Preamble for Geology1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Preamble for Geology1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC 14 -07-2016
Item No. 4.59
University of Mumbai

Syllabus for the B.Sc
Subject : Geology

(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 2016–2017)


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The Rational:

Why study geology?
Are you interested in understanding how our planet earth formed? How the mountains ,
valleys, rivers and seas formed and why they are where they are seen today? And how earths
internal energy is responsible for shaping the earth’s surface? Want to study gl obal change,
not just during historical time, but over the whole lifetime of the Earth , which is 4.65 billion
years? And also find out how the age of our planet was arrived at? ? Are you interested in
the origin and development of our landscape and in how plate tectonics control the surface
features of the Earth such as earthquakes and volcanoes? Do you mull over how we can
manage our natural resources which are getting meager by the day, more sustainably?

A Geologist is the Sherlock H olmes or a forensic detective, who tries to unravel the past and
the future of the Earth through analysis and understanding of the earth’s internal, surface and
external processes observed today.

Learners who enjoy working outdoors, and are enthusiastic about trekking through hills and
valley, fascinated by rocks, mineral and soils, have a good scientific background, and are
interested in understanding how the world around them works will find this major branch of
the earth sciences a rewarding area of study.

What will I s tudy?
Geology is a field- based, multi -disciplinary science that integrates the principles of
chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics in the study of Earth processes and history.
Geologists and geoscientists study a broad range of topics including plate tectonics, glaciers,
floods, groundwater flow – even dinosaur evolution. Geologists are increasingly in demand
to study and evaluate geologic hazards and natural resources such as oil and gas.

Why should I choo se Geology at Mumbai University?
Our three year (six semester) geology degree course covers all major aspects of this
discipline; it is ideal if you want to keep your options open or are presently uncertain about
your future career plans. All our undergraduate (BSc) degree s provide apt opportunit ies for
postgraduate studies and also general graduate employment. You can also extend your studies
with our two -year M.Sc, which allows you to focus on a dissertation (research project ) and
take a number of speci alist postgraduate geology courses . The University and its affiliated
colleges also has a superb library.

The Geology course is affiliated to, and recognized by the University of Mumbai. You will
enjoy ample opportunity to put what you have learned in to practice on field trips.
