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PhD Course Work
Philosophy Revised
w.e.f 2017- 18
(6 month duration)
Research Methodology
1. Research Forms- report, a rticle , assignment, d issertation, and thesis. How to
write dissertations and theses?
2. What is data collection? Difference between science and philosophy; text as
philosophy’s data.
3. Natural Science and Social Science Research: Methodology
4. Distinct features of p hilosophical research, its comparison with science
5. Methods in Western Philosophy- analytical, phenomenological, dialectical,
6. Methods in Indian Philosophy- empiricist, rationalist, exegetical, s ceptical
7. Avoiding plagiari sm in research
8. Ethics of r esearch
Balasubrmanian, R. Research Methodology in Philosophy . Madras: RIASP, 1984.
Buchler, Justus 1961 The Concept of Method . London: Columbia University Press
Carnap, Rudolf 1966 “The Experimental Method” in Philosophical Foundations of Physics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science , New York: Basic Books.
Collingwood, R.G. 1933 An Essay on Philosophical Method, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Cummins & Slade 1979
Writing the Research Paper - Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co
Dilthey, Wilhelm. 1996. Hermeneutics and the Study of History: Selected Works, Volume IV. Edited by R. A. Makkreel and F. Rodi. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Hempel, Carl. 1966 (1932) “The Function of General Laws in History” in
Century Philosophy: The Analytic Tradition ed. Morris Weitz, 254- 68. New York:
The Free Press Kothari C.R.1985
Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques . New Delhi: Wiley
Eastern Ltd .
ParsonsC.F 1973 Thesis and Project Work Lond on: George Allen and Unwin.
Passmore, John 1961 Philosophical Reasoning . London: Gerald Duckworth.
Feinberg, Joel 2002 Doing Philosophy: A Guide to the Writing of Philosophy Papers
Wadsworth: Belmont
Martinich, A.P. 1995 Philosophical Writing: An Introduction Blackwell: Malden