SE Biomedical Engineering Rev 2016 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

SE Biomedical Engineering Rev 2016 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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University of Mumbai, Biomedical Engineering, Rev. 2016 -17 Page 1

AC 11/05/2017
Item No. 4.179


Revised syllabus (Rev - 2016) from Academic Year
2016 -17
Biomedical Engineering
Second Year with Effect from AY 2017 -18
Third Year with Effect from AY 2018 -19
Final Year with Effect from AY 2019 -20

As per Choice Based Credit and Grading System
with effect from the AY 2016 –17

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From Co-ordinator ’s Desk:

To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in engineering education, the issue of quality
needs to be addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is the
principal means of quality assurance in higher education. The major emphasis of ac creditation
process is to measure the outcomes of the program that is being accredited. In line with this
Faculty of Technology of University of Mumbai has taken a lead in incorporating philosophy
of outcome based education in the process of curriculum dev elopment.

Faculty of Technology, University of Mumbai, in one of its meeting unanimously resolved
that, each Board of Studies shall prepare some Program Educational Objectives (PEO‘s) and
give freedom to affiliated Institutes to add few (PEO‘s) and course objectives and course
outcomes to be clearly defined for each course, so that all faculty members in affiliated
institutes understand the depth and approach of course to be taught, which will enhance
learner‘s learning process. It was also resolved that, maximum senior faculty from colleges
and experts from industry to be involved while revising the curriculum. I am happy to state
that, each Board of studies has adhered to the resolutions passed by Faculty of Technology,
and developed curriculum accordingl y. In addition to outcome based education, Choice
Based Credit and Grading System is also introduced to ensure quality of engineering

Choice Based Credit and Grading System enables a much -required shift in focus from
teacher -centric to learner -centric education since the workload estimated is based on the
investment of time in learning not in teaching. It also focuses on continuous evaluation which
will enhance the quality of education. University of Mumbai has taken a lead in implementing
the s ystem throu gh its affiliated Institutes Faculty of Technology has devised a transpar ent
credit assignment policy adopted ten points scale to grade learner‘s performance. Choice
Base d Credit and Grading System were implemented for First Year Bachelor of Engineering
from the academic year 2016 -2017. Subsequently this system will be carried forward for
Second Year Bachelor of Engineering in the academic year 2017 -2018.

Dr. S uresh K. Ukarande
Co-ordinator ,
Faculty of Technology,
Member - Academic Council
University of Mumbai, Mumbai

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The overall technical education in our country is changing rapidly in manifolds. Now it is
very much challenging to maintain the quality of education with its rate of expansion. To meet
present requirement a systematic approach is necessary to build the strong technical base with
the quality. Accreditation will provide the quality assurance in higher education and to
achieve recognition of the institution or program meeting certain specified standards. The
focus of an accreditation process is to measure the program outcomes, essentially a range of
skills and knowledge that a student will have at the time of graduation from the program that
is being accredited. Faculty of Technology of University of Mumbai has t aken a lead in
incorporating philosophy of outcome based education in the process of curriculum

I, as Chairman, Board of Studies in Electrical Engineering of University of Mumbai, happy to
state here that, Program Educational Objectives (PEOs ) were finalized for the graduate
program in Biomedical Engineering , more than ten senior faculty members from the different
institutes affiliated to University of Mumbai were actively participated in this process. Few
PEOs were finalized for graduate prog ram in Biomedical Engineering are listed below:

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

1. To provide sound knowledge of basic sciences, human anatomy, human physiology,
electrical and electronic systems, building a strong foundation for career advancement.

2. To develop a logical approach, analytical thinking and problem solving capabilities in
order to make the learner competent to face and address the global challenges in their
chosen field.

3. To impart technical knowledge and competency skills to perform in v arious areas like
sales & marketing, product engineering, research -development, hospital
administration, regulatory affairs and also to venture into entrepreneurship.

4. To develop proficiency in various soft skills and bring awareness about social
obligatio ns and professional ethics to pursue professional career in a healthcare

5. Motivate to pursue research and specialization in a plethora of domains in the field of
Biomedical Engineering covering disciplines such as, Medical Instrumentation,
Neuroscience, Computational Engineering, Robotics Engineering, Medical Signal and
Image processing, Rehabilitation Engineering, VLSI, Nanotechnology and
Biosensors, etc.

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Program Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge : Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering

2. Problem analysis : Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

3. Design/development of solutions : Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems : Use research -based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of
data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage : Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society : Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge
to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability : Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics : Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work : Function effectively as an individual, and as a member
or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication : Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend
and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations,
and give and receive clear instructions.

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11. Project management and finance : Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
the engineering and management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as
a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
12. Life-long learning : Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological

Dr. S. R. Deore,
Board of Studies in Electrical Engineering,
Member - Academic Council
University of Mumbai

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Program Structure for
B.E. Biomedical Engineering
University of Mumbai
(With effect from academic year 2017 - 18)
Scheme for Semester III

# Out of four hours, 2 hours theory shall be taught to the entire class and 2 hours practical in batches.

Course Code
Course Name
Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
BMC301 Applied Mathematics III 04 ---- 01 04 ---- 01 05
BMC302 Basics of Human Physiology 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC303 Electrical Network Analysis and
Synthesis 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC304 Electronic Circuit Analysis and
Design 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC305 Biomaterials , Prosthetics and
Orthotics 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BML301 Object Oriented Programing ---- 04# ---- ---- 02 ---- 02
BML302 Basics of Human Physiology ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML303 Electrical Network Analysis and
Synthesis ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML304 Electronic Circuit Analysis and
Design ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML305 Biomaterials , Prosthetics and
Orthotics ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
Total 20 12 01 20 06 01 27

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Examination Scheme for Semester III

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Term work Practical Oral Pract./Oral External
(UA) Internal
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
BMC301 Applied
Mathematics III 80 32 20 8 25 10 --- --- --- --- --- --- 125
BMC302 Basics of Human
Physiology 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC303 Electrical Network
Analysis and
Synthesis 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC304 Electronic Circuit
Analysis and
Design 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC305 Biomaterials ,
Prosthetics and
Orthotics 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BML301 Object Oriented
Programing --- --- --- --- 50 20 --- --- --- --- 50 20 100
BML302 Basics of Human
Physiology --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
BML303 Electrical Network
Analysis and
Synthesis --- ---- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
BML304 Electronic Circuit
Analysis and
Design --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- --- --- 25 10 50
BML305 Biomaterials ,
Prosthetics and
Orthotics --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
Total 400 160 100 40 175 70 --- --- 75 30 75 30 825

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Scheme for Semester IV

Course Code
Course Name
Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
BMC401 Applied Mathematics IV 04 ---- 01 04 ---- 01 05
BMC402 Biomedical Transducers and
Measuring Instruments 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC403 Linear Integrated Circuits 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC404 Digital Electronics 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC405 Signals and Control Systems 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BML401 Introduction to Simulations Tools ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML402 Biomedical Transducers and
Measuring Instruments ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML403 Linear Integrated Circuits ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML404 Digital Electronics ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML405 Signals and Control Systems ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
Total 20 10 01 20 05 01 26

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Examination Scheme for Semester IV

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Term work Practical Oral Pract./Oral External
(UA) Internal
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
BMC401 Applied
Mathematics - IV 80 32 20 8 25 10 --- --- --- --- --- --- 125
BMC402 Biomedical
Transducers and
Instruments 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC403 Linear Integrated
Circuits 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC404 Digital Electronics 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC405 Signals and Control
Systems 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BML401 Introduction to
Simulations Tools --- --- --- --- 25 10 25 10 --- --- --- --- 50
BML402 Biomedical
Transducers and
Instruments --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
BML403 Linear Integrated
Circuits --- ---- --- --- 25 10 --- --- --- --- 25 10 50
BML404 Digital Electronics --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- --- --- 25 10 50
BML405 Signals and Control
Systems --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
Total 400 160 100 40 150 60 25 10 50 20 50 20 775

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
BMC301 Applied
Mathematics III
(Abbreviated as
AM – III) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
04 -- 01 04 -- 01 05

Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
work Pract. Oral Pract.
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Dura
(hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BMC301 Applied
Mathem -
atics III
(AM – III) 20 20 20 80 03 25 -- -- -- 125

Course Code Course Name Credits
BMC301 Applied Mathematics III 05
Course Objectives • To build the strong foundation in Mathematics of learner needed for the field of
Biomedical Engineering .
• To provide learner with mathematics fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve
and analyses complex engineering problems.
• To prepare student to apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
engineering practice.
• To prepare learner to work as part of teams on multi -disciplinary projects.
Course Outcomes • Learner will demonstrate basic knowledge of Laplace Transform. Fourier series,
Bessel Functions, Vector Algebra and Complex Variable.
• Learner will demonstrate an ability to identify and Model the problems of the field
of Biomedical Engineering and solve it.
• Learner will be able to apply the application of Mathematics in Biomedical

No Unit No. Topic Hours
1 Laplace Transform
1.1 Laplace Transform (LT) of Standard Functions: Definition of
Laplace transform, Condition of Existence of Laplace transform,
Laplace transform of
, ( ),cos( ),ate Sin at at
sinh( ),cosh( ),nat at t
Heaviside unit step function, Dirac -delta function, Laplace transform of
Periodic function 7

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1.2 Properties of Laplace Transform: Linearity, first shifting theorem,
second shifting theorem, multiplication by
nt ,Division by t, Laplace
Transform of derivatives and integrals, change of scale, convolution
theorem, Evaluation of int egrals using Laplace transform.
2 Inverse Laplace Transform & its Applications

2.1 Partial fraction method, Method of convolution, Laplace inverse by
derivative 6
2.2 Applications of Laplace Transform: Solution of ordinary differential
equations, Solving RLC circuit differential equation of first order and
second order with boundary condition using Laplace transform (framing
of differential equation is not included)
3 Fourier Series
3.1 Introduction: Orthogonal and orthonormal set
of functions, Introduction of Dirichlet‘s conditions, Euler‘s formulae 11
3.2 Fourier Series of Functions: Exponential, trigonometric functions of any
period =2L, even and odd functions, half range sine and cosine series
3.3 Complex form of Fourier series, Fourier integral representation, Fourier
Transform and Inverse Fourier transform of constant and exponential
4 Vector Algebra & Vector Differentiation
Review of Scalar and Vector Product : Scalar and vector product of three
and four vectors,
Vector differentiation, Gradient of scalar point function, Divergence and
Curl of vector point function 7
4.2 Properties: Solenoidal and irrotational vector fields, conservative vector
5 Vector Integral
5.1 Line integral 6

5.2 Green‘s theorem in a plane, Gauss‘ divergence theorem and Stokes‘
6 Complex Variable & Bessel Functions
Analytic Function: Necessary and sufficient conditions (No Proof),
Cauchy Reiman equation Cartesian form (No Proof) Cauchy Reiman
Equation in polar form (with Proof), Milne Thomson Method and it
application, Harmonic function, orthogonal trajectories 11
6.2 Mapping: Conformal mapping, Bilinear transformations, cross ratio, fixed
6.3 Bessel Functions: Bessel‘s differential equation, Properties of Bessel
function of order +1/2 and -1/2, Generating function, expression of

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cos (xsin
 ), sin (x sin
 ) in term of Bessel function s

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. H.K. Das, ― Advanced engineering mathematics ‖, S . Chand, 2008
2. A. Datta, “Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering”, 2012
3. B.S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publication

Reference Books:
1. B. V. Ramana, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Tata Mc -Graw Hill Publication
2. Wylie and Barret, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata Mc -Graw Hill 6th Edition
3. Erwin Kreysizg, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
4. Murry R. Spieget, “Vector Analysis”, Schaum‘s outline series, Mc -Graw Hill Publication

Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course

Term work:
Term work shall consist of minimum eight tutorials and assignments (minimum 2).
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Tutorials :15 marks
Assignments :05 marks
Attendance (Theory and Tutorial) :05 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures minimum passing in the term work.

Theory Examination :
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total four questions need to be solved.
3. Q.1 will be compulsory, based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5 marks will be
4. Remaining question will be randomly selected from all the modules.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
Basics of Human
(Abbreviated as
BHP) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
work Pract. Oral Pract.
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Dura
(hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BMC302 Basics of
(BHP) 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- -- -- 100

Course Code Course Name Credits
BMC302 Basics of Human Physiology 04
Objectives  To understand the human anatomy and functions of various body structures.
 To understand different physiological processes taking place inside human body.
Outcomes Learners will be able to:
 Understand the structure and function of cell, the action potential and muscle
 Distinguish the different anatomical parts of cardiovascular and respiratory
system. Understand the physiology of heart, and other organs of cardiovascular
system, concept of Blood pressure and use of ECG. Understand the exchange in
gases taking place in body and use of spirometer.
 To know the composition of blood, blood cells with their functions, basics of cell
counting, blood grouping and coagulation of blood.
 Distinguish different organs of digestive and urinary system. Understand the
process of digestion, secretions and their functions. Understand the process of
urine formation and micturition
 Understand the anatomy of nervous system, working of different parts of brain,
parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, reflex arc and reflex action.
Distinguish different parts of eyes and ear, their structure and function.
Understand the hearing mechanism and image formation on the retina, understand
the use of op hthalmoscope and design of hearing aid
 Understand the different parts of male and female reproductive system with their
working, action of sex hormones. To know all the endocrine glands with their
secretion and function, and control action.

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Module Contents Hours
1 Organization of Human Body:
Cell, Tissue, Organ, Organ system, Structure and functions of cell, Polarization and
Depolarization of Cell, Types of tissues, Homeostasis, Positive and Negative
Feedback Mechanism
Muscle Physiology: Muscle physiology and aspects of Skin Resistance 05
2 Cardiovascular System : Anatomy of Cardiovascular System, Heart, Conductive
Tissues of Heart, Cardiac Cycle, Heart Valves, Systemic
and Pulmonary Circulation, Transmission of Cardiac Impulse,
Blood Pressure, ECG, Einthoven‘s Triangle, Twelve Lead System and
ECG Waveforms
Respiratory System: Anatomy of Respiratory System, Ventilation, Exchange in
gases in the alveoli, Spirometer (Forced Expiratory Volumes) 12
3 Blood: Composition of Blood – Blood cells and their functions, Haemoglobin, Blood
Grouping, Coagulation, Wound Healing. 05
4 Alimentary System: All organs of the Digestive System, other secretions and main
Functions, Deglutition and Defecation.
Urinary System: Structure of Nephron, Function of Kidney, Urinary Bladder,
Urethra, Internal/External Sphincters, Formation of Urine, Micturition 08
5 Nervous System: Different parts, their functions. Reflex actions and reflex are,
Function of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system. Nerve conduction
and action potentials.
Special Senses:
Eyes -Structure, Refractive Medias of the Eye, Formation of Image on the Retina.
Ear – Structure of Cochlea, Hearing mechanism 10
6 Reproductive System: (Male and Female) Different Organs and their functions.
Main actions of Androgens, Oestrogens and Progesterone.
Endocrine System: All glands, their Secretions and functions. Control of secretions. 08

Books Recommended:
Text books:
1. Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness: Ross and Wilson. ( ELBS Pub )
2. Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology: Elaine N Marieb . (Pearson Education)

Reference Books:
1. Physiology of Human Body. : Guyton. ( Prism Book )
2. Review of Medical Physiology: William Ganong. ( Prentice Hall Int )
3. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology: Tortora and Grabowski. ( Harper collin Pub)
4. Anatomy and Physiology: Elaine N Marieb. (Pearson Education)

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Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live probl ems or course

Theory Examination :
3. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
4. Total four questions need to be solved.
3. Q.1 will be compulsory, based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5 marks will be
4. Remaining question will be randomly selected from all the modules.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
Network Analysis
and Synthesis
(Abbreviated as
ENAS) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
work Pract. Oral Pract.
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Dura
(hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
(ENAS) 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- -- -- 100

Course Code Course Name Credits
BMC303 Electrical Network Analysis and Synthesis 04
Objectives  To learn a number of powerful engineering circuit analysis techniques such as nodal
analysis, mesh analysis, source transformation and several methods of simplifying
 To apply concept of network theorems to the electrical circuits.
 To understand the concept of graphical solution to electrical network.
 To understand frequency response in electrical circuits.
 To make the learner learn how to synthesize an electrical network from a given
impedance/admittance function.
Outcomes Learner will be able to
 Apply number of powerful engineering circuit analysis techniques such as nodal
analysis, mesh analysis, source transformation and several methods of simplifying
 Apply the concept of circuit analysis to un derstand network theorems
 Apply the concept of graphical solution to electrical network.
 Distinguish between different one port and two port network parameters
 Analyse time and frequency response of the electrical circuits.
 To make the learner learn how to synthesize an electrical network from a given
impedance/admittance function.

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Module Contents Hours
1 Introduction:
Review of D.C. & A.C. circuits,
DC Circuits: Current & Voltage Source Transformation, Source Shifting
Mesh & Node Analysis:
Mesh & Node Analysis of D.C. & A.C. circuits with independent & dependent sources.
(Introduction to coupled circuits). 07
2 Network Theorems ( D.C. & A.C. circuits) :
Superposition, Thevenin‘s & Norton‘s Theorem (with independent and dependent
sources), Maximum power transfer theorem. 06
3 Circuit Analysis:
Introduction to Graph Theory. Tree, link currents, branch voltages, cut set & tie set,
Mesh & Node Analysis, Duality. 06
4 Time and Frequency Response of Circuits:
First & second order Differential equations, initial conditions. Evaluation & Analysis of
Transient Steady state responses using Classical Technique as well as by Laplace
Transform (for simple circuits only). Transfer functi on, Concept of poles and zeros.
5 Two -Port Networks:
Concept of two -port network. Driving point and Transfer Functions, Open Circuit
impedance (Z) parameters, Short Circuit admittance (Y) parameters, Transmission
(ABCD) parameters. Inverse Transmission (A‘B‘C‘D‘) parameters. Hybrid (h)
parameters. Inter Relationship of different parameters. Interconnections of two -port
networks. Terminated two -port networks. 10
6 Fundamentals of Network Synthesis:
Positive real functions, Driving Point functions, Properties of positive real functions.
Testing Positive real functions. Testing driving point functions, Maximum modulus
theorem, Properties of Hurwitz polynomials, Residue computations, Even & odd
function s, Driving Point Synthesis with L -C, R-C, R-L and R -L-C networks. 10

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Sudhakar & S.P. Shyammohan, Circuits and Networks, Tata McGraw Hill, thirteenth reprint,
2. William H. Hayt, Jack e. Kemmerly & Steven M. Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis,
McGraw Hill International, sixth edition, 2202.
3. Raymond A. DeCarlo & Pen -Min Lin, Linear Circuit Analysis, Oxford University Press,
second edition, 2001.
4. M. E. Van Valkenburg, Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Reference Books:
1. Artice M. Davis, Linear Circuit Analysis, Thomson Asia Pte. Ltd, Singapore, first edition,

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2. M.E. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, Prentice Hall of India, third edition
3. C.L.Wadhwa , Network Analysis and Synthesis, New Age International Publisher, Third

Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or ass ignment on live problems or course

Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total four questions need to be solved.
3: Q.1 will be compulsory, based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5 marks will be
4: Remaining question will be randomly selected from all the modules.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
Electronic circuit
analysis and
(Abbreviated as
ECAD) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
work Pract. Oral Pract.
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Dura
(hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Avg.

BMC304 Electronic
and Design
(ECAD) 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- -- -- 100

Course Code Course Name Credits
BMC304 Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design 04
Course Objectives • To understand basic characteristics of semiconductor devices.
• To design small signal amplifiers using BJT and FET

Course Outcomes Learner will be able to:
• Understand the basic semiconductor components like P -N junction diodes,
zener diodes and their various applications.
• Understand BJT working and its various configurations and DC operating
• Underst anding AC operating conditions and Design of single stage small
signal CE amplifiers
• Design of single stage small signal CS amplifiers
• Understand the working of MOSFETs, its characteristics and its various
• Understanding the concept of multistage amplifiers

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Module Contents Hours
1. Diodes Circuits:
Basics of PN junction diode - Equation, characteristics.
Clipper and Clamper Circuits using diodes, Zener Diode – Characteristics and Working,
Study Zener as a voltage regulator 05

2. Bipolar Junction Transistor :
Working of PNP and NPN Transistor. Configurations (CB, CC, CE), comparison, Q -Point,
DC load line. BJT Biasing - DC analysis, Stability. (Fixed, Self, Voltage divider, Collector
to base, Collector to base self). BJT as a switch. 10

3. .A.C. Equivalent Model – re model, h -parameter model (Exact and Approximate),
Hybrid -π model
A.C. Analysis -(Using any one model): A.C. load line, A.C. analysis of CE, CB, CC
amplifier configurations, Effects of R S and R L, Comparison between various amplifiers.
Low frequency and High frequency analysis, Frequency response of Single stage
amplifier. Design of single stage amplifier using BJT. 10
4. Junction Field Ef fect Transistor:
Working and basic terminology related to JFET. Configurations (CS, CG, CD),
comparison, Q -Point, DC load line. JFET Biasing – Fixed, Self, Voltage divider, Concept
of stability against device parameters and temperature, zero temperature drift. A.C.
Equivalent model of JFET.
A.C. Analysis of amplifiers using CS, CG and CD amplifier configurations, Effects of R S
and R L, Comparison between various amplifiers.
Low frequency and High frequency analysis, Frequency response of Single stage
amplifier. Design of single stage amplifier using JFET. 12
Working of Depletion and Enhancement type MOSFET Construction, Characteristics and
equations, Basic MOSFET Applications 04

6. Multistage Amplifiers:
Cascade: BJT -BJT, FET -BJT.
Cascode – DC and AC analysis, characteristics
Darlington amplifier - DC and AC analysis, characteristics

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Neamen Donald A., Electronics Ckt. Analyzer & Design , 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Boylestad Robert L., Nashelsky Louis, Electronics Devices & Circuits , Pearson Education.
3. Semiconductor Data Manual , BPB Publications.

Reference Books:
1.Malvino —Electronic Principles , 6/e ,TMH
2. Millman & Halkias: Basic Electronic Principles; TMH.
3..Martin R oden, Gordon carpenter, William W ieseman, Ele ctronic design, Fourth edtion,
Sroff publishers.
4. Donald Schilling & Charles Belove, Electronic Circuits Discrete and Integrated, T hird
edition, Mcgraw Hill.

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Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course

Theory Examination :
1. Question paper will comprise o f 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total four questions need to be solved.
3: Q.1 will be compulsory, based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5 marks will be
4: Remaining question will be randomly selected from all the modules.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
Biomaterials ,
and Orthotics
(Abbreviated as
BPO) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Course Code Course Name Credits
BMC305 Biomaterials , Prosthetics and Orthotics 04
Course O bject ives • To understand the fundamentals of materials used for manufacturing implants
that has wide application in healthcare industry.
• To understand design princi ples of prostheses and orthoses.
Course Outcomes • Understand the definition, classification and gene ral applications of
biomaterials. Study the surface characterization techniques.
• Understand properties and applications of polymeric, degradable and
composite biomaterials.
• Understand properties and applications of metals and ceramic biomaterials.
• Selection of materials on the basis of testing of the biomaterials done
biologically, mechanically, physio -chemically and thermally before
implantation in the human body.
• Study anatomical levers, gait cycle and gait parameters
• Understand the definition of prostheses and orth oses and its design

Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
work Pract Oral Pract.
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment
sem Dur
(hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Av

BMC305 Biomaterials
(BPO) 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- -- -- 100

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Module Contents Hours
1 Introduction : Introduction of Biomaterials, Classification
of Biomaterials, General Applications.
Techniques for characterization of Surface properties of Biomaterials: Electron
Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry(SIMS),
Infrared Spectroscopy, Contact Angle Method. 08
2 Properties and Applications of Polymeric and degradable Biomaterials:
Classification, polyurethanes, PTFE, Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polyacrylates, PMMA,
PHEMA, Hydrogel, Silicone rubber, Biopolymer in fabrication of biodevices
and implants, Thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics.
Degradable biomaterials ( PGA and PLA), applications in
drug delivery systems.
Composite Biomaterials: Properties, classification
and Applications of Composite Biomaterials in fabrication
of biodevices and implants.
Applications of biomaterials in Drug delivery systems, 09
3 Properties and Applications of Metallic Biomaterials and its Biocompatibility:
Stainless steel, Titanium, Titanium based alloys, Cobalt – Chromium alloys in fabrication
of bio -devices and implants.

Properties and Applications of Ceramic Biomaterials: Classification, Alumina,
Zirconia and types, Bioglass, Calcium Phosphate, Tricalcium phosphate in fabrication of
biodevices and implants. 08
4 Biological Testing of Biomaterials: Physiochemical Test, Mechanical Test, Invitro and
Invivo types, Different forms of corrosion, Wear, Electrochemical Corrosion Testing. 08
5 Movement biomechanics
Overview of joints and movments, anatomical levers, gait cycle ( stance and swing phase
with stick diagram), gait parameters 05
6 Prosthetics and Orthotics
Principles of three point pressure,
Lower limb prostheses, partial weight bearing -PTB socket, total contact - quadrilateral
Upper limb prosthesis ( terminal devices)
Spinal orthoses. 10

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Biomaterial Science and Engineering: J.V. Park (Plenum Press - New York)
2. Fundaments of Biomedical Engineering: G S. Sawhney (New Age International Publication)
3. Biomaterial Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Ratner & Hoffmann
4. American Atlas of Orthopedics: Prosthetics, C. V. Mosby.
5. American Atlas of Orthopedics: Orthotics, C. V. Mosby
6. Basics of Biomechanics by Ajay Bahl, Jaypee publications.

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Reference Books:
1. Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation: John G. Webster. Vol. I, II, III, IV (Marcel
Dekkar Pub).
2. Encyclopedia – Handbook of Biomaterials and Bioengineering: Part -A: Materials Vol I, II (Marcel
Dekkar Pub) Part – B: Applications Vol. I, II.
3. Design Enginee ring on Biomaterials for medical devices: David Hill, John Willey Publication
4. Biological Performance of Materials, 2nd Edition – Jonathan Black, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York.
Basel. Hong Kong

Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course

Theory Examination :
1. Question paper will comprise o f 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total four questions need to be solved.
3. Q.1 will be compulsory, based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5 marks will be
4. Remaining question will be randomly selected from all the modules.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
BML301 Object Oriented
(Abbreviated as
OOPM) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 04# -- -- 02 -- 02

# Out of four hours, 2 hours theory shall be taught to the entire class and 2 hours practical in batches.

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
work Pract . Oral Pract .
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BML301 Object Oriented
(OOPM) -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50 100

Course Code Course Name Credits
BML301 Object Oriented Programming 02
Course Objective • To learn the object oriented programmin g concepts
• To study various java programming constructs like multit hreading,
exception handling, packages etc.
• To explain components of GUI based programming.
Course Outcome • To apply fundamental programming constructs .
• To illustrate the concept of packages, classes and objects.
• To elaborate the concept of s tring s, arrays and vectors .
• To implement the concept of inheritance and interfaces.
• To implement the notion of exception handling and multithreading.
• To develop GUI based application.

Prere quisite: Structured Programming Approach

Sr. No. Module Detailed Content Hours

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1 Introduction to
1.1OO Concepts: Object, Class, Encapsulation, Abstraction,
Inheritance, Polymorphism.
1.2Features of Java, JVM
1.3 Basic Constructs/Notions: Constants, variables and data
types , Operators and Expressions ,Revision of Branching
and looping 02
2 Classes , Object
and Packages 2.1Class,Object, Method.
2.2 Constructo r, Static members and methods
2.3 Passing and returning Objects
2.4Method Overloading
2.5 Packages in java, creating user defined packages, access
specifiers . 05
3 Array, String
and Vector 3.1 Arrays, Strings, StringBuffer
3.2 Wrapper classes, Vector 04
4 Inheritance
and Interface
4.1Types of Inheritance, super keyword , Method Overriding ,
abstract class and abstract method, final keyword ,
4.2 Implementing interfaces, extending interfaces 03
5 Exception
Handling and
g 5.1 Error vs Exception, try, catch, finally, throw, throws,
creating own exception
5.2 Thread lifecycle, Thread class methods, creatingthreads,
Synchronization 04
6.1 Applet: Applet life cycle, Creating applets, Graphics class
methods, Font and Color class, parameter passing.
6.2 Event Handling: Event classes and event listener
6.3 Introduction to AWT: Working with windows, Using
AWT controls - push Buttons, Label, Text Fields, Text
Area, Check Box, and Radio Buttons. 06

Note: #Out of four hours of practical two hours to be conducted as theory

List of Laboratory Experiments: (Any Fifteen experiments and three assignments)
1. Program on various ways to accept data through keyboard and unsigned right shift operator .
2. Program on branching, looping, labelled break and labelled continue.
3. Program to create class with members and methods, accept and display details for single object.
4. Program on constructor and constructor overloading
5. Program on method overloading
6. Program on passing object as argument and returning object
7. Program on creating us er defined package
8. Program on 1D array

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9. Program on 2D array
10. Program on String
11. Program on StringBuffer
12. Program on Vector
13. Program on single and multilevel inheritance (Use super keyword)
14. Program on abstract class
15. Program on interface demonstrating concept of multiple inheritance
16. Program on dynamic method dispatch using base class and interface reference.
17. Program to demonstrate try, catch, throw, throws and finally.
18. Program to demonstrate user defined exception
19. Program on multithreading
20. Program on concept of synchronization
21. Program on Applet to demonstrate Graphics, Font and Color class.
22. Program on passing parameters to applets
23. Program to create GUI application without event handling using AWT controls
24. Program to create GUI application with event handling using AWT controls

Books Recommended:
Text books:
1. Herbert Schildt, ‗JAVA: The Complete Reference‘, Ninth Edition, Oracle Press.
2. Sachin Malhotra and Saurabh Chaudhary , ―Programming in Java‖, Oxford University
Reference Books:
1. Ivor Horton, ‗Beginning JAVA‘, Wiley India.
2. Dietaland Dietal , ‗Java: How to Program ‘, 8/e,PHI
3. ‗JAVA Programming‘, Black Book, Dreamtech Press.

Assessment :
Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 15 experiments and 3 Assignments
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments): 20 Marks
Labor atory work ( journal) : 10 Marks
Assignments : 15 Marks
Attendance : 5 Marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum passing in the term work.
Practical and oral examination will be based on suggested practical list and entire syllabus.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
BML302 Basics of Human
(BHP) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
work Pract . Oral Pract .
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BML302 Basics of Human
(BHP) -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 -- 50

Course Code Course Name Credits
BML302 Basics of Human Physiology 01
Course O bjective  To understand the human anatomy and functions of various body
 To understand different physiological processes taking place inside
human body
Course Outcome  To measure blood pressure using occlusive cuff method
 To apply blood cell counting prin ciple for measuring blood composition.
 To analyse electrical activity of heart.
 To apply the knowledge of instruments used for supporting cardio -
vascular system

Syllabus: Same as that of BMC302 Basics of Human Physiology .

List of Laboratory Experiments: (Any Seven)
1. To measure Blood Pressure using sphygmomanometer using occlusive cuff method.
2. To determine hemoglobin count in the blood by Sahli‘s method.
3. In-vitro recognition of A, B, O blood groups by slide test.
4. To find the total Red Blood Cel l count using Neubauer‘s haemocytometer.
5. To find the total White Blood Cell count using Neubauer‘s haemocytometer.
6. To study ECG Machine

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7. To study electrical activity of heart
8. To measure heart -beats using PQRST Waveform of ECG.
9. To study Cardiac Pacemaker.
10. To study Defibrillator.
11. Visit to the hospital anatomy department to view specimen.
12. Presentations on the given topic.

Any other experiment based on syllabus which will help learner to understand topic/concept

Books Recommended:
Text books:
1. Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness: Ross and Wilson. ( ELBS Pub )
2. Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology: Elaine N Marieb. (Pearson Education)

Reference Books:
1. Physiology of Human Body. : Guyton. ( Prism Book )
2. Review of Medical Physiology: William Ganong . ( Prentice Hall Int )
3. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology: Tortora and Grabowski. ( Harper collin Pub)
4. Anatomy and Physiology: Elaine N Marieb. (Pearson Education)

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 7 experiments.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments) : 10 Marks
Laboratory work (programs / journal) : 10 Marks
Attendance : 5 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum passing in the term work.

Oral examination will be based on suggested practical list and entire syllabus.

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Code Cour se Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
BML303 Electrical Network
Analysis and
(ENAS) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
work Pract . Oral Pract .
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BML303 Electrical
Analysis and
(ENAS) -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 -- 50

Course Code Course Name Credits
BML303 Electrical Network Analysis and Synthesis 01
Objective  To implement several methods of simplifying networks.
 To verify network theorems for analyzing electrical circuits.
 To understand the concept of graphical solution to electrical network
 To study frequency response in electrical circuits.
 To make the learner learn how to synthesize an electrical network from a given
impedance/admittance function.
Outcome Learner will be able to
 Apply number of powerful engineering circuit analysis techniques such as nodal
analysis, mesh analysis, source transformation and several methods of simplifying
 Implement network theorems to analyze the circuit
 Apply the concept of graphical solution to electrical network.
 Discriminate between different one port and two port network parameters
 Analyze time and frequency response of the electrical circuits
 Synthesize an electrical network from a given impedance/admittance function.

Syllabus: Same as that of BMC303 Electrical Network Analysis and Synthesis .

List of Laboratory Experiments: (Any f ive)

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1. To study superposition theorem
2. To study Norton theorem
3. To study Thevenin‘s theorem
4. To study and verify Maximum power theorem
5. To study transfer functions
6. a) To study Y parameters of a two -port network.
b) To study Z parameters of a two -port network.
7. Interconnection of two -port network
8. To study Time Response of first order system
9. To study the second order frequency response of an RLC circuit

Suggested Tutorials: (Any six)
1. Mesh & Node Analysis with Independent Sources
2. Mesh & Node Analy sis with Dependent Sources
3. Network Theorems
4. Circuit Analysis
5. Time and Frequency Response of Circuits (Transient Analysis)
6. Time and Frequency Response of Circuits (Laplace Transform Analysis)
7. Two -Port Networks (Two -Port Parameters)
8. Two -Port Networks (Inter Relationship of different param eters. Interconnections of two -port networks)
9. Fundamentals of Network Synthesis (Hurwitz polynomials and Positive real functions)
10. Fundamentals of Network Synthesis (Driving Point S ynthesis with L -C, R-C, R-L and R-L- C

Any other experiment based on syllabus which will help learner to understand topic/concept

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Sudhakar & S.P. Shyammohan, Circuits and Networks, Tata McGraw Hill, thirteenth reprint,
2. William H. Hayt , Jack e. Kemmerly & Steven M. Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis,
McGraw Hill International, sixth edition, 2202.
3. Raymond A. DeCarlo & Pen -Min Lin, Linear Circuit Analysis, Oxford University Press,
second edition, 2001.
4. M. E. Van Valkenburg, Introductio n to Modern Network Synthesis, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Reference Books:
1. Artice M. Davis, Linear Circuit Analysis, Thomson Asia Pte. Ltd, Singapore, first edition,
2. M.E. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, Prentice Hall of India, third edition
3. C.L.Wadhwa, Ne twork Analysis and Synthesis, New Age International Publisher, Third


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Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 5 experiments and 6 tutorials
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments ) : 10 Marks
Laboratory work ( Tutorials ) : 10 Marks
Attendance : 5 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum passing in t he term work.

Oral examination will be based on suggested practical list and entire syllabus.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
BML304 Electronic Circuit
Analysis and
(ECAD) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
work Pract . Oral Pract .
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BML304 Electronic
Circuit Analysis
and Design
(ECAD) -- -- -- -- 25 -- -- 25 50

Course Code Course Name Credits
BML30 4 Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design 01
Course O bjective  To apply the theoretical knowledge of semiconductor devices to practical
 To design and implement Clippers, Clampers, Zener regulator and small
signal amplifiers
Course Outcome Learner will be able to:
 Verify the outputs of various electronic circuits such as clipper, clampers
 Verify the transfer characteristics of basic semiconductor devices.
 Design amplifier circuits and verify their results practically.
 Study frequency response of small signal amplifiers .

Syllabus: Same as that of BMC30 4 Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design .

List of Laboratory Experiments: (Any seven )
1. To study Clipper circuit
2. To study Clampers circuit
3. Study of z ener as a regulator
4. Study of BJT characteristics
5. Study of BJT as s witch
6. Implementation of biasing circuit of BJT

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7. Study of f requency response of CE amplifier
8. Study of FET char acteristics
9. Implementation of biasing circuit of FET
10. Study of Frequency response of CE amplifier

Any other experiment based on syllabus which will help learner to understand topic/concept

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Neamen Donald A., Electronics Ckt. Analyzer & Design , 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Boylestad Robert L., Nashelsky Louis, Electronics Devices & Circuits , Pearson Education.
3. Semiconductor Data Manual , BPB Publications.

Reference Books:
1.Malvino —Electronic Principles , 6/e ,TMH
2. Millman & Halkias : Basic Electronic Principles; TMH.
3..Martin R oden, Gordon carpenter, William W ieseman, Ele ctronic design, Fourth edtion,
Sroff publishers.
4. Donald Schilling & Charles Belove, Electronic Circuits Discrete and Integrated, Third
edition, Mcgraw Hill.

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 7 experiments.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments ) : 10 Marks
Laboratory work ( Journal ) : 10 Marks
Attendance : 5 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum passing in the term work.

Practical and oral examination will be based on suggested practical list and entire syllabus.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
BML305 Biomaterials ,
Prosthetics and
(BPO) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
work Pract . Oral Pract .
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BML305 Biomaterials ,
Prosthetics and
(BPO) -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 -- 50

Course Code Course Name Credits
BML305 Biomaterials , Prosthetics and Orthotics 01
Course O bjective • To understand the fundamentals of materials used for manufacturing
implants that has wide application in healthcare industry.
• To understand design princi ples of prostheses and orthoses
Course Outcome Learners will be able to:
• Understand the definition, classification and general applications of
biomaterials. Study the surface characterization technique
• Understand properties and applications of polymeric, degradable and
composite biomaterials.
• Understan d properties and applications of metals and ceramic biomaterials.
• Selection of materials on the basis of testing of the biomaterials done
biologically, mechanically, physio -chemically and thermally before
implantation in the human body.
• Study anatomical l evers, gait cycle and gait parameters
• Understand the definition of prostheses and orth oses and its design
Syllabus: Same as that of BMC30 5 Biomaterials , Prosthetics and Orthotics

List of Laboratory Experiments: (Any seven )
1) Introduction of Biomaterials.
2) Techniques for characterization of Surface properties of Biomaterials.
3) Biological Testing of Biomaterials.
4) Mechanical and Physiochemical Testing of Biomaterials
5) Properties and Applications of Metallic Biomaterials and its B iocompatibility.

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6) Properties and Applications of Polymeric Biomaterials.
7) Properties and Applications of Ceramic Biomaterials.
8) Properties and Applications of Composite Biomaterials.
9) Corrosion of biomaterials
10) Biomaterials for Soft Tissue Replacements .

Any other experiment based on syllabus which will help learner to understand topic/concept

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Biomaterial Science and Engineering: J.V. Park (Plenum Press - New York)
2. Fundaments of Biomedical Engineering: G S. Sawhney (New A ge International Publication)
3. Biomaterial Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Ratner & Hoffmann
4. American Atlas of Orthopedics: Prosthetics, C. V. Mosby.
5. American Atlas of Orthopedics: Orthotics, C. V. Mosby
6. Basics of Biomechanics by Ajay Bahl, Jaypee publications.

Reference Books:
1. Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation: John G. Webster. Vol. I, II, III, IV (Marcel
Dekkar Pub).
2. Encyclopedia – Handbook of Biomaterials and Bioengineering: Part -A: Materials Vol I, II (Marcel
Dekkar Pub) Part – B: Applications Vol. I, II.
3. Design Engineering on Biomaterials for medical devices: David Hill, John Willey Publication
4. Biological Performance of Materials, 2nd Edition – Jonathan Black, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York.
Basel. Hong Kong

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 7 experiments / tutorials
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments / Tutorials) : 20 Marks
Attendance : 5 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum passing in the term work.
Oral examination will be based on suggested practical list and entire syllabus.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
Mathematics IV
(Abbreviated as
AM - IV)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
04 -- 01 04 -- 01 05

Course Code Course Name Credits
BMC401 Applied Mathematics IV 05
Objectives • To develop analytical insight of the student to prepare them for graduates
studies in Biomedical Engineering
• To enhance their ability to solve and analyse Biomedical Engineering
• To provide learner with a strong mathematical foundation to acquire the
professional competence knowledge and skills .
Outcomes • It is expected that learner will develop the proactive approach towards the
selection of methods to a solution of Biomedical Engineering problems.
• Learner will be able identify different probability distribution , learn
sampling technique, compute Eigen values and Eigen vectors and evaluate
complex integrals and use their application in Biomedical Engineering
• Learner will be able to know new subjects that are required to solve in

Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
work Pract Oral Pract.
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment
sem Dur
(hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Av

BMC401 Applied
(AM - IV) 20 20 20 80 03 25 -- -- -- 125

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Calculus of Variation: 06
1.1 Euler‘s Langrange equation, solution of Euler‘s Langrange equation
(only results for different cases for Function) independent of a
variable, independent of another variable, independent of
differentiation of a variable and independent of both variables
1.2 Isoperimetric problems, several dependent variables
1.3 Functions involving higher order derivatives: Rayleigh -Ritz method

2 Linear Algebra: Vector Spaces 06
2.1 Vectors in n -dimensional vector space: properties, dot product, cross
product, norm and distance properties in n -dimensional vector space.
2.2 Vector spaces over real field, properties of vector spaces over real
field, subspaces.
2.3 The Cauchy -Schwarz inequality, Orthogonal Subspaces, Gram -
Schmidt process.
3 Linear Algebra: Matrix Theory 10
3.1 Characteristic equation, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, properties of
Eigen values and Eigen vectors
3.2 Cayley -Hamilton theorem (without proof) , examples based on
verification of Cayley - Hamilton theorem.
3.3 Similarity of matrices, Diagonalisation of matrices.
Functions of square matrix, derogatory and non -derogatory matrices.
4 Probability 10
4.1 Baye‘s Theorem (without proof)
4.2 Random variable: Probability distribution for discrete and
continuous random variables, Density function and distribution
function, expectation, variance.
4.3 Moments, Moment Generating Function.
4.4 Probability distribution: Binomial distribution, Poisson & normal
distribution (For detailed study)
5 Correlation 04
5.1 Karl Pearson‘s coefficient of correlation, Covariance, Spearman‘s
Rank correlation,
5.2 Lines of Regression.
6 Complex integration 12
6.1 Complex Integration: Line Integral, Cauchy‘s Integral theorem for
simply connected regions, Cauchy‘s Integral formula.
6.2 Taylor‘s and Laurent‘s Series
6.3 Zeros, singularities, poles of f(z), residues, Cauchy‘s Residue
theorem .
6.4 Applications of Residue theorem to evaluate real Integrals of
different types.

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Books Recommended:

Text books:
1. H.K. Das, ― Advanced engineering mathematics ‖, S . Chand, 2008
2. A. Datta, “Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering”, 2012
3. B.S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publication
4. P.N.Wartilar & J.N.Wartikar, ― A Text Book of Applied Mathematics ‖ Vol. I & II,
Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan., Pune.

Reference Books:
1. B. V. Ramana, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Tata Mc -Graw Hill Publication
2. Wylie and Barret, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata Mc -Graw Hill 6th Edition
3. Erwin Kreysizg, “Advanced Engineering Ma thematics”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
4. Seymour Lipschutz ― Beginning Linear Algebra ‖ Schaum‘s outline series, Mc -Graw Hill
5.Seymour Lipschutz ― Probability ‖ Schaum‘s outline series, Mc -Graw Hill Publication

Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 8 tutorials
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Tutorials : 20 Marks
Attendance : 5 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum pa ssing in the term work.

Theory Examination :
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total four questions need to be solved.
3 Q.1 will be compulsory, based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked
4: Remaining question will be randomly selected from all the modules.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
Transducers and
(Abbreviated as
BTMI) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Course Name Credits
BMC402 Biomedical Transducers and Measuring Instruments 04
Objectives  To provide the knowledge of basic concepts such as measuring instruments and generalized
instrumentation system, general properties of input transducers, static and dynamic
characteristics of transducers and sensors.
 To provide a thorough understanding of principle and working of transducers and sensors used
for displacement, motion, pressure and temperature measurement, bio -potential electrodes,
chemical sensors, biosensors, fiber optic sensors, and radiation sensors.
 To study the biomedical applications of the above transducers and sensors.
 To perform experiments based on some of the above transducers and sensors.
Outcomes  To clearly understand generalized medical instrumentation system, general properties of
transducers, static and dynamic characteristics of transducers and sensors.
 Understand the fundamental principles and applications of various types of sensors including
motion, displacement and pressure sensors.
 Present different transduction methods for measuring temperature.
 To underst and principle of various biopotential electrodes
 Understand principle and working of chemical sensor
 To understand principle of various biosensors, and differentiate various amperometric and
potentiometric sensors. Course
Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
work Pract Oral Pract.
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment
sem Dur
(hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Av

BMC402 Biomedical
(BTMI ) 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- -- -- 100

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Module Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Generalized Instrumentation System, General Properties
Of Input Transducer. Static Characteristics: Accuracy, Precision,
Resolution, Reproducibility, Sensitivity, Drift, Hysteresis, Linearity,
Input Impedance and Output Impedance.
Dynamic C haracteristics: First Order and Second Order Characteristics, Time Delay,
Error Free Instrument, Transfer Functions. Design Criteria, Generalized Instrument
Specifications. 04
2 Medical Instruments:
Electronic and Digital Voltmeter
Types: FET Voltmeter, Peak and Average Responding voltmeter,
True RMS responding voltmeter.
Digital to Analog Converter: Binary weighted and R -2R ladder.
Analog to digital converter: Ramp type, Dual Slope type,
Successive Approximation type ADC,
DVM: Ramp type, Dual Slope type, Successi ve Approximation type,
Flash type DVM. Resolution & Sensitivity.
Multimeter: Working, Specifications.
Block Diagram of C.R.O (in details). Requirements of Time base,
Delayed Time Base, Post deflection acceleration, triggering. Description of Panel Layout
and working of controls. Specifications of CRO. Applications: Measurement of voltage,
current. Types: Dual trace, Dual beam, Digital Storage – Block diagram, working,
application, comparison. 14
3 Displacement, motion and Pressure Measurement : (with applications)
Resistive: Potentiometers, Strain Gauges and Bridge Circuits.
Inductive: Variable Inductance and LVDT
Capacitive type, Piezoelectric Transducers.
Types of Diaphragms, Bellows, Bourdon Tube s. 10
4 Temperature Measurement: Thermistor, Thermocouple,
Resistive Temperature Detector, IC based Temperature Measurement
Radiation Sensors 06
5 Bio potential Electrodes: Electrodes Electrolyte Interface, Half -Cell Potential,
Polarization, Polarizable and Non Polarizable, Electrodes, Calomel Electrode, Electrode
Circuit Model, Electrode Skin -Interface and Motion Artifact. Body Surface Electrodes.
Internal Electrodes: Needl e and Wire Electrodes (Different Types). Microelectrodes:
Metal, Supported Metal Micropipette (Metal Filled Glass And Glass Micropipette
Electrodes) 06
6 Chemical Sensors: Blood gas and Acid - Base Physiology, Potentiometric Sensors
(pH, pCO 2 Electrodes, Amperometric Sensors (pO 2), ISFETS, Transcutaneous Arterial
O2 and CO 2 Tension Monitoring.
Fiber Optic Sensors: Principle of Fiber Optics, Fiber Optic Sensors - Temperature,
Chemical, Pressure.
Biosensor: Classifications and types with example s. 08

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University of Mumbai, Biomedical Engineering, Rev. 2016 -17 Page 42
Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Kalasi H.S.- Electronic Instrumentation
2. A.K. Sawhney - Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation.
3. Medical Instrumentation -Application and Design by John G. Webster.
4. Instrument Transducer – An Intro to their performance and design, Hermann K P. Neubert.
5. Biomedical sensors – fundamentals and application by Harry N, Norton.
6. Biomedical Transducers and Instruments, Tatsuo Togawa, Toshiyo Tamma and P. Ake Öberg.
7. Electronic s in Medicine and Biomedical Instrumentation by Nandini K. Jog PHI Second Edition

Reference Books:
1. Principles of applied Biomedical Instrumentation by La Geddes and L.E. Baker.
2. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement by Leslie Cromwell, Fred. J. Weibell and Pfeiffer.
3. Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement, Richard Aston, Merril Publishing Co.,
Columbus, 1990.
4. Measurement Systems, Application and Design, Ernest O. Doeblin, McGraw -Hill, 1985.
5. Handbook of Modern Sensors – Physi cs, Design and Application, Jacob Fraden, AIP press.
6. Transducers for Biomedical Measurements: Princi ples and Applications, Richard S.C. Cobbold,
John Wiley & Sons, 1974.

Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course

Theory Examination :
1. Question paper will comprise o f 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total four questions need to be solved.
3. Q.1 will be compulsory, based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5 marks
will be asked.
4. Remaining question will be randomly selected from all the modules

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University of Mumbai, Biomedical Engineering, Rev. 2016 -17 Page 43
Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
Linear Integrated
(Abbreviated as
LIC) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Course Code Course Name Credits
BMC403 Linear Integrated Circuits 04
Course Objectives • To provide concepts of differential, operational and power amplifiers
with their applications and design methodology
• To cover analysis of circuits with negative feedback
Course Outcomes Learner will be able to:
• Analyse different types of differential amplifiers
• Demonstrate basics of operational amplifiers
• Analyse and design operational amplifier to perform mathematical
• Analyse and design operational amplifier as oscillators
• Illustrate basics of negative feedb ack and perform analysis on different
types of circuits with negative feedback
• Exhibit working of power amplifiers, its types and DC and AC analysis
and designing

Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
work Pract Oral Pract.
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment
sem Dur
(hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Av
BMC403 Linear
(LIC) 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- -- -- 100

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Module Contents Hours
1. Differential Amplifiers:
 Basic Concept
 Types: Dual Input Balanced Output, Dual Input Unbalanced Output, Single
Input Balanced Output And Single Input Unbalanced Output.
 Common mode and Differential mode analysis - DC and AC analysis.
 Differential amplifiers with Swamping Resistor
 Constant current source, current mirror circuits 05

2. Introduction to o perational Amplifier :
 Introduction to an Ideal Operational Amplifier, Block Diagram, DC and AC
Characteristics, Equivalent circuit of Op -amp
 Op-amp IC 741 characteristics, frequency response and concept of virtual
ground. 05

3. Applications of operational Amplifier :
 Adder, Subtractor /differential Amplifier, Voltage follower, Integrator
(practical and Ideal), Differentiator (practical and Ideal), Instrumentation
 Voltage to Current and Current to Voltage converters, Active Half wave
rectifiers, Active Full wave rectifier, Clipper, Clampers, Log and Antilog
amplifiers, Sample & hold circuits, Peak detector, Multipliers and Dividers,
 Schmitt Trigger (Regenerative comparator), Voltage comparators, zero
crossing detector. 15
4. Oscillators using Op erational A mplifier :
 Concepts of Oscillation. Barkhausen‘s criteria for an oscillator.
 Types of oscillators: RC Phase shift Oscillator, Wien Bridge oscillator,
Colpitt‘s Oscillator, Hartley Oscillator, Crystal Oscillator, Clapp Oscillator,
(Phase shift, Frequency of oscillati on, condition of sustained oscillation,
circuit operation and Amplitude stabil ity in the above oscillators). 08
5. Negative Feedback :
 Introduction to Feedback
 Negative feedback characteristics: Gain Sensitivity, Bandwidth Extension,
Noise Sensitivity, Reduction of Non -Linear Distortion.
 Feedback Topologies, Series -Shunt, Shunt -Series, Series -Series, Shunt -Shunt
 Negative feedback amplifiers: Voltage Amplifiers, Current Amplifiers, Trans -
Conductance Amplifiers, Trans -Resistance Amplifiers ( DC and AC analysis. 10

6. Power Amplifiers :
 Classes of Power amplifiers, Class -A, Class -B, Class AB, Class C
 Analysis: Class -A Power Amplifiers (Direct coupled and Transformer
coupled), Class -B Power Amplifiers, Class -AB Push Pull and
Complementary Symmetry Power amplifier
 Power amplifier design, Heat Sinks and its design

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University of Mumbai, Biomedical Engineering, Rev. 2016 -17 Page 45
Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1.. Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design - Donald A Neamen,
2. Electronic Devices and circuits – R Bolystead.
3. Op-Amps and linear integrated circuits – R. Gayakwad
4. Linear Integrated Circuits: Roy Chaudhary

Reference Books:
1. Integrated Electronics –Millman & Halkias
2. Opamps and linear integrated circuits, Theory and Applications - James Fiore

Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course

Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total four questions need to be solved.
3. Q.1 will be compulsory, based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5 marks will be
4. Remaining question will be randomly select ed from all the modules .

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
(Abbreviated as
DE) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Course Code Course Name Credits
BMC404 Digital Electronics 04
Course Objectives  To make learner aware of basics of Digital circuits, logic design, various
Logic Families and Flip -flops.
 Learner should be able to design of various counters, registers and their

Course Outcomes Learner will be able to:
• Understand various number systems and its arithmetic (BCD, Binary, Octal,
Hexadecimal etc.)
• Solve sums on K -maps, Boolean algebra and SOP -POS implementations.
• Design code converter circuits, parity generator -check er circuits and
magnitude comparator circuits.
• Design circuits using multiplexers, demultiplexers, and decoders.
• Design synchronous and asynchronous counters and registers using flip flops.
• Design various gates using various logic families.

Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
work Pract Oral Pract.
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment
sem Dur
(hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Av
(DE) 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- -- -- 100

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University of Mumbai, Biomedical Engineering, Rev. 2016 -17 Page 47
Module Contents Hours
1. Introduction: Number system, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal and other. Conversion
from One system to another, Binary, BCD and Hexadecimal. Binary Arithmetic
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) Hexadecimal and octal arithmetic,
first and second complement m ethods.
Binary Codes: Weighted Reflective, Sequential, Gray, Error detecting codes, Odd,
Even parity, Hamming Codes, Alphanumeric, Morse, Teletypewriter ASCII,
EBCDIC codes, Converting Binary to Gray & Gray to Binary, Conversion from BCD
to XS3. Applicati on of gray code, shaft position encoding.
Boolean Algebra Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, XNOR, operation NAND,
NOR used of the universal gate for Performing different operation. Laws of Boolean
algebra. De - Morgan‘s theorems. Relating a Truth Table to a B oolean Expression.
Multi level circuits. 05

2. Combinational Circuits: K-MAPS and their use in specifying Boolenan
Expressions, Minterm, Maxterm SOP and POS Implementation. Implementation a
logic function using universal gates. Variable entered maps For five and six variable
functions Quine Mc Clusky tabular techniques. 05

3. Combinational Logic Circuit Design: Designing code converter circuits e.g. Binary
to Gray, BCD to Seven Segments, Parity Generator. Binary Arithmetic circuits: -
Adders, Subtractors ( Half and full ) BCD adder - Subtractor, carry Lookaheard adder,
Serial adder, Multiplier Magnitude Comparator s, 7485 comparator, Arithmetic Logic
Use of Multiplexers in Logic Design: Multiplexer (ULM) Shannon‘s theorem. ULM
trees. De - Multiplexers, Line decoders, Designing using ROMs and ULMs. Hazards
in combinational circuits. 15
4. Sequential Logic Circuits: Comparison of Combinational & Sequential Circuits,
Multi -vibrators (Astable, Monostable And Bistable) Flip -Flops, SR, T, D, JK, Master
Slave JK, Converting one Flip -Flop to another, State transition diagrams, Use of
Denounce switch. Counter Modul us of a counter, Ripple counter, Up/Down Counter,
Designing sequential counters using gate IC and counter IC by drawing state
transition Diagram & state transition table. Ring counter Johnson counter, twisted
ring counter, Pseudo Random number generator, U nused states and locked conditions. 08
5. Registers: Serial input serial output, serial input parallel output, Left Right shift
register, Use of register ICs for sequence generator and counter. Bidirectional shift
register, Universal shift register 10

6. Logic Families: RTL, DTL, TTL, schotkey clamped TTL, Tristate gate ECL, IIL,
MOS device CMOS Comparison of logic families, interfacing different families. TTL
with CMOS, NMOS, TTL, ECL, & TTL, IIL, & TTL. 05

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. R.P.Jain, ―Modern Digital Electronics,‖ Tata McGraw Hill, 1984
2. M Morris Mono, ―Digital Design,‖ Prentice Hall International -1984.
3. Malvino & Leach, ―Digital Principal and Applications‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 1991.
4. Malvino, ―Digi tal Electronics‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997.

Reference Books:

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University of Mumbai, Biomedical Engineering, Rev. 2016 -17 Page 48
1. James Bignell & Robert Donovan, ―Digital Electronics‖, Delmar, Thomas Learning,
2. Jog N.K, ―Logic Circuits‖, 2nd edition, Nandu Publisher & Printer Pvt .Ltd. 1998.
3. Alan b. Marcovitz, ―Introduction to Logic Design ―, McGraw Hill International 2002.

Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live pr oblems or course

Theory Examination :
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total four questions need to be solved.
3. Q.1 will be compulsory, based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5 marks will be
4. Remaining question will be randomly selected from all the modules

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University of Mumbai, Biomedical Engineering, Rev. 2016 -17 Page 49
Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
Signals and
Control System
(Abbreviated as
SCS) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Course Code Course Name Credits
BMC4 05 Signals and Control Systems 04
Objectives  To introduce the concepts and techniques associated with the understanding of
signals and systems such as the basic parameters, properties and interaction of
signals and system.
 To familiarize with techniques suitable for analysing and synthesizing signals
and systems in c ontinuous domain.
Course Outcomes  Represent signals and system mathematically
 Represent integral of LTI systems, properties of system in terms of impulse
 Determine Fourier series representation of CT, properties of Fourier series
 Derive and determine Laplace transform, region of convergence, application of
Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace transform.
 Analyse given systems and suggest modifications.

Module Contents Hours
1 Introduction to Signals: Basic of continuous time signals like unit step, ramp,
exponential, operation on signals like flipping, shifting, scaling, and multiplication.
Classification of signals: Periodic /Aperiodic, Power and Energy, Even and Odd . 07
2 Introduction to Systems: System representation in the continuous and discrete time
domain. Classification of systems on the basis of Causal/non -Causal, Time
variance/Time invariance, Linear/Non -Linear, Stable/Unstable. Continuous
convolution 07 Course
Code Course
Name Examination Scheme
work Pract Oral Pract.
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment
sem Dur
(hrs) Test 1 Test 2 Av
Signals and
d as SCS) 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- -- -- 100

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3 Fourier Analysis of Continuous time Signals Orthogonal functions, Representation
of signals in terms of weighted orthogonal basis functions, Coefficient calculation on
the basis of minimum square error . Fourier series: Representation of Fourier series in
terms of sine, cosine, exponential functions. The complex Fourier spectrum,
Properties of Fourier series, convergence of Fourier series, Gibbs phenomenon.
Fourier transform and its properties. Fourier transform of singular functions. Energy
density spectrum 07
4 Laplace Transform: Double sided Laplace transforms, Region of Convergence,
properties, Unilateral Laplace Transform, properties, applications of Laplace
transform to the solution of differential equations. Inverse Laplace Transform. 08
5 Introduction to Control Systems : Basic concepts of control systems, open loop
and closed loop systems, difference between open loop and closed loop systems,
signal flow graph . 07
6 Time domain and Frequency domain behaviour of Systems
Time domain analysis of first order and second order systems. Condition of BIBO
stability in time domain. Frequency response of linear systems. Stability and Routh
array, Bode plots, Root Locus 12

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Oppenheim A. V. & Alan S. Wllisky , Signals and Systems, Pearson Education
2. Simon Haykin & Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, Wiley -India
3. Modern Control Engineering : D.Roy Choudhury, PHI
4. Modem Control Engineering : K. Ogata , PHI
5. Control Systems Engineering : L.J. Nagrath, M. Gopal, Third E dition, New Age International
Reference Books:
1. ProakisJ. G. & Manolakis D. G., Digital Signal Processing, Principles, algorithms & applications,
Pearson Education
2. Ramesh Babu P., Signals and Systems, Scitech Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd.
3. Charles L. Phillips,John M. Parr & Eve A Riskin, Signals, Systems and Transforms, Pearson
4. Control System, Theory & Applications : Samarjit Ghosh, Pearson Education
5. System Dynamic and Control : Eroni Umez Erani., PWS Publishing, International Tho mpson
Publishing Company

Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course
Theory Examin ation :
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total four questions need to be solved.
3. Q.1 will be compulsory, based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining question will be randomly selected from all the modules.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
BML401 Introduction to
Simulations Tools
(IST) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
work Pract . Oral Pract .
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BML401 Introduction to
(IST) -- -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- 50

Course Code Course Name Credits
BML401 Introduction to Simulations Tools
Course objective • To study Simulation software
• Study Proteus
Course Outcome Learner will be able to:
• Understand various tools of simulation software
• Write Programme in Programming Software
• Simulate Digital and analog circuits
• Understand use of Proteus software
• Simulate differential equations

List of Laboratory Experiments: (Any seven )
1. Study of Various simulation software Command s
2. Plotting variable using software
3. Study of various Proteus commands.
4. Simulating Inverting and Non inverting Amplifier in Proteus
5. Implementing logic gates using Proteus
6. Decade Counter using flip -flop in Proteus
7. Simulating differential Equations
8. Simulate basic electrical circuit using pspice
Any other experiment using these simulation tools which will help learner to understand the
application of these tools during their B.E project work

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Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 7 experiments.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments ) : 10 Marks
Laboratory work ( Journal ) : 10 Marks
Attendance : 5 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work e nsures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum passing in the term work.

Practical examination will be based on suggested practical list.

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Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
BML402 Biomedical
Transducers and
(BTMI) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
work Pract . Oral Pract .
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BML402 Biomedical
Transducers and
(BTMI) -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 -- 50

Course Code Course Name Credits
BML402 Biomedical Transducers and Measuring Instruments 01
Course objective • To display and record signals using CRO.
• To implement digital to analog converter.
• To analyse step response of a thermometer and measure temperature
using various temperature transducers.
• To measure displacement using various displacement transducers.
• To measure pressure using a pressure transducer.
• To measure pH of a solution using pH electrodes.
Course Outcome Learner will be able to:
• Record and display signals using CRO.
• Convert analog data into digital form.
• Analyse step response of a thermometer and measure temperature
using various temperature transducers.
• Measure displacement using various displacement transducers.
• Measure pressure using a pressure transducer.
• Measure pH of a solution using pH electrodes .
Syllabus: Same as that of BMC 402 Biomedical Transducers and Measuring Instruments
List of Laboratory Experiments: (Any seven )
1. Study of Front panel of CRO
2. A to D converter
3. To study the dynamic behaviour of thermometer system.
4. To study the characteristics of a thermistor.
5. To study thermistor linearization.
6. To study the characteristics of a light dependent resister.

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University of Mumbai, Biomedical Engineering, Rev. 2016 -17 Page 54
7. To study the principle and working of a thermocouple.
8. To study principle and working of LVDT.
9. To study principle and working of a capacitive Transducer.
10. To study principle and working of a strain gage sens or.
11. To study principle and working of a pressure sensor.
12. To study pH electrode.

Any other experiment based on syllabus which will help learner to understand topic/concept

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Kalasi H.S.- Electronic Instrumentation
2. A.K. Sawhney - Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation.
3. Medical Instrumentation -Application and Design by John G. Webster.
4. Instrument Transducer – An Intro to their performance and design, Hermann K P. Neubert.
5. Biomedical sensors – fundamentals an d application by Harry N, Norton.
6. Biomedical Transducers and Instruments, Tatsuo Togawa, Toshiyo Tamma and P. Ake Öberg.
7. Electronics in Medicine and Biomedical Instrumentation by Nandini K. Jog PHI Second Edition 2013.

Reference Books:
1. Principles of app lied Biomedical Instrumentation by La Geddes and L.E. Baker.
2. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement by Leslie Cromwell, Fred. J. Weibell and Pfeiffer.
3. Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement, Richard Aston, Merril Publishing Co.,
Columbus, 1990.
4. Measurement Systems, Application and Design, Ernest O. Doeblin, McGraw -Hill, 1985.
5. Handbook of Modern Sensors – Physics, Design and Application, Jacob Fraden, AIP press.
6. Transducers for Biomedical Measurements: Princi ples and Applications, Richard S.C. Cobbold, John
Wiley & Sons, 1974.

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 7 experiments.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments ) : 10 Marks
Laboratory work ( Journal ) : 10 Marks
Attendance : 5 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum passing in the term work.

Oral examination will be based on suggested practical list and entire syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, Biomedical Engineering, Rev. 2016 -17 Page 55
Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
BML403 Linear Integrated
(LIC) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
work Pract . Oral Pract .
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BML403 Linear
(LIC) -- -- -- -- 25 -- -- 25 50

Course Code Course Name Credits
BML403 Linear Integrated Circuits 01
Course Objective  To provide designing methodology and implementation technique for
differential , operational and power amplifiers .
Course Outcome  To design and implement various mathematical operations using
operational amplifier
 To implement waveform generation using operational amplifier
 To implement circuits of differential amplifiers, power amplifiers
and negative feedback.

Syllabus: Same as that of BMC 403 Linear Integrated Circuits

List of Labo ratory Experiments: (Any seven )
1. Differential amplifier
2. Inverting amplifier
3. Non-inverting amplifier
4. Designing circuit using operational amplifier for given mathematical equation
5. Integrator
6. Differentiator
7. Half wave rectifier
8. RC-phase shift oscillator
9. Wein bridge oscillator
10. Instrumentation amplifier
11. Negative feedback

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12. Schmitt trigger
13. Comparator
14. Zero crossing detector
15. Class B push pull power amplifier

Any other experiment based on syllabus which will help learner to understand topic/concept

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1.. Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design - Donald A Neamen,
2. Electronic Devices and circuits – R Bolystead.
3. Op-Amps and linear integrated circuits – R. Gayakwad
4. Linear Integrated Circuits: Roy Chaudhary

Reference Books:
1. Integrated Electronics –Millman & Halkias
2. Opamps and linear integrated circuits, Theory and Applications - James Fiore

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 7 experiments.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments ) : 10 Marks
Laboratory work ( Journal ) : 10 Marks
Attendance : 5 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work e nsures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum passing in the term work.

Practical and oral examination will be based on suggested practical list and entire syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, Biomedical Engineering, Rev. 2016 -17 Page 57
Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
BML404 Digital Electronics
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
work Pract . Oral Pract .
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BML404 Digital
-- -- -- -- 25 -- -- 25 50

Course Code Course Name Credits
BML404 Digital Electronics 01
Course O bjective • To make learner aware of basics of digital circuits, logic design
and Flip -flops.
• Learner should be able to d esign of various counters, registers
and their applications .
Course Outcome Learners will be able to:
1. Understand various ICs used for basic gates,EX -OR and EX -NOR
2. Design code converter circuits.
3. Design parity generator -checker circuits, adder -subtractor circuits
and magnitude comparator circuits
4. Design circuits using multiplexers, demultiplexers, and decoders.
5. Design synchronous and asynchronous counters using flipflops.
6. Design various registers using flip flops.

Syllabus: Same as that of BMC 404 Digital Electronics

List of Laboratory Experiments: (Any seven )
1. To study the various Logic gates.
2. To design various gates using Universal gates.
3. To design binary to gray code converter and gray to binary converter.
4. To design BCD to Excess3 converter.
5. To design parity generator and parity checker circuits.
6. To design adder and subtractor circuits.

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7. To design various circuits using multiplexers.
8. To design various circuits using de -multiplexer.
9. To study S -R , J-K, T and D Flip flops.
10. To design Asynchronous counter.
11. To design decade counter
12. To design Synchronous counter.

Any other experiment based on syllabus which will help learner to understand topic/concept

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. R.P.Jain, ―Modern Digital Electronics,‖ Tata McGraw Hill, 1984
2. M Morris Mono, ―Digital Design,‖ Prentice Hall International -1984.
3. Malvino & Leach, ―Digital Principal and Applications‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 1991.
4. Malvino, ―Digital Electronics‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997.

Reference Books:
1. James Bignell & Robert Donovan, ―Digital Electronics‖, Delmar, Thomas Learning,
2. Jog N.K, ―Logic Circuits‖, 2nd edition, Nandu Publisher & Printer Pvt .Ltd. 1998.
3. Alan b. Marcovitz, ―Introduction to Logic Design ―, McGraw Hill International 2002.

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 7 experiments.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments ) : 10 Marks
Laboratory work ( Journal ) : 10 Marks
Attendance : 5 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum passing in the term work.

Practical and oral examination will be based on suggested practical list and entire syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, Biomedical Engineering, Rev. 2016 -17 Page 59
Code Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
BML405 Signals and
Control Systems
(SCS) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
work Pract . Oral Pract .
/ Oral Total Internal Assessment End
sem Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
BML405 Signals and
Control Systems
(SCS) -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 -- 50

Course Code Course Name Credits
BML405 Signals and Control Systems 01
Course objective • To introduce the concepts and techniques associated with the understanding
of signals and systems such as the basic parameters, properties and
interaction of signals and system.
• To familiarize with techniques suitable for analyzing and synthesizing
signals a nd systems in continuous domain.
Course Outcome • Represent signals and system mathematically
• Represent integral of LTI systems, properties of system in terms of impulse
• Determine Fourier series representation of CT, properties of Fourier series
• Derive and determine Laplace transform, region of convergence, application
of Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace transform.
• Analyze given sy stems and suggest modifications.

Syllabus: Same as that of BMC 405 Signals and Control Systems
List of Laboratory Experiments: (Any Five)
1. Introduction to signals and plotting of signals
2. Operations on Signal
3. Classification of Signals
4. Open Loop and Closed loop
5. Stability
6. Bode Plot
7. Root Locus
8. Convolution
9. Pole Zero plot

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List of suggested Tutorials : (Any Six)
1. Introduction to signals and systems
2. Fourier Series
3. Laplace Transform
4. Inverse Laplace Transform
5. Application of Laplace Transform
6. Open Loop and Closed loop
7. Signal Flow graph
8. Stability
9. Bode Plot
10. Root Locus
11. Time domain analysis

Any other practical and tutorial based on syllabus which w ill help learner to understand topic/concept

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 7 experiments.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments ) : 10 Marks
Laboratory work ( Tutorial ) : 10 Marks
Attendance : 5 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and minimum passing in the term work.

Oral examination will be based on suggested practical list and entire syllabus.

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Program Structure for
TE Biomedical Engineering
University of Mumbai
(With effect from academic year 2018 - 19)
Scheme for Semester V

*2 hrs . theory shall be taught to the entire class.

Course Code
Course Name
Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
BMC501 Diagnostic & Therapeutic
Instruments 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC502 Analog and Digital Circuit Design 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC503 Principles of Communication
Engineering 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC504 Biomedical Digital Image
Processing 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMDLO501X Department Level Optional
Course – I 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BML501 Business Communication and
Ethics ---- 02*+02 ---- ---- 02 ---- 02
BML502 Diagnostic and Therapeutic
Instruments ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML503 Integrated and Communication
Circuit Design ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML504 Biomedical Digital Image
Processing ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BMDLL501X Department Level Optional
Course Laboratory – I ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
Total 20 12 ---- 20 06 ---- 26

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Examination Scheme for Semester V

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Term work Practical Oral Pract./Oral External
(UA) Internal
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
BMC501 Diagnostic &
Instruments 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC502 Analog and Digital
Circuit Design 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC503 Principles of
Engineering 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC504 Biomedical Digital
Image Processing 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
501X Department Level
Optional Course – I 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BML501 Business
and Ethics --- --- --- --- 50 20 --- --- --- --- --- --- 50
BML502 Diagnostic and
Instruments --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
BML503 Integrated and
Circuit Design --- ---- --- --- 25 10 25 10 --- --- --- --- 50
BML504 Biomedical Digital
Image Processing --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- --- --- 25 10 50
501X Department Level
Optional Course
Laboratory – I --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
Total 400 160 100 40 150 60 25 10 50 20 25 10 750

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Scheme for Semester VI

Course Code
Course Name
Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
BMC601 Biomedical Monitoring
Equipment 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC602 Microprocessors and
Microcontrollers 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC603 Digital Image Processing 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC604 Medical Imaging -I 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMDLO602X Department Level Optional
Course – II 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BML601 Biomedical Monitoring
Equipment ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML602 Microprocessors and
Microcontrollers ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML603 Digital Image Processing ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML604 Medical Imaging -I ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BMDLL602X Department Level Optional
Course Laboratory – II ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
Total 20 10 ---- 20 05 ---- 25

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Examination Scheme for Semester VI

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Term work Practical Oral Pract./Oral External
(UA) Internal
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
BMC601 Biomedical
Equipment 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC602 Microprocessors and
Microcontrollers 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC603 Digital Image
Processing 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC604 Medical Imaging -I 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
602X Department Level
Optional Course – II 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BML601 Biomedical
Equipment --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- --- --- 25 10 50
BML602 Microprocessors and
Microcontrollers --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- --- --- 25 10 50
BML603 Digital Image
Processing --- ---- --- --- 25 10 --- --- --- --- 25 10 50
BML604 Medical Imaging -I --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
602X Department Level
Optional Course
Laboratory – II --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
Total 400 160 100 40 125 50 --- --- 50 20 75 30 750

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Program Structure for
BE Biomedical Engineering
University of Mumbai
(With effect from academic year 2019 - 20)
Scheme for Semester VII

Course Code
Course Name
Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
BMC701 Life Saving and Surgical
Equipment 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC702 Very Large Scale Integrated System 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC703 Medical Imaging -II 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMDLO703X Department Level Optional
Course – III 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
ILO701X Institute Level Optional Course – I 03 ---- ---- 03 ---- ---- 03
BML701 Life Saving and Surgical
Equipment ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML702 Very Large Scale Integrated System ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML703 Medical Imaging -II ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BMDLL703X Department Level Optional
Course Laboratory – III ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML704 Project Stage I ---- 06 ---- ---- 03 ---- 03
Total 19 14 ---- 19 07 ---- 26

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Examination Scheme for Semester VII

Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Term work Practical Oral Pract./Oral External
(UA) Internal
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
BMC701 Life Saving and
Surgical Equipment 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC702 Very Large Scale
Integrated System 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC703 Medical Imaging -II 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
703X Department Level
Optional Course - III 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
ILO7 01
X Institute Level
Optional Course – I 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BML701 Life Saving and
Surgical Equipment --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
BML702 Very Large Scale
Integrated System --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
BML703 Medical Imaging -II --- ---- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
703X Department Level
Optional Course
Laboratory – III --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
BML704 Project Stage I --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
Total 400 160 100 40 125 50 --- --- 125 50 --- --- 750

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Scheme for Semester VIII

Course Code
Course Name
Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
BMC801 Biomedical Microsystems 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMC802 Hospital Management 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
BMDLO804X Department Level Optional
Course – IV 04 ---- ---- 04 ---- ---- 04
ILO802X Institute Level Optional Course – II 03 ---- ---- 03 ---- ---- 03
BML801 Biomedical Microsystems ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML802 Hospital Management ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BMDLL804X Department Level Optional
Course Laboratory – IV ---- 02 ---- ---- 01 ---- 01
BML803 Project Stage II ---- 12 ---- ---- 06 ---- 06
Total 15 18 ---- 15 09 ---- 24

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Examination Scheme for Semester VIII

Code Course Name Examination Scheme Total
Term work Practical Oral Pract./Oral External
(UA) Internal
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
Marks Max
Marks Min
BMC801 Biomedical
Microsystems 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BMC802 Hospital
Management 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
804X Department Level
Optional Course - IV 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
ILO802X Institute Level
Optional Course –II 80 32 20 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 100
BML801 Biomedical
Microsystems --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
BML802 Hospital
Management --- --- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
801X Department Level
Optional Course
Laboratory – IV --- ---- --- --- 25 10 --- --- 25 10 --- --- 50
BML803 Project Stage II --- --- --- --- 50 20 --- --- --- --- 100 40 150
Total 320 128 80 32 125 50 --- --- 75 30 100 40 700

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Department Level Optional Courses

Course Code Department level Optional Course - I
BMDLO5011 Healthcare Database Management
BMDLO5012 Biostatistics
BMDLO5013 Rehabilitation Engineering

Course Code Department level Optional Course - II
BMDLO6021 Healthcare Software
BMDLO6022 Lasers and Fibre Optics
BMDLO6023 Biological Modelling and Simulation

Course Code Department level Optional Course - III
BMDLO7031 Networking and Information in Medical
BMDLO7032 Advanced Image Processing
BMDLO7033 Embedded Systems

Course Code Department level Optional Course - IV
BMDLO8041 Health Care Informatics
BMDLO8042 Robotics in Medicine
BMDLO8043 Nuclear Medicine

Institute Level Optional Courses

Course Code Institute level Optional Course - I
ILO7011 Product Lifecycle Management
ILO7012 Reliability Engineering
ILO7013 Management Information System
ILO7014 Design of Experiments
ILO7015 Operation Research
ILO7016 Cyber Security and Laws
ILO7017 Disaster Management and Mitigation Measures
ILO7018 Energy Audit and Management
ILO7019 Development Engineering

Course Code Institute level Optional Course - II
ILO8021 Project Management
ILO8022 Finance Management
ILO8023 Entrepreneurship Development and Management
ILO8024 Human Resource Management
ILO8025 Professional Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
ILO8026 Research Methodology
ILO8027 IPR and Patenting
ILO8028 Digital Business Management
ILO8029 Environmental Management