PG Diploma in Therapeutic Councelling_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

PG Diploma in Therapeutic Councelling_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 30/07/2017
Item No. – 4.16
(Revision of Syllabus)
There are six theory papers in total and one paper of field prac ticum. Each paper is of 100
Total Marks: 100 (Internal assessme nt: 40 marks, External: 60 marks)
Unit I- Introduction to Psychology
A] Definition of psychology :
1-Psychology as a science
2- What is human behaviour?
3- Application of psychology in day-to-day life B] Brief introduction to basic concepts of psychology :
1- Perception, Cognition, Emotion
2- Memory- Models of memory 3- Learning- Definition, trial and error method, Social learning theory by Bandura
4- Attitudes, Ster eotypes, Prejudice
5- Motivation- Definition, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
6- Conflict, types of conflict, Decision making
7- Problem solving- heuristics, steps in problem solving
C] Psychological attributes:
1-Intelligence: Concept of intelligence- IQ and Me ntal age, and overview of important theories
of intelligence (Binet, Spearman, Thurst one, Guilford, Gardner, Sternberg)

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2- Brief introduction to other attributes viz. Ability, Creativity, Aptitude, Interest, Values, and
3- Individual differences and normal distributi on of psychological attr ibutes among population
D] Psychological assessment:
1- What is Psychological testing?
2- Types of assessment (Questionnaire, verbal and non-verbal performance tests, interviews,
survey, observation, case study, etc.)
3- Use of tests
Unit II: Concept of self and personality
A] Self-awareness:
1-Understanding self
2- Concepts of self-identity, self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-reliance, self-regulation
B] Nature-nurture influence:
1- Role of genetics and envi ronment in developing personality
2- Changes in personality with age and experience
C] Concept of personality:
1- What is personality?
2- Introduction to type and trait theories of personality-Allport’ s trait theory, Eysenck’s theory,
Five-factor model of personality , Carl Jung’s analytic al psychology, Erik Erikson’s identity
crisis, Adler’s individual psychology
D] Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud:
a- Development of psychoanalysis

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b- States of mind
c- Structure of mind d- Defense mechanisms
e- Psycho-sexual stages of development
PAPER I-Books in En glish for reference:
1. Feldman, R. S. (2004). Understanding psychology. (6th Ed). New Delhi: McGraw-Hill
2. Mangal, S.K. (2004). An Introduction to psychology. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.
3. Morgan, C.T. (2004). Introduction to psychology . (7th Ed). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-
Hill publishing company Ltd.
4. Ciccarelli, S.K. & Meyer, G.E. (2008). Psychology (Indian sub-continent adaptation) .
New Delhi: Dorling Kindersl ey (India) Pvt. Ltd.
5. Smith, E.E. (2003). Atkinson and Hilgards introduction to psychology . (14th Ed).
Australia: Thomson Wadsworth
6. Stam, H.J. (2007). Theory and psychology. New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.
7. Ellis, A., & Abrams, M. (2009). Personality theories-c linical perspectives . New Delhi:
Sage Publications.
8. Jacobs, M. (2003). Sigmund Freud . Sage Publications.
9. Baron, R.A., & Byrne, D. (2005). Social Psychology. (10th Ed). New Delhi: Prentice Hall
of India.
10. Mukharjee, N. (2012). A textbook of social psychology . New Delhi: Wisdom press.
11. Gavin, H. (1998). The essence of cognitive psychology . London: Prentice hall
Books in Marathi for reference:
isij& 1

1- eqUn~nk] fu-fn- ¼2014½ izxrlkekftdekul'kkL=- /kqGs % vFkoZizdk'ku-
2- vksd] v-] o i#Gsdj] vk- ¼2004½- lke kftdekul'kkL= eqacbZ % izkphizdk'ku-
3- eqUn~nk] fu-fn- o [kykus] 'k-g- ¼2013½- ek ul'kkL=kpheqyRkRos- tGxko % vFkoZizdk'ku-

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4- i#Gsdj] vk ¼2011½ orZukpsekul'kkL=- ¼izFkeko`Rrh½ iq.ks % mUes'kizdk'ku-
5- 6- ikVhy] v- ¼2008½- ekul'kkL=h; pkp.;k iq.ks % Mk;eaMizdk'ku-

Total Marks: 100 (Internal assessme nt: 40 marks, External: 60 marks)
Unit I- Human Development
A] Stages of development and their characteristics:
1- Stages according to age: Infancy, Earl y Childhood, Late childhood, Adolescence, Young
adulthood, Adulthood, Middle-age, Old-age
2- Characteristics of infancy, early childhood, late childhood and adolescence
3- Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
4- Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development
B] Challenges faced at different stages and required intervention:
1- Adolescence:
a- Major challenges- Drug abuse, In ternet addiction, Identity crisis
b- Intervention- Awareness about e ffects of drug use, excessive us e of gadgets and internet, Sex
2- Youth:
a- Major challenges- Confusion about Interpersonal relationshi ps, choosing partner, making
career choice
b- Intervention- Awareness about safe and unf orced relationships, Pre-marital counselling,
Career counselling

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3- Adulthood and Middle-age:
a- Characteristics
b- Major challenges- Stagnation/boredom at workplace, unemployment, marital conflict,
alcoholism, managing work and family life
c- Intervention- Awareness programs about importa nce of quality time, effects of alcoholism,
marriage counselling, parenting skil ls (Mary Ainsworth’s attachment styles, Styles of parenting
and their impact on children, Sk ills of parenting children bel onging to different age-groups, New
trends in parenting)
4- Old-age:
a- Characteristics
b- Challenges faced- Financial insecurity, Physi cal illness, Dementia, Abuse of elderly people by
their children or others
c- Intervention- Support groups, networking, old- age homes, Government schemes, Rights and
Legal provisions for el derly people in India
C] Erik Erikson’s theory of psycho-social development
Unit II- Childhood Disorders
A] Mental disorders with early onset (Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
a- Mental retardation b- Autism
c- Epilepsy
d- Down’s syndrome e- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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B] Learning difficulties in children (Causes, symptoms and diagnosis):
a- Leaning disabilities- Dysl exia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia
b- Slow learners
C] Treatment approaches for working with children with special needs:
a- Inclusive educati on vs special schools
b- Remedial education
c- Shadow teaching d- Government provisions fo r children with special needs
e- Vocational training and Employment opportunities
PAPER II-Books in English for reference:
1. Lines, D. (2006). Brief counselling in schools . Sage Publications.
2. Parameswaran, E.G. (2005). Psychology at school. New Delhi: Neelkamal publications.
3. Geldard, K., &Geldard D. (2009). Relationship counselling for children, young people
and families . Sage Publications.
4. Berk, L.E. (2008). Life span development. (7th Ed). Allyn& Bacon, New York
5. Papalia, D.E., Olds, S.W. & Feldman, R. (2008). Human Development. (9th Ed). McGraw
6. Dinkar, S.S. (2010). Child development and psychology . New Delhi: Axis publications.
7. Kaur, R. (2006). Child psychology: New tr ends and innovations. New Delhi: Deep and
Deep publications.
8. Daniels, D. & Jenkins, P. (2000). Therapy with children . Sage Publications.
9. Shaffer, D.R. (1999). Development psychology: Childhood and adolescence . Singapore:
Brooks Cole publishing company.
10. Papalia, D.E., Olds, S.W. & Feldman, R. (2012). Adult Development and Aging . McGraw

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11. Hariharan, M., &Rath, R. (2012). Health status & economic security of the aged
population . Global research publications.
12. Goldstein, R. (2003). The parenting bible: The first five years . Mumbai: Magna
Publishing company
13. Goldstein, R. (2003). The parenting bible: The six to nine years old . Mumbai: Magna
Publishing company
14. Goldstein, R. (2003). The parenting bible: The te n to thirteen years old . Mumbai: Magna
Publishing company
15. Sears, W. (2001). The attachment parenting book . Boston: Little brown and company
16. Hunter, T.L. (2010). Single parenting: insight to help parents endur e to the teaching and
the tears . USA: Xlibris corporation
17. Joshi, A.R., &Choudhary P. (2013). Gerontology (Glimpses of ferontology, Geriatrics
and Counselling) . Mumbai: students of Gerontology batch
18. Rajendran, T. (2016). Plight of senior citizens : families and old age homes . New Delhi:
Classical publishing company
Books in Marathi for reference:
isij& 2
1- tks'kh] va- ¼2015½- foosdhikydRo ¼4 Fkh vko`Rrh½ eqacbZ % 'kCnizdk'ku
2- cosZ] jk- ¼2012½- dFkkikydkaP;k] O;F kkeqykaP;k- iq.ks % euksfodklizdk'ku-
3- iksrnkj] 'ka- ¼1997½ o`n~/kRo % leL;kvkf.kmik;- eqacbZ % ikWI;qyjizdk'ku-
4- ysys] lq-¼2013½ vkWfV>e & ,d fcdVokVrsofgok V- ¼fOnrh; vko`Rrh½ ^iFkiq.ks* izdk'kUk-
5- tk/ko] ds- ,e-¼2012½- oSdfldekul'kkL= ¼fOnrh; vko`Rrh½ iq.ks % Mk;eaMizdk'ku-

Total Marks: 100 (Internal assessme nt: 40 marks, External: 60 marks)
Unit I - Concept and Process of Counselling
A] Concept of counselling:

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1. Understanding the term ‘counselling’, various definitions, meaning of ‘counselling as a
2. Aim & goals of counselling
3. Negative motivators and persona l qualities of counsellor
4. Need of counselling, Types of counselling
5. Scope of counselling, Limitations of Counselling
6. Counselling room set up- physical setting
B] Essential qualities/ skills of a counsellor:
1. Empathy (Vs Sympathy), Active listening, Acceptance, Unconditional positive
regard, Non-judgmental attitude, Attending
2. Trust, Genuineness, Emotional intelligence, Respect,
3. Self-awareness, Personal effectiveness, Concreteness, Flexibility, Patience
C] Importance of non-verbal communication:
1. Gestures and posture of couns ellor during counselling session
2. Observation of non-verbal cues of clients
3. Participant and non-pa rticipant observation
D] Techniques of counselling:
1- Techniques to be used during counselling pr ocess: Structuring, Active listening, Clarification,
Reflection of feeling, Probing, Paraph rasing, Confrontation, Summarization
2- Other techniques: Analysing, Insight development, Use of silence, Support and
encouragement, Assertiveness
3- Factors to be cautious a bout: Self-disclosure, Transfer ence and counter transference,

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E] Methods used during counselling:
- Individual sessions with clients, Personal interviews with care givers/ family members/friends,
Home–visits, Group interactions/sessions, Role-p lays, Use of written expression/ diary writing,
Questionnaires, etc.
F] Stages of counselling:
1. Rapport building (establishing c ounsellor-client relationship)
2. Identification of problem/s (Assessment and diagnosis)
3. Ventilation of emotions and coping
4. Identifying possible solutions
5. Formulation of goals
6. Implementation of plan (Inter vention and problem solving)
7. Termination, Follow-up and Evaluation
G] Introduction to Carkhuff’s model of helping relationship in counselling

Unit II- History Taking and Ethical Aspects of Counselling A] History taking:
a- Case study writing
b- What is mental status examination?
c- Report writing of c ounselling sessions
B] Principles and Ethics in counselling:
a- Principles of counselling- Confidentiality, Individuality, Acceptance, Trust, Active
participation of client, Counsellor’s cont rolled emotional involvement, Maintaining
professional relationship with client
b- Ethical Principles of Counselling-

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1. Ethics regarding counsellor- Educational qualification, work experience,
supervision in counselling
2. Ethics regarding counsellor-client relatio nship- Ethics in specific counselling
situations 3. Ethics governing counselling profession- Re ferral of clients, training to become
professional counsellors
PAPER III- Books in English for reference:
1. Corey, G. (2009). Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy (8th Ed). CA:
Thomson Brooks
2. Seligman, L., &Reichenberg, L. W. (2010). Theories of counselli ng and psychotherapy
systems, strategies and skills. (3rd Ed). Pearson education.
3. McLeod, J. (2008). An Introduction to Counselling . (3rd Ed). Mumbai: Rawat
4. Nelson-Jones, R. (2009). Introduction to counselling skills: Text and Activities . (3rd Ed).
London: Sage publications
5. Rao, N.S. (2004). Counselling and guidance. (2nd Ed). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
6. Welfel, E., & Patterson, L.E. (2009). The counselling process: A multi-theoretical
Integrative Approach . (6th Ed). New Delhi: Cengage learning India Pvt. Ltd.
7. Patri, V. R. (2001). Counselling psychology . New Delhi: Authors press.
8. Kaila, H.L. (2006) Counselling psychology. Ambala: Associated publishers.
9. Woolfe, R. (2003). Handbook of counselling psychology . New Delhi: Sage publications
India pvt. Ltd.
10. Narayana, S. (1992). Counselling and Guidance. (2nd Ed). New Delhi: Tata Mc.Graw
11. Knapp, H . (2007). Therapeutic communication- D eveloping profes sional skills . Sage
12. Fuster, J. M. (2000). Personal counselling- An integration of Carkhuff’s models .
Mumbai: Better yourself books.
13. Bond, T. (2000). Standards and ethics for counselling in action . Sage Publications.

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14. Bond, T., &Mitchels, B. (2008). Confidentiality and record keeping in counselling and
psychotherapy. Sage Publications.
15. Bor, R., & Palmer, S. (2002). A beginner’s guide to trai ning in counselling and
psychotherapy . Sage Publications.
16. Leigh, A. (1998). Referral and termination issues for counsellors . Sage Publications.
17. Jenkins, P. (2002). Legal issues in counsel ling and psychotherapy. Sage Publications.
18. Turner, D. (1999). Role plays . Viva books Pvt. Ltd.
Books in Marathi for reference:
isij& 3
1- ns'kikaMs] pa- ¼2014½-lq{edkS'kY;s&ekul'kkL =h; leqins'kuizfdz;spkxkHkk-iq.ks%mUes'kizdk'ku-
Total Marks: 100 (Internal assessme nt: 40 marks, External: 60 marks)
Unit I- Concept of Mental Health
A] Concept of mental health- Definition of mental health and ch aracteristics of mentally healthy
B] Concept of normality and abnormality- What is abnormal behaviour, myths and social
stigma regarding mental illness, creating awareness to reduce stigma
C] Introduction to Diagnostic and St atistical Manual of mental disorders
D] Difference between Psychosis and Neurosis
E] Impact of psychological disorders on th e individual, family, community and society
F] Legal aspects related to mental health in India
a- Mental health act, 1987
b- Mental health care bill, 2016
c-National Mental Heal th policy of India

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Unit II- Psychological Disorders in Adults (Causes, symptoms & diagnosis, treatment
A] Anxiety disorders:
a. Nature of anxiety disorders- Bio-psyc hological perspective- sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous syst em, physiological symptoms
b. Specific Phobias
c. Generalized anxiety disorder
d. Panic disorder
e. Separation anxiety disorder
f. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
g. Post-traumatic stress disorder
B] Mood disorders:
a- Depression
b- Bipolar disorder
C] Schizophrenia:
a- Schizophrenia
b- Schizoaffective disorder
c- Delusional disorder
D] Personality disorders:
a- Dependent personality disorder
b- Antisocial pers onality disorder
c- Borderline personality disorder
E] Sexual disorders:

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a- What is abnormal sexual behaviour?
b- Paraphilia c- Gender identi ty disorder
d- Sexual dysfunctions
PAPER IV- Books in English for reference:
1. Nolen-Hoekseman, S. (2007). Abnormal psychology . New Delhi: Tata McGraw hill
publishing company.
2. Carson, R.C., & Butcher, J. N. (2000). Abnormal psychology and modern life . Boston:
3. Mangal, S.K. (2004). Abnormal psychology . New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.
4. Pomerantz, A.M. (2008). Clinical psychology science, practice and culture . New Delhi:
Sage publications India Pvt Ltd.
5. Rukadikar, A., &Ruka dikar, P. (2007). Mental disorders and you. Miraj: Miraj psychiatric
6. Addlakha, R. (2008). Deconstructing mental illness: An ethnography of psychiatry . New
Delhi: Zubaan publications.
7. Gilbert, P. (1992). Psychotherapy and counselling for depression . Sage Publications.
8. O’ Donohee, W. (2007). Personality disorders toward the DSM-V . New Delhi: Sage
9. Veeraraghavan, V., & Singh, S. (2002). Anxiety disorders: Ps ychological assessment and
treatment. New Delhi: Sage publications.
Books in Marathi for reference:
1- xksMcksys] v- o tks'kh] uh¼2016½ eudYyks G ¼Hkkx 1½-iq.ks % euksfodklizdk'ku
2- xksMcksys] v- o tks'kh] uh¼2016½ eudYyks G ¼Hkkx 2½-iq.ks % euksfodklizdk'ku
3- jktgal] ek-] ikVhy] v- o lqosZ] lq-¼2012½ vilkekU;kapsekul'kkL=iq.ks% mUes'kizdk'ku-

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Item No. – 4.16
Total Marks: 100 (Internal assessme nt: 40 marks, External: 60 marks)
Unit I- Intervention for Peop le in Difficult Situations
A] Suicide & deliberate self-harm:
1- Understanding suicide
2- Difference between suicide and Deliberate Self Harm
3- Identifying person with suicidal tendencies and role of counsellor
4- Do’s & don’ts and risks involve d while dealing with such people
B] Drug and alcohol addiction:
1- Meaning & different kinds of addictions
2- Types of drinkers and Stages of addiction
3- Misconceptions associated with alcohol & drug usage
4- Effects on body & mind and impact on family 5- Treatment approaches and role of counsellor
C] Child sexual abuse:
1- Definition of CSA
2- Myths pertaining to CSA
3- Identifying victims of CSA 4- Impact on CSA victims
5- Role of counsellor and cr eating awareness in society

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D] Women & violence:
1- Understanding nature of viol ence and abuse and its causes
2- Different forms and kinds of abuse- physical, emotional, me ntal, financial, social, etc.
3- Personality of abuser and victim, Cycle of abuse
4- Impact on family
5- Role of counsellor in management of abuse
6- Legal provisions for female vict ims of violence, D.V. Act in India

UNIT II- Intervention for patients of HIV/AIDS and Cancer and Trauma Care
A] Mental health of HIV-AIDS patients:
1- Meaning of and differe nce between HIV and AIDS
2- Causes, myths and misconceptions
3- Symptoms and stages 4- Impact on patient and family
5- Pre- and post-test counselling
6- Treatment approaches and role of counsellor
7- Rights of HIV positive people, government schemes and concessions
B] Mental health of cancer patients:
1- Causes and types of cancer
2- Symptoms and stages
3- Impact on patient and family

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4- Children with cancer and their parents
6- Treatment approaches and role of counsellor
7- Government schemes and concessions
C] Trauma care and crisis intervention:
1- Understanding trauma in victims of natura l disasters, accidents, riots, terrorism
2-10 steps in breaking the ba d news to family members
3- Meaning of crisis, Robert’s 7 stage model of crisis intervention
4- Phases of grief- Impact of death of closed ones
5- Kubler Ross’s model of stages of grie f, counsellor’s intervention at each stage
6- Formation of support groups and role of counsellor 7- Concept of ‘burn out’, deali ng with burn out amongst care givers

PAPER V- Books in English for reference:
1. Draucher, C. B., &Martsolf, D. S. (2006). Counselling survivors of childhood sexual
abuse . Sage publications.
2. Dale, P. (1999). Adults abused as children . Sage publications.
3. AnandJyoti. (2011). Healing narratives of women: psychological perspective . Jaipur:
Rawat publications.
4. Jung J. (2010). Alcohol, other drugs and behavior . Sage publications.
5. Perkinson, R.R. (2008). Chemical dependency counselling . Sage publications.
6. Kumar, U., &Mandal ,M.K. (2010). Suicidal behavior: Assessm ent of people at risk . New
Delhi: Sage publications.
7. Soloman S., Thyagrarajan, S.P., & Walker, E. (2000). HIV disease in India- A colour
guide . Madras: East west books Pvt. Ltd.

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8. Panda, S., Chatterjee, A., & Abu S. A. Q. (2002). Living with AIDS virus . Sage
9. Milner, P., & Palmer, S. (1998). Integrative stress counselling . Sage publications.
10. Hariharan, M., &Rath, R. (2008). Coping with life stress: The Indian Experience . New
Delhi: Sage publications India Pvt. Ltd.
11. Ellis A., Gordon, J., Neenan, M., & Palmer S. (1997). Stress counselling- A rational
emotive behavioural approach. Continuum Publications.
12. Joshi, V. (2005). Stress from burnout to balance . New Delhi: Response books.
13. Briere, J., & Scott, C. (2006). Principles of Trauma Therapy . Sage publications.
14. Dass-Brailsford P. (2007). A practical approach to Trauma . Sage publications.
15. Humphrey, G. M., &Zimpfer, D.G. (2008). Counselling for grief and bereavement. Sage
16. Machin, L. (2009). Working with loss and grief . Sage publications.
17. Maslach, C., &Leiter, M.P. (2005). Banishing burnout . Jossey Bass- A Wiley company.
18. Maslach, C., &Leiter, M.P. (2000). Preventing burnout and building engagement . Jossey
Bass- A Wiley company.
19. Taylor, S.E. (2006). Health psychology . (6th Ed). New Delhi: Tata McGraw hill
publishing company.
20. Biswas, U. N (2014). Social psychology of health: th e issues and concerns in India . New
Delhi: Concept publishing company.
Books in Marathi for reference:
isij& 5
1- ikVdj] iz-¼2007½- fpark % ik;- iq.ks % euksfodklizdk'ku-
2- jktgal] ek-]¼2017½- vkjksX; ekul'kkL= ¼izFkeko`Rrh½- fo'ys"kkizdk'ku-
3- foax] dyk] pkS/kjh] 'ka- ¼1988½ ,p~-vk ;-Oghvkf.k ,M~leqacbZ % ikWI;qyjizdk'ku

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Total Marks: 100 (Internal assessme nt: 40 marks, External: 60 marks)

UNIT I- DIFFERENT PSYCHOTHERAPIES (Dev elopment of therapy, concepts and
principles, techniques, proce ss, and role of therapist)
A] Development of different ps ychotherapies- chronologically
B] Gestalt Therapy C] Behaviour Therapy
D] Person-centred therapy
E] Transactional Analysis F] Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
G] Play Therapy
H] Family Systems Therapy I] Emotionally Focussed Therapy for Couples

Unit II- Introduction to Emerging Thera pies and other intervention techniques
A] Art based therapies- Dance movement therapy, Music th erapy, Art therapy, Drama therapy
and their applications
B] Neuro-linguistic programming- Meaning, scope and application
C] Career guidance/ counselling - Need, scope and application
D] Industrial psychology- Organisationalbehaviour, scope and application

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PAPER VI- Books in English for reference:
1. Jena, SPK. (2008). Behaviour therapy . Sage Publications.
2. Houston, G. (2003). Brief Gestalt Therapy . Sage Publications.
3. Samuel, T. G. (2007). Family therapy history, theory and practice . USA: Mac Millan
4. Dryden, W., &Neenan, M. (2004). Rational emotive behavioural counselling in action .
Sage Publications.
5. Neenon, M,.&Dryden,W. (2006 ). REBT in a nutshell . Sage Publications.
6. McMillan, M. (2004). Person-centered approach to therapeutic change . Sage
7. Mearns, D., & Thorne, B. (2007). Person-centered counselling in action . Sage
8. Nelson-Jones, R. (2006). Theory and practice of counselling and therapy. Sage
9. Feltham, C. (1999). Understanding the counselling relationship . Sage Publications.
10. Langley, D. (2006). An introduction to Drama therapy . Sage Publications.
11. Dorneley-Smith, R., &Patey, H.M. (2003). Music therapy . Sage Publications.
12. Edwards, D. (2004). Art therapy . Sage Publications.
13. Zunker, V. (2008). Career, work and mental health . Sage Publications
14. Muchinsky, P. M. (2000). Psychology applied to work . Australia: Wadsworth
15. McDermott, I. &Jago, W. (2001 ). Brief NLP therapy . Sage Publications.
16. Lines, D. (2006). Spirituality in counse lling and psychotherapy . Sage Publications.
Paper VII – Field Practicum
Total Marks: 100
1. To integrate the theoretical inputs to practice
2. To provide an opportunity to students to use and sharpen their intervention skills

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3. To help students develop appropriate a ttitudes and values of counselling profession
4. Help students to gain an understating of the role of the professional counsellor
Criteria for field practicum:
Total 40 hours of field practicum
Division of marks- Field work- 30 Marks, Report wr iting- 40 Marks, Viva- 30 Marks

1. Observation of counselling sessions held by professional counsellor
2. Taking case history of clients
3. Understanding client’s profile, problem and situation
4. Observation of counselling skills, techniques and therapies used by professional counsellor
5. Conducting counselling sessions, if permitted by organisation
6. Keeping written records of counselling sessions attended
7. Discussion with course coordinato r regarding cases and sessions
8. Submission of report to course coordinator

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Programme Outline

Sr. No. Paper Marks
1. Paper I – Basic Concepts of
(36 Hours= 4 Credits) 100
(Internal: 40, External 60)
1. Paper II - Human Development and
Childhood Disorders
(45 Hours= 5 Credits) 100
(Internal: 40, External 60)
2. Paper III – Basic Skills in
(33 Hours= 3 Credits) 100
(Internal: 40, External 60)
3. Paper IV -
Psychological Disorders
(40 Hours= 4 Credits) 100
(Internal: 40, External 60)
4. Paper V -
Psychological Intervention
(40 Hours= 4 Credits) 100
(Internal: 40, External 60)
5. Paper VI -
Therapeutic Intervention
(45 Hours= 5 Credits) 100
(Internal: 40, External 60)
6. Paper VII -
Field Practicum
(50 Hours= 5 Credits) 100
(Internal: 40, External 60)
Total Marks 700
Total Credits 30
Minimum Passing 45% in each paper all
together (Internal and

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Marks Grade Points Grade Performance
80 & Above 10 O Outstanding
70 – 79.99 9 A+ Excellent
60 – 69.99 8 A Very Good
55 – 59.99 7 B+ Good
50 – 54.99 6 B Above Average
45 – 49.99 5 C Average
40 – 44.99 4 D Pass
Less than 40 0 F Fail