Revised Syllabus of FYBSc programme in Information Technology Sem I II CBCS Vide item No 610R 1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Revised Syllabus of FYBSc programme in Information Technology Sem I II CBCS Vide item No 610R 1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 11/07/2022
ItemNo. 6.10 (R)


Syllabus for
(Information Technology)
Semester – I and II

(With effect from the academic year 2022 -2023)

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The B.Sc. Information Technology programme was started in 2001 with an aim to make thestudents employable
and impart industry oriented training. The main objectives of the courseare:

 To think analytically, creatively and critically in developing robust, extensible andhighly maintainable
technological solutions to simple and complex problems.
 To app ly their knowledge and skills to be employed and excel in IT professional careersand/or to continue
their education in IT and/or related post graduate programmes.
 To be capable of managing complex IT projects with consideration of the human,financial and
environmental factors.
 To work effectively as a part of a team to achieve a common stated goal.
 To adhere to the highest standards of ethics, including relevant industry andorganizational codes of
 To communicate effectively with a range of audience s both technical and non -technical.
 To develop an aptitude to engage in continuing professional development.

The new syllabus is aimed to achieve the objectives. The syllabus spanning three years coversthe industry relevant
courses. The students will be r eady for the jobs available in different fieldslike:

 Software Development (Programming)
 Website Development
 Mobile app development
 Internet of Things
 Software Testing
 Networking
 Database Administration
 System Administration
 Cyber Law Consultant
 GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
 IT Service Desk
 Security
 Technical communication skills
 Green IT

And many others

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Name of Dean (Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology ) : Dr. Anuradha Majumdar
Name of Associate Dean (Associate Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology ) Prof. ShivramGarje
Name of Chairperson (BoS) : Dr. Mrs. R. Srivaramangai
Member(BoS) : Dr. Hiren Dand
Member(BoS) : Dr. Abhijeet Kale
Member(BoS) : Dr. Santosh Singh
Member(BoS) : Dr. Rajendra Patil
Member(BoS) : Dr. Mandar Bhave

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Semester 1

Course Code Course Type Course Title Credits
USIT101 Core Subject Programming P rinciples with C 2
USIT102 Core Subject Digital Logic and A pplications 2
USIT103 Core Subject Fundamentals of D atabase
Management Systems 2
USIT104 Core Subject Computational Logic and
Discrete S tructure 2
USIT105 Ability Enhancement
Skill Course Technical Communication Skills 2
USIT 1P1 Core Subject Practical Programming P rinciples with C
Practical 2
USIT 1P2 Core Subject Practical Digital Logic and applications
Practical 2
USIT 1P3 Core Subject Practical Fundamentals of Database
Management Systems Practical 2
USIT 1P4 Core Subject Practical Computational Logic and
Discrete structure Practical 2
USIT 1P5 Ability Enhancement
Skill Course Practical Technical Communication Skills
Practical 2
Total Credits 20

Semester 2

Course Code Course Type Course Title Credits
USIT2 01 Core Subject Object Oriented Programming
with C++ 2
USIT2 02 Core Subject Fundamentals of Micro
Processor and Microcontrollers 2
USIT2 03 Core Subject Web Applications D evelopment 2
USIT2 04 Core Subject Numerical Methods 2
USIT2 05 Ability Enhancement
Skill Course Green IT 2
USIT 2P1 Core Subject Practical Object Oriented Programming
with C++ Practical 2
USIT 2P2 Core Subject Practical Fundamentals of Micro
Processor and Microcontrollers
Practical 2
USIT 2P3 Core Subject Practical Web Applications Development
Practical 2
USIT 2P4 Core Subject Practical Numerical Methods Practical 2
USIT 2P5 Ability Enhancement
Skill Course Practical PL/SQL Practical 2
Total Credits 20

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B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Programming Principles with C Course Code: USIT101
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 75
Internal -- 25

Course Objectives: 1. To d evelop the logic al ability of the student.
2. Basic concepts to be cleared using suitable examples.
3. Different approach towards the problem.
4. To handle the errors and find suitable solution.
5. Debugging the code.

Unit Details Lectures
I Introd uction: Algorithms, History of C, Structure of C Program. Program Characteristics,
Compiler, Linker and preprocessor, pseudo code statements and flowchart symbols, Desirable
program characteristics. Program structure. Compilation and Execution of a Program, C
Character Set, identifiers and keywords, data types and sizes , constants and its types,
variables, Character and character strings, typedef, typecasting 12
II Type of operators: Arithmetic operators, relational and logical operators, Increment and
Decrement operators, assignment operators, the conditional operator, Assignment operators and
expression, Precedence and order of Evaluation
Block Structure, Initialization, C Preprocessor
Control Flow: Statements an d Blocks, If -Else, Else -If, Switch, Loops - While and For Loops -
Do-while, Break and Continue, Goto and Labels 12
III Functions and Program Structure: Basics of functions. User defined and Library functions,
Function parameters, Return values, Recursion
External variables, Scope Rules, Standard Input and Output, Formatted Output -printf() and
Formatted Input - scanf(), Line Input and Output, Error Handling - StdErr and Exit, Header Files 12
IV Pointer and Arrays
Pointer and Addresses, Pointer and Function A rguments, Pointer and Arrays, Address
Arithmetic, Character Pointers and Functions, Pointer Arrays: Pointers and Functions,
Multidimensional Array, Command -line Arguments, Pointers to Functions, Dynamic memory
allocation 12
V Structures: Basics of structu res, Structures and Functions, Arrays of Structures, Pointers to
Structures, Unions, Bit -fields,
File management in C: Defining and Opening file, Closing a file, Input / Output operations on
file, Error handling in C, Random access to files, Command line arguments. 12

Books and References:
No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Programming
Language Brian W. Kernighan and Denis M.
Ritchie. PHI 2nd 1988
2. Mastering C K R Venugopal Tata McGraw -
Hill 6th 2007
3. Programming with C Byron Gottfried Tata McGRAW -
Hill 2nd 1996
4. Let us C Yashwant P. Kanetkar BPB publication
5. Programming in ANSI
C E.Balagurusamy Tata McGraw -
Hill 7th

Course Outcomes:

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Learners will be able to,
1. Learn the basic principles of programming .
2. Develop of logic using algorithm and flowchart.
3. Acquir e the information about data types.
4. Understanding of input and output functions.
5. Enhance advanced concepts using program.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Programming Principles with C Practical Course Code: USIT1P1
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --

Course Objectives:
1. To develop the logic of the student.
2. Describe loops and decision making using programs.
3. Practical use of operators.
4. Illustration of the difficult concepts using programming examples.
5. Discussion of the relevant concepts using program.

List of Practical:
1. a. Write an algorithm and draw flowchart for Area of circle.
b. Write an algorithm and draw flowchart to prin t the given no. is even or odd.
c. Write an algorithm and draw flow chart to print 1 to 10 numbers.
d. Write an algorithm and draw flowchart for sum of 1 to 5 numbers.
e. Write an algorithm and draw flowchart to compute the addition of digits of a given number.
2. a. Write a program using while loop to reverse the digits of a number.
b. Write a program to calculate the factorial of a given number.
c. Write a program to find the roots of quadratic equation.
d. Write a program to print the Fibonacci series.
3. a. Write a program in C to check entered character vowel or consonant
b. Write a program to C program to print day name of week using switch -case.
c.Write a program to read three values from keyboard and print out the
largest of them without using if statement.
4. a. Write a program to print the pattern of asterisks as shown below :
* *
* * *
* * * *
b. Write a program to print the pattern of asterisks as shown below :
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
c. Write a program to print Floyd’s Triangle.
5. a. Write a program to print area of square using function.
b. Write a program using recursive function.
c. Write a program to square root, abs() value using function.
d. Write a program using goto statement.

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6. a. Write a program to print rollno and names of 10 students using array.
b. Write a program to read a matrix of size m*n.
c. Write a program to sort the elements of array in ascending or descending order.
7. a. Write a program to extract the portion of a character string and print the extracted part.
b. Write a program to find the given string is palindrome or not.
c. Write a program to using strlen(), strcmp() function.
8. a. Write a program to display the values using different data types and its add ress using pointer.
b. Write a program to perform addition and subtraction using pointer.
9. a. Write a program to copy the contents of the file from one file into other.
b. Write a program to print the structure using
 Title
 Author
 Subject
 Book ID
Print the details of two students.
10. a. Create a mini project on “Bank management system” . The program should be menu driven.

Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to,
1. Develop applications .
2. Work with textual information, characters and strings.
3. Understand of a functional hierarchical code organization
4. Debug the program
5. Understand the differences between syntax errors, runtime errors, and logic errors.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Digital Logic and Applications Course Code: USIT102
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5

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Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 75
Internal -- 25

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the basics of logic in digital electronics as an entry level course.
2. To interpret and assess number systems and the conversions of number systems
3. To analyze the boolean expressions and reduce the expression to the minimum.
4. To design simple logic circuits using tools such as Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh Mapping .
5. To un derstand the state of a memory cell and its types using flip -flops.
6. To create simple digital systems using counters , registers etc.

Unit Details Lectures
I Digital Systems and Binary numbers
Introduction to Number systems, Positional Number systems, Conversions (converting
between bases), Non positional number systems, Unsigned and Signed binary numbers,
Binary Codes, Number representation and storage in computer system.
Logic gates and Logic Circuits
Basic and Universal Gates
II Boolean algebra and Gate level minimization
Introduction, Postulates of Boolean Algebra, Two Valued Boolean Algebra, Principle
of Duality, Basic Theorems of Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions and their
Representation, Gate -Level Minimization (Simplificat ion of Boolean Function), Quine -
McCluskey Method, Review questions 12
III Combinational logic
Introduction, Analysis and Design Procedure for Combinational Logic Circuits, Types
of Combinational Circuit, Review Questions 12
IV Sequential circuits
Introduction, Latch, Flip -Flops, Registers, Counters, Review Questions 12
V Applications
Bit Arithmetic and Logic unit, Carry lookahead generator, Binary Multiplication and
Division algorithm, Booth’s multiplication algorithm 12

No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Digital Logic Design Sonali Singh BPB publications 1st 2015
2. Fundamentals of Digital
Electronics and Logic
Design Subir Kumar Sarkar, Asish
Kumar De, Souvil Sarkar Pan Stanford
Publishing 1st 2014
3. Digital Electronics
Principles, Design and
Applications Anil K Maini Wiley 1st 2007
4. Fundamentals of Logic
Design Charles H Roth, Jr. , Larry L
Kinney Cengage
Learning 7th 2014
5. Digital Principles and
Applications Donald P Leach
Albert Malvino
Goutam Saha TMH 8th 2015

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Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to ,
1. Apply number conversion techniques in real digital systems
2. Solve boolean algebra expressions
3. Derive and design logic circuits by applying minimization in SOP and POS forms
4. Design and develop Combinational and Sequential circuits
5. Understand and develop digital applications

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Digital Logic and Applications Practical Course Code: USIT1P2
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --

Course Objectives:
1. To apply and test the gates learnt using various IC’s .
2. To evaluate the Boolean expression to reduce and minimize the gates used

1. Study of basic gates and Universal gates
a. To verify the truth tables of OR, AND, NOR, NAND, EX -OR, EX -NOR gates
b. To study IC 7400, 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7486, 74266
c. To implement and verify NAND and NOR as Universal gates
2. Study of Boolean expressions
a. To verify De Morgan’s laws
b. Implement the given expression using a minimum number of gates.
c. Implement the given expression using a minimum number of ICs.
3. Design of Combinational Circuits using K -maps
a. Design and implement combinational circuits for the given problem/problems using
minimization techniques of K -maps.
4. Design and implement code converters
a. Design the circuit and implement Binary to gray code converter
b. Design the circuit and implement Gray to Binary code converter
c. Design the circuit and implement Binary to BCD code converter
d. Design the circuit and implement Binary to XS -3 code converter
5. Implement Adder and Subtractor circuits
a. Design the circuit and implement Half Adder and Full Adder
b. Design the circuit and implement BCD Adder, XS -3 Adder , Binary Subtractor
6. Design and implement Arithmetic circuits
a. Design and implement 2 -by-2 bit multiplier
7. Implement Encoders and Decoders
a. Design and implement 8: 3 encoder
b. Design and implement 3:8 decoder
8. Multiplexers and Demultiplexers

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a. Design and Implement 4:1 multiplexer
b. Design and Implement 1:4 demultiplexer
c. Study IC 74151 8: 1 multiplexer and implement the expression
d. Study IC 74138 3: 8 decoder and implement the expression
9. Study of Flipflops and Counters
a. Study of IC’s 7473, 7474, and 7476
b. Design a 3 -bit ripple/ synchronous counter using IC 7473 and required gates
10. Design of Shift Registers
a. Design of Shift registers using IC 7474
b. Implementation of digits using seven segment displays

Course Outcomes:
Learner s will be able to ,
1. Construct basic and universal logic circuits.
2. Verify the functionalities of various IC’s.
3. Design circuits using K -maps minimization technique
4. Design and test Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers
5. Design and develop logic for Registers, Counters and its applications.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Fundamentals of Database Management Systems Course Code: USIT 103
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2

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Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 75
Internal -- 25

Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to present an introduction to fundamentals of database management systems,
with an emphasis on how to organize, maintain and retrieve - efficiently, and effectively -
information from a DBMS.

Unit Details Lectures
I Database system - concept and Architecture, Relational model and Relational database
constraints. Relational Algebra. 12
II Conceptual modelling and database design: Data modelling using the Entity
Relationship model (ER).The enhanced entity relationship model. Relational database
design by ER and EER model. Practical database design methodology and use of UML
III Database Design theory and normalization: Basics of functional dependencies and
normalization for relational databases. Relationa l database design and further
IV Introduction to SQL , Complex queries, triggers, views, joining database tables and
schema modification. Query Processing and optimization. File structure, hashing and
V Transaction management and concurrency control and recovery: Introduction to
transaction processing concepts and theory. Concurrency control technique. Database
recovery technique.

No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Fundamentals of Database
systems. RamezElmasri, Shamkant
B Navathe Pearson.
Edition -
2. Database Systems: Design
implementation and
management. Carlos Coronel, Steven
Morris, Peter Rob Cengage
Learning 9th

Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to
1. Define and d escribe the fundamental elements of relational database management system.
2. To relate t he basic concepts of relational data model, entity -relationship model, relational database
design, relational algebra and SQL.
3. Design ER -models to represent simple d atabase application scenarios.
4. Transform the ER -model to relational tables, populate relational database and formulate SQL
queries on data.
5. Improve the database design by normalization.

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6. Understand basic database storage structures and access techniques: fi le and page o rganizations,
indexing methods and hashing.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Fundamentals of D atabase Management
Systems Practical Course Code:
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --

Course Objectives:
 To introduce ER data model, database design and normalization.
 To Learn SQL basics for data definition and data manipulation.

1. Draw E -R diagram and convert entities and relationships to relation table for a given
a. Bank
b. College
2. Write relational algebra queries for a given set of relations
3. Defining data
a. Using CREATE statement
b. Using ALTER statement
c. Using DROP statement
d. Using TRUNCATE statement
e. Using RENAME statement
4. Manipulating data
a. Using INSERT statement
b. Using UPDATE statement
c. Using DELETE statement
d. Using SELECT statement
5. Creating and managing the tables
a. Creating table with contraints: NOTNULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY
6. Restricting and sorting data
b. Using Group By, Having clause, Order By clause
7. Aggregate and Mathematical functions:
8. Views and Joins: For a given set of relation tables perform the following
a. Creating view
b. Dropping view
c. Selecting from a view
8. Database trigger

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9. Index
a. Create index
b. Drop index

Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to:
1. Design database schema for a given application and apply normalization.
2. Acquire skills in using SQL Commands for data Definition and data manipulation.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Computational Logic and Discrete Structures Course Code: USIT 104
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 75

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Internal -- 25

Course Objectives:

 Course will provide students with an overview of discrete mathematics.
 Students will learn about topics such as logic and proofs, sets and functions,
recursion, graph theory, tress and other important discrete math concepts.

Unit Details Lectures
I Set Theory
Introduction, Sets and Elements, Subsets, Venn Diagrams, Set Operations, Algebra of
Sets, Duality, Finite Sets, Counting Principle, Classes of Sets, Power Sets, Partitions,
Mathematical Induction
Introduction, Product Sets, Relations, Pictorial Representatives of Relations,
Composition of Relations, Types of Relations, Closure Properties, Equivalence
Relations, Partial Ordering Relations 12
II Functions and Algorithms
Introduction, Functions, One -to-One, Onto, and Invertible Functions, Mathematical
Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Sequences, Indexed Classes of
Sets, Recursively Defined Functions, Cardinality, Algorithms and Functions,
Complexity of Algorithms
Introduction, Sample S pace and Events, Finite Probability Spaces, Conditional
Probability, Independent Events, Independent Repeated Trials, Binomial Distribution,
Random Variables, Chebyshev’s Inequality, Law of Large Numbers 12
III Techniques of Counting
Introduction, Basic Counting Principles, Mathematical Functions, Permutations,
Combinations, the Pigeonhole Principle, The Inclusion –Exclusion Principle, Tree
Advanced Counting Techniques, Recursion
Introduction, Combinations with Repetitions, Ordered and Unordered Partitions,
Inclusion –Exclusion Principle Revisited,Pigeonhole Principle Revisited, Recurrence
Relations, Linear Recurrence Relations with Constant Coefficients, Solving Second -
Order Homogeneous Linear Recurrence, Relations, Solving General Homogeneous
Linear Recurrence Relations
IV Graph Theory
Introduction, Data Structures,, Graphs and Multigraphs, Subgraphs, Isomorphic and
Homeomorphic Graphs, Paths, Connectivity, Traversable and Eulerian Graphs, Bridges
of Königsberg, Labeled andWeighted Graphs, Complete, Regular, and Bipartite
Graphs, Tree Graphs, Planar Graphs, Graph Colorings, Representing Graphs in
Computer Memory, Graph Algorithms, Traveling -Salesman Problem, Solved Problems
Directed Graphs
Introduction, Directed Graphs, Basic Defini tions, Rooted Trees, Sequential
Representation of Directed Graphs, Warshall’s Algorithm, Shortest Paths, Linked
Representation of Directed Graphs, Graph Algorithms: Depth -First and Breadth -First
Searches, Directed Cycle -Free Graphs, Topological Sort, Pruni ng Algorithm for
Shortest Path 12
V Binary Trees
Introduction, Binary Trees,, Complete and Extended Binary Trees, Representing
Binary Trees in Memory, Traversing Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Priority 12

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Queues, Heaps, Path Lengths, Huffman’s Algorithm, General (Ordered Rooted) Trees
Ordered Sets and Lattices
Introduction, Ordered Sets, Hasse Diagrams of Partially Ordered Sets, Consistent
Enumeration, Supremum and Infimum, Isomorphic (Similar) Ordered Sets, Well -
Ordered Sets, Lattices 346
Bounded Lattices, Distributive Lattices, Complements, Complemented Lattices

No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Discrete Mathematics,
Schaum’s Outlines Series Seymour
Lipschutz, Marc
Lipson Tata
Hill 3rd
2. Discrete Mathematics with
Applications Sussana S. Epp Cengage
Learning 5th

3. Discrete Mathematics and
its Applications
Kenneth H. Rosen Tata
Hill 8th
4. Discrete mathematical
structures B Kolman RC
Busby, S Ross PHI -
5. Discrete structures Liu Tata
Hill --

Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to:
1. Use logical notation
2. Perform logical proofs
3. Apply recursive functions and solve recurrence relations
4. Use graphs and trees
5. Apply basic and advanced principles of counting
6. Define sets and Relations
7. Calculate discrete probabilities.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Computational Logic and Discrete Structures
Practical Course Code: USIT 1P4
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --

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Course Objectives:

Course will make students understand different commands and functions of SCILAB.
It will enable student to use these tools to compute solutions of various discrete mathematical

1. Set Theory
a. Inclusion Exclusion principle.
b. Power Sets
c. Mathematical Induction

2. Functions and Algorithms
a. Recursively defined functions
b. Cardinality
c. Polynomial evaluation
d. Greatest Common Divisor

3. Probability Theory 1
a. Sample space and events
b. Finite probability spaces
c. Equiprobable spaces
d. Addition Principle

4. Probability Theory 2
a. Conditional Probability
b. Multiplication theorem for conditional probability
c. Independent events
d. Repeated trials with two outcomes

5. Counting 1
a. Sum rule principle
b. Product rule principle
c. Factorial
d. Binomial coefficients

6. Counting 2
a. Permutations
b. Permutations with repetitions
c. Combinations
d. Combinations with repetitions

7. Counting 3
a. Ordered partitions
b. Unordered partitions

8. Graph Theory
a. Paths and connectivity
b. Minimum spanning tree
c. Isomorphism

9. Directed Graphs

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a. Adjacency matrix
b. Path matrix

10 Recurrence relations
a. Linear homogeneous recurrence relations with constant coefficients
b. Solving linear homogeneous recurrence relations with constant coefficients
c. Solving general homogeneous linear recurrence relations

Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to:
1. To find computational solution to various discrete mathematical structures.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Technical Communication Skills Course Code: USIT 105
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 75
Internal -- 25

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Course Objectives:
 To recognize the importance of various types of communication in technical set up.
 To understand the dynamics in different forms of formal communication.
 To learn about active listening and the art of giving presentations and interviews.
 To learn the art of business writing and ethics in business communication across functional areas.
 To evaluate, analyze and int erpret technical data.

Unit Details Lectures
I Fundamentals of Technical Communication
Introduction, The process of communication, Language as tool of communication, levels of
communication, The flow of communication, Communication Networks, The importance of
technical communication
Barriers to communication
Definition of Noise, classification of Barriers
Non-verbal Communication
Introduction, Definition, significance of nonverbal, forms of non -verbal communication, types
of non -verbal communic ation
II The Seven Cs of Effective Communication : Completeness, Conciseness, Consideration,
Concreteness, Clarity, Courtesy, Correctness
Introduction, Importance of Business conversion, Essential of Business conversion,
Conversation Management
Meeting and conferences
Introduction, Purpose of Meeting, planning a meeting, Meeting Process, Leading effective
meeting, Evaluating meeting, planning conference, teleconferencing
Group Discussion and team presentation
Introduction, Benefits of GD, Workplace GD guidelines, Functional and non functional roles in
GD, Improving group performance, Assessment of group discussion ,Team presentation
Email communication
Introduction, Advantages of email, problems in email communication, Email etiquettes,
Techniques of writing Effective Email
III Active Listening
Introduction, Type of listening, Traits of good listener, Active vs Passive listening, Implication
of effective listening
Effective presentation Strategies
Introduction, Defining purpose, Analyzing audience and Locale, Organizing contents,
preparing outline, Visual Aids, Understanding Nuances of delivery, Kinesics
Introduction, objectives, types of interview, job interviews
IV Business writing
Introduction, Importance of written Business, Five main strategies of writing business
Business correspondence
Business letter writing, common component of Business letter, Strategies for writing body of a
letter, Types of Business letter, writing memos
Business reportsand proposal
What is report? Steps in writing routine Business report, parts of report, corporate reports and
Business proposals
Careers and Resume
Introduction to career building, resume format, traditional, electronic and video resumes,
sending resume, foll ow up letters and online recruitment process

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V Communication across Functional areas
Financial communication, MIS
Ethics in Business Communication
Ethical communication, Values, ethics and communication, ethical dilemmas facing manager,
strategic approaches to corporate ethics
Creating and Using Visual Aids
Object, Models, Handouts, Charts and Graphs, Text Visuals , Formatting Computer generated
charts, graphs and visuals

No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Technical communication :
principles and practices
Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta
Sharma Oxford Higher
Education -
2. Business Communication Meenakshi Raman & Prakash
Singh Oxford - Higher
Education 2nd
edition 2006
3. Effective Business
Communication Herta Murphy, Herbert
Hildebrandt, Jane Thomas Tata McGraw
Hill 7th
edition 2008
4. Professional Communication Aruna Koneru McGraw Hill
5. Business and Professional
Plans, Processes and Performance James R. DiSanza
Nancy J..Legge Pearson
Education 4th
6. Storytelling with data -a data
visualization guide for business
professionals Cole Nussbaumerknaflic Wiley

Course Outcome:

Learners will be able to,

1. Analyze, synthesize and utilize the process and strategies from delivery to solving
communication problem.
2. Learn the communication methodologies at workplace and learning about importance of
team collaboration.
3. Learn about different technical communication such as presentations and interviews.
4. Understand and apply the art of written communication in writing reports, proposals.
5. Ground rules of ethical communication and MIS.
6. Understand the functions of graphs, maps, charts.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Technical Communication Skills Practical Course Code: USIT 1P5
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3

Page 24

Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --
Course Objectives:
 To express thoughts feelings and ideas of learners by using features of MS Word.
 To articulate formal and informal reports.
 To analyze and interpret data and learn visualization of data.
 To learn effective tools of presentation .

1. Use of word processing tools for communication.
a. Use of various tools like spell checker, header, footer etc.
b. Make formal and informal letters, creating resume.
c. Designing brochures and flyers using templates in word.

2. Writing reports, minutes of meeting, action plan.

3. Use of spreadsheet for data interpretation and data analysis.

4. Basic use of what if analysis using excel.

5. Visual Representation of data using excel – pie chart ,line chart, bar chart etc.

6. Summarization of data using of pivot tables and chart in excel.

7. Use of presentation tools like PowerPoint for communication and presentation skills.

Basic communication covering the following topics: - Meeting people, Asking Questions and
Design of questionnaire.

8.b. Using netiquettes in online mode of communication using Zoom / Google Meet / MS -Teams etc.

9. Use of Mail etiquette for writing effective mails.
10.a. Use of Mail merge and its features.

10.b. Creating profile using Linkedln.

Course Outcome:

Learner s will be able to :

1. Use different forms of digital mediums for effective communication.
2. Create technical documents and format existing documents for effective communication.
3. Learn to use graphical tools for better visualization.
4. Create business presentation effectively.
5. Visualize the data from pictorial representations .

Page 25

Page 26


B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Object Oriented Programming with C++ Course Code: USIT201
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 75
Internal -- 25

Course Objectives:
Understand object oriented programming and advanced C++ concepts
 Be able to explain the difference between object oriented programming and procedural

Page 27

 Be able to program using more advanced C++ features such as composition of objects,
operator overloads, dynamic memory allocation, inheritance and polymorphism, file I/O,
exception handling, etc.
 Be able to build C++ classes using appropriate encapsulati on and design principles
 Be able to apply object oriented or non -object oriented techniques to solve
 bigger computing problems

Unit Details Lectures
Class and Instance, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Object -Oriented Analysis , Finding
the Objects ,Conceptual Modeling Requirements Model , Analysis Model, The Design
Model, The Implementation Model , Test Model, Object -Orient ed Analysis and
Design, The Evolution of Object Model, Object -Oriented Programming, Object -
Oriented Design, Object -Oriented Analysis, Elements of Object Model ,The Role of
OOAD in the Software Life Cycle, OOAD Methodologies, Grady Booch Approach,
STARTING WITH C++: C++ Overview, C++ Character Set, C++ Tokens,
Variables, Counting Tokens, Data Types, Qualifiers, Range of Data Types, Your First
C++ Program, Structure of a C++ Program, Styles of, Writing C++ Programs,
Programming Examples
FEATURES OF C ++: Introduction, Operators and Expressions, Declaring Constants,
Type Conversion, Decision Making: An Introduction, Unconditional Branching Using
Goto , Introduction to Looping
OPERATORS AND REFERENCES IN C++ : Introduction, Scope Resolution
Operator, Refe rence Variables, The Bool Data Type, The Operator New and Delete,
Malloc Vs. New ,Pointer Member Operators 12
II FUNCTION IN C++ : Introduction ,Function Declaration/Prototyping ,,The Main
Function in C++,Recursion ,Call by Reference ,Call by Reference Vs Call by Address ,
Return by Reference ,,Inline Function ,Function Overloading ,Function with Default
CLASS AND OBJECTS IN C++ : Working with Class, Structure in C++ ,Accessing
Private Data Passing and Returning Object ,Array of Object ,Friend Function ,Static
Class Members ,Constant Member Function
Constructor with Parameters, Implicit and Explicit Call to Constructor, Copy
Constructor, Dynamic Initialization of Objects, Dynamic Cons tructor, Destructor
Overloading with Binary Operator Overloading Assignment (=) Operator, Overloading
Unary Operators, Overloading Using Friend Function, Rules of Operator Overloading,
Type Convers ion 12
III WORKING WITH INHERITANCE IN C++: Introduction, Types of Inheritance,
Public, Private and Protected Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Hierarchical
Inheritance, Virtual Base Class, Constructor and Destructor in Inheritance,
This Pointer, What is Binding in C++? , Virtual Functions ,Working of a Virtual
Function ,Rules for Virtual Function ,Pure Virtual Function and Abstract Class
,Object Slicing ,Some Fa cts about Virtual Function ,Virtual Destructor
Classes, Unformatted Input/Output, Formatted Input /Output Operations, Manipulators 12
IV FILE HANDLING IN C++: Introduction, File Streams, Opening and Closing a File,
File Opening Modes Checking End of File, Random Access in File, Command Line
Arguments, Working with Binary Mode Error Handling 12

Page 28

TEMPLATE PROGRAMMING: Introduction , Function Template , Class
Templ ate
EXCEPTION HANDLING IN C++ : Introduction , Basics of Exception Handling ,
Exception Handling Mechanism , Programming Examples ,Exception Handling with
Class Catching all Exceptions , Specifying Exception for a Function
Components of STL , Containers , Algorithms , Iterators ,Application of Container
Classes Function Objects
MANIPULATING STRINGS :Introduction , Creating (string) Objects ,
Manipulating String Objects , Relational O perations, String Characteristics ,
Accessing Characters in Strings , Comparing and Swapping
NEW FEATURES OF ANSI C++ STANDARD : Introduction ,New Data Types ,
New Operators , Class Implementation , Namespace Scope , Operator Keywords ,
New Keywords , New Headers 12

No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Object -oriented
Programming C++
Simplified Hari Mohan Pandey University
Science Press 1stEdition 2017
2. Object Oriented
Programming in C++ E Balagurusamy Tata McGraw -
Hill 5thEdition 2011
3. Object -Oriented
Programming in C++ Robert Lafore Sams 4th Edition 2002
4. Programming with ANSI
C++ Bhushan Trivedi Oxford
University Press 2nd
Edition 2012
5. Demystified Object -
Oriented Programming
with C++ Dorothy R. Kirk Packt Publishing
Lt 1st
Edition 2021
6. C++ Programming:
An Object -Oriented
Approach Behrouz A. Forouzan ,
Richard F. Gilberg McGraw -Hill
Education 1st edition 2020
7. C++ How to Program Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel Pearson
Education 10th
Edition 2017

Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to,
1. Understand the concept of OOPs, feature of C++ language.
2. Understand and apply various types of Datatypes, Operators, Conversions while designing
the program.
3. Understand and apply the concepts of Classes &Objects, friend function, constructors &
destructors in program design.
4. Design & implement various forms of inheritance, String class, calling base class
5. Apply & Analyze operator overloading, runtime polymorphism, Generic Programming.
6. Analyze and explore various Strea m classes, I/O operations and exception handling.

Page 29

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Object Oriented Programming with C++ Practical Course Code: USIT2P1
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --

Course Objectives:

 The student should be able to explain the important characteristics of the C++ programming
 The learner must be able to combine components of the C++ programming language to
develop structured program.
 The student must demonstrate the skills essential to compile, debug, and test C++ programs

a. Write a C++ program to create a simple calculator.
b. Write a C++ program to convert seconds into hours, minutes and seconds.
c. Write a C++ program to find the volume of a square, cone, and rectangle.

a. Write a C++ program to find the greatest of three numbers.
b. Write a C++ program to find the sum of even and odd n natural numbers
c. Write a C++ program to generate all the prime numbers between 1 and n, where n is a value
supplied by the user.
a. Write a C++ program using classes and object Student to print name of the student, roll_no.
Display the same.
b. Write a C++ program for Structure bank employee to print name of the employee,
account_no. & balance. Display the same also display the balance after withdraw and deposit
c. Write a C++ Program to design a class having static member function named showcount() which
has the property of displaying the number of objects created of the class.
d. Write a Program to find Maximum out of Two Numbers using friend function.
Note: Here one number is a member of one class and the other number is member of some other
e. Write a C++ Program using copy constructor to copy data of an object to another object.
f. Write a C++ Program to allocate memory dynamically for an object of a given class using class’s
a. Write a C++ program to design a class representing complex numbers and having the functionality
of performing addition & multiplication of two complex numbers using operator overloading.
b. Write a C++ program to overload new/delete operators in a class.
c. Write a C++ program to access members of a STUDENT class using pointer to object members

Page 30

Write a C++ Program to generate Fibonacci Series by using Constructor to initialize the Data
d. Write a C++ Program to generate Fibonacci Series by using Constructor to initialize the Data
Members .
e. Write a C++ Program that illustrate single inheritance.
f. Write a C++ Program that illustrate multipe inheritance.
g. Write a C++ Program that illustrate multi level inheritance.
h. Write a C++ Program that illustrate Hierarchical inheritance.
i. Write a C++ Program illustrating how the constructors are implemented and the
order in which they are called when the classes are inherited. Use three classes named alpha, beta,
gamma such that alpha,beta are base class and gamma is derived class inheritin g alpha & beta

a. Write a C++ Program to design a stuent class representing student roll no. and a test class (derived
class of student) representing the scores of the student in various subjects and sports class
representing the score in sports. The sports and test class should be inherited by a result class
having the functionality to add the scores and display the final result for a student.

a. Write a C++ program to maintain the records of person with details (Name and Age) and find the
eldest among them. The program must use this pointer to return the result.

a. Write a C++ program illustrating the use of virtual functions in class.
b. Write a C++ program to design a class representing the information regarding digital library
(books, tape: book & tape should be separate classes having the base class as media). The class
should have the functionality for adding new item, issuing, deposit etc. the program should use the
runtime polymorphism.

a. Write a C++ program to show conversion from string to int and vice -versa.
b. Write a C++ program implementing basic operation of class ios i.e. setf, unsetf, precision etc.
c. Write a C++ program to implement I/O operations on characters. I/O operations includes inputting
a string, Calculating length of the string, Storing the Str ing in a file, fetching the stored characters
from it, etc.
d. Write a C++ program to copy the contents of one file to another.
e. Write a C++ program to perform read/write binary I/O operation on a file (i.e. write the object of a
structure/class to file).

a. Write a C++ program to implement the exception handling with multiple catch statements.
b. Write a C++ program to implement the exception handling with rethrowing in

a. Write a C++ Program to create Simple calculator using Class template.
b. Write a C++ Program to get maximum of two number using Class template.

Course Outcomes:

Page 31

Leaners will able to,
 Utilize C++ characteristics in software design and development.
 Explain object -oriented techniques and explain how C++ supports them.
 Employ C++ to demonstrate practical skill developing object -oriented solutions.
 Examine a problem statements and design and develop object -oriented software using good
coding practices and procedures.
 In object -oriented design, use common software patterns and recognize their relevance in
other software development contexts.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Fundamentals of Micro Processor and Microcontrollers Course Code: USIT202
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 75
Internal -- 25

Course Objectives: 1) To understand the basic concept of Micro Computer Systems
2) To develop background knowledge in 8085 Microprocessor
3) To write Assembly language Programs of 8085
4) To understand the peripheral devices and inter facing to 8051 Micro
Controller and design aspects of Micro Controller

Page 32

Unit Details Lectures
I Microprocessor, microcomputers, and Assembly Language:
Microprocessor,Microprocessor Instruction Set and Computer Languages, From
Large Computers to Single -Chip Microcontrollers, Applications.
Microprocessor Architecture and Microcomputer System: Microprocessor
Architecture and its operation’s, Memory, I/O Devices, Microcomputer System,
Logic Devices and Interfacing, Microprocessor -Based System Application.
8085 Microprocessor Architecture and Memory Interface: Introduction, 8085
Microprocessor unit, 8085 -Based Mic rocomputer, Memory Interfacing,Interfacing
the8085 Memory Segment.
II Interfacing of I/O Devices
Basic Interfacing concepts, Interfacing Output Displays, Interfacing Input Devices,
Memory Mapped I/O, Testing and Troubleshooting I/O Interfacing Circuits.
Introduction to 8085 Assembly Language Programming:
The 8085 Programming Model, Instruction Classification, Instruction, Data and
Storage, Writing assembling and Execution of a simple program, Overview of 8085
Instruction Set, Writing and Assembling Program.
Introduction to 8085 Instructions:
Data Transfer Operations, Arithmetic Operations, Logic Operation,
Branch Operation, Writing Assembly Languages Programs, Debugging a Program. 12
III Programming Techniques With Additional Instructions:
ProgrammingTechniques: Looping, Counting and Ind exing, Additional Data Transfer
and 16-Bit Arithmetic Instructions, Arithmetic Instruction Related to Memory, Logic
Operations: Rotate, Logics Operations: Compare, Dynamic Debugging.
Counters and Time Delays:
Counters and Time Delays, Illustrative Program: Hexadecimal Counter, Illustrative
Program: zero -to-nine (Modulo Ten) Counter, Generating Pulse Waveforms,
Debugging Counter and Time -Delay Programs.
Stacks and Sub -Routines:
Stack, Subroutine, Restart, Conditional Call, Return Instructions, Advanced
Subroutine concepts.
The 8085 Interrupt, 8085 Vectored and Non vectored Interrupts, Restart as S/W
IV Micro Controllers: Embedded Systems and general purpose computer systems,
history, classifications, applications and purpose of embedded systems.
Embedded Hardware: Memory map, i/o map, interrupt map, processor family,
external peripherals, memory – RAM , ROM, types of RAM and ROM, memory
testing, CRC ,Flash memory.
Peripherals: Control and Status Registers, Device Driver, Timer watch Timer
The 8051 Microcontrollers: Microcontrollers and Embedded processors, Overview
of 8051 family.8051 Microcontroller hardware, Input/output pins, Ports, and Circuits,
External Memory.
8051 Programming in C:
Data Types and time delay in 8051 C, I/O Programming, Logic operations, Data
conversion Program s.
V Designing Embedded System with 8051 Microcontroller: Factors to be considered
in selecting a controller, why 8051 Microcontroller, Designing with 8051.
Programming embedded systems: structure of embedded program, infinite loop,
compiling, linking and debugging. 12

Page 33

Design and Development: Embedded system, development Environment – IDE,
types of file generated on cross compilation, Embedded Product Development cycle
and Trends in embedded Industry

Books and References:
No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Microprocessors Architecture, Programming
and Applications with the 8085. Ramesh
Gaonkar PENRAM 5th 2012
2. 8080A/8085 Assembly
Language Programming Lance A.
Leventhel Osborne
3 Embedded Systems Rajkamal Tata Mcgraw -
4 Introduction to embedded systems Shibu K V Tata Mcgraw -
Hill 1st 2012

Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to,
1. Understand the basic concepts of Micro Computer Systems
2. Understand the architecture and hardware aspects of 8085
3. Write assembly language programs in 8085
4. Design elementary aspects of Micro Controller based systems
5. Interfacing peripherals using Micro Controller

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Fundamentals of Micro Processor and Microcontrollers
Practical Course Code:
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --

Course Objectives: The course aims to learn
1. Operations related to single & Multiple memory locations
2. Simple assembly language programs
3. How to perform register operations, packing and unpacking
4. Embedding computer using 8051 microcontrollers
5. Interfacing I/O Ports
6. Implement flashmagic in microcontrollers

List of Practical
1. Perform the following Operations related to memory locations.

Page 34

a. Store the data byte 32H into memory location 4000H.
b. Exchange the contents of memory locations 2000H and 4000H

2. Simple assembly language programs.
a. Subtract two 8 -bit numbers.
b. Subtract the 16 -bit number in memory locations 4002H and 4003H from the 16 -bit number in
memory locations 4000H and 4001H. The most significant eight bits of the two numbers are
in memory locations 4001H and 4003H. Store the result in memory locations 4004H and
4005H with the most significant byte in memory
location 4005H.
c. Find the l's complement of the number stored at memory location 4400H and store
the complemented number at memory location 4300H.
d. Find the 2's complement of the number stored at memory location 4200H and store
the complemented number at memory location 4300H.

3. Packing and unpacking operations.
a. Pack the two unpacked BCD numbers stored in memory locations 4200H and 4201H
and store result in memory location 4300H. Assume the least significant digit is stored at
b. Two digit BCD number is stored in memory location 4200H. Unpack the BCD
number and store the two digits in memory locations 4300H and 4301H such that memory
location 4300H will have lower BCD digit.

4. Register Operations.
a. Write a program to shift an eight bit data four bits right. Assume that data is in
register C.
b. Program to shift a 16 -bit data 1 bit left. Assume data is in the HL register pair
c. Write a set of instructions to alter the contents of flag register in 8085.
d. Write a program to count number of l's in the contents of D register and store the
count in the B register.
5. Multiple memory locations.
a. Calculate the sum of series of numbers. The length of the series is in memory location 4200H
and the series begins from memory location 4201H. a. Consider the sum to be 8 bit number.
So, ignore carries. Store the sum at memory location 4300H.
b. Consider the sum to be 16 bit number. Store the sum at memory locations 4300H
and 4301H
b. Multiply two 8 -bit numbers stored in memory locations 2200H and 2201H by
repetitive addition and store the result in memory locations 2300H and 2301H.
c. Divide 16 bit number stored in memory locations 2200H and 2201H by the 8 bit
number stored at memory location 2202H. Store the quotient in memory locations 2300H and
2301H and remainder in memory locations 2302H and 2303H.
6. Calculations with respect to memory locations.
a. Write a program to sort given 10 numbers from memory location 2200H in the
ascending order.

Page 35

b. Calculate the sum of series of even numbers from the list of numbers. The length of the list is
in memory location 2200H and the series itself begins from memory location 2201H. Assume
the sum to be 8 bit number so you can ignor e carries and
store the sum at memory location 2Sample problem:
7. Assembly programs on memory locations
a. A list of 50 numbers is stored in memory, starting at 6000H. Find number of negative, zero and
positive numbers from this list and store these results in memory
locations 7000H, 7001H, and 7002H respectively
b. Write an assembly language program to generate fibonacci number.
c. Program to calculate the factorial of a number between 0 to 8.
8. Design and develop a reprogrammable embedded computer using 8051 microcontrollers and to
show the following aspects.
a. Programming
b. Execution
c. Debugging
9 a Configure timer control registers of 8051 and develop a program to generate
given time delay.
b Port I / O: Use one of the four ports of 8051 for O/P interfaced to eight LED’s. Simulate binary
counter (8 bit) on LED’s
c To interface 8 LEDs at Input -output port and create different patterns.
d To demonstrate timer working in timer mode and blink LED without using any
loop delay routine.
10. Using FlashMagic
a. To demonstrate the procedure for flash programming for reprogrammable embedded system
board using Flash Magic
b. To demonstrate the procedure and connections for multiple controllers
programming of same type of controller with same source code in one go, using flash magic.

Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to,
1. Apply concepts of 8085 to single & Multiple Memory Locations
2. Apply concepts of micro -processor register operations
3. Can implement assembly language programs
4. Use of Shift registers 8 & 16 bits
5. Apply the knowledge of Flash Magic in embedded Controllers
6. Learns to simulate and configure different timer controls

Page 36

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Web Application s Development Course Code: USIT 203
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 75
Internal -- 25

Course Objectives:
 Understand basic concepts of Internet and World Wide Web.
 Comprehend different HTML elements that can be used to develop static web pages.
 Become familiar with concept of stylesheets and various CSS effects.
 Peruse JavaScript as a tool to add dynamism to static HTML pages.
 Explore how server -side script works on the web.
 Learn how PHP can be connected to a database to store and retrieve data.

Unit Details Lectures
I Internet and the World Wide Web :
What is Internet? Applications of Internet, E -mail, Telnet, FTP, E -commerce and E -
business. Internet Service Providers, Domain Name Server, Internet Address, World
Wide Web (WWW): World Wide Web and its Evolution, Uniform Resource Locator 12

Page 37

(URL), Browsers, Common Features of Browsers, Search Engine, Web Server, HTTP
Introduction, Formatting Text by using Tag s, Using Lists, Creating Hyperlinks and
Bookmarks, Defining Metadata about an HTML Document, Redirecting to another
Implementing Styles using CSS – Stylesheets, Formatting Text and Links using CSS,
CSS Selectors, Changing Background, Adding Borde r, Margin and Padding, Setting
Dimensions, Using Inline Container to mark up a part of a text.
II HTML Page Layout :
Using Layout Elements, Semantic Elements, Creating, Positioning and Formatting
Divisions, Floating Divisions next to each other, Responsive Web Design, Inline

HTML Media, Tables and Forms :
Embedding Images, Creating Client -side and Server -side Image Map, adding Favicon,
Embedding audio and video on web page.

Creating Simple Table, Table Dimension, Merging Table Cells, Form atting Tables:
Applying Borders, Background and Foreground fills, Changing Cell Padding, Spacing
and Alignment

Collecting user input with HTML Forms, Additional Input Types in HTML5. 12
III JavaScript :
Introduction, Difference between Client -side and Server -side Scripting, JavaScript
Variables and Constants, Data Types, Statements, Comments, Functions, Variable
Scope, Hoisting, Strict Mode, JavaScript Objects, Dialog Boxes, void Keyword

Operators : Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators,
Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators

Statements :
Conditional Statements – if else, switch, Loops – while, do while, for, for in, for of,
Loop Control – break, continue, labels

JavaScript Objects : User -defined Objects, with Keyword, Native O bjects – Array,
String, Date, Math, Number, RegExp

DOM : Introduction, DOM Properties and Methods.

Browser BOM : Moving back and forward with History, Cookies

Events and Event Handlers : HTML Events, DOM Events, DOM Event Listener,
onAbort, onBlur, onChang e, onClick, onDblClick, onError, onFocus, onKeyDown,
onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onLoad, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseOut,
onMouseOver, onMouseUp, onReset, onResize, onSelect, onSubmit, onUnload 12
Introduction, Server -side Scripting, PHP Syntax and Comments, Variables and
Constants, Data Types, Control Structures, Looping, Loop Termination, Functions,
PHP Form Handling, PHP Form Validation, Superglobals, PHP Arrays, PHP Strings,
PHP RegEx, PHP Numbe rs, PHP Math, Basic PHP Errors 12
V Advanced PHP : 12

Page 38

PHP Date and Time, PHP Include, PHP Cookies, PHP Sessions, Validating and
Sanitizing Data with PHP Filters

Why PHP and MySQL? Connect to MySQL, Creating Database and Tables, Inserting
Single and Multiple Rows, Retrieving Last ID, MySQL Prepared, Selecting Data,
Updating Data, Deleting Data, Limiting Data.

Course Outcomes:
 Analyze working of Internet.
 Gain an insight into designing web pages.
 Use different ways of styling web pages using CSS.
 Implement basic and complex functionalities of JavaScript in a web page.
 Employ PHP Scripts to execute dynamic tasks in a web page.
 Perform various database tasks using PHP.

Books and References:
No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
The Complete Reference HTML & CSS Thomas A. Powell McGrawHill 5th -
Step by Step HTML5 Faithe Wempen Microsoft
Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS &
HTML5 Robin Nixon O’Reilly 3rd 2018
Learning Web Design A Beginner’s Guide
to Html, CSS, JavaScript, And Web
Graphics Jennifer Niederst
Robbins O’Reilly 5th 2018
The Complete Reference JavaScript Thomas A. Powell &
Fritz Schneider McGrawHill 3rd 2012
PHP & MySQL Novice to Ninja Tom Butler SPD 7th 2022

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Web Application Development Practical Course Code: USIT 2P3
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --

Course Objectives:
 Understand how to effectively implement HTML.
 Write CSS effectively to create well organized, styled web pages.
 Add versatility to a web page with client -side scripting.
 Deploy a local web server and run a simple web application.
 Read and process data in MySQL using PHP.

List of Practical:
Use of Basic Tags
Design a web page using different text formatting tags.

Page 39

Design a web page with links to different pages and allow navigation between web pages.
Design a web page that automatically redirects the user to another page.
Use of CSS
Design a web page demonstrating different stylesheet types.
Design a web page demonstrating grouping selectors.
Layout and Media
Design a web page demonstrating different semantics.
Design a web page embedding image, audio and video.
Design a web page with Imagemaps.
Tables and Forms
Design a web page with different tables.
Design a web page with a form that uses all types of controls.
5. JavaScript
Using JavaScript, design a web page to accept a number from the user and print its Factorial.
Using JavaScript, a web page that prints Fibonacci series/any given series.
Write a JavaScript program to display all the prime numbers between 1 and 100.
Write a JavaScript program to accept a number from the user and display the sum of its digits.
6. JavaScript Objects
a. Using JavaScript, design a web page demonstrating different native objects of JavaScript.
b. Write a program in JavaScript to accept a sentence from the user and display the number of words
in it. (Do not use split () function).
7. JavaScript Events
a. Write a JavaScript program to design simple calculator.
b. Design a form and validate all the controls placed on the form using JavaScript.
8. Basic PHP
a. Write a PHP code to find the greater of 2 numbers. Accept the no. from the user.
b. Write a PHP Program to accept a number from the user and print it factorial.

Page 40

Write a PHP program to accept a number from the user and print whether it is prime or not.
d. Write a PHP program to display the following Binary Pyramid:
0 1
1 0 1
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1
Write a PHP program to demonstrate different string functions.
Write a PHP program to demonstrate different array functions.
9. Advanced PHP
a. Write a PHP program to demonstrate use of sessions and cookies.
b. Write a PHP program to demonstrate use of filters.
10. PHP and MySQL
a. Write a PHP program to create:
Create a database College
Create a table Department (Dname, Dno, Number_of_faculty)
b. Write a PHP program to create a database named “College”. Create a table named “Student” with
following fields (sno, sname, percentage). Insert 3 records of your choice. Display the names of the
students whose percentage is between 35 to 75 in a tabular format.
c. Write a PHP program to
Update rows in a table
Delete rows from a table
d. Design a PHP page for authenticating a user

Course Outcomes:

Learners will be able to,

1. Design static web pages using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML).
2. Enhance the look of web pages by implementing CSS.
3. Collect information from the user with HTML Forms.
4. Design interactive webpages using client -side script (JavaScript).
5. Implement Document Object Model and events in web pages using JavaScript.
6. Write and deploy basic PHP code to s implify web development.
7. Store and retrieve data from a server using PHP .

Page 41

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Numerical Methods Course Code: USIT 204
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 75
Internal -- 25

Course Objectives:
Course will enhance the problem solving skills of students using extremely powerful numerical methods .

Unit Details Lectures
I Mathematical Modeling and Engineering Problem Solving : A
Simple Mathematical Model, Conservation Laws and Engineering
Approximations and Round -Off Errors: Significant Figures,
Accuracy and Precision, Error Definitions, Round -Off Errors
Truncation Errors and the Taylor Series:
The Taylor Series, Error Propagation, Total Numerical Errors,
Formulation Errors and Data Uncertainty 12
II Solutions of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: The
Bisection Method, The Newton -Raphson Method, The Regula -falsi
method, The Secant Method.
Interpolation: Forward Difference, Backward Difference, Newton’s
Forward Difference Interpolation, Newton’s Backward Difference
Interpolation, Lagrange’s Interpolation 12
III Solution of simultaneous algebraic equations (linear) using
iterative methods: Gauss -Jordan Method, Gauss -Seidel Method.
Numerical differentiation and Integration: Numberical
differentiation, Numerical integration using Trapezoidal Rule,
Simpson’s 1/3 rd and 3/8 th rules. 12
IV Numerical solution of 1st and 2nd order differential equations:
Taylor series, Euler’s Method, Modified Euler’s Method, Runge -Kutta Method for 1 st
and 2 nd Order Differential Equations.
Least -Squares Regression:
Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Multiple Linear
Regression, General L inear Least Squares, Nonlinear Regression 12
V Linear Programming: Linear optimization problem, Formulation and Graphical
solution, Basic solution and Feasible solution.
Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations:
Classification of Partial Differential Equations of the second order, Difference equation
corresponding to Laplace Equation, Liebmann’s Iteration Process, Bender -Schmidt’s 12

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Difference Equation corresponding to the parabolic equation, Crank Nicolson’s
difference equations correspondi ng to the parabolic equation, Difference equation
corresponding to the Hyperbolic equation..

Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Introductory Methods of
Numerical Methods
S. S. Sastry PHI 5th
2. Numerical Methods for
Steven C. Chapra,
Raymond P.
Tata Mc
Graw Hill
6th 2010

3. Numerical Analysis
Richard L.
Burden, J.
Douglas Faires
9th 2011
4. Numerical Methods T Veerarajan
T Ramachandran Tata Mc
Graw Hill
7th 2011

Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to,
1. Understand numerical techniques to find the roots of non -linear equations and solution of system of
linear equations.
2. Understand the difference operators and the use of interpolation.
3. Understand numerical differentiation and integration and numerical solutions of ordinary and
partial differential equations.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – I
Course Name: Numerical Methods Practical Course Code: USIT 2P4
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --

Course Objectives:

Course will provide different tools to find solutions to various numerical techniques

List of Practical:
To be implemented using SCILAB
1. Iterative Calculation
a. Program for iterative calculation

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b. Program to calculate the roots of a quadratic equation using the formula
c. Program to evaluate 𝑒𝑥using infinite series

2. Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations:
a. Program to solve algebraic and transcendental equation by bisection method.
b. Program to solve algebraic and transcendental equation by false position method.
c. Program to solve algebraic and transcendental equation by Secant method.
d. Program to solve algebraic and transcendental equation by Newton Raphson

3. Interpolation
a. Program for Newton’s forward interpolation.
b. Program for Newton’s backward interpolation.
c. Program for Lagrange’s interpolation.
4. Solving linear system of equations by iterative methods
a. Program for solving linear system of equations using Gauss Jordan method.
b. Program for solving linear system of equations using Gauss Seidel method.
5. Numerical Differentiation
a. Program to obtain derivatives numerically.
6. Numerical Integration
a. Program for numerical integration using Trapezoidal rule.
b. Program for numerical integration using Simpson’s 1/3 rd rule.
c. Program for numerical integration using Simpson’s 3/8 th rule.
7. Solution of differential equations
a. Program to solve differential equation using Euler’s method.
b. Program to solve differential equation using modified Euler’s method.
c. Program to solve differential equation using Runge -kutta 2 nd order and 4 th order
8. Regression 1

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a. Program for Linear regression.
b. Program for Polynomial Regression.
9. Regression 2
a. Program for multiple linear regression.
b. Program for non -linear regression.
10. Numerical solution of partial differential equations
a. Program to find solution of Laplace’s equation.

Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to,
1. Find fast and accurate solution to simple and complex numerical problems using these programs.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Green IT Course Code: USIT 205
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 75
Internal -- 25

Course Objectives:
 To understand the concept of Green Technology.
 To learn Green IT regulating Green IT and different standards.

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 To understand the concept of minimizing power utilization in technology.
 To know about Green PCs, Green notebooks and servers and Green data centers.
 To know how the way of work is changing and understand implementation of Paperless
 To kno w the concept of Recycling.
 To understand Metrics for Green IT.

Unit Details Lectures
I Overview to Green IT:
Problems: Toxins, Power Consumption, Equipment Disposal, Company’s Carbon Footprint:
Measuring, Details, reasons to bother, Plan for the Future, Cost Savings: Hardware, Power.
Regulating Green IT: Laws, Standards and Protocols
Introduction, The Regulatory Environment and IT Manufacturers RoHS, REACh, WEEE,
Legislating for GHG Emissions and Energy Use of IT Equipment.Nonregulatory Governme nt
Initiatives, Industry Associations and Standards Bodies, Green Building Standards, Green Data
Centres , Social Movements and Greenpeace. 12
II Minimizing Power Usage:
Power Problems, Monitoring Power Usage, Servers, Low -CostOptions , Reducing Power Use,
Data De -Duplication, Virtualization, Management, Bigger Drives, Involving the Utility
Company, LowPower Computers, PCs, Linux, Components, Servers, ComputerSettings,
Storage, Monitors, Power Supplies, Wireless Devices, Software.
Cooli ng:
Cooling Costs, Power Cost, Causes of Cost, Calculating CoolingNeeds, Reducing Cooling
Costs, Economizers, On -Demand Cooling, HP’s Solution, Optimizing Airflow, Hot Aisle/Cold
Aisle, Raised, Floors, Cable Management, Vapour Seal, Prevent Recirculation o f Equipment
Exhaust, Supply Air Directly to Heat Sources, Fans, Humidity, Adding Cooling, Fluid
Considerations, System Design, Datacentre Design, Centralized Control, Design for Your
Needs, Put Everything Together. 12
III Greening IT:
Green PCs, Notebooks and Servers, Green Data Centres , Green Cloud Computing, Green
Data Storage , Green Software, Green Networking and Communications.
Changing the Way of Work:
Old Behaviours, starting at the Top, Process Reengineering with Green in Min d, Analysing the
Global Impact of Local Actions, Steps: Water, Recycling, Energy, Pollutants, Teleworkers and
Outsourcing, Telecommuting, Outsourcing, how to Outsource.
Going Paperless:
Paper Problems, The Environment, Costs: Paper and Office, Practicality , Storage, Destruction,
Going Paperless, Organizational Realities, Changing Over, Paperless Billing, Handheld
Computers vs. the Clipboard, Unified Communications, Intranets, What to Include, Building an
Intranet, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, El ectronic Data Interchange (EDI), Nuts
and Bolts, Value Added Networks, Advantages, Obstacles. 12
IV Recycling:
Means of Disposal, Recycling, Refurbishing, Make the Decision, Life Cycle, from beginning to
end, Life, Cost, Green Design, Recycling Companies, Finding the Best One, Checklist,
Certifications, Hard Drive Recycling, Consequences, cleaning a Hard Drive, Pros and cons of
each method, CDs and DVDs, good and bad about CD and DVDs disposal, Change the mind -
set, David vs. America Online.
Hardware Consid erations:
Certification Programs, EPEAT, RoHS, Energy Star, Computers, Monitors, Printers, Scanners,
All-in-Ones, Thin Clients, Servers, Blade Servers, Consolidation, Products, Hardware
Considerations, Planned Obsolescence, Packaging, Toxins, Other Factors , Remote Desktop,
Using Remote Desktop, Establishing a Connection. 12
V Greening Your Information Systems:
Initial Improvement Calculations, Selecting Metrics, Tracking Progress, Change Business
Processes, Customer Interaction, Paper Reduction, Green Supp ly Chain, Improve Technology
Infrastructure, Reduce PCs and Servers, Shared Services, Hardware Costs, Cooling. 12

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Staying Green:
Organizational Check -ups, Chief Green Officer, Evolution, Sell the CEO, SMART Goals,
Equipment Check -ups, Gather Data, Tracking the data, Baseline Data, Benchmarking, Analyse
Data, Conduct Audits, Certifications, Benefits, Realities, Helpful Organizations.

Books and References:
No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Green IT Toby Velte, Anthony
Velte, Robert Elsenpeter McGraw Hill
2. Harnessing Green IT: Principles and
Practices San Murugesan, G. R.
Ganadharan, Wiley & IEEE.
3. Green Data Center: Steps for the
Journey Alvin Galea, Michael
Schaefer, Mike Ebbers Shroff Publishers
and Distributers
4. Green IT Deepak Shikarpur Vishwkarma
5. Green Computing Tools and
Techniques for Saving Energy,
Money and Resources Bud E. Smith CRC Press
Green Computing and Green IT Best
Practice Jason Harris Emereo

Course Outcomes:
Learners will be able to,
 Understand the concept of Green IT and problems related to it.
 Know different standards for Green IT.
 Understand the how power usage can be minimized in Technology.
 Learn about how the way of work is changing.
 Understand the concept of recycling.
 Know how information system can stay Green Information system.

B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Practical’s in PL/SQL Course Code: USIT 2P5
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2

Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --

Course Objectives:
 To understand the basics of PL/SQL.
 To understand control and conditional statement in PL/SQL.
 To understand working of sequences and cursor in PL/SQL.
 To understand concept of stored procedure and functions.

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 To understand triggers and packages in PL/SQL.
 To understand the concept of Exception handling.

List of Practical:
1. PL/SQL Basics
a. Use of variables.
b. Write executable statement.
c. Interacting with Oracle Server.
d. Create anonymous PL/SQL block
2. Control Structure in PL/SQL .
a. Using while loop
b. Do loop
c. For loop
d. Use of GOTO statement
3. Create conditional statement using PL/SQL
a. Using if statement
b. Using if else statement
c. Using elsif ladder
d. Using case expression.
4. Creation of Sequence in PL/SQL
5. Create cursor in PL/SQL
a. Implicit cursor
b. Explicit
c. Parameterized cursor
d. Cursor for loop
6. Creation of Procedures in PL/SQL
7. Functions in PL/SQL
a. Compute and returns the maximum value
b. Compute factorial of given number.
8. Creation of Trigger
a. Create Row level trigger
b. Create Statement level trigger

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c. Create instead of trigger
9. Handling exceptions
a. Creation of user defined exception
b. Creation of system defined exception.
10. Creation of Package in PL/SQL

Course Outcomes:
Learner will be able to:
 Understand the basics of PL/SQL.
 Use of the control and conditional statement in PL/SQL.
 Apply sequences and cursor in PL/SQL.
 Know the concept of stored procedure and functions
 Create the triggers and packages in PL/SQL.
 Implement the concept of Exception handling.