PhD Course work in Education_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC –
Item No. – 8.17(R)
University of Mumbai
Revised Ph.D Course work in Education
(With effect from the academic year 2022 -23)
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University of Mumbai
O: _____________ Title of Course Ph.D Course work in Education
O: _____________ Eligibility M.Ed. and PET/NET/SET and B+
Level: P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
Pattern: Yearly
Status: Revised
To be implemented from Academic Year : 2022 -23
Signature: Signature:
Chairman of Board of Studies Faculty of Dean
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Ph.D. Course work in Education,
The teaching programme for research students pursuing their doctoral degree in
Education will consist of three courses spread over a period of six months and will comprise
of 15 credits (M.Phil. /Ph.D. UGC guidelines 2016)and 1 credit = 12hrs. This programme is
developed with t he objective of providing the research students the maximum guidance in the
conceptualization, theorization, research designing, data collection and analysis of their
particular topic of doctoral research.
After the selection process is completed by the research centre, the students should start
the pre -Ph.D. programme.
Attendance for the entire programme is compulsory and as per University regulations,
it is mandatory that students maintain a 75% attendance during the entire course.
On completion of the teaching programme, the concerned Ph.D. centre will announce
the names of those candidates who have successfully finished the programme, as well as the
grades they have obtained and certify the completion of the programme.
Those students, who have not comp leted the research programme satisfactorily, as per
the requirements of the department, will be asked to repeat the course in the subsequent year
and only after they have successfully completed the course programme, will they be permitted
to proceed with t heir doctoral research work.
It will be endeavoured to use the suitable pedagogy to teach all three courses. This
would involve the students, having in -advance in their possession, the reading material for
discussion and deliberation during each input ses sion.
It will be the duty of the course co -ordinator to ensure that all resource persons being
invited to take input sessions will make available, at least a week in -advance, the reading
material that he / she will utilize during the input session.
Partici pants will be provided with a time -table, at the beginning of the programme,
stating the different course / resource persons/topics/timings etc.
This programme will be made up of three courses in research methodology. Each course
will be of 5 credits of wh ich 2 credits will be for teaching instructions and 3 credits for
assignments/ practical. The courses are:
1. Research Methodology in Education
2. Statistical Techniques in Educational Research
3. Research Methods and Computer Application
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Objectives: This course is designed to equip students with the requisite knowledge of research
methodology in education including research methods, variables, hypotheses, sampling, tools
and techniques.
Module 1: Educational Research
a) Educational Research: Concept and types of research , Aims of research as a scientific
activity (Problem -solving, Theory Building and Prediction ).
b) Approaches to educational research: Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Meth ods.
c) Skills and ethics required for conducting research
Module 2: Components of a Research Proposal
a) Formulation of research problem
b) Theoretical and conceptual framework
c) Review of related literature
d) Rationale and need of the study
e) Definitions: (Conceptual and Operational)
f) Variables : Meaning and Types
g) Research Questions
h) Hypotheses : Concept, Sources and Types
i) Assumptions (if any)
j) Methodology, Sample and Tools
k) Scope, limitations and delimitations
l) Significance of the study
m) Bibliography, Time frame and Budget
n) Chapterization
Module 3: Research Methods
a) Descriptive Research: Survey, Causal -Comparative and Correlational
b) Historical Research: Meaning, scope and steps of historical research, types of historical
sources, external and internal criticism of historical sources.
c) Experimental Research: Pre -Experimental, Quasi -Experimental and True -
Experimental Designs, Factorial Design, internal and external experimental validity
and controlling extraneous and intervening variables.
Module 4: Sampling
a) Concept of universe and sample
b) Determining sample size
c) Techniques of sampling (Probability and Non -Probability Sampling)
Module 5: Tools and Techniques of Data Collection
a) Tools of Data collection (Meaning and Characteristics)
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Rating scale
Attitude scale
Aptitude Test
Check List
Semantic Differential Scale
Achievement Tests
b) Techniques of Data Collection (Meaning and Characteristics)
c) Tool Development
Validity (Meaning, types, indices and factors affecting validity)
Reliability (Meaning, types, indices and factors affecting reliability)
Item Analysis (Discrimination Index, Difficulty Index)
Standardization of a tool
a) Assignment 1 ( 3000 words) written and presentation
b) Assignment 2 ( 3000 words) written and presentation
(Both assignments will be under the supervision of the course teacher)
c) Essay : (3000 words) Writing a research proposal, to be submitted at the end of the
(The essay will be based on a theme / issue specific to t he student’s doctoral work) Grades
will be assigned for the above credits.
Objectives: This course is designed to make students aware of various statistical techniques
for descriptive data analysis and for testing of hypotheses including parametric, and non -
parametric techniques. It also includes the use of computers in conceptual and empir ical
literature review, drawing of graphs and data analysis.
Module 1: Types of Distribution
a) Discrete and Continuous distribution of data.
b) Normal Probability Distribution (Areas under the normal curve, Applications)
c) Types of Measurement Scale (Nominal, Ord inal, Interval and Ratio)
Module 2: Descriptive Data Analysis (only theory)
a) Measures of central tendency , Variability
b) Measures of Divergence from Normality (Skewness, Kurtosis)
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c) Estimation of Population Parameters of Mean and SD.
Module 3: Hypothesis Test ing
a) Testing of Hypotheses ,
b) Levels of Significance , Type I and Type II Errors
c) Sample size and Power of a test
Module 4: Parametric Techniques of Data Analysis (Use and interpretation)
a) Conditions to be satisfied for using parametric techniques
b) t-test for comparison of mean scores
c) ANOVA (One way and two way), ANCOVA
d) Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation
Module 5: Non -Parametric Techniques(Use and interpretation)
a) Mann -Whitney U -Test
b) Chi-square (Equal Probability and Normal Probability Hypotheses)
c) Spearm an Rho
a) Assignment 1 ( 3000 words) written and presentation
b) Assignment 1 ( 3000 words) written and presentation
(Both assignments will be under the supervision of the course teacher)
c) Essay ( 3000 words) to be submitted at the end of the course
(The essay will be based on a theme/issue specific to the students’ doctoral work.)
Grades will be assigned for the above credits.
Objectives : This course is designed to familiarize students with various aspects of qualitative
and mixed methods research methodology and computer applications.
Module 1: Qualitative Research Methods
Salient features of the following methods of qualitative research:
a) Grounded Theory Design
b) Narrative Research
c) Case Study
d) Ethnogr aphy
Module 2: Conducting Qualitative Research
a) Sampling techniques in qualitative research
b) Data collection in qualitative research
c) Data analysis and report writing in qualitative research
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Module 3: Mixed methods Designs
a) Types: ( sequential explanatory design, sequential exploratory design and concurrent
triangulation design)
b) Data collection in Mixed methods design
c) Analysis and Report writing
Module 4: Computer application in Research
a) Use of computer and internet in research
b) Literature Review using internet(ERIC, Shodhganga, INFLIBNET, Google Scholar)
c) Data Analysis using MS -Excel
Module 5: Research Reporting
a) Format, Style and Mechanics of Report Writing with Reference to (i) Thesis and (ii)
b) Bibliography and References
c) Plagiarism: Types, Copyright and fair use and how to avoid plagiarism
a) Assignment 1 ( 3000 words) written and presentation
b) Assignment 2 ( 3000 words) written and presentation (Both assignments will be under
the supervision of the course teacher)
c) Essay ( 3000 words) : Research Paper wri ting and plagiarism check; t o be submitted at
the end of the course
(The essay will be based on a theme / issue specific to the students’ doctoral work.)
Grades will be assigned for the above credits.