Physics for MSc in Materials Science 1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Physics for MSc in Materials Science 1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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University of Mumbai

Proposal for
Master of Science in
Material Science
(M. Sc. in Material Science )
(Choice Based and Credit System )
with effect from the Academic year 2020 -21onwards

Semesters -I to IV

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Cover Page

Date: 24.04.2020 Signature :

Dr. AnuradhaMisra
Name of BOS Chairperson

Sr. No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course O.6594 M.Sc. in Material Science
2 Eligibility for Admission
O.6595 Bachelor of Science degree with Physics, or Chemistry, as a
major subject (i.e. upto the third year B. Sc. level), or Bachelor
of Engineering degree (BE / BTech) examination or an
examination of another University recognized as equivalent
3 Passing Marks 55%
4 Ordinances / Regulations ( if
5 No. of Years / Semesters
R.9341 4 semesters
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status New / Revised
( Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year From Academic Year: 2020 -2021
Dr. AnuradhaMajumdar
Dean, Science and Technology AC___________
Item No. ______


Syllabus for Approval

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(i) Necessity to start to this course?

Importance of Material Science
Architecting novel and advance materials has been a source of inspiration since ancient times.
Materials have transformed civilization beyon d the wildest imagination of our predecessors.
These days, like food, air, water and shelter, one cannot survive without materials and thus it is
always in news. The world's long -term economic development depends on the existence of
efficient, innovative a nd smart materials and their industries. These in turn rely on individuals
who possess a sound grasp of their legal, economic, technical and policy backgrounds.
Materials science is multidisciplinary and covers everything from the production of aluminum,
steel and silicon - to the development of new materials. The materials have wide application,
and they can be used in petroleum activities, energy technology or for more everyday products
such as knives. Material technology is therefore an important focus a rea for Indian industry.
The right choice of materials can save companies a lot of money and work! Today, materials
technologists face exciting challenges such as environmentally friendly metal production and
recycling, advanced material use in the oil and gas operations, as well as the development of
new materials based on nanotechnology for environmentally friendly and efficient utilization of
our national energy resources.

Why Study Master in Material Science?
Student Perspective
1. Prospect to study Interdisciplinary area:
Today’s most of the challenging global problems can be solved by integrating the knowledge of
various disciplines which can analytically and creatively embrace new idea. This material
science course contains elements of basic science (physics, mathematics, biology and
chemistry) blended with emerging technology and engineering aspects and all these will be
taught in a cohesive and self -contained way during the course. This makes for a varied and
stimulating experience, giving you the tools to make a real di fference in industry and research.

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Having understanding of various disciplines will also provide flexibility to choose and switch
different fields during the course of your career. Most importantly by multidisciplinary
perception one develop skill of criti cal thinking to look a problem beyond disciplinary
boundaries to consider other viewpoints and, to compare and generate concepts across subject
2. Employment opportunities in Material Science field:
The ability to create new materials and to make existing materials perform better is the key to
many advances in areas of science and engineering, be it in industry or research organizations.
The world's long -term economic development depends on the existence of efficient, innovative
and smart mate rials and their industries. These in turn rely on individuals who possess a sound
grasp of their legal, economic, technical and policy backgrounds. This course provides expertise
in areas that are important to India as an industrial nation, both today and in the future. As a
material science student, you will benefit from this expertise and receive an education that is
both relevant and career -enhancing in a later job situation.
With expertise in materials science a student can choose from range of sectors like
aerospace,armed forces and defence, automotive, material manufacturing, nuclear industry, oil
and gas, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, utilities,renewable energy, environmental and
biomedical. Not constrained to the industrial jobs one can also h ave shinning career in research
and academics. As per the report in journal of “ Nature ” the total share of material science
based research articles is in range of 20 -40 % in all the developed countries and this is growing
each year by substantial amount, t hus offering more career opportunity in research and
3. Studying Material Science at University of Mumbai (UoM):
Material science being one of the most prominent area of research in most of the science and
technology departments of UoM, thus give us the prospect to gather highly expertise and
prolific teachers from various departments to teach this course. Within these different
departments specialized research laboratories will be used for the practical classes where one
will get the real fee l of the research equipment. This will give a student an interesting
experience and greater understanding of the area along with networking with different

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departments of UoM for Future Avenue. At the same time this study program will have small
classes wi th approx. 30 students, which makes it easy to get acquainted with their fellow
students and with the faculty teachers from the various department. This makes the material
science study completely unique, and distinguishes the study from other university c ourses. All
modules are heavily contextualized and draw on the wide network of expert staff of UoM in
delivering a cutting edge programme of the highest quality and relevance to students. In
addition, the collaboration of UoM with reputed material research institutes (BARC, TIRF, IIT
Bombay, ICT) and R&D labs of industries (Reliance, Pidilite, Tata etc.) will allow each student to
explore the possibility to execute their project work in these reputed institutions for the master
thesis. UoM being one of the biggest and oldest university of India we have large network of
alumni who can guide and support the students in the area of their choice for the career.
Therefore, one should choose to study materials science at Mumbai University.
4. Studying Material Scien ce can lead to International Career:
World over materials Science is a key aspect of most companies, universities and research
institutes. In the race to make things stronger, cheaper, lighter, more functional and more
sustainable, the manipulation of mat erials, their properties and processes is crucial for these
institutions. This means graduates in this area can work, or do research in most countries of the
world, and many of our alumni have done just that. As per “Material Research Society” website
ther e about 42 types of scholarship and grants available for the admission in PhD degree across
the top ranked universities of world. Proper guidance to successfully achieve these
international scholarship and grants will also be provided by our experienced te achers having
international collaboration.

University Perspective
1. Integration of the departments of Science and Technology discipline:
Out of 11 departments of science & technology of UoM distinguish faculty members of 8 of
these departments are activ ely involved in various research areas of Material Science. Thus
through this course these teachers will get opportunity to teach their expertise field in material
science. This will also offer prospect for these faculty members to gel with the teachers fr om

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other departments and explore the possible avenue for the multidisciplinary research and
extend the research network for the high impact output.

2. Academia -Industry collaboration:
Since the present course is a professional course with more exposure to wards the industries so
the teachers involved in the course will have possibility to explore the future collaboration with
industries through the students involved in this course. Students will be encourage to take -up
the industrial problem for the master thesis which will also generate financial benefits to the
university through consultancy projects. There are shining examples of fruitful collaboration
between universities, industry partners and start -ups. Many ideas from research in universities
are put to use through collaboration between universities and firms. Others reach the market
through licensing or start -up companies.

It is well known that material sector has its own impact on the progress and development of
any nation. The availability of various material resources and in house capability to use it in the
appropriate manner for productive development of a nation is the key factor in the economic
growth of the country. Keeping this long term need in mind at department of Physics,
University of Mumbai, we would like open a new branch as material Science.
The main goal would be to promote interdisciplinary research, development and teaching
activities in the field of materials. The major objective of this effort will be to bring and to bear,
the expertise and facilities that are available in the various science departments on the
university campus, for purpose of teaching and solving some of the frontline problems, both of
basic and applied nature.
We hereby proposed to start a 2 years MSc pro gram in “Material Science”. The main aim is to
train the students so that they can take the field of Materials as their future career and lead in
solving the global problems in this area by scientific research. All modules are heavily
contextualized and dr aw on the wide network of expert staff in delivering a cutting edge
programme of the highest quality and relevance to students.

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(ii) Whether UGC has recommended to start the said course ?

UGC recommendation:
UGC in its public notice dated 23rd December 2013 with reference number F.No.14 -9/2013(CPP -
II) have recommended and approved post graduate course in “Material Science and
Technology” as a professional course of 2 years for the affiliated University and Colleges.

(iii) Whether this course have commenced from the academic year
2020 -21?

(iv) This course will be self -financed, whether adequate number of
eligible permanent faculties are available ?

Yes we have adequate number of eligible permanent faculties to teach this course. Material
Science course is an interdisciplinary course and contains elements of basic science (physics ,
mathematics, biology and chemistry) blended with engineering aspects and all these will be
taught in a cohesive manner by the permanent faculties , having expertise, from various Science
& Technology departments of University of Mumbai.

(v) To give details regarding the duration of the course and is it
possible to compress the course?

M. Sc. in Material Science Program is two years full -time course for the candidates who have
passed the B.Sc. degree (Physics, or Chemistry or Biology , as a major subject )or
BE/BTech degree. As per the guidelines from UGC
( ) a candiadate is eligible to receive M.Sc.

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degree only after completion of minimum two years of the course with earned the minimum
number of credits prescribed by the University for the master programme.

(vi) The intake capacity of each course and no. of admission given in the
current academic year (2020 -21)?

The intake capacity of the “Material Science” course is maximum30 candidates

(vii) Opportunities of Employability/Employment available after
undertaking these courses.

The ability to create new materials and to make existing materials perform better is the key to
many advances in areas of science and engineering, be it in industry or research organizations.
The world's long -term economic development depends on the existence of efficient, innovative
and smart materials and their industries. These in turn rely on individuals who possess a sound
grasp of their legal, economic, technical and policy backgrounds. This course provides expertise
in areas that are important to India as an industrial nation, both today and in the future. As a
material science student, you will benefit from this expertise and receive an education that is
both relevant and career -enhancing in a later job situation.
With expertise in materials science a student can choose from range of sectors like aerospace,
armed forces and defence, automot ive, material manufacturing, nuclear industry, oil and gas,
pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, utilities, renewable energy, environmental and
biomedical. Not constrained to the industrial jobs one can also have shinning career in research
and academics. As per the report in journal of “ Nature ” the total share of material science
based research articles is in range of 20 -40 % in all the developed countries and this is growing
each year by substantial amount, thus offering more career opportunity in researc h and

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Architecting novel and advance materials has been a source of inspiration since ancient times.
Materials have transformed civilization beyond the wildest imagination of our predecessors.
These days, like food, air, water and shelter, one cannot survive without materials and thus it is
always in news. The world's long -term economic development depends on the existence of
efficient, innovative and smartmaterials and their industries. These in turn rely on individuals
who possess a sound grasp of their legal, economic, technical and policy backgrounds.
Materials science is multidisciplinary and covers everything from the production of aluminum,
steel and silicon - to the development of new materials. The materials have wide application,
and they can be used in petroleum activities, energy technology or for more everyday products
such as knives. Material technology is therefore an important focus area for Indian industry.
The right choice of materials can save companies a lot of money and work! Today, materials
technologists face exciting challenges such as environmentally friendly metal production and
recycling, advanced material use in the oil and gas operations, as well a s the development of
new materials based on nanotechnology for environmentally friendly and efficient utilization of
our national energy resources.

1. Why study Materials Science?
Materials Science is the study for those who are curious about why different m aterials are used
for different purposes, how they are made and assembled and how they can be developed and
improved. The study provides expertise in areas that are important to India as an industrial
nation, both today and in the future. As a material sci ence student, you will benefit from this
expertise and receive an education that is both relevant and career -enhancing in a later job
There are many different companies that need people with expertise in materials science, and
students as a mate rial scientist will have many opportunities after graduation in field industry,
research and academics.

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At the same time this study program will have small classes with approx. 30 students, which
makes it easy to get acquainted with their fellow students. The sense of class, the unity and the
personal contact with the faculty teachers from the various department make the material
science study completely unique, and distinguishes the study from other university studies.
Therefore, one should choose to study materials science at Mumbai University.

2. Goals
It is well known that material sector has its own impact on the progress and development of
any nation. The availability of various material resources and in house capability to use it in the
appropriate man ner for productive development of a nation is the key factor in the economic
growth of the country. Keeping this long term need in mind at department of Physics,
University of Mumbai, we would like open a new branch as material Science .
The main goal woul d be to promote interdisciplinary research, development and teaching
activities in the field of materials . The major objective of this effort will be to bring and to bear,
the expertise and facilities that are available in the various science departments o n the
university campus, for purpose of teaching and solving some of the frontline problems, both of
basic and applied nature.
We hereby proposed to start a 2 years MSc program in “Material Science”. The main aim is to
train the students so that they can t ake the field of Materials as their future career and lead in
solving the global problems in this area by scientific research. All modules are heavily
contextualized and draw on the wide network of expert staff in delivering a cutting edge
programme of the highest quality and relevance to students.

3. Eligibility .
M. Sc. in “ Material Science ” Program will be open to a candidate passed the Bachelor of Science
degree examination with Physics, or Chemistry, as a major subject (i.e. upto the third year B. Sc.
level), or Bachelor of Engineering degree (BE / BTech) examination or an examination of
another University recognized as equivalent thereto.

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4. Intake Capacity . R.9340
Intake capacity - 30 maximum, with minimum - 20 candidates

5. Course Structure & Distribution of Credits.

M. Sc. in Material Science Program is 2 years full -time course which will consists of total 12
(twelve) theory courses, total 6 (six) practical lab courses and 1 (one) project (thesis based) in
the last semester. Each theory co urse will be of 4 (four) credits, a practical lab course will be of
4 (four) credits and a project will be of 24 (twenty four) credits. A student earns 24 (twenty
four) credits per semester and total 96 (ninety six) credits in four semesters. The course
structure is as follows,
Theory Courses
Paper -1 Paper -2 Paper -3 Paper -4
Semester -I Applied
Mathematics and
Basic Quantum
Mechanics Thermodynamics
and Statistical
Material Science Properties of
Semester -II Types of
Material s Thin Film , Crystal
and Solid Growth Advance Material
Characterization Computational
Material Science
Semester -III Nanoscience &
Nanomaterials Materials for
Energy &
Environment Materials for
sensor, electronics
and Photonoics Soft condense
matter and

Practical Lab courses
Semester -I Material Science Lab -I Material Science Lab -2
Semester -II Characterization of Material s Lab Material Designing and synthesis Lab
Semester -III Nanomaterial & Functional MaterialLab Applied Materials Lab

One Semester Project:

Semester -IV Dissertation based R&D Project

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Semester I

M.Sc. in Material Science Program for Semester -I consists of four theory courses and two
practical courses. The details are as follows:
Theory Course s (4): 16 hours per week (One lecture of one week duration)
Theory Paper Subject Lectures (Hrs) Credits
PSMS101 Applied Mathematics
and Basic Quantum
Mechanics 60 04
PSMS102 Thermodynamics and
Statistical Mechanics 60 04
PSMS103 Fundamental Material
Science 60 04
PSMS104 Properties of Solids 60 04
Total 240 16

Practical lab courses (2): 16 hours per week
Practical Lab Course Practical Lab Sessions (Hrs) Credits
Material Science Lab -I 120 04
Material Science Lab -II 120 04
Total 240 08

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Semester II
M.Sc. in Material Science Program for Semester -II consists of four theory courses and
two practical courses. The details are as follows:

Theory Course s (4): 16 hours per week (One lecture of one week duration)
Theory Paper Subjects Lectures (Hrs) Credits
PSMS201 Types of Material s 60 04
PSMS202 Thin Film , Crystal and
Solid Growth 60 04
PSMS203 Advance Material
Characterization 60 04
PSMS204 Computational Material
Science 60 04
Total 240 16

Practical lab courses (2): 16 hours per week
Practical Lab Course Practical Lab Sessions (Hrs) Credits
Characterization of Material s
Lab 120 04
Material Designing and
synthesis Lab 120 04
Total 240 08

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Semester III
M.Sc. in Material Science Program for Semester -III consists of four theory courses ,and
twopractical course. The details are as follows:

Theory Courses (4): 16 hours per week (One lecture of one week duration)
Theory Paper Subjects Lectures (Hrs) Credits
PSMS301 Nanoscience &
Nanomaterials 60 04
PSMS302 Materials for Energy &
Environment 60 04
PSMS303 Materials for Sensor,
electronics and
Photonoics 60 04
PSMS304 Soft condense matter
and Biomaterials 60 04
Total 240 16

Practical lab courses (2): 16 hours per week
Practical Lab Course Practical Lab Sessions (Hrs) Credits
Nanomaterial &
Functional MaterialLab 120 04
Applied Materials Lab 120 04
Total 240 08

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Semester IV : PSMSP 401 Project Work
M.Sc. in Material Science Program for Semester -IV consists of full time dissertation based
research project of 24 credits. Every student will have to complete a separate project in
Semester IV with twenty four credits (600 marks). Students have to prepare and submit a
Master level thesis and the final evaluation will be done by external field expert on the bases of
the quality of the thesis and Viva -Voce examination .

The candidate shall be awarded the degree of Master of Science in Material
Science (M. Sc. in Material Science ) after completing the course and meeting all
the evaluation criteria.

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6. Scheme of Examination and Passing:

1. This course will have 40% Term Work (TW) / Internal Assessment (IA) and 60% external
(University written examination of 2.5 Hours duration for each course paper and
practical examination of 4 Hours duration for each practical). All external examination s
will be held at the end of each semester and will be conducted by the University as per
the existing norms.
2. Term Work / Internal Assessment - IA (40% ) and University examination (60%) - shall
have separate heads of passing. For Theory courses, internal assessment shall carry 40
marks and Semester -end examination shall carry 60 marks for each Theory Course.
3. To pass, a student has to obtain minimum grade point E and above ,separately in the IA
and external examination .
4. The University (external) examination for Theory and Practical shall be conducted at the
end of each Semester and the evaluation of Project work i.e. Dissertation, at the end of
the forth Semester by the external field expert .
5. The candidates shall appear for external examination of 4 theory courses each carrying
60 marks of 2.5 hours duration and 2 practical courses each carrying 100 marks at the
end of each semester.
6. The candidate shall p repare and submit for practical examination a certified Journal
based on the practical course carried out under the guidance of a faculty member s with
minimum number of experiments as specified in the syllabus for each group.
7. Standard of Passing for Univer sity Examinations:
As per ordinances and regulations prescribed by the University for semester based credit and
grading system

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8. Standard point scale for grading:

Grade Marks Grade Points
O 80 & above 10
A+ 70 to 79.99 9
A 60 to 6 9.99 8
B+ 55 to 59.99 7
B 50 to 54.99 6
C 45 to 49 .99 5
D 40 to 44 .99 4
F (Fail) 39.99 & below 0

9. Justification:

Materials Science has been a strength of the University Department of Physics with several
faculty members working in the broad areas of thin films, condensed matter physics, surface
physics, solid -state device physics, nanosynthesis, nanocatalysts and pho tocatalysts. The group
has been involved in basic research, teaching, developing technologies, and in some cases
transferring them to industry. In the past 8 years, the Department strength has increased from
a total of 8 faculty members to 16 at present an d many of the newly appointed faculty
members also have expertise in Materials Science and Soft Condensed Matter Physics.We have
developed a comprehensive laboratory for training and research in the field of “ Advance

In addition, there is a lo t expertise in the area of Material Science available in Mumbai due to
proximity to eminent institutions like IIT, Bombay, BARC, TIFR and ICT, Mumbai. Guest lecture s
from eminent material scientist from these institutions and persons from industry, a dedi cated
strong core group comprising of faculty members of Kalina campus and opportunity to perform
industry based projects will make it a unique program.

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10. Fee Structure:
Details of the Fees for the M.Sc. course for the 1st Year is given below.
Note: The Fees may be upwardly revised by the University and the revisedFees applicable at the
time of admission will be charged.

Sr. No Description of Fees Charged Amounts (Rupees)
1 Tuition 20000/ -
2 Other fees/Extracurricular activities 250/ -
3 Registration fee for M Sc Part I only 850/ -
4 Registration form fee 25/-
5 Laboratory fee 15000/-
6 Laboratory deposit 1000 /-
7 Library 2000 /-
8 Gymkhana 200/-
9 Admission processing fee 200/-
10 Vice chancellors fund 20/-
11 Magazine 100
12 Identity card 70/-
13 Group insurance 40/-
14 Student welfare 50/-
15 University sports and cultural activity 30/-
16 Development fee 1000 /-
17 Utility 250/-
18 Computer/internet 1000 /-
19 e suvidha 50/-
20 e charges 20/-
21 Disaster relief fund 10/-
22 Cultural Activity 6/-
Total 42,171/ -

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Details of the Fees for the M.Sc. course for the 2ndYear is given below.
Note: The Fees may be up wardly revised by the University and the revisedFees applicable at the
time of admission will be charged.

Sr. No Description of Fees Charged Amounts (Rupees)
1 Tuition 20000/ -
2 Other fees/Extracurricular activities 250/ -
3 Registration fee for M Sc Part I only 850/ -
4 Registration form fee 25/-
5 Laboratory fee 15000 /-
6 Project Component 5000/ -
7 Laboratory deposit 1000 /-
8 Library 2000 /-
9 Gymkhana 200/-
10 Admission processing fee 200/-
11 Vice chancellors fund 20/-
12 Magazine 100
13 Identity card 70/-
14 Group insurance 40/-
15 Student welfare 50/-
16 University sports and cultural activity 30/-
17 Development fee 1000 /-
18 Utility 250/-
19 Computer/internet 1000 /-
20 e suvidha 50/-
21 e charges 20/-
22 Disaster relief fund 10/-
23 Cultural Activity 6/-
Total 47,171/ -

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Other Charges: Amounts (Rupees)
Document verification (wherever
applicable) 400/ -
Form and Prospectus fee 100/ -
University Exam fee 600/ -
Mark sheet 50/-
Project fee(wherever applicable) 2000/ -
Convocation fee only for M Sc part II 250/ -
Refundable deposits:
Caution money 150/ -
Library deposit 250/ -

Formand prospectus fees will be collected at the time of the purchase of prospectus. In
addition,Railway concession fee, Cultural activity fee and library smart card fee will be
collected atthe time of admission for students taking admission, asprescribed by the
University. Any additional applicable f ees may be charged by University on
recommendation of the University aut horities .
NB: Foreign students will have to pay five times of prescribed fees.

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Complete Syllabus:
Semester 1 : Theory Courses
PSMS10 1: Applied Mathematics and Basic Quantum Mechanics (60 lectures, 4

Unit -1: Vector Calculus and Differential Equations
(A) Review of vector addition and multiplication – dot product, cross product, scalar and vector
triple products, concept of vector derivative (del operator) - gradient, divergence, curl and
Laplacian operators, convective derivative and Maxwell’s equations as examples
(B) Ordinary differential equations (ODE), first order ODE, second and higher order
homogenous linear ODE, ODE with inhomogeneous term, methods of solution, radioactive
decay and damped, driven harmonic oscillator as examples
(C) Partial Differential eq uations (PDE), linear homogeneous PDE, boundary conditions and
initial conditions, methods of solution, wave equation and Poisson/Laplace equation as

Unit 2: Matrices and Integral Transforms
(A) Matrices, revision of matrix addition and multiplication, algebraic properties of matrices,
their trace and their determinant, minimal concepts of linear algebra, the matrix eigenvalue
problem, diagonalisation of matrices
(B) Fourier series (basic introduction only), Fourier transform and properties, applications of
Fourier transform, Laplace transform and properties, applications of Laplace transform

Unit 3: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and the 1 -D Schrodinger equation
(A) Brief historical review (revision only), Postulates of QM, Observables and op erators,
measurement, the state function and expectation values, Dirac notation
(B) The time -dependent Schrodinger equation, time development of state functions, time -
independent Schrodinger equation, one -dimensional infinite well, finite well, barrier as
(C) Superposition principle and its implications, Commutator relations, Heisenberg’s
uncertainty principle (HUP), emphasis on HUP as a tool for order -of-magnitude estimates

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Unit 4: The 3 -D Schrodinger equation and some approximation methods
(A) 2-D and 3 -D Schrodinger equation in cartesian coordinates, particle in a 3 -D box
(B) Schrodinger equation in spherical polar coordinates (3 -D), the angular momentum problem
and the hydrogen atom as examples (direct quoting of the eigen -solutions, followed by
physic al interpretation)
(C) Concept of variational method to obtain ground state energies, Helium atom and Hydrogen
molecular ion as minimal examples

[1] “Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 7th ed.” – G. Arfken, H. Weber, F. E. Harris
[2] “Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, 3rd ed.” – M. L. Boas
[3] “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed.” – D. J. Griffiths
[4] “Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications, 2nd ed.” – N. Zettilli

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PSMS10 2: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (60 lectures, 4 credits)

Unit 1: Thermodynamics
(A) [Revision] Concept of temperature, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, types of processes, PV
diagram as a tool for analysis
(B) [Revision] Concepts of internal energy, work and heat, First law of thermodynamics,
thermodynamic state of a system, specific heat
(C) Second law of thermodynamics, efficiency of a thermodynamic cycle, irreversibility, concept
of entropy, TS diagram and it use
(D) Thermodynamic potentials: comparative analys is of Enthalpy, Helmholtz free energy and
Gibbs free energy, first order phase transitions and the Clausius -Clapeyron equation

Unit 2: Classical Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
(A) Statistical description of a system of particles, Phase space and number of accessible
microstates for a given the macrostate; Statistical definition of entropy; Gibb’s paradox and
correct counting of microstates
(B) Phase space density and ergodic hypothesis; Liouville theorem, Microcanonical ensemble,
classical ideal gas as an exam ple
(C) Canonical ensemble: Equilibrium between a system and an energy reservoir, Canonical
partition function (Z) and derivation of thermodynamics; Energy fluctuations
(D) Grand canonical ensemble: Equilibrium between a system and a particle -energy reservoir;
Grand partition function and derivation of thermodynamics; Fluctuations

Unit 3: Quantum Statistics and examples of Ideal Bose and Fermi systems
(A) Counting particle states for Bose and Fermi gases, Comparison to Boltzmann gas,
Calculation of partition function and thermodynamic variables
(B) Thermodynamics of an ideal Bose gas, Calculation of number density of particles, total
internal energy, equation of state and thermodynamic variables, Bose -Einstein
condensation temperature and number density; Debye theory of sp ecific heat as an
(C) Thermodynamics of an ideal Fermi gas, Calculation of number density of particles, total
internal energy, equation of state and thermodynamic variables, Concept of Fermi energy
and degenerate Fermi gas; free electron gas in metals and thermionic emission as examples

Page 26

Unit 4: Critical Phenomena and Transport Phenomena
(A) Gibbs density for spin systems with interaction, Ising and Heisenberg Hamiltonians with
quantum mechanical interaction between electric/magnetic dipoles. Calculating partition
function for a finite number of interacting spins, Solution of 1 -D Ising model, Illustration of
critical phase transition in 2 -D Ising model (no detailed treatment)
(B) First order and second order phase transitions. Thermodynamic potentials and deri vatives.
Universality of second order phase transitions. Transition temperature, critical exponents
(C) Random walk, Binomial distribution, Brownian motion,Kinetic theory of diffusion; Langevin
equation, Mean square velocities, mean square displacements, autoc orrelation functions
for random variables, Fluctuation -dissipation theorem

[1] “Heat and Thermodynamics, 7th ed.” – M. W. Zemansky, R. H. Dittman
[2] “Statistical Mechanics, 2nd ed.” – K. Huang
[3] “A Modern Course in Statistical Physics, 4th ed.” – L. E. Reichl
[4] “Statistical Mechanics, 3rd ed.” – R. K. Pathria, P. D. Beale

PSMS103: Fundamentals of Materials Science (60 lectures, 4 credits)
Unit 1: Crystallography
Crystal Structures and Crystal Geometry, The Space Lattice and Unit Cells, Crystal
Systems and Bravais Lattices, Principal Metallic Crystal Structures, Atom Positions in Cubic Unit
Cells, Directions in Cubic Unit Cells, Miller Indices For Crystallographic Planes In Cubic Unit
Cells, Crystallographic Planes and Directions In Hexagonal Uni t Cells, Comparison of FCC,HCP,
and BCC Crystal Structures, Volume, Planar, and Linear Density Unit Cell Calculations,
Polymorphism or Allotr opy, Crystal Structure Analysis, Point group, Space group , Crystalline
Imperfections, point defects, dislocations a nd stacking faults.

Unit 2: Metallurgy
Solidification of Metals, Solidification of Single Crystals, Metallic Solid Solutions, Rate
Processes in Solids, Diffusion In Solids, Industrial Applications of Diffusion Processes, Effect of
Temperature on Diffusion In Solids. Phase Diagrams, Phase Diagra ms of Pure Substances,
Gibbs Phase Rule, Binary Isomorphous Alloy Systems, The Lever Rule, Nonequilibrium
Solidification of Alloys, Binary Eutectic Alloy Systems, Binary Peritectic Alloy Systems, Binary

Page 27

Monotectic Systems, Invariant Reactions, Phase Diagra ms With Intermediate Phases and
Compounds, Ternary Phase Diagrams

Unit 3: Mechanical Properties of Solids
Mechanical Properties of Metals, the Processing of Metals and Alloys, Stress and Strain
In Metals, The Tensile Test and The Engineering Stress -Strain Diagram, Hardness and
HardnessTesting, Plastic Deformation of Metal Single Crystals, Plastic Deformation of
PolycrystallineMetals, Solid -Solution Strengthening of Metals, Recovery and Recrystallization
of PlasticallyDeformed. Metals, Fracture of Metals, Fatigue of Metals, Creep and Stress
Rupture of Metals . Tribology: wear of metals –mechanisms, factors influencing wear, wear
resistance -protection against wear

Unit 4: Degradation of Metals
Corrosion, Electrochemical Corrosion of Metals, Galvan ic Cells, Corrosion Rates
(Kinetics), Types of Corrosion, Oxidation of Metals, Corrosion Control .
Prevention of degradation: Alloying environment, environment conditioning, design
modification, Cathodic and anodic protection, organic and inorganic coating, inhibitors and
passivators, Wear resistant coating.

PSMS104: Properties of Solids (60 lectures, 4 credits)

Unit -1: Lattice vibrations and thermal properties
Vibrations of Monoatomic Lattice, normal mode frequencies, dispersion relation; Lattic e
with two atoms per unit cell (diatomic linear chain), normal mode frequencies, dispersion
relation, Quantization of lattice vibrations: Phonons, phonon momentum,
Inelastic scattering of neutrons by phonons, Surface vibrations, Inelastic Neutron scatteri ng,
Complementarity between X -ray and Neutron Diffraction methods
Thermal Energy of a harmonic oscillator (Specific Heat models of Einstein and Debye; review),
Anharmonic Crystal Interaction. Thermal conductivity – Lattice Thermal Resistivity, Phonon
collision: Normal and Umklapp Processes, Effects due to anharmonicity: Thermal Expansion

Unit -2: Electric and Dielectric properties
Electric properties of metals, classical free electron theory of metals, Fermi Dirac
statistic and electron distribution in solids, Density of energy states and Fermi energy, Free
electron gas in one and three dimensional box, Motion of electrons and effective mass, The

Page 28

Boltzmann equation and relaxation time, Electrical conduc tivity of metals and alloys,
Mathiessen’s rule, Thermo -electric effects, Wiedmann -Franz Law, Lorentz number, ac
Maxwell’s equations in dielectric medium, Polarization, Theory of Local Electric field at an atom,
Clausius -Mossotti relation, Ele ctronic polarizability, Frequency dependence of polarizability,
Polarization Catastrophe Ferroelectricity, Antiferroelectricity, Piezoelectricity, ferroel asticity
with suitable examples.

Unit 3: Magnetic and Superconductive Properties
Diamagnetism and Pa ramagnetism, Langevin theory of diamagnetism, Hund’s rules to
determine ground state of ions with partially filled shell, Temperature dependence of
paramagnetism: Curie Law, Magnetic ordering in solids: Ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and
ferrimagnetic, Magnetic hysteresis and ferromagnetic domains, Examples of magnetic materials
for various applications
Superconductivity: Occurrence of superconductivity, Meissner effect, Isotope effect, Critical
fields: Type I and Type II behavior
Theoretical survey: London equations, Outline of BCS theory, Josephson superconducting
effect (DC and AC), Superconducting materials: Conventional and High -Tc and some

Unit 4: Semiconductor Properties
Band theory of Soilds, Formation of bands in solids, Densit y of states, Bloch theorem,
Kronig Penny Model, Nearly free electron approximation, Gaps at Brillouin Zones boundaries,
electron states, Classification into conductors, semiconductors, and insulators, Effective mass
and concept of holes, Fermi surface
Elementary theory of semiconductors, conductivity of semiconductors, simplified model of an
intrinsic semiconductor and insulator, carrier statistics in intrinsic and extrinsic crystals,
electrical conductivity, mobility of charge carriers, Hall effect, di rect and indirect, law of mass
action and chemical potential of semiconductors, advantages and applications of
semiconductor devices.

Page 29

Semester 1 : Laboratory Courses
PSMSP101 :Material Science Lab -I (Practical Lab session 120 hrs a nd 4 credits)

Students have to perform minimum of 8 experiments from the list given below:

List of Experiments
1. Susceptibility measurement by Guoy’s balance method
2. Study of Hall effect and estimation of Hall coefficient R, carrier density (n) and carier
mobility of Semiconductor material
3. Measurement of Magneto resistance of Bi specimen
4. Michelson Interferometer
5. Study of variation of dielectric constant of a ferro electric material with
temperature (barium titanate)
6. Ultrasonic Interferometer – Young’s modulus and elas tic constant of solids
7. Study of Thermal properties of given crystal (specific heat, thermal expansion,
thermal conductivity)
8. Study of variation of magnetic properties with composition of a ferrite Specimen using
BH loop tracer
9. Study of colourcentres and t hermo luminance of alkali halides (Metal Oxides)
10. Resistivity & Energy band gap by four probe method

PSMSP10 2:Material Science Lab -II (Practical Lab session 120 hrs a nd 4 credits)

Students have to perform minimum of 8 experiments from the list given below:

List of Experiments
1. Rockwell and Brinnels Hardness testing of Materials
2. Studying the corrosion properties of coatings
3. Determine Dielectric Constant of Ferroelectric Material using LCR bridge
4. Resistivity of Ge sample by van der Pauw method at different temp and determination
of band gap
5. Grain Size measurement Ferrous alloys and Non -ferrous Alloys using optical microscope
6. Image analysis, finding defects, particle size analysis from SEM and TE M images
7. Investigating Crystal structure and miller indices of the given XRD Pattern
8. Non -Destructive Technique – Ultrasonic flaw detector
9. Laser Experiments – Wavelength and Particle Size Determination
10. Refractive index of Material using He -Ne laser
11. Thermo -emf of bulk samples of metals (aluminium or copper)

Page 30

Semester 2: Theory Courses
PSMS 201: Types of Material (60 lectures, 4 credits)

Unit 1: Engineering Alloys
Engineering Alloys, Production of Iron and Steel, The Iron -Iron Carbide Phase Diagram,
Heat Treatment of Plain -Carbon Steels, Low -Alloy Steels, stainless steel, cast irons Aluminum
Alloys, Copper Alloys, Magnesium, Titanium, and Nickel Alloys

Unit 2: Pol ymeric material
Polymeric Materials, Polymerization Reactions, Industrial Polymerization Methods,
Crystallinity and Stereoisomerism In Some Thermoplastics, Processing of Plastic Materials,
General -Purpose Thermoplastics, Engineering Thermoplastics, Thermosetting Plastics
(Thermosets), Elastomers(Rubbers), Deformation and Strengthening of Plastic Materials, Creep
and Fracture of Polymeric Materials Application of polymers: Polymer additives, as coating
materials, fillers, plasticizers, stabilizers, lu bricants, colorants, flame retardants, Conducting
polymers as gas sensors, and biosensors. Optical sensors.

Unit 3: Ceramic and Composite material
Ceramic Materials, Simple Ceramic Crystal Structures, Silicate Structures, Processing of
Ceramics, Traditional and Technical Ceramics, Electrical Properties of Ceramics, Mechanical
Properties of Ceramics, Thermal Properties of Ceramics, Glasses.
Composite Materials, Fibersfor Reinforced -Plastic Composite Materials, Fiber -Reinforced -Plastic
Composite Materials,Open -Mold Processes for Fiber -Reinforced -Plastic Composite Materials,
Closed -Mold Processesfor Fiber -Reinforced -Plastic Composite Ma terials, Concrete , Asphalt and
Asphalt Mixes, Wood,Sandwich Structures

Unit 4: Advance Materials
Electrets - properties and applications - Metallic glasses - Properties and applications -
SMART materials - Piezoelectric, magnetostrictive, electrostrictive materials - Shap e memory
alloys - Rheological fluids – CCD device materials and applications, Ferrofuilds, spintronics
material, Metamaterials, Graphene, super alloy, Spinel materials, Perovskites, MEMS, NEMS ,
Material for Quantum technology.

Page 31


PSMS20 2: Thin film and Crystal Growth (60 lectures, 4 credits)

Unit I – Vacuum Techniques
Fundamental processes at low pressures, Mean Free Path, Time to form monolayer,
Number density, Materials used at low pressure, vapour pressure Impingement rate, Flow of
gases, Production of low pressures; High Vacuum Pumps and systems, Ultra High Vacuum
Pumps and System, Measurement of pressure, Leak detections

Unit 2 --Thin film deposition techniques
Preparation of Thin Films: Thermal evaporation, e -beam deposition, Cathode Sputtering,
DC sputtering, Magentron sputtering, Chemical vapor Deposition, Laser Ablation, Molecular
Beam epitaxy, electro -plating, sol -gel method (Spin and Dip coatings), Langmur -Blochet Films

Unit 3 Crystal Growth phenomena
The historical development of crystal growth – significance of single crystals - the
chemical physics of crystal growth Crystal growth: Phase equilibria and Crystallization
Techniques, phase diagrams and so lubility curves, Kinetics of Nucleation, Rate equation,
Heterogeneous and secondary nucleation, Crystal surfaces, growth mechanisms, mass
transport, crystal morphology,, influence of supersaturation, temperature, solvents, impurities;
Polymorphism – phase transition and kinetics.

Unit 4: Crystal Growth Technology
Silicon, Compound semiconductors, CdTe, CdZnTe, Czochralski technique, Bridgman
technique, Float zone Process, Liquid Phase expitaxy, Molecular Beam epitaxy. Growth of Oxide
& Halide crystals - Techniques and applications,

Page 32


PSMS203: Advance Material Characterization: (60 lectures, 4 credits)

Unit I: Microscopy
Optical microscopy, Fluorescence microscopy, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Scanning Transmission electron microscopy (STEM),
Atomic Force microscopy (AFM), Scanning Tunneling microscopy (STM), Electron Probe mi cro-
analyzer (EPMA).

Unit 2: Electromagnetic Radiation Spectroscopy
UV-Vis Spectroscopy, X -Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy, Fourier -Transform
Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman Spectroscopy, Photoluminescence Spectroscopy (PL),
Rotational Spectrosco py, X -Ray Diffraction (XRD)

Unit 3: Particle Spectroscopy
X-Ray photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Auger electron Spectroscopy (AES), Neutron
diffraction, Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS), Mass Spectroscopy, Nuclear
magnetic resonance Spe ctroscopy (NMR), Inductive Couple Plasma mass Spectroscopy (ICPMS),
Electron spin resonance Spectroscopy

Unit 4: Thermal and electrical characterization techniques
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential
Thermal Analysis (DTA), Two and Four probe method, Van der Pauw method, Hall probe
method, Electrochemical (IV, CV, Impedance, Capacitance) Measurements, BET -Surface area

Page 33

PSMS204: Computational Material Science (60 lectures, 4 credits)

Unit – I – Basic Concepts and Theoretical Background
Introduction and basic concepts: Theoretical background, basic equations for
interacting electrons and nuclei, Coulomb interaction in condensed matter, Independent
electron approximations, periodic solid s and electron bands, structures of crystals: lattice +
basis, the reciprocal lattice and Brillouin zone, excitations and the Bloch theorem.
The quantum theory of bonding: The Hamiltonian formulation, Dirac notation, electronic wave
function, Schrödinger e quation.

Unit – 2 – Quantum Mechanics of Materials
Central field approximation, Hamiltonian of the solid, Born -Oppenheimer
approximation, hydrogen atom and molecule.
Hartree -Fock method: Coulomb and exchange operator, Fock operator, the HartreeFock
Hamiltonian, basis set, charge density, the self -consistent field (SCF) procedure,expectation
Density functional theory: Exact formulation, approximations, choice of basisfunctions,
essential machinery of a place -wave DFT code, energy minimization a nddynamics.
Semi -empirical tight binding methods: Linear combination of atomic orbitals(LCAO),
Hamiltonian and overlap matrices, Slater -Koster parameters for two -centerintegral, tight
binding to empirical atomistic models.

Unit – 3 – Molecular Statics
The potential energy landscapes.
Energy minimization: Generic nonlinear minimization, steepest descent, lineminimization,
conjugate method, Newton -Raphson method.
Saddle points and transition paths: Nudged elastic band methodImplementing molecular
statics: Ne ighbor list, periodic boundary condition,applying stress and pressure, boundary
conditions on atoms.Application to crystals and crystalline defects: Cohesive energy of an
infinitecrystal, crystal defects (vacancies, surfaces, interfaces, dislocations).

Unit – 4 – Modelling and Simulations of Materials
Model systems and interatomic potentials,
Molecular Dynamics: Equations of motion for atomic systems, the basic machineryand finite
difference methods, time integration algorithm, starting a simulation,simula tion of
microcanonical (NVE) and canonical ensemble (NVT), controlling thesystem (temperature,
pressure), thermostats and barostats, equilibration, running,measuring and analyzing MD
simulation data, measurement of statistical quantities,estimating errors.

Page 34

1. Condensed Matter in a Nutshell, G. D. Mahan, Princeton University Press, Princeton and
Oxford (2011).
2. Modern Quantum Chemistry – Introduction to Advanced Electronics Structure Theory,
A Szabo and N. S. Oslund, Dover Publications Inc., Mineola, New York, (1989).
3. Electronic Structure Calculations for Solids and Molecules – Theory and Computational
Methods, Jorge Kohanoff, Cambridge University Press, 1 edition (2006).
4. Modelling materials – Continuum, Atomistic, Multiscale Techniques, E. B. Tadmor and
R. E. Miller, Cambridge University Press, New York (2011).
5. Computer Simulation of Liquids, M. P. Allen and D. J. Tildesley, Clarendon Press –
Oxford, (1991).
6. Understanding Molecular Simulations, D. Frenkel and B. Smit, Academic Press, (2002).

Page 35

Semester 2: Laboratory Courses
PSMSP 201:Characterization of Materials Lab (Practical Lab session 120 hrs and 4

Students have to perform minimum of 8 experiments from the list given below:

List of Experiments
1. Strain analysis and Particle size determination by XRD and Phase determination by
2. Finding type of molecules and vibration levels using FTIR and Raman Spectra.
3. Study of optical properties of material by using UV -Vis spectroscopy
4. Finding the BET surface area of give n material using nitrogen absorption -desorption.
5. Study Luminance material using Photo -Luminance (PL) spectroscopy
6. Indexing of Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED) pattern to crystal structure.
7. Determining the elements and its composition by XRF me asurement.
8. XPS data analysis: Finding chemical states and chemical shift from XPS spectra.
9. Study crystallization of solids using DSC technique.
10. Mössbauer Spectra analysis of Fe -based specimen: Determination of isomer shift,
hyperfine field, estimation of oxidation state in ferrite samples.
11. Thickness and Refractive index measurement using Elipsometery.

PSMSP 202:Material Designing and synthesis Lab (Practical Lab session 120 hrs
and 4 credits)

Students have to perform minimum of 8 experiments from the list given below:

List of Experiments
1. Handling of Vacuum system and finding pumping characteristic of vacuum pumps.
2. Deposition of metal thin film using thermal evaporation system.
3. Deposition of non -conducting material thin film using RF -magnetron sputter ing system.
4. Synthesis of thin film by sol -gel method (Spin -coating & Dip -coating).
5. Constructing material by solid state method
6. Synthesis of Spinel or Perovskites material by chemical methods
7. Designing of material by Computational tools - 1.
8. Designing of m aterial by Computational tools - 2.
9. Studying material properties by Computational tools - 1.
10. Studying material properties by Computational tools - 2.

Page 36


Semester 3: Theory Courses
PSMS301: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (60 lectures, 4 credits)

Unit 1:
1. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies: An Overview, Why Nanomaterials? Scale, Structure,
and Behavior, A Brief History of Materials, Nanomaterials and Nanostructures in Nature.
2. Nanomaterials: Classes and Fundamentals, Classification of Nanomaterials Size Effects,
Surface to Volume Ratio Versus Shape, Magic Numbers, Surface Curvature, Strain Confinement
3. Synthesis and Characterization, Synthesis of Nanoscale Materialsand Str uctures, Methods for
Making 0D Nanomaterials, Methods for Making 1D and 2D, Nanomaterials, Methods for
Making 3D Nanomaterials, Top -Down Processes, Intermediate Processes, Bottom Up Processes,
Methods for Nanoproflling, Characterization of Nanomaterials
4. Cohesive Energy: Ionic solids, Defects in Ionic solids, Covalently bonded solids, Organic
crystals, Inert -gas solids, Metals, Conclusion
5. Quantum effect: Quantum wells, wires and dots: Fabricating Quantum Nanostructures:
Solution fabrication, Size and dimensionality effects: Size effects, Size effects on conduction
electrons, Conduction electrons and dimensionality, Fermi gas and density of states, Potential
wells, Partial confinement, Properties dependent on density of states; Excitons, Single electro n
Tunneling; Applications: Infrared detectors, Quantum dot lasers

Unit 2:
1. Vibrational Properties: The finite One -dimensional monoatomic lattice, Ionic solids,
Experimental Observations: Optical and acoustical modes; Vibrational spectroscopy of surfac e
layers of nanoparticles – Raman spectroscopy of surface layers, Infrared Spectroscopy of
surface layers; Photon confinement, Effect of dimension on lattice vibrations, Effect of
dimension on vibrational density of states, effect of size on Debye frequenc y, Melting
temperature, Specific heat, Plasmons, Surface -enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Phase
2. Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured: Materials : Stress -Strain Behavior of materials;
Failure Mechanism of Conventional Grain -Sized Materials; Mechanical Properties of
Consolidated Nano -Grained Materials; Nanostructured Multilayers; Mechanical and Dynamical
Properties of Nanosized Devices: General considerations, Nanopendulum, Vibrations of a
Nanometer String, The Nanospring, The Clamped Beam, Th e challenges and Possibilities of
Nanomechanical sensors, Methods of Fabrication of Nanosized Devices

Page 37


Unit 3:
1. Magnetism in Nanostructures: Basics of Ferromagnetism; Behavior of Powders of
Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles : Properties of a single Ferroma gnetic Nanoparticles, Dynamic of
Individual Magnetic Nanoparticles, Measurements of Superparamagnetism and the Blocking
Temperature, Nanopore Containment of Magnetic Particles; Ferrofluids; Bulk nanostructured
Magnetic Materials: Effect of nanosized grain structure on magnetic properties,
Magnetoresisitive materials, Antiferromagnetic nanoparticles.
2. Electronic Properties: Ionic solids, Covalently bonded solids; Metals: Effect of lattice
parameter on electronic structure, Free electron model, The Tight -Binding model;
Measurements of electronic structure of nanoparticles: Semiconducting nanoparticles, Organic
solids, Metals.
3. Nanoelectronics: N and P doping and PN junctions, MOSFET, Scaling of MOSFETs; Spintronics:
Definition and examples of spintronic devices, Magnetic storage and spin valves, Dilute
magnetic semiconductors; Molecular switches and electronics: Molecular switches,
Molecularelectronics, Mechanism of conduction through a molecule; Photonic crystals.

Unit 4:
1. An introduction to nanoche mistry concepts: Nanochemistry introduction, Surface, Size,
Shape, Self -assembly, Defects, The bio -nano interface, Safety.
2. Gold nanoparticles : Introduction, Surface, Size, Shape, Self -assembly, Defects,
3. Cadmium Selenide nanoparticles : Introduction, Surface, Size, Shape, Self -assembly, Defects,
4. Iron Oxide: Introduction, Surface, Size, Shape, Self -assembly, Bio-nano, Iron Oxide -Nano .
5. Carbon: Introduction, Surface, Size, Shape, Self -assembly, Bio -nano, Conclusion,
6. Carbon Allotropy : Nature of the carbon bond, New Carbon clusters: Small Carbon clusters,
Buckyball, The structure of molecular C60, Crystalline C60, Larger and smaller Buckyballs,
Buckyballs of other atoms; Carbon nanotubes: Fabrication, Structure, Electronic properties,
Vibrational properties, Functionalization, Doped Carbon Nanotubes, Mechanical properties;
Nanotube Composites: Polymer -carbon nanotube composites, Metal -Carbon nanotube
composites; Graphene nanostructures.

Main References:
[1] The Physics and Chemistry of Nanosoli ds, Frank J. Owens and Charles P. Poole, Wiley -
Interscience, 2008.
[2] Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design: An Introduction for Engineers and Architects,
Daniel L. Schodek, Paulo Ferreira, Michael F. Ashby, Publisher: Butterworth -Heinemann Ltd.

Page 38

[3] Concepts of Nanochemistry, LudovicoCademartiri and Geoffrey A. Ozin, Wiley -VCH, 2009.

PSMS302: Materials for Energy and Environmental applications (60 lectures, 4

Unit 1: Material for Energy conversion
Introduction to energy conversion, Photovoltaic: Solar energy, semiconductor physics ,p-
n junction, and photovoltaic cells, Design of Solar Cells, Photovoltaic device fabrication and
characterization, silicon based solar cells, design of new generation solar cells (hybrid, quantum
dot, dye -sensitized and perovskite solar cells ),
Fuel Cells and its applications: Fuel Cells, components of fuel cells, difference between batteries
and fuel cells, principle of working of fuel cell, Types of fuel cells, Acid/alkaline fuel cells,
polymer electrolyt e fuel cell, phosphoric acid fuel cell, molten carbonate f uel cell, solid oxide
fuel cell.
Thermoelectric Materials: Fundamentals of thermoelectricity (Seebeck, Peltier and Thomson
effects), Thermoelectric Effects and Transport Properties, Basics of Thermo electric devices,
Heat Conduction in Bulk Thermoelectric Materials (Heat Conduction by Phonons, Heat
Conduction by Electrons), Progress in Thermoelectric Materials (Bulk Thermoelectric Materials,
Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials), Reduction of Therm al Conductivities in Bulk and
Nanostructured Materials), Thermoelectric Devices.

Unit 2: Material s for Energy Storage
Batteries and Super capacitors for electrochemical energy storage:Batteries – primary
and secondary batteries, Lithium, Solid -state and moltensolvent batteries; Lead acid batteries;
Nickel Cadmium Batteries; AdvancedBatteries, Super capacitors for energy storage. Role of
carbon nanomaterials aselectrodes in batteries and super capacitors. Cell characterization:
(Charging/discharging cycles , overpotential, battery capacity, state of charge, state of health,
impedance spectroscopy)
Hydrogen energy – merits as a fuel – production of hydrogen – fossil fuels, electrolysis, thermal
decomposition, photochemical and photocatalytic methods. Hydrogen storage – metal
hydrides, metal alloy hydrides, carbon nanotubes, sea as source of deuterium.
Applications of Superconductors in Energy Superconducting wires and their characteristics,
High field magnets for production of energy by magnetic fusion, Energy generation -
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), energy storage, electric generators and role of
superconductors. Large scale applications of superconductors Electric power transmission,
Applications of superconductor in medicine - Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI),
Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUID).

Page 39

Material for Composite for wind energy: Wind Turbine Rotor Blades: Construction, Loads and
Requirements , carbon fibers, thermoplastic.

Unit 3: Catalysis and Photocatalysis
Introduction to catalysis: Physical and Chemical adsorption, adsorption isotherms,
chemisorption on metals and metal oxides. Catalysis: concept of activity, selectivity, poisoning,
promotion and deactivation. Types of catalysis: homogeneous, heterogeneous , electrocatalyst,
photocat alyst, biocatalyst. Thermodynamics and kinetics of Heterogeneous catalysis, concept of
Langmuir -Hinshelwood kinetics.
Role of catalyst in Energy generation such as in hydrocarbon fuel generation, in fine chemicals,
in hydrogen generation , and in biofuel.
Role of catalyst in Environmental purification: Catalyst for vehicle auto -exhaust, VOC removal,
Ozone decomposition. Photocatalyst: Concept and mechanism of photocataysis in
semiconductor. Photocatalytic a pplications: removal of organic pollutant from wat er and air,
antibacterial, self -cleaning, antifogging.

Unit 4: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
Types of porous materials, Order and disordered microporous and mesoporous
structure, Zeolites, metallosilicates, silicalites and related microporous materials, Mesoporous
silica, metal oxides, Metal -organic Framework, porous organic polymers, Synthesis of
microporous and mesoporous Materials;
Applications of microporous and mesoporous Materials in energy and environment : Biofuels
generation, sensing, adsorption and gas storage , support for catalyst, CO2 sequestration and
storage, separation technology, environmental protection, electrochemistry, membranes,
sensors, and optical devices

Page 40


PSMS303: Materials for Electronics, Photonics and Se nsors (60 lectures, 4

Unit 1: Materials for Electronics -I
p-n junction : Fabrication of p -n junction by diffusion and ion -implantation; Abrupt and
linearly graded junctions; p -i-n diode; Tunnel diode, Introduction to p -n junction solar cell and
semiconductor laser diode Metal – Semiconductor Contacts: Schottky ba rrier, Ohmic contacts,
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): Static Characteristics; Frequency Response and Switching.
Semiconductor heterojunctions, Heterojunction bipolar transistors, Quantum well structures

Unit 2: Materials for Electronics -II
Metal -semiconductor field effect transistor (MESFET) - Device structure, Principles of
operation, Current voltage (I -V) characteristics, High frequency performance.
Modulation doped field effect transistor (MODFET); Introduction to ideal MOS device; MOSFE T
fundamentals, Introduction to Integrated circuits.
Modern Semiconductor (III -V and III -N compounds, II -VI and I -III-VI2 binary, ternary, and
Quaternary semiconductors), Spintronics materials, Dilute magnetic semiconductors,
Magnetites, Giant -magneto res istance

Unit 3: Materials for Photonics
Lasers: Population inversion for laser action, resonant cavities, types of resonators, Gas
lasers, soild state lasers, Semiconductors lasers. LEDs, Photodetectors ,Photo diode , PIN
photo diode. Integrated Optoelectro nics materials Optical processes in quantum wells:
Interband and Intraband transitions in quantum wells. Introduction to non -linear optics (ONL),
ONL materials,
Waveguides, Resonators and Components: Rectangular waveguides, Circular and other
waveguides, Waveguide coup ling, matching and attenuation. Quasicrystals , Photonics swtiches

Unit 4: Materials for Sensors
Piezoelectr ic Smart Materials: Background, Electrostriction, Pyroelectricity ,
Piezoelectricity , Industrial piezoelectric materials
Shape memory (SM) materials: shape memory effect and martensitic transformation, SME and
Superelasticity. Ti -Ni SM Alloys, Cu -based SM Alloys. Ferrous SM alloys. Shape memory
ceramics and polymers.

Page 41

Temperature sensors: resistance thermometers, thermoemf, thermisters, r adiation
pyrometers, thermography

PSMS304: Soft Condense Matter and Biomaterials (60 lectures, 4 credits)

Unit 1: Liquid Crystal Material
Classification of liquid crystals and different types of mesophases, Calamitic liquid
crystals, Polymeric liquid crystals, Chiral liquid crystals, Lyotropic liquid crystals, Polymer
Dispersed Liquid Crystals (PDLC), and Liquid Crystal Elastomers (LCE).
Properties: dielectric properties, optical properties, viscoelastic properties, Electro optical
Properties: Cholesteric, Fe rroelectric, Antiferroelectric, Electric and magnetic anisotropy .
Survey over flat panel technologies. Liquid crystal displays, Applicat ions of liquid crystals, Future
scope of PDLCs and LCEs

Unit 2: Advance Polymer Materials
Recent advancement in polymers and their applications: Smart polymers, stimuli
sensitive polymers, hydrogels, smart polymers as sensors, conducting polymersPolymeric
resins , magnetic polymers, polymers for space, nonlinear optical polymers, Importance of
polymer blends/composites. Polymeric biomaterials: Introduction, preparation, hydrogel
biomaterials, Bioconjugation techniques

Unit 3: Biomaterial -I
Introduction to biomaterials; need for biomaterials; Property requirement of
biomaterials; Concept of biocompatibility; Assessment of biocomatibility of biomaterials,
Chemicalstructure and property of biomaterials, Degradation of biomaterials, Bioceramic
materials: bioacti ve calcium phosphates, bioglass and glass ceramics Processing and properties
of different bioceramic materials; Biomaterials used in bone and joint replacement: metals and
alloys – Stainless steel, cobalt based alloys, titanium based materials

Unit 4: Bi omaterial -II
Metallic implant materials, ceramic implant materials, polymeric implant materials,
composites as biomaterials; Orthopedic, dental and other applications
iomaterials for drug delivery, timed release materials; biodegradable polymers;
Bloodcomp atible materials; Biomimetics; Bone biology: bone architecture, collagen,
osteoblasts,osteoclasts, etc; Protein mediated cell adhesion;

Page 42

Introduction to tissue engineering; Applications of tissue engineering;Biomaterials in
ophthalmology – Viscoelastic solu tions, contact lenses, intraocularlens materials – Tissue grafts
– Skin grafts

Semester 3: Laboratory Courses
PSMSP 301:Nanomaterial and Functional Materials Lab (Practical Lab session 120
hrs and 4 credits)

Students have to perform minimum of 8 experiments from the list given below:

List of Experiments
1. Synthesis of Nano -metals (Ag, Au, Cu) and studying its optical properties.
2. Fabrication of Nano -Semiconductor or quantum dots (CdS, Si) and determine its band
3. Synthesis of Catalyst Material.
4. Fabrication ofphotocatalyst Material (TiO2 and ZnO).
5. Studying the properties of 2D Graphene material.
6. Investigating the properties of shape memory alloy material.
7. Studying Antibacterial effect by Ag nanoparticles
8. Realizing conducting polymer and measuri ng its electrical properties.
9. Synthesis of porous materials such as mesoporous silica.
10. Synthesis of Pizoelectric material (Barium Titanate)
11. Examining the properties of Liquid crystal.

PSMSP 302:Applied Materials Lab (Practical Lab session 120 hrs and 4 credits)

Students have to perform minimum of 8 experiments from the list given below:

List of Experiments
1. Finding the characteristics of Solar -cell.
2. Studying the properties of thermoelectric material.
3. Organic pollutant removal from water using photocatalyst material.
4. Determining the bio -compatibility of Bio -materials
5. Tracking of first and second order transition by resistivity measurement in shape
memory (NiTi) alloy

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6. Optical fibers - Attenuation and dispersion measurements.
7. Electrochemical chara cterization of Battery material
8. Experiments on spectral response of solar panel.
9. Catalyst application for H2 production by water splitting.
10. Measurement of thermo -emf of Iron -Copper (Fe -Cu) or chromel -alumel thermocouple
as a function of temperature.
11. Voltage -Temperature characteristics of a Silicon diode sensor

Semester 4: Project Work

PSMSP 401: Dissertation based Project work


In the project courses, the studen t can perform an experimental/ computational project based
on material Science under supervision of one or more faculty members. As a part of the project,
the student is expected to learn the basics of the topic chosen, learn how to do literature
survey and learn and set up the basic experimental /computational techniques needed for the
project. Students are expected to counter novel re search problems and define the objectives of
the project till the mid SEM . The student can do an industry based project and/or a project in
collaboration with other institutes like UM -DAE CBS, TIFR, BARC, ICT, IIT, SAMEER, IIG or any
other institute . The n ecessary research funding upto certain limit wi ll be provided by university .
Students have to prepare and submit a Master level thesis and the final evaluation will be done
by external field expert on the bases of the quality of the thesis and Viva -Voce ex amination.
Students participation in conference presentations and publishing papers in peer reviewed
journals will be appreciatedand rewarded .