S Y B Voc GHM 2016 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Syllabus for the S.Y.B.Voc.
Program: B.Voc.
Course : Green House Management
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 2016–2017)
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Course Code UNIT TOPICS Credits L /Wk
UVGHM301 - 303 & UVGHMP301 -303 Skill Component 18
UVGHM301 Nutrients for green house crops
2 2 I Availability and Absorption of
Nutrients , Nitrogen Metabolism
II Functions and Deficiency Symptoms of
Essential Minerals .
UVGHM302 Pollinat ion in green house
2 2 I Methods of Pollination in Green house
II Specific pollination methods in green
house grown crops .
UVGHM303 Organic fertilizers & irrigat ion systems
2 2 I Naturally Occurring Organic Fertilizers
and Production of Organic Fertilizers
II Types & Components of Irrigation
P301- 303 Practicals based on theory - Skill Component 12
UVGHM304 -306 &UVGHMP304 -305
Genera lEducationComponent 12
UVGHM304 Home Gardening – III
2 2 I Tropical Indoor Plants: Culture &
Factors for Growing
II Landscaping -II
UVGHM305 Sustainable development -I
2 2 I Sustainable Development –I
II Sustainable Development –II
UVGHM3 06 Communication skills III & Basics of
Computers -III 2 2
I General communication Skill –III
II Basics of Computer - III
-305 Practicals based on theory of General Education Component 6 6
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Course Code UNIT TOPICS Credits L / Wk
UVG HM401 -403& UVGHMP401 -403 Skill Component 18
UVGHM401 Soilless Cultivation -II
2 2 I Hydroponics : Commercial Aspects
and Recent Advancements.
II Hydroponics: Techniques and Media.
UVGHM402 Organic Cultivation Of Green House Crops
2 2 I Principles & Advantages of Organic
II Methods of Organic Cultivation
UVGHM403 Propagation, Planting And Caring Of Green
House Plants
2 2 I Ornamental ferns , foliage plants and
II Fruit crops ,Vegetables and exotic
vegetabl es
UVGHM P401 -
403 Practicals based on theory of Skill Component 10
UVGHM404to406 &UVGHMP404 -405
General Education Component
UVGHM40 4 Home Gardening - IV
I Interior Scaping I : Gardening in
tubs/urns, Bottle Gardens, Terrariums
& Miniature Gardens 2 2
II Interior Scaping II: Hanging Baskets,
Vertical Gardens, Window Gardens
UVGHM40 5 Sustainable Development –II
I Sustainable Development –III 2 2 II Sustainable Development –IV
UVGHM40 6 Communication Skills -IV And Basics Of
Computer –IV 2 2 I General Communication Skill - IV
II Basics of Computer – IV
405 Practicals based on theory of General
Education Component 6 6
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester III UVGHM301 L Cr
Paper I - Nutrients For Green House Crops
30 2
UNIT I Availab ility and Absorption of Nutrients and Nitrogen
• Detection, Occurrence and Availability of Essential Elements
• Mineral Salt absorption and translocation
o Types of Absorption : passive and active ;
o Factors affecting salt absorption
o Translocation
• Nitrogen Metabolism
o Nitrogen Nutrition
o Nutrient cycle (Nitrogen cycle)
o Biological Nitrogen fixation by Leguminous plants
o Amino acids and amides
o Choice of Nitrogen fertilizers and time of application
o Proteins
UNIT II Functions and Deficiency Symptoms of Essential
• Major and Minor elements required by plants
• Functions and Deficiency Symptoms of the following Essential
Minerals: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sulphur, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Boron, Molybdenum
Semester III UVGHM302 L Cr
Paper II -- Pollination In Green House 30 2
UNIT I Methods of Pollination in Greenhouse
• Agents of pollination: Bumble bee, honey bee, ants and man
• Commercial pollinating devices : Paint brush, Flicking support strings,
Air Movement 15
UNIT II Specific Pollination Methods in Greenhouse grown crops
• Case Study : Tomato, Musk melon, Water melon, Bitter gourd
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester III UVGHM303 L Cr
Paper III -- Organic Fertilizers &
Irrigation Systems 30 2
UNIT I Naturally occurring organic fertilizers
• Manures, Slurry, Worm castings, Peat, Seaweed, Humic Acid, Guano,
Swage , Sludges
Production of organic Fertilizers
• Compost, Bloodmeal, Bone meal, Humic acid, Sea weed extracts ,
Natural enzyme digested prot eins- Fish meal, Feather meal
• Decomposing Crop r esidue (Green Manure) , Vermicompost 15
UNIT II Types and Components of Irrigation Systems :
• Types of irrigation systems
o large field systems ( centre pivot and wheel line),
o turf
o vegetable and orchards ( flood, spray ,stake , pop- up, drip)
o greenhouse flood beds and floors, mechanized booms, hanging basket conveyors, mist, and fog systems.
o Choosing the appropriate system.
• Components of irrigation systems:
o Pipes , tubes and fittings, nozzles, solenoid valves, controllers
Irrigation System Design
• Irrigation system design: flow and pressure.
o Irrigation system design considerations: filters, backflow prevention.
o On/off control mechanisms, Automated irrigations controllers :
(Timers , RH and VPD sensors )
o Components of a drip system, drip system lay out ,operating drip
system/ types, wetting patterns,Benefits
• Fertigation systems: Injectors and plumbing; Controlling pH, EC, and
pathogens . Determining fertilizer rates, Chemigation
• Water quality : alkalinity an d solutes . 15
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester III UVGHM30 4 L Cr
Paper IV – Home Gardening - III
30 2
UNIT I Tropical Indoor Plant s: Culture and Factors for Growing
• Understanding interior environments
o Plants for different light conditions
o Deciding the lo cation of the indoor plant, Managing colour, Using
mirrors, Plants in baskets, Miniature gardens
• Dealing with indoor plants
o Potting Media, Container selection, Managing plant nutrition,
Pruning indoor plants, Factors for growing indoor plants.
UNIT II Landscaping -II
o Principles
o Making a landscape
o Principles of garden designing and garden layout 15
Semester III UVGHM305 L Cr
Paper V -- Sustainable Development -I
30 2
UNIT I Sustainable Development I
• Introduction to sustainable devel opment
• Factors affecting sustainable development
• Principles of sustainable development
• Youth and Women empowerment 15
UNIT II Sustainable Development II
o Pollution- Air, Water, Soil
o Ecological degradation - Agriculture ,Deforestation
o Green house gas e mission
o Adverse impact of use of fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation & other
industries on environment 15
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester III UVGHM30 6 L Cr
Paper V I - Communication Skills - III & Basics Of Computers - III
30 2
UNIT I General communica tion Skill I II
• Preparing for Group Discussions , debates and conferences
• Preparing for Presentations
• Preparing for Interviews
• Making posters, advertisements
• Webpage designing
• Conducting interviews 15
UNIT II Basics of Computers -III
• Excel Basics : Ele ments of Electronics Spread Sheet, Manipulation of cells
Providing Formulas, Spread sheets for Small accountings
• Google drive , Google forms .
• IoTs in Greenhouse Management 15
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester III UVGHMP301 Cr
PRACTICAL Pa per I – Skill Component 4
Effect of m ineral deficiency i n plants
Identification of specific mineral deficiency symptoms in plants( soil/soilless)
Identification of Biological nitrogen fixing organisms.
Qualitative tests for protein from va rious leguminous seeds
Comparative Study of growth parameters in different Nitrogenous fertilizers
Semester III UVGHMP302
PRACTICAL Paper II – Skill Component 4
Study of Male and female flowers of cucurbits
Pollination in green hou se
Cross pollination and self pollination studies in Tomatoes plants in green
house (Count the success of pollination and Identify the pollinating agents ) -
Semester III UVGHMP303
PRACTICAL Paper II I – Skill Component 4
Identification o f manures & compost
Preparation of Organic Fertilizers
Analysis of Organic content, pH, WHC of the prepared organic fertilizers
Estimation of NPK in the fertilizers using flame photometer.
Types and components of irrigation system
Field vis it and report /assignment submission
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester III UVGHMP304 Cr
PRACTICAL PAPER IV - General Education Component 3
Types of c ontainers for indoor plants
Preparation of hanging baskets
Miniature gardens and landscapes
Growing Orchids and Palms
Report on Indoor garden plants
Semester III UVGHMP305
PRACTICAL PAPER V - General Education Component 3
Testing of polluted water sample
Testing of soil sample
Report on Case study / success story of sustainabl e development/ youth/
women empowerment
Submission: A survey of Tropical Indoor plants .
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester IV UVGHM401 L Cr
Paper I -- Soilless C ultivation II 30 2
UNIT I Hydroponics: Commercial Aspe cts and Recent Advancements
• Commercial Aspects
• Advancements
• Hydroponics in Green house
• Government Schemes for hydroponics 15
UNIT II Hydroponics : Techniques and Media
• Techniques in Hydroponics – Static solution culture, Continuous –flow
Solution cul ture, NFT, Aeroponics, Passive sub-irrigation, Ebb and flow,
Dutchbucket, Deep water culture, Bubbleponics.
• Media used for Hydroponics: C lay, Rock wool, cocopeat, Perlite, Pumice,
Vermiculite, Sand, Gravel, Hydroton , Polystyrene packing peanuts, wood
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester IV UVGHM402 L Cr
Paper II –Organic Cultivation Of Green House Crops
30 2
UNIT I Principles and Advantages of Organic cultivation
• Principles and practices
• Importance in modern crop production
• Advantages and inconveniences of organic fertilizers
• Sikkim - as an organic state 15
Methods of Organic Cultivation
• Planting, managing soil quality, soil fertility management,
weed management, diseases and pest control, organic pesticides Organic
certification procedure 15
Semester IV UVGHM403 L Cr
Paper III -- Prop agation, Planting and c aring ofgreenhouse plants
30 2
UNIT I Ornam ental Ferns , Foliage Plants & Cacti
• Propagation, Planting and Caring of green house flowering plants – (Gerbera,
Carnation, Rose, Orchid, Marigold, Anthurium )
• Propagation, Planting and Caring of ferns (2egs.), foliage plants(2egs), Cacti(
UNIT II Fruit crops, Vegetables and Exotic vegetables
• Preparation of soil ,cultivation , planting and cari ng of :
o Fruit crops ( Strawberry )
o Vegetables and E xotic vegetables ( Three examples each)
o GGAP( Good Global Agricultural Practices) 15
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester IV UVGHM40 4 L Cr
Paper IV -- Home Gardening - IV 30 2
UNIT I Interior Scaping I :
Gardening i n Tubs or Urns, Bottle Gardens, Terrariums and Miniature
• Choice of containers
• Choice of media
• Making of gardens in tubs,urns,bottles and terrariums, Making of miniature
gardens in a dish, pot gardens/ pot rangoli
• Internal environment - humidity, v entilation 15
UNIT II Interior Scaping II : 15
• Hanging Baskets
o Selecting containers, Preparing hanging baskets, Growing flowers,
vegetables and fruits in hanging baskets
• Vertical Gardens
o Green walls and their importance, Types of media - Loose media, m at
media, structural media, Advantages of vertical gardens
• Window Gardens
o Window farming, Choice of containers and light weight media
o Importance
Semester IV UVGHM405 L Cr
Paper V -- Sustainable Development -II 30 2
UNIT I Sustainable D evelopment –III
• Conservation
o Soil, Water, Biodiversity 15
UNIT II Sustainable D evelopment –IV
• Reducing the use of non- renewable energy sources
o Gobar gas
o Biocoal
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester IV UVGHM406 L Cr
Paper IV - Communication Skills –VI & Basic s of Co mputer - IV 30 2
UNIT I General C ommunication Skill - IV
• Planning and writing documents
• Summary writing
• Understanding Audience speaker relationship
• Media Writing 15
UNIT II Basics of Com puter –IV
• Starting e -business
• Use of Computers for Business D evelopment and A dvertising .
• IoTs in Green house Management 15
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester IV UVGHMP401 Cr
PRACTICAL Paper I – Skill Component 4
Identification of different techniques in hydroponics
Growing the following in Hydroponics solution formulated by you : A leafy
vegetab le/ a fruity vegetable
Growing the following in Hydroponics solution formulated by you: A
medicinal herb /aromatic plant
Safety measures in a greenhouse
Project submission on Exp t. No 2 /3
Semester IV UVGHMP40 2
PRACTICAL Paper I I– Skill Component 4
Study of different weeds in Green House
Comparative study of plants grown in organic /inorganic fertilizers
(morphological parameters)
Study of diseases in Green house plants
Study of pests and organic control measures
Assignment : Success story – Any organic state
Semester IV UVGHMP40 3
PRACTICAL Paper I II – Skill Component 4
Growing of flowering plants in the green house
Growing of Ferns and foliage plants in the green house .
Growing of Veg etables and exotic vegetables in the green house .
Grafting of cacti and monitoring their growth
Identification of exotic vegetables and their commercial importance
Success story of exotic vegetable cultivation - Report submission
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
Semester IV UVGHMP40 4 Cr
PRACTICAL PAPER II - General Education Component 3
Preparation and maintenance of
Hanging baskets
Miniature gardens
Vertical Gardens
Bottle Garden
Potgarden /potrangoli
Repo rt on any one of the above experiments to be submitted at the time of
Semester end examination.
PRACTICAL PAPER II - General Education Component 3
Importance of gobar gas & biocoal
Preparation of biocoal
Industry visit and R eport submission
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017
• Arora, J.S. (1990). Introductory Ornamental Horticulture . Kalyani Publishers.
• Alex Lauric and Victor h Ries. Floriculture, Fundamentals and Practices . Agrobios,
• Dahama A K. Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture . Agrobios India.
• George Acquaah. Horticulture, Principles and Practices . Eastern Economy
• Gupta P K Manures and soil fertilizers.
• Hessayon D G . The Flowering Plant Expert. Expert Books.
• Hessayon D G. The Garden Expert . Expert Books.
• Hessayon D G The House Plant Expert. Expert Books.
• Iyengar Gopalswamy. Complete Gardening in India
• Prasad S and Kumar U . Green House Management for Horticultural Crops .
Agrobios India
• Ramachandrappa and Nanjappa. Fertigation Technology , Agrobios, Indi a
• Somani, L.L., Bhandari S.C. and Vyas K. K. (1990). Biofertilizers . Scientific
publication , Jodhapur.
• Subbarao N.S. (1995). Biofertilizers in Agriculture and Forestry. Oxford and IBH
publishing Company Pvt. LTd. New Delhi
• Randhava, GS and Mukhopadhay A. Floriculture in India Allied Publishers Limited
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University of Mumbai Credit Based & Grading System
- Green House Management S. Y. B.Voc. Syllabus
To be implemented from the Academic year 201 6-2017