SE Computer Engineering CBCS Rev 2016 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC – 11.05.2017
Item No. 4.193
Revised syllabus (Rev - 2016) from Academic Year 2016 -17
Computer Engineering
Second Year with Effect from AY 2017 -18
Third Year with Effect from AY 2018 -19
Final Year with Effect from AY 2019 -20
As per Choice Based Credit and Grading System
with effect from the AY 2016–17
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 2
Co-ordinator, Faculty of Technology’s Preamble:
To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in engineering education, the issue of quality needs to be
addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is the principal means of quality
assurance in higher education. The major em phasis of accreditation process is to measure the outcomes of the
program that is being accredited. In line with this Faculty of Technology of University of Mumbai has taken
a lead in incorporating philosophy of outcome based education in the process of cu rriculum development.
Faculty of Technology, University of Mumbai, in one of its meeting unanimously resolved that, each Board
of Studies shall prepare some Program Educational Objectives (PEO‟s) and give freedom to affiliated
Institutes to add few (PEO‟s ). It is also resolved that course objectives and course outcomes are to be clearly
defined for each course, so that all faculty members in affiliated institutes understand the depth and approach
of course to be taught, which will enhance learner‟s learni ng process. It was also resolved that, maximum
senior faculty from colleges and experts from industry to be involved while revising the curriculum. I am
happy to state that, each Board of studies has adhered to the resolutions passed by Faculty of Technolo gy,
and developed curriculum accordingly. In addition to outcome based education, semester based credit and
grading system is also introduced to ensure quality of engineering education.
Choice based Credit and Grading system enables a much -required shift in focus from teacher -centric to
learner -centric education since the workload estimated is based on the investment of time in learning and not
in teaching. It also focuses on continuous evaluation which will enhance the quality of education. University
of Mumbai has taken a lead in implementing the system through its affiliated Institutes and Faculty of
Technology has devised a transparent credit assignment policy and adopted ten points scale to grade learner‟s
performance. Credit assignment for courses is based on 15 weeks teaching learning process, however content
of courses is to be taught in 12 -13 weeks and remaining 2-3 weeks to be utilized for revision, guest lectures,
coverage of content beyond syllabus etc.
Choice based Credit and grading system is implemented from the academic year 2016 -17 through optional
courses at department and institute level . This will be effective for SE, TE and BE from academic year
2017 -18, 2018 -19 and 2019 -20 respectively.
Dr. S. K. Ukarande
Faculty of Tec hnology,
Member - Academic Council
University of Mumbai, Mumbai
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 3
Chairman ’s Preamble:
Engineering education in India is expanding and is set to increase manifold. The major challenge in the
current scenario is to ensure quality to the stakeholders along with expansion. To meet this challenge, the
issue of quality needs to be addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is
the principal means of quality assurance in higher education and reflects the fact that in achievin g
recognition, the institution or program of study is committed and open to external review to meet certain
minimum specified standards. The major emphasis of this accreditation process is to measure the outcomes
of the program that is being accredited. Pr ogram outcomes are essentially a range of skills and knowledge
that a student will have at the time of graduation from the program. In line with this Faculty of Technology
of University of Mumbai has taken a lead in incorporating the philosophy of outcome based education in the
process of curriculum development.
As the Chairman, Board of Studies in Computer Engineering of the University of Mumbai, I am happy to
state here that, the Program Educational Objectives for Under graduate Program were finalized in a brain
storming session, which was attended by more than 85 members from different affiliated Institutes of the
University. They are either Heads of Departments or their senior representatives from the Department of
Computer Engineering. The Program Educa tional Objectives finalized for the under graduate program in
Computer Engineering are listed below;
1. To prepare the Learner with a sound foundation in the mathematical, scientific and
engineering fundamentals .
2. To motivate the Learner in the art of self -learning and to use modern tools for solving real life problems.
3. To equip the Learner with broad education necessary to understand the impact of Computer Science and
Engineering in a global and social context.
4. To encourage, motivate and prepare the Learner‟s for Lifelong learning .
5. To inculcate professional and ethical attitude, good leadership qualities and commitment to social
responsibilities in the Learner‟s thought process.
In addition to Program Educational Objectives, for each cou rse of the program, objectives and expected
outcomes from a learner‟s point of view are also included in the curriculum to support the philosophy of
outcome based education. I strongly believe that even a small step taken in the right direction will defini tely
help in providing quality education to the major stakeholders .
Dr. Subhash K. Shinde
Chairman , Board of Studies in Computer Engineering,
University of Mumbai , Mumbai.
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 4
Program Structure B.E. Computer Engineering, (Rev. 2016) w.e.f. AY 2017 -18
S. E. Computer Engineering ( Semester -III)
Code Course
Na me Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW/
Pract Tut Total
CSC301 Applied Mathematics -III 4+1@ - - 5 - - 5
CSC302 Digital Logic Design and Analysis 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC303 Discrete Mathematics 3+1@ - - 4 - - 4
CSC304 Electronic Circuits and
Communication Fundamentals 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC305 Data Structures 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSL301 Digital System Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL302 Basic Electronics Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL303 Data structure Lab - 2 - 1 - 1
CSL304 OOPM(Java) Lab - 2+2* - - 2 - 2
Total 21 10 - 21 5 - 26
@ 1 hour to be taken tutorial as class wise.
*2 hours shown as practical‟s to be taken class wise and other 2 hours to be taken as batch wise
Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
TW Oral Oral
Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Exam
( in Hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
CSC301 Applied Mathematics -III 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC302 Digital Logic Design and
Analysis 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC303 Discrete Structures 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC304 Electronic Circuits and
Fundamentals 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC305 Data Structures 20 20 20 80 3 -- - - 100
CSL301 Digital System Lab - - - - - 25 --
25 50
CSL302 Basic Electronics Lab - - - - - 25 25 --- 50
CSL303 Data structure Lab - - - - - 25 - 25 50
CSL304 OOPM(Java) Lab - - - - - 50 -- 50 100
Total 100 100 100 400 - 125 25 100 750
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 5
Program Structure B.E. Computer Engineering, (Rev. 2016) w.e.f. AY 2017 -18
S. E. Computer Engineering ( Semester -IV)
Code Course
Na me Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW/
Pract Tut Total
CSC401 Applied
Mathematics - IV 4+1@ - - 5 - - 5
CSC402 Analysis of Algorithms 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC403 Computer Organization and
Architecture 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC404 Computer Graphics 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC405 Operating System 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSL401 Analysis of Algorithms Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL402 Computer Graphics Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL403 Processor Architecture Lab - 2 - 1 - 1
CSL404 Operating System Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL405 Open Source Tech Lab - 2+2* - - 2 - 2
Total 21 12 - 21 6 - 27
@ 1 hour to be taken tutorial as class wise .
*2 hours shown as Practical‟s to be taken class wise and other 2 hours to be taken as batch wise
Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
Pract Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Exam
( in Hrs) Oral
Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
CSC401 Applied Mathematics - IV 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC402 Analysis of Algorithms 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC403 Computer Organization and
Architecture 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC404 Computer Graphics 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC405 Operating System 20 20 20 80 3 -- - - 100
CSL401 Analysis of Algorithms
Lab - - - - - 25 -- 25 50
CSL402 Computer Graphics Lab - - - - - 25 -- 25 50
CSL403 Processor Architecture Lab - - - - - 25 25 - 50
CSL404 Operating System Lab - - - - - 25 - 25 50
CSL40 5 Open Source Tech Lab - - - - - 25 --- 25 50
Total 100 100 100 400 - 125 25 100 750
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 6
Program Structure B.E. Computer Engineering, (Rev. 2016) w.e.f. AY 2018 -19
T. E. Computer Engineering ( Semester -V)
Code Course
Na me Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW/
Pract Tut Total
CSC501 Microprocessor 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC502 Database Management
System 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC503 Computer Network 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC504 Theory of Computer
Science 3+1@ - - 4 - - 4
501X Department Level Optional
Course -I 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSL501 Microprocessor Lab - 2 - - 1 1
CSL502 Computer Network Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL503 Database & Info. System
Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL504 Web Design Lab
- 2+2* - - 2 - 2
CSL505 Business Comm . & Ethics - 2+2* - - 2 - 2
Total 20 14 - 20 7 - 27
@ 1 hour to be taken tutorial as class wise.
*2 hours shown as Practical‟s to be taken class wise and other 2 hours to be taken as batch wise
Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
TW Oral
Pract Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Exam
( in Hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
CSC501 Microprocessor 20 20 20 80 3 - - 100
CSC502 Database Management
System 20 20 20 80 3 - - 100
CSC503 Computer Network 20 20 20 80 3 - - 100
CSC504 Theory of Computer
Science 20 20 20 80 3 - - 100
501X Department Level Optional
Course -I 20 20 20 80 3 -- - 100
CSL501 Microprocessor Lab - - - - - 25 25 50
CSL502 Computer Network Lab - - - - - 25 25 50
CSL503 Database & Info. System
Lab - - - - - 25 25 50
CSL504 Web Design Lab - - - - - 25 25 50
CSL505 Business Comm. & Ethics - - - - - 50 - 50
Total 100 100 100 400 - 150 100 750
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 7
Program Structure B.E. Computer Engineering, (Rev. 2016) w.e.f. AY 2018 -19
T. E. Computer Engineering ( Semester -VI)
Code Course
Na me Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW/
Pract Tut Total
CSC601 Software Engineering 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC602 System Programming &
Complier Construction 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC603 Data Warehousing &
Mining 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC604 Cryptography & System
Security 4 - - 4 - - 4
601X Department Level Optional
Course -II 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSL601 Software Engineering Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL602 System software Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL603 Data Warehousing &
Mining Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL604 System Security Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSP605 Mini -Project - 4 - - 2 - 2
Total 20 12 - 20 6 - 26
Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
TW Oral
Pract Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Exam
( in Hrs) Oral
Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
CSC601 Software Engineering 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC602 System Programming &
Complier Construction 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC603 Data Warehousing &
Mining 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC604 Cryptography & System
Security 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
601X Department Level Optional
Course -II 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSL601 Softwar e Engineering
Lab - - - - - 25 25 -- 50
CSL602 System S oftware Lab - - - - - 25 -- 25 50
CSL603 Data Warehousing &
Mining Lab - - - - - 25 -- 25 50
CSL604 System Security Lab - - - - - 25 --- 25 50
CSP605 Mini -Project - - - - - 25 --- 25 50
Total 100 100 100 400 - 150 25 100 750
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 8
Program Structure B.E. Computer Engineering, (Rev. 2016) w.e.f. AY 2019 -20
B. E. Computer Engineering ( Semester -VII )
Code Course
N a me Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW/
Pract Tut Total
CSC701 Digital Signal & Image
Processing 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC702 Mobile Communication &
Computing 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC703 Artificial Intelligence & Soft
Computing 4 - - 4 - - 4
701X Department Level Optional
Course -III 4 - - 4 - - 4
ILO701X Institute Level Optional
Course -I 3 - - 3 - - 3
CSL701 Digital Signal & Image
Processing Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL702 Mobile App. Development.
Tech. Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1
CSL703 Artificial Intelligence & Soft
Computing Lab - 2 - 1 - 1
CSL704 Computational Lab-I - 2 1 - 1
CSP705 Major Project -I - 6 3 - 3
Total 19 14 - 19 7 - 26
Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
Pract Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Exam
( in Hrs) Oral
Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
CSC701 Digital Signal & Image
Processing 20 20 20 80 3 - -- - 100
CSC702 Mobile Communication &
Computing 20 20 20 80 3 - -- - 100
CSC703 Artificial Intelligence & Soft
Computing 20 20 20 80 3 - -- - 100
701X Department Level Optional
Course -III 20 20 20 80 3 - -- - 100
ILO701X Institute Level Optional
Course -I 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- - 100
CSL701 Digital Signal & Image
Processing Lab - - - - - 25
-- -- 25
CSL702 Mobile App. Development.
Tech. Lab - - - - - 25 -- 25 50
CSL703 Artificial Intelligence & Soft
Computing Lab -- - - - -- 25 25 -- 50
CSL704 Computational Lab -I 25 -- 25 50
CSP705 Major Project -I - - - - - 50 -
- 25 75
Total 100 100 100 400 150 25 75 750
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 9
Program Structure B.E. Computer Engineering, (Rev. 2016) w.e.f. AY 2019 -20
B. E. Computer Engineering ( Semester -VIII)
Code Course
Na me Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW/
Pract Tut Total
CSC801 Human Machine
Interaction 4 - - 4 - - 4
CSC802 Distributed Computing 4 - - 4 - - 4
801X Department Level Optional
Course -IV 4 - - 4 - - 4
ILO801X Institute Level Optional
Course -II 3 - - 3 - - 3
CSL801 Human Machine
Interaction Lab - 2 - - 1 1
CSL802 Distributed Computing
Lab 2 1 1
CSL80 3 Cloud Computing Lab - 4 - - 2 2
CSL804 Computational Lab -II - 2 - 1 1
CSP805 Major Project -II - 12 6 - 6
Total 15 22 - 15 11 - 26
Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
TW Oral
Pract Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Exam
n ( in
Hrs) Oral
Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
CSC801 Human Machine
Interaction 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC802 Distributed Computing 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
801X Department Level Optional
Course -IV 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
ILO801X Institute Level Optional
Course -II 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100
CSC80 1 Human Machine
Interaction Lab 25
- 50
CSL80 2 Distributed Computing
Lab - - - - - 25 25 50
CSL80 3 Cloud Computing Lab
- - - - - 50 -- 25 75
CSL80 4 Computational Lab -II - - - - - 50 -- 25 75
CSP805 Major Project -II 50 50 100
Total 100 100 100 400 -- 150 100 750
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 10
Sem. Department Level Optional Course
(DLOC ) Institute Level Optional Course
CSDLO5011: Multimedia System
CSDLO5012: Advance Operating System
CSDLO5013: Advance Algorithm
VI CSDLO6021: Machine Learning
CSDLO6022: Advance Database System
CSDLO6023: Enterprise Resource Planning
CSDLO6024: Advance Computer Network
VII CSDLO7031: Advance System Security &
Digital Forensics
CSDLO7032: Big Data & Analytics
CSDLO7033: Robotics
ILO7011. Product Lifecycle Management
ILO7012. Reliability Engineering
ILO7013. Management Information
ILO7014. Design of Experiments
ILO7015. Operation Research
ILO7016. Cyber Security and Laws
ILO7017. Disaster Management &
Mitigation Measures
ILO7018. Energy Audit and Management
ILO7019. Development Engineering
VIII DLO8011: High Performance Computing
DLO8012: Natural Language Processing
DLO8013: Adhoc Wireless Network
ILO8021. Project Management
ILO8022. Finance Management
ILO8023. Entrepreneurship Development
and Management
ILO8024. Human Resource Management
ILO8025. Professional Ethics and CSR
ILO8026. Research Methodology
ILO8027. IPR and Patenting
ILO8028. Digital Business Management
ILO8029. Environmental Management
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 11
Course Code Course Name Credits
CSC301 Applied Mathematics -III 5
Course objectives:
1. To understand the concept of complex variables, C -R equations, harmonic functions and its
conjugate and mapping in complex plane.
2. To learn the complex mapping, standard mappings, cross ratios and fixed point.
3. To learn the Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform of various functions, its
application and Z -transform.
4. To understand the concept of Fourier Series, its complex form and enhance the problem
solving skill.
Course outcomes: On successful completion of course learner will be able to:
1. Understand complex variable theory, application of harmonic conjugate to get orthogonal
trajectories and analytic function.
2. Plot the image of the curve by a complex transformation from z -plane to w -plane.
3. Expand the periodic function by using Fourier series and complex form of Fourier series.
4. Understand the concept of Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform of various
functions and its application to solve ordinary different ial equations.
5. Apply the concept of Z - transformation and its inverse of the given sequence.
6. Apply the concept of Correlation and Regression to the engineering problems .
No. Unit
No. Topics Hrs.
1.0 Laplace Transform 09
1.1 Laplace Transform of Standard Functions:
Introduction, Definition of Laplace transform, Laplace transform of
ntat at at at ), cosh(), sinh(), cos(), sin(
, Heavi -side
unit step, dirac -delta function, LT of periodic function.
1.2 Properties of Laplace Transform:
Linearity, first shifting property, second shifting property,
multiplication by
nt , division by
t , Laplace Transform of
derivatives and integrals, change of scale property. (without
2.0 Inverse Laplace Transform 08
2.1 Inverse Laplace Transform by Partial fraction method, Convolution
2.2 Application to solve initial and boundary value problem involving
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 12
ordinary differential equations with one dependent variable and
constant coefficients.
3.0 Fourier Series 10
3.1 Dirichlet‟s conditions, Fourier series of periodic functions with
2 and
L2 , Fourier series for even and odd functions.
3.2 Half range sine and cosine Fourier series, Parsevel‟s
identities (without proof)
3.3 Complex form of Fourier series, Orthogonal and Orthonormal set of
4.0 Complex Variable & mapping 09
4.1 Functions of a complex variable, Analytic functions, Cauchy -
Riemann equations in Cartesian co -ordinates & Polar co -ordinates.
4.2 Harmonic functions, Analytic method and Milne Thomson methods
to find f(z), Orthogonal trajectories.
4.3 Mapping: Conformal mapping, bilinear transformations, cross
ratio, fixed points, bilinear transformation of straight lines and
5.0 Z-transform 06
5.1 Z-transform of standard functions such as Z(an), Z(np).
5.2 Properties of Z-transform :Linearity, Change of scale, Shifting
property, Multiplication of K, Initial and final value, Convolution
theorem ( without proof)
5.3 Inverse Z transform: Binomial Expansion and Method of Partial
6.0 Correlation & regression, Curve Fitting 10
6.1 Scattered diagrams, Karl Pearson‟s coefficient of correlation,
covariance, Spearman‟s Rank correlation(non -repeated and repeated
6.2 Regression coefficient & Lines of Regression.
6.3 Fitting of curves: Least square method. Fitting of the straight line
,parabolic curve
2cx bxay ,& exponential curve
Total 52
Text Books:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Grewal B. S. 38th edition, Khanna Publication 2005.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Kreyszig E. 9th edition, John Wiley.
3. A Text Book of Applied Mathematics Vol. I & II by P.N.Wartilar &
4. J.N.Wartikar, Pune, Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan., Pune.
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 13
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engg. Mathematics by C. Ray Wylie & Louis Barrett.TMH International Edition.
2. Mathematical Methods of Science and Engineering by Kanti B. Datta, Cengage Learning.
3. Integral Transforms and their Engineering Applications by Dr. B. B. Singh, Synergy
4. Laplace Transforms by Murry R. Spieget, Schaun‟s out line series -McGraw Hill
Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be
conducted when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional
40% syllabus is completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination :
1 Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4. Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modules.
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 14
Course Code Course Name Credits
CSC302 Digital Logic Design and Analysis 4
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the fundamental concepts and methods for design of digital circuits and a
pre-requisite for computer organization and architecture, microprocessor systems.
2. To provide the concept of designing Combinational and sequential cir cuits.
3. To provide basic knowledge of how digital building blocks are described in VHDL.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course student should be able -
1. To understand different number systems and their conversions.
2. To analyze and minimize Boolean expressions.
3. To design and analyze combinational circuits.
4. To design and analyze sequential circuits
5. To understand the basic concepts of VHDL.
6. To study basics of TTL and CMOS Logic families.
Module Detailed Content Hours
1 Number Systems and Codes
Introduction to number system and conversions: Binary, Octal, Decimal
and Hexadecimal number Systems, Binary arithmetic: addition,
subtraction (1‟s and 2‟s complement), multiplication and division.
Octal and Hexadecimal arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction ( 7‟s and 8‟s
complement method for octal ) and ( 15‟s and 16‟s complement method
for Hexadecimal ).
Codes: Gray Code, BCD Code, Excess -3 code, ASCII Code.
Error Detection and Correction: Hamming codes. 8
2 Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates :
Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra, Boolean functions,
Boolean function reduction using Boolean laws, Canonical forms,
Standard SOP and POS form.
Basic Digital gates: NOT , AND , OR , NAND , NOR , EXOR , EX -
NOR, positive and negative logic, K-map method 2 variable, 3 variable,
4 variable, Don‟t care condition, Quine -McClusky Method, NAND -
NOR Realization. 8
3 Combinational Logic Design:
Introduction, Half and Full Adder, Half subtractor Full Subtractor, Four
Bit Ripple adder, look ahead carry adder, 4 bit adder subtractor, one digit
BCD Adder, Multiplexer, Multiplexer tree, Demultiplexer,
Demultiplexer tree, Encoders Priority encoder, Decoders, One bit, Two
bit , 4 -bit Magnitude Comparator, ALU IC 74181. 8
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 15
4 Sequential Logic Design :
Introduction: SR latch, Concepts of Flip Flops: SR, D, J -K, T, Truth
Tables and Excitation Tables of all types, Race around condition, Master
Slave J -K Flip Flops, Timing Diagram, Flip -flop conversion, State
machines, state diagrams, State table, concept of Moore and Mealy
Counters : Design of Asynchronous and Synchronous Counters,Modulus
of the Counters, UP - DOWN counter, Shift Registers: SISO, SIPO,
PIPO, PISO Bidirectional Shift Register, Universal Shift Register, Ring
and twisted ring/Johnson Cou nter, sequence generator. 15
5 Introduction to VHDL:
Introduction: Fundamental building blocks Library, Entity, Architecture,
Modeling Styles, Concurrent and sequential statements, simple design
examples for combinational circuits and sequential circuits. 6
6 Digital Logic Families :
Introduction: Terminologies like Propagation Delay, Power
Consumption, Fan in and Fan out , current and voltage parameters, noise
margin, with respect to TTL and CMOS Logic and their comparison 3
Text Books:
1. R. P. Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Logic and computer Design”, PHI.
3. Norman Balabanian, “Digital Logic Design Principles”, Wiley.
4. J. Bhasker.“ VHDL Primer”, Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
1. Donald p Leach, Albert Paul Malvino,“Digital principles and Applications ”,Tata McGraw
2. Yarbrough John M. , “Digital Logic Applications and Design “, Cengage Learning.
3. Douglas L. Perry, “VHDL Programming by Example”, Tata McGraw Hill.
Internal Assessment: Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first cla ss test is
to be conducted when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional
40% syllabus is completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
Theory Examination:
1 Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4. Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modules.
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 16
Course Code Course Name Credits
CSC303 Discrete Mathematics 4
Course Objectives:
1. Cultivate clear thinking and creative problem solving.
2. Thoroughly train in the construction and understanding of mathematical proofs.
Exercise common mathematical arguments and proof strategies.
3. Thoroughly prepare for the mathematical aspects of other Computer Engineering
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course student will be able to
1. Understand the notion of mathematical thinking, mathematical proofs and to apply
them in problem solving.
2. Ability to reason logically.
3. Ability to understand relations, Diagraph and lattice..
4. Ability to understand use of functions, graphs and their use in programming
5. Understand use of groups and codes in Encoding -Decoding
6. Apply discrete structures into other computing problems such as formal
specification, verification, artificial intelligence, cryptography, Data Analysis and
Data Mining etc .
Prerequisite: Basic Mathematics
Sr. No. Module Detailed Content Hours
1 Set Theory Sets, Venn diagrams, Operations on Sets
Laws of set theory, Power set and Products
Partitions of sets, The Principle of Inclusion and
Exclusion 4
2 Logic Propositions and logical operations, Truth tables
Equivalence, Implications
Laws of logic, Normal Forms
Predicates and Quantifiers
Mathematical Induction 8
3 Relations
Functions Relations, Paths and Digraphs
Properties and types of binary relations
Operations on relations, Closures, Warshall‟s
Equivalence and partial ordered relations,
Poset, Hasse diagram and Lattice
Functions: Types of functions - Injective,
Surjective and Bijective 12
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University of Mumbai, B. E. (Computer Engineering), Rev 2016 17
Composition of functions , Identity and Inverse
Pigeon -hole principle
4 Counting Permutations , Combinations
Elements of Probability, Discrete Probability and
Conditional Probability
Generating Functions and Recurrence Relations
Recursive Functions
Introduction to Functional Programming 6
5 Graphs Definitions, Paths and circuits: Eulerian and
Types of graphs, Sub Graphs
Isomorphism of graphs 6
6 Algebraic
and Coding
Theory Algebraic structures with one binary operation:
semigroup, monoid and group, Abelian group
Isomorphism, Homomorphism and Automorphism
Cyclic groups, Normal subgroups,
Codes and group codes
Text Books:
1. BernadKolman, Robert Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross, Nadeem -ur-Rehman, “Discrete
Mathematical Structures”, Pearson Education.
2. C.L.Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, second edition 1985, McGraw -Hill BookCompany.
Reprinted 2000.
3. K.H.Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and applications, fifth edition 2003, TataMcGraw Hill
publishing Company .
4. D.E. Rydeheard University of Manchester , R.M. Burstall, University of Edinburgh
“Computational Category Theory”.
Refere nce Books:
1. Y N Singh, “Discrete Mathematical Structures”, Wiley -India.
2. J .L.Mott, A.Kandel, T.P .Baker, Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists an d
Mathematicians, second edition 1986, Prentice Hall of India.
3. J. P. Trembley, R. Manohar “Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science”,
TataMcgraw -Hill.
4. Seymour Lipschutz , Marc Lars Lipson,“ Discrete Mathematics” Schaum‟sOutline, McGraw
Hill Education.
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Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted when
approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 40% syllabus is
completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 ques tions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4. Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modules .
** Tutorial lecture can be conducted for each unit and min 10 problems on the covered unit
can be given to the students for practice.
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Course Code Course Name Credits
CSC304 Electronic Circuits and Communication Fundamentals 4
Course Objectives:
1. To develop the knowledge of semiconductor devices and circuits, and explain their use in
communication applications.
2. To inculcate circuit analysis capabilities in students.
3. To gain knowledge in electronic devices and circuits that is useful in real life applications.
4. To understand th e fundamental concepts of electronic communication and their use in
computer applications.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course student should be able
1. To understand the use of semiconductor devices in circuits and analyze them.
2. To understand importance of oscillators and power amplifiers in communication system.
3. To understand basic concepts of operational amplifier and their applications.
4. To understand the fundamental concepts of electronic communication
5. To apply knowledge of electronic devices and circuits to communication applications.
6. To study basic concepts of information theory.
Prerequisite: Basic electrical engineering
Module Detailed Content Hours
1 Electronic Circuits:Bipolar junction transistor .
Input and Output characteristics, Types of Biasing - Fixed bias, self -bias,
voltage divider bias, DC load line and significance, CE amplifier using re
model, (Analysis based Numericals) 08
2 Power Amplifiers:
Introduction, Class A and Class C power amplifier.
Oscillators: Introduction, Barkhausen criteria, Colpitts oscillator and Crystal
oscillator 04
3 Electronic Circuits : Operational Amplifier and its applications
Op-amp – block diagram, parameters and ch aracteristics, applications -
Inverting and Non inverting amplifier, Summing Amplifier(Numerical),
Difference amplifier, Basic Integrator and Differentiator, Comparator, Zero
Crossing Detector (only theory) 10
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4 Communication Fundamentals: Analog Communication
Block diagram and elements of analog communication systems, Theory of
amplitude modulation and types of AM (Numerical)
Generation of DSB SC using diode based balanced modulator, Generation of
SSB using phase shift method, Introduction of FM,a nd its mathematical
representation, Statement of Carson‟s Rule Comparison of AM, FM, Block
diagram of AM transmitter (HLM and LLM)
Block diagram of AM Superheterodyne receiver. 10
5 Pulse Modulation and Multiplexing.
Statement of Sampling Theorem, Generation and detection of PAM, PWM,
Principle of TDM using PCM and FDM 10
6 Communication Fundamentals : Information theory.
Amount of information, average information, information rate, Statement of
Shannon's theorem, channel capacity (Numericals) 06
Text Books:
1. Robert Boylestad, „Electronic Devices and circuit Theory‟, Prentice Hall.
2. D Roy Choudhury, „ Linear integrated Circuits‟ New Age International Ltd
3. G. Kennedy, B. Davis, S R M Prasanna, „Electronic Communication Systems‟, McGraw
Hill, 5th Edition.
4. Wayne Tomasi, „Electronic Communication Systems (fundamentals through advanced)‟,
Pearson Education, 4th Edition.
5. K. Sam Shanmugam,‟ Digital and analog communication systems‟, Wiley.
Reference Books:
1. Donald Neamen, „Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design‟, Tata McGraw Hill,2nd Edition.
2. K. R. Botkar, „Integrated Circuits‟, Khanna Publishers, 9th Edition
3. Simon Haykin, „Digi tal Communication systems‟, Wiley.
4. David Bell, „Electronic Devices and Circuits‟, Oxford, 5th Edition.
5. Ramakant A. Gayakwad, „Op -amp and linear integrated circuits‟, PHI, 3rd edition.
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Internal Assessment
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 mark s each. The first class test is to be conducted when
approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 40% syllabus is
completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
Theory Examination:
2 Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
5. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
6. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
7. Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modules.
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Course Code Course Name Credits
CSC305 Data Structures 4
Course Objectives:
1. To teach various storage mechanisms of data.
2. To design and implement various data structures.
3. To introduce various techniques for representation of the data in the real world.
4. To teach different sorting techniques.
5. To teach different searching techniques.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to implement various linear and nonlinear data structures.
2. Students will be able to handle operations like insertion, deletion, searching and traversing
on various data structures.
3. Students will be able to select appropriate sorting technique for given problem.
4. Students will be able to select appropriate searching technique for given problem.
5. Students will be able to ap ply the learned concepts in various domains like DBMS
and Compiler Construction.
6. Students will be able to choose appropriate data structure for specified problem domain.
Prerequisite : C Programming
Module Detailed Content Hours
01 Introduction to Data Structures 03
Introduction, Types of Data Structures – Linear and Nonlinear,
Operations on Data Structures, Concept of ADT, Arrays.
02 Stack and Queues 10
Introduction, ADT of Stack, Operations on Stack, Array Implementation
of Stack, Applications o f Stack – Well form -ness of Parenthesis, Infix to
Postfix Conversion and Postfix Evaluation, Recursion.
ADT of Queue, Operations on Queue, Array Implementation of Queue,
Circular Queue, Priority Queue, Double Ended Queue, Applications of
03 Linked List 10
Introduction, Representation of Linked List, Linked List v/s Array,
Implementation of Linked List, Linked Implementation of Stack and
Queue, Circular Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Application –
Polynomial Representation and Addition.
04 Trees 12
Introduction, Tree Terminologies, Binary Tree, Representation, Types of
Binary Tree, Binary Tree Traversals, Binary Search Tree, Implementation
of Binary Search Tree, Applications – Expression Tree, Huffman
Search Trees – AVL, B Tree, B+ Tree, Splay Tree and Trie.
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05 Graphs 06
Introduction, Graph Terminologies, Representation, Graph Traversals –
Depth First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BFS), Application –
Topological Sorting
06 Sorting and Searching 07
Introduction, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort.
Linear Search, Binary Search, Hashing – Concept, Hash Functions,
Collision Handling Techniques.
Text Books:
1. Data Structures using C, Reema Thareja, Oxford
2. Data Structures using C and C++, Rajesh K Sh ukla, Wiley - India
3. Data Structures Using C, Aaron M Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J Augenstein,
4. Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C, Richard F. Gilberg & Behrouz A.,
Forouzan, Second Edition, CENGAGE Learning
5. Introduction to Data S tructure and Its Applications, JeanPaul Tremblay, P. G. Sorenson
Reference Books:
1. C & Data Structures, Prof. P.S. Deshpande, Prof. O.G. Kakde, DreamTech press.
2. Data Structure Using C, Balagurusamy.
3. Data Structures Using C, ISRD Group, Second Edition, Tata McGraw -Hill.
4. Data Structures, Adapted by: GAV PAI, Schaum‟s Outlines.
Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be
conducted when app rox. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional
40% syllabus is completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination :
1 Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4. Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modules
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Lab Code Lab Name Credits
CSL301 Digital System Lab 1
Lab Outcome:
1. Understand the basics of various digital components.
2. Understand the principles of design of combinational logic and sequential logic circuits
using basic components.
3. Recognize the importance of digital systems in computer architecture.
4. Design and simulate the basic digital circuit.
Experiments with Logic Building Blocks using SSI/MSI, Experiments on Design and/or use
Minimization tools. Use of VHDL and simulation in Logic Design. Experiment on design using
MSI and/or PLDs tools.
Suggested List of Experiments:
Sr. No. Title of Experiments
1 To study and verify the truth table of various logic gates using ICs and realize
Boolean expressions using gates
2 To realize basic gates using universal gates
4 To realize binary to gray code and gray code to binary converter.
5 To realize parity generator and detector.
6 To realize arithmetic circuits
i) Half adder ii) Full adder iii) Half subtractor iv) Full subtractor
7 To realize 2 bit magnitude comparator.
8 To Study multiplexer IC and realization of full adder using multiplexer IC
9 To Study decoder IC and realization of combinational logic using decoder IC
10 Study of flip -flops using IC‟s
11 To realize asynchronous 3 bit up counter.
12 To realize shift registers using flip flops
13 To realize basic gates using VHDL
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14 To realize 4:1 multiplexer using VHDL
15 To realize 4 bit counter using VHDL
Term Work:
Laboratory work will be based on above syllabus with minimum 10 experiments to be incorporated.
Oral & Practical exam will be based on the above and CSC302: Digital Logic Design and
Analysis syllabus.
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Lab Code Lab Name Credits
CSL302 Basic Electronics Lab 1
Lab Outcome:
1. Understand the basics of various semiconductor devices, electronic components and
2. Understand the working of electronic circuits using components
3. Recognize the importance of electronic circuits in electronic communications.
4. Study the fundamental concepts of various modulation methods.
Experiments with semiconductor devices, ICs, electronic component and various measuring
instruments. Study experiments on various modulation methods.
Suggested List of Experiments:
Sr. No. List Experiments
1 Study of electronic components and measuring instruments.
2 Implementation of single stage BJTamplifier.
3 Implementation of oscillators.
4 Implementation of inverting, non inverting amplifier using IC741.
5 Implementation of adder and subtractor using IC 741.
6 Implementation of differentiator using IC741.
7 Implementation of integrator using IC741.
8 Modulation and Demodulation of AM.
9 Study of super heterodyne receiver
10 Modulation and Demodulation PAM.
11 Modulation and Demodulation PWM.
12 Modulation and Demodulation PPM.
13 Modulation and Demodulation PCM.
14 Study of TDM.
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15 Study of FDM.
16 SPICE based simulation.
Term Work:
Laboratory work will be based on above syllabus with minimum 10 experiments to be incorporated.
Oral exam will be based on the above mentioned experiment list and CSC304: Electronic circuits
and communication fundamentals syllabus.
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Lab Code Lab Name Credits
CSL303 Data Structures Lab 1
Lab outcomes:
1. Students will be able to implement various linear and nonlinear data structures.
2. Students will be able to handle operations like insertion, deletion, searching and traversing on
various data structures.
Description : Experiments based on creating and manipulating variou s data structures.
Suggested Experiments :
Students are required to complete at least 12 experiments.
Star (*) marked experiments are compulsory.
*1) Array Implementation of Stack.
*2) Conversion of Infix to Postfix.
3) Evaluation of Postfix Expression.
4) Check continuity of different types of parenthesis using stack.
5) Array Implementation of Queue.
*6) Array Implementation of Circular Queue.
7) Array Implementation of Priority Queue
*8) Implementation of Singly Linked List
9) Linked Implementation of Stack
10) Linked Implementation of Queue.
11) Implementation of Circular Linked List.
12) Implementation of Doubly Linked List.
*13) Implement Binary Search Tree.
14) Implementation of Bubble Sort.
15) Implementation of Insertion Sort.
16) Implementation of Merge Sort.
*17) Implementation of Quick Sort.
*18) Implementation of Binary Search.
19) Implementation of Hashing.
20) Implementation of Depth First Search and Breadth First Search.
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Term Work:
1. Term work should consist of at least 10 experiments.
2. Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
3. A case study should be conducted using a Mini Project by taking a good problem definition and
complete the following phases.
a. Decomposing the problem into modules
b. Identifying the best suited data structure for so lving the sub problems with justification
c. Define algorithms for various identified functions
d. Implement the modules
4. The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures that satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in ter m work.
5. Term Work:
Total 25 Marks = (Experiments: 10 mark + Mini Project: 05 mark + Assignments: 05 mark)
Practical and oral exam ination will be based on the above syllabus.
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Lab Code Lab Name Credits
CSL304 OOPM (JAVA) Lab 2
Course Objective:
1. To learn the object oriented programmin g concepts.
2. To study various java programming concept like multit hreading, exception handling,
packages etc.
3. To explain components of GUI based programming.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course Student should be able:
1. To apply fundamental programming constructs .
2. To illustrate the concept of packages, classes and objects.
3. To elaborate the concept of s tring s, arrays and vectors .
4. To implement the concept of inheritance and interfaces.
5. To implement the notion of exception handling and multithreading.
6. To develop GUI based application.
Prere quisite: Structured Programming Approach
Sr. No. Module Detailed Content Hours
1 Introduction to
Object Oriented
1.1 OOP Concepts: Object, Class, Encapsulation,
Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism.
1.2 Features of Java, JVM
1.3 Basic Constructs/Notions: Constants, variables and data
types, Operators and Expressions, Revision of
Branching and looping 02
2 Classes, Object and
Packages 2.1Class, Object, Method.
2.2 Constructor, Static members and methods
2.3 Passing and returning Objects
2.4Method Overloading
2.5 Packages in java, creating user defined packages, access
specifiers. 05
3 Array, String and
Vector 3.1 Arrays, Strings, String Buffer
3.2 Wrapper classes, Vector 04
4 Inheritance and
4.1Types of Inheritance, super keyword, Method Overriding,
abstract class and abstract method, final keyword,
4.2 Implementing interfaces, extending interfaces 03
5 Exception
Handling and
Multithreading 5.1 Error vs Exception, try, catch, finally, throw, throws,
creating own exception
5.2 Thread lifecycle, Thread class methods, creating threads,
Synchronization 04
6 GUI programming
in JAVA 6.1 Applet: Applet life cycle, Creating applets, Graphics class
methods, Font and Color class, parameter passing. 08
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6.2 Event Handling: Event classes and event listener
6.3 Introduction to AWT: Working with windows, Using
AWT controls - push Buttons, Label, Text Fields, Text
Area, Check Box, and Radio Buttons.
6.4 Programming using JDBC: Introduction to JDBC, JDBC
Drivers & Architecture.
Text books:
1. Herbert Schildt, „JAVA: The Complete Reference‟, Ninth Edition, Oracle Press.
2. Sachin Malhotra and Saurabh Chaudhary , “Programming in Java”, Oxford University Press, 2010
Reference Books:
1. Ivor Horton, „Beginning JAVA‟, Wiley India.
2. Dietaland Dietal , „Java: How to Program ‟, 8/e,PHI
3. „JAVA Programming‟, Black Book, Dreamtech Press.
4. „Learn to Master Java programming‟, Staredusolutions
Digital Material:
3. http://spoken
Suggested List of Pr ogramming Assignments/Laboratory Work:
1. Program on various ways to accept data through keyboard and unsigned right shift
operator .
2. Program on branching, looping, labelled break and labelled continue.
3. Program to create class with members and methods, accept and display details for single
4. Program on constructor and constructor overloading
5. Program on method overloading
6. Program on passing object as argu ment and returning object
7. Program on creating user defined package
8. Program on 1D array
9. Program on 2D array
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10. Program on String
11. Program on StringBuffer
12. Program on Vector
13. Program on single and multilevel inheritance (Use super keyword)
14. Program on abstract class
15. Program on interface demonstrating concept of multiple inheritance
16. Program on dynamic method dispatch using base class and interface reference.
17. Program to demonstrate try, catch, throw, throws and finally.
18. Program to demonstrate user defined exception
19. Program on multithreading
20. Program on concept of synchronization
21. Program on Applet to demonstrate Graphics, Font and Color class.
22. Program on passing parameters to applets
23. Program to create GUI application without event handling using AWT controls
24. Program to create GUI application with event handling using AWT controls
25. Mini Project based on content of the syllabus. (Group of 2 -3 students)
Term Work:
Students will submit term work in the form of journal that will include:
1. At least 16 -18 programs and mini project
2. Two assignments covering whole syllabus
Term Work: 50 Marks (Total Marks) = 20 marks (Experiments) +
20 marks (Mini Project) +
05 marks (Assignments) +
05 marks (Attendance)
Practical and oral examination will be based on suggested practical list and entire syllabus.
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Course Code Course Name Credits
CSC401 Applied Mathematics -IV 5
Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to teach the students:
1. Matrix theory, and it‟s application to find the matrix function. Present methods of computing
and using Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
2. Set up and directly evaluate contour integrals Cauchy‟s integral theorem and formula in
basic and extended form. Presen t Taylor and Laurent‟s series to find singularities zero‟s and
poles also presents residues theory
3. Theory of probability, Baye‟s Theorem, Expectation and Moments and it‟s application.
4. Probability distribution such as Binomial, Poisson and Normal distribu tion with their
5. Sampling theory and it‟s application for small and large sample and Optimization
Course Outcomes:
1. Students in this course will be able to apply the method of solving complex integration,
computing residues & evaluate various contour integrals.
2. Demonstrate ability to manipulate matrices and compute Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
3. Apply the concept of probability distribution to the engineering problems.
4. Apply the concept of sampling theory to the engineering problems.
5. Use matrix algebra with its specific rules to solve the system of linear equation, using
concept of Eigen value and Eigen vector to the engineering problems.
6. Apply the concept of Linear & Non -Linear Programming Problem to the engineering
problems .
No. Unit
No. Topics Hrs.
1.0 Complex Integration 10
1.1 Complex Integration – Line Integral, Cauchy‟s Integral theorem
for simply
connected regions, Cauchy‟s Integral formula(without proof)
1.2 Taylor‟s and Laurent‟s series ( without proof)
1.3 Zeros, poles of f(z), Residues, Cauchy‟s Residue theorem.
1.4 Applications of Residue theorem to evaluate Integrals of the type
0sin, cos d f
2.0 Matrices 10
2.1 Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
2.2 Cayley -Hamilton theorem(without proof)
2.3 Similar matrices, diagonalisable matrix.
2.4 Derogatory and non -derogatory matrices, Functions of square
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3.0 Probability 10
3.1 Baye‟s Theorem
3.2 Random Variables: Discrete & continuous random variables,
expectation, Variance, Probability Density Function &
Cumulative Density Function.
3.3 Moments & Moment generating function.
3.4 Probability distribution: Binomial distribution, Poisson &
Normal distribution. (For detail study)
4.0 Sampling Theory (Large Sample test) 06
4.1 Sampling Distribution, Test of Hypothesis, Level of significance,
Critical region, One Tailed and Two Tailed test,
4.2 Test of significant for Large Samples: -Means of the samples and
test of significant of means of two large samples.
5.0 Sampling Theory (Small Sample test) 06
5.1 Test of significant for small samples: - Students t - distribution for
dependent and independent samples
5.2 Chi square test: - Test of goodness of fit and independence of
attributes,Contingency table.
6.0 Mathematical Programming 10
6.1 Types of solution, Standard and Canonical form of LPP, Basic
and feasible solutions, simplex method.
6.2 Artificial variables, Big –M method (method of penalty).
6.3 Duality and Dual simplex method.
6.4 Non Linear Programming Problems with equality constrains and
inequality Constrains (two or three variables with one constrains)
(No formulation, No Graphical method).
Total 52
Text Books:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Grewal B. S. 38th edition, Khanna Publication 2005.
2. Operation Research by Hira & Gupta,S Chand.
3. A Text Book of Applied Mathematics Vol. I & II by P.N.Wartilar &
4. J.N.Wartikar, Pune, Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan., Pune.
5. Probability and Statistics for Engineering, Dr. J Ravichandran, Wiley -India.
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Reference Books:
1. Probability & Statistics with reliability by Kishor s. Trivedi, Wiley India.
2. Advanced Engg. Mathematics by C. Ray Wylie & Louis Barrett.TMH International Edition.
3. Mathematical Methods of Science and Engineering by Kanti B. Datta, Cengage Learning.
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Kreyszig E. 9th edition, John Wiley.
5. Operations Research by S.D. Sharma Kedar Nath, Ram Nath & Co. Meerat.
6. Engineering optimization (Theory and Practice) by Singiresu S.Rao, New Age International
Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be
conducted when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional
40% syllabus is completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination :
1. Question paper will com prise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4. Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modules.
In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
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Course Code Course Name Credits
CSC402 Analysis of Algorithms 4
Course Objectives:
4. To provide mathematical approach for Analysis of Algorithms
5. To solve problems using various strategies
6. To analyse strategies for solving problems not solvable in polynomial time.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course student will be able to
1. Analyze the running time and space complexity of algorithms.
2. Describe, apply and a nalyze the complexity of divide and conquer strategy.
3. Describe, apply and a nalyze the complexity of greedy strategy.
4. Describe, apply and a nalyze the complexity of dynamic programming strategy.
5. Explain and apply backtracking, branch and bound and string matching techniques
to deal with some hard problems.
6. Describe the classes P, NP, and NP -Complete and be able to prove that a certain
problem is NP -Complete.
Prerequisites: Students should be familia r with concepts of Data structure and discrete structures.
Module Detailed Content Hours
1 Introduction to analysis of algorithm
Performance analysis , space and time complexity
Growth of function – Big –Oh ,Omega , Theta notation
Mathematical background for algorithm analysis,
Analysis of selection sort , insertion sort.
Recurrences :
-The substitution method
-Recursion tree method
-Master method
Divide and Conquer Approach:
General method
Analysis of Merge sort, Analysis of Quick sort, Analysis of Binary search,
Finding minimum and maximum algorithm and analysis, Strassen‟s matrix
multiplication 12
2 Dynamic Programming Approach:
General Method
Multistage graphs
single source shortest path
all pair shortest path
Assembly -line scheduling
0/1 knapsack
Travelling salesman problem
Longest common subsequence 08
3 Greedy Method Approach: 06
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General Method
Single source shortest path
Knapsack problem
Job sequencing with deadlines
Minimum cost spanning trees -Kruskal and prim‟s algorithm
Optimal storage on tapes
4 Backtracking and Branch -and-bound:
General Method
8 queen problem( N -queen problem)
Sum of subsets
Graph coloring
15 puzzle problem,
Travelling salesman problem. 08
5 String Matching Algorithms:
The naïve string matching Algorithms
The Rabin Karp algorithm
String matching with finite automata
The knuth -Morris -Pratt algorithm 06
6 Non-deterministic polynomial algorithms:
Polynomial time,
Polynomial time verification
NP Completeness and reducibility
NP Completeness proofs
Vertex Cover Problems
Clique Problems 08
Text Books:
1. T.H.coreman , C.E. Leiserson,R.L. Rivest, and C. Stein, “Introduction to algorithms”, 2nd
edition , PHI publication 2005.
2. Ellis horowitz , Sartaj Sahni , S . Rajsekaran. “Fundamentals of computer algorithms” University
Reference Books:
1. Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, Umesh Vazirani, “Algorithms”, Tata McGraw - Hill
Edition .
2. S. K. Basu, “Design Methods and Analysis of Algorithm”, PHI.
3. John Kleinberg, Eva Tardos, “Algorithm Design”, Pearson.
4. Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, “Algorithm Design”, Wiley Publication .
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Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted when
approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 40% syllabus is
completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination :
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4. Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modu les..
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Course Code Course Name Credit
CSC403 Computer Organization and Architecture 4
Course Objectives:
1. To have a thorough understanding of the basic structure and operation of a digital computer.
2. To discuss in detail the operation of the arithmetic unit including the algorithms & implementation of
fixed -point and floating -point addition, subtraction, multiplication & division.
3. To study the different ways of communicating with I/O devices and stand ard I/O interfaces.
4. To study the hierarchical memory system including cache memories and virtual memory.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course student should be able-
1. To describe basic structure of the computer system.
2. To demonstrate the arithmetic algorithms for solving ALU operations.
3. To describe instruction level parallelism and hazards in typical processor pipelines.
4. To describe superscalar architectures, multi -core architecture and their advantages
5. To demonstrate the memory mapping techniques.
6. To Identify various types of buses, interrupts and I/O operations in a computer system
Prerequisite: Digital Logic Design and Application
Sr. No. Module Detailed Content Hours
1 Introduction
Overview of Computer Architecture & Organization
Basic organization of computer
Block level description of the functional units.
Data Representation and Arithmetic Algorithms:
Integer Data computation: Addition, Subtraction.
Multiplication: unsigned multiplication, Booth‟s
Divis ion of integers: Restoring and non restoring
Floating point representation. IEEE 754 floating
point number representation.
Floating point arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, Division 08
2 Processor
Architecture Von Neumann model, Harvard Architecture
Register Organization, Instruction formats,
addressing modes, instruction cycle. Instruction
interpretation and sequencing.
ALU and Shifters
Basic pipelined datapath and control, Data
dependences, data hazards, Branch hazards, delayed
branches, branch prediction
Performance measures – CPI, speedup, efficiency,
throughput and Amdahl‟s law 10
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3 Control Unit
Design Hardwired control unit design methods: State table,
delay element, sequence counter with examples like
control unit for multiplication and division
Microprogrammed control Unit: Microinstruction
sequencing and execution. Micro operations,
Wilkie‟s microprogrammed Control Unit, Examples
on microprograms 08
4 Memory
Organization Classifications of primary and secondary memories.
SSD) and ROM, Characteristics of memory,
Memory hierarchy: cost and performance
Virtual Memory: Concept, Segmentation and
Paging, Address translation mechanism.
Interleaved and Associative memory.
Cache memory Concepts, Locality of reference,
design problems based on mapping techniques.
Cache Coherency, Write Policies 12
5 I/O
Peripherals Common I/O device types and characteristics
Types of data transfer techni ques: Programmed I/O,
Interrupt driven I/O and DMA.
Introduction to buses, Bus arbitration and multiple
bus hierarchy
Interrupt types, Interrupts handling 06
6 Advanced
Principles Introduction to parallel processing, Flynn‟s
Concepts of superscalar architecture, out -of-order
execution, speculative execution, multithreaded
processor, VLIW, data flow computing.
Introduction to Multi -core processor architecture 08
Text Books:
1. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance”,
Pearson Publication, 10th Edition, 2013
2. John P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, McGraw -Hill, 1988
3. B. Govindarajulu, “Computer Architecture and Organization: Design Principles and
Applications”, S econd Edition, McGraw -Hill (India),
Reference Books:
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum “Structured Computer Organization”, Pearson, Sixth Edition
2. Morris Mano. “Computer S ystem Architecture” Pearson Publication, 3rd Edition, 2007
3. Kai Hwang, Fayé Alayé Briggs. “ Computer architecture and parallel processing”, McGraw -
4. P. Pal Chaudhuri. “ Computer Organization and Design” Prentice Hall India, 2004
5. Dr. M. Usha, T.S. Shrikant. “Computer System Architecture and Organization” Wiley India,
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Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted when
approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 40% syllabus is
completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination :
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4. Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modules.
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Course Code Course Name Credits
CSC404 Computer Graphics 4
Course Objectives
1 To equip students with the fundamental knowledge and basic technical competence in
the field of computer graphics.
2 To emphasize on implementation aspect of Computer Graphics Algorithms.
3 To prepare the student for advance areas like Image Processing or Computer Vision or
Virtual Reality and professional avenues in the field of Computer Graphics.
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course , the students should be able to
1 Understand the basic concepts of Computer Graphics.
2 Demonstrate various algorithms for scan conversion and filling of basic objects and their
comparative analysis.
3 Apply geometric transformations, viewing and clipping on graphical objects.
4 Explore solid model representation techniques and projections.
5 Understand visible surface detection techniques and illumination models.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of C Programming, Basic Data Structures and Mathematics .
No Detail Syllabus Hours
1 Introduction and Overview of Graphics System :
Definition and Representative uses of computer graphics, classification of
application areas, Overview of coordinate systems ,definition of scan
conversion, rasterization and rendering.
Raster scan & random scan displays, Flat Panel displays like LCD and LED ,
architecture of raster graphics system with display processor, architecture of
random scan systems. 03
2 Output Primitives :
Scan conversions of point,line, circle and ellipse : DDA algorithm and
Bresenham algorithm for line drawing, midpoint algorithm for circle,
midpoint algorithm for ellipse drawing ( Mathematical derivation for above
algorithms is expected )
Aliasing , Antialiasing techniques like Pre and post filtering , super sampling
, and pixel phasing ).
Filled Area Primitive: Scan line Polygon Fill algorithm, Inside outside tests,
Boundary Fill and Flood fill algorithm. 12
3 Two Dimensional Geometric Transformations
Basic transformations : Translation , Scaling , Rotation
Matrix representation and Homogeneous Coordinates
Composite transformation
Other transformations : Reflection and Shear
Raster method for transformation. 06
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4 Two Dimensional Viewing and Clipping
Viewing transformation pipeline and Window to Viewport coordinate
Clipping operations – Point clipping , Line clipping algorithms : Cohen –
Sutherland , Midpoint subdivision , Liang – Barsky , Polygon Clipping
Algorithms : Sutherland – Hodgeman, Weiler – Atherton. 08
5 Three Dimensional Object Representations , Geometric Transformations
and 3D Viewing
Boundary Representation and Space partitioning representation: Polygon
Surfaces , Bezier Curve , Bezier Surface , B -Spline Curve , Sweep
Representation, Constructive Solid Geometry ,Octree, Fractal -Geometry :
Fract al Dimension, Koch Curve.
3D Transformations :Translation, Rotation , Scaling and Reflection.
Composite transformations :Rotation about an arbitrary axis
3D transformation pipeline
Projections – Parallel , Perspective.( Matrix Representation )
3D clipping. 12
6 Visible Surface Detection
Classification of Visible Surface Detection algorithm
Back Surface detection method
Depth Buffer method
Depth Sorting method
Scan line method
Area Subdivision method 04
7 Illumination Models and Surface Rendering
Basic Illumination Models : Diffused reflection, Phong Specular reflection
Halftone and Dithering techniques
Polygon Rendering :Constant shading , Gouraud Shading , Phong Shading. 03
Text Books:
1. “Computer Graphics” C version by Hearn & Baker, 2nd Edition, Pearson
2. “Computer Graphics Principles and Practice in C , 2nd Edition ,James D. Foley, Andries van
Dam, Steven K Feiner, John F. Hughes, Pearson .
3. “Computer Graphics”, by Rajesh K. Maurya, Wiley India Publication.
4. “Computer Graphics “ , by Sami t Bhattacharya , Oxford Publication.
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Reference Books:
1. “Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics “ by D. Rogers , Tata McGraw -Hill Publications.
2. “Computer Graphics” , by Zhigang Xiang , Roy Plastock , Schaum‟s Outlines McGraw -Hill
3. “Computer Graphics using OpenGL” , by F.S.Hill , Jr. ,Third edition, Pearson Publications.
Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted when
approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 40% syllabus is
completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination :
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4. Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modules.
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Course Code Course Name Credits
CSC405 Operating System 4
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce basic concepts and functions of operating systems.
2. To understand the concept of process, thread and resource management.
3. To understand the concepts of process synchronization and deadlock.
4. To understand various Memory, I/O and File management techniques.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course student should be able to
1. Understand role of Operating System in terms of process, memory, file and I/O
2. Apply and analyse the concept of a process, thread, mutual exclusion and deadlock.
3. Evaluate performance of process scheduling algorithms and IPC.
4. Apply and analyse the concepts of memory management techniques.
5. Evaluate the performance of memory allocation and replacement techniques.
6. Appl y and analyze different techniques of file and I/O management.
Prerequisite: Computer Organization & Architecture
Hours Detailed Content Module Sr No
8 hrs Operating System Objectives and Functions, The
Evolution of Operating Systems, OS Design
Considerations for Multiprocessor and Multicore
architectures, Operating system structures, System
Calls, Linux Kernel and Shell. Operating
8 hrs Process: Concept of a Process, Process States,
Process Description, Process Control Block,
Operations on Processes.
Threads : Definition and Types, Concept of
Multithreading, Multicore processors and threads.
Scheduling: Uniprocessor Scheduling - Types of
Scheduli ng: Preemptive and, Non -preemptive,
Scheduling Algorithms: FCFS, SJF, SRTN, Priority
based, Round Robin, Multilevel Queue scheduling.
Introduction to Thread Scheduling, Multiprocessor
Scheduling and Linux Scheduling.
Process Concept
and Scheduling
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12 hrs Concurrency : Principles of Concurrency, Inter -
Process Communication, Process/Thread
Mutual Exclusion : Requirements, Hardware Support,
Operating System Support (Semaphores and Mutex),
Programming Language Support (Monitors), Class ical
synchronization problems: Readers/Writers Problem,
Producer and Consumer problem.
Principles of Deadlock : Conditions and Resource
Allocation Graphs, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock
Avoidance: Banker‟s Algorithm for Single & Multiple
Resources, Deadlock Detection and Recovery. Dining
Philosophers Problem.
and Deadlocks
8 hrs Memory Management : Memory Management
Requirements, Memory Partitioning: Fixed
Partitioning, Dynamic Partitioning, Memory
Allocation Strategies: Best -Fit, First Fit, Worst Fit,
Next Fit, Buddy System, Relocation. Paging,
Virtual Memory : Hardware and Control Structures,
Demand Paging, Structure of Page Tables, Copy on
Write, Page Replacement Strategies: FIFO, Optimal,
LRU, LFU, Approximation, Counting Based.
Allocation of frames, Thrashing.
6 hrs
File Management : Overview, File Organization and
Access, File Directories, File Sharing, Secondary
Storage Management, Linux Virtual File System.
6 hrs I/O Management and Disk Scheduling : I/O
Devices, Organization of the I/O Function, Operating
System Design Issues, I/O Buffering, Disk Scheduling
algorithm: FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, CSCAN, LOOK, C -
LOOK. Disk Management, Disk Cache, Linux I/O.
Input /Output
Managem ent 6
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Text Books:
1. William Stallings, Operating System: Internals and Design Principles, Prentice Hall, 8th
Edition, 2014, ISBN -10: 0133805913 • ISBN -13: 9780133805918 .
2. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts,
John Wiley & Sons , Inc., 9th Edition, 2016, ISBN 978 -81-265-5427 -0
3. Andrew Tannenbaum, Operating System Design and Implementation, Pearson, 3rd Edition.
4. D.M Dhamdhere, Operating Systems: A Concept Based Approach, Mc -Graw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Maurice J. Bach, “Design of UNIX Operating System”, PHI
2. Achyut Godbole and Atul Kahate, Operating Systems, Mc Graw Hill Education, 3rd Edition
3. The Linux Kernel Book, Remy Card, Eric Dumas, Frank Mevel, Wiley Publications.
Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted when
approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 40% syllabus is
completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination :
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. The students need to solve total 4 questions.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4. Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modules.
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Lab Code Lab Name Credit
CSL401 Analysis of Algorithms Lab 1
Lab outcomes: At the end of the course student will be able to
1. Analyze the complexities of various problems in different domains.
2. Prove the correctness and analyze the running time of the basic algorithms for those classic
problems in various domains.
3. Develop the efficient algorithms for the new problem with suitable designing techniques.
4. Implement the al gorithms using different strategies.
Prerequisites: Students should be familiar with concepts of Data structure and Discrete structures.
Minimum 2 experiments should be implemented using any language on each algorithm design
strategy (Divid e and conquer, dynamic programming, Greedy method, backtracking and branch &
bound, string matching).
Suggested Laboratory Experiments:
No. Module Name Suggested Experiment List
1 Introduction to analysis of algorithm
Divide and Conquer Approach Selection sort , insertion sort.
Merge sort, Quick sort, Binary search.
2 Dynamic Programming Approach
Multistage graphs,
single source shortest path,
all pair shortest path,
0/1 knapsack,
Travelling salesman problem,
Longest common subsequence.
3 Greedy Method Approach
Single source shortest path,
Knapsack problem,
Job sequencing with deadlines,
Minimum cost spanning trees -Kruskal and
prim‟s algorithm,
Optimal storage on tapes.
4 Backtracking and Branch -and-bound
8 queen problem ( N -queen proble m),
Sum of subsets,
Graph coloring,
15 puzzle problem,
Travelling salesman problem.
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5 String Matching Algorithms
The naïve string matching Algorithms,
The Rabin Karp algorithm,
String matching with finite automata,
The knuth -Morris -Pratt algorithm.
6 Any two Experiments This will involve implementation of two
algorithms for problems beyond the scope
of syllabus.
The exact set of algorithms to implement is
to be decided by the course instructor.
Text Books:
1. T.H.Coreman , C.E. Leiserson,R.L. Rivest, and C. Stein, “Introduction to algorithms”, 2nd
edition , PHI publication 2005.
2. Ellis horowitz , sartaj Sahni , s. Rajsekaran. “Fundamentals of computer algorithms” University
Reference Books:
1. Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, Umesh Vazirani, “Algorithms”, Tata McGraw - Hill
Edition .
2. S. K. Basu, “Design Methods and Analysis of Algorithm”, PHI.
3. Dana Vrajittoru and William Knight, “Practical Analysis of Algorithms”, Springer 2014th
Term Work:
Laboratory work must contain impl ementation of minimum 10 experiments. The final certification
and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory work and minimum
passing marks in term work. The 25 marks of the term work should be divided as below:
25 Marks (to tal marks) = 15 Marks Lab. Experiments + 05 Marks Assignments (based on theory
syllabus) + 05 (Attendance: theory + practical)
Oral & Practical Exam will be based on the experiments implemented in the Laboratory.
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Lab Code Lab Title Credit
CSL402 Computer Graphics Lab 1
Lab Objectives
1 To emphasize on implementation aspect of Computer Graphics Algorithm.
2 To prepare students for advanced areas like Animation, image processing ,virtual reality etc
Lab Outcomes : At the end of the course , the students should be able to
1 Explore the working principle, utility of various input/ output devices and graphical tools.
2 Implement various output and filled area primitive algorithms using C/ OpenGL
3 Apply transformation and clipping algorithms on graphical objects.
4 Implementation of curve and fractal generation.
5 Develop a Graphical application based on learned concept.
Scan conversions: lines, circles, ellipses. Filling algorithms, clipping algorithms. 2D and 3D
transformation. Curves. Visible surface determination. Simple animations Application of these
through exercises in C/C++/ Open GL
List of Desirable Experiments:
1. Study and apply basic opengl functions to draw basic primitives. (*)
2. Implement sierpinsky gask et using openGL.
3. Implement DDA Line Drawing algorithms and Bresenham algorithm(*)
4. Implement midpoint Circle algorithm(*)
5. Implement midpoint Ellipse algorithm
6. Implemen tArea Filling Algorithm: Boundary Fill, Flood Fill ,Scan line Polygon Fill (*)
7. Implemen t Curve : Bezier for n control points , B Spline (Uniform ) ( atleast one)(*)
8. Implement Fractal (Koch Curve)
9. Character Generation : Bit Map method and Stroke Method
10. Implement 2D Transformations: Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Reflection, Shear.(*)
11. Impleme nt Line Clipping Algorithm: Cohen Sutherland / Liang Barsky.(*)
12. Implement polygon clipping algorithm(atleast one)
13. Program to represent a 3D object using polygon surfaces and then perform 3D transformation.
14. Program to perform projection of a 3D object on Pr ojection Plane : Parallel and
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Term Work
1. Term work should consist of at least 12 experiments. (*) Practical to be covered necessarily
2. Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
3. Mini Project to perform using C / OpenGL.
Possible Ideas:
a. Animation using multiple object
b. Graphics editor with following features :
*Draw basic geometrical entities; apply geometrical transformations, Area filling, Clipping
against Clip window, displaying the text, displaying bar / line graphs , pie c harts etc.
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures that satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.
Term Work: 25 Marks (Total) = 10 Marks (Experiments)
+ 5 Marks (Mini Project)
+ 5 Marks (Assignments)
+ 5 Marks (Theory + Practical Attendance).
Oral & Practical exam will be based on the above content and CSC404: Computer Graphics.
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Lab Code Lab Name Credit
CSL403 Processor Architecture Lab 1
Lab Objectives:
1. To implement the operation of the arithmetic unit including the algorithms & implementation of
fixed -point and floating -point addition, subtraction, multiplication & division.
2. To study the different ways of communicating with I/O devices and s tandard I/O interfaces.
3. To design memory subsystem including cache memory
4. To have through understanding of various computer buses
Lab Outcomes: At the end of the course student should be
1. Assemble personal computer
2. Design the basic building blocks of a computer: arithmetic -logic unit, registers, central
processing unit, and memory.
3. Implement various algorithms like Booth‟s algorithm for arithmetic operations
4. Describe various I/O buses with merits and demerits.
Prerequisite: Digital Logic Design and Appl ications
Sr. No. Module Detailed Content
1 Overview of Computer
Architecture &
Organization Computer Anatomy - Memory, Ports, Motherboard
and add -on cards
Dismantling and assembling PC
2 Programs on Data
Representation and
Arithmetic Ripple carry adder, Carry look -ahead adder, registers,
Booths Algorithm, Restoring and Non restoring
3 Processor Organization
and Architecture ALU Design, CPU Design
Case Study on multi -core Processors
4 Memory Organization Memory design, Cache Memory design
5 I/O Organization and
Interrupts Case study on buses like ISA, PCI, USB etc
Interrupt handling using C/Java Programming
Digital Material:
Manual to use the simulator for computer organization and architecture. Developed by
the Depa rtment of CSE, IIT kharagpur ( http://cse10 -iitkgp.virtual )
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1. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance”,
Pearson Publication, 10th Edition, 2013
2. B. Govindarajulu, “Computer Architecture and Organization: Design Principles and
Applications”, Second Edition, McGraw -Hill (India),
6. Andrew S. Tanenbaum “Structured Computer Organization”, Pearson, Sixth Edition
7. Morris Mano. “Computer S ystem Architecture” Pearson Publication, 3rd Edition, 2007
8. Kai Hwang, Fayé Alayé Briggs. “ Computer architecture and parallel processing”, McGraw -
9. P. Pal Chaudhuri. “ Computer Organization and Design” Prentice Hall India, 2004
10. Dr. M. Usha, T.S. Shrikant. “Com puter System Architecture and Organization” Wiley India,
Term Work
Term work should consist of at least 10-12 experiments and 3 -4 assignments based on above
content and CSC403: Computer Organization and Architecture
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures that satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.
Term Work: 25 Marks (Total) = 10 Marks (Experiments)
+ 5 Marks (Mini Project)
+ 5 Marks (Assignments)
+ 5 Marks (Theory + Practical Attendance).
Oral exam will be based on the above content and CSC403: Computer Organization and
Architecture .
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Lab Code Lab Name Credit
CSL 404 Operating System Lab 1
Lab Outcome:
1. Understand basic operating system commands.
2. Understand and explore various system calls.
3. Write shell scripts and shell commands using kernel APIs.
4. Implement and analyze different process scheduling algorithms
5. Implement and analyze different memory management algorithms.
6. Evaluate process management techniques and deadlock handling using simulator.
Description s:
Sr. No Contents
1 Explore the internal commands of linux like ls,chdir,mkdir,chown,chmod,chgrp,ps etc
2 Write shell scripts to do the following:
Display top 10 processes in descending order
Display processes with highest memory usage.
Display current logged in user and logname.
Display current shell, home directory, operating system type, current path setting, current
working directory.
Display OS version, release number, kernel version.
Illustrate the use of sort, grep, awk, etc.
3 a) Create a child process in Linux using the fork system call. From the child process obtain
the process ID of both child and parent by using getpid and getppid system call.
Explore wai t and waitpid before termination of process.
b) Explore the following system calls: open, read, write, close, getpid, setpid, getuid, getgid,
getegid, geteuid.
4 Implement basic commands of linux like ls, cp, mv and others using kernel APIs.
5 Write a program to implement any two CPU scheduling algorithms like FCFS, SJF, Round
Robin etc.
6 Write a program to implement dynamic partitioning placement algorithms i.e Best Fit, First -
Fit, Worst -Fit etc
7 Write a program to implement various page replacement policies.
8 Using the CPU -OS simulator analyze and synthesize the following:
a. Process Scheduling algorithms.
b. Thread creation and synchronization.
c. Deadlock prevention and avoidance.
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Digital Materials:
1. Download the CPU -OS simulator along with related tutorials from http://www.teach
2. http://www.teach
1. Linux Kernel Book, by Remy Card, Eric Dumas, Frank Mevel, Wiley India
2. Unix Concepts and Applications, Sumitabha Das, McGraw Hill.
Term Work:
Term work should consist of at least 12 experiments and 2 -3 assignments on above content.
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures that satisfactory performanc e of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.
Term Work : 25 Marks (Total) = 10 Marks (Experiments)
+ 5 Marks (Mini Project)
+ 5 Marks (Assignments)
+ 5 Marks (Theory + Practical Attendance).
Oral & Practical exam will be based on the above content and CSC405: Operating system syllabus .
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Lab Code Lab Name Credit
CSL405 Open Source Technology Lab 2
Course Outcomes:
1. To understand basic concepts in python and perl.
2. To explore contents of files, directories and text processing with python
3. To develop program for data structure using built in functions in python.
4. To explore django web framework for developing python based web application.
5. To understand file handling and d atabase handling using perl.
6. To explore basics of two way communication between client and server using python and perl
Prerequisites: Knowledge of some programming language like C, Java
Sr. No Module Name Detailed Content
1 Python basics Data types in python ,Operators in python, Input and Output, Control
statement, Arrays in python, String and Character in python, Functions,
List and Tuples, Dictionaries Exception, Introduction to OOP, Classes ,
Objects , Interfaces, Inheritance
2 Advanc ed Python Files in Python, Directories, Building Modules, Packages, Text
Processing, Regular expression in python.
3 Data Structure in Python Link List, Stack, Queues, Dequeues
4 Python Integration
Primer Graphical User interface ,Networking in Python , Python database
connectivity, Introduction to Django
5 Basics of Perl Perl Overview, Variables, Control Statements, Subroutines, Objects,
Packages and Modules
6 Perl advanced Working with Files, Data manipulation, Database Systems, Networking
Text Books
1. Core Python Programming, Dr. R. Nageswara Rao, Dreamtech Press
2. Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1. James Payne, Wrox publication
3. Perl: The Complete Reference. Second Edition. Martin C. Brown, McGraw -Hill
4. Introduction to computing and problem solving using python , E Balagurusamy,McGraw Hill
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Reference Book
1. Perl Black Book, 2nd Edition: Steven Holzner,Dreamtech Press
2. Learn Python the Hard Way: (3rd Edition) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series)
3. Python Projects , Laura Cassell,Alan Gauld,wrox publication
Digital Material:
1. "The Python Tutorial",
2. Beginning Perl, -perl/
3. http://spoken
Suggested experiments using Python:
1. Exploring basics of python like data types (strings,list,array,dictionaries,set,tuples) and control
2. statements.
3. Creating functions, classes and objects using python. Demonstrate exception handling and
4. Exploring Files and directories
a. Python program to append data to existing file and then display the entire fille
b. Python program to count number of lines, words and characters in a file.
c. Python program to display file available in current directory
5. Creating GUI with python containing widgets such as labels, textbox,radio,checkboxes and
custom dialog boxes.
6. Menu driven program for data structure using built in function for link list, stack and queues.
7. Program to demonstrate CRUD( create, read, update and delete) operations on database (SQLite/
MySQL) using python.
8. Creation of simple socket for basic information exchange between server and client.
9. Creating web application using Django web framework to demonstrate functionality of user login
and registration (al so validating user detail using regular expression).
Suggested experiments using Perl:
10. Exploring various data type , loops and conditional statement in perl. And Creating functions,
packages and modules in perl.
11. Program to demonstrate use of objects and classes in perl.
12. Program to demonstrate file handling, data manipulation and use of regular expression for text
processing in perl
13. Program to send email and read content of URL.
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Term Work:
Students will submit term work in the form of journal that will include:
1. At least 12 -14 programs.
2. One mini -project in a group 2 -3 student.
3. Two assignments covering whole syllabus.
Term Work (25) = 15 marks (Experiments & Assignments)
+ 10 marks (Mini Project)
+ 05 marks (Attendance)
Practical and oral examination will be based on suggested practical list and entire syllabus.