
Page 1

Unit Structure
1.0 Aim
1.1 Objective
1.2 Pre-Requiste
1.3 Steps: 1
1.4 Description
1.5 Socket Programming
1.6 Socket creation
1.7 Important methods of socket class
1.8 Buffered Reader class Constructors
1.9 Buffere d Reader class methods
1.10 Threads
1.11 Bibliography
1.12 Reference
1.0 AIM Write a program to develop multi -client server application where multiple
clients chat with each other concurrently.
1.1 OBJECTIVE In this experiment both client a nd server program runs on two different
command prompt.
1.2 PRE -REQUISTE Install JDK 8.0 or 8.1 on your system for the experiment.
1.3 STEPS: 1 To develop this experiment we are using the Thread concepts for
developing a multi chat application using JDK.
1.4 DESCRIPTION There are two ways to create thread in java.:
a) Extending the Thread Class. munotes.in

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2 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
2 b) And by implementing the Runnable interface
 Multithreading in java is a process where multiple threads are
executed simultaneously.
 In a multi threaded program, the p rogram consist of two or more
process that can run threads concurrently and each process(thread) can
handle a different task at the same time where it make optimal use of
 The process of executing multiple threads simultaneously is known as
multi threading.
 In a Single Thread Socket program where only one clients can
communicate with the server.
 If you want to connect or communicate with more than one client then
we have to write the code using Multithreaded Socket Programming.
Multithreaded Server Socket Program using java.
Write this code using notepad
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
public class MultithreadedSocketServer
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
ServerSocket server=new ServerSocket(8888) ;
int counter=0;
System.out.println("Server Started ....");
Socket serverClient=server.accept(); //server accept the client
connection request
System.out.println(" >> " + "Client No:" + co unter + " started!");
ServerClientThread sct = new
ServerClientThread(serverClient,counter); //send the request to a separate
sct.start(); munotes.in

Page 3

3 Remote Process Communication }
catch(Exception e)
Save the above pr ogram as MultithreadedSocketServer.java
javac MultithreadedSocketServer.java
Java MultithreadedSocketServer
Server Client Program:
Write this code using notepad:
This Server Client thread class handled the request independent of any
other in coming requests. The following Java program is the part of
Multithreaded Server Socket program.
class ServerClientThread extends Thread
Socket serverClient;
int clientNo;
int squre;
ServerClientThread(Socket inSocket,int counter)
serverCli ent = inSocket;
public void run()
DataInputStream inStream = new
DataInputStream(serverClient.getInputStream()); munotes.in

Page 4

4 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
4 DataOutputStream outStream = new
String clien tMessage="", serverMessage="";
System.out.println("From Client -" +clientNo+ ": Number is
squre = Integer.parseInt(c lientMessage) *
serverMessage="From Server to Client -" + clientNo + " Square of " +
clientMessage + " is " +squre;
inStream.close() ;
catch(Exception ex)
System.out.println("Client -" + clientNo + " exit!! ");
Save the above program as ServerClientThread.java
Com iple:
javac ServerClientThread .java
java ServerClientThread
Client Program munotes.in

Page 5

5 Remote Process Communication Write this code using notepad
This is the real Client program that request connection to the server. For
each Client, you need to open separate console window to run the clie nt
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
public class TCPClient
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Socket socket=new Socket("",8888);
DataInputStream inStream=new
DataInputStream(socket.getInput Stream());
DataOutputStream outStream=new
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new
String clientMessage="",serverMessage="";
System.out.println("Enter number :");
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println(e); munotes.in

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6 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
6 }
Save the above program as TCPClient .java
javac TCPClient .java
java TCPClient

1.5 SOCKET PROGRAMMING ● With the help of socket programming in java we can connect two
nodes in a network that can communicate with each other. munotes.in

Page 7

7 Remote Process Communication ● Where one socket listens to an IP through a particular node while the
other one reaches out to the other form to establish a communication.

Figure (a)
1.6 SOC KET CREATION 1) Socket creation:
Syntax: int a =socket(domain,type,protocol)
Where (a) is the socket descriptor of type integer.
domain: it is used to specifies the domain for communication of type
type: it is used to specifies the communication type.
protocol: it is used to specifies the protocol values to the Internet Protocol,
which is 0.
And it is the same numbers which will be appear on the protocol field in
the IP header of a packet.
2) setSocket: It is used to manipulate the options of the sockets which is
referred by the descriptor that is a. it is an optional.
3) Bind: After the creation of a socket, the bind function binds the socket
to the address and port number. munotes.in

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8 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
8 4) Listen: It is used to put the socket in a passive mode where the client s
wait to approach to the server to make a connection.
5) Accept: It is used to create a new connected socket and returns a new
file descriptor that is referring to that socket which is newly created.
6) Socket connection : It is same as socket creation.
7) Connect : It is used to specify the address and port number in the
address. Its connects the system calls that is to be referred by the

Figure (b)
Important methods of ServerSocket class are:

Figure(c )
Creating Server:
To create a server we need to create the object that is the instance of a
SeverSocket class.
1. Syntax: ServerSocket ss=new ServerSocket(4444);
2. Socket s=ss.accept();//establishes connection and waits for the client C
reating Client:
To create a client we need to create the instance of a socket class.
1. Syntax: Socket s=new Socket("localhost",4444); munotes.in

Page 9

9 Remote Process Communication BufferedReader class:
 It is a class used to read the text from a input stream which is a
character based.
 To read the text line by line we use the method readLine() method.
 It extends the Reader class.
public class BufferedReader extends Reader


1.10 THREADS  A thread is a smallest unit of a process.
 It is used to achieve multitasking and multiprocessing
 It shared a common memory area. munotes.in

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10 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
10  It is mainly used in animation and games.
 Its performs many operations together.
 It’s also known as multitasking
 And thread based multitasking
Important methods of threads:
1) void st art()
2) void run()
3) static void sleep()
4) static thread currentThread()
5) void join()
6) int getPriority()
7) void setPriority()
8) String getName()
9) Void setName()
10) long getID()
11) boolean isAlive()
12) static void yield()
13) void suspend()
14) void resume()
15) void stop()
16) void destroy()
17) void isinterrupted()
18) static boolean interrupted()
19) static int activeCount()
20) void checkAccess()
1.11 BIBLIOGRAPGHY  https://www.javatpoint.com/socket -programming
 https://www.javatpoint.com/ munotes.in

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11 Remote Process Communication 1.12 REFERENCE  https://www.javatpoint.com/socket -programming
 https://www.javatpoint.com/


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Unit Structure
2.1 Aim
2.2 Objective
2.3 Theory
2.4 Practical No -1
2.4.1 Software Required
2.4.2 Program
2.4.3 Output
2.5 Practical No -2
2.5.1 Software Required
2.5.3 Output
2.6 Questions
2.1 AIM  To implement a server calculator using RPC concept.
2.2 OBJECTIVE The Objective of this module is to make students understand the concepts
of Remote Object Communication.
2.3 THEORY A remote procedure call is an interprocess communication technique that
is used for cli ent-server based applications. It is also known as a
subroutine call or a function call. A client has a request message that the
RPC translates and sends to the server. This request may be a procedure or
a function call to a remote server. When the server receives the request, it
sends the required response back to the client. The client is blocked while
the server is processing the call and only resumed execution after the
server is finished.
The sequence of events in a remote procedure call are given as
 The client stub is called by the client.
 The client stub makes a system call to send the message to the server
and puts the parameters in the message. munotes.in

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13 Remote Procedure Call  The message is sent from the client to the server by the client’s
operating system.
 The message is passed to the server stub by the server operating
 The parameters are removed from the message by the server stub.
 Then, the server procedure is called by the server stub.

Figure 1: working of RPC
Stub: The stub is a client -side object that fun ctions as a gateway. It is via
which all outbound requests are routed. It is a client -side object that
represents a distant object. The caller does the following duties when
calling a method on the stub object:
1) It establishes a connection with a remote Vir tual Machine (JVM),
then writes and sends (marshals) the parameters to the remote Virtual
Machine (JVM).
2) It sits and waits for the outcome. It reads (un -marshals) the return
value or exception after receiving the result, and then returns the value
to the c aller.
2.4 PRACTICAL NO -1 2.4.1 Software Required:
● Java 8
2.4.2 Program:
First, we will execute server -side file.
RPCServer.java munotes.in

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14 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
14 import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
class RPCServer
DatagramSocket ds;
DatagramPacket dp;
String str,methodName,result;
int val1,val2;
ds=new DatagramSocket(1200);
byte b[]=new byte[4096];
dp=new DatagramPacket(b,b.length);
str=new String(dp.getData(),0,dp.getLength());
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str," ");
int i=0;
String token=st.nextToken();
val1 = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
val2 = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
} munotes.in

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15 Remote Procedure Call System.out.println(str);
InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
result= "" + add(val1,val2);
else if(methodName.equalsIgnoreCase("sub"))
result= "" + sub(val1,val2);
else if(methodName.equalsIgnoreCase("mul"))
result= "" + mul(v al1,val2);
else if(methodName.equalsIgnoreCase("div"))
result= "" + div(val1,val2);
byte b1[]=result.getBytes();
DatagramSocket ds1 = new DatagramSocket();
DatagramPacket dp1 = new
DatagramPacket(b1,b1.length,InetAddress.getLocalHost(), 1300);
Syste m.out.println("result : "+result+" \n");
catch (Exception e)
public int add(int val1, int val2)
return val1+val2;
} munotes.in

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16 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
16 public int sub(int val3, int val4)
return val3 -val4;
public int mul(int val3, int val4)
return val3*val4;
public int div(int val3, int val4)
return val3/val4;
public static void main(String[] args)
new RPCServer();
Client -side java file:
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
class RPCClient
InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
DatagramSocket ds = new DatagramSocket();
DatagramSocket ds1 = new DatagramSocket(1300);
System.out.println(" \nRPC Client \n");
System.out.println("Enter method name and parameter like add 3
while (true)
{ munotes.in

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17 Remote Procedure Call BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
String str = br.readLine();
byte b[] = str.getBytes();
DatagramPacket dp = new
dp = new DatagramPacket(b,b.length);
ds1.receive(dp );
String s = new String(dp.getData(),0,dp.getLength());
System.out.println(" \nResult = " + s + " \n");
catch (Exception e)
public static void main(String[] args)
new RPCClient();
2.4.3 Output:

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18 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab

2.5 PRACTICAL NO -2 2.5.1 Software Required :
● Java 8
Server -side program:
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class DateServer
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
ServerSocket s=new ServerSocket(5217);
System.out.println("Waiting For Connection ...");
Socket soc=s.accept();
DataOutputStream out=new
out.writeBytes("Server Date: " + (new Dat e()).toString() + " \n");
} munotes.in

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19 Remote Procedure Call Client side:
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
class DateClient
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
Socket soc=new Sock et(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),5217);
BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new
InputStreamReader(soc.getInputStream() ));
2.5.3 Output:
First compile the client code on console and then compile the server code
on different console.
Run the server code, after that client code. Now the client console shows
the time and date of server machine.
Server Date: Fri Dec 16 17:05:42 IST 2016
2.6 QUESTIONS Q.1) What is Remote Procedure call?
Q.2) What is Client Stub in remote procedure call?
Q.3) What is Server Stub in remote procedure call?
Q.4) What is the sequence of events during remote procedure call?

Page 20

Unit Structure
3.0 Aim
3.1 Objective
3.2 Pre -Requisite
3.0 AIM Write a client -server program which displays the server machine's date
and time on the client machine.
3.1 OBJECTIVE In this example both clie nt and server program run on different command
prompt. The time and date of server machine's is displayed on client
3.2 PRE -REQUISITE Make sure that JDK 1.8 is installed on your system for all Experiment.
STEPS 1: Create file name DateClient.java
Type following code
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
class DateClient
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
Socket soc=new Socket(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),5217);
BufferedReader in=new BufferedRea der(new
InputStreamReader(soc.getInputStream() ));


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21 Remote Method Invocation STEPS 2 : Create file name DateServer.java
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class DateServer
public static void main( String args[]) throws Exception
ServerSocket s=new ServerSocket(5217);
System.out.println("Waiting For Connection ...");
Socket soc=s.accept();
DataOutputStream out=new
DataOu tputStream(soc.getOutputStream());
out.writeBytes("Server Date: " + (new Date()).toString() + " \n");


First compile the client code on console and then compile the server code
on different console.
● Run the server code, after that client code. Now the client console
shows the time and date of server machine.
Server Date: Sat June 03 10:05:42 IST 2022
AIM Demonstrate an sample RMI Java application .

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22 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
22 OBJECTIVE In this example demonstrating Remote Method Invocation . It is a
mechanism that allows an object residing in one system (JVM) to
access/invoke an object running on another JVM.
RMI is used to build distributed applications; it provides remote
comm unication between Java programs. It is provided in the
package java.rmi .
PRE -REQUISITE Make sure that JDK 1.8 is installed on your system For all Experiment.
DESCRIPTION To write an RMI Java application, you would have to follow the steps
given below:
● Define the remote interface
● Develop the implementation class (remote object)
● Develop the server program
● Develop the client program
● Compile the application
● Execute the application
Defining the Remote Interface:
A remote interface provides the description of a ll the methods of a
particular remote object. The client communicates with this remote
To create a remote interface:
● Create an interface that extends the predefined
interface Remote which belongs to the package.
● Declare all the business methods that can be invoked by the client in
this interface.
● Since there is a chance of network issues during remote calls, an
exception named RemoteException may occur; throw it.
Following is an example of a remote interface. Here we have defined an
interface wit h the name Hello and it has a method called printMsg() .
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException; munotes.in

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23 Remote Method Invocation
// Creating Remote interface for our application
public interface Hello extends Remote {
void printMsg() throws RemoteException;
Developing the Implementation Class (Remote Object) :
We need to implement the remote interface created in the earlier step. (We
can write an implementation class separately or we can directly make the
server program implement this interface.)
To develop a n implementation class:
● Implement the interface created in the previous step.
● Provide implementation to all the abstract methods of the remote
Following is an implementation class. Here, we have created a class
named ImplExample and implemented the interface Hello created in the
previous step and provided body for this method which prints a message.
// Implementing the remote interface
public class ImplExample implements Hello {

// Implementing the interface method
public void print Msg() {
System.out.println("This is an example RMI program");
Developing the Server Program:
An RMI server program should implement the remote interface or extend
the implementation class. Here, we should create a remote object and bind
it to the RMIregistry .
To develop a server program:
 Create a client class from where you want invoke the remote object.
 Create a remote object by instantiating the implementation class as
shown below.
 Export the remote object using the method exportObject () of the
class named UnicastRemoteObject which belongs to the
package java.rmi.server . munotes.in

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24 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
24  Get the RMI registry using the getRegistry() method of
the LocateRegistry class which belongs to the
package java.rmi.registry .
● Bind the remote object created to the re gistry using the bind() method
of the class named Registry . To this method, pass a string
representing the bind name and the object exported, as parameters.
Following is an e xample of an RMI server program:
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.r mi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;

public class Server extends ImplExample {
public Server() {}
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
// Instantiati ng the implementation class
ImplExample obj = new ImplExample();

// Exporting the object of implementation class
// (here we are exporting the remote object to the stub)
Hello stub = (Hello) UnicastRemoteObject .exportObject(obj, 0);

// Binding the remote object (stub) in the registry
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry();

registry.bind("Hello", stub);
System.err.println("Server ready");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Server exception: " + e.toString());

Page 25

25 Remote Method Invocation Developing the Client Program:
Write a client program in it, fetch the remote object and invoke the
required m ethod using this object.
To develop a client program:
 Create a client class from where your intended to invoke the remote
 Get the RMI registry using the getRegistry() method of
the LocateRegistry class which belongs to the
package java.rmi.registry .
 Fetch the object from the registry using the method lookup() of the
class Registry which belongs to the package java.rmi.registry .
 To this method, you need to pass a string value representing the bind
name as a parameter. This will return you the remote object.
 The lookup() returns an object of type remote, down cast it to the type
● Finally invoke the required method using the obtained remote object.
Following is an example of an RMI client program.
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import j ava.rmi.registry.Registry;

public class Client {
private Client() {}
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// Getting the registry
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(null);

// Lo oking up the registry for the remote object
Hello stub = (Hello) registry.lookup("Hello");

// Calling the remote method using the obtained object

// System.out.println("Remote method i nvoked");
} catch (Exception e) { munotes.in

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26 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
26 System.err.println("Client exception: " + e.toString());
Compiling the Application:
To compile the application:
● Compile the Remote interface.
● Compile the imp lementation class.
● Compile the server program.
● Compile the client program.
Open the folder where you have stored all the programs and compile all
the Java files as shown below.
Javac *.java

Executing the Application:
Step 1 : Start the rmi registry us ing the following command.
Start rmiregistry

This will start an rmi registry on a separate window as shown below. munotes.in

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27 Remote Method Invocation

Step 2 : Run the server class file as shown below.
Java Server

Step 3 : Run the client class file as shown below.
Java Client

Verificat ion: As soon you start the client, you would see the following
output in the server.

AIM Demonstrate an how a client program can retrieve the records of a table in
MySQL database residing on the server. munotes.in

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28 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
28 OBJECTIVE In this example using Remote Method Invocation . How a client program
can retrieve the records of a table in MySQL database residing on the
PRE -REQUISITE Make sure that JDK 1.8 is installed on your system for all Experiment.
DESCRIPTION Assume we have a table named student_dat a in the database details as
shown below.
+----+-------- +-------- +------------ +--------------------- +
+----+-------- +-------- +------------ +--------------------- +
| 1 | Ram | IT | 85 | ram123@gmail.com |
| 2 | Rah im | EEE | 95 | rahim123@gmail.com |
| 3 | Robert | ECE | 90 | robert123@gmail.com |
+----+-------- +-------- +------------ +--------------------- +
Assume the name of the user is myuser and its password is password .
Creating a Student Class
Create a Student class with setter and getter methods as shown below.
public class Student implements java.io.Serializable {
private int id, percent;
private String name, branch, email;

public int getId() {
return id;
public String get Name() {
return name;
public String getBranch() {
return branch;
} munotes.in

Page 29

29 Remote Method Invocation public int getPercent() {
return percent;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setID(int id) {
this.id = id;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public void setBranch(String branch) {
this.branch = branch;
public void setPercent(int percent) {
this.percent = percent;
public voi d setEmail(String email) {
this.email = email;
Defining the Remote Interface:
Define the remote interface. Here, we are defining a remote interface
named Hello with a method named getStudents () in it. This method
returns a list which conta ins the object of the class Student .
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.*;

// Creating Remote interface for our application
public interface Hello extends Remote {
public List getStudents() throws Ex ception;

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30 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
30 Developing the Implementation Class:
Create a class and implement the above created interface.
Here we are implementing the getStudents() method of the Remote
interface . When you invoke this method, it retrieves the records of a table
named student_data . Sets these values to the Student class using its setter
methods, adds it to a list object and returns that list.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;

// Implementing the remote interface
public class ImplExample implements Hello {

// Implementing the interface method
public List getStudents() throws Exception {
List list = new ArrayList();

// JDBC driver name and database URL
String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ;
String DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/details";

// Database credentials
String USER = "myuser";
String PASS = "password";

Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;

//Register JDBC driver

//Open a connection
System.out.println("Connecting to a selected database...");
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL, USER, PASS);
System.out.printl n("Connected database successfully...");

Page 31

31 Remote Method Invocation //Execute a query
System.out.println("Creating statement...");

stmt = conn.createStatement();
String sql = "SELECT * FROM student_data";
ResultSet rs = stmt.execute Query(sql);

//Extract data from result set
while(rs.next()) {
// Retrieve by column name
int id = rs.getInt("id");

String name = rs.getString("name");
String branch = rs.getString("br anch");

int percent = rs.getInt("percentage");
String email = rs.getString("email");

// Setting the values
Student student = new Student();
student.setName( name);
return list;
Server Program:
An RMI server program should im plement the remote interface or extend
the implementation class. Here, we should create a remote object and bind
it to the RMI registry . munotes.in

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32 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
32 Following is the server program of this application. Here, we will extend
the above created class, create a remote obje ct and register it to the RMI
registry with the bind name hello .
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;

public class Server extends ImplE xample {
public Server() {}
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
// Instantiating the implementation class
ImplExample obj = new ImplExample();

// Exporting the object of implementation class (
here we are exporting the remote object to the stub)
Hello stub = (Hello) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(obj, 0);

// Binding the remote object (stub) in the registry
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.ge tRegistry();

registry.bind("Hello", stub);
System.err.println("Server ready");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Server exception: " + e.toString());


Page 33

33 Remote Method Invocation Client Program:
Following is the client program of this application. Here, we are fetching
the remote object and invoking the method named getStudents() . It
retrieves the records of the table from the list object and displays them.
import java.rmi.regis try.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.util.*;

public class Client {
private Client() {}
public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
try {
// Getting the registry
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(null);

// Looking up the registry for the remote object
Hello stub = (Hello) registry.lookup("Hello");

// Calling the remote method using the obtained object
List list = (List)stub.getStudents();
for (Student s:list)v {

// System.out.println("bc "+s.getBranch());
System.out.println("ID: " + s.getId());
System.out.println("name: " + s.getName());
System.out.println("branch: " + s.getBranch());
System.out.println("percent: " + s.getPercent());
System.out.println("email: " + s.getEmail());
// System.out.println(list);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Client exception: " + e.toString()); munotes.in

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34 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
34 e.printStackTrace();
Steps to Run the Example :
Following are the steps to run our RMI Example.
Step 1 : Open the folder where you have stored all the programs a nd
compile all the Java files as shown below.
Javac *.java

Step 2 : Start the rmi registry using the following command.
start rmiregistry

This will start an rmi registry on a separate window as shown below.


Page 35

35 Remote Method Invocation Step 3 : Run the server class file as shown below.
Java Server

Step 4 : Run the client class file as shown below.
java Client

AIM Demonstrate an how a client should provide an equation to the server
through an interface. The server will solve the expression given by the
OBJE CTIVE In this example using Remote Method Invocation, how a client should
provide an equation to the server through an interface. The server will
solve the expression given by the client
PRE -REQUISITE Make sure that JDK 1.8 is installed on your system for all Experiment. munotes.in

Page 36

36 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
36 DESCRIPTION In this example, we have followed all the 6 steps to create and run the rmi
application. The client application need only two files, remote interface
and client application. In the rmi application, both client and server
interacts with the remote interface. The client application invokes methods
on the proxy object, RMI sends the request to the remote JVM. The return
value is sent back to the proxy object and then to the client application.
1) create the remote interface :
For c reating the remote interface, extend the Remote interface and declare
the RemoteException with all the methods of the remote interface. Here,
we are creating a remote interface that extends the Remote interface.
There is only one method named add() and it declares RemoteException.
import java.rmi.*;
public interface Adder extends Remote{
public int add(int x,int y)throws RemoteException;
2) Provide the implementation of the remote interface :
Now provide the implementation of the remote interface. For providing
the implementation of the Remote interface, we need to
 Either extend the UnicastRemoteObject class,
 or use the exportObject() method of the UnicastRemoteObject class
In case, you extend the UnicastRemoteObject class, you must define a
constru ctor that declares RemoteException.
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
public class AdderRemote extends UnicastRemoteObject implements Ad
AdderRemote() throws RemoteException{
super ();
public int add(int x,int y){return x+y;}
3) create the stub and skeleton objects using the rmic tool :
Next step is to create stub and skeleton objects using the rmi compiler.
The rmic tool invokes the RMI compiler and creates stub and skeleton
rmic AdderRemote munotes.in

Page 37

37 Remote Method Invocation 4) Start the registry service by the rmiregistry tool :
Now start the registry service by using the rmiregistry tool. If you don't
specify the port number, it uses a default port number. In this example, we
are using the port number 5000.
rmiregistry 5000
5) Create and run the server application :
Now rmi services need to be hosted in a server process. The Naming class
provides methods to get and store the remote object.
In this example, we are binding the remote object by the name sonoo.
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.re gistry.*;
public class MyServer{
public static void main(String args[]){
Adder stub= new AdderRemote();
}catch (Exception e){System.out.println(e);}
6) Create and run the client app lication :
At the client we are getting the stub object by the lookup() method of the
Naming class and invoking the method on this object. In this example, we
are running the server and client applications, in the same machine so we
are using localhost. If you want to access the remote object from another
machine, change the localhost to the host name (or IP address) where the
remote object is located.
import java.rmi.*;
public class MyClient{
public static void main(String args[]){
Adder stub=( Adder)Naming.lookup("rmi://localhost:5000/sonoo");
}catch (Exception e){}
For running this rmi example :
1) compile all the java files:
javac *.java munotes.in

Page 38

38 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
38 2) create stub and skeleton object by rmic tool
rmic AdderRemote
3) start rmi registry in one command prompt
rmiregistry 5000
4) start the server in another command prompt:
java MyServer
5) start the client application in another command prompt
java MyClient
Output of this RMI example :


Page 39

Unit Structure
4.1 Aim
4.2 Objective
4.3 Theory
4.4 Practical No -1
4.4.1 Software Required
4.4.2 Program
4.4.3 Procedure to execute the program
4.5 Practical No -2
4.5.1 Software Required
4.5.3 Proc edure to execute the program
4.6 Questions
4.7 Self Learning Topic
4.1 AIM Ceating RMI Database Application.
4.2 OBJECTIVE The Objective of this module is to make students understand the concepts
of Remote Object Communication.
4.3 THEORY Remote obje ct communication is possible via RMI (Remote Method
A remote object is an object whose method can be invoked from another
The RMI (Remote Method Invocation) is an API that provides a way to
create distributed application in java. The RMI allows an object to call
upon methods on an object running in another JVM.
The RMI provides remote communication between the applications using
two objects stub and skeleton. munotes.in

Page 40

40 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab

RMI uses stub and skeleton object for communication with the remote
The stub is an object that acts as a gateway at the client side. All the
outgoing requests are passed through it. It resides at the client side and
represents the remote object. When the caller invokes method on the stub
object, it does the following ta sks:
a) It starts a connection with remote Virtual Machine (JVM),
b) It writes and transmits (marshals) the parameters to the remote Virtual
Machine (JVM),
c) It waits for the result.
d) After the result is received, it reads (unmarshals) the return value or
exception , and
e) It finally, returns the value to the caller.
Skeleton :
The skeleton is an object that acts as a gateway for the server -side object.
All the incoming requests are passed through it. When the skeleton
receives the incoming request, it does the followin g tasks:
a) It reads the parameter for the remote method.
b) It invokes the method on the actual remote object, and
c) It writes and transmits (marshals) the result to the caller.
RMI Registry :
RMI registry is a namespace where all server objects are placed. Each
time the server creates an object, it registers this object with the munotes.in

Page 41

41 Remote Object Communication RMIregistry using bind () or ebind () methods. These objects are
registered using a unique name known as bind name .
To invoke a remote object, the client needs a reference of that object. At
that time, the client fetches the object from the registry using its bind name
using lookup () method.
4.4 PRACTICAL - NO 1 Using MySQL create Library database. Create table Book (Book_id,
Book_name, Book_author) and retrieve the Book information from
Library database using Remote Object Communication concept.
4.4.1 Software Required:
● Java 8
● MySQL 8.0
4.4.2 Program:

Before starting with coding in java,create Libray database in MySql.In
Library Database Create Book(Book_id,Book_name, Book_author) table.
Note: In this practical we are going to create the following java classes:
1. Library.java
2. Hello.java (Remote Interface)
3. ImplExample.java (Implementation class)
4. Client.java
5. Server.java
1) Creating a Library Class :
Create a Library class with setter and getter m ethods as shown below.

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42 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
42 Library.java
public class Library implements java.io.Serializable {
private int BookID;
private String BookName,BookAuthor;

public int getBookId() {
return BookID;
public String getBookName() {
return BookName;
public String getBookAuthor() {
return BookAuthor;

public void setBookID(int BookID) {
this.BookID =BookID;
public void setBookName(String BookName) {
this.BookName =BookName;
public void setBookAuthor(String BookAuthor) {
this.BookAuthor = BookAuthor;

2) Defining the Remote Interface :
Define the remote interface. Here, we are defining a remote interface
named Hello with a method named getBookInfo () in it. This method
returns a list which contains the object of the class Library .
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.*;

Page 43

43 Remote Object Communication // Creating Remote interface for our application
public interface Hello extends Remot e
public List getBookInfo() throws Exception;
3) Developing the Implementation Class (Remote Object) :
Create a class and implement the above created interface.
Here we are implementing the getBookInfo() method of the Remote
interface. Whe n you invoke this method, it retrieves the records of a table
named Book. Sets these values to the Library class using its setter
methods, adds it to a list object and returns that list.
import java.sql. *;
import java.util.*;

// Implem enting the remote interface
public class ImplExample implements Hello {

// Implementing the interface method
public List getBookInfo() throws Exception {
List list = new ArrayList();

// JDBC dr iver name and database URL
String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver";
String DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Library";

// Database credentials
String USER = "root";
String PASS = "system";

Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;

//Register JDBC driver
Class.forName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver").newInstance (); munotes.in

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44 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
44 //Open a connection
System.out.println("Connecting to a selected database... ");
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL, USER, PASS);
System.out.println("Connected database successfully...");

//Execute a query
System.out.println("Creating statement...");

stmt = conn.createStateme nt();
String sql = "SELECT * FROM Book";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);

//Extract data from result set
while(rs.next()) {
// Retrieve by column name
int id = rs.getInt("BookID");

String name = rs.getString("BookName");
String author = rs.getString("BookAuthor");

// Setting the values
Library info = new Library();
return list;
4) Server Program :
An RMI server program should implement the remote interface or extend
the implementation class. Here, we should create a remote object and bind
it to the RMI registry. munotes.in

Page 45

45 Remote Object Communication Following is the server program of this application. Here, we will extend
the above created class, create a remote object and register it to the RMI
registry with the bind name bookinfo.
In this program serv er is using port no:6666,we can use any available port.
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;

public class Server extends Im plExample {
public Server() {}
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
// Instantiating the implementation class
ImplExample obj = new ImplExample();

// Exporting the object of implementation class ( here we are
exporting the remote object to the stub)
Hello stub = (Hello) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(obj, 0);

// Binding the remote object (stub) in the registry
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(6666);

System.err.println("Server ready");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Server exception: " + e.toString());
5) Client Program :
Following is the client program of this application. Here, we are fetching
the remote object and invoking the method named getBookInfo() . It
retrieves the records of the table from the list object and displays them. munotes.in

Page 46

46 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
46 In this program, LocateRegistry.getRegist ry() method is taking two
parameter, first is the ip address of the server and second is the port no on
which server is listening.
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.util.*;

public class Client {
private Client() {}
public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
try {
// Getting the registry
Registry registry =

// Looking up th e registry for the remote object
Hello stub = (Hello) registry.lookup("bookinfo");

// Calling the remote method using the obtained object
List list = (List)stub.getBookInfo();
for (Library l:list)
System.out.println("Book ID: " + l.getBookId());
System.out.println("Book Name: " + l.getBookName());
System.out.println("Book Author: " + l.getBookAuthor());

System.out.println(" -------------------------- --------------------- ");

} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Client exception: " + e.toString());
} munotes.in

Page 47

47 Remote Object Communication 4.4.3 Procedure to execute the program:
Step1 : Open the command p rompt and go to the folder where you have
save all the java files and compile all the files by using the following
>javac *.java;

Step2 : Start the rmi registry using the following command.
>start rmiregistry

once you execute start rmiregistry command one more command prompt
will be open as shown below:

Step3 : Run the server class file by the following command:
>java Server munotes.in

Page 48

48 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab

Step 4: Run the client class file on new command prompt if running client
and server on same machine as shown below.
>java Client

4.5 PRACTICAL - NO2 Using MySQL create ElecrticBill database. Create table
Bill(consumer_name, bill_due_date, bill_amount) and retrieve the Bill
information from the ElecrticBill database using Remote Object
Communication concept.
4.5.1 Soft ware Required:
● Java 8
● MySQL 8.0
4.5.2 Program:
Before starting with codingin java, create ElectricBill database in
MySql.In ElectricBill Database Create Bill(ConsumerName, BillDuedate,
billamount)table. munotes.in

Page 49

49 Remote Object Communication

Note: In this practical we are going to create the following java classes:
1. Electric.java
2. Hello.java (Remote Interface)
3. ImplExample.java (Implementation class)
4. Client.java
5. Server.java
1) Creating a Electric Class :
Create a Electric class with setter and getter methods as shown below.
public class Electric implements java.io.Serializable {
private float BillAmount;
private String CustomerName,BillDueDate;

public float getBillAmount() {
return BillAmount;
public String getCustomerName() {
return Customer Name;
public String getBillDueDate() {
return BillDueDate;

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50 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
50 public void setBillAmount(float BillAmount) {
this.BillAmount =BillAmount;
public void setCustomerName(String CustomerName) {
this.CustomerName =CustomerName;
public void setBillDueDate(String BillDueDate) {
this.BillDueDate = BillDueDate;

2) Defining the Remote Interface :
Define the remote interface. Here, we are defining a remote interface
named Hello with a method nam ed getBillInfo () in it. This method returns
a list which contains the object of the class ElectricBill .
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.*;

// Creating Remote interface for our application
public in terface Hello extends Remote
public List getBillInfo() throws Exception;
3) Developing the Implementation Class (Remote Object) :
Create a class and implement the above created interface.
Here we are implementing the getBillInfo() method of the Remote
interface. When you invoke this method, it retrieves the records of a table
named Bill. Sets these values to the Electric class using its setter methods,
adds it to a list object and returns that list.
import java.sql. *;
import java.util.*;

Page 51

51 Remote Object Communication // Implementing the remote interface
public class ImplExample implements Hello {

// Implementing the interface method
public List getBillInfo() throws Exception {
List list = new ArrayList();

// JDBC driver name and database URL
String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver";
String DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/electricbill";

// Database credentials
String USER = "root";
String PASS = "system";

Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;

//Register JDBC driver
Class.forName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver").newInstance ();
//Open a connection
System.out.println( "Connecting to a selected database...");
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL, USER, PASS);
System.out.println("Connected database successfully...");

//Execute a query
System.out.println("Creating statement...");

stmt = conn.createStatement();
String sql = "SELECT * FROM Bill";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);

//Extract data from result set
while(rs.next()) {
// Retrieve by column name munotes.in

Page 52

52 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
52 float amount = rs.getFloat("BillAmount");

String name = rs.getString("CustomerName");
String Date = rs.getString("BillDueDate");
// Setting the values
Electric info = new Electric();
info.set BillAmount(amount);
return list;
4) Server Program :
An RMI server program should implement the remote interfa ce or extend
the implementation class. Here, we should create a remote object and bind
it to the RMI registry.
Following is the server program of this application. Here, we will extend
the above created class, create a remote object and register it to th e RMI
registry with the bind name billinfo.
In this program server is using port no:6666,we can use any available port.
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java. rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;

public class Server extends ImplExample {
public Server() {}
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
// Instantiating the implementation class
ImplExample obj = new ImplExample(); munotes.in

Page 53

53 Remote Object Communication
// Exporting the object of implementation class (here we are
exporting the remote object to the stub)
Hello stub = (Hello) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(obj, 0);

// Binding the remote object (stub) in the reg istry
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(6666);
System.err.println("Server ready");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Server exception: " + e.toString());
5) Client Program :
Following is the client program of this application. Here, we are fetching
the remote object and invoking the method named getBillInfo() . It
retrieves the records of the table from the list o bject and displays them.
In this program, LocateRegistry.getRegistry() method is taking two
parameter, first is the IP address of the server and second is the port no on
which server is listening.
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
impor t java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.util.*;
public class Client {
private Client() {}
public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
try {
// Getting the registry
Registry registry =
LocateRegistry.g etRegistry("",6666);

// Looking up the registry for the remote object
Hello stub = (Hello) registry.lookup("billinfo"); munotes.in

Page 54

54 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
// Calling the remote method using the obtained object
List lis t = (List)stub.getBillInfo();
for (Electric l:list)

System.out.println("Customer name: " + l.getCustomerName());
System.out.println("Bill Due Date: " + l.getBillDueDate());
Syste m.out.println("Bill Amount: " + l.getBillAmount());

System.out.println(" ----------------------------------------------- ");

// System.out.println(list);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.print ln("Client exception: " + e.toString());
4.5.3 Procedure to execute the program:
Step1: Open the command prompt and go to the folder where you have
save all the java files and compile all the files by using the following
>javac *.java;


Page 55

55 Remote Object Communication Step2: Start the rmi registry using the following command.
>start rmiregistry

once you execute start rmiregistry command one more command prompt
will be open as shown below:

Step3 : Run the server class file by the following command:
>java Server

Page 56

56 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
56 Step 4: Run the client class file on new command prompt if running client
and server on same machine by the following command.
>java Client

4.6 QUESTIONS 1) Explain the difference between RPC and RMI.
2) What is the fun ction of java.net.unknownhostException?
3) What are the different terms that are used in RMI?
4) What are the different types of classes that are used in RMI?
5) What is the process of making a class serializable?
4.7 SELF LEARNING TOPICS: CONCEPT OF JDBC JDBC stan ds for Java Database Connectivity. JDBC is a Java API that is
used to connect and execute the query with any database.


Page 57

Unit Structure
5.0 Objective
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary
5.3 References
5.4 Unit End Exercises
5.0 OBJECTIVE Mutual exclusion ensures that concurrent access of processes to a shared
resource or data is serialized, that is, execute d in a mutually exclusive
manner. Mutual exclusion in a distributed system states that only one
process is allowed to execute the critical section (CS) at any given time.
5.1 INTRODUCTION Mutual exclusion is a concurrency control property which is introduc ed
to prevent race conditions. It is the requirement that a process can not
enter its critical section while another concurrent process is currently
present or executing in its critical section i.e only one process is allowed to
execute the critical sectio n at any given instance of time.
Mutual exclusion in single computer system Vs. distributed system:
In single computer system, memory and other resources are shared
between different processes. The status of shared resources and the status
of users is easi ly available in the shared memory so with the help of shared
variable (For example: Semaphores) mutual exclusion problem can be
easily solved.
In Distributed systems, we neither have shared memory nor a common
physical clock and there for we can not solve mutual exclusion problem
using shared variables. To eliminate the mutual exclusion problem in
distributed system approach based on message passing is used.
A site in distributed system do not have complete information of state of
the system due to lack of shared memory and a common physical clock.
During concurrent execution of processes, processes need to enter
the critical section (or the section of the program shared across processes)
at times for execution. It might so happen that because of the execution of
multiple processes at once, the values stored in the critical section become
inconsistent. In other words, the values depend on the sequence of munotes.in

Page 58

58 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
58 execution of instructions – also known as a race condition . The primary
task of process synchronization is to get rid of race conditions while
executing the critical section.
This is primarily achieved through mutual exclusion .
Mutual exclusion is a property of process synchronization which states
that “no two processes can exist in the critical section at any given point of
time”. The term was first coined by Dijkstra. Any process synchronization
technique being used must satisfy the property of mutual exclusion,
without which it would not be possib le to get rid of a race condition.
Requirements of Mutual exclusion Algorithm:
No Deadlock:
Two or more site should not endlessly wait for any message that will
never arrive.
No Starvation:
Every site who wants to execute critical section should get an o pportunity
to execute it in finite time. Any site should not wait indefinitely to execute
critical section while other site are repeatedly executing critical section
Each site should get a fair chance to execute critical section. Any request
to execute critical section must be executed in the order they are made i.e
Critical section execution requests should be executed in the order of their
arrival in the system.
Fault Tolerance:
In case of failure, it should be able to recognize it by itself in order to
continue functioning without any disruption.
Solution to distributed mutual exclusion:
As we know shared variables or a local kernel can not be used to
implement mutual exclusion in distributed systems. Message passing is a
way to implement mutu al exclusion. Below are the three approaches based
on message passing to implement mutual exclusion in distributed systems:
Token Based Algorithm:
● A unique token is shared among all the sites.
● If a site possesses the unique token, it is allowed to enter it s critical
● This approach uses sequence number to order requests for the critical
section. munotes.in

Page 59

59 Mutual Exclusion ● Each requests for critical section contains a sequence number. This
sequence number is used to distinguish old and current requests.
● This approach insures Mut ual exclusion as the token is unique
Suzuki -Kasami’s Broadcast Algorithm
Non-token based approach:
● A site communicates with other sites in order to determine which sites
should execute critical section next. This requires exchange of two or
more successive round of messages among sites.
● This approach use timestamps instead of sequence number to order
requests for the critical section.
● Whenever a site make request for critical section, it gets a timestamp.
Timestamp is also used to resolve any conf lict between critical section
● All algorithm which follows non -token -based approach maintains a
logical clock. Logical clocks get updated according to Lamport’s
Lamport's algorithm, Ricart –Agrawala algorithm
Quorum based approach:
● Instead of requesting permission to execute the critical section from all
other sites, Each site requests only a subset of sites which is called
a quorum .
● Any two subsets of sites or Quorum contains a common site.
● This common site is responsible to ensure mutual exclusion
● Maekawa’s Algorithm
Programming primitives for mutual exclusion:
Peterson's algorithm does not generalize easily to a situation where there
are more than two concurrent processes. For
processes, there are other
solutions, such as Lamport's Bakery algorithm. However, the problem
with these protocols is that, in general, they have to be designed anew for
different situations and checked for correctness.
A better solution is to include support in the programming language for
mutua l exclusion. The first person to propose such primitive was Edsger
Dijkstra, who suggested a new datatype called a semaphore. munotes.in

Page 60

60 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
60 A semaphore is an integer variable that supports an atomic test -and-set
operation. More specifically, if a S is a variable of type semaphore, then
two atomic operations are supported on S: P(S) and V(S). (The
letters P and V come from the Dutch words passeren, to pass,
and vrygeven, to release.)
The operation P(S) achieves the following in an atomic manner:
1. if (S > 0)
2. decrement S;
3. else
4. wait for S to become positive;
The operation V(S) is defined as follows:
5. if (there are threads waiting for S to become positive)
6. wake one of them up; //choice is nondeterministic
7. else
8. increment S;
Using semaphores, we can now easily program mutual exclu sion to
critical sections, as follows:
9. Thread 1 Thread 2
11. ... ...
12. P(S); P(S);
13. // Enter critical section // Enter critical section
14. ... ...
15. // Leave critical section // Leave critical section
16. V(S); V(S);
17. ... ...
Mutual exclusion, starvation freedom and deadlock freedom are all
guaranteed by the definition of a semaphore.
One problem with semaphores are that they are rather ``low -level''. The
definition of a semaphore is orthogonal to the identification of the critical
region. Thus, we connect critical regions across threads in a somewhat
arbitrary fashion by using a shared semaphore. Correctness requires
cooperation from all participating threads in resetting the semaphore. For
instance, if any one thread forgets to execute V(S), all other threads get munotes.in

Page 61

61 Mutual Exclusion blocked. Further, it is not required that each V(S) match a preceding P(S).
This could lead to a semaphore being ``preloaded'' to an unsafe value.
Bare Machine Approaches:
Simple Shared Variables :
In most cases a single one -word variable can be read or written atomically.
To share such a variable between threads you just have to guarantee the
value really is in memory, and not optimized into a register. In Java and C,
just mark the variable volatile.
Read/Writes on multi -word variables (like long and double in Java) are
not guaranteed to be atomic. Code like x++ is almost
definitely not atomic.
The Wrong Way :
If multiple threads execute this code
1: while (something) {
2: if (inUse) { // THIS CODE IS ALL WRONG!
3: inUse = true;
4: doSomethingWithTheSharedReso urce();
5: inUse = false;
6: } else {
7: doSomethingElse();
8: }
9: }
there's no mutual exclusion — two threads A and B can suffer this
interleaving: A2 B2 A3 B3, etc. Now both are executing their critical
sections at the same time.
Atomic Test and Set :
To fix the problem above the test (line 2) and the set (line 3) have to be
atomic! On many hardware architectures there exists an atomic testAndSet
instruction. It examines a variable and if it is false, it sets it to t rue and
returns true. Otherwise it leaves the variable true and returns false. This is
all done as a single atomic hardware instruction. With it we could write:
1: while (something) {
2: if (atomicTestAndSet(&inUse)) {
3: doSomethingWi thTheSharedResource(); munotes.in

Page 62

62 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
62 4: inUse = false;
5: } else {
6: doSomethingElse();
7: }
8: }
Other Atomic Operations :
Sometimes with advanced hardware, or with support from an operating
system, larger words of memory can be p rotected with a very simple API.
(Example: Win32 InterlockedIncrement and the Java classes in
Peterson's Algorithm :
If you don't have a hardware atomic test and set, then enforcing mutual
exclusion on a bare machine that meets all the requirements above takes a
surprising amount of work.
// Thread 0 // Thread 1
claim0 = false; claim1 = false;
while (true) { while (true) {
claim0 = true; cl aim1 = true;
turn = 1; turn = 0;
while (claim1 && turn != 0) {} while (claim0 && turn != 1) {}
claim0 = false; claim1 = false;
} }
Problems with this:
● Wordy and complex
● Burns CPU cycles while waiting
● Doesn't directly scale up to more than two processors
Bakery Algorithm :
The bakery algorithm solv es the mutual exclusion problem for multiple
threads on a bare machine. munotes.in

Page 63

63 Mutual Exclusion Scheduler -Assisted Mutual Exclusion:
It's nice if the operating system can provide some way to make a thread go
to sleep (i.e. remove it from the pool of ready threads that get schedul ed
on a processor) and wake it up when something happens.
Primitives to make this happen include barriers (like latches, countdowns,
and cyclic barriers), mutexes, semaphores, futexes, and exchangers.
Barriers :
Barriers are simple objects used to allow one or more threads to wait until
other threads have completed some work. They can be used for mutual
exclusion if you like. Java has a few of these in its java.util.concurrent
Semaphores :
Semaphores are pretty much designed to implement mutual exclu sion.
They work like this:
Semaphore s = new Semaphore(MAX, true);
The idea is that the thread will block on the semaphore if the maximum
number of threads have already successfully "acquired." When a thread
does a "release" then one of the block threads will wake up (meaning the
acquire call finally returns).
The internal implementation is something like this:
Semaphore(max, fifo)
Creates a new semaphore with the given maximum value and fifo flag. If
fifo is true, threads block in a FIFO queue so a release always wakes the
one blocked the longest; otherwise they block in a set and a release wakes
an arbitrary blocked thread.
atomically {if (s.value > 0) s.value --; else block on s} munotes.in

Page 64

64 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
64 s.release( )
atomically {
if (there are threads blocked on s)
wake one of them
else if (s.value == s.MAX)
A semaphore with a maximum count of 1 is called a binary semaphore or
sometimes just a mutex.
Semaphore s are an "unstructured" low -level primitive; you might not use
them directly in high -level applications:
● Responsibility of proper use is distributed among all the threads; one
malicious or buggy thread could:
o "Forget" to call wait before entering its criti cal section and start
whacking shared data in violation of mutual exclusion
o "Forget" to call signal when done, causing the other threads to
● There is no guarantee that resources are accessed only within critical
So the modern approach is for resources to protect themselves .
Data -Oriented Synchronization :
A simple way to put the resource itself in charge of the protection (instead
of the threads) is to have a lock associated with every object, like in Java:
public class Account {
priva te BigDecimal balance = BigDecimal.ZERO;

public synchronized BigDecimal getBalance() {
return balance;

public synchronized void deposit(BigDecimal amount) {
balance = balance.add(amount); munotes.in

Page 65

65 Mutual Exclusion }
Every object in Java has an associated monitor which a thread can lock
and unlock. Only one thread at a time can hold a monitor's lock. A
synchronized method or synchronized statement does an implicit lock at
the beginning and an unlock at the end. An attempt to lock a monitor that
is already locked causes the thread to wait until the lock is free (unless the
lock owner itself is trying to lock again).
By making the account responsible for managing its own synchronization
we free the gazillions of threads that wish to use accounts fro m having to
remember to lock and unlock themselves!
Note : You don't have to make the scope of the lock be an entire method:
synchronized (x) {
Notification :
Simply using the synchronized keyword migh t not be sufficient. Consider
a message board where threads can post messages and other threads can
take them out. The message buffer has a fixed, bounded size. Adds can
only be done when the buffer isn't full, and removes when not empty.
public class Unsy nchronizedBuffer {
private Object[] data;
private int head = 0;
private int tail = 0;
private int count = 0;
public Buffer(int capacity) {
data = new Object[capacity];
public boolean add(Object item) {
if (coun t < data.length) {
data[tail] = item; munotes.in

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66 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
66 tail = (tail + 1) % data.length;
return true;
return false;
public Object remove() {
if (count > 0) {
Object item = data[head];
head = (head + 1) % data.length;
count --;
return item;
return null;
public int getSize() {
return count;
Notice the race conditions! The buffer could have room f or only one
more item, but two threads both try to add at the same time. They each
execute the size test before either completes the adding of an item. There's
a similar race when multiple threads try to remove from a buffer with only
one message.
Exercise : Explain the race conditions a bit more precisely.
What if we just synchronize add and remove? Yeah, that'll remove the
races, but threads wanting to add (or remove) before proceeding will have
to busy wait! NOOOOOOOO! Can't they just go to sleep until so me other
thread makes room (in the wants -to-add case) or puts something in (in the
wants -to-remove case)? Yep. Like this:
public class SynchronizedBuffer {
private Object[] data;
private int head = 0;
private int tail = 0;
private int count = 0;
public Buffer(int capacity) {
data = new Object[capacity]; munotes.in

Page 67

67 Mutual Exclusion }
public synchronized void add(Object item) {
while (count == data.length) {
try {wait();} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
data[tai l] = item;
tail = (tail + 1) % data.length;
public synchronized Object remove() {
while (count == 0) {
try {wait();} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
Object item = data[head];
head = (head + 1) % data.length;
count --;
return item;
public int getSize() {
return count;
wait() moves a thread into the buffer's wait set (making them blocked),
and notifyAll removes all the threads in the object's wait set (and makes
them runnable again).
This makes the buffer a blocking queue, which is pretty nice; the API for
it is quite clean. But, doing things this way in Java still leaves room for
improvement: all threads here are waiting on the buffer object only, we're
not distinguishing between threads waiting for "not full" and those waiting
for "not empty".
Exercise : What if we placed two new fields within the
SynchronizedBuffer class
private Object notFull = new Object();
private Object notEmpty = new Object(); munotes.in

Page 68

68 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
68 and then rewrote the body of add like this:
synchronized (notFull) {
while (count == data.length) {
try {notFull.wait();} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
data[tail] = item;
tail = (tail + 1) % data.length;
synchronized (notEmpty) {notEmpty.notifyAll();}
and made similar changes to remove(). Does this work? If so, is it better
than the previous versi on? How? If not, how does it fail? (Describe any
race conditions, deadlock or starvation in detail.)
By the way, Java does have its own blocking queue class, but you wanted
to learn about wait and notifyAll, right?
Ada Protected Objects :
Ada's protected ob jects are like monitors but a bit more sophisticated —
most everything you normally do in these cases is taken care of
declaratively! The bounded buffer example (shown in the context in
which Index is defined as a modular type and Item is the type of objec ts to
be stored in a buffer):
protected type Buffer is -- SPECIFICATION
entry Put(I: Item); --
entry Get(I: out Item); -- Public part specifies:
function Size return Natural; -- entries, procs, fns
Data: array (Index) of Item; -- Private part holds the shared
Head, Tail: Index := 0; -- data (this is in the spec so
Count: Natural := 0; -- the compiler knows how much space
end Buffer; -- to allocate for an object)

protected body Buffer is -- BODY (operation bodies ONLY; no

entry Put(I: Item) when Count < Index'Modulus is
begin munotes.in

Page 69

69 Mutual Exclusion Data(Tail) := I;
Count := Count + 1;
Tail := Tail + 1;
end Put;

entry Get(I: out Item) when Count > 0 is
I := Data(Head);
Count := Count - 1;
Head := Head + 1;
end Get;

function Size return Natural is
return Count;
end Size;

end Buffer;
How it works:
● Entries, procedures and functions by definition provide mutually
exclusive access.
● Entries and procedures can read and write shared data; functions can
only read. Thus, an implementation can optimize by allowing multiple
function calls at th e same time.
● Only entries have barriers. There is a queue associated with each
entry "inside" the object.

Page 70

70 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
70 ● When an entry is called the barrier is evaluated. If false, the calling task
is queued on the entry.
● At the end of a procedure or entry body, barrie rs are re -evaluated.
● Tasks already queued on entries have priority over tasks trying to get
in. Therefore a caller can not even evaluate a barrier until the protected
object is finished with the current and all queued tasks.
It's the programmer's responsib ility to see that all barriers execute quickly
and don't call a potentially blocking operation!
Advantages of protected objects (please read the Ada 95 Rationale secti on
on protected types ):
● Scalability
● Adaptability
● Modularity
● Efficiency
● Expressiveness
● Compatibility
● Great for implementing interrupt handlers
In computer science, mutual exclusion refers to the requirement of
ensuring that no two concurrent processes are in their critical section at the
same time; it is a basic requirement in concurrency control, to prevent race
conditions. Here, a critical section refers to a period when the process
accesses a shared resource, such as shared memory. The requirement of
mutual exclusion was first identified and solved by Edsger W. Dijkstra in
his seminal 1965 paper titled Solution of a problem in concurrent
programming control, and is credited as the first topic in the study of
concurrent algorithms.
Program Code:
#include < pthread.h>
int count = 0;
pthread_mutex_t thread_lock;
void* run_thread()
pthread_t thread_id = pthread_self(); munotes.in

Page 71

71 Mutual Exclusion printf("Thread %u: Current value of count = %d \n", thread_id, count);
printf("Thread %u incrementing count ... \n");
printf("Value of count after incremented by thread %u = %d \n",
thread_id, count);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_t thread_array[4 ];
int i = 0, ret, thread_num = 4;
for (i = 0; i < thread_num; i++) {
if ((ret = pthread_create(&thread_array[i], NULL, run_thread, NULL)== -
1) { printf("Thread
creation failed with return code: %d", ret);


t2 = time(NULL);
if(t2-t1 > run)
printf("Process%d ",pro -1);
printf(" exits critical section. \n"); munotes.in

Page 72

72 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
72 cs=0;
key = getch();
printf("Error: Another process is currently exec uting critical
section Please wait till its execution is over. \n");
printf("Process %d ",pro);
printf(" entered critical section \n"); cs=1;
t1 = time(NULL);
{ while(!kbhit()) if(cs!=0)
t2 = time(N ULL);
if(t2-t1 > run)
printf("Process%d ",pro -1);
printf(" exits critical section. \n");
key = getch();
if(key!='q') munotes.in

Page 73

73 Mutual Exclusion {
if(cs!=0) printf("Error: Another process is currently executing critical
section Please wait till its ex ecution is over. \n");
printf("Process %d ",pro);
printf(" entered critical section \n");
t1 = time(NULL);

t2 = time(NULL);
if(t2-t1 > run)
printf("Proce ss%d ",pro -1);
printf(" exits critical section. \n");
key = getch();
if(cs!=0) munotes.in

Page 74

74 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
74 printf("Error: Another process is currently executing critical
section Please wait till its execution is over. \n");
printf ("Process %d ",pro);
printf(" entered critical section \n"); cs=1;
t1 = time(NULL);

5.2 SUMMARY A mutual exclusion (mutex) is a program object that prevents
simultaneous access to a shared resource. This concept is us ed in
concurrent programming with a critical section, a piece of code in which
processes or threads access a shared resource.
5.3 REFERENCES 1) The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing
2) Hacking: The Art of Exp loitation
3) The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Finding and Exploiting
Security Flaws
5.4 UNIT END EXERCISES Write a code to perform Distributed and Primitive systems.
***** munotes.in

Page 75

Unit Structure
6.0 Objective
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Summary
6.3 References
6.4 Unit End Exercises
6.0 OBJECTIVE Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services —
including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and
intelligence —over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation,
flexible resources, and economies of scale. You typically pay only for
cloud services you use, helping lower your operating costs, run your
infrastructure more efficiently and scale as your business needs change.
Software as a Service :
Essentially, any application that runs with its contents from the cloud is
referred to as Software as a Service, As long as you do n ot own it.
Some examples are Gmail, Netflix, OneDrive etc.
AUDIENCE : End users, everybody
Infrastructure as a Service means that the provider allows a portion of
their computing power to its customers, It is purchased by the potency of
the computing power and they are bundled in Virtual Machines. A
company like Google Cloud platform, AWS, Alibaba Cloud can be
referred to as IaaS providers because they sell processing powers (servers,
storage, networking) to their users in terms of Virtual Machines.
AUDIENCE : IT professionals, System Admins


Page 76

76 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
76 PaaS:
Platform as a Service is more like the middle -man between IaaS and
SaaS, Instead of a customer having to deal with the nitty -gritty of servers,
networks and storage, everything is readily available by the PaaS
providers. Essentially a development environment is initialized to make
building applications easier.
Examples would be Heroku, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Google App Engine
AUDIENCE : Software developers.
There are various cloud services available today, su ch as Amazon's EC2
and AWS, Apache Hadoop, Microsoft Azure and many others. Which
category does each belong to and why?
Amazon EC2 and AWS :
Is an Infrastructure as a Service because you'll need System
Administrators to manage the working process of your op erating system.
There is no abstraction to build a fully featured app ordinarily. Microsoft
Azure would also fall under this category following the aforementioned
AWS Basic Details:

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service):
You get the whole infras tructure with hardware. You chose the type of OS
that needs to be installed. You will have to install the necessary software.
AWS Example:
EC2 which has only the hardware and you select the base OS to be
installed. If you want to install Hadoop on that yo u have to do it yourself,
it's just the base infrastructure AWS has provided. munotes.in

Page 77

77 Implementation of Cloud Computing Services PaaS (Platform as a Service):
Provides you the infrastructure with OS and necessary base software. You
will have to run your scripts to get the desired output.
AWS Example:
EMR which has the hardware (EC2) + Base OS + Hadoop software
already installed. You will have to run hive/spark scripts to query tables
and get results. You will need to invoke the instance and wait for 10 min
for the setup to be ready. You have to take care of how many clusters you
need based on the jobs you are running, but not worry about the cluster
SaaS (Software as a Service):
You don't have to worry about Hardware or even Software. Everything
will be installed and available for you to use instantly.
AWS Example:
Athena, which is just a UI for you to query tables in S3 (with metadata
stored in Glu). Just open the browser login to AWS and start running your
queries, no worry about RAM/Storage/CPU/number of clusters,
everything the cloud tak es care of.
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS):
The most basic category of cloud computing services. With IaaS, you rent
IT infrastructure —servers and virtual machines (VMs), storage, networks,
operating systems —from a cloud provider on a pay -as-you-go ba sis.
Platform as a service (PaaS):
Platform as a service refers to cloud computing services that supply an on -
demand environment for developing, testing, delivering and managing
software applications. PaaS is designed to make it easier for developers to
quickly create web or mobile apps, without worrying about setting up or
managing the underlying infrastructure of servers, storage, network and
databases needed for development.
Software as a service (SaaS):
Software as a service is a method for delivering s oftware applications over
the Internet, on demand and typically on a subscription basis. With SaaS,
cloud providers host and manage the software application and underlying
infrastructure and handle any maintenance, like software upgrades and
security patch ing. Users connect to the application over the Internet,
usually with a web browser on their phone, tablet or PC. munotes.in

Page 78

78 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Create a storage account:
A storage account is an Azure Resource Manager resource. Resource
Manager is th e deployment and management service for Azure. For more
information, see Azure Resource Manager overview.
Every Resource Manager resource, including an Azure storage account,
must belong to an Azure resource group. A resource group is a logical
container f or grouping your Azure services. When you create a storage
account, you have the option to either create a new resource group, or use
an existing resource group. This how -to shows how to create a new
resource group.
To create an Azure storage account with the Azure portal, follow these
1. From the left portal menu, select Storage accounts to display a list of
your storage accounts. If the portal menu isn't visible, click the menu
button to toggle it on.


Page 79

79 Implementation of Cloud Computing Services 2. On the Storage accounts page, select Create .

The following image shows a standard configuration of the basic
properties for a new storage account.

Page 80

80 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
80 The following image shows a standard configuration of the advanced
properties for a new storage account.

Platform as a service (PaaS) :
Platform as a service (PaaS) is a complete development and deployment
environment in the cloud, with resources that enable you to deliver
everything from simple cloud -based apps to sophisticated, cloud -enabled
enterprise applications. You purchase the resources you nee d from a cloud
service provider on a pay -as-you-go basis and access them over a secure
Internet connection.
Like IaaS, PaaS includes infrastructure —servers, storage and
networking —but also middleware, development tools, business
intelligence (BI) services, database management systems and more. PaaS
is designed to support the complete web application lifecycle: building,
testing, deploying, managing and updating. munotes.in

Page 81

81 Implementation of Cloud Computing Services PaaS allows you to avoid the expense and complexity of buying and
managing software licenses, th e underlying application infrastructure and
middleware, container orchestrators such as Kubernetes or the
development tools and other resources. You manage the applications and
services you develop and the cloud service provider typically manages
everythin g else.
Tutorial: Deploy Node.js app to Azure Web App using DevOps Starter
for GitHub Actions
Use DevOps Starter to deploy a Node.js app
DevOps Starter creates a workflow in GitHub. You can use an existing
GitHub organization. DevOps Starter also creates A zure resources such as
Web App in the Azure subscription of your choice.
1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
2. In the search box, type DevOps Starter, and then select. Click on Add
to create a new one.

3. Ensure that the CI/CD provider is selected as GitHub Acti ons.

4. Select Node.js , and then select Next . munotes.in

Page 82

82 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
82 5. Under Choose an application Framework , select Express.js , and
then select Next . The application framework, which you chose in a
previous step, dictates the type of Azure service deployment target
that's available here.
6. Select the Windows Web App , and then select Next .
Software as a service (SaaS):
Software as a service (SaaS) allows users to connect to and use cloud -
based apps over the Internet. Common examples are email, calendaring
and office tools (such as Microsoft Office 365).
SaaS provides a complete software solution which you purchase on a pay -
as-you-go basis from a cloud service provider. You rent the use of an app
for your organisation and your users connect to it over the Internet, usually
with a web browser. All of the underlying infrastructure, middleware, app
software and app data are located in the service provider’s data center. The
service provider manages the hardware and software and with the
appropriate service agreement, will ensure the availability and the security
of the app and your data as well. SaaS allows your organisation to get
quickly up and running with an app at minimal upfront cost.
Manage the Azure app:
To manage your web app, go to the Azure portal, and search for and s elect
App Services.

On the App Services page, select the name of your web app.

Page 83

83 Implementation of Cloud Computing Services The Overview page for your web app, contains options for basic
management like browse, stop, start, restart, and delete. The left menu
provides further pages for configuring your app.

6.3 REFERENCES: 1. What is cloud computing? A beginner’s guide | Microsoft Azure
2. Create a resource - Microsoft Azure
2.4 UNIT END EXERCISES Create one VM on Azure Portal with free account.


Page 84

Unit Structure
7.0 Objective
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Summary
7.3 References
7.4 Unit End Exercises
7.0 OBJECTIVE The main goal of identity management is to ensure only authenticated
users are granted access to the specific applications, systems or IT
environments for which they are authorized.
7.1 INTRODUCTION Identity management in cloud computing is the subsequent step of identity
and access management (IAM) solutions. However, it is a lot more than
merely a straightforward web app single sign -on (SSO) solution. This next
generation of IAM solution is a holistic move of the identity provider right
to the cloud.
Innovations in the user identity management space have been a trend in
the past couple of years. Most of these developments across business and
technology fronts have been around identity management in cloud
computing, enabling the authentication and authorization processes right
in the cloud.
The primary goal of identity management in cloud computing is dealing
with personal identity information so that a user’s access to data, computer
resources, applications, and services is controlled accurately.
Identity management in cloud computing is the subsequent step of identity
and access management (IAM) s olutions. However, it is a lot more than
merely a straightforward web app single sign -on (SSO) solution. This next
generation of IAM solution is a holistic move of the identity provider right
to the cloud.
Known as Directory -as-a-Service (DaaS), this parti cular service is the
advanced version of the conventional and on -premises solutions, including
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) as well as Microsoft
Active Directory (AD). munotes.in

Page 85

85 Implementation of Identity Management Using Cloud Features of a Modern Cloud Identity Management Solution:
The following are a few advantages of identity management in cloud
● It offers a consistent access control interface: Applicable for all
cloud platform services; Cloud IAM solutions provide a clean and
single access control interface.
● It offers superior securit y levels: If needed, we can easily define
increased security levels for crucial applications.
● It lets businesses access resources at diverse levels: Businesses
can define roles and grant permissi ons to explicit users for accessing
resources at diverse granularity levels.
Why Do You Need Cloud IAM?
Identity management in cloud computing incorporates all categories of
user-base who can operate in diverse scenarios and with specific devices.
A moder n cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution helps
● Connect professionals, employees, IT applications, and devices
securely either on -premise or the cloud and through involved
● It makes it easy to share the network abilities with the e ntire grid of
users who were precisely connected with it.
● It offers zero management overhead, enhanced security levels, and
easy management of diverse users with directory service in a SaaS
● It is utterly known that cloud -based services are enable d, configured,
and hosted by external providers. This scenario may also get the least
hassle, either for users or clients. As a result, many organizations can
enhance their productivity with cloud IAM.
● SaaS protocol is created and used as a hub for connect ing with all
virtual networks of distributors, suppliers, and partners.
● Business users can deal with all services and programs in one place
with cloud services, and Identity management can be enabled with a
click on a single dashboard.
● Easily connect your cloud servers, which are virtually hosted at
Google Cloud, AWS, or elsewhere right next to your current LDAP or
AD user store.
● Widen and extend your present LDAP or AD directory right to the
cloud. munotes.in

Page 86

86 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
86 ● Deal with Linux, Windows, and Mac desktops, laptops, and s ervers
established at different locations.
● Connect different users to diverse applications that use LDAP
or SAML -based authentication .
● Effortlessly handle user access controls to WiFi networks se curely by
using a cloud RADIUS service.
● Enable GPO -like functionalities across diverse Windows, Mac, and
Linux devices.
● Facilitate both system -based as well as application -level multi -factor
authentications (2FA).
These abilities help build a platform that connects users to virtually all IT
resources through any provider, protocol, platform, or location.
AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting):
AAA is a standard -based framework used to control who is permitted to
use network resources (through authe ntication), what they are authorized
to do (through authorization), and capture the actions performed while
accessing the network (through accounting).
1. Authentication:
The process by which it can be identified that the user, which wants to
access the netw ork resources, valid or not by asking some credentials
such as username and password. Common methods are to put
authentication on console port, AUX port, or vty lines.
As network administrators, we can control how a user is authenticated if
someone wants to access the network. Some of these methods include
using the local database of that device (router) or sending authentication
requests to an external server like the ACS server. To specify the method
to be used for authentication, a default or customized authentication
method list is used.
2. Authorization:
It provides capabilities to enforce policies on network resources after the
user has gained access to the network resources through authentication.
After the authentication is successful, authorizatio n can be used to
determine what resources is the user allowed to access and the operations
that can be performed.
For example, if a junior network engineer (who should not access all the
resources) wants to access the device then the administrator can cre ate a
view that will allow particular commands only to be executed by the user
(the commands that are allowed in the method list). The administrator can
use the authorization method list to specify how the user is authorized to
network resources i.e throug h a local database or ACS server. munotes.in

Page 87

87 Implementation of Identity Management Using Cloud 3. Accounting:
It provides means of monitoring and capturing the events done by the user
while accessing the network resources. It even monitors how long the user
has access to the network. The administrator can create an accounting
method list to specify what should be accounted for and to whom the
accounting records should be sent.
AAA implementation:
AAA can be implemented by using the local database of the device or by
using an external ACS server.
Local database:
If we want to use the local running configuration of the router or switch to
implement AAA, we should create users first for authentication and
provide privilege levels to users for Authorization.
ACS server:
This is the common method used. An external ACS server is used (can be
ACS device or software installed on Vmware) for AAA on which
configuration on both router and ACS is required. The configuration
includes creating a user, separate customized method list for
authentication, Authorization, and Accoun ting.
The client or Network Access Server (NAS) sends authentication requests
to the ACS server and the server takes the decision to allow the user to
access the network resource or not according to the credentials provided
by the user.
Authorization Tec hniques:
Role -based access control:
RBAC or Role -based access control technique is given to users as per their
role or profile in the organization. It can be implemented for system -
system or user -to-system.
JSON web token:
JSON web token or JWT is an open standard used to securely transmit the
data between the parties in the form of the JSON object. The users are
verified and authorized using the private/public key pair.
SAML stands for Security Assertion Markup Language. It is an open
standard that p rovides authorization credentials to service providers. These
credentials are exchanged through digitally signed XML documents.


Page 88

88 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
88 OpenID authorization:
It helps the clients to verify the identity of end -users on the basis of
OAuth is an authorization protocol, which enables the API to authenticate
and access the requested resources.
This is a Java Program to Illustrate how User Authentication is Done.
Enter username and password as input strings. After that we match both
strings again st given username and password. If it matches then
Authentication is successful or else Authentication fails.
Here is the source code of the Java Program to Illustrate how User
Authentication is Done. The Java program is successfully compiled and
run on a Windows system. The program output is also shown below.
1. import java.util.Scanner;
2. public class User_Authentication
3. {
4. public static void main (String args[])
5. {
6. String username, password ;
7. Scanner s = new Scanner (System .in);
8. System .out.print("Enter username:"); //username:user
9. username = s.nextLine();
10. System .out.print("Enter password:"); //password:user
11. password = s.nextLine();
12. if(username. equals("user") && password. equals("user"))
13. {
14. System .out.println("Authentication Successful");
15. }
16. else
17. {
18. System .out.println("Authentication Failed"); munotes.in

Page 89

89 Implementation of Identity Management Using Cloud 19. }
20. }
21. }
$ javac User_Authentication.java
$ java User_Authentication

Enter username:use r
Enter password:user
Authentication Successful

Enter username:abcd
Enter password:1234
Authentication Failed
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of users or
information. User authentication is the process of verifying the identity of
the user when that user logs in to a computer system. The main objective
of authentication is to allow authorized users to access the computer and to
deny access to unauthorized users.
Default Assumption: User name = Sandeep Kamble, Password =
Sandeep Kamble
Input: User name = Sandeep Kamble, Password = Sandeep Kamble
Output: Authentication Successful
Input: User name = Sandeep Kamble, Password = Hello world
Output: User name/ Password not matching
1. Take username and password as string in put from the user.
2. Check if the username matches the password or not.
3. If it matches then welcome the user.
4. Else display an appropriate message.
Below is the implementation of the above approach

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90 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
90 Java Code:
// Java program to check the authentication of the user
// Importing the modules

import java.util.*;

// Gfg Class
public class Gfg
// Main CLass
public static void main(String args[])
// Declaring the username and password
String user_name = "Sandeep Kamble";
String password = "Sandeep Kamble";

// Checking the validity of the input
if(user_name.equals("Sandeep Kamble") &&
password.equals("Sandeep Kamble"))
// Printing Output
System.out.println("Authenti cation Successful");
// Printing Output
System.out.println("User name/ Password not matching");
Authentication Successful


Page 91

91 Implementation of Identity Management Using Cloud Login Form Java:
In Java, a form for entering aut hentication credentials to access the
restricted page is referred to as a Login form. A login form contains only
two fields, i.e., username and password. Each user should have a unique
username that can be an email, phone number, or any custom username.
After submitting the login form, the underlying code of the form checks
whether the credentials are authentic or not to allow the user to access the
restricted page. If the users provide unauthentic credentials, they will not
be able to forward the login for m.
Steps to create login form:
In order to create a login form in Java, we have to follow the following
1. Create a class that uses the JFrame and ActionListener to design the
login form and perform the action.
2. Create user interface components using sw ings and awt and add them
to the panel.
3. Override the actionPerformed() method that will call on the button
4. In this method, we will verify the user entered credentials.
5. Create a new page using JFrame and navigate the user to it if the
credentials are authentic.
6. Else show an error message to the user.
Let's follow the above steps and implement the login form using swing
and awt in Java:
1. //import required classes and packages
2. import javax.swing.*;
3. import java.awt.*;
4. import java. awt.event.*;
5. import java.lang.Exception;
7. //create CreateLoginForm class to create login form
8. //class extends JFrame to create a window where our component add
9. //class implements ActionListener to perform an action on button clic
k munotes.in

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92 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
92 10. class CreateL oginForm extends JFrame implements ActionListener
11. {
12. //initialize button, panel, label, and text field
13. JButton b1;
14. JPanel newPanel;
15. JLabel userLabel, passLabel;
16. final JTextField textField1, textField2;
18. //calling constructor
19. CreateLoginForm()
20. {
22. //create label for username
23. userLabel = new JLabel();
24. userLabel.setText("Username"); //set label value for textField
26. //create text field to get username from the user
27. textField1 = new JTextField(15); //set length of the text
29. //create label for password
30. passLabel = new JLabel();
31. passLabel.setText("Password"); //set label value for textField
33. //create text field to get password from the user
34. textField2 = new JPasswordField(15); //set length for the pass
36. //create submit button munotes.in

Page 93

93 Implementation of Identity Management Using Cloud 37. b1 = new JButton("SUBMIT"); //set label to button
39. //create panel to put form elements
40. newPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3, 1));
41. newPanel.add(userLabel); //set username label to panel
42. newPanel.add(textField1); //set text field to panel
43. newP anel.add(passLabel); //set password label to panel
44. newPanel.add(textField2); //set text field to panel
45. newPanel.add(b1); //set button to panel
47. //set border to panel
48. add(newPanel, BorderLayo ut.CENTER);
50. //perform action on button click
51. b1.addActionListener(this); //add action listener to button
52. setTitle("LOGIN FORM"); //set title to the login form
53. }
55. //define abstract meth od actionPerformed() which will be called on
button click
56. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) //pass action listen
er as a parameter
57. {
58. String userValue = textField1.getText(); //get user entered us
ername from the textField1
59. String passValue = textField2.getText(); //get user entered p
asword from the textField2
61. //check whether the credentials are authentic or not
62. if (userValue.equals("test1@gmail.com") && passValue.equal s(
"test")) { //if authentic, navigate user to a new page munotes.in

Page 94

94 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
94 63.
64. //create instance of the NewPage
65. NewPage page = new NewPage();
67. //make page visible to the user
68. page.setVisible(t rue);
70. //create a welcome label and set it to the new page
71. JLabel wel_label = new JLabel("Welcome: "+userValue);
72. page.getContentPane().add(wel_label);
73. }
74. else{
75. //show error message
76. System.out.println("Please enter valid username and password
77. }
78. }
79. }
80. //create the main class
81. class LoginFormDemo
82. {
83. //main() method start
84. public static void main(String arg[])
85. {
86. try
87. {
88. //create instance of the CreateLoginForm
89. CreateLoginForm form = new CreateLoginForm();
90. form.setSize(300,100); //set size of the frame
91. form.setVisible(true); //make form visible to the user munotes.in

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95 Implementation of Identity Management Using Cloud 92. }
93. catch(Exception e)
94. {
95. //handle exception
96. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage());
97. }
98. }
99. }
1. //import required classes and packages
2. import javax.swing.*;
3. import java.awt.*;
5. //create NewPage class to create a new page on which user will naviga
6. class NewPage extends JFrame
7. {
8. //constructor
9. NewPage()
10. {
11. setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.
12. WindowCo nstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
13. setTitle("Welcome");
14. setSize(400, 200);
15. }
16. }
Now, when we run the LoginFormDemo.java class, a panel will be open
having the label, text fields, and button. We enter the credentials and hit
on the submit button. If the credentials are authentic, the login form will
navigate us to the welcome page as described below: munotes.in

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96 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab

7.2 SUMMARY Identity management in cloud computing is highly critical to your
organization. It can persuade the productivity of your employees and
the security of your organization. It can also have immense control over
what technology solutions you select.
However, IAM solutions have to be supple across identity management
and access control in cloud computing to match the curr ent complexities
of the computing environment. If you are locked into some conventional
platforms or service providers because of your active directory ad service,
explore a vendor -neutral cloud identity management solution.
7.3 REFERENCES 1) The Basics o f Hacking and Penetration Testing
2) Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
3) The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Finding and Exploiting
Security Flaws
7.4 UNIT END EXERCISES Crea te a Login form on your own using java.

Page 97

Unit Structure
8.0 Objective
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Summary
8.3 References
8.4 Unit End Exercises
8.0 OBJECTIVE Application development is the process of creating a computer program or
a set of programs to perform the different tasks that a business requires.
From calculating monthly expenses to scheduling sales reports,
applications help businesses automate processes and increase efficiency .
Cloud application development is a hot topic of 2020. The cloud approach
gives companies lots of valuable benefits: development cost reduction, (no
need for hardware, servers, or even some software), higher accessibility of
the final product, a new level of standardization, and scaling opportunities
8.1 INTRODUCTION The world ha s seen an important increase in the demand for Cloud -based
applications . This has in turn increased the demand for Cloud application
development. As a result, the past few ye ars have had a consolidation of
the Cloud computing market.
Cloud apps and services are used, directly or indirectly, by almost
everyone. Businesses have also increased their use of Cloud -based
applications and services, even if they sometimes don’t know it. If you use
SaaS tools, you are surely using a Cloud app. However, Cloud apps are
more than just that.
For many, Cloud apps are still a mystery — one that we plan to explain
throughout this article. As an app development company, we know it is
importa nt for any business to properly make use of Cloud services. If you
want to understand what Cloud computing and Cloud application
development are, how your company can benefit from them, or even if
you just want examples of Cloud apps, this article is for y ou. munotes.in

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98 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
98 What Is the ‘Cloud’?
The ‘Cloud’ refers to HiTech computing services that travel over the
internet to some servers in a different location. This IT infrastructure is
usually managed by a third p arty who charges a fee in exchange for the
computing power and other cloud -based services. In general, Cloud
services allow companies to hire the computing power they need in a
flexible way and without having to directly own or manage the IT
infrastructure themselves.
This technology and its associated services have been gaining popularity
because of the benefits they bring. Thanks to fast internet connections and
efficient computers, it is now possible to make information move fast
enough to have Cloud -based apps that feel almost as if the computing
action occurred natively in the device. Thanks to 5G connections , Cloud
computing is almost resembling Edge computing , helping develop better
and more powerful IoT systems .
Thanks to reduced latency, it is possible to transfer information fast
enough fr om one place to another in such a way that no delay is felt by the
user. Latency is the delay that occurs between the action of a user and an
app’s response. A reduced latency allows for more real -time and fast -
response apps, opening up all sorts of possib ilities for businesses through
better software.
The Cloud market has become more important for a variety of industries
throughout 2020 due to the increased use of tools like Zoom and Google
Meet, which are used by individuals and remote -ready companies alike,
but also to Software as a Service (SaaS) apps like Netflix and Spotify
which are used by people all over the world.
By avoiding the need to own, manage, and configure their own IT
infrastructure through outsourcing, companies can focus on their core
purpose. This has been a game -changer for many software -based
companies and their IT -dependent business models.
What Is a ‘Cloud -Based Application’?
Cloud -based applications, als o known as Cloud apps, seem to be taking
over. In theory, a Cloud app is one that uses Cloud -based services. So,
whether an app is mobile or web, they probably use some sort of Cloud
service. What really differentiates a Cloud app from a native one is the
extent to which they use Cloud services.
Increased dependence on the Cloud’s processing power is the result of
companies building innovative and creative solutions to all sorts of
problems that use technology to do things that were previously impossible.
Thanks to the ability to process large amounts of data (Big Data) through
third party owned IT infrastructure, companies can perform massive
calculations and deliver top services. munotes.in

Page 99

99 App Development Using Cloud Computing In particular, Cloud services have opened up the possibility for many web-
based Cloud applications , also known as web apps. A web app is one
where most of the computation occurs in the Cloud, not on the device
itself, and usually built with the use of Cloud applicatio n development
services. A new form of web app, known as a Progressive Web App
(PWA) , is also seeing an increase in popularity.
Benefits of a Cloud Ap p:
Cloud application development offers various benefits for businesses that
wish to use technology to solve a problem. Some of the benefits are:
● Improved app performance: as more computations are performed
on the server side of an app, users will experien ce a faster and more
reliable service.
● Increased uptime: thanks to the reliability of Cloud services, a
Cloud -based application will remain up easier than through your own
IT infrastructure.
● Scalability: businesses can hire on -demand the processing power t hey
need, being this very convenient for moments of high computer
processing demand.
● Update software easily: through Cloud technologies, it is possible to
update an app easily through a massive deployment.
● Security: Cloud services help reduce the risk of p hysical IT
infrastructure failure.
Cloud Application Development: Developing Applications for the
Cloud application development is the process through which a Cloud -
based app is built. It involves different stages of software development,
each of which prepares your app to go live and hit the market. The best
Cloud app development teams use DevOps practices and tools
like Kube rnetes . However, an experienced app development
company should ideally be technology agnostic, which means being able
to build your Cloud app using any technology you prefer. Most apps built
using the Cloud are high ly dependent on the Cloud to operate.
Application development on Cloud infrastructure allows web and PWA
development services to reduce development costs , opens up the
possibility to work with remote te ams, and reduces project times if used
correctly with software development methodologies like Agile . However,
not all companies are experienced enough to perform many complex
aspects of the app development process using the Cloud. Businesses
looking to develop digital products like web -based Cloud applications
need to make sure that they work with a trusted Cloud -experienced app
development company . munotes.in

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100 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
100 Although some businesses have their own Cloud development teams, most
will hire an app development company with experience in Cloud services.
A great way to verify an app developme nt company’s experience with the
Cloud is through certifications like AWS . Koombea, for example, is
a certified AWS partner .
Cloud Application Example:
Many of the apps we us e on a day -to-day basis use the Cloud in one way
or another. Cloud application development has resulted in amazing tools
and services like:
● Miro : a virtual board where you can work with other users in a
number of fun an d creative ways.
● Figma : a powerful Cloud -based design app that is gaining many fans
thanks to its collaborative nature.
● Dropbox or Google Drive : easily store your files on the Cloud and
make them available for others, wherever they are.
Collaboration is one element that stands out from most Cloud -based apps.
Although there are other important ones, the possibility to collaborate wit h
users from all over the world, even in real -time, is one major advantage of
Cloud apps.
How to Develop a Cloud Application:
Thanks to app development services, it is now possible for all sorts of
businesses to develop a Cloud -based application. At Koombea , we’ve
been building Cloud applications for companies throughout different
industries, always helping our clients understand their business model and
how it can make use efficiently of the Cloud to maximize their g oals.
What is a cloud -based app?
A cloud -based application is a software application that is deployed in a
cloud environment.
Every application has a user interface (the part the user sees and interacts
with) and a back end (the part that processes data a nd makes the app’s
functions work).
In common mobile applications, data and business logic are processed by
a smartphone and a computer processor. In cloud applications, these tasks
are performed by a remote server. Cloud application development is
benefic ial because most of the data storage is located on a remote server.
Characteristics of cloud -based apps:
● Application data is stored in cloud infrastructure, so there are minimal
device requirements to run cloud applications. munotes.in

Page 101

101 App Development Using Cloud Computing ● You can store data locally so a n application can work offline. As soon
as the device is back online, the app will automatically sync with the
● Customers can use a cloud -based app from any internet -connected
device such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. All information is
stored in the cloud, so users can pick up where they left off on any
There are three types of cloud -based apps: SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS. Let’s
figure out what each of them stands for.
Types of cloud -based apps:

Let’s see the th ree types of cloud applicatio ns:
Software as a Service (SaaS) :
A cloud -based SaaS solution can be used through mobile apps and web
browsers. The SaaS model allows customers to use an application without
installing and configuring it. With the internet, you can use SaaS solutions
aroun d the world from any device.
Companies tend to use SaaS office software like G Suite and messengers
like Slack. However, many people also use services like Dropbox for
personal use.
Platform as a Service (PaaS) :
PaaS solutions offer everything necessary fo r application development.
PaaS relies on a cloud service provider for development tools,
infrastructure, and operating systems. PaaS vendors provide software and
hardware tools to simplify the development process.
PaaS solutions can include:
● Development t ools munotes.in

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102 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
102 ● Middleware
● Operating systems
● Database management tools
● Infrastructure
Windows Azure, Heroku, and OpenShift are a few examples of services
that use the PaaS cloud computing model.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
With a IaaS solution, a service prov ider manages your business’s
infrastructure — servers, network, and storage — through a public or
private cloud.
Business owners can access IaaS infrastructure with an API or admin
With the IaaS model, you can manage operating systems and applicatio ns
while vendors such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and DigitalOcean provide
you with hardware, networks, hard drives, storage, and servers.
Cloud app development: Key differences:
What about the specifics of developing cloud applications?
● Developing a cloud ap plication requires deep interaction between
programmers, data architects, designers, and quality assurance
managers. Developers need to be familiar with various cloud
platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure,
Force.com, and Apache Cloud Stack. In addition, they should consider
connectivity with APIs (application programming interfaces) and
CDNs (content delivery networks).
● Your development team must consider that your final solution should
be scalable. One of the important reasons why com panies choose to
store their data in the cloud is that cloud storage is easy to expand,
even within a short period of time.
● Cloud applications can be technically unlimited in size, but cloud
hosting isn’t free. Concentrating user requests and optimizing da ta
size should be top development priorities.
● To convince people to use your application, you need to ensure their
data is stored securely, which isn’t always easy since you’re dealing
with cloud technologies that don’t have a single data store. This is
why an app’s codebase should be kept separate from other data.
Cloud -based application development step by step:
Developing a cloud application is different from developing a web or
mobile application. A mobile app development team builds a cloud munotes.in

Page 103

103 App Development Using Cloud Computing solution by relying on your chosen service provider. Amazon Web
Services (AWS) is probably the best and most reliable solution on the
market right now. It offers a number of great tools and features for
developing cloud applications.
You should be willing to invest t ime and money in creating any digital
product. Cloud solutions are no exception. Before you start development,
you need to understand the problems your app users face and find a way to
solve them using your product.
Step #1. Research your app’s target mark et:
When developing a cloud -based mobile app, the first thing you need to
consider is the target audience. Understanding your users’ needs makes
development easier and leads to a better final product. Find out as much as
you can about your potential users. You can start by researching the
● Demographics . Find out the average age of your users, where they
live, what devices they use, etc.
● Behavioral trends . Find out what decreases a user’s desire to
download an app, your users’ security expectations , and so on.
To develop an amazing mobile application, we suggest creating a user
persona, or a detailed portrait of your ideal user.
Step #2. Hire a development team :
The second step is to find a development team you want to work with. The
first phase of development will include business analysis, developing a
technical specification, estimating the development cost, and planning the
Before diving into the actual development of your mobile app, you and
your team should create an app development wo rkflow, choose the main
features for the app, and design an app concept. Then your development
team should create project milestones and start working on the MVP.
Step #3. Consider the architecture and features :
For your application to be successful, you n eed to carefully consider the
architecture and service model. These decisions affect your application’s
performance, so it’s best to consult with specialists who can advise you.
It’s a good idea to create an advanced data architecture. Classi c solutions
are always reliable. However, for cloud applications, a microservices
architecture is commonly used.


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104 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
104 Service model:
The service model you select — SaaS, PaaS, IaaS — must match the type
of cloud solution you’re developing. For example, when d eveloping an
application like Slack, you need to take a SaaS approach.
Step #4. Define the tech stack :
When choosing tools for developing cloud applications, you should
consult with experts. They’ll analyze your requirements, features, and
designs to selec t the right set of technologies for your product.
Also, be mindful of your application’s scalability to keep your solution up
to date.
Here’s a possible tech stack for a cloud -based application:
Application and data:
● Akamai
● Cloudant
● ClearDB
● Goog le Analytics
● Twilio
● Optimizely
● Heap
● Recurly
● Zuora
● Cyfe
● TransmogrifAI
● Jenkins
● Bitbucket
● New Relic
● Datadog
● Puppet Labs
● Cloud9 IDE
● Sauce Labs munotes.in

Page 105

105 App Development Using Cloud Computing ● StillAlive
Business tools:
● Jira
● G Suite
● InVision
● Salesforce Sales Cloud
● Balsamiq
● DocuSign
● UXPin
Mobile and We b App Development:
Step #5. Choose a monetization model :
The next step is to choose the right monetization model for your mobile
application. Now that you know your users’ needs, you can predict what
your users will pay for. Here are three monetization mod els to choose
● Paid . This monetization model is quite straightforward: users pay
once to access your app.
● Freemium . With this model, users can download your app for free.
They can then pay to upgrade their accounts or use premium features.
● In-app purc hases . With in -app purchases, users can pay for different
items, features, or content inside the app.
● Advertising . You can choose one of the following ad options:
• Cost per click : Charge advertisers every time a user interacts
with their ads in your app.
• Cost per mille : Charge advertisers for every 1,000 ad
impressions in your app.
• Cost per action : Charge advertisers only when users complete a
target action, such as installing an app or signing up for a
Step #6. Create an MVP :
Creating a cloud -based app is a big and complex project. We recommend
launching a minimum viable product (MVP) first and testing its technical
and business performance. By using an MVP approach, you’ll be able to
find out what users like and don’t like in your app. Then you’ ll be able to
consider their feedback and improve your app. munotes.in

Page 106

106 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab
106 Step #7. Test your product carefully :
Cloud -based app development should include a testing stage. Before
launching your product, your development team has to test it to find any
At this poin t, you’ll verify that your application is working correctly and
provides a satisfying user experience. To do this, it’s best to cooperate
with a full -cycle development company.
Full-cycle development companies offer development, design, testing, and
manage ment services. With one team working on your project from start
to finish, communication is vastly simplified. This results in higher
product quality.
Step #8. Launch the app and keep it up to date :
You can release your app on the App Store (iOS) and Googl e Play
(Android). Google Play uses automated testing to speed up the app store
approval process. However, if your application is rejected by Google, it
can be difficult to find out why.
The App Store delegates app validation to real people. If validators d on’t
approve your app, they’ll ask you to make specific changes.
If you want to distribute your app exclusively within your organization via
the App Store, you’ll need to pay $299 a year to join the Apple Developer
Enterprise Program. Google Play doesn’t c harge for its analogous service.
Here’s a list of information you need to prepare before submitting your
For Google Play:
● Screenshots
● App name
● Description keywords
● Support URL
● Marketing URL
● Privacy policy URL
● App icon
● Categories
● Rating
● Copyrig ht
● Demo account
● Version information munotes.in

Page 107

107 App Development Using Cloud Computing ● Pricing information
For the App Store:
● Title (app name)
● Short description
● Full description
● Screenshots
● High -resolution icon
● Featured graphic
● Promo video (optional)
● Type and category
● Content rating
● Languages and translati ons (if any)
● Contact details
● Privacy policy
● Compatible devices
● Pricing and distribution
Some of the materials listed will cost you nothing to produce, while others
will be quite expensive. Creating a copyright and privacy policy usually
takes time and expe nsive legal services. How much does it cost to list an
app on the App Store and Google Play if a development company helps
you? Releasing an application can take different amounts of time
depending on the amount of work the company has to do.
Also, remembe r that before your app is published on either app store, it
must go through an approval process. This procedure can take some time
and require additional development costs. If your app doesn’t meet
platform rules or requirements, it won’t be accepted.
If your app isn’t accepted, you may need to make a few changes in order
to get it approved. Some mobile app development companies provide their
services until your app gets approved, but others don’t.
Example 1: Dynamically changing the background color of a w ebpage on
each click
HTML munotes.in

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108 Distributed System and Cloud Computing Lab

Enter Your Color Choice



Page 109

109 App Development Using Cloud Computing 8.2 SUMMARY Cloud computing is the delive ry of computing resources — including
storage, processing power, databases, networking, analytics, artificial
intelligence, and software applications — over the internet (the cloud).
8.3 REFERENCES 1) The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing
2) Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
3) The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Finding and Exploiting
Security Flaws
8.4 Unit End Exercises Write a code to take username as input and dynam ically changing the text
content of web page.
