PhD Course Work 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

PhD Course Work 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 30/09/2016
Item No. 4.17


Revised Syllabus for PhdCourse Work

(As per Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 2017–2018)

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Course Work Structure for Phd Program in Faculty of Technology
Mumbai University
(With effect from Academic Year 2017 -18)





Phd101 Research
Methodology 6 6 20 80 -- -- 100
Phd102 Course suggested by
Guide* 6 6 20 80 -- -- 100
Phd103 Seminar - 4 - - 50 50 100
Total 12 16 40 160 50 50 300

Grading of Research Candidates Performance
Awarding of grades to research candidates based on their performance shall be done as per the
applicable ordinances and regulations for undergraduate and Post graduate programs of
Engineering under the Faculty of Technology. Semester Grade Point Index (SGPI) shall be also
calculated based on the ordinances and regulations applicable for engineering programs under
Faculty of Technology. Approved and recognized Research Centers shall prepare Phd course
work grade card after successful completion of course work and issue to cand idates and one copy
to University concerned section for record.

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Course Code Course Name Credits
PhdC101 Research Methodology 06

Module Detailed content Hrs.
1 Definition and Characteristics of Research: Research – Definition; Concept of
Construct, Postulate, Proposition, Thesis, Hypothesis, Law, Principle. Philosophy and
validity of research. Objective of research. Various functions that describe
characteristics of research such as systematic, valid, verifiable, empirical and critical
approach. 8
2 Types of Research: Pure and applied research. Descriptive and explanatory research.
Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Formulating the Research Problem, Literature
Review, Developing the objectives, P reparing the research design including sample
Design, Sample size. 10
3 Outcome of Research: Relevance, interest, available data, choice of data, Analysis
of data, Generalization and interpretation of analysis, Preparation of the Report on
conclusions re ached, Testing validity of research outcomes, Suggestions and
recommendations, identifying future scope. 10
4 Probability Distribution and Hypothesis Testing: Theoretical: binomial, poisson ,
normal, exponential, hyper geometric, uniform distributions. Type I and II error,
testing of mean, proportion, tests for equality of mean and variances of two
populations, confidence interval, Z test and χ2 test for goodness of fit, ANOVA (one
way classi fication), Non parametric tests: sign test, U test. 14
5 Correlation and Regression Analysis : Karl Pearson's and Rank Correlation
coefficient, simple linear regression: least squares method, Linear Programming: Graphical solution, simplex method, dual,
sensitivity analysis,
transportation and assignment problems. 10
6 Management Decision Making & Computer Applications: System approach,
decision making under uncertainty and risk: decision tables and decision tree.
Statistical data analysis: generating ch arts/ graph and other features. Introduction to
tools: Tools used may be Microsoft Excel, Open office, Microsoft Power Point or
similar tools. 8
1. Dawson, Catherine, 2002, Practical Research Methods, New Delhi, UBS Publishers’
2. Kothari, C.R.,1985, Research Methodology -Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, Wiley
Eastern Limited.
3. Kumar, Ranjit, 2005, Research Methodology -A Step -by-Step Guide for Beginners ,
(2nd.ed), Singapore, Pearson Education.
4. Shrivastava, Shenoy& Sharma, Quantitati ve Techniques for Managerial Decisions, Wiley
5. Goode W J &Hatt P K, Methods in social research, McGraw Hill
6. Basic Computer Science and Communication Engineering – R. Rajaram (SCITECH)

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Course Code Course Name Credits
PhdC102 Course suggested by Guide* 06

This course is to be suggested by guide/supervisor in specific domain area of research undertaken
by the research candidate .
Research candidates can undertake this course in consultation with guide/supervisor as per
guidelines given below ;
1. Relevant course shall be successfully completed in IIT Bombay which has 6 credits .
1. Relevant PG course in the research domain area of research candidate at any PG center
affiliated to University of Mumbai.
In this case , PG course as per University of Mumbai syllab us is of 4 credits. Thus
additional work needs to be done for remai ning 2 credits. ( Any relevant PG course
suggested by guide 4 credits + additional work suggested by guide for 2 credits).

Additional work may be in line with any of the following guidelines:
i. Minimum four assignment problemsfrom same domain area
ii. Any relevant PG Laboratory course, as per University of Mumbai PG syllabus, suggested by guide
iii. One course project from same domain area
iv. One simulation based project in the domain area using relevant software tool .

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Course Code Course Name Credits
PhdS103 Seminar 04

Following guidelines for credit seminar shall be followed:
1. Seminar should be based on thrust areas in specific research domain.
2. Research scholar should do literature survey, identify the topic for seminar and finalize
the same in consultation with Guide/Supervisor.
3. Research scholar is expected to use multiple literatures and understand the topic .
4. Report should be compile d in the standard format as per University Guidelines for report
writing and present in front of pair of Examiners appointed by the Head of the
Department/Institute of respective Program .
Seminar should be assessed jointly by the pair of Internal and External Examiners
Following points must be assessed during the presentation of Credit Seminar
i. Quality of Literature survey and Novelty in the topic
ii. Relevance to the specialization
iii. Understanding of the topic
iv. Quality of Written and Oral Presentation