Nano Sci Nano Tech MSc Sem I and II syllabus_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Item No. ____________
Program : M.Sc.
Course : Nanosciences and
Syllabus for Semester :I and II
(Choice Based and Credit System with effect from the
Academic year 20 20-21)
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Cover Page
Date: July 16, 2020 Signature :
Prof. Prakash Mahanwar Dr. AnuradhaMajumdar
Chairman of BoS
(Nanosciences and Nanotechnology) Dean,
Science and Technology
Sr. No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course M.Sc. in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology
2 Eligibility for Admission The admissions of Indian candidates are through a national level entrance
examination. Applicants seeking admission to this course must have a B.Sc.
degree from recognized university having specialization in Physics,
Chemistry, Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology,
and Geology with minimum second class.
3 Passing Marks 60 %
4 Ordinances / Regulations
( if any)
5 No. of Years / Semesters 2 Years (4 semesters)
6 Level Certificate/Diploma/UG /PG
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Semester/ Yearly
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status Revised/ New /
( Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year From Academic Year: 2020 -2021 AC___________
Item No. ______
Syllabus for Approval
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In order to initiate awareness of research ongoing in the field of Nanosciences and
nanotechnology, NCNNUM has introduced post -graduation course work entitled Masters of Science
(Nanosciences and Nanotechnology). The course work designed /proposed herewith not only gives
awareness to PG students towards the subject/technology but also provides flexibility to work in
interdisciplinary manner to provide solutions for society problems in more scientific way.
Understanding growing demands and the need to literate and motivate young generation towards the
field of N anosciences and Nanotechnology where t he field has already reduced the gap in between
scientific research and technological breakthroughs in various area including medical, space, military ,
communication technology etc. :
The revised course syllabus proposed herewith will achieve the necessary training and skills
by next generation industry for students and engineers undertaking research, development and
production in nanosciences and nanofabrication.
Dr. Anuradha Majumdar
(Dean, Science and Technology)
Prof. Shivram Garje
(Associate Dean, Science)
Name of Chairperson (BoS) : Prof. Mahanwar, ICT
Member(BoS) : Dr. AtulChaskar
Member (BoS ) : Dr. SuhasJejurikar
Member (BoS) : Dr. PravinWalke
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Semester I
Compulsory Theory Courses:
1. CNN -101 Essential Physics (4 Credits)
2. CNN -102 Essential Chemistry (4 Credits)
3. CNN -103 Essential Mathematics (4 Credits)
4. CNN -104 Essential Biology (4 Credits)
Compulsory practical Course:
1. CNN -111 Physics Practical (2 Credit)
2. CNN -112 Chemistry practical (2 Credit)
3. CNN -113 Biology practical (2 Credit)
4. CNN -114 Mathematics practical (2 Credit)
Semester II
Compulsory Theory Courses:
1. CNN -201 Solid State Physics and Thermodynamics (4 Credits)
2. CNN -202 Fundamentals of Nanomaterials (4 Credits)
3. CNN -203 Atoms, Molecules and Sp ectra’s (4 Credits)
4. CNN -204 Experimental Methods (4 Credits)
Optional Theory Courses:
1. CNN -205 Nano biotechnology: Concepts, Applications & Tools (4 credits)
2. CNN -206 Nanotechnology in food and agriculture (4 credits)
3. CNN -207 Medical Nanotechnology (4 credits)
4. CNN -208 Nanotechnology –Environmental, Ethical &
Economic Impact (4 credits)
Compulsory practical’s Course:
1. CNN -211 Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials I (2 Credit)
2. CNN -212 Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials II (2 Credit)
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Semester I
Course Code : CNN 101 Compulsory Course
Name of the course : Essential Physics
Credits : 4 Total Lectures : 60
Survey of Elementary Principles (15L)
Review of Newton's Laws of motion, Conservation laws, Motion of charged particles electric,
magnetic and electromagnetic field, Mechanics of system of particles, Energy and momentum
conservation by system of particles. Generalized coordinates, Constraints, Principle of virtual work,
D'Alembert's Principle and Lagrange Equations .
Lagrangian formulation andHamiltonian dynamics (15 L)
Equivalence of Lagrange and newtons equations, Velocity dependent potential and Rayleigh
dissipation function, Application of Lagrangian formulations (Single particle in space, Atwood's
Machine, Time dependent constraints), Hamilton’s principle and Lagrange Equations. Configuration
space, techniques of calculus variation .
Elementary Atomic physics (15 L)
Particle like properties o f radiation: Photoelectric Effect, Compton Effect, Dual Nature of
Electromagnetic Radiation, photons, Wavelike properties of particle, The Wave -Particle Duality,
Atomic Spectra, Bohr's Postulates, Bohr's Model, Atomic Energy States, Quantization Rules,
Sommerfeld's Model, The Correspondence Principle.
Elementary Electronics ( 15 L)
Basic components and working principles of A.C. and D.C. circuits, Basics ideas of Diodes and
Transistors, Digital Electronics -Logic gates, Logic gates and basic Boolean operations;
Reference books:
1. Classical Mechanics by H. Goldstein, C. Pool, and J. Sa fko; Addison Wesley
2. Classical Mechanics by P.V. Panat; Narosa publications
3. Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles by R. Eisberg; John
Wiley and Sons
4. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy by W. S. Struve, John Wiley and Sons
5. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy by C. N. Banwell, McGraw -Hill
6. Electronic Principles by A. Malvino and D. Bates
7. Quantum Chemistry by R. K. Prasad
8. Quantum Chemistry by I. N. Levine : Pearson Prentice Hall
Course Code : CNN 102 Compulsory Course
Name of the course : Essential Chemistry
Credits : 4 Total Lectures : 60
Chemical Kinetics (15 L)
Accounting for the rate laws: simple reactions, temperature dependence of reaction rates, consecutive
reactions, (rate determinin g step approximation and steady -state approximation), pre -equilibria,
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unimolecular reactions – Lindeman -Hinshelwood mechanism. Kinetics of complex reactions - Chain
reactions, polymerization reactions, explosions, photochemical reactions. Fast reactions: S tudy of
kinetics by stop -flow technique, relaxation methods, flash photolysis, magnetic resonance method.
Molecular reaction dynamics – collision theory, steric factor, diffusion controlled reactions, activated
complex theory, reaction coordinate and trans ition state, thermodynamic aspects, reaction between
ions, salt effects, dynamics of molecular collisions, potential energy surfaces. Homogeneous catalysis
– enzyme catalysis, Michael -Menten mechanism, acid base catalysis, autocatalysis, oscillating
reacti ons. Heterogeneous catalysis – catalytic activity at surfaces. Examples: hydrogenation,
oxidation, cracking and forming.
Chemical Bonding (15 L)
Hybridisation: Derivation of wave functions for the following orbital hybridization types: sp (BeH2);
sp2 (BF3 ); sp3 (CH4) considering only sigma bonding. Molecular Orbital Theory (LCAO -MO
approach) for (a) Electron deficient species (B2H6), and (b) Electron rich species (tri -iodide ion, I3 -).
Hydrogen bonding – concept, types, properties, methods of detection and importance. Van der Waal’s
forces, ion -dipole, dipole -dipole, London forces. Bent’s Rule . Reactivity of molecules: e.g. chloro -
fluorides of phosphorous, fluoro -methane’s , etc.
Organometallic Chemistry (15 L)
Synthesis, structure and bonding in the following organometallic compounds: (a) Alkyl and Aryl
derivatives, (b) Carbenes and Carbynes, (c) Alkene complexes, (d) Alkyne complexes, (e) Al kyl
complexes, (f) Cyclopentadiene complexes and (g) Arenes complexes ( sandwich and half sandwich
complexes) (vi) Sixteen electron rule and electron counting with examples.
Surface Chemistry and Colloids (15 L)
The colloidal state (Introduction, classification and the colloidal systems); structural characteristics;
preparatio n and purification of the colloidal systems; Kinetic properties: The motion of the particle in
liquid media; Brownian motion and translational diffusion; The ultracentrifuge; Osmotic pressure;
Rotary Brownian motion; Optical properties: Optical and electro n microscope; light scattering Liquid
gas, liquid -liquid interfaces; Surface and interfacial tensions; Adsorption and orientation at interfaces;
association colloids -micelle formation; spreading; monomolecular films; The solid -gas interface;
Adsorption of gases and vapors on solids; Composition and structure of solid surfaces; The solid
liquid interface; contact angle and wetting; Ore flotation; Detergency; Adsorption from solution:
Charged Interfaces: The electric double layer; Electro kinetic phenomena; E lectro kinetic theory;
Colloid Stability: Lyophobic sold; systems containing lyophilic material; stability control; Rheology;
Introduction; Viscosity; Non -Newtonian flow; Viscoelasticity; Emul sion and foams: Oil in water ;
Reference Books:
A. W. Admson, Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, Wiley -Interscience (1990)
R. Aveyard and D. Haydon, An introduction to the principles of surface chemistry,
Cambridge University Press (1973)
P. Hiemenz, Principle of colloid and surface chemistry, Dekker (19 86)
E. Matijevic, Surface and colloid science, Wiley Inter science (1969)
M. Rosen, Surfactants and Interfacial phenomena, Wiley (1978)
T. Tadros, Surfactants, Academic Press (1984)
K. J. Laidter, Chemical Kinetics, Pearson Press
McQuarine and Simon, Ph ysical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach
P. W. Atkinson, Physical Chemistry: ELBS with Oxford University Press
I. N. Levine, Physical Chemistry: Mc -Grow Hill
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Course Code : CNN 103 Compulsory Course
Name of the course : Essential Mathematics
Credits : 4 Total Lectures : 60
Analysis and Linear Algebra (15L)
Comprehensive review of graduate level mathematics; One Variable calculus, Real and complex
numbers, Differentiation, mean value theorem; Limits and Convergence of Sequences and series,
continuity, Taylor series, McLaurin series, Fundamental theorem of calculus, Improper integrals,
Linear Algebra: Vector Spaces (15L)
Basis and dimension, Linear transformations, Direct sums, products, Deter minants, Matrices, Matrix
algebra, Eigenvalues and Eigen vectors, Characteristic polynomial, Cayley - Hamilton theorem,
Minimal polynomial, Algebraic geometric multiplicities, Diagonalization.
Trigonometry, applications of Fourier series and transforms( 15L)
Introduction to basic concepts (Pythagoras theorem, ratios, functional forms), Trigonometric
waveforms, (graphs of wavefunctions, propagation of wave, sinusoidal forms, waveform harmonics);
Fourier series, transforms, properties of Fourier transforms
Functional Analysis, Probability and Statistics (1 5L)
Basic Topological concepts, metric spaces, normed linear spaces, Banach spaces, bounded linear
functional and dual spaces, the Hahn -Banach Theorem, bounded linear operators, open -mapping
theorem, closed g raph theorem, the Banach - Steinhaus theorem, Hilbert spaces, the Reisz
Representation Theorem, orthonormal sets, orthogonal complements, bounded operators on Hilbert
space up to the spectral theorem for compact, self -adjoint operators.
Elementary probabil ity: Axioms, conditional probability, Baye’s theorem, Permutations and
combinations, Random numbers, distributions - discrete, continuous, Poisson, Gaussian. Statistics:
Experiments, samples, populations; Averages, variance, standard deviation, moment, cova riance and
correlation; Maximum -Likelihood method - ML estimator, Bayesian interpretation, large N behavior;
Least Squares Method, Hypothesis testing: Student’s t -Test, goodness of fit
Reference books:
Mathematical methods for Physics and engineering -by Riley, Hobson and Bence
Elementary Linear Algebra (9th Edition) -by Howard Anton, Chris Rorres
Introduction to real analysis -by Bartle.
Course Code : CNN 104 Compulsory Course
Name of the course : Essential Biology
Credits : 4 Total Lectures : 60
Molecules of Life (15 L)
Water (Structure, properties and physiological importance; pH and biological buffer systems);
Carbohydrates (Classification, structures, properties and functions); Lipids, phospholipids,
biological significance of lipids); Amino acids (Classification based on polarity, nutritional and
metabolic requirement, structure and properties); Proteins (function and properties, peptide bond,
protein structure -prima ry, secondary, tertiary and quaternary, forces stabilizing the structure of
proteins and macromolecules); Enzymes (class and functions, mechanism of action of enzymes,
regulation of enzymes); Nucleic acids (structure of purines, pyrimidines, nucleoside, n ucleotide,
DNA and RNA, types of nucleic acids); central dogma of molecular biology
Page 10
Biophysical techniques (15L)
Observation of cells – microscopy; isolation and breaking of cells; preparation of biological
samples for analysis; separation of cells – centrifugation; isolation, purification and characterization
of bio -molecules; separation and purification techniques – chromatography and electrophoresis;
spectrophotometry; isotope trace and autoradiography; tools to study the conformation of
macromolecules and their interactions
Cell Biology (15L)
Chemical nature of cells; structure of cells (Prokaryotic – bacteria and archaebacteria, eukaryotic –
fungal, plant and animal viruses – structure and classification); Ultrastructure of cell membrane and
call wall – chemical composition; models and their functions; Ultrastructure od cytoplasm and
cytoplasmic organelles (golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes,
perioxisomes, nucleus, cytoskeleteon, cilia, flagella and chloroplast); Tra nsport of substances
through the cell membrane – osmosis, diffusion, types of transport – active transport (Sodium –
potassium pump) and Passive transport; Membrane potential – measuring membrane potential,
Action potential
Cell Signalling, Immune system ( 15L)
Cell communication – signalling molecules and their receptors; Functions and types of cell surface
receptors; signal transduction pathways; Signal transduction and cytoskeleton; Regulation of
programmed cell death; Immunity – innate and adaptive immun ity; Introduction to antigen
presenting cells, complement system and tumour immunology; Life cycle of HIV; Monoclonal
antibodies synthesis and application
Reference Books:
David L. Nelson and Micheal M. Cox; Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry; 5th Edi tion
(2008) and upwards; W.H. Freeman
John Kuriyan, BoyanaKonforti, David Wemmer; The Molecules of Life Physical and
Chemical Principles; (2012); Garland Science
Roland Glaser; Biophysics: An introduction; 2nd Edition (2012); Springer
Jenni Punt, Sharon St ranford,Paticia Jones, Judith A Owen; Kuby Immunology; 6th Edition
and upwards (2006); W.H.Freeman
Course Code : CNN 111 Practical Course
Name of the course : Physics Lab
Credits : 2 Total Practical’s : 12
1. Light as Wave: Wavelength determination using diffraction experiments
2. Contact Angle Measurements: Different solvents on different solids.
3. Study of Photoelectric effect, inverse square law and LDR.
4. UV-Vis-NIR Spectroscopy to extract Band gap of a Semiconductor.
5. XRD Analys is of powder samples.
6. Parallel plate capacitor & Dielectric constant measurement experiment.
7. Understanding atomic model using hydrogen spectra.
8. P – N Junction &Zener Diode Characteristics (Forward & Reverse biased)
9. Input & Output Transistor Characteristics (Common Emitter, Base & Collector).
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10. FET Characteristics.
11. MOSFET Characteristics.
12. Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements using Magnetic Hysteresis loop tracer.
13. Hall Effect, mobility and carrier concentration measurements for semiconductor.
14. Two probe - Four p robe conductivity measurement techniques.
15. Hands on experience on Thermal Evaporation setup
16. Demonstration on DC Sputtering set up
17. Demonstration on Pulsed Laser Deposition set up
18. Low temperature Resistivity measurement of a thin film.
19. Film thickness measurement using optical profilometer.
20. Leak Detection in a vacuum system using Helium Leak Detector.
Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy by C. N. Banwell, McGraw -Hill
2. Electronic Principles by A. Malvino and D. Bates
3. Handbook of Thin Film Deposition, Hartmut Frey, Hamid. R. Khan Editors.
Course Code : CNN 112 Practical Course
Name of the course : Chemistry Lab
Credits : 2 Total Practical’s : 12
1. Titration of a mixture of trich loroacetic acid, monochloroacetic acid and acetic acid with
sodium hydroxide conductometrically.
2. Verification of Ostwald’s dilution law and determination of the dissociation constant of a
weak monobasic acid conductometrically.
3. Study of the effect of substituent on dissociation constant of acetic acid conductometrically.
4. Determination of concentrations and amounts of iodide, bromide and chloride in mixture by
potentiometric titration with silver nitrate.
5. Devarda’s Alloy: Cu by ETDA method , Al by Gravimetric using oxine.
6. Cu-Ni Alloy: Cu by iodometric method; Ni gravimetrically by DMG method.
7. Determination of the stability constant of the complex formed between iron (III) and 5 -
sulphosalicyclic acid at pH=2 and pH=3 by colorimetric method.
8. Determination of solubility product of silver chloride potentiometric ally using a concentration
9. Solder Alloy: Sn gravimetrically by oxide method; Pd by EDTA method.
10. Lime Ston e Ore: Loss on ignition; Ga by ETDA method.
11. Hematite Ore: Acid insoluble residue; Fe by redox titration .
12. Determination of the formula of silver -ammonia complex by potentiometric method.
13. Determination of pK values of phosphoric acid by potentiometric titration with sodium
hydroxide using gl ass electrode.
14. Determination of acidic and basic dissociation constan ts of an amino acid and hence the
isoelectric point of the acid.
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Reference Books
A. W. Admson, Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, Wiley -Interscience (1990)
E. Matijevic, Surface and colloid science, Wiley Inter science (1969)
P. W. Atkinson, Physical Chemistry: ELBS with Oxford University Press
I. N. Levine, Physical Chemistry: Mc -Grow Hill
Course Code : CNN 113 Practical Course
Name of the course : Biology Lab
Credits : 2 Total Practical’s : 12
1. Introduction to Nanobiology Laboratory (Instrumentation, Good Laboratory Practices,
Demonstration of bio -safety measures, Autoclaving and sterilization of culture media)
2. Handling biological samples and BSL Facilities (Plant origin, Animal Origin,
Microbiological; Lab visi t to BSL2 facility; video demonstration of BSL3 and BSL4)
3. Handling and culturing of microorganisms: Plate pouring, streaking and inoculation
(microflora of food samples: mango/apple/grape/banana/fruit juices)
4. Microbial cell counting by serial dilution tech nique
5. Antimicrobial testing of microorganisms technique
6. Identifying human blood cells, Separation of serum and plasma from blood sample
7. Identification of human’s A, B, O blood group system; Determination of Rh Factor of Blood
8. Numericals to understand IC50 values
9. Synthesis of Nanoparticles from plant materials
10. Synthesis of nanoparticles from microbiological sources
11. Action of nanoparticles on biofilms
12. Affinity purification of immunoglobulins & quantification
13. Demonstration of Imaging techniques: SEM/TEM/Bio -AFM (Natural Sample sources)
14. Biocompatibility of nanoparticles – Hemolytic assay
15. Bioconjugation of nanoparticles with proteins/antibodies/DNA
16. Protein quantification by BCA/Fluorescence spectroscopy/ELISA
17. Mining of biological databa ses: DNA/Protein search
Course Code : CNN 114 Practical Course
Name of the course : Mathematical Lab
Credits : 2 Total Practical’s : 12
1. Analysis and Linear Algebra Convergence: Determine whether the given series (many) is
absolutely convergent, convergent or oscillatory.
2. Taylor and McLaurin series: Expansion of various functions using Taylor series McLaurin
3. Linear Algebra: Vector Spaces; Determinants: Evaluate given determinants and solve a set of
simultane ous linear equations.
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4. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors: Find eigenvalues and a set of eigenvectors for a given matrix
(or matrices) and determine whether the eigenvectors are mutually orthogonal.
5. Trigonometry, applications of Fourier series and transform s
Trigonometry and wavefunction: Plotting and analyzing various waveforms; Fourier Series:
various function modeling tutorial. Fourier transforms: analysis of data from various examples
in experiments.
3. Probability and Statistics
Tutorial on various distributions; Physical statistics: Data analysis - Least Squares; Bio related
statistics: Student’s t -Test analysis.
Reference Books:
Elementary Linear Algebra (9th Edition) -by Howard Anton, Chris Rorres
Introduction to real analysis -by Bartle.
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Semester II
Course Code : CNN 201 Compulsory Course
Name of the course : Solid State Physics and Thermodynamics
Credits : 4 Total Lectures: 60
Crystal Structure, Diffraction and reciprocal lattice : (15L)
Periodic Array of Atoms, Lattice Translation Vectors, Basis and the crystal structure, Primitive lattice
cell, Fundamental Types of Lattices, Index System for Crystal Planes, Simple Crystal Structures,
Direct Imaging of Atomic Structure, Non -ideal Crystal Structures, Crystal Structure Data.), Bragg
Law, Fourier Analysis, Reciprocal lattice vectors, Diffraction Conditions, Laue Equations, Brillouin
Zones, Structure factor of BCC and FCC Lattice, Atomic Form factor.
Lattice Vibrations: (15 L)
Crystals of Inert Gases: Van der Waals - London Interaction, Repulsive interaction, Equilibrium
lattice constants, Cohesive energy, Madelung Energy and Madelung constant, Covalent Crystals,
Metals, Hydrogen Bonds, Atomic Radii, Analysis of Elastic Strains, Elastic Compliance and Stiffness
Constants, Elastic Waves in Cubic Crystals, Vibrations of Crystals with Monatomic Basis, First
Brillouin Zone, Group velocity, Two Atoms per Primitive Basis, Quantization of Elastic Waves,
Phonon Momentu m, Inelastic Scattering by Phonons, Phonon Heat Capacity, Anharmonic Crystal
Interactions, Thermal Conductivity,
Magnetic ordering in crystals: (15 L)
Different Type of Magnetic materials, Basic elements of magnetism, Magnetic moment due to
electron and n uclear spin, Bohr Magneton, Diamagnetism, Classical Theory of Diamagnetism
(Langevin's Theory), Langevin's Theory of Paramagnetism, Weiss Theory of Paramagnetism,
Quantum theory of paramagnetism, Susceptibility determination, Ferromagnetism, Qualitative
Explanation of Heisenberg's Internal Field and Quantum Theory of Ferromagnetism, Weiss molecular
field, Temperature dependent behavior of ferromagnetic material, Ferromagnetic domains,
explaination of Hysterisis, Anti ferromagnetism, Ferrimagnetism. Supercond uctivity : A Experimental
survey of superconductivity, Joule heating, Critical currents, Effect of magnetic field and
phenomenon of Meissner effect, Thermal properties: entropy -specific heat -thermal conductivity,
Isotope Effect, Penetration depth, Type I an d Type II superconductors, BCS theory of
superconductivity, Coherence length, Josephson tunneling, SQUID, Different superconducting
materials and its transition temperatures,
Thermodynamics (15 L)
State functions and exact differentials. Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Heat Capacity, Joule -Thomson
coefficient. Clausius inequality, Entropy, Maximum Work, Thermodynamic equation of state,
Maxwell relations, Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy, Temperature depe ndence of thermodynamic
functions. Partial molar quantities, Chemical potential, Chemical potentials for ideal gases , gas
mixtures and homogeneous solutions in multi component systems. Free energy, entropy and enthalpy
of mixing for ideal gas mixtures and solutions, Fugacity and its relation to pressure, Equilibrium
constant and its dependence on temperature and pressure. Vapor pressure – composition diagrams,
Activity and activity coefficients, Excess functions, Gibbs -Duhem equation. Third law of
thermod ynamics, temperature dependence of entropy Phase rule and Phase Equilibria. Phase
diagrams and their classification. Lambda transitions. Phase diagrams for partially miscible liquids
for two components. Three Component Systems (Graphical representations of systems of three
liquids, one pair of partially miscible liquid, bimodal curves, plait point, influence of temperature.)
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Experimental techniques for determination of thermodynamic quantities. Applications of
Thermodynamics to Fractional Distillation, Zone Refining, Fuel Cells and Corrosion Processes.
Thermodynamics of surfaces, Gibbs adsorption isotherm. Debye -Hückel theory, ionic atmosphere,
activity coefficients of electrolyte solutions: Debye -Hückel limiting law, extension to higher
concentrations. Elec trolytic conductance and ion -ion interactions, Debye -Hückel -Onsager equation,
Debye -Falkenhagen effect, Wien effect.
Reference Books:
4. Introduction to Solid State Physics by Charles Kittle; Wiley -India.
5. Solid State Physics by Neil W. Ashcroft, N. David Mermin; Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
6. Solid State Physics by S.O. Pillai; New Age international Publishers.
7. Elementary Solid State Physics by M.A.Omar, Pearson Education.
8. Solid State Physics by Allen J.Dekker, MacMillan India Ltd.
9. Solid State Physics by M. A. Wahab; Narosa Publications
10. Solid State Physics by Philip Hofmann; Wiley -VCH
11. Introductory Solid State Physics by H.P. Myers
Course Code : CNN 202 Compulsory Course
Name of the course : Fundamentals of nanomaterials
Credits : 4 Total Lectures : 60L
Introduction to miniaturization. (15 L)
Background, historical development of nanomaterials, units, Scaling laws: (in mechanics,
electricity, electromagnetism, optics, heat transfer, fluids), organization of matter - atoms,
molecules, clusters and supramolecules. Need based introduction to quantu m effects.
Structure and Bonding: Chemical bonds (types and strength), Intermolecular forces, Molecular
and crystalline structures - Bulk to surface transition, density of states, bandgap and
dimensionality of nanomaterials, surface reconstruction, self -assembly.
Synthesis of Nanomaterials. (15 L)
Physical Methods: Mechanical, evaporation, chemical vapour deposition, ion beam techniques,
molecular beam epitaxy, laser deposition.
Chemical methods: Colloids and colloids in solution, Langmuir -Blodgett (L -B) method, micro
emulsion, sol gel methods, electrochemical methods etc.; uniformity of nanomaterials (size,
properties distribution and yield)
Bio inspired methods: Microorganisms, plant based, using proteins and DNS templates, etc.
Examples of special nanomaterials. (15 L)
2D materials, Carbon based materials, aerogels, zeolites, self -assembled nanomaterials, core
shell particles, Nano Metals, Nano Ceramics, Nano Composites, other current interest nano
structured / nano materials.
Scope of nanomaterials and their applicati ons (15 L)
Mechanical, magnetic, electrical, optical, biocompatibility, toxicity, chemical, emergent
quantum properties.
Nano -electronics, Nano -optics, Nano magnetic -, chemical - and bio -sensing, energy applications,
textiles, cosmetics, biotechnology, medical, construction, defence, and other contemporary
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Reference books:
1. Springer Handbook of Nanomaterials, -by Robert Vajtai
2. Nanotechnology: principles and practices, -by S. K. Kulkarni
3. Nanotechnology the whole story, -by B. Rogers, J Adams and S. Pennathur
Course Code : CNN 203 Compulsory Course
Name of the course :Atoms, Molecules and Spectra’s
Credits : 4 Total Lectures : 60
Quantum Mechanics ( 15 L)
The physical basis of quantum mechanics (experimental background, old quantum theory, the
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, wave packets in space and time), the Schrödinger wave equation
(development of the wave equation, interpretation of the wave fun ction, energy eigenfunction, 1 -D
square wave potential), operators of Quantum Mechanics (state vectors, observables and operators,
ket-space, bra -space and inner product, Hermitian), Representations in different bases Time -evolution
of a quantum system (Sc hrödinger, Heisenberg and Interaction pictures), 1 -D problems in quantum
mechanics (wells and barriers, Harmonic oscillator, etc.), Application of variational principle,
Hamilton's principle, Hamilton's equations of motion.
Atoms and Molecules ( 15L)
Multielectron atoms (identical Particles, The Exclusion Principle, Exchange Forces and the Helium
Atom, Ground States of Multielectron Atoms and the Periodic Table, X -Ray Line Spectra, Alkali
Atoms, Atoms with Several Optically Active Electrons, LS Couplin g, energy Levels of the Carbon
Atom, The Zeeman Effect), Molecules (Ionic Bonds, Covalent Bonds, Molecular Spectra, Rotational
Spectra, Vibration -Rotation Spectra , Electronic Spectra
Metals semiconductors and insulators : (15 L)
Band Gap, Electrical Cond uction in Metals, The Quantum Free -Electron Model, The Motion of
Electrons in a Periodic Lattice, Effective Mass, Electron -Positron Annihilation in Solids,
Semiconductors, Semiconductor Devices.
Dielectric Properties of Materials: (15 L)
Fundamental Definitions in Dielectrics, Different types of Electric polarization, Frequency and
Temperature Effects on Polarization, Dielectric Loss, Local Field on Internal Field Clausius -Mosotti
Relation, Determination of Dielectric Constant Dielectric B reakdown, Properties of Different Types
of Insulating Materials.
Reference Books:
• Introduction to quantum mechanics by D. Griffiths, Prentice Hall
• Principles of Quantum Mechanics by R. Shanka, Plenum Press
• Quantum Mechanics by L. I. Schiff, McGrew Hill
• Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles by R. Eisberg, John
Wiley and Sons
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• Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy by W. S. Struve, John Wiley and Sons
• Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy by C. N. Banwell, McGraw -Hill.
Quantum Chemistry by R. K. Prasad
Quantum Chemistry by I. N. Levine: Pearson Prentice Hall
Physical Chemistry: A molecular approach by McQuarine and Simon: Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.
Fundamentals of quantum chemistry by R. Anantharaman :Macmillan In dia Limited
Course Code : CNN 204 Compulsory Course
Name of the course : Experimental Methods
Credits : 4 Total Lectures: 60
Vacuum Pumps and Gauges (15L)
Fundamentals of Vacuum (Vacuum, Types of Vacuum, Free gas, volume, pressure, pressure
measurements, Gas Laws, Gas flows, Mean free path, Conductance, Throughput), Pumping
Techniques (Roughing pumps, Sorption pumps, Scroll pumps, Blowers etc), High & Ultrah igh
Vacuum Pumps (Oil Diffusion pumps, Turbo molecular pumps, Cryo pumps, Ion Getter pumps/
Titanium sublimation pumps), Vacuum Gauges (Bourdon gauge, Capacitance manometer,
Thermocouple Gauge, Pirani Gauge, Penning/Cold Cathode Gauge, Hot Cathode Gauge, M cLeod
Gauge, Residual Gas Analyser), Vacuum Materials & Hardware (Flanges, Valves, Feedthroughs).
Helium Leak Detection .
Applications of Vacuum Techniques (15 L)
Physical Vapor Deposition (Thermal Evaporation, Cathodicvapour arc deposition, Electron -beam
physical vapour deposition, Pulsed Laser Deposition, Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Sputtering (DC, RF
& Magnetron sputtering), Ion implantation, Ion etching), Chemical & Electrochemical Methods:
Chemical Vapour deposition.
Methods of material c haracterization Techniques (15 L)
Principles of X -ray diffraction – Bragg´s law, powder XRD, Bragg -Brentano geometry, thin film
XRD in this geometry, phase identification from XRD peaks, Determination of lattice parameters,
crystalline size using Debye -Scherer equation. X -ray reflectivity – Basic principles of specular
reflectivity, determination of thin film thickness, roughness (surface and interfacial) and density.
Electrical Properties: Two Probe and Four Probe Resistivity technique, Impe dance Analysis using
LCR Meter. Magnetic Properties: Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM),Kerr Effect Magnetometer
(MOKE ).
Microscopic and spectroscopic characterization techniques (15 L)
Microscopy: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning
Tunnelling Microscopy ( STM), Transmission electron Microscopy (TEM).
Spectroscopy :UV-Vis – NIR Spectroscopy, Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS), Rutherford
Backscattered Spectrometry (RBS), X - Ray Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS); Fourier Transformed
Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman Spectroscopy, Photoluminescence (PL).
Reference Books:
1) Handbook of Vacuum Science & Technology by D. M. Hoffmann, B. Singh, J. H. Thomas,
Academic Press.
2) Basic Vacuum Practice, Third Edition, Varian Publications.
3) An Introduction to Electron Microscopy & Instrumentation, Imaging & Preparation, By
Andres Kaech
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4) Handbook of Thin film Deposition by Gary. E. Mcguire, Series Editor, Stephen. M.
Rossnagel, Series Editor, Rointan. F. Bunshah Founding Editor.
5) Handbook of Thin Film Deposition, Hartmut F rey, Hamid. R. Khan Editors.
6) Principles of Instrumental Analysis, D. A. Skoog , F. J. Holter and S. R. Crouch, Thomson
Brooks/Cole, 2007.
7) Instrumental Methods of Analysis,Hobart H. Willard, John A. Dean, Lynne L. Merritt D. Van
Nostrand Company.
8) Elements of X-ray diffraction, B. D. Cullity, Creative Media Partners, LLC .
Course Code : CNN 205 Optional Course
Name of the course : Nanobiotechnology: Concepts, Applications & Tools (Nano -CAT)
Credits :4 Total Lectures: 60
Concepts of Nanobiotechnology&Nanobiomaterials (15 L)
Basics of Biolology, Introduction of Bionanoscience and Bionanomaterials, Biomacromolecules,
Bionanomachines, DNA Nanotechnology, Peptide Nanotechnology Cellular Engineering, Ethical
issues, Tools and t echniques in nanobiotechnology.
Nanobiomaterials: Metallic, Metal oxide based, Ceramic, semiconducting, organic -inorganic hybrid,
silica based, polymeric nanocomposites. Lipoproteins, peptide, Polypeptide, Protein and Virus based
biologically directed/ sel f-assembled nanobiomaterials - DNA origami, Peptoid structures,
Nanomaterials and biosystems interaction.
Nano -Biomedicine &Nanotheranostics (15 L)
Nanobiomolecules crossing blood brain barrier, bioconjugation and biocompatibility.
Tissue engineering : Bi omemetics design, Nanobiomechanics of living cells, Multi -functional
nanozymes, Polymeric scaffolds, Nanoengineered hydrogels , cell repair machines, Fundamentals of
Drug and gene delivery, gene alteration, cell interactions, Stem cell treatment, Biopharmac euticals,
medical implications.
Biochips, Micro arrays, BioMEMs, Molecular Imaging, Cancer therapy using nanomedicine - Use of
nanotubes, quantum dots, polymeric conjugates, Dendritic nanostructures, Fe/Au Nanoshell for
tumor targeted imaging, delivery an d therapy, Use of multifunctional nanoparticles in chemotherapy,
Molecular nanosubmarines, Photoablation and hyperthermia,Nanoencapsulation technologies.
Case studies: Commercialisednanobiotechnology related products (15 L)
Verisens in Prostate specific antigen diagnosis, Ferride as MRI contrast agent for liver lesions,
Biosilicon in drug delivery, PuraMatrix in tissue repair and cell therapies, GeniaBeads for wound
healing, Apligraf as dermal matrix for organogenesis, Healos -Bone gr aft substitute in spinal fusions,
Integra - Scaffold for dermal regeneration, Gelrite as ophthalmic vehicle, Abbott and Roche point of
care products, Biocon for pharmaceutical products, Pegylated streptokinase as clot buster.
Bioinformatics concepts, Intel lectual property & business development (15 L)
Biological databases, search, Literature mining, sequence alignment, phylogenetic tree construction,
primer designing and gen e prediction, Protein modeling.
Intellectual property basics, publications, impact factor, citation index, national and international
patents, copyright laws, trade secrets, prior -art-search, confidentiality non disclosure agreements.
Development of busi ness model, joint ventures, science innovation parks, incubation start up
schemes, product & technology development, proof of concept, prototype, scaling up of a product.
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Reference Books
1. Nanobiotechnology: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives by Mirkin Chad, Wiley
2. Nanobiotechnology -Concepts and Applications in Health, Agriculture, and Environment
by R. Tomar, Apple Academic Press
3. Nanobiotechnology in Food: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives by J.M. Hoda, Springer
4. Nanomaterials Handbook by Y. Gogotsi, CRS Press, Taylor and Francis Group
5. WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook: Policy, Law and Use.
Course Code : CNN 206 Optional Course
Name of the course : Nanotechnology food and agriculture
Credits : 4 Total Lecture s : 60
Agricultural Nanotechnology: ( 15 L)
Conventional Farming: Issues and Limitations, Intensive Conventional Farming AffectsEnvironment,
Current Agricultural Production Systems, Nanotools -Nanoprocesses, andNanomaterials Production of
Bionanomaterials from Agricultural Wastes :Cellulose and Nanocellulose from Citrus and Orange
Wastes, Synthesis of Graphene Oxidefrom Agrowastes, Production of Amorphous Silica
Nanoparticles from Agrowastes, CarbonNanomaterials from Agrowastes, Nanoengineering
Superabs orben t Materials in Agriculture: Introduction,Formation and Structure of Cross -Linked
Polyacrylates, Formation and Structure of Cross -Linked Polyacrylates; Statistical Models,
Mechanisms of Swelling in SuperabsorbentPolymers, Mechanisms of Swelling in Superabs orbent
Polymers; Hydration, Hydrogen Bonds,Properties of Superabsorbent Polymers, Absorption of
Aqueous Solution, Moisture AbsorptionSuperabsorbent Polymers Application in Agriculture,
Superabsorbent/Clay Nanocomposites
Nanotechnology in plant protection (15 L)
Nanotechnology and Their Applications in Insect’s Pest Control; Formulations of Nanoinsecticides -
Nanoemulsions, Components, Preparation, Types and Methods,Nanoparticle -Based Plant Disease
Management; Interactions between NPs, Pathogens, and Plants, Plant Disease Diagnosis Using
different NPs, Nanotechnology in Microbial Plant Pathogen and insect Management,
Nanoantimicrobials Mechanism of Action, Chitosan -Based Nanostructures in Plant Protection.;
Synthesis and characterisation of NPs and Nanocomposi te Copper Nanostructures Applications in
Plant Protection, Nanosensors for Monitoring Soil Conditions and Environmental Stresses;Carbon
Nanotube, Nanoaptamers, Smart Dust Technology, Nanocapsules for Efficient Delivery of Pesticides,
Fertilizers and Agroch emicals; Targeted Delivery of Agrochemicals Using Nanotechnology, Nano -
based Pesticides in Agriculture, Nano -based Fertilizer Efficiency, Improving Plant Traits
against Environmental Stresses Using Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology and Its Applications in
Water Conservation
Nanoparticles in food production and diagnostics (1 5 L)
Food and New Ways of Food Production - Efficient Fractionation of Crops Efficient Product
Structuring -Optimizing Nutritional Values - Applications of Nanotechnology in Foods : Sensing,
Packaging, Encapsulation, Engineering Food Ingredients to Improve Bioa vailability - Nanocrystalline
Food Ingredients - Nanoemulsions - Nano -Engineered Protein Fibrils as Ingredient Building Blocks
Preparation of Food Matrices - Concerns about Using Nanotechnology in food production. Diagnostics
Enzyme Biosensors and Diagnosti cs - DNA - Based Biosensors and Diagnostics Radiofrequency
Identification - Integrated Nanosensor Networks: Detection and Response - Lateral Flow
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(Immuno)assay - Nucleic Acid Lateral Flow (Immuno)assay - Flow -Through (Immuno)assays -
Antibody Microarrays Surf ace Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy.
Nanotechnology in food packaging (1 5 L)
Crop improvement - Reasons to Package Food Products - Physical Properties of Packaging Materials -
Strength - Barrier Properties Light Absorption – Structuring of Interior Surfaces - Antimicrobial
Functionality - Visual Indicators – Quality Assessment - Food Safety Indication - Product Properties -
Information and Communication Technology - Sensors -Radiofrequency Identification Technology -
Risks - Consumer and Societal Acceptance.
Reference Books :
1) Nanobiotechnology Applications in Plant Protection by Kamel A. Abd -Elsalam and Ram
Prasad, Volume 2, Springer, 2018.
2) Nanotechnology an Agricultural Paradigm by Ram Prasad, Manoj Kumar, Vivek Kumar
Springer, 2017.
3) Nano science in Food and Agriculture by ShivenduRanjan, Volume 1, Springer, 2016.
4) Nanotechnology and Plant Sciences by Manzer H. Siddiqui, Springer, 2015.
5) Nanoparticle Assemblies and Superstructures by Nicholas A. Kotov, CRC, 2006.
6) Nanotechnology in agriculture and food production by Jennifer Kuzma and Peter
VerHage, Woodrow Wilson International, 2006.
7) Bionanotechnology by David S Goodsell, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
8) Nanobiomaterials Handbook by BalajiSitharaman, Taylor & F rancis Group, 2011.
Course Code : CNN 20 7 Optional Course
Name of the course :Medical nanotechnology
Credits : 4 Total Lectures : 60
Introduction (15 L)
Concept of a living cell; Unicellular and multicellular organisms; Types of tissues; Microorganisms
(Structure, types and clinical significance); Viruses (structure, types and clinical significance);
Relation of Nanobiotechnology to Nanomedicine; Landmarks in the Evolution of Nanomedicine
(Nano Shells, Nano pores, Tectodendrimers); Intrinsic biocompatibility of nanoparticle in cellular
system - degradable and non -degradable polymers, Cytotoxicity mechanisms and their potential use
in therapy (Antibiotics, p hotodynamic therapy, magnetic hyperthermia); Nanoparticle toxicity
Nanocapsules (15 L)
Preparation, Characterization and Therapeutic Applications; Nanocapsules obtained by interfacial
polymerization; Oil -containing nano capsules; Nanocapsules containing anacqueous core,
Nanocapsules obtained from preformed polymers; Characterization; Drug Release; Oral route;
Parenteral route; Ocular route delivery
Magnetic Nanoparticles (15 L)
Definitions; Properties; Preparation, Characterization, Applications in MRI imaging (contrast agents);
Iron oxide based magnetic nanoparticles; Cobalt based magnetic nanoparticles; Iron based magnetic
particles; Encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles; Biocompatibility issues of magnetic nanoparticles;
Magnetic hyperthermia; Magnetic chemotherapy; Other magnetic treatment approaches; Magnetic
gene transfer
Page 21
Nanoparticles in Drug delivery (15 L)
Nanoparticle -Based Drug Delivery (targeted - site specific, opsonization; and non -targeted); Gold
Nanoparticles as Drug Carriers; Calcium Phos phate Nanoparticles; Cyclodextrin Nanoparticles for
Drug Delivery; Dendrimers for Drug Delivery; Fullerene Conjugate for Intracellular Delivery of
Peptides Polymer Nanoparticles; Ceramic Nanoparticles; Encapsulating Water -Insoluble Drugs in
Nanoparticles; Self-Assembling Nanoparticles for Intracellular Drug Delivery Particle; Replication in
Non-wetting Templates Flash Nano Precipitation; Nanoparticle Combinations for Drug Delivery
Reference Books:
1. Yoseph Bar Cohen, ―Biomimetics: Biologically Inspired Technologies‖, CRC Press, Boca
2. Reza Arshady and Kenji Kono, ―Smart Nanoparticles in Nanomedicine‖, MML series
volume 8, Knetus Books, London, 2006
3. Ramakrishna S, MuruganRamalingam, and Kumar T. S. S., ―Biomaterials: A Nano
Approach‖ , CRCPress, London, 2010.
4. BikramjitBasu and Ashok Kumar K., ―Advanced Biomaterials: Processing and
Applications‖, John Wiley, New Jersey, 2009.
5. Hari Singh Nalwa, ―Handbook of Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications In
Nanobiotechnology ‖ ,American Scientific Publishers,2005.
6. Cato T. Laurencin, Temenoff J. S. and Mikos A. G., ―Biomaterials: The Intersection of
Biology and Materials Science‖, Pearson, New Delhi, 2009.
7. Astrid Sigel, Helmut Sigel and Roland K. O. Sigel, ― Biomineralization: From Nature to
Application‖, John Wiley, 2010.
8. Stephen Mann, ―Biomineralization: Principles and Concepts in Bioinorganic Materials
Chemistry‖, Oxford Univ. Press, 2001.
9. Robert A and Freitas Jr, ―Nanomedicine Volume IIA: Biocomp atibility‖, S Karger Ag,
Switzerland, 2003.
10. Alf Lamprecht, ―Nanotherapeutics Drug Delivery Concepts in Nanosience‖, Pan Stanford
Publishing, Singapore, 2009
Course Code : CNN 20 8 Optional Course
Name of the course :Nanotechnolo gy- Environmental, Ethical and Economic Impacts
Credits : 4 Total Lectures : 60
Introduction (15 L)
Identification of Specific Risks – Challenges - Human health hazard – Risk reduction – Standards,
Safety – Transportation of nanoparticles, Emerge ncy responders, Risk assessment –Environmental
Impact, Predicting hazard – Materials, Characterization – Environmental and policy making –
Ecotoxicity measurement; Environmental treatment using nanotechnology – Gas sensors,
Nanomembrane process nanosorbant s – Mesoporous materials – Ground water remediation – Air
purifier – Nano photocatalysis - Pt nanoparticles for sulphur removal – Ge nano particles for lead
Nanotoxicology (15 L)
Major routes of administration; Types of tissues involved; Inhalat ion, deposition and Pulmonary
clearance of insoluble solids – Bio persistence of Inhaled solid material – Systemic; Translocation of
inhaled Particulates – Pulmonary effects of CNTs – Inflammatory ; response –
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In-vivo interactions of pulmonary inflammation with oxidative stress – Interactions of CNTs with
Macrophages; Nanoparticle exposure and systematic cardiovascular effects – experimental data –
respiratory particulate matter exposure and cardiovascular toxic ity – Toxicity of polymer
nanoparticles – Drug carriers – Particle exposure in indoor and air environment – Measurement of
indoor particulate matter.
Ethics (15 L)
Nanoparticle Hypothesis – Need for regulations, health protection and environmental securi ty –
Laboratory practices –Definition - Benefits – Potential risks – Assessment of exposure – Bioethics and
legal aspects of potential health and environmental risks. Ethical and societal implications - the public
interface of science technology and human v alues - origins of the precautionary principle - the citizen
as moral agent - the principle of social justice - utilitarian priorities; The role of fore -sighting
Economic Impact (15 L)
Managing the Nanotechnology Revolution: Consider the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Criteria
- The Emerging Nano Economy: Key Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities -Transcending Moore’s
Law with Molecular Electronics and Nanotechnology -Semiconductor Scaling as a Model for
Nanotechnology Commercialization - Sustaining t he Impact of Nanotechnology on Productivity,
Sustainability, and Equity; Management of Innovation for Convergent Technologies -The
"Integration/Penetration Model:" - The Use of Analogies for Interdisciplinary Research in the
Convergence of Nano -, Bio -, and Information Technology - Converging Technologies: Innovation,
Legal Risks, and Society .Governance - Problems of Governance of Nanotechnology -Institutional
Impacts of Government Science Initiatives - Nanotechnology for National Security
Reference Book :
1. Nancy A, ―Monteiro Riviere Lang Tran‖, Nanotoxicology, CRC Press, 2014
2. Deb Bennett Woods, ―Nanotechnology: Ethics and Society‖, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis
Group, 2008.
3. Lynn Goldman and Christine Coussens, ―Implications of Nanotechnology for environmental
Health Research, National Academic Press, Washington,2007.
4. Patrick Lin, Fritz Allhoff, ―Nano -ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of
Nanotechnology‖, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2007.
5. Grassian V.H, “Nanoscience and Na notechnology – Environmental and health impacts”, John
Wiley & Sons, 2008
6. Sellers.K, Mackay.C, Bergeson.L.L, Clough S.R, Nanotechnology and Environment, CRC
Press, 2009.
7. Ram.M, Andreescu.S.E, Hanming.D, “Nanotechnology for Environmental Decontami nation”,
2011, McGraw Hill
8. Wiesner M and Bottero J.Y, “Environmental Nanotechnology”, McGraw -Hill, 2007.
9. Geoffrey Hunt and Michael D. Mehta ―Nanotechnology: Risk, Ethics and Law‖,
Earthscan/James & James publication (2006)
10. Jurgen Schulte ―Na notechnology: Global Strategies, Industry Trends and Applications‖, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd (2005) \
11. Mark. R. Weisner and Jean -Yves Bottero ―Environmental Nanotechnology applications and
impact of nanomaterial‖, The McGraw -Hill Companies (2007).
12. Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge ―Nanotechnology: Societal Implications II -
Individual Perspectives‖, Springer (2007)
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Course Code : CNN 211 Practical Course
Name of the course :Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials I
(Chemical and Biological methods)
Credits : 2 Total Lectures Credits :
Chemical methods
1. Synthesis of Bimetallic nanoparticles by wet chemical method and confirm the formation by
UV-Vis analysis.
2. Synth esis of Copper/ Silver/ Gold nanoparticles by simple chemical reduction method and
confirm the synthesis of size dependent nanomaterial by surface plasmon resonance analysis.
3. Synthesis of Iron oxide nanoparticles by wet chemical method and confirm the syn thesis by
band gap analysis.
4. Synthesis of Nickel ferrite nanoparticles by co -precipitation method and characterize the
product by FTIR analysis
5. Synthesis of CdSe nanoparticles by simple wet chemical method and demonstrate the size
6. Synthesis of Z nO quantum dots by simple solvothermal synthesis and confirm the size
dependent variation in band gap.
7. Electroplating of Cu on conducting substrate and determine its reduction potential.
8. Chronoamperometry study for the deposition of semiconductor thin film .
9. Electrophoretic deposition of metal nanoparticle and determine the deposition potential.
Biology Methods
10. Synthesis of Nanoparticles from plant materials
11. Synthesis of nanoparticles from microbiological sources
12. Affinity purification of immunoglobulins & quantification
13. Demonstration of Imaging techniques: SEM/TEM/Bio -AFM (Natural Sample sources)
14. Bioconjugation of nanoparticles with proteins/antibodies/DNA
15. Protein quantification by BCA/Fluorescence spectroscopy/ELISA
16. Mining of biological databases: DNA/Protein search
Reference Books
Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy by C. N. Banwell, McGraw -Hill
Handbook of Thin Film Deposition, Hartmut Frey, Hamid. R. Khan Editors.
Elements of X-ray diffraction, B. D. Cullity, Creative Media Partners, LLC .
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Course Code : CNN 214 Practical Course
Name of the course :Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials II
Credits : 2 Total practical’s :8
1. To study Hydrogen evolution reaction, Oxygen evolution reaction, Oxygen reduction reaction,
by rotating disc analysis.
2. To perform Electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy analysis heterojunctions.
3. To study cyclic voltammetry of semiconductor quantum dots.
4. To identify and analyse the nanomaterial by Raman spectroscopy.
5. To identify an analyse the given nanomaterial by FTIR spectroscopy.
6. To analyse and confirm the crystal structure of given sample by X -ray diffraction technique.
7. To perform the time resolved photoluminescence study on nanoparticles/ quantum dots.
8. To carry out Photoluminescence study of the given nanoparticles.
Reference Books
1. Instrumental Methods of Analysis,Hobart H. Willard, John A. Dean, Lynne L. Merritt D.
Van Nostrand Company.
2. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy by C. N. Banwell, McGraw -Hill