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Chapter 1
Baire spaces
Chapter Structure
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Few definitions with examples
1.4 Baire Category Theorem
1.5 Theorems on Baire spaces
1.6G delta set (G set)
1.7 Applications
1.8 Let Us Sum Up
1.9 Chapter End Exercises
1.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we shall introduce definition and various examples of
Baire spaces. We shall also introduce Baire category theorem which has
application in Open Mapping Theorem, Uniform Boundedness Princi-
pal and in later chapter of Banach spaces. Various applications of Baire
spaces are there is analysis and branch of topology called Dimension
theory . The term “Baire spaces ” were coined by Nicolas Bourbaki. G
sets are also introduced in this chapter.
1.2 Objectives
After going through this chapter you will be able to:
•Define Baire spaces.
•Identify which spaces are Baire spaces.
•Learn that open subspace of Baire space is Baire.
•Learn about Baire category theorem.
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•Learn to prove Hausdro ↵spaces which are compact or locally com-
pact are Baire spaces.
•Learn about G sets.
•Application to a sequence of continuous real valued functions con-
verging point-wise to a limit function on complete metric space.
1.3 Few definitions with examples
Definition 1.1. LetXbe a topological space and A✓Xbe any
subset. The interior A ofAin the space Xis defined as the union of
all open subsets of Xwhich are contained in A.
1) Interior of [0 ,1] = ([0 ,1]) =( 0,1).
2)R =R.
3)Q inR= .
4)Q inQ=Q.
Definition 1.2. A subset Kof a topological space Xis dense if ¯K=
•Set of rational numbers Qis dense in R.
Remark: LetAbe a subset of X. Then A = if and only if
X\Ais dense in X.
Definition 1.3. A topological space Xis called a Baire space if given
any countable collection {An}of closed sets of X, each having empty
interior in Xthen the union [
n2NAnalso has empty interior in X.
1. The space of rational numbers Qis not a Baire space.
2. The space of integers Zis a Baire space.
3. The space of all irrational numbers R\Qis a Baire space.
4. Any open subset of Baire space is Baire space.
5. Any complete metric space is a Baire space.
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6. Any compact Hausdro ↵space Xis a Baire space.
Note : All the above examples are proved later.
Example 1. The space of rational numbers Qis not a Baire space.
Solution: Consider the field Qof rational numbers, a metric space
with the metric d(x, y)=|x y|for all x, y2Q. Now for all q2Q,
{q}is closed . Also {q} = (since for atherefore ( a, b)\Q({q}). So {q}q2Qis a countable collection of closed
subsets of Q, each having empty interior in Q. NowS
q2Q{q}=Q.T h u s
q2Q{q}) =(Q) . But ( Q) =Q6= . Therefore (S
q2Q{q}) 6= .
Hence by definition of Baire spaces, Qis not a Baire space.
Example 2. The space of integers Zis a Baire space.
Solution: LetAn={n}✓Z.
SoAnis open in Z(s i n c e Zis discrete metric space).
So{n} ={n}.
Also Anis closed in Z(singletons are closed set ).
So there is no closed set in Zwith empty interior except for empty set.
Therefore Zis Baire space vaciously.
1.4 Baire Category Theorem
Theorem 1.4.1. Any non-empty complete metric space is a Baire
Proof. Suppose {An|n2N}is countable collection of closed subsets
of the space Xsuch that each Anhas empty interior in X.
Then we show that [1
n=1Anhas empty interior in X.
Assume the contrary, i.e. there exists a non- empty open subset Uof
Xcontained in [1
n=1An. Put Un=X\Anfor each n2N. Since each
Anis closed thus each Unis open. Also since each An = , so each Un
is dense, so the intersection of any nonempty open subset of Xwith
each Unis nonempty. Thus we get U\Un6= , for all n2N.
So there exists an open ball V1=Bd(x1,r1)i nXwith r1<1s u c ht h a t
¯V1⇢U\U1. Now since U2is dense so V1\U26= . So there exist V2
=Bd(x2,r2)i nXwith r2<1/2 such that ¯V2⇢V1\U2.
Continuing this way inductively we get open set Vn=Bd(xn,rn),
for n 2N, such that rn<1/nand ¯Vn⇢Vn 1\Un, for n2N.
Thus we have nested sequence of closed sets ¯V1◆¯V2···inXwith
diameter ( ¯Vn)<1/n. Since Xis complete so by Cantor’s intersection
theorem \1
n=1¯Vn6= . Fix any p2\1
n=1¯Vn. Then p2U(s i n c e p2¯V1
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⇢U). Now p2¯Vn⇢Unfor all n2N, sop/2Anfor each n2N. This
implies that p/2[1
n=1An. But p2U⇢[1
n=1An. This is not possible.
So our assumption was wrong. Thus [1
n=1Anhas empty interior in X.
Hence proved.
Theorem 1.4.2. LetUbe any non-empty open subset of a compact
Hausdro ↵space Xandx2U. Then there exist an open neighbourhood
Vofx2Xsuch that x2¯V⇢U.
Theorem 1.4.3. Any compact Hausdro ↵space is a Baire space.
Proof. LetXbe a compact Hausdro ↵space. Suppose {An|n2N}is
countable collection of closed subsets of the space Xsuch that each An
has empty interior in X.
Then in order to show that Xis Baire space we will prove that [1
has empty interior in X.
Assume the contrary, i.e. ( [1
n=1An) 6= .
LetVbe any proper non-empty open set in Xsuch that V⇢[1
PutUn=X\An, for n2N. As each Anis closed, hence each Unis
an open subset of X. Also since each A
n= , thus each Unis dense,
hence intersection of any nonempty open subset of Xwith each Unis
nonempty. Thus V\U16= . So by Theorem 1.4.2, there exists open
setV1such that ¯V1⇢V\U1.
Since U2is dense, thus V1\U26= , so by Theorem 1.4.2, there exists
open set V2inXsuch that ¯V2⇢V1\U2.
Continuing this way inductively, we get open set VnofX, for n2N
such that ¯Vn⇢Vn 1\Unand ¯V1 ¯V2 ··· ¯Vn ···
Thus {¯Vn}n2Nhas finite intersection property. Since Xis compact,
hence we get \1
n=1¯Vn6= .
n=1¯Vn. Then p2V(since p2¯V1⇢V).
Also p2¯Vn✓Un, for all n2N. Now since p2Un, for all n2N.
Thus p/2An, for all n2N. This implies p/2[1
n=1An. But p2V✓
n=1An. This is not possible. Hence our assumption was wrong. Thus
n=1An) = . Hence proved.
1.5 Theorems on Baire spaces
Theorem 1.5.1. Any open subset of a Baire Space is a Baire space.
Proof. LetUbe any non-empty proper open subset of a Baire space
X. Suppose {An|n2N}is countable collection of closed subsets
ofUsuch that each Anhas empty interior. Then we will prove that
n=1An) = .
Let¯Andenote the closure of Anin the space X. Since Anis closed in
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U, soAn=U\¯Anfor all n2N.
Claim :( ¯An) = , for n2N.
If we prove this claim then since Xis Baire space so we will get
n=1¯An) = . Hence ( [1
n=1An) = . Hence the result.
Let us proof the claim. Suppose for some m2N,(¯Am) 6= . Let W
be any non-empty open subset of Xcontained in ¯Am, i.e. W⇢¯Am,
soW\U⇢¯Am\U=Am. Since W⇢¯Am,s oW\Am6= . Hence
W\U6= (since Am⇢U ). Thus we get W\Uan o n - e m p t y ,o p e n
subset of Xcontained in Am. Hence A
m6= , which is a contradiction,
asAmwas choosen to be closed subset with empty interior. Hence our
assumption that for some m2N,(¯Am) 6= was wrong. Thus ( ¯An)
= , for all n2N. This completes the proof.
Theorem 1.5.2. A topological space Xis a Baire space if and only if
any countable intersection of open, dense subsets of Xis a dense subset
Proof. Given Xis a Baire space.
Let{Un}n2Nbe any collection of open dense subsets of X.
To show that \n2NUnis dense.
LetAn=X\Un, for each n2N.
Since each Unis open, therefore each Anis closed.
Also since each Unis dense implies that A
n= for each n2N.
So{An}n2Nis a countable collection of closed sets with each having
empty interior in X.
Since Xis Baire space so we get ( [n2NAn) = .
Thus \n2NUnis dense in X.
Conversely: Given that {Un}n2Nis a countable collection of open dense
subsets of Xsuch that \n2NUnis dense in X.
To show that Xis Baire space .
Choose An=X\Un.
Then each Anis closed (since each Unis open) and A
n= (since each
Unis dense). Hence we get {An}n2Ncountable collection of closed sets
with empty interior. Also since \n2NUnis dense implies ( [1
n=1An) =