Revised syllabus of FYBA French Studies Sem 1 Sem 2 1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Revised syllabus of FYBA French Studies Sem 1 Sem 2 1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Item No. – 4.6
AC – 15.4.19

Appendix B

Revised Syllabus for the F.Y.B.A.
Program: B.A.
(Five Year Integrated Course in French Studies)
Semester I & II

(As per Choice Based Credit Syste m with ef fect from the
academic year 2019 -2020 )

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The revis ed syllabus of FYBA (French Studies) w.e.f. from 2019 -20 will be as follows :

First Semester

Course Name of the Course
75%) Credits Hours
Core Course
UAFRE 1 01 French Literature XIXe Century
Conteurs français 100 3
Language Course
UAFRE 1 02 Oral and written competence in French
Text: Echo A2 ( 6 units) 100 3
Skill Based Course
UAFRE 1 03 Fables de la Fontaine et choix de
poèmes 100 3
Special Course
UAFRE 1 04 Optional foreign language course
German 100 2
Foundation Course
UAFRE 1 05 Commercial French

Text : Objectif Express A2 ( 5 units) 100 2
Applied Component
UAFRE 1 06 History of France - Louis XIV, Louis
XV, Louis XVI 100 2
Total 600 15

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Second Semester

Course Name of the Course Marks
75%) Credits Lectures
per week
Core Course
UAFRE 201 French Literature XXe century
Saint Exupéry : Le Petit Prince 100 3
Language Course
UAFRE 202 Oral and written competence in
Text: Echo A2 (6 units) 100 3
Skill Based Course
UAFRE 203 Eugène Labiche -La Poudre aux Yeux 100 3
Special Course
UAFRE 204 Optional foreign language course
German 100 2
Foundation Course
UAFRE 205 Commercial French

Text : Objectif Express A2 (5units) 100 2
Applied Component
UAFRE 206 History of France – French Revolution
and Napoleon I 100 2
Total 600 15

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Skill Based Course UAFRE 103
Choix de Fables de La Fontaine et des poèmes du XIX et XX siècle
La Fontaine –La Cigale et la Fourmi, Le Loup et le Chien, la Potière et le pot au lait
Victor Hugo – Demain dès l’aube
Verlaine – Triste triste était mon âme / Soleils couchants
Prévert – Déjeuner du matin
Scheme of examinations

End semester exam : 75 marks
As per norms of the university

Internal assessment : 25 marks
(Class test: 10 marks
Project : 05 marks
Expose : 05 marks
Attendance & Participation: 05 marks)


Regulations regarding the credit system and standard of passing will be as prescribed by the
University of Mumbai. The Ten Point Grading System prescribed by the University of
Mumbai is as follows:

10 Point Grading System

Marks /
Percentage Grade Points Grades Performance
80.00 and above 10 O Outstanding
70 to 79.99 9 A + Excellent
60 to 69.99 8 A Very Good
55 to 59.99 7 B + Good
50 to 54.99 6 B Above Average
45 to 49.99 5 C Average
40 to 44.99 4 D Pass
Less than 40 0 F Fail