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Unit Structure
1.1 What Is Computer Forensics?
1.2 Use of Computer Forensics in Law Enforcement
1.3 Computer Forensics Assistance to Human Resources / Employment
1.4 Computer Forensics Services
1.5 Benefits of Prof essional Forensic Methodology
1.6 Steps Taken By Computer Forensics Specialists
1.7 Types of Military Computer Forensic Technology
1.8 Types of Law Enforcement Computer Forensic Technology
1.9 Types of Business Computer Forensic Technology
1.10 Data Reco very Defined
1.11 Data Back -Up and Recovery
1.12 The Role of Back -Up in Data Recovery
1.13 The Data Recovery Solution
1.14 Data Recovery Defined
1.15 Data Back -Up and Recovery
1.16 The Role of Back -Up in Data Recovery
1.17 The Data Recovery Solution
1.1 WH AT IS COMPUTER FORENSICS?  Computer forensics is the process of methodically examining
computer media (hard disks, diskettes, tapes, etc.) for evidence. In
other words, computer forensics is the collection, preservation,
analysis, and presentation of comput er-related evidence.
 Computer forensics also referred to as computer forensic analysis,
electronic discovery, electronic evidence discovery, digital discovery,
data recovery, data discovery, computer analysis, and computer
 Computer evidence ca n be useful in criminal cases, civil disputes, and
human resources/ employment proceedings.

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2 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) 1.2 USE OF COMPUTER FORENSICS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT Computer forensics assists in Law Enforcement. This can include:
 Recovering deleted files such as documents, gra phics, and photos.
 Searching unallocated space on the hard drive, places where an
abundance of data often resides.
 Tracing artifacts, those tidbits of data left behind by the operating
system. Our experts know how to find these artifacts and, more
importan tly, they know how to evaluate the value of the information
they find.
 Processing hidden files — files that are not visible or accessible to the
user — that contain past usage information. Often, this process
requires reconstructing and analyzing the date codes for each file and
determining when each file was created, last modified, last accessed
and when deleted.
 Running a string -search for e -mail, when no e -mail client is obvious.
1.3 COMPUTER FORENSICS ASSISTANCE TO HUMAN RESOURCES/EMPLOYMENT PROCEEDINGS Computers can contain evidence in many types of human resources
proceedings, including sexual harassment suits, allegations of
discrimination, and wrongful termination claims. Evidence can be found
in electronic mail systems, on network servers, and on in dividual
employee’s computers.
Employer Safeguard Program:
Employers must safeguard critical business information. An unfortunate
concern today is the possibility that data could be damaged, destroyed, or
misappropriated by a discontented individual. Befor e an individual is
informed of their termination, a computer forensic specialist should come
on-site and create an exact duplicate of the data on the individual’s
computer. In this way, should the employee choose to do anything to that
data before leaving, the employer is protected. Damaged or deleted data
can be re -placed, and evidence can be recovered to show what occurred.
This method can also be used to bolster an employer’s case by showing
the removal of proprietary information or to protect the employ er from
false charges made by the employee. You should be equipped to find and
interpret the clues that have been left behind. This includes situations
where files have been deleted, disks have been reformatted, or other steps
have been taken to conceal or destroy the evidence. For example, did you
 What Web sites have been visited?

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3 Introduction  What files have been downloaded?
 When files were last accessed?
 Of attempts to conceal or destroy evidence?
 Of attempts to fabricate evidence?
 That the electronic copy of a document can contain text that was
removed from the final printed version?
 That some fax machines can contain exact duplicates of the last
several hundred pages received?
 That faxes sent or received via computer may remain on the computer
 That email is rapidly becoming the communications medium of
choice for businesses?
 That people tend to write things in email that they would never
consider writing in a memorandum or letter?
 That email has been used successfully in criminal cases as well as in
civil litigation?
 That email is often backed up on tapes that are generally kept for
months or years?
 That many people keep their financial records, including investments,
on computers?
1.4 COMPUTER FORENSICS SERVICES Computer forensics professionals sh ould be able to successfully perform
complex evidence recovery procedures with the skill and expertise that
lends credibility to your case.
For example, they should be able to perform the following services:
1. Data Seizure:
 Following federal guidelines, c omputer forensics experts should act as
the representative, using their knowledge of data storage technologies
to track down evidence.
 The experts should also be able to assist officials during the
equipment seizure process.
2. Data Duplication/Preservatio n:
 When one party must seize data from another, two concerns must be

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4 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) • the data must not be altered in any way
• the seizure must not put an undue burden on the responding party
 The computer forensics experts should acknowledge both of these
concern s by making an exact duplicate of the needed data.
 When experts work on the duplicate data, the integrity of the original
is maintained.
3. Data Recovery:
 Using proprietary tools, your computer forensics experts should be
able to safely recover and analyze otherwise inaccessible evidence.
 The ability to recover lost evidence is made possible by the expert’s
advanced understanding of storage technologies.
4. Document Searches:
 Computer forensics experts should also be able to search over 200,000
electronic d ocuments in seconds rather than hours.
 The speed and efficiency of these searches make the discovery process
less complicated and less intrusive to all parties involved.
5. Media Conversion:
 Computer forensics experts should extract the relevant data from old
and un -readable devices, convert it into readable formats, and place it
onto new storage media for analysis.
6. Expert Witness Services:
 Computer forensics experts should be able to explain complex
technical processes in an easy -to- understand fashion.
 This should help judges and juries comprehend how computer
evidence is found, what it consists of, and how it is relevant to a
specific situation.
7. Computer Evidence Service Options:
Computer forensics experts should offer various levels of service, eac h
designed to suit your individual investigative needs. For example, they
should be able to offer the following services:
 Standard service: Computer forensics experts should be able to work
on your case during nor -mal business hours until your critical
electronic evidence is found.
 On-site service: Computer forensics experts should be able to travel
to your location to per -form complete computer evidence services.
While on -site, the experts should quickly be able to produce exact

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5 Introduction duplicates of the data stor age media in question.
 Emergency service: Your computer forensics experts should be able
to give your case the highest priority in their laboratories. They should
be able to work on it without interruption until your evidence
objectives are met.
 Priority s ervice: Dedicated computer forensics experts should be
able to work on your case during normal business hours (8:00 A.M. to
5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday) until the evidence is found.
Priority service typically cuts your turnaround time in half.
 Weekend service: Computer forensics experts should be able to work
from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Saturday and Sunday, to locate the
needed electronic evidence and will continue 14 Computer Forensics,
Second Edition working on your case until your evidence objecti ves
are met.
8. Other Miscellaneous Services:
Computer forensics experts should also be able to provide extended
services. These services include:
 Analysis of computers and data in criminal investigations
 On-site seizure of computer data in criminal invest igations
 Analysis of computers and data in civil litigation.
 On-site seizure of computer data in civil litigation
 Analysis of company computers to determine employee activity
 Assistance in preparing electronic discovery requests
 Reporting in a comprehensiv e and readily understandable manner
 Court -recognized computer expert witness testimony
 Computer forensics on both PC and Mac platforms
 Fast turnaround time.
1.5 BENEFITS OF PROFESSIONAL FORENSIC METHODOLOGY A knowledgeable computer forensics professional s hould ensure that a
subject computer system is carefully handled to ensure that:
1. No possible evidence is damaged, destroyed, or otherwise
compromised by the procedures used to investigate the computer.
2. No possible computer virus is introduced to a su bject computer during
the analysis process.

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6 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) 3. Extracted and possibly relevant evidence is properly handled and
protected from later mechanical or electromagnetic damage.
4. A continuing chain of custody is established and maintained.
5. Business operation s are affected for a limited amount of time, if at all.
6. Any client -attorney information that is inadvertently acquired during a
forensic exploration is ethically and legally respected and not
1.6 STEPS TAKEN BY COMPUTER FORENSICS SPECIALISTS The computer forensics specialist should take several careful steps to
identify and attempt to retrieve possible evidence that may exist on a
subject’s computer system. For example, the following steps should be
1. Protect the subject computer system during the forensic examination
from any possible alteration, damage, data corruption, or virus
2. Discover all files on the subject system. This includes existing normal
files, deleted yet remaining files, hidden files, password -protected
files, and encrypted files.
3. Recover all of discovered deleted files.
4. Reveal the contents of hidden files as well as temporary or swap files
used by both the application programs and the operating system.
5. Access the contents of protected or encrypte d files.
6. Analyze all possibly relevant data found in special areas of a disk.
This includes but is not limited to what is called unallocated space on
a disk, as well as slack space in a file (the remnant area at the end of a
file in the last assigned di sk cluster, that is unused by current file data,
but once again, may be a possible site for previously created and
relevant evidence).
7. Print out an overall analysis of the subject computer system, as well
as a listing of all possibly relevant files and discovered file data.
8. Provide an opinion of the system layout; the file structures
discovered; any discovered data and authorship information; any
attempts to hide, delete, protect, and encrypt information; and
anything else that has been discovered and appears to be relevant to
the overall computer system examination.
9. Provide expert consultation and/or testimony, as required.

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7 Introduction 1.7 TYPES OF MILITARY COMPUTER FORENSIC TECHNOLOGY  Key objectives of cyber forensics include rapid discovery of evidence,
estimation of potential impact of the malicious activity on the victim,
and assessment of the intent and identity of the perpetrator.
 Real-time tracking of potentially malicious activity is especially
difficult when the pertinent information has been intentio nally hidden,
destroyed, or modified in order to elude discovery.
 National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center
(NLECTC) works with criminal justice professionals to identify
urgent and emerging technology needs.
 NLECTC centers demonstrate new technologies, test commercially
available technologies and publish results — linking research and
 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) sponsors research and development
or identifies best practices to address those needs.
 The information director ate entered into a partnership with the NIJ via
the auspices of the NLECTC, to test the new ideas and prototype
tools. The Computer Forensics Experiment 2000 (CFX -2000) resulted
from this partnership.
Computer Forensic Experiment -2000 (Cfx -2000):
 CFX -2000 is an integrated forensic analysis framework.
 The central hypothesis of CFX -2000 is that it is possible to accurately
determine the motives, intent, targets, sophistication, identity, and
location of cyber criminals and cyber terrorists by deploying an
integrated forensic analysis framework.
 The cyber forensic tools involved in CFX -2000 consisted of
commercial off -the-shelf software and directorate -sponsored R&D
prototypes. CFX includes SI -FI integration environment.
 The Synthesizing Information from Foren sic Investigations (SI -FI)
integration environment supports the collection, examination, and
analysis processes employed during a cyber -forensic investigation.
 The SI -FI prototype uses digital evidence bags (DEBs), which are
secure and tamperproof containe rs used to store digital evidence.
 Investigators can seal evidence in the DEBs and use the SI -FI
implementation to collaborate on complex investigations.
 Authorized users can securely reopen the DEBs for examination,
while automatic audit of all actions en sures the continued integrity of
their contents.

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8 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  The teams used other forensic tools and prototypes to collect and
analyze specific features of the digital evidence, perform case
management and time lining of digital events, automate event link
analysis, a nd perform steganography detection.
 The results of CFX -2000 verified that the hypothesis was largely
correct and that it is possible to ascertain the intent and identity of
cyber criminals.
 As electronic technology continues its explosive growth, researche rs
need to continue vigorous R&D of cyber forensic technology in
preparation for the onslaught of cyber reconnaissance probes and

1.8 TYPES OF LAW ENFORCEMENT COMPUTER FORENSIC TECHNOLOGY Computer forensics tools and t echniques have become important resources
for use in internal investigations, civil lawsuits, and computer security risk
management. Law enforcement and military agencies have been involved
in processing computer evidence for years.
Computer Evidence Proce ssing Procedures:
Processing procedures and methodologies should conform to federal
computer evidence processing standards.
1. Preservation of Evidence:
 Computer evidence is fragile and susceptible to alteration or erasure
by any number of occurrences.

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9 Introduction  Com puter evidence can be useful in criminal cases, civil disputes, and
human resources/ employment proceedings.
 Black box computer forensics software tools are good for some basic
investigation tasks, but they do not offer a full computer forensics
 SafeBack software overcomes some of the evidence weaknesses
inherent in black box computer forensics approaches.
 SafeBack technology has become a worldwide standard in making
mirror image backups since 1990.
Trojan Horse Programs:
 The computer forensic exp ert should be able to demonstrate his or
her ability to avoid destructive programs and traps that can be
planted by computer users bent on destroying data and evidence.
 Such programs can also be used to covertly capture sensitive
information, passwords, an d network logons.
Computer Forensics Documentation:
 Without proper documentation, it is difficult to present findings.
 If the security or audit findings become the object of a lawsuit or a
criminal investigation, then documentation becomes even more
import ant.
File Slack:
 Slack space in a file is the remnant area at the end of a file in the last
assigned disk cluster, that is unused by current file data, but once
again, may be a possible site for previously created and relevant
 Techniques and auto mated tools that are used by the experts to
capture and evaluate file slack.
Data -Hiding Techniques:
 Trade secret information and other sensitive data can easily be
secreted using any number of techniques. It is possible to hide
diskettes within diskettes and to hide entire computer hard disk drive
partitions. Computer forensic experts should understand such issues
and tools that help in the identification of such anomalies.
E-Commerce Investigations:
 Net Threat Analyzer can be used to identify past Interne t browsing
and email activity done through specific computers. The software
analyzes a computer’s disk drives and other storage areas that are
generally unknown to or beyond the reach of most general computer

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10 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) users. Net Threat Analyzer avail -able free of c harge to computer
crime specialists, school officials, and police.
Dual -Purpose Programs:
 Programs can be designed to perform multiple processes and tasks at
the same time. Computer forensics experts must have hands -on
experience with these programs.
Text Search Techniques:
 Tools that can be used to find targeted strings of text in files, file
slack, unallocated file space, and Windows swap files.
Fuzzy Logic Tools Used To Identify Unknown Text:
 Computer evidence searches require that the computer specialis t know
what is being searched for. Many times not all is known about what
may be stored on a given computer system.
 In such cases, fuzzy logic tools can provide valuable leads as to how
the subject computer was used.
2. Disk Structure:
 Computer forensic ex perts must understand how computer hard disks
and floppy diskettes are structured and how computer evidence can
reside at various levels within the structure of the disk.
 They should also demonstrate their knowledge of how to modify the
structure and hide data in obscure places on floppy diskettes and hard
disk drives.
3. Data Encryption:
 Computer forensic experts should become familiar with the use of
software to crack security associated with the different file structures.
4. Matching a Diskette to a Com puter:
 Specialized techniques and tools that make it possible to conclusively
tie a diskette to a computer that was used to create or edit files stored
on it. Computer forensic experts should become familiar how to use
special software tools to complete th is process.
5. Data Compression:
 Computer forensic experts should become familiar with how
compression works and how compression programs can be used to
hide and disguise sensitive data and also learn how password -
protected compressed files can be broken.

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11 Introduction 6. Erased Files:
 Computer forensic experts should become familiar with how
previously erased files can be recovered by using DOS programs and
by manually using data -recovery technique & familiar with cluster
7. Internet Abuse Identification and Detection:
 Computer forensic experts should become familiar with how to use
specialized software to identify how a targeted computer has been
used on the Internet.
 This process will focus on computer forensics issues tied to data that
the computer user pr obably doesn’t realize exists (file slack,
unallocated file space, and Windows swap files).
8. The Boot Process and Memory Resident Programs:
 Computer forensic experts should become familiar with how the
operating system can be modified to change data and destroy data at
the whim of the person who configured the system.
 Such a technique could be used to covertly capture keyboard activity
from corporate executives, for example. For this reason, it is
important that the experts understand these potential risk s and how to
identify them.
1.9 TYPES OF BUSINESS COMPUTER FORENSIC TECHNOLOGY The following are different types of business computer forensics
technology: -
Remote Monitoring of Target Computers:
 Data Interception by Remote Transmission (DIRT) is a powerf ul
remote -control monitoring tool that allows stealth monitoring of all
activity on one or more target computers simultaneously from a
remote command center.
 No physical access is necessary. Application also allows agents to
remotely seize and secure digit al evidence prior to physically entering
suspect premises.
 Binary Audit Identification Transfer (BAIT) is a powerful intrusion
detection tool that allows users to create trackable electronic
 BAIT identifi es (including their location) unauthorized intruders who
access, download, and view these tagged documents.

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12 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  BAIT also allows security personnel to trace the chain of custody and
chain of command of all who possess the stolen electronic documents.
What it really costs to replace a stolen computer:
• The price of the replacement hardware & software.
• The cost of recreating data, lost production time or instruction time,
reporting and investigating the theft, filin g police reports and
insurance claims, increased insurance, processing and ordering
replacements, cutting a check, and the like.
• The loss of customer goodwill.
• If a thief is ever caught, the cost of time involved in prosecution.
Pc Phonehome:
• PC Phon eHome is a software application that will track and locate a
lost or stolen PC or laptop any -where in the world. It is easy to install.
It is also completely transparent to the user.
• If your PC PhoneHome -protected computer is lost or stolen, all you
need to do is make a report to the local police and call CD’s 24 -hour
command center. CD’s recovery specialists will assist local law
enforcement in the recovery of your property.
Services include but are not limited to:
 Lost pass word and file recovery
 Location and retrieval of deleted and hidden files
 File and email decryption
 Email supervision and authentication
 Threatening email traced to source
 Identification of Internet activity
 Computer usage policy and supervision
 Remote PC and network monitoring
 Tracking and location of stolen electronic files
 Honeypot sting operations
 Location and identity of unauthorized software users
 Theft recovery software for laptops and PCs

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13 Introduction  Investigative and security software creation
 Protection from hackers and viruses.
1.10 DATA RECOVERY DEFINED  Data recovery is the process in which highly trained engineers
evaluate and extract data from damaged media and return it in an
intact format.
 Many people, even computer experts, fail to recognize data recovery
as an option during a data crisis. But it is possible to retrieve files that
have been deleted and passwords that have been forgotten or to
recover entire hard drives that have been physically damaged.
1.11 DATA BAC K-UP AND RECOVERY Back -up Obstacles:
 Back -up Window: The back -up window is the period of time when
back -ups can be run. The back -up window is generally timed to occur
during nonproduction periods when network bandwidth and CPU
utilization are low.
 Network bandwidth: If a network cannot handle the impact of
transporting hundreds of gigabytes of data over a short period of time,
the organization’s centralized backup strategy is not viable.
 System throughput: Three I/O bottlenecks are commonly found in
traditi onal backup schemes. These are
1. The ability of the system being backed up to push data to the backup
2. The ability of the backup server to accept data from multiple systems
3. The available throughput of the tape device(s) onto whi ch the data is
Lack -of Resources: Many companies fail to make appropriate
investments in data protection until it is too late.
1.12 THE ROLE OF BACK -UP IN DATA RECOVERY There are many factors that affect back -up. For example:
 Storage costs are decrea sing: The cost per megabyte of primary
(online) storage has fallen dramatically over the past several years and
continues to do so as disk drive technologies advance.
 Systems have to be on -line continuously: Because systems must be
continuously online, the dilemma becomes that you can no longer

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14 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) take files offline long enough to perform backup.
 The role of Back -up has changed: The role of backup now includes
the responsibility for recovering user errors and ensuring that good
data has been saved and can quic kly be restored.
Conventional Tape Back -Up In Today’s Market:
 A typical tape management system consists of a dedicated
workstation with the front -end interfaced to the network and the back -
end controlling a repository of tape devices. The media server runs
tape management software. It can administer backup devices
throughout an enterprise and can run continuous parallel backups and
 An alternative to tape backup is to physically replicate or mirror all
data and keep two copies online at all times. The advantage is that the
data does not have to be restored, so there are no issues with
immediate data availability.
Issues With Today’s Back -Up:
 NETWORK BACKUP creates network performance problems. Using
the production network to carry backup data, as we ll as for normal
user data access, can severely overburden today’s busy network
 OFFLINE BACKUP affects data accessibility. The time that the host
is offline for data backup must be minimized. This requires extremely
high- speed, continuous paral lel backup of the raw image of the data.
 LIVE BACKUPS allow data access during the backup process but
affect performance. The downside to the live backup is that it puts a
tremendous burden on the host.
 MIRRORING doesn’t protect against user error and repl ication of bad
data. Fully replicated online data sounds great, albeit at twice the cost
per megabyte of a single copy of online data.
New Architectures and Techniques Are Required:
 Backup at extremely high speed is required. Recovery must be
available at file level. The time that systems off -line for back -up must
be eliminated.
 Remote hot recovery sites are needed for immediate resumption of
data access. Backup of critical data is still required to ensure against
data errors and user errors.
 To achieve eff ective backup and recovery, the decoupling of data
from its storage space is needed.
 It is necessary to develop techniques to journal modified pages, so

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15 Introduction that journaling can be invoked within the primary storage device,
without host intervention.
 Part of th e primary storage area must be set aside for data to be
backed up. This area must be as large as the largest backup block. We
should have fast nonrandom restoration of critical data.
1.13 THE DATA RECOVERY SOLUTION Shrinking Expertise, Growing Complexity:
a. The complex systems that have evolved over the past 30 years must
be monitored, managed, controlled, and optimized. But most of the
bright young graduates this term haven’t had much exposure to
mainframe concepts.
b. Backups often take place while an ap plication is running. Application
changes take place on the fly. If an outage occurs, the company stands
to lose tens of thousands of dollars an hour.
Disk storage is more reliable than ever, but hardware failures are still
possible. A simple mis take can be made by an application programmer,
system programmer, or operations person. Logic errors in programs or
application of the wrong update at the wrong time can result in a system
crash or, worse. Disasters do really occurs! Floods, tornadoes,
earthquakes, tsunamis, and even terrorism can do strike. We must be
Budgets and Downtime:
We have fewer resources (people, processing power, time, and money) to
do more work than ever before, and we must keep your expenses under
control. Systems must r emain available to make money and serve
customers. Downtime is much too expensive to be tolerated.
Recovery: Think Before You Back -Up:
One of the most critical data -management tasks involves recovering data
in the event of a problem. You must evaluate your preparations, make sure
that all resources are available in usable condition, automate processes as
much as possible, and make sure you have the right kind of resources.
Evaluate your preparation:
If all of the resources (image copies, change accumulation s, and logs) are
available at recovery time, these preparations certainly allow for a
standard recovery. Finding out at recovery time that some critical resource
is missing can be disastrous!
Don’t let your resources fall through the cracks
Identifying dif ferent types of conditions is critical to ensuring a successful

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16 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) recovery. Checking your assets to make sure they’re ready should be part
of your plan.
Automated Recovery:
With proper planning and automation, recovery is made possible, reliance
on specific personnel is reduced, and the human -error factor is nearly
Data integrity and your business relay on building recovery job control
language (JCL). In the event of a disaster, the Information Management
System (IMS) recovery control (RECON) data sets must be modified in
preparation for the recovery.
Cleaning your RECON data sets can take hours if done manually, and it’s
an error -prone process.
Make Recoveries Efficient:
Multithreading tasks shorten the recovery process. Recovering multiple
databa ses with one pass through your log data certainly will save time.
Taking image copies, rebuilding indexes, and validating pointers
concurrently with the recovery process further reduce downtime.
Take Back -ups:
The first step to a successful recovery is the backup of your data. Your
goal in backing up data is to do so quickly, efficiently, and usually with
minimal impact to your customers. You might need only very brief out -
ages to take instant copies of your data, or you might have intelligent
storage devic es that allow you to take a snapshot of your data. Both
methods call for tools to assist in the management of resources.
Back -Up and Recovery Solution:
BMC software has developed a model called the Back -up and Recovery
Solution (BRS) for the Information Ma nagement System (IMS) product.
Image Copy:
BRS contains an Image Copy component to help manage your image copy
process. BRS can take batch, on -line (fuzzy), or incremental image copies;
Snapshot copies; or Instant Snapshot copies.
The Image Copy component of BRS offers a variety of powerful features:
dynamic allocation of all input and output data sets, stacking of output
data sets, high performance access methods (faster I/O), copying by
volume, compression of output image copies, and database group
proces sing--- all while interfacing with DBRC and processing
Change Accumulation:
The BRS Change Accumulation component takes advantage of multiple

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17 Introduction engines, large virtual storage resources, and high -speed channels and
controllers that are availab le in many environments.
Use of multiple tack control block (TCB) structures enables overlapping
of as much processing as possible, reducing both elapsed and CPU time.
 The BRS Recovery component, which functionally replaces the IMS
Database Recov ery utility for null - function (DL/I) databases and
data-entry databases (DEDBs), allow recovery of multiple databases
with one pass of the log and change accumulation data sets while
dynamically allocating all data sets required for recovery.
 BRS recovers multiple databases to any point in time. BRS can
determine the best choice for a Point -in- Time (PIT) recovery. Full
DBRS support includes:
Recovery Manager:
 Recovery Manager component lets you automate and synchronize
recoveries across applications and d atabases by creating meaningful
groups of related databases and creating optimized JCL to perform the
recovery of these groups.
 Recovery Manager component provides a positive response for the
IMS commands that are used to deallocate and start your database s.
 Recovery Manager component fully automates the process of cleaning
the RECON data sets for restart following a disaster recovery.
 Recovery Manager component also allows you to test your recovery
strategy and notifies you when media errors have jeopardiz ed your
recovery resources.
Pointer Checking:
BRS offers the capability to verify the validity of database pointers
through the Concurrent Pointer Checking function for both full -function
databases and Fast Path data -entry databases (DEDBs).
Index Rebuild:
If indexes are ever damaged or lost, the Index Rebuild function of BRS
allows you rebuild them rather than recover them.
Recovery Advisor:
The Recovery Advisor component of BRS allows you to monitor the
frequency of your image copies and change accumulati ons.
It helps you to determine whether all your databases are being backed -up.
By using any number of back -up and recovery tools available, you can
better manage your world and be ready to recover!

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18 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) Remote Monitoring of Target Computers:
 Data Interception b y Remote Transmission (DIRT) is a powerful
remote control monitoring tool that allows stealth monitoring of all
activity on one or more target computers simultaneously from a
remote command center.
 No physical access is necessary. Application also allows a gents to
remotely seize and secure digital evidence prior to physically entering
suspect premises.
Creating Trackable Electronic Documents:
 Binary Audit Identification Transfer (BAIT) is a powerful intrusion
detection tool that allows users to create track able electronic
 BAIT identifies (including their location) unauthorized intruders who
access, download, and view these tagged documents.
 BAIT also allows security personnel to trace the chain of custody and
chain of command of all who possess th e stolen electronic documents.
What it really costs to replace a stolen computer:
• The price of the replacement hardware & software.
• The cost of recreating data, lost production time or instruction time,
reporting and investigating the theft, filing police reports and
insurance claims, increased insurance, processing and ordering
replacements, cutting a check, and the like.
• The loss of customer goodwill.
• If a thief is ever caught, the cost of time involved in prosecution.
• PC PhoneHome is a software application that will track and locate a
lost or stolen PC or laptop any -where in the world. It is easy to install.
It is also completely transparent to the user.
• If your PC PhoneHome -protected computer is lost or stolen, all you
need to do is make a report to the local police and call CD’s 24 -hour
command center. CD’s recovery specialists will assist local law
enforcement in the recovery of your property.
Forensic Services Available:
Services i nclude but are not limited to:
 Lost password and file recovery

Page 19

19 Introduction  Location and retrieval of deleted and hidden files
 File and email decryption
 Email supervision and authentication
 Threatening email traced to source
 Identification of Internet activity
 Computer usage policy and supervision
 Remote PC and network monitoring
 Tracking and location of stolen electronic files
 Honeypot sting operations
 Location and identity of unauthorized software users
 Theft recovery software for laptops and PCs
 Investigative and sec urity software creation
 Protection from hackers and viruses.
Computer Forensic Evidence & Capture
1.14 DATA RECOVERY DEFINED  Data recovery is the process in which highly trained engineers evaluate
and extract data from damaged media and return it in an in tact format.
Many people, even computer experts, fail to recognize data recovery as
an option during a data crisis. But it is possible to retrieve files that
have been deleted and passwords that have been forgotten or to recover
entire hard drives that hav e been physically damaged.
1.15 DATA BACK -UP AND RECOVERY Back -up Obstacles:
 Back -up Window: The back -up window is the period of time when
back -ups can be run. The back -up window is generally timed to occur
during nonproduction periods when network bandwid th and CPU
utilization are low.
 Network bandwidth: If a network cannot handle the impact of
transporting hundreds of gigabytes of data over a short period of time,
the organization’s centralized backup strategy is not viable.
 System throughput: Three I/O b ottlenecks are commonly found in
traditional backup schemes. These are

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20 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) 1. The ability of the system being backed up to push data to the backup
2. The ability of the backup server to accept data from multiple systems
3. The available t hroughput of the tape device(s) onto which the data is
Lack -of Resources:
Many companies fail to make appropriate investments in data protection
until it is too late.
1.16 THE ROLE OF BACK -UP IN DATA RECOVERY There are many factors that affect back -up. For example:
 Storage costs are decreasing: The cost per megabyte of primary
(online) storage has fallen dramatically over the past several years and
continues to do so as disk drive technologies advance.
 Systems have to be on -line continuously: Because systems must be
continuously online, the dilemma becomes that you can no longer
take files offline long enough to perform backup.
 The role of Back -up has changed: The role of backup now includes
the responsibility for recovering user errors and ensuring t hat good
data has been saved and can quickly be restored.
Conventional Tape Back -Up In Today’s Market:
 A typical tape management system consists of a dedicated
workstation with the front -end interfaced to the network and the back -
end controlling a reposito ry of tape devices. The media server runs
tape management software. It can administer backup devices
throughout an enterprise and can run continuous parallel backups and
 An alternative to tape backup is to physically replicate or mirror all
data and keep two copies online at all times. The advantage is that the
data does not have to be restored, so there are no issues with
immediate data availability.
Issues With Today’s Back -Up:
 Network Backup: creates network performance problems. Using the
production network to carry backup data, as well as for normal user
data access, can severely overburden today’s busy network resources.
 Offline Backup: affects data accessibility. The time that the host is
offline for data backup must be minimized. This requi res extremely
high- speed, continuous parallel backup of the raw image of the data.

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21 Introduction  Live Backups: allow data access during the backup process but affect
performance. The downside to the live backup is that it puts a
tremendous burden on the host.
 Mirroring : doesn’t protect against user error and replication of bad
data. Fully replicated online data sounds great, albeit at twice the cost
per megabyte of a single copy of online data.
New Architectures and Techniques are Required:
 Backup at extremely high spee d is required. Recovery must be
available at file level. The time that systems off -line for back -up must
be eliminated.
 Remote hot recovery sites are needed for immediate resumption of
data access. Backup of critical data is still required to ensure agains t
data errors and user errors.
 To achieve effective backup and recovery, the decoupling of data
from its storage space is needed.
 It is necessary to develop techniques to journal modified pages, so
that journaling can be invoked within the primary storage device,
without host intervention.
 Part of the primary storage area must be set aside for data to be
backed up. This area must be as large as the largest backup block. We
should have fast nonrandom restoration of critical data.
1.17 THE DATA RECOVERY SOLUT ION Shrinking Expertise, Growing Complexity:
c. The complex systems that have evolved over the past 30 years must
be monitored, managed, controlled, and optimized. But most of the
bright young graduates this term haven’t had much exposure to
mainframe conc epts.
d. Backups often take place while an application is running. Application
changes take place on the fly. If an outage occurs, the company stands
to lose tens of thousands of dollars an hour.
Disk storage is more reliable than ever, but hardw are failures are still
possible. A simple mistake can be made by an application programmer,
system programmer, or operations person. Logic errors in programs or
application of the wrong update at the wrong time can result in a system
crash or, worse. Disas ters do really occurs! Floods, tornadoes,
earthquakes, tsunamis, and even terrorism can do strike. We must be

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22 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) Budgets and Downtime:
We have fewer resources (people, processing power, time, and money) to
do more work than ever before, and we must ke ep your expenses under
control. Systems must remain available to make money and serve
customers. Downtime is much too expensive to be tolerated.
Recovery: Think Before You Back -Up:
One of the most critical data -management tasks involves recovering data
in the event of a problem. You must evaluate your preparations, make sure
that all resources are available in usable condition, automate processes as
much as possible, and make sure you have the right kind of resources.
Evaluate your preparation:
If all of th e resources (image copies, change accumulations, and logs) are
available at recovery time, these preparations certainly allow for a
standard recovery. Finding out at recovery time that some critical resource
is missing can be disastrous!
Don’t let your res ources fall through the cracks
Identifying different types of conditions is critical to ensuring a successful
recovery. Checking your assets to make sure they’re ready should be part
of your plan.
Automated Recovery:
With proper planning and automation, re covery is made possible, reliance
on specific personnel is reduced, and the human -error factor is nearly
Data integrity and your business relay on building recovery job control
language (JCL). In the event of a disaster, the Information Managem ent
System (IMS) recovery control (RECON) data sets must be modified in
preparation for the recovery.
Cleaning your RECON data sets can take hours if done manually, and it’s
an error -prone process.
Make Recoveries Efficient:
Multithreading tasks shorten th e recovery process. Recovering multiple
databases with one pass through your log data certainly will save time.
Taking image copies, rebuilding indexes, and validating pointers
concurrently with the recovery process further reduce downtime.
Take Back -ups:
The first step to a successful recovery is the backup of your data. Your
goal in backing up data is to do so quickly, efficiently, and usually with
minimal impact to your customers. You might need only very brief out -
ages to take instant copies of your dat a, or you might have intelligent

Page 23

23 Introduction storage devices that allow you to take a snapshot of your data. Both
methods call for tools to assist in the management of resources.
Back -Up and Recovery Solution:
BMC software has developed a model called the Back -up and Recovery
Solution (BRS) for the Information Management System (IMS) product.
Image Copy:
BRS contains an Image Copy component to help manage your image copy
process. BRS can take batch, on -line (fuzzy), or incremental image copies;
Snapshot copies; or Inst ant Snapshot copies:
The Image Copy component of BRS offers a variety of powerful features:
dynamic allocation of all input and output data sets, stacking of output
data sets, high performance access methods (faster I/O), copying by
volume, compression of output image copies, and database group
processing --- all while interfacing with DBRC and processing
Change Accumulation:
The BRS Change Accumulation component takes advantage of multiple
engines, large virtual storage resources, and high -speed channels and
controllers that are available in many environments.
Use of multiple tack control block (TCB) structures enables overlapping
of as much processing as possible, reducing both elapsed and CPU time.
 The BRS Recovery component, whic h functionally replaces the IMS
Database Recovery utility for null - function (DL/I) databases and
data-entry databases (DEDBs), allow recovery of multiple databases
with one pass of the log and change accumulation data sets while
dynamically allocating all data sets required for recovery.
 BRS recovers multiple databases to any point in time. BRS can
determine the best choice for a Point -in- Time (PIT) recovery. Full
DBRS support includes:
Recovery Manager:
 Recovery Manager component lets you automate and sy nchronize
recoveries across applications and databases by creating meaningful
groups of related databases and creating optimized JCL to perform the
recovery of these groups.
 Recovery Manager component provides a positive response for the
IMS commands that are used to deallocate and start your databases.
 Recovery Manager component fully automates the process of cleaning
the RECON data sets for restart following a disaster recove

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24 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  Recovery Manager component also allows you to test your recovery
strategy and no tifies you when media errors have jeopardized your
recovery resources.
Pointer Checking:
BRS offers the capability to verify the validity of database pointers
through the Concurrent Pointer Checking function for both full -function
databases and Fast Path d ata-entry databases (DEDBs).
Index Rebuild:
If indexes are ever damaged or lost, the Index Rebuild function of BRS
allows you rebuild them rather than recover them.
Recovery Advisor:
The Recovery Advisor component of BRS allows you to monitor the
frequency of your image copies and change accumulations.
It helps you to determine whether all your databases are being backed -up.
By using any number of back -up and recovery tools available, you can
better manage your world and be ready to recover!
What is Malware ?:
Malware is a catch -all term for various malicious software, including
viruses, adware, spyware, browser hijacking software, and fake security
Once installed on your computer, these programs can seriously affect your
privacy and your computer's security. For example, malware is known for
relaying personal information to advertisers and other third parties without
user consent. Some programs are also known for containing worms and
viruses that cause a great deal of computer damage.
Types of Malwa re:
 Viruses which are the most commonly -known form of malware and
potentially the most destructive. They can do anything from erasing
the data on your computer to hijacking your computer to attack other
systems, send spam, or host and share illegal content .
 Spyware collects your personal information and passes it on to
interested third parties without your knowledge or consent. Spyware
is also known for installing Trojan viruses.
 Adware displays pop -up advertisements when you are online.
 Fake security softw are poses as legitimate software to trick you into
opening your system to further infection, providing personal
information, or paying for unnecessary or even damaging "clean ups".

Page 25

25 Introduction  Browser hijacking software changes your browser settings (such as
your home page and toolbars), displays pop -up ads and creates new
desktop shortcuts. It can also relay your personal preferences to
interested third parties.
Facts about Malware:
Malware is often bundled with other software and may be installed
without your knowled ge:
For instance, AOL Instant Messenger comes with WildTangent, a
documented malware program. Some peer -to-peer (P2P) applications,
such as KaZaA, Gnutella, and LimeWire also bundle spyware and adware.
While End User License Agreements (EULA) usually inclu de information
about additional programs, some malware is automatically installed,
without notification or user consent.
Malware is very difficult to remove:
Malware programs can seldom be uninstalled by conventional means. In
addition, they ‘hide’ in unex pected places on your computer (e.g., hidden
folders or system files), making their removal complicated and time -
consuming. In some cases, you may have to reinstall your operating
system to get rid of the infection completely.
Malware threatens your privac y:
Malware programs are known for gathering personal information and
relaying it to advertisers and other third parties. The information most
typically collected includes your browsing and shopping habits, your
computer's IP address, or your identification information.
Malware threatens your computer’s security:
Some types of malware contain files commonly identified as Trojan
viruses. Others leave your computer vulnerable to viruses. Regardless of
type, malware is notorious for being at the root, whether d irectly or
indirectly, of virus infection, causing conflicts with legitimate software
and compromising the security of any operating system, Windows or
How do I know if I have Malware on my computer?:
Common symptoms include:
Browser crashes & i nstabilities
 Browser closes unexpectedly or stops responding.
 The home page changes to a different website and cannot be reset.
 New toolbars are added to the browser.

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26 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  Clicking a link does not work or you are redirected to an unrelated
Poor system performance :
 Internet connection stops unexpectedly.
 Computer stops responding or takes longer to start.
 Applications do not open or are blocked from downloading updates
(especially security programs).
 New icons are added to desktop or suspicious programs are installed.
 Certain system settings or configuration options become unavailable.
Advertising :
 Ads pop up even when the browser is not open.
 Browser opens automatically to display ads.
 New pages open in browser to display ads.
 Search results pages displa y only ads.


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27 2
Unit Structure
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Types of Network Security Devices
2.3 Unified Threat Management (UTM)
2.4 Intrusion Detection Systems
2.5 What is a Firewall?
2.6 What is Storage Area Network (SAN) in Computer Network?
2.7 Network disaster recovery plan
2.1 INTRODUCTION Network security is the security provided to a network from unauthorized
access and risks. It is the duty of network administrators to adopt
preventive measures to protect their networks from potential secu rity
Computer networks that are involved in regular transactions and
communication within the government, individuals, or business require
security. The most common and simple way of protecting a network
resource is by assigning it a unique name a nd a corresponding password.
These security devices block the surplus traffic. Firewalls, antivirus
scanning devices, and content filtering devices are the examples of such
Passive Devices :
These devices identify and report on unwanted traffic, for example,
intrusion detection appliances.
Preventative Devices :
These devices scan the networks and identify potential security problems.
For example, penetration testing devices and vulnerability asse ssment
2.3 UNIFIED THREAT MANAGEMENT (UTM) These devices serve as all -in-one security devices. Examples include
firewalls, content filtering, web caching, etc.

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28 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) Firewalls:
A firewall is a network security system that manages and regulates the
network traffic based on some protocols. A firewall establishes a barrier
between a trusted internal network and the internet.
Firewalls exist both as software that run on a hardware and as hardware
appliances. Firewalls that are hardware -based also provide other functions
like acting as a DHCP server for that network.
Most personal computers use software -based firewalls to secure data from
threats from the internet. Many routers that pass data between networks
contain firewall components and conversely, many firewalls can perform
basic routing functions.
Firewalls are commonly used in private networks or intranets to prevent
unauthorized access from the internet. Every message entering or leaving
the intranet goes through the firewall to be examined for secur ity
An ideal firewall configuration consists of both hardware and software
based devices. A firewall also helps in providing remote access to a
private network through secure authentication certificates and logins.
Hardware and Software Firewalls :
Hardware firewalls are standalone products. These are also found in
broadband routers. Most hardware firewalls provide a minimum of four
network ports to connect other computers. For larger networks − e.g., for
business purpose − business networking fire wall solutions are available.
Software firewalls are installed on your computers. A software firewall
protects your computer from internet threats.
An antivirus is a tool that is used to detect and remove malicious software.
It was originally de signed to detect and remove viruses from computers.
Modern antivirus software provide protection not only from virus, but also
from worms, Trojan -horses, adwares, spywares, keyloggers, etc. Some
products also provide protection from malicious URLs, spam, p hishing
attacks, botnets, DDoS attacks, etc.
Content Filtering:
Content filtering devices screen unpleasant and offensive emails or
webpages. These are used as a part of firewalls in corporations as well as
in personal computers. These devices generate the message "Access
Denied" when someone tries to access any unauthorized web page or

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29 Network Security Content is usually screened for pornographic content and also for
violence - or hate -oriented content. Organizations also exclude shopping
and job related contents.
Content filtering can be divided into the following categories:
 Web filtering
 Screening of Web sites or pages
 E-mail filtering
 Screening of e -mail for spam
 Other objectionable content
2.4 INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS Intrusion Detection Systems, also known as Intrusion Detection and
Prevention Systems, are the appliances that monitor malicious activities in
a network, log information about such activities, take steps to stop them,
and finally report them.
Intrusion detection systems help in sending an alarm ag ainst any malicious
activity in the network, drop the packets, and reset the connection to save
the IP address from any blockage. Intrusion detection systems can also
perform the following actions −
 Correct Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) errors
 Prevent TCP sequencing issues
 Clean up unwanted transport and network layer options
Classification of Intrusion Detection System:
IDS are classified into 5 types:
1. Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS):
Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are set up at a pla nned point
within the network to examine traffic from all devices on the network. It
performs an observation of passing traffic on the entire subnet and
matches the traffic that is passed on the subnets to the collection of
known attacks. Once an attack is identified or abnormal behavior is
observed, the alert can be sent to the administrator. An example of a
NIDS is installing it on the subnet where firewalls are located in order to
see if someone is trying to crack the firewall.
2. Host Intrusion Detection S ystem (HIDS):
Host intrusion detection systems (HIDS) run on independent hosts or
devices on the network. A HIDS monitors the incoming and outgoing
packets from the device only and will alert the administrator if
suspicious or malicious activity is detecte d. It takes a snapshot of

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30 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) existing system files and compares it with the previous snapshot. If the
analytical system files were edited or deleted, an alert is sent to the
administrator to investigate. An example of HIDS usage can be seen on
mission -critica l machines, which are not expected to change their layout.
3. Protocol -based Intrusion Detection System (PIDS):
Protocol -based intrusion detection system (PIDS) comprises a system or
agent that would consistently resides at the front end of a server,
controll ing and interpreting the protocol between a user/device and the
server. It is trying to secure the web server by regularly monitoring the
HTTPS protocol stream and accept the related HTTP protocol. As
HTTPS is un -encrypted and before instantly entering its web
presentation layer then this system would need to reside in this interface,
between to use the HTTPS.
4. Application Protocol -based Intrusion Detection System (APIDS):
Application Protocol -based Intrusion Detection System (APIDS) is a
system or agent that generally resides within a group of servers. It
identifies the intrusions by monitoring and interpreting the
communication on application -specific protocols. For example, this
would monitor the SQL protocol explicit to the middleware as it
transacts w ith the database in the web server.
5. Hybrid Intrusion Detection System :
Hybrid intrusion detection system is made by the combination of two or
more approaches of the intrusion detection system. In the hybrid
intrusion detection system, host agent or sys tem data is combined with
network information to develop a complete view of the network system.
Hybrid intrusion detection system is more effective in comparison to the
other intrusion detection system. Prelude is an example of Hybrid IDS.
Detection Method of IDS:
1. Signature -based Method:
Signature -based IDS detects the attacks on the basis of the specific
patterns such as number of bytes or number of 1’s or number of 0’s in
the network traffic. It also detects on the basis of the already known
malicious ins truction sequence that is used by the malware. The detected
patterns in the IDS are known as signatures.
Signature -based IDS can easily detect the attacks whose pattern
(signature) already exists in system but it is quite difficult to detect the
new malwar e attacks as their pattern (signature) is not known.
2. Anomaly -based Method:
Anomaly -based IDS was introduced to detect unknown malware attacks
as new malware are developed rapidly. In anomaly -based IDS there is
use of machine learning to create a trustful a ctivity model and anything

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31 Network Security coming is compared with that model and it is declared suspicious if it is
not found in model. Machine learning -based method has a better -
generalized property in comparison to signature -based IDS as these
models can be trained acc ording to the applications and hardware
Comparison of IDS with Firewalls:
IDS and firewall both are related to network security but an IDS differs
from a firewall as a firewall looks outwardly for intrusions in order to
stop them from happe ning. Firewalls restrict access between networks to
prevent intrusion and if an attack is from inside the network it doesn’t
signal. An IDS describes a suspected intrusion once it has happened and
then signals an alarm.
2.5 WHAT IS A FIREWALL? A Firewall i s a network security device that monitors and filters incoming
and outgoing network traffic based on an organization’s previously
established security policies. At its most basic, a firewall is essentially the
barrier that sits between a private internal n etwork and the public Internet.
A firewall’s main purpose is to allow non -threatening traffic in and to
keep dangerous traffic out.
Types of firewalls:
 Proxy firewall :
An early type of firewall device, a proxy firewall serves as the gateway
from one networ k to another for a specific application. Proxy servers can
provide additional functionality such as content caching and security by
preventing direct connections from outside the network. However, this
also may impact throughput capabilities and the applic ations they can
 Stateful inspection firewall :
Now thought of as a “traditional” firewall, a stateful inspection firewall
allows or blocks traffic based on state, port, and protocol. It monitors all
activity from the opening of a connection until i t is closed. Filtering
decisions are made based on both administrator -defined rules as well as
context, which refers to using information from previous connections and
packets belonging to the same connection.
 Unified threat management (UTM) firewall :
A UT M device typically combines, in a loosely coupled way, the
functions of a stateful inspection firewall with intrusion prevention
and antivirus . It may also include additional services and often cloud
management. UTMs focus on simplicity and ease of use.
See our UTM devices .

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32 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  Next -generation firewall (NGFW) :
Firewalls have evolved beyond si mple packet filtering and stateful
inspection. Most companies are deploying next-generation firewalls to
block modern threats such as advanced malware and application -layer
According to Gartner, Inc.’s definition, a next -generation firewall must
 Standard firewall capabilities like stateful inspection
 Integrated intrusion prevention
 Application awareness and control to see and b lock risky apps
 Upgrade paths to include future information feeds
 Techniques to address evolving security threats
While these capabilities are increasingly becoming the standard for most
companies, NGFWs can do more.
Threat -focused NGFW :
These firewalls in clude all the capabilities of a traditional NGFW and also
provide advanced threat detection and remediation. With a threat -focused
NGFW you can:
 Know which assets are most at risk with complete context awareness
 Quickly react to attacks with intelligent se curity automation that sets
policies and hardens your defenses dynamically
 Better detect evasive or suspicious activity with network and endpoint
event correlation
 Greatly decrease the time from detection to cleanup with retrospective
security that continu ously monitors for suspicious activity and
behavior even after initial inspection
 Ease administration and reduce complexity with unified policies that
protect across the entire attack continuum
2.6 WHAT IS STORAGE AREA NETWORK (SAN) IN COMPUTER NETWORK? SAN stands for Storage Area Network . This is a network of storage
devices that can be accessed by multiple servers or computers, prov iding a
shared pool of storage space. Each computer on the web can access the
SAN storage as though they were local disks connected directly to the

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33 Network Security A SAN consists of interconnected hosts, switches and storage devices. The
components can be connec ted using a variety of protocols. Fibre Channel
is the original transport protocol of choice. Another option is Fibre
Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), which lets organizations move Fibre
Channel traffic across existing high -speed Ethernet, converging storage
and IP protocols onto a single infrastructure.
SANs are frequently dependent on Fibre Channel (FC) technology that
uses the Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) for open systems and proprietary
variants for administration. It also facilitates Fibre Channel over Et hernet
(FCoE) creates it possible to transfer FC traffic across current high -speed
Ethernet infrastructures and concentrate storage and IP protocols onto an
individual cable.
There are other technologies such as Internet Small Computing System
Interface (i SCSI), generally used in small and medium -sized organizations
as a less costly alternative to FC, and InfiniBand, generally used in high -
execution computing environments, can also be used. It is possible to use
gateways to transfer information between vari ous SAN technologies.
SANs are typically used to centralize the storage of data in an enterprise,
which simplifies administration and backup of the data. SANs are often
located near legacy mainframe computing environments but are gaining
importance in dist ributed client/server environments as well.
SANs are also used as remote storage and archival facilities connected to
networks by high -speed Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) or OC -3
SANs are specifically useful in backup and disaster recove ry
environments. Within a SAN, data can be moved from one storage
appliance to another without communicating with a server. This speeds up
the backup process and removes the requirement to use server CPU cycles
for backup.
SANs use high -speed Fibre Channel technology or various networking
protocols that enable the networks to cover a larger geographic location.
That creates it more applicable for companies to save their backup
information in remote areas.
The advantages of SAN are as follows:
 Storage Virtualization : Server capacity is no longer linked to single
storage devices, as large and consolidated storage pools are now
available for software applications.
 High -Speed Disk Technologies : An example is FC, which offers
data retrieval speeds tha t exceed 5 Gbps. Storage -to-storage data
transfer is also available via direct data transmission from the source
to the target device with minimal or no server intervention.

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34 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  Centralized Backup : Servers view stored data on local disks rather
than multiple d isk and server connections. Advanced backup features,
such as block -level and incremental backups, streamline IT system
administrator responsibilities.
 Dynamic Failover Protection : It can provide continuous network
operation, even if a server fails or goes offline for maintenance,
enabling built -in redundancy and automatic traffic rerouting.
2.7 NETWORK DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN A network disaster recovery plan is a set of policies to help you restore all
your organization's network operations after a network disaster. A network
disaster can range from performance degradation to complete network
outage. While network disasters are often caused by human error, this
page will list the common sources of network disasters, and how Network
Configuration Manager will help solve them.
1. Network disaster due to bandwidth hogs:
Organizations often invest a lot of money into acquiring large amounts of
bandwidth that is shared by every user on the network. When a single user
disproportionately consumes a lot of bandwidth on a typical network, it
can affect the entire network. Situations like these lead to other users on
the network experience lag, causing performance degradation.
Network disaster recovery plan to fix bandwidth hogs
Bandwidth hogs in a network can be fixed by capping bandwidth
consumption using access control list (ACL) configlets in Network
Configuration Manager. With these configlets, yo u can use limiters to
restrict certain users' bandwidth or choose to block their access to the
network entirely.
2. Network disaster due to violation of industry standards:
The network industry has laid out certain industry standards like PCI
DSS, HIPAA , SOX and Cisco IOS standards . Each of these standards
have a specific set of rules that your organization must compl y with.
Violating any of these rules could easily cause a network vulnerability that
leads to a network disaster.
Network disaster recovery plan to fix compliance violations :
Let's take the example of a company using TELNET. TELNET is a
communication proto col that the network industry has recommended not
to use due to security concerns. All communication that happens via
TELNET is unencrypted, which can lead to a data breach. By executing
configlets on Network Configuration Manager, you can check whether
TELNET has been enabled. If the protocol is enabled, Network
Configuration Manager automatically notifies the admin so that the
violation can be remediated. Network Configuration Manager also speeds
up the remediation process by allowing each compliance rule to be

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35 Network Security associated with a remediation configlet. The admin can instantly fix
violations by executing a remediation configlet.
3. Network disaster due to faulty configuration changes:
Network infrastructures are prone to human errors since they are subject t o
frequent manual changes. Such errors can cause vulnerabilities in the
network that lead to network disasters. Shutting down interfaces is one
such common error. Users shutting down an interface can render a group
of devices inaccessible to everyone on th e network.
Network disaster recovery plan to fix faulty configuration changes :
Moderation of network infrastructure changes can be achieved
through role-based access control and change notifications in Network
Configuration Manager. With a role -based access control, every user is
assigned a role which will define the devices they can access. With
Network Configuration Manager you can assign operato r or admin roles to
users. While admins have access to all devices in the network, operators
will have to make a request to the admin each time they try to change a
configuration. Once a change is processed, the operator receives a
notification of the stat us of the configuration upload.
Network Configuration Manager also has a rollback mechanism to undo
any configuration changes that disrupt network performance. The rollback
mechanism helps you maintain business continuity.
4. Network disaster due to loss o f configuration changes:
While network admins frequently make changes to network devices, it's
important that each change is also applied to the startup configuration of
the device. If not, this disparity will lead to a startup -running configuration
conflict , and the changes will be lost when the device turns off. In cases
where these changes are mission -critical or security -related, losses can
lead to network disasters.
Network disaster recovery plan to prevent loss of configuration
changes :
Network Configuration Manager gives admins a unified look into all the
devices that have a startup -running conflict. These conflicts can be
remediated by using Network Configuration Manager to sync the startup
and running configuration of the devices. Admins can also choose to
schedule configuration syncs to occur monthly, weekly, daily, or just once.
5. Network disaster due to hardware failure:
A hardwa re failure can cause as much damage to a network as a
misconfiguration. Regularly checking your hardware components is
crucial to your network's continual function. End of sale, end of support,
and end of life must be checked frequently. Any device that's being used
beyond its EOL/EOS has a higher risk of malfunctioning or failing.

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36 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) Network disaster recovery plan in case of a hardware failure :
Network Configuratio n Manager can help in network recovery with a
repository of device configuration backups. This repository is built over
time through scheduled, automated, and manual backups. Whenever
there's a network outage due to hardware failure, you can replace the
failed device with an identical one, then upload the failed device's
configuration from the repository. This will quickly restore all network
Network disaster recovery plan template:
An efficient network disaster recovery plan should have the foll owing
things in place to ensure efficient recovery for all your network functions:
1. Backup: Take regular network backups so that you have a
repositor y of trusted versions of device configurations.
2. Role based access control: Assign user roles to make sure no
unauthorized changes or configuration uploads are made to your
network devices.
3. Change rollback: Implement a rollback mechanism to a truste d
version so that you can quickly restore your network when there's a
4. Compliance: Conduct regular compliance audits to ensure you
adhere to industry standards and enhance your network's security.
5. Configlets: Implement the use of c onfiglets (executable
configuration templates) to execute configuration tasks in bulk.


Page 37

37 3
Unit Structure
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Key Management
3.3 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
3.4 Digital Certificate
3.5 Certifying Authority (CA)
3.6 Private Key Tokens
3.7 Wireless Security
3.8 Instant messaging
3.9 What is Biometrics? How is it used in security?
3.10 What Is Identity Theft?
3.1 INTRODUCTION The most distinct feature of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is that it uses
a pair of keys to achieve the underlying security service. The key pair
comprises of private key and public key.
Since the public keys are in open domain, they are likely to be abused. It
is, thus, necessary to establish and maintain some kind of trusted
infrastructure to manage these keys.
3.2 KEY MANAGEMENT It goes without saying tha t the security of any cryptosystem depends upon
how securely its keys are managed. Without secure procedures for the
handling of cryptographic keys, the benefits of the use of strong
cryptographic schemes are potentially lost.
It is observed that cryptogra phic schemes are rarely compromised through
weaknesses in their design. However, they are often compromised through
poor key management.
There are some important aspects of key management which are as
 Cryptographic keys are nothing but special pie ces of data. Key
management refers to the secure administration of cryptographic keys.
 Key management deals with entire key lifecycle as depicted in the
following illustration:

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38 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)

 There are two specific requirements of key management for public
key cryptogr aphy.
o Secrecy of private keys: Throughout the key lifecycle, secret keys
must remain secret from all parties except those who are owner and
are authorized to use them.
o Assurance of public keys: In public key cryptography, the public
keys are in open domain and seen as public pieces of data. By default
there are no assurances of whether a public key is correct, with whom
it can be associated, or what it can be used for. Thus key management
of public keys needs to focus much more explicitly on assurance of
purpose of public keys.
The most crucial requirement of ‘assurance of public key’ can be achieved
through the public -key infrastructure (PKI), a key management systems
for supporting public -key cryptography.
3.3 PUBLIC KEY INFRASTRUCTURE (PKI) PKI provides a ssurance of public key. It provides the identification of
public keys and their distribution. An anatomy of PKI comprises of the
following components.
 Public Key Certificate, commonly referred to as ‘digital certificate’.
 Private Key tokens.
 Certification Authority.
 Registration Authority.
 Certificate Management System.

Page 39

39 Public Key Infrastructure 3.4 DIGITAL CERTIFICATE For analogy, a certificate can be considered as the ID card issued to the
person. People use ID cards such as a driver's license, passport to prove
their identity. A digital certificate does the same basic thing in the
electronic world, but with one difference.
Digital Certificates are not only issued to people but they can be issued to
computers, software packages or anything else that need to prove the
identity in th e electronic world.
 Digital certificates are based on the ITU standard X.509 which
defines a standard certificate format for public key certificates and
certification validation. Hence digital certificates are sometimes also
referred to as X.509 certificat es.
Public key pertaining to the user client is stored in digital certificates
by The Certification Authority (CA) along with other relevant
information such as client information, expiration date, usage, issuer
 CA digitally signs this entire informat ion and includes digital
signature in the certificate.
 Anyone who needs the assurance about the public key and associated
information of client, he carries out the signature validation process
using CA’s public key. Successful validation assures that the p ublic
key given in the certificate belongs to the person whose details are
given in the certificate.
The process of obtaining Digital Certificate by a person/entity is depicted
in the following illustration.

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40 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) As shown in the illustration, the CA accepts t he application from a client
to certify his public key. The CA, after duly verifying identity of client,
issues a digital certificate to that client.
3.5 CERTIFYING AUTHORITY (CA) As discussed above, the CA issues certificate to a client and assist other
users to verify the certificate. The CA takes responsibility for identifying
correctly the identity of the client asking for a certificate to be issued, and
ensures that the information contained within the certificate is correct and
digitally signs it.
Key Functions of CA :
The key functions of a CA are as follows:
 Generating key pairs: The CA may generate a key pair
independently or jointly with the client.
 Issuing digital certificates: The CA could be thought of as the PKI
equivalent of a passport agency − the CA issues a certificate after
client provides the credentials to confirm his identity. The CA then
signs the certificate to prevent modification of the details contained in
the certificate.
 Publishing Certificates: The CA need to publish certificates so that
users can find them. There are two ways of achieving this. One is to
publish certificates in the equivalent of an electronic telephone
directory. The other is to send your certificate out to those people you
think might need it by one means or anot her.
 Verifying Certificates: The CA makes its public key available in
environment to assist verification of his signature on clients’ digital
 Revocation of Certificates: At times, CA revokes the certificate
issued due to some reason such as co mpromise of private key by user
or loss of trust in the client. After revocation, CA maintains the list of
all revoked certificate that is available to the environment.
Classes of Certificates :
There are four typical classes of certificate:
 Class 1: These certificates can be easily acquired by supplying an
email address.
 Class 2: These certificates require additional personal information to
be supplied.
 Class 3: These certificates can only be purchased after checks have
been made about the requestor’s ident ity.

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41 Public Key Infrastructure  Class 4: They may be used by governments and financial
organizations needing very high levels of trust.
Registration Authority (RA) :
CA may use a third -party Registration Authority (RA) to perform the
necessary checks on the person or company requesti ng the certificate to
confirm their identity. The RA may appear to the client as a CA, but they
do not actually sign the certificate that is issued.
Certificate Management System (CMS) :
It is the management system through which certificates are published,
temporarily or permanently suspended, renewed, or revoked. Certificate
management systems do not normally delete certificates because it may be
necessary to prove their status at a point in time, perhaps for legal reasons.
A CA along with associated RA run s certificate management systems to
be able to track their responsibilities and liabilities.
3.6 PRIVATE KEY TOKENS While the public key of a client is stored on the certificate, the associated
secret private key can be stored on the key owner’s computer. This
method is generally not adopted. If an attacker gains access to the
computer, he can easily gain access to private key. For this reason, a
private key is stored on secure removable storage token access to which is
protected through a password.
Differe nt vendors often use different and sometimes proprietary storage
formats for storing keys. For example, Entrust uses the proprietary .epf
format, while Verisign, GlobalSign, and Baltimore use the standard .p12
Hierarchy of CA:
With vast networks an d requirements of global communications, it is
practically not feasible to have only one trusted CA from whom all users
obtain their certificates. Secondly, availability of only one CA may lead to
difficulties if CA is compromised.
In such case, the hierar chical certification model is of interest since it
allows public key certificates to be used in environments where two
communicating parties do not have trust relationships with the same CA.
 The root CA is at the top of the CA hierarchy and the root CA's
certificate is a self -signed certificate.
 The CAs, which are directly subordinate to the root CA (For example,
CA1 and CA2) have CA certificates that are signed by the root CA.

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42 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  The CAs under the subordinate CAs in the hierarchy (For example,
CA5 and CA6) ha ve their CA certificates signed by the higher -level
subordinate CAs.
Certificate authority (CA) hierarchies are reflected in certificate chains. A
certificate chain traces a path of certificates from a branch in the hierarchy
to the root of the hierarchy.
The following illustration shows a CA hierarchy with a certificate chain
leading from an entity certificate through two subordinate CA certificates
(CA6 and CA3) to the CA certificate for the root CA.

Verifying a certificate chain is the process of ensur ing that a specific
certificate chain is valid, correctly signed, and trustworthy. The following
procedure verifies a certificate chain, beginning with the certificate that is
presented for authentication −
 A client whose authenticity is being verified sup plies his certificate,
generally along with the chain of certificates up to Root CA.
 Verifier takes the certificate and validates by using public key of
issuer. The issuer’s public key is found in the issuer’s certificate
which is in the chain next to clie nt’s certificate.
 Now if the higher CA who has signed the issuer’s certificate, is
trusted by the verifier, verification is successful and stops here.

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43 Public Key Infrastructure  Else, the issuer's certificate is verified in a similar manner as done for
client in above steps. This pr ocess continues till either trusted CA is
found in between or else it continues till Root CA.
3.7 WIRELESS SECURITY Wireless Network provides various comfort to end users but actually
they are very complex in their working. There are many protocols and
technologies working behind to provide a stable connection to users.
Data packets traveling through wire provide a sense of security to users
as data traveling through wire probably not heard by eavesdroppers.
To secure the wireless connection, we should focus on the following
 Identify endpoint of wireless network and end -users i.e.,
 Protecting wireless data packets from middleman i.e., Privacy.
 Keeping the wireless data packets intact i.e., Integrity.
We know that wireless clients form an association with Access Points
(AP) and transmit data back and forth over the air. As long as all
wireless devices follow 802.11 standards, they all coexist. But all
wireless devices are not friendly and trustworthy, some rogue devices
may be a threat t o wireless security. Rogue devices can steal our
important data or can cause the unavailability of the network.
Wireless security is ensured by following methods:
 Authentication
 Privacy and Integrity
In this article, we talk about Authentication. There are broadly two types
of Authentication process: Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), and
Extensible Authentication Protocol (802.1x/EAP).
These are explained as following below.
1. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP):
For wireless data transmitting over the air, open authentication provides
no security.
WEP uses the RC4 cipher algorithm for making every frame encrypted.
The RC4 cipher also encrypts data at the sender side and decrypt data at
the receiving site, using a string of bits as key called WEP key.
WEP key can be used as an authentication method or encryption tool. A
client can associate with AP only if it has the correct WEP key. AP tests
the knowledge of the WEP key by using a challenge phrase. The client
encrypts the phrase with his own key and send back to A P. AP compares

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44 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) the received encrypted frame with his own encrypted phrase. If both
matches, access to the association is granted.

2. Extensible Authentication Protocol (802.1x/EAP):
In WEP authentication, authentication of the wireless clients takes plac e
locally at AP. But Scenario gets changed with 802.1x. A dedicated
authentication server is added to the infrastructure. There is the
participation of three devices:
1. Supplicant:
Device requesting access.
2. Authenticator:
Device that provides access to net work usually a Wlan controller
3. Authentication Server:
Device that takes client credentials and deny or grant access.

3.8 INSTANT MESSAGING Instant Messaging (IM) has become the software communication medium
of choice to chat with friends, family member and co -workers. It is far
cheaper to contact people via IM than by the traditional telephone long
distance calls. In some cases the reliability in IM has exceeded the

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45 Public Key Infrastructure telephone and other communcation mediums. IM is a real -time
communication tool and has recently become dominant over e -mail.
Especially in business when time sensitive transaction need to occur
seamlessly. From IM beginning as a buddy -to-buddy chatting service, it
has developed into a prominent mode of communication for tens or
millions of Internet users and is increasing in popularity in both
professional and personnel applications. Although IM has received high
praise for its communcation capability to scale up, it has been designed
with very little security in mind. The popular use of the IM tool has
created security challenges for individuals, corporations, and government
agencies. Numerous vulnerabilities have been found in IM application and
provides an easy mechanism to release various threats to gain access to
corporate sensitive data, eavesdrop on a chat conversation, cause a denial
of service and in extreme cases steal the identity of a user. Furthermore,
IM is an easy platform to attach and propagate worms and viruses, which
potentially could go undetected for long periods of ti me. At this time
firewalls have extreme difficulty blocking and scanning IM ports or
related viruses before they enter into the internal network. To defend
against the threats exploited by the IM public enterprise system,
administrators as well as end -users must be aware of the security risks
they pose to themselves as individuals and their peers. The following
section breaks down the foundation of the IM infrastructure design and
functionality. Secondly, the paper will identify the key vulnerability areas
that that exist in the IM client -server infrastructure. Finally, the paper will
address solutions to minimize the amount of vulnerabilities that can be
exploited by the IM Systems. Understanding that there are multiple
vendors that supply IM services, this paper will take a vendor neutral
approach and cover the common vulnerabilities. Occasionally throughout
the document you will see that this paper single out certain vendors. This
is due to the fact that viruses and worms generally are designed to
compromi se a targeted IM vendor, because each uses their own
proprietary protocols.
3.9 WHAT IS BIOMETRICS? HOW IS IT USED IN SECURITY? Biometrics are rising as an advanced layer to many personal and enterprise
security systems. With the unique identifiers of your biology and
behaviors, this may seem foolproof. However, biometric identity has made
many cautious about its use as standalone authentication.
Modern cybersecurity is focused on reducing the risks for this powerful
security solution: traditional passwords have long been a point of
weakness for security systems. Biometrics aims to answer this issue by
linking proof -of-identity to our bodies and behavior patterns.
In this article, we’ll explore the basics of how cybersecurity uses
biometrics. To help break things down, we’ll answer some common
biometrics questions:
 What is the meaning of biometric?

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46 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  What is biometric data?
 What is a biometric scanner?
 What are the risk s of biometric security?
 How can we make biometrics more secure?
What is Biometrics:?
For a quick biometrics definition: Biometrics are biological measurements
— or physical characteristics — that can be used to identify individuals.
For example, fingerpri nt mapping, facial recognition, and retina scans are
all forms of biometric technology, but these are just the most recognized
Researchers claim the shape of an ear, the way someone sits and walks,
unique body odors, the veins in one’s hands, and even facial contortions
are other unique identifiers. These traits further define biometrics.
Three Types of Biometrics Security :
While they can have other applications, biometrics have been often used in
security, and you can mostly label biometrics into three groups:
1. Biological biometrics
2. Morphological biometrics
3. Behavioral biometrics
Biological biometrics use traits at a genetic and molecular level. These
may include features like DNA or your blood, which might be assessed
through a sample of your body’s fluids.
Morphological biometrics involve the structure of your body. More
physical traits like your eye, fingerprint, or the shape of your face can be
mapped for use with security scanners.
Behavioral biometrics are based on patterns unique to each person . How
you walk, speak, or even type on a keyboard can be an indication of your
identity if these patterns are tracked.
Biometric Security Works:
Biometric identification has a growing role in our everyday security.
Physical characteristics are relatively f ixed and individualized — even in
the case of twins. Each person’s unique biometric identity can be used to
replace or at least augment password systems for computers, phones, and
restricted access rooms and buildings.
Once biometric data is obtained and m apped, it is then saved to be
matched with future attempts at access. Most of the time, this data is
encrypted and stored within the device or in a remote server.

Page 47

47 Public Key Infrastructure Biometrics scanners are hardware used to capture the biometric for
verification of identity. These scans match against the saved database to
approve or deny access to the system.
In other words, biometric security means your body becomes the “key” to
unlock your access.
Biometrics are largely used because of two major benefits:
 Convenience of use: Biometrics are always with you and cannot be
lost or forgotten.
 Difficult to steal or impersonate: Biometrics can’t be stolen like a
password or key can.
While these systems are not perfect, they offer tons of promise for
the future of cybersecurity .
Examples of Biometric Security:
Here are some common examples of biometric security:
 Voice Recognition
 Fingerprint Scanning
 Facial Recognition
 Iris Recognition
 Heart-Rate Sensors
In practice, biometric security has already seen effective use across many
Advanced biometrics are used to protect sensitive documents and
valuables. Citibank already uses voice recognition, and the British bank
Halifax is test ing devices that monitor heartbeat to verify customers'
identities. Ford is even considering putting biometric sensors in cars.
Biometrics are incorporated in e -Passports throughout the world. In the
United States, e -passports have a chip that contains a d igital photograph of
one’s face, fingerprint, or iris, as well as technology that prevents the chip
from being read — and the data skimmed — by unauthorized data readers.
As these security systems are rolled out, we are seeing the pros and cons
play out in real-time.
3.10 WHAT IS IDENTITY THEFT? Identity theft occurs when criminals steal a victim's personal information
to commit criminal acts. Using this stolen information, a criminal takes
over the victim's identity and conducts a range of fraudulent activ ities in
their name.

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48 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) Cyber criminals commit identity theft by using sophisticated cyber attack
tactics, including social engineering, phishing, and malware. Identity theft
can also result from rudimentary tactics with criminals stealing mail,
digging throu gh dumpsters, and listening in on phone conversations in
public places.
The ultimate goal with many cyber attacks is to steal enough information
about a victim to assume their identity to commit fraudulent activity.
Unfortunately, most people only discover they're victims of identity theft
when they apply for a loan, attempt to open a bank account, apply for a
job, receive a call from a collection agency, or request a new credit card.


Page 49

Unit Structure
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data Recovery and Backup
4.2.1 Data Backup
4.2.2 The Future of Data backup
4.2.3 Recommended Back -Up Features
4.3 Role of Data Recovery
4.3.1 Factors affecting Data Backup
4.3.2 Conventional Tape Backup in Today’s Market
4.3.3 Issues with Today’s Backup
4.3.4 New Architectures and Techniques Are Required
4.3.5 Data Recovery Solution Shrinking Expertise, Growing Complexity Failures Bud gets and Downtime Recovery: Think Before You Back -Up
4.4 Hiding and Recovering Hidden Data.
4.5 Summary
4.6 Questions
4.0 OBJECTIVES This chapter would make you:
 Understand the concept of Data Recovery
 Methods & Techniques of backup and recov ery
 Importance of backup & Solutions
 Concept of hidden data & methods to recover the hidden data
4.1 INTRODUCTION Computer systems may crash, the files may be accidentally deleted or
corrupted due to computer viruses. Disks may accidentally be reformatted.
The files may be accidentally overwritten. A disgruntled employee may
try to destroy your files out of revenge or for self -benefit. All of these can
lead to the loss of the user’s critical data. At an instance, the data is lost
but with use of the latest tools and techniques the data can be recovered

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50 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) but as the data cannot be found using the limited software tools available
to most users. The advanced recovery tools allow us to find your files and
restore them for your use. The computer forensic experts he lps to recover
such irreparably damaged data. In other words, Data recovery in forensic
computing leads towards a new meaning that what is thrown away
becomes an important component for the others which may be related to
some past events.
Data Recovery:
Data recovery is the process in which highly trained engineers evaluate
and extract data from damaged media and return it in an intact format.
People and computer experts, fail to recognize data recovery as an option
during a data crisis, but it is possible to retrieve files that have been
deleted and passwords that have been forgotten or to recover entire hard
drives that have been physically damaged. As we use computers for
important transactions and storage functions, and more important data is
stored on them. The information that is stored on computers is subjected
to a virus attack, suffers damage from smoke or fire, or the drive has been
immersed in water —the data recovery experts are the rescuers in such
situations. For example, consider, what would h appen to the productivity
of your organization in the event of a system -wide data center failure? For
most companies, the loss would be catastrophic. Hundreds, perhaps
thousands, of employees would be rendered unproductive. Sales
transactions would be impo ssible to complete and customer service would
suffer. The cost of replacing this data would be extraordinary —if it could
be replaced at all.
4.2 DATA RECOVERY AND BACKUP: 4.2.1 Data Backup:
The following are obstacles to backing up applications:
 Backup wi ndow: The back -up window is the period of time when
back -ups can be run. The back -up window is generally timed to occur
during non-production periods when network bandwidth and CPU
utilization are low.
 Network bandwidth: If a network cannot handle the impa ct of
transporting hundreds of gigabytes of data over a short period of time,
the organization’s centralized backup strategy is not viable.
 System throughput: Three I/O bottlenecks are commonly found in
traditional backup schemes. These are:
1. The abilit y of the system being backed up to push data to the backup
2. The ability of the backup server to accept data from multiple systems

Page 51

51 Data Recovery 3. The available throughput of the tape device(s) onto which the data is
 Lack of resources: Many companies fail to make appropriate
investments in data protection until it is too late.
4.2.2 The Future of Data Back -up:
A successful data back -up and recovery is composed of four key elements:
A. The Backup Server
B. The Network
C. The Backup Win dow
D. The Backup Storage Device.
A. The Back -Up Server:
 The backup server is responsible for managing the policies, schedules,
media catalogs, and indexes associated with the systems it is
configured to back up.
 The systems being backed up are called c lients.
 The overall performance of a backup or recovery was directly related
to the ability of the backup server to handle the I/O load created by
the backup process.
 Tape servers allow administrators to divide the backup tasks across
multiple systems whi le maintaining scheduling and administrative
processes on a primary or backup server. This approach often
involves attaching multiple tape servers to a shared tape library,
which reduces the overall cost of the system.
 The new backup architecture implement s a serverless backup solution
that allows data to be moved directly from disk to tape, bypassing the
backup server altogether. This method of data backup removes the
bottleneck of the backup server completely.
 However, the performance of serverless backup is then affected by
another potential bottleneck — bandwidth. A backup using a shared
tape library A serverless backup system.

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52 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)

B. The Network Data Path:
 Centralization of a data -management process such as backup and
recovery re quires a robust and available network data path.
 The movement and management of hundreds or thousands of
megabytes of data can put a strain on even the best -designed
 An enterprise -class backup solution can distribute backup services
directly to the data source, while at the same time centralizing the
administration of these resources.
 For example, if there is a 600 -gigabyte database server that needs to
be backed up nightly, a tape backup device can be attached directly to
that server.
 This effe ctively eliminates the need to move the 600 -gigabyte
database across the network to a centralized backup server. This
approach is called a LAN -less backup, and it relies on a remote tape
server capability. Figure 4.3 demonstrates how this approach is
confi gured.

Fig.4.3: A LAN -less back -up using a remote tape server.
Fig.4.1: A backup using a shared tape library
Fig.4.2: A serverless Backup system

Page 53

53 Data Recovery  We can install a network path dedicated to the management and
movement of data.
 This data path can be SCSI, Ethernet, ATM, fiber distributed data
interface (FDDI), or fibre channel.
 Creatin g a dedicated data path is the beginning of a storage area
network (SAN).
 SANs are quickly dominating the backup landscape, and applications
such as serverless and LAN -less backup will continue to push this
emerging technology forward. Figure 4.4 shows an example of a
dedicated SAN topology.

Fig.4.4: A storage area network using
C. The Backup Window:
 A backup window defines how much time is available to back up the
 Time plays an important role in choosing how much server, network,
and resource support needs to be deployed.
 Most of the companies are managing too much data to complete
backup during these ever -shrinking backup windows.
 the backup -software community has once again developed a way to
overcome the element of time by using incremental backup, block -
level backup, image backups, and data archiving.
Incremental Backup:
Incremental backups only transfer data that has changed since the last
backup. On average, no more than 5% of data in a file server changes
daily. So, an incremental backu p may only require 5% of the time it takes

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54 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) to back up the entire file system. Even though, a full backup had to be
made regularly, or restoration of the data.
Block -Level Incremental Backup:
Block -level incremental backups provide similar benefits as incre mental
backups, but with even more efficiency. Rather than backing up entire
files that have been modified since the last backup, only the blocks that
have changed since the last backup are marked for backup. This approach
can reduce the amount of incremen tal data requiring backup nightly by
orders of magnitude.
Image Backups:
Image backups are quickly gain favour among storage administrators. This
type of backup creates copies, or snapshots, of a file system at a particular
point in time. Image backups ar e much faster than incremental backups
and provide the ability to easily perform a bare bones recovery of a server
without loading the operating systems, applications. It also provides
specific point -in-time backups that can be done every hour rather than
once a day.
Data Archiving:
Removing infrequently accessed data from a disk drive can reduce the size
of a scheduled backup by up to 80%. Static data that has been archived is
easily recalled when needed but does not add to the daily data backup
requiremen ts of the enterprise. This method also provides the additional
benefit of freeing up existing disk space without adding required
additional capacity.
D. The Backup Storage Device:
 The most expensive item in a back -up project is the back -up storage
device. Determining the tape format, number of tape drives, and how
many slots are required is predicted on many variables.
 For best suitable back -up storage device, the user must consider Back -
up windows, growth rates, retention policies, duplicate tape copies,
and network and server throughputs.
 Tape libraries are sized using two variables: the number of tape
drives, the number of slots.
 Tape libraries today are available with 5 to 50,000 slots and can
support anywhere from 1 to 256 tape -drives.
4.2.3 Recommen ded Back -Up Features:
 Data Interleaving: To back up multiple systems concurrently, the
backup application must be able to write data from multiple clients to
tape in an interleaved manner.

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55 Data Recovery  Remote Back -up: Many remote systems are exposed to
unrecoverable da ta loss. A backup application should have a method
to back up systems across a WAN or over dial -up connections.
 Global Monitoring: A robust backup application should be able to
support reporting and administration of any backup system, regardless
of locati on.
 Performance: An enterprise backup application should be able to
benchmark backup data rates exceeding one terabyte per hour.
4.3 ROLE OF BACK -UP IN DATA RECOVERY 4.3.1 Factors affecting Data Backup:
There are many factors that affect back -up like:
1. Storage costs are decreasing: The cost per megabyte of primary
(online) storage has fallen dramatically over the past several years and
continues to do so as disk drive technologies advance.
2. Systems have to be on -line continuously: Because systems mu st be
continuously online, the dilemma becomes that you can no longer
take files offline long enough to perform backup. Higher and higher
levels of fault tolerance for the primary data repository is a growing
requirement. Because systems must be continuous ly online
3. The role of Back -up has changed: The role of backup now includes
the responsibility for recovering user errors and ensuring that good
data has been saved and can quickly be restored because ready or
mirrored data does not guard against data c orruption and user error.
4.3.2 Conventional Tape Backup in Today’s Market:
 A typical tape management system consists of a dedicated
workstation with the front -end interfaced to the network and the back -
end controlling a repository of tape devices.
 The me dia server runs tape management software.
 It can administer backup devices throughout an enterprise and can run
continuous parallel backups and restores.
 An alternative to tape backup is to physically replicate or mirror all
data and keep two copies onli ne at all times.
 The advantage is that the data does not have to be restored, so there
are no issues with immediate data availability.
4.3.3 Issues with Today’s Backup:
1. Network Backup: It creates network performance problems. Using
the production netw ork to carry backup data, as well as for normal

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56 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) user data access, can severely overburden today’s busy network
2. Offline Backup: It affects data accessibility. The time that the host is
offline for data backup must be minimized. This requires extremely
high-speed, continuous parallel backup of the raw image of the data.
3. Live Backups: It allow data access during the backup process but
affect performance. The downside to the live backup is that it puts a
tremendous burden on the host.
4. Mirroring : It doesn’t protect against user error and replication of bad
data. Fully replicated online data sounds great, albeit at twice the cost
per megabyte of a single copy of online data.
4.3.4 New Architectures and Techniques Are Required:
 Backup at e xtremely high speed is required. Recovery must be
available at file level. The time that systems off -line for back -up must
be eliminated.
 Remote hot recovery sites are needed for immediate resumption of
data access. Backup of critical data is still require d to ensure against
data errors and user errors.
 To achieve effective backup and recovery, the decoupling of data
from its storage space is needed.
 It is necessary to develop techniques to journal modified pages, so
that journaling can be invoked within th e primary storage device,
without host intervention.
 Part of the primary storage area must be set aside for data to be
backed up. This area must be as large as the largest backup block. We
should have fast non -random restoration of critical data.
4.3.5 Da ta Recovery Solution: Shrinking Expertise, Growing Complexity:
 Increased availability is good, except for one fact: many systems
programmers, database administrators (DBAs), and other mainframe
experts are maturing.
 The complex systems that have ev olved over the past 30 years must
be monitored, managed, controlled, and optimized. But most of the
bright young graduates this term haven’t had much exposure to
mainframe concepts.
 Backups often take place while an application is running. Application
changes take place on the fly. If an outage occurs, the company stands
to lose tens of thousands of dollars an hour.

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57 Data Recovery Failures:
 Disk storage is more reliable than ever, but hardware failures are still
possible. A simple mistake can be made by an appli cation
programmer, system programmer, or operations person.
 Logic errors in programs or application of the wrong update at the
wrong time can result in a system crash or, worse. Disasters do really
occurs! Floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and eve n terrorism
can do strike. We must be ready. Budgets and Downtime:
We have fewer resources (people, processing power, time, and money) to
do more work than ever before, and we must keep your expenses under
control. Systems must remain available to make money and serve
customers. Downtime is much too expensive to be tolerated. Recovery: Think Before You Back -Up:
One of the most critical data -management tasks involves recovering data
in the event of a problem. You must evaluate your preparati ons, make sure
that all resources are available in usable condition, automate processes as
much as possible, and make sure you have the right kind of resources.
 Evaluate your preparation: If all of the resources (image copies,
change accumulations, and log s) are available at recovery time, these
preparations certainly allow for a standard recovery. Finding out at
recovery time that some critical resource is missing can be disastrous!
 Don’t let your resources fall through the cracks : Identifying
different ty pes of conditions is critical to ensuring a successful
recovery. Checking your assets to make sure they’re ready should be
part of your plan.
 Automated Recovery : With proper planning and automation,
recovery is possible, reliance on specific personnel is r educed, and the
human -error factor is nearly eliminated. Data integrity and your
business relay on building recovery job control language (JCL). In the
event of a disaster, the Information Management System (IMS)
recovery control (RECON) data sets must be modified in preparation
for the recovery. Cleaning your RECON data sets can take hours if
done manually, and it’s an error -prone process.
 Make Recoveries Efficient: Multithreading tasks shorten the
recovery process. Recovering multiple databases with one p ass
through your log data certainly will save time. Taking image copies,
rebuilding indexes, and validating pointers concurrently with the
recovery process further reduce downtime.
 Take Back -ups: The first step to a successful recovery is the backup
of yo ur data. The user’s goal in backing up data is to do so quickly,
efficiently, and usually with minimal impact to your customers.

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58 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) User’s might need only very brief out -ages to take instant copies of
your data, or you might have intelligent storage devices t hat allow you
to take a snapshot of your data. Both methods call for tools to assist in
the management of resources.
4.4 HIDING AND RECOVERING HIDDEN DATA It is common knowledge that whatever is deleted from the computer can
sometimes be brought back. Rec ent analysis of security implications of
“alternative data streams” on Windows NT has shown that Windows
NTFS filesystem allows data hiding in 206 Computer Forensics, Second
Edition alternative data streams connected to files.
These data streams are not d estroyed by many file wiping utilities that
promise irrecoverable removal of information. Wiping the file means
“securely” deleting it from disk (unlike the usual removal of file entries
from directories), so that file restoration becomes extremely expensi ve or
If an executable erase itself, its contents can be retrieved from /proc
memory image: command “cp /proc/$PID/exe /tmp/file” creates a copy of
a file in /tmp.
If the file is removed by /bin/rm, its content still remains on disk, unless
overwritten by other files. Several Linux unerase utilities including
e2undel attempt automated recovery of files.
Overall, if recovery is attempted shortly after file removal and the partition
is promptly unmounted, chances of complete recovery are high. If the
system was heavily used, the probability of successful data undeletion
significantly decreases.
However, if we take a look at the problem from the forensics point of
view, the chances of recovering something (such as a small part of the
illegal image for the prosecution) is still very high. It was reported that
sometimes parts of files from several years ago are found by forensic
examiners. Thus, files can be hidden in free space. If many copies of the
same file are saved and then erased, the chance o f getting the contents
back becomes higher using the preceding recovery methods.
4.5 SUMMARY  Data backup and recovery has become the “killer application” of
storage area networking.
 The ability to move data directly from disk to tape at 400 MB/second
will offer performance levels that are unprecedented by today’s
 SAN -based backup offers benefits such as higher availability,
increased flexibility, improved reliability, lower cost, manageability,
improved performance, and increased scalability.

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59 Data Recovery  IT professionals face a number of challenges in today’s marketplace.
Whether your business is retail, health care, banking, manufacturing,
public utility, government agency, or almost any other endeavour, one
thing is common: your users expect more and mor e from your
 The persistence of data, however, is remarkable. Contrary to the
popular belief that it’s hard to recover information, it’s actually
starting to appear that it’s very hard to remove something even if you
want to.
4.6 QUESTIONS 1. Explain Data recovery in detail.
2. Explain the Data Recovery Solutions in brief.
3. Explain Data Backup Obstacles.
4. Write short note on Backup Window.


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60 5
Unit Structure
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Need to Collect the Evidence
5.2.1 Why Collect Evidence?
5.2.2 Evidence Collection Options
5.2.3 Obstacles
5.3 Types of Evidences
5.4 The Rules of Evidence
5.5 Volati le Evidence
5.6 General Procedure of Evidence Collection
5.7 Collection
5.7.1 Methods of Collection
5.7.2 Collection Steps
5.8 Summary
5.9 Questions
5.0 OBJECTIVES This chapter would make you:
 Understand the importance of evidence
 Identify the diff iculties and describe what must be done to overcome
5.1 INTRODUCTION Evidence is difficult to collect at the best of times, but when that evidence
is electronic, an investigator faces some extra complexities. Electronic
evidence has none of the perma nence that conventional evidence has, and
it is even more difficult to form into a coherent argument. The simple
reason for this is that there never is one correct answer that will guide you
through all investigations. No two investigations are the same, a nd the
only thing you can ever be sure about when arriving at the scene is that
there is nothing you can be sure about.
5.2 NEED TO COLLECT THE EVIDENCE 5.2.1 Why Collect Evidence?:
 Electronic evidence can be quite expensive to collect. The processes
are strict and exhaustive, the systems affected may be unavailable for

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61 Evidence Collection regular use for a long period of time, and analysis of the data collected
must be performed.
 There are two simple reasons:
o Future prevention: Without knowing what happened, you have
no h ope of ever being able to stop someone else from doing it
o Responsibility: The attacker is responsible for the damage
done, and the only way to bring him to justice is with adequate
evidence to prove his actions. The victim has a responsibility to
the community. Information gathered after a compromise can be
examined and used by others to prevent further attacks.
5.2.2 Evidence Collection options:
 Once a compromise has been detected, you have two options:
o Pull the system off the network and begin col lecting evidence:
In this case you may find that you have insufficient evidence or,
worse, that the attacker left a dead man switch that destroys any
evidence once the system detects that its offline.
o Leave it online and attempt to monitor the intruder: you may
accidentally alert the intruder while monitoring and cause him to
wipe his tracks any way necessary, destroying evidence as he
 For example: If a user disconnects the system from the network, user
may find that it has insufficient evidence or, worse, that the attacker
left a dead man switch that destroys any evidence once the system
detects that it’s offline. What user choose to do should be based on the
5.2.3 Obstacles:
 Electronic crime is difficult to investigate and prosecute.
 Investigators have to build their case purely on any records left after
the transactions have been completed.
 Computer transactions are fast, they can be conducted from anywhere
(through anywhere, to anywhere), can be encrypted or anonymous,
and have no intr insic identifying features such as handwriting and
signatures to identify those responsible.
 Computer transactions are fast, they can be conducted from anywhere,
can be encrypted or anonymous, and have no intrinsic identifying
features such as handwriting and signatures to identify those
 Any paper trail of computer records they may leave can be easily
modified or destroyed, or may be only temporary.

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62 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  Auditing programs may automatically destroy the records left when
computer transactions are fi nished with them.
 Investigating electronic crimes will always be difficult because of the
ease of altering the data and the fact that transactions may be done
 The best we can do is to follow the rules of evidence collection and be
as assiduo us as possible.
5.3 TYPES OF EVIDENCES Before collecting any evidence, it is important to know the different types
of evidence categories. Without taking these into consideration, the user
may find that the evidence they found spending several weeks and qu ite a
bit of money collecting is useless. Real evidence is any evidence that
speaks for itself without relying on anything else.
The following are the types of evidences:
1. Real Evidence: Real evidence is any evidence that speaks for itself
without rely ing on anything else. In electronic terms, this can be a log
produced by an audit function —provided that the log can be shown to
be free from contamination.
2. Testimonial Evidence: Testimonial evidence is any evidence
supplied by a witness. As long as t he witness can be considered
reliable, testimonial evidence can be almost as powerful as real
3. Hearsay: Hearsay is any evidence presented by a person who was not
a direct witness. Hearsay is generally inadmissible in court and should
be avoid ed.
5.4 RULES OF EVIDENCES There are five rules of collecting electronic evidence. These relate to five
properties that evidence must have to be useful which are:
1. Admissible
2. Authentic
3. Complete
4. Reliable
5. Believable
1. Admissible: Admiss ible is the most basic rule. The evidence must be
able to be used in court or otherwise. Failure to comply with this rule
is equivalent to not collecting the evidence in the first place, except
the cost is higher.

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63 Evidence Collection 2. Authentic: If we can’t tie the eviden ce positively to the incident, we
can’t use it to prove anything. Users must be able to show that the
evidence relates to the incident in a relevant way.
3. Complete: It’s not enough to collect evidence that just shows one
perspective of the incident. On e should collect not only evidence that
can prove the attacker’s actions, but also evidence that could prove
their innocence. For instance, if you can show the attacker was logged
in at the time of the incident, you also need to show who else was
logged in and why you think they didn’t do it. This is called
exculpatory evidence and is an important part of proving a case.
4. Reliable: The evidence you collect must be reliable. The evidence
collection and analysis procedures must not cast doubt on the
evide nce’s authenticity and veracity.
5. Believable: The evidence a user present should be clearly
understandable and believable to a jury. There’s no point presenting a
binary dump of process memory if the jury has no idea what it all
means. Similarly, if we present them with a formatted, human
understandable version, we must be able to show the relationship to
the original binary, otherwise there’s no way for the jury to know
whether we’ve faked it.
Based on the above rules, we can derive some basic do’s and don’ts
which are:
 Minimize handling and corruption of original data: Once you’ve
created a master copy of the original data, don’t touch it or the
original. Any changes made to the originals will affect the outcomes
of any analysis later done to copies.
 Account for any changes and keep detailed logs of your actions:
Sometimes evidence alteration is unavoidable. In these cases, it is
absolutely essential that the nature, extent, and reasons for the
changes be documented.
 Comply with the five rules of evid ence: Following these rules is
essential to guaranteeing successful evidence collection.
 Do not exceed your knowledge: If you ever find yourself “out of
your depth,” either go and learn more before continuing (if time is
available) or find someone who kno ws the territory.
 Follow your local security policy: If you fail to comply with your
company’s security policy, you may find yourself with some
 Capture as accurate an image of the system as possible: Capturing
an accurate image of the syste m is related to minimizing the handling
or corruption of original data.

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64 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  Be prepared to testify: If you’re not willing to testify to the evidence
you have collected, you might as well stop before you start. No one is
going to believe you if they can’t repli cate your actions and reach the
same results.
 Work fast: The faster you work, the less likely the data is going to
change. Volatile evidence may vanish entirely if you don’t collect it in
time. If multiple systems are involved, work parallel.
 Proceed fro m volatile to persistent evidence: Always try to collect
the most volatile evidence first.
 Don’t shutdown before collecting evidence: You should never, ever
shutdown a system before you collect the evidence. Not only do you
lose any volatile evidence, but also the attacker may have trojaned the
startup and shutdown scripts, plug -and-play devices may alter the
system configuration, and temporary file systems may be wiped out.
 Don’t run any programs on the affected system: The attacker may
have left trojane d programs and libraries on the system; you may
inadvertently trigger something that could change or destroy the
evidence you’re looking for.
5.5 VOLATILE EVIDENCES Not all the evidence on a system is lasts very long. Some evidence resides
in storage that requires a consistent power supply; other evidence may be
stored in information that is continuously changing. Collecting evidence,
should always try to proceed from the most volatile to the least.
Considering the individual circumstances, the user or ind ividual shouldn’t
waste time extracting information from an unimportant or unaffected
machine’s main memory when an important or affected machine’s
secondary memory hasn’t been examined. Once the user has collected the
raw data from volatile sources the us er may be able to shut down the
Always try to collect the most volatile evidence first. An example an
order of volatility would be:
1. Registers and cache
2. Routing tables
3. Arp cache
4. Process table
5. Kernel statistics and modules
6. Main memory
7. Temporary file systems
8. Secondary memory

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65 Evidence Collection 9. Router configuration
10. Network topology
5.6 GENERAL PROCEDURE OF EVIDENCE COLLECTION 1. Identification of Evidence: You must be able to distinguish between
evidence and junk data.
2. Preserv ation of Evidence: The evidence you find must be preserved
as close as possible to its original state.
3. Analysis of Evidence: Analysis requires in -depth knowledge of what
you are looking for and how to get it.
4. Presentation of Evidence: The manner of presentation is important,
and it must be understandable by a layman to be effective.
5.7 COLLECTION Once we’ve developed a plan of attack and identified the evidence that
needs to be collected:
 Logs and Logging: Users should run some kind of system logg ing
function. It is important to keep these logs secure and to back them up
periodically. Messages and logs from programs can be used to show
what damage an attacker did.
 Monitoring: By monitoring the user can gather statistics, watch out
for irregular, a nd trace where an attacker is coming from and what he
is doing. Unusual activity or the sudden appearance of unknown users
should be considered definite cause for closer inspection. You should
display a disclaimer stating what monitoring is done when users log
5.7.1 Methods of Collection:
There are two basic forms of collection: Freezing the Scene and
 Freezing the Scene: It involves taking a snapshot of the system in its
compromised state. You should then start to collect whatever data i s
important onto removable non -volatile media in a standard format. All
data collected should have a cryptographic message digest created,
and those digests should be compared to the originals for verification.
 Honeypotting: It is the process of creating a replica system and
luring the attacker into it for further monitoring. The placement of
misleading information and the attacker’s response to it is a good
method for determining the attacker’s motives.

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66 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) 5.7.2 Collection Steps:
1. Find the Evidence: Use a checklist. Not only does it help you to
collect evidence, but it also can be used to double -check that
everything you are looking for is there.
2. Find the Relevant Data: Once you’ve found the evidence, you must
figure out what part of it is relevant t o the case.
3. Create an Order of Volatility: The order of volatility for your
system is a good guide and ensures that you minimize loss of
uncorrupted evidence.
4. Remove external avenues of change: It is essential that you avoid
alterations to the or iginal data.
5. Collect the Evidence: Collect the evidence using the appropriate
tools for the job.
6. Document everything: Collection procedures may be questioned
later, so it is important that you document everything you do.
Timestamps, digital signa tures, and signed statements are all
5.8 SUMMARY  Operating systems are hardened, firewalls are installed, intrusion
detection systems are put in place, honeypots are implemented,
security policies and procedures are established, security awarene ss
programs are rolled out, and systems are monitored. But when
unauthorized access does occur, the last line of defense is legal action
against the intruder. Hence, if evidence of an intrusion is not properly
handled, it becomes inadmissible in a court of law.
 It is important to remember one of the basic rules of our legal system:
if there is no evidence of a crime, there is no crime in the eyes of the
law. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that utmost care is taken
in the collection and seizure of data evidence.
 Admissible is the most basic rule (the evidence must be able to be
used in court or otherwise).
 If you can’t tie the evidence positively with the incident, you can’t use
it to prove anything. It’s not enough to collect evidence that just
shows one perspective of the incident.
 You collect not only evidence that can prove the attacker’s actions,
but also evidence that could prove his innocence.
 The evidence collection and analysis procedures must not cast doubt
on the evidence’s authentici ty and veracity.

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67 Evidence Collection  The evidence you present should be clearly understandable and
believable by a jury.
 Documentation can be rough, but must be adequate in its depiction of
the crime scene layout and the location of evidence.
 The search for evidence can in volve looking in a variety of places, but
the legalities of searching must always be considered.
 The virus protocol is a means of preventing and containing the threat
to electronic evidence by computer viruses.
5.9 QUESTIONS 1. Explain the Concept of Evi dence Collection.
2. Write a note on Types of Evidence.
3. Explain the Rules of Evidence.
4. Explain the Evidence Collection Steps.


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68 6
Unit Structure
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Special Needs of Evidential Authentication
6.2.1 Digital IDS and Authentication Technology
6.2.2 Authenticode
6.2.3 Certificate Authorities
6.2.4 Digital ID
6.2.5 How Authenticode Works with Verisign Digital IDs
6.3 Summary
6.4 Questions
6.0 OBJECTIVES This chapter would make you:
 Understand the requirements of authentication of evidence
 Concepts of Digital IDs, Authenticode.
6.1 INTRODUCTION As law enforcement and other computer forensics investigators become
more familiar with handling evidential computer material, it is apparent
that a number of more or less formalized procedures have evolved to
maintain both the continuity and integrity of the material to be
investigated. Although these procedures are extremely effective under the
current rules of evidence, it is expected that alternative procedures will
develop as technology advances. The current procedures, in use by both
law enforcement and computer forensics investigators, work something
like this:
At least two copies are taken of the evidential computer. One of these is
sealed in the presence of the computer owner and then placed in secure
storage. This is the master copy and it will on ly be opened for examination
under instruction from the Court in the event of a challenge to the
evidence presented after forensic analysis on the second copy.
If the computer itself has been seized and held in secure storage by law
enforcement, this will constitute best evidence.
If the computer has not been seized, then the master copy becomes best
evidence. In either case, the assumption is that while in secure storage,

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69 Computer Image Verification and Authentication there can be no possibility of tampering with the evidence. This does not
protect t he computer owner from the possibility that secured evidence may
be tampered with.
6.2 SPECIAL NEEDS OF EVIDENTIAL AUTHENTICATION  During an investigation, it is decided that evidence may reside on a
computer system.
 It may be possible to seize or impound the computer system, but these
risks violating the basic principle of innocent until proven guilty, by
depriving an innocent party of the use of his or her system.
 It should be perfectly possible to copy all the information from the
computer system in a m anner that leaves the original system
untouched and yet makes all contents available for forensic analysis.
 The courts may rightly insist that the copied evidence is protected
from either accidental or deliberate modification and that the
investigating au thority should prove that this has been done. Thus, it
is not the content that needs protection, but its integrity.
 This protection takes two forms:
o A secure method of determining that the data has not been altered
by even a single bit since the copy was taken.
o A secure method of determining that the copy is genuinely the
one taken at the time and on the computer in question.
 These elements are collectively referred as the Digital Image
Verification and Authentication Protocol.
6.2.1 Digital IDS and Aut hentication Technology:
Without an assurance of the software’s integrity, and without knowing
who published the software, it’s difficult for customers to know how much
to trust software.
It’s difficult to make the choice of downloading the software from t he
For example (when using Microsoft Authenticode coupled with Digital
IDs™ from VeriSign®), through the use of digital signatures, software
developers are able to include information about themselves and their code
with their programs.
When cu stomers download software signed with Authenticode and
verified by VeriSign , they should be assured of content source, indicating
that the software really comes from the publisher who signed it, and
content integrity, indicating that the software has not b een altered or
corrupted since it was signed.

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70 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) 6.2.2 Authenticode:
 Microsoft Authenticode allows developers to include information
about themselves and their code with their programs through the use
of digital signatures.
 Through Authenticode, the user is informed:
1. Of the true identity of the publisher
2. Of a place to find out more about the control
3. The authenticity of the preceding information
 Users can choose to trust all subsequent downloads of software from
the same publisher and all soft ware published by commercial
publishers that has been verified by VeriSign. Public Key
 In public key cryptographic systems, every entity has two
complementary keys (a public key and private key) that function only
when they are held together.
 Public keys are widely distributed to users, whereas private keys are
kept safe and only used by their owner.
 Any code digitally signed with the publisher’s private key can only be
successfully verified using the complementary public key.
 Code that suc cessfully verified using the publisher’s public key, could
only have been digitally signed using the publisher’s private key, and
has not been tampered with.
6.2.3 Certificate Authorities:
Certification Authorities such as VeriSign are organizations that issue
digital certificates to applicants whose identity, they are willing to vouch
for. Each certificate is linked to the certificate of the CA that signed it.
VeriSign has the following responsibilities:
1. Publishing the criteria for granting, revokin g, and managing
2. Granting certificates to applications who meet the published criteria
3. Managing certificates
4. Storing VeriSign’s root keys in an exceptionally secure manner
5. Verifying evidence submitted by applicants
6. Provi ding tools for enrolment
7. Accepting the liability associated with these responsibilities
8. Time -stamping digital signatures Digital ID

Page 71

71 Computer Image Verification and Authentication 6.2.4 Digital ID:
 A Digital ID/Certificate is a form of electronic credentials for the
 A Digital ID is i ssued by a trusted third party to establish the identity
of the ID holder.
 The third party who issues certificates is known as a Certificate
Authority (CA).
 Digital ID technology is based on the theory of public key
 The purpose of a Digita l ID is to reliably link a public/private key pair
with its owner.
 When a CA such as VeriSign issues a Digital IDs, it verifies that the
owner is not claiming a false identity.
 When a CA issues you a digital certificate, it puts its name behind the
statement that you are the rightful owner of your public/private key
6.2.5 How Authenticode Works with Verisign Digital IDs:
 Authenticode relies on industry -standard cryptography techniques
such as X.509 v3 or higher certificates and PKCS #7 and #10
signature standards.
 These are well -proven cryptography protocols, which ensure a robust
implementation of code -signing technology.
 Developers can use the WinVerifyTrust API, on which Authenticode
is based, to verify signed code in their own Win32 applicatio ns.
 Authenticode uses digital signature technology to assure users of the
origin and integrity of software.
 In digital signatures, the private key generates the signature, and the
corresponding public key validates it.
 To save time, the Authenticode prot ocols use a cryptographic digest,
which is a one -way hash of the document.

Fig.6.1: Authenticode: VeriSign Digital ID process.

Page 72

72 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) 1. Publisher obtains a Software Developer Digital ID from VeriSign
2. Publisher creates code
3. Using the SIGNCODE.EXE uti lity, the publisher o Creates a hash of
the code, using an algorithm such as MD5 or SHA o Encrypts the has
using his/her private key o Creates a package containing the code, the
encrypted hash, and the publisher’s certificate.
4. The end user encounters t he package
5. The end user’s browser examines the publisher’s Digital ID. Using
the VeriSign root Public Key, which is already embedded in
Authenticode enabled applications, the end user browser verifies the
authenticity of Software Developer Digital ID (which is itself signed
by the VeriSign root Private Key)
6. Using the publisher’s public key contained within the publisher’s
Digital ID, the end user browser decrypts the signed hash.
7. The end browser runs the code through the same hashing algorith m as
the publisher, creating a new hash.
8. The end user browser compares the two hashes. If they are identical,
the browser messages that the content has been verified by VeriSign,
and the end user has the confidence that the code was signed by the
publisher identified in the Digital ID, and the code hasn’t been altered
since it was signed.
Time Stamping:
Because key pairs are based on mathematical relationships that can
theoretically be “cracked” with a great deal of time and effort, it is a well -
established security principle that digital certificates should expire.
6.3 SUMMARY Image verification and authentication security involves a relatively
straightforward risk -management equation, in other words, the more
security you put in place, the more one rous it is for end users), and until
the technology arrives to make impenetrable security invisible to end
users, it will remain that way. Most of the Chief Information Officers
(CIOs) today clearly support increased security, and although they fault
their non-IT cohorts for lack of security awareness, they appear to be
realistic about the burden it puts on their companies’ business units.
However, CIOs aren’t instituting enough of the high -profile risk -
assessment measures that would increase awareness of t he problem
throughout their corporations.

Page 73

73 Computer Image Verification and Authentication 6.4 QUESTIONS 1. Explain how Authenticode works with Verisign digital ids.
2. Explain the following:
a. Public Key Cryptography
b. Certificate Authorities
c. Digital ID


Page 74

74 7
Unit Structure
7.0 Objectives
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Timekeeping
7.3 Forensic identification and analysis of technical surveillance devices
7.5 Summary
7.6 Questions
7.0 OBJECTIVES This chapter would make you:
 Unders tand the requirements of identifying the data.
 How keeping an accurate and consistent sense of time is critical for
many computer -forensic -related activities such as data identification.
 To being able to investigate incidents that involve multiple compute rs
is much easier when the timestamps on files (identified data) and in
logs are in sync.
7.1 INTRODUCTION The Internet —friend or enemy? As the popularity of the Internet has
grown at incredible rates and today it has reached into the hearts of many
corpo rations and households worldwide. The Internet gives computer
users access to a wealth of information. It is a wonderful mechanism for
the exchange of e -mail communications and file attachments globally.
International boundaries no longer exist when it com es to the exchange of
information over the Internet. This new technology has proven to be ideal
for international commerce and has the potential to be a valuable
communications tool for exchange of law enforcement and government
information. However, the I nternet also provides the crooks with
communication capabilities that did not exist previously. Through the use
of a modem and with just a few clicks of a mouse, criminals can share
information worldwide. It is sad but very true. Cyber crime has become a
reality in our modern world. More and more, law enforcement agencies
are encountering computers at crime scenes. These computers are used to
store the secrets of criminals and are also used in the commission of
crimes. Internet -related crimes are clearly on the rise and abuses of
corporate and government Internet accounts by employees are becoming

Page 75

75 Identification of Data 7.2 TIMEKEEPING Although every computer has a clock, none of them appear to be
synchronized —unless the computer in question is running the Network
Time Protocol (NTP). With NTP, you can synchronize against truly
accurate time sources such as the atomic clocks run by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the U.S. Naval
Observatory, or counterparts in other countries around the world .
Network Time Protocol (NTP): NTP is a protocol built on top of
transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) that ensures
accurate local timekeeping with reference to radio, atomic, or other clocks
located on the Internet. This protocol is cap able of synchronizing
distributed clocks within milliseconds over long periods of time.
Time Matters:
 Accurate timekeeping is an advanced science, an avocation practiced
by hundreds of scientists around the world, and the paltry clock chip
you have in your PC or expensive server winds up being a bit less
accurate than your Swatch® watch for several reasons.
 Computer clocks, like most of the electronic clocks, detect the
oscillations of a quartz crystal and calculate the passing time based on
these oscillat ions.
 Not all quartz crystals are the same to begin with, but put one inside a
nice, hot computer that’s cool whenever it’s turned off, and the
crystal’s frequency tends to wander.
 Unix systems base their notion of time on interrupts generated by the
hardware clock.
 Delays in processing these interrupts cause Unix system clocks to lose
time— slowly. These small changes in timekeeping are what time
called as jitter.
 The time protocol provides a server’s notion of time in a machine -
readable format, and the re’s also an Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) timestamp message.
 The NTP software includes drivers for a large number of devices —
radios that listen to time signals such as WWV, global positioning
system (GPS) receivers, and even atomic clocks —that serve as
references for stratum -one servers.
Clock Filters:
 Accepting another system’s statement automatically about the current
time can be harmful: suppose the timekeeping system has been taken
over by an attacker who needs to turn back the clock so that a replay
attack can function.

Page 76

76 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  NTP guards against this in several ways.
o NTP assumes that time moves forward, not backward, although
small backward changes are acceptable. Also, if a system has
been using NTP, the NTP software assumes that changes in a
local clock will be small, generally less than a second. This
makes controlling a local clock or making large changes literally
a time -consuming process —even a one -second change is a big
 Version 4 of NTP has now entered the internet engineerin g task force
(IETF) standards track.
 The important and interesting aspects of version 4 are the security
 A system called the autokey uses public key algorithms combined
with a list of one -way hashes.
 When a client contacts an NTP server, t he client can collect a
certificate that contains the server’s public key and independently
verifies it. Then, using the enclosed public key, the client can check
the signature sent by the server containing a list of key ids.
 The key ids are used with ses sion keys to perform a quick digital
signature check based on Message Digest 5 (MD5).
 Using public key cryptography for signing timestamps is just too
slow. Public key encryption algorithms aren’t only slow while
comparing to private key algorithms such a s RC4, they’re inconsistent
in that the amount of time used to encrypt may vary by a factor of
two—something very unpleasant for those obsessed with keeping
accurate time.
 Using the list of key ids reduces the need for public key encryption to
once an hou r on average.
 Version 4 also supports the Diffie -Hellman key exchange for peers, so
that peers can exchange private session keys.
 Multicast updates of clients are also supported and use the
client/server autokey for setting up security.
7.3 FORENSIC IDEN TIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF TECHNICAL SURVEILLANCE DEVICES  It was one sentence among hundreds in a transcription of a dull
congressional hearing on the environment, a statement anyone might
have missed: Bristol -Myers Squibb Co. was looking to increase its
harvest of the Pacific yew, a protected tree.

Page 77

77 Identification of Data  The competitive intelligence (CI) officer at arch rival SmithKline
Beecham Corp., happened to catch it, thanks to a routine search of
competitors’ activities on the Web.
 The intelligence officer sprang into ac tion. He knew Bristol -Myers’
researchers had been testing a substance in the tree’s bark as an
experimental agent against breast cancer. But why was Bristol -Myers
suddenly seeking to cut down 200 times as many yews? Was it ready
to put its planned anticanc er drug, Taxol, into production? Back at
SmithKline headquarters in Philadelphia, the news was enough to
trigger serious nail -biting in the boardroom.
 The intelligence officer’s team wasted no time. It immediately began
canvassing conferences and scouring online resources for clues.
 It tapped into Web sources on the environment and got staffers to
work the phones, gathering names of researchers working for Bristol -
 It even zeroed in on cities where Bristol -Myers had sponsored
experimental trials of the substance.
Information Overload:
 The growing information glut makes it critical for CIOs to start
thinking about how they can support their company’s CI snoopsters
and do it with as much zeal and imagination as they already apply to
building hacker -proof security systems.
 Most existing systems and organizations are still ill -equipped to keep
pace with the ever -growing amount of information available.
 Many companies are still stumbling to process and respond to
competitive information as fast as it po urs in.
 The result is that the key to carving out the leading edge of the
knowledge gap in one’s industry (the difference between what you
know and what your rival knows) lies in the ability to build IT
systems that can scope out the movements of corporat e rivals in real
 IT-aided intelligence gathering is so critical that entire industries will
be redefined by the companies most skilled at snooping.
 Players unable to surmount their bureaucratic inertia will find their
existence threatened.
 The goa l is to tie technology and business together in a common
pursuit of becoming more competitive and responsive to rivals and
customers in the marketplace.
 CI is to a company what radar is to an airplane. Companies are now
installing radar in the corporate c ockpit, and that’s where the CIO
comes in.

Page 78

78 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) Building Teams:
 The user needs to build teams with diverse membership. People who
understand the concept of organizing information and indexing it
could be paired with someone who understands different technology
capabilities, such as a relational database showing connections
between different terms or items.
 As managers, CIOs have to amass different strengths on a CI project
so they don’t have an abundance of hammer holders who look only
for nails. However, don’t get carried away on the technology.
 A study conducted by Fuld & Company [1] found flaws with many of
the 170 software packages with potential CI applications. None of
them were able to take companies through the process of data
identification, discovery, distribution, and analysis. Each did some
part of the process, but not the whole thing. The thinking machine has
not yet arrived. No company should buy a software package in the
hope it will build an intelligence process for the corporation.
 CIOs need to help build that. It won’t come off the shelf. In other
words, in this business, you need to be aggressive. Take the offensive.
 Always recall the words of ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu (6th – 5th
century B.C.): “Be so subtle that you are invisible, be so
mysterious that you are intangible; then you will control your
rival’s fate.”
7.5 SUMMARY Computer forensics involves the preservation, identification, extraction,
and documentation of computer evidence stored in the form of
magnetically encoded informati on (data). Many times, the computer
evidence was created transparently by the computer’s operating system
and without the knowledge of the computer operator. Such information
may actually be hidden from view and, thus, special forensic software
tools and t echniques are required to preserve, identify, extract, and
document the related computer evidence. It is this information that
benefits law enforcement and military agencies in intelligence gathering
and in the conduct of investigations. Computer forensic software tools and
methods can be used to identify passwords, computer network logons, and
other information that is transparently and automatically transferred from
the computer’s memory to floppy diskettes, Iomega Zip Disks, and
computer hard disk drives . Trade secret information and other sensitive
data can easily be secreted using any number of techniques. It is possible
to hide diskettes within diskettes and to hide entire computer hard disk
drive partitions. A deterrence -based approach as an element o f an overall
cyber defence strategy and the need for timely and unequivocal
identification of attackers is essential for such an approach to be effective.
Unfortunately, the technical basis for such identification has not received
much attention from the r esearch and development community. Until

Page 79

79 Identification of Data research and development resources are committed to investigation of the
relevant issues, the extent of the challenge cannot be fully understood .
7.6 QUESTIONS 1. Explain the following in brief:
a. Autokey
b. Building Teams
c. Timekeeping
d. Information Overload
2. Explain the concept of Network Time Protocol (NTP)


Page 80

80 8
Unit Structure
8.0 Objectives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 How to Become a Digital Detective
8.2.1 If You Need Help, Get Help
8.2.2 Convert Digital Evidence
8.3 Usable File Formats
8.4 Unusable File Formats
8.5 Converti ng Files
8.6 Summary
8.7 Questions
8.0 OBJECTIVES This chapter would make you:
 A user can be a digital detective
 Understand the how the data can be recovered from past events
 Converting the files
8.1 INTRODUCTION The increase in computer -related crime has led to the development of
special tools to recover and analyse computer data. A combination of
hardware and software tools has been developed using commercial off -
the-shelf utilities integrated with newly developed programs. Procedures
have been define d and implemented to protect the original computer data.
Processes have been developed to recover hidden, erased and password
protected data. All recovery and analysis work is performed on image
copies of the original. Because there is a wide variety of co mputers,
peripherals, and software available, including many different forms of
archival storage (Zip, Jaz, disk, tape, CDROM, etc.). It is important that a
wide variety of equipment be available for recovery and analysis of
evidence residing on a computer ’s hard disk and external storage media.
Recovered data must be analyzed , and a coherent file must be
reconstructed using advanced search programs specifically developed for
this work.
For example, these techniques were recently used to recover data from
several computers that indicated a large check forgery ring was in
operation throughout California and personal and business identities were
being stolen without the knowledge of the victims. Case files going back
over five years were cleared with the info rmation obtained.

Page 81

81 Reconstructing Past Events 8.2 HOW TO BECOME A DIGITAL DETECTIVE Recovering electronic data is only the beginning. Once we recover it, we
need to determine how to use it in your case. In other words, how do a
user reconstruct past events to ensure that the findings will be admissible
as evidence in its respective case? What follows are some
recommendations for accomplishing that goal.
8.2.1 If You Need Help, Get Help:
 When a user receives the package of evidence containing a Zip disk
and cover letter stating, “Enclo sed and produced upon your request,
please find …,” user may not know what to do with the disk.
 If user don’t know, get help. Help may be just down the hall.
 If we(user) have an information services department, consider going
there. They might not unders tand what you mean by a discovery
request, but they may be able to help you convert the contents of the
disk to a form you can look at.
 If you have a litigation support group, consider contacting them. They
may have the tools you need to look at and start working with the data
you just received.
 Even if there is no formal entity within your office dedicated to
dealing with technological issues, there may be informal resources.
8.2.2 Convert Digital Evidence:
 Before you can reconstruct past events and pres ent the data, you need
it on a medium and in a format, you can work with.
 In other words, you need to get the data onto a medium you can use, if
it is not already on one.
 Today, data can come on a variety of media, such as holograms,
video, data tapes, Z ip disks, CD -ROM disks, and even 3.5 -inch floppy
 For example, you could use Zip disks. Zip disks are simpler. The cost
of Iomega Zip drives ( is so
low that you can keep one on hand just to copy data from Zip disks
you receive (and to copy data to Zip disks when others request data
from you on that medium). CDs are even simpler, as CD drives have
become commonplace on PCs. Similarly, even 3.5 -inch disks
generally pose no problem.
8.3 USEABLE FILE FORMATS  Even i f the data is in a format that appears to be one you already use,
conversion still may be necessary. The format may be too new.

Page 82

82 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  The problem is a basic one. In a similar vein, you may have to get the
data converted if it comes to you in a format that is too old or runs on
a different operating system.
 Although simple files created with one company’s software generally
can be opened without a problem using a competitor’s comparable
product, this often does not hold true for more complex files.
8.4 UNUSEABLE FILE FORMATS  You may get electronic data in a format that you cannot use “out of
the box.”
 When that happens, you have to convert the files to a format you can
use—or find someone to do the conversion for you.
 You may have already encountered these issu es with a variety of files
including email files, database files from mainframe systems, and
“.txt” files containing data dumped from database files.
 For example if you receive a “.txt” file that appears to contain
information from a database file, try to find out, among other things,
the make and model of the computer the file came from; the name and
version of the operating system the computer ran; the name and
version of the database program used; the name of the database file; a
list of all fields in t he database; and descriptions of each field with the
descriptions including the type, length, and other characteristics of the
8.5 CONVERTING FILES  If you are going to attempt converting the data yourself, you may be
fortunate enough to have receive d electronic data that you can covert
directly into programs such as Access or Excel using the wizards built
into those programs.
 It can be the case with “.txt” files. Sometimes the first line in a file
you are converting may even contain the names of the fields that need
to be created, further simplifying your task. If that information is not
in the file, then try to get the field names and descriptions from the
producing party.
 Should you fail at that, you may have an exceedingly difficult time
carrying out a meaningful conversion.
 Get the Right Software, Hardware, and Personnel
 Did You Get All the Data?
 Did the Evidence Come from the People You Thought It Would?
 Look for “Hidden” Data

Page 83

83 Reconstructing Past Events  Test the Data
 Work the Evidence
Get the Right Software, Hardware, and Personnel:
 The user should be associated or linked to get the data into a useable
format and getting the right software, hardware, and personnel to
work with the format the user choose. Hardware requirements will
vary greatly depending on specific ci rcumstances. Personnel
requirements present the greatest challenge.
 If the user are going to make sense of the electronic data they have
received, converted, and loaded, the user must need know how to use
the tools themselves, or, failing that, rely on so meone who can use the
tools for you.
Did You Get All the Data?:
 To Check whether user has received all the data they should receive.
Prepare an inventory of what user received and compare it against
what user requested. This may be as simple as preparing and
comparing lists of file names.
 It will require that user to develop short descriptions of the data the
user received and then match the descriptions with user’s discovery
requests. It may even mean you will have to closely analyze the data
to see whet her gaps emerge that indicate some failure to produce all
that it ought to have produced.
 Users also can search the electronic data for references to electronic
files that should have been given to you but were not. This can be
done through a manual revie w. The manual review can be enhanced if
the software you are using to review the data allows you to search for
strings of characters.
 If it does, you can search for filename extensions that are typically
associated with the types of files you want to find .
 Examples include .doc, .htm, .html, .htx, .rtf, .mcw, .txt, .wps, and
.wpd for word processing files; .csv, .dbf, .dif, .txt, .wk1, .wk3, .wk4,
.wks, .wq1, .xls, and .xlw for spreadsheet files; and .asc, .csv, .dbe,
.dbf, .htm, .html, .mda, .mdb, .mde, .mdw, .tab, .txt, and .xls for
database files.
 If the user receives spreadsheet or database files in their native format,
the user can scrutinize them for signs of links to files that were used in
connection with the files you got but that were not given to you.
 In a spreadsheet file such as an Excel file, this might mean searching
the cells for extensions such as the ones previously listed. It also can
mean checking the “properties.” If you are asked whether you want to
re-establish a link when you open the file, that is a clear sign of

Page 84

84 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) potentially missing files; keep track of the file names and check to see
whether you received them.
 In a database file such as an Access file, this means closely examining
all tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules for references
to other files.
Did the Evidence Come from the People You Thought It Would?:
Files often contain indications of who created them, who worked on them,
and who last saved them. If you go to File | Properties, you can sometimes
find th is information.
Look for “Hidden” Data:
 Electronic files often contain “hidden” data (information that does not
show up on any printouts of the file) that can potentially prove useful.
 You should go to File | Properties, where you may be able to find out
a host of details about the file that the people sending it to you may
never have known went with it.
 These can include when the file was created; when it was last
modified; who created it; what comments have been added; what title
was given to the file; whether intentionally or automatically, which
subjects have been assigned to the file; who last saved the file; and
how many revisions the file has gone through.
Test the Data:
 Test the electronic data to determine how complete, accurate, and
reliable it i s. You can test the data against itself.
 Look for inconsistencies.
 Look for errors as well.
 Where feasible, the electronic data can be compared to underlying
documents, again to determine the completeness, accuracy, and
reliability of the data. This com parison can highlight coding errors
made when creating the database such as wrong numbers, dates, and
 It also can reveal categories of information that were not added to the
electronic data, which if they had been added, would have affected the
results of searching the data.
 Just as electronic data can be compared to underlying documents, so
also can it be compared to data in other electronic files, the contents
of other documents, and information available through the Internet.

Page 85

85 Reconstructing Past Events Work the Evidenc e:
 What one can do with data really is limited more by one’s imagination
than anything else. That said, there are several general
recommendations that can be offered: Put the data into tools you can
 Spreadsheet programs can allow one to perform calcu lations, prepare
pivot tables that can quickly summarize data across several
dimensions, develop charts to graphically present trends in the data,
and map out information geographically.
 Database programs can permit one to search or query the databases in
complex and subtle ways, perform calculations, and generate a broad
range of reports.
 Sharing the data we receive and the knowledge you glean from it to
reconstruct past events with your client, experts, and other colleagues,
as appropriate, can offer yo u the opportunity to more effectively
handle our case.
8.6 SUMMARY Once the data has been successfully collected, it must be analyzed to
extract the evidence the user wish to present and to rebuild what actually
happened. We must make sure that the user or ourselves fully document
everything whatever they do; the work will be questioned and the user
must be able to show that its results are consistently obtainable from the
procedures you performed. Logging utilities are vital for forensics when
reconstructi ng the sequence of events leading up to, during, and after an
attack, provided the attacker doesn’t delete the log files. Refining the
firewall rules, keeping the intrusion detection systems (IDSs) current, and
reviewing the log files will be important to stay one step ahead of the bad
8.7 QUESTIONS 1. Explain in your words that Recovering electronic data is only the
2. Explain the Converting Files & its important aspects in brief.
3. Explain How to become a digital detective?


Page 86

Unit Structure
9.1 Overview
9.2 Introduction
9.3 Sources of Network Based Evidence
9.3.1 On the Wire
9.3.2 In the Air
9.3.3 Switches
9.3.4 Routers
9.3.5 DHCP Servers
9.3.6 Name Servers
9.3.7 Authentication Servers
9.3.8 Network Intrusion Detection / Prevention Systems
9.3.9 Firewalls
9.3.10 Web Proxies
9.3.11 Application Servers
9.3.12 Central Log Servers
9.4 Principles of Internetworking
9.4.1 Protocols
9.4.2 Open System Interconnection Mod el
9.5 Internet Protocol Suite
9.5.1 Internet Protocol (IP)
9.5.2 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
9.5.3 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
9.6 Evidence Acquisition: Physical Interception
9.6.1 Cables
9.6.2 Radio Frequency
9.6.3 Hubs
9.6.4 Switches
9.7 Traffic Acquisition Software
9.7.1 Libpcap and WinPcap
9.7.2 The Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) Language
9.7.3 Tcpdump
9.7.4 Wireshark
9.7.5 Tshark

Page 87

87 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition 9.7.6 Dumpcap
9.8 Active Acquisition
9.8.1 Common Interfaces
9.8.2 Inspection Without Access
9.8.3 Strategy
9.9 Summary
9.10 Review Question
9.11 References
9.1 OVERVIEW After studying this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Understand some technical knowledge about sources such as routers,
web proxies, intrusion detection systems, etc.
 Understand common classes of network devices
 Understand concept of protocols and the OSI model
 Understand Internet Protocol Suite and key features of IPv4, IPv6,
TCP, and UDP
 Understand potential criminal activities’ sources of evidence in a
forensic investigation
 Know diff erent traffic acquisition software
 Check how to conduct active acquisition
9.2 INTRODUCTION With the tremendous rise in use of technological devices in daily life, the
production of the network -based evidence has become an important
necessity in most cases for the purpose of establishing accused as guilty or
for imposing liability on defendant. The fluctuation or swing in judicial
mindset has occurred mostly in recent past and most legal systems across
the world have amended their laws to accommodate such c hange.
Regarding computer forensics, this chapter primarily focuses on
fundamental skills necessary to develop and implement security schemes
designed to protect organizations’ information from attacks. Network
investigators must always be ready to learn and adapt. From wires to
routers to web proxies to DNS servers, there are innumerable potential
sources of network -based evidence. Although most environments are built
from the same general types of network devices, there exists a wide
variety of equipment , software, and protocols that are constantly changing.
This chapter also discusses types of physical media that can be leveraged
to passively acquire network -based evidence and explore popular tools
and techniques for acquiring network traffic.

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88 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) 9.3 SOURC ES OF NETWORK BASED EVIDENCE 9.3.1 On the Wire:
On the wire is a physical cabling that carries data over the network.
Network forensic investigators can tap into such cabling to copy and
preserve network traffic as it is transmitted across the line. A wir etapping
can provide real -time network data. Taps can range from “vampire” taps,
which literally puncture the insulation and contact copper wires, to
surreptitious fiber taps, which bend the cable and cut the sheathing to
reveal the light signals as they t raverse the glass. Many commercial
vendors also manufacture infrastructure taps, which can plug into common
cable connectors and are specifically designed to replicate signals to a
passive station without degrading the original signal.
9.3.2 In the Air:
Investigators can gather a lot of information from encrypted wireless
networks. Although data packets that traverse a wireless network may be
encrypted, commonly management and control frames are not. In the
clear, wireless access points advertise their name s, presence, and
capabilities; stations probe for access points; a MAC addresses of
legitimate authenticated stations, unauthenticated stations and suspicious
stations that may be attacking the wireless network. Investigators can also
conduct volume -based statistical traffic analysis and analyze these
patterns. With access to unencrypted or decrypted wireless traffic, of
course, investigators can review the full packet captures in detail
9.3.3 Switches:
Packet sniffing is a technique in which attackers surr eptitiously insert a
software program at remote network switches or host computers. The
program monitors information packets as they are sent through networks
and sends a copy of the information retrieved to the hacker. By picking up
the first 125 keystrok es of a connection, attackers can learn passwords and
user identifications, which, in turn, they can use to break into systems.
Switches contain a “content addressable memory” (CAM) table, which
stores mappings between physical ports and each network card’ s MAC
address. Given a specific device’s MAC address, network investigators
can examine the switch to determine the corresponding physical port, and
potentially trace that to a wall jack and a connected station. Switches also
provide a platform from which investigators can capture and preserve
network traffic. With many types of switches, network staff can configure
one port to “mirror” (copy) traffic from any or all other ports or VLANs,
allowing investigators to capture traffic from the mirroring port wit h a
packet sniffer.
9.3.4 Routers:
Nowadays, intelligent defenses against attacks such as denial -of-service
attacks could be found, as routers and other devices can be set to verify
source addresses and ignore packets if they are bogus or carry a suspiciou s

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89 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition pattern. However, beyond the denial -of-service category of vulnerabilities,
there are always the standard concerns of open ports, easy passwords,
unsecured routers, and unknown “features” that any Internet device may
have. Routers have routing tables whi ch map ports on the router to the
networks that they connect. This allows a forensic investigator to trace the
path that network traffic takes to traverse multiple networks. Depending
on the specific device’s capabilities, routers may also function as pack et
filters, denying the transmission of certain types of traffic based on source,
destination, or port. Routers may log denied traffic (or sometimes maintain
statistics on allowed traffic). One of the primary logs used in computer
forensics is syslog, the main system log containing a variety of important
messages. This is no secret to hackers, and hence is often one of the first
logs to be modified. In addition, routers and firewalls can be configured to
add messages to the syslog. Many enterprise -class rou ters can be
configured to send logs and flow record data to a central logging server,
which is extremely helpful for investigators, as this makes it very easy to
correlate events from multiple sources. Logs stored on the router itself
may be volatile and s ubject to erasure if the device is rebooted or if the
available storage is exceeded.
9.3.5 DHCP Servers:
When virtually all private connections to the Internet were made over
modems connecting to a dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP)
server where e ach session was served with a different IP address, it was
much less likely that a private machine would be compromised and efforts
to compromise machines tended to be focused on commercial,
government, and educational systems. Frequently, investigations b egin
with the IP address of a host that is suspected of being involved in some
sort of adverse event —whether it was victim of an attack, origin, or
perhaps both. One of the first tasks investigator must undertake is to
identify and/or physically locate the device based on its IP address.
When DHCP servers assign (or “lease”) IP addresses, they typically create
log of the event, which includes the assigned IP address, the MAC address
of the device receiving the IP address, and the time the lease was provide d
or renewed. Other details, such as the requesting system’s hostname, may
be logged as well. Consequently, DHCP logs can show an investigator
exactly which physical network card was assigned the IP address in
question during specified time frame.
9.3.6 Na me Servers:
DNS servers can be configured to log queries for IP address and hostname
resolutions. These queries can be very revealing. For example, if a user on
an internal desktop, browses to a web site, the user’s desktop will make a
DNS query to resolve the host and domain names of the web server prior
to retrieving the web page. As a result, the DNS server may contain logs
that reveal connection attempts from internal to external systems,
including web sites, SSH servers, external email servers, and mor e. DNS
servers can log not only queries, but also the corresponding times.

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90 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) Therefore, forensic investigators can leverage DNS logs to build timeline
of suspect’s activities.
9.3.7 Authentication Servers:
Applications and transaction systems ideally request a centralized
authentication server to confirm or deny a user’s identity. Authentication
servers typically log successful and/or failed login attempts and other
related events. Investigators can analyze authentication logs to identify
brute -force password -guessing attacks, account logins at suspicious hours
or unusual locations, or unexpected privileged logins, which may indicate
questionable activities.
Unlike analysis of authentication logs on a single hard drive, a central
authentication server can pro vide authentication event information about
all devices within an entire authentication domain, including desktops,
servers, network devices, and more.
9.3.8 Network Intrusion Detection / Prevention Systems:
Data communication analysis typically includes n etwork intrusion
detection, data preservation, and event reconstruction. At a high level,
forensic value of a network intrusion detection systems / network intrusion
detection systems NIDS/NIPS is designed to provide timely data
pertaining to adverse event s on the network. This includes attacks in
progress, command -and-control traffic involving systems already
compromised, or even simple misconfigurations of stations. The value of
this data provided by NIDS/NIPS is highly dependent upon the
capabilities of the device deployed and its configuration. With many
devices, it is possible to recover the entire contents of the network packet
or packets that triggered an alert. However, data that is preserved contains
little more than source and destination IP addres ses, TCP/UDP ports, and
time event occurred. During an ongoing investigation, investigators can
request that network staff tune NIDS to gather more granular data for
specific events of interest or specific sources and destinations.
9.3.9 Firewalls:
Firewal ls are a basic means for providing network security, acting like the
moat around a medieval castle, by restricting information to enter and
leave at carefully controlled points and preventing unacceptable attempts
at accessing resources within the firewall . Event logging was of secondary
importance for firewall manufacturers. Firewalls were not initially
designed to alert security personnel when security violations were taking
place, even though they were most definitely designed to implement
security polic ies to prevent violations. Today, modern firewalls have
granular logging capabilities and can function as both infrastructure
protection devices and useful IDSs as well. All the traffic going through a
firewall is part of a connection. A connection consist s of the pair of IP
addresses that are talking to each other, as well a pair of port numbers that
identify the protocol or service. The destination port number of the first
packet often indicates the type of service being connected to.

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91 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition When a firewall blo cks a connection, it will save the destination port
number to its log file . These logs can help operators manage the network
as also serve as evidence for forensic analysts. A common question is how
intrusion detection complements firewalls. One way of cha racterizing the
difference is provided by classifying security violations by source —
whether they come from outside the organization’s network or from
within. Firewalls act as a barrier between corporate (internal) networks
and the outside world (Internet) and filter incoming traffic according to a
security policy. This is a valuable function and would be sufficient
protection were it not for these facts:
 Not all access to the Internet occurs through the firewall.
 Not all threat originates outside the fir ewall.
 Firewalls are subject to attack themselves
9.3.10 Web Proxies:
Web proxies can be a gold mine for forensic investigators, especially
when they are configured to retain granular logs for an extended period.
Whereas forensic analysis of a single hard drive can produce the web
surfing history for users of a single device, an enterprise web proxy can
literally store the web surfing logs for an entire organization. There are
many commercial and free applications that can interpret web proxy logs
and prov ide visual reports of web surfing patterns according to client IP
address or even username (i.e., when correlated with Active Directory
logs). This can help forensic analysts gather lists of users who may have
succumbed to a phishing email, investigate a r oving user’s inappropriate
web surfing habits, or identify the source of web -based malware. If the
web proxy is configured to cache web pages, it is even possible to retrieve
the content that an end -user viewed or carve malware out of a cached web
page for further analysis. It is advisable to find a Web proxy or gateway
website for conducting any type of intelligence collection operation
against the attacking host
9.3.11 Application Servers:
There are many kinds of application servers for us to review in de pth
However, keep in mind that there are many possible sources of network -
based evidence. Review local network diagrams and application
documentation to identify the sources that will be most useful for your

Figure 1.1: Direct connecti on to server vis -à-vis connection via
application server (Creative Commons image

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92 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) source: -comm on-
server -setups -for-your-web-application )
9.3.12 Central Log Servers:
Much like intrusion detection systems, central log servers are designed to
help security professionals identify and respond to network security
incidents. Even if an individual server is compromised, logs originating
from it may remain intact on the central log server.
Furthermore, devices such as routers, which typically have very limited
storage space, may retain logs for very short periods of time, but the same
logs may be sent in r eal time to a central log server and preserved for
months or years. Some organizations use commercial log analysis
products that can provide forensic analysts with complex reports and
graphical representations of log data, correlated across a variety of
Protocols can be defined as set of formal rules describing how to transmit
data, especially across a network. Protocols take on new meaning when
viewed in the context of forensic investigation. Atta ckers bend and break
protocols to smuggle covert data, sneak past firewalls, bypass
authentication, and conduct widespread denial -of-service (DoS) attacks.
While network designers and engineers view protocols as rules for
facilitating communication betwee n stations, forensic investigators must
view them as guidelines that attackers can leverage to get results.
9.4.2 Open Systems Interconnection Model:
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model was designed by the
International Organization for Standardiz ation (ISO) to provide network
architects, software engineers, and equipment manufacturers with a
modular and flexible framework for development of communications
When data is transmitted across a network, output from one layer is
encapsulated wi th data designed for use by the lower layer processes.
Conversely, when data is received by the destination host, input from each
layer is demultiplexed for use by the higher layer processes. Layer 7. Application Layer 6. Presentation Layer 5. Session Layer 4. Transport Layer 3. Network Layer 2. Data Link Layer 1. Physical Table 1.1 Layers in the OSI model

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93 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition
The Internet Protocol Suite, also known as the TCP/IP protocol suite, is a
collection of protocols that are used to implement important functions on
the Internet and in many other packet -switched networks.
The original 1974 “Specification of Internet Transmission Control
Program” stated: “Processes are viewed as the active elements of all
HOST computers in a network. Even terminals and files or other I/O
media are viewed as communicating through the use of processes. Thus,
all network communication is viewed as inter -process communication.
Since a process may need to disting uish among several communication
streams between itself and another process [or processes], we imagine that
each process may have a number of PORTs through which it
communicates with the ports of other processes. Since port names are
selected independently by each operating system, [TCP/IP], or user, they
may not be unique. To provide for unique names at each [TCP/IP], we
concatenate a NETWORK identifier, and a [TCP/IP] identifier with a port
name to create a SOCKET name which will be unique throughout all
networks connected together.”
Thereafter, work emerged on the Draft Internetwork Protocol
Specification, which was eventually published as RFC 791, “Internet
Protocol” in September 1981. TCP was revised to excise the network layer
functions, and was also p ublished in September 1981 as RFC 793,
“Transmission Control Program.”
9.5.1 Internet Protocol (IP):
The Internet Protocol (IP) is designed to handle addressing and routing. It
includes a method for uniquely identifying source and destination systems
on a network (the “IP address”) and provides support for routing data
through networks. IP operates at Layer 3 of the OSI model (the network
layer). It is a connectionless protocol, meaning that it does not explicitly
identify individual packets as being part o f a related series, and therefore
also does not have a method for indicating the initiation or closing of a
conversation. There have been several versions of IP. The most widely
deployed version is IPv4, which was officially standardized in 1981 and
first deployed on January 1, 1983. During the past thirty years, IPv4 has
become globally supported. However, work has continued on IP
development, fueled primarily by concerns about address space
exhaustion. In 1998, the specification for Internet Protocol vers ion 6
(IPv6) was released, and support for it is increasing, slowly but surely.
Characteristics of IP include:
• Support for addressing and routing
• Connectionless

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94 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) • Unreliable
• Includes a header (no footer)
• Header plus payload is called an IP packet
IPv4: IPv4 uses a 32 -bit address space to identify the source and
destination systems. Typically, human -readable IP addresses are divided
into four octets, separated by periods, and written in decimal. Each octet
has 28 possible values, ranging from 0 to 255.
IPv6: IPv6 protocol was developed with 128 bits for each of the source
and destination addresses. There are approximately 2128, or 340
undecillion possible IP addresses. Human -readable IPv6 addresses are
written in hexadecimal and are divided into 08 groups of 16 bits each.
The key changes introduced in IPv6 compared with IPv4 can be
summarized as follows:
• Larger address space (128 bits)
• No packet header checksums
• Fixed -length IP packet header
• Designed to interoperate with IPSEC
9.5.2 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP):
TCP is a connection -oriented protocol. It indicates the state of
transmissions using flags in the TCP header. TCP uses three steps to
establish a reliable bidirectional communication between stations. First,
the initiating station sends a segment with the SYN flag set. Next, the
responder sends back a segment with the “SYN” and “ACK” flags set.
Finally, the initiator responds with a segment that has an “ACK” flag set.
This initiation sequence is referred to as the three -way handshake. There is
also a corresponding two -step sequence for closing a connection using the
“FIN” and “ACK” flags.
Key characteristics of the TCP protocol include:
• Reliable
• Connection -oriented
• Handles sequencing
• Port numbers range from 0 to 65535
• Includes a header (no footer)
• Header plus payload is called a TCP segment
The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is designed to handle
multiplexing of process communications on the host, as well as reliability

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95 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition and sequencing. The combination of the TCP header and the enc apsulated
payload together is referred to as a TCP segment. As with IP, there is no
footer. To communicate, a process encapsulates data in a TCP segment
header for transmission to another process, possibly on a remote system
(in which case the segment woul d subsequently be encapsulated in an IP
packet for transmission across the network and demultiplexed at the
receiving end).
9.5.3 User Datagram Protocol (UDP):
The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is designed to facilitate multiplexing
of process communication s on the host, without any of the reliability,
sequencing, connection setup and teardown, or any of the frills of TCP.
This is useful for some applications, such as real -time data streaming
(Voice over IP, music, or videos). For these applications, there i s no point
in attempting to detect if packets arrive out of order or are dropped
because the real -time requirements leave no room for retransmission.
It is better to simply drop datagrams when errors occur than to slow down
the entire transmission with tr ansport -layer error checking. Like TCP, the
UDP header includes 16 -byte fields for “source port” and “destination
port.” The possible values for UDP ports range from 0 to 65,535. Key
characteristics of the UDP protocol include:
• Unreliable
• Connectionless
• Port numbers range from 0 to 65535
• Includes a header (no footer)
• Header plus payload is called a UDP datagram
9.6 EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: PHYSICAL INTERCEPTION Network forensic investigators often refer to “passive” versus “active”
evidence acquisition. P assive evidence acquisition is the practice of
gathering forensic -quality evidence from networks without emitting data
at Layer 2 and above. Traffic acquisition is often classified as passive
evidence acquisition.
Active or interactive evidence acquisitio n is the practice of collecting
evidence by interacting with stations on the network. This may include
logging onto network devices via the console or through a network
interface, or even scanning the network ports to determine current state.
9.6.1 Cables:
Telecommunications equipment can be highly vulnerable, because of the
presence of lengthy copper cables between devices. Cables allow for
point -to-point connections between stations. The most common materials

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96 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) for cables are copper and fiber. Each of these can be sniffed, although the
equipment and side effects vary based on the physical media. The two
most widely used types of copper cabling used in the modern era are
coaxial cable and twisted pair. Fiber optic cables consist of thin strands of
glass (or s ometimes plastic) which are bundled together to transmit signals
across a distance. Light is transmitted into the fiber at one end and travels
along an optic fiber, reflecting constantly against the walls until it reaches
an optical receiver at the other e nd.
What concerns is vulnerability due to increased use of communications
and data communications schemes based on copper cable media. If the
copper media were to be replaced with optical fiber to achieve higher
bandwidths, the communications infrastructu re would become more robust
against electromagnetic attack
Intercepting Traffic in Cables:
There are variety of tools available for intercepting traffic in cables,
including inline network taps, “vampire” taps, induction coils, and fiber
optic taps. Genera l details of the same is mentioned below:
 Inline Network Taps : An inline network tap is a Layer 1 device,
which can be inserted in -line between two physically connected network
devices. The network tap will pass along the packets as also physically
replica te copies to a separate port (or multiple ports). Network taps
commonly have four ports: two connected inline to facilitate normal
traffic, and two sniffing ports, which mirror that traffic (one for each
direction). Insertion of an inline network tap typic ally causes a brief
disruption, since the cable must be separated to connect the network tap
inline. Network taps are commonly designed to require no power for
passively passing packets thereby reducing the risk of a network outage.
 Vampire Taps: “Vampire taps” are devices that pierce the shielding
of copper wires to provide access to the signal within. Unlike inline
network taps, the cable does not need to be severed for a vampire tap
to be installed. However, investigators should take caution: As noted
by security researcher Erik Hjelmvik, “[i]nserting a vampire tap, even
if done correctly, can bring down the link on a TP cable since the
characteristics of the required balanced communication will be
affected negatively.”.
 Induction Coils : Induction coils transform the magnetism of weak
signals to induce a much stronger signal in an external system. Such a
device could potentially capture the throughput of a cable without the
detection of the users, administrators, or owners of the wires.
However, such devi ces are not commercially available in a way that
the public can acquire to surreptitiously tap Cat5e and Cat6.
 Fiber Optic Taps: Inline network taps work similarly for fiber optic
cables and copper cables. To place a network tap inline on a fiber
optic ca ble, network technicians splice the optic cable and connect it
to each port of a tap. This causes a network disruption. Inline optical

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97 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition taps may cause noticeable signal degradation. Network engineers
often use tools called optical time -domain reflectometers (OTDR) to
analyze and troubleshoot fiber optic cable signals. OTDRs can also be
used to locate breaks in the cable, including splices inserted for taps.
With OTDRs, technicians can create a baseline of the normal signal
profile of a fiber optic cable, and potentially detect not only when the
profile changes but where on the cable the disruption has likely
9.6.2 Radio Frequency:
Radio frequency is a popular medium for transmission of packetized data
and Internet connectivity. The Institute of Elec trical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) published a series of international standards (“802.11”)
for wireless local area network (WLAN) communication. These standards
specify protocols for WLAN traffic in the 2.4, 3.7, and 5 GHz frequency
ranges. The term “Wi-Fi” is used to refer to certain types of RF traffic,
which include the IEEE 802.11 standards.
IEEE 802.11 is the most common wireless protocol beyond debate. It is
being used in almost every part of our lives, from home security systems
to cell phones , on a wide variety of devices and diverse application
domains. Naturally, this widespread usage is subject to criminal activity. It
is possible to passively capture encrypted Wi -Fi traffic and decrypt it
offline later using the encryption keys. Once an in vestigator has gained
full access to unencrypted 802.11x traffic contents, this data can be
analyzed in the same manner as any other unencrypted network traffic.
Regardless of whether Wi -Fi traffic is encrypted, investigators can gain a
great deal of infor mation by capturing and analyzing 802.11 management
traffic. This information commonly includes:
• Broadcast SSIDs (and sometimes even non -broadcast ones)
• WAP MAC addresses
• Supported encryption/authentication algorithms
• Associated client MAC addresses
• In many cases, the full Layer 3+ packet contents
There are commercially available 802.11 network adapters that are
specifically designed for capturing packets. These adapters include very
handy features for forensic investigators, such as the ability to ope rate
completely passively (so the investigator does not have to worry about
accidentally transmitting data), connectors for extra antennae, and portable
form factors such as USB.
9.6.3 Hubs:
A network hub is a Layer 1 device that physically connects all st ations on
a local subnet to one circuit. A hub does not store enough state to track
what is connected to it, or how. It maintains no knowledge of what devices

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98 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) are connected to what ports. Investigators must be careful when using
hubs as traffic capture dev ices. The investigator sees all traffic on the
segment, but so can everyone else. A compromised system could trivially
act as a passive listener and eavesdrop on any data transfers or
communications. Any evidence transmitted across the network, or normal
traffic sent by the investigator’s operating system, may be trivially
captured by anyone else on the local network. It may be appropriate to
take advantage of a hub that is already installed on a network but installing
a hub for the purposes of traffic capt ure can introduce new risks.
9.6.4 Switches:
Switches operate at Layer 2 (datalink), and sometimes Layer 3 (network).
Switches populate CAM table by listening to arriving traffic. When a
switch receives a frame from a device, it looks at the source MAC add ress
and remembers the port associated with that MAC address. Later, when
the switch receives a packet destined for that device, it looks up the MAC
address and corresponding port in the CAM table. It then sends the packet
only to appropriate port, encapsu lated with the correct Layer 2 Ethernet
address. In this way, a switch segments the traffic endpoint -by-endpoint,
even while technically sharing the same physical medium. One can
capture network traffic using switches.
Even though by default switches only send traffic to the destination port
indicated in the frame, switches with sufficient software capabilities can
be configured to replicate traffic from one or more ports to some other
port for aggregation and analysis. Different vendors have different
terminology for this capability - a common term is Cisco’s Switched Port
Analyzer (SPAN) and Remote Switched Port Analyzer (RSPAN). The
most vendor -neutral term for this is “port mirroring.”
The safest way to obtain traffic from a switch is to coordinate with a
network administrator to configure “port mirroring,” in which traffic from
ports of interest is mirrored to a port that is used by the investigator.
Switches can also be attacked in several ways to try to facilitate sniffing.
The most common are MAC flo oding (which attacks the switch’s CAM
table directly) and ARP spoofing (which attacks the ARP tables of the
hosts on the LAN). These are methods for facilitating traffic capture on
switched networks when port mirroring or tapping a cable is not an option
9.7 TRAFFIC ACQUISITION SOFTWARE 9.7.1 Libpcap and WinPcap
The most common software libraries used for recording, parsing, and
analyzing captured packet data are libpcap and WinPcap. Both libpcap and
WinPcap are free software released under the “BSD licens e,” which has
been approved by the Open -Source Initiative. Libpcap is a UNIX C library
that provides an API for capturing and filtering data link layer frames from
arbitrary network interfaces. It was originally developed at the Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and initially released to the public

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99 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition in June 1994. In 1999, the Computer Networks Group (NetGroup) in the
Politecnico di Torino published WinPcap, a library based on libpcap that
was designed for Windows systems. Since then, many people and
companies have contributed to the WinPcap project. The code is hosted at
a site maintained by Riverbed Technology. WinPcap has been the packet
capture and filtering engine for many open source and commercial
network tools, including protocol analyzers, network monitors, network
intrusion detection systems, sniffers, traffic generators and network
testers. Some of these networking tools, like Wireshark, Nmap, Snort, and
ntop are known and used throughout the networking community.
Details of Libpcap is av ailable on official website . Details of WinPcap is available on official
9.7.2 The Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) Lan guage:
Libpcap includes a filtering language called the “Berkeley Packet Filter”
(BPF) syntax. Using BPF filters, one can decide which traffic to capture
and inspect and which traffic to ignore. BPF filters traffic basis value
comparisons in fields for Lay er 2, 3, and 4 protocols. It includes built -in
references called “primitives” for many commonly used protocol fields.
BPF invocations can be extremely simple, constructed from primitives
such as “host” and “port” specifications, or very arcane construction s
involving specific field values by offset. BPF filters can also consist of
elaborate conditional chains, nesting logical ANDs and ORs. Some
commonly used BPF primitives include:
• host id, dst host id, src host id
• net id, dst net id, src net id
• ether hos t id, ether dst host id, ether src host id
• port id, dst port id, src port id
• gateway id, ip proto id, ether proto id
• tcp, udp, icmp, arp
• vlan id
9.7.3 Tcpdump:
Tcpdump is a tool for capturing, filtering, and analyzing network traffic. It
was developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and
first released to the public in January 1991. There are two ways that
tcpdump is most employed. First, it is used to facilitate on -the-fly analysis
for troubleshooting network issues in a tactical way. T his typically
encompasses capture, filtering, and analysis, all performed
simultaneously. However, it tends to be suitable only when a quick glance
at the data will suffice. Tcpdump is also frequently used to capture traffic
of interest passing on a target segment over a longer period and store it for

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100 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) offline analysis and perhaps even future correlation with other data.
Depending on throughput and utilization of network segment and amount
of each packet retained, the volume of data captured can be enormous.
One reason that tcpdump is a powerful tool is it can capture traffic with
high fidelity, to the degree that resulting packet capture can constitute
evidence admissible in court. However, quality of packet capture can be
impacted by hardware limitations an d configuration constraints. One
crucial configuration option for capturing packets using tcpdump is the
snapshot length, known as “snaplen.” Snaplen represents the number of
bytes of each frame that tcpdump will record. It is calculated from the
zero-byte offset of the data link -layer frame.
Filtering during capture is very important because resources such as disk
space, CPU cycles, and traffic aggregation capacity are always limited.
Filtering indiscriminately, however, can cause loss of evidence, which can
never be recaptured. You only get one chance to capture a frame now it
zips past on wire (or through air).
Below are five common invocations of tcpdump, which illustrate some of
the basic functionality:
• tcpdump -i eth0 -w great_big_packet_dump.pcap
This is the case of listening on interface eth0 and writing all the packets
out to a single monolithic file.
• tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -w biggest_possible_packet_dump.pcap
This instance is like the one above, except that by setting the snaplength to
zero, we are telling tcpdump to grab the entire frame regardless of its size
(rather than the first 68 bytes only). (Note that specifying -s 0 is not
necessary for newer versions of tcpdump, because the command
functionality was updated to make this behavior defaul t.)
• tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -w targeted_full_packet_dump.pcap 'host'
A BPF filter to grab and store in their entirety only those packets sent to or
from the host at the address “”
• tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -C 100 -w rolling_split_100MB_du mps.pcap
Host -based targeting is abandoned, and every frame is grabbed, but
splitting the captures into multiple files no larger than 100MB each.
• tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -w RFC3514_evil_bits.pcap 'ip[6] & 0x80 !=
Here, target is the first byte of the IP fragmentation fields (byte offset 6).
Bitmask is employed to narrow inspection to single highest order bit, also
known as the IP “reserved bit,” and capture and store packet only if the
reserved bit is nonzero.

Page 101

101 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition 9.7.4 Wireshark:
Wireshark (originally name d “Ethereal”) was initially released in 1998 by
Gerald Combs, is a graphical, open -source tool designed for capturing,
filtering, and analyzing traffic.
Wireshark captures packets on any system network interface which has
appropriate permissions to do so along with network card supporting
sniffing. Wireshark displays packets as they are captured in real time.
Details of using Wireshark is available on their official website

Figure 1.2: Default screen of Wireshark application version 3.4.8 installed
on this chapter’s author’s computer

Figure 1.3: Wireshark capturing information from Wi -Fi of this chapter’s
author’s computer

Page 102

102 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) Some sample captures of Wireshark are also availabl e at -/wikis/SampleCaptures
9.7.5 Tshark:
Tshark is a command -line network protocol analysis tool that is part of the
Wireshark distributi on. Like Wireshark, it is libpcap -based, and can read
and save files in the same standard formats as Wireshark. In addition to
analysis, you can also use tshark to capture packets. The example below
shows tshark capturing traffic on the network interface “ eth0,” filtering
out all port 22 traffic, and storing the results in the file “test22.pcap.”
# tshark -i eth0 -w test22.pcap 'not port 22 '
Capturing on eth0
9.7.6 Dumpcap:
The Wireshark distribution also comes with a command -line tool,
“dumpcap,” which is specifically designed to capture packets. Since it is a
specialized tool designed just for capturing packets, it takes up fewer
system resources, maximizing capture capabilities. It automatically writes
packet captures to a file. Following is an example using dumpcap to
capture traffic on the interface eth0, filter out all port 22 traffic, and save
the results in the file “test.pcap”:
$ dumpcap -i eth0 -w test . pcap 'not port 22 '
File : test . pcap
Packets : 12
Packets dropped : 0
9.8 ACTIVE ACQUIS ITION Active evidence acquisition amends the environment. Hence, one should
be aware of various ways in which live acquisition modifies devices and
environment under investigation, and work to minimize impact.
9.8.1 Common Interfaces:
Common ways to gain access to live network -based devices include:
The console is an input and display system, usually a keyboard and
monitor connected to a computer. Many network devices have a serial port
that you can use to connect a terminal to the console. It is possible to
connect modern laptops and desktops to the serial console of network
devices using USB -to-serial adapters.

Page 103

103 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition Whenever possible, it is best to connect directly to the console of a
network device rather than connecting remotely over the network. When
you connect to a device over the network, you create additional traffic and
often unintentionally change the state of local networking devices (such as
CAM tables, log files, etc.). When you connect directly to the console, you
can dramatically reduc e your footprint.

Figure 1.4: Sample USB -to-serial adapter creative commons image
Secure Shell (SSH):
The Secure Shell protocol (SSH) is a common way for investigators to
gain remote command -line access to systems containing network -based
evidence. Developed as a replacement for the insecure Telnet and rlogin,
SSH encrypts authentication credentials and data in transit. This means
that e ven if the SSH traffic is intercepted, an attacker would be unable to
recover the username, password, or contents of the communication.
OpenSSH is a widely used implementation of SSH, which has been
released free and opensource under a BSD license. Most mo dern network
devices now support SSH as a method for remote command -line
interaction. Following is an example using SSH to log into a system
remotely on TCP port 4022, using account “kvk”:
$ ssh -p 4022
In following example, a command is executed to retrieve hostname of
remote server (which is named “remote”):
$ ssh -p 4022 'hostname' remote
Secure Copy (SCP) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP):
SSH implements the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP), which is a command -
line utility designed to transfer files between networked systems. Local
files can be referred to by their local paths, while remote files are specified
by the username, hostname, and path to the file on the remote system, as
in the following example:
$ scp -P 4022 .

Page 104

104 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) Here we copied /etc/passwd file from remote server to current working
directory on our local system, using account “dak”. Note the single dot
argument at the end of the line, which specifies that we want to copy in
our local directory. Also note uppercase “P” used to specify the port (in
contrast, the “ssh” command uses a lowercase “p” for this purpose). The
SSH File Transfer Protocol, or SFTP, is an alternative protocol used in
conjunction with S SH for secure file transfer and manipulation. Although
it is more portable as also offers more capabilities than SCP, but file
transfer tends to be slower.
In addition to connecting to Telnet servers, the Telnet client can be used to
interact with a wide variety of servers, such as SMTP and HTTP. In some
cases, Telnet is an option for remote access to network device because
some devices have limited hardware/software capacities so they cannot
upgrade to more secure remote access tools such as SSH. F ollowing is a
sample in which Telnet connects to a remote HTTP server on port 80:
$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^] '.
GET / HTTP /1.1
Host :
HTTP /1.1 200 OK
Date : Sun , 26 Sep 2021 21:39:33 GMT
Server : Apache /2.2.9 ( Debian ) PHP /5.2.6 -1+ lenny10 with Suhosin
- Patch mod_python /3.3.1 Python /2.5.2 mod_ssl /2.2.9 OpenSSL
/0.9.8 g mod_perl /2.0.4 Perl /v5 .10.0
Last - Modified : Thu , 23 Sep 2021 22:40:55 GMT
ETag : "644284 -17 da -4 a668c728ebc0 "
Accept - Ranges : bytes
Content - Length : 6106
Content - Type : text / html
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP):
SNMP is frequently used as a medium for communicating and aggregating
both network manageme nt information (often of interest to the forensic
analyst) and security event data. In network forensics, SNMP is commonly
used in one of two ways: event -based alerting and configuration queries.

Page 105

105 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition A list of the basic SNMP operations is mentioned below:
• Interrupt: TRAP, INFORM
• Control: SET
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 use “community strings” for authentication, which
are sent in plain text across the network. As a result, there is significant
risk of credential theft if the community s trings are intercepted as they are
sent across the network. Commonly, the community string “public” has
read-only access to the MIB, and “private” has read -write access.
SNMPv3 supports strong encryption algorithms that can be used to
encrypt authenticatio n data and packet contents if these options are
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP):
The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) was first published in 1980, and
designed as a simple, automated means of transferring files between
remote systems. Like Telnet, TFTP was designed before most people were
concerned about “bad actors” on the network. Consequently, it fit a useful
niche: file transfer without the burden of authentication. One of the design
goals was to keep the service very small so that it could run on systems
with extremely limited storage space and memory. It runs over UDP on
port 69.
Despite the lack of security, TFTP remains in widespread use today
(generally restricted to internal networks). It has been incorporated into
many networ k devices, from Voice over IP phones to firewalls to desktop
BIOSs. TFTP is often used as a means through which distributed devices
can download updates from a central server within an organization. On
many routers and switches, it is used to back up and r estore files. It was
also used for payload propagation in both the CodeRed and Nimda
outbreaks. Forensic analysts may need to use TFTP to export files from a
router, switch, or other device that does not support SCP or SFTP for such
Web and pro prietary interfaces:
Usually, web interfaces are available by default as unencrypted HTTP
sessions, in which case the login credentials and any data transferred over
the connection is unencrypted and easily intercepted. Many vendors also
offer SSL/TLS -encrypted web interfaces, although the certificates used
with these services often have errors, which cause problems with
validation. Web interfaces are popular because they are very portable; they
do not require the user to install a special client to access the device.

Page 106

106 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) 9.8.2 Inspection Without Access:
In many cases, it is desirable to gain information about a device’s
configuration or state without accessing the device at all via an interface.
There are also times when the password to user interfaces is not available.
It is possible to gather extensive information about a device’s
configuration and state through external inspection, using port scanning,
vulnerability scanning, and other methods.
Port Scanning:
Port scanning, using a tool such as nmap, is an effective way to retrieve
information about open ports and software versions of a device. Note that
port scanning is an active process, meaning that you will generate network
traffic and, in the process, modify the state of the targeted device.
Vulnerabil ity Scanning:
Vulnerability scanning is the next level of active external inspection. In
addition to port scanning, vulnerability scanners test target systems for a
wide variety of known vulnerabilities. If you are concerned that your
target of interest ma y be compromised, this can sometimes provide strong
clues as to how the compromise may have occurred. Vulnerability
scanning generates network traffic and modifies the state of the targeted
device. In some cases, it can even crash the targeted device.
Be cautious and understand the options you have selected before running a
vulnerability scanner against your target of interest.
9.8.3 Strategy:
• Refrain from rebooting or powering down the device.
• Connect via the console rather than over the network.
• Record the system time.
• Collect evidence according to level of volatility.
• Record your investigative activities.
9.9 SUMMARY  A wiretapping can provide real -time network data. Taps can range
from “vampire” taps, which literally puncture the insulation and
contac t copper wires, to surreptitious fiber taps, which bend the cable
and cut the sheathing to reveal the light signals as they traverse the
 In the clear, wireless access points advertise their names, presence,
and capabilities; stations probe for acce ss points; a MAC addresses of
legitimate authenticated stations, unauthenticated stations and
suspicious stations that may be attacking the wireless network.

Page 107

107 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition  Packet sniffing is a technique in which attackers surreptitiously insert
a software program at rem ote network switches or host computers
 Given a specific device’s MAC address, network investigators can
examine the switch to determine the corresponding physical port, and
potentially trace that to a wall jack and a connected station
 One of the primary lo gs used in computer forensics is syslog, the
main system log containing a variety of important messages
 When DHCP servers assign (or “lease”) IP addresses, they typically
create log of the event, which includes the assigned IP address, the
MAC address of t he device receiving the IP address, and the time the
lease was provided or renewed.
 DNS server may contain logs that reveal connection attempts from
internal to external systems, including web sites, SSH servers,
external email servers, and more
 Applicatio ns and transaction systems ideally request a centralized
authentication server to confirm or deny a user’s identity
 When a firewall blocks a connection, it will save the destination port
number to its logfile.
 If the web proxy is configured to cache web p ages, it is even possible
to retrieve the content that an end -user viewed or carve malware out
of a cached web page for further analysis
 The Internet Protocol (IP) is designed to handle addressing and
 IPv4 uses 32 -bit address space to identify sour ce, destination systems.
 IPv6 protocol was developed with 128 bits for each of the source and
destination addresses.
 TCP is a connection -oriented protocol. It indicates the state of
transmissions using flags in the TCP header.
 The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is designed to facilitate
multiplexing of process communications on the host, without any of
the reliability, sequencing, connection setup and teardown, or any of
the frills of TCP.
 The two most widely used types of copper cabling used in the moder n
era are coaxial cable and twisted pair.
 An inline network tap is a Layer 1 device, which can be inserted in -
line between two physically connected network devices
 “Vampire taps” are devices that pierce the shielding of copper wires
to provide access to th e signal within

Page 108

108 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics)  Induction coils transform the magnetism of weak signals to induce a
much stronger signal in an external system
 Inline network taps work for fiber optic cables and copper cables.
 IEEE 802.11 is the most common wireless protocol beyond debat e. It
is being used in almost every part of our lives, from home security
systems to cell phones, on a wide variety of devices and diverse
application domains.
 A network hub is a Layer 1 device that physically connects all stations
on a local subnet to on e circuit.
 Switches operate at Layer 2 (datalink), and sometimes Layer 3
 The most common software libraries used for recording, parsing, and
analyzing captured packet data are libpcap and WinPcap.
 Libpcap includes a filtering language called th e “Berkeley Packet
Filter” (BPF) syntax
 Tcpdump is a tool for capturing, filtering, and analyzing network
 Wireshark captures packets on any system network interface which
has appropriate permissions to do so along with network card
supporting snif fing.
 Tshark is a command -line network protocol analysis tool that is part
of the Wireshark distribution
 The Wireshark distribution also comes with a command -line tool,
“dumpcap,” which is specifically designed to capture packets
 The Secure Shell protocol (SSH) is a common way for investigators
to gain remote command -line access to systems containing network -
based evidence
 Telnet is an option for remote access to network device because some
devices have limited hardware/software capacities so they cannot
upgrade to more secure remote access tools such as SSH
 SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 use “community strings” for authentication,
which are sent in plain text across the network
 The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) was first published in 1980,
and designed as a simp le, automated means of transferring files
between remote systems.
 Port scanning is an active process, meaning that you will generate
network traffic and, in the process, modify the state of targeted device

Page 109

109 Network Forensics and Evidence Acquisition  Vulnerability scanning generates network traffic and modifies the
state of the targeted device.
 Network Forensic strategy includes Refrain from rebooting or
powering down the device., Connect via the console rather than over
the network, Record the system time, Collect evidence according to
level of vola tility, Record your investigative activities.
9.10 REVIEW QUESTION 1. Explain few sources of network -based evidence.
2. State principles of internetworking
3. What are the commonalities and differences between IP and TCP?
4. What is UDP?
5. Write a note on cables and tap s
6. What are hubs and switches?
7. Explain some traffic acquisition software.
8. Write a note on SSH.
9. Share a sample code of telnet
10. How can an inspection happen without access?
11. State some strategies for conducting network forensic investigation.
9.11 REFERENCES 1. Network Forensics: Tracking Hackers through Cyberspace, by Sherri
Davidoff, Jonathan HAM, Prentice Hall, 2012. ISBN -13: 978 -0-13-
256471 -7 (Majority part of this chapter has been referenced from
book’s Part I – Chapter 2 and 3)
2. Computer Forensics Computer Cr ime Scene Investigation, John R.
Vacca, Second Edition, 2005. ISBN -13: 978 -1-58450 -389-7
3. Gokhan Kula & Y. Deniz Irenb. (WCIT -2011). Wireless network
forensics: sources of digital evidence. Digital version is available at ireless_network_forensics_so

Page 110

Unit Structure
10.1 Introduction: Importance of mobile forensics
10.2 Information that resides on mobile devices (a non -exhaustive list)
10.3 What is the mobile forensics process?
10.4 What are the steps in the mobile forensics process?
10.4.1 Seizure
10.4.2 Acquisition
10.4.3 Examination and analysis
10.5 What other models are available?
10.6 Non-invasive vs. invasive forensics
10.6.1 Non -invasive methods
10.6.2 Invasive methods
10.7 Application and OS logs
10.8 Routers, Switches & Firewalls
10.9 Web Proxies
10.9.1 Introduction
10.9.2 What is a Web Proxy Server?
10.9.3 Control internet access
10.1 INTRODUCTION: IMPORTANCE OF MOBILE FORENSICS The term “mobile devices” encompasses a wid e array of gadgets
ranging from mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, and GPS units to
wearables and PDAs. What they all have in common is the fact that they
can contain a lot of user information.
Mobile devices are right in the middle of three booming tech nological
trends: Internet of Things , Cloud Computing, and Big Data. The
proliferation of mobile technology is perhaps the main reason, or a t least
one of the main reasons, for these trends to occur in the first place. In
2015, 377.9 million wireless subscriber connections of smartphones,
tablets, and feature phones occurred in the United States.
Nowadays, mobile device use is as pervasive as it is helpful, especially
in the context of digital forensics, because these small -sized machines
amass huge quantities of data on a daily basis, whic h can be extracted to

Page 111

111 The Mobile Forensics Process: Steps and Types facilitate the investigation. Being something like a digital extension of
ourselves, these machines allow digital forensic investigators to glean a
lot of information.
10.2 INFORMATION THAT RESIDES ON MOBILE DEVICES (A NON -EXHAUSTIVE LIST)  Incoming, outgoing, missed call history
 Phonebook or contact lists
 SMS text, application based, and multimedia messaging content
 Pictures, videos, and audio files and sometimes voicemail messages
 Internet browsing history, content, cookies, search hi story, analytics
 To-do lists, notes, calendar entries, ringtones
 Documents, spreadsheets, presentation files and other user -created
 Passwords, passcodes, swipe codes, user account credentials
 Historical geolocation data, cell phone tower r elated location data,
Wi-Fi connection information
 User dictionary content
 Data from various installed apps
 System files, usage logs, error messages
 Deleted data from all of the above
One good display of the real -life effectiveness of mobile forens ics is the
mobile device call logs, and GPS data that facilitated solving the 2010
attempted bombing case in Time s Square, NY .
10.3 WHAT IS THE MOBILE FORENSICS PROCESS? Crimes do not happen in isolation from technological tendencies;
therefore, mobile device forensics has become a significant part
of digital forensics .
Most people do not realize how complicated the mobile forensics
process can be in reality. As the mobile devices increasingly continue to
gravitate between professional and personal use , the streams of data
pouring into them will continue to grow exponentially as we ll. Did you
know that 33,500 reams of paper are the equivalent of 64 gigabytes if
printed? Storage capacity of 64 GB is common for today’s smartphones.

Page 112

112 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) The mobile forensics process aims to recover digital evidence or
relevant data from a mobile device in a way that will preserve the
evidence in a forensically sound condition. To achieve that, the mobile
forensic process needs to set out precise rules that will seize, isolate,
transport, store for analysis and proof digital evidence safely originating
from m obile devices.
Usually, the mobile forensics process is similar to the ones in other
branches of digital forensics. Nevertheless, one should know that the
mobile forensics process has its own particularities that need to be
considered. Following correct me thodology and guidelines is a vital
precondition for the examination of mobile devices to yield good
Among the figures most likely to be entrusted with the performance of
the following tasks are Forensic Examiners, Incident Responders, and
Corpora te Investigators. During the inquiry into a given crime involving
mobile technology, the individuals in charge of the mobile forensic
process need to acquire every piece of information that may help them
later – for instance, device’s passwords, pattern lo cks or PIN codes.
Mobile phone evidence box

Page 113

113 The Mobile Forensics Process: Steps and Types Credit: mobile phone evidence box by jon crel / (CC BY -ND 2.0)
Digital forensics operates on the principle that evidence should always
be adequately preserved, processed, and admissible in a court of law.
Some legal considerations go hand in hand with the confiscation of
mobile devices.
There are two major risks concerning this phase of the mobile forensic
process: Lock activation (by user/suspect/inadvertent third party) and
Network / Cellular connection.
Network isolation is always advisable, and it could be achieved either
through 1) Airplane Mode + Disabling Wi -Fi and Hotspots, or 2)
Cloning the device SIM card.
Airplane mode :

Mobile devices are often seized switched on; and since the purpose of
their confiscation is to preserve evidence, the best way to transport them
is to attempt to keep them turned on to avoid a shutdown, which would
inevitably alter files.

Page 114

114 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) Phone jammer

Credit: Got myself a Cell Phone Ja mmer by Baishampayan
Ghose / (CC BY -ND 2.0)
A Faraday box/bag and external power supply are common types of
equipment for conducting mobile forensics. While the former is a
container specifically designed to isolate mobile devices from network
communications and, at the same time, help with the safe transportation
of evidence to the laboratory, the latter, is a power source embedded
inside the Faraday box/bag. Before putting the phone in the Faraday
bag, disconnect it from the network, disable all network connections
(Wi-Fi, GPS, Hotspots, etc.), and activate the flight mode to protect the
integrity of the evidence.
Faraday bag :

Page 115

115 The Mobile Forensics Process: Steps and Types Last but not least, investigators should beware of mobile devices being
connected to unknown incendiary devices, as well as any other booby
trap set up to cause bodily harm o r death to anyone at the crime scene.
10.4.2 Acquisition:
/Identification + extraction/
The goal of this phase is to retrieve data from the mobile device. A
locked screen can be unlocked with the right PIN, password, pattern, or
biometrics (Note that biome tric approaches while convenient are not
always protected by the fifth amendment of the U.S. Constitution ).
According to a ruling by the Virginia Circuit Cour t, passcodes are
protected, fingerprints not. Also, similar lock measures may exist on
apps, images, SMSs, or messengers. Encryption, on the other hand,
provides security on a software and/or hardware level that is often
impossible to circumvent.
It is har d to be in control of data on mobile devices because the data is
mobile as well. Once communications or files are sent from a
smartphone, control is lost. Although there are different devices having
the capability to store considerable amounts of data, the data in itself
may physically be in another location. To give an example, data
synchronization among devices and applications can take place directly
but also via the cloud. Services such as Apple’s iCloud and Microsoft’s
One Drive are prevalent among mob ile device users, which leave open
the possibility for data acquisition from there. For that reason,
investigators should be attentive to any indications that data may
transcend the mobile device as a physical object, because such an
occurrence may affect the collection and even preservation process.
Since data is constantly being synchronized, hardware and software may
be able to bridge the data gap. Consider Uber – it has both an app and a
fully functional website. All the information that can be accessed
through the Uber app on a phone may be pulled off the Uber website
instead, or even the Uber software program installed on a computer.
Regardless of the type of the device, identifying the location of the data
can be further impeded due to the fragmentati on of operating systems
and item specifications. The open -source Android operating system
alone comes in several different versions, and even Apple’s iOS may
vary from version to version.
Another challenge that forensic experts need to overcome is the
abun dant and ever -changing landscape of mobile apps. Create a full list
of all installed apps. Some apps archive and backup data.
After one identifies the data sources, the next step is to collect the
information properly. There are certain unique challenges c oncerning
gathering information in the context of mobile technology. Many mobile
devices cannot be collected by creating an image and instead they may
have to undergo a process called acquisition of data. Thera are various

Page 116

116 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) protocols for collecting data fro m mobile devices as certain design
specifications may only allow one type of acquisition.
The forensic examiner should make a use of SIM Card imagining – a
procedure that recreates a replica image of the SIM Card content. As
with other replicas, the origin al evidence will remain intact while the
replica image is being used for analysis. All image files should be
hashed to ensure data remains accurate and unchanged.
10.4.3 Examination and analysis:
Flasher box forensics. Using a UFS box to access mobile phone
As the first step of every digital investigation involving a mobile
device(s), the forensic expert needs to identify:
 Type of the mobile device(s) – e.g., GPS, smartphone, tablet, etc.
 Type of network – GSM, CDMA, and TDMA
 Carrier
 Service provider (Reverse Lookup)
The examiner may need to use numerous forensic tools to acquire and
analyze data residing in the machine. Due to the sheer diversity of
mobile devices, there is no one -size-fits-all solution regarding mobile
forensic tools. Consequently, it is advisable to use more than one tool
for examination. AccessData , Sleuthkit , and EnCase are some popular
forensic software products that have analytic capabilities. The most
appropriate tool(s) is being chosen depending on the type and model of
mobile device.
Timeline and link analysis available in many mobile forensic tools
could tie each of the most significant events, from a forensic analyst’s
point of view.
Intel Computer Stick imaged and analyzed
All of the information, evidence, and other findings extracted, analyzed,
and documented throughout the investigation should be presented to any
other forensic examiner or a court in a clear, concise, and complete
The New digital reality of mobile forensics
“On May 17, 2015, a biker gang shootout erupted at the Twin Peaks
Restaurant near Waco, Texas, killing nine and injuring dozens. More
than a hundred mobile phones were re covered from the incident, setting
the wheels in motion for one of the state’s largest and most challenging
investigations to date.
The events that unfolded at the Twin Peaks restaurant thrust McLennan
County law enforcement into a new urgent reality.

Page 117

117 The Mobile Forensics Process: Steps and Types With in days of the decision to deploy, [the Cellebrite’s New UFED
Analytics Platform] allowed both investigators and prosecutors to
import and decode all extracted mobile digital forensics data from one
centralized location for fast and efficient analysis. Cal l records, text
messages, photos, videos and social media posts could be filtered by
keywords and tagged for other members of the investigative team to
view instantly.
“… [the solution] allowed us to go back and more quickly comb through
the data to find t he bigger picture details we needed to confirm the
motives, plans and goals of these motorcycle organizations [,]” said the
McLennan County prosecutor. ”
Source: Removing the Burden of Finding Digital “Proof”
Quick Question: What procedure could the McLennan County law
enforcement have used immediately at the crime scene to reduce the
large backlogs of digital forensics casework at the outset (provided that
they had the experts to carry out that procedure)?
Find the answer below the Reference List.

Page 118

118 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) 10.6 NON -INVASIVE VS. INVASIVE FORENSICS No matter what your actual mobile forensic method is, it is imperative
to create a policy or plan for its execution and follow all its steps
meticulously and in the proper sequence. Not following the protocol
may entail grave consequences. One should start with non -invasive
forensic techniques first as they tend to endanger a device’s integrity to
a lesser degree. Be careful with bui lt-in security features – “[f]or
example, collecting a physical image before a logical image on certain
devices can completely wipe a phone of all data, as can attempting to
access a locked device and making too many password attempts.”
/Source: Mobile Device Forensics by Scott Polus /
From the legal point of view, the level of the interaction between the
user and the device is critical.
Mobile forensics – tool classification pyramid :

10.6.1 Non -invasive methods:
Non-invasive methods can deal wit h other tasks, such as unlocking the
SIM lock or/and the operator lock, the operating system update, IMEI
number modification, etc. These techniques are virtually inapplicable in
cases where the device has sustained severe physical damage. Types of
non-invasive mobile forensic methods:
 Manual extraction :
The forensic examiner merely browses through the data using the
mobile device’s touchscreen or keypad. Information of interest
discovered on the phone is photographically documented. This process
of manual extraction is simple and applicable to almost every phone.
While there are some tools designed to make this process easier, it is not
possible, however, to restore deleted data this way.
 Logical extraction :
This approach involves instituting a connection between the mobile
device and the forensic workstation using a USB cable, Bluetooth,
Infrared or RJ -45 cable. Following the connecting part, the computer
sends command requests to the device, and the device sends back data

Page 119

119 The Mobile Forensics Process: Steps and Types from its memory. The majority of forensic tools support logical
extraction, and the process itself requires short -term training. On the
downside, however, this technique may add data to the mobile device
and may alter the integrity of the evidence. Also, deleted data is rarely
accessible .
 JTAG method :
JTAG is a non -invasive form of physical acquisition that could extract
data from a mobile device even when data was difficult to access
through software avenues because the device is damaged, locked or
encrypted. The device, however, must be at least partially functional
(minor damages would not hinder this method).
The process involves connecting to the Test Access Ports (TAPs) on a
device and instructing the processor to transfer raw data stored on
connected memory chips. This is a standard feature that one could come
across in many mobile phone models, which provides mobile phone
manufactures a low -level interface outside the operating system. Digital
forensic investigators take an interest in JTAG, as it can, in theory,
allow direct access to the mobile device’s memory without jeopardizing
it. Despite that fact, it is a labor -intensive, time -consuming procedure,
and it requires advance knowledge (not only of JTAG for the model of
the phone under investigation but also of how to arrange anew the
resulting binary composed of the phone’s memory structures).
 Hex dump :
Similar to JTAG, Hex dump is another method for physical extraction of
raw information stored in flash memory. It is performed by connecting
the forensic workstation to the device and then tunneling an unsigned
code or a bootloader into the device, each of them will carry instructions
to dump memory from the phone to the computer. Resulting image is
fairly technical —in binary format —and it requires a person having the
technical educ ation to analyze it. Furthermore, the examiner comes into
possession of an abundant amount of data, since deleted data can be
recovered, and, on top of that, the entire process is inexpensive.
10.6.2 Invasive methods:
Typically, they are longer and more co mplex. In cases where the device
is entirely non -functional due to some severe damage, it is very likely
the only way to retrieve data from the device might be to manually
remove and image the flash memory chips of the device. Even if the
device or item is in good condition, circumstances may require the
forensic expert to acquire the chip’s contents physically.
 Chip -off:
A process that refers to obtaining data straight from the mobile device’s
memory chip. According to the preparations pertinent to this le vel, the
chip is detached from the device and a chip reader or a second phone is

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120 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) used to extract data stored on the device under investigation. It should
be noted that this method is technically challenging because of the wide
variety of chip types existin g on the mobile market. Also, the chip -off
process is expensive, training is required, and the examiner should
procure specific hardware to conduct de -soldering and heating of the
memory chip. Bits and bytes of raw information that is retrieved from
the me mory are yet to be parsed, decoded, and interpreted. Even the
smallest mistake may lead to damages to the memory chip, which, in
effect, would render the data irrevocably lost. Consequently, experts
advise having recourse to chip -off when: a) other methods of extraction
are already attempted, b) it is important to preserve the current state of
device’s memory, c) the memory chip is the only element in a mobile
device that is not broken.
The whole process consists of five stages:
1. Detect the memory chip typol ogy of the device
2. Physical extraction of the chip (for example, by unwelding it)
3. Interfacing of the chip using reading/programming software
4. Reading and transferring data from the chip to a PC
5. Interpretation of the acquired data (using reverse engineering)
6. Sources of network forensic evidence:
One of the key aspects of any successful forensic investigation is the
evidence collection phase. Identifying the sources of evidence while
investigating an attack is crucial for the investigation to be successful.
Once the sources are identified, the evidence such as logs should be
collated and used for further analysis. This article provides an overview
of various sources of network forensic evidence an investigator may be
interested in. Sources of evidence
Depending on the type of attack being investigated, a complex network
may have several places where evidence can be collected from. Let us
discuss some of the common sources where we may find evidence during
an investigation.
10.7 APPLICATION AND OS LOGS There are v arious logs that will be generated in different locations
depending on the events occurring. Application logs such as access logs
and database logs, event logs generated by the operating systems in
use(Windows event logs and Linux syslog), logs from networ k devices
such as firewalls and routers are some examples of various log locations
to look at.
When it comes to Windows event logs, there are three major categories
of logs that can be found in Windows event logs.

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121 The Mobile Forensics Process: Steps and Types Application : The Application logs contai n the logs of the events
generated by the applications running on the Operating System.
Security: As the name indicates, security logs contain events related to
security. This includes logs such as valid and invalid logon attempts.
System: System logs con tain events logged by system components. This
includes events such as operating system reboot due to a system failure
or crash.
When it comes to event logs on Linux based systems such as Ubuntu,
most of the events can be seen in a single location and the l ocation may
vary depending on the Linux flavor. In case of Ubuntu, authentication
logs, kernel logs, system logs and even some application specific logs
such as Apache logs will be available in /var/log/ directory.
Intrusion Detection System/Intrusion Pre vention System (IDS/IPS)
Many investigations begin from an alert from IDS or IPS. These logs
from IDS or IPS usually include alert data such as an identifier that has
caused the alert and the description of the alert. In addition to it, we may
find packet headers and payload in the alert. Depending on the tool being
used, these logs may be extracted from various locations such as a file on
the disk, web gui or email. The following figure shows alerts from Snort
IDS being run in pfSense.

Routers, Firewalls and proxy logs:
Routers are used to route the traffic from one network to another and
they are the most commonly used devices in enterprise networks and
they often contain many features that are of interest during a network
forensic investigation.
Firewalls perform packet filtering based on a predefined ruleset. For
example, let us assume that a rule has been defined to block any
incoming traffic on port 3389. Any firewall will be able to do this as
specified in the firewall rules. Modern firewalls can do much more than
just packet filtering. They are often termed as Next Generation Firewalls
and come with additional features such as VPN, Intrusion Preven tion
Systems, Intrusion Detection Systems, Anti Virus, Web Application
Firewalls and more. Often, the goal of these modern firewalls is to
effectively monitor the content within the packets and determine whether
to allow the packets or not and thus they co ntain logs of our interest.

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122 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) In addition to the routers and firewalls, web proxies in enterprise
environments contain interesting logs at a large scale. Web traffic
constitutes the major share of an enterprise’s network traffic. Employees
browsing activitie s in an enterprise environment almost always get
recorded in web proxies. So, Web proxies can be a goldmine for
Captured Network traffic:
When an alert is generated by tools like IDS/IPS, a packet capture can be
recorded and saved for furthe r analysis in many tools. Most of these
captures can be analysed using tools like Wireshark later. Additionally,
in the event of suspicion of an ongoing attack, tools like tcpdump for
Wireshark can be used for packet capturing and analysis.
10.8 ROUTERS, S WITCHES & FIREWALLS Integrated devices :
Just like home devices, business devices have become more and more
consolidated over time but not to the extent that the home devices have.
Network administrators in a business network are more comfortable
having sep arate devices and even like the idea. This is because network
administrators like to be able to isolate problems down to a certain device
and they like to be able to know the performance capabilities of every
device. If you use an integrated router, switch , and firewall all into one
device, troubleshooting, managing, and understanding the performance
capabilities of that device gets complicated. I’m not saying that this isn’t
done. You can buy a big & expensive, chassis -based, Cisco 6500 series
switch and h ave almost all these functions on different blades of the
switch. This may be fine for a larger business with a group of
administrators but to a medium size business and a single network
administrator, many times, this is a scary thought.
Keep in mind that for a medium or large size business, these integrated
home devices won’t work because they don’t offer all the features
required. The standalone routers, switches, and firewalls have many more
features than these integrated devices do. Router
A router is a hardware device and has the function of routing packets
between networks. A router works at Layer 3 of the OSI model – the
Network Layer. This is the layer that the IP protocol works at. Most
routers tod ay are IP routers that examine the source and destination IP
addresses of each packet, look up the destination of the packet in the
router’s IP routing table, and route that packet on its way. In the event that
the destination is not listed in the routing table, the router will either send
the packet to a default router (if it has one) or drop the packet. Routers are
usually used to connect a local area network to a wide -area network (a
LAN to a WAN) but can also be used to segment large local area networks

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123 The Mobile Forensics Process: Steps and Types Routers prevent broadcasts. Another way of saying this is that routers
form a broadcast domain. So, if your network is being deluged by IP
broadcasts, you need to subnet your network into two or more smaller
networks. Those networks would be conn ected by a router and that router
wouldn’t allow broadcast traffic to flow between subnets.
Routers use routing dynamic protocols like OSPF, RIP, or BGP to learn
routes from other routers. Router can also use static routes that are entered
by the administr ator.
Routers replace the Ethernet MAC address of the source device with their
own MAC address when they send a packet out an interface. When the
response to that packet comes back, the new source of the packet is
sending the response to the destination of the router. The router receives
this, replaces the source address, changes the destination address to the
original address, and sends the packet back to the original sender. This is a
complex topic that we could spend a whole article covering so this is o nly
meant to provide the most basic understanding of how this works.
Switch :
A switch is a hardware device that works at Layer 2 of the OSI model –
data link. The data link layer is where the Ethernet prot ocol works.
A switch switches Ethernet frames by keeping a table of what MAC
addresses have been seen on what switch port. The switch uses this table
to determine where to send all future frames that it receives. In Cisco
terminology, this table is called the CAM table (content addressable
memory). In general, the proper term for this table is the bridge
forwarding table. If a switch receives a frame with a destination MAC
address that it does not have in its table, it floods that frame to all switch
ports. When it receives a response, it puts that MAC address in the table so
that it won’t have to flood next time.
A switch is a high -speed multiport bridge. This is why bridges are no
longer needed or manufactured. Switches do what bridges did faster and
cheap er. Most routers can also function as bridges.
You might be asking how a hub fits into this mix of devices. A hub is a
multiport repeater. In other words, anything that comes in one port of a
hub is duplicated and sent out all other ports of the hub that h ave devices
attached. There is no intelligence to how a hub functions. A switch is a
vast improvement over a hub in terms of intelligence, for many reasons.
The most important of those reasons is how the bridge forwarding table
works. Intelligent (smart) s witches have made hubs obsolete because they
can do more at the same cost of a dumb hub. For this reason, hubs are
rarely used or sold any longer.
To see this bridge forwarding table (CAM table) on a Cisco switch just
type: show mac -address -table

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124 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) Firewall :
A firewall is used to protect more secure network from a less secure
network. Generally, firewalls are used to protect your internal/private
LAN from the Internet.
A firewall generally works at layer 3 and 4 of the OSI model. Layer 3 is
the Network Layer where IP works and Layer 4 is the Transport Layer,
where TCP and UDP function. Many firewalls today have advanced up the
OSI layers and can even understand Layer 7 – the Application Layer.
There are a variety of different types of firewalls and we won’t go into that
in this article so let’s just talk about the most popular type of firewall – a
stateful packet inspection (SPI) hardware firewall. An example of a SPI
hardware firewall is a Cisco PIX firewall. This is a dedicated appliance
and it looks a lot li ke a Cisco router.
A SPI firewall is stateful because it understands the different states of the
TCP (transmission control protocol) protocol. It knows what is coming
and what it going and keeps track of it all. Thus, if a packet tried to come
in but it wa sn’t requested, the firewall knows that and drops it.
10.9 WEB PROXIES 10.9.1 Introduction:
• Due to the growth in web traffic, firewalls, routers, and switches are no
longer sufficient to protect enterprise parameters
• Over the last five to seven years, we b proxying and caching have
become increasing popular for both filtering traffic and improving
efficiencies in marketing
• The good news for forensic investigators is that web proxies can
provide granular logs and caches that can be used to support forensic
10.9.2 What is a Web Proxy Server?:
The internet works intricately, and people rarely think about it. The risk of
that is the looming danger of crimes such as identity theft and data
security breaches. Different individuals use proxy server s or Virtual
Private Networks (VPN) to protect themselves. A proxy server is a web
server that acts as a gateway between a client application, for example, a
browser, and the r eal server. It makes requests to the real server on behalf
of the client or sometimes fulfills the claim itself.
Web proxy servers have two primary purposes, namely to filter requests
and improve performances. Additionally, there are proxy servers that si t
between web servers and web clients known as a reverse proxy. Reverse
proxy servers pass on requests from web clients to web servers. They are

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125 The Mobile Forensics Process: Steps and Types used to cache images and pages to reduce the load on web servers
What are web proxy servers used for?
There are several reasons to use web proxy servers as an individual or an
10.9.3 Control internet access :
As an individual, you can use proxy servers to control and monitor your
children’s internet access. It works to block unfavorable sites and lock
them out of adult content. Organizations also use proxy servers to limit
and control internet access. They do this to avoid employees looking at
various sites while at work. Alternatively, they log all web requests, which
indicates what site s employees are visiting and how much time they spend
Privacy benefits :
Proxy servers allow users to browse the internet more privately by
changing your IP address and other identifying data on your computer.
Proxy servers keep your personal information private, so the server does
not know who has made the request and thus keeps your browsing
activities and browsing history private.
Access to blocked sites :
Content providers put restrictions on their content for various reasons,
such as locat ions, which is essentially the IP addresses. However, a web
proxy server allows you to log on to a restricted server by making it seem
like you are at a different location.
Improved speeds and bandwidth savings :
Organizations can save on bandwidth and impr ove loading speeds by
using efficient web proxy servers. Proxy servers cache images and web
data to keep the latest copy of a website. The caches allow a proxy server
to retrieve the most recent copy of popular sites, which saves on
bandwidth and improves network performance.
Improved security :
Efficient proxy servers encrypt your web requests to protect them from
prying eyes and protect your transactions. Proxy servers also work to
prevent intrusion from known malware sites . Organizations also add
to VPN’s to increase security and allow remote users to access the
company network.
Web proxy servers play a signi ficant role in cybersecurity for both
individual and organizational use. With increased internet use, there is a
rising need to protect your d ata, keep away malware and viruses, protect

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126 Cyber and Information Security- II (Cyber Forensics) personal information and data, and enable access to a wide range of
information. Web proxy servers help increase browsing speeds by caching
web pages, offering bandwidth, and providing heightened security
measure s.
