SE Printing and Packaging Technology Rev 2016 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SE Printing and Packaging Technology Rev 2016 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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University of Mumbai, P rinting & P ackaging Technology Sc heme & Second Year Syllabus 1/ 38
AC 11/5/2017
Item No. 4.18 1


Bachelor of Engineering

Printing & Packaging Technology
Syllabus Details (REV - 2016) from Academic Year 201 6 -17
Second Year with Effect from AY 2017 -18
Third Year with Effect from AY 2018 -19
Final Year with Effect from AY 2019 -20

As per Choice Based Credit and Grading System
with effect from the AY 2016 –17

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Co-ordinator, Faculty of Technology’s Preamble:
To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in engineering education, the issue of quality needs to be
addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is the principal means of quali ty
assurance in higher education. The major emphasis of accreditation process is to measure the outcomes of
the program that is being accredited. In line with this Faculty of Technology of University of Mumbai has
taken a lead in incorporating philosophy o f outcome based education in the process of curriculum
Faculty of Technology, University of Mumbai, in one of its meeting unanimously resolved that, each Board
of Studies shall prepare some Program Educational Objectives (PEO’s) and give free dom to affiliated
Institutes to add few (PEO’s). It is also resolved that course objectives and course outcomes are to be clearly
defined for each course, so that all faculty members in affiliated institutes understand the depth and
approach of course to b e taught, which will enhance learner’s learning process. It was also resolved that,
maximum senior faculty from colleges and experts from industry to be involved while revising the
curriculum. I am happy to state that, each Board of studies has adhered to the resolutions passed by Faculty
of Technology, and developed curriculum accordingly. In addition to outcome based education, semester
based credit and grading system is also introduced to ensure quality of engineering education.
Choice based Credit and Grading system enables a much -required shift in focus from teacher -centric to
learner -centric education since the workload estimated is based on the investment of time in learning and not
in teaching. It also focuses on continuous evaluation which will enh ance the quality of education. University
of Mumbai has taken a lead in implementing the system through its affiliated Institutes and Faculty of
Technology has devised a transparent credit assignment policy and adopted ten points scale to grade
learner’s p erformance. Credit assignment for courses is based on 15 weeks teaching learning process,
however content of courses is to be taught in 12 -13 weeks and remaining 2 -3 weeks to be utilized for
revision, guest lectures, coverage of content beyond syllabus etc .
Choice based Credit and grading system is implemented from the academic year 2016 -17 through optional
courses at department and institute level. This will be effective for SE, TE and BE from academic year
2017 -18, 2018 -19 and 2019 -20 respectively.

Dr. S. K. Ukarande
Faculty of Technology,
Member - Academic Council
University of Mumbai, Mumbai

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Sem Paper
Code Paper Name
(As displayed on Mark Sheet) Asses -
Method Teaching
Scheme (hr/wk) Credits Assigned Examination Scheme
Marks Theory Marks
Term -
Prac -
Oral L T P L T P Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam T1 T2 Av.
III PPC301 Applied Mathematics – III Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
III PPC302 Packaging Introduction & Concepts Theory 2 - - 2 - - 2 15 15 15 60 - - - 75
III PPC303 Introduction to Printing Technology Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
III PPC304 Paperbased Packaging Materials Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
III PPC305 Glass, Metal & Textile based Packaging
Materials Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
III PPT301 Applied Mathematics – III Tutorial TW - 2 - - 2 - 2 - - - - 25 - - 25
III PPL301 Principles of Graphic Arts & Design I TW/Pr - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 - - - - 25 25 - 50
III PPL302 Screen Printing Laboratory TW - - 4 - - 2 2 - - - - 50 - - 50
III PPL303 Paperbased Material Testing TW/Pr - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 - - - - 25 25 - 50
III PPL304 Glass, Metal & T extile based Packaging
Material Tutorial TW/Or - 2 - - 2 - 2 - - - - 25 - 25 50
TOTAL 16 4 10 16 4 5 25 - - 95 380 150 50 25 700

Sem Paper
Code Paper Name
(As displayed on Mark Sheet) Asses -
Method Teaching
Scheme (hr/wk) Credits Assigned Examination Scheme
Marks Theory Marks
Term -
Prac -
Oral L T P L T P Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam T1 T2 Av.
IV PPC4 01 Plastics in Packaging Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
IV PPC4 02 Ancillary Packaging Materials Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
IV PPC4 03 Colour Reproduction Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
IV PPC4 04 Offset Printing Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
IV PPC4 05 Digital Electronics & Microcontrollers Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
IV PPL4 01 Principles of Graphic Arts & Design II TW/Pr - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 - - - - 25 25 - 50
IV PPL402 Plastic Material Testing TW/Pr - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 25 - 50
IV PPL403 Colour Reproduction Laboratory TW/Pr - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 25 - 50
IV PPL404 Offset Printing Laboratory TW/Or - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 - - - - 25 - 25 50
IV PPL405 Digital Electronics & Microcontroller s
Laboratory TW - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 - - 25
IV PPL406 Ancillary Packaging Material Testing TW - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 - - 25
TOTAL 18 0 14 18 - 7 25 - - 100 400 150 75 25 750

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Sem Paper
Code Paper Name
(As displayed on Mark Sheet) Asses -
Method Teaching
Scheme (hr/wk) Credits Assigned Examination Scheme
Marks Theory Marks
Term -
Prac -
Oral L T P L T P Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam T1 T2 Av.
V PPC5 01 Plastics Processing & Conversion
Technologies Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
V PPC5 02 Gravure Printing Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
V PPC5 03 Theory of Machines & Design Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
V PPC5 04 Instrumentation & Process Control Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
V PPC5 05 Industrial Products Packaging Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
V PPL5 01 Plastics Processing & Conversion
Technologies TW/Or - - 4 - - 2 2 - - - - 25 - 25 50
V PPL502 Package Design & Graphics - I TW/Pr - - 4 - - 2 2 - - - - 25 50 - 75
V PPL502 Theory of Machines & Design TW - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 - - 25
V PPL503 Instrumentation & Process Control TW - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 - - 25
V PPL504 Business & Corporate Ethics TW - - 4* - - 2 2 - - - - 25 - - 25
TOTAL 18 0 15 18 0 8 26 - - 100 400 125 50 25 700

Sem Paper
Code Paper Name
(As displayed on Mark Sheet) Asses -
Method Teaching
Scheme (hr/wk) Credits Assigned Examination Scheme
Marks Theory Marks
Term -
Prac -
Oral L T P L T P Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam T1 T2 Av.
VI PPC6 01 Packaging Machineries & Systems Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VI PPC6 02 Food & Pharmaceutical Packaging Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VI PPC6 03 Flexographic Printing Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VI PPC6 04 Colour Management Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VI PPC6 05* Elective – I Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VI PPL6 01 Packaging Machineries & Systems TW/Or - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 - 25 50
VI PPL602 Package Design & Graphics - II TW/Pr - - 4 - - 2 2 - - - - 25 50 - 75
VI PPL603 Flexographic Printing TW/Pr - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 - - - - 25 25 - 50
VI PPL604 Colour Management TW/Or - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 - 25 50
VI PPL605* Elective - I TW/Or - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 25 - 25 50
VI PPS601 Industrial Visits TW/Or - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 25 - 25 50
TOTAL 18 0 16 18 - 8 26 - - 100 400 150 75 100 825

Elective – I: 1. Packaging Distribution & Dynamics 2. Inks & Coatings 3. Digital & Security Printing 4. Print Finishing & Converting

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Sem Paper
Code Paper Name
(As displayed on Mark Sheet) Asses -
Method Teaching
Scheme (hr/wk) Credits Assigned Examination Scheme
Marks Theory Marks
Term -
Prac -
Oral L T P L T P Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam T1 T2 Av.
VII PPC7 01 Sustainable Packaging Theory 2 - - 2 - - 2 15 15 15 60 - - - 75
VII PPC7 02 Packaging Laws & Regulations Theory 2 - - 2 - - 2 15 15 15 60 - - - 75
VII PPC7 03 Packaging Distribution & Logistics Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VII PPC7 04 Total Quality Management & Economics Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VII PPC7 05 Project Management& Entrepreneurship Theory 3 - - 3 - - 3 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VII PPC706* Elective - II Theory 4 - - 4 - - 4 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
VII PPT7 01 Cost Estimation& Statistical Analysis TW - 2 - - 2 - 2 - - - - 25 - - 25
VII PPT702 Project Management & Entrepreneurship TW - 2 - - 2 - 2 - - - - 25 - - 25
VII PPL703 Packaging Distribution & Logistics TW/Or - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 - - - - 25 - 25 50
VII PPL704 Elective - II TW/Or - - 3 - - 1.5 1.5 - - - - 25 - 25 50
VII PPS701 Mini Project TW/Or - - 4 - - 2 2 - - - - 50 - 25 75
TOTAL 18 4 10 18 4 5 27 - - 110 440 150 - 75 775

Elective – II: 1. Advance Food Packaging 2. Advanced Industrial Products Packaging 3. Labelling Technology 4. e-Publishing

Sem Paper
Code Paper Name
(As displayed on Mark Sheet) Asses -
Method Teaching
Scheme (hr/wk) Credits Assigned Examination Scheme
Marks Theory Marks
Term -
Prac -
Oral L T P L T P Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam T1 T2 Av.
VIII PPI8 01 Professional Internship TW/Or - - - - - - 14 - - - - 150 - 100 250
VIII PPP801 Project TW/Or - - - - - - 10 - - - - 100 - 100 200
TOTAL - - - - - - 24 - - - - 250 - 200 450

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC 301 Applied Mathematics - III 4
Objectives :
1. Study Laplace Transform, Fourier series & Transform .
2. Understand the fundamental aspects of vector calculus & matrices .
3. Study the concept of probability & statistics .

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to…..
1. Obtain and invert Laplace Transform using standard results and shifting theorem .
2. Determine eigen values &eigen vectors of a matrix and power or exponential of a
matrix using them.
3. Formulate and analyze mathematical problems followed by drawing clear and
reasonable conclusions .
4. Infer about a particular sample with high degree of reliability.
5. Formulate and analyze statistical problems followed by drawing clear and reasonable
conclusions .
6. Apply fourier transform in engineering learning

Module Details. Hrs.

1 Laplace Transform :
Definition of Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of standard
functions, Properties(Linearity, Change of scale) and theorems
(First shifting, second shifting) (without proofs), Laplace
Transform of Unit Step .
Inverse Laplace Transform: To determine Inverse Laplace
Transform by partial fraction method, Convolution Theorem
(witho ut proof). Application of Laplace Transform to solve
differential equations


2 Fourier Series & Fourier Transforms :
Orthogonal and Orthonormal set of functions, Dririchlet’s
conditions, Fourier series of periodic functions, Even and Odd
functions, Half range Sine and cosine series Fourier Integral
theorem (Proof not required) - Fourier Sine and Cosine integral
representations. Fourier Transforms - Fourier Sine and Cosine
Tran sforms .


Vector Calculus :
Scalar and Vector Point function, Vector differential operator.
Directional derivatives, Gradient, Divergence and Curl,
Conservative, Irrotational and Solenoidal fields. Scalar potential .

Matrices :
Eigen values and Eigen vectors, properties (without proof), Caley
Hamilton Theorem (only statement) and its applications


Probability & Statistics :
Random variables - Probability distributions (Poisson & Normal)
moments, moment generating functions. Testing of Hypothesis -
Large sample tests -Test of Significance difference between
sample mean and Opulation mean, means of two samples, Small
sample tests (Student’s t, F, Chi square) .

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Theory Examinations:
a) End Semester University examination for 80 marks will have :
i) Question paper with 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
ii) Only 4 questions need to be answered.
iii) Question 1 will be compulsory and based on maximum part of the syllabus.
iv) Remaining each of 5 questions will be based on combination of modules.
( e.g., Q2 has part (a) and (b) from two different modules ).

b) Internal Assessment for 20 marks:
Assessment consists of compulsory two tests out of which first test should be clas s
test (on minimum 40% of curriculum) and the other is either a class test (from
remaining 6 0% of curriculum ) or assignment on live problems.

References :
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics, B.V Ramana, Tata MacGrawHill.
2. Fundamentals of statistics, S.C Gupta Himalaya Publications.
3. Matrices, A.R Vasishta Krishana Prakashan media Ltd.
4. Probability statistics and Random process, T.Veerarajan, Tata MacGrawHill.
5. A text of engineering mathematics, N.P Bali, M.GoyalLaxmi Publications.

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC302 Packaging Introduction & Concepts 2
Objectives :
1. Study the basic concepts of packaging technology.
2. Understand marketing as an integral tool to packaging.
3. Recognize the importance of product -package interaction & its quality aspects in
4. Study the overall perspective of the packaging industry.
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to…..
1. Effectively observe and compare the different package forms.
2. Describe the importance of compatibility studies and their associated parameters.
3. Analyze the various hazards & environmental issues related to Packaging.
4. Analyze the aesthetics of a package and the differentiating factors.
5. Elaborate the importance of quality in packagi ng.
6. Explain signifi cance of packaging in terms of today’s market.
Module Details. Hrs.
1 Packaging Introduction:
Packaging – History, Need & Evolution; Packaging Functions –
Contain, Preserve, Protect, Inform, Identify, Sell; Packaging
Hazards – Storage, Transportation, Chemical, Climatic,
Biological; Packaging Classifications – Primary / Secondary /
Tertiary, Unit / intermediate / Bulk, Flexible & Rigid. 6
2 Packaging as a Marketing Tool:
Market Considerations – Importance of Demography &
Psycho graphy, Retail Market (POP), Equity & Brand Name;
Package Embellishment – Graphic Design Elements –
Significance of Shape, Size, Colour, Font, Texture, Lines,
Balance & Unity, Symmetry & Harmony; Shelf Appeal Studies
- Recall Questioning, Focus Group, Eye -Tracking, S -scope
studies. 6
Product -Package Compatibility Studies:
Product Characteristics: Physical (nature, shape, size, texture,
Centre of gravity, etc.), Chemical (Acidic, basic, reactivity etc.),
Biological (Effect of micro -organisms) and Effect of moisture,
oxygen and other gases; Package Characteristics: Material
(Plastic, paper, wood, etc.), Physical (tensile, breaking load,
burst, molecular/fibre direction, etc.), Chemical (Unreacted
chemicals present, pH, etc.), Biological (sensitivity to mic ro-
organisms), Permeability (Barrier properties –
Absorption/Diffusion of moisture and gases). Live Problems /
Case Studies. 6
4 Introduction to Quality:
Quality Control – Need and importance in packaging;
Significance of specifications; Significance of T esting;
Introduction to Standards, Conditioning, Sampling; Examples of
testing according to standards. 3

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5 Packaging Perspectives:
Packaging Costs; Packaging – Environmental considerations &
waste management; Introduction to Packaging Laws &
Regulations; Packaging Scenario – World & India –
Comparison, Scope & Growth in India. 3
Theory Examinations:
a) End Semester University examination for 6 0 marks will have :
i) Question pa per with 6 questions, each of 15 marks.
ii) Only 4 questions need to be answered.
iii) Question 1 will be compulsory and based on maximum part of the syllabus.
iv) Remaining each of 5 questions will be based on combination of modules.
(e.g., Q2 has part (a) and (b) from two different modules ).

b) Internal Assessment for 15 marks:
Assessment c onsists of compulsory two tests out of which first test should be class
test (on minimum 40% of curriculum) and the other is either a class test (from
remaining 60% of curriculum) or assignment on live problems.

References :
a. Soroka W., “Fundamentals of Packaging Technology”, 3 rd Ed, IoPP, 2002.
b. Paine F. A., “The Packaging User’s Handbook”, 1st Ed, Blackie Academic &
Professional, 1991.
c. Byett J. et al., “Packaging Technology”, 2 nd Ed, The Institute of Packaging (SA), 2001.
d. Selke , S. E. M., Culter, J. D. and Hernandez, R. J., “Plastics Packaging: Properties,
processing,Applications and Regulation”, Carl HanserVerlag, USA, 2004.
e. Joseph F. H, Robert J. K, Hallie F, “Handbook of Package Engineering”, Third
Edition,Technomic Publishin g, 1998.
f. Yam K. L., “The Wiley Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology”, Third Edition, Wiley,

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC303 Introduction to Printing Technology 3

Objectives :
1. Introducing concepts of Printing technology along with its evolution & necessity in
today’s society.
2. Understand the basic principles of various Printing processes.
3. Study basic image reproduction process, contribution of various elements in designing
& typesetting.
4. Study of various materi als used in printing processes.

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Distinguish various printing principles like plan ography, intaglio & relief.
2. Compare the process of image generation on the basis of typography, reprography &
layout making.
3. Analyze the va rious Press configurations of O ffset, Gravure, Flexography &
4. Classify Inks and Substrates used in various Printing technologies .
5. Recognize various materials used in pri nting operations and distinguish P rint finishing
6. Choose an appropriate Printing process for any given Printing job.
Module Details. Hrs.

1 Introduction
Printing – History, Need & Evolution.
Definition of Printing - Various forms of communication -
Conventional Printing processes - Relief printing process,
Lithography, Intaglio, Screen printing and Pad printing.
Applications, advantages and their limitations.
Digital printing processes - Concept of impact and non -impact,
working of ele ctrophotography and ink jet and its application in
Package Printing


2 Pre-Press
Typography - digital font and movable type, type terminology,
typeface structure and parts & type family - definition
Typesetting and Measurements - measure & gauge, pica, em, en.
Readability & legibility
Original and its types, requirements for various printing process.
Types of films, generation of positive and negative films, line and
half tone film generation, latent image formation and
Exposure – definition, types, effect of over and under exposure on
films. Need of color separation, Additive and subtractive color
theories. Layout and imposition - need and significance of
imposition technique.
Introduction to DTP, advantages and ap plications. Proofing – need
and significance of proofing, types of proof in brief (soft and hard
proof), proofing technique: press proofers - offset, flexography and


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gravure. Digital proofers.

Letter press printing technology - Flat bed, Platen press, Rotary
Press and its applications. Offset - Sheet fed & Web fed machines -
Inline, Stack, CIC and Perfecting (Blanket to blanket) mechanism
and its applications. Gravure and Flexography - Inline, Stack and
CIC Configurations and its applica tions in Package Printing.
Screen - Flat and Rotary printing. Hybrid press and its application
in Packaging Industry. Introduction to Security features in Printing



Post Press
Cutting, slitting, trimming. Binding - folding, types of folding
(parallel and perpendicular folds), gathering, collating, insetting.
Binding style -saddle stitching, section binding, perfect binding.
Finishing - Diecutting, Foil stamping, Embossing, Coating,
Varnishing and Lamination and it’s role in enhancing Package



Ink and Substrate
Classification of ink - paste, liquid (water and solvent base). Basic
ingredients of inks pigment resin, vehicle, additive etc.
Printing inks -Letter press, Lithographic, Flexographic, Gravure,
Screen printing and Pad printing. Rheological properties of inks:
viscosity, yield value, thixotropy, flow,tack, body length. Drying
methods - Chemical drying, Physical drying. Substrates used in
Package printing -Standard paper sizes -British & ISO. Basic
properties of Paper, Paperboard, Plastic and Foils and their
importance in Package Printing


Theory Examinations:
a) End Semester University exa mination for 80 marks will have :
i) Question paper with 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
ii) Only 4 questions need to be answered.
iii) Question 1 will be compulsory and based on maximum part of the syllabus.
iv) Remaining each of 5 questions will be based on combination of modules.
(e.g., Q2 has part (a) and (b) from two different modules ).
b) Internal Assessment for 20 marks:
Assessment consists of compulsory two tests out of which first test should be class
test (on minimum 40% of curriculum) and the other is either a class test (from
rema ining 60% of curriculum) or assignment on live problems.
1. Handbook of Print Media, Helmet Kipphan, Springer Publications
2. Hand book of Print and Production – Michael Barnard, John Peacock.
3. Printing Materials Science & Technology Vol. 24 , J. Anthony Bristow
4. The Complete technology book on Printing Inks, Asia Pacific Business Press
5. Typesetting – Composition – Geoff, Barlow
6. Hand book of Typography – Kailas Tahle
7. Printing Technology 5th edition, Michael Adams
8. The Print and Production manual, PIRA

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC 304 Paperbased Packaging Materials 4

Objectives :
1. Gain the basic knowledge of pulping and paper making process .
2. Study the different types of paper based packages and their manufacturing process.
3. Understand the designing process and estimation of material requirements for major
forms of paper based packaging
4. Study the major testing standards and properties of paper based packaging materials
as per standards

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to…..
1. Explain the raw materials involved in pulping and paper making process.
2. Explain the operations involved in pulping and paper making process
3. Identify the manufacturing process for dif ferent types of paper based Packages.
4. Design and estimate material requirements for major forms of paper based packaging .
5. Test and analyze the major properties of paper based packaging materials .
6. Describe the manufacturing process for different types of paper basedPackages .
Module Details. Hrs.

1 Raw Materials and Preparation :
Fibrous raw materials –Soft and Hard Wood, Wood structure and
morphology, Nonwoodfibers and recycled paper, Non fibrous
Additives, Sizing Agents, Binders, Fillers and Additives, Wood
harvesting, logging, sorting, Debarking, Chipping, Screening &
Storage .
Pulping :
Types - Mechanical, Chemical and semi -chemical - Mechanical
pulping, Stone ground wood, pressurized grinding, Refiner
pulping, refiner plates, Assisted mechanical pulping, thermo -
mechanical, chemi -mechanical, chemithermo -mechanical,
Chemical pulping - Kraft and Sulfite – Pulping Chemistry - Liquor
Chemicals and reactions - Digester Tem perature and Pressure -
Chemical recovery and environmental effects - Pulp properties –
Processing of pulp for paper making .


2 Paper Making :
Preparation of pulp – Repulping/dispersion, Beating and Refining,
Bleaching, Recycled paper – Dein king, Washing and Flotation
Foudrinier Paper Machine - Dry and Wet end operations - Surface
treatments - Sizing, Coating and Super calendaring .
Board making:
Multiply Board, Cylinder Forming machine, Vat types - Pressure
and suction forming. Pressing, drying and finishing.
Paper properties:
Optical properties – Colour, brightness, smoothness, gloss, opacity
and rub resistance, Strength properties –thickness, grammage,
tensile, tear, bursting strength, stiffness, Grain direction, Wire and
Felt sides


Types of papers :
Printing grades -uncoated papers, coated papers, Newsprint, office

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paper -Packaging paper grades, properties and applications -
Tissue, Parchment, greaseproof, glassine, wet strength paper,
stretchable paper, coated paper - Boards used in packaging - Solid
bleached/unbleached, folding box board, white lined chip board .
Paper based packaging :
Paper bags & Sacks –Manufacturing & Applications - Types of
bags- Multiwall Paper bags – Composite containers
Manufacturing & Applications convolute/ spiral/lap winding –
Fiber drums - Regenerated Cellulosic films .



Cartons and Boxes :
Folding Cartons – Styles and Applications - Designing and
manufacturing - Set up box applications and manufacturing
process - Corrugated Fiber Board(CFB) – structure and materials -
Types of flutes and their characteristics - Manufacturing process of
CFB - Making of CFB box - Styles of boxes - Properties of CFB
Solid Fiber board box manufacturing, materials and applications -
Moulded pulp board – moulding process, a pplications

Theory Examinations:
a) End Semester University examination for 80 marks will have :
i) Question paper with 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
ii) Only 4 questions need to be answered.
iii) Question 1 will be compulsory and based on maximum part of the syllabus.
iv) Remaining each of 5 questions will be based on combination of modules.
(e.g., Q2 has part (a) and (b) from two different modules).

b) Internal Assessment for 20 marks:
Assessment consists of compulsory two tests out of which first test should be class
test (on minimum 40% of curriculum) and the other is either a class test (from
remaining 60% of curriculum) or assignment on live problems.

1. Hand book of Paper and Board, Herbert Holik, Wiley -VCH, 2006 .
2. Paper and paperboard Pa ckaging Technology, Mark J. Kirwan, Blackwell Publishing,
2005 .
3. Handbook of Pulp Vol.1, Herbert Sixta, Wiley -VCH, 2005 .
4. Handbook for pulp and paper technologists, G.A. Smook, Angus Wilde Publications,
2001 .

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC 305 Glass, Metal & Textile based Packaging Materials 3

Objectives :
1. Understand the use and application of primary packaging materials i.e. glass and metal.
2. Study the types of textile materials and their application
3. Learn the basics package forms and the technology to manufa cture them for the above
listed materials.

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to…..
1. Describe & interpret the various manufacturing process for glass bottles, metal cans &
tubes and textile based bags .
2. Explain various design aspects for various types of package forms made up of glass.
3. Explain various design aspects for various types of p ackage forms made up of metal.
4. Summarize the aerosol technology and its wide ap plication in packaging.
5. Discuss various quality control and testing procedures for these package forms.
6. Describe the basics of fabric & textile technology to produce bags of various materials like
jute, hemp etc.

Module Details. Hrs.

1 Glass in Packaging
Introduction & History of Glass Materials - Composition -
Chemical Structure - Raw Materials used for manufacturing glass
containers - Glass properties - Glass Industry - Market Overview
Glass Manufacturing Process - Container Formin g Processes -
Study of important control parameters during the processes - Post
forming Treatments or processes
Types of Glass - Types of glass containers - Advantages &
Disadvantages - Applications
Glass bottle design - Specifications & Quality Control - Defects


2 Metals in Packaging
Introduction & History of Metals - Overview of Extraction
Processes - Important Metals in Packaging & their properties -
Market & Industry Overview
Aluminium based: Conversion processes for Sheets - Aluminium
Foil, properties & their applications
Steel based: Stainless & Galvanized Steel - Coated steels like
Tinplate, Tinfree Steel, Polymer coated - Manufacturing Process
& Description
Metal Cans: History of Metal Cans - Three piece & Two piece
Cans - Draw & redraw, Draw & iron, Walled iron Cans - Welded
& Seamless Cans - Can Dimensioning - Specifications & Quality
Control - Defects
Collapsible Tubes - Manufacturing process - Design of Metal
Collapsible Tubes - Advantages & Disadvantages of Metal
Colla psible tubes
Aerosol Containers - Classification of Aerosols - Design Features


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- Components - Filling Process - Advantages & Disadvantages of
Aerosols - Applications
Overview of metal corrosion and anticorrosion techniques

Textile based Packaging
Materials for textile based packaging - Raw materials like Jute,
Hemp etc. - Terminologies - Sack Manufacturing Process - Jute
Bag classification like Hessians, Tarpaulins & Twilled - Finishing
Treatments -Standardization of Sizes - Lining & its Significance -
Applications - Comparison with Plastic Bags


Theory Examinations:
c) End Semester University examination for 80 marks will have :
5. Question paper with 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
6. Only 4 questions need to be answered.
7. Question 1 will be compulsory and based on maximum part of the syllabus.
8. Remaining each of 5 questions will be based on combination of modules.
(e.g., Q2 has part (a) and (b) from two different modules).

d) Internal Assessment for 20 marks:
Assessment consists of compulsory two tests out of which first test should be class
test (on minimum 40% of curriculum) and the other is either a class test (from
remaining 60% of curriculum) or assignment on live problems.

1. K. L. Yam, The Wi ley Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology , 3rd ed., Wiley, 2009
2. W. Soroka, Fundametals of Packaging Technology, 4th ed., IoPP, 2009
3. J. F. Hanlon, Handbook of Package Engineering, 3rd ed., CRC Press, 1998
4. F. A. Paine, The Packaging User’s Handbook, Springer, 1990

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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPT 301 Applied Mathematics – III Tutorial 2

1. Study Laplace Transform, Fourier series & Transform.
2. Understand the fundamental aspects of vector calculus & matrices.
3. Study the concept of probability & statistics
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to….
1. Obtain and invert Laplace Transform using standard results and shifting theorem .
2. Determine eigen values &eigen vectors of a matrix and power or exponential of a
matrix using them.
3. Formulate and analyze mathematical problems followed by drawing clear and
reasonable conclusions .
4. Infer about a particular sample with high degree of reliability.
5. Formulate and analyze statistical problems followed by drawing clear and reasonable
conclusions .
6. Apply fourier transform in engineering learning
Term Work: (Comprises both a &b )
a) Minimum Eight tutorials
b) Assignments : Minimum two numericals on each of the following topic s:
1.Fourier series & Fourier Transforms
2. Probability & Statistics .
3. Laplace Transform .
4. Vector Calculus .
5. Matrices .
( Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)

Distribution of marks for Term Work shall be as follows:
Tutorial work : 15 M arks.
Assignments : 05 Marks
Attendance (Theory and Tutorial ) : 05 marks.

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPL301 Principles of Graphic Arts & Design -I 1.5
Objectives :
1. Study the basics of how to create a design.
2. Understand the fundamental principles of graphic design & their types.
3. Study the concept of colour and their effects on design.
4. Understand the method to create visual image and layout.
5. Learn and understand the various softwares used for designing.
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Create a design based on specific requirement.
2. Analyze the usage of particular colour & text in Package design.
3. Generate various design layouts with proper visual impacts.
4. Create a design for folding carton with appropriate software .
5. Edit an image and use it in a Package design.
6. Generate Logos for a given concept or product.
Term Work: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Experiments (Minimum Eight)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 To create thumbnails and rough sketches based on theme
selected for the design.
3 Hrs
2 To prepare an appropriate Layout for the selected design. 3 Hrs
3 To edit an image using Adobe Photoshop 3 Hrs
4 To create a logo design using Corel DRAW 3 Hrs
5 To apply various effects on the image using editing software 3 Hrs
6 To prepare a brochure using Corel DRAW 3 Hrs
7 To create a design layout for folding carton of given
dimensions 3 Hrs
8 To create a label design for any given product 3 Hrs
9 To design commercial print products 3 Hrs
b) Assignments : Minimum one write -up on each of the following topics:
1. Case study of Layout and Typography used in current Package design
2. Case study of any current Folding carton design
3. Case study of Flexible package design
4. Case study of Label design
(Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
Distribution of marks for Ter m Work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work : 15marks.
Assignments : 05 Marks
Attendance (Theory and Practical ) : 05 marks.

End Semester Practical Examination (for 25 marks) : Under single head of examination ,
includin g Practical (15 marks assessment) followed by oral (10 marks assessment) to be
conducted by internal and external examiners.

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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL302 Screen Printing Laboratory 2
1. Introduce the concept of screen printing techniques.
2. Understand the screen printing technology for four color printing.
3. Gain knowledge about different applications of screen printing.
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to….
1. Prepare screen printing image carrier by direct, indirect photographic methods.
2. Demonstrate the use of different photographic films for mesh preparation according to
3. Produce different printed samples for various substrates like fabric, glass, acrylic, wood
selecting suitable inks & coatings for that material.
4. Produce & analyze a halftone dot image generated for four color printing and registration
of color.
5. Analyze the common faults in Screen Printing Process
Term Work: (Comprises both a & b )
a) List of Experiments (Minimum Eight)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1. Study of screen printing process, equipment and chemicals
used. 4 Hrs
2 Determining optimum exposure for various stencil methods. 4 Hrs
3 Centering the image for various size stocks. 4 Hrs
4 Screen preparation and printing by direct method. 4 Hrs
5 Screen preparation and printing by indirect method. 4 Hrs
6 Screen preparation and printing by direct indirect method. 4 Hrs
7 Printing two colour image on paper and textile. 4 Hrs
8 To Planning , Designing& Production of 16 page brochure
using screen printing. 4 Hrs
9 Screen Printing on textile/PVC/Glass – T-Shirt. 4 Hrs

b) Assignments : Minimum two question on each of the following topics:
1. Screen Printing on different substrate
2. Chemical Used in Screen Printing
3. Common Fault in screen printing
4. Screen Printing automatic press
5. Screen Process Stencils/fabrics
( Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)

Distribution of marks for Term Work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work : 30 M arks.
Assignments : 10 Marks
Attendance (Theory and Practicals ) : 10 marks.

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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL303 Paperbased Material Testing 1.5

1. To determine bursting strength burst factor of paper .
2. To compare Stiffness of board on machine and cross direction .
3. To compare Tearing strength of paper on machine and cross direction.

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to….
1. Check grammage and thickness of paper & paperboard.
2. Find out burst factor of paper.
3. Perform stiffness test.
4. Perform Puncture resistance of CFB .
5. Identify flute types in CFB .
6. Make paper carry bags as per the standard .

Term Work: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Experiments (Minimum Eight)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 To find Grammage and thickness of paper and paperboard 3 Hrs
2 To find Cobb value of paper and board 3Hrs
3 To find Bursting strength and burst factor of paper 3Hrs
4 To find Tearing Strength of paper and grain direction 3Hrs
5 To find Stiffness of board 3Hrs
6 To find Puncture resistance of CFB 3 Hrs
7 To Identify flute types in CFB 3Hrs
8 To find BCT, ECT and RCT of CFB 3Hrs
9 To make paper carry bags 3Hrs

b) Assignments : Minimum onenumerical on each of the following topics:
1. Cost of CFB.
2. Weight of CFB.
(Note : Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)

Distribution of marks for Term Work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work : 15marks.
Assignments : 05 Marks
Attendance (Theory and Practicals ) : 05 marks.

End Semester Practical Examination (for 25 marks) : Under single head of examination ,
including Practical (15 marks ass essment) followed by oral (10 marks assessment) to be
conducted by internal and external examiners.

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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL304 Glass, Metal & Textile based Packaging Materials
Tutorial 2

1. To understand testing procedures for glass, metal & textile based packages
2. To interpret test results for various standard testing procedures.
3. To describe and conduct the various testing procedures for glass, metal & textile packages
based on specific requirements .

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to….
1. Use various testing standards
2. Calculate capacity & dimensions for containers
3. Analyze Thermal shock & chemical resistance for glass bottles
4. Perform & Analyze coating relate d tests for metals used for cans
5. Analyze corrosion tests for metals
6. Conduct tests for textile based materials

Term Work: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Tutorials (minimum eight)
Tutorials to be covered on the basis of ASTM/ISO/IS or any other suitable standards for
testing of glass, metal, textile based packaging. Tutorials should be uniformly conducted
from following listed areas for var ious materials. Demonstration would be beneficial for
the learner. Some of them can be listed as fo llows:
Glass - Alkalinity, verticality test, Annealing defects, dimension s & capacity along with
its significance, melting point of glass, thermal shock, chemical resistance , constituents
testing etc.
Metal - Coating thickness, Scotch Tape test for tin lacquers, lacquer curing test for
metals, rust resistance (visual & comparative, thiosulphate method) , salt drop test for
corrosion etc.
Textile - Weight of Hessian, Tensile strength & elongation, seam strength, oil content of
Hessian cloth etc.
b) Ass ignments : Minimum one numerical on each of the following topics:
1. Cost of Glass Container .
2. Cost of Metal Container (Cans/Tube)
3. Design parameter & effects on cost reduction.
4. Package considerations for jute bags for bulk materials (chemicals/agro)
(Note : Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
Distribution of marks for Term Work shall be as follows:
Tutorial work : 15marks.
Assignments : 05 Marks
Attendance (Theory and Tutorials ) : 05 marks.

End Semester Oral Examination (for 25 marks) : Under single head of examination , oral to
be conducted by internal and external examiners.

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC401 Plastics in Packaging 4
Objectives :
1. Understand the fundamentals of polymer science.
2. Study and appreciate the macro, micro & molecular level interaction in polymers.
3. Learn the factors that affect rheological properties of plastics.
4. Study the different types of plastics and their associated properties.
5. Understand the various testing methods employed on plastic materials.
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
1. Describe the various polymerization mechanisms and techniques.
2. Differentiate between thermoplastics & th ermosets.
3. Effectively communicate the relation between effects of temperature and crystallinity
of polymers.
4. Identify and categorize various plastics by chemical and instrumentation methods.
5. Choose a plastic material for a specific application based on the ir physical and
chemical properties.
6. Describe the properties that are important from the point of view of plastic processing.
Module Details. Hrs.
1 Introduction to Polymers
Introduction to Historical Background of Polymer Science,
Various applications of polymers, Raw materials, Market and
future of polymers, India in global scenario.
Macromolecular concept, structural features of polymers, Basic
concepts and terminology lik e monomers, oligomers, telomers,
polymers low polymers, high polymers, copolymers, functionality,
degree of polymerization, thermoplastics, thermosets,
elastomers/rubbers, plastics, fibers, adhesives. 8
2 Classification of Polymers
Classification based on structure, origin, fabrication, properties
etc. Linear, branched, crosslinked polymers etc. Classification
Nomenclature of polymers, Crystalline and Amorphous polymers.
Brief idea of Adhesives, Fibers and surface coatings, Blends ,
alloys . Polymerization r eaction -Polymerization mechan isms
(Addition & Condensation), Types of polymerization (Bulk,
Solution, Suspension & Emulsion). 8
3 Molecular Weight & Molecular Weight Distribution:
Concept of average molecular weight of polymers Molecular
Weight Distribut ion , Mw, Mn, Mv and Mz, Polydispersity index.
Thermal changes – Glass Transition Temperature (Tg), Softening/
MeltingTemperature (Tm), Degradation Temperature (Td ). Heat
Distortion Temperature, u nderstanding Melt Flow Index of
plastics. 10


Structure –Property Relationship:
Glass transition temperature, factors affecting glass transition
temperature, melting point and factors affecting it, melt viscosity,
Factors affecting Tensile strength, yield strength, modulus, 7

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density, impact strength. Heat Distortion Temperature, Vicat
Softening Point, and hardness .


Commodity Plastics in Packaging:
Polyethylene (PE): Types, Properties & Applications.
Polypropylene (PP): Varieties, Properties & Applications.
Polyvin yl Chloride (PVC): Properties, Compounding &
Polystyrene (PS): Types, Properties & Applications.
Copolymerization, Alloying and Blending.


6 Engineering & Speciality Plastics in Packaging:
Properties & Applications of Engineering Plastics:
Thermoplastics Polyesters (PET & PBT), Polycarbonate (PC),
Acrylics (PAN &
PMMA), Polyamide (PA 6 & PA 6,6).
Properties & Applications of Speciality Plastics:
Polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC), Ethyl Vinyl Acetate (EV A),
Ethyl Vinyl Alcohol
(EVOH), Ionomer, Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE)


7 Thermoset plastics in packaging:
Applications of Amino plastics (Urea Formaldehyde & Melamine
Formaldehyde), Phenolics, Epoxies, Unsaturated Polyesters,
Theory Examinations:
a) End Semester University examination for 80 marks will have :
i) Question paper with 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
ii) Only 4 questions need to be answered.
iii) Question 1 will be compulsory and based on maximum part of the syllabus.
iv) Remaining each of 5 questions will be based on combination of modules.
( e.g., Q2 has part (a) and (b) from two different modules ).

b) Internal Assessment for 20 marks:
Assessment consists of compulsory two tests out of which first test should be cla ss
test ( on minimum 40% of curriculum ) and the other is either a class test ( from
remaining 60% of curriculum ) or assignment on live problems.

References :
1. Strong A. B., “Plastics: Materials and Processing”, 3rdEd, Pearson -Prentice Hall, 2006.
2. Gowariker V. R., Viswanathan N. V., Sreedhar J., “ Polymer Science”, 1stEd, New Age
International Publishers, 1986.
3. Selke, S. E. M., Culter, J. D., Hernandez, R. J., “Plastics Packaging: Properties, processing,
Applications and Regulation”, Carl Han serVerlag, USA, 2004.
4. Margolis J. M., “Engineering Plastics Handbook”, 1stEd., McGraw -Hill, 2006.
5. Athalye A. S., “Handbook of Packaging Plastics’, 1stEd., Multi Tech Publishing Co.,
6. Yam K. L., “The Wiley Encyclop edia of Packaging Technology”, 3rdEd., Wiley, 2009.

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC402 Ancillary Packaging Materials 3
1. Learn and identify various kinds of ancillary materials and its properties .
2. Understand the application of ancillary materials in packaging .
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to…..
1. Analyze various cushioning materials and describe their properties.
2. Analyze the types of adhesives and apply the concept of adhesio n in the packaging.
3. Elaborate the functions of various closures and choose a closure for a specific
4. Choose the right label for a specific packaging application.
5. Analyze the types of straps & tapes and describe their application in different
6. Describe the significance of codings and coatings in packaging.
Module Details. Hrs.
1 Cushioning materials:
Packaging hazards –Drop, Vibration, Shock - Functions of
cushioning materi als– Type - flexible, semi -rigid and fillers.
Materials – paper, plastic and wood based, foams and rubber, 2
component systems. Properties of Cushioning materials – Creep,
moisture and fungus resistance; Introduction to Fragility Factor
and Cushion Factor 6
2 Adhesion:
Principles of Ad hesion - Mechanical Interlocking, Molecular
diffusion, Electrostatic theory, Chemical Bonding; Surface
Properties – wetting, contact angle, surface energy; Surface
preparation – cleaning, etching, Corona and plasma treatment,
Flame treatment; Types of adhes ives – Natural/Synthetic adhesives
– Water based/Solvent based/Hot melt – Adhesive applicators;
Adhesives and adhesive strength evaluation – Bond, Peel, Shear;
Adhesive and cohesive strength – Rheological Properties –
Viscosity / Tack / wetting / yield Cli matic / environmental
influences. 9
Closures :
Functions of caps and closures, Types of closures – Once only –
Membranes , Crowns, Re -usable - Roll on – ROPP&RSNP, Lug
caps, Plug type, Snap on/slip lid, lever and ring – single/double.
Design features of threaded closures – Wads – Wadding
Materials, properties, selection Criteria Special closures – Child
resistant, New generation dispensing closures; Materials -
plastics – thermoplastics and thermosets, Metals –
Manufacturi ng process for closures . 7
4 Labels:
Applications – purpose& objective, Contents of a Label –
Classification – self-adhesive, wet glue, in -mould, inserts, tags,
shrink and stretch sleeve, heat sealable, thermal transfer ,
properties and applications. Labe l stocks – paper, films, Al foil –
specifications and applications – Manufacturing Process –6

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Pressure sensitive, Shrink sleeve – Labelling process,
equipments and mechanism – Smartand intelligent Labels /
Security labels.
5 Reinforcements :
Strapping - functions; Materials - Metal -steel, Plastics - HDPE /
PP / PET / Nylon ; Types of loads –rigid, compressible,
stretching, shrinkable; Proper ties and Criteria for Selection of
strapping Materials; Tensioning; Crimping and Sealing of straps;
Taping – functions - Kraft paper tapes - properties and types -
white and coloured - BOPP/PVC self -adhesive tapes - properties
and manufacturing; Tape dispensing – Manual, hand held and
automatic. 5
6 Coatings and coding:
Lacquers for Metal plate / Cans, F lexible substrates / Laminates -
types and functions ; Over print varnishes and coatings – spot
varnish and overprint – purpose; Decorative coatings; Functional
coatings – heat seal, barrier and protective – coating equipment.
Bar Coding - Significanc e, structure, parts of the co de. 3
Theory Examinations:
a) End Semester University examination for 8 0 marks will have :
i) Question pa per with 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
ii) Only 4 questions need to be answered.
iii) Question 1 will be compulsory and based on maximum part of the syllabus.
iv) Remaining each of 5 questions will be based on combination of modules.
(e.g., Q2 has part (a) and (b) from two different modules ).

b) Internal Assessment for20 marks:
Assessment consists of compulsory two tests out of which first test should be class
test (on minimum 40% of curriculum) and the other is either a class test (from
remaining 60% of curriculum) or assignment on live problems.

References :
1. K. L. Yam, The Wiley Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology, 3rd ed., Wiley, 2009
2. W. Soroka, Fundame ntals of Packaging Technology, 4th ed., IoPP, 2009
3. J. F. Hanlon, Handbook of Package Engineering, 3rd ed., CRC Press, 1998
4. F. A. Paine, The Packaging User’ s Handbook, Springer, 1990

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC403 Colour Reproduction 3

Objectives :
1. Introducing concept of colour theory and colour Vision
2. Understand the basic colour reproduction techniques and their applications
3. Study the importance of media or substrate in colour perception
4. Study Standardization of colour and its reproduction
5. Apply Colour corrections and Image adjustments
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Summarize the Colour Vision theory and its concept.
2. Discuss & summarize the conventional and digital method of colour separation.
3. Examine images and modify them with colour correction.
4. Measure the densitometric terms and analyze graphically.
5. Summarize the spectrophotometric terms and perform relative measurements of
various printed samples.
6. Recognize the input & output devices being used.
Module Details. Hrs.

1 Introduction
Electromagnetic spectrum, Light, Definition of colour, Light
sources, Sample, Observer, Relationship between the triad -
Colour vision, Colour matching experiment,Tristimulus values,
Chromaticity diagram, Colour attributes - Hue, Value and
saturation - Various effects of Colour vision viz., After image
effect, Simultaneous contrast effect, Edge contrast -Chromatic
adaptation -Metamerism; Colour spaces –
Munsell ,NCS, CIELAB, CIELUV, CIELCH, Colour difference


2 Principle of Colour Reproduction
Additive and Subtractive colour theory, Pros and Cons of
additive and subtractive colour theory - Colour originals f or
reproduction.Reproduction objectives, Image Acquisition –
Types of scanners, Scanner working principles – Flatbed –
Drum – Image capture elements –CCD /PMT - dynamic range –
bit depth – resolution – Workflow – scanner types &selection.
digital cameras; Colour separationtechniques, Screen angles and
moire patterns.



Significance of Substrate and Ink in Reproduction
Substrate – Whiteness, Brightness, Fluorescence, Gloss,
Smoothness, Texture, Absorptivity; Ink – Pigment colour,
transparency, opacity, mass tone, undertone; Optics of ink film –
first surface reflection, multiple internal reflections. Additivity
and Proportionality rules and failure


Print Control and Densitometry
Densitometry - Density - secular - defuse - double defuse -

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Working principle of Densitometer - Polarized filter - color filters.
Color control Strip -gray scale - Ink density – trapping – contrast
– dot gain – slur –punch register system - Dot area measure ment
- Murray Davis Equation & Yule Ne ilson Correction and
Milton -Pearson Factor


Image adjustments and Co lour Correction
Image Masking and its principles, Balanced inks, Tone
reproduction -Jones Diagram; Gray balance - Concept and
application ,Masking equations, Neugebauer equation,
Application in Look Up Table, Image Adjustments –
Colourcorrection, White point & Black point, Colour cast
removal, USM, Black generation techniques - UCR,GCR, UCA.

Theory Examinations:
a) End Semester University examination for 80 marks will have :
i) Question paper with 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
ii) Only 4 questions need to be answered.
iii) Question 1 will be compulsory and based on maximum part of the syllabus.
Remaining each of 5 questions will be based on combination of modules.
(e.g., Q2 has part (a) and (b) from two different modules ).

b) Internal Assessment for 20 marks:
Assessment consists of compulsory two tests out of which first test should be class
test (on minimum 40% of curriculum) and the other is either a class test (from
remaining 60% of curriculum) or assignment on live problems.

1.Phill Green, “Under standing Digital Color”, 2nd Ed , GATF Press
2. Garry Field, “Co lor& its re production”, 3rd Ed , GATF Press
3. J. Micheal Adams , “Printing Technology”, 5th Ed , Delmer Publication
4. Helmut Kipphan, “Handbook of Printmedia”, Springer
6. Michael Barnard, “P rint Production Manual”, 8th Ed , PIRA International.
8. “Precise color Communication” Konica Minolta Reading material.
9. Gavin Ambrose, “The Production Manu al, a graphic design Handbook”
10. R. W. G. Hunt, “The Reproduction of Colour”, 6th Edition, Wiley, 2004.

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC404 Offset Printing 4
Objectives :
1. Gain the technical knowledge in offset printing.
2. Understand advance and integral plate making technologies used in printing industry.
3. Understand coherent challenges in page layout & pressroom.
4. Provide knowledge of finishing techniques associated with offset printing process.
5. Study web offset presses operations.
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to…..
1. Describe the various terminologies in offset printing process.
2. Operate offset machi nes and evaluate single colour sheet feed press.
3. Identify and rectify suitable solutions for errors associated with platemaking and
4. Analyze troubles related with quality and can produce possible remedies to minimize
5. Identify the conversion technology of offset printed jobs
6. Plan & Layout the imposition of commercial jobs.
Module Details. Hrs.

1 Introduction to Offset Lithographic Press
Introduction, Basic working Principle of lithography, Elementary
components of offset press, Press Configurations. Function and
construction sheet fed printing unit,
The Printing Unit
Blanket: types, grade, requirements, Cylinder setting. Packing and
Printing Pressure, Problems and handling & storage.
Impression Cylinder, Transfer Cylinder ,Delivery Cylinder &
Plate Cylinder


2 Image Carrier
Characteristics of image carrier for lithography, Plate making
materials and chemicals, Chemistry of plate making, Light sources
Premakeready of plate making process, Surface plate making,
Deep -etch plate process, multimetal plates, Presensitised plates,
Electrostatic plate process, Diffusion transfer process, Variable in
plate preparation, Characteristics of wettability, CTF, CTP, Types
of CTP , CTP,CTCP workflow.


Inking System
Introduction of typical inking system, Roller covering, Ink film
thickness, Setting of rollers, Ink system operation, Inking system
problems, Maintenance, Auxiliarydevices.
Dampening System
Dampening: Composition of dampening solution, Variables in
dampening solution.
Types of dampening system: Intermittent, Continuous and
Combination. Roller covers, operating dampening system,
Refrigeration, Alcohol substitute, Alcohol substitute issues,
Maintenance, O perating problems.


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Types of dryer and working principle.


Sheet Control - Introduction, Working and elements of Stream
feeder, Pile Table, Sheet Separation Unit, Feed board, Sheet
detectors and its various types, Working of single sheet feeder,
Sheet Separation Unit , Infeed section , Sheet transfer section,
Delivery section: Sh eet guiding devices, delivery assist devices.
Premakeready and Makeready Operations - Printing plant
layout: space allocation, accessibility of tools, floor layout and
aisles. Tools, Materials: Stock Control, Paper, Inks etc. Inking and
Dampening system wa sh up. Teamwork, Training and Scheduling.
Makeready: Introduction and types of makeready, makeready
procedures, preparation of press for new pressrun, Checking trial



The Pressrun - Inspection of press sheets, use of tags, Control of
press functions: maintaining inking, dampening and other units.
Quality control during the pressrun: densitometry, colour control
bars, Controlling colour during the pressrun,
Light and standard viewing conditions.
Troubles & Trouble Shooting - Causes and remedies: Printing
unit troubles, defects in inking system, dampening troubles, plate
defect, Blanket troubles, Paper troubles, Ink defects.


6 Web Offset Presses - Sections of web offset presses: Infeed unit,
Printing unit, Dryers and Chillers, Folders and structures, sheet
delivery unit. Ink supply,
Dampening system. Web Travel: Web tension control, web guide
control, slitters, turner bar, Former and types of folders, Types of
web presses: Typical configurations and various formats.
Web Reel Cost Estimation
Sheets in a reel, length of the paper, paper consumption for a
specific job.


7 Finishing & Conversion
Page Layout, Imposition, Folding types, Stages of proofing
,Gathering, Collating, Insetting, Bundling, Tipping, Guarding,
Punching & Drilling , Creasing & Scoring,Perforation,Index
Cutting,Banding & Counting,Padding
Recent Trends & Advancement
Toshiba: Erasable offset printing, Kodak: Sinora Process free
plate, Technova : Innovative Plate Making ,EFI: Print ERP,
Komori: Digital Offset ,Heidelberg: Print on demand, Parkson
: Innovative Folding cartons using Manroland

Theory Examinations:
a) End Semester University examination for 80 marks will have :
i) Question paper with 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
ii) Only 4 questions need to be answered.
iii) Question 1 will be compulsory and based on maximum part of the
syllabus.Remaining each of 5 questions will be based on combination of

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( e.g., Q2 has part (a) and (b) from two different modules ).

b) Internal Assessment for 20 marks:
Assessment consists of compulsory two tests out of which first test should be class
test ( on minimum 40% of curriculum ) and the other is either a class test ( from
remaining 60% of curriculum ) or assignment on live problems.

References :
1. Lloyod P., De Jidas& Thomas M. Destree “Sheet fed Offset Press Operating” GATF
2. Helmut Kipphan “Handbook of Print Media” Heidelberg
3. J. Michael Adams “Printing Techno logy” 5 th Edition, Delmar
4. Michael Barnard “The Print & Production Manual” PIRA
5. C. S. Mishra “Lithographic Image Carrier” AnupamPrakashan Allahabad
6. C. S. Mishra “Technology of Offset Printing” AnupamPrakashan Allahabad
7. Prakash Shetty “Science and Technology of Printing Materials” MJP Publishers .

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPC405 Digital Electronics & Microcontrollers 4

Objectives :
1. Understand the concepts of digital logic & Boolean algebra.
2. Study the combinational & sequential circuits.
3. Study reduction techniques of logical expressions.
4. Understand the basic concept of microcontroller and its application in the field of
packaging & printing technology.

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to…..
1. Describe any logical expression using basic gates.
2. To examine the structure of various number systems and its application in
digital design
3. Discuss the combinational & sequential circuits like encoder, decode, flip -
flop, registers & cou nters .
4. Identify features of various Microcontroller .
5. Write and execute asse mbly language programs.
6. Summarize the need and functioning of microcontroller in various machines of
Printing and Packaging .

Module Details. Hrs.
1 Logic gates and Boolean Algebra
Basic Logic gates, universal gates, EX -OR and EX -NOR gates
(symbol, equation and truth table, Boolean laws, D -Morgan’s
theorem, Realization of Boolean expressions using basic logic
gates and universal gates 7
2 Number system and combinational circuits
Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal number systems and
conversion. Binary arithmetic including 1’s complement and 2’s
complement, BCD code, Canonical logic forms, Sum Of Product
(SOP) form, reduction of Boolean expression using K -MAP
(upto 4 variables only),Introduction to combinational circuits,
encoders,decoders, buffers, MUX, DEMUX. Implementation of
Combinational circuits using Multiplexers and Demultiplexers. 10
3 Sequential Circuits
Introduction to sequential circuits , Flip Flop and its types,
clocked and edge triggered flip flops. Introduction to counters
and registers (Description and types only). 7

Overview of generic microprocessor, architectur e and functional
block diagram, Comparison of microprocessor and
microcontroller .
Introduction to 8051 microcontroller and Architecture
Introduction, Architecture, Memory Organization , Special
function Registers, Pins and Signals, Timing and co ntrol, Port
Operation, Memory and I/O interfacing basics . 12

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8051 Instr uction Set and Programming
8051 addressing modes, instruction set, Simple Assembly
language programming 12

6 Application of microcontroller in Printing and Packaging
Industrial automation using Microcontroller :-Eg. Applications of
Microcontroller in Form, Fill & Seal Machines for various fillers,
Controlled injection moulding machines; Microcontroller based
printing systems for Inkjet, Gravure techniques etc. 4

Theory Examinations:
a) End Semester University examination for 80 marks will have :
i) Question paper with 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
ii) Only 4 questions need to be answered.
iii) Question 1 will be compulsory and based o n maximum part of the syllabus.
iv) Remaining each of 5 questions will be based on combination of modules.
( e.g., Q2 has part (a) and (b) from two different modules ).

b) Internal Assessment for 20 marks:
Assessment consists of compulsory two tests out of which first test should be class
test (on minimum 40% of curriculum) and the other is either a class test (from
remaining 60% of curriculum) or assignment on live problems.

References :
1. R. P. Jain, “Modern Digital electronics”, TMH 2001
2. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Design” by Pearson Education
3. Malvino, “Digital electronics”, TMH
4. Douglas V Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing”, TATA McGRAW HILL, Rev 2nd
5. Barry B. Bery, “The Intel Microprocessors”, 8th edition, Pearson Education.
6. Yu-Cheng Liu & Glenn A Gibson,”Microcomputer systems 8086/8088 family,
Architecture, Programming and Design”, 2nd Edition - July 2003, Prentice Hall of
7. The 8051 Microcontrollers - Architecture, Programming and Applications by K. J. Ayala,
Penram International Publishing (I) Pvt Ltd.
8.The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C, 2/e by
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice GillispieMazidi and RolinMcKinlay( Second Edition ,
Pearson Education ).

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPL401 Principles of Graphic Arts and Design -II 1.5
Objectives :
1. Study the basics of how to create a design for Package .
2. Understand the fundamental principles of graphic design for websites .
3. Study the concept of colour and their effects on Package .
4. Learn and understand the various softwares used for designing.

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Create a Package design based on specific requirement.
2. Create Ups using the editing software for given substrate dimension.
3. Generate various design layouts with proper visual impacts.
4. Create a design for folding carton with appropriate software .
5. Edit an image and use it in a Package design
6. Design a Website and Upload in Internet.

Term Work: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Experiments (Minimum Eight)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 To design Newspaper page layout in Adobe InDesign. 3 Hrs
2 To design a folding carton using Adobe illustrator 3 Hrs
3 To create a Package template using Adobe Illustrator 3 Hrs
4 To design a logo using Adobe Illustrator 3 Hrs
5 To create a Vector graphic and use in Package design using
Adobe Illustrator 3 Hrs
6 To Preflight a given Package design using Indesign 3 Hrs
7 To create three dimensional Package design using Adobe
Illustrator 3 Hrs
8 To create a website layout and place design elements using 3 Hrs

b) Assignments : Minimum one write -up on each of the following topics:
1. Comparison of Adobe Illustrator and Indesign
2. Case study of a current Package design and its prospective improvements
3. Case study of a Current Website
4. Case study of current layout of any newspaper
(Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
Distribution o f marks for Term Work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work : 15marks.
Assignments : 05 Marks
Attendance (Theory and Practical ) : 05 marks.

End Semester Practical Examination (for 25 marks) : Under single head of
examination ,including Practical (15 marks assessment) followed by oral (10 marks
assessment) to be conducted by internal and external examiners.

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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL402 Plastic Material Testing 01
1. To determine the strength of materials under different loading conditions.
2. To understand and perform the practical as per the standard procedure given by ASTM/IS

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to….
1. Identify plastic material by chemical and instrumentation method.
2. Perform simple tensile test on UTM.
3. Determine ESCR of a plastic sample.
4. Perform impact test using dart impact method.
5. Determine cooefficient of friction of plastic films.
6. Analyzethermogram fr om a DSC.

Term Work: (Comprises both a &b )
a) List of Experiments ( Minimum Eight)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 Identification of Plastics by Chemical method 2 Hrs
2 Determination of tensile strength of a plastic film. 2 Hrs
3 Determination of bonding strength of a plastic laminate. 2 Hrs
4 Determination of Impact resistance onpackaging/plastic
specimen – Dart Impact test 2 Hrs
5 Identification of Plastics/Layers in a laminate by
Instrumentation Method – FTIR 2 Hrs
6 Performing thermal analy sis of Plastics by Differential
Scanning Calorimeter. 2 Hrs
7 Determination of specular gloss of plastic films. 2 Hrs
8 Determination of Coefficient offriction of plastic films. 2 Hrs
9 Study of Environmental Stress Crack Resistance of plastic
items. 2 Hrs

b) Assignments : Minimum three assignments to be given. Assignments can also involve
Quiz. Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems/case studies.

Distribution of marks for Term Work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work : 15 M arks.
Assignments : 05 Marks
Attendance ( Theory and Practicals ) : 05 marks.

End Semester Practical Examination ( for 25 marks) : Under single head of
examination ,including Practical ( 15 marks asses sment) followed by oral ( 10 marks
assessment) to be conducted by internal and external examiners.

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Course Code Course / Subject Name Credits
PPL403 Colour Reproduction Laboratory 1
Objectives :
1. Study the effects of triad viz., Observer, Object and Light source
2. Understand Densitometric terms and their importance in Print quality
3. Study the concept of colour difference and its importance in industry
4. Understand various colour reproduction techniques and their applications

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Match any two given colours under prescribed light source
2. Measure density and compare with the standards.
3. Analyse the colour difference between any two given printed samples
4.Mea sure various vitals of Print quality such as Dot gain, Print contrast, Hue error
&Grayness and Trapping
5. Comment on Print quality based on measured values
6. Suggest Corrections required to achieve better print quality
Term Work: (Comprises both a & b)
a) List of Experiments (Minimum Eight)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 To match two given printed samples under prescribed light
2 Hrs
2 To measure density values and compare print quality of any
two given samples. 2 Hrs
3 To measure dot gain and thereby draw Print Characteristic
curve 2 Hrs
4 To measure auto and reverse trapping of ink in given
sample and suggest an appropriate ink sequence 2 Hrs
5 To measure Hue error &Grayness and compare the ink
Quality 2 Hrs
6 To measure Print contrast and comment on tone
reproduction 2 Hrs
7 To measure the Colour difference for any given Reference
and Sample patch under all available formulae 2 Hrs
8 To apply UCR and GCR using editing software and record
the difference 2 Hrs
9 To prepare an image for conventional printing using
parameters viz.,Dot gain compensation, Colour curves etc., 2 Hrs

b) Assignments : Minimum one write -up on each of the following topics:
1. Case study of Effect of colour perception affecting the buyer
2. Printing Standards for Package Industry
3. Image corrections using editing software
4. Case study of any live industry define problem.
(Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)

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Distribution of marks for Term Work sh all be as follows:
Laboratory work : 15marks.
Assignments : 05 Marks
Attendance (Theory and Practical ) : 05 marks.

End Semester Practical Examination (for 25 marks) : Under single head of
examination ,including Practica l (15 marks assessment) followed by oral (10 marks
assessment) to be conducted by internal and external examiners.

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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL404 Offset Printing* 1.5
1. To determine the troubleshooting of printed sheets
2. To understand the offset printing process
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to….
1. Analyse the problem of printed sample & troubleshoot it
2. Perform printing on single color offset printing machine
3. Evaluate the number of sheets required for printing a particular job.
4. Evaluate the inking & dampening system condition through testing.
5. Plan & provide a dummy pack for a particular product.
6. Evaluate the conversion technologies used for a commercia l pack.
Term Work: (Comprises both a &b )
a) List of Experiments ( Minimum Eight)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1. To prepare page layout for given size of job using
appropriate utilization of paper and the plate size. 3 Hrs
2 Introduction to offset machine parts & workflow of Printing
3 Hrs
3 Preparation of in -feed and delivery unit for given stock. 3 Hrs
4 Offset plate mounting. 3 Hrs
5 Study of packing and printing pressure on print. 3 Hrs
6 Preparation of inking and dampening system for pressrun 3 Hrs
7 Printing single colour job on sheetfed press. 3 Hrs
8 To Planning ,Designing & Production of 16 page inside & 4
page cover of Book /Magazine/Brochure 3 Hrs
9 To Planning ,Designing & Production of folding carton 3 Hrs
b) Assignments : Minimum two question on each of the following topics:
1. Press Configuration
2. Planning & layout
3. Printing Units
4. Plate Making
5. Pre Makeready&Makeready
( Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
Distribution of marks for Term Work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work : 15 M arks.
Assignments : 05 Marks
Attendance ( Theory and Practicals ) : 05 marks.

End Semester Oral Examination (for 25 marks) : Oral assessment to be condu cted by
internal and external examiners.

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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL 405 Digital Electronics & Microcontrollers Laboratory 01
1. To reinforce learning in the accompanying (PPC 405) course through hands -on
experience with design, construction, and implementation of digital circuits .
2. To understand the instruction set and programming of 8051.
Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to….
1. To demonstrate the knowledge of operation of logic gates .
2. To apply Boolean theorems, DeMorgan’s theorems and Karnaugh maps reduction
method to simplify logic problems.
3. Create the appropriate truth table from a description of a combinational logic function s.
4. Demonstrate the knowledge of operation of basic types of flip -flops .
5. To analyze and design digital combinational circuits includingarithmetic circuits (half
adder, full adder, half subtractor and full subtractor).
6. Develop skill in simple program writing for 8051 .
Term Work: (Comprises a, b& c)
a) List of Experiments (Minimum Eight)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 Verification of logic gates. 2 Hrs
2 Verification of Boolean laws and theorem using logic gates. 2 Hrs
3 Half adder and half subtractor 2 Hrs
4 Full adder and full subtractor 2 Hrs
5 Study of F lip Flop 2 Hrs
6 Programs based on Data Transfer Instructions 2 Hrs
7 Programs based on Data Exchange Instructions 2 Hrs
8 Programs based on Arithmetic Instructions 2 Hrs
9 Progra ms based on Logical Instructions 2 Hrs
10 Relay/LED Interfacing ( Demonstration only) 2 Hrs
b) Assignments :
1. Designing simple combinational circuits.
2. Application of Boolean theorems, De Morgan’s theorems and Karnaugh map reduction
3. Flip flop and conversion using K map and application of sequential circuits.
4. Case study on application of microcontroller in industrial automation.
c). Course Project :
In course project students shall integrate and apply the knowledge gained during the
course. The projects shall be developed by team of maximum four students. Further,
courseproject shall demonstrate design, setup, and implementation of a simplesystem.

(Note : Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)
Distribution of marks for Term Work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work : 10marks.
Assignments : 05 Marks
Course Project : 05 Marks
Attendance (Theory and Practical ) : 05 marks.

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Course Code Course Name Credits
PPL406 Ancillary Packaging Material Testing 01
1. To learn the various testing procedures for ancillary packaging materials.
2. To understand the significance of the tests and use them for finding out the required
property of the ancillary packaging material.

Outcomes: Upon successful comp letion of this course, the learner will be able to….
1. Determine peel / bond strength of an adhesive.
2. Perform shear resistance test on tape/label.
3. Determine the grammage of all components in a label.
4. Determine tack of a self -adhesive tape or a l abel by Rolling Ball Tack Tester.
5. Determine opening and closing torque for closures.
6. Effectively perform strapping and taping of a CFB Box.

Term Work: (Comprises both a & b )
a) List of Experiments (Minimum Eight)
Module Detail s Laboratory
1 To find adhesive coating weight and GSM of all the
components in a label. 2 Hrs
2 To find shear resistance of an adhesive on a tape/label. 2 Hrs
3 To find peel strength, bond strength of an adh esive on label. 2 Hrs
4 To find the tack of self -adhesive tape or a label by rolling
ball tack test. 2 Hrs
5 To find opening and closing torque for closures. 2 Hrs
6 To perform strapping on a CFB box. 2 Hrs
7 To perform taping on a CFB box. 2 Hrs
8 To find the scuff resistance of printed label. 2 Hrs
9 To find tensile strength of a label. 2 Hrs

b) Assignments : Minimum three assignments on any of the following topics:
1. Adhesion.
2. Cushioning.
3. Closures.
4. Labelling.
(Note: Preferably the assignments shall be given on the basis of live problems.)

Distribution of marks for Term Work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work : 15 M arks.
Assignments : 05 Marks
Attendance ( Theory and Practicals ) : 05 marks.