Revised Syllabus FYBAFYBSc in Geography_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Revised Syllabus FYBAFYBSc in Geography_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Cover Page

Date: 23/04/2020 Signature
Name of BOS Chair man / Dean : Dr. S. A Thakur
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course F.Y.B.A./F.Y.B.Sc – GEOGRAPHY
2 Eligibility for
3 Passing
Marks 40
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any)
5 No. of Years /
Semesters Sem - I & II
6 Level U.G
7 Pattern Semester
8 Status Revised
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year 2020 -2021

Syllabus for Approval

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Item No. 4.62


Program : F.Y.B.A. / F.Y.B.Sc

Course : Geography Paper -I

Syllabus for Semester -I and II

(Choice Based and Credit System with effect from the
Academic year 2020 -21)

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University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus w.e.f. Academic Year, 2020 -21 (CBSGS)
F.Y.B.A./F.Y.B.Sc. Geography, Semester – I, Paper – I
Subject Title: Human Geography

UNIT -I Human Geography: An Introduction
 Human Geography - Meaning, Definition, Nature, Scope
 Branches of Human Geography
 Different Approaches of Human Geography
 Man Environment relation, Determinism Possibilism , Probabilism

UNIT -II Population
 Trends and Patterns of World Population change
 Demographic Transition Model
 Population Density ,its distribution and its growth
 Concept and Problems of Under -population, over -population and optimum population
UNIT -III Settlement
 Concept of Urban and Rural Settlements
 Types and Pattern of settlement
 Site and Situation
 Functional classification of Urban settlement

UNIT -IV Migration
 Concept and Types of Migration
 Causes of migration – pull and push ; Consequences/effects of migration
 Patterns and processes of migration
 Emerging trends of migrations or Issues of legal and illegal international
migration Migrant refugee crisis

UNIT -V Practical
 Map - Definition, Components, Type and Importance
 Map scale - Definition, Verbal Scale and Graphical S cale
 Construction of Choropleth Maps, Isopleth, Dot and Flow Maps

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 Construction of Population Pyramid

Johnson R. J. & Others (1983) : The Dictionary of Human Geography, Blackwell England
Singh, L. R. (2009): “Fundamentals of Human Geography”, ShardaPustakBhavan, Allahabad
“Geographical Thought: A Contextual History of Ideas”, PHI Learning Private Limited, Delhi
Singh, R. Y. (2002): “Geography of Settlem ents”, Rawat Publications, Jaipur
Siddhartha, K. and Mukherjee, S. (2016): “Cities, Urbanisation and Urban Systems”, KitabMahal,
Chandna, R. C. (2016): “Geography of Population: Concepts, Determinants and Patterns”, Kalyani
hende, A. and Kanitkar, T. (2015): “Principles of Population Studies”,
Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
Koser, K. (2007): “International Migration: A Very Short Introduction”, Oxford University Press, UK
Castles, S., Haas, H., and Miller, M. (2013): “Th e Age of Migration: International Movements in the
Modern World”, Guilford Pr.
Leong, G. C. and Morgan, G. C. (1982): “Human and Economic Geography”, Oxford University
Press, Delhi
Knowles, R. and Warding, J. (2012): “Economic and Social Geography”, Rupa a
Waugh, D. (2009): “The New Wider World”, Oxford University World, Oxford
Mahmood, A. (2008): Statistical Methods in Geographical Studies”, Rajesh Publications, New Delhi
Singh, L. R. (2009): “Fundamentals of Practical Geography”, Sharda PustakBhavna, Allahabad
Mishra, R. P. and Ramesh, A. (2002): “Fundamentals of Cartography”, Concept Publishing Company,
New Delhi

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University of Mumbai Revised Syllabus w. e. f. Academic year, 2020 - 21 (CBSGS)
F.Y.B.A. / F.Y.B.Sc. Semester - II Geography Paper - I,
1. Definition, Meaning of environment Environmental Geography: Concepts, Scope and Contents
2. Nature, scope and importance
3. Man's interaction with Environment
4. Relationship of Environmental geography with other sciences
1: Ecosystem - meaning and definition and its Structure
2: Functions: Ene rgy flow in ecosystem, food chains, food webs, food pyramid
3: Classification of Ecosystem detail study of Desert, Rainforest and fresh water lake ecosystem
4: Biogeochemical Cycles: Hydrological, Carbon and Nitrogen
1: Pollution - Air and Water Pollution - causes, effects
2. Land and Noise Pollution - causes, effects
3: Major environmental issues - global warming, Ozone depletion and acid rain
4: Major Environmental Movements - Save Amazon forest or Gre en peace Movement, Chipko
movement, Save Narmada,
1: Natural resources - meaning, definitions and importance
2. Types of natural resources:
3. Causes of depletion and methods/measures of natural resource s conservation
4: Bio -diversity in India and its conservation
a) Map Filling - World
b) Interpretation or question answer on thematic maps drawn with techniques - Choropleth Maps,
Isopl eth, Dot Maps and Flow Maps

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 Asolekar S, Gopichandran R. 2005, 'Preventive Environmental Management -an
Indian perspective', CEE, Ahmedabad, Foundation Books Pvt Ltd, Daryaganj
 Chambers N., Simons C., Wackernagel M., 2006, 'Sharing Nature's Int erest –Ecological footprints
as an indicator of sustainability'.
 Cunningham W., Cunningham M., 2003, 'Principles of Environmental Science –Inquiry and
Applications', Tata McGraw Hill Publication Company Ltd, New Delhi.
 Doniwal H. K., 'Urban Geography', GNOSIS, Delhi, 2009.
 Dresner S., 2005, 'The principles of sustainability', Earthscan publication Ltd, London.
 Gandotra V., Patel S., 2008, 'Environmental problems and strategies', Serials Publication, New
 Global Environment Outlook 3 -2002, 'Past, pre sent and future perspectives', UNEP, Earthscan
publications Ltd, London, Sterling VA.
 Hulse J. H., 2007, 'Sustainable Development at risk -Ignoring the past', Cambridge University Press
India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi.
 Mohanta R., Sen A., Singh M.P., 2009, 'Enviro nmental Education -Vol. 1', APH
publishingCorporation New Delhi.
 Nellison N., Straaten J. Van D. &Klinkers L., 2001, 'Classics in Environmental Studies –
anoverview of texts in Environmental Studies', Kusum Publishing, Delhi
 Perumal M., Veerasekaran R., Sur esh M., Asaithambi M., 2008, 'Environmental andEcological
issues in India', Abhijeet Publication, Delhi