
To find the be tter solution to the problem, genetic algorithms can be applied. The
pattern can be retrieved from the memory based on the content and not based on
address is called associative memory. Find the input patterns closest resemblances
in the memory can also be done with the adaptive resonance theory. Classification
is based on supervised learning usually used for predictions and clusterin g is based
on unsupervised learning. Probabilistic reasoning and Bayesian Networks are based
on the probability of the event occurring.
Review Questions
1. Write a short note on fuzzy system.
2. What is artificial neural network? Explain its components and learning
3. Write a short note on genetic algorithms.
4. Explain the working of Adaptive Resonance Theory.
5. Write a short note o n associative memory.
6. Compare classification technique with clustering technique.
7. Write a short note on probabilistic reasoning.
8. Write a short note on Bayesian Networks.
Bibliography, References and Further Reading
• -Introduction -to-Soft-
Computing -CSE-TUBEpdf/
• -logic -introduction/
• -is-fuzzy -logic.html

Page 22

• -learning -glossary -and-terms/neural -network
• -belief -network -in-artificial -
• -reasoning -in-artifical -
20to%20handle%20the%20 uncertainty
• -in-machine -learning/
• https://www.jav -algorithm -in-machine -learning
• -algorithms/
• Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, by Anandita Das Battacharya,
SPD 3rd, 2018
• Principles of Soft Computing, S.N. Sivanandam, S.N.Deepa, Wiley, 3rd , 2019
• Neuro -fuzzy and soft computing, J.S.R. Jang, C.T.Sun and E.Mizutani,
Prentice Hall of India, 2004


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23Chapter 3: Introduction to Artificial Neural Network & Supervised Learning Network I
Unit Structure
3.0 Objective
3.1 Basic Concept
3.1.1 Introduction to Artificial Neural Network
3.1.2 Overview of Biological Neural Network
3.1.3 Human Brain v/s Artificial Neural Network
3.1.4 Characteristics of ANN
3.1.5 Basic Models of ANN
3.2 Basic Models of Artifical Neural Network
3.2.1 The Model Synaptic Interconnection
3.2.2 Learning Based Model
3.2.3 Activation Function
3.3 Terminologies o f ANN
3.4 McCulloch Pitts Neuron
3.5 Concept of Linear Separability
3.6 Hebb Training Algorithm
3.7 Perceptron Network
3.8 Adaptive Linear Neuron
3.8.1 Training Algorithm
3.8.2 Testing Algorithm
3.9 Multiple Adaptive Linear Neurons
3.9.1 Architecture
Review Questions

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3.0 Objectives
1. The fundamentals of artificial neural network
2. Understanding between biological neuron and artificial neuron
3. Working of a basic fundamental neuron model.
4. Terminologies and terms used for better understanding of Artificial Neural
5. The basics of supervised learning and perceptron learning rule
6. Overview of adaptive and multiple adaptive linear neurons
3.1 Basic Concept
Neural networks are information processing systems that are implemented to
model the working of the human brain. It is more of a computational model used
to perform tasks in a better optimized way than the traditional systems . The
essential properties of biological neural net works are considered in order to
understand the information processing tasks. This indeed will allow us to design
abstract models of artificial neural networks which can be simulated and
3.1.1 Introduction to Artificial Neural Network
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an information processing system that
possesses characteristics with biological neural networks. ANNs consists of
large number of highly interconnected processing elements called nodes or units
or neurons. These neurons operate in parallel. Every neuron is connected to the
other neuron through the communication link with assigned weights which
contain information about the input signal. These processing elements are called
neurons or artificial n eurons.
3.1.2 Overview of Biological Neural Network

Fig 3.1 : Schematic diagram of a Neuron
(Image courtesy: Ugur Halici Lecture notes )

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25Chapter 3: Introduction to Artificial Neural Network & Supervised Learning Network I
The fact that the human brain consists of large number of neurons with numerous
interconnections that processes information. The term neural network is usually
referred to the biological neural network that processes and transmits
information . The biological neurons are part of the nervous system.
The biological neuron consists of three major parts
1. Soma o r Cell body - contains the cell nucleus. In general, processing occurs
2. Dendrites - branching fibres that protrude from the cell body or soma . The
nerve is connected to the cell body.
3. Axon - It carries the impulses of the neuron. It carries information aw ay
from the soma to other neurons.
4. Synapse - Each strand of an axon terminates into a small bulb -like organ
called synapse. It is through synapse the neuron introduces its signals to
other neurons.
Working of the neuron
1. Dendrites receive activation signal from other neurons which is the internal
state of every neuron
2. Soma processes the incoming activity signals and convert its into output
activation signals.
3. Axons carry signals from the neuron and sends it to other neurons.
4. Electric impuls es are passed between the synapses and the dendrites. The
signal transmission involves a chemical process called neuro -transmitters.
3.1.3 Human Brain v/s Artificial Neural Network
Comparison between biological and artificial neurons based on the following
1. Speed – Signals in human brain move at a speed dependent on the nerve
impulse. The biological neuron is slow in processing as compared to the
artificial neural networks which are modelled to process faster.
2. Processing - The biological neuron can perform massive parallel operations
simultaneously. A large number of simple units are organized to solve
problems independently but collectively. The artificial neurons also
respond in parallel but do not execute programmed instructions.

Page 26

3. Size and Complexity - The size and complexity of the brain is
comparatively higher than that of artificial neural network. The size and
complexity of an ANN is different for different applications
4. Storage Capacity – The biological neuron stores the information in it s
interconnection and in artificial neuron it is stored in memory locations.
5. Tolerance - The biological neuron has fault tolerant capability but artificial
neuron has no tolerant capability. Biological neurons considers
redundancies whereas artificial neuro ns cannot consider redundancies.
6. Control mechanism - There is no control unit to monitor the information
processed in to the network in biological neural networks whereas in
artificial neur on model all activities are continuously monitored by a
control unit .
3.1.4 Characteristics of Artificial Neural Networks
1. It is a mathematical model consists of computational elements
implemented neurally.
2. Large number of highly interconnected processing elements known as
neurons are prominent in ANN
3. The interconnections with their weights are associated with neurons.
4. The input signals arrive at the processing elements through connections
and weights.
5. ANNs collective behavior is characterized by their ability to learn, recall
and generalize from the given data.
6. A single neuron carries no specific information.
3.1.5 How a simple neuron works?

Fig 3.2 Architecture of a simple artificial neural net
From the given figure above, there are two input neurons X1 and X2 transmitting
signal to the output neuron Y for receiving signal.

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27Chapter 3: Introduction to Artificial Neural Network & Supervised Learning Network I
The input neurons are connected to the output neurons over a weighted
interconnection links w1 and w2.
For above neuron arc hitecture , the net input has to be calculated in the way.
yin = x1w1+x2w2
where x 1 and x2 are the activations of the input neurons X 1 and X2 . The output
yin of the output neuron Y can be obtained by applying activations over the net
input .
y =f(yin)
Output = Function ( net input calculated )
The function to be applied over the net input is called activation function .
3.2 Basic Models of Artifical Neural Network
The models of ANN are specified by the three basic entities
1. The model’s synaptic interconnections
2. The learning rules adopted for updating and adjusting the connection
3. The activation functions
3.2.1. The model’s synaptic interconnections
ANN consists of a set of highly interconnected neurons connected through
weights to the other processing elements or to itself. The arrangement of these
processing elements and the geometry of their interconnections are important for
ANN. The arrangement o f neurons to form layers and the connection pattern
formed within and between layers is called the network architecture.
There are five basic neuron connection architectures.
1. Single -layer feed -forward network
2. Multilayer feed -forward network
3. Single node with its own feedback
4. Single -layer recurrent network
5. Multi -layer recurrent network

Page 28

1. Single -layer feed -forward network
It consists of a single layer of network where the inputs are directly connected
to the output, one per node with a series of various we ights.

2. Multi -layer feed -forward network
It consists of multi layers where along with the input and output layers, there are
hidden layers. There can be zero to many hidden layers. The hidden layer is
usually internal to the network and has no direct contact with the environment.

3. Single node with own feedback
The simplest neural network architecture giving feedback to itself with a single

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29Chapter 3: Introduction to Artificial Neural Network & Supervised Learning Network I
4. Single -layer recurrent network
A single -layer network with a feedback directed back to itself or to other
processing element or both.

5. Multilayer recurrent network
A recurrent network has at least a feedback in place. The processing elements
output can be directed back to the nodes in the previous layer.

3.2.2. Learning
The most important part of ANN is it capability to train or learn. It is basically a
process by means of which a neural net adapts for adjusting or updating the
connection weights in order to receive a desired response.
Learning in ANN is broadly classified into three categories
1. Supervised Learning
2. Unsupervised Learning
3. Reinforcement Learning

Page 30

1. Supervised Learning
In Supervised learning, it is assumed that the correct target output values are
known for each input pattern. In this learning, a supervisor or teacher is needed
for error minimization. The difference between the actual and desired output
vector is minimized using the error signal by adjusting the weights until the
actual output matches the desired output.
2. Unsupe rvised Learning
In Unsupervised learning, the learning is performed without the help of a teacher
or supervisor. In the learning process, the input vectors of similar type are
grouped together to form clusters. The desired output is not given to the networ k.
The system learns on its own with the input patterns.
3. Reinforcement Learning
The Reinforcement learning is a form of Supervised learning as the network
receives feedback from its environment. Here the supervisor does not present the
desired output but learns through the critic information.
3.2.3 Activation Function
An activation function f is applied over the net input to calculate the output of
an ANN. The choice of activation functions depends on the type of problems to
be solved by the network.
The most common functions are
1. Identity function - It is a linear function. It is defined as f(x) = x for all x
2. Binary step function: The function can be defined as
1 if x >= ߠ
f(x) =
0 if x < ߠ
Here, ߠ represents the threshold value.
3. Bipolar Step function: The function can be defined as
1 if x >= ߠ
f(x) =
-1 if x < ߠ
Here, ߠ represents the threshold value

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31Chapter 3: Introduction to Artificial Neural Network & Supervised Learning Network I
4. Sigmoidal functions: These functions are used in back -propagation nets.
They are of two types:
Binary Sigmoid function: It is known as unipolar sigmoid function.
It is defined by the equation
f(x) = ଵ
Here, ᆋ is the steepness parameter. The range of the sigmoid function is
from 0 to 1
Bipolar Sigmoid function: This function is defined as
f(x) = ଵି௘షഊೣ
Here, ᆋ is the steepness parameter. The range of the sigmoid function is
from -1 to +1
5. Ramp function: The ramp function is defined as
1 if x > 1
f(x)= x if 0 ൑ݔ൑ͳ
0 if x < 0
The graphical representation is shown below for all the activation functions

Page 32


3.3 Terminologies of ANN
3.3.1 Weights
Weight is a parameter which contains information about the input signal. This
information is used by the net to solve a problem.
In ANN architecture, every neuron is connected to other neurons by means of a
directed communication link and every link is as sociated with weights.
Wij is the weight from processing element ‘i’ source node to processing element
‘j’ destination node.

3.3.2 Bias (b)

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33Chapter 3: Introduction to Artificial Neural Network & Supervised Learning Network I
The bias is a constant value included in the network. Its impact is seen in
calculating the net input. The bias is included by adding a component x 0 =1 to
the input vector X.
Bias can be positive or negative. The positive bias helps in increasing the net
input of the network. The negative bias helps in decreasing the net input of the
3.3.3. Thre shold ( ࣂ)
Threshold is a set value used in the activation function. In ANN, based on the
threshold value the activation functions are defined and the output is calculated.
3.3.3 Learning Rate (ࢻ)
The learning rate is used to control the amount of weight adjustment at ea ch step
of training. The learning rate ranges from 0 to 1. It determines the rate of learning
at each time step.
3.4 McCulloch - Pitts Neuron (MP neuron model)
MP neuron model was the earliest neural network model discovered by Warren
McCulloch and Walter Pitts in 1943.It is also known as Threshold Logic Unit.
The M -P neurons are connected by directed weighted paths. The activation of
this model is binary. The weights associated with the communication links may
be excitatory (weight is positive) or i nhibitory (weight is negative). Each neuron
has a fixed threshold and if the net input to the neuron is greater than the
threshold then the neuron fires otherwise it will not fire.
3.5 Concept of Linear Separability
Concept: Sets of point in 2 -D space are linearly separable if the points can be
separated by a straight line
In ANN, linear separability is the concept wherein the separation is based on the
network response being positive or negative. A decision line is drawn to separate
positive and negative responses. The decision line is called as linear -separable

Page 34


Fig 3.3: Linear Separable Patterns
The linear separability of the network is based on the decision -boundary line. If
there exists weights for which the training data has correct response ,+ 1
(positive) ,it will lie on one side of the decision boundary line and all other data
on the other side of the boundary line. This is known as linear separability.
3.6 Hebb Network
Hebb or Hebb learning rule stated by Donald Hebb in 1949 states that, the
learning is performed by the change in the synaptic gap. Explaining further, he
stated “When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite cell B, and repeatedly
takes place in firing it, some growth or metabolic change takes place in one or
both the cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased”.
In Hebb learning, if two interconnected neurons are ‘ON’ simultaneously then
the weights associated with these neurons can be increased by c hanging the
strength in the synaptic gap.
The weight update is given by
Wi (new) = w i (old) + x iy
Flowchart of Training algorithm,

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35Chapter 3: Introduction to Artificial Neural Network & Supervised Learning Network I

Fig 3.4: Flowchart of Hebb training algorithm
3.7 Perceptron Networks
Perceptron Networks are single -layer feed forward networks. They are the
simplest perceptron ,
Perceptron consists of three units – input unit (sensory unit), hidden unit
(associator unit) and output unit (response unit). The input units are connected
to th e hidden units with fixed weights having values 1, 0 or -1 assigned at
random. The binary activation function is used in input and hidden unit. The
response unit has an activation of 1, 0 or -1. The output signal sent from the
hidden unit to the output uni t are binary.
The output of the perceptron network is given by y =f(yin) where yin is the
activation function.

Page 36


Fig 3.5: Perceptron model
Perceptron Learning algorithm
The training of perceptron is a supervised learning algorithm. The algorithm can
be used for either bipolar or binary input vectors, fixed threshold and variable
The output is obtained by applying the activation function over the calculated
net input.
The weights are adjusted to minimize error when the output does not match the
desired output.

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37Chapter 3: Introduction to Artificial Neural Network & Supervised Learning Network I
3.8 Adaptive Linear Neuron (ADALINE)
It is a network with a single linear unit. The linear activation functions are called
linear units. In this, the input -output relationship is linear. Adaline networks are
trained using the delta rule.
Adaline is a single -unit neuron, which receives input from several units and also
from one unit, called bias. An Adeline model consists of trainable weights. The
inputs are of two values (+1 or -1) and the weights have signs (positive or
Initially random weights are assigned. The net input calculated is applied to a
quantizer transfer function (possibly activation function) that restores the output
to +1 or -1. The Adaline model compares the actual output with the target output
and with the bias and the adjusts all the weights.
3.8.1 Training Algorithm
The Adaline network training algorithm is as follows:
Step0: weights and bias are to be set to some random val ues but not zero. Set the
Step1: perform steps 2 -6 when stopping condition is false.
Step2: perform steps 3 -5 for each bipolar training pair s:t
Step3: set activations foe input units i= 1 to n.
Step4: calculate the net input to the output unit.
Step5: update the weight and bias for i=1 to n
Step6: if the highest weight change that occurred during training is smaller than
a specified tolerance then stops the training process, else continue. This is the
test for the stopping condit ion of a network.
3.8.2 Testing Algorithm
It is very essential to perform the testing of a network that has been trained.
When the training has been completed, the Adaline can be used to classify input
patterns. A step function is used to test the performa nce of the network. The
testing procedure for the Adaline network is as follows:
Step0: initialize the weights. (The weights are obtained from the training

Page 38

Step1: perform steps 2 -4 for each bipolar input vector x.
Step2: set the activations of the input units to x.
Step3: calculate the net input to the output units
Step4: apply the activation function over the net input calculated.
3.9 Multiple Adaptive Linear Neurons (Madaline)
It consists of many adalines in parallel with a single output unit whose value is
based on certain selection rules. It uses the majority vote rule. On using this rule,
the output unit would have an answer either true or false.
On the other hand, if AND rule is used, the output is true if and only if both the
inputs are true and so on.
The training process of Madaline is similar to that of Adaline
3.9.1 Architecture
It consists of “n” units of input layer and “m” units of Adaline layer and “ 1” unit
of the Madaline layer. Each neuron in the Adaline and Madaline layers has a bias
of excitation “1” . The Adaline layer is present between the input layer and the
Madaline layer; the Adaline layer is considered as the hidden layer.

Fig 3.6: Architecture of Madaline layer

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39Chapter 3: Introduction to Artificial Neural Network & Supervised Learning Network I
Review Questions
1. Define the term Artificial Neural Network .
2. List and explain the main components of biological neuron.
3. Mention the characteristics of an artificial neural network.
4. Compare the similarities and differences between biological and artificial
5. What are the basic models of an artificial neural network?
6. List and explain the commonly used activation functions.
7. Define the following
a. Weights
b. Bias
c. Threshold
d. Learning rate
8. Write a short note on McCulloch Pitts Neuron model.
9. Discuss about the concept of line r separability.
10. State the training algorithm used for the Hebb learning networks.
11. Explain perceptron network.
12. What is Adaline? Draw the model of an Adaline network.
13. How is Madaline network formed?
1. “Principles of Soft Computing ”, by S.N. Sivanand am and S.N. Deepa ,
2019, Wiley Publication, Chapter 2 and 3
2. (Artificial Neural Networks, Stephen
Lucci PhD)
3. Related documents, diagrams from blogs, e -resources from RC
Chakraborty lecture notes and tutorialspoint. com.

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39Chapter 4: Supervised Learning Network II and Associative Memory Network
Unit 2
Unit Structure
4.0 Objective
4.1 Backpropagation Network
4.2 Radial Basis Function
4.3 Time Delay Neural Network
4.4 Functional Link Network
4.5 Tree Neural Network
4.6 Wavelet Neural Network
4,7 Associative Memory Networks -Overview
4.8 Auto associative Memory Network
4.9 Hetro associative Memory Network
4.10 Bi-directional Associative Memory
4.11 Hopfield Networks
4.0 Objectives
1. To understand Back -propagation networks used in real time application.
2. Theory behind radial basis network and its activation function
3. Special supervised learning networks such as time delay neural networks,
functional link networks, tree neural networks and wavelet neu ral networks
4. Details and understanding about associative memory and its types
5. Hopfield networks and its training algorithm.
6. An overview of iterative auto associative and temporal associative memory

Page 41

4.1 Backpropagation networks
It is applied to multi -layer feed forward networks consisting of processing elements
with different activation functions. The networks associated with back propagation
learning algorithm is known as Back propagation networks. It uses gradient descent
method to calculate error and p ropagate it back to the hidden unit.
The training at BPN is performed in three stages
1. The feed -forward of the input training pattern
2. The calculation and back -propagation of the error
3. Weight updates

Fig. 4.1: Architecture of Backpropagation network (
1. A back -propagation neural network is a multilayer, feed -forward neural
network consisting of an input layer, a hidden layer and output layer.
2. The neurons present in the hidden and output layers have activation wit h
always value 1.
3. The bias also acts as weights.
4. During the learning phase, signals are sent in the reverse direction.
5. The output obtained can be either binary or bipolar.
4.2 Radial Basis Function network
The radial basis function is a classification and functional approximation neural
network. It uses non -linear activation functions like sigmoidal and Gaussian

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41Chapter 4: Supervised Learning Network II and Associative Memory Network
functions. Since radial basis functions have only one hidden layer, the convergence
of optimizati on is much faster.
1. The architecture consists of two layers.
2. The output nodes form a linear combination of the basis functions computed
by means of radial basis function nodes. Hidden layer generates a signal
corresponding to an input vector in the i nput layer, and corresponding to this
signal, network generates a response.

Fig.4.2: Architecture of Radial Basis functions
4.3 Time Delay Neural Networks
Time delay networks are basically feed -forward neural networks except that the
input weights has a tapped delay line associated to it.In TDNN, when the output is
being fed back through a unit delay into the input layer, the net computed is
equivalent to an infinite impulse response filter.
A neuron with a tapped delay line is called a Time delay neural network unit and a
network which consists of TDNN units is called a Time delay neural network.
Application od TDNN is speech recognition.
4.4 Functional Link networks
Functional link networks is a specifically designed high order neural netwo rks with
low complexity for handling linearly non -separable problems. It has no hidden
layers. This model is useful for learning continuous functions.

Page 43

The most common example of linear non -separability is XOR problem.

Fig 4.3: Functional line network model with no hidden layer
4.5 Tree Neural Networks
These networks are basically used for pattern recognition problems. It uses
multilayer neural network at each decision -making node of a binary classification
for extracting a non -linear feature.
The decision nodes are circular nodes and the terminal nodes are square nodes. The
splitting rule decides whether the pattern moves to the right or left.
The algorithm consists of two phases
1. The growing phase - A large tree is grown in this phase by recursively finding
the rules of splitting until all the terminal nodes have nearly pure membership
or else it can split further.
2. Tree pruning phase - To avoid overfilling/overfitting of data, a smaller tree is
selected or it is pr uned.

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43Chapter 4: Supervised Learning Network II and Associative Memory Network
Example - Tree neural networks can be used for waveform recognition problem.

Fig 4.4: Binary Classification tree
4.6 Wavelet Neural Networks
These networks work on wavelet transform theory. It is useful for functional
approximation through wavelet decomposition. It consists of rotation, dilation,
translation and if the wavelet lies on the same line then it is called wavelon instead
of a neuron.

Fig 4.5: Wavelet Neural network with translation, rotation,
dilation and wavelon

Page 45

4.7 Associative Memory Networks -Overview
1. An associative memory is a content addressable memory structure that maps
the set of input patterns to the output patterns. It can store a set of patterns as
memories. The recall is through association of the key pattern with the help
of information memorized. Associative memory makes a parallel search with
a stored data file. The concept behind this type of search is to retrieve the
stored data either completely or partially.
2. A content -addressable structure refers to a memory organization where the memory is accessed by its content. The associative memory is of two types
autoassociative memory and heteroassociative memory which are single -
layer nets where the weights are d etermined by the net output which is stored
as a pattern. The architecture of the associative net is either feed -forward or
4.8 Autoassociative Memory Network
1. In this network, training input and target output vectors are same.
2. Determination of w eight is called storing of vectors.
3. Weight is set to zero.
4. It increases net ability to generalize
5. The net’s performance is based on its ability to reproduce a stored pattern from
a noisy input.
For an autoassociative net, the training input and target output vectors are the same.
The input layer consists of n input units and the output layer also consists of n output units. The input and output layers are connected through weighted interconnectio ns.

Fig 4.6: Autoassociative network

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45Chapter 4: Supervised Learning Network II and Associative Memory Network4.8.1 Training Algorithm

4.9 Heteroassociative memory network
1. In this network, the training input and the target output vectors are different.
2. The determination of weights is done by either using Hebb rule or delta rule.
3. The net finds an appropriate output vector, corresponds to an input vector x,
that may be either one of the stored patterns or a new pattern.


The input layer consists of n number of input units and the output layer consists of
m number of output units. There is a weighted connection between the input and
output layers. Here, the input and output are not correlated with each other.

Fig 4.7: Heteroassociative network

Page 47

4.10 Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM)
1. The BAM network performs forward and backward associative searches for
stored stimulus responses.
2. It a type of recurrent heteroassociative pattern matching network that encodes
using Hebbian learning rule.
3. BAM neural nets can respond either ways from inpu t and output layers.
4. It consists of two layers of neurons which are connected by directed weight
path connections.
5. The network dynamics involves two layers of interaction until all the neurons
reach equilibrium.

Fig: 4 .8 Bidirectional associative memory net
4.11 Hopfield Networks
1. These networks were developed by John. J. Hopfield.
2. Through his work, he promoted construction of the hardware chips.
3. These networks are applied in associative memory and optimization problems.
4. They are basically of two types -discrete and continuous Hopfield networks.

Discrete Hopfield networks - The Hopfield networks is an autoassociative fully
interconnected single -layer feedback network with fixed weights.
It works in discrete fashion. The network takes two -valued inputs -binary or
bipolar. In this network, only one unit updates its activation at a time.
The usefulness of content addressable memory is realized by discrete Hopfield net.

Continuous Hopfield networks - In this network, time is considered to be a
continuous variable. These networks are used for solving optimization problems
like travelling salesman problems. These networks can be realized as an electronic
circuit. The nodes of these Hopfield networks have co ntinuous graded output. The
total energy of the network decreases continuously with time.

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47Chapter 4: Supervised Learning Network II and Associative Memory Network
1. Define Content addressable memory
2. What are the two main types of associative memory?
3. What are Back Propagation networks?
4. Explain the architecture and workin g of Radial basis function networks.
5. What is Bidirectional associative memory network?
6. Write a short note on Hopfield network.

1. “Principles of Soft Computing”, by S.N. Sivanandam and S.N. Deepa, 2019,
Wiley Publication, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4.
2. Related documents, diagrams from blogs, e -resources from RC Chakraborty
lecture notes.


Page 49

Unit 3
Unit Structure
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Fixed Weight Competitive Nets
5.2 Mexican Hat Net
5.3 Hamming Network
5.4 Kohonen Self -Organizing Feature Maps
5.5. Kohonen Self-Organizing Motor Map
5.6 Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)
5.7 Counter propagation Networks
5.8 Adaptive Resonance Theory Network
5.0 Introduction
In this learning, there exists no feedback from the system (environment) w indicate
the desired outputs of a network. The network by itself should discover any
relationships of interest, such as features, patterns, contours, correlations or
categories, classification in the input data, and thereby translate the discovered
relationships into outputs. Such networks are also called self -organizing networks.
An unsupervised learning can judge how similar a new input pattern is to typical
patterns already seen, and the network gradually learns what similarity is; the
network may construct a set of axes along which to measure similarity to previous
patterns, i.e., it performs principal component analysis, clustering, adaptive vector
quantization and feature mappin g.
For example, when net has been trained to classify the input patterns in to any one
of the output classes, say, P, Q, R, S or T, the net may respond to both the classes,
P and Q or R and S. In the case mentioned, only one of several neurons should fire,

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49Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
i.e., respond. Hence the network has an added structure by means of which the net
is forced to make a decision, so that only one unit will respond. The process for
achieving this is called competition. Practically, considering a set of students, if we
want to classify them on the basis of evaluation performance, their score may be
calculated, and the one whose score is higher than the o thers should be the winner.
The same principle adopted here is followed in the neural networks for pattern
classification. In this case, there may exist a tie; a suitable solution is presented
even when a tie occurs. Hence these nets may also be called competitive nets, the
extreme form of these competitive nets is called winner -take-all.
The name itself implies that only one neuron in the competing group will possess
a nonzero output signal at the end of competition .
There exist several neural networks that come under this category. To list out a
few: Max net, Mexican hat, Hamming net, Kohonen self -organizing feature map,
counter propagation net, learning vector quantization (LVQ) and adaptive
resonance theory (ART).
The learning algorithm used ·m most of these nets is known as Kohonen learning.
In this learning, the
units update their weights by forming a new weight vector , which is a linear
combination of the old weight vector and the new input vector. Also, the learning
continues for the unit whose weight vector is closest to the input vector. The weight
updation formula used in Kohonen learning for output cluster unit j is given as

monotonically as training continues. There exist two methods to determine the
winner of the network during competition. One of the methods for determining the
winner uses the square of the Euclidean distance between the input vector and
weight vector, and the unit whose weight vector is at the smallest Euclidean
distance from the input vector is chosen as the winner. The next method uses the
dot product of the input vector and weight vector. The dot product between the
input vector and weight vector is noth ing but the net inputs calculated for the
corresponding duster units. The unit with the largest dot product is chosen as the
winner and the weight updation is performed over it because the one with largest

Page 51

50SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUESdot product corresponds to the smallest angle between the input and weight vectors, if both are of unit length. 5.1. Fixed Weight Competitive Nets These competitive nets arc those where the weights remain fixed, even during training process. The idea of competition is used among neurons for enhancement of contrast in their activation functions. These are Maxnet, Mexican hat and Hamming net. Maxnet The Maxnet serves as a sub net for picking the node whose input is larger. Architecture of Maxnet The architecture of Maxnet is shown in Figure 5·1, where fixed symmetrical weights are present over the weighted interconnections. The weights between the neurons are inhibitory and fixed. The Maxnet with this structure can be used as a subnet to select a particular node whose net input is the largest .

Figure 5.1 Maxnet Structure

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51Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
Testing/Application Algorithm of Maxnet :
0: Initial weights and initial activations are ser. The weight is set as ሾͲ൏ߝ൏
ͳȀ݉ሿ, where ̶݉௡ is the total number of nodes. Let
ݔ௝ሺͲሻൌ input to the node ܺ௝
ݓ௜௝ൌ൜ͳ if ݅ൌ݆
െߝ if ്݆݅
Step 1: Perform Steps ʹെͶ, when stopping condition is false. Step 2: Update the
activations of each node. For ݆ൌͳ to ݉,
3: Save the acrivarions obtained for use in the next iteration. For ݆ൌͳ to ݉,
ݔ௝ሺ oid ሻൌݔ௝ (new)
Step 4: Finally, test the stopping condition for convergence of the network. The
following is the stopping condition: If more than one node has a nonzero
activation, continue; else stop.
5.2 Mexican Hat Net
In 1989, Kohonen developed the Mexican hat network which is a more generalized
contrast enhancement network compared to the earlier Maxner. There exist several "cooperative neighbors" (neurons in close proximity) to which every other neuron is connected
by excitatory link s. Also, each neuron is connected over inhibitory weights to a
number of" competitive neighbors" {neurons present farther away). There are
several oilier fanher neurons ro which the connections between the neurons are nor
established. Here, in addition to the connections within a particular laye·r Of neural
net, the neurons also receive some o ther external signals.
This interconnection pattern is repeated for several other neurons in the layer.

Page 53

5.2.1 Architecture of Mexican Hat Net
The architecture of Mexican hat is shown in Figure 5·2, with the interconnection
pattern for node Xi. The
neurons here are arranged in linear order; having positive connections between Xi
and near neighboring units, and negative connections between Xi and fart her away
neighboring units. The positive connection region is called region of cooperation
and the negative connection region is called region of competition. The size of these
regions depends on the relative magnitudes existing between the positive and
negative weights and also on the topology of regions such as linear, rectangular,
hexagonal grids, ere. In Mexican Hat, there exist two symmetric regions around
each individual neuron.
The individual neuron in Figure 5 -2 is denoted by Xi. This neuron is surr ounded
by other neurons Xi+ 1,
Xi-1, Xi+ 2, Xi-2, .... The nearest neighbors to the individual neuron Xi are Xi+ 1, Xi-
1. Xi+ 2‡DQG;L-2·
Hence, the weights associated with these are considered to be positive and are
denoted by WI and w2. The
farthest neigh bors m the individual neuron Xi are taken as Xi+3 and Xi -3, the
weights associated with these are negative and are denoted by w3. It can be seen
chat Xi+ 4 and Xi -4 are not connected to the individual neuron Xi, and therefore no
weighted interconnections ex ist between these connections. To make it easier, the
units present within a radius of 2 [query for unit] to the unit Xi are connected with
positive weights, the units within radius 3 are connected with negative weights and
the units present further away f rom radius 3 are not connected in any manner co
the neuron X i.

Figure 5.2 Structure of Maxican Hat

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53Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
5.2.3 Flowchart of Mexican Hat Net
The flowcha rt for Mexi cann hat is shown in Figure 5 -3. This dearly depicts the
flow of the process performed in Mexican Hat Network.

Figure 5.3. Flowchart of Mexican Hat

Page 55

5.2.3 Algorithm of Mexican Hat Net:
The various parameters used in the training algorithm are as shown below.
ܴଶൌ radius of rcgions of interconnections
௜ା௞ and ௙ି௞ are conniected to the individual units ௜ for ݇ൌͳ to ܴଶ.
ܴଵൌ adrus of tegion with positive reinforcement ሺܴଵ൏ܴଶሻ
௞ൌ weight berween ௜ and the unis ௜ା௞ and ௜ି௞
Ͳင݇ငܴଵǡݓ௞ൌ positive
ܴଵင݇ငܴଶǡݓ௞ൌ negative
ݐൌ external input signal
ݔൌ vector of accivation
ݔ଴ൌ vecior of activations at previous time step
ݐ୫ୟ୶ൌ total number of iterations of contmst enhancemen.
Here the iteration is started only with the incoming of the external signal
presented to the network.

Step 2: When ݐ is less than ݐmax , perform Steps 3 -7.
Srep 3: Calculace net input. Fot ݅ൌͳ to ݊,
Step 4: Apply the activation function. For ݅ൌͳ to ݊,

Page 56

55Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learningݔ௜ൌሾݔ୫ୟ୶ǡሺͲǡݔ௜ሻሿ
Step 5: Save the current activations in ݔ଴, i.e., for ݅ൌͳ to ݊,
Step 6: Increment the iteration counter:
Step 7: Test for stopping condition. The following is the stopping condition:
If ݐ൏ݐEx. then continue Else stop . The positive reinforcement here has the
capacity to increase the activation of units with larger initial activations and the
negative reinforcement has the capacity’ to reduce the activation of unis with
smaller initial activations. The activation function used here for unit ୧ at a
particular time instant ᇱᇱݐᇱᇱ is given by
The terms present within the summation symbol are the weighted signals that
arrived from other units ߙ the previous time step.
5.3 Hamming Network
The Hamming network selects stored classes, which are at a maximum Hamming
distance (H) from the
noisy vector presented at the input (Lippmann, 1987). The vectors involved in this
case are all binary and
bipolar. Hamming network is a maximum likelihood classifier that determines
which of several exemplar
vectors (the weight vector for an output unit in a clustering net is exemplar vector
or code book vector for the pattern of inputs, which the net has placed on that duster
unit) is mos t similar to an input vector (represented as an n~tuple). The weights of
the net are determined by the exemplar vectors. The difference between the tom!
number of components and the Hamming distance between the vecrors gives the
measure of similarity between the input vector and stored exemplar is
already discussed the Hamming distance between the two vectors is the number of
components in which the vectors differ.
Consider two bipolar vectors x and y; we use a relation

Page 57

x . y = a - d
where a is the number of components in which the vectors agree, d the number of
components in which the vectors disagree. The value "a - d" is the Hamming
distance existing between two vectors. Since, the total number of components is n,
we have,
i.e., ݀ൌ݊െܽ
On simplification, we ge t

From the above equation, it is clearly understood that the weights can be set to one-
half the exemplar vector and bias can be set initially to n/2. By calculating the unit
with the largest net input, the net is able to locate a particular unit that is clos est to
the exemplar. The unit with the largest net input is obtained by the Hamming net
using Maxnet as its subnet.
5.3.1. Architecture of Hamming Network:
The architecture of Hamming network is shown in Figure 5-4. The Hamming
network consists of two layers. The first layer com putes the difference between the
total number of component s and Hamming distance between the inpu t vector x and
the stored pattern of ve ctors in the feed -forward path. The efficient response in this
layer of a neuron is the indic ation of the minimum Hamming distance value
between the input and the category, which this neuron represents. The second layer
of the Hamming ne twork is composed of Maxnet (used as a subnet) or a Winner -
take-all network which is a recurrent network The Max net is found to suppress the
values at Maxnet output nodes except the initially maximum output node of the
first layer.

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57Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning

Figure 5.4 Structure of Hamming Network
5.3.2 Testing Algorithm of Hamming Network:
The given bipolar input vector is x and for a given set of "m" bipolar exemplar
vectors say e(l),.
e(j), ... , e(m), the Hamming network is used to determine the exemplar vector
that is closest m the input
vector x. The net input entering unit Yj gives the measure of the similarity
between the input vector and
exemplar vector. The parameters used here are the following:
n = number of input units (number of components of input -output vector)
m= number of output units (number of components of exemplar vector)
e(j)= jth exemplar vector, i.e.,
e(j) = [e1 (j), ... , e j(j), ... , e n(j)]
The testing algorithm for the Hamming Net is as follows:

Step 0: Initialize the weights. For ݅ൌͳ ro ݊ and ݆ൌͳ ro ݉,
Initialize the bias for storing the ᇱ݉௡ exemplar vectors. For ݆ൌͳ to ݉,
Step 1: Perform Steps 2 -4 for each inpuc vector ݔ .
Step 2: Calculate the net input to each unit ௝, i.e.,

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58SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUESݕ௜௡௝ൌܾ௝൅෍ԝఠ௜ୀଵݔ௜ݓ௜௝ǡ݆ൌͳ to ݉
Step 3: Initialize the activations for Maxnet, i.e.,
ݕ௝ሺͲሻൌݕ௜௡௝ǡ݆ൌͳ to ݉
Step 4: Maxnet is found to iterate for finding the exemplar that best matches the
inpur patterns.
5.4 Kohonen Self -Organizing Feature Maps
Feature’s mapping is a process which converts the patterns of arbitrary dimensionality into a response of one- or two -dimensional arrays of neurons, i.e. it
converts a wide pattern space into a typical feature space. The network performing
such a mapping is called feature map. Apart from its capability to reduce the higher
dimensionality, it has to preserve the neighborhood relations of the input patterns,
i.e. it has to obtain a topology preserving map. For obtaining such feature maps, it
is required to find a self-organizing array which consist of neurons arranged in a
one-dimensional array or a two -dimensional array. To depict this, a typical network
structure where each component of the inpu t vector x is connected to each of nodes
is shown in Figure 5 -5.

Figure 5.5 One -dimensional Feature mapping network
On the other hand , if the input vector is two -dimensional, the inputs, say x(a, b),
can arrange themselves
in a two -dimensional array defining the input space (a, b) as in Figure 5 -6. Here,
the two layers are fully connected .

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59Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
The topological preserving property is observed in the brain, bur nor found in any
other artificial neural network.

Figure 5.6. Two dimensional feature mapping network
5.4.1 Architecture of Kohone n Self -Organizing Feature Maps
Consider a linear array of cluster units as in Figure 5 -7. The neighborhoods of the
units designated by "o" of radii Ni(k1), Ni(k2) and Ni(k,), k1 > k, > k,, where k1 =
2, k2 = 1, k3 = 0.
For a rectangular grid, a neighborhood (Ni) of radii k 1, k2 , and k3 is shown in
Figure 5 -8 and for a
hexagonal grid the neighborhood is shown in Figure 5 -9. In all the three cases
(Figures 5 -7-5-9), the unit wi th “#” symbol is the winning unit and the other units
are indicated by "o." In both rectangular and hexagonal gr ids, k1 >k2 > k3, where
k1 = 2, k2 = 1, k3 = 0.
For rectangular grid, each unit has eight nearest neighbors but there are only six
neighbors for each unit in
the case of a hexagon grid. Missing neighborhoods may just be ignored. A typical
architecture of Kohonen self -organizing feature map (KSOFM) is shown in
Figure 5 -10.

Page 61

Figure 5.7. Linear array of cluster units

Fifure 5.8.Rectanguler grid

Figure 5.9. Hexagonal grid

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61Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
Figure 5.10. Kohonen self organizing feature map architecture
Flowchart of Kohonen Self -Organizing Feature Maps

Figure 5.11. Flowchart for training process of KSOFM

Page 63

5.4.2. Training Algorithm of Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature Maps :
Step 0: - Initialize the weights ݓ௜௝ : Random values may be assumed. They can be
chosen as the same range of values as the component if input vector. If
information related to distribution of clusters is known, the initial weights. can bet
taken to reflect that prior knowledge.
• Set topologic al neighborhood parameters: As clustering progresses, the
radius of the neighborhood Decreases
• Initialize the learning rate ߙ :It should be a slowly decreasing function of

Step 1: Perform Steps ʹെͺ when stopping condition is false.
Step 2; Perform Steps 3 -5 for each input vector ݔ .
Step 3: Compute the square of the Euclidean distance, i.e., for each ݆ൌͳ
to ݉,

Step 4: Find the winning unit index , so that ሺ ሻ is minimum. (In Steps 3 and 4 ,
dot product method can also be used to find the winner, which is basically the
calculation of net input, and the winner will be the one with the largest dot
Step 5: For all units ݆ within a specific neighborhood of ܬ and for all ݅ ,calculate
the new weights:
ݓ௝௝ሺ‡™ሻൌݓ௜௝ሺ‘פ†ሻേߙ଴ൣݔ௜െݓ௜௝ሺ old ሻ൧
ݓ௜௝ሺ new ሻൌሺͳെߙሻݓ௜௝ሺ old ሻ൅ߙݔ௜
Step 6: Update the learning rate ߙ using the formula ߙሺݐ൅ͳሻൌͲǤͷߙሺݐሻǤ
Step 7: Reduce radius of topological neighborhood at specified time intervals.
Step 8 : Test for stopping condition of the network

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63Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
5.5. Kohonen Self -Organizing Motor Map :

Figure 5.12. Architecture of kohonen self organizing motor map
The extension of K ohonen feature map for a multilayer network involve t he
addition of an association layer to the output of the self -organizing feature map
layer. The output node is found to associate the desired output values with certain
input vectors. This type of architecture is called as Kohonen self -organizing motor
map and layer that is added is called a motor map in which the movement
are being mapped into two -dimensional locations of excitation. The architecture
of KSOMM is shown in
Figure 5 -12. Here, the feature map is a hidden layer and this acts as a compe titive
network which classifies the input vectors.
5.6 Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)
LVQ is a process of classifying the patterns , wherein each output unit represents a
particular class. Here, for each class several units should be used. The output unit
weight vector is called the reference vector or code book vector for the class which
the unit represents. This is a special case of competitive net , which uses sup ervised
learning methodology. During the training the output units are found to b e
positioned to approximate the decision surfaces of the existing Bayesian classifier.
Here, the set of training patterns with known classifications is given to the network,
along with an initial distribution of the reference vectors. When the training pro cess
is complete, an LVQ net is found to classify an input vector by assigning it to the

Page 65

same class as that of the ou tput unit, which has its weight vector very close to the
input vector. Thus LVQ is a classifier paradigm that adjusts the boundaries between
categories to minimize existing misclassification. LVQ is used for optical character
recognition, converting speech mro phonemes and other application as well.
5.6.1. Architecture of LVQ:
Figure 5 -13 shows the architecture of LVQ. From F igure 5 -13 it can be noticed
that there exists input layer with "n" unit; and output layer with "m" units. The
layers are found to be fully interconnected with weighted linkage acting over the

Figure 5.13. Architecture of LVQ
5.6.2. Flowchart of LVQ:
The parameters used for the training process of a LVQ include the following:
ݔൌ taaining vector ሺݔଵǡǥǡݔ௜ǡǥǡݔ௡ሻ
ܶൌ category or class for the training vector ݔ
ݓ௝ൌ weight vector for jh outpus unit ൫ݖଵ௝ǡǥǡݓ௜௝ǡǥǡݓ௩௝൯
ܿ௝ൌ cluster or class or category associated with jh output unit.
The Euclidean distance of jh outpui unit is ܦሺ݆ሻൌσ൫ݔ௜െݓ௜௝൯ଶǤ The flowchart
indicaring the flow of training process is shown in Figure ͷെͳͶ.

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65Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning

5.6.3. Training Algorithm of LVQ:
Step 0 : Initialize the reference vectors. This can be done using the following
• From the given sec of training vectors, take the first " ݉ ( "number of
clusters) training vectors and use them as weighc vectors, the remaining
vectors can be used for training.
• Assign the initial weights and classifications random.1y.
•  -means chustering mechod.

Page 67

Set initial learning rate ߙ.
Step1: Perform Ste ps ʹെ͸ if the stopping condition is false.
Step 2: Perform Steps 3 -4 for each training input vector ݔ.
Step 3: Calculate the Euclidean distance; for ݅ൌͳ to ݊ǡ݆ൌͳ to ݉,
Find the winning unit index ܬ ,when ܦሺܬሻ is minimum.
Step 4: Update the weights on the winning unit, ݓ ,using the following
If ܶൌݍǡ then ݑ௝ሺ݁݊ݓሻൌݑ௝ሺ݈݀݋ሻ൅ߙൣݔെݓఫሺ݈݀݋ሽ൧
If ്ܶݍǡ then ݑ௝ሺ݁݊ݓሻൌ݃ݑሺ݈݀݋ሻെߙൣݔെݑ௝ሺͲሿ݀൯൧
Step 5: Reduce the learning rate ߙ.
Step 6: Test for the stopping condition of the training process.
(The stopping conditions may be fixed number of epochs or if learning rate has
reduced to a negligible value.)
5.7 Counter propagation Networks
They are multilayer networks ba sed on the combinations of the input, output and
clustering layers. The applications of count er propagation nets are data compression, function approximation and pattern association. The counter
propagation network is basically constructed from an ins tar-outstar model. This
model is a three -layer neural network that performs input -output data mapping,
producing an output vector yin response t o an input vector x, on the basis of
competitive learning. The three layers in an instar -outstar model are the input layer,
the hidden (competitive) layer and the output layer. The connections between the
input layer and the competitive layer are the instar structure, and the connections
existing between the competitive layer and the output layer are the outstar structure.
There are two stages involved in the training process of a counter propagation net.
The input vectors are
clustered in the first stage. Originally, it is assumed that there is no topology
included in the count er propagation network. However, on the inclusion of a linear

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67Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
topology, the performance of the net can be improved. The dusters are formed using
Euclidean distance method or dot product method. In the second stage of training,
the weights from the cluster layer units to the output units are tuned to obtain the
desired response.
There are two types of count er propagation nets:
(i) Full counter propagation net
(ii) Forward -only counter propagation net
5.7.1. Full Counter propagation Net:
Full counter propagation net (full CPN) efficiently represents a large number of
vector pairs x:y by adaptively constructing a look -up-table. The approximation here
is x*.y* , which is based on the vector pairs x :y, possibly with some distorted or
missing elements in e ither vector or both vectors. The network is defined to
approximate a continue function, defined on a compact set A. The full CPN works
best if the inverse function f-1 exists and is continuous. The vectors x and y
propagate through the network in a counter flow manner to yield output vectors x*
and y* , which are the approximations of x and y, respective . During competition,
the winner can be determined either by Euclidean distance or by dot product
method. In case of dot product method, the one with the largest net input is the
winner. Whenever vectors are to be compared using the dot product metric, they
should be normalized. Even though the normalization can be performed without
loss of information by adding an extra component, yet to avoid the comp lexity
Euclidean distance method can be used. On the basis of this, direct comparison can
be made between the full CPN and forward -only CPN.
For continuous function, the CPN is as efficient as the back -propagation net; it is a
universal continuous function approximate . In case of CPN, the number of hidden
nodes required to achieve a particular level
of accuracy is greater than the number required by the back -propagation network.
The greatest appeal of
CPN is its speed of learning. Compared to various mappin g networks, i t requires
only fewer steps of training to achieve best performance. This is co mmon for any
hybrid learning method that combines unsupervised learning (e.g., instar learning)
and supervised learning (e.g., outsrar learning).
As already discussed, the training of CPN occurs in two phases. In the input phase,
the units in the duster

Page 69

layer and input layer are found to be active. In CPN, no topology is assumed for
the cluster layer units; only the winning units are allowed to learn. The weight
pupation learning rule on the winning duster units is
ݒ௜௝ሺ new ሻൌݒ௜ሺͲ݈݀ሻ൅ߙൣݔ௜െݒ௜௝ሺ݋݈݀ሻ൧ǡ݅ൌͳ to ݊
ݓ௞Ȁሺ new ሻൌݓ௞௝ሺ݋݈݀ሻ൅ߚሺݕ௞െݓ௕ሺ݋݈݀ሻሿǡ݇ൌͳ to ݉
In the second phase of training, only the winner unit J remains active in the
cluster layer. The weights between the winning cluster unit J and the output units
are adjusted so that the vector of activations of the units in the Y -output layer is
y* which is an approximation to the input vector y and X* which is an
approximation to the input vector x. The weig ht updating for the units in the Y -
output and X -output layers are
ݑ௝௞ሺ݁݊ݓሻൌݑ௝௞ሺ݋݈݀ሻ൅ܽൣݕ௞െݑ௝௞ሺ݋݈݀ሻ൧ǡ݇ൌͳ to ݉
ݐ௝ሺ݁݊ݓሻൌݐ௝ሺ݋݈݀ሻ൅ܾൣݔ௜െݐ௝ሺ݋݈݀ሻ൧ǡ݅ൌͳ to ݊
5.7.2. Architecture of Full Counter propagation Net
The general structure of full CPN is shown in Figure 5 -15. The complete
architecture of full CPN is shown in Figure 5 -16.
The four major components of the instar -outstar model are the input layer, the
instar, the competitive layer and the ou tstar. For each node i in the input layer, there
is an input value xi;. An instar responds maximally to the input vectors from a
particular duster. All the ins tar are grouped into a layer called the competitive layer.
Each of the instar responds maximally to a group of input vectors in a different
region of space. This layer of instars classifies any input vector because, for a given
input, the winning instar with the strongest response identifies the region of space
in which the input vector lies. Hence, it is necessary that the competitive layer
single outs the winning instar by setting its output to a nonzero value and also
suppressing the other outputs to zero. That is, it is a winner -take-all or a Maxnet -
type network. An outstar model is found to have all the nodes in the output layer
and a single node in the competitive layer. The outstar looks like the fan -out of a
node. Figures 5 -17 and 5 -18 indicate the unit s that are active during each of the two
phases of training a full CPN.

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69Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning

Figure 5.15.General Structure of full CPN

Figure 5.16. Architecture of full CPN

Page 71


Figure 5.17 First phase of training of full CPN

Figure 5.18 Second phase of training of full CPN
5.7.3. Training Algorithm of Full Counter propagation Net :
Step 0: Set the initial weighrs and the initial learning rate.
Step 1: Perform Sreps ʹെ͹ if stopping condition is folse for phase I training.
Step 2: For each of the training input vector pair ݔǣݕ presented, perform Steps
Step 3: Make the X -input layer activations to vector . Make the Y -inpur layer
acrivations to vector Y.
Step 4: F ind the winning cluster unit. If dot product method is used, find the cluster
unit ݖ௝ with target net inpur: for ݆ൌͳ to ݌.
If Euclidean distance merhod is used, find the cluster unis ݖଵ whore squared
distance from input vecrors is the smallest:

Page 72

71Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learningܦ௝ൌ෍ԝ௡௜ୀଵ൫ݔ௜െݒ௜௝൯ଶ൅෍ԝ௜௠௞ୀଵۦߛ௞െݑ௡݇௜ۧଶ
If there occurs a tie in case of selection of winner unit, the unit with the smallest
index is the winner. Take the winner unit index as J.
Step 5: Update the weights over the calculated winner unit ݖ௝Ǥ
Step 6: Reduce the learning rates.
Step 7: Test stopping condition for phase I training.
Step 8: Perform Steps 9-15 when stopping condition is false for phase II training.
Step 9: Perform Steps ͳͲെͳ͵ for each training input pair ݔǢݕ .Here ߙ and ߚ are
small constant values.
Step 10: Make the X -input layer activations to vector ݔ .Make the Y -input layer
activa tions to vectot ݕ .
Step 11: Find the winning cluster unit (use formulas from Step 4). Take the
winner unit index as ݆ .
Step 12: Update the weights entering into unit 3).
For ݅ൌͳ to ݊ǡݒ௜௝ሺ new ሻൌݒ௜௝ሺ‘Ž†ሻ൅ߙൣݔ௜െݒ௜௝ሺ‘Ž†ሻ൧
For ݇ൌͳ to ݉ǡݓ௞௝ሺ‡™ሻൌݓ௞Ȁሺ‘Ž†ሻ൅ߚሾݕ௞െݓ௞ሺ‘Ž†ሻሿ
Step 13: Update the weights from unit ݖ௝ to ghe outpur layers.
For ݅ൌͳ to ݊ǡܿ௝ሺ new ሻൌݐ௝ሺ old ሻ൅ܾൣݔ௜െݐ௝ሺ݋ሿ݀൯൧
For ݇ൌͳ to ݉ǡݑ௝௞ሺ new ሻൌݑ௝௞ሺ old ሻ൅ܽൣݕ௞െݑ௝௞ሺ old ሻ൧
Step 14: Reduce the learning rates ܽ and ܾ.
Step 15: Test stopping condition for phase II training.

Page 73

5.7.4. Testing Algorithm of Full Counter propagation Net:
Step 0: Initialize the weights (from training algorithm).
Step 1: Perform Steps 2 -4 for each input pair X: Y.
Step 2: Ser X -input layer activations to vector . Ser Y -input layer activarions to
vector Y.
Step 3: Find the cluster unir ݖ௝ that is closest to the input pair.
Step 4: Calculate approximations to ݔ and ݕ :
5.7.5. Forward Only Counter propagation Net:
A simplified version of full CPN is the forward -only CPN. The approximation of
the function y = f(x) but not of x = f(y) can be performed using forward -only CPN,
i.e., it may be used if the mapping from x to y is well defined but mapping from y
to x is not defined. In forward -only CPN only the x -vectors are used to form the
clusters on the Kohonen units. Forward -only CPN uses only the x vectors to form
the clusters on the Kohonen units during first phase of training.
In case of forward -only CPN, first input vectors are presented to the input units.
The cluster layer units compete with each other using winner -take-all policy to
learn the input vector. Once entire set of training vectors has been presented, there
exist reduction in learning rate and the vector s are presented again, performing
several iterations. First the weights between the input layer and duster layer are
trained. Then the weights between the cluster layer and output layer are trained.
This is a specific competitive network, with target known . Hence, when each input
vector is presented m the input vector, its associated target vectors are presented to
the output layer. The winning duster unit sends its signal to the output layer. Thus
each of the output unit has a computed signal (wjk) and die target value (yk). The
difference between these values is calculated; based on this, the weights between
the winning layer and output layer are updated. The weight updation from input
units to cluster units is done using the learning rule given below:
For i= 1 to n,
ڄݒ௜ሺ new ሻൌݒ௜ fold ሻ൅ߙൣݔ௜െݒ௜௝ሺ old ሻ൧ൌሺͳെߙሻݒ௝ሺ old ሻ൅ߙݔ௜

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73Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
The weight updation from cluster units to output units is done using following the
learning rule: For ݇ൌͳ to ݉,
ݓ௝௞ሺ new ሻൌݒ௝௞ሺ old ሻ൅ܽൣݕ௞െݓ௝௞ሺ݈݀݋ሻ൧ൌሺͳെܽሻݓ௝௞ሺ oŽd ሻ൅ܽݕ௞
The learning rule for weight updation from the duster units to output units can be
written in the form of delta rule when the activations of the cluster units ൫ݖ௝൯ are
included, and is given as
ݓ௝௞ሺ new ሻൌݓ௝௞ሺͲפ݀ሻ൅݊ݖ௝ൣݕ௞െݓ௝௞ሺ old ሻൟ
ݖ௝ൌ൜ͳ if ݆ൌܬ
Ͳ if ്݆ܬ
This occurs when ݓ௝௞ is interprered as the computed output (i.e., ݕ௞ൌݓ௝௞ ). In
the formulation of forward -only CPN also, no topological structure was assumed.
5.7.6. Architecture of Forward Only Counter propagation Net:
Figure 5 -20 shows the architecture of forward -only CPN. It consists of three layers:
input layer, cluster (competitive) layer and output layer. The architecture of
forward -only CPN resembles the back -propagation network, but in CPN there
exists interconnections between the units in the duster layer (which are nor
connected in Figure 5 -20). Once competition is completed in a forward -only CPN,
only one unit will be active in that layer and it sends signal to the output layer. As
inputs are presented m the network, the desired outputs will also be presented

Figure 5.19 Architecture of forward only CPN

Page 75

5.7.8. Training Algorithm of Forward Only Counter propagation Net:
Step 0: Initialize the weights and learning races.
Step 1: Perform Steps 2 -7 when stopping condition for phase I training is false.
Step 2: Perform Steps 3 -5 for each of training input ܺ .
Step 3: Set the X -input layer acrivations to vector ܺ.

Step 4: Compute the winning cluster unit ሺܬሻ. If dot product mechod is used, find
the cluster unit zy Step wich the largest net input:
If Euclidean distance is used, find the cluster unit ݖ௝ square of whose distance
from the input pattetn is smallest:
If there exists a tie in the selection of winner unit, the unit with the smallest index
is chosen as the winner.
Step 5: Perform weight updation for unit ݖ௝. For ݅ൌͳ to ݊,
ݒ௜௝ሺ new ሻൌݒ௜௝ሺ old ሻ൅ߙൣݔ௜െݒ௜௝ሺ old ሻ൧
Step 6: Reduce learning mte ߙ
Step 7: Test the stopping condition for phase I training.
Step 8: Perform Steps ͻെͳͷ when stopping condition for phase II training is
false. (Set ߙ a small constant value for phase II training.)
Step 9: P erform Steps 10 -13 for each tmining input pait ݔǤ. .
Step 10: Ser X -input layer activations to vector X. Set Y -output layer activations
to vector Y.
Step 11: Find the winning cluster unit (J) [use formulas as in Step 4].

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75Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
Step 12: Update the weights int o unit ݖ௝. For ݅ൌͳ to ݊,
ݒ௜௝ሺ new ሻൌݒ௜௝ሺ old ሻ൅ߙሾݔ௜െݒ௜ (old) פ
Step 13: Update the weights from unit œ ) to the output units. For ݇ൌͳ to ,
ݓ௝௞ሺ new ሻൌݓ௝௞ሺ old ሻ൅ߚൣߟ௞െݓ௝௞ሺ old ሻ൧
Step 14: Reduce learning rate ߚ ,i.e.,
Step 15: Test the stopping condition for phase II training.
5.7.9. Testing Algorithm of Forward Only Counter propagation Net:
Step 0: Set initial weights. (The initial weights here are the weights obtained
during training.)
Step 1: Present input vector .
Step 2: Find unit J that is closest to vector .
Step 3: Set activations of output units:
5.8 Adaptive Resonance Theory Network
The adaptive resonance theory (ART) network, developed by Steven Grossberg
and Gail Carpenter (1987), is consistent with behavioral models. This is an
unsupervised learning, based on competition, that finds categories autonomously
and learn s new categories if needed. The adaptive resonance model was developed
to solve the problem of instability occurring in feed -forward systems. There are
two types of ART: ART 1 and ART 2. ART 1 is designed for clustering binary
vectors and ART 2 is designed to accept continuous -valued vectors. In both the
ners, input patterns can be presented in any order. For each pattern, presented to
the network, an appropriate cluster unit is chosen and the weighs of the cluster unit
are adjusted to let the cluster unit learn the pattern. This network controls the degree
of similarity of the patterns placed on the same cluster units. During training, each
training pattern may be presented several times. It should be noted that the mput
patterns should not be presented on the same cluster unit, when it is presented each
time. On the basis of this, the stability of the net is defined as that wherein a pattern
is not presented o previous cluster units.

Page 77

The adaptive resonance theory (ART) network, developed by Steven Grossberg
and Gail Carpenter ሺͳͻͺ͹ሻ, is consistent with behavioral models. This is an
unsupervised learning, based on competition, that finds categories auconomously
and learns new categories if needed. The adapdive resonance model was developed
to solve the proble m of instability oceutring in feed -forward systems. There are two
types of ART: ART 1 and ART 2. ART 1 is designed for clustering binary vectors
and ART 2 is designed to accept continuous -valued vectors. In both the ners, input
patterns can be presented in any order. For each pattern, presented to the network,
an appropriate cluster unit is chosen and the weighs of the cluster unit are adjusted
to let the cluster unit learn the pattern. This network controls the degree of similarity
of the patterns placed o n the same cluster units. During training, each training
pattern may be presented several times. It should be noted that the input patterns
should not be presented on the same cluster unit, when it is presented each time.
On the basis of this, the stabilit y of the net is defined as that wherein a pattern is
not presented (o previous cluster units The stability may be achieved by reducing
the learning rates. The ability of the network to respond to a new pattern equally at
any stage of learning is called as plastic: ART nets are designed to possess the
properties, stability and plasticity. The key concept of ART is that the stability
plasticity can be resolved by a system in which the network includes bottom -up
(input -output) competitive learning combined wit h top-down (output -input)
learning. The instability of instar -outstar networks could be solved by reducing the
learning rate gradually to zero by freezing the learned categories. Buc, at this point,
the net may lose its plasticity or the ability to react to new data. Thus it is difficult
to possess both stability and plasti city. ART networks are designed particularly to
resolve the stability -plasticity dilemma, that is, they are stable to preserve
significant past learning but nevertheless remain adaptable to incorporate new
information whenever it appears.
5.8.1. Fundamenta l architecture of ART -
Three groups of neurons reused to build an ART network. These include:
1. Input processing neurons (F1 layer).
2. Clustering units (F2 layer).
3. Control mechanism (controls degree of similari ty of patterns placed on the
same duster
The processing neuron ሺ 1) layer consists of two portions: Input portion and
interface portion input portion may perform some processing based on the inputs it
receives. This is especially performed in the case of ART 2 compared to ART 1.

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77Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
The interface portion of the ଵ layer combines the input from input portion of ଵ
and ଶ layers for comparing the similarity of the input signal with the weight vector
for the interface portion ʹͷ (b).
There exist two sets of weighted interconnections fo r controlling the degree of
similarity between the units in the interface portion and the cluster layer. The
bottom -up weights are used for the connection from ଵሺ „ሻ layer to ଶ tayer and
are represented by ߜ௜௝ሺ݂ th ଵ unit to ŒŠ ଶ unit). The iop -down weights are used
for the connection from ଶ layer to ଵሺ „ሻ layer and are repiesented by ݐఓ᪄ሺ݆ th ଶ
unit to ݅ th ଵ anic). The competitive Jayer in this cose is the cluster layct and the
duster unit wich largest net input is the victim to learn the inpu t pattern, and the
activations of all other ଶ urnis are mate zero The interface units combinc the data
from input and cluster layer units. On the basis of the similarity between the top -
down weight vector and input vector, the cluster unit may be allowed to learn the
input pattern. This decision is done by -esset mechanism unit on the basis of the
signals receives from interface portion and input portion of the ଵ layer. When
duster unit is not allowed to learn, it is inhibited and a new cluster unit is sel ected
as the victim.
5.8.2. Fundamental algorithm of ART -
Step 0: initialize the necessary parameters.
Step 1: Perform Steps ʹെͻ when stopping condition is false.
Step 2: Perform Steps ͵െͺ for each input vector.
Step 3: ଵ layer processing is done.
Step 4: Perform Steps ͷെ͹ when teset condition is true.
Step 5: Find the victim unit to learn the current input pattern. The victim unit is going to
be the ଶ unit (that is nor inhibited) with the largest input.
Step 6: F 1 (b) u nits combine their inputs from F 1 (a) and F 2.
Step7: Test for reset condition. Step If reset is true, then the current victim unit is rejected
(inhibited); go to Step ͶǤ If reser is false, then che carrent victim unit is accepted for
learning; go to nex t step (Step 8).
Step 8: Weight updation is performed.
Step 9: Test for stopping condition.
Adaptive resonance theory 1 (ART 1) network is designed for binary input vectors.
As discussed generally, the ART 1 net consists of two fields of units -input unit ሺܨଵ
unit) and output unit ሺܨଶ unit) -aiong with the reser control unit for controlling the
degree of similarity of patterns placed on the same cluster unit. There exist two sets

Page 79

of weighted interconnection patch between ଵ and ଶ layers. The supplemental unic
present in the net provides the efficient neural control of the leatning process.
Carpenter and Grossberg have designed ART 1 network as a real -time system. In
ART 1 network, ic is not necessary to present an input pattern in a particular order;
it can be presented in any order. ART 1 network can be practically implemented by
analog circuits governing the differential equations, i. Q. the bottom -up and top
down weights are controlled by differential equations.)ART 1 network ru ns
throughout autonomously. It does nor require any external control signals and can
run stably with infinite patterns of input data.
ART 1 network is trained using fast learning method, in which the weights reach
equilibrium during each learning trial. Du ring this resonance phase, the activations
of F units do not change; hence the equilibrium weights can be determined exactly
The ART 1 network performs well with perfect binary input patterns, but is
sensitive to noise in the input dara. Hence care should be taken to handle the noise .
5.8.3. Fundamental architecture of ART1 -
The ART 1 network is made up of two units:
1 Computational units.
2 Supplemental units.
In this section we will discuss in detail about these two units.
Computational units
The computational unit for ART 1 consists of the following:
1 Input units ሺ ଵ unit െ both input portion and interface portion).
2 Cluster units ሺ ଶ unit െ outpuc unit),
Reset control unit (controls degree of similarity of patterns placed on same cluster).
The basic architecture of ART I (computational unit) is shown in Figure 5 -22. Here
each unit present in the input portion of ଵ layer ሺ‹ǡ‡Ǥǡ ଵሺƒሻ layer unic) is
connected to the respective unic in the interface portion of E layer (i.e., ଵሺ „ሻ layer
unit). Reset control unit has connections from each ˆ ଵሺƒሻ and ଵሺ „ሻ units. Also,
each unit in ଵሺ „ሻ layer is connected through two weighted interconnection pachs
to each unic in ଶ layer and the reser control unit is connected to every F2 unit.The
Xi unit of F 1(b) layer is connected to Y j unit of F 2 layer through bottom -up weight
(bij) and the Y j unit of F 2 is connected to X i unit of F 1 through top -down weights

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79Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
(tji). Thus ART 1 includes a bottom -up competitive learning system combined with
a top -down outst ar learning system. In Figure ͷെʹʹ for simplicity only the
weighted interconnections ܾ௜௝ and ݐ௝௜ are shown, the other units’ weighted interconnections are in a similar way. The cluster layer ሺܨଶ layer) unit is a
competitive layer, where only the uninhibited node with the largest net input has
nonzero activation.

Figure 5 .22 Basic architecture of ART 1
5.8.4. Training Algorithm of ART1 -
Step 0: initialize the parameters:
and Ͳ൏ߩ൑ͳ
Initialize the weights:
ߙെͳ൅݊ and ݐ௝௜ሺͲሻൌͳ

Step 1: Perform Steps 2 -13 when stopping condition is false.
Step 2: Perform Steps ͵െͳʹ for each of the training input.
Step 3: Set activations of all ଶ units to zero. Set the activations of ଵሺʹሻ units to
input vectors.

Step 4: Calculate the n orm of ȭ צݏצൌ෍ԝ௝ݏ௜

Page 81

Step 5: Send input signal from ଵ (a) layer to ଵ (b) byer:
Step ͸ǣ for each ଶ pode thar is not inhibited, the following rule should hold: If
ݕǢ്െͳ, then ݕ᪄௝ൌσܾ௜௝௫೔

Step 7: Perform Steps ͺെͳͳ when reset is true.
Step 8 : Find J for ݕ௝൒ݕ௝ for all nodes ݆ .If ݕ௝ൌെͳ, then all the nodes are
inhibited and note that this pattern cannot be clustered.
Step 9: Recalculate activation  of ଵሺ „ሻ :
Step 10: Calculate the norm of vector ݔ.
Step 11: Test for reset condition. If צݔצȀצݏצ൏ߩ ,then inhibit node ܬǡݕ௝ൌെͳǤ
Go back to step 7 again. Else if צݔצȀצݏצ൒ߩ ,then procced to the next step
(Step 12).
Step 12: Perform weight updation for node J. (fast learning):
ܾ௜௝ሺ new ሻൌߙݔ௜
ඥݐ௝݅ (new) ൌݔ௜ൟ
Step 13: Test for stopping condition. The following may be the stopping
a. No change in weights.
b. No reset of units.
c. Maximum number of epochs reached.

5.8.5. Adaptive Resonance Theory 2 (ART2):
Adaptive resonance theory 2 (ART 2) is for continuous -valued input vectors. In
ART 2 network complexity is higher than ART 1 network because much processing
is needed i n F 1 layer. ART 2 network was developed by Carpenter and Grossberg

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81Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
in 1987. ART 2 network was designed to self -organize recognition categories for
analog as well as binary input sequences. The major difference between ART l and
ART 2 networks is the input layer. On the basis of the stability criterion for analog
inputs, a three -layer feedback system in the input layer of ART 2 network is
required: A bottom layer where the input pa tterns are read in, a top layer where
inputs coming from the output layer are read in and a middle layer where the top
and bottom patterns are combined together to form a marched pattern which is then
fed back to the top and bottom input layers. The complexity in the F1 layer is
essential because continuous -valued input vec tors may be arbitrarily dose together.
The F1 layer consists of normalization and noise suppression parameter, in addition
to comparison of the bottom -up and top -down signals, needed for the reset
The continuous -valued inputs presented to the ART 2 n etwork may be of two
forms. The first form
is a "noisy binary" signal form, where the information about patterns is delivered
primarily based on the
components which are "on" or "off," rather than the differences existing in the
magnitude of the components chat are positive. In this case, fast learning mode is
best adopted. The second form of patterns are those, in which the range of values
of the comp onents carries significant information and the weight vector for a cluster
is found to be interpreted as exemplar for· the patterns placed -on chat unit. In this
type of pattern, slow learning mode is best adopted. The second form of data is
"truly continuo us.''
5.8.6. Fundamental architecture of ART2 -
A typical architecture of ART 2 network is shown in Figure ͷെʹͷǤ From the
figure, we can notice that ଵ layer consists of six types of units - W, X, U, V, P, Q -
and there are " ݊ "units of each type. In Figur e ͷെʹͷ, only one of these units is
shown. The supplemental parc of the connection is shown in Figure ͷെʹ͸Ǥ
The supplemental unit " ᇱᇱ between units ܹ and ܺ receives signals from all " ܹ"
units, computes the no run of vector ݓ and sends this signal to each of the ܺ units.
This signal is inhibitory signal. Each of this ሺଵǡǥǡ௜ǡǥǡ௡ሻ also receives
excicatory signal from the corresponding ܹ unit. In a similar way, there exists
supplementa l units between ܷ and ܸ ,and ܲ and ܳ ,performing the same operation
as done between W and . Each  unit and  unit is connecred to  unit. The
connections between ୨ of the ଵ layer and ௝ of the ଶ layer show the weighted

Page 83

82SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUESinterconnections, which multiplies the signals transmitted over those pachs. The winning ଶ unics’ activation is ݀ሺͲ൏݀൏ͳሻ. There exists normalization between ܹ and ǡ and ଵ and  and . The noimalization is performed approximately to unit length. The operations performed in ଶ layer are same for both ART 1 and ART 2. The units in ଶ layer compete with each other in a winner -take-all policy to learn each input pattern. The testing of reset condition differs for ART 1 and ART 2 networks. Thus, in ART 2 network, some processing of the input vector is necessary because the magnitudes of the real valued input vectors may vary more than for the binary input vectors.

Figure 5.25. Architecture of ART2 network 5.8.7.Training Algorithm of ART2: Step 0: Initialize the following parameters: ܽǡܾǡܿǡ݀ǡ݁ǡߙǡߩǡߠǤ Also, specify the number of epochs of training (nep) and number of learning iterations (nit). Step 1: Perform Steps 2-12 (nep) times. Step 2: Perform Steps ͵െͳͳ for each input vector ݏǤ

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83Chapter 5: Unsupervised Learning
Step 3: Update ଵ unit activations:
Update ଵ unit activations again:
In ART 2 networks, norms are calculated as the square root of the sum of the
squares of the respective values.
Step 4: Calculate signals to ଶ units:
Step 5: Perform Steps 6 and 7 when reset is true.
Step 6: Find ଶ unit ௝ wich largest signal is defined such that ݕ௝൒ݕ௝ǡ݆ൌͳ (o
Step 7: Check for reser:
If צݎצ൏ሺߩെ݁ሻ, then ݕ௃ൌെͳ (inhibit ܬሻ. Reser is true; perform Step 5 .

If צݎצ൒ሺߩെ݁ሻǡ then
Reset is false. Proceed to Step ͺǤ
Step 8: Perform Steps 9 -l 1 for specified number of learning i nteractions.

Page 85

Step 9: Update the weights for winning unit J:
Step 10: Update F_ acrivations:
Step 11: Check for the stopping condition of weight updating .
Step 12: Check for the stopping condition for number of epochs.
Review Questions:
1. Explain the concept of Unsupervised Learning.
2. Write a short note on Fixed Weight Competitive Nets
3. Explain Algorithm of Mexican Hat Net
4. What is mean by Hamming Network
5. Explain the Architecture of Hamming Network
6. Write a short note on Kohonen Self -Organizing Feature Maps
7. Write a short note on Learning Vector Quantiz ation (LVQ)
8. Explain Counter propagation Networks
9. What is mean by Adaptive Resonance Theory Network
1. “Principles of Soft Computing”, by S.N. Sivanandam and S.N. Deepa,
2019, Wiley Publication, Chapter 2 and 3
2. (Artificial Neural Networks, Stephen
Lucci PhD)
3. Related documents, diagrams from blogs, e -resources from RC Chakraborty
lecture notes and

Page 86

85Chapter 6: Special Networks
Unit 1
Unit Structure
6.1 Simulated Annealing Network
6.2. Boltzmann Machine
6.3. Gaussian Machine
6.4. Cauchy Machine
6.5. Probabilistic Neural Net
6.6. Cascade Correlation Network
6.7. Cognitron Network
6.8. Neocognitron Network
6.9. Cellular Neural Network
6.10. Optical Neural Networks
6.11 . Spiking Neural Networks (SNN)
6.12. Encoding of Neurons in SNN
6.13. CNN Layer Sizing
6.14. Deep learning Neural networks
6.15. Extreme Learning Machine Model (ELMM)
6.1. Simulated Annealing Network
The concept of simulated annealing has it origin in the physical annealing process
performed over metals and other substances. In metallurgical annealing, a metal
body is heated almost to its melting point and then c ooled back slowly to room
temperature. This process eventually makes the metal's global energy function
reach an absolute minimum value. If the metal's temperature is reduced quickly, the
energy of the metallic lattice will be higher than this minimum valu e because of the
existence of frozen lattice dislocations that would otherwise disappear due to
thermal agitation. Analogous to the physical annealing behaviour, simulated annealing can make a system change its state to a higher energy state having a
chance to jump from local minima or global maxima. There exists a cooling
procedure in the simulated annealing process such that the system has a higher

Page 87

probability of changing to an increasing energy state in the beginning phase of
convergence. Then, as time goes by, the system becomes stable and always moves
in the direction of decreasing energy state as in the case of normal minimization
With simulated ann ealing, a system changes its state from the original state old
to a new stare new with a probability  given by
where ȟܧൌܧold െܧnew (energy change ൌ difference in new energy and old
energy) and ܶ is the nonnegative parameter ( acts like temperature of a physical
system). The probability  as a function of change in energy ሺȟܧሻ obtained for
different values of the remperature ܶ is shown in Figure ͸െͳ. From Figure ͸െͳ,
it can be noticed that the probability when ȟܧ൐Ͳ is always higher than she
probability when ȟܧ൏Ͳ for any remperature.
An optimization problem seeks to find some configuration of parameters ܺǗൌ
ሺܺଵǡǥǡܺ௡ሻ, hat minimizes some function ݂ሺܺሻ called cost function. In an arcificial
neural network, configuration parameters are associated with the set of weights and
the cost function is associated with the error function.
The simulated annealing concept is used in statistical mechanics and is cal led
Metropolis algorithm. As discussed earlier, this algorithm is based on a material
that anneals into a solid as temperature is slowly decreased. To understand this,
consider the slope of a hill having local valleys. A stone is moving down the hill.
Here , the local valleys are local minima, and the bottom of the hill is going to be
the global or universal minimum. It is possible that the stone may stop at a local
minimum and never reaches the global minimum. In neural nets, this would
correspond to a set of weights that correspond to that of local minimum, but this is
nm the desired solution. Hence, to overcome this kind of situation, simulated
annealing perturbs the stone such that if it is trapped in a local minimum, it escapes
from it and continues fall ing till it reaches its global minimum (optimal solution).
At that point, further perturbations cannot move the stone to a lower position.
Figure 6 -2 shows the simulated annealing between a stone and a hill.

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87Chapter 6: Special Networks

Figure 6.1 Probability “P” as a function in energy(AE)
for different values of temperature T

Figure 6.2 Simulated annealing stone and hill The components required for annealing algorithm are the following 1 A basic system configuration: The possible solu tion of a problem over which
we search for a best (optimal) answer. (In a neural ner, this is optimum steady -
state weight.) 2 The move set: A ser of allowable moves thar permit us to escape from local
minima and reach all possible configurations. 3 A cost func tion associated with the error function.

Page 89

88SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES4 A cooling schedule: Starting of the cost function and rules to determine when it should be lowered and by how much, and when annealing should be
Simulated annealing networks can be used to make a network converge to its
global minimum. 6.2. Boltzmann Machine The early optimization technique used in artificial neural networks is based on the Boltzmann machine. When the simulated annealing process is applied w the discrete Hopfield network, it becomes a Boltzmann machine. The network is configured as the vector of the states of the units, and the stares of the units are binary valued with probabilities state transition. The Boltzmann machine described in this section has fixed weights wij. On applying the Boltzmann machine to a constrained optimization problem, the weights represent the constraints of the problem and the quantity to be optimized. The discussion here is based on the fact of maximization of a consensus function (CF). The Boltzmann machine consists of a set of units (Xi, and Xj) and a set of bi -directional connections between pairs of units. This machine can be used as an associative memory. If the units Xi; and Xj are connected, then w ij7KHUHH[LVWVsymmetry in the weighted interconnections based on the directional nature. It can be represented as wij=w ji. There also may exist a self -connection for a unit (wij). For unit Xi, its State xi; may be HLWKHURU7KHREMHFWLYHRIWKHQHXUDOQHWLVWRmaximize the CF given by
௝ஸ௜ݓ௜௝ݔ௜ݔ௝ The maximum of the CF can be obtained by letting each unit attempt to change its state (alter between " ͳ௡ DQGRUDQG 7KHFKDQJHRIVDWHFDQEHGRQHeither in parallel or sequencial manner. However, in this case ali the description is based on sequential manner. The consensus change when unit ܺ௜ changes its state is given by
௝ஷ௜ԝݓ௜௝ݔ௜ቍ where ݔ௜ is the current srate of unit ܺ௜. The variation in coefficient ሺͳെʹݔ௜ሻ is given by ሺͳെʹݔ௜ሻൌ൜൅ͳǡܺ௜ is currently off െͳǡܺ௜ is currently on

Page 90

89Chapter 6: Special NetworksIf unit ܺ௜ were to change its activations, then the resulting change in the CF can be obtained from the information that is local to unit ܺ௜. Generally, ܺ௜ does not change its stare, but if the states are changed, then this increases the consersus of the net. The probability of the network that accepts a change in the state for unit ܺ௜ is given by
ͳ൅‡š’ሾെȟ ሺ݅ሻȀܶሿ where ܶ (temperature) is the controlling parameter and it will gradually decrease as the CF reaches the maximum value. Low values of ܶ are acceptable because they increase rhe net consensus since the net accepts a change in state. To help the net not to stick with the local maximum, probabilistic functions are used widely. 6.2.1. Architecture of Boltzmann Machine

Figure 6.3 Architecture of Boltzmann machine 6.2.2. Testing Algorithm of Boltzmann Machine Step 0: Initialize the weights representing the constraints of the problem. Also initialize control parameter ܶ and activate the uni ts. Step 1: When stopping condition is false, perform Steps 2-8. Step 2: Perform Steps ͵െ͸݊ଶ rimes. (This forms an epoch.)

Page 91

Step 3: Integers ܫ and ܬ are chosen random values berween 1 and ݊( .Unit ܷଵǡ௝ is
the current victim to change its state.)
Step 4: Calculate the change in consensus:
Step 5: Calculate the probability of acceptance of the change in state:
 ሺܶሻൌͳȀͳ൅‡š’ሾെሺȟ Ȁܶሻሿ
Step 6: Decide whether to accept the change or not. Les ܴ be a random number
0 and 1. If ܴ൏ , accep t the change:
ܺ௅ǡ௃ൌͳെܺ௟ǡ௝ (This changes the scate ௅ǡ௃.) If ܴ൒ܣܨ ,reject the change.
Step 7: Reduce the control parame ter ܶ .ܶ (new) ൌͲǤͻͷܶ (old)
Step 8: Test for stopping condition, which is:
If the temperature reaches a specified value or if there is no change of state for
specified number of epochs then stop, else continue.
6.3. Gaussian Machine
Gaussian machine is one which includes Boitzmann machine, Hopfield net and
other neural ne tworks. The Gaussian machine is based on the following three
(a) a slope parameter of sigmoidal func tion ߙ,
(b) a time step ȟݐ( ,c) temperacure ܶ .The s teps involved in the operation of the
Gaussian net are the following:
Step 1: Compute the net input to unit ܺ௜ :
where ߠ ;is the rhreshold and א the random noise which depends on temperature ܶ.
Step 2: Change the activity level of unit ܺ௜ :
Step 3: Apply the activation function:
The binary step function corresponds to ߙൌλ (infini ty).

Page 92

91Chapter 6: Special Networks
The Gaussian machine with ܶൌͲ corresponds the Hopfield net. The Bolamann
machine can be obtained by setting ȟݐൌ”ൌͳ to get
ȟݔ௜ൌെݔ௜൅ net ௜
or ݔ௜ (new) ൌ net ௜ൌ෍ԝே
The approximate Boltzmann acceptance function is obtained by integrating the
Gaussian nois e distribution
ʹߪଶ݀ݔൎ ሺݎǡܶሻൌͳ
where ݔ௜ൌȟܨܥሺ݅ሻ. The noise which is found to obey a logistic rather than a
Gaussian distribution produces a Gaussian machine that is identical to Boltzmann
machine having Metrop olis acceptance function, i.e., the output set to 1 with
 ሺ݅ǡ ሻൌͳ
ȟݔ௜ൌെݔ௜൅ net ௜
6.4. Cauchy Machine
Cauchy machine can be called fast simulated annealing, and it is based on including
more noise to the net input for increasing the likelihood of a unit escaping from a
neighbourhood of local minimum. Larger changes in the system's configuration can
be obta ined due to the unbounded variance of the Cauchy distribution. Noise
involved in Cauchy distribution is called "coloured noise" and the noise involved
in the Gaussian distribution is called "white noise." By setting ȟݐൌ߬ൌͳ, the
Cauchy machine can be exte nded into the Gaussian machine, to obtain
or ݔ௜ (new) ൌ net ௜ൌ෍ԝே
The Cauchy acceptance function can be obtained by integrating the Cauchy noise
ܶቁൌ ሺ݅ǡܶሻ
where ݔ௜ൌȟܨܥሺݐሻ. The cooling schedule and temperature have to be considered
in both Cauchy and Gaussian machines.

Page 93

6.5. Probabilistic Neural Net
The probabilistic neural net is based on the idea of conventional probability theory,
such as B ayesian classification and other estimators for probability density functions, to construct a neural net for classification. This net instantly approximates optimal boundaries between categories. It assumes that the training
data are original representativ e samples. The probabilistic neural net consists of
two hidden layers as shown in Figure 6 -4. The first hidden layer contains a
dedicated node for each training p attern amd the second hidden layer contains a
dedicated node for each class. The two hidden la yers are connected on a class -by-
class basis, that is, the several examples of the class in the first hidden layer are
connected only to a single machine unit in the second hidden layer.

Figure 6.4. Probabilistic neural network
The algorithm for the construction of the net is as follows:
Step 0: For each training input pattern ݔሺ݌ሻǡ݌ൌͳ to ܲ ,perform Steps 1 and 2.
Step 1: Create pattern unit ݖ௞ (hidden -layer -l unit). Weight vecror for unit ݖ௞ is
given by
Unit ݖ௞ is either ݖ -class- 1 unit or ݖ -class - 2 unic.
Step 2: Connect the hidden -layer - 1 unit to the hidden -layer - 2 unic.
If ݔሺ݌ሻ belongs to class 1, then connect the hidden layer unic ݖ௞ ro the hidden layer
unit ଵ.
Otherwise, connect pattern hidden layer unit ݖ௞ to the hidden layer unit ܨଶ.

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93Chapter 6: Special Networks
6.6. Cascade Correlation Network:
Cascade correlation is a network which builds its own architecture as the training
progresses. Figure 6 -5 shows the cascade correlation archit ecture. The network
begins with some inputs and one or more output nodes, but it has no hidden nodes.
Each and every input is connected to every output node. There may be linear units
or some nonlinear activation function such as bipolar sigmoidal activati on function
in the output nodes. During training process, new hidden nodes are added to the
network one by one. For each new hidden node, the correlation magnitude between
the new node's output and the residual error signal is maximized. The connection
is made to each node from each of the network's original inputs and also from every
pre-existing hidden node. During the time when the node is being added to the
network, the input weights of the hidden nodes are -frozen, and only the output
connections are tr ained repeatedly. Each new node thus adds a new one -node layer
to the network.

Figure 6.5. Cascade architecture after two hidden nodes have been added
In Figure 6 -5, the vertical lines sum all incoming activations. The rectangular boxed connections are frozen and "0" connections are trained continuously. In the beginning of the training, there are no hidden nodes, and the network is trained over
the comp lete training set. Since there is no hidden node, a simple learning rule,
Widrow -Hofflearning rule, is used for training. After a certain number of training
cycles, when there is no significant error reduction and the final error obtained is
unsatisfactory , we try to reduce the residual errors further by adding a new hidden
node. For performing this task, we begin with a candidate node that receives
trainable input connections from the network's external inputs and from all pre -

Page 95

existing hidden nodes. The ou tput of this candidate node is not yet connected to the
active network. After this, we run several numbers of epochs for the training set.
We adjust the candidate node's input weights after each -epoch to maximize C
which is defined as
where ݅ is the network output at which error is measured, ݆ the raining partern, ݒ
the candidate node's output value, ܧ௢ the residual output error at node ݋ǡߥ᪄ the value
of ݕ averaged over all parterns, ܧ௢തതത the value of ܧ௢
averaged o ver all patterns. The value " ܥᇱᇱ ' measures the correlation berween the candidate node's oucput value and the calculated residual output error. For maximizing ܥ ,the gradient μ݀μݓ௜ is obrained as
where ߪ௜ is the sign of the correlation between the candidatc's value and output ݅Ǣ݀௝
the derivative for pattern ݆ of the candidate node's activation function with respecc
to sum of its inputs; ܫ௠ǡ௝ the input the candidate node receives from node ݉ for
pattern ݆Ǥ When gradient μ݀μݓ௜ is calculated, perform gradient ascent to maximize
C. As we are training only a single layer of weights, simple delta learning rule can
be applied. When ܥ stops improving, again a new candidate can be brought in as a
node i n the active network and its input weights are frozen. Once again, all the
output weights are trained by the delta learning rule as done previously, and the
whole cycle repeats itself until the error becomes acceptably small.
6.7. Cognitron Network:
The sy naptic strength from cell X to cell Y is reinforced if and only if the following
two conditions are true:
l. Cell X - presynaptic cell fires.
2. None of the postsynaptic cells present near cell Y fire stronger than Y .
The model developed by Fukushima was ca lled cognitron as a successor to the
perceptron which can perform cognizance of symbols from any alphabet after
training. Figure 6 -6 shows the connection between presynaptic cell and postsynaptic cell.

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95Chapter 6: Special Networks
The cognitron network is a self -organizing multilayer neural network. Its nodes
receive input from the defined areas of the previous layer and also from units within
its own area. The input and output neural elements can rake the form of positive
analog values, which are proportional to the pulse density of f iring biological
neurons. The cells in the cognitron model use a mechanism of shunting inhibition,
i.e., a cell is bound in terms of a maximum and minimum activities and is driven
toward these extremities. The area from which the cell receives input is cal led
connectable area. The area formed by the inhibitory cluster is called the vicinity
area. Figure 6. 7 shows the model of a cognitron. Since the connectable areas for
cells in the same vicinity are defined to overlap, but are not exactly the same, there
will be -a slight difference appearing between the cells which is reinforced so that
the gap becomes more apparent. Like this, each cell is allowed to develop its own
Cognitron network can be used in neurophysiology and psychology. Since th is
network closely resembles the natural characteristics of a biological neuron, this is
best suited for various kinds of visual and auditory information processing systems.
However, a major drawback of cognitron net is that it cannot deal with the problem s
of orientation or distortion. To overcome this drawback, an improved version called
neocognitron was developed.

Figure 6.6 Connection between presynaptic cell and postsynaptic cell

Page 97


Figure 6.7 Model of a cognitron network 6.8. Neocognitron Network Neocognitron is a multilayer feed-forward network model for visual pattern recognition. It is a hierarchical net comprising many layers and there is a localized pattern of connectivity between the layers. It is an extension of cognitron network. Neocognitron net can be used for recognizing hand -written characters. A neocognitron model is shown in Figure 6·8. The algorithm used in cognitron and neocognitron is same, except that neocognicron model can recognize patterns that are position-shifted or s hape -distorted. The cells used in neocognitron are of two types: 1. S·-cell: Cells that are trained suitably to. respond to only certain features in
the previous layer. 2. C-cell· A C-cell displaces the result of an S -cell in space, i.e., son of
"spreads" the fe atures recognized by the S -cell.

Figure 6.8 Neocognitron models

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97Chapter 6: Special Networks

Figure 6.9 Sprcading effect in neocognitron
Neocognitron net consists of many modules with the layered arrangement of S -
cells and C -cells. The S -cells receive the input from the previous layer, while C -
cells receive the input from the S -layer. During training, only the inputs to the S -
layer are modif1ed. The S -layer helps in the detection of spccif1c features and their
complexities. The feature recognized in the S 1 layer may be a horizontal bar or a
vertical bar but the feature in the Sn layer may be more complex. Each unit in the
C-layer corresponds to one relative position independent feature. For the independent feature, C -node receives the inputs from a subset o f S-layer nodes. For
instance, if one node in C -layer detects a vertical line and if four nodes in the
preceding S -layer detect a vertical line, then these four nodes will give the input to
the specific node in C -layer to spatially distribute the extracted features. Modules
present near the input layer (lower in hierarchy) will be trained before the modules
that are higher in hierarchy, i.e., module 1 will be trained before module 2 and so
The users have to fix the "receptive field" of each C -node befor e training starts
because the inputs to C -node cannot be modified. The lower level modules have smaller receptive fields while the higher level modules indicate complex independent features present in the hidden layer. The spreading effect used in
neocogni tron is shown in Figure 6 -9.
6.9. Cellular Neural Network –
cellular neural network (CNN), introduced in 1988, is based on cellular automata,
i.e., every cell in the network is connected only to its neighbour cells. Figures 6 -10
(A) and (B) show 2 x 2 CNN and 3 x 3 CNN, respectively. The basic unit of a CNN
is a cell. In Figures 6 -10(A) and (B), C(l, l) and C(2, 1) are called as cells.

Page 99

Even if the cells are not directly connected with each other, they affect each other
indirectly due to propagation effects of the network dynamics. The CNN can be
implemented by means of a hardware model. This is achieved by replacing each
cell with linear capacitors and resistors, linear and nonlinear controlled sources,
and independent sources. An electronic circuit model ca n be constructed for a CNN.
The CNNs are used in a wide variety of applications including image processing,
pattern recognition and array computers.

Figure 6.10 (A) A2*2CNN;(B) a 3*3 CNN
6.10. Optical Neural Networks
Optical neural networks interconnect neurons with light beams. Owing to this
interconnection, no insulation is required between signal paths and the light rays
can pass through each other without interacting. The path of the signal travels in
three dimensi ons. The transmission path density is limited by the spacing of light
sources, the divergence effect and the spacing, of detectors. A$ a result, all signal
paths operate simultaneously, and true data rare results are produced. In holograms
with high densit y, the weighted strengths are stored.
These stored weights can be modified during training for producing a fully adaptive
system. There are two classes of this optical neural network. They are:
1. electro -optical multipliers;
2. holographic correlators .
6.10.1. Electro -optical multipliers
Electro -optical multipliers, also called electro -optical matrix multipliers, perform
matrix multiplication in
parallel. The network speed is limited only by the available electro -optical
components; here the computation ti me is potentially in the nanosecond range. A

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99Chapter 6: Special Networks
model of electro -optical matrix multiplier is shown in Figure 6 -11.
Figure 6 -11 shows a system which can multiply a nine -element input vector by a 9
X 7 matrix, which
produces a seven -element NET vector. There e xists a column of light sources that
passes its rays through
a lens; each light illuminates a single row of weight shield. The weight shield is a
photographic film where transmittance of each square (as shown in Figure 6 -11) is
proportional to the weight. There is another lens that focuses the light from each
column of the shield m a corresponding photoelectron. The NET is calculated as
where NET k is the net output of neuron k; w ik the weight from neuron i to neuron
k; x i the input vector
component i. The output of each photo detector represents the dot product between
the input vector and a
column of the weight matrix. The output vector set is equal to the produce of the
input vector with weight
matrix. Hence, matrix multiplication is performed parallel. The speed is independent of the size of the array.

Figure 6.11 Elecrno -optical multiplier
6.10.2. Holographic Correlators
In holographic correlators, the reference images are stored in a thin hologram and
are retrieved in a coheren tly illuminated feedback loop. The input signal, either
noisy or incomplete, may be applied to the system and can simultaneously be
correlated optically with all the stored reference images. These. correlations can be
threshold and are fed back to the inpu t, where the strongest correlation reinforces

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100SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUESthe input image. The enhanced image passes around the loop repeatedly, which approaches the stored image more closely on each pass, until the system gets stabilized on the desired image. The best performance of optical correlators is obtained when they are used for image recognition. A generalized optical image recognition system with holograms is shown in Figure 6- 12.
Figure 6.12 Optical image recognition system The system input is an image from a laser beam. This passes through a beam splitter, which sends it to the threshold device. The image is reflected, then gets reflected from the threshold device, passes back to the beam splitter, then goes to lens 1, which makes it fall on the first hologram. There are several stored images in first hologram. The image then gets correlated with each stored image. This correlation produces light patterns. The brightness of the patterns varies with the degree of correlation. The projected images from lens 2 and mirror A pass through pinhole array, where they are spatially separated. From this array, light patterns go to mirror B through lens 3 and then are applied to the second hologram. Lens 4 and mirror C then produce superposition of the multiple correlated images o1nto the back side of the threshold device. The front surface of the threshold device reflects most strongly that pattern which is brightest on its rear surface. Its rear surface has projected on it the set of four correlations of each of the four stored images with the input image. The stored image that is similar to the input image possesses highest correlation. This reflected image again passes through the beam splitter and re-enters the loop for further enhancement. The system gets converged on the stored patterns most like the input pattern.

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101Chapter 6: Special Networks
As it is well known that the biological nervous system has inspired the development
of the artificial neural network models. On looking into the depth of working of
biological neu rons, it is noted that the working of these neurons and their
computations are performed in temporal domain and the neuron firing depends on
the timing between the spikes stimulated in the neurons of the brain. These
fundamental biological understandings o f the neuron operation lead the pathway to
the development of spiking neural networks (SNN). SNNs fall under the category
of third -generation neural networks and this is more closely related to the biological
counterparts compared to the first - and second -generation neural networks. These developed spiking neural networks use transient pulses for performing the computations and require communications within the layers of the network designed. There exist different spiking neural models and their classificat ion is
based on their level of abstraction.
6.11.1. Architecture of SNN Model
Neurons in central nervous system communicate using short -duration electrical
impulses called spikes or action potentials in which their amplitude is constant in
the same structure of neurons. SNNs offer a biological plausible fast third -genera -
tion neural connectionist model. They derive their strength and interest from an
accurate modelling of synaptic interactions between neurons, taking into account
the time of spike em ission. SNNs overcome the computational power of neural
networks made of threshold or sigmoidal units. Based on dynamic event -driven
processing, they open up new horizons for developing models with an exponential
capacity of memorizing and a strong ability to fast adaptation.
Moreover, SNNs add a new dimension, the temporal axis, to the representation
capacity and the processing abilities of neural networks. There are many different
models one could use to model both the individual spiking neurons and also the
nonlinear dynamics of the system. Neurons communicate with spikes, also known
as action potentials. Since all spikes art identical (1 -2 ms of duration and 100 mV
of amplitude), the information is encoded by the liming of the spikes and not the
spikes t hemselves. Basically, a neuron is divided into three parts: the dendrites, the
soma and the axon. Generally speaking, the dendrites receive the input signals from
the previous neurons. The received input signals are processed in the soma and the
output sig nals are transmitted at the axon. The synapse is between every two
neurons; if a neuron j sends a signal across the synapse to neuron i, the neuron that
sends the signal is called pre-synaptic neuron and the neuron that receives the
signal is called post-synaptic neuron. Every neuron is surrounded by positive and

Page 103

negative ions. In the inner surface of the membrane there is an excess of negative
charges and on the outer surface there is an excess of positive charges. Those
charges create the membrane potenti al. Each spiking neuron is characterized by a membrane potential. When the membrane potential reaches a critical value called threshold it emits an action
potential, also known as a spike (Figure 7 -1). A neuron is said to fire when its
membrane potential reaches a specific threshold. When it fires, it sends a spike
towards all other connected neurons. Its membrane potentials then reset and the
neuron cannot fire for a short period of time, this time period refractory period. The
output of a spiking neuron i s therefore binary (spike or not) but it can be converted
to continuous signal over time. Hence the activity of a neuron over a short period
of lime is converted into a mean firing rate. The spikes are identical to each other
and their form does not change as the signal moves from a pre -synaptic to a post -
synaptic neuron. The firing time of a neuron is called spike train.

Fig-.6.13 -SNN spikes: The membrane potential is increased and at time t(f) the
membrane potential reaches the threshold so that a spike is emitted.
6.11.2. Izhikevich Neuron Model
The Izhikevich Neuron Model is defined by the following equation:
v’= 0.04v2 + 5v + 140 –u +I
u’= a(bv -u)

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103Chapter 6: Special Networks
If v >= 30 mV, then v = c and u = u + d. Here, / is the input, v is the neuron
membrane voltage and u is the recovery vari able of the activation of potassium K
ionic currents and inactivation of sodium Na ionic currents. The model exhibits all
known neuronal firing patterns with the appropriate values for the variables a, b, c
and d.
1 The parameter a describes the time scale of the recovery variable u. Smaller
values result in slower recovery. A typical value is a = 0.02.
2. The parameter b describes the sensitivity of the recovery variable u to the
sub-threshold fluctuations of the membrane potential v. A typical value is b
- 0.2.
3. The parameter c describes the after -spike reset value of the membrane
potential v caused by the fast high -threshold K (potassium) conductance. A
typical value for real neurons is c = -65 mV.
4. The parameter d describes the after -spike reset of the recovery variable u
caused by slow high threshold Na (sodium) and K (potassium) conductance.
A typical value of d is 2.
The IZ neuron uses voltage as its modelling variable. When the membrane voltage
v(f) reaches 30 mV, a spike is emitted and the membrane voltage and the recovery
variable are reset according to IZ neuron model equations. For I ms of simulation,
this model t akes 13 FLOPS. Figure 7 -2 illustrates the IZ neuron model firing.

Page 105


Fig- 6.14-The Izhikevich Spiking Neuron Model. In the top graph, there exists
the membrane potential of the neuron. In the middle graph, there is the
membrane recovery variable. Finally , the bottom plot represents the action pre -
synaptic spikes .
The SNN with N neurons is assumed to be fully connected and hence the output of
each neuron I is connected t o every other neuron. The synaptic strength of these
connections are given by the N x N matrix W where W[i, j ] is th e strength between
the output of neuron j and the input of neuron i. Thus W [i, :] repr esents the synapses
at the input of neuron i, whereas W[:, j] represents the synapse values connected
to the outputs of neuron j. Each neuron has it s own static parameters and varying
state values. The set P represents the set of possible constant parameters and I is
the set of neuron states. The set of possible inp uts to the neurons is denoted by R.

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105Chapter 6: Special Networks
The neuron updated functio n f:(P, S, R) -> (S, [0,1 ]) takes input parameters as the
neuronal states and inputs and produces the next neuronal stat e and binary output.
Izhikevich's model uses a two -dimensional differenti al equation to represent the
state of a single neuron i, namely, its membrane recovery variable u[i] and
membrane potential v[i], that is (u[i], v[i]) Ԗ S with a hard reset spike. Additional
four parameters are used for the configuration of the neurons: a - time scale of u; b
- sensitivity of u; c - value of v after th e neuron is fired; d - value of u after the
neuron is fired. Hence the neuron parameters are (a, b, c, d) Ԗ P, These parameters
can be tuned to represent different neuron classes. If the val ue of v[i| is above 30
mV, the output is set to 1 (otherwise it is 0) and the state variables are reset.
Izhikevich used a random input for each neuron in the range N(0,1), a zero mean
and unit variance that is normally distributed. This input results in r andom number
of neurons firing each time, depending not only on the intensity of the stimulus, but
also on their randomly initialized parameters. After the input layer, one or more
layers are connected in a feed -forward fashion. A spike occurs anytime the voltage
reaches 30 mV. While the neurons communicate with spikes, the input current I i of
the neuron i is equal to
where w ij is weight of connection from node; to node i; wik is weight of connection
from external input k to node i; Ik(t) is binary external input NįM is binary output
of neuron j (0 or 1).
When the input current signal changes, the response of the Izhikevich ne uron also
changes, generating different firing rates. The neuron is responded during “T” ms
with an input signal and it gets fired when its membrane potential reaches a specific
value, generating an action potential (spike) or a train of spikes. The firing rate is
evaluated as

6.12. Encoding of Neurons in SNN
Spiking neural networks can encode digital and analogy information. The neuronal
coding schemes are of three categories: rate coding, temporal coding and
population coding. In rate coding, the information is encoded into the mean firing

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106SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUESrate of the neuron, which is also known as temporal average. In temporal coding, the information is encoded in the form of spike times. In population coding, a number of input neurons (population) are involved in the analog encoding and this produces different firing times. Commonly used encoding method is the population- based encoding. In population encoding, analogy input values are represented into spike times using population coding. Multiple Gaussian receptive fields are used so that the input neurons encode an input value into spike times. The firing time is computed based on the intersection of Gaussian function. The centre of the Gaussian function is calculated using
ߤൌܫ୫୧୬൅ሺʹכ݅െ͵ሻȀʹכሺ ୫ୟ୶െܫ୫୧୬ሻȀሺܯെʹሻ and the width is computed employing
ߪൌͳȀߚሺܫ୫ୟ୶െܫ୫୧୬ሻȀሺܯെʹሻ where ͳ൑ߚ൑ʹ with the variable interval of ሾܫ୫୧୬ᇲԝܫ୫ୟ୶ሿ. The parameter " ߚ "controls the width of each Gaussian receptive field. 6.12.1. Learning with Spiking Neurons Similar to other supervised training algorithms, the synaptic weights of the network are adjusted iteratively in order to impose a desired input-output mapping to the SNN. Learning is performed through implementation of synaptic plasticity on excitatory synapses, The synaptic weights of the model, which are directly connected to the input pattern, determine the firing rate of the neurons. This means that the carried learning phase generates the desired behaviour by adjusting the synaptic weights of the neuron. The neurons characterize sudden change of the membrane potential instantaneously prior to and subsequent to the firing. This potential behavioural feature leads to complexity in training SNNs. Some of the learning models include SpikeProp, spike-based supervised Hebbian learning, and ReSuMe and Spike time -dependent plasticity. Neurons can be trained to classify categories of input signals based on only a temporal configuration of spikes. The decision is commu nicated by emitting precisely timed spike trains associated with given input categories. Trained neurons can perform the classification task correctly. The weights w between a pre-synaptic neuron i and a post -synaptic neuron j do not have fixed values. It has been proved through experiments that they change, and this affects the amplitude of the generated spike. The procedure of the weight

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107Chapter 6: Special Networksupdate is called learning process and it can be divided into two categories: supervised an d unsupervised learning If the synaptic strength is increased then it is
called long -term potentiation (LTP) and if the strength is decreased then it is called
long-term depression (LTD).
6.12.2. Spike Prop Learning Algorithm
SNN employs spiking neurons as computational units which account to precise
firing times of neurons for information coding. The information retrieval from the
spike trains (neurons encode the information) are done by binary bit coding which
is a population coding approach. Th is section presents the error -back propagation
supervised learning algorithm as employed for the spiking neural networks.
Each SNN consists of a set of neurons (I, J), a set of edges (E ᄬ I x J), input neurons
i ᄬ I and output neurons j ᄬ J. For each non -input neuron, i Ԗ I, with threshold
function V th and potential u(t), each synapse {i, j} ߋ E will have a response function
İij and weight w ij. The structures of neurons tend to be fully connected feed forward
neural network. The source neuron V will fire a nd propagate spikes along all
directions. Formally, a spike train is defined as a sequence of pulses. Each target
neuron w that receives a spike experiences an increase in potential at time t, similar
as w j,w İj,w (i-t).
The firing time of a neuron i is denoted as t where f = 1,2,3,... is the number of the
spike. The objective is to train a set of target firing times t ft and actual firing time t a
For a series of the input spike trains S in(t), a sequence of the target outpu t spikes S
(f) is obtained. The goal is to find a vector of the synaptic weights w such that the
outputs of the learning neurons S out(t) are close to S t(t). Changing the weights of
the synapses alters the timing of the output spike for a given temporal inp ut pattern
where ߜሺݔሻ is the Dirac function, ߜሺݔሻൌͲ for ݔ്Ͳ and ׬ିିԝߜሺݔሻ݀ݔൌͳ. Every
pulse is taken as a single point in time. The objective is to train the desired target
firing times ൛ݐ௙ൟ and that of the actual firing times ሼݐ௔ሽǤ The least mean squares
error function is chosen and is defined by

Page 109

In error -back propagation algorithm, each synaptic terminal is taken as a separate
connection ݇ from neuron ݅ to ݆ with weight ݓכӏ݅ߟכ is the learning rate parameter.
The basic weight adaptation functions for neurons in the output layer hidden layer
are given by
The training process involves modifying the thresholds of the neuron firing and
synaptic weights. The algorithmic steps involved in learning through Spike -Prop
Algorithm are as follows:
6.12.3. Spike -Prop Algorithm
Step 1: The threshold is chosen and the weights are initialized randomly between
0 and 1.
Step 2: In feed -forward stage, each input synapse receives input signal and
transmits it to the next neuron (i.e., hidden units). Each hidden unit with SNN
function calculated is sent to the output unit which in return calculates the spike
function as the response for the given input. The firing time of a neuron ta is found.
The time to first spike of the output neurons is compared with that of the desired
time tfi of the first spike.
Step 3: Perform the error -back propagation learning process for all the layers.
The equations are transformed to partial derivatives and the process is carried out.
Step 4: &DOFXODWHį j using actual and desired firing time of each output neuron.
Step 5; &DOFXODWHį i employin g the actual and desired firing times of each hidden
QHXURQDQGį j values.
Step 6: Update weights: For output layer, calculate each change in weight.
Step 7: Compute: New weight = Old weight + ǻZijk
Step 8: For hidden layer, calculate each change in weigh t.
Step 9: Compute new weights for the hidden layer. New weight = Old weight + ǻ
Step 10: Repeat until the occurrence of convergence.

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109Chapter 6: Special Networks
6.12.4. Spike Time -Dependent Plasticity (STOP) Learning
Spike time -dependent plasticity (STOP) is viewed as a more quantitative form of
Hebbian learning. It emphasizes the importance of causality in synaptic strengthening or weakening. STDP is a form of Hebbian Learning where spike time
and trans mission are used in order to calculate the change in the synaptic w eight of
a neuron. When the pre -synaptic spikes precede post -synaptic spikes by tens of
milliseconds, synaptic efficacy is increased. On the other hand, when the post -
synaptic spikes precede the pre -synaptic spikes, the synaptic strength decreases.
Further more, the synaptic efficacy ǻwij is a function of the spike times of the pre -
synaptic and post -synaptic neurons. This is called Spike Timing -Dependent
Plasticity (STDP). The well -known STDP algorithm modifies the synaptic weights
using the following algor ithm
ȟݓൌ൜ܣା‡š’ሺȟݐȀ߬ାሻif ȟݐ൏Ͳ
െܣି‡š’ሺെȟݐȀ߬ሻ if ȟݐ൒Ͳ
ݓmev ൌ൜ݓold ൅ߟȟݓሺݓmas െݓold ሻ if ȟݓ൒Ͳ
ݓous ൅ߟȟݓሺݓ௢୼െݓ୫୧୬ሻ if ȟݐ൏Ͳ
Where ǻt = (t pre – tpost) the time delay between the pre synaptic spike and the post
synaptic spike. If the pre-synaptic spike occurs before the post synaptic spike, the
weight of the synapse should be increased. If the pre synaptic spike occurs after the
post-synaptic spike, then the weight of the synapse gets reduced. STDP learning
can be used for Inhibitory o r excitatory neurons.
6.12.5. Convolutional neural network (CNN)
Convolutional neural network (CNN) is built up of one or more number of
convolutional layers and after then it is trailed by one or more fully connected
layers like feed forward networks. CNN architecture is designed to possess the
structure of a two dimensional input image, that is, CNN's key advantage is that its
input consists of images and this representation of images designs the architecture
in a practical way. The neurons in CNN arc arr anged in 3 dimensions: height, width,
and depth. The information pertaining to "depth" is an activation volume and it
represents the third dimension. This architectural design of CNN is carried out with
the local connections and possesses weights which art subsequently followed by
certain pooling operations. CNN’s can be trained in an easy manner and these have
minimal parameters for the same number of hidden units than that of the other fully
interconnected networks considered for comparison, figure 7 -3 shows the arrangement of neurons in three dimensions in a convolutional neural network. As
a regular neural network, the convolutional neural network is also made up of

Page 111

layers, and each and every layer transforms an input 3D volume to an output 3D
volume alo ng with certain differentiable activation functions with or without any

Figure 6.15 Arrangement of neurons in CNN model
6.12.6. Layers in Convolutional Neural Networks
It is well noted that the convolutional neural network is a sequence of layers and
each and every layer in CNN perform transformation of one volume activations to
the other by employing a differentiable function. CNN consists of three major
ͳǤ Convolutional layer
ʹǤ Pooling layer
͵Ǥ Fully interconnected layer (regular neural models like perceptron and BPN)
These layers exist between the input layer and output layer Input layer holds the
input values represented by the pixel values of an image. Convolutional layer
perform s computation and determines output of a neuron that is connected to local
regions in the input. The computation is done by performing dot product between
their weights and a small region that is connected to the input volume. After then,
an element wise a ctivation function is applied wherein the threshold set to zero.
Applying this activation function results no change in the size of the volume of the
layers Pooling layer carries out the down sampling operation along with the spatial
dimensions including w idth and height Regular fully connected layers perform
computation of the class scores (belongs to the class or nut) and result m a specified
volume size. In this manner, convolutional neural networks transform the original
input layer by laser and result in the final scores. Pooling layer implements only a
died function whereas convolutional and fully interconnected layer implements
transformation on functions and as well on the weights and biases of the neurons.

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111Chapter 6: Special Networks
Fundamentally, a convolutional neural netw ork is none comprising a sequence of
layers that transform the image volume into an output volume. Each of the designed
layers in CNN is modelled to take an input 3 dimensional volume data and perform
transformation to an output 3 dimensional data employin g a differentiable function Here, the designed convolutional and fully inter connected layers possess parameters and the pooling layers do not possess a parameter.
6.12.7. Architecture of a Convolutional Neural Network
It is well known that CNN is made up of a number of convolutional and pool ing
(also called as sub -sampling) layers, subsequently followed by fully interconnected
layers (at certain cases this layer becomes optional based on the application

Figure 6.17 CNN with convolutional and pooling layers
The input presented to the convolutional layer is an n x n x p image where “ n" is
the height and width of an image and “p" refers to the number of channels (e g., an
RGB image possess 3 channels and so p = 3). The convolutional layer t o be
constructed possesses 'm filters of size r x r x q, where “r" tends to be smaller than
the dimension of the image and “q” can be the same size as that of “p" or it can be
smaller and vary for each of the filter. The filter size enables the design of l ocally
connected structure which gets convolved with the image for producing “m" feature
maps. The size of feature map will be “ n - r + 1”. Each of the feature maps then
gets pooled (sub -sampled) based on maximum or average pooling over r x r
connecting re gions. The value of “r” is 2 for small images and 5 for larger images.
A bias and a non -linear sigmoidal function can be applied to each of the feature

Page 113

map before or after the pooling layer, figure 7-4 shows the architecture of the
convolutional neural network.
6.12.8. Designing the Layers in CNN Model
CNN b nude up of the three individual layers and this subsection presents the details
on designing each of these lasers specifying their connectivity and hyper parameters.
1- Design of Convolutional Layer
The primary building block of convolutional neural network is the convolutional
layer. The convolutional layer is designed to perform intense computations in a
CNN model. Convolutional layer possess a set of trainable filters and every filter
is spatially small (along the width and height) but noted to extend through the
fullest depth of the input volume. When the forward pass gets initiated, each filter
slides across the height and width of the input volume and the dot product is
computed between the input at any position and that of the entries in the filter.
When the filter slides across the height and weight of the input volume, a two -
dimensional activation feature map is produced that gives the responses of that
filter at every spatial position. The fil ters get activated when they come across
certain type of visual features (like edge detection, color stain on the first layer,
certain specific patterns or honeycomb existing on higher layers of the network)
and the net work learns from the filter that get s activated. Convolutional layer
consists of the complete set of filters and each of these filters produces a separate
2-dimensional activation map. These activation maps will be stacked along the
depth dimension and result in the output volume.
In CNN net work model, at the convolutional layer, each neuron gets connected
only to a local region of the input volume. The spatial extent of this neuronal
connectivity is represented by a hyper -parameter called the receptive field of the
neuron. This receptive fie ld of the neuron is the filter size. This spatial extent's
connectivity along the depth axis will be equal to the depth of input volume. These
connections tend to be local in space and get full towards the entire depth of the
input volume.
With respect to the number of neurons in the output volume, three hyper -parameters
are noted to control the size of the output volume - depth, stride and zero -padding.
The depth of the output volume refers to the number of filters to be used, wherein
each learning searche s the existence of difference in the input. The stride is to be
specified for sliding the filter.

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113Chapter 6: Special Networks
one pixel at a time, stride = 1
2 pixel at a time, stride = 2
subsequently for other strides
The movement of the filter is specified by the above equation. This representation
of the strides results in smaller output volumes spatially. At times it is required to
pad the input volume with zeros around the border, hence, the other hyper -pa-
rameter is the size of this zero -padding. Zero -padding allows controlling the spatial
size of the output volumes. It should be noted that if all neurons presented in the
single depth slice employ the same weight vector, then in every depth slice, the
forward pass o f the convolutional layer can be computed as the convolution of the
neuronal weights with that of the input volume. Thus, the sets of weights are
referred in CNN as filter that gets convolved with the input. The limitation of this
approach is that it uses lots of memory, as certain values in the input volume arc
generated repeatedly for multiple times.
It is to be noted that the backward pass for a convolution operation is also a
convolution process. The backward pass also moves to a back propagation neural
network. In few works carried out earlier, it is observed that they use 1 x 1 con -
volution, but for a two -dimensional case it is similar to a point -wise scaling
operation. As with CNN model, it is operated more on three -dimensional volumes
and also the fi lters get extended over the full depth of the input volume. It is to be
noted that employing 1 x 1 convolution will perform the three -dimensional dot
product. Another method of convolution is the dilated convolution, wherein an
added hyper -parameter called dilation is included to the convolutional layer. In case
of dilated convolution, there is possibility to have filters with spaces between each
cell. Implementation will be done in a manner of dilation 0, dilation 1 (gap 1 will
be adopted between the filters) and so on. Employing dilated convolutions drastically increases the receptive field.
2-Design of Pooling Layer Between the successive convolutional layers, pooling layers are placed. The presence of pooling layer between the convolute layers is to grad ually decrease the
spatial size of the parameters and to reduce the computation in the network. This
placement of pooling layer also controls the occurrence of over fitting. The pooling
layer works independently on depth slice of the input as well as resiz es them fPRYH

Page 115

spatially. Commonly employed pooling layer is the one with the filter size of 2 x 2
applied with a stride of 2 down samples. The down sampling occurs for every depth
slice in the input by 2 along the height and width. The dimension of the depth
parameter remains unaltered in this case. Pooling sizes with higher receptive fields
are noted to be damaging. Generally used pooling mechanism is the “max pooling”.
Apart from this operation, the pooling layer can also perform functions like mean
pooling or even L2 -norm pooling. In the backward pass of a pooling layer, the
process is only to route the gradient to the input that possessed the highest value in
the forward pass. Hence, at the time of forward pass of the pooling layer, it is
important to track th e index of the activation function (probably “max”) so that the
gradient routing is carried out effectively by a back -propagation network algorithm.
6.12.9. Layer Modelling in CNN and Common CNN Nets
The other layers of importance in convolutional neural network are the
normalization layer and the fully connected layer. Numerous normalization
layers are developed to be used in CNN model and they are designed in a manner
to implement the inhibition procedure of the human brain. Various types of
normalization procedures like mean scaling, max scaling, summation process,
etc. can be employed if required for operation in the CNN model. Fully
connected layers possess full interconnections for all the activations in the
previous layer. As reg ular, their activations are based on computing the net input
to the neurons of a layer along with the bias input also.
6.12.10. Conversion of Fully Connected Layer to Convolutional Layer
The main difference between the fully connected and the convolutional layer is
that the neurons present in the convolu tional layer get connected only to a local
region in the input and the neurons in the convolutional voluminous structure
share their parameters. The neurons in both fully connected and convolutional
layers calculate the dot products and hence their functional form remains the
same. Therefore it is possible to perform conversion between the fully connected
and the convolutional layers.
Considering any convolutional layer, there exists a fully connected layer which
implements one and the same forward pass function. The weight matrix will be
a large one and possesses zero entities except at specific blocks (no self -connec -
tion and existence of local connectivity') and the weights in numerous blocks
tend to be eq ual (parameter sharing). Also, fully connected layer can be
converted into convolutional layer; here the filter size will be set equal to the size

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115Chapter 6: Special Networks
of the input volume and the output will be a single depth column fit across the
input volumes. This gives the same result as that of the initial fully connected
layer. In both these conversions, the process of converting a fully connected layer
to a convolutional layer is generally in practice.
6.13. CNN Layer Sizing
As known, CNN model commonly comprises convolutional layer, pooling layer,
and fully connected layer. The rules for sizing the architecture of the CNN model
are as follows:
1. The input layer should be designed in such a way that it should be divisible
by the convolutional layer should employ small size filters, specifying the
stride. The convolutional layer should not alter the spatial dimensions of the
2. The pooling layer down samples the spatial dimensions of the input. Commonly used pooling is the max -pooling with a 2 x 2 receptive fields and
a stride of 2. Receptive field size is accepted until 3x3 and if it exceeds above
3, the pooling becomes more aggressive and tends to lose information. This
results in poor performance of the network.
From all the above, it is clearly understood that the convolutional layers preserve
the spatial size of their input. On the other hand, the pooling layers are responsible
for down sampling the volumes spatially. Alternatively, if strides greater than 1 or
zero-padding are not done to the input in convolutional layers, then it is very
important to track the input volumes through the entire CNN architecture and
ensure that all the strides and filters work in a proper manner. Smaller strides are
generally better in practic e. Padding actually improves the performance of the
network. When the convolutional layer does not zero -pad the inputs and only
performs authenticate convolutions, then the volume size will reduce by a smaller
amount after each convolution process.
6.13.1. Common CNN Nets In the past few years, there were numerous CNN models developed and implemented for various applications. Few of them include
ͳǤ LeNet: The first convolutional neural network model named after the developer LeCun. It is applied to read zip codes, dig its and so on. ʹǤ AlexNet: CNN model in this case was applied to computer vision application.

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It was developed in the year 2012 by Alex Krizhevsky and team.
͵Ǥ ZFNetf: It was developed in the year 2013 by Zeiler and Fergus and hence
named as ZFNet. In this network model, the convolutional layers in the
middle are expanded and the stride and filter size are made smalt in the first
ͶǤ VGGNet : It was modelled in the year 2014 by Karen and Andrew. It has
phenomen al impact on the depth of the net work and it was noted that depth
of network parameter plays a major role for better performance.
ͷǤ GoogLeNet It was developed in the year 2014 from Google by Szegedy and
team. This net contributed an Inception module wherein the numbers of
parameters in the model are reduced. This network employs mean pooling
instead of fully con nected layers at the top of the convolutional network. As
a result, more number of parameters arc eliminated in this case.
͸Ǥ ResNet: It was modelled in the year 2015 by Kaiming and team, and hence
called as Residual Network. This network is the default convolutional neural
network. It employs batch normalization and the architecture also docs not
consider fully connected layers at the end of the network .
6.13.2. Limitations of CNN Model
The computational considerations are the major limitations of the convolutional
neural network model. Memory require ment is one of the problems for CNN
models. In the current processor unit, the memory limits from 3/4/6 GB to the latest
best version of 12 GB memory. The memory can be handled by
1. Convolutional network implementations should maintain varied memory
requirements, like the image data modules
2. Intermediate volume sizes specify the number of activations at e ach layer of
the convolutional network as well is their gradients. Running convolutional
network at the time of testing alone reduces the memory by large amount, by storing only the current activations at any layer and eliminating the activations of the pr evious layer.
3. Network parameters and their size, gradient descent values of the parameters
during backward pass in back propagation process and also a step cache when
momentum factor is used. The memory required to store a parameter alone
should be multipl ied by a factor of at least 3 or so.

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117Chapter 6: Special Networks
On calculating the total number of parametric values, the number must be converted
to a specified size in GB for memory requirement. For each of the parameters,
consider the number of parametric values. Then multiply th e number of parametric
values by 4 to get the raw number of bytes and then divide it by multiples of 1024
to get the amount of memory in KB, MB and then in GB. In this way, the memory
requirement of CNN model can be computed and the limitations can be over come.
6.14. Deep learning Neural networks:
Machine learning approaches are undergoing a tremendous revolution, which has
led to the development of third generation neural networks. The limitations
observed in the second -generation neural networks like delayed converged undue
local and global minimal problems and so on are handled in the developed third -
generation neural networks. One of the prominent third generation neural networks
is the deep learning neural networks (DLNNs) and this neural model provides a
deep understanding of the input information.
The prominent researcher behind the concept of deep learning neural networks is
Professor Hinton fr om University of Toronto who managed to develop a special
program module for constituting the formulation of molecules to produce an
effective medicine. Minton's group employed deep learning artificial intelligence
methodology to locate the combination of molecules required for the composition
of medicine with very limited information on source data. Apple and Google have
transformed themselves with deep learning concepts and this can be noted through
Apple Siri and Google Street view, respectively.
The learning process in deep learning neural network takes place in two steps. In
the first step, the information about the input data’s internal structure is obtained
from the existing large array of unformatted data. This extraction of the internal
structure is carried out by an auto -associator unit via unsupervised training layer -
by-layer, then the formatted data obtained from the unsupervised multi -layer neural
network gets processed through a supervised network module employing the
already available neural ne twork training methods. It is to be noted that the amount
of unformatted data should be as large as possible and the amount of formatted data
can be smaller in size (but this need not be an essential criteria).
6.14.1. Network Model and Process Flow of Dee p Learning Neural Network
The growth of deep learning neural networks is its deep architecture that contains
multiple hidden layers and each hidden layer carries out a non -linear transformation
between the layers. DLNNs get trained based on two features:

Page 119

1. Pre-training of the deep neural networks employing unsupervised learning
techniques like auto -encoders layer -by-layer,
2. Fine tuning of the DLNNs employing back propagation neural network.
Basically, auto -encoders are employed with respect to the unsupervised learning
technique and the input data is the output target of the auto -encoder. An auto -
encoder consists of two parts - encoder and decoder network. The operation of an
encoder network is to transform the input data that is present in the form of a high -
dimensional space into codes pertaining to low -dimensional space. The operation
of the decoder network is to reconstruct the inputs from the corre sponding codes.
In encoder neural networ k, the encoding function is given by “fĬ". The encode
vector (Ev) is given by
Ev = fĬ(xv)
where “ x” is the data set of the measured signal.
The reconstruction operation is carried out at the decoder neural network and its
function is given by “gĬ". This reconstruction function maps the data set “xv” from
the low -dimensional space into the high -dimensional space. The reconstructed
form is given by
ݔොv = g ș(Ev)
The ultimate goal of these encoder and decoder neural networks is to minimize the
reconstruction error E(x, ݔො) for that many numbers of training samples. E(x, ݔො) is
specified as a loss function that is used to measure the discrepancy between the
encoded and decoded data samples. The key objective of the unsupervised auto -
encoder is to determine the parameter sets that minimize the reconstruction error
įae șș¶  ଵ
ே σܧே
The encoding and decoding functions of the DLNN will be present along with a
non-linearity and are given by
fĬ(x) = f af_e (b+W x)
gĬ(x) = f af_d (b+W xT)
Where faf_e and faf_d refer to the encoder activation function and the decoder

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119Chapter 6: Special Networks
WT specify the weight matrices of the DLNN model.
The reconstruction error is given by
E(x, ݔො) =|| x- ݔො||
In orde r to carry out the pre -training of a DLNN model, the “N" auto -encoders
developed in previous module should be stacked. For the given input signal xv
input layer along with the first hidden layer of DLNN arc considered as the
encoder neural network of the f irst auto -encoding process. When the first auto -
encoder is noted to be trained by minimizing the reconstruction error, the first
WUDLQHGSDUDPHWHUVHWș 1, of the encoder neural network is employed to ini tialize
the first hidden layer of the DLNN and the f irst encode vector is obtained by
E1v = fĬ(xv)
Now, the input data becomes the encode vector E 1v. The first and second hidden
layers of the DLNN are considered as the encoder neural network for the second
auto-encoder. Subsequently, the second hidden laye r of the DLNN gets initialized
by that of the second trained auto -encoder. This process gets continued upto the N -
th auto -encoder that gets trained for initializing the final hidden layer of the DI.NN
model. The final or the N -th encode vector in generaliz ed form for the vector xv is
obtained by
ENv = fĬ(EvN-1)
ZKHUH³ș N” denotes the Nth trained parameter set of the encoder neural network.
Thus, in this way, all the DLNN s hidden layers get pre trained by means of the N
stacked auto encoders. It is well noted that the process of pre -training avoids local
minima and improv es generalization aspect of the problem under consideration.
Figure 7 -5 shows the fundamental architecture of the deep learning neural network.

Figure 6.18 Architecture model of deep learning neural network

Page 121

The above completes the pre training process o f DLNN and the nest process is the
tine-tuning process in the DLNN model DLNN models output is calculated from
the input signal Xy as
yy =᢮ת N+1(EyN)
where תN+1 denotes the trained parameter set of the output layer. Here, back
propagation network (BPN)is employed for minimizing the error of the output by
carrying out the parameter adjustments in DLNN backwards in case the output
the target of xx is tv , then the error criterion is given by
MSE( Ȍ ͳȀܰσܧ௡
௬ୀଵ(yy, ty
Where Ȍ ^ת1, ת2, ת3, …..תN+1}

6.14.2. Training Algorithm of Deep Learning Neural Network:
Step 1: Start the algorithmic process.
Step 2: Obtain the training data sets to feed into the DLNN model and initialize
the necessary parameters.
Step 3: Construct DLNN with "N” hidden layers.
Step 4: Perform the training of r -th auto -encoder.
Step 5: Initialize i -th hidden layer parameter of DLNN emp loying the parameters of the auto encoder.
Step 6: Check whether “i” is greater than “N". If no carry out step 4; if yes go to
the next step.
Step 7: Calculate the dimensions of the output layer.
Step 8: Fine tune the parameters of DLNN through the BBN algorithm.
Step 9: With the final fine -tuned DLNN model go to the next step.
Step 10: Return the trained DLNN.
Step 1 1: Output the solutions achieved.
Step 12: Stop the process on meeting termination condition. The termination
condition is the number of it erations or reaching the minimal mean square
6.14.3. Encoder Configurations
Encoders are built so as to receive the possible exact configuration of the input at
the output end. These encoders belong to the category of auto associator neural
units, Auto associator modules, are designed to perform the generating part as well as the synthesizing part. Encoders discussed in this section belong to the synthesized module of auto associator and tor the generation part, a variation of
Boltzmann machine as p resented in special networks.

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121Chapter 6: Special NetworksAn auto encoder is configured to be all open layer neural network Auto encoder for its operation sets its target value equal to that of the Input vector. A model of an
auto encoder is as shown in figure 7.6. The encoder model attempts to find
approximation of a defined function authenticating that the feedback of a neural network tends to be approximately equal to the values of the given input parameters. The encoder is also capable of compressing the data once the given
input signal gets passed to that of the output of the network. The compression is
possible in an auto encoder if there exists hidden interconnections or a sort of
characteristics correlation. In this manner, auto encoder behaves m a similar
manner as the p rincipal component analysis and achieves data reduction (possible
compression) in the input side.

Figure 6.19 Model configuration of an auto encoder
Features in the hidden layer

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122SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUESOn the other hand, when the auto encoder is trained with the stochastic gradient descent algorithm and the where the number of hidden neurons becomes greater than the number of inputs, it results in the possible decrease in the error values. So, it is applied for various function analysis and compression applications Another variation in the encoder configuration is the denoting auto encoder. Here, the variation exists in the training process. On training the deep learning neural network for demolishing encoder, corrupted or demonised data (substituted with “0" values) can be given as input. further to this, during the same time, the coned data can be compared with that of the output data. The advantage of this mechanism is that it paves way to restore the damaged data. 6.15. EXTREME L EARNING MACHINE MODEL (ELMM) Over the years, it has been observed that the k nearest neighbourhood and other few architectures like support machine (SVM) classifiers employed for classification requite more computations due to the repetition of classification and registration, hence they are relatively slow. SVM approach, even though it has the advantages of generalization and can handle high dimensional feature space, assumes that the data are independently and identically distributed. This is not applicable for all sets of data, as they are likely to have noise and related distribution. Storage is also an added disadvantage of SVM classifier. Other multilayer neural networks which are trained with back propagation algorithm based on gradient descent learning rule. Posses certain limitations like slow conversions, setting the learning rate parameters, local and global minimum occurrences and repeated training process without attaining conversions point. ELMM is a single hidden layer feed forward neural network where input weights and hidden neuron are randomly selected without training. The output weights are analytically computed employing the least square norm solution and Moore – Penrose inverse of a generalized linear system. This method of determining output weights results in significant reduction of training time. For hidden layer neurons are the activation functions like Gaussian , sigmoidal and so on can be employee for output layer neurons layer linear activation function. This single layer feed forward, network ELM model employee additive neural design instead of kernel based and hence there is random parameter selection. 6.15.2. ELM TRAINING PROGRAM: For a given training vector pair N={xt ,tt)}, with x i € Rn ti € Rm , i=1,…,N activation function f(x) and hidden neuron N, the algorithm is as follows:

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123Chapter 6: Special Networks
Step 1: Start Initialize the necessary parameters, choose suitable activation
function and the number of hidden neurons in the hidden layer for the considered
Step 2: Assign arbitrary input weights w i and bi as b i
Step 3: Compute the output matrix H at the hidden layer
H=᢮ [ࣄZE
ᆧ + 7
6.15.3. Other ELM Models
Huang initially proposed ELM in the year 2004 and subsequently numerous
researchers worked on ELM and developed certain improved ELM algorithms.
ELM was enhanced over the years to improve the network training speed, to
avoid local and global minima, to reduce iteration time, to overcome the difficulty
in defining learning role parameters and setting the stopping criteria.
Since ELM works on empirical minimization principle, the random selection of
input layer weights and hidden layer biases result in non -optimal convergence. In
comparison with that of the gradient descent learning rule, ELM may require
Henceforth, to speed the convergence and response of ELM training, numerous
improvements were made in existing ELM algorithm and modified versions of
ELM algorithm were introduced. The following sub -sections present few
improvements made by researchers in the existing ELM algorithm.
6.15.4. Online Extreme Learning Machine
ELM is well noted for solving regression and classification problems; it results
in better generalization performance and training speed. When considering ELM
for real applications which involve minimal data set, it may result in over -fitting
Online ELM is also referred to as online sequential extreme learning machine
(OSELM) and this works on sequential adaptation with recursive least square
algorithm. This was also introduced by Huang in the year 2005. Further to this,
online sequential fuzzy ELM (OS -Fuzzy-ELM) has also been developed for
implementing different orders of TSK models. In fuzzy -based FLM, randomly
all the antecedent parameters of membership functions are assigned first and
subse quently the consequent parameters are computed. Zhang, in the year 2011,

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124SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUESdeveloped selective forgetting ELM (SFELM) to overcome the online training issues and applied it to time -series prediction. SFELM’s output weight is calculated in a recursive manner at the time of online training based on its generalization performance. SFELM is noted to possess better prediction accuracy. 6.15.5. Pruned Extreme Learning Mac/i/ne ELM is well known for its short training time and here the number of hidden layer nodes are randomly selected and are analysed for determination of thei r respective weights. This minimizes the calculation time with fast learning. Rong in the year 2008 modified the architectural design of ELM as the existence of smaller or higher hidden layer neurons will result in Under -fitting and over -fitting problems f or classification problems. Pruned ELM (PELM) algorithm was developed as an automated technique to design an ELM. The significance of hidden neurons was measured in PELM by employing statistical approaches. Starting with higher number of hidden neurons, the insignificant ones are then pruned with class labels based on their importance. Henceforth the architectural design of ELM network gets automated. PELM is inferred to have better prediction accuracy for unseen data when compared with basic ELM. there als o exists a pruning algorithm that is based on regularized regression method, to determine the required number of hidden neurons in the network architecture. This regression approach starts with higher number of hidden neurons and in due course the unimportant neurons get pruned employing methods like ridge regression, elastic network and so on. In this manner, the architectural design of FILM network gets automated. 6.15.6. Improved Extreme Learning Machine Models ELM requires more number of hidden neurons due to its random computation of input layer weights and hidden biases. Owing on this, certain hybrid ELM algorithms were developed by researchers to improve the generalization capability. One of the method proposed by Zhu (2005) employs differential evolution (DE) algorithm for obtaining the input weights and Moore-Penrose (MP) inverse to obtain the output weights of an ELM model. Several researchers also attempted to combine ELM with other data processing methods resulting in new ELM learning models and applying the newly devel oped algorithm for related applications. ELM at times results in non-optimal performance and possess over -fitting occurrence. This was addressed by Silva in the year 2011 by hybridizing group search optimizer to compute the input weights and ELM algorithm for computing

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125Chapter 6: Special Networks
the hidden layer biases. Here it is required to evaluate the influence of various
types of members that tend to fly over the search space bounds. The effectiveness
of ELM model gets lowered because at times, th e hidden layer output matrix
obtained through the algorithm docs not form a full rank matrix due to random
generation of input weights and biases. This was overcome by the development
of effective extreme learning machine (EELM) neural network model which
properly selects the input weights and biases prior to the calculation of output
weights ensuring a full column rank of the output matrix.
Thus, considering the existing limitations of ELM models, researchers have
involved themselves in developing new vari ants of ELM models both in the
algorithmic side and in the architectural design side. This section has presented
few of the variants of ELM models as developed by the researchers and applied
for various prediction and classification problems.
6.15.7. Appli cations of ELM
Neural networks are widely employed in mining, classification, prediction,
recognition and other applications. ELM has been developed with an idea to
improve the learning ability and provide better generalization performance.
Considering th e advantages of ELM models, few of its application include
ͳǤ Signal processing
ʹǤ Image processing
͵Ǥ Medical diagnosis
ͶǤ Automatic control
ͷǤ Aviation and aerospace
͸Ǥ Business and market analysis
In this chapter we learn about Simulated Annealing Network, Boltzmann Machine, Gaussian Machine, Cauchy Machine, Probabilistic Neural Net ,Cascade Correlation Network, Cognitron Network ,Neocognitron Network , Cellular Neural
Network , Optical Neural Networks, Spiking Neural , Networks ( SNN) ,Encoding
of Neurons in SNN, CNN Layer Sizing, Deep learning Neural networks, Extreme
Learning Machine Model (ELMM) in detail.

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Review Questions:
1. Write a short note on Simulated Annealing Networks?
2. Explain Architecture of Boltzmann Machine.
3. Explain Probabilistic Neural Net.
4. Write a short note on Cellular Neural Network.
5. What are the Third -Generation Neural Networks?
6. Explain Architecture of a Convolutional Neural Network
7. What are the Limitations of CNN Model.
8. Write a short note on Deep learnin g Neural networks.
9. Write a short note on ELM Architecture and Training Algorithm
1. “Principles of Soft Computing”, by S.N. Sivanandam and S.N. Deepa, 2019,
Wiley Publication, Chapter 2 and 3
2. (Artificial N eural Networks, Stephen
Lucci PhD)
3. Related documents, diagrams from blogs, e -resources from RC Chakraborty
lecture notes and .

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127Chapter 7: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy
Unit IV
Unit Structure
7.0 Objectives
7.1 Introduction to Fuzzy Logic
7.2 Class ical Sets
7.3 Fuzzy Sets
7.4 Classical Sets v/s Fuzzy Sets
7.4.1 Operations
7.4.2 Properties
7.5 More Operations on Fuzzy Sets
7.6 Functional Mapping of Classical Sets
7.7 Introduction to Classical Relations & Fuzzy Relations
7.8 Cartesian Product of the Relation
7.9 Classical Relation v/s Fuzzy Relations
7.9.1 Cardinality
7.9.2 Operations
7.9.3 Properties
7.10 Classical Composition and Fuzzy Composition
7.10.1 Properties
7.10.2 Equivalence
7.10.3 Tolerance
7.11 Non-Interactive Fu zzy Set

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7.0 Objectives
We begin this chapter with introducing fuzzy logic, classical sets and fuzzy sets
followed by the comparison of classical sets and fuzzy sets.
7.1 Introduction to Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic is a form of multi -valued logic to deal with reasoning that is
approximate rather than precise. Fuzzy logic variables may have a truth value that
ranges between 0 and 1 and is not constrained to the two truth values of classical
propositional logic.
“As the complexity of a system increases, it b ecomes more difficult and eventually
impossible to make a precise statement about its behavior, eventually arriving at a
point of complexity where the fuzzy logic method born in humans is the only way
to get at the problem” – Originally identified & set fo rth by Lotfi A. Zadeh, Ph.D.,
University of California, Berkeley.
Fuzzy logic offers soft computing:
• provides a technique to deal with imprecision & information granularity.
• provides a mechanism for representing linguistics construct.

Figure 7.1: A fuzzy logic system accepting imprecise data and
providing a decision
The theory of fuzzy logic is based upon the notion of relative graded membership
and so are the functions of cognitive processes. It models uncertain or ambiguous
data & pr ovides suitable decision. Fuzzy sets that represents fuzzy logic provides
means to model the uncertainty associated with vagueness, imprecision & lack of
information regarding a problem or a plant or system.
Fuzzy logic operates on the concept of membership. The basis of the theory lies in
making the membership function lie over a range of real numbers from 0.0 to 1.0.
The fuzzy set is characterized by (0.0,0,1.0). The membership value is “1” if it
belongs to the set & “0” if it not member of the s et. The membership in the set is
found to be binary, that is, either the element is a member of a set or not. It is
indicated as

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129Chapter 7: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy߯ሺݔሻൌቄͳݔאܣͲǡݔבܣ
E.g. The statement “Elizabeth is Old” can be translated as Elizabeth is a member
of the set of old people and can be written symbolically as Î
ߤሺܦܮܱሻΙŠ‡”‡ߤis the membership function that can return a value
between 0.0 to 0.1 depending upon the degr ee of the membership.

Figure 7.2: Graph showing membership functions for fuzzy set “tall”.

Figure 7.3: Graph showing membership functions for fuzzy set
“short”, “medium” and “tall”.
The membership was extended to possess various “degree of membership” on the
real continuous interval [0,1]. Zadeh generalized the idea of a crisp set by extending
a valuation set {0,1} (definitely in, definitely out) to the interval of real values
(degree of membership) between 1 & 0, denoted by [0,1]. The degre e of the
membership of any element of fuzzy set expresses the degree of computability of
the element with a concept represented by fuzzy set.
Membership Function : A fuzzy set A contains an object x to degree a(x), that is,
a(x) = Degree (ݔאܣሻƒ†–Š‡ƒ’ܽǣܺ՜ሼݏݎܾ݁݉݁ܯ ݄݌݅݁ܦ݃ݏ݁݁ݎሽ
Possibility Distribution: The fuzzy set A can be expressed as ܣൌ൛൫ݔǡܽሺݔሻ൯ൟǡݔאܺǢ‹–‹’‘•‡•ƒ‡Žƒ•–‹……‘•–”ƒ‹‘ˆ–Š‡’‘••‹„Ž‡˜ƒŽ—‡•

Page 131

Fuzzy sets tend to capture vagueness exclusively via membership functions that are
mappings from a given universe of discourse X to a unit internal containing
membership value. The membership function for a set maps each element of the
set to membership value between 0 & 1 and uniqu ely describes that set. The values
0 and 1 describes “not belonging to” & “belonging to” a conventional set,
respectively; values in between represent “fuzziness”. Determining the membership function is subjective to varying degree depending on the situati on. It
depends on an individual’s perception of the data in question and does not depend
on randomness.

Figure 7.4: Boundary region of a Fuzzy Set

Figure 7.5: Configuration of a pure fuzzy system
Fuzzy logic also consists of fuzzy inference engine or fuzzy rule base to perform
approximate reasoning somewhat similar to human brain. The fuzzy approach uses
a premise that human don’t represent classes of objects as fully disjoint sets but
rather as se ts in which there may be graded of membership intermediate between
full membership and non -membership. A fuzzy set works as a concept that makes
it possible to treat fuzziness in a quantitative manner. Fuzzy sets form the building

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131Chapter 7: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy
blocks for fuzzy IF -THEN rules which have general form “IF X is A THEN Y is
B” where A and B are fuzzy sets.
The term “fuzzy systems” refers mostly to systems that are governed by fuzzy IF -
THEN rules. The IF part of an implication is called antecedent whereas the THEN
part is call ed consequent. The fuzzy system is a set of fuzzy rules that converts
inputs to outputs.
The fuzzy inference engine (algorithm) combines fuzzy IF -THEN rules into a
mapping from fuzzy sets in the input space X to the fuzzy sets in the output space
Y based f uzzy logic principles. From a knowledge representation viewpoint, a
fuzzy IF -THEN rule is a scheme for capturing knowledge that involves imprecision. The main features of the reasoning using these rules is its partial
matching capability, which enables an inference to be made from a fuzzy rule even
when the rule’s condition is partially satisfied. Fuzzy systems, on one hand is rule
based system that are constructed from a collection of linguistic rules, on other
hand, fuzzy systems are non -linear mappings o f inputs to the outputs. The inputs
and the outputs can be numbers or vectors of numbers. These rule -based systems
can in theory model any system with arbitrary accuracy, i.e. they work as universal
The Achilles’ heel of a fuzzy system is it rules; smart rules gives smart systems and
other rules give less smart or dumb systems. The number of rules increases
exponentially with the dimension of the input space. This rule explosion is called
the curse of dimensionality & is general problem for mathematical models.
7.2 Classical Sets (Crisp Sets)
Collection of objects with certain characteristics is called set. A classical set / crisp
set is defined as the collection of distinct objects. An individual entity of the set is
called as element/ membe r of the set. The classical set is defined in such a way that
the universe of discourse is splitted into two groups: members and non -members.
Partial membership does not exist in the case of crisp set.
Whole set: The collection of elements in the universe
Cardinal number: Number of the elements in the set.
Set: The collections of elements within the universe
Subset: The collections of elements within the set.

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7.3 Fuzzy Sets
A fuzzy set is a set having degree of membership between 0 & 1. A member of one
fuzzy set can also be the member of other fuzzy set in same universe. A fuzzy set
ܣ in the universe of disclosure U can be defined as a set of ordered pairs and it is
given by
ߤܣሺݔሻ‹•–Š‡†‡‰”‡‡‘ˆ‡„‡”•Š‹’ ‘ˆš‹ƒ†‹–‹†‹…ƒ–‡• –Š‡†‡‰”‡‡–Šƒ–
š„‡Ž‘‰•–‘ǤŠ‡‡„‡”•Š‹’ ‹••‡––‘—‹–‹–‡”˜ƒŽሾͲǡͳሿ‘”ߤܣሺݔሻאሾͲǡͳሿ.
When the universe of disclosure is discrete & finite, fuzzy set A is given as

When the universe of discl osure is continuous & infinite, fuzzy set A is given as

Universal Fuzzy Set/ Whole Fuzzy Set : If and only if the value of the membership
function is 1 for all the members under consideration . Any fuzzy set A is defined
on universe U is the subset of that universe.
Empty Fuzzy Set : If and only if the value of the membership function is 0 for all
the members under consideration.
Equal Fuzzy Set : two fuzzy set A & B are said to be equal fuzzy sets if
Fuzzy Power set P(U) : The collection of all fuzzy sets and fuzzy subsets on
universe U.

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133Chapter 7: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy
7.4 Classical Sets v/s Fuzzy Sets
7.4.1 Operations Classical Sets Fuzzy Sets Definition The classical set is defined in such a way in that the universe
of the discourse is divided into two groups: members and nonmembers. Consider Set A
in Universe U:
An object x is a member of a
given set ܽሺݔאܣሻ i.e. x belongs to A.
An object x is a member of a
given set ܽሺݔבܣሻ i.e. x does
not belong to A. A fuzzy set is a set having degree of membership between 0 & 1.
A fuzzy set ܣ in the universe
of disclosure U can be defined
as a set of ordered pairs and it
is given by:
Union The union between two sets gives all those elements in the
universe that belong to either set A or set B or both the sets.
The union is termed as logical
OR operation. ܣ׫ܤൌሼݔȁݔאܣݎ݋ݔאܤሽ The union of fuzzy sets A & B is defined as:
V indicates max operation
Intersection The intersection between two sets gives all those elements in the universe that belong to both set A and set B. The union is termed as logical AND operation. ܣתܤൌሼݔȁݔאܣ݀݊ܽݔאܤሽ The intersection of fuzzy sets A & B is defined as:
݂ݎ݋݈݈ܽݔאܷ ר indicates min operation Complement The complement of set A is defined as the collection of all
elements in the universe X that
do not belong to set A. #ൌሼݔȁݔבܣǡݔאܺሽ The union of fuzzy sets A & B is defined as:

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134SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES Classical Sets Fuzzy Sets Difference The difference of set A with respect to set B is the collection of all the elements in
the universe that belong to A but does not belong to B. It is
denoted by A|B or A -B ܣȁܤൌሼݔȁݔאܣ݀݊ܽݔבܤሽܣെሺܣתܤ)

7.4.2 Properties Classical Sets Fuzzy Sets Commutativity ܣ׫ܤൌܤ׫ܣ ܣתܤൌܤתܣ ܣ׫ܤൌܤ׫ܣ ܣתܤൌܤתܣ Associativity ܣ׫ሺܤ׫ܥሻൌሺܣ׫ܤሻ׫ܥ ܣתሺܤתܥሻൌሺܣתܤሻתܥ ܣ׫ሺܤ׫ܥሻൌሺܣ׫ܤሻ׫ܥ ܣתሺܤתܥሻൌሺܣתܤሻתܥ Distributivity ܣ׫ሺܤתܥሻൌሺܣ׫ܤሻתሺܣ׫ܥሻ ܣתሺܤ׫ܥሻൌሺܣתܤሻ׫ሺܣתܥሻ ܣ׫ሺܤתܥሻൌሺܣ׫ܤሻתሺܣ׫ܥሻ ܣתሺܤ׫ܥሻൌሺܣתܤሻ׫ሺܣתܥሻ Idempotency ܣ׫ܣൌܣ ܣתܣൌܣ ܣ׫ܣൌܣ ܣתܣൌܣ Transitivity ݂݅ܣكܤكܥݐ݄݁݊ܣكܥ ݂݅ܣكܤكܥݐ݄݁݊ܣكܥ Identity ܣ׫ᢥൌܣǢܣתᢥൌܣ ܣ׫ܺൌܺǢܣתܺൌܣ ܣ׫ᢥൌܣǢܣתᢥൌܣ ܣ׫ܺൌܺǢܣתܺൌܣ Involution (double
negation) #ൌܣ #ൌܣ DeMorgan’s Law ȁܣ׫ܤȁൌܣ׫ܤ ȁܣתܤȁൌܣתܤ ȁܣ׫ܤȁൌܣ׫ܤ ȁܣתܤȁൌܣתܤ Law of Contradiction ܣת#ൌᢥ Not Followed Law of Excluded
Middle ܣ׫#ൌܺ Not Followed

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135Chapter 7: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy
7.5 More Operations on Fuzzy Sets
Algebraic Sum: The algebraic sum (A+B) of two fuzzy sets A & B is defined as
Algebraic Product : The algebraic product (A.B) of two fuzzy sets A & B is
defined as
Bounded Sum : The bounded sum ሺܣْܤሻ of two fuzzy sets A & B is defined as
Bounded Difference : The bounded difference ሺܣْܤሻ of two fuzzy sets A & B
is defined as
7.6 Functional Mapping of Classical Sets
Mapping is a rule of correspondence between set -theoretic forms and function
theoretic forms.
X and Y are two different universe of disclosure. If an element x contained in X corresponds to an element y contained Y , it is called as mapping from X to Y; i.e. ݂ǣܺ՜ܻ
Let A & B be two sets on universe. The function theoretic forms of operation
performed between these two sets are given as follows:
Union : ߯ܣ׫ܤሺšሻൌ߯ܣሺሻש߯۰ሺሻൌƒšሼ߯ܣሺሻǡ߯۰ሺሻሽ ‡”‡ש is maximum
Intersection : ߯ܣתܤሺšሻൌ߯ܣሺሻר߯۰ሺሻൌ‹ሼ߯ܣሺሻǡ߯۰ሺሻሽ ‡”‡ר is
minimum operator.
Complement: ߯#ሺšሻൌͳെ߯ܣሺሻ
Containment: ‹ˆكܤǡݐ݄݊݁߯ܣሺሻ൑߯۰ሺሻ

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7.7 Introduction to Classical Relations & Fuzzy Relations
Relationship between the object are the basic concepts involved in decision making
& other dynamic system application. Relations represent mapping between sets &
connective logic. A classical binary relation represents the presence or absences of
connection or interaction or association between the elements of two sets. Fuzzy
binary relations impart degrees of strength to connections or assoc iation. In fuzzy
binary relation, the degree of association is represented by membership grades in
the same way as the degree of set membership is represented in fuzzy set.
When r = 2, the relation is a subset of the Cartesian product A1*A2. This relation
is called a binary relation from A1 to A2. X & Y are two universe; their Cartesian
product X* Y is given by ܺכܻൌሼሺݔǡݕሻȁݔאܺǡݕאܻሽ
Every element in X is completely related to every element in Y . The characteristic
function, denoted by Ȥ gives the strength of the relationship between ordered pair
of elements in each universe. The characteristic function, denoted by Ȥ gives the
strength of the relationship between ordered pair of elements in each universe.
A binary relation in which each element from the first set X is not mapped to more
than one element in second set Y is called a function and is expressed
as ܴǣߕ՜ܻ
A fuzzy relation is a fuzzy set defined on the Cartesian product of classical set
{X1,X2,X3,…Xn} where tuples (x1,x2,…,xn) may have varying degree of membership ߤܴሺݔͳǡݔʹǡǥǡ݊ݔሻ within the relation
ܴሺܺͳǡܺʹǡǥǤǡܺ݊ሻൌ׬ ߤܴሺݔͳǡݔʹǡǥǡ݊ݔሻȁ௑ଵכ௑ଶכǥ௑ேሺݔͳǡݔʹǡǥǡ݊ݔሻǡš‹א݅ܺ
A fuzzy relation between two sets X & Y is called binary fuzzy relation & is
denoted by R(X,Y). A binary relation R(X,Y) is referred to as bipartite graph
graph.This relation occur when X=Y and is denoted as R(X,X)or R(X2).The matrix
representing a fuzzy relation is called fuzzy matrix.A fuzzy relation R is a mapping
from Cartesian product space X *Y to interval [0,1]where the mapping strength is
expressed by the membership function of the relation for ordered pairs from the
two universe [ ȝR(x,y)]

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137Chapter 7: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy

A fuzzy graph is a graphical representation of a binary fuzzy relation. Each
element in X & Y corresponds to a node in the fuzzy graph. The connection links
are established between the nodes by the elements of X*Y with nonzero membership grades in R(X,Y). The links may also be present in the forms of arcs.
This links are labelled with membership value as ሾܴߤሺݔǡݕሻሿǤŠ‡്ܺ
ܻǡ–Š‡Ž‹…‘‡…–‹‰ –Š‡–™‘‘†‡•‹•ƒ—†‹”‡…–‡† „‹ƒ”›‰”ƒ’Š…ƒŽŽ‡†ƒ•܍ܜܑܜܚ܉ܘܑ܊܏ܘ܉ܚܐǤ ‡”‡ǡ‡ƒ…Š‘ˆ–Š‡•‡–•Ƭ…ƒ„‡”‡’”‡•‡–‡†„›ƒ•‡–‘ˆ‘†‡••—…Š–Šƒ––Š‡‘†‡•…‘””‡•’‘†‹‰–‘‘‡•‡–ƒ”‡…Ž‡ƒ”Ž›†‹ˆˆ‡”‡–‹ƒ–‡†ˆ”‘–Š‡‘†‡•”‡’”‡•‡–‹‰–Š‡‘–Š‡”•‡–ǤŠ‡ܺൌ ܻ ,a node is connected to itself and directed links are used; in such case, the fuzzy
graph is called directed graph . Here, only one set off nodes corresponding to set
X is used.
The domain of binary fuzzy relation R(X,Y) is the fuzzy set, dom R(X,Y) having
the membership function as:

The range of binary fuzzy relation R(X,Y) is the fuzzy set, ran R(X,Y) having the
membership function as:

7.8 Cartesian Product of the Relation
An ordered r -tuple is and ordered sequence of r -elements expressed in the form
(a1, a2, a3 … ar) .

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An unordered r -tuple is a collection of r -elements without any restriction in order.
For r = 2, the r -tuple is called an ordered pair .
For crisp sets A1,A2,A3, ….Ar , the set of all r -tuples (a1,a2,a3,…ar) where a1א
ͳǡƒʹאʹǡǥǤǡƒ”אAr is called Cartesian product of A1,A2,A3, ….Ar and is
denoted by A1*A2*A3*….*Ar.
If all the ar’s are identical and equal to A, then the Cartesian product
A1*A2*A3*….*Ar is denoted as Ar

7.9 Classical Relation v/s Fuzzy Relations
7.9.1 Cardinality Classical Relations Fuzzy Relations Cardinality: Consider n elements of universe X being related to the m elements of universe Y .
When the cardinality of X= nX & the cardinality of Y = nY , then the cardinality of relation R between the two universe is
݊ܺכܻൌ݊ܺכܻ݊ The cardinality of the power set P(X *Y) describing the relation is given by ݊ܲሺܺכܻሻൌʹሺܻ݊ܺ݊ሻ The cardinality of fuzzy sets on any universe is infinity; hence the cardinality of a fuzzy relation between
two or more universe is also infinity.

7.9.2 Operations
Let R & S be two separate relations on the Cartesian universe X * Y . The null
relation and the complete relation are defined by the relation matrices ܴ߶ܽ݊݀߃ܴ.

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139Chapter 7: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and FuzzyOperations Classical Relations Fuzzy Relations Union ܴ׫ܵ՜ܴ߯׫ܵሺݔǡݕሻൌƒšሾܴ߯ሺݔǡݕሻǡ߯ܵሺݔǡݕሻሿ ߤܴ׫ܵሺݔǡݕሻ ൌƒšሾߤܴሺݔǡݕሻǡߤܵሺݔǡݕሻሿ Intersection ܴתܵ՜ܴ߯תܵሺݔǡݕሻൌ݊݅ሾܴ߯ሺݔǡݕሻǡ߯ܵሺݔǡݕሻሿ ߤܴתܵሺݔǡݕሻ ൌ݊݅ሾߤܴሺݔǡݕሻǡߤܵሺݔǡݕሻሿ Complement ܴ՜ܴ߯ሺݔǡݕሻǣ߯ሺݔǡݕሻൌͳെ߯ሺݔǡݕሻ ߤܴሺݔǡݕሻൌͳെߤܴሺݔǡݕሻ Containment ܴؿܵ՜ܴ߯ሺݔǡݕሻǣܴ߯ሺݔǡݕሻ൑߯ܵሺݔǡݕሻ ܴؿฺܵߤܴሺݔǡݕሻ൑ߤܵሺݔǡݕሻ Identity ߶՜߶ܴƬܺ՜߃ܴ Inverse The inverse of fuzzy relation R on X*Y is denoted by R-1.
It is relation on Y*X defined by
R-1(y,x)= R(x,y ) for all pairs ሺݕǡݔሻאܻכܺ Projection For fuzzy relation R(X,Y), let ሾܴ՝ܻሿ denote the projection of R
onto Y .

7.9.3 Properties Classical Relations Fuzzy Relations Properties • Commutativity • Associativity
• Distributivity
• Involution
• Idempotency
• DeMorgan’s Law
• Excluded middle law • Commutativity • Associativity
• Distributivity
• Involution
• Idempotency
• DeMorgan’s Law

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7.10 Classical Composition and Fuzzy Composition
The operation executed on two binary relations to get a single binary relation is
called composition .
Let R be a relation that maps elements from universe X to universe Y and S be a
relation that maps elements from universe Y to universe Z. The two binary elements
R & S are compatible if R كX*Y & S كY*Z.The composition between the two
relations is denoted b y RלS.
Consider the universal sets given by:
Let the relation R & S be formed as:
It can be inferred that:
The composition operations are of two types
1. Max-Min Composition: ܶൌܴלܵ

2. Max-product Composition: ܶൌܴלܵ
Let A be fuzzy set on universe X & B be fuzzy set on universe Y . The Cartesian product over A and B results in fuzzy relation B and is contained within the entire
(complete) Cartesian space ܣכܤൌܴݓ݄݁ݎܴ݁ؿܺכܻ
The membership function of fuzzy rela tion is given by ߤܴሺݔǡݕሻൌߤܣכܤሺݔǡݕሻൌ
For e.g., for a fuzzy set A that has three elements and a fuzzy set B has four
elements, the resulting fuzzy relation R will be represented by a matrix size 3 * 4

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141Chapter 7: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy
There are two types of fuzzy composition techniques:
1. Fuzzy Max -min composition
2. Fuzzy Max -product composition
Let R be fuzzy relation on Cartesian space X*Y and S be fuzzy relation on Cartesian
Space Y*Z.
Fuzzy Max -min composition:
The max -min composition of R(X,Y ) and S(Y ,Z) is denoted by ܴሺܺǡܻሻιܵሺܻǡܼሻis
defined by T(X,Z) as Fuzzy Max -product composition:

7.10.1 Properties Classical Composition Fuzzy Composition Associative ሺܴιܵሻιܯൌܴιሺܵιܯሻ ሺܴιܵሻιܯൌܴιሺܵιܯሻ Commutative ܴι്ܵܵιܴ ܴι്ܵܵιܴ Inverse ሺܴιܵሻെͳൌܵെͳιܴെͳ ሺܴιܵሻെͳൌܵെͳιܴെͳ 7.10.2 Equivalence Classical Composition Fuzzy Composition Reflexivity ܴ߯ሺ݅ݔǡ݅ݔሻൌͳݎ݋ሺ݅ݔǡ݅ݔሻאܴ ߤܴሺ݅ݔǡ݅ݔሻൌͳ׊ݔאܺ Symmetry ܴ߯ሺ݅ݔǡ݆ݔሻൌܴ߯ሺ݆ݔǡ݅ݔሻሺ݅ݔǡ݆ݔሻאฺܴሺ݆ݔǡ݅ݔሻאܴ ߤܴሺ݅ݔǡ݆ݔሻൌߤܴሺ݆ݔǡ݅ݔሻ׊݅ݔǡ݆ݔאܺ
Transitivity ܴ߯ሺ݅ݔǡ݆ݔሻܴ݀݊ܽ߯ሺ݆ݔǡ݇ݔሻൌͳǡݏ݋ܴ߯ሺ݅ݔǡ݇ݔሻൌͳሺ݅ݔǡ݆ݔሻאܴሺ݆ݔǡ݇ݔሻאܴǡݏ݋ሺ݅ݔǡ݇ݔሻאܴ ߤܴሺ݅ݔǡ݆ݔሻൌڊͳܴ݀݊ܽߤሺ݆ݔǡ݇ݔሻൌڊʹ ฺ ߤܴሺ݅ݔǡ݇ݔሻൌڊݓ݄݁ݎ݁ ڊൌ‹ሺڊͳǡڊʹሻ

Fuzzy Max -product transitive can be defined. It is given by

Page 143


7.10.3 Tolerance Classical Composition Fuzzy Composition A tolerance relation R1 on universe X is one where the only the properties of reflexivity & symmetry are satisfied.
A binary fuzzy relation that possesses the properties of
reflexivity and symmetry is called
fuzzy tolerance relation or
resemblance relation. The tolerance relation can also be called proximity relation. The equivalence relations are a special case of th e tolerance relation. An equivalence relation can be formed from tolerance relation R1 by (n -1)
compositions with itself, where n is the cardinality of the set that defines R1, here it is X The fuzzy tolerance relation can be reformed into fuzzy equivalen ce relation in the same way as a crisp tolerance relation is reformed into crisp equivalence relation 7.11 Non-Interactive Fuzzy Set
The independent events in probability theory are analogous to noninteractive fuzzy
sets in fuzzy theory. We are defining fuzzy set A on the Cartesian space X= X1 x
X2. Set A is separable into two noninteractive fuzzy sets called orthogonal projections if and only if


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143Chapter 7: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy
The equations represent membership functions for the orthographic projections of
A on univ erses X1 and X2. respectively.
In this chapter, we have discussed the basic definitions, properties and operations
on classical sets and fuzzy sets. Fuzzy sets are tools that convert the concept of
fuzzy logic into algorithms. Since fuzzy sets allow partial membership, they
provide computer with such algorithms that extend binary logic and enable it to
take human -like decisions. In other words, fuzzy sets can be thought of as a media
through which the human thinking is transferred to a computer. One difference
between fuzzy sets and classical sets is that the former does not follow the law of
excluded middle and law of contradiction.
The relation concept is used for nonlinear simulation, classification, and control.
The description on composition of relations gives a view of extending fuzziness
into functions. Tolerance and equivalence relations are helpful for solving similar
classification problems. The noninteractivity between fuzzy sets is analogous to the
assumption of independence in probabi lity modelling.
Review Questions
1. Explain fuzzy logic in detail.
2. Compare Classical set and fuzzy set.
3. Enlist and explain any three classicals set operations.
4. Enlist and explain any three fuzzy sets operations.
5. Enlist and explain any three classical set properties.
6. Enlist and explain any three fuzzy sets properties.
7. Write a short note on fuzzy relation.
8. Compare classical relations and fuzzy relations.
9. Write a short note classical composition and fuzzy composition.

Page 145

Bibliography, References and Further R eading
• Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, by Anandita Das Battacharya,
SPD 3rd, 2018
• Principles of Soft Computing, S.N. Sivanandam, S.N.Deepa, Wiley, 3rd ,
• Neuro -fuzzy and soft computing, J.S.R. Jang, C.T.Sun and E.Mizutani,
Prentice Hall of India, 2004


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145Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures
Unit IV
Unit Structure
8.0 Objectives
8.1 Introduction to Membership Function
8.2 Features of the Membership Function
8.3 Overview of Fuzzification
8.4 Methods of Membership Value Assignment
8.4.1 Intuition
8.4.2 Inference & Rank Ordering
8.4.3 Angular Fuzzy Sets
8.4.4 Neural Network
8.4.5 Genetic Algorithm
8.4.6 Inductive Reasoning
8.5 Overview of Defuzzification
8.6 Concept of Lamba -Cuts for Fuzzy Sets (Alpha -Cuts)
8.7 Concept of Lamba -Cuts for Fuzzy Relations
8.8 Methods of Defuzzification
8.8.1 Max-membership Principle
8.8.2 Centroid Method
8.8.3 Weighted Average Method
8.8.4 Mean -Max Membership
8.8.5 Centers of Sums
8.8.6 Centers of Largest Area
8.8.7 First of Maxima, Last of Maxima

Page 147

8.9 Overview of Fuzzy Arithmetic
8.10 Interval Analysis of Uncertain Values
8.11 Mathematical operations on Intervals
8.12 Fuzzy Number
8.13 Fuzzy Ordering
8.14 Fuzzy Vectors
8.15 Extension Principles
8.16 Overview of Fuzzy Measures
8.17 Belief & Plausibility Measures
8.18 Probability Measures
8.19 Possibility & Necessity Measures
8.20 Measure of Fuzziness
8.21 Fuzzy Integrals
8.0 Ob jectives
This chapter begins with explaining the membership function and later introduces
the concept of fuzzification, defuzzification and fuzzy arithmetic.
8.1 Introduction to Membership Function
Membership function defines fuzziness in a fuzzy set irrespective of the elements
in the discrete or continuous. The membership functions are generally represented
in graphical form. There exist certain limitations for the shapes used in graphical
form of membership function. The rules that describes fuzzine ss graphically are
also fuzzy. Membership can be thought of as a technique to solve empirical
problems on the basis of experience rather than knowledge.
8.2 Features of the Membership Function
The membership function defines all the information contained i n a fuzzy set. A
fuzzy set A in the universe of discourse X can be defined as a set of ordered pairs:
A={(x, ȝ$ [ Ň[אX} where ȝA(.) is called membership function of A. The
membership function ȝA(.) maps X to the membership space M,i.e. ȝ$;ĺ0

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147Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures
The membership value ranges in the interval [0,1]. Main features involved in
characterizing membership function are:
• Core : The core of a membership function for some fuzzy set A is defined as
that region of universe that is characterized by complete membership in the
set A. The core has elements x of the universe such that ܣߤሺݔሻൌͳ. The core
of a fuzzy set may be an empty set.
• Support : The support of a membership function for a fuzzy set A is defined
as that region of universe that is characterized by a nonzero membership. The
support comprises elements x of the universe such that ܣߤሺݔሻ൐
ͲǤˆ—œœ›•‡–™Š‘•‡•—’’‘”–‹•ƒ•‹‰Ž‡‡Ž‡‡–‹™‹–Šܣߤሺݔሻൌͳ is
referred to as a fuzzy singleton.
• Boundary : The support of a membership function for a fuzzy set A is defined
as that region of universe containing elements that have nonzero but not
complete membership. The boundary comprises of those elements of x of the
universe such that Ͳ൏ܣߤሺݔሻ൏ͳ. The boundary ele ments are those which
posses s partial membership in fuzzy set A .

Figure 8.1: Properties of Membership Functions

Page 149

Other types of Fuzzy Sets

Figure 8.2: (A) Normal Fuzzy Set and (B) Subnormal Fuzzy Set
• Normal fuzzy set : A fuzzy set whose membership function has at least one
element x in the universe whose membership value is unity.
o Prototypical element : The element for which the membership is equal
to 1.
• Subnormal fuzzy set : A fuzzy set wherein no membership function has it
equal to 1.
• Convex fuzzy set: A convex fuzzy set has membership function whose membership values are strictly monotonically increasing or strictly monotonically decreasing or strictly monotonically increasing than strictly
monotonically decreasing with increasing valu es for the elements in the
• Nonconvex fuzzy set: the membership value of the membership function is
not strictly monotonically increasing or decreasing or strictly monotonically
increasing than decreasing.

Figure 8.3: (A) Convex Normal Fuzzy Set and (B) Nonconvex Normal Fuzzy Set

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149Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures
The intersection of two convex fuzzy set is also a convex fuzzy set. The element in
the universe for which a particular fuzzy set A has its value equal to 0.5 is called
crossover point of membership function. Th ere can be more than one crossover
point in fuzzy set. The maximum value of the membership function of the fuzzy set
A is called height of the fuzzy set . If the height of the fuzzy set is less than 1, then
the fuzzy set is called subnormal fuzzy set . When the fuzzy set A is a convex single
–point normal fuzzy set defined on the real time, then A is termed as a fuzzy
number .

Figure 8.4: Crossover Point of a Fuzzy Set
8.3 Overview of Fuzzification
Fuzzification is the process of transforming a crisp set to a fuzzy set or a fuzzy set
into a fuzzier set. This operation translates accurate crisp input value into linguistic
variables. Quantities that we consider to be accurate, crisp & deterministic, possess
uncertainty within themselves. The uncertainty arises due to vagueness, imprecision or uncertainty.
For a fuzzy set A={ȝi/xi|xi אX},a common fuzzification algorithm is performed by
keeping ȝi constant and xi being transformed to a fuzzy set Q(xi) depicting the
expression about xi. The fuzzy set Q(xi) is ref erred to as the kernel of fuzzification.
The fuzzified set A can be expressed as:

where the symbol ~ means fuzzified. This process of fuzzification is called support
fuzzification (s -fuzzification) .

Page 151

Grade fuzzification (g -fuzzification) is another method where ݅ݔ‹•‡’–…‘•–ƒ–ƒ†ߤ݅is expressed as a fuzzy set.
8.4 Methods of Membership Value Assignment
Following are the methods for assigning membership value:
• Intuition
• Inference
• Rank ordering
• Angular fuzzy sets
• Neural Network
• Genetic Algorithm
• Inductive Reasoning
8.4.1 Intuition
Intuition method is the base upon the common intelligence of human. It is capacity of the human to develop membership functions on the basis of their own intelligence and understanding capability. There should be an in -depth knowledge
of the application to which membership value assignment has to be made.

Figure 8.5: Membership functions for the Fuzzy variable “weight”
8.4.2 Inference & Rank Ordering
The inference method uses knowledge to perform deductive reasoning. Deduction
achieves conclusion by means of forward inference.

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151Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures
Rank ordering is carried on the basis of the preferences. Pairwise comparisons
enable us to determine preferences & resulting in determining the ord er of
8.4.3 Angular Fuzzy Sets
Angular fuzzy set ‘s’ is defined on a universe of angles, thus repeating the shapes
every ʹߨ cycles. The truth value of the linguistic variable is represented by angular
fuzzy sets. The logical proposition is equated to the membership value “1” is said
to be “true” and that preposition with membership value 0 is said to be “false”. The
intermediate values between 0 & 1 correspond to proposition being partially true
or partially false.

Figure 8.6: Model of An gular Fuzzy Set
The values of the linguistic variable vary with “ ș´ WKHLUPHPEHUVKLSYDOXHVDUH
REWDLQHGIURPHTXDWLRQȝW ș WWDQ ș Z here t is the horizontal projection of radial

Page 153

8.4.4 Neural Network

Figure 8.7: Fuzzy Membership function evaluated from Neural Networks
8.4.5 Genetic Algorithm
Genetic algorithm is based on the Darwin’s theory of evolution, the basic rule is
“survival of the fittest”. Genetic algorithms use the following steps to determine
the fuzzy membership function:
• For a particular functional mapping system, the same membership functions
& shapes are assumed for various fuzzy variables to be defined.
• These chosen members hip functions are then coded into bit strings.
• Then these bit strings are concatenated together
• The fitness function to be used here is noted. In genetic algorithm, fitness
function plays a major role similar to that played by activation function in
neural network.
• The fitness function is used to evaluate the fitness of each set of membership
• These membership functions define the functional mapping of the system

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153Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures
8.4.6 Inductive Reasoning
Induction is used to deduce causes by means of backward inference. The characteristics of inductive reasoning can be used to generate membership functions. Induction employs entropy minimization principles, which clusters the
parameters corresponding to the output classes. To perform inductive reasonin g
method, a well -defined database for the input -output relationship exist. Induction
reasoning can be applied for complex systems where database is abundant & static.
Laws of Induction:
• Given a set of irreducible outcomes of experiment, the induced probabilities
are probability consistent with all the available information that maximize
the entropy of the set.
• The induced probability of a set of independent observation is proportional
to the probability density of the induced probability of single ob servation.
• The induced rule is that rule consistent with all available information of that
minimizes the entropy
The third law stated above is widely used for development of membership function.
The membership functions using inductive reasoning are genera ted as follow:
• A fuzzy threshold is to be established between classes of data.
• Using entropy minimization screening method, first determine the threshold
• Then start the segmentation process
• The segmentation process results into two classes.
• Again, partitioning the first two classes one more time, we obtain three
different classes.
• The partitioning is repeated with threshold value calculation, which lead us
to partition the data set into a number of classes and fuzzy set.
• Then on the basis of shape, membership function is determined.
8.5 Overview of Defuzzification
Defuzzification is mapping process from a space of fuzzy control actions defined
over an output universe of discourse into space of crisp control action. A
defuzzification process produces a nonfuzzy control action that represents the

Page 155

possibility distribution of an inferred fuzzy control action. Defuzzification process
has the capability to reduce a fuzzy set into a crisp single -valued quantity or into a
crisp set; to conver t a fuzzy matrix into a crisp matrix; or to convert a fuzzy number
into a crisp number. Mathematically, the defuzzification process may also termed
as “rounding off”. Fuzzy set with a collection of membership values or a vector of
values on the unit interv al may be reduced to a single scalar quantity using
defuzzification process.
8.6 Concept of Lamba -Cuts for Fuzzy Sets (Alpha -Cuts)
Consider a fuzzy set A. The set A
…—–ሺ‘”ƒŽ’Šƒሾߙ]-cut) set, is a crisp
set of the fuzzy set & defined as:
The set A
ߣ is called a weak lambda -cut set if it consists of all the elements of fuzzy
set whose
membership functions have values greater than or equal to specified value.
The set A
ߣ is called a strong lambda -cut set if it consists of all the elements of fuzzy
set whose
membership functions have values strictly greater than specified value.

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155Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures
8.7 Concept of Lamba -Cuts for Fuzzy Relations

8.8 Methods of Defuzzification
Defuzzification is the process of conversion of a fuzzy quantity into a precise quantity. The output of a fuzzy process may be union of two or more fuzzy membership functions defined on the universe of discourse of the output variable.

Figure 8.8 (A) : First part of fuzzy output, (B) second part of fuzzy outpu t, (C)
union of parts (A) and (B)

Page 157

Defuzzification Methods
• Max-membership principle
• Centroid method
• Weighted average method
• Mean -Max membership
• Centers of Sums
• Center of largest area
• First of maxima, last of maxima
8.8.1 Max -membership Principle
This method is also known as height method and is limited to peak output
functions . This method is given by the algebraic expression:

Figure 8.9 : Max -membership Defuzzification Method
8.8.2 Centroid Method
This method is also known as center of mass, center of area, center of gravity,

Page 158

157Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures׬is denotes an algebraic integration.

Figure 8.10 : Centroid Defuzzification Method
8.8.3 Weighted Average Method
This method is valid for symmetrical output membership functions only. Each
membership function is weighted by its maximum membership value.

™ denotes algebraic sum and xi is the maximum of the ith
membership function.

Figure 8.11: Weighted average defuzzification method
(two symmetrical membership functions)

Page 159

8.8.4 Mean -Max Membership
This method is also known as the middle of maxima. The locations of the maxima
membership can be nonunique.

Figure 8.12: Mean -max membership defuzzification method
8.8.5 Centers of Sums
This method employs the algebraic sum of the individual fuzzy subsets. Advantage:
Fast calculation. Drawback: intersecting areas are added twice . The defuzzified
value x* is given by :

Figure 8.13: (A) First and (B) Second Membership functions, (C) Defuzzification

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159Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures
8.8.6 Centers of Largest Area
This method can be adopted when the output consists of at least two convex fuzzy
subsets which are not overlapping. The output in this case is biased towards a side
of one membership function. When output fuzzy set has at least two convex regions
then the center -of-gravity of the convex fuzzy sub region having the largest area is
used to obtain the defuzzified value x*. This value is given by:

Figure 8.14: Center of Largest Area Method
8.8.7 First of Maxima, Last of Maxima
This method uses the overall output or union of all individual output fuzzy sets c j
for determining the smallest value of the domain with the maximized membership
in c j.

Figure 8.15: First of maxima (last of maxima) method

Page 161

The steps used for obtaining x* are:
• Initially, the maximum height in the union is found

where sup is supremum, i.e., the least upper bound
• Then the first of maxima is found:

where inf is the infimum, i.e. the greatest lower bound.
• After this the last of maxima is found:

8.9 Overview of Fuzzy Arithmetic
Fuzzy arithmetic is based on the operations and computations of fuzzy numbers.
Fuzzy numbers help in expressing fuzzy cardinalities and fuzzy quantifiers. Fuzzy
arithmetic is applied in various engineering applications when only imprecise or
uncertain sensory da ta are available for computation. The imprecise data from the
measuring instruments are generally expressed in the form of intervals, and suitable
mathematical operations are performed over these intervals to obtain a reliable data
of the measurements (whi ch are also in the form of intervals). This type of
computation is called interval arithmetic or interval analysis.
8.10 Interval Analysis of Uncertain Values
Fuzzy numbers are an extension of the concept of intervals. Intervals are considered
at only one unique level. Fuzzy numbers consider them at several levels varying
from 0 to 1. In interval analysis, the uncertainty of the data is limited between the
intervals specified by the lower bound & upper bound. The following are the
various types of intervals :
• ሾܽͳǡܽʹሿൌሼݔȁܽͳ൑ݔ൑ܽʹሽ is closed interval

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161Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures
• ሾܽͳǡܽʹሻൌሼݔȁܽͳ൑ݔ൏ܽʹሽ is an interval closed at left end side & open at
right end.
• ሺܽͳǡܽʹሿൌሼݔȁܽͳ൏ݔ൑ܽʹሽ is an interval open at left end side & closed at
right end.
• ሺܽͳǡܽʹሻൌሼݔȁܽͳ൏ݔ൏ܽʹሽ is an open interval, open at both left end and
right end.
8.11 Mathematical operations on Intervals
Let ܣൌሾܽͳǡܽʹሿƬܤൌሾܾͳǡܾʹሿ„‡–Š‡‹–‡”˜ƒŽ•†‡ˆ‹‡†Ǥ ˆݔאሾܽͳǡܽʹሿƬݕא
Addition (+) : ܣ൅ܤൌሾܽͳǡܽʹሿ൅ሾܾͳǡܾʹሿൌሾܽͳ൅ܾͳǡܽʹ൅ܾʹሿ
Subtraction ( -): ܣെܤൌሾܽͳǡܽʹሿെሾܾͳǡܾʹሿൌሾܽͳെܾʹǡܽʹെܾͳሿ
We subtract the larger value out of b1 & b2 from a1. The smaller value out of b1 &
b2 from a2 is subtracted.
Multiplication (.) : Let the two intervals of confidence be A=[a1,a2] & B=[b1,b2]
defined on non -negative real line.
If we multiply an interval with a non -negative real number ן
Division ( ൊ): The division two intervals of confidence defined on non -negative
real line is given by.
If b1 = 0 then the upper bound increases to
൅λǤ ˆ„ͳൌ„ʹൌͲǡ–Š‡‹–‡”˜ƒŽ‘ˆ…‘ˆ‹†‡…‡ ‹•‡š–‡†‡† –‘൅λ
(#ሻǣ ˆݔאሾെܽʹǡെܽͳሿǤŽ•‘‹ˆܣൌሾܽͳǡܽʹሿ–Š‡‹–•‹ƒ‰‡#ൌሾെܽʹǡെܽͳሿ.
Note that ܣ൅#ൌሾܽͳǡܽʹሿ൅ሾെܽʹǡെܽͳሿൌሾܽͳെܽʹǡܽʹെܽͳሿ്Ͳ
The subtraction becomes addition of an image.

Page 163

Inverse (A-1): If
ܽͳ൨Ǥ‹‹Žƒ”Ž› ǡ–Š‡‹˜‡”•‡‘ˆ‹•‰‹˜‡„›െͳൌሾܽͳǡܽʹሿെͳ
ܽͳ൨ǤŠ‡†‹˜‹•‹‘„‡…‘‡• —Ž–‹’Ž‹…ƒ–‹‘ ‘ˆƒ‹˜‡”•‡Ǥ ‘”†‹˜‹•‹‘
Max and Min Operations : ܣൌሾܽͳǡܽʹሿƬܤൌሾܾͳǡܾʹሿ
Max: ܣשܤൌሾܽͳǡܽʹሿשሾܾͳǡܾʹሿൌሾܽͳשܾͳǡܽʹשܾʹሿ
Min: ܣרܤൌሾܽͳǡܽʹሿרሾܾͳǡܾʹሿൌሾܽͳרܾͳǡܽʹרܾʹሿ
Table 8.1: Set Operations on Intervals

Table 8.2: Algebraic Properties of Intervals

8.12 Fuzzy Number
A fuzzy number is a normal, convex membership function on the real line R. Its
membership function is piecewise continuous. That is, every Ȝ-cut set A Ȝ
Ȝא[0,1],of a fuzzy number A is a closed interval of R & the highest value of

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163Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures
membership of A is unity.For two given numbers A & B in R,for specific Ȝא [0,

Page 165


Table 8.3 Algebraic Properties of Addition and Multiplication on
Fuzzy Numbers

8.13 Fuzzy Ordering
The technique for fuzzy ordering is based on the concept of possibility measure.
For a fuzzy number A, two fuzzy sets, A1 & A2 are defined. For this number, the
set of numbers that are possibly greater than or equal to A is denoted as A1 and is
defined as

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165Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures

In a similar manner, the set of numbers that are necessarily greater than A is denoted
as A2 and is defined as

where ςܣ and NA are possibility and necessity measures.
We can compare A with B1 & B2 by index of comparison such as the possibility or
necessity measure of a fuzzy set. That is, we can calculate the possibility and
necessity measures, in the set ߤܣ of fuzzy sets B1 & B2. On the basis of this, we
obtain four fundamental indices of compa rison.

8.14 Fuzzy Vectors
A vector P = (P1, P2, ... , Pn) is called a fuzzy vector if for any element we have 0
൑൑ͳ for i = 1 to n. Similarly, the transpose of the fuzzy vector e denoted by
, is a column vector if P is a row vector, i.e.,

Let P & Q as fuzzy vector on length n.

Page 167

Fuzzy inner product:
Fuzzy outer product:
The complement of fuzzy vector ~P has constraint Ͳ൑̱ܲ൑ͳݎ݋݂݅ൌͳݐ݋݊
Largest component is defined as its upper bound:
Smallest component is defined as its lower bound:
Properties of Fuzzy Vector

8.15 Extension Principles The extension principle allows generalization of crisp sets into fuzzy sets framework & extends point -to-point mappings for fuzzy sets.

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167Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures

8.16 Overview of Fuzzy Measures
A fuzzy measure explains the imprecision or ambiguity in the assignment of an
element ן to two or more crisp sets. For representing uncertainty condition , known
as ambiguity, we assign a value in the unit interval [0, 1] to each possible crisp set
to which the element in the problem might belong. The value assigned represents
the degree of evidence or certainty or belief of the element's membership in the set.
The representation of uncertainty of this manner is called fuzzy measure. The
difference between a fuzzy measure and a fuzzy set on a universe of elements is
that, in fuzzy measure, the imprecision is in the assignment of an element to one of
two or more crisp sets, and in fuzzy sets, the imprecision is in the prescription of
the boundaries of a set.

Page 169

A fuzzy measure is defined by a function g: P(X) ĺ>@ZKLFKDVVLJQVWRHDFK
• %RXQGDU\FRQGLWLRQ J  ݃ሺ׎ሻൌͲǢ݃ሺܺሻൌͳ
• &RQWLQXLW\ J IRUVHTXHQFH ܣ݅אܲሺܺሻȁ݅אܰሻ‘ˆ•—„•‡–•ǡ‹ˆ‡‹–Š‡”ܣͳك
• ܺאܤƬ׎אܤ
• ݂݅ܣאܤǡݐ݄̱݊݁ܣאܤ
ܤǡƒ†„‡…ƒ—•‡ˆ—œœ›‡ƒ•—”‡‰’‘••‡••‡• ‘‘–‘‹… ’”‘’‡”–› ǡ™‡Šƒ˜‡݃ሺܣ׫
ܤǡƒ†„‡…ƒ—•‡ˆ—œœ›‡ƒ•—”‡‰’‘••‡••‡• ‘‘–‘‹… ’”‘’‡”–› ǡ™‡Šƒ˜‡݃ሺܣ׫
8.17 Belief & Plausibility Measures

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169Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures

Plausibility is defined as Pl(A)=1 -EHO Ɩ IRUDOO$ א& %3 ; %HOLHIPHDVXUHFDQ

ͳǤŠ‡„ƒ•‹…’”‘„ƒ„‹Ž‹–› ƒ••‹‰‡–• ƒ”‡‘–ˆ—œœ›‡ƒ•—”‡• ǤŠ‡“—ƒ–‹–›
݉ሺܣሻאሾͲǡͳሿǡܣאܤሺܲܥሺܺሻሻ LVFDOOHG$

Page 171


8.18 Probability Measures
A probability measure is the function ܲǣܤ՜ሾͲǡͳሿ•ƒ–‹•ˆ›‹‰ –Š‡–Š”‡‡ƒš‹‘•
‰ͳǡ‰ʹƬ‰͵‘ˆˆ—œœ›‡ƒ•—”‡• ƒ†–Š‡ƒ††‹–‹˜‹–› ƒš‹‘•ሺƒš‹‘‰͸ሻƒ•ˆ‘ŽŽ‘™•
Theorem : “A belief measure bel on a finite ߪ-field B, which is a subset of P(X), is
a probability measure if and only if its basic probability assignment m is given by
m({x}) = bel({x}) and m(A) = 0 for all subsets of X that are not singletons.”
The theorem indicates fiat a probability measure on finite sets can be represented
uniquely by a function defined on the elements o f the universal set X rather than
its subsets. The probability measures on finite sets can be fully represented by a
function, P: X ՜ [0, 1] such that P(x) = m({x}) . This function P(X) is called
probability distribution function .
Within probability measure, the total ignorance is expressed by the uniform
probability distribution function:
The plausibility and belief measures can be viewed as upper & lower probabilities
that characterize a set of probabili ty measures.

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171Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures
8.19 Possibility & Necessity Measures
A group of subsets of a universal set is nested if these subsets can be ordered in a
way that each is contained in the next; i.e. ܣͳؿܣʹؿܣ͵ǥؿ݊ܣǡ݅ܣאܲሺܺሻ are
nested sets. When the focal elements of a body of evidence (E, m) are nested, the
linked belief and plausibility measures are called consonants, because here the
degrees of evidence allocated to them do not conflict with each other.
Theorem: “Consider a consonant body of evidence (E, m), the associated consonant belief and plausibility measures possess the following properties:
for all ܣǡܤאܤሺܥܲሺܺሻሻ.
Consonant belief and plausibility measures are referred to as necessity & possibility
measures & are denoted by N and ς, respectively.
The possibility measure ς & necessity measure N are function:
ςǣܤ՜ሾͲǡͳሿƬǣ՜ሾͲǡͳሿ•—…Š–Šƒ–ς & N both satisfy the axioms g1,g2 & g3
of fuzzy measures and following axiom g7:
Necessity and possibility are special subclasses of belief and plausibility measures,
they are related to each other by

Page 173


8.20 Measure of Fuzziness
The fuzzy measures concept provides a general mathematical framework to deal
with ambiguous variables. Measures of uncertainty related to vagueness are
referred to as measures of fuzziness. A measure of fuzziness is a function ݂ǣܲሺܺሻ՜ܴ where R is the real line and P(X) is the set of all fuzzy subsets of X.
The function f satisfies the following axioms:
• Axiom 1 (f1): f(A) = 0 if and only if A is a crisp set.
• Axiom 2 (f2): If A (shp) B, then f(A) ൑ f(B), where A (shp) B denotes that A
is sharper than B.
• Axiom 3 (f3): f(A) takes the maximum value if and only if A is maximally
Axiom f1 shows that a crisp set has zero degree of fuzziness in it. Axioms f2 and
f3 are based on concept of "sharper" and "maximal fuzzy," respectively.

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173Chapter 8: Membership Functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures
8.21 Fuzzy Integral s

This chapter starts with the discussion about membership functions and their
features. The formation of the membership function is the core for the entire fuzzy
system operation. The capability of human reasoning is important for membership
functions. The inference method is based on the geometrical shapes and geometry ,
whereas the angular fuzzy set is based on the angular features. Using neural
networks and reasoning methods the memberships are tuned in a cyclic fashion and
are based on rule structure. The improvements are carried out to achieve an
optimum solution using generic algorithms. Thus, the membership function can be
formed using any one of the methods.
Later we have discussed the methods of converting fuzzy variables into crisp
variables by a process called as defuzzification. Defuzzification process is essential
because some engineering applications need exact values for performing the
operation. Defuzzification is a natural and essential technique. Lambda -cuts for
fuzzy sets a nd fuzzy relations were discussed. Apart from the Lambda -cut method,
seven defuzzification methods were presented. The method of defuzzification
should be assessed on the basis of the output in the context of data available.
Finally, we discussed fuzzy ari thmetic, which is considered as an extension of
interval arithmetic. One of the important tools of fuzzy set theory introduced by
Zadeh is the extension principle, which allows any mathematical relationship
between nonfuzzy elements to be extended to fuzzy entities. This principle can be

Page 175

applied to algebraic operations to define set -theoretic operations for higher order
fuzzy sets. The belief and plausibility measures can be expressed by the basic
probability assignment m, which assigns degree of evidence o r belief indicating
that a particular element of X belongs to set A and not to any subset of A. The main
characteristic of probability measures is that each of them can be distinctly
represented by a probability distribution function defined on the element s of a
universal set apart from its subsets. Fuzzy integrals defined define by Sugeno
(1977) are also discussed. Fuzzy integrals are used to perform integration of fuzzy
Review Questions
1. What is membership function? Enlist and explain its featur es.
2. Write a short note on fuzzification.
3. Explain any three methods of membership value assignments in detail.
4. Write a short note on defuzzification.
5. What is Lambda -cuts for fuzzy set and Fuzzy relations?
6. Explain any three methods of defuzzification in detail.
7. Write a short note on fuzzy arithmetic.
8. What are the mathematical operations on intervals of fuzzy.
9. Write a short note on fuzzy number and fuzzy ordering.
10. Write a short note on fuzzy vectors.
11. Write a short note on belief and plau sibility measures.
12. Write a short note on possibility and necessity measures.
Bibliography, References and Further Reading
• Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, by Anandita Das Battacharya,
SPD 3rd, 2018
• Principles of Soft Computing, S.N. Sivanandam, S.N.Deepa, Wiley, 3rd ,
• Neuro -fuzzy and soft computing, J.S.R. Jang, C.T.Sun and E.Mizutani,
Prentice Hall of India, 2004


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175Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
Unit Structure
9.0 Introduction
9.1 Biological Background
9.2 The Cell
9.3 The Cell
9.4 Genetic Algorithm and Search Space
9.5 Genetic Algorithm vs. Traditional Algorithms
9.6 Basic Terminologies in Genetic Algorithm
9.7 Simple GA
9.8 General Genetic Algorithm
9.9 Operators in Genetic Algorithm
9.10 Stopping Condition for Genetic Algorithm Flow
9.11 Constraints in Genetic Algorithm
9.12 Problem Solving Using Genetic Algorithm
9.13 The Schema Theorem
9.14 Classification of Genetic Algorithm
9.15 Holland Classifier Systems
9.16 Genetic Programming
9.17 Advantages and Limitations of Genetic Algorithm
9.18 Applications of Genetic Algorithm
9.19 Summary
9.20 Review Questions

Page 177

Learning Objectives
x Gives an introduction to natural evolution.
x Lists the basic operators (selection, crossover, mutation) and other terminologies used in Genetic Algorithms (GAs).
x Discusses the need for schemata approach.
x Details the comparison of traditional algorithm with GA.
x Explains the operational flow of simple GA.
x Description is given of the various classifications of GA - Messy GA,
adaptive GA, hybrid GA, parallel GA and independent sampling GA.
x The variants of parallel GA (fine -grained parallel GA and c oarse -grained
parallel GA) are included.
x Enhances the basic concepts involved in Holland classifier system.
x The various features and operational properties of genetic programming are
x The application areas of GA are also discussed.
Thales R. Darwi n says that "Although the belief that an organ so perfect as the eye
could have been formed by natural selection is enough to stagger any one; yet in
the case of any organ, if we know of a long series of gradations in complexity, each
good for its possesso r, then, under changing conditions of life, there is no logical
impossibility in the acquirement of any conceivable degree of perfection through
natural selection."
9.0 Introduction
Thales Darwin has formulated the fundamental principle of natural selectio n as the
main evolutionary tool. He put forward his ideas without the knowledge of basic
hereditary principles. In 1865, Gregory Mendel discovered these hereditary
principles by the experiments he carried out on peas. After Mendel's work genetics
was devel oped. Morgan experimentally found that chromosomes were the carriers
of hereditary information and that genes representing the hereditary factors were
lined up on chromosomes. Darwin's natural selection theory and natural genetics
remained unlinked until 1 920s when it was proved that genetics and selection were
in no way contrasting each other. Combination of Darwin’s and Mendel’s ideas
leads to the modern evolutionary theory.

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177Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
In The Origin of Species, Thales Darwin stated the theory of natural evolution.
Over many generations, biological organisms evolve according to the principles of
natural selection like "survival of the fittest" to reach some remarkable forms of
accomplishment. The perfect shape of the albatross wing, the efficiency and the
similarity b etween sharks and dolphins and so on are good examples of what
random evolution with absence of intelligence can achieve. So, if it works so well
in nature, it should be interesting to simulate natural evolution and try to obtain a
method which may solve c oncrete search and optimization problems.
For a better understanding of this theory, it is important first to understand the
biological terminology used in evolutionary computation . It is discussed in
Section 1.2
In 1975, Holland developed this idea in Adaptation in Natural and Artificial
Systems. By describing how to apply the principles of natural evolution to optimization problems, he laid down the first GA. Holland’s theory has been further
developed and now GA s stand up as powerful adaptive methods to solve search and optimization problems. Today, GAs are used to resolve complicated optimization problems, such as, organizing the time table, scheduling job shop,
playing games.
What are Genetic Algorithms?
GAs is adaptive heuristic search algorithms based on the evolutionary ideas of
natural selection and genetics. As such they represent an intelligent exploitation of
a random search used to solve optimization problems. Although randomized, GAs
are by no means random; instead they exploit historical information to direct the
search into the region of better performance within the search space. The basic
techniques of the GAs are designed to simulate processes in natural systems
necessary for evolu tion, especially those that follow the principles first laid down
by Thales Darwin, "survival of the fittest," because in nature, competition among
individuals for seamy resources results in the fittest individuals dominating over
the weaker ones.
Why Gene tic Algorithms?
They are better than conventional algorithms in that they are more robust. Unlike
older AI systems, they do not break easily even if the inputs are changed slightly
or in the presence of reasonable noise. Also, in searching a large state -space,
multimodal state -spare or n-dimensional source, a GA may offer significant
benefits over more typical optimization techniques (linear programming, heuristic,
depth -first and praxis.)

Page 179

9.1 Biological Background
The science that deals with the mechanisms responsible for similarities and
differences in a species is called Genetics. The word "genetics" is derived from the
Greek word "genesis" meaning "to grow" or "to become. “The science of genetics
helps us to differentiate between heredity and variations and accounts for the
resemblances and differences during the process of evolution. The concepts of GAs
are directly derived from natural evolution and heredity. The terminologies
involved in the biological background of species are discussed in the followi ng
9.2 The Cell
Every animal/human cell is a complex of many "small" factories that work together.
The centre of all this is the cell nucleus. The genetic information is contained in the
cell nucleus. Figure 9-1 shows anatomy of the animal cell and cell nucleus.
All the genetic information gets stored in the chromosomes. Each chromosome is
build of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). In humans, chromosomes exist in pairs (23
pairs found). The chromosomes are divided into several parts called genes. Genes
code the properties of species, i.e., the characteristics of an individual. The
possibilities of combination of the genes for one property are called alleles, and a
gene can take different alleles. For example, there is a gene for eye colour, and all
the different possible alleles are black, brown, blue and green (since no one has red
or violet eyes!). The set of all possible alleles present in a particular population
forms a gene pool. This gene pool can determine all the differen t possible variations
for the future generations. The size of the gene pool helps in determining the
diversity of the individuals in the population. The set of all the genes of a specific
species is called genome. Each and every gene has a unique position on the genome

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179Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm

Fig9-1 anatomy of the animal cell and cell nucleus
Locus . In fact, most living organisms store their genome on several chromosomes,
but in the GAs, all the genes are usually stored on the same chromosomes. Thus,
chromosomes and genomes are synonyms with one other in GAs. Figure 9-2 shows
a model of chromosome.
9.2.3 Genetics
For a particular individual, the entire combination of genes is called genotype. The
phenotype describes the physical aspect of decoding a genotype to produce the
phenotype. One interesting point of evolution is that selection is always done on the phenotype whereas the reproduction recombines genotype. Thus, morphogenesis plays a key role between s ection and reproduction. In higher life
forms, chromosomes contain two sets of genes. These are known as diploids. In the

Page 181

case of conflicts between two values of the same pair of genes, the dominant one
will determine the phenotype whereas the other one, c alled recessive, will still be
present and

Figure 9-2 Model of chromoson

Figure 9-3 Development of genotype to Phonotype
Can be passed onto the offspring. Diploid allows a wider diversity of alleles. This
provides a useful memory mechanism in changing or noisy environment. However,
most GAs concentrates on haploid chromosomes because they are much simple to
construct. In haploid representation, only one set of each gene is stored, thus the
process of determining which allele should be dominant and which one should be
recessive is avoided. Figure 9-3 shows the development of genotype to phenotype.

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181Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
9.2.4 Reproduction
Reproduction of species via genetic information is carried out by the following;
1. Mitosis: In mitosis the same genetic information is copied to new offspring.
There is no exchange of information. This is a normal way of growing of
multicell structures, such as organs. Figure 9-4 shows mit osis form of
2. Meiosis: Meiosis forms the basis of sexual reproduction. When meiotic
division takes place, two gametes appear in the process. When reproduction
occurs, these two gametes conjugate to a zygote which becomes the new
individual. Thus in this case, the genetic informa tion is shared between the
parents in order to create new offspring. Figure 9-5 shows meiosis form of

Page 183


Figure 9-5 Meiosis form of reproduction
Table 9·1 Comparison of natural evolution and genetic algorithm terminology Natural evolution Genetic algorithm Chromosome String Gene Feature or character Allele Feature value Locus String position Genotype Structure or coded string Phenotype Parameter set, a decoded structure
9.2.5 Natural Selection
The origin of species is based on "Preservation of favourable variations and
rejection of unfavourable variations.” The variation refers to the differences shown
by the individual of a species and also by offspring's of the same parents. There are
more individuals born than can su rvive, so there is a continuous struggle for life.
Individuals with an advantage have a greater chance of survival, i.e., the survival
of the fittest. For example, Giraffe with long necks can have food from tall trees as
well from the ground; on the other hand, goat and deer having smaller neck can
have food only from the ground. As a result, natural selection plays a major role in
this survival process.

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183Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
Table 9.1 gives a list of different expressions, which are common in natural
evolution and genetic algor ithm.
9.3 Traditional Optimization and Search Techniques
The basic principle of optimization is the efficient allocation of scarce resources.
Optimization can be applied to any scientific or engineering discipline. The aim of
optimization is to find an algorithm which solves a given class of problems. There
exists no specific method which solves all optimization problems. Consider a
f(x) : [x1,x"] o[0, 1] ……….(1)
f(x)= ^1 if l|x - a|| <, > 0, -1 elsewhere ……….(2)
For the above function, f can be maintained by decreasing  or by making the
interval of [x1, x"] large. Thus, a difficult task can be made easier. Therefore, one
can solve optimization problems by combining human creativity and the ra w
processing power of the computers. The various conventional optimization and search techniques available are discussed in the following subsections.
9.3.1 Gradient Based Local Optimization Method
When the objective function is smooth and one needs efficient local optimization,
it is better to use gradient -based or Hessian -based optimization methods. The
performance and reliability of the different gradient methods vary considerably. To
discuss gradient -based local optimization, let us assume a smooth objective function (i.e., continuous first and second derivatives). The object function is
denoted by
f(x) : KnoR …….(3)
The first derivatives are contained in the gradient vector 'f(x)
'f(x) = : ……(4)

Page 185


The second derivatives of the object function are contained in the Hessian matrix
Few methods need only the gradient vector, but in the Newton's method we need
the Hessian matrix. The general pseudo code used in gradient methods is as
Select an initial guess value x1and set n = I.
Solve the search direction Pn from Eq. (5) below.
Determine the next iteration point using Eq. ( 5) below:
xn+I= Xn+On Pn
Until || Xn – Xn-1 || < ……(6)
These gradient methods search for minimum and not maximum. Several different
methods are obtained based on the details of the algorithm.
The search direction Pn in conjugate gradient method is found as follows:
Pn= -'f(Xn)+EnPn-1 ……………….(7)
In sec ond method,
EnPn= -'f(xn) …………..(8)
is used for finding search direction. The matrix En in Eq. (6) estimates the Hessian
and is updated in each iteration. When En is defined as the identity matrix, the
steepest descent method occurs. When the matrix Bn is the Hessian H (xn), we get
the Newton's method.

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185Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
The length O n of the search step is computed using:
O n= argmin f(an + OPan) …..(9)
O n>0
The discussed is a one -dimensional optimization problem. The steepest descent
method provides poor performance. As a result, conjugate gradient method can be
used. If the second derivatives are easy to compute, then Newton’s method may provide best results. The secant methods are faster than conjugate gradient methods, but there occurs memory problems. Thus, these local optimization methods can be combined with other methods to get a good link between performance and reliability.
9.3.2 Random Search
Random search is an extremely basic method. It only explodes the search space by randomly selecting solutions and evaluates their fitness. This is quite an unintelligent strategy, and is rarely used. Nevertheless, this method is sometimes
worth testing. It doesn't take much effort to implement it, and an important number
of evaluations can be done fairly quickly. For new unresolved problems, it can be
useful to compare the results of a more advanced algorithm to those obtained just
with a random search for the same numb er of evaluations. Nasty surprises might
well appear when comparing, for example, GAs to random search. It’s good to
remember that the efficiency of GA is extremely dependent on consistent coding
and relevant reproduction operators. Building a GA which per forms no more than
a random search happens more often than we can expect. If the reproduction
operators are just producing new random solutions without any concrete links to
the ones selected from the last generation, the GA is just doing nothing else than a
random search.
Random search does have a few interesting qualities. However good the obtained
solution may be, if it’s not optimal one, it can be always improved by continuing
the run of the random search algorithm for long enough. A random search never
gets stuck at any point such as a local optimum. Furthermore, theoretically, if the
search space is finite, random search is guaranteed to reach the optimal solution.
Unfortunately, this result is completely useless. For most of problems we are
interested in, exploiting the whole search space takes lot of time.
9.3.3 Stochastic Hill Climbing
Efficient methods exist for problems with well -behaved continuous fitness functions. These methods use a kind of gradient to guide the direction of search.
Stochastic hill climbing is the simplest method of these kinds. Each iteration

Page 187

consists in choosing randomly a solution in the neighbourhood of the current
solution and retains this new solution only if it improves the fitness function.
Stochastic hill climbing conve rges towards the optimal solution if the fitness
function of the problem is continuous and has only one peak (un imodal function).
On functions with many peaks (multimodal functions), the algorithm is likely to
stop on the first peak it finds even if it is not the highest one. Once a peak is reached,
hill climbing cannot progress anymore, and that is problematic when this point is a
local optimum. Stochastic hill climbing usually starts from a random select point.
A simple idea to avoid getting stuck on the first local optimal consists in repeating
several hill climbs each time starting from a different randomly chosen point. This
meth od is sometimes known as iterated hill climbing. By discovering different
local optimal points, chances to reach the global optimum increase. It works well
if there are not too many local optima in the search space. However, if the fitness
function is very "noisy" with many small peaks, stochastic hill climbing is
definitely nor a good method to use. Nevertheless, such methods have the
advantage of being easy to implement and giving fairly good solutions very
9.3.4 Simulated Annealing
Simulated ann ealing (SA) was originally inspired by formation of crystal in solids
during cooling. As discovered a long time ago by Iron Age blacksmiths, the slower
the cooling, the more perfect is the crystal formed. By cooling, complex physical
systems naturally conv erge rewards a stare of minimal energy. The system moves
randomly, but the probability to stay in a particular configuration depends directly
on the energy of the system and on its temperature. This probability is formally
given by Gibbs law:
in = eElkT …….(10)
where E stands for the energy, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature.
In the mid0l970s, Kirkpatrick by analogy of these physical phenomena; laid out the
first description of SA.
As in the stochastic hill climbing, the iteration of the SA consists of randomly
choosing a new solution in the neighbourhood of the actual solution. If the fitness
function of the new solution is better than the fitness function of the current one,
the ne w solution is accepted as the new current solution. If the fitness function is
not improved, the new solution is retained with a probability:
P = e -1f(y) -f(x)|lkT ……. (11)

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187Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
Where f(y) - f(x) is the difference of the fitness function between the new and the
old solution.
The SA behaves like a hill climbing method but with the possibility of going
downhill to avoid being trapped at local optima. When the temperature is high, the
probability of deteriorate the solution is quite important, and then a lot of large moves are possible to explode the search space. The more the temperature decreases, the more difficult it is to go downhill. The algorithm thus tries to climb
up from the current solution to reach a maximum. When temperature is lower, there
is an exp loitation of the current solution. If the temperature is too low, number
deterioration is accepted, and the algorithm behaves just like a stochastic hill
climbing method. Usually, the SA stars from a high temperature which decreases
exponentially. The slow er the cooling, the better it is for finding good solutions. It
even has been demonstrated that with an infinitely slow cooling, the algorithm is
almost certain to find the global optimum. The only point is that infinitely slow
cooling consists in finding the appropriate temperature decrease rate to obtain a
good behaviour of the algorithm.
SA by mixing exploitation features such as the random search and exploitation
features like hill climbing usually gives quite good results. SA is a serious
competitor of GAs. It is worth trying to compare the results obtained by each. Both
are derived from analogy with natural system evolution and both deal with the same
kind of optimization problem. GAs differ from SA in two main features which
makes them more efficient. First, GAs use a population -based selection whereas
SA only deals with one individual at each iteration. Hence Gas are expected to
cover a much larger landscape of the search space at each iteration; however, SA
iterations are much more simple, and so, often much f aster. The grocer advantage
of GA is its exceptional ability to be parallelized, whereas SA does not gain much
of this. It is mainly due to the population scheme use by GA. Second, Gas use
recombination operators, and are able to mix go od characteristics from different
solutions. The exploitation made by recombination operators are supposedly
considered helpful to find optimal salmons of the problem. On the other hand, SA
is still very simple to implement and gives good this. SAs have pr oved their
efficiency over a large spectrum of difficult problems, like the optimal layout or
primed circuit board or the famous travelling salesman problem.
9.3.5 Symbolic Artificial Intelligence
Most symbolic artificial intelligence (AI) systems are very static. Most of them can
usually only solve one given specific problem, since their architecture was designed
for whatever that specific problem was in the first place. Thus, if the given problem
were somehow to be changed, these systems could have a hard time adapting to
them; since the algorithm that would originally arrive co the solution may be either
incorrect or less efficient. GAs were created to combat these problems. They are

Page 189

basically algorithms based on natural biological evolution. The architec ture of
systems that implement GAs is more able to adapt to a wide range of problems. A
GA functions by generating a large set of possible solutions to a given problem. It
then evaluates each of chose solutions, and decides on a "fitness level" (you may
recall the phrase: "survival of the fittest") for each solution set. These solutions then
breed new Solutions. The parent solutions that were more "fit” are more likely m
reproduce, while those that were less "fit" are more unlikely to do so. In essence,
solutions are evolved over time. This way we evolve our search space scope to a
point where you can find the solution. GAs can be incredibly efficient if
programmed correctly.
9.4 Genetic Algorithm and Search Space
Evolutionary computing was introduced in th e 1960s by I. Rothenberg in the work
"Evolution Strategies. “This idea was then developed by other researches. GAs
were invented by John Holland and developed this idea in his book "Adaptation in
Natural and Artificial Systems" in the year 1975. Holland pr oposed GA as a
heuristic method based on "survival of the finest." GA was discovered as a useful
tool for search and optimization problems.
9.4.1 Search Space
Most often one is looking for the best solution in a specific set of solutions. The
space of all feasible solutions (the set of solutions among which the desired solution
resides) is called search space (also state space). Each and every point in the searc h
space represents one possible solution. Therefore, each possible solution can be
“marked" by its fitness value, depending on the problem definition. With GA one
looks for the best solution among a number of possible solutions - represented by
one point in the search space; GAs are used to search the search space for the best
solution, e.g., minimum. The difficulties in this case are the local minima and the
starting point of the search. Figure 9.6 gives an example of search space.

Figure 9.6 : An example of search space.

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189Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
9.4.2 Genetic Algorithms World
GA raises again a couple of important features. First, it is a stochastic algorithm;
randomness has an essential role in GAs. Both selection and reproduction need
random procedures. A second very impo rtant point is that GAs always considers a
population of solutions. Keeping in memory more than a single solution at each
iteration offers a lot of advantages. The algorithm can recombine different solutions
to the better ones and so it can use the benefit s of assortment. A population -based
algorithm is also very amenable for parallelization. The robustness of the algorithm
should also be mentioned as something essential for the algorithm's success. To
business refers to the ability to perform consistently well on a broad range of
problem types. There is no particular requirement on the problem before using
GAs, so it can be applied to resolve any problem. All these features make GA a
really powerful optimization tool.
With the success of GAs, other algorithms making use of the same principle of
natural evolution have also emerged. Evolution strategy, genetic programming are
some algorithms similar to these algorithms. The classification is not always clear
between the different algorithms, thus to avoid any confusion, they areal gathered
in what is called Evo1ationary Algorithms .
The analogy with nature gives these algorithms something exciting and enjoyable.
Their ability to deal successfully with a wide range of problem area, including those
which are difficult for other methods to solve makes them quite powerful. However
today, GAs is suffering from too muc h readiness. GA is a new field, and parts of
the theory still have to be properly established. We can find almost as many
opinions on GAs as there are researchers in this field. In this document, we will
generally find the most current point of view. But t hings evolve quickly in GAs
too, and some comments might not be very accurate in few years.
It is also important to mention GA limits in this introduction. Like most stochastic
methods, GAs is not guaranteed to find the global optimum salmon to a problem;
they are satisfied with finding "acceptably good" solutions to the problem. GAs are
extremely general too, and so specific techniques for solving particular problems
are likely to out -perform GAs in both speed and accuracy of the final result. GAs
are some thing worth trying when everything else fails or when we know absolutely
nothing of the search space. Nevertheless, even when such specialized techniques
exist, it is often interesting to hybridize them with a GA in order to possibly gain
some improvements . It is important always to keep an objective point of view; do
not consider that GAs is a panacea for resolving all optimization problems. This
warning is for those who might have the temptation to resolve anything with GA.

Page 191

The proverb says "If we have a hammer, all the problems look like a nails.'' GAs
do work and give excellent results if they are applied properly on appropriate
9.4.3 Evolution and Optimization
To depict the importance of evolution and optimization process, consider a species
Basilosaurus that originated 45 million years ago. The Basilosau rus was a prototype
of a whale (Figure 9-7). It was about 9 m long and

Figure 9-7Basilosaurus.

Figure 9·8 Tutsiops flipper.
weighed approximately 5 tons. It still had a quasi -independent head and posterior
paws, and moved using undulatory movements and hunted small preys. Its anterior
members were reduced to small flippers with an elbow inoculation; Movements in
such a viscous element (water) are very hard and require big efforts. The anterior
members of basilosaurus were not really adapted to swimming. To adapt them, a
double phenomenon must occur the shortening of the "arm" with the locking of the
elbow articulation and the extension of the fingers constitute the base structure of
the flipper (refer Figure 9-8).
The image shows that two fingers of the common dolphin are hypertrophied to the
detriment of the rest of the member. The basilosaurus was a hunter; it had to be fast
and preci se. Through time, subjects appeared with longer fingers and short arms.

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191Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
They could move faster and more precisely than before, and therefore, live longer
and have many descendants.
Meanwhile, other improvements occurred concerning the general aerodynamic l ike
the integration of the head to the body, improvement of the profile, strengthening
of the caudal fin, and so on, finally producing a subject perfectly adapted to the
constraints of an aqueous environment. This process of adaptation and this
morphologic al optimization is so perfect that nowadays the similarity between a
shark, a dolphin or submarine is striking. The first is a cartilaginous fish
(Chondrichryen) that originated in the Devonian period ( -400 million years), long
before the apparition of the first mammal. Darwinian mechanism hence generated
an optimization process -hydrodynamic optimization - for fishes and others marine
animals –auto dynamic optimization for pterodactyls, birds and bars. This observation is the basis of GAs.
9.4.4 Evolution and Genetic Algorithms
The basic idea is as follows: the genetic pool of a given population polemically
contains the solution, or a better solution, to a given adaptive problem. This solution
is not “active” because the genetic combination on whi ch it relies split among
several subjects. Only the association of different genomes can lead to the solution.
Simplistically speaking, we could by example consider that the shortening of the
paw and the extension of the fingers of our basilosaurus are con trolled by two
"genes." No subject has such a genome, but during reproduction and crossover,
new genetic combination occur and, finally, a subject can inherit a "good gene
“from both parents his paw is now a flipper.
Holland method is especially effective because he not only considered the role of
mutation (mutations improve very seldom the algorithms), but also utilized genetic
recombination (crossover): these recombination, the crossover of partial solutions,
greatly improve the capability of the algorith m to approach, and eventually find,
the optimum.
Recombination of sexual reproduction is a key operator for natural evolution.
Technically, it takes two genotypes and it produces a new genotype by mixing the
gene found in the originals. In biology, the mos t common form of recombination is
crossover: two chromosomes are cur at one point and the halves are spliced to
create new chromosomes. The effect of recombination is very important because it
allows characteristics from two different parents to be assorte d. If the father and
the mother possess different good qualities, we would expect that all the good
qualities will be passed to the child. Thus the offspring, just by combining all the

Page 193

good features from its parents, may surpass its ancestors. Many people believe that
this mixing of genetic material via sexual reproduction is one of the most powerful features of GAs. As a quick parenthesis about sexual reproduction, GA representation usually does not differentiate male and female individuals (without
any pe rversity). As in many livings species (e.g., snails) any individual can be either
a male or a female. Infact, for almost all recombination operators, mother and father
are interchangeable.
Mutation is the other way to get new genomes. Mutation consists in changing the
value of genes. In natural evolution, mutation mostly engenders non -viable
genomes. Actually mutation is not a very frequent operator in natural evolution.
Nevertheless, in optimization, a few random changes can be a good way of
exploiting the search space quickly.
Through those low -level notions of genetic, we have seen how living beings store
their characteristic information and how this information can be passed into their
offspring. It very basic but it is more than enough to understand the GA theory.
Darwin was totally unaware of the biochemical basics of genetics. Now we know
how the genetic inheritable information is coded in DNA, RNA, and proteins and
that the coding principles are actually digital, much resembling the information
storag e in computers. Information processing is in many ways totally different,
however. The magnificent phenomenon called the evolution of species can also
give some insight into information processing methods and optimization, in
particular. According to Darwi nism, inherited variation is characterized by the
following properties:
1. Variation must be copying because selection does not create directly
anything, but presupposes a large population to work on.
2. Variation must be small -scaled in practice. Specie s do not appear suddenly.
3. Variation is undirected. This is also known as the blind watch maker
While the natural sciences approach to evolution has for over a century been to
analyse and study different aspects of evolution to find the underlying principles,
the engineering sciences are happy to apply evolutionary principles, that have been heavily tested over billions of years, to arrack the most complex technical problems, including protein folding.

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193Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
9.5 Genetic Algorithm vs. Traditio nal Algorithms
The principle of Gas is simple: emirate genetics and natural selection by a computer
program: The parameters of the problem are coded most naturally as a DNA - like
linear data structure, a vector or a suing. Sometimes, when the problem is na turally
two or three dimensional, corresponding array structures are used.
A set, called population, of these problem -dependent parameter value vectors is
processed by GA. To start, there is usually a totally random population, the values of different parameters generated by a random number generator. Typical population size is from few dozens to thousand s. To do optimization we need a cost
function or fitness function as it is usually called when Gas are used. By a fitness
function we can select the best solution candidates from the population and delete
the not so good specimens.
The nice thing when comp aring GAs to other optimization methods is that the
fitness function can be nearly anything that can be evaluated by a computer or even
something that cannot In the latter case it might be a human judgment that cannot
be seated as a crisp program, like in the case of eye witness, where a human being
selects from the alternatives generated by GA. So, there are not any definite
mathematical restrictions on the properties of the fitness fraction. It may be
discrete, multimodal, etc.
The main criteria used to classify optimization algorithms are as follows: continuous/discrete, constrained/unconstrained and sequential/parallel. There is a clear difference between discrete and continuous problems. Therefore, it is instructive to notice that continuous methods are sometimes used to solve inherently discrete problems and vice versa. Parallel algorithms are usually used to
speed up processing. There are, however, some cases in which it is more efficient
to run several processors in parallel rather than sequentially. These cases include
among others those in which there is high probability of each individual search run
to get stuck into a local extreme.
Irrespective of the above classification, optimization methods can be further
classified into deterministic and non -deterministic methods. In addition, optimization algorithms can be classified as local or global. Interns of energy and
entropy local search correspond to entropy while global optimization depends
essentially on the fitness, i.e., energy landscape.
GA diffe rs from conventional optimization techniques in following ways:

Page 195

1. GAs operate with coded versions of the problem parameters rather than
parameters themselves, i.e., GA works with the coding of solution sec and
nor with the solution itself.
2. Almost all conventional optimization techniques search from a single point,
but GAs always operate on a whole population of points (strings), i.e., GA
uses population of solutions rather than a single solution for searching. This
plays a major role to the robustness of GAs. It improves the chance of
reaching the global optimum and also helps in avoiding local stationary point.
3. GA uses fitness fiction for evaluation rather than derivatives. As a result, they
can be applied to any kind of continuous or discrete opt imization problem.
The key point to be performed here is to identify and specify a meaningful
decoding function.
4. GAs use probabilistic transition operates while conventional methods for
continuous optimization apply deterministic transition operates, i .e., Gas
does not use deterministic rules. These are the major differences that exist between GA and conventional optimization techniques.
9.6 Basic Terminologies in Genetic Algorithm
The two distinct elements in the GA are individuals and populations. An individual
is a single solution while the population is the set of individuals currently involved
in the search process.
9.6.1 Individuals
An individual is a single solution. Individual groups together two forms of solutions
as given below:
I. The chromosome which is the raw "genetic" information (genotype) that the
GA deals.
2. The phenotype which is the expressive of the chromosome in the terms of the
A chromosome is subdivided into genes. A gene is the GA's representation of a
single factor for a control factor. Each factor in the solution set corresponds to a
gene in the chromosome. Figure 9-9 shows the representation of a genotype.

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195Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
A chromosome should in some way c ontain information about the solution that it represents. The morphogenesis function associates each genotype with its phenotype. It simply means that each chromosome must define one unique
solution, but it does not mean that each solution is encoded by ex actly one
chromosome. Indeed, the morphogenesis function is not necessarily objective, and it is even sometimes impossible (especially with binary representation). Nevertheless, the morphogenesis function should at least be subjective. Indeed; Solution Set Phenotype Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
… Factor N

Figure 9·9 Representation of genotype and phenotype. 101010111010110 Figure 9·10 Representation of a chromosome.
all the candidate solutions of the problem must correspond to at least one possible
chromosome, to be sure that the whole search space can be exploited. When the
morphogenesis function that associates each chromosome to one solution is not
injective. i.e., different chromosomes can encode the same solution, the representation is said to be degenerated. A slight degeneracy is not so worrying,
even if the space where the algorithm is looking for the optimal solution is
inevitably enlarged. Bur a too important de generacy could be a more serious
problem. It can badly affect the behaviour of the GA, mostly because if several
chromosomes can represent the same phenotype, the meaning of each gene will
obviously not correspond to a specif1c characteristic of the soluti on. It may add
some kind of confusion in the search. Chromosomes encoded by bit strings are
given in Figure 9-10.

Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 … Gene N Chromosome Genotype

Page 197

9.6.2 Genes
Genes are the basic "instructions" for building a GA. A chromosome is a sequence
of genes. Genes may describe possible solution to a problem, without actually being
the solution. A gene is a bit string of arbitrary lengths. The bit string is a binary
representation of number of intervals from a lower bound. A gene is the GN s
representation of a single factor value for a control factor, where control factor must
have an upper bound and a lower bound. This range can be divided into the number
of intervals that can be expressed by the gene's bit string. A bit string of length "n"
can represent (2n1 - 1) intervals. The size of the interval would be (range)/ (2n- 1).
The structure of each gene is defined in a record of phenotyping parameters. The phenotype parameters are instructions for mapping between genotype and phenotype. It can also be said as encoding a solution set into a chromosome and
decoding a chromosome to a solution set. The mapping b etween genotype and
phenotype is necessary to convert solution sets from the model into a form that the
GA can work with, and for converting new individuals from the GA into a form
that the model can evaluate. In a chromosome, the genes are represented as shown
in Figure 9-11.
9.6.3 Fitness
The fitness of an individual in a GA is the value of an objective function for its
phenotype. For calculating fitness, the chromosome has to be first decoded and the
objective function h as to be evaluated. The fitness 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
Gene 1 Gene2 Gene 3 Gene4
Figure 9·11 Representation of a gene.
not only indicates how good the solution is, but also corresponds to how does the
chromosome is to the optimal one.
In the case of multicriterion optimization, the fitness function is definitely more
difficult to determine. In multicriterion optimization prob lems, there is often a
dilemma as how to determine if one solution is better than another. What should be
done if a solution is better for one criterion but worse for another? But here, the
trouble comes more from the definition of a "better" salmon rather than from how
to implement a GA to resolve it. If sometimes a fitness function obtained by a
simple combination of the different criteria can give good result, it supposes that

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197Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
criterions can be combined in a consistent way. But, for more advanced problem s,
it may be useful to consider something like Pareto optimally or other ideas from
multicriterian optimization theory.
9.6.4 Populations
A population is a collection of individuals. A population consists of a number of
individuals being reseed, the phenotype parameters defining the individuals and
some information about the search space. The two important aspects of population
used in GAs are:
1. The initial population generation.
2. The population size.
For each and every problem, the population s ize will depend on the complexity of
the problem. It is often a random initialization of population. In the case of a binary
coded chromosome this means chat each bit is initialized to a random 0 or 1.
However, there may be instances where the initializati on of population is carried
out with some known good solutions.
Ideally, the first population should have a gene pool as large as possible in order to
be able to explode the whole search space. All the different possible alleles of each
should be present i n the population. To achieve this, the initial population is, in
most of the cases, chosen randomly. Nevertheless, sometimes a kind of heuristic
can be used to seed ·the initial population. Thus, the mean fitness of the population
is already high and it ma y help the GA to find good solutions faster. Bur for doing
this one should be sure that the gene pool is spillage enough. Otherwise, if the
population badly lacks diversity, the algorithm will just explode a small part of the
search space and never find gl obal optimal solutions.
The size of the population raises few problems too. The larger the population is,
the easier it is m explode the search space. However, it has been established that
the time required by a GAm converge is O (n log n) function evaluations where n
is the population size. We say that the population has converged when all the
individuals are very much alike and further improvement may only be possible by
mutation. Goldberg has also shown that GA efficiency to reach global optimum
instead of local ones is largely determined by the size of the population. To sum up, a large population is quite useful. However, it requires much more computational cost memory and time. Practically, a population size of around 100
individuals i s quite frequent, but anyway this size can be changed according to the
time and the memory disposed on the machine compared to the quali ty of the result
to be reached.

Page 199

Population Chromosome 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Chromosome 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Chromosome 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Chromosome 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Figure 9-12 Population.
Population being combination of various chromosomes is represented as in Figure
9-12. Thus the population in Figure 9-12 consists of four chromosomes.
9.7 Simple GA
GA handles a population of possible solutions. Each solution is represented through
a chromosome, which is just an abstract representation. Coding all the possible solutions into a chromosome is the first part, but certainly not the most straightforward one o f a GA. A set of reproduction operators has to be determined,
coo. Reproduction operators are applied directly on the chromosomes, and are used
to perform mutations and recombination over solutions of the problem. Appropriate
representation and reproductio n operators are the determining factors, as the
behaviour of the GA is extremely dependent on it. Frequency, it can be extremely
difficult to find a representation that respects the structure of the search space and
reproduction operators that are coherent and relevant according to the properties of
the problems.
The simple form of GA is given by the following.
I. Scan with a randomly generated population.
2. Calculate the fitness of each chromosome in the population.
3. Repeat the following steps until n offspring’s have been created:
* Select a pair of parent chromosomes from the current population.
* With probability Pc crossover the pair at a randomly chosen point co
forms two offspring’s.
* Mutate le two offspring’s at each locus with probability Pm.
4. Replace the current population with the new population.
5. Go to seep 2.
Now we discuss each iteration of this process.
Generation: Selection: is supposed to be able to compare each individual in the
population. Selection is done by using a fitness f unction. Each chromosome has an
associated value corresponding to the fitness of the solution it represents. The
fitness should correspond to an evaluation of how good the candidate solution is.

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199Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
The optimal solution is the one which maximizes the fitness f unction. GAs deal
with the problems that maximize the fitness function. Bur, if the problem consists
of minimizing a cost function, the adaptation is quite easy. Either the cost function
can be transformed into a fitness function, for example by inverting it; or the
selection can be adapted in such way that they consider individuals with low
evaluation functions as better. Once the reproduction and the fitness function have
been properly defined, a GA is evolved according to the same basic structure. It
starts by generating an initial population of chromosomes. This first population
must offer a wide diversity of genetic materials. The gene pool should be as large
as possible so that any solution of the search space can be engendered. Generally,
the initial population is generated randomly. Then, the GA loops over an iteration
process to make the population evolve. Each iteration consists of the following
1. Selection: The first step consists in selecting individuals for reproduction.
This selection i s done randomly with a probability depending on the relative
fitness of the individuals so that best ones are often chosen for reproduction
rather than the poor ones.
2. Reproduction: In the second step, offspring are bred by selected individuals.
For gen erating new Chromosomes, the algorithm can use both recombination
and mutation.
3. Evaluation: Then the fitness of the new chromosomes is evaluated.
4. Replacement: During the last step, individuals from the old population are
killed and replaced by the new ones.
The algorithm is stopped when the population converges toward the optimal
BEGIN/* genetic algorithm"/
Generate initial population;
Compare fitness of each individual;
Select individuals from old generations
For mating;
Create offspring by applying
Recombination and/or mutation
The selected individuals;
Compute fitness of the new individuals;
Kill old individuals w make room for

Page 201

New chromosomes and insert
Offspring in the new generalization;
IF Pop ulation has converged
THEN finishes: =TRUE;
Genetic algorithms are not too hard to program or understand because they are
biological based. An example of a flowchart of a GA is shown in Figure 9-13.

Figure 9·13 Flowchart for genetic algorithm.

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201Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
9.8 General Genetic Algorithm
The general GA is as follows:
Step 1: Create a random initial state: An initial population is created from a
random selection of solutions J (which are analogous to chromosomes). This is
unlike the situation for symbolic AI systems, where the initial State in a problem is
already given.
Step 2: Evaluate fitness: A value for fitness is assigned to each solution (chromosome) depending on how close it actually is w solving the problem (thus
arriving to the answer of the desired problem).
(These "solutions" are not to be confused w ith "answers" to the problem; think of
them as possible
Characteristics that the system would employ in order to reach the answer.)
Step 3 Reproduce (and children mutate): Those chromosomes with a higher fitness
value are more likely to reproduce offspring (which can mutate after reproduction).
The offspring is a product of the father and mother, whose composition consists of
a combination of genes from the row (this process is known as "crossing over").
Step 4: Nat generation: If the new generation contai ns a solution that produces an
output that is dose enough or equal to the desired answer then the problem has been
solved. If this is not the case, then the new generation will go through the same
process as their parents did. This will continue L until a solution is reached.
Table 9·2 : Fitness value for corresponding
Chromosomes (Example 9.1)
Chromosome Fitness
A : 00000110 2
B : 11101110 6
C : 00100000 1
D : 00110100 3
Table 9·3: Fitness value for corresponding
Chromosome Fitness
A : 01101110 5
B : 00100000 1
C : 10110000 3
D : 01101110 5

Page 203


Fitness -proportionate selection
(Roulette wheel sampling)

Figure 9·14 Roulette wheel sampling for proportionate selection

Example 9.1: Consider 8 -bitchromosomes with the following properties:
1. Fitness function f(x) = number of 1 bits in chromosome;
2. Population size N = 4;
3. Crossover probability Pc= 0.7;
4. Mutation probability Pm = 0.001;
Average fitness of population= 12/4 = 3 .0.
1. If B and C are selected, crossover is not performed.
2. If B is mutated, then
B : 11101110 o B' : 01101110
3. If B and D are selected, crossover is performed.
B : 11101110 E : 10110100 o D : 00110100 F : 01101110
4. If E is mutated, then
E : 10110100 o E' : 10110000
Best-fit string from previous population is lost, but the average fitness of population
is as given below:
Average fitness of population 14/4 = 3.5
Tables 9-2 and 9-3 show the fitness value for the corresponding chromosomes and
Figure 9-14 shows the Roulette wheel selection for the fitness proportionate

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203Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
9.9 Operators in Genetic Algorithm
The basic operators that are to be discussed in this section include: encoding,
selection, recombination and mutation operators. The operators with their various
types are explained with necessary examples.
9.9.1 Encoding Encoding is a process of representing individual genes. The process can be performed using bits, numbers, trees, arrays, lists or any other objects. Th e
encoding depends mainly on solving the problem. For example, one can encode
directly real or integer numbers. Binary Encoding
The most common way of encoding is a binary string, which would be represented
as in Figure 9-9.
Each chromosome encodes a binary (bit) suing. Each bit in the suing can represent
some characteristics of the solution. Every bit string therefore is a solutio n but not
necessarily the best solution. Another possibility is that the whole string can
represent a number. The way bit strings can code differs from problem to problem.
Binary encoding gives many possible chromosomes with a smaller number of
alleles. On the other hand, this encoding is not natural for many problems and
sometimes corrections must be made after genetic operation is completed. Binary
coded strings with Is an d Os are mostly used. The length of the string depends on
the accuracy. In such coding
1. Integers are represented exactly.
2. Finite number of real numbers can be represented.
3. Number of real numbers represented increases with string length. Octal Encoding
This encoding uses string made up of octal numbers (0 -7) (see Figure 9-16). Chromosome 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Chromosome 2 I 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Figure 9·9 Binary encoding. Chromosome 1 03467216 Chromosome 2 9723314
Figure 9·16 Octal encoding

Page 205

Chromosome 1 9CE7
Chromosome 2 3DBA
Figure 9·17 Hexadecimal encoding. Chromosome A 1 5 3 2 6 4 7 9 8 Chromosomes 8 5 6 7 2 3 1 4 9
Figure 9·18 Permutation encoding. Hexadecimal Encoding
This encoding uses string made up of hexadecimal numbers (0 -9, A -F)
(see Figure 9-17). Permutation Encoding (Real Number Coding)
Every chromosome is a string of numbers, represented in a sequence. Sometimes
corrections have to be done after geneti c operation is complete. In permutation
encoding, every chromosome is a suing of integer/real values, which represents
number in a sequence.
Permutation encoding (Figure 9-18) is only useful for ordering problems. Even for
this problem, some types of cross over and mutation corrections must be made to
leave the chromosome consistent (i.e., have real sequence in it). Value Encoding
Every chromosome is a string of values and the values can be anything connected
w the problem. This encoding produces bes t results for some special problems. On
the other hand, it is often necessary to develop new genetic operator's specific to
the problem. Direct value encoding can be used in problems, where some
complicated values, such as real numbers, are used. Use of bi nary encoding for this
type of problems would be very difficult.
In value encoding (Figure 9-19), every chromosome is a string of some values.
Values can be anything connected to problem, form numbers, real numbers or
characters to some complicated objects . Value encoding is very good for some
special problems. On the other hand, for this encoding it is often necessary to
develop some new crossover and mut ation specific for the problem. Chromosome A 1.2324 5.3243 0.4556 2.3293 2.4545 Chromosome B ABDJEIFJDHDIERJFDLDFLFEGT Chromosome C (back), (back), (right), (forward), (left) Figure 9-19 Value encoding.

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205Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm Tree Encoding
This encoding is mainly used for evolving program expressions for genetic
programming. Every chromosome is a tree of some objects such as functions and
commands of a programming language.
9.9.2 Selection
Selection is the process of choosing two parents from the population for crossing.
After deciding on an encoding, the next step is to decide how to perform selection,
i.e., how to choose individuals in the population that will create offspring for the
next generation and how many offspring each will create. The purpose of selection
is in emphasize fitter individuals in the -population in hopes that their offspring have
higher fitnes s. Chromosomes are selected from the initial population to be parents
for reproduction. The problem is how to select these chromosomes. According to
Darwin’s theory of evolution the best ones survive to create new offspring. Figure
9-20 shows the basic sel ection process.
Selection is a method that randomly picks chromosomes out of the population
according to their evaluation function. The higher the fitness function, the better
chance that an individual will be selected. The selection pressure is defined as the
degree to which the better individuals are favoured. The higher selection pressured,
the more the better individuals are favoured. This selection pressure drives the GA
to improve the population fitness over successive generations.
The convergence rat e of GA is largely determined by the magnitude of the selection
pressure, with higher selection pressures resulting in higher convergence rates. GAs
should be able to identify optimal or nearly optimal solutions under a wide range
of selection scheme press ure. However, if the selection pressure is too low, the
convergence rate will be slow, and the GA will take unnecessarily longer to find
the optimal solution. If the selection pressure is too high, there is an increased
change of the GA prematurely converg ing to an incorrect (sub -optimal) solution.
In addition to providing selection pressure, selection schemes should also preserve
population diversity, as this helps to avoid premature convergence.
Typically we can distinguish two types of selection scheme, proportionate -based
selection and ordinal based selection. Proportionate -based selection picks out
individuals based upon their fitness values relative to the fitness of the other
individuals in the population. Ordinal -based selection schemes select indivi duals
not upon their raw fitness, bur upon their rank within the population. This requires that the selection pressure is independent of the fitness distribution of the population, and is solely based upon the relative ordering (ranking) of the population.

Page 207


Figure 9-20 Selection.
It is also possible to use a scaling function to redistribute the fitness range of the
population in order to adapt the selection pressure. For example, if all the solutions
have their finesses in the range [999, 1000], the probability of selecting a better
individua l than any other using a proportionate based method will note important.
If the fitness every individual is bringing to the range [0, 1] equitable, the
probability of selecting good individual instead of bad one will be important.
Selection has to be balan ced with variation from crossover and mutation. Too
strong selection means sub -optimal highly fit individuals will take over the
population, reducing the diversity needed for change and progress; too weak
selection will result in too slow evolution. The va rious selection methods are
discussed in the following subsections. Roulette Wheel Selection
Roulette selection is one of the traditional GA selection techniques. The commonly
used reproduction operator is the proportionate reproductive operator wh ere a
string is selected from the mating Pool with a probability proportional to the fitness.
The principle of Roulette selection is a linear search through a Roulette wheel with
the store in the wheel weighted in proportion to the individual's fitness val ues. A
target value is set, which is a random proportion of the sum of the finesses in the
population. The population is stepped through until the target value is reached. This
is only a moderately strong selection technique, since fir individuals are not
guaranteed to be selected for, bur somewhat have a greater chance. A fit individual
will contribute more to the target value, but if it does not exceed it, the next
chromosome in line has a chance, and it may be weak. It is essential that the
population not be sorted by fitness, since this would dramatically bias the selection.

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207Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
The Roulette process can also be explained as follows: The expected value of an
individual is individual’s fitness divided by the actual fitness of the population.
Each individual is assigned a slice of the Roulette wheel, the size of the slice being
proportional to t he individual's fitness. The wheel is spun N times, where N is the
number of individuals in the population. On each spin, the individual under the
wheel's marker is selected to be in the pool of parents for the next generation. This
method is implemented a s follows:
1. Sum the total expected value of the individuals in the population. Let it be T.
2. Repeat N times:
i. Choose a random integer "r" between 0 and T.
ii. Loop through the individuals in the population, summing the expected
values, until the sum is greater than or equal to "r." The individual
whose expected value puts the sum over this limit is the one selected.
Roulette wheel selection is easier to implemen t bur is noisy. The rate of evolution
depends on the variance of fitness's in the population. Random Selection This technique randomly selects a parent from the population. In terms of disruption of genetic codes, random selection is a little more disruptive, on average,
than Roulette wheel selection. Rank Selection
The Roulette wheel will have a problem when the fitness values differ very much.
If the best chromosome fitness is 90%, its circumference occupies 90% of Roulette
wheel, and then other chromosomes have too few chances to be selected. Rank
Selection ranks the population and every chromosome receives fitness from the
ranking. The worst has fitness 1 and the best has fitness N. It results in slow
convergence but prevents too qui ck convergence. It also keeps up selection
pressure when the fitness variance is low. It preserves diversity and hence leads to
a successful search. In effect, potential parents are selected and a tournament is held
to decide which of the individuals will be the parent. There are many ways this can
be achieved and two suggestions are:
1. Select a pair of individuals at random. Generate a random number R between
0 and 1. If R r then use the
second individual as the parent. This is repeated to select the second parent.
The value of r is a parameter to this method.
2. Select two individuals at random. The individual with the highest evaluation
becomes the parent. Repeat to find a second parent.

Page 209

An ideal selection strategy should be such that it is able to adjust its selective
pressure and population diversity so as to fine -rune GA search performance.
Unlike, the Roulette wheel selection, the tournament selection strategy prov ides
selective pressure by holding a tournament competition among Nu individuals.
The best individual from the tournament is the one with the highest fitness, who is
the winner of Nu. Tournament competitions and the winner are then inserted into
the mating pool. The tournament competition is repeated until the mating pool for
generating new offspring is filled. The mating pool comprising the tournament
winner has higher average population fitness. The fitness difference provides the
selection pressure, whic h drives GA to improve the fitness of the succeeding genes.
This method is more efficient and leads to an optimal solution. Boltzmann Selection
SA is a method of function minimization or maximization. This method simulates
the process of slow cooli ng of molten metal to achieve the minimum function value
in a minimization problem. Controlling a temperature -like parameter introduced
with the concept of Boltzmann probability distribution simulates the cooling
In Boltzmann selection, a conti nuously varying temperature controls the rate of
selection according to a preset schedule. The temperature starts out high, which
means that the selection pressure is low. The temperature is gradually lowered,
which gradually increases the selection pressu re, thereby allowing the GA to
narrow in more closely to the best part of the search space while maintaining the
appropriate degree of diversity.
A logarithmically decreasing temperature is found useful for convergence without
getting stuck to a local mini ma state. However, it takes time to cool down the
system to the equilibrium state.
Let fax be the fitness of the currently available best string. If the next string has
selected with Bole/Mann
P= exp[-{fmax- f(Xi)} /T] ……………(17)
probability where T = To (1-D )k and k = (1 + 100 *g/G); g is the current generation
number; G the maximum value of g. The value of CI:' can be chosen from the range
[0, 1] and that of T0 from the range [5, 100]. The final stare is reached when

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209Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
computation approaches zero value of T, i.e., the global solution is achieved at this
The probability that the best string is selected and introduced into the mating pool
is very high. However , Elitism can be used to eliminate the chance of any undesired
loss of information during the mutation stage. Moreover, the execution time is less.

Figure 9·21 Stochastic universal sampling.
The first best chromosome or the few best chromosomes are copied to the new
population. The rest is done in a classical way. Such individuals can be lost if they
are not selected to reproduce or if crossover or mutation destroys them. This
significantly improves the GA's performance. Stoch astic Universal Sampling
Stochastic universal sampling provides zero bias and minimum spread. The
individuals are mapped to contiguous segments of a line, such that each individual's
segment is equal in size to its fitness exactly as in Roulette wheel sel ection. Here
equally spaced pointers are placed over the line, as many as there are individ uals to
be selected. Consider N Pointer the number of individuals to be selected, then the
distance between the pointers are 1/N Pointer and the position of the first pointer
is given by a randomly generated number in the range [0, 1/N Pointer]. For 6
individuals to be selected, the distance between the pointers is 1/6 = 0.167.
Figure 9-21 shows the selection for the above example.
Sample o f 1 random number in the range [0, 0.167]: 0.1.
After selection the mating population consists of the individuals,
Stochastic universal sampling ensures selection of offspring that is closer to what
is deserved as compared to Roulette wheel sel ection.

Page 211

9.9.3 Crossover (Recombination)
Crossover is the process of taking two parent solutions and producing from them a
child. After the selection (reproduction) process, the population is enriched with
better individuals. Reproduction makes clones of go od strings but does not create
new ones. Crossover operator is applied to the mating pool with the hope that it
creates a better offspring.
Crossover is a recombination operator that proceeds in three steps:
1. The reproduction operator selects at random a pair of two individual strings
for the mating.
2. A cross site is selected at random along the string length.
3. Finally, the position values are swapped between the two strings following
the cross site.
That is the simplest way how to do that is to choose randomly some crossover point
and copy everything before this point &on the first parent and then copy everything
after the crossover point from the other parent. The various crossover techniques
are discussed in the following subsections .
Parent1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
Parent2 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1

Child1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
Chiled2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Figure 9·22: Single -point crossover Single -Point Crossover
The traditional genetic algorithm uses single -point crossover, where the two mating
chromosomes are cut once at corresponding points and the sections after the cuts
exchanged. Here, a cross site or crossover point is selected randomly along the
length of t he mated strings and bits next to the cross sites are exchanged.
Inappropriate site is chosen, bender children can be obtained by combining good
parents, else it severely hampers string quality.

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211Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
Figure 9-22 illustrates single point crossover and it can be observed that the bits
next to the crossover point are exchanged to produce children. The crossover point
can be chosen randomly. Two Point Crossover
Apart from single point crossover, many different crossover algorithms have been
devised, often involving more than one cut point. It should be noted that adding
further crossover points reduces the performance of the GA. The problem with
adding additional crossover points is that building blocks are more likely to be
disrupted. However, an advantag e of having more crossover points is that the
problem space may be searched more thoroughly.
In two -point crossover, two crossover points are chosen and the contents between
these points are exchanged between two mated parents.
In Figure 9-23 the dotted li nes indicate the crossover points. Thus the comments
between these points are
exchanged between the parents to produce new children for mating in the next
Parent1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
Parent2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0

Child 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
Child2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0
Figure 9-23 Two -point crossover
Originally, GAs were using one point crossover which cuts two chromosomes in
one point and splices the two halves to create new ones. But with this one -point
crossover, the head and the rail of one chromosome cannot be passed together to
the offspring. If both the head and the rail of a chromosome contain good genetic
information, none of the offspring obtained directly with one -point crossover will
share the two good features. Using a two -point crossover one can avoid this
drawback, and so it is generally considered better than one -point crossover. In fact,
this problem can be generalized to each gene position in a chromosome. Genes that
are close on a chromosome have more chance to be passed together to the offspring

Page 213

obtained through N -points crossover. It leads to an unwanted correlation between
genes next to each other. Consequently, the efficiency of an N -point crossover will
depend on the position of the genes within the chromosome. In a genetic
representation, genes that encode dependent characteristic s of the solution should
be close together. To avoid all the problem of genes locus, a good thing is to use a
uniform crossover as recombination operator. Multipoint Crossover (N·Point Crossover)
There are two ways in this crossover. One is even nu mber of cross sires and the
other odd number of cross sites. In the case of even number of cross sires, the cross
sites are selected randomly around a circle and information’s exchanged. In the
case of odd number of cross sites, a different cross point is always assumed at the
string beginning. Uniform Crossover
Uniform crossover is quite different from the N-point crossover. Each gene in the
offspring is created by copying the corresponding gene from one or the other parent
chosen according to a ra ndom generated binary crossover mask of the same length
as the chromosomes. Where there is a 1 in the crossover mask, the gene miscopied
from the first parent, and where there is a 0 in the mask the gene is copied from the
second parent. Anew crossover mas k is randomly generated for each pair of
parents. Offspring, therefore, contain a mixture of genes from each parent. The
number of effective crossing point is not fixed, but will average L/2 (where L is the
chromosome length).
In Figure 9-24, new children are produced using uniform crossover approach. It
can be noticed that while producing child 1, when there is a 1 in the mask, the gene
is copied from parent 1 else it is copied from parent 2. On producing child 2, when
there is a 1 in the mask, the gene is copied from parent 2, and when there is a 0 in
the mask, the gene is copied from the parent 1. Three Parent Crossover
In this crossover technique, three parents are randomly chosen. Each bit of the first
parent is compared with the bit of the second parent. If both are the same, the bit is
taken for the offspring; otherwise the bit from the third parent is taken for the
offspring. This concept is illustrated in Figure 9-25.

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213Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
Parent 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Parent 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
Mask 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
Child 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
Child 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Figure 9·24 Uniform crossover
Parent 1 11010001
Parent 2 01101001
Parent 3 01101100
Child 01101001
Figure 9·25 Three parent crossover Crossover with Reduced Surrogate
The reduced surrogate operator constraints crossover to always produce new
individuals wherever possible. This is implemented by restricting the location of
crossover points such that crossover points only occur where gene values differ. Shuffle Cr ossover
Shuffle crossover is related to uniform crossover. A single crossover position (as
in single point crossover) is decreed. But before the variables are exchanged, they
are randomly shuffled in both parents. After recomb ination, the variables in the
offspring are unstuffed. This removes positional bias as the variables are randomly
reassigned each time crossover is performed. Precedence Preservative Crossover
Precedence preservative crossover (PPX) was independently developed for vehicle
touting problems by Blanton and Wainwright (1993) and for scheduling problems
by Bierwirth et al. (1996). The operator passes on precedence relations of
operations given in two parental permutations to one offspring at the same race,
while no n ew precedence relations are introduced. PPX is illustrated below for a.
problem consisting of six operations A -F. The operator works as follows:

Page 215

l. A vector of length Sigma, sub i == 1 tomi, representing the number of
operations involved in the problem, i s randomly filled with elements of the
set {1, 2).
2. This vector defines the order in which the operations are successively drawn
from parent I and parent 2.
3. We can also consider the parent and offspring permutations as lists, for which
the operation s "append “and "delete'' are defined.
4. First we scan by initializing an empty offspring.
5. The leftmost operation in one of the two parents is selected in accordance
with the order of parents given in the vector.
6. After an operation is selected, it is deleted in both parents.
7. Finally the selected operation is appended to the offspring.
8. Step 7 is repeated until both parents are empty and the offspring domains all
operations involved.
Note that PPX does not work in a uniform crossover manner due tithe "deletion -
append" scheme used. Example is shown in Figure 9-26. Ordered Crossover
Ordered two -point crossover is used when the problem is order based, for example
in U shaped assembly line balancing, etc. Given two parent chromosomes, two
random crossover points are selected partitioning
Parent permutation 1 A B C D E F
Parent per mutation 2 C A B F D E
Select parent no. (1/2) 1 2 1 1 2 2
Offspring permutation A C B D F E
Figure 9·26 Precedence preservative crossover (PPX).
Parent 1:4 2 | 1 3 | 65 Child 1:4 2 | 31 | 65
Parent 2:2 3 | 1 4 | 56 Child 2:2 3 | 41 | 56
Figure 9·27 Ordered crossover
them into a left, middle and right portions. The ordered two point crossover behaves
in the following way: child 1 inherits its left and right section from· parent l, and
its middle section is determined by the genes in the middle section of parent 1 in
the order in which the values appear in parent 2. A similar process i s applied to
determine child 2. This is shown in Figure 927.

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215Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
9.9.3. 10 Partially Matched Crossover
Finally matched crossover (PMX) can be applied usefully in the TSP. Indeed, TSP
chromosomes are simply sequences of integers, where each integer represents a
different city and the order represents the time at which acidy is visited. Under this
representat ion, known as permutation encoding, we are only interested in labels
and not alleles. It may be viewed as a crossover of permutations that guarantees
that all positions arc found exactly once in each offspring, i.e., both offspring
receive a full complemen t of genes, followed by the corresponding filling in of
alleles from their parents. PMX proceeds as follows:
1. The two chromosomes are aligned.
2. Two crossing sires are selected uniformly at random along the strings,
defining a marching section.
3. The matching section is used to effect a cross through position -by-position
exchange operation.
4. Alleles are moved to their new positions in the offspring.
The following illustrates how PMX works.
Name 9 8 4 . 5 6 7 . 1 8 2 1 0 Allele 1 0 1 . 0 0 1 . 1 1 0 0
Name 8 7 1 . 2 3 1 0 . 9 5 4 6 Allele 1 1 1 . 0 1 1 . 1 1 0 1
Figure 9·28 Given strings
Consider the two strings shown in Figure 9-28, where the dots mark the selected
cross points. The marching section defines the position -wise exchanges that must
take place in both parents to produce the offspring. The exchanges are read from
the marching section of one chromosome to that of the ot her. In the example
illustrate in Figure 9-28, the numbers that exchange places are 5 and 2, 6 and 3, and
7 and 10. The resulting offspring are as shown in Figure 9-29. PMX is dealt in
derail in the next chapter.
Name 9 8 4 . 2 3 1 0 . 1 6 5 7 Allele 1 0 1 . 0 1 0 . 1 0 0 1
Name 8 1 0 1 . 5 6 7 . 9 2 4 3 Allele 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 0 0 1
Figure 9·29 partially matched crossover. Crossover Probability
The basic parameter in crossover technique is the crossover probability
(Pt).Crossover probability is a parameter to describe how often crossover will be
performed. If there is no crossover, offspring are exact copies of parents. If there is

Page 217

crossover , offspring are made from parts of both parents' chromosome. If c rossover
probability is 100%, then all offspring are made by crossover. If it is O%, whole
new- generation is made from exact copies of chromosomes from old population
(but this does not mean that the new generation is the same!). Crossover is made in
hope that new chromosomes will contain good parts of old chromosomes and
therefore the new chromosomes will be better. However, it is good to leave some
part of old population survive to next generation.
9.9.4 Mutation
After crossover, the strings are subjected to mutation. Mutation prevents the
algorithm to be trapped in a local minimum. Mutation plays the tale of recovering
the lost genetic materials as well as for randomly distributing genetic information.
It is an insurance policy against the irreve rsible loss of genetic material. Mutation
has been traditionally considered as a simple search operator. If crossover is
supposed to exploit the current solution to find better ones, mutation is supposed to
help for the exploitation of the whole search spa ce. Mutation isvie¥1ed as a
background operator to maintain genetic diversity in the population. It introduces
new genetic structures in the population by randomly modifying some of its
building blocks. Mutation helps escape from local minima's trap and ma intains
diversity in the population. It also keeps the gene pool well stocked, thus ensuring
periodicity. A search space is said to be argotic if there is a non -zero probability of
generating any solution from any population state.
There are many different forms of mutation for the different kinds of representation.
For binary representation, a simple mutation can consist in inverting the value of
each gene with a small probability. The probability is usually taken about 1/ L,
where L is the length of the c hromosome. It is also possible to implement kind of
hill climbing mutation operators that do mutation only if it improves the quality of
the solution. Such anoperawr can accelerate the search; however, care should be
taken, because it might also reduce the diversity in the population and make the
algorithm converge toward some local optima. Mutation of a bit involves flipping
a bit, changing 0 to1 and vice -versa.
9.9.4 1 Flipping
Flipping of a bit involves changing 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 based on a mutation
chromosome generated. Figure 9-30explains mutation flipping concept. A parent
is considered and a mutation chromosome is randomly generated. For a 1 in
mutation chromosome, the corre sponding bit in parent chromosome is flipped (0 to
1 and1 to 0) and child chromosome is produced. In the case illustrated in Figure

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217Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
30, 1 occurs at 3 places of mutation chromosome, the corresponding bits in parent
chromosome are flipped and the child is generated. Interchanging
Two random positions of the string are chosen and the bits corresponding to those
positions are interchanged (Figure 9.31).
Parent 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
Mutation chromosome 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Child 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
Figure 9·30 Mutation flipping.

Parent 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
Child 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
Figure 9·31 Interchanging

Parent 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
Child 1 0 1 1 0 11 1

Figure 9·32 Reversing. Reversing
A random position is chosen and the bits next to that position is reversed and child
chromosome is produced (Figure 9-32). Mutation Probability
An important parameter in the mutation technique is the mutation probability (P,).
It decides how often parts of chromosome will be mutated. If there is no mutation,
offspring are generated immediately after crossover (or directly copied) within any
change. If mutation is performed, one or more parts of a chromosome are changed.
If mutation probability is 10 0%, whole chromosome is changed; if it is 0%, nothing
is changed. Marion generally prevents the GA from falling into local extremes.

Page 219

Mutation should not occur very often, because then GA will in fact change to
ralidom search.
9.10 Stopping Condition for Ge netic Algorithm Flow
In short, the various stopping condition are listed as follows:
1. Maxim 11m generations:. The GA stops when the specified number of
generations has evolved.
2. Elapsed time: The genetic process will end when a specified time has ela psed.
Note: If the maximum number of generation has been reached before the
specified time has elapsed, the process will end.
3. No change in fitness: The genetic process will end if there is no change tithe
population's best fitness for a specified number of generations.
Note: If the maximum number of generation has been reached before the
specified number of generation with too changes has been reached, the
process will end.
4. Stall generations: The algorithm stops if there is no improv ement in the
objective function for a sequence of consecutive generations of length "Stall
5. Stall time limit. The algorithm stops if there is no improvement in the
objective function during animerval of time in seconds equal to "Stall time
The termination or convergence criterion finally brings the search to a halt. The
following are the few methods of termination techniques.
9.10.1 Best Individual
A best individual convergence criterion stops the search once the minimum fitness
in the population drops below the convergence value. This brings the search w a
faster conclusion, guaranteeing at least one good solmion.
9.10.2 Worst Individual
Worst individual terminates the search when the least fir individuals in the
population have fitness less than me convergence criteria. This guarantees the
entire population w be of minimum standard, although the best individual may not
be significantly be tter than the worst. In this case, a stringent convergence value

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219Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
may never be met, in which case the search will terminate after the maximum has
been exceeded.
9.10.3 Sum of Fitness
In this termination scheme, the search is considered to have satisfaction converged
when the sum of the fitness in the entire population is less than or equal to the
convergence value in the population record. This guarantees that virtually all
individuals in the population will be within a particular fitness range, although it is
bener to pair this convergence criteria with weakest gene replacement, otherwise a
few unfit individuals in the population will blow out the fitness sum. The
population size has to be considered while setting the convergence value.
9.10.4 M edian Fitness
Here at least half of the individuals will be better than or equal to the convergence
value, which should give a good range of solutions to choose from.
9.11 Constraints in Genetic Algorithm
If the GA considered consists of only objective fun ction and no information about
the specifications of variable, then it is called unconstrained optimization problem.
Consider, an unconstrained optimization problem of the form
Minimize f(x) = x2 ………… (18)
and there is no information about "x" range. GA minimizes this function using its
operators in random specifications.
In the case of constrained optimization problems, the information is provided for
the variables under consideration. Constraints are classifi ed as:
1. Equality relations.
2. Inequality relations.
GA geneses a sequence of parameters to be rested using the system under consideration, objective function (to be maximized or minimized) and the constraints. On running. the system, the objective fun ction is evaluated and
constraints are checked to see if there are any violations. If there are no violations,
the parameter set is assigned the fitness value corresponding to the objective
function evaluation. When the constraints are violated, the soluti on is infeasible
and thus has no fitness. Many practical problems are constrained and it is very
difficult to find a feasible point that is best. As a result, one should get some

Page 221

information out of infeasible solutions, irrespective of their fitness rankin g in
relation tithe degree of constraint violation. Thesis performed in penalty method.
Penalty method is one where a constrained optimization problem is transformed to
an unconstrained optimization problem by associating a penalty or cost with all
constra int violations. This penalty is included in the objective function evaluation.
Consider the original constrained problem in maximization form:
Maximize f(x)
Subject to gi(x) >0, i = 1, 2, 3, ... , n
where x is a k-vector. Transforming this to unconstrained form:
Maximize f(x) + P σ߮ሾ݃ǡሺݔሻሿே
௜ୀଵ ……..(19)
where ) is the penalty function and P is the penalty coefficient. There exist several
alternatives for this penalty function. The penalty function can be squared for all
violated constraints. In certain situations, the unconstrained solution converges to
the constrained solution as the penalty coefficient p rends to infinity.
9.12 Problem Solving Using Genetic Algorithm
9.12.1 Maximizing a Function
Consider the problem of maximizing the function,
f (x )= x2 …..(20)
where x is permitted to vary between 0 and 31. The steps involved in solving this
problem are as follows:
Step I: For using GA approach, one must first code the decision variable "x" into a
finite length string. I Using a five bit (binary integer) unsigned inte ger, numbers
between 0(00000) and 31(11111) can be obtained.
The objective function here is f(x) = x2 which is to be maximized. A single
generation of a GA is performed here with encoding, selection, crossover and
mutation. To start with, select initial population at random. Here initial population
of size 4 is chosen, but any number of populations can be selected based on the
requirement and application. Table 9-4 shows an initial population randomly
Table 9·4 Selection String No. Initial population
(randomly selected) x valu
e Fitness f(x) = x2 Probi Percentage Probability
(%) Expected count Actual count 1 0 1 1 0 0 12 144 0.1247 11.47 0.4987 1

Page 222

221Chapter 9: Genetic AlgorithmString No. Initial population
(randomly selected) x valu
e Fitness f(x) = x2 Probi Percentage Probability
(%) Expected count Actual count 2 1 1 0 0 1 25 625 0.5411 54.11 2.1645 2 3 0 0 1 0 1 5 25 0.0216 2.16 0.0866 0 4 1 0 0 1 1 19 361 0.3126 31.26 1.2502 1 Sum 195 1.0000 100 4.0000 4 Average 288.75 0.2500 25 1.0000 1 Maximum 625 0.5411 54.11 2.1645 2 Step 2: Obtain the decoded x values for the initial population generated. Consider
string 1.
01100 = 0 * 24 + 1 * 23 + I * 22 + 0 * 21 + 0 * 20
= 0+ 8 + 4 + 0 + 0
= 12
Thus for all the four strings the decoded values are obtained.
Step 3: Calculate the fitness or objective function. This is obtained by simply
squaring the “x”
value, since the given function is f(x) = x2 When x = 12, the fitness value is
f(x) = x2 = (12) 2 = 144
For x = 25, f(x) = x2 = (25) 2 = 625
and so on, until the entire population is computed.
Step 4: Compute the probability of selection,
೔సభ ….(21)
where n is the number of populations; f(x) is the fitness value corresponding to a
Individual in the population;
¦ f(x) is the summation of all the fitness value of the entire population.
Considering string l,
Fitness f (x) = 144
¦f (x) = 195
The probability that string 1 occurs is given by
P1 = 144/1 95 = 0.1247
The percentage probability is obtained as
0.1247 * 100 = 12.47%

Page 223

The same operation is done for all the strings. It should be noted that summation of
probability select is l.
Step 5: The next step is to calculate the expected count, which is calculated as
Expected count = ୤ሺ୶ሻ೔
ሾ஺௩௚௙ሺ௫ሻሿ೔ …………(22)
௡തቃ ……………..(23)
For string 1,
Expected count = Fitness/Average = 144/288.75 = 0.4987
We then compute the expected count for the entire population. The expected count
gives an idea of which population can be selected for further processing in the
mating pool.
Step 6: Now the actual count is to be obtained to select the individuals who would
participate in the crossover cycle using Roulette wheel selection . The Roulette
wheel is formed as shown Figure 9-33.
The entire Raul we wheel covers 100% and the probabilities of selection as
calculated in step 4 for the entire populations are used as indicators to fit into the
Roulette wheel. Now the wheel may be spu n and the number of occurrences of
population is noted to get actual count.
1. String I occupies 12.47%, so there is a chance for it to occur at least once.
Hence its actual count may be I.
2. With string 2 occupying 54.11% of the Roulette wheel, it has a fair chance of
being selected twice. Thus its actual count can be considered as 2.
3. On the other hand, string 3 has the least probability percentage of 2.16%, so
their occurrence for next cycle is very poor. As a result, ire actual count is 0.

Figure 9·33 Selection using Roulette wheel.

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223Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
Table 9·5 Crossover String no. Mating Pool Crossover point Offspring after
crossover x value Fitness value f(x) = x2 1 2
4 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 4 4
2 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 13 24
17 169 576
289 Sum Average
Maximum 1763 440.75
4. String 4 with 31.26% has at least one chance for occurring while Roulette
wheel is spun, thus its actual count is 1.
The above values of actual count are tabulated as shown is Table 9-5.
Step 7: Now, write the mating pool based upon the actual count as shown in Table
The actual count of string no. 1 is I; hence it occurs once in the mating pool. The
actual count of string no. 2 is 2, hence it occurs twice in the mating pool. Since the
actual count of string no. 3 is 0, it does not occur in the mating pool. Similarly, the
actual count of string no. 4 being I, it occurs once in the mating pool. Based on this,
the matin g pool is formed.
Step 8: Crossover operation is performed w produce new offspring (children). The
crossover point is specified and based on the crossover point, single -point crossover
is performed and new offspring is produced. The parents are Parent 1 0 1 1 0 0 Parent 2 1 1 0 0 1 The offspring is produced as Offspring 1 0 1 1 0 1 Offspring 2 1 1 0 0 0 In a similar manner. crossover is performed for the next strings.
Step 9: After crossover operations. new offspring are produced and "x .. value. \ are
decoded and I mess is calculated.

Page 225

Step 10: In this step, mutation operation is performed to produce new offspring.
After crossover operation. As discussed in Section mutation -Aipping
operation is performed and new offspring are produced. Table 9-6 shows the new
offspring after mutation. Once the offspring are obtained L after mutation, they are
decoded ta x value and the fitness values are computed.
This completes one generation. The mutation is performed on a bit -bit by basis.
The crossover probability and mutation probability were assumed to be 1.0 and
0.001, respectively. Once selection, crossover and mutation are performed, the new
popular ion is now r eady to be rested. This is performed by decoding the new
strings created by the simple GA after mutation and calculates the fitness function
values from the x values thus decoded. The results for successive cycles of
simulation are shown in Tables 9-4 and 96.
Table 9-6 Mutation String no. Offspring after
crossover Mutation chromosomes
for Ripping Offspring after
crossover x value Fitness f(x) = x2 1 2
4 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 0 29 24
20 841 576
400 Sum Average
Maximum 2546 636.5
From the rabies, it can be observed how GAs combine high -performance notions
to achieve bercer performance. In the rabies, it can be noted how maximal and
average performances have improved in the new population. The population
average fitness has improved from 288.75 to 636.5 in one generation. The
maximum fitness has increased from 625 to 841 during the same period. Though
random processes make this best solution, its improvement can also be seen
successively. The best string of the initial population (1 1 0 0 1) receives no chances
for its existence because of its high, above -average performance. When this
combines at random with the next highest string (1 0 0 1 1) and is crossed at
crossover point 2 (as shown in Table 9-5), one of the resulting strings ( 1 1 0 1 1)
proves to be a very best solution indeed. Thus after mutation at random, a new
offspring (1 1 1 0 1) is produced which is an excellent choice.
This example has shown one gene ion of a simple GA.

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225Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
9.13 The Schema Theorem
In this section. we will f ormulate and prove the fundamental research on the
behaviour of GAs - the so -called Schema Theorem. Although being completely
incomparable with convergence research’s for conventional optimization methods,
it still provides valuable insight two the intrinsi c principles of GAs. Assume a GA
with proportional selection and an arbitrary bur fixed fitess function f Let us make
the following notations:
1. The number of individuals which fulfil H at time step tare denoted as
rH,r = \Br ˆ H\
2. The expression f (t) refers to the observed average fitness at time t:

3. The term f (H, t) stands for the observed average fitness of schema H in time
step t:

Theorem (Schema Theorem - Holland 1975). Assuming we consider a simple GA.
the following in equality holds for eveq schema H:

Proof. The probability that we select an individual fulfilling H is

This probability does not change throughout the execution of the selection loop.
Moreover, each of the m individuals is select::d independent of the others. Hence
the number of selected individuals. which fulfil H, is binomially distributed with

Page 227

sample amount m and the probability. We obtain, therefore, that the expected
number of selected individuals fulfilling H is
If two individuals at crossed, which bmh fulfil H, the two offspring’s again fulfil
H. The number of strings fulfilling H can only decrease if one string. which fulfils
H, is crossed with a string which does not fulfil H. but, obviously, only if the cross
sire is chosen somewhere in between the specifications of H. The probability that
the cross sire is chosen within the detaining length of H is
Hence the survival probability ps of H, i.e., the probability that a string fulfilling H
produces an offspring also fulfilling H. can be estimated as follows (crossover is
only done with probability ):
Selection and crossover are carried our independently, so we may compute the
expecte d number of strings fulfilling H after crossover simply as
After crossover, the number of strings fulfilling H can only decrease if a suing
fulfilling His ahered by mutation at a specification of H. The probability that all
specifications of H remain untouthed by mutation is obviously
The arguments in the proof of the Sthema Theorem can be applied analogously too
many other crossover and mutation operations.

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227Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
9.13.1 The Optimal Allocation of Trials
The Sthema Theorem has provided the insight that building blocks receive exponentially increasing trials in future generations. The question remains, however, why this could be a good strategy. This leads to an important and well
analyzed problem from stat istical decision theory - the two -armed bandit problem
and its generalization, the k -armed bandit problem. Although this seems like a
detour from our main concern, we shall soon understand the connection to GAs.
Suppose we have a gambling machine with two s lots for coins and two arms. The
gambler ca n deposit the coin either two the left or the right slot. After pulling the
corresponding arm, either a reward is given or the coin is lost. For mathematical
simplicity, we just work with outcomes, i.e., the diffe rence between the reward
(which can be zero) and the value of the coin. Let us assume that the left arm
produces an outcome with mean value P2 and a variance V 22 while the right arm
produces an outcome with mean value P2 and variance V 12. Without loss of
generality, although the gambler does not know this, assume that P1 > P2·
Now the question arises which arm should be played. Since we do not know
beforehand whi ch arm is associated with the higher outcome, we are faced with an
interesting dilemma. Not only must we make a sequence of decisions about which
arm to play, we have to collect, at the same time, information about which is the
bener arm. This trade -off be tween exploitation of knowledge and its exploitation is
the key issue in this problem and, as rums out later, in GAs, too.
A simple approach to this problem is to separate exploitation from exploitation.
More specifically, we could perform a single experim ent at the beginning and thereafter make an irreversible decision that depends on the results of the experiment. Suppose we have N coins. If we allocate an equal number n {where
2n N) of trials to both arms, we could allocate the remaining N- 2n uials to the
observed bener arm. Assuming we know all involved parameters, the expected loss
is given as
L(N. n) = (P1 - P2){(N - n)q(n) + n[l - q(n)l}
where q(n) is the probability that the worst arm is the observed best arm after 2n
expetimental trials. The underlying idea is obvious: In case that we observe that the
worse arm is the best, which happens with probability q(n), the total number of
trials allothed to the right arm is N - 11. The loss is, therefore, (J1 1 -Jl2 )(N - n). In
the reverse case where we actually observe that the best arm is the best, which
happens with probability I - q(n), the loss is only whir we get less because we

Page 229

played the worse arm 11 times, i.e., (Ill -112 )11. Taking the central limit theorem into account, we can approximate q (n) with the rail of a normal distribution:

where ………..(29)

Now we have m specify a reasonable experiment size n. obviously, if we choose n = 1, the obtained information is potentially unreliable. If we choose, however, n = N/2 there are no trials left to make use of the information gained though the experimental p hase. What we see is again the trade -off between exploitation with almost no exploitation (n = 1) and exploitation without exploitation {n = N/2). It does not take a Nobel prize winner to see that the optimal way is somewhere in the
middle. Holland has stu died this problem in detail. He came to the conclusion that
the optimal strategy is given by the following equation:

Making a few transformations, we obtain that
………..(31) That is, the optimal strategy is m allocate slightly more than an exponentially increasing number of trials to the observed best arm. Although no gambler is able to apply this strategy in practice, because it requires knowledge of the mean values Jll and JLz, we still have found an important bound of performance a decision strategy should try to approach. A GA, although the direct connection is not yet fully clear, actually comes close to this ideal, giving at least an exponentially increasing number of trials to the observed best building blocks. However, one may still wonder how the two -armed bandit problem and GAs are related. Let us consider an arbitrary string position. Then there are two sthemata of order one which have their only specification in this position. According to the Sthema Theorem, the GA implicitly decides between

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229Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
these two sthemata, where only incomplete data are available (observed average
fitness values). In this sense, a GA solves a lot of two -armed problems in parallel.
The Sthema Th eorem, however, is not restricted to sthemata of order one. Looking at competing sthemata (different sthemata which are specified in the same positions). We observe that a GA is solving an enormous number of k -armed bandit
problems in parallel. The k -armed bandit problem, although much more complicated, is solved in an analogous way - the observed better alternatives should
receive an exponentially increasing number of trials. This is exactly what a GA
9.13.2 Implicit Parallelism
So far we have discovered two distinct, seemingly conflicting views of genetic
1. The algorithmic view that GAs operate on strings;
2. The sthema -based interpretation.
So, we may ask what a GA really processes, strings or sthemata? The answer is
surprising: Both. Now a day, the common interpretation is chat a GA processes an
enormous amount of sthemata implicitly. This is accomplished by exploiting the
currently available, incomplete information about these sthemata continuously,
while trying to e xplore more information about them and other, possibly better
This remarkable property is commonly called the implicit parallelism of GAs. A
simple GA has only m structures in one time step, without any memory or
bookkeeping about the previous ge nerations. We will now ny to get a feeling how
many sthemata a GA actually processes.
Obviously, there are 3n sthemata of length n. A single binary string fulfils n sthema
of order 1, (2n) sthemata of order 2, in general, (kn) sthemata of order k. Hence, a
string fulfils
Theorem. Consider a randomly generated start population of a simple GA and let e
E (0, 1) be a fixed error bound. Then sthemata of length
1, < E (n - l) + l

Page 231

have a probability of at least (1 -) to survive one -point crossover (c ompare with
the proof of the Sthema Theorem). If the population size is chosen as m = 21/2, the
number of sthemata, which survive for the next generation, is of order O(m3).
9.14 Classification of Genetic Algorithm
There exist wide variety of GAs including simple and general GAs discussed in
Sections 9.4 and 9.5, respectively. Some or her variants of GA are discussed below.
9.14.1 Messy Genetic Algorithms
In a "classical" GA, the genes are encoded in a fixed order. T he meaning of a single
gene is determined by its position inside the string. We have seen in the previous
chapter that a GA is likely to converge well if the optimization risk can be divided
two several short building blocks. What, however, happens if the coding is chosen
such that couplings occur between distant genes? Of course, one -point crossover
rends to disadvantage long sthemata {even if they have low order) over short ones.
Messy GAs try w overcome this difficulty by using a variable -length, positio n-
independent coding. The key idea is to append an index to each gene which allows
identifying its position. A gene, therefore, is no longer represented as a single allele
value and a fixed position, but as a pair of an index and an allele. Figure 9-34(A)
shows how this "messy" coding works for a string of length 6.
Since with the help of the index we can identify the genes uniquely, genes may be
swapped arbitrarily without changing the meaning of the string. With appropriate
genetic operations, which also change the order of the paits, the GA could possibly
group coupled genes to get her automatically.

Figure 9-34 (A) Messy coding and (B) positional preference; Genes with indices
1 and 6 occur twice, the firm occurrences are used.

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231Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm

Figure 9·35 the cut and splice operation.
Owing to the free arrangement of genes and the variable length of the encoding, we
can, however, run into. Problems, which do not occur, in a simple GA. First of all,
it can happen that there are two entries in a string, which corresp ond to the same
index but have conflicting alleles. The most obvious way to overcome this "over -
specification" is positional preference - the first entry, which refers to a gene, is
taken. Figure 9-34(B) shows an example. The reader may have observed that t he
genes with indices 3 and 5 do not occur at all in the example in Figure 9-34(B).
This problem of “under specification" is more complicated and its solution is not
as obvious as for over= -specification. Of course, a lot of variants are reasonable.
One ap proach could be to theck all possible combinations and to rake the best one
(fork missing genes, there are 2k combinations). With the objective to reduce this
effort, Goldberg ct al. have suggested using so -called competitive templates for
finding specific ations for missing genes. It is nothing else than applying a local
hill climbing method with random initial value to the k missing genes.
While messy GAs usually work with the same mutation operator as simple GAs
(every allele is altered with a low probability pM), the crossover operator is
replaced by a more general cut and splice operator which also allows to mate
parents with different le ngths. The basic idea is to choose cut sites for both parents
independently and to splice the four fragments. Figure 9-35 shows an example.
9.14.2 Adaptive Genetic Algorithms
Adaptive GAs are those whose parameters, such as the population size, the crossin g
over probability, or the mutation probability, are varied while the GA is running. A
simple variant could be the following: The mutation rate is changed according to
changes in the population - the longer the population does not improve, the higher

Page 233

the mu tation rare is chosen. Vice versa, it is decreased again as soon as an
improvement of the population occurs. Adaptive Probabilities of Crossover and Mutation
It is essential to have two characteristics in GAs for optimizing multimodal
functions. The first characteristic is the capacity to converge wan optimum (local or global) after locating the region containing the optimum. The second characteristic is the capacity to explore new regions of the solution space in search
of the global optimum. The balance between these characteristics of the GA is
dictated by the values of Pw and Pn and the type of crossover employed. Increasing
values of Pw and Pr promote exploitation at the expense of exploitation. Moderately large values of Pc (in the range 0.5 -1.0) and small values of Pw (in the
range 0.001 -0.05) are commonly employed in GA practice. In this approach, we
aim at achieving this trade -off between exploitation and expl oitation in a different
manner, by varying, and Pm adaptively in response to the fitness values of the
solutions; Pr and Pm are increased when the population tends to get stuck at a local
optimum and are decreased when the population is scattered in the so lution space. Design of Adaptive pc and Pm
To vary Pr and Pm adaptively for preventing premature convergence of the GA to
a local optimum, it is essential to identify were the GA is converging to an
optimum. One possible way of detecting is to observe average fitness value f of the
population in relation to the maximum fitness value fmax of the population. The
value fmax - f is likely to be less for a populatio n that has converged to an optimum
solution than that for a population scattered in the solution space. We have observed
the above property in all our experiments with GAs, and Figure 9-36 illustrates the
property for a typical case. In Figure 9-36 we noti ce that fmax – f decreases when
the GA converges to a local optimum with a fitness value of 0.5. (The globally
optimal solution has a fitness value of 1.0.) We use the difference in the average
and maximum fitness value, fmax - f, as a yardstick for detect ing the convergence
of the GA. The values of Pc and Pm are varied depending on the value of fmax. - f.
Since Pc and Pm have to be increased when the GA converges to a local optimum,
i.e., when fmax - f decreases, Pc and Pm will have to be varied inversely with fmax
- f. The expressions that we have chosen for Pc and Pm are of the form
Pc = k 1/ (fmax - f)
Pm = k 2/ (fmax - f)

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233Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm

Figure 9·36 Variation of fmax – f and f best (best fitness).
It has to be observed in the above expressions that Pc and Pm do not depend on the
fitness value of any particular solution, and have the same values for all the solution
of the population. Consequently, solutions with high fitness values as well as
soluti ons with low fitness values are subjected to the same levels of mutation and
crossover. When a population converges to a globally optimal solution (or even a
locally optimal solution), Pc and Pm increase and may cause the disruption of the
neat-optimal sol utions. The population may never converge to the global optimum.
Though we may prevent the GA from getting stuck at a local optimum, the
performance of the GA (in terms of the generations required for convergence) will
certainly deteriorate.
To overcome the above -stated problem, we need to preserve "good" solutions of
the population. This can be achieved by having lower values of Pc and Pm for high
fitness solutions and higher values of Pc and Pm for low fitness solutions. While
the high fitne ss solutions aid in the convergence of the GA, the low fitness solutions
prevent the GA from getting stuck at a local optimum. The value of Pm should
depend not only on fmax – f but also on the fitness value f of the solution. Similarly,
Pc should depend o n the fitness values of both the parent solutions. The closer f is
to fmax the smaller Pm should be, i.e., Pm should vary directly as fmax – f.

Page 235

Similarly, Pc should vary directly as fmax – f1', where f1 is the larger of the fitness
value of the solutions to be crossed. The expressions for Pc and Pm now take the
(Here k 1 and k2 have to be less than 1.0 to constrain Pc and Pm to the range 0.0 -
Note that Pc and Pm are zero for the solution with the maximum fitness. Alsop, =
k1 for a solution with f = f, and Pm = k2 for a solution with f = f. For solution with
subaverage fitness values, i.e., f < f, Pc and Pm might assume values larger than
1.0. To prevent the oversh ooting of Pc and Pm beyond 1.0, we also have the
following constraints:
where k3, k4 < 1.0. Practical Considerations and Choice of Values for k1, k2, k3 and k 4
In the previous subsection, we saw that for a solution with the maximum fitness
value Pc and Pm are both zero. The best solution in a population is transferred
undisrupted into the next generation. Together with the selection mechanism, this
may lead to an exponential growth of the solution in the population and may cause
premature convergence. To overcome the above -mued problem, we introduce a
default mutation rate (of 0.005) for every solution in the Adaptive Genetic
Algorithm (AGA).
We now discuss the ch oice of values for k1, kz, k3 and k4. For convenience, the
expressions for Pc and Pm are given as
where k1, k2, k3, k4 < 1.0.

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235Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
It has been well established in GA literature that moderately large values of Pc (0.5
< Pc < 1.0) and small values of Pm (0.001 < Pm < 0.05) are essential for the
successful working of GAs. The moderately large values of Pc promote the
extensive recombinat ion of sthemata, while small values of Pm are necessary to
prevent the disruption of the solutions. These guidelines, however, are useful and
relevant when the values of Pc and Pm do not vary.
One of the goals of the approach is to prevent the GA from getting stuck at a local
optimum. To achieve this goal, we employ solutions with subaverage fitnesses to
search the search space for the region containing the global optimum. Such
solutions need to be completely disrupted, and for this purpose we use a value of
0.5 for k4. Since solutions with a fitness value of f should also be disrupted
completely, we assign a value of 0.5 to k 2 as well.
Based on similar reasoning, we assign k1and k3 a value of 1.0. This ensures that all
solutions with a fitness value less than or equal to f compulsorily undergo
crossover. The probability of crossover decreases as the fitness value (maximum
of the fitness values of the parent solutions) tends to fmax a nd is 0.0 for solutions
with a fitness value equal to fmax.
9.14.3 Hybrid Genetic Algorithms
As they use the fitness function only in the selection step, GAs are blind oprimizers
which do not use any auxiliary information such as derivatives or other spec ific
knowledge about the special strucrure of theobjective function. If there is such
knowledge, however, ir is unwise and inefficient not to make use of ir.Several
investigations have shown that a lot of synergism lies in the combination of genetic
alj!or irhms andconventional methods.
The basic idea is co divide the optimization task into two complementary parts. The
GA does the coarse, global optimization while local refinement is done by the
conventional method (e.g. gradient -based, hill climbing, greedy algorithm,
simulated annealing, ere.). A number of variants are reasonable:
1. The GA performs coarse search first. Afrer the GA is completed, local
refinement is done.
2. The local method is integrated in the GA. For instance, every K generations,
the po pulation is doped witha locally optimal individual.
3. Both methods run in parallel: All individuals are continuously used as initial
values for the local method. The locally optimized individuals are re -
implanred into the current generation.

Page 237

In this section a novel optimization approach is used that switthes between global
and local search methods based on the local topography of the design space. The
global and local optimizers work in concert to efficiently locate quality design
points better than e ither could alone. To determine when it is apptopriate to execute
a local search, some characteristics about the local area of the design space need to
be determined. One good source of information is contained in the population of
designs in the GA. By ca lculating the relative homogeneity of the population we
can get a good idea of whether there are multiple local optima located within this
local region of the design space.
To quantify the relative homogeneity of the population in each subspace, the
coeffi cient of variance of the objective function and design variables is calculated.
The coefficient of variance is a normalized measure of variation, and unlike the
actual variance, is independent of the magnitude of the mean of the population. A
high coeffici ent of variance could be an indication that there are multiple local
optima present. Very low values could indicate that the GA has converged to a
small area in the design space, warranting the use of alocal search algorithm to find
the best design within this region.
By calculating the coefficient of variance of the both the design variables and the
objective function as the optimization progresses, it can also be used as a criterion
to switch from me global to the local optimizer. As the variance of the o bjective
values and design variables of the population increases, it may indicate that the
optimizer is exploting new areas of the design space or hill climbing. If the variance
is decreasing, the optimizer may be converging toward local minima and the
optimization process could be made more efficient by switching to a local search
The second method, regression analysis, used in this section helps us determine
when to switch between the global and local optimizer. The design data present in
the current population of the GA can be used toprovide information as to the local
topography of the design space by attempting to fit models of various order to it.
The use of regression analysis to augment optimization algorithms is not new. In
problems in which the objective function or consrrainrs are computationally
expensive, approximations to the design space are created by sampling the design
space and then using regression or other methods to create a simple mathematical
model that closely approxim ates the actual design space, which may be highly
nonlinear. The design space can then be exploted to find regions of good designs
or optimized to improve the performance of the system using the predictive
surrogate approximation models instead of the comp utarionally expensive analysis
code, resulting in large computational savings. The most common regression

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237Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
models are linear and quadratic polynomials created by performing ordinary least
squares regrssion on a set of analysis data.
To make dear the use of regression analysis in this way, consider Figure 9-37,
which represents a complex design space. Our goal is to minimize this function,
and as a first step the GA is run. Suppose that afrer acertain number of generarions
the population consists of the sampl ed points shown in the figure. Since the
population of the GA is spread throughout the design space, having yet to converge
into one of the local minima, it seems logical to continue the GA for additional
generations. Ideally, before the local optimizer is run it would be beneficial to have
some confidence that its starting point is somewhere within the mode that contains
the optimum. Fitting a second -order response surface to the data and noting the
large error (the R2 value is 0.13), ther is a dear indica tion that the GA is currently
exploting multiple modes in the design space.
In Figure 9-38, the same design space is shown but afrer the GA has begun to
converge into the part of the design space containing the optimal design. Once
again a second -order app roximation is fir to GA's population. The dotted line
connects the points predicted by the response surface. Note how much smaller the
error is in the approximation (the R2 is 0.96), which is a good indication that the
GA is currently exploting a single mo de within the design space. At this point, the
local optimizer can be made to quickly converge to the best solution within this
area of the design space, thereby avoiding the slow convergence propenies of the
After each generarion of the global optimiz er the values of the coefficient of
determination and the coefficient of variance of the enrire population are compared
with the designer specified threshold levels.

Figure 9·37 Apptoximating multiple modes with a second -order model.

Page 239


Figure 9·38 : Apptoximating a single mode with a second -order model.
The first threshold simply states that if coefficient of determination of the
population exceeds a designer set value when a second -order regression analysis is
performed on the design data in the curr ent GA population, then a local search is
started from the current 'best design' in the population. The second threshold is
based on the value of the coefficient of variance of the entire population. This
threshold is also set by the designer and can range upwards from O%. If it increases
at a rate greater than the threshold level then a local sarch is execuced from the best
point in the population.
The flowchart in Figure 9-39 illustrates the stages in the algorithm. The algorithm
can switch repeatedly bet ween the global search (Stage 1) and the local search
(Stage 2) during execution. In Stage I, the global search is initialized and then
monitored. This is also where the regression and statistical analysis occurs.
In Stage 2 the local search is executed w hen the threshold levels are exceeded, and
then this solution is passed back and integrated two the global search. The algorithm scops when convergence is achieved for the global optimization algorithm.
9.14.4 Parallel Genetic Algorithm
GAs are powerful se arch techniques that are used successfully to solve problems
in many different disciplines. Parallel GAs (PGAs) are particularly easy to
implement and promise substantial gains in performance. As such, there has been
extensive research in this field. The section describes some of the most significant
problems in modeling and designing multi -population PGAs and presents some
recent advancemenrs.

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239Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
One of the major aspects of GA is their ability to be parallelized. Indeed, because
natural evolution deals w ith an entire population and not only with particular
individuals, it is a remarkably highly parallel process. Except in the selection phase,
during which there is competition between individuals, the only interactions
between remembers of the population o ccur during the reproduction phase, and
usually, no more than two individuals are necessary to engender a new child.
Otherwise, any other operations of the evolution, in particular the evaluation of
each member of the population, can be done separately. So , neatly all the operations
in a genetic algorithm are implicitly parallel.
PGAs simply consist in distributing the task of a basic GA on different processors.
As those tasks are implicitly parallel, little time will be spent on communication;
and rhus, t he algorithm is expected to run much faster or to find more accurate this.
It has been established chat GA's efficiency co find optimal solution is largely
determined by the population size. With a larger population size, the genetic
diversity increases, a nd so the a lgorithm is more likdy to find a global optimum! A
large population requires more memory to be scored; it has also been ptoved that it
takes a longer time to converge. If n is the population size, the convergence is
expected aft:er n log(n) fun ction evaluations.

Figure 9·39: Steps in two·stage hybrid optimization approach.

Page 241

The use of mday's new parallel computers not only provides more storage space
but also allows the use of several processors to produce and evaluate more
solutions in a smaller amount of time. By parallelizing the algorithm, it is possible
D increase popul ation size, reduce the computational cost, and so improve the
performance of the GA.
Probably the first attempt to map GAs to existing parallel computer architectures
was made in 1981 by John Grefensrerre. But obviously today, with the emergence
of new hig h-performance computing (HPC), PGA is really a flourishing area.
Researthers try to improve performance of GAs. The stake is to show that GAs are
one of the besr optimization methods to be used with HPC. Global Parallelization
The first attempt to parallelize GAs simply consists of global parallelization. This
approach nics to explicitly parallelize the implicit parallel tasks of the "sequential" GA. The nature of the problems remains unchanged. The algorithm still manipulates a single po pulation where each individual can mare with any other, but
the breeding of new children and/or their evaluation are now made in parallel. The
basic idea is that different processors can create new individuals and compme their
fir ness in parallel almost w ithout any communication among each other.
To start with, doing the evaluation of the population in parallel is something really
simple co implement. Each processor is assigned a subset of individuals to be
evaluated. For example, on a shared memory comput er, individuals could be stored
in shared memory, so that each processor can read the chtomosori:tes assigned and
c:an write back the resnlr of the fitness computation. This method only supposes
iliat the GA works with a generational update of the populati on. Of course, some
synchtonization is needed between generations.
Generally, most of the computational time in a GA is spent calling the evaluation
function. The time spent in manipulating the chromosomes during the selection or
recombination phase is usu ally negligible. By assigning to each processor a subset
of individuals m evaluate, a speedup proportional to the number of processors can
be expeaed if there is a good load balancing between them. However, load
balancing should not be a problem as general ly the time spent for the evolution of
an individual does not really depend on dle individual. A simple dynamic
stheduling algorithm is usually enough to share the population between each
processor equally.
On a distribmed memory compUter, we can smre the population in one "master"
processor responsible for sending the individuals to the other processors, i.e.,

Page 242

241Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
"slaves." The master processor is also responsible for collecting the result of the
evaluation. A drawback of this distributed memory implementation is that a
bottleneck may occur when slaves are idle while only the master is working. But a
simple and good use of the master processor can improve the load balancing by
distributing individuals dynamically tothe slave processors when they finish their
A further seep could consist in applying thegenetic operators in parallel. In fact, the
interaction inside the population only occurs during selection. The breeding,
involving only two individuals to generate he offspring, could easily be done
simultan eously over n/2 paits of individuals. But it is not chat clear if it worth doing
so. Crossover is usually very simple and not so time-consuming; the point is nor
that too much time will be lost during the communication, but that the time gain in
the algori thm will be almost nothing compared to the effort produced to change the
This kind of global parallelization simply shows how easy it can be to transpose
any GA onto a parallel machine and how a speed -up sublinear to the number of
processors may be e xpected. Classification of Parallel GAs
The basic idea behind most parallel programs is to divide a cask into chunks and
co solve the chunkssimulraneously using multiple processors. This divide -and-
conquer approach can be applied to GAs in many different ways, and the literature contains many examples of successful parallel implementations. Some parallelizacion methods use a single population, while others divide the population
into several relatively isolated subpopulacions. Some methods can exp loit massively parallel computer architectures, while others are better suited to multicomputers with fewer and more powerful processing elements.
There are three main cypes of PGAs:
1. global single -population master -slave GAs,
2. single -population fine -grained,
3. multiple -population coarse -grained GAs.
In a master -slave GA there is a single panmicric population (just as in a simple
GA), but the evaluation of fitness is distributed among several processors (see
Figure 9-40). Since in this type of PGA, selection and crossover consider the entire
population it is also known as global PGA. Fine -grained PGAs are suited for
massively parallel computers and consist of one spatially structured population.

Page 243

Selection and mating are resrricred to a small neighbot hood, but neighbothoods
overlap permitting some interaction among all the individuals (see Figure 9-41 for
a sthematic of this class of GAs). The ideal case is co have only one individual for
every processing element available.
Multiple -popuJarion (or mult iple-deme) GAs are more sophisticated, as they
consist in several subpopulacions which exchange individuals occasionally (Figure
9-42 has a sthematic). This exchange of individuals Master Workers

Figure 9‡ A sthematic of a master -slave PGA. The master stores the population,
executes GA operations and distributes individuals to the slaves. The slaves only
evaluate the fitness of the individuals.

Figure 9·41 A sthematic of a fine -grained PGA. This class ofPGAs has one
spadally distributed popularion, and ir can be implemented very efficiently on
massively parallel compmers.

Page 244

243Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm

Figure 9·42 A sthematic of a mulciple -populaTion PGA. Each process is a simple
GA, and there is (infrequent) communicadon between the populations.
is called migration and, as we shall see in later sections, it is conttolled by several
parameters. Multiple -deme GAs are very popular, but also are the class ofPGAs
which is most difficult to understand, because the effects of migration are not fully
unders tood. Multiple -deme PGAs introduce fundamental changes in the operation
of the GA and have a different behavior than simple GAs.
Multiple -deme PGAs are known with different names. Sometimes they are known
as "distributed" GAs, because they are usually impl emented on distributed memory
MIMD computers. Since the computation to communication ratio is usually high,
they are occasionally called coarse -grained GAs. Finally, multipledeme GAs
resemble the "island model" in Population Genetics which considers relati vely
isolated demes, so the PGAs are also known ·as "island" PGAs. Since the size of
the demes is smaller than the population used by a serial GA, we would expect that
lhe PGA converges faster. However, when we compare the performance of the
serial and the parallel algorithms, we must also consider the qualicy of the solutions
found in each case. Therefore, while it is true that smaller demes converge faster,
it is also true iliar the qualicy of the solution might be poorer.
It is important to emphasize th at while the master -slave parallelization method
does not affect the behaviour of the algorithm, the last two methods change the way
the GA works. For example, in master -slave PGAs, selection takes into account all
the population, but in the other two PGAs , seleccion only considers a subset of
individuals. Also, in the mascerslave any two individuals in the population can
mare (i.e., there is random mating), but in the other methods mating is restricted to
a subset of individuals.
The final merhod to parall elize GAs combines multiple demes with masrerslave or
finegrained GAs. We call this class of algorithms hierarchical PGAs, because at a
higher level they are multipledeme algorithms with single -population PGAs (either

Page 245

master -slave or finegrained) at the lo wer level. A hierarchical PGA combines the
benefits of its components, and it ptomises bener performance than any of them
Master -slave parallelization : This section reviews the masterslave (or global)
parallelization method. The algorithm uses a single population and the evaluation
of the individuals and/or the application of genetic operators are done in parallel.
As in the serial GA, each individual may compete and mate with any other (thus
selection and mating are global). Global PGAs are usual ly implemented as masrer -
slave programs, where the master stores the population and the slaves evaluate the
The most common operation iliac is parallelized is the evaluation of the individuals,
because the fitness of an individual is independent f rom the rest of the population,
and there is no need to communicme during this phase. The evaluation of
individuals is parallelizcd by assigning a fraction of the population to each of the
processors available. Communication occurs only as each slave recei ves its subset
of individuals to evaluate and when the slaves return the fitness values. If the
algorithm stops and waits to receive the fitness values for all the population before ptoceeding intothe next generation, then the algorithm is synchtonous. A synchtonous mastcrslave GA has exacdy the same ptoperties as a simple GA, with
speed being the only difference. However, ir is also possible to implement an
asynchtonous master -slave GA where the algorithm does nor stop to wait for any
slow processors, but it does nor work exactly like a simple GA. Most global PGA
implementations are synchtonous and the rest of the paper assumes that global PGA
carry our exactly the same search of simple GAs.
The global paralleliz.acion model does nor assume anything about t he underlying
computer architecture, and it can be implemented efficiently on shared memory
and distributed -memory computers. On a sharedmemory multiprocessor, the
popul:.tion could be sloted in shared memory and each processor can read the
individuals ass igned co it and write the evaluation results back without any
On adisrributed -memorycomputer, the population can be scored in one processor.
This "master" processor would be responsible for explicidy sending the individuals
tothe other processor s {the "slaves") for evaluation, collecting the results and
applying thegenetic operators toproduce the next generation. The number of
individuals assigned to any processor may be constant, but in some cases (like in a
multiuser envitonment where the ucili z.acion of processors is variable) it may be

Page 246

245Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
necessary to balance the computational load among the processors by using a
dynamic stheduling algorithm (e.g., guided self stheduling).
Multiple -deme parallel GAs : The important characteristics of multiple -deme
PGAs are the use of a few relarively large subpopulations and migration. Mulciple -
deme GAs are the most popular parallel method, and many papers have been
written describing innumerable aspects and derails of their implementation.
Probably the first syst ematic srudy of PGAGrosso's dissertation. His objective was to simulate the interaction of several
parallel subcomponents of an evolving population. Grosso simulated diploid
individuals (so there were two subcomponentS for each "gene"), and the population
was divided into five demes. Each deme exchanged individuals with all the others
with a fixed migration rate.
With conttolled expetiments, Gtosso found cha the improvement of the average
population fitness was fasrer in th e smaller demes rhan in a single large panmictic
population. This confirms a longheld principle in Population Genetics: favorable
traits spread faster when the demes are small chan when the demes are large.
However, he also observed that when the demes wer e isolated, the rapid rise in
fitness stopped at a lower fitness value than with the large population. In other
words, the quality of the solution found after convergence was worse in the isolated
case chan in the single population.
With a low migration ra te, the demes still behaved independently and exploted
different regions of the search space. The migrants did not have a significant effect
on the receiving deme and the quality of the solutions was similar to the case where
the demes were isolated. Howev er, at intermediate migration rates the divided
population found solutions similar to those found in the panmictic population.
These observations indicate that there is a critical migration rate below which the
performance of the algorithm is obstructed by the isolation of the demes, and above
which the partitioned population finds solutions of the same quality as the
panmictic population.
It is interesting that such important observations were made so long ago, at the
same time that other systematic studie s ofPGAs were underway. For example,
Tanese ptoposed a PGA with the demes connected on a fourdimensional hypercube
topology. In Tanese's algorithm, migration occurred at fixed intervals between
processors aJong one dimension of the hypercube. The migrants were chosen
ptobabilistically from the best individuals in the subpopulation, and they replaced
the worst individuals in the receiving deme. Tanese carried out three sees of

Page 247

246SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUESexpetiments. In the first, the interval between migrations was ser to five generat ions, and the number of processors varied. In tests with two migration rates
and varying the number of processors, the PGA found results of the same quality
as the serial GA. However, it is difficulc to see from the xpetimental results if the
PGA found the solutions sooner than the serial GA, because the range of the cimes
is too large. In the second set of expetiments, Tanese varied the mutation and
crossover rates in each deme, attempting to find parameter values to balance
explotation and exploitation. T he third set of expetiments studied the effect of the
exchange frequency on the search, and the results showed thar migrating too
frequendy or too infrequently degraded the performance of the algorithm.
The multideme PGAs are popular due to the following several reasons:
l. Multiple -deme GAs seem like a simple extension of the serial GA. The recipe
is simple: take a few conventional (serial) GAs, run each of them on a node
of a parallel computer, and at some predetermined times exchange a few
2. There is relatively little extra effort needed to convert a serial GA into a
multiple -deme GA. Most of the program of the serial GA remains the same
and only a few subtoutines need to be added co implement migration.
3. Coarse -grain paral lel computers are easily available, and even when they are
not, it is easy co simulate one with a network of workstations or even on a
single processor using free software (like MPI or PVM).
There are a few important issues noted fromthe above sections. Fo r example, PGAs
are very ptomising in termsofthegains in performance. Also, PGAsare more
complex than their serial counterpartS. In particular, the migration of individuals
from one deme to another is conttolled by several p:uameters like (a) the topology
that defines the connections between the subpopulations, (b) a migr;uion r;Ht::
conttols how m;my individuals migrate and (c) a migration inrerval that affecrs
thefreqU<'lK· of mir.1inn. In rht.' btl' 1 1lS(h .ullll·arl· 1990 the research on PGA:;
began to explote alternatives to make PGAs faster and to understand better how
they worked.
Around this time the first theorecical srudies on PGAs began to appear and the
empirical research attempted to identify favorable parameters. This section reviews
some of that early theoretical work and expetimental srudies on migration and
topologies. Also in this period, more researthers began to use mulciplepopulation
GAs co solve application problems, and this section ends with a brief review of
their work.

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247Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
One of the directions in which the field matured is that PGAs began to be tested
with very large and difficult test functions.
Fine -grained PGAs : The devdopment of massively paraHel compmers triggers a
new approach of PGAs. To take advantage of new architectures with even a greater
number of processors and less communication coslS, fine -grained PGAs have been
devdoped. The population is now partitioned into a la..tge number of very smaJl
subpopulations. The limit (and may be ideal) case is to have just one individ ual for
every processing element available.
"Basically, the population is mapped onto a connected processor graph, usually,
one individual on each processor. (But it works also more than one individual on
each processor. In this case, it is preferable to c hoose a multiple of the number of
processors for the population size.) Mating is only possible between neighboring
individual, i.e, individuals stored on neighboring processors. The selection is also
done in a neighbothood of each individual and so depends only on local information. A motivation behind local selection is biological. In nature there is no
global selection, instead natural selection is a local phenomenon, raking place in an
individual's local envitonment.
If we want to compare this model to t he island model, each neighbothood can be
considered as a different deme. But here, the demes overlap ptoviding a way w
disseminate good solutions actoss the entire population. Thus, the topology does
not need w explicitly define migration toads and migrat ion rare.
It is common to place the population on a two -dimensional or three -dimensional
torus grid because in many massively parallel computers the processing elements are connected using this topology. Consequently each individual has four neighbors. Exp etimentally, it seems that good results can be obtained using a
topology with a medium diameter and neighbothoods nor too large. Like the
coarse -grained models, it worth trying to simulate this model even on a single
processor to improve the results. Indee d, when the population is stored in a grid
like this, after few generations, different optima could appear in different places on
the grid.
To sum up, with parallelization of GA, all the different models ptoposed and all the
new models we can imagine by mi xing those ones, can demonstrate how well GA
are adapted to parallel compmarion. In fact, the too many implementations reponed
in the literature may even be confusing. We really need to understand what truly
affects the performance of PGAs.
Fine-grained PG As have only one population, but have a spatial structure that limits
the interactions between individuals. An individual can only compere and mate

Page 249

with its neighors; but since the neighbothoods overlap good solutions may
disseminate actoss the entire popu lation.
Robertson parallelized the GA of a classifier system on a Connection Machine 1.
He parallelized the selection of parents, the selection of classifiers to replace,
mating, and cl -ossover. The execution time of his implementation was independent
of the number of classifiers (up to 16K, the number of processing elements in the
Hierarchical parallel algorithms : A few researthers have cried to combine two of
the methods to parallelize GAs, producing hierarchical PGAs. Some of these new
hybrid algorithms add a new degree of complexity to .the already complicated
scene of PGAs, but other hybrids manage to keep the same complexity as one of
their components. When two methods of pacallelizing GAs are combined they form
a hierarchy. At t he upper level most of the hybrid PGAs ace multiple -population
Some hybrids have a fine -grained GA at the lower level (see Figure 9-43). For
example Gruau invented a "mixed" PGA. In his algorithm, the population of each
deme was placed on a two -dimensional grid, and the demes themselves were
connected as a two -dimensior:tal toM. Migration between demes occurred at
regulae intervals, and good results were reported for a novel neucal network design
and uaining application.
Another type of hierarch ical PGA uses a master -slave on each of the demes of a
multi -population GA (see Figure 9-44). Migration occurs between demes, and the
evaluation of the individuals is handled in parallel. This approach does not
inttoduce new analytic problems, and it can b e useful when worlt:ing with complex applications with objective functions that need a considerable amount of compurarion time. Bianchini and

Figure 9-43 Hierarchical GA combines a multiple -deme GA (ar the upper level)
and a fine -grained GA {at the lower level).

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249Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm

Figure 9-44 A sthematic of a hierarchical PGA. At the upper level this hybrid is a
mulci -deme PGA where each node is a master -slave GA.

Figure 9·45 This hybrid uses mulciple -deme GAs ar both the upper and the lower
levels. At the lower level the migration rate is faster and the communicarions
topology is much denser than at the upper level.
Btown presented an example of this method of hybridizing PGAs, and showed that
it can find a solution of the same qualiry as of a masrerslave PGA or a multipledeme
GAin less time.
Interestingly, a very similar concept was invented by Goldberg in the contex t of an objecr·oriented implementation of a "community model" PGA. In each "community" there are multiple houses where parents reproduce and the offsprings
are evaluated. Also, there are multiple communities and ir is possible that individuals migrate to o ther places.

Page 251

A third method of hybridizing PGAs is to use multiple -deme GAs at both the upper
and the lower levels (see Figure 9-45). The idea is to force panmiaic mixing ar the
lower level by using a high migration rate and a dense topology, while a low
migration rate is used at the high level. The complexity of this hybrid would be
equivalent to a multiplepopularion GA if we consider the gtoups of panmicric
subpopularions as a single deme. This method has nor been implemented yet.
Hierarchical implementat ions can reduce the execution time more than any of their
components alone. Coarse· Grained PGAs - The Island Model
The second class of PGA is once again inspired by nature. The population is now
divided into a few subpopu lations or demes, and each of these relatively large demes evolves separately on different processors. Exchange between subpopularions is possible via a migration operator. The term island model is easily
understandable; the GA behave as if the world was constituted of islands where
populations evolve isolated from each other. On each island the population is free
to converge award different optima. The migration operator allows "merissage" of
the different sub populations and is supposed to mix good features that emerge
locally in the different demes.
We can notice chat this time the nature of the algorithm changes. An individual can
no longer breed wit h any other from the entire population, but only with individuals
of the same island. Amazingly, even if this algorithm has been developed to be used
on several processors, it is wonh simulating it sequentially on one processor. It has
been shown on a few problems that better results can be achieved using this model.
This algorithm is able to give different suboptimal solutions, and in many problems,
it is an advantage if we need to determine a kind of landscape in the search space
to know where the good so lutions are located. Another great advantage of the island
model is iliat cite population in each island can evolve wiili different rules. That
can be used for multicriterion optimization. On each island, selection can be made
according to different fitnes s functions, representing different criterions. For
example it can be useful to have as many islands as criteria, plus another central
island where 'selection is done with a multicriterion fitness function.
The migration operator allows individuals to move betwen islands, and therefore,
m mix criteria.
In lirerarure this model is sometimes also referred as the coarsegrained PGA. (In
parallelism, grain size refers m the ratio of time spent in computation and time spent
in communication; when the ratio is hig h the processing is called coarsegrained).
Sometimes, we can also find the term "distributed" GA, since they are usually
implemented on distributed memory machines (MIMD Computers).

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251Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
Technically there are three important features in the coarsegrained PGA: the
topology that defines connec tions between sub populations, migration rare that
conttols how many individuals migrate, migration intervals chat affect how often
the migration occurs. Even if a lot of work has been done to find optimal mpology
and migrat ion parameters, here, intuition is still used more often than analysis with
quite good results.
Many topologies can be defined m connect the demes, but the most common
models are the island model and the steppingstones model. In the basic island
model, mi gration can occur between any subpopulations, whereas in the Stepping
stone demes are disposed on a ring and migration is restricted to neighbouring
demes. Works have shown that cite topology of the space is nor so important as
long as ir has high connecti vity and small diameter to ensure adequate mixing as
time proceeds.
Choosing the right time for migration and which individuals should migrate
appears to be more complicated. Quite a lot of work is done on this subject, and
problems come from the following dilemmas. We can observe that species are
converging quickly in small isolated populations. Nevertheless, migrations should
occur after a time long enough for allowing the development of goods characteristics in each subpopulation. It also appears that, immigration is a trigger
for evolutionary changes. If mjgrarion occurs after each new generation, the
algorithm is more or le equivalent to a sequencia \ GA with a lar ger population. In
praaice, migration occurs either after a fixed number of iterations in each deme or
at uniform periods of time. Migrants are usually selected randomly from the best
individuals in the population and they replace the worst in the receivin g deme. In
fact, intuition is still mainly used to fix migration rare and migration intervals; there
is absolurely nothing rigid, each personal cooking recipe may give good results.
9.14.5 Independent Sampling Genetic Algorithm (ISGA)
In the independent sa mpling phase, we design a core stheme, named the "Building
Block Detecting Strategy" (BBDS), to extract relevam building block information
of a fitness landscape. In this way, an individual is able to sequentially construct
more highly fir partial solution s. For Toyal Toad Rl, the global optimum can be
attained easily. For other more complicared fitness landscapes, we allow a number
of individuals to adopt the BBDS and independently evolve in parallel so that each
sthema region can be given samples indepcndently. During this phase, the population is expected to be seeded with ptomising genetic material. Then follows
the breeding phase, in which individuals are paired for breeding based on two mate -
selection sthemes (Huang, 2001): individuals being assigned m ates by natural

Page 253

selection only and individuals being allowed to actively choose their mares. In the
Iauer case, individuals are able to distinguish candidate mates that have the same
fitness yet have different string structures, which may lead to quite dif ferent
performance after crossover. This is nor achievable by natural selection alone since
it assigns individuals of the same fitness the same probability for being mares,
without explicitly raking into account string suucrures. In short, in the breeding
phase individuals manage to construct even more ptomising sthemata thtough the
recombination of highly fir building blocks found in the first phase. Owing to the
thatacteristic of independent sampling of building blocks that distinguishes the
ptoposed GAs from tonventional GAs, we name this type of GA independent
sampling genetic algorithms (ISGAs).
9.14.9 Tomparison of ISGA with PGA
The independent sampling phase of ISGAs is similar m the fine -grained PGAs in
the sense that each individual evolves autonomously, although ISG.As do not adopt
the population scrucrure. An initial population is randomly generated. Then in
every cycle each individual does local hill climbing, and creates the next population
by mating with a parmer in its neighbothood and replacing parents if offsprings are
better. By tontrast, IS Gas partition the genetic processing into two phases: the
independent sampling phase and the breeding phase as described in the preceding
section. Third, the approach employed by each individual for improvement in IS
GAs is different from that of the PGAs. During the independent sampling phase of
ISGAs, in each cycle, through the BBD S, each individual attempts to extract
relevant informacion of potential building blocks whenever its fitness increases.
Then, based on the sthema information accumulated, individuals tontinue to
tonstruct more tomplicated building blocks. However, the ind ividuals of fine -
grained PGAs adopt a local hill climbing algorithm that does not manage to extract
relevant information of potential sthemata.
The motivation of the two phased ISGAs was partially from the messy genetic
algorithms (mGAs). The two stages employed in the mGA.s are "prtwordial phase"
and "juxtaPositional phase," in which the mGAs first emphasize candidate building
blocks based on the guess at the order k of small sthemata, then just aposing them
to build up global optima in the second phase by "cut" and "splice" operators.
However, in the first phase, the mGAs still adopt centralized selection to emphasize
some candidate sthemata; thi s in rum results in the loss of samples of other
potentially ptomising sthemata. By tontrast, IS GAs manage to postpone the
emphasis of candidate building blocks to the latter stage, and highlight the fearure
of independent sampling of building blocks to s uppress hitchhiking in the first

Page 254

253Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
phase. As a result, population is more diverse and implicit parallelism can be
fulfiUed to a larger degree. Thereafter, during the second phase, ISGA.s implement
population breeding thtough two mateselecrion sthemes as discussed in the preceding section. In the following subsections, we present the key tomponenrs of
ISGAs in detail and show the tomparisons between the expetimental results of the
ISGAs and those of several other GAs on two benchmark test functions. Tomponents of ISGAs
ISGAs are divided into two phases: the independent sampling phase and the
breeding phase. We describe them as follows.
Independent sampling phase : To implement independent sampling of various
building blocks, a number of strings are allowed w evolve in parallel and each
individual searthes for a possible evolutionary path entirely independent of others.
In this section, we develop a new searching strategy, BBDS, for each individual to
evolve based on the accumulated knowledge for potentially useful building blocks.
The idea is to allow each individual to probe valuable information toncerning
beneficial sthemata thtough resting its fitness increase since each time a fitness
increase of a string tould tome from the presence of usefu l building blocks on it. In
short, by systematically resting each bit to examine whether this bit is associated
with the fitness increase during each cycle, a cluster of bits tonstituting potentially
beneficial sthemata will be untovered. Iterating this process guarantees the formation oflonger and longer candidate building blocks.
The operation of BBDS on a string can be described as follows:
1. Generate an empty set for tollecting genes of candidate sthemata and create
an initial string with uniform prob ability for each bit until its fitness exceeds
0. (Retord the current fitness as Fit.)
2. Except the genes of candidate schemata collected, from lefr to right, successively all the other bits, one at a time, evaluate the resuhing string. If
the resulting fitness is less than Fit, retord this bit's position and original value
as a gene of candidate sthemata.
3. Except the genes retorded. Randomly generate all the other bits of the string
until the resulting string's fitness exceeds Fit. Replace Fit by the new fitness.
4. Go to steps 2 and 3 until some end criterion. The idea of this strategy is that
the tooperation of certain genes (bits) makes for good fitness.

Page 255

Once these genes tome in sight simultaneously, [hey tontribute a fitness increase w
the string tontaining them; thus any .loss of one of these genes leads to the fitness
decrease of the string. This is essentially what step 2 does and after this step we
should be able to tollect a set of genes of candidate sthemata. Then at step 3, we
keep the tollected genes of candidate sthel) lata fixed and randomly generate other
bits, awaiting other building blocks to appear and bring forth another fitness in
However, step 2 in this strategy only emphasizes the f1mess dtop due to a particular
bit. It ignores the possibility that the same bit leads to a new fitness rise because
many loci tould interact in an extremely non linear fashion. To rake this into
actount , the second version ofBBDS is inttoduced thtough the change in seep 2 as
Step 2: Except the genes of candidate sthemata tollected, from left to right,
successively all the other bits, one at a time, evaluate the resulting string. If the
resulting fitness is less than Fit, retord this bit's position and original value as a
gene of candidate sthemata. If the resulting fitness exceeds Fit, substitute this bit's
'new' value for the old value, replace Fit by this new fitness, retord this bit's
posicion and 'new' value as a gene of candidate sthemata, andre -execute this step.
Because this version of BBDS cakes into consideration the fitness increase resulted
from that particular bit, iris expected to cake less time for detecting. Other versions
of RBDS a re of tourse possible. For example, in step 2, if the same bit resuhs in a
fitness increase, ir can be retorded as a gene of candidate sthemata, and the
ptocedure tontinues to test the residual bits yetwithour tompletely traveling back to
the first bit to reexamine each bit. However, the empirical results obtained rhus far
indicate that the performance of this alternative is quire similar to that of the second
version. More expetimental results are needed to distinguish the difference between
The over all implementation of the independent sampling phase of ISGAs is thtough
the ptoposed BBDS to get autonomous evolution of each string until all individuals
in the population have reathed some end criterion.
Breeding phase: After the independent sampling ph ase, individuals independendy
build up their own evolutionary avenues by various building blocks. Hence the
population is expected to tontain diverse beneficial sthemata and premature
tonvergence is alleviated to some degree. However, factors such as decep tion and
intompatible sthemata (i.e., two sthemata have different bit values ar common
defining positions) still could lead individuals to arrive at suboptimal regions of a

Page 256

255Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
fitness landscape. Since building blocks for some strings to leave suboptimal
regio ns may be embedded in other srrings, the search for ptoper maring partners
and then exploiting the building blocks on them are critical for overwhelming the
difficulty of strings being trapped in undesired regions. In Huang (2001) the
importance of mate se lection has been investigated and the results showed that the
GAs is able to improve their performance when the individuals are allowed to select
maces to a larger degree.
In this section, we adopt two mate -selection sthemes analyzed in Huang (2001) w
breed the population: individuals being assigned mates by natural selection only
and individuals being allowed to actively choose their mares. Since natural
selection assigns strings of the same fitness the same probability for being parents,
individuals of id entical fitness yet distinct string structures are treated equally. This
may result in significant loss of performance improvement after crossover.
We adopt the tournament selection stheme (Mitthell, 1996) as the tole of natural
selection and the mechanism for choosing mates in the breeding phase is as follows:
During each mating evem, a binary tournament selection with ptobabilicy 1.0 is
performed to select the first individual out of the two fittest randomly sampled
individuals according to the f ollowing sthemes:
1. Run the binary tournament selection again to choose the partner.
2. Run another two times of the binary tournament selection to choose two
highly fit candidate partners; then the one more dissimilar to the first
individual is selecte d for mating.
The implementation of the breeding phase is thtough iterating each breeding cycle
which consists of (a) two parents obtained on the basis of the mateseleccion
sthemes above. (b) Two -point crossover operator (crossover rate 1.0) is applied to
these parents. (c) Both parents are replaced with both offsprings if any of the two
offsprings is better than them. Then steps (a), (b) and (c) are repeated until the
population size is reathed and this is a breeding cycle.
9.14.6 Real -Coded Genetic Algori thms
The variant of GAs for rea.lvalued optimization that is closest to the original GA
are socalled realcoded GAs. Let us assume that we are dealing with a free
Ndimensional realvalued optimization problem, which means X = RN without
tonstraints. In a real-coded GA, an individual is then represented as an N-
dimensional vector of real numbers:
b = (Xi, … .,XN)

Page 257

As selection does not involve the particular toding, no adaptation needs to be made -
all selection sthemes discussed so f ar are applicable withour any restriction. What
has to be adapted to £his special structure are the genetic oper.uions crossover and
mutation. Crossover Operators for Real -Coded GAs
So far, the following crossover sthemes are most common for real-coded GAs:
Flat crossover: Given two parents b1 = (x1/2, ... , x1/N) and b2 = (x2/1, ... , x2/N), a
vector of random values from the unit interval (AJ , ... , AN) is chosen and the
offspring b = (x{, ... , xfv) is tomputed as a vector of linear tombinations in the
following way (for all i = 1, ... , N):
x1i = Oi - x1i + (1 - Oi) – x2i
BLX -Įcrossover is an extension of flat crossover, which allows an offspring allele
to be also located outside the interval
[min(x1i, x2j), max(x1i, x2i)]
In BLX - Į crossover, each offspring allele is chosen as a uniformly disuibuted
random value from the imerval
[min (x1i, x2j), max(x, 1i, x2i) + 1 -Į@
where l = max(x1i,x2i) – min (x1i,x2i). The parameter a has to be chosen in advance.
For a = 0, BLX -a crossover becomes identical to flat crossover.
Simple crossover is nothing else but classical one -point crossover for real vectors,
i.e., a crossover site k H 2{ 1, ... , N- 1} is chosen and cwo offspring are created in
the following way:
b1 = (x1i««[1k, x1k+1 «x2N)
bN = (x21««[2k, x1k+1 «x1N)
Discrete crossover is analogous to classical uniform crossover for real vectors. An
offspring b of the two parents b1 and b2 is composed from alleles, which are
randomly chosen either as x1i or x2i. Mutation Operators for Real -Coded GAs
The following mutation operators are most common for real -coded GAs:
1. Random mutation: For a randomly chosen gene i of an individual b = (x l, ... ,
XN), the allele x; is replaced by a randomly chosen value from a predefined
interval Ia, b,].

Page 258

257Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
2. Nonuniform mutation : In nonuniform mutation, the possible impact of
mutation decreases with the number of generations. Assume that fmax is the
predefined maximum number of generations. Then, with the same setup as in
random mumion, the allele xi is replaced by one of the two values
= x1+A (t,b; - x1)
:if= x; -A (r,x; - a;)
The choice as to which of the two is taken is determined by a random expetiment
with two outtomes that have equal probabilities 1/2 and I /2. The random variable
A (t, x) determines a mutation step from the range 10, xl in the following way:
D. (t,x) = x(J - ,+G‡P‡,-

In this formula, A is a uniformly distributed random value from the unit interval.
The parameter r determines the influence of the generation index ton the disrribution of mutation step sizes over the imerval IO,xl.
9.15 Holland Classifier Sy stems
A Holland classifier system is a classifier system of the Michigan type which
processes binary messages of a fixed length thtough a rule base whose rules are
adapted actording to response of the envitonment.
9.15.1 The Production System
First of all, the tommunication of theproduction system with the envitonment is
done via an arbitrarily long list of messages. The derectors translate responses from
the environment two binary messages and place them on the message list which is
then scanned and ch anged by the rule base. Finally, the effectors translate output
messages two actions on the envitonment, such as forces or movements.
Messages are binaty strings of the same length k. More formally, a message belongs
w {0, l}k. The rule base consists of a fixed number (m) of rules (classifiers) which
tonsist of a fixed number (r) of conditions and an acrion, where both conditions and
actions are strings oflength k over the alphabet {0, 1, *}.The asterisk plays the tole
of a wildcard, a 'don't care' symbol.
A condition is matthed if and only if there is a message in the list which matthes
the tondition in all nonwildcard positions. Moreover, conditions, except the first
one, may be negated by adding a' -' prefix. Such a prefixed tondition is satisfied if
and o nly if there is no message in the list which marthes the string associated with
the tondition. Finally, a rule fires if and only if all the conditions are satisfied, i.e.,

Page 259

the conditions are tonnected with AND. Such 'firing' rules tompere to put their
action messages on the message list.
In the action pans, the wildcard symbols have a different meaning. They take
thetole of 'pass through' element. The outpm message of a firing rule, whose action
parr tontains a wildcard, is composed from the actually the re ason why Ilegations
of the first conditions are not allowed. More formally; the outgoing message m is
defined as

where a is the action part of the classifier and m is the.(Ilessage which matthes the
first tondition. Formally, a classifier is a suing of t he form
Cond 1,|’-‘|| Cond 2, ……, |’ -‘ Cond,/Action
where the brackets shouJd express the optionalicy of the " -" prefixes. Depending
on the toncrete nee¢; of the task to be solved, it may be desirable to allow messages
to be preserved for the next step. More specifically, if a message is not interpreted
and removed by the effectors interface, it can make another classifier fire in the
next step. In practical applications, this is usually actomplished by reserving a few
bits of the messages for identifying the origin of the messages (a kind of variable
index called tag).
Tagging offers new opportunities to transfer information about the current step
intothe next step simply by placing ragged messages on the list, which are not
interpreted, by the output interfa ce. These messages, which obviously tontain
information about the previous step, can support the decisions in the next step.
Hence, apptopriate use of rags permits rules to be toupled to act sequenrially. In
some sense, such messages are the memory of the system.
A single execmion cycle of the production system consists of the following steps:
1. Messages from the environment are appended tothe message list.
2. All the conditions of all classifiers are thecked against the message list w
obtain the set of firing rules.
3. The message list is erased.
4. The firing classifiers participate in a tompetition to place their messages on
the list.
5. The winning classi fiers place their actions on the list.

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259Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
6. The messages directed to the effectors are executed.
This ptocedure is repeated iteratively. How step 6 is done, if these messages are
deleted or nor, and so on, depends on the toncrete implementation. It is, on t he one
hand, possible to choose a representation such that the effectors can interpret each
output message. On the other hand, it is possible to direct messages explicitly to
the effectors with a special tag. If no messages are directed to the effectors, t he
system is in a iliinking phase.
A classifier Rl is called tonsumer of a classifier R2 if and only if there is a message
mO which fulfills at least one ofRl's conditions and has been placed on the list by
R2. Tonversely, R2 is called a supplier of Rl.
9.15.2 The Bucket Brigade Algorithm
As already mentioned, in each time step t, we assign a strength value u i,t to each
classifier Ri. This strength value represents the torrectness and importance of a
classifier. On the one hand, the strengrh value influenc es the chance of a classifier
to place its action on the output list. On the other hand, the suength values are used
by the rule distovery system, which we will soon discuss.
In Holland classifier systems, the adaptation of the strength values depending on
the feedback (payoff) from the envitonment is done by the so.called bucket brigade
algorithm. It can be regarded as a simulared economic system in which various
agents, here the classifiers, participate in an auction, where the chance to buy the
right to post the action depends on the strength of the agents.
The bid of classifier Ri at timet is defined as
B;,, = CLrJ;,,S;
where CL E [0, 1] is a learning parameter, similar to learning rates in anificial neural
nets, and s,- is the specificity, the number of nonwildcard symbols in the tondition
pan of the classifier. If CL is chosen small, the system adapts slowly. If it is chosen
too high, the strengths rend to oscillate chaotically. Then the rules have to tompete
for the right for placing their"output messages on the list. In the simplest case, this
can be done by a random expetiment like the selection in a genetic algorithm. For
i:h bidding classifier it is decided randomly if it wins or not, where the probability
that it wins is proportional to its bid:

Page 261

In rhis equation, Sar1 is the set of indices of all classifiers which are satisfied at
timet. Classifiers which get the right to post their output messages are called
winning classifiers.
Obviously, in this approach more than one winning classifier is allowed. C f tourse,
or her selection sthemes are reasonable, for instance, the highest bidding agent wins
alone. This is necessary t o avoid the conflict between two winning classifiers. Now
let us discuss how payoff from the envitonment is disrtibuted and how the strengths
are adapted. For this purpose, let us denme the set of classifiers, which have
supplied a winning gent R; in step t ZLWK‡7KHQWKHQHZVWUHQJWKRIDZLQQLQJ
agent is reduced by its bid and increased by its portion of the payoff P1 received
&om the environment:

where w1 is the number of winning agents in the actual time step. A winning agent
pays its bid to its suppliers which share the bid among each other equally in the
simplest case:

If a winning agent has also been active in the previous step and supplies another
winning agent, the value above is additionally increased by one portion of the bid
the tonsumer offers. In the case that two winning agents have supplied each other
mutually, the portions of the bids are exchanged in the above manner. The
SHengrhs of all other classifiers Rm which are neither winning agents nor suppliers
of winning agents, are reduc ed by a certain factor (they pay a rax):
un,1+1 = N n,1 (1 – T)
T is a small value lying in the interval [0, 1]. The intention of taxation is to punish
classifiers which never contribute anything to the outputof thesystem. With this
concept, redundant classifiers, which never become active, can be filtered out.
The idea behind credit assignment in general and bucket brigade in particular is w
increase the strengths of rules, which have ser the stage for later successful actions.
The problem of determining such classifiers, which were responsible for conditions
under which it was later on possible to receive a high payoff, can be very difficult.
Consider, for instance, the game of thess again, in which very early moves can be
significant for a l ate success or failure. In fact, the bucker brigade algorithm can
solve this problem, although strength is only transferred to the suppliers, which

Page 262

261Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
were active in the previous step. Each time the same sequence is activated,
however, a little bir of the pay off is transferred one step back in the sequence. It is
easy to see that repeated successful execution of a sequence increases the mengrhs
of all involved classifiers.

Figure 9·46 The bucker brigade principle.
Figure 9-46 shows a simple example of how the bucker brigade algorithm works.
For simplicity, we consider a sequence of five classifiers which always bid 20% of
their strength. Only after the fifth step, after the activation of the fifth classifier, a
payoff of 60 is received. The f urther development of the strengths in this example
is shown in the Table lS -7. It is easy to see from this example that the reinforcement
of the strengths is slow at the beginning, but it accelerates later. Exactly this
property tontributes much to the ro bustness of classifier systems - they tend to be
cautious at the beginning, trying not to rush conclusions, but, after a certain number
of similar situations, the system adopts the rules more and more.
It might be clear that a Holland classifier system onl y works if successful sequences
of classifier activations are observed sufficiently often. Otherwise the bucket

Page 263

brigade algorithm does not have a chance to reinforce the strengths of the successful
sequence ptoperly.
9.15.3 Rule Generation
The purpose of the rule distovery system is to eliminate low -firred rules and to
replace them by hopefully better ones. The fitness of a rule is simply its strength.
Since the classifiers of a Holland classifier system themselves are strings, the
applicati on of a GA to the problem of rule induction is straightforward, though
many variants are reasonable. Almost all variants have one thing in common: the
GA is nor invoked in each time step, but only every nth step, where 11 has to be
set such that enough inf ormation about the performance of new classifiers can be
obtained in the meantime. A. Geyer -Schuh., for instance, suggests the following
ptocedure, where the strength of new classifiers is initialized with the average
strength of the current rule base:
1. Select a subpopulation of a certain size at random.
2. Compute a new set of rules by applying the genetic operations - selection,
crossingover and muration - to this subpopularion.
3. Merge the new sub population with the rule base omitting duplicates and
replace the worst classifiers.
Table 9·7 An example for repeated propogation of payoffs
Strength after the
3rd 100.00 100.00 101.60 120.80 172.00
4th 100.00 100:32 103.44 136.16 197.60
5th 100.06 101.34 111.58 92.54 234.46
6th 100.32 103.39 119.78 168.93 247.57
10th 106.56 124.17 164 .44 224.84 278.52
25th 29.86 253.20 280.36 294.52 299.24
execution of the sequence

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263Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
This process of acquiring new rules has an interesting sideffect. Iris more rhan just the exchange of parts of conditions and actions. Since we have nor stared restrictions for manipu lating rags, the GA can retombine parts of already existing
rags m invent new tags. In the following. rags spawn related rags establishing new
touplings. These new tags survive if they tonrribute to useful interactions. In this
sense, the GA additionally c reates experience -based internal structures autonomously.
9.16 Genetic Programming
Genetic programming (GP) is also part of the gtowing set of evolutionary
algorithms that apply the search principles of natural evolution in a variety of
differem problem domains, notably parameter optimization. Evolutionary algorithms and GP in particular, follow Darvin's principle of differential natural
selection. This principle states that the follow"ing preconditions must be fulfilled
for evolution to occur via (natural) selection:
1. There are entities called individuals which form a population. These entities
can reproduce or can be reproduced.
2. There is herediry in reproduction, rhat is to say that individuals produce
similar offspring.
3. In the tourse of reprodu ction, there is variery which affects the likelihood of
survival and therefore of reproducibility of individuals.
4. There are finite resources which cause the individuals to tompete. Owing to
over reproduction of individuals nor all can survive the struggle for existance. Differential natural selections will exert a tontinuous pressure towards improved individuals.
In the long run, GP and other evolutionary computing technologies will revolutionize program devel opmem. Present methods are not mamre enough for
deploymem as automatic programming systems. Nevertheless, GP has already
made intoads two automatic programming a nd will tontinue to do so in the
foreseeable fmure. Likewise, the application of evolution in machine -learning
problems is one of the potentials we will exploit over the coming decade.
GP is part of a more general Held known as evolutionary tomputation. Ev olutionary
tomputation is based on the idea that basic concepts of biological reproduction and
evolution can serve as a metaphor on which computer -based, goal -directed problem
solving can be based. The general idea is that a computer program can maintain a

Page 265

population of artifacts represented using some suitable computer -based data
structures. Elements of that population can then mare, mutate, or otherwise
reproduce and evolve, directed by a fitness measure that assesses the quality of the
population with re spect to the goal of the task at hand.
GP is an automated method for creating a working computer program from a high -
level problem statement of a problem. GP starts from a high -level statement of
'what needs to be done' and automarically creates a computer program to solve the
One of the central challenges of computer science is to get a computer to do what
needs to be done, without telling it how to do it. GP addresses this challenge by
ptoviding a method for automatically creating a working tompm er program from a
high-level problem statement of the problem. GP achieves this goal of automatic
programming (also sometimes called program synthesis or program induction) by
genetically breeding a population of computer programs using the principles of
Darwinian natural selection and biologically inspired operations. The operations
include reproduction, crossover, mutation and architecture -altering operations
patterned after gene duplication and gene deletion in nature.
GP is a domain -independent method t hat genetically breeds a population of
computer programs to solve a problem. Specifically, GP iteratively transforms a
population of computer programs into a new generation of programs by applying
analogs of naturally occurring genetic operations. The gene tic operations include
crossover, mutation, reproduction, gene duplication and gene deletion. GP is an
excellent problem solver, a superb function apptoximator and an effective tool for
writing functions to solve specific tasks. However, despite all these areas in which
it excels, it still does not replace programmers; rather, it helps them. A human still
must specify the fitness function and identify the problemto which GP should be
9.16.1 Working of Genetic Programming
GP typically starts with a population of randomly generated tom purer programs
composed of the available programmatic ingredients. GP iteratively transforms a
population of computer programs into a new generation of the population by
applying analogs of na turally occurring genetic operations. These operations are applied to individual(s) selected from the population. The individuals are ptobabilisrically selected to participate in the genetic operations based on their
fitness (as measured by the f1tness mea sure provided by the human user in the third

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265Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
preparatory step). The iterative transformation of the population is executed inside
the main generational loop of the run of G P.
The executional steps of GP (i.e., the flowchart of GP) are as follows;
1. Rand omly create an initial population (generation 0) of individual computer
programs composed of the available functions and terminals.
2. Iteratively perform the following subsreps (called a genemtion) on the
population until the termination criterion is sat isfied:
* Execute each program in the population and ascertain its fitness
(explicitly or implicitly) using the problem's fitness measure.
* Select one or two individual program(s) from the population with a
probability based on fitness (with reselecrion allowed) to participate in
the genetic operations in the next subsrep.
* Create new individual program(s) for the populaiion by applying the
following genetic operations with specified probabilities:
(a) Reproduction: Topy the selected individ ual program to the new
(b) Crossover: Create new offspring program(s) for the new population by recombining randomly chosen parts from two
selected programs.
(c) Mutation: Create one new offspring program for the new population by randomly mu tating a randomly chosen part of one
selected program.
(d) Archirecrure -altring operation - Choose an architecture altering
operation from the available repertoire of such operations and
create one new offspring program for the new population by
applying the chosen architecture -altering operation to one selected program.
3. After the termination criterion is satisfied, the single best program in the
population produced during the run (the besr -so-far individual) is harvested
and designated as the result o f the run. If the run is successful, the result may
be a solution (or approximate solution) to the problem.
GP is problem -independent in the sense that the flowchart specifying the basic
sequence of executional steps is not modified for each new run or eac h new
problem. There is usually no discretionary human intervention or interaction during

Page 267

a run of genetic programming (although a human user may exercise judgment as to
whether to terminate a run).
Figure 9-47 below is a flowchart showing the executional steps of a run ofGP. The
flowchart shows the genetic operations of crossover, reproduction and mutation as
well as the architecrurealrering operations. This flowchart shows a two -offspring
version of the crossover operation.

Figure 9-47 Flowchart of genetic programming.

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267Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
The flowchart of GP is explained as follows: GP starts with an initial population of computer programs composed of functions and terminals apptopriate to the problem. The individual programs in the initial population are t ypically generated
by recursively generating a rooted point -labeled program tree composed of random
choices of the primitive functions and terminals (provided by the human user as
part of the first and setond preparatory steps, a run ofGP). The initial ind ividuals
are usually generated subject to a pre -established maximum size (specified by the
user as a minor parameter as pan of the founh preparatory step}. In general, the
programs in the population are of different sizes (number of functions and
terminals) and of different shapes (the particular graphical arrangement of functions and terminals in the program tree).
Each individual program in the population is executed. Then, each individual
program in the population is either measured or tompared in rerms of how well it
performs the task at hand (using the fitness measure provided in the third
preparatory step). For many problems, this measurement yields a single explicit
numerical value called fitness. The fitness of a program may be measured in many
different ways, including, for example, in terms of the amount of error between its
output and the desired output, the amount of time (fuel, money, etc.) required to
bring a system to a desired target stare, the accuracy of the program in retognizing
patterns or classifying objects into classes, the payoff that a game -playing program
produces, or the tompliance of a tompl ex structure (such as an antenna, circuit, or
tonttoller) with user -specifted design criteria. The execution of the program
sometimes returns one or more explicit vaJues. Alternatively, the execution of a
program may tonsist only of side effecrs on the sta re of a world (e.g., a robot's
actions). Alternatively, the execution of a program may produce both return values
and side effects.
The fitness measure is, for many practical problems, mulriobjecrive in the sense
that it tombines two or more differem elements. The different elements of the
fitness measure are often in tompetition with one another to some degree. For many problems, each program in the population is executed over a representative sample of different fituess cases. These fitness cases may represent
different values of the program's inpur(s), differem initial conditions of a system,
or different envitonments. Sometimes the fitness cases are tonstructed probabilistically.
The creation of the initial random population is, in effect, a blind random search of
the search space of the problem. It provides a baseline for judging future search
effons. Typically, the individual programs in generation 0 all have exceedingly

Page 269

poor fitness. Nevertheless, some individuals in the population are {u sually) more
fir than odters. The difference. in fitness are dten exploited by GP. GP applies
Darwinian selection and the genetic operations to create a new population of
offspring programs from the current population.
The genetic operations include crossover, mutation, reproduction and the architecture -altering operations. These genetic operations are applied to individual(s) that are ptobabilistically selected from the population based on
fitness. In this ptobabilistic selection process, better individual s are favored over
inferior individuals. However, the best individual in the population is not necessarily selected and the worst individual in the population is not necessarily
passed over.
After the genetic operations arc performed on the current populat ion, the population
of offspring (i.e. the new generation) replaces the current population {i.e., the now -
old generation). This iterative process of measuring fitness and performing the
genetic operations· is reeated over many generations.
The run of GP te rminates when the termination criterion (as provided by the fifth
preparatory step) is satisfied. The outcome of the run is specified by the method of
result designation. The best individual ever encountered during the run (i.e., the
best-so-far individual ) is typically designated as the result of the run.
All programs in the initial random population {generation 0) of a run of GP are
symmetrically valid, executable programs. The genetic operations that are performed during the run (i.e., crossover. mutation, reproduction and the architecture -altering operations) are designed to produce offspring that art: syntactically valid, executable programs. Thus, ever individual created during a run
of genetic programming (including, in pmicular, the best -of-run indiv idual) is''
syntactically valid, executable program.
9.16.2 Characteristics of Genetic Programming
GP now toutinely delivers high -return human -competitive machine intelligence ,
the next four subsections explain what we mean by the terms human -competitive ,
high-return, routine and machine intelligence. Human -Competitive
In attempting to evaluate an automated problem -solving method, the question
arises as to whether there is any real substance tothe demonstrative problems that
are published in connection with the method. Demonstrative problems in the fields
of artificial intelligence and machine learning are often connived to problems that

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269Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
circulate exclusively inside academic g roups that study a particular methodology.
These problems typically have little relevance to any issues pursued by any scientist
or engineer outside the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
ln his 1983 talk entitled "Al: Where It Has Been and Where It Is Going," machine
learning pioneer Arthur Samuel said:
The aim is …… to get machines to exhibit behaviour, which of done by human,
would be assumed to involve the use of intelligence.
Samuel’s statement reflects the common goat articulated by the pioneers of the
1950s in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Indeed, getting
machines to produce human like results i s the reason for the existence of the fields
of artificial intelligence and machine learning. To make this goal more concrete,
we say that a result is “human -competitive” if it satisfies one or more of the eight
criteria in Table 9-8. These eight criteria have the desirable attribute of being at
arms -length from the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning and GP. That
is a result cannot acquire the rating of ‘human -competitive’ merely because it is
endorsed by researchers inside the specialized fields that are attempting to create
machine intelligence, machine learning and GP. That is, a result cannot acquire the
rating of ‘human -competitive’ merely because it is endorsed by researchers inside
the specialized fields that are attempting to create machine intelligence. Instead a
result produced by an automated method must earn the rating of human -
competitive dependent of the fact that it was generated by an automated method. High -Return
What is delivered by the accrual automated operation of an artificial method in
comparison to the amount of knowledge, information, analysis and intelligence that
is pre -supplied by the human employing the method?
We define the AI ratio (the 'artificial -to-intelligence' ratio) of a probl em-solving
method as the ratio of that which is delivered by the automated operation of the
artificial method to the amount of intelligence that is supplied by the human
applying the method to a particular problem.
Table 9·8 Eight criteria for saying that an automatically created res earch is
human -competitive
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------

Page 271

A The result was patented as an invention in the past, is an improvement over a
parented invention or would quality today as a permeable new invention.
B The result is equal to or beuer than a result that was accepted as a new
scientifi c resu lt at the time when it was published in a peer -reviewed
scientific journal.
C The result is equal to better than a result that was placed into a database or
archive of results maintained by an internationally recognized panel of
scientific experts .
D The result is publishable in its own right as a new scientific result -
independent of the fact that the result was mechanically created.
E The result is equal to or better than the most rece nt human -created solution
to a lo ng-standing problem for which there has been a succession of
increasingly better human -created solutions.
F The result is equal to or better than a research that was considered an
achievement in its field at the time it was first discovered .
G The result solves a problem of indisputable difficulty in its field.
H The result holds its own or wins a regulated tom petition involving human
contestants (in the form of either live human players or human -written
computer programs).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The AI ratio is especially pertinent to methods for getting computers to automatically solve problems because it measures the value added by the artificial
problem -solving method. Manifestly, the aim of the fields of artificial intelligence
and machine learning is to generate human -competitive results with a high AI ratio.
Deep Blue: An Arnficin/ lme//igence Milestone (Newborn, 2002) describes the
1997 defeat of the human world thess champion Garry Kaspatov by the Deep Blue
computer system. This commanding example of machine indigence is clearly a
human -competitive result (by virtue of satisfying criterion H of Table 9-8). Feng -
Suing Hsu (the system architect and chip designer for the Deep Blue project )
recounts the intensive work on the Deep Blue project at IBM's T. J. Watson
Research Centre between 1989 and 1997 {Hsu, 2002). The team of scientists and
engineers spent years developin g the software and the specialized computer chips
to efficiently evaluate large numbers of alternative moves as part of a massive
parallel state -space search. In short, the human developers invested an enormous
amount of "!" in the project . In spite of the fact that Deep Blue delivered a high

Page 272

271Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
{human -competitive ) amount of "A," the project has a low return when measured
in terms of the A -to-l ratio.
The aim of the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning is to get
computers to automatically gen erate human -competitive results with a high AI
ratio- not to have humans generate human -competitive results themselves. Routine
Generality is a precondition to what we mean when we say that an automated
problem -solving method is " combine" Once the generality of a method is established, " routineness " means that relatively little human effort is required to get
the method to successfully handle new problems wit hin a particular domain and to
successfully handle new problems from a different domain. The ease of making the
transition to new problem lies at the hearr of what we mean by routine . A problem -
solving method cannot be considered routine if its executional steps must be
substantially augmented, deleted, rearranged, reworked or customized by the
human user for each new problem. Machine Intelligence
We use the term machine intelligence to refer to the broad vision articulated in
AJan Turing's 1948 p aper emided "Intelligent Machinery" and his 1950 paper
entitled "Computing Machinery and Intelligence."
In the 1950s, the terms machine intelligence, artificial intelligence and machine
learning all referred to the goal of getting "machines to exhibit behaviour, which if
done by humans, would be assumed to involve the use of intelligence" {to again
quote Art hur Samuel).
However, in the intervening five decades, the terms "artificial intelligence" and
"machine learning" progressively diverged from their original goal -oriented
meaning. These terms are now primarily associated with particular methodologies
for a ttempting to achieve the goal of getting computers to automatically solve
problems. Thus, the term "artificial intelligence" is today primarily associated with
attempts to get computers to solve problems using methods that rely on knowledge,
logic, and var ious analytical and mathematical methods. The term "machine
learning" is today primarily associated with attempts to get computers to solve
problems that use a particular small and somewhat arbitrarily chosen set of
methodologies (many of which are statist ical in nature). The narrowing of these
terms is in marked contrast to the broad field envisioned by Samuel at the time
when he toned the term "machine learning" in the 1950s, the thatter of the original
founders of the field of artificial indigence , and t he broad vision encompassed by

Page 273

Turing's term "machine intelligence." Of course, the shift in focus from broad goals
to narrow methodologies is an all too common sociological phenomenon in
academic research.
Turing's term "machine intelligence" did not unde rgo this arteriosclerosis because,
by accident of history, it was never app ropriated or monopolized by any group of
academic researchers whose primary dedication is to a particular methodological
approach. Thus, Turing's term remains catholic today. We pre fer to use Turing's
term because it still communicates the broad goal of getting computers to
automatically solve problems in a human -like way. ,
In his 1948 paper, Turing identified three broad approa ches by which human
competitive \'e machine intelligence might be achieved: The first approach was a
logic -driven search. Turing's interest in this approach is not surprising in light of
Turing's own pioneering work in the 1930s on the logical foundations of
computing. The second approach for achieving machine intelligence was what he
called a "cultural search" in which previously acquired knowledge is accumulated,
stored in libraries and brought to bear in solving a problem - the approach taken by
modern knowledge -based expert systems. Turing's first two approa ches have been
pursued over the past 50 years by the \'past majority of resear chers using the methodologies that are today primarily associated with the term "artificial inelegance.''
9.16.3 Data Representation
Without any doubt, programs can be considered as strings. There are, however, two
important limitations which make it impossible to use the representations and
operations from our simple GA:
l. It is mostly inappropriate to assume a fix ed length of programs.
2. The probability to obtain syntactically correct programs when applying our
simple initialization crossover and mutation procedures is hopelessly low.
Lt is, therefore, indispensable to modify the data representation and the opera tions
such that syntactical correctness is easier to guarantee. The common approach to represent programs in GP is to consider programs as trees. By doing so, initialization can be done recursively, crossover can be done by exchanging sub
trees and random replacement of sub trees can serve as mutation operation.
Since their only construct are nested lists programs in LISP -like languages already
have a kind of tree -like Structure. Figure 9-48 shows an example how the function
3x + sin(x + I) can be implemented in a LISP like language and how such an LISP -
like Function can he split up into a tree. Let can be noted that the tree n: presen tation
corresponds to the nested lists. The program consists of tonic expressions, like

Page 274

273Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
variables and constants, whi ch act as leave nodes while functions act as no leave

Figure 9-48 The tree representation of 3x+ sin (x + 1).
There is one important disadvantage of the LISP approach -iris difficult to introduce
type checking. In case of a purely numeric function like in the above example, there
is no problem at all. However, it can be desirable to process numeric data, .mings
and logical expressions simultaneously. This is difficult to handle if we use a tree
representation like that in Figure 948.
A. Geyer -Schulz bas proposed a very general approach, which overcomes this
problem allowing maximum flexibility. He suggested representing programs by
their syntactical derivation trees with respect to a recursive 'definition of underlying
language in Back us-Naur form (BNF). This works for any ton text -free language.
He is far beyond the stop of this lecture to go into much derail about formal
languages. We will explain the basics with the help of a simple example. Consider
the following language which is suitable for implementing binary logical expressions:

The BNF description consists of so -called syntactical rules. Symbols in angular
brackets < > are called nomerminal symbols, i.e. symbols which have to be
expanded. Symbols between quotation marks are c alled terminal symbols, i.e., they
cannot be expanded any further. The first rule S:= defines the staining
symbol. A BNF rule of the general shape,
< non terminal > := < deriv1 > | < deriv2> | ... | < deriv11 >;

Page 275

defines how a non -terminal symbol may b e expanded, where the different varies
are separated by vertical bars.
In order to get a feeling of how to work with the BNF grammar description, we will
now show step -by-step how the expression (NOT ( x OR y)) can be deriva ted from
the above language. For simplicity, we omit quota tion marks for the terminal
1. We have to begin with the start symbol:
2. We replace hexpi with the se cond possible derivation:
o ()
3. The symbol may only he expanded with the terminal symbol NOT:
( ) o (NOT < exp>i
4. Next. we replace: with the third possible deriva tion:
(NOT ) o (NOT {))
5. We expand the se cond possible derivation for :
(NOT ( )) o (NOT ( OR ))
6. The first occurrence of is expanded with the first derivation:
(NOT ( OR )) o (NOT ( OR ) )
7. The . second occurrence of is expanded with the first derivation, too:
(NOT ( OR < exp> )) o (NOT ( OR ))
8. Now we replace the first with the corresponding first alternative:
(NOT ( < var> OR )) o (NOT tx OR ))
9. Finally, the last non -terminal symbol is expanded with the second alternative:
(NOT ix OR ) ) o (NOT tx OR y))
Such a recursive derivation has an inherent tree structure. For the above example,
this derivation tree has been visualized in Figure 9.49. The syntax of modern
programming languages can be specified in BNF. Hence, our data model w ould be
applicable to all of them. The question is whether this is useful. Koza’s hypothesis
includes that the programming language has to be chosen such that the given
problem is solvable. This does not necessarily imply that we have no choose the
languag e such that virtually any solvable problem can be solved. It is obvious that
the size of the search grows with the complexity of the language. We know that the
size of the search space influences the performance of a GA – the larger the

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275Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
language. We know t hat the size of the search space influences the performance of
a GA – the larger the slower.
It is therefore, recommendable to restrict the language to necessary constructs and
to avoid superfluous constructs. Assume, for example, that we want to do symbol ic
regression, but we are only interested in polynomials with integer coefficients. For
such an application, it would be an overkill to introduce rational constants or to include exponential functions in the language. A good choice could be the following.

For repre senting rational functions with integer coefficients, it. is sufficien t to add
the division symbol "f" to the possible derivations of the binary operator .

Figure 9·49 The derivation tree of (NOT (x OR y)).

Page 277

Another example: The following language could be app ropriate for dis covering
trigonometric identities:

There are basically two different variants of how w generate random programs with
respect to a given BNF grammar:
l. Beginning from the starting symbol, it is possible to expand nonterminal
symbols recursively, where we have to choose randomly if we have more
than one alternative derivation. This approach is simple and fast, but has
some disadvantages: First, it is almost impossible to rea lize a uniform
distribution. Se cond, one has to implement some constraints with respect to
the depth of the derivation trees in order to avoid excessive growth of the
programs. Depending on the complexity of the underlying grammar, this can
be a tedious ta sk.
2. Geyer -Schulz has suggested to prepare a list of all possible derivation trees
up to a certain depth and to select from this list randomly applying a uniform
distribution. Obviously, in this approach, the problems in terms of depth and
the resulting probability distribution are elegantly solved, but these advantages go along with considerably long computation times.
9. 16.3. 1 Crossing Programs
It is trivial to see that primitive string -based crossover of programs almost never
yields syntactically correct program. Instead, we should use the perfe ct syntax
information a derivation tree provides. Already in the USP times of Gp, sometime
before the BNF -based repre sentation was known, crossover was usually implemented as the exchange of randomly selected subtrees. In case that the
subtrees (sub expressions) may have different types of return values (e.g., logical
and numerical), it is not guaranteed iliar crossover preserves syntactical correctness.
The derivation tree based representation over comes this problem in a very elega nt
way. If we only exchange subtrees which start from the same no nterminal symbol,
crossover can never violate syntactical correctness. In this sense, the derivation tree

Page 278

277Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
model provides implicit type checking. In order to demonstrate in more detail how
this crossover operation works, let us reconsider the example of binary logical
expressions. k parents, we take the following expressions:
(NOT (x OR y))
((NOT x) OR (x AND y))
Figure l5 -50 shows graphically how the two children (NOT (x OR (x AND y)))
((NOT x) OR y) are obtained.

Figure 9-50 An example for crossing two binary logical expressions.

Page 279


Figure 9·51 An example for making a derivation tree Mutating Programs
We have always considered mutation as the random deformation of a ch romosome. It is therefore, not surprising that the most common mutation in genetic programming is the random replacement of a randomly selected subtree. The only
modification is that we do not necessarily star t from the start symbol but from the
nonterminal symbol at the root of the subtree we consider. Figure 9.51 shows as
example where in the logical expression (NOT (x OR y)). Te variable y is replaced
by (N OT y). The Fitness Function
There is no common recipe for specifying an appropriate fitness functions which
wrongly depends on the given problem. It is, however, worth emphasizing that it is
necessary to provide enough information to guide the GA to the solution. More
specifical ly, it is not sufficient to define a fitness func tion which assigns 0 to a
program which does not solve the problem and 1 to a problem. Such a fitness
function would correspond to needle -in-haystack problem. In the sense a proper
fitness measure should be a gradual concept for judging the correctness of
In many applications, the fitness function is based on a comparison of desired and
actually obtained output. Koza, for instance, uses the simple sum of quadriati c
errors for symbolic regression and the discover of trigonometric identities:

Page 280

279Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
In this definition, F is the mathematical function which corresponds to the program
under evalu ation. The list (x i, y), 1 < 1 < N consists of reference pairs – a desired
output y, is assigned to each input 1. C heck the samples have to be chosen such
that the considered input space is covered sufficiently well.
Numeric error -based fitness functions usually imply minimization probl em. Some
other applications may imply maximization tas ks. There are basically two well -
known transformation which allow to standardize fitness functions such that always
minimization or maximization tasks are obtained.
Consider an arbitrary “raw” fitness function f. Assuming that the number of
individuals in the population is not fixed (m, at time t), the standardized fitness is
computed as

It f has to be maximized and as

If f has to be minimized. One possible varia nt is to consider the best individual of
the last k generations instead of only considering the ac tual generation.
Obviously, standardized fitness transfo rm’s any optimization problem into a
minimization task. Roulet te wheel selection relies on the fact that the objective is
maximization of the fitness function. Koza has suggested a simple transformation
such tha t, in any case, a maximization problem is obtained.
With the assumptions of previous definition, the adjust ed fitness is computed as

Another variant of adjusted fitness is defined as

For applying GP w a given problem, the following points have to be satisfied.
1. An app ropriate fitness function, which provides enough information to guide
the GA to the solution (mostly based on examples).

Page 281

2. A sy ntrac tical description of a programming language, which contains as
much elements as necessary for solving the problem.
3. An in terpre ter for the programming language. The main application areas of GP include: Computer Science, Science, Engineering, and entertainment.
9.17 Advantages and Limitations of Genetic Algorithm
The advantages of GA are as follows :
1. Parallelism.
2. Liability.
3. Solution space is wider.
4. The fitness landscape is complex.
5. Easy to dis cover global optimum.
6. The problem has multi objective function.
The limitations of GA are as follows:
1. The problem of identifying fitness function.
2. Definition of represe ntation for the problem.
3. Premature convergence occurs.
4. The problem of choosing various parameters such as the size of the population, mutation rare, crossover rare, the selection method and its
9.18 Applications of Genetic Algorithm
An effective GA representation an d meaningful fitness evaluation are the keys of
the success in GA applications. The appeal of GAs tomes & on their simplici ty and
elegance as to bust search algorithms as well as from their power to dis cover good
solutions rapidly for difficult high-dimensional problems. GAs are useful and
efficient when
1. the search space is large, complex or poorly understood;
2. domain knowledge is scarce or expert kno wledge is difficult to en code to
narrow the search space;· .
3. no mathematical analysis is available;

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281Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
4. traditional search methods fail.
The advantage of the GA approach is the ease with which it can handle arbitrary
kinds of constraints and objectives; all such things can be handled as weighted
components of the fitn ess function, making it easy to adapt the GA s cheduler to the
particular requirements of a very wide range of possible overall objectives.
GAs have been used for problem -solving and for modeling. GA are applied to many
scientific, engineering problems, in business and entertainment including:
1. Optimization: GAs have been used in a wide varie ty of optimization tasks,
including numerical optimization and combinatorial optimization problems
such as traveling salesman problem (TSP), circuit desi gn (Louis, 1993), job
shop s cheduling (Goldstein, 1991) and video &sound quali ty optimization.
2. Automatic programming. GAs have been used to evolve computer programs
for specif ic tasks and to design other commercial structures, for example,
cellular au tomata and sorting networks.
3. Machine and robot learning. GAs have been used for many machine -learning
applications, including classifications and prediction, and p rotein structure
prediction. GAs have also been used to design neural networks, to evol ve
rules for learning classifier systems or symbolic production systems, and to
design and control robots.
4. Economic models: GAs have been used to model processes of innovation,
the development of bidding strategies and the emergence of e conomic
5. Immune system models: GAs have been used to model various aspects of the
natural immune system, including somatic mutation during an individual's
lifetime and the dis covery of multi -gene families during evolutionary time.
6. Ecologjcal models : GAs have been used to model e cological phenomena
such as biological arms races, host -parasite to evoluti ons, symbiosis and
resource flow in e cologies.
7. Population genetics models: GAs have been used to study questions in
population genetics, such as 'under what conditions will a gene for recombination be evolutionarily viable?'
8. Interactions between evolution and learning. GAs have been used to study
how individual learning and species evolution affect' one another.

Page 283

9. Models of social systems: GAs have been used to study evolutionary aspects
of social systems, such as the evolution of cooperation (Chughtai, 1995), the
evolution of communication and trail -following behavior in ants.
9.19 Summary
Genetic algorithms are original systems based on the supposed functioning of the
living. The method is very different & the classical optimization algorithms as it:
1. Uses the en coding of the parameters, not the parameters themselves.
2. Works on a population of points, not a unique one.
3. Uses the only values of the function to optimize, not their derived function or
other auxiliary knowledge.
4. Uses p robabilistic transition function and not determinist ones.
lt is important to understand that the functioning of such an algorithm does not
guarante e success. The problem is in a stochastic system and a genetic pool may be
too far from the solution, or for example, a too fast convergence may hair the
process of evolution. These algorithms are, nevertheless, extremely efficient, and
are used in fields as diverse as stock exchange, production s cheduling or programming of assembly robots in the automotive industry.
GAs can even be faster in f inding global maxima that conventional methods, in
particular when derivatives provide misleading information. It s hould be noted that
in most cases where conventional methods can be applied, GAs are much slower
because they do not take auxiliary information such as derivatives into ac count. In
these optimization problems, there is no need to apply a GA, which gives less
accurate solutions after much longer computation time. The enormous poten tial of
GAs lies elsewhere - in optimization of non -differentiable or even dis continuous
functions, discrete optimization, and program in junction.
lt has been claimed that via the operations of selection, crossover and mutation, the
GA will converge over successive generations towards the global (or near global)
optimum. This simple operation should produce a fast, useful and to bust technique
large ly becau se of the face that GAs combine direction and chance in the search in
an effective and eff icient manner. Since population implici ty contain much more
information than simply the individual fitness stores, GAs combine the good
information hidden in a soluti on with good information from another solution to produce new solutions with good information inherited from both parents, inevitabl e}' (hopefully) leading towards optimality.

Page 284

283Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm
In this chapter we have also discussed the various classifications of GAs. The class
of parallel GAs is very complex, and its behavior is affected by many parameters.
It seems that the only way to achieve a greater understanding of parallel GAs is to
study individual facets independent!}', and we have seen that some of the most
influential publications in parallel GAs concentrate on only one inspect (migration
rates, communica tion topology or deme size) either ignoring or making simplifying
assumptions on the others. Also the hybrid GA, adaptive GA, independent sampling GA and messy GA has been included with the necessary information.
Genetic programming has been used to model and control a multitude of processes
and to govern their behavior ac cording to fit ness based automatically genera ted
algori thm. Implementation of generic programming will benefit in the coming year
from new approa ches which include research from developmental biology. Also, it
will be necessary to learn to handle the redundancy forming pressures in the
evolution of to the. Application of genetic programming will continue to broaden.
Many applications focus on controlling behaviour of real or virtual agents. In this
role, genetic programming may contribute considerably to the growing field of
social and behavioural simulations. A brief discussion on Holland classifier system
is also included in this chapter.
9.20 Review Questions
1. State Charles Darwin's theory of evulsions.
2. What is meant by genetic algorithm?
3. Compare and contrast traditional algorithm and genetic algorithm.
4. Stare the importance of genetic algorithm.
5. Explain in detail about the various operators involved in genetic algorithm.
6. What the various types of crossover and mu tation technique s?
7. With a neat flowchart, explain the operation of a simple genetic algorithm.
8. State the general genetic algorithm.
9. Discuss in detail about the various types of genetic algorithm in derail.
10. State schema theorem.
11. Write than note on Holland classifier systems.
12. Differentiate between messy GA and parallel GA
13. What is the importance of hybrid GAs?

Page 285

14. Describe the concepts involved in real -coded genetic algorithm.
15. What is genetic programming?
16. Compare genetic algorithm and genetic programming.
17. List the characteristics of genetic programming.
18. With a neat flowchart, explain the operation of genetic programming.
19. How are data represented in genetic programming?
20. Mention the application of genetic algorithm .
Exercise Problems
1. Determine the maximum of function x x x5 (0.007x+ 2) using genetic
algorithm by wiring a program.
2. Determine the maximum of function exp( -3x) + sin(6 r x) using genetic
algorithm. Given range = [0.004 0.7]; bits = 6; population = 12; generations
= 36; mutation = 0.005; mutation = 0.3.
3. Optimize the logarithmic function using a genetic algorithm by writing a
program. Genetic Algorithm
4. Solve the logical AND function using genetic algorithm by writing a
5. Solve the XNOR problem using genetic algorithm by writing a program.
6. Determine the maximum of function exp(5x) + sin (7rr x) using genetic
algorithm. Given range = [0.002 0.6]; bits = 3; population == 14; generations
= 36; mutation = 0.006; matenum = 0.3.
REFERENCES 0175354 -goodman.pdf
S.Rajasekaran, G. A. Vijayalakshami , Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic
Algorithms: Synthesis & Applications, Prentice Hall of India, 2004


Page 286

285Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing TechniquesUNIT 5 10 HYBRID SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES Learning Objectives • Neuro-fuzzy hybrid systems. • Comparison of fuzzy systems with neural networks. • Properties of Neuro-fuzzy hybrid systems. • Characteristics of Neuro-fuzzy hybrids. • Cooperative neural fuzzy systems. • General Neuro-fuzzy hybrid systems. • Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) in MATLAB. • Genetic Neuro hybrid systems. • Properties of genetic Neuro hybrid systems. • Genetic algorithm based back-propagation network (BPN). • Advantages of Neuro-genetic hybrids. • Genetic fuzzy hybrid and fuzzy genetic hybrid systems. • Genetic fuzzy rule based systems (GFRBSs). • Advantages of genetic fuzzy hybrids. • Simplified fuzzy ARTMAP. • Supervised ARTMAP system. 10.1 Introduction In general, neural networks, fuzzy systems and genetic algorithms are distinct soft computing techniques evolved from the biological computational strategies and nature's way to solve problems. All the above three techniques individually have provided efficient solutions to a wide range of simple and complex problems pertaining to different domains. As

Page 287

discussed these three techniques can be combined together in whole or in pa rt, and
may be applied to find solution to the problem s, where the techn iques do not work
indiv idually. The main aim o f the concept of hybridi zation is to overcome the
weakness in one technique. While applying it and bringing out the strength of the
other technique to find solution by combining them. Every soft computing
technique has particular computational parameters (e.g., ability to learn, decision
making) which make them suited for a particular problem and not for others. It has
to be noted that neural networks a re good at recognizing pa tterns but they are no t
good at explaining how they reach their decisions. On the contrary, fuzzy logic is
good at explaining the decisions but cannot au tomatically acquire the rules used for
making the decisions. Also, the tuning of membership functions becomes an
important issue in fuzzy modelling . Since this tuning can be viewed as an
optimization problem , either neural network (Hopfield neural network gives
solution to optimization problem ) or genetic algorithms offer a possibility to solve
this problem . These limi tations act as a central driving force for the creation of
hybrid soft computing systems where two or more techniques are combined in a
suitable manner that overcomes the limitations of indivi dual techniques.
The importance of hybrid system is based on the varied nature of the ap plication
domains. Many complex domains have several different component problem s each
of which may require different types of process ing. When there is a complex
appli cation which has tw o distinct sub-problem s, say for example, a signal
process ing and serial shift reasoning, then a neural network and fuzzy logic can be
used for solving these individual tasks, respectively. The use of hybrid systems is
growing rapidly with successful applications in areas such as engineering design,
stock market analysis and prediction, medical diagnosis, process control, credit
card analysis, and few other cognitive simulations.
Thus, even though the hybrid soft computing systems have a great potential to solve
problem s, if not applied app ropriately they may result in adverse solutions. It is not
necessary that when individual techniques give good solution, hybrid systems
would gi ve an even be tter solution. The key driving force is to build highly
automated, intelligent machines for the future generations using all these techniques.
10.2 Neuro-Fuzzy Hybrid Systems
A neuro-fuzzy hybrid system (also called fuz zy neural hybrid), p roposed by J. S. R.
Jang, is a learning mechanism that utilizes the training and learning algorithms
from neural networks to find parameters of a fuzzy system (i.e., fuzzy sets, fuzzy

Page 288

287Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
rules, fuzzy numbers, and so on). It can also be defined as a fuzzy system that
determines its parameters by process ing data samples by using a learning algorithm
derived from or inspired by neural network theory. Alternately, it is a hybrid
intelligent system that fuses a rtificial neural network s and fuzzy logic by combining the learning and connectionist structure of neural net \works with
human -like reasoning style of fu zzy systems.
Neuro -fuzzy hybridization is widely termed as Fully Neural Net work (FNN) or
Neuro -Fuzzy System (NFS). The human like reasoning style of fully systems is
incorporated by NFS (the more popular term is used henceforth) through the use of
fuzzy sets and a linguistic model consist ing of a set of lF-THEN fuzzy rules. NFSs
are universal approximates with t he ability to solicit imerpretable lF -THEN rules;
this is their main strength. However, the strength of NFSs involves imerpretabilit y
versus accuracy, requireme nts that are contradic tory in fuzzy modelling .
In the field of fuzzy modelling research, the Neuro -fuzzy is divided in to two areas:
l. Linguistic fuzzy modelling focused on imerpretabili ty (mainly the Mamdani
2. Precise fuzzy modelling focused on accuracy [mainly the Takagi -Sugeno -
Kang (TSK) model].
10.2.1 Comparison of Fu zzy Systems with Neural Networks
From the existing literature, it can be noted that neural networks and fuzzy systems
have some things in common. If there does not exist any mathematical model of a
given problem , then neural networks and fuzzy systems can be used for solving that
problem (e.g:, pattern recognition, regression, or density es timation). This is the
main reason for the growth of the intelligent computing techniques. Besides having
individual adva ntages, they do have certain disadvantages that are overcome by
combining both concepts.
When neural networks are concerned, if one problem is expressed by sufficient
number of observed examp les then only it can be used. These observations are used
to train the black box. Though no prior knowledge about the problem is needed
extracting comprehensible rules from a neural net work's structure is very difficult.
A fuzzy system, on the other hand, does not need learning examples as prior
knowledge; rather linguistic rules are required. Moreover, linguistic description of
the input and output variables should be given. If the knowledge is incomplete,
wrong or contra dictory , then the fuzzy system must be run ed. This is a time
consuming process . Table 10.1 shows how combining both approach es brings ou t
the advantages, leaving out the disadvantages.

Page 289

Table 10-1 Comparison of neural and fuzzy processing
Neural processing Fuzzy processing
Mathematical model not necessary Mathematical model not necessary
Learning can be done from scratch A prior kn owledge is needed
There are severa1 learning algorithms Learning is not' possible
Black -box behaviour Simple interpretation and implementation
-------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
10.2.2 Characteristics of Neuro -Fuzzy Hybrids
The general architecture of Neuro -fuzzy hybrid system is as shown in Figure 5.2-
I. A fuzzy system -based NFS is trained by means of a data -driven learning method
derived from neural net work theory. This heuristic causes local changes in the
fundamental fuzzy system. At any stage of the learning process - before, during, or
after- it can be represented as a set of fuzzy rules. For ensuring the semantic
properties of the underlying fuzzy system, the learning procedure is constrained.
An NFS approximates ann-dimensional unknown function, partly represented by
training examples. Thus fuzzy rules can be interpreted as vague prototypes of the
training data. As shown in Figure 5.2-1, an NFS is Inputs Outputs given by a three -
layer feed forward neural network model. It can also be observed that the first layer
corresponds m the input variables, and the second and third layers correspond to
the fuzzy rules and output variables, respectively. The fu zzy sets are converted to
(fuzzy) connection weights.

Figure 10.1 Architecture of Neuro -fuzzy hybrid system.

Page 290

289Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
NFS can also be considered as a sy stem of fuzzy rules wherein the system can be
initialized in the form of fuzzy rules based on the prior knowledge available. Some
researchers use five layers - the fuzzy sets being encoded in the units of the second
and the fourth layer, respectively. It is, however, also possible for these model s to
be transformed in to three -layer architecture .
10.2.3 Classifications of Neuro ·Fuzzy Hybrid Systems
NFSs can be classified imo the following two systems:
l. Cooperative NFSs.
2. General Neuro -fuzzy hybrid systems. Cooperative Neural Fuzzy Systems
In this type of system, the artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy system work
independently from each other. The ANN attempts to learn the parameters from the
fuzzy system. Four different kinds of coopemive fuzzy neural networks are shown
in Figure 10.2
The FNN in Figure 10.2(A) learns fuzzy set from the given gaining data. This is
done, usually, by fining membership functions with a neural network; the fuzzy
sets then being determined offline. This is follow ed by their utilization m form the
fuzzy system by fu zzy rules that are given, and not learned. The NFS in Figure 10-
2(8) determines, by a neural network, the fuzzy rules from the training data. Here
again, the neural networks learn offline before the fuzzy system is initialized. The
rule learning happens usually by clustering on self -organizing feature maps. There
is also the possibility of applying fuzzy clustering methods to obtain rules.
For the neu ro-fuzzy model shown in Figure l 0-2(C), the parameters of membership
function are learnt online, while the fuzzy system is applied. This means that,
initially, fuzzy rules and membership functions mus t be defined beforehand. A lso,
in order to improve and guide the learning step, the error has to be measured. The
model shown in Figure 10-2(0) determines the rule weights for all fuzzy rules by a
neural network. A rule is determined by its rule weight -interpreted as the influence
of a rule. They are then multiplied with the rule output.

Page 291


Figure 10.2 Cooperative neural fuzzy systems. General Neuro ·Fuzzy Hybrid Systems (General NFHS)
General Neuro -fuzzy hybrid systems (NFHS) resemble neural networks where a
fuzzy system is interpreted as a neural network of special kind. The architecture of
general NFHS gives it an ad van rage because there is no communication between
fuzzy system and neural network. Figure 16-3 illustrates an NFHS. In this figure
the rule base of a fuzzy system is assumed to be a neural network; the fuzzy sets
are regarded as weights and the rules and the input and output variables as Neuro ns.
The choice m include or discard Neuro ns can be made in the learning step. Also,
the fuzzy kno wledge base is represented by the Neuro ns of the neural network; this
overcomes the major drawbacks of both underlying systems.
Membership functions expressing the linguistic terms of the inference rules should
be formulated for building a fuzzy controller . However, in fuzzy systems, no formal
approach exists to define these functions. Any shape, such as Gaussian or triangular
or bell shaped or trapezoidal, can be considered as a membership function with an

Page 292

291Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
arbitrary set of parameters. Thus for fuz zy system s, the optimization of these
functions in terms of generalizing the data is very important; this problem can be
solved by using neural ne tworks.
Using learning rules, the neural network must optimize cite parameters by fixing a
distinct shape of the membership functions; for example, triangular. But regardless
of the shape of the membership functions, training data should also be available.
The Neuro fuzzy hybrid systems can also be modelled in an another method. In
cit's case, the training data is grouped into several clusters and each duster is
designed to represent a particular rule. These rules are defined by the crisp data
points and are not defin ed linguistically. Hence a neural network , in this case, might
be applied to train the defined dusters. The resting can be carried out by presenting
a random resting sample to the trained neural network . Each and every output unit
will return a degree which extends to fit to the anr.ecedem of rule.

Figure 16·3 A general Neuro -fuzzy hybrid system.
10.2.4 Adaptive Neuro -Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) in MATLAB
The basic idea behind this Neuro -adaptive learning technique is very simple. This
technique provides a method for the fuzzy modelling procedure m learn information about a data se t, in order to compute the membership function
parameters that best allow the associated fuzzy inference system to track the given
input output data. This learning method works similarly to that of neural networks.
ANFIS Toolbox in MATLAB envi ronment performs the membership function
parameter adjustments. The function name used in activate this molbox in anfis.
ANFIS toolbox can be opened in MATLAB either at command line p tompt or at
Graphical User Interface. Based on the given input -output dam set, ANFIS mol box

Page 293

builds a Fuzzy Inference System whose membership functions are adjusted either
using back Propagation network training algorithm or Adaline network algorithm,
which uses least mean square learning rule. This makes the fuzzy syHem to learn
from the data they model.
The Fuzzy Logic Toolbox function that accomplishes this membership function
parameter adjustment is called anfis. The ac tonym ANFIS derives its name from
adaptive Neuro -fuzzy inference system. The anfis function can be accessed either
from the command line or th tough dte ANFIS Edi tor GUI. Using a given
input/output data set, the toolbox function anfis constructs a fuzzy inference system
(FIS) whose membership function parameters are adjusted using either a back -
Propagation algorithm alone or in combination with a least squares type of method.
This enables fuzzy systems w learn from the data they are madeling.
10.2.4. 1 FIS Structure and Parameter Adjustment
A network -type structure similar to that of a neural network can be used to interpret
the input/output. This struc ture maps inputs th tough input membership functions
and associated parameters, and then th rough output membership functions and
associated parameters to output s. During the lear ning process , the parameters
associated with the membership functions will change. A gradient vec tor facilitates
the compu tation (or adjustment) of these parameters, p roviding a measure of ho w
well the fuzzy inference system models the input /output data fo r a given set of
parameters. After obtaining the gradient vec tor, any of several optimization
routines could be applied to adjust the parameters for reducing some er ror measure
(defined usually by the sum of the squared difference between the accrual and
desired outputs). anfis makes use of either back -propagacion or a combination of
adaline and back -propaga tion, for membership function parameter estimation. Constraints of ANFIS
When compared to the general fuzzy infetence.sysrems anfis is more complex. It
is not available for all of the fuzzy inference system options and only supports
Sugeno -rype systems. Such systems have the following properties:
1. They should be the first- or ze toth-order Sugeno -type systems.
2. They should have a single ourpur that is obtained using weighted average
defuzzificarion. All outpu t membership functions must be the same rype and
can be either linear or constan t.
3. They do not share rules. The number of output membership functions must
be equal to the number of rules.
4. They must have unity weight for each rule.

Page 294

293Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing TechniquesIf FIS structure does not comply with these constraints then an error would occur. Also, all the customization options that basic fuzzy inference allows cannm be accepted by anfis. In simpler words, membership functions and defuzzification functions cannot be made according to one's choice, rather those p tovided should be used. The ANFIS Editor GUI To ger started with the ANFIS Edi tor GUI, type anfisedit at the MATLAB command prompt. The GUI as in Figure 10-4 will appear on your screen.

Figure 10-4 ANFIS Editor in MATLAB. From this GUI one can: 1. Load data (training, resting and checking) by selecting app topriate radio
buttons in the Load Data portion of the GUI and then cliclcing Load Data.
The loaded data is planed on the plot region. 2. Geneme an initial FIS model or load an initial FlS model using the options in
the Generate FIS portion of the GUI. 3. View the FIS model structure once an initial FIS has been generated or loaded
by clicking the Structure button. 4. Choose the FIS model parameter optimization method: back -Propagation ora
mixture of back -propagation and least squar es (hybrid method). 5. Choose the number of training epochs and the training error tolerance.

Page 295

6. Train th.e FIS model by clicking the Train Now but ton. This training adjusts
the membership function parameters and plots the training (and/or checking
data) error plot(s) in the plot region.
7. View the FIS model output versus the training, checking, or testing data
output by clicking the Test Now button. This function plots the test data
against the PIS output in the plot region.
One can also use the ANFIS Edi tor GUI menu bar to load an FIS training
initialization, save your trained FIS, open a new Sugeno system, or open any of the
other GU Is to interpret the trained FIS model. Data Formalities and the ANFIS Edi tor GUI
To scan training an FIS using either anfis or the ANFIS Edi tor GUI, one needs co
have a training data set char contains desired inpudoutput data paits of the rarger
sysrem to be modeled. In certain cases, optional resting data set may be available
that can c heck the generalization capability of the resuhing fuzzy inference system,
and/or a checking data sec that helps with model overfirring during the training.
One can account for overfiuing by resting the FIS trained on the training data
against the checking data and choosing the membership function parameters to be
those associated with the minimum checking error , if these er rors indicate model
overfitting. To determine this, their training error plots have to be examined fairly
closely. Usually, these rraining and checking data sets are s tored in separate files
after being collected based on observations of the target sysrem. More on ANFIS Edi tor GUI
A minimum of two and maximum six arguments can be taken up by the command
anfis whose general format is
[fismat 1, trnEr ror, ss, fismat 2, chkEr ror] = ….....
Anfis (trnData, fismat, trnOpt, dispOpt, chkData, method);
Here trnOpt (training options), dispOpt (display options), chkData (checking da ta),
and method (training method) are optional. All of the output arguments are also
optional. In this section we will discuss the arguments and range components of the
command line function anfis as well as the analo gous functionaliry of the ANFIS
Editor GUI. Only the training data set must exist before implementing anfis when
the ANFIS Edi tor GUI is in voked using anfisedit. The s tep-size will be fixed when
the adaptive NFS is trained using this GUI tool.

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295Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
Training Data
Both anfis and ANFIS Edi tor GUI require the training data, trnData, as an
argument. For the target system to be modeled each tow of trndata is a d esired
input/output pair; a row starts with an input vec tor and is followed by an output
value. So, the number of rows of trndata is equal to the number of training data
pairs. Also, because there is only one output, the number of columns of trndata is
one more than the number of inputs.
Input FIS Structure
The input FIS S tructure, fismat, can be obtained from any of the following fuzzy
editors :
1. The FIS Edi tor.
2. The Membership Func tion Edi tor.
3. The Rule Edi tor from ilie ANFIS Edi tor GUI (which allows a FIS structure
to be loaded from a file or the MATLAB workspace).
4. The command line function, genfisl (for which one needs to give only
numbers and cyp ES of membership functions).
The FIS structure contains both the model structure (specifying, e.g., number of
rules in the FIS, the number of members hip functions for each input, etc.) and the
parameters (which specify the shap es of the membership functions). For updating membership function parameters, anfis learning employs two methods:
1. Back -propaga tion for all parameters (a steep est descent meth od).
2. A hybrid method involving back -Propagation for the parameters associated
with the input membership functions and leastsquares estimation for the
parameters associated with the output membership functions.
This means that th toughout the learning process , at least locally, the training error
decreases. So, as the initial membership functions increasingly r esemble the
optimal ones, it becom ES easier for the model parameter rraining to converge. In
the setting up of th ese ·tnitial membership function parameters in the FIS structure,
it may be helpful to have human expenise about the target system co be modeled.
Based on a fixed number of membership functions, the genfisl function produces a
FIS structure . This structure invokes the so-called curse of dimensionality and
causes excessive p ropagation of the number of rules when the number of inputs is

Page 297

moderately lar ge (more than four or five). To enable some dimension reduction in
the fuzzy inference system, the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox software p tovides a method -
a FIS structure can be generated using the clustering algorithm discussed in
Subtractive Clustering. To use this clustering algorithm, select the Sub. Clustering
option in the Generate FIS portion of the ANFIS Edi tor GUI, before the FIS is
generated. The data is partition ed by the subtractive clustering method in to gtoups
called dusters and generate s a F1S with the minimum number of rules required to
distinguish the fuzzy qualities associated with each of the clusters.
Training Options
One can choose a d esired error tolerance and number of training epochs in the
ANFIS Edi tor GUI tool. For the command line anf is, training option trnOp t: is a
vector specifying the s topping criteria and the stepsize adaptation strategy:
1. trnOpt (1) : number of training epochs; default = 10
2. trnOpt (2) : error . tolerance; default= 0
3. trnOpt (3) : initial step -size; default= 0.01
4. trnOpt (4) : step·size decrease rate; default"' 0.9
5. trnOpt (5) : step --size increase rate; default= 1.1
The default value is taken if any element of trnOpt is mis sing o r is an NaN. The
training process stops if the designated epoch number is reached or the error goal
is achieved, whichever comes first.
The srep -size profile is usually a curve that increases initiaHy, reaches a maximum,
and then decreases for the remainder of the training. This ideal step -size profile can
be achieved by adjusting the initial step -size and the increase and decrease rates
(trnOpt (3) - trnOpt ( 5)). The default values are set up to cover a wide range of
learning ta sks. These step -size options may have to be modified, for any specific
application, in order to optimize the training. There are, however, no user.specilied
step-size options for uainin g the adaptive Neuro -fuzzy inference system generated
using the ANFIS Edi tor GUI.
Display Options
They apply only to the command line function anfis. The display options argument,
dispOpt, is a vec tor of either ls or Os that specifies the information to be displayed
(print in ilie MATLAB command window) before, during, and after the training
process . To denote print thi s option, 1 is used and to denote do not print this option,
0 is used .

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297Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
1. dispOpt (1) : display ANFIS information; default = 1
2. dispOpt (2) : display er ror (each epoch); default = I
3. dispOpt (3) : display s tep-size (each epoch); default = 1
4. dispOpt (4) : display final results; default = 1
All available information is displayed in the default mode. If any element of
dispDpt is missing or is NaN, the default value is used.
To estimate membership function parameters, both the command line anfis and the
ANFIS Edi tor GUI apply either a back -Propagation form of the steepest descent
method, or a combination of back -Propagation and the least-squares method. The
choices for this argu ment are hybrid or back Propagation . In the command line
function, anfis, these method choices are designated by 1 and 0, respectively.
Output FIS Structure for Trai ning Data
The output FIS structure corresponding to a minimal training error is fismat l. This
is the FIS structure one uses to represent the fuzzy system when there is no checking
data used for modd c toss-validation. Also, when the checking data option is not
used, this data represents the FIS structure that is saved by the ANFIS Editor GU I.
When one uses the checking data option, the output saved is that associated with
the minimum checking er ror.
Training Error
This is the difference bet ween the training data output value and the output of the
fuzzy inference sysrem corresponding to the same uaining data input value (the one
associated with that training data output value.)
The root mean squared error (RMSE) of the training data set at each epoch is
recorded by the t raining error trnError ; and fismat l is the snapshot of the FIS
structure when the training error measure is at its minimum. As the system is
trained, the ANFIS Edi tor GUI plots the training error versus epochs curve.
Step -Size
With the ANFIS Edi tor GUI, one cannot control the step -size options. The step -
size array ss records the step-size during the uaining, using the command line anfis.
If one plots ss, one gets the step -siz.e profile which serves as a reference for
adjusting the initial step-size, and the corresponding decrease and increase rates .

Page 299

The guidelines followed for updating the step -size (ss) for the command line
function anfis are:
l. If the error undergoes four consecutive reductions, increase the step -size by
multiplying it by a cons tant (ssinc) greater than one.
2. If the error undergoes two consecucive combinations of one increase and one
reduction, decrease the step-size by multiplying it by a constant (ssdec) less
than one.
For the initial step -size, the default value is 0.01; for ssinc and ssdec, they are 1.1
and 0.9, respectively. All the default values can be changed via the training option
for the command line anfis.
Checking Data
For testing the generalization capability of the fuzzy inference system at each
epoch, the checking data, chkData, is used. The checking data and the training data
have the same format and elements of the former are generally distinct from those
of the latter.
For learning tasks for which the input number is large and /or the data itself is noisy,
the checking data is important. A fuzzy inference system needs to track a given
input/output data set welL The model structure used for anfis is f ixed, which means
that there is a tendency for the model to overfit the data on which it is trained,
especially for a large number of training epochs. In case overfitting occurs, the
fuzzy inference system may not respond well to other independent data set s,
especially if they are corrupted by noise. In these situations, a validation o r
checking dam set can be useful. To cross-validate the fuzzy inference model, this
data set is used; c toss-validation requires applying the checking data to the model
and then seeing how well the model responds to this data.
The checking data is applied to the model at each tmining epoch, when the checking
data option is used with anfis either via the comman d line or using the ANFIS
Editor GUI. Once the command line anfis is invoked, the model parameters £hat
correspond to the minimum checking error are returned via the output argument
fismat2. The FIS membership function parameters computed using the ANFIS
Editor GUI when both training and checking data are loaded, are associated with
the training epoch that has a minimum checking error .
The assumptions made when using the minimum checking data error epoch to set
the membership function parameters are:

Page 300

299Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques1. The similarity between checking data and the training data means that the checking data error decreases as the training begins.
2. The checking data increases ar some point in the training after the data
overfitting occurs.
The resulting FIS may or may not be the one which is required to be used,
depending on the behavior of the checking data error .
Output FIS Structure for Checking Da ta
The output FIS structure with the minimum checking error is the output of the
command line anfis,
Fismat 2. If checking data is used for c toss-validation, this FIS structure is the one
rhat should be used for further calculation.
Checking Error
This is the difference becween the checking data ourpuc value and the output of the
fuzzy inference system corresponding to the same checking dala input value, which
is the one associated with that checking data output value. The Toot Mean Square
Error (RM SE) is reCorded for clte checking data at each epoch, by the checking
error chkError . The snapshot of ilie FIS structure when the checking error has its
minimum value is fismat 2. The checking error versus epochs curve is planed by
the ANFIS Edi tor GUI, as the system is trained.
10.3 Genetic Neuro ·Hybrid Systems
A Neuro -genetic hybrid or a genetic -Neuro ·hybrid system is one in which a neural
network employs a genetic algorithm to optimize its structural parameters iliat
define its architecture. In g eneral, neural networks and genetic algorithm refers to
two distinct methodologies. Neural networks learn and execute different tasks
using several examples, classify phenomena, and mode l nonlinear relationships;
that is neural networks solve problem s by self-learnig and self -organizing. On the
other hand, genetic algorithms present themselves as a potential solution f or the
optimization of parameters of neural networks.
10.3.1 P roperties of Genetic Neuro ·Hybrid Systems
Certain properties of genetic Neuro -hybrid systems are as follows:
1. The parameters of neural networks are encoded by genetic algorithms as a
string of properties of the network, that is, chromosome s. A large population

Page 301

of chromosome s is generated, which represent the many possible p arameter
sets for the given neural network.
2. Genetic Algorithm - Neural Network, or GANN, has the abilicy to locate the
neighborhood of the optimal solution quickly, compared to other
conventional search mategies.
Figure 10-5 shows the block diagram for the genetic -Neuro -hybrid systems. Their
drawbacks are: the large amount of memory required for handling and manipulation of chromosome s for a given network; and also the question of
scalabiliry of this problem as the size of the networks become large.
10.3.2 Genetic Algorithm Based Back -Propagation Network (BPN)
BPN is a method of reaching multi -layer neural networks how to perfonn a given
task. Here learning occurs during this training phase. The basic algorithm with
architecture is discussed in Chapter 3 (Section 3.5) of this book in derail. The
limitations of BPN are as follows:
1. BPN do not have the abiliry to recognize new patterns; they can recognize
patterns similar to those they have learnt.
2. They must be sufficiently trained so that enough general features applicable
to both seen and unseen instances can be extracted; there may be undesirable
effects du e to over training the network.

Figure 10-5 Block diagram of genetic -Neuro hybrids.

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301Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
Also, it may be nored that the BPN determines its weight based on gradient search
technique and hence it may encounter a local minima problem . Though genetic
algorithms do nor guarantee to find global optimum solution, they are good in
quickly finding good acceptable solutions. Thus, hybridization ofBPN with genetic
algorithm is expected to ptovide many advantages compared to what they alone
can. The basic concepts and working of genetic alg orithm are discussed in Chapter
15. However, before a genetic algorithm is executed,
1. A suitable coding for the problem has to be devised.
2. A fitness function has to be formulated.
3. Parents have to be selected for re production and then c tossed over to generate
offspring. Coding
Assume a BPN configuration n-1-m where n is the number of Neuro ns in the input
layer, l is the number of Neuro ns in the hidden layer and m is the number of output
layer Neuro ns. The number of weights to be determined is given by
(n + m)i
Each weight (which is a gene here) is a real number. Let dbe the number of digits
(gene length) in weight. Then a String S of decimal values having string length (n
+ m)ld is randomly generared. It is a string that represenrs weight matrices of
inpurhidden and the hidden -output layers in a linear form arranged as tow-major or
column -major depending upon the sryle selected. T hereafter a population of p
(which is the population size) chromosome s is randomly generated. Weight Extraction
In order to determine the fitness values, weights are exuacred from each
chromosome . Let n3 …., nd, … ., nl, represent a chromosome and let npd + dpt +
2 ….. d(p+1)d represent pth gene (p > 0) in the chromosomes.
The actual weight wp is given by

Page 303

A fimess has to be formulated for each and every problem to be solved. Consider
ilie matrix given by

where X and Y are the inputs and targets, respectively. Compute initial population
Io of size 'j'. Let
O10, O20, ... , Op represem 'j' chromosome s of the initial population lo. Let the
weights extracted for each of the chromosome s upto the chromosome be w10, w20,
w30, …., w p. For a number of inputs and m number of outputs, let the calculated
output of the considered BPN be

As a result, the error here is calculated by
ER 1 = (y 11 – c11)2 + (y 21 – c21)2 + (y 31 – c31)2 + ….. + (y n1 – cn1)2
ER 2 = (y 12 – c12)2 + (y 22 – c22)2 + (y 32 – c32)2 + ….. + (y n2 – cn2)2
ER m = (y 1m – c1m)2 + (y 2m – c2m)2 + (y 3m – c3m)2 + ….. + (y nm – cnm)2
The fitness function is further derivd from this root mean square error given by

The process has to be carried out for all the total number of chromosome s.

Page 304

303Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques Reprod uction of Offspring
In this process , before the parents produce the offspring with better fitness, the
mating pool has to be formulated. This is accomplished by neglecting the chromosome with minimum fitness and replacing it with a chromosome having
maximum fimess, In other words, the fittest individuals among clle chromosome s
will be given more chances to participate in the generations and the worst
individuals will be eliminated. Once the mating pool is formulated, parent pa its are
selected' randomly and the chromosome s of respective pa irs are combined using
crossover technique to reproduce offspring. The selection opera tor is suitably used
to select the best parem to participate in the re production process . Convergence
The convergence for genetic algorithm is the number of generations with which the
fitness value increases towards the global optimum. Convergence is the p rogression
towards increasing uniformiry . When about 95% of the individuals in the population share th e same fitness value then we say that a population has
10.3.3 Advantages of Neuro ·Genetic Hybrids
The various advantages of Neuro -genetic hybrid are as follows:
• GA performs optimization of neural network parameters with simplicity, ease
of operation, minimal requiremems and global perspective.
• GA helps to find out complex structure of ANN for given input and the output
data set by using its learning rule as a fimess function.
• Hybrid app roach ensembles a powerful model that could significantly
improve the predicrability of the system under construction.
The hybrid approach can be applied to several applications, which include: load
forecasting, s tock forecasting, cost optimization in textile industries, medical
diagnosis, face recognition, multi -process or scheduling, job shop scheduling, and
so on.
10.4 Genetic Fuzzy Hybrid and Fuzzy Geneti c Hybrid Systems
Curremly, several researches has been performed combining fuzzy logic and
genetic algorithms (GAs), and there is an increasing interest in the integration of
these two topics. The imegration can be performed in the following two ways:

Page 305

1. By the use offuzzy logic based techniques for imp toving genetic algorithm
behavior and modelling GA components. This is called fozzy genetic algorithms (FGk).
2. By the application of genetic algorithms in various optimization and search
problem s involving fuzzy systems.
An FGA is considered as a genetic algorithm that uses techniques or tools based on
fuzzy logic to improve the GA behavior modelling . It may also b e defined as an
ordering sequence of instructions in which some of the instructions or algorithm
components may be designed with tools based on fuzzy logic. For example, fuzzy
opera tors and fuzzy connectives for designing genetic opera tors with differ ent
properties , fuzzy logic control systems for co ntrolling the GA parameters according
to some performance measures, s top criteria, representation tasks, ere.
GAs are utilized for solving different fuzzy optimization problem s. For example,
fuzzy flo wshop scheduling problem s, vehicle routing problem s with fuzzy due-
time, fuzzy optimal reliability design problem s, fuzzy mixed integer program ming
applied m resource distribution, job -shop scheduling problem with fuzzy process ing time, interactive fuzzy satisf ying method for multi -objective 0 -1, fuzzy
optimization of distribution network s, etc.
10.4.1 Genetic Fuzzy Rule Based Systems (GFRBSs)
For modelling complex systems in which classical tools are unsuccessful, due to
them being complex or imprecise, an imponant tool in the form of fuzzy rule based
systems has been identified. In this regard, for mechanizing the definicion of the
knowledge base of a fuzzy control ler G As have p roven to be a p owerful tool, since
adaptive conr tol, learning, and self -organization may be considered in a Joe of
cases as optimization or search process es. Over the last few years their advantages
have extended the use of GAs in the development of a wide range of approach es
for designing fuzzy control lers. In particular, the application to the design, learning
and tuning of knowledge bases has produced quite good results. In general these
approach es can be termed as Grnttic Fuzzy Systems (GFSs}. Figure 10-6 shows a
system where genetic design and fuzzy process ing are the two fundamental
constituents. Inside GFRBSs, it is possible to distinguish between either parameter
optimization or rule generation process es, that is, adaptation and learning.

Page 306

305Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
The main objectives of optimization in fuzzy rule based system are as follows:
l. The task of finding an app topriate knowledge base (KB) for a particular
problem . This is equivalent to parameterizing the fuzzy KB (rules and
membership functions).
2. To find those parameter values that are optimal with respect to the design

Figure 10·6 Block diagram of genetic fuzzy system
Considering a GFRBS, one has to decide which parts of the knowledge base (KB)
are subject to optimization by the GA. The KB of a fuzzy system is the union of
qualitatively different components and not a homogeneous structure. As an example, the KB of a descriptive Mathdani -type fuzzy sy stem has two components:
a rule base (RB) containing the collection of fuzzy rules and a data base (DB)
containing the definitions of the scaling factors and the membership functions of
the fuzzy sets associated with the linguistic labels.
In this phase , it is important to distinguish between tuning (alternatively,
adaptation) and learning problem s. See Table 10-2 for the differences.

Page 307

The task of tuning the scaling fu nctions and fu zzy membership func tion is
important in FRBS design. The adoption of parameteri zed scaling functions and
membership functions by the GA is based on the fimess function rhat specifies the
design criteria quantitatively. The responsibility of finding a set of optimal
parameters for th e member ship and/or the scal ing functions rests with the tuning
proces ses which assume a predefined rule base. The tuning process can he
performed a priori also. This can be done if a subsequent process derives the RB
once the DR has been obtained, that is a priori genetic DB learning. Figure 5.2-7
illustrates the process of gen eric tuning.
Tuning Scaling Functions
The universes of discourse wh ere fuzzy membership functions are defined are
normalized by scaling functions applied to the input and output variable of FRBSs.
In case of linear scaling, the scaling functions are parameterized by a single scaling
factor or either by specifying a lower and upper bound. On the other hand, in case
of non -linear scaling, the scaling functions are p arameterized by one or several
contraction / dilation parameters. These parameters are adapted such that the scaled
universe of discourse matches the underlying variable range.
Table 10·2 Tunin g verses learning problems Tuning Learning Problems It is concrned with optimization of an exisring FRBS. It constitutes an automated design medhos for fuzzy rule sets that start from scratch. Tuning processes assume a predefined RB and have the objective to find a et of optimal parameters for the membership and/or the scaling functions, DB parameters. Learning process perform a more elaborated watch in the space of possible RBs or whole KB and do not
depend on a predefined set of rules

Ideally, in these kinds of processes the approach is to adapt one to four parameters
per variable: one when using a scaling fac tor, two for linear scaling, and three or
four for non-linear scaling. This approach leads to a fixed length code as the number
of variables is predefined as is the number of parameter s required to code each
scaling function.

Page 308

307Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques

Figure 10·7 Process of ntning the DB.
Tuning Membership Functions
It can be no ted that during the runing of membership funcrions, an individual
represents the entire DB. This is because its chromosome encodes the parameterized membership functions associated to the linguistic terms in every
fuzzy partition considered by the fuzzy rule based system. Triangular (either
isosceles or asymmetric), trapezoidal, or Gaussian functions are the most common
shape s for ilie membership functions (in GFRBSs). The number of parameters per
membership function can vary from one to four and each parameter can be either
binary or real coded.
For FRBSs of the descriptive (using linguistic variables) or the app roximate (using
fuzzy variables) type, the structure of the chromosome is different. In the process
of runing the membership functions in a linguistic model, the entire fuzzy partitions
are encoded in to the chromosome and in order to maintain the global sema ntic in
the RB, it is globally adapted. These approach es usually consider a predefined
number of linguistic terms for each variable -with no requirement to be the same for
each of them -which leads to a code of fixed length in what concerns membership
functi ons. Despite this, it is possible to evolve the number of linguistic terms
associated to a variable; simply define a maximum number (for the length of the
code) and let some of the membership functions be located out of the range of the
linguistic variable (which reduces the actual number of linguistic terms).
Descriptive f uzzy systems working with st tong fuzzy partitions, is a particular case
where the number of parameters to be coded is reduced. Here, the number of
parameters to code is reduced to the ones defining the core regions of the fuzzy
sets: the modal point for triangles and the ex treme poin ts of the core for trapezoidal

Page 309

Tuning the membership functions of a m odel working with funy variables (sca tter
partitions), on the other hand, is a particular instance of knowledge base learning.
This is because, instead of referring to linguistic terms in the DB, the rules are
defined completely by their own membership fun ctions.
10.4. 1.2 Genetic Learning of Rule Bases
As shown in Figure 10-8, genetic learning of rule bases assumes a predefined set
of fuzzy membership functions in the DB to which the rules refer, by means of
linguistic labels. As in the app roximate approach adapting rules, it only applies to
descriptive FRBSs, which is equivalent to modifying the membership functions.
When considering a rule based system and focusing on learning rules , there are
three main approach es that have been applied in the literature:
1. Pittsburgh approach .
2. Michigan approach .
3. Iterative rule learning approach .

Figure 10·8 Genetic learning of rule base.

Figure 10-9 Genetic learning of the knowledge base.
The Pi ttsburgh approach is characterized by representing an entire rule se t as a
genetic code (chromosome ), maintaining a population of candidate rule se ts and
using selection and genetic opera tors to produce new generations of rule sets. The

Page 310

309Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
Michigan approach considers a different model where the members of the
population are individual rules and a rule set is represented by the entire population.
In the third approach , the iterative one, chromosome s code individu al rules, and a
new rule is adapted and added to the rule set, in an iterative fashion, in every run
of the genetic algorithm.
10.4. 1.3 Genetic Learning of Knowledge Base
Genetic learning of a KB includes different genetic represenrarions such as variable
length chromosome s, multi -chromosome genomes and chromosome s encoding
single rules instead of a whole KB as it deals with heterogeneous search spaces. As
the complexity of the search space increases, the computational cost of the genetic
search also g rows. To combat this issue an option is to maintain a GFRBS that
encodes individual rules rather than entire KB. In this manner one can maintain a
flexible, compl ex rule space in which the search for a solution remains feasible and
efficient. The three learning approach es as used in case of rule base can also be
considered here: Michigan, Pittsburgh, and iterative rule learning approach . Figure
5.2-9 illustrates th e genetic learning of KB.
10.4.2 Advantages of Genetic Fuzzy Hybrids
The hybridization between fuzzy systems and GAs in GFSs became an important
research area during the last decade. GAs allow us to represent different kinds of
structures, such as weights, features together with rule parameters, e tc., allowing
us m code multiple models of knowledge representation. This provides a wide
variety of approach es where it is necessary m design specific gene tic components
for evolving a specific representation. Nowadays, it is a g towing research area,
where researchers need to reflect in order to advance towards strengths an d
distinctive features of the G FSs, providing useful advances in the fuzzy systems
theory. Genetic algorithm efficiently optimizes the rules, membership functions,
DB and KB of fuzzy systems. The methodology adopted is simple and the fittest
individual is identified during the process .
10.5 Simplifi ed Fuzzy ARTMAP
The basic concepts of Adaptive Resonance Theory Neural Network s are discussed
in Chapter 5. Both the types of ART Network s, ART -1 and ART2, are discussed
in derail in Section 5.6.
Apart from these two ART networks , the other two maps are ARTMAP and fuzzy
ARTMA P. ARTMAP is also known as Predictive ART. It combines two slightly
modified ART -1 or ART -2 units into a supervised learning structure . Here , the first
unit rakes the inpm data and the second unit rakes the correct outpu t data. Then

Page 311

minimum poible adjusrmem of the vigilance parameter in the fim unit is made using
the correct output data .o rhar correct classification can be made.
The Fuzzy ARTMAP model h as fuzzy -logic -based computations incorporated in
the ARTMAP model. Fuzzy ARTMAP is neural network architecture for conducting supervised learning in a multidimensional setting. When Fuzzy ARTMAP is used on learning problem , it is trained till it correctly classifies all
uaining data. This feature causes Fuzzy ARTMAP to "overfir" some darasers,
especially those in which the underlying panern harm overlap. To avoid the
problem of "overfiuing" one must allow for error in the training process .
10.5.1 Supervised ARTMAP System
Figure 5.2-10 shows the super \'ised ARTMAP system. Here, two ART modules are
linked by an inrer -ART module called the Map Field. The Map Field forms
predictive associations be tween categories of the ART modules and realizes a
march tracking rule. If ARTa and ARTb are disconnected, then each module would
be of self -organize category, g touping their respective in pursers. In supervised
mode, the mappings are learned berween input vecmrs a and b.

Figure 10·10 Supervised ARTMAP system.
10.5.2 Comparison of ARTMAP with BPN
1. ARTMAP networks are self -stabilizing, while in BPNs the new information
gradually washes away old information. A consequence of rhis is rhat a BPN
has separate training and performance phases while ART MAP systems
perform and learn at the same time.

Page 312

311Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
2. ART MAP networks are designed to work in real -time. While BPNs are
typically designed to work off -lilne at least during their training phase.
3. ARTMAP system can learn both in a fast as well as inslow match
configuration, while, the BPN can only learn in slow mismatch configuration.
This means that an ARTMAP system learns, or adaprts its weights, only
when the input matches an established category, while BPNs learn when the
input does not match an estab lished category.
4. In BPNs there is always a chance to the system getting trapped in a local
minimum while th is is impossible for ART system s.
However, the system based on ART modules learning may depend upon the
ordering of the input patterns.
10.6 Summary
In this chapter, the various bybrids of individual neural networks, fuzzy logic and
genetic algorithm have been discussed in detail. The advantages of each of these
techniques are combines together to give a better solution to the problem under
considerat ion. Each of these systems possesses certain limitations when they
operate individually and these limitations are met by bringing out the advantages
of combining these systems. The hybrid systems are found to provide better
solution for complex problems and the advent of hybrid systems makes it applicable to be applied in various application domains.
16.7 Solved Problems using MATLAB
1. Write a MATLAB program to adapt the given input to write wave from using
adaptive neun -fuzzy hybrid technique.
Epocha = 570;
Creating fuzzy inference engine
Fix = genfisl (trndata, mfs);
Plotfix (fix);
R=showrule (fis);
Creating adaptive neuro fuxxy inference engine
Nfix – anfis (trndata, fix, epocha);
R1 = showrule (infis);

Page 313

Evaluating anfix with given input
Y = evalfix (x, nfis);
Disp (‘The output data from ansif : ‘);
calculating error rate
title (‘Error rate’)
ploting given training data and anfix output
plot (x, t, ‘o’, x, y, …);
title (‘Training data vs Out data’);
legend (‘Training data’, ‘ANFIS Output’);
The input data given x is :

Page 314

313Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques

Page 315

0. 8137
ANFIS info:
Number of nodes: 32
Number of linear parameters: 14
Number of nonlinear parameters: 21
Total number of parameters: 35
Number of training data pa its: 67
Number of checking data pa its: 0
Number of fuzzy rules: 7
Start training ANFIS
1 0.0517485
2 0. 0513228
3 0.0508992

Page 316

315Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
4 0.0504776
5 0.0500581
Step size increases to 0.011000 after epoch 5.
6 0.0496406
7 0.0491837
a o.o4S7291
568 0.00105594 -
Hybrid Soft Comp"t;og Techo;q,es
Designated epqch number reahed --->ANFIS training completed at epoch 570.
The outp ut data from anfis':
0. 4271
0. 3112
0. 5777

Page 317


Page 318

317Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
Figure 10-11 illustrates the ANFIS system module; figure 10-12 the error me; and
Figure 10-13 the performance of training dam and output data. Thus ir can be noted
from Figure 10-13, that an f is has adapted the given inpur to sine wave form.

Input 1 (7) output (7)
System anfix: 1 inputs, 1 outputs, 7 rules
Figure 10-11 ANFIS system module.

Figure 10-12 Arror rate.

Page 319


Figure 10-13 Performance of training data and output data.
2. Write a MATLAB program to recognize the given input of alphabets to its
respective output using adaptive Neuro -fuzzy hybrid technique.
Source code
%program to recognize the given input of .alphabets to its respective
%outputs using adaptive Neuro fuzzy hybrid technique.
clear all;
close all;
%input data
x= [0,l,0,0;l,0,l,l;l,l,l,2;1,0,1,3;1,0,1,4;
1,1,0,15;1,0,1, 5.2;1,0,1,17;1,0,1,1 8;1,1,0,19;
1, 1, 1, 20; 1 , 0, 0, 21; 1, 1, 0, 22; 1 , 0, 0, 23; 1, 1 , 1, 24; ]

Page 320

319Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques%target data t:::[0 ;0;0;0;0;
4;4;4;4;4; 1
%training data
trndata= [x, t);
%creating fuzzy inference engine
plotmf ( fis, 'input' , 1) ;
%creating adaptive Neuro fuzzy inference engine
nfis = anfis(tr ndata,fis,epochs);
%evaluating anfis with given input
disp('The output data from anfis:'):
%calculating error rate
plot (e);
title(' Error rate');
%ploting given training data and anfis output
Plot (x,t, ‘or’, x,y, ‘kx’);
Title (Training data vs Output data’)
Legend (‘Training data’, ANFIS Output’, ‘location’, North’);

Page 321

X =
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 2
1 0 1 3
1 0 1 4
1 1 0 5
1 0 1 6
1 1 0 7
1 0 1 8
1 1 0 9
0 1 1 10
1 0 0 11
1 0 0 12
1 0 0 13
c 1 1 14
1 1 0 15
1 0 1 5.2
1 0 1 17
1 0 1 18
1 1 0 19
1 1 1 20
1 0 0 21
1 1 0 22
1 0 0 23
1 1 1 24
t =

Page 322

321Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
ANFIS info:
Number of nodes: 193
Number of linear parameters: 405
Number of nonlinear parameters: 36
Total number of parameters: 441
Number of training data pa its: 25
Number of checking data pa its: 0
Number of fuzzy rules: 81
Start training ANFIS
1 0.08918
2 0.0889038
3 0.0886229
4 0.0883371
5 0.0880464
Step size increases to 0.011000 after epoch 5.
6 0.0877506
7 0.0874193
398 0.00102 5.21
399 0.00102102
400 0.0010191

Page 323

Step size increases to 0.003347 after epoch 400.
Designated epoch number reached --> ANFIS training completed at epoch 400.
The output data from anfis:
1. 0000
1. 0000
1. 9998

Figure 10.14 shows the degree of membership. Figure 10.15 illusrmes the surface
view of the given system; Figure 10.16 the error rate; and Figure 10.17 the
performance of training data with output data.

Page 324

323Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques

Figure 10.14 Degree of membership.

Figure 10.15 Surface view of the given system.

Page 325


Figure 10.16 Error rate.

Figure 10·17 Performance of training data with output data.

Page 326

325Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
3. Write a MATI.AB program m train the given trmh table using adaptive
Neuro -fuuy hybrid technique. Source code
% Program to train the given truth table using adaptive Neuro fuzzy %hybrid
clear all;
close all;
%input data
X = [ 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 1 ; 0, 1, 1; 0, 0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1;]
%target data
%training data
trndata= [x, t];
mfType = 'gbellmf';
%creating fuzzy inference engine
Fis=genfisl (trndata, mfs, mfType);
Plotfis (fis);
title ('The created fuzzy logic');
plotmf(fis, 'input',l);
title ('The membership function of the fuzzy’):
surfview ( fis) ;
ruleview ( fis) ;
%creating adaptive Neuro fuzzy inference engine
nfis = anfis (trndata, fis, epochs);
plotfis (nfis);
title ('The created anfis');
plotmf (nfis,'input',l);
title ('The membership function of the anfis');
surfview (nfis);

Page 327

%evaluating anfis with given input
y=evalfis (x,nfis);
disp ('The output data from anfis:');
disp (y);
%calculating error rate
title(' Error rate');
%plating given training data and anfis output
plot (x, t, 'o' ,x,y, '*' l;
title ('Training data vs Output data');
legend ('Training data','ANFIS Output');
X =
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
T =
ANFIS info:
Number of nodes: 78
Number of linear parameters: 108
Number of nonlinear parameters: 27
Total number of parameters: 135

Page 328

327Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing TechniquesNumber of training data paits: 8 Number of checking data pa its: 0
Number of fuzzy rules: 27
Start training ANFIS …
1 3.13863e -007
2 3.0492e -007
3 2.9784le -007
4 2. 90245e -007
5 2.84305e -007
Step size increases to 0.011000 after epoch 5
6 2.78077e -007
47 2.22756e -007
48 2.22468e -007
49 2.22431e -007
Step size increases to 0.015627 after epoch 49.
Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
Designated epoch number reached --> ANFIS training completed at epoch 49.
The output data from anfis:

Figure 10-18 shows the ANFIS module for the given system with specified inputs.
Figure 10-19 illus trates the rule viewer for the ANFI S module. Figure 10-20 gives
the error rate. Figure 10-21 shows the performance of Training data and ourpur

Page 329


System anfis : 3 inputs, 1 outputs, 27 rules.
Figure 10-18 ANFIS module for the given system with specified inputs.

Figure 10-19 Rule viewer for the ANFIS module.

Page 330

329Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques

Figure 10-20 Error rate.

Figure 10-21 Performance of training data and output data.
4. Write a MATLAB program to optimize the neural network parameters for
the given truth table using genetic algorithm.
Source code
%Program to optimize the neural network parameters from given truth table
%using genetic algorithm
clear all;
close all;
%input data
p = [ 0 0 1 1; 0 1 0 1 ];

Page 331

%target data
T = [ -1 1 -1 1 ];
%creating a feedforeward neural network
net=newff (minrnax(p), [2,1]);
%creating two layer net with two Neuro ns in hidden (1) layer
net.inputs (l).size = 2;
net.numLayers = 2;
%initializing network
net= init(net);
net.initFcn = 'initlay';
%initializing weights and bias
net.layers{1}.initFcn = 'initwb';
net.layers{2).initFcn = 'initwb';
%Assigning weights and bias from function 'gawbinit'
net.inputWeights{1,1).initFcn = 'gawbinit';
net.layerWeights{2,1).initFcn = 'gawbinit';
%configuring training parameters = 0.05; %learning rate
net.trainParam.min_grad=Oe -10; %min. gradient
net.trainParam.epochs = 60; %No. of iterations
%Training neural net
%simulating the net with given input
y = sim (net,p);
disp ('The output of the net is : ');
disp (y};
plating given training data and anfis output
plot (p,t,'o',p,y, '*');
title ('Training data vs Output data');
%calculating error rate
e= gsubtract (t,y); % e=t -y
disp ('The error (t-y) of the net is :');
disp (e);

Page 332

331Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
%program to calculate weights and bias of the net
function outl = gawbinit (inl, in2, in3, in4, in5,-)
%Implementng genetic algorithm
%configuring ga arguments
A= [ ]; b = [ ]; %: linear constraints
Aeq = [ ]; beq = [ ]; %linear inequalities
lb = { -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2]; %lower bound
ub = [2 2 2 2 2 2]; %upper bound
%ploting ga parameters
Options = gaoptimset ('PlotFcns',{ Egaplotscorediversity, Egaplotbest f)};
%creating a multi objective genetic algorithm
%number of variables , for 2 layer 1 output 5 Neuro n net there are
%6 weights and 3 biases (6+3= 9)
[X, fval, exitFlag, Output]=gamultiobj{@fitnesfun,nvars,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,
%displaying the ga output parameters
disp(X );
fprint f ('The number of generations was : %d \n', Output.generations);
fprint f ('The number of function evaluations was : %d \n', OUtput.funccount);
fprint f ('The best function value found was %g \n', fval);
%Assigning the values of weights and bias respectively
%getting information of the net
persistent INFO;
if isempty (INFO), INFO= nnfcnWeightinit(mfilename,'Random Symmetric',
7.0, ... true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true); end
if ischar (inl)
switch lower (inl)
case 'info', outl =INFO;
%configuring function
case 'configure'
outl = struct;

Page 333

332SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUEScase 'initialize' %selecting input weights , layer·weights and bias separately switch(upper(in3)) case {'IW') %for input weights· if INFO.initinputWeight if in2.inputConnect(in4,in5) x=X; %Assigning ga output 'X' to input weights %Taking first 4 ga outputs to cFeate input weight matrix 'wi' wi(l,l)=x(l,l); wi{1,2)=x{1,2); wi(2,l)=x(l,3); wi(2,2)=x(1,4); disp(wil; outl = wi;%Returning input layer matrix else outl = [ ]; end else 505 nerr.thtow([upper(mfilename) ' does not initialize input weights.']); end case {'LW'} %for layer weights if INFO.initLayerWeight if i2.layerConnect{in4,in5) x=X; %Assigning ga output 'X' to layer weights %Taking 7th and 8th ga outputs to create layer weight matrix 'wl' wl(l,l)=x{l, 7); wl{1,2)=x(l,Bl; disp (wl); RXWO ZO5HWXUQLQJOD\HU‡HLJKWPDWUL[ else outl [ ]; end else nnerr.thtow([upper(mfilename) ' does not initialize input weights.']); end case {'B'} %for bias if INFO.initBias

Page 334

333Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
if in2.biasConnect{in4)
x=X; %Assigning ga output 'X' to bias
%Taking 5th, 6th and 9th ga outputs to create bias matrix 'bl'
bl [3) =x(l, 9);
outl = bl;

[];%Returning bias matrix tow([upper(mfilename) ' does not initialize biases.']);
end tow('Unrecognized value type.');
%Creating fitness function for genetic algorithm
function z = fitnesfun(e)
%The error (t-y) for all 4 i/o pa its are summed to get overall error
%For 4 input target pa its the overall error is divided by 4 to get average
%error value (1/4=0.25)
Optimization terminated: average change in the spread of Pare to solutions
less than options. TolFun.
Columns 1 th tough 7
0.0280 0.0041 0.0112 0.0069 0.0050
Columns 8 th tough 9
0.0018 0.0003
The number of generations was : 102
The number of function evaluations was : 13906
The best function value found was : 0.0177734
0.0062 0.0075

Page 335

Optimization terminated: average change in the spread of Pare to solutions
less than options. TolFun.
Column s 1 th tough 7
0.0012 0.0020 0.0096 0.0014 0.0018
Columns a th tough 9
0.0084 0.0025
The number of generations was 102
The number of function evaluations was : 13906
The best function value found was 0.00988699
The output of the net is :
-1.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 1.0000
The error (t-y) of the net is :
-0.3097 0.2645 -0.2735 0.3006
0.0044 0.0084
Figure 10.22 shows the plot of the generations versus fitness value and his togram.
Figure 10-23 illustrates the Neural Nenvork Training Tool for the given input and
output pa its. Figure 10-24 shows the neural network training p.erf'Oimance. Neural
necwork training state is shown in Figure 10-25. Figure 10-26 displays the
performance of uaining data versus output data.

Page 336

335Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques

Page 337


10.8 Review Questions
1. State the limitations of neural network s and fuzzy systems when operated
2. List the various cypes of hybrid systems.
3. Mention the characteristics and properties of Neuro -fuzzy hybrid systems.
4. What are the classifications of Neuro -fuzzy hybrid sysrems? E xplain in derail
any one of the Neuro -fuzzy hybrid systems.

Page 338

337Chapter 10: Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques
5. Give derails on the various applications of ncu tofuzzy hybrid systems.
6. How are genetic algorithms utilized for optimizing the w eights in neural
network archirecmre?
7. Explain in derail the concepts of fu zzy genetic hybrid systems.
8. Differentiate: ARTMAP and Fuzzy ARTMAP, Fuzzy ARTMAP and back -
Propagation neural networks.
9. Write nares on the supervised fuzzy ARTMAPs.
10. Give description on the operation of ANFIS Editor in MATI.AB.
Exercise Problem s
1. Write a MATLAB program m train NAND gate with binary inputs and
targe ts (rwo input -one Output) using adaptive Neuro -fuzzy hybrid technique.
2. Consider some alphabe ts of your own and recognize the assumed characters
using ANFIS Edi tor module in MATLAB
3. Perform Problem 2 for any assumed numeral charaaers. .
4. Design a genetic algoriilim to optimize the weights of a neural network model
while training Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques an OR gate wiili 2 bipolar
inputs and 1 bipolar targets.
5. Write a MATLAB M·file program for the working of washing machine using
fuzzy genetic hybrids .
S.Rajasekaran, G. A. Vijayalakshami , Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic
Algorithms: Synthesis & Applications, Prentice Hall of India, 2004
