QP Pattern Paper VI IX Sem V 2018 2019 100 Marks 4 Hours 2 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC - 26/12/2018
Item No. : 4.18
University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus w.e.f. Academic Year, 2018 -19 (CBSGS)
T.Y.B.A. / T.Y.B.Sc. Geography, Semester – V Paper: VI
QUESTION PAPER PATTERN [100 Marks ; 4 Hours]
Q. 1 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:
a) Write a Note on :
Basic Map -Concepts (as given in the syllabus 1.1) / Types of Projections / Choice of Projections /
Properties and Uses of Any One Projection
[Examiners should ask any one short note from this list.] 08
b) Construct a Projection 08
c) Construct a Projection 08
Q. 2 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:
a) Calculation of Direction, Distance and Bearing Based on a Given Toposheet / Identification of Relief
Based on a Given Toposheet 08
b) Area Calculation [Examiners should ask any one method, square or strip] 08
c) Demarcation of Watershed Based on a Given Toposheet / Tracing of Stream Network and Contours
Based on a Given Toposheet [Examiners should ask any one question from this list.] 08
Q. 3 Read a Full S.O.I Toposheet provided to you and interpret the following: 16
i) Physical Features
ii) Cultural Features
Q. 4 a) Prepare a State/ District / Thematic Map to represent the g iven data with the help of suitable
Cartographic Technique .
[Examiner s should provide a base map of the State/ district administrative Unit with the recent data
from government publications .] 12
b) Interpret the said Thematic Map that prepared by you . 04
Q. 5 a) Represent the given data with suitable Graphical Technique using MS -Excel. 08
b) Prepar e Datasheet in SPSS based on given d ata, and c alculation of Central Tendency and Standard
Deviation using SPSS 08
Q. 6 a) Journal
b) Viva 10
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AC - 26/12/2018
Item No. : 4.18
University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus w.e.f. Academic Year, 2018 -19 (CBSGS)
T.Y.B.A. / T.Y.B. Sc. Geography, Semester – V Paper: I X
QUESTION PAPER PATTERN [100 Marks : Time: 4 Hours]
Q. 1 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:
a) Write a Note on
Concept of Geospatial Technology (GST) / Components of GST / Importance of GST / Concept of
Remote Sensing Technology (RST) / Application of RST / Platforms / Resolution / Sensors
[Examiners should ask any one short note from this list.]
b) Draw a Diagram of :
Process of RS / EMR / EMS / Spectral Reflectance and Spectral Signature
[Examiners should ask any one diagram from this list.]
c) Interpretation of Physical and Manmade /Cultural/Anthropogenic f eatures of a Satellite Imagery /
Mapping of Thematic Layers based on a Satellite Imagery
[Examiners should ask any one question from this list.]
Q. 2 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:
a) Preparation of Landuse and Landform Classification of a Given DEM / Preparation of 3 -D Model
of the DEM Downloaded from Bhuvan Website .
b) Write a Note on:
Concept and Types of Aerial Photographs / Advanced Remote Sensing Technologies / Use of
Bhuvan Website
[Examiners should ask any one sh ort note from this list]
c) Interpretation of an Aerial Photograph . 08
Q. 3 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:
a) Write a Note on:
Concept of GPS ( Geographical Positioning System) / Segments of GPS / Applications of GPS /
Types of GPS / Data Accuracy and Errors / Factors Affecting GPS Data / Global Navigation
[Examiners should ask any one or two sh ort note /s from this list depending upon the content of that
topic .]
b) Survey of Given Five Points / One Track / One Area with GPS device and Noting Down the
Latitude, Longitude and Elevation .
c) Survey of Given Five Points / One Track / One Area with GPS device and Transfer the Data in the
Software and Prepare a Suitable Map .
Q. 4 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:
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AC - 26/12/2018
Item No. : 4.18
a) Write a Note on:
Concept and Components of GIS / Applications of GIS / Map Projection and Coordinate System /
GIS Data Acquisition / GIS Data and Types
[Examiners should ask any one sh ort note from this list.]
b) Import the Given Image , Stored in the Computer , into GIS Software and Geo -reference it 08
c) Create Layers by Digitization of Point, Line and Polygon Features
[Examiners may ask the student to use the above Geo -referenced Image or can give the ready
Georeferenced Image for digitization.]
Q. 5 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:
a) Write a Note on:
Functions of Database Creation – Input, Editing and Linking / Spatial Database Analysis: Overlay,
Merge, Query .
[Examiners should ask any one sh ort note from this list]
b) Create Non -Spatial Database (Edit / Link / Input) of Given Map (Spatial Data)
[Examiners should provide the Shape File and Data .] / Use the Function of Overlay / Merge Layers
/ Spatial Query and Display Suitable Output
[Examiners should provide the Shape Files of Different Landuses ]
c) Prepare a Thematic Map and Show Final Output by Using Map -Composer 08
Q. 6 Assessment of Thematic Maps (Prepared by Using GST Tools ) that are Attached to the Journal 10
Q. 7 Journal and Viva 10