N 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC – 17/05/2022
Item No. – 8.2(N)
Syllabus for
B.Sc. B.Ed. four years integrated course
Sem – I to VIII
(Choice Based Credit System)
(Introduced with effect from the academic year 2022-23)
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Syllabus for Approval
Name & Signature of BOS Chairperson : Dr Sunita Magre
Name & Signature of Dean: Dr. Anita Swwami
NoE. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
B.Sc. B.Ed. four years integrated course
2 Eligibility for
Admission Candidates with at least 50% marks in the senior
secondary/ +2 or its equivalent are eligible for
3 Passing
Marks 40%
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any)
5 No. of Years /
Sem I to VIII
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status New / Revised
( Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year 2022 -2023
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Ordinances, Regulations and the Curriculum
for the
B.Sc. B.Ed. Four years Integrated Programme
Page 4
(Credit Based Choice Semester)
Title : Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education (B.Sc. B.Ed. )
Objectives of the B.Sc. B.Ed . (Integrated) Course
To enable the student teachers:
1. To prepare student -teachers to bring in quality in all their endeavors .
2. To inculcate research skills to find solutions to classroom problems.
3. To inspire individual, social, emotional and intellectual competence.
4. To create an awareness among student teachers about community, national and global
5. To provide opportunities to interact with experts in the field of education.
6. To foster networking and collaborative skills with their contemporaries.
7. To cultivate organizational skills through teamwork, collaboration and co-operation.
8. To train the student -teachers in imparting and evaluating learning experiences.
9. To inspire student -teachers to meet the challenges of dynamic society.
10. To provide supportive skills in dealing with academic and personal problems of learners.
11. To nurture the thirst for knowledge and skills in the latest innovation and technologies in
12. To sensitize the student -teachers towards the threatening environmental issues.
13. To direct the student -teachers to fulfill their role as nation builders.
14. To be sensitive about emerging issues such as environment, population gender equality,
15. To inculcate rational thinking and scientific temper among the student -teachers.
The four-year integrated programme aims at integrating general studies comprising
B.Sc. B.Ed . and professional studies comprising foundation of education and school
subjects and practicum related to the tasks and functions of a school teacher. It maintains
a balance between theory and practice and coherence and integration among the
components of the programme representing a wide knowledge base of a secondary
school teacher. The programme aims in preparing teachers for Upper Primary and
Secondary stages of education.
The B.Sc. B.Ed. programme shall be of four academic years or eight semesters including
school based experiences and internship in teaching. Student teachers shall, however, be
permitted to complete the programme within a maximum period of six years from the
date of admission to the programme.
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Working days:
1. In a year there shall be at least two hundred and fifty working days including
the period of examination but excluding the admission.
2. A working day will be of minimum 5 -6 hours adding up to a minimum of 40 hours
per week. The institution shall ensure the availability of teachers and students for
consultation and mentoring – providing group or individual guidance.
3. The minimum attendance of student - teachers shall have to be 80% for all course
work and practicum and 90% for school internship.
4. 1 Credit equals to 12 hours
There shall be a basic unit of fifty (50) students. Initially two units may be permitted. The
University may prescribe distribution of students for different subjects.
Candidates with at least 50% marks in the senior secondary/ +2 or its equivalent are eligible
for admission.
Standard of Passing: 40%
Admission procedure:
1. Admission shall be mad on merit on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying
examination and in the entrance examination or any other selection process as per the
policy of the Central / State Government/ University administration.
2. At the time of admission to the programme, the student will need to indicate their
selection of the subjects to be pursued for the discipline options and the accompanying
pedagogic specializations for which they are applying, and these may be assigned on
the basis of order of merit and availability.
The Professional Education Course (PEC) Component consists of the following.
1. Perspectives in Education (PE)
2. Curriculum an d Pedagogic Studies
3. Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)
4. Engagement with the Field/Practicum (FE)
School Internship
School internship would be a part of the broad curricular area of ‘engagement with the field’ and
shall be designed to lead to the development of a broad repertoire of perspectives, professional
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capacities, teacher sensibilities and skills.
Internship Programme: All activities should be systematically documented and maintained
for the purpose of internal assessment
Semester V (200 marks)
1. Active involvement in the college level preparation : Bridge lesson (Pedagogy 1 or 2)
and skills of teaching (any four) – 5X10= 50
2. School Internship: Practice Teaching – General Lesson 5 X10 =50 (3 Pedagogy 1 +2
Pedagogy 2)
3. Report of Shadowing -30 (6 Lessons observation X 5 Marks = 30)
4. Report of Peer Observation Lesson -4x5= 20
5. Organize an Activity in school - 1x 30= 30
6. Reflective Journal of major activities (College level preparation / General lessons,
Peer Observation and organise school activity) – 4 reports x 5 marks= 20
Semester VI - (150 marks)
1. School Internship: Peer Lesson (Pedagogy 1 or 2) – 1X10 = 10
2. Theme bas ed Lesson (Pedagogy 1 or 2) -2 x15 =30
3. Experiential Lesson strategies (Pedagogy 1 or 2) - 1 X 20 = 20
4. Observe School activity (any two) -2x10= 20
5. Reflective Journal of major internship activities ( Peer lesson, Theme based lesson,
Experiential lesson str ategies and Observation of school activities) – 4 reports X 5
marks= 20 marks
6. Report of Community Service – 50 Marks
Semester VII - (300 marks)
1. School Internship : General Lesson (Pedagogy 1: 5 lessons , Pedagogy 2: 5 lessons) -
10 x10 =100
2. Peer Lesson – 2X 10 = 20
3. Theme based Lesson -2 x15 =30
4. Experiential Lesson strategies – 1 x20 = 20
5. Administration of Unit test and Analysis of result – 80 marks
6. Organize an Activity in school - 1x 20= 20
7. Reflective Journal of major internship activities ( Genera l Lesson, Peer lesson, Theme
based lesson, Experiential learning strategies, Administration of unit test, Organize
school activity) -6 reports x 5 = 30
Semester VIII - (100 marks)
1. School Internship: General Lesson – 2 X 10 = 20 (P1 -1 + P2 -1 )
2. Peer Teac hing -1 X10= 10
3. Experiential Lesson - 1 x 20= 20
4. Developing Learning resource - 35
5. Reflective Journal of major internship activities - (General lesson, Peer teaching,
Developing learning resources ) 3 Reports x 5 = 15
The student teacher during internship in a school should perform the roles of a regular teacher
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at the respective level under the direct guidance and supervision of the mentoring teacher
(Supervising / Guide Teacher) of the school. While at school, the student teacher shall prepare
the necessary teaching resources and records for teaching lessons.
Scheme of Assessment and Examination
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Semester - Subject wise Mark Distribution
Semester Credit B.Sc. B.Ed. Total
Semester I 45 500 250 750
Semester II 45 500 250 750
Semester III 45 400 350 750
Semester IV 45 400 350 750
Semester V 45 400 350 750
Semester VI 45 400 350 750
Semester VII 45 200 550 750
Semester VIII 45 200 550 750
Total 360 3000 3000 6000
Percentage of Mark
Distribution 50% 50% 100%
Page 9
Semester wise Details
Semester I – B.Sc. B.Ed.
Part Course Name of the
Course Credit B.Sc. (SE) B.Sc.
(CE) B.Ed.
(SE) B.Ed.
(CE) Total
B.Sc Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies –
Course I: Physics Curriculum &
Studies 6 60
40 100
B.Sc Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course I: Chemistry Curriculum &
Studies 6 60 40 100
B.Sc Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies –
Course I : Mathematics/
Botany Curriculum &
Studies (M/B) 6 60 40
B.Sc Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course I: (Science
Foundation /
Foundation ) Curriculum &
M/S) 6 60 (40 Theory
Practical) 40 100
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies
Course I: Physics
Practical, Chemistry
Practical, Botany
Practical Physics,
6 Physics
Practical – 35
100 Chemistry
Practical –
Practical –
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education – B.Ed.
Course I Childhood and
Growing Up 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education -
B.Ed.Course II Creating an
School 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Ability Course -
B.Ed.Course III Health and
Yoga 3 50 50
45 750
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Semester II – B.Sc. B.Ed.
Part Course Name of the
Course Credit B.Sc. (SE) B.Sc.
(CE) B.Ed.
(SE) B.Ed.
(CE) Total
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course II: Physics Curriculum &
Studies 6
60 40 100
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course II : Chemistry Curriculum &
Studies 6
60 40 100
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course II :Zoology /
Mathematics Curriculum &
Studies (M/B) 6
60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
(Course II: Science
Foundation /
Foundation) Curriculum &
Studies Science 6 60 (40 Theory
Practical) 40 100
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies
Course II: Physics
Practical, Chemistry
Practical, Zoology
Practical Physics,
/Mathematics 6 Physics – 35
100 Chemistry –
– 30
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education –
B.Ed.Course IV Learning and
Teaching 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education -
B.Ed.Course V Knowledge and
Curriculum 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Ability Course -
B.Ed.Course VI Critical
of ICT 3 50 50
45 750
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Semester III – B.Sc. B.Ed.
Part Course Name of the
Course Credit B.Sc. (SE) B.Sc. (CE) B.Ed.
(SE) B.Ed.
(CE) Total
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course III : Physics Curriculum &
Studies 6 60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course III :
Chemistry Curriculum &
Studies 6 60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies –
Course III :
Mathematics / Botany Curriculum &
Studies (M/B) 6 60 40 100
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies
Course III: Physics
Practical, Chemistry
Practical, Botany
Practical Physics,
/Mathematics 6 Physics – 35
100 Chemistry –
– 30
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education -
B.Ed.Course VII Assessment for
Learning 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course B.Ed.Course
VIII Pedagogy of
School Subject 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies –
Mathematics :
B.Ed.Course IX Pedagogy of
School Subject 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Ability Course :
B.Ed.Course X Drama and Art
in Education 3
50 50
45 750
Page 12
Semester IV – B.Sc. B.Ed.
Part Course Name of the
Course Credit B.Sc. (SE) B.Sc.
(CE) B.Ed.
(SE) B.Ed.
(CE) Total
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies –
Course IV : Physics Curriculum &
Studies 6 60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course IV :
Chemistry Curriculum &
Studies 6 60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies –
Course IV : Zoology /
Mathematics Curriculum &
Studies (M/B) 6 60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies
Course IV: Physics
Practical, Chemistry
Practical, Zoology
Practical Physics,
/Mathematics 6 Physics – 35
100 Chemistry –
– 30
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education -
B.Ed.Course XI Contemporary
India and
Education 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies –
Science -
B.Ed.Course X II Pedagogy of
School Subject 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Mathematics :
B.Ed.Course XIII Pedagogy of
School Subject 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Ability Course -
B.Ed.Course XIV Reading and
Reflecting of
Text 3
50 50
45 750
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Semester V – B.Sc. B.Ed.
Part Course Name of the Course Credit B.Sc. (SE) B.Sc.
(CE) B.Ed.
(SE) B.Ed.
(CE) Total
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course V : Physics Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies 6 60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course V : Chemistry Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies 6 60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies –
Course V :
Mathematics / Botany Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies
(M/B) 6 60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies
Course V: Physics
Practical, Chemistry
Practical, Botany
Practical Physics, Chemistry,
Botany /Mathematics
6 Physics – 35
100 Chemistry –
– 30
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education -
B.Ed.Course XV Educational
Management 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Ability Course -
B.Ed.Course XVI Understanding the Self 3 50 50
B.Ed. Engagement with the
Field/Practicum -
B.Ed. Course XVII School Internship
Internship Lesson Plan
Coaching / Orientation
and Demonstration
(4 weeks – 5 days/
week ) 12
200 200
45 750
Active involvement in the college level preparation : Bridge lesson (Pedagogy 1 or 2) and skills of teaching (any
four) – 5X10= 50/ School Internship: Practice Teaching – General Lesson 5 X10 =50 (3 P edagogy 1 +2 P edagogy
2) /Report of Shadowing -30 (6 Lessons observation X 5 Marks = 30)/ / Report of Peer Observation Lesson -4x5=
20/Reflective Journal of major activities (College level preparation / General lessons, Peer Observation and
Shadowing) – 4 reports x 5 marks = 20/ Organize an Activity in school - 1x 30= 30
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Semester VI – B.Sc. B.Ed.
Part Course Name of the
Course Credit B.Sc. (SE) B.Sc.
(CE) B.Ed.
(SE) B.Ed.
(CE) Total
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course VI : Physics Curriculum &
Studies 6 60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course VI : Chemistry Curriculum &
Studies 6 60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Course VI : Zoology /
Mathematics Curriculum &
Studies (M/B) 6 60 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies
Course VI: Physics
Practical, Chemistry
Practical, Zoology
Practical Physics,
/Mathematics 6 Physics – 35
100 Chemistry –
– 30
B.Ed. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Science : B.Ed.Course
XVIII Pedagogy of
School Subject 6
60 40 100
B.Ed. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies -
Mathematics :
B.Ed.Course XIX Pedagogy of
School Subject 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Engagement with the
Field/Practicum -
B.Ed.Course XX School
Internship (3
Weeks -5 days /
Week) + 1 -week
Lesson Plan
Coaching /
Orientation 9 150 150
45 750
School Internship: Peer Lesson (Pedagogy 1 or 2) – 1X10 = 10 /Theme based Lesson (Pedagogy 1 or 2) -2 x15 =30 /
Experiential Lesson strategies (Pedagogy 1 or 2) - 1 X 20 = 20 / Observe School activity (any two) -2x10= 20 /
Reflective Journal of major internship activities ( Peer lesson, Theme based lesson, Experiential lesson strate gies and
Observation of school activities) – 4 reports X 5 marks = 20 marks / Report of Community Service – 50 Marks
Page 15
Semester VII – B.Sc. B.Ed.
Part Course Name of the
Course Credit B.Sc.
(SE) B.Sc.
(CE) B.Ed.
(SE) B.Ed.
(CE) Total
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies –
One Major Course VII
1 (Physics / Chemistry
/ Mathematics /
Botany ) Curriculum &
Studies 6 60 (40
Practical) 40 100
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies –
One Major Course VII
2 Physics / Chemistry /
Mathematics /
Zoology ) Curriculum &
Studies 6 60 (40
Practical) 40 100
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education -
B.Ed.Course XXI Peace Education 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education -
B.Ed.Course XXII Language across
Curriculum / 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Engagement with the
Field/Practicum -
B.Ed.Course XXIII School Internship
(8 weeks – 5 days/
Internship Lesson
Plan Coaching /
Action Research
Guidance 18
300 300
B.Ed. Engagement with the
Field/Practicum -
B.Ed.Course XXIV Participation and
organizing in co -
curricular activities
and report (1) 3
50 50
45 750
School Internship : General Lesson (Pedagogy 1: 5 lessons , Pedagogy 2: 5 lessons) -10 x10 =100 / Peer Lesson – 2X
10 = 20 / Theme based Lesson -2 x15 =30 / Experiential Lesson strategies – 1 x20 = 20 / Administration of Unit test
and Analysis of result - 80 / Organize an Activity in schoo l- 1x 20= 20/ Reflective Journal of major internship
activities ( General Lesson, Peer lesson, Theme based lesson, Experiential learning strategies, Administration of unit
test, Organize school activity) -6 reports x 5 = 30
Page 16
Semester VIII – B.Sc. B.Ed.
Part Course Name of the Course Credit B.Sc. (SE) B.Sc.
(CE) B.Ed.
(SE) B.Ed.
(CE) Total
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies
– One Major Course
VIII 1 (Physics /
Chemistry /
Mathematics /
Botany ) Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies
(P/C) 6 60 (40
Practical) 40
B.Sc. Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies
– One Major Course
VIII 2 Physics /
Chemistry /
Mathematics /
Zoology ) Curriculum &
Pedagogical Studies
(M/B) 6 60 (40
Practical ) 40 100
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education -
B.Ed.Course XX V Gender School and
Society 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education -
B.Ed.Course XXVI Action Research 6 60 40 100
B.Ed. Perspectives in
Education -
B.Ed.Course XXVI I Guidance and
Counselling /
Envir onmental
Management 60 40 100
B.Ed. Engagement with the
Field/Practicum -
B.Ed.Course XXVII I School Internship (3
Weeks) + Learning
resources based on
Pedagogy 6
100 100
B.Ed. Engagement with the
Field/Practicum -
B.Ed.Course XX IX Action Research
Project 3
50 50
B.Ed. Engagement with the
Field/Practicum -
B.Ed.Course XX X Educational Feld trip
report OR
Development of
Learning Resources
on Health Education
/ Environmental
Education material
and publish ( 24
hours self -learning
program) 3
50 50
B.Ed. Ability Course -
B.Ed.Course X XXI Cyber law 3
50 50
45 750
School Internship: General Lesson – 2 X 10 = 20 (P1 -1 + P2 -1 )/ Peer Teaching -1 X10= 10 / Experiential Lesson -
1 x 20= 20/ Developing Learning resource - 35 / Reflective Journal of major internship activities - (General lesson,
Peer teaching, Developing learning resources ) 3 Reports x 5 = 15
Page 19
B.Sc. B.Ed. Course
Course No. Course Title Subjects
Semester 1 Physics - 1 Mechanics
Semester 2 Physics - 2 Optics
Semester 3 Physics -3 Thermodynamics
Semester 4 Physics -4 Electricity and
Semester 5 Physics -5 Electronics
Semester 6 Physics -6 Modern Physics and
Quantum Mechanics
Semester 7 Physics -7(1) Solid State Physics
Physics -7 (2) Atomic, Molecular
and Nuclear Physics
Semester 8 Physics -8(1) Advanced Mechanics
and Special Relativity
Physics -8(2) Applied Physics
Page 20
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory : 60
Internal Assessment: 40 ( Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. apply Newton’s laws to classical systems.
2. explain Newton’s laws of motion and conservation principles.
3. explain the analytical mechanics as a systematic tool for problem solving.
4. describe the concepts of work -energy principle, gravitational potential energy, conservative and
non-conservative forces.
5. explain the dynamics of rotating objects i.e. rigid bodies , angular velocity, the moment of
inertia, the motion of rigid bodies, parallel axis theorem.
6. state conservation of angular momentum and torque.
7. explain the application of central force to the stability of circular orbits, Kepler’s laws of
planetary motion .
8. explain SHM, its applications, damped and forced oscillations and resonance.
9. describe elasticity as the basics of material property and its different moduli.
10. explain the basics of motion of fluid in different forms like, streamlined and turbulent flows .
Buoyancy, Bernoulli’s Equation, Viscosity and Turbulence
11. analyze interference and superposition of mechanical waves.
12. describe the properties of sound waves, their interference, resonance, beats, and Doppler effect
Module I - Motion and Energy of a Body 2 Credits
Unit I: Newton’s Laws and Applications
a) Newton’s Laws: Newton’s first, second and third laws of motion
b) Applying Newton’s Laws: applications of Newton’s first and second law of motion, frictional
forces, Dynamics of Circular Motion
c) Worked out examples
Unit II: Work Energy and Applications
a) Work And Energy: Kinetic Energy and the Work –Energy Theorem, Work and Energy with
Varying Forces, Power
b) Gravitational Potential Energy, Elastic Potential Energy, Conservative and Nonconservative
Forces, Fo rce and Potential Energy
c) Worked out examples from the reference book
Page 21
Unit III: Rotational Motion and Momentum
a) Rotational Motion: Angular Velocity and Acceleration Rotation with Constant Angular
Acceleration Relating Linear and Angular Kinematics Energy in Rotational Motion Parallel -
Axis Theorem
a) Moment -of-Inertia Calculations
b) Torque, Torque and Angular Acceleration for a Rigid Body, Rigid -Body Rotation About a
Moving Axis, Work and Power in Rotational Motion, Angular Momentum, Conservation of
Angular Moment um
c) Worked out examples from the reference book
Module II - Gravitation, Fluid Mechanics and Waves 2 Credits
Unit IV: Gravitation and Motion
a) Gravitation: Newton’s Law of Gravitation, Weight, Gravitational Potential Energy, The
Motion of Satellites, Kepl er’s Laws and the Motion of Planets, Spherical Mass Distributions,
Apparent Weight and the Earth’s Rotation
b) Periodic Motion: Describing Oscillation, Simple Harmonic Motion, Energy in Simple
Harmonic Motion, Applications of Simple Harmonic Motion, The Simpl e Pendulum, The
Physical Pendulum, Damped Oscillations, Forced Oscillations and Resonance
c) Worked out examples from the reference book
Unit V: Equilibrium and Fluid Mechanics
a) EQUILIBRIUM AND ELASTICITY: Conditions for Equilibrium, Center of Gravity,
Solving Rigid -Body Equilibrium Problems, Stress, Strain, and Elastic Moduli, Elasticity and
b) FLUID MECHANICS: Gases, Liquids, and Density, Pressure in a Fluid, Buoyancy, Fluid
Flow, Bernoulli’s Equation, Viscosity and Turbulence
c) Worked out examples from the reference book
Unit VI: Mechanical and Sound Waves
a) MECHANICAL WAVES: Types of Mechanical Waves, Periodic Waves, Mathematical
Description of a Wave, Speed of a Transverse Wave, Energy in Wave Motion, Wave
Interference, Boundary Conditions and Superposition, Standing Waves on a String, Normal
Modes of a String
b) SOUND AND HEARING: Sound Waves, Speed of Sound Waves, Sound Intensity Standing
Sound Waves and Normal Modes, Resonance and Sound, Interference of Waves, Beats, The
Doppler Effect, Shoc k Waves
c) Worked out examples from the reference book
Page 22
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 Internal Theory: One Assignment / Class test 10 marks
2 Internal Practical and Journal Submission (Any six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1. Flat spiral spring (η)
2. Young’s modulus by Koenig’s method
3. Torsional Oscillation: To determine Modulus of rigidity η of a material of wire by Torsional
4. To determine Coefficient of Viscosity (η) of a given liquid by Poisseuli’s Method.
5. Surface Tension/Angle of contact
6. Bifilar pendulum
7. Flywheel
8. Verification of Stokes theorem
1. Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, Sears and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics
(2015, Pearson Education)
2. Concepts of Physics, H. C. Varma (Bharati Bhawan Publishers)
Page 23
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. explain phenomenon based on light and related theories .
2. identif y and apply formulas of optics and wave physics.
3. analyse the events like reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction
4. explain the applications of interference and diffraction.
5. explain the designing and working of interfero meters.
6. explain the concept of resolving power of different optical instruments.
7. elaborate principles and working of LASER systems and their applications
Module I: Physics, Characteristics, and Properties of LIGHT 2 Credits
Unit I: Light and Applications
a) Brief history of Light, Four theories of light,
b) Properties of light (rectilinear propagation, reflection, refraction, polarisation, interference,
diffraction, photoelectric effect, Compton effect – introduction), dual nature of light.
c) Fermat principle of least time, Law of reflection, Law of refraction, the thin lens formula,
Unit II: Reflection and Refraction
a) Light ray, reflection at plane surface, reflection at spherical mirror, Refraction of light, total
internal reflection,
b) Lateral magn ification, longitudinal magnification, Lens maker’s formula, power of lens
c) Cardinal points, the three magnifications and their inter relationship
Unit III: Dispersion and Magnification
a) Dispersion by a prism, Dispersive power, deviation without dispersion, dispersion without
deviation, direct vision spectroscope,
b) Aberrations, spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism, chromatic aberration,
c) Simple magnifier, Huygens eyepiece, Ramsden eyepiece, compound microscope, telescope
Module II: Physics of Optical instruments 2 Credits
Unit IV: Interference
a) Superposition of waves, Interference,
b) interferometry, plane parallel film interference, variable film interference,
c) Newtons ring, Michelson’s interferometer
Unit V: Diffraction and Resolving Power
a) Fraunhoffer diffraction at single slit, Fraunhoffer diffraction at circular aperture, Plane
diffraction gratting,
b) Resolving power, Rayleigh’s criterion, resolving power of optical instrument,
c) RP of telescope, RP of microscope.
Page 24
Unit VI: Photon interactions and LASERs
a) The photoelectric effect, The Compton Effect, The photon mass
b) Population inversion, LASER.
c) He-Ne LASER, Ruby LASER
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1. Refractive index of glass by using glass slab.
2. Use of spectrometer to determine angle of prism.
3. Use of spectrometer to determine RI of prism for different colour.
4. Focal length of convex lens by displacement method (using filament lamp)
5. Cardinal points of a lens system.
6. Bi-prism interference.
7. Diffraction grating to determine wavelength of light.
8. Single slit diffraction using LASER beam.
1. A textbook of Optics, for BSc students as per UGC model syllabus (Revised Edition), Dr N
Subrahmanyam Brijlal, Dr M N Avadhanulu (Module 1 Unit 1, 2, 3 Module 2 Unit 1, 2)
2. Optics, Ajoy Ghatak (Module 2 Unit 3)
Page 25
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
Course Outcomes
By th e end of the course, student will be able to:
1. explain Kinetic theory of gases.
2. describe the process of thermal conductivity, viscosity and diffusion in gases.
3. Explain the nature of thermodynamic properties of matter like internal energy, enthalpy, entropy,
temperature, pressure and specific volume
4. explain the efficiency of Carnot’s engine.
5. explain the significance of first and second laws of thermodynamics.
6. explain the implications of the second law of thermodynamics and limitations placed by the second
law on the performance of thermodynamic systems.
7. explain the entropy changes in a wide range of processes and determine the reversibility or
irreversibility of a process from such calculations.
8. describe the interrelationship between thermodynamic functions and ability to use such relationships
to solve practical problems.
Module 1 – Ideal and Real Gases 2 Credits
Unit I : Elementary Kinetic Theory and Maxwellian Distribution
a) Introduction, Basic assumptions of Kinetic Theory, Kinetic Interpretation of
Temperature, Root Mean Square Speed
b) Some Elementary Deductions from Kinetic Theory, Classical theory of Heat Capacities
of Gases
c) Distribution of Molecular Velocities in a Perfect Gas: Maxwell - Boltzmann Distribution
Molecular Distribution of Speeds, Some useful deductions from Maxwell’s law
Unit II: Mean Free Path and Transport Phenomena
a) Introduction, Mean Free Path, Expression for Mean Free Path, Distribution of Free Path
b) Transport Phenomena, Viscosity - transport of momentum, thermal Conductivity -
Transport of Energy, Diffusion - Transport of Matter
c) Brownian Motion, examples of Brownian m otion, Random walk
Unit III: Real Gases: Vander Waal’s equation of state
a) Introduction, Deviations from perfect gas behaviour, Regnault’s experiments’ Andrew’s
experiments on Carbon Dioxide, Amagat’s Experiments
b) Onnes ’ equation of state, Vande Waals’ equation of state, Discussion of van der Waals’
equation -comparison with experimental results, Determination of van der Waals’
constants, Virial coefficient -Boyle temperature, Limitations of van der Walls’ equation,
reduce d equation of state
c) Molecular Attraction - Existence and implications, Joule experiment, The porous plug
experiment, Joule -Thomson coefficient for a van der Waals’ gas
Page 26
Module II - Laws of Thermodynamics 2 Credits
Unit IV Zeroth and First Law of Thermodynamics
a) Introduction, Thermodynamic system, surroundings and boundaries, state of a system and
thermodynamic variables, thermodynamic equilibrium, thermodynamic processes
b) The zeroth law and the concept of temperature, some deductions from the equation of state,
measurement of temperature, Scale of temperature
c) Origin of the first law, the internal energy, thermal interaction, mechanical interaction,
diffusive interaction, The first law, Applications of the first law, Heat cap acities of a gas,
Adiabatic transformation - equation of state, the enthalpy, Adiabatic and isothermal
Unit V: Second Law of Thermodynamics
a) Introduction, origin of the second law, Heat engines, the Carnot cycle, Carnot cycle as
b) The Kelvin -Planck and Clausius statements, equivalence of the statements, Carnot theorem,
thermodynamic temperature, Unattainability of absolute zero
c) Irreversibility and unavailable energy, Power cycles, Rankine cycle, Air standard cycles,
refrigeration cy cles, vapor -Compression refrigeration cycle
Unit VI : Entropy
a) Introduction, Concept of Entropy, Entropy change in reversible processes, the Carnot cycle,
reversible heat transfer
b) The Clausius inequality, entropy change in irreversible process, the principle of increase of
c) The entropy of the first law, entropy of an ideal gas, entropy of mixing, unavailable energy
and thermal death of universe, physical concept of entropy
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1. To determine the Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee and Charlton’s
disc method.
2. To determine the Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity of Copper by Searle’s Apparatus.
3. To determine the Temperature Coefficient of Resistance.
4. To study the variation of Thermo -Emf of a Thermocouple with Difference of Temperature of its
Two Junctions.
5. To Calibrate a Thermocouple to measure Temperature in a Specified Range using (1) Null
Method (2) Direct Measurement using an Op -Amp Difference Amplifier and to determine Neutral
6. To calculate loss of heat due to radiation while determining Joule’ s constant.
7. Few experiments on virtual lab: http://htv -au.vlabs.ac.in/ apparatus can be arranged in the lab
of the college as shown.
8. Following three experiments at
: (i) Coefficient of Linear Expansion of Metals, (ii) Specific Heat, (iii) Thermocouple Voltage
can be studied with simulators or apparatus can be arranged in the lab.
Page 27
1. Thermal Physics, S C Garg, R M Bansal & C K Ghosh, McGrawHill Education (India) Second ed
2. Heat and Thermodynamics - M M Zemansky,McGrawHill Education (India) 8ed (2011)
3. Geeta Sanon, B. Sc. Practical Physics, 1st Edn. (2007), R. Chand & Co. 2. B. L.
4. Worsnop and H. T. Flint, Advanced Practical Physics, Asia Publishing House, New Delhi. 3.
5. Indu Prakash and Ramakrishna, A Text Book of Practical P hysics, Kitab Mahal, New Delhi. 4.
6. D. P. Khandelwal, A Laboratory Manual of Physics for Undergraduate Classes, Vani Publication
House, New Delhi.
Page 28
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. explain Electric field as well as force, electric charge, electric potential, current, voltage,
resistors, inductors and capacitors.
2. analyse electrical circuits with the help of different circuit theorems.
3. explain different methods to measure values of c apacitors and inductors.
4. analyse working of ac as well as dc circuits with inductors, capacitors and resistors.
5. describe generation of magnetic field and its measurement
6. explain the working of systems based on magnetic fields.
7. handle the instruments worki ng on the principles of magnetization.
Module I - Electricity 2 Credits
Unit I: Electric Current
(Review of - Electric current, Ohm’s law, Resistive circuit and Kirchhoff’s laws.)
a) Thevenin’s theorem, Current source, Norton’s theorem,
b) Maximum pow er transfer theorem,
c) Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin double bridge
Unit II: Resistor, Inductor and Capacotor
a) Transient response of LR, CR, LCR circuits.
b) The AC signal, AC response of a resistor, an inductor, a capacitor.
c) Representation of sinusoid by complex number
Unit III: Response of Circuits to AC signal
a) AC signal applied across CR, AC applied across LR,
b) AC signal applied across LCR (series and parallel ).
c) AC bridges - Sauty AC Bridge, Maxwell Bridge.
Module II - Magnetism 2 Credits
Unit IV: Magnetization
a) Magnetization, Magnetic pole density,
b) Magnets and magnetic shells
c) Hysteresis in ferromagnetic material,
Unit V: Magnetic Force
a) Lorentz force, Origin of magnetic field,
b) Force on current carrying conductor in magnetic field, Biot-Savart law,
c) Applications of Biot -Savart law, Current carrying loop in magnetic field
Unit VI: Magnetic Induction and Galvanometers
a) Electromagnetic induction, Eddy current, self -induction, mutual induction,
Page 29
b) Moving coil galvanometer, Sensitivity and accuracy of MCG,
c) Moving Magnet (Tangent) galvanometer, Sensitivity and accuracy Tangent galvanometer.
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1. Verification of Thevenin’s theorem.
2. Use of Post Office box to measure high resistance.
3. Verification of maximum power transfer theorem.
4. LCR series resonance.
5. Capacity of De -Sauty AC Bridge.
6. Deflection magnetometer.
7. Current sensitivity of MCG.
8. Current sensitivity of tangent galvanometer.
1. Electricity And Magnetism, D Chattopadhyay, P C Rakshit
Page 30
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. explain basics of semiconductor & devices and their applications in different areas.
2. elaborate biasing techniques to operate BJT and comparison between them.
3. describe parameters of OPAMP and design different circuits using OPAMPs.
4. explain digital signal, digital logics, Boolean algebra, and various logics systems.
5. handle the minimization techniques to simp lify the hardware requirements of digital circuits and
apply them for real time digital systems.
6. examine the structure of various number systems and its application in digital design.
7. analyze and design various combinational and sequential circuits.
Mod ule I – Analog Electronics 2 Credits
Unit I: Semiconductor Diodes and their applications
a) Review of extrinsic semiconductors of n and p types, diode characteristics, DC and AC
resistance of diode. Effect of temperature on diode characteristics, series and parallel
configurations of diodes.
b) Applications as logic gates (AND, OR), Zener diode c haracteristics and voltage regulator
c) Light Emitting Diodes, voltage multipliers.
Unit II : Bipolar Junction Transistors
a) Transistor construction and operation, CB and CE modes, Current amplification factors in
CB and CE modes and their relationship
b) Input and output characteristics of transistor in CE mode, Concepts of load line and operating
point. Dc biasing of trans istor - Fixed bias, Emitter bias with equation of load line.
c) Voltage divider bias with approximate and exact analysis. Comparison of stability in fixed
bias, emitter bias and voltage divider bias
Unit III : Operational Amplifier
a) Properties of ideal OPAMP and OPAMP 741, Concepts of -ve feedback and virtual short,
Inverting & non -inverting amplifier, unity gain circuit, Summing amplifier
b) Concepts of CMRR, Bandwidth, gain bandwidth product, slew rate, Integrator and
differentiator circuits, Instrumentation amplifier and its applications
c) Introduction to 555 timer and its application to generate clock signal
Module II - Digital Electronics 2 Credits
Unit IV: Digital Logics and Implementation
a) Review of Digital principles and Digital logics, Boolean identities, De Morgan’s laws,
NAND & NOR logics, NAND and NOR gates as universal building blocks
b) SOP method to write Boolean equations, Karnaugh Maps, POS method and simplification
implementat ion of Boolean equations
c) EXOR operation with its Boolean expression using SOP and POS methods
Page 31
Unit V : Number systems
a) Binary number system (4 bit), Binary to decimal and decimal to binary conversion, Octal
number system, Octal to binary/decimal and binary/decimal to octal conversion
b) Hexadecimal number system, Conversion from/to hexadecimal, Binary arithmetic,
subtraction using 1’s and 2’s complements
c) Half and full adder circuits, Adder -subtractor circuit
Unit VI: Flip Flops and counters
a) RS flip - flop using NOR gates and NAND gates, concepts of pulse and edge triggering,
Clocked RS FF, D FF, PRESET and CLEAR functions, switch contact debounce circuit
c) Counters with natural count, UP -DOWN Ripple counter
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any six experiments from the list:
1. Zener voltage regulator
2. Output characteristics of Transistor in CE mode.
3. Plotting load line for transistor with emitter bias.
4. Inverting, Non - inverting and unity gain amplifier using OPAMP.
5. 555 timer as square wave generator.
6. NAND and NOR as universal building blocks.
7. Half adder circuit using basic gates.
8. RS flip flop using NOR/NAND gates with manual clock.
9. JK flip flop as divide by two circuit.
Reference Books:
1. Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory — Boylestad & Nashelsky 11th edition, Pearson Publication
2. Electronic Principles — Malvino , Tata McGRAW Hill
3. Digital Principles and Applications — Leach, Malvino & Saha, Tata McGRAW Hill
Page 32
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. explain the production and properties of X -rays, their applications and Bragg’s law
2. derive the origin of quantum theory, Blackbody radiation, matter waves.
3. elaborate wave properties of particles, DE Broglie waves and its implications on the uncertainty
4. explain Schrödinger’s equation for many systems such as particle in a box, Hydrogen Atom and
familiarize with 1d and 3d potential well, potential step problems.
5. explain the tunneling effect.
6. explain working principle of scanning tunneling microscope and scanning electron microscope.
7. explain the alpha decay process.
8. explain the wo rking of 1d harmonic oscillator.
Module I - Modern Physics 2 Credits
Unit I : Basics of Quantum physics
a) X-RAYS: X -Rays production and properties, Continuous and characteristic X -Ray spectra,
Applications of X -Rays, X -Ray Diffraction, Bragg’s Law, Frank -Hertz experiment
b) Origin of Quantum theory, Black body (definition), Black body spectrum, Wien's
displacement law, Matter waves, Wave particle duality, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle,
Davisson -Germer experiment, G. P. Thompson experim ent.
c) Numerical problems from reference book
Unit II: Wave Function
a) Wave function, the wave equation, Schrodinger’s equation: time dependent form.
b) Linearity and superposition, expectation values, operators and eigenvalues.
c) Worked out examples on allowed/ no t allowed wave functions, operators and eigenvalues,
expectation values.
Unit III: Schodinger’s equation and its applications
a) Schrodinger’s equation: steady state form, free particle, probability current.
b) Particle in 1d infinite potential well, wavefunctio ns and energies. Particle in finite potential
well (only wavefunctions and E < V )
c) Solved examples on probability current, energies in 1d infinite potential well
Module II - Quantum Mechanics 2 Credits
Unit IV: Potential well
a) Particle in 3d infinite potential well (complete solution), degeneracy.
Page 33
b) Finite potential step, reflection coefficients in both the cases E < V and E > V.
c) Solved examples on energies in 3d infinite potential well and reflection coefficient in
potential step.
Unit V: Tunne ling effect
a) Potential barrier (Finite height and width) penetration and tunneling effect (derivation of
approximate transmission probability),
b) Scanning Tunneling Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope.
c) Solved examples in transmission coefficient in potential barrier
Unit VI: Alpha decay, Harmonic Oscillator
a) Theory of alpha particle decay from radioactive nucleus.
b) Harmonic oscillator (one -dimension), correspondence principle, diatomic molecule.
c) Solved examples in alphas decay and harmonic oscillator
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six experiments only
1. Frank -Hertz experiment
2. Determination of Planck’s constant using LEDs of different colors.
3. Visit to an X -ray diffraction facility and understanding working of the instrument (equivalent to two
4. Visit to STM and SEM facility (equivalent to two experiments).
5. Numerically solving Schrodinger equation using excel programming.
1. Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser.
2. Modern Physics by Kenneth Krane.
Page 34
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. explain the basic concepts of force between atoms and bonding between molecules
2. analyses the relationship between conductors, insulators and superconductivity
3. describe free -electron model and energy band and distinction between metals, semiconductors and
4. explain the properties of matter and its classifications
5. explain properties of semiconductors
6. describe phonons impact on heat capacity and heat transport
Module I – Crystal Bonding and Crystal Structure 2 Credits
Unit I: Concept of Crystal
a) Introduction of crystals, Ionic crystal, Covalent crystal, Metals, Concept of inter – atomic
forces, types of bonding, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, molecular or Vander Waal’s
bonding, hydrogen bonding, metallic bonding, atomic radii
b) Introducti on of Crystal Lattice and translation vectors, unit cell, types of lattice (Plane lattice
and Space lattice with bcc and fcc
c) Miller indices, Concept of reciprocal lattice and its properties, Brillouin zones (only concept)
Unit II: Electron and Electr on Theory
a) Free Electron theory: Free Electron model, Fermi - Dirac distribution, electronic specific
heat, thermionic emission from metals, energy distribution of the emitted electrons
b) Band theory of Solids: Origin of energy band, Energy bands in solid, Bl och functions,
Kronig - Penney model (no mathematical derivation)
c) Motion of electrons in one – dimensional periodic potential, Distinguish between metal,
semiconductor and insulator, concept of a ‘hole’
Unit III: Semiconductor Crystal and Thermal Prope rties
a) Semiconductor Crystal: Electrons and Holes densities in an Intrinsic Semiconductor (undoped),
Doped Semiconductor, Carrier densities in doped semiconductor, Metal - Insulator transition,
Fermi level in extrinsic semiconductors, Diffusion, Carrier lifetime
b) Phonons: Phonons and heat capacity, Debye Model for density of states.
Page 35
c) Thermal Properties of phonons
Module II - Magnetic Properties 2 Credits
Unit IV: Concept Magnetism
a) Classification of magnetic materials, Origin of permane nt magnetic dipoles, dynamics of dipole
in magnetic field, Magnetic susceptibility
b) Introduction of Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism, diamagnetism and the Larmor precession,
static paramagnetic susceptibility, Quantum mechanical theory of paramagnetism
c) Nuclea r paramagnetism, The Hamiltonian for an electron in a magnetic field
Unit V: Introduction to Ferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism
a) Ferromagnetism - The Weiss molecular field, interpretation of the Weiss field, anisotropy energy,
thickness and energy of the Blo ch wall, Coercive forces and hysteresis
b) Introduction of Antiferromagnetism, Two sublattice model, Super exchange interaction
c) Introduction to Ferrimagnetism, structure of ferrites, Elements of Neel’s theory
Unit VI: Paramagnetic relaxation and Superconduct ivity
a) Paramagnetic relaxation - phenomenological description, relaxation mechanism - spin - lattice
and spin spin relaxation
b) Introduction of Nuclear magnetic resonance, conduction required for absorption of resonance,
Bloch equation and the complex suscept ibility
c) Superconductivity: Occurrence of Superconductivity, destruction of superconductivity by
magnetic field, Meissner effect, Applications
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1. Measurement of resistivity by using 4 - probe technique.
(https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1&brch=282&sim=1512&cnt=4 )
2. Study of hall effect
(http://mpv -au.vlabs.ac.in/mo dern-physics/Hall_Effect_Experiment/# )
3. To understand the concepts of crystal structure, atomic packing, and Miller Indices as well
as their applications to materials properties and development
4. To study Bravais lattices with the help of models
Page 36
(http://www.omgroup.edu.in/downloads/files/n5375e8edae2b2.pdf )
5. Thermal properties of metal (Steel)
( http://www.omgroup.edu.in/downloads/files/n5375e8edae2b2.pdf )
6. To find the thermal conductivity of a material by the two slabs guarded hot plate method and
To find the thermal resistance of the sample.
(https://vlab.amrita.edu/index.php ?sub=1&brch=194&sim=801&cnt=4 )
7. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
(https://www.labster.com/simulations/nuclear -magnetic -resonance -2/)
1. Pillai, S.O. : Solid state physics 3rd ed. New Delhi, New Age International (P) Ltd. 1999 .
2. Kittel, Charles: Introduc tion to solid state physics 8th ed. Reprint New Delhi Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Dekker, Adrianus J.: Solid state physics. Indian Reprint Delhi Macmillan Publishers India Ltd.
4. Solid State Physics - S.P.Kakani and Amit Kakani
Page 37
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. explain atomic structure, atomic spectra and excitations.
2. explain Schrodinger equation for Hydrogen atom and its solution.
3. analyse set of different quantum numbers and their selection rules.
4. explain symmetric and antisymmetric wave function, electron spin and spin orbit coupling.
5. describe rotational and vibrational energy levels of complex molecules and molecular spectra.
6. explain the radioactive decay process , its decay and growth and applications.
7. explain the basic properties of nucleus, nuclear energy and liquid drop model.
8. explain the principle and working of nuclear detectors.
Module I - Atomic Physics 2 Credits
Unit I : Atom and Energy level
a) The nuclear atom, Electron orbit, atomic spectra,
b) Bohr atom, energy level and spectra,
c) Atomic excitation.
Unit II: Schrodinger’s approach with Quantum numbers
a) Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom, Separation of variables,
b) Quantum numbers, Principal quantum number, Orbital quantum number,
c) Magnetic quantum number, Selection rule
Unit III : Interaction between electron spin and orbital motion .
a) Electron sp in, Exclusion principle,
b) Symmetric and anti -symmetric wave function, atomic structure,
c) Spin orbit coupling Total angular momentum
Module I I - Molecular and Nuclear Physics 2 Credits
Unit IV: Molecular Bond and Energy Level
a) Molecular bond, Hydrogen molecule,
b) Complex molecules, Rotational energy level, Vibrational energy level,
c) Spectra of molecules.
Unit V: Radioactive Properties
a) Radioactivity, properties of radioactive rays,
b) law of radioactive decay, Radioactive growth an d decay, Determination of age of earth,
c) ideal equilibrium, transient and secular equilibrium,
Unit VI: Introduction to Nucleus
a) Constituents of the nucleus and some of their properties,
b) alpha beta and gamma rays, liquid drop model, Nuclear energy,
c) Introduction of Instrument like – GM counter, NMR, ESR
Page 38
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1. Absorption spectra in sunlight
2. Franck -Hertz Experiment (available on virtual lab by Amrita University)
3. Determination of Cauchy’s constants
4. Hydrogen spectra using spectrometer.
5. Experiment on GM counter.
6. Determination of Rydberg constant using spectrometer.
7. Use of Simulator for understanding physical concepts.
a) Concepts of Modern Physics Arthur Beiser (Module 1 Unit 1 to 3, Module 2 Unit 1)
b) Nuclear Physics - An Introduction by S B Patel (Module 2 Unit 2,3)
Page 39
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 h ours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. define and understand motion under central force, elliptical orbits with Kepler’s laws.
2. describe and understand the systems with an inertial frame of reference.
3. describe and understand the motion ideal fluid and its conservation laws.
4. describe and understa nd Euler’s theorem, Euler’s equation of motion of rigid bodies.
5. explain the concepts of special relativity, space and time dilation, length contraction
6. explain the concept of General Relativity.
Module I – Mechanics of a moving body and fluid 2 Credits
Unit I: Introduction to Central Force
a) Motion under a central force, the central force inversely proportional to the square of the
distance, Elliptic orbits, The Kepler problem.
b) Moving origin of coordinates, Rotating coordinate systems, Laws of motion on the rotating
earth, The Foucault pendulum, Larmor’s theorem.
c) Worked out examples from the reference book
Unit II: Kinematics of moving fluids and Rigid Dynamics
a) Kinematics of moving fluids, Equati on of motion for an ideal fluid, Conservation laws for
fluid motion, Steady flow.
b) Rigid dynamics: introduction, degrees of freedom, rotation about an axis: orthogonal
c) Worked out examples from the reference book
Unit III: Euler’s Theorem
a) Euler’s the orem, Eulerian angles, inertia tensor, angular momentum of rigid body,
b) Euler’s equation of motion of rigid body, free motion of rigid body, motion of symmetric
top (without nutation).
c) Worked out examples from the reference book
Module II – Relativity 2 Credits
Unit IV: Special Relativity
a) Introduction to Special relativity, Lorentz transformations
b) Spacetime and time dilation
c) Worked out examples from the reference book
Page 40
Unit V: Electricity and Magnetism
a) Doppler effect, length contraction and twin paradox
b) Electricity and Magnetism, relativistic momentum
c) Worked out examples from the reference book
Unit VI: Energy and Momentum
a) Mass and energy, energy and momentum
b) General relativity
c) Worked out examples from the reference book
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1. To study Doppler effect using ‘phyphox’
2. To study Motion of a spinning top using ‘tracker’ software
3. Determination of ‘g’ by Kater’s pendulum
4. Logarithmic decrement
5. Study of Coupled oscillations and resonance
6. Determination of Y -Flat spiral spring
7. Surface tension of soap solution
8. Elastic const ants of a rubber tube
1. Classical Mechanics, P. V. Panat (Narosa).
2. Classical Mechanics -a Modern Perspective: V. D. Barger and M. G. Olsson. (Mc Graw Hill
International 1995 Ed.)
3. Mechanics : Keith R. Symon, (Addision Wesely) 3rd Ed.
2. An Introduction to Mechanics: Daniel Kleppner & Robert Kolenkow Tata Mc Graw Hill (Indian
Ed. 2007).
3. Concepts of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser, Chapter 1.
4. Modern Physics, Kenneth Krane, Chapter 2.
Page 41
COURSE VIII 2: Applied Physics
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, stude nt will be able to:
1. explain major concepts in physics.
2. relate scientific knowledge with real life situations.
3. analyse typical optical imaging systems, with emphasis on the human eye
5. apply the aspects of nuclear reactions in view of compound nuclear dynamics
6. explain ionization and the results of ionization during exposure to x -rays.
Module I – Applications of Mechanics, Light and Thermodynamics 2 credits
Unit I: Every day applications o f Mechanics
a) Review of Newton’s I, II and III law of motion, inertia, mass, net force, inertial frame of reference,
Physics behind Skating and ballet dance
b) Review of projectile motion, energy, work, conservation of energy, gravitational potential energy,
Physics behind falling balls and Ramps, Looping the loop, motorcycles in cage ball
c) Work out problems
Unit II: Applications of basic properties of Light
a) Review of light, refraction, reflection, dispersion, interference in electromagnetic waves,
polarized ref lection Physics behind Sunlight, industrial applications of different phenomena of
light in non -destructive testing
b) Review of levels of solid, band structure, fermi level, metal, semiconductor, insulator,
photoconductors, p - n junction diode), Brief descr iption of LED
c) LASER: Spontaneous and Stimulated emission, population inversion
Unit III: Thermodynamics as applied to different machines
a) Review of laws of Thermodynamics, heat, entropy, heat pumps, thermodynamics efficiency,
Working of Air Conditioners
b) Review of heat engines, thermodynamics efficiency, Physics behind Automobiles
c) Work out problems from the reference book
Page 42
Module II – Applications of Electricity, Magnetism and Nuclear reactions 2 credits
Unit IV: Machines working on the Principles of Electricity
a) Review of electric fields and voltage gradients, electric fields inside and outside conductors,
discharges, charging by induction, capacitors, Physics behind Xerographic copiers
b) Review of electric current, electric circuit, direct ion of current, electrical resistance, voltage drop
and rise, ohm’s law, series and parallel circuit) Physics behind Flashlight
c) Work out problems from the reference book
Unit V: Physics behind home appliances
a) Review of relationship between changing elec tric and magnetic fields, electric field energy, tank
circuit, electromagnetic waves, antennas, speed of light, modulations (amplitude and frequency,
bandwidth) Brief description of Radio
b) Review of speed, frequency and wavelength in electromagnetic waves, polar and non - polar
molecules, Lorentz force, cyclotron motion) Physics behind Microwave ovens
c) Work out problems from the reference book
Unit VI: Use of Nuclear reactions and Nuclear Energy
a) Review of nuclear structure, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, quantum tunnelling, radioactivity,
half-life, fission, chain reaction, isotopes, alpha decay, fusion, isotopes, transmutation of
elements, radioactive fallout) Physics behind Nuclear Weapons
b) Review of controlling nuclear fission, delayed neutrons, thermal fission reactors, moderators),
Nuclear Reactors
c) Review of X - Rays, photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, gamma rays, beta decay), Medical
Imaging and Radiation
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1. To determine specific gravity of solid.
2. Atwood’s Machine
3. To find the Modulus of Torsion of a Wire by Maxwell's Vibration Needle.
Page 43
4. Determination of the Velocity of Sound in Air by Measurement of the Length of a Resonance
Tube corresponding to a Fork of known Pitch
5. Determine the freezing and boiling points of the given thermometer.
6. Determine the coefficient of expansion of the given liquid and of cubical expansion of the given
7. Compare the illuminating power of the gas - flame and standard candle.
1. How things Work, The Physics of everyday life by Louis A. Bloomfield, Wiley
2. https://archive.org/details/practicalphysics00glazuoft/page/262/mode/2up
Page 45
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment : 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Comprehend and interconvert concentration terms such as molarity, normality, formality,
molality, mole fraction and ppm.
2. Determine empirical formula and molecular formula for a compound from the given
exper imental data; and perform stoichiometric calculations.
3. Differentiate between precision and accuracy, examine errors and their sources.
4. Present experimental data using statistical methods of data representation and significant
5. Explain t he definition of solubility and solubility product, calculate the value of Ksp and predict
formation of precipitate.
6. Identify the mathematical relationships between the various properties of gases, use the
combined gas law to compute the values of vari ous gas properties under specified conditions
and recognize why gases do not behave as ideal gases.
7. Describe quantum mechanical model of the atom, quantum numbers, radial and angular
distribution curves and shapes of s, p, and d orbitals.
8. Identify p eriodicity in atomic and ionic radii, electronegativity, ionization energy, electron
affinity of elements of the periodic table.
Module I - Introduction to Analytical Chemistry and its interdisciplinary nature
(2 Credits)
UNIT I: Chemical Calculations and Stoichiometry
a) Mole concept, determination of molecular mass by gram molecular volume relationship for
chemical reactions, problems based on mole concept. Methods of expressing concentration of
solutions: molarity, normality, molality, mole fraction, formality, dilution of solutions, inter -
conversion between different concentration units, concept of milliequivalents, millimoles, ppm
and ppb.
b) Gravimetric and Volumetric analysis: use of digital balance, calibration of glassware, pipette,
burette and volumetric flask, primary and secondary standards.
c) Importance of accuracy, precision and sources of error in analytical measurements, presentation
Page 46
of experimental data and results from the point of view of significant figures.
UNIT II: Buffers, solubility product and its applications
a) Buffer solutions: types of buffers, derivation of Henderson –Hesselbelch equation and its
applications; buffer capacity, buffer range, buffer action and applications of buffers in analytical
chemistry .
b) Solubility product, factors affecting precipitation equilibria (solubility product) in qualitative
analysis: common ion effect, pH, complexation, diverse ion effect, oxidation states (numerical
problems expected).
c) Numerical problems based on the above concepts.
UNIT III: Study of Fluids
a) Behaviour of Real Gases. Recapitulation of ideal behaviour of gases, deviations from ideal gas
behaviour, compressibility factor - Z and its variation with pressure for different gases. Causes
of deviation from ideal behaviour.
b) Van der Waal’s equation of state, its derivation and application in explaining real gas behaviour
(Mention of other equations of state: Berthelot, Dietrici).
c) Isotherms of real gases and their comparison with Van der Waal’s isotherms, continuity of
states, critical state, experimental determination of Pc, Tc and Vc, critical constant of gas in
terms of Van der Waal’s constant.
Module II – Atomic structure and Periodicity (2 Credits)
UNIT IV: Atomic Structure
a) Bohr’s theory of Hydrogen atom, wave theory
b) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
c) Orbitals (shapes of s, p and d orbitals) and quantum numbers.
UNIT V: Periodic Table and Periodicity of Properties
a) Arrangement of elements in the long form of the periodic table, correlation of classification of
elements into s, p, d and f -block on the basis of electronic configuration, Pauli’s Exclusion
Principle, Aufbau Principle and Hund’s Rule of maximum multiplici ty, anomalies in electronic
b) Atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity, effective nuclear charge and
calculations using Slater’s Rule, electronegativity and its determination using Mulliken’s and
Pauling’s method (numerical problems expected), metallic and non -metallic character,
oxidation states, melting / boiling points, colour, magnetic properties, polarizability. Trends
in the periodic table and applications in predicting and explaining chemical behaviour.
Page 47
c) Chemistry of ‘s’ block (Groups 1 and 2): Position of elements in the periodic table, electronic
configuration, trends in the properties with respect to family relationship, physical and
chemical properties, ionization potential (charge to size ratio), electronegativity, polarizing
power, oxidation state, hydration energy of ions.
Anomalous behaviour of Li and Be and diagonal relationship.
UNIT VI: Principles involved in Qualitative Analysis
a) Use of borax, sodium carbonate, cobalt nitrate, hydrogen sulphide and ammonium chloride in
qualitative analysis.
b) Solubility product and Common ion effect in QA.
c) Detection of the following acid radicals in presence of each other: carbonate, sulphite, chloride,
bromide, iodide, nitrite and nitrate.
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Practical Chemistry
Lab Safety
Semi -Micro Inorganic Qualitative Analysis:
Inorganic mixtures containing four radicals, 2 cations and 2 anions. Preliminary dry tests, preparation of
solution for analysis and wet tests for confirmation of the presence of the radicals.
Cations: Cu2+, Bi3+, Sb3+, Al3+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Cr3+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NH 4+, K+
Anions: Cl-, Br-, I-, NO 2-, NO 3-, CO 32-, SO 42-, PO 43- , CrO 42-, BO 33-
At least 5 – 6 mixtures to be analyzed with interfering radicals.
1. Principles of Physical Chemistry, 4th edition by S.H. Marron and C. F. Pruton.
2. Textbook of Physical Chemistry, Samuel Glasstone.
3. Physical Chemistry, Ira Levine, 5th Edition, 2002 Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
4. Physical Chemistry, G.M. Barrow, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New
5. University Chemistry, Bruce Mahan.
6. Textbook of Physical Chemistry, Sharma and Puri.
7. Fundamentals of Analytical chemistry, 8th edition, Skoog, West, Holler and Crouch.
Page 48
8. Concise Inorgan ic Chemistry, J. D. Lee, 5th edition, Oxford Press.
9. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Volume I, S. Prakash, G.D. Tuli, S. K. Basu, R. D. Madan.
10. Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry, C. M. Day & J. Selbin, Affiliated East West Press Pvt. Ltd.,
Page 49
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Interpret the first law of thermodynamics and express it mathematically; calculate energy
changes, work and heat contributions in chemical systems an d correlate ΔU and ΔH.
2. Differentiate between extensive and intensive properties; define spontaneous and non -
spontaneous processes and correlate free energy change and spontaneity of a process
3. Examine operation of Carnot cycle in order to determine t hermodynamic efficiency.
4. Define the average and instantaneous rate of a reaction, express the rate of a reaction in terms
of change in concentration of either of the reactants or products with time, and differentiate
between molecularity and order of a reaction.
5. Define rate constant and derive integrated rate equations for the zero, first and second order
6. Name an organic compound using IUPAC nomenclature rules and to accurately represent an
organic compound given an IUPAC name.
7. Explain mechanism of organic reactions and classify reaction types and intermediates.
8. Outline the molecular attributes that generate chirality, stereoisomers, enantiomers,
diastereomers, meso compounds, optical activity and racemic mixtures.
Module I – Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry (2 Credits)
UNIT I: Chemical Thermodynamics
a) Recapitulation of some important mathematical concepts: derivatives, rules of differentiation
and partial differentiation, algebraic, logarithmic and exponential functions. Integration; rules
of integration, algebraic and exponential functions (Self -Study) . Intensive and extensive
properties, state and path functions, isolated, clos ed and open systems, zeroth law of
thermodynamics (definition only).
b) First Law of thermodynamics: Definition, relation and comparison between heat capacities,
calculations of q, w, E and H for reversible, irreversible and free expansion of ideal gases under
isothermal and adiabatic conditions, limitations of first law and need for introducing new
functions (numerical problems expected).
Second Law of thermodynamics: Carnot cycle, mechanical efficiency, entropy changes for
Page 50
system and surroundings for reversible and irreversible processes, entropy changes for an ideal
gas in isothermal, isobaric and isochoric processes, entropy changes in chemical reactions,
entropy changes accompanying state change, physical significanc e of entropy, need for
introducing new functions (numerical problems expected).
c) Free Energy Functions: Gibbs and Helmholtz energy; variation of G and A with P, V and T;
Gibbs energy change and spontaneity, exergonic and endergonic reactions, Gibbs - Helmholtz
equation, thermodynamic equation of state (numerical problems expected).
UNIT II: Chemical Kinetics
a) Graphical representation of equations: Co -relation between mathematical functions and shapes
of the graph, rules for drawing graph co-ordinates etc., equation of straight line, slope and
intercept, plotting the graph from the data of chemical properties, determination of equation of
line of best fit (method of averages and least squares) for y = mx only and problems.
b) Recapitulation of basic concepts : Rate law, specific rate constant, comparison between order and
molecularity with examples, integrated rate equations for zero and first order reactions and their
half-life (no derivations), numerical problems expected.
c) Second order r eaction: Derivation of integrated rate equation (for equal and unequal
concentration of reactants), characteristics of second order reactions with suitable examples,
effect of temperature on rate of reaction (no derivation expected for Arrhenius equation).
UNIT III: Catalysis and Colligative properties of Dilute Solutions
a) Catalyst and catalysis, positive and negative catalysis, type of catalysis, characteristics of
catalytic reactions, promoters, catalytic poisoning, autocatalysis. Activation energy and
catalysis, theories of catalysis, active center on catalyst surface, adsorption theory and catalytic
activity (theoretical aspect only). Acid -Base catalysis (theoretical aspect only) and its
applications in industry.
b) Enzyme catalysis, mechanism of enzyme catalysis, characteristics of enzyme catalysis, effect of
temperature on enzyme catalysis (qualitative approach only), applications.
c) Dilute solution, colligative properties, Raoult’s law, relative lowering of vapour pressure.
Elevation in boiling point of a solution, thermodynamic derivation relating elevation in the
boiling point of a solution and the molar mass of the non -volatile sol ute. Depression in freezing
point of a solution, thermodynamic derivation relating the depression in the freezing point of a
solution and molar mass of the non -volatile solute.
Page 51
Module II – Reaction Mechanism and Hydrocarbon chemistry (2 Credits)
UNIT IV: IUPAC Nomenclature and Basics of Reaction Mechanism
a) IUPAC nomenclature: ALIPHATIC system only with multiple functional groups.
Geometry and structure of sp3, sp2 and sp hybridized carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms and
some common functional groups E.g., carbonyl and cyano.
b) Applications of electronic factors: Impact of inductive effect on pK a and pK b. Resonance in
organic compounds. Hyperconjugation and effect on stability of carbocation and carbon
radicals. Introduction of reaction mechanism including bond fission, classification of reactions,
reagents and intermediates. Structure and stability of carbocations, carbanions and carbon
Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution, S N1, S N2 and S Ni. Effect of substrate, nucleophile,
leaving group and solvent on rate of reaction. Elimination Reactions E 1 and E2.
c) Alkanes - mechanism of halogenation. Reactions of alkenes and cycloalkenes: hydrogenation,
halogenation, addition of HX - Markownikoff and anti- Markownikoff additions with
mechanism. Reactions of alkynes: hydration, addition of HX, selective hydrogenation to cis - and
trans - alkenes, acidity of terminal alkynes, preparation of metal acetylides and their alkylation.
UNIT V: Isomerism and Stereochemistry
a) Isomerism: Types of isomerism; structural isomerism (chain, position and functional) and
b) Chirality: Configuration, chirality and enantiomers, stereogenic / chiral centre, asymmetric
carbon atom, repre sentation of configuration by flying wedge formula and projection formulae -
Fischer, Newmann and Sawhorse.
c) Stereochemistry of carbon compounds with one and two similar and dissimilar asymmetric
carbon atoms, enantiomers, diastereomers and racemic mixtures and their properties; threo,
erythro and meso isomers. Geometrical isomerism due to restricted rotation around carbon –
carbon double bond and cycloalkanes.
UNIT VI: Polymers
a) Polymers: Introduction, General idea of monomers, polymers and polymerization. natural and
synthetic polymers. Homopolymers and Copolymers. Classification of polymers.
b) Copolymers – alternating, block, random and graft. Mechanism of free radical, cationic and
anionic addition polymerisation.
c) Recyclable polymers: Biodegradable polymers and their uses. Biomedical uses of polymers.
Page 52
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Practical Chemistry:
Volumetric Estimations :
(i) Determination of percentage composition of a mixture of Na2CO 3 + NaHCO 3.
(ii) Determination of percentage composition of a mixture of Oxalic acid + Potassium oxalate.
(iii) Estimation of Fe2+ versus K 2Cr2O7 using an internal indicator (diphenylamine).
(iv) Iodometry and Iodimetry:
(a) Estimation of iodine in tincture iodine
(b) Estimation of Cu2+
(v) Complexometry: Estimation of Mg2+/ Zn2+, Cu2+ using EDTA
Chemical Kinetics :
(i) To investigate the hydrolysis of methyl acetate in HCl and identify the rate constant graphically
as well as by calculations.
(ii) To study the reaction between KI and K2S2O8 using equal concentrations and unequal
1. Mathematical preparation for Physical Chemistry by F. Daniel, Mc. Graw Hill publication.
2. Thermodynamics for Chemist: S. Glasstone, Affiliated East -West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Commonly Asked Questions in Thermodyna mics. Assael, M. J.; Goodwin, A. R. H.;
Stamatoudis, M.; Wakeham, W. A. & Will, S. CRC Press: NY 2011.
4. Chemical Kinetics, J. Laidler K. Pearson Education: New Delhi 2004.
5. Concise Physical Chemistry, Rogers, D. W. Wiley, 2010.
6. The Elements of Physical Chemistry: 4th Ed., P. W. Atkins, Oxford University Press, 2005.
7. Physical Chemistry, G. M. Barrow, 6th Ed, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2008.
8. Introduction to Principles of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Thomas J. M., and Thomas W. J., VCH
Publishers, New York, 2008.
9. Organic Chemistry, Paula Y. Bruice, Pearson Education, 2008.
10. Organic Chemistry, R. T. Morrison and R. N. Boyd, 6th Edition, Pearson Education.
11. Organic Chemistry, T. W. G. Solomon and C. B. Fryhle, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons.
12. Polymers, D. Walton and P. Lorimer, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, Indian Edition, 2005.
Page 53
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Recognize the principles of volumetric analysis and identify the classification of volumetric
methods of analysis.
2. Recognize the type of titration methods suitable under given cond itions and predict the choice
of indicators.
3. Examine applications of solubility and solubility product in precipitation gravimetric analysis.
4. Solve problems in quantitative analysis using concepts of gravimetry.
5. Elucidate the difference between m olecular and atomic spectra and understand various types of
6. Correlate the physical properties across the groups -13 to 17, compare and distinguish between
halogens, halides, pseudo halogens and pseudohalides.
7. Solve problems related to screening constant, effective nuclear charge and identification of
group, block and period.
8. Give an overview of manufacturing processes of bulk chemicals [ammonia and sulphuric acid],
including physicochemical principles.
Module I – Quantitative Analys is and Spectroscopy (2 Credits)
UNIT I: Types of Titrations
a) Classification of volumetric analysis (basic concepts only).
b) Acid base (neutralisation) titrations: Theory of indicators, theory of acid base indicators, mixed
and universal indicators , explanation of the shapes of neutralization curves for strong acid -
strong base, weak acid - strong base, weak base - strong acid, weak acid - weak base, choice of
indicators (numerical problems expected).
Oxidation -Reduction Titration: Principle and only theoretical discussion (using suitable
examples), detection of end points, numerical problems.
c) Complexometric Titration: Principle (using suitable examples), standardisation, detection of end
Iodometry and Iodimetry: General discussion, detection of end point, difference between
Page 54
iodometry and iodimetry.
Precipitation Titration: Principle and only theoretical discussion (using suitable examples),
detection of endpoint.
UNIT II: Gravimetric Analysis
a) Definition and Types of Gravimetric Analysis.
b) Precipitation Gravimetry with respect to theory and practice .
(i) Solubility considerations: Common ion effect, diverse ion effect, pH and temperature.
(ii) Controlling particle size with respect to nucleation and rate of crystal growth.
Treatment of precipitates in Gravimetry: Digestion, Filtration and Washing, Drying and
c) Use of Organic Reagents in Gravimetric analysis E.g., Dimethyglyoxime, Salicylaldoxime,
Cupron, Oxine and Cupferron.
UNIT III: Introduction to Spectroscopy
a) Physical quantities and their dimensions: International system of units, derived units, subsidiary
units, prefixes for S.I. units, some important conversion factors.
b) Interaction of low energy radiation with matter: Electromagnetic spectrum, quantisation of
energy, absorption of radiation, absorption process, absorbance, transmittance, Beer’s law,
absorption spectrum, atomic absorption, molecular absorption, limitations of Beer’s Law, Beer
- Lambert’s Law and its applications.
c) Components of an optical instrument, photometer and spectrophotometer, construction and
working of a single beam colorimeter.
Module II - Chemistry of ‘p’ block elements (2 Credits)
UNIT IV: Groups 13 and 14
a) Position of elements in the periodic table, electronic configuration, trends in periodic properties
with respect to family relationship, physical and chemical properties, ionization potential (charge
to size ratio), electronegativity, oxidation state and metallic character.
b) Group 13: Structures of electron -deficient compounds with reference to boron hydrides, inert
pair effect . Chemistry of Aluminium compounds – halides, oxides and alkyls.
c) Group 14: Catenation and allotropy with special reference to carbon. Chemistry of silicon,
preparation and uses of silicones.
UNIT V: Groups 15 and 16
a) Physical properties of hydrides of elements of group 15 with respect to hydrogen bonding.
b) Physical properties of hydrides of elements of group 16 with respect to hydrogen bonding.
Page 55
c) Manufacture of bulk chemicals - ammonia by Haber’s process and sulphuric acid by Contact
process [principles, reactions and flow chart expected].
UNIT VI: Groups 17 and 18 and the d -block elements
a) Group 17: Pseudohalogen chemistry with respect to comparison with halogens, preparation and
uses - cyanogens, thiocyanogens and selenocyanogens.
b) Group 18: History, peculiar properties of Helium, clathrate compounds, preparation of Xenon
c) The d -block elements: Electronic configuration, Physical properties, trends in chemical
properties (oxidation state).
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Practical Chemistry:
Gravimetric Estimation:
(i) To study the effect of heat on the following mixtures and to calculate the percentage composition
of the mixture.
(a) NH 4Cl + BaSO 4 and
(b) Na2CO 3 + NaHCO 3
(ii) Precipitation Gravimetry:
(a) Ba2+ as BaSO 4
(b) Ba2+ as BaCrO 4
(c) Ni2+ as Ni -DMG
Determination of λmax for potassium permanganate solution using colorimeter, determination of
unknown concentration by calibration curve method.
1. D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, F. J. Holler, Fundamantal Analytical Chemistry, 7th Ed. Philadelphia,
Saunders College Publishing, 1996.
2. G. D. Christian, Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2003.
Page 56
3. Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry, S. M. Khopkar, 3rd edition, New Age International
4. Analytical Chemistry: Problems and Solutions, S. M. Khopkar, 2002, New Age Intern ational
5. R. A. Dey & D. L.Underwood, Quantitative Analysis, 6th ed. Prentice Hall Of India Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi, 1993.
6. C. N. Banwell, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, 5th ed., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd, New Delhi
7. Theore tical Inorganic Chemistry, C. M. Day & J. Selbin, Affiliated East West Press Pvt. Ltd.,
8. Inorganic Chemistry, D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford, 3rd edition, Oxford
University Press, 1999.
9. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Volume I, S . Prakash, G.D. Tuli, S. K. Basu, R. D. Madan.
10. James E. Huheey, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd edition, Harper & Row Publishers, Asia, Pvt Ltd.,
11. Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J.D. Lee, 5th edition, Oxford University Press.
12. Vogel’s textbook of Qu antitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney, J. D. Barnes
and M. J. K. Thomas, 6th edition.
Page 57
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Derive Nernst equation for cell, electrode, and th ermodynamic parameters associated with cell
2. Identify different electrodes used in construction of electrochemical cell and construction of
workable electrochemical cell, represent the cell -cell reactions.
3. Apply Raoult’s law to find total pr essure and partial pressure of each component and, as well as
the composition of the phases of binary mixture.
4. Explain the thermodynamic aspects of equilibria between phases and draw phase diagrams of
simple one component and two component systems.
5. Interpret reactivity of various aliphatic organic compounds and their interconversions in 5 – 6
6. Outline the mechanism of reactions involving the reactive intermediates.
7. Apply Huckel’s rule to recognise aromatic, non -aromatic and anti -aromatic compounds.
8. Propose the mechanism of aromatic electrophilic substitution and the effect of substituents on
the orientation of an incoming electrophile.
Module I – Phase Equilibria and Electrochemistry (2 Credits)
UNIT I: Phases in Equilibria and Two component systems
a) Phases in Equilibria: Introduction, Phase, components, degrees of freedom, Gibb’s phase rule,
phase diagram (with one suitable example).
b) Two component systems: Completely miscible liquid -liquid mixtures: Phase diagrams of ideal
mixture: Vapour pressure composition and temperature composition diagrams. Raoult’s law,
ideal solutions. Deviation from Raoult’s law, positive and negative deviations (Numerical
Problems expected).
c) Phase diagrams of non - ideal mixtures, azeotropes, distillation of azeotropic mixtures.
Partially miscible liquid -liquid mixtures: only introduction and examples.
Completely immiscible liquid -liquid mixtures: Steam distillation and its applications. Self -
study: One component system: CO 2 system, breaking of azeotropes.
Page 58
UNIT II: Electrochemistry
a) Introduction to Electrolytic cell and Electrochemical cells (Galvanic /Voltaic cell).
Ion selective and ion specific electrodes, comparison, simple examples. Types of ion specific
electrodes: (i) Metal -metal ion electrode (ii) Gas electrode (including S.H.E.) (iii) Metal - metal
insoluble salt electrode (including reference and calomel electrode) (iv) Redox elect rode (v)
Amalgam electrode.
b) Cell representation of galvanic cell from cell reactions and vice versa. Concept of combination
electrode: Glass electrode - construction and working (in brief).
c) Derivation of Nernst equation for the emf of a cell and hence for a single electrode potential,
potential of glass electrode. Determination of equilibrium constant from EMF measurements.
Thermodynamic parameters [∆G, ∆H and ∆S] for the reaction taking place in a chemical cell.
Introduction to electrode concentr ation cell and electrolyte concentration cell.
UNIT III: pH-metric Titrations
a) Introduction to pH metric titrations. Titration curves for:
(i) strong acid Vs strong base
(ii) weak acid Vs strong base
b) Graphical methods to determine the equivalence point. Determination of Ka for weak
monobasic acid.
c) Self-study: Numerical problems on calculation of pH of different types of acids, bases and
buffer solutions.
Module II - Mechanism of Organic Reactions (2 Credits)
UNIT IV: Functional Group Chemistry
a) Reactions of alkyl halides with: aqueous alkali, alcoholic alkali (dehydrohalogenation), potassium
cyanide, conversion of alkyl cyanide further to primary amine and carboxylic acid, ammonia,
silver salt of carboxylic acid, sodium alkoxide, Wurtz reaction.
Reactions of alcohols with sodium metal, dehydration, esterification, oxidation of primary,
secondary and tertiary alcohols.
b) Reactions of aldehydes and ketones:
(a) Addition to carbonyl compounds:
(i) HCN and (ii) NaHSO 3
(b) Condensation reaction with hydroxylamine
(c) Oxidation with acidic K2Cr2O7 and PCC
(d) Reduction of aldehydes and ketones:
(i) Catalytic reduction
Page 59
(ii) Clemmensen reduction
(iii) Reduction with LiAlH 4 and NaBH 4
(iv) Wolff - Kishner reduction
c) Reactions of carboxylic acids: Formation of salt, anhydride, amide, acid halide, ester and alkane.
Reactions of amines: Acetylation of amines with acetic anhydride and acetyl chloride, action of
nitrous acid on primary / secondary / tertiary amines, alkylation of primary / secondary / tertiary
amines yielding quaternary ammonium salts.
Note : Each reaction should be studied with respect to compounds upto 6 carbon atoms. Based on these
and the reactions of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, multi -step synthesis of compounds having
one functional group are expected, the number of carbon atoms in each being not more than six.
No mechanisms are expected.
UNIT V: Reactive Intermedi ates
a) Carbocations: Different types of carbocations such as alkyl, allyl, benzyl. Electrophilic addition
across an olefinic double bond. Rearrangements: Wagner -Meerwein rearrangement, Pinacole -
Pinacolone rearrangement.
b) Carbanions: Concept of carbon acid. Alkylation of carbon acids (active methylene compounds
and terminal alkynes) using alkyl halides . Reactions of Grignard reagents at sp3 carbon and
carbonyl group. Aldol condensation with mechanism.
c) Carbon radicals: General reactions of radicals – abstraction, addition to C=C, combination,
disproportionation. Addition of HBr to alkenes in presence of peroxide. Polymerization.
Carbenes: Generation of carbenes through alpha elimination, from diazoalkanes, from ketenes.
Structure and stability of carbenes. Reactions: insertion into C-H bond and addition to olefin.
UNIT VI: Aromatic Electrophilic Substitution Reaction
a) Electronic structure and Huckel’s Rule of aromaticity including nomenclature of aromatic
systems. Concept of anti-aromaticity, non-aromaticity.
b) General mechanism of aromatic electrophilic substitution reaction with energy profile diagram.
c) Drawing resonance structures of mono -substituted benzenes - activated and deactivated
aromatic rings. Effect of electron -withdrawing and electron -donating substituents on the
orientation of an incoming electrophile on the basis of –
(i) electron -density distribution (ii) stability of intermediate.
Cases to be studied: Mono and disubstituted benzenes containing - alkyl, amino, hydroxyl,
alkoxy, halo, acyl, nitro, carboxy groups, ortho / para ratio.
Page 60
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Practical Chemistry:
Identification of an Organic Compound: The identification should be done through: preliminary tests,
solubility, element detection, functional group tests, physical constant determination. The analysis should
be done by micro -scale techniques. For the identification of an organic compound about 200 mg of any
compound with not more than two functional/neutral groups be given belonging to the following
categori es: Acids (carboxylic acids/sulphonic), phenols, aldehydes/ketones, alcohols, esters, amines
(primary, secondary and tertiary), carbohydrates, hydrocarbons, halo/nitro hydrocarbons.
Note: A minimum of 10 compounds be given for the identification from the categories mentioned above
1. The Elements of Physical Chemistry: P.W. Atkins (1996) 2nd Ed, Oxford University Press,
2. Physical Chemistry: G. M. Barrow 6th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Text Book of Physical Chemistry, S. Glasstone, Affiliated East -West press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Phase equilibria –Reisman Arnold, Edited by Ernest M. Loebe, New York and London
Academic Press.
5. Properties of Liquids and Solution: J. N. Murrell and E.A. Boucher, Wiley, 1982.
6. An Introduction to Electrochemistry – Samuel Glasstone Affiliated East -West Press.
7. Organic Reaction Mechanism, 3rd Ed., V.K. Ahluwalia and R.K. Parashar, Narosa Publications.
8. Organic Chemistry, Paula Y. Bruic e, Pearson Education, 2008.
9. Organic Chemistry, R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd, 6th Edition, Pearson Education.
10. Organic Chemistry, T. W. G. Solomon and C. B. Fryhle, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons.
Page 61
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Define and describe important terms involved in electrolytic cells.
2. Identify and study Arrhenius theory, Ostwald’s dilution law and Kohlrausch’s law of
independent migration of ions for weak electrolytes a long with their various applications
3. Explain the basic principles and experimental setup of various instrumental methods, i.e.,
conductometric and potentiometric titration and analyse various titration curves in
conductometric titration.
4. Apply laws governing photochemistry to various photochemical reactions and photochemical
transitions to interpret the basic principles of fluorescence, phosphorescence &
5. Predict the hybridization of the central atom, parent structure, approxima te bond angles, and
molecular shape of a molecule or polyatomic ion.
6. Draw and interpret given MO diagram as well as fill in electrons into an MO diagram to predict
bond order for a compound and magnetic character.
7. Identify acids and bases using diffe rent theories.
8. Predict the products of acid -base reactions; compare strong and weak acids and bases using the
concept of equilibrium.
Module I – Electrolytes and Instrumental methods (2 Credits)
UNIT I: Solutions of Electrolytes
a) Introduction of the terms involved: electronic and electrolytic conductors, conductivity,
resistivity, specific resistivity, measurement of conductivity of solutions, conductometer,
conductivity cell, cell constant, specific conductivity, molar conductivity and equivalent
conductivity with their units in SI and C.G.S. systems.
Variation of molar conductivity with change in concentration of solution for strong and weak
electrolytes. Arrhenius theory and Ostwald’s dilution law for weak electrolytes. Debye -Huckel
theory for strong electrolytes (asymmetric and electrophoretic effect), concept of limiting molar
Page 62
b) Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of ions. Applications of Kohlrausch’s law: (i)
Determination of limiting molar conductivity of weak electrolytes (ii) Determination of
dissociation constant of a weak acid (iii) Determination of solubility of sparingly soluble salts.
c) Migration of ions, transport number, determination of transport number by i) Hittorf’s
method using unattackable electrodes (only qualitative explanation) ii) Moving boundary
method. Use of coulometer, factors affecting the transport number of ions, relation between
transport number and ionic conductivity of an ion. Relationship between ionic mobility and ionic
conductivity of an ion (Derivation is not expected).
Self-study: Numerical problems based on all the above concepts.
UNIT II: Use of Instrumental methods in Titrimetric analysis
a) Conductometric titrations
Basic principles, experimental set up, titration curves in the titration of:
(i) strong acid Vs strong base
(ii) weak acid Vs strong base
(iii) weak acid Vs weak base
(iv) mixture of strong and weak acids Vs strong base
(v) sodium chloride Vs silver nitrate
(vi) barium hydroxide Vs magnesium sulphate
Advantages and limitations.
b) Potentiometric titration: Principle, concept of indicator electrode .
c) Self-study : Application of analytical methods in various fields such as chemical and
pharmaceutical industries, environmental analysis and monitoring.
UNIT III: Photochemistry
a) Laws of Photochemistry, Jablonski energy level diagram – primary & secondary Photochemical
b) Radiationless transition – internal conversion & intersystem crossing. Radiative transitions –
fluorescence, relation to structure. Phosphorescence - conditions for phosphorescence emission
(spin – orbit coupling). Singlet and triplet.
c) Chemiluminescence .
Module II – Theories of Chemical Bonding (2 Credits)
UNIT IV: VSEPR and Valence Bond Theory
a) VSEPR concept: Effect of lone pairs, effect of electronegativity, isoelectronic
principle, shapes of chemical species and polarity on the basis of VSEPR theory.
b) Hybridisation: sp3, sp2, sp hybridization of carbon and nitrogen, sp3 and sp2 hybridization of
Page 63
oxygen in organic compounds; theory of hybridization with respect to equivale nce of
contributing atomic orbitals in the following examples: CH 4, NH 3 and H2O.
c) Energetics of hybridization, types of hybridization and extent of d -orbital participation in
molecular bonding. sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d, sp3d2 and sp3d3 with illustrations like BeCl 2, BF 3, SiCl 4,
PCl 5, SF 6, IF7, ClF 3, ICl 2-, BrF 5, SO 2, SO 3. Merits and Demerits of Valence Bond Theory.
UNIT V: Molecular Orbital Theory [M.O.T.]
a) Conditions for the formation of Molecular Orbitals.
b) Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals to obtain Molecular Orbitals [LCAO -MO] Approach.
c) Application of the LCAO -MO to the formation of:
(i) Homo - and Hetero -nuclear diatomic molecules and ions E.g., H2, N2, O2, F2, He2, Li2,
Be2, C2, Ne 2, CO, NO, HCl, HF and CN-.
(ii) Occurrence of the Molecular ions O2+, O21-, O22- .
Discussion should include orbital interaction, stabilization of orbitals, bond order and correlation with
stability, bond length, bond energy and magnetic properties.
UNIT VI: Theories of Acids and Bases
a) Recapitulation of Arrhenius theory.
b) Lowry -Bronsted concept: Bronsted acids and bases, acid -base properties of water, pH, strength
of acids and bases, weak acids and acid ionization constants, weak bases and base ionizatio n
constants, relationship between ionization constants of acids and their conjugate bases, diprotic
and polyprotic acids.
Solvent levelling, solvent -system definition of acids and bases. Lux-Flood, Lewis & Usanovich
c) Lewis acid concept: Examples of Lewis acids and bases, characteristics of Lewis acids. Pearsons
concept of Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB), applications of HSAB.
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Page 64
Practical Chemistry:
(i) Potentiometry:
(a) Determination of E° cell, free energy and equilibrium constant for a cell having cell
(ii) pH metry:
(a) pH-metric titration of strong acid Vs strong base and to determine pKa value.
(b) pH-metric titration of weak acid Vs strong base and to determine pKa value.
(iii) Conductometry:
(a) Conductometric titration of strong acid Vs strong base.
(b) Conductometric titration of weak acid Vs. strong base.
(c) Conductometric titration of a mixture of a strong and weak acid Vs strong base.
(d) Verification of Ostwald’s dilution law for weak electrolyte (acetic acid).
1. Properties of Liquids and Solutions: J. N. Murrell and E.A. Boucher, Wiley, 1982.
2. Introduction to Princip les of Heterogeneous Catalysis: Thomas J. M. and Thomas W.J.
3. An Introduction to Electrochemistry – Samuel Glasstone, Affiliated East -West Press.
4. Modern Electrochemistry: J. O’M Bokris and A.K.N. Reddy, Maria Gamboa – Aldeco, 2nd Ed,
1st Indian reprin t, Springer (2006).
5. Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry, S. M. Khopkar, 3rd edition, New Age International
6. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis: Chatwal and Anand, 5th Ed., Himalaya
7. Fundamental Analytical Chemistry, D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, F. J. Holler, 8th edition.
8. Chemistry, McMurry Fay, Prentice Hall.
9. Shriver Atkins Inorganic Chemistry, P. W. Atkins, Overton, Rourke Weller, Armstrong, 5th
edition, Oxford University Press.
10. Chemistry Concepts and Connections, Charles H. Corwin, Prentice Hall.
11. Chemistry, James E. Brady, Neil D. Jespersen and Alison Hyslop, 6th edition.
12. Inorganic Chemistry, P. A. Cox, Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd
Page 65
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 35
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Describe and explain different types of colloidal systems.
2. Analyse and correlate colligative properties of solutions with molar masses of solutes.
3. Differentiate between physical and chemical adsorption and correlate adsorption results on the
basis of various adsorption isotherms.
4. Examine the role of catalysis in industries; apply collision theory to predict reaction rate.
5. Assess the role of electrochemistry in providing renewable sources of energy.
6. Identify modern functional materials and assess how they have impacted our lives.
7. Write functional group transformations and propose plausible mechanism for certain reactions.
8. Describe synthesis methods, reactions applications and mechanisms of aromatic nitrogen and
amino compounds, aromatic aldehydes and ketones, aromatic carboxylic and sulphonic acids
with mechanisms of certain reactions.
Module I - Surface Chemistry and Alternative Fuel Technologies (2 Credits)
UNIT I: Colloid s
a) Introduction to colloidal state of matter.
b) Origin of charge on colloidal particles. Concept of electrical double layer, zeta potential,
Helmholtz and Stern mode, Electrokinetic phenomena:
(i) Electrophoresis
(ii) Electro -osmosis
(iii) Streaming potential
(iv) Sedimentation potential
Colloidal electrolytes.
Donnan Membrane Equilibrium.
c) Surfactants, micelle formation, applications of surfactants in detergents, food industry in
pesticide formulations.
Page 66
UNIT II: Catalysis
a) Adsorption Physical and Chemical Adsorption, types of adsorption isotherms, Langmuir’s
adsorption isotherm, (postulates and derivation expected). B.E.T. equation for multilayer
adsorption, (derivation not expected, significance of the terms involved in the equation is
expected), determination of surface area of an adsorbent using B. E.T. equation.
b) Catalysis: Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, catalytic activity and selectivity,
promoters, inhibitors, catalyst poisoning and deactivation, TON and TOF (introduction only).
Acid -Base catalysis, mechanism and kinetics of acid -base catalyzed reactions, effect of pH on
acid-base catalyzed reactions. Mechanics and kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reaction (Michaelis -
Menten equation).
c) Kinetics of surface reactions, heterogeneous catalysis:
(i) Unimolecular surface reactions
(ii) Bimolecular surface reaction (relevant rate expressions expected)
UNIT III: Renewable Energy Sources and Introduction to Materials of the Future
a) Batteries – Secondary cells, Lithium -Ion Cell.
Fuel Cells - Choice of fuel and oxidant, thermodynamic and kinetic aspect of
electrochemical energy transformation, efficiency of fuel cells, Bacon’s H2 and O2 fuel cell.
Solar cells, solar energy, photovoltaic effect, semiconductors as solar energy converters. Silicon
solar cell.
b) Biomass energy from biomass and its sources, conversion of biomass into energy by alcohol
fermentation and anaerobic digestion method.
Hydrogen: fuel of the future, production of hydrogen by direct electrolysis of water and biomass
gasification, advantages of hydrogen as a universal energy medium.
c) Liquid Crystals: Classification, Molecular ordering, identification, polymeric liquid crystals,
application of liquid crystals – LC displays and thermography. Organic Light Emitting Diodes.
Module II – Functional group chemistry of Aromatic compounds (2 Credits)
UNIT IV: Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Haloarenes, Phenols and Ethers
a) Alkyl arenes: Preparation of alkyl arenes through reforming, Friedel -Crafts alkylation using –
olefins, alcohols, alkyl halides. Reactions of alkyl arenes – side-chain oxidation, ring Vs side-
chain halogenation (mechanism).
Haloarenes: Preparation by halogenation of arenes – Halogenation of benzene and substituted
benzenes with molecular halogens (mechanism) . Reactions : Grignard reagent formation.
Ullmann reaction. Applications of aromatic halogen compounds.
b) Phenols: Preparation from (i) halobenzenes (ii) from aromatic sulfonic acids (iii) isopropyl and
2-butylbenzene by hydroperoxide method. Reactions: Acidity of phenols – effect of substituents
Page 67
on acidity of phenols. Salt Formation. Etherification – direct reaction with alcohol. Williamson
synthesis. O -acylation. Halogenation, Nitration, Fries rearrangement of aryl carboxylates,
Claisen rearrangement of allyloxyarenes. Applications of phenols.
c) Ethers: Preparation by dehydration of alcohols (mechanism), reactions of phenols with alcohols,
Williamson synthesis (mechanism). Reactions: Acid -catalyzed cleavage – reaction with HX
(mechanism). Applications: Applications of ethers, Crown ethers: Structure of 12 -crown -4 and
18-crown -6 and their uses.
UNIT V: Aromatic nitro compounds, Aromatic amino compounds and Aromatic diazonium salts
a) Aromatic nitro compounds: Preparation: Nitration using mixed acid (mechanism).
Reactions: Reduction of aromatic nitro compounds by – catalytic hydrogenation, dissolving
metal reduction using – Fe-HCl, Sn -HCl and partial reduction using NaHS.
b) Aromatic amino compounds: Preparation : Reduction of nitro compounds, amination of
halobenzenes and Hoffmann bromamide reaction. Reactions: Basicity of aromatic amines, effect
of substituents on basicity o f aniline, salt formation, N -alkylation and N-acylation.
c) Aromatic diazonium salts: Preparation: Diazotization of aromatic primary amines. Reactions:
(i) Sandmeyer, Gattermann reaction (ii) Azo-coupling reaction with phenols/ naphthols and
aromatic amines
UNIT VI: Aromatic carbonyl compounds, Aromatic carboxylic acids and Aromatic sulfonic acids
a) Aromatic carbonyl compounds: Preparation of aromatic aldehydes and ketones: Gattermann -
Koch reaction, Gattermann reaction, Vilsmeier -Haack reaction, Reimer -Tiemann reaction
(mechanism), oxidation of methyl arenes and Rosenmund reduction, Friedel -Crafts acylation
using acid chloride and acid anhydride (mechanism). Reactions with mechanism: Knoevenagel,
Claisen -Schmidt, Cannizzaro and Reformatsky reactions with applications.
b) Aromatic carboxylic acids: Preparation of mono - and di -carboxylic acids: Side-chain oxidation
of alkyl benzenes, reaction of Grignard reagents with solid ca rbon dioxide, hydrolysis of aryl
nitriles and Kolbe -Schmidt reaction. Reactions: (i) Acidity and effect of substituents on the
acidity of benzoic acid (ii) Conversions to acid chloride, amide and anhydride (iii) Reduction
and (iv) Decarboxylation.
c) Aromatic sulfonic acids: Preparation of aromatic sulfonic acids: Commonly used sulfonating
agents. Sulfonation of benzene (with mechanism) and mono -substituted benzenes. Reactions:
Acidity of arene sulfonic acids. Comparative acidity of carboxylic acids and sulfonic acids, salt
formation, desulfonation and Ipso substitution. – SO 3H as a solubilizing and blocking group,
preparation of sulfonate esters.
Page 68
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Practical Chemistry:
(i) Derivative preparation: The exercise is aimed at imbibing the concept of derivative preparation
as a method of identifying a given compound from a set of compounds having the same
functional group. Based on the melting point, identify the given compounds looking at the chart.
About 500 mg of a suitable compound be given. The candidate will prepare the given derivative.
Crystallization is expected. M.P. of the dried derivative should be taken and appropriate
inference drawn. The derivative preparation should involve one of the following reactions:
(a) Bromination of Acetanilide
(b) Nitrati on of Aromatic compounds
(c) N/O-Acylation
(d) Hydrolysis of Amides
(ii) Estimation of an Organic Compound: The following estimations be given:
(a) Estimation of formaldehyde by oxidation using iodine and alkali.
(b) Estimation of aniline by bromination using brominating solution.
(c) Estimation of acetamide by hydrolysis.
Note: For the estimations, the concentrations and the quantities be reduced. For dilution a standard flask
of 100 cm3 capacity and for the transfer a pipette of 10 cm3 capac ity be used. The concentrations of the
solutions be around 0.05 N.
1. Phase Rule, F. D. Ferguson and P. K. Jones, (Bitterworth Publisher).
2. Properties of Liquids and Solution, J. N. Murrell and E.A. Boucher: Wiley, 1982.
3. Adsorption and Catalysis, D. K. Chakravarty, Oxford Publishers.
4. Basic Principles of Colloid Science, D. H. Everett, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1988.
5. Introduction to Principles of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Thomas J. M. and Thomas W. J., VCH
Publishers, New York, 2008.
6. Principles and Applications of Homogeneous Catalysis, Nakamura A. and M. Tsutsui,
Page 69
Wiley, 1980.
7. Biomass for Renewable Energy, Fuels & Chemicals, Donald L. Klass, Academic Press, London,
8. Handbook of alternative fuel technologies, S. N. Lee & James G. Spergit, CRC Press.
9. Organic Chemistry, R. T. Morrison and R. N. Boyd, 6th Edition, Pearson Education.
10. Organic Chemistry, John McMurry 5th Edition, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000.
11. Organic Chemistry, Francis A Carey, Pearson Education, 6th Edition, Special Indian Education,
12. Organic Synthesis Special Techniques, V. K. Ahluwalia, Renu Aggarwal, Narosa Publication.
Page 70
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Interpret the basics of quantum chemistry & appreciate the concept of entropy as a probability
2. Apply quantum chemistry concepts such as photoelectric effect, Compton effect and
Schrodinger equation to understand mol ecular and particle behaviour.
3. Outline the selection rules for rotational and vibrational spectra and rationalize the role of the
molecular dipole moment in the selection rules.
4. Identify the IR frequencies where simple functional groups absorb light.
5. Identify how nuclear spins are affected by a magnetic field, and be able to explain what happens
when radiofrequency radiation is absorbed.
6. Predict the number of proton signals and splitting parameters expected from a compound given
its structure.
7. Describe what happens to a compound in a mass spectrometer.
8. Identify methods of detection of various ionizing radioactive radiations, various types of nuclear
reactions and differentiate between nuclear fission and fusion.
Module I – Introduction to Quantum Ch emistry and Nuclear Dynamics (2 Credits)
UNIT I: Basics of Quantum Chemistry
a) Classical mechanics, limitations of classical mechanics, Black body radiation, photoelectric
effect, Compton Effect.
Introduction to quantum theory, Planck’s theory of quantization, wave particle dualism, de -
Broglie equation, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Simple numerical problems.
b) Progressive and standing waves, boundary conditions, Schrödinger’s time independent wave
equation, interpretation and properties of wave function.
c) State function (wave function) and its significance. Concept of operators: definition, addition,
subtraction and multiplication of operators, commutative and non - commutative operators,
linear operator, position, momentum and energy opera tors. Eigen function and eigen value,
eigen value equation.
Page 71
UNIT II: Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry
a) Types of nuclear radiations and their characteristics, behaviour of ion -pairs in electric field,
detection and measurement of nuclear radiations using G.M. counter and scintillation counter.
b) Kinetics of radioactive decay, units of radioactivity (Curie, Becquerel, Rutherford).
c) Radioactive equilibrium (secular and transient) Determination of radioactive constants for
radio -elements h aving (i) moderate half -life (ii) long half -life (iii) extremely long or short half
Use of radioisotopes as tracers in:
(i) Chemical investigations - reaction mechanism
(ii) Age determination – dating by tritium content and by Carbon -14.
UNIT I II: Nuclear Reactions
a) Nuclear Reactions: nuclear transmutation, artificial radioactivity (suitable examples using
different projectiles are expected.), Q -value of nuclear reaction threshold energy.
b) Fissile and fertile material, nuclear fission, chain reaction, factors controlling fission process
(multiplication factor and critical size or mass of fissionable material), nuclear power reactor
and breeder reactor.
c) Nuclear fusion, characteristics of nuclear fusion, thermonuclear reactions occurring in stellar
Module II - Molecular Spectroscopy (2 Credits)
UNIT IV: Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy
a) Dipole moment: Polarization of a bond, bond moment, dipole moment and Molecular structure.
b) Rotational / Microwave Spectroscopy: Rotational spectrum of a diatomic molecule, rigid rotor,
moment of inertia, energy levels, limitations of rotational spectra, selection rule, nature of
spectrum, determination of inter nuclear distance and isotopic shift.
c) Vibrati onal (IR) Spectroscopy: Vibrational motion, degrees of freedom, modes of vibration,
vibrational spectrum of a diatomic molecule, simple harmonic oscillator, energy levels, zero -
point energy, conditions for obtaining vibrational spectrum, selection rule, na ture of spectrum.
Anharmonic Oscillator: energy levels, selection rule, fundamental band, overtones.
UNIT V: Vibration -Rotation Spectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy
a) Vibration -Rotation Spectroscopy of diatomic molecules: Vibrating rotor, energy levels, selection
rule, nature of spectrum, R and P branches.
b) Applications of vibration -rotation spectrum: (i) Force constant, determination and significance
(ii) determination of inter -nuclear distance, isotopic shift. Introduction to infrared spectra of
Page 72
simple molecules like H2O and CO2.
c) Raman Spectroscopy: Scattering of electromagnetic radiation, Rayleigh scattering, Raman
scattering, nature of Raman spectrum, Stoke’s lines, anti -Stoke’s lines, Raman shift, quantum
theory of Raman scattering, comparative study of IR and Raman spectra, rule of mutual
exclusion (example of CO 2 molecule).
UNIT VI: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy
a) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Nuclear spin, magnetic moment, nuclear ‘g’ factor,
energy levels, Larmor precession. Relaxation processes in NMR (spin -spin relaxation and spin -
lattice relaxation)
b) NMR spectrometer, chemical shift, shielding and de -shielding of protons, low resolution NMR
spectrum of methanol and ethanol, fine structure of NMR - nuclear spin-spin interaction with
reference to methanol and ethanol.
c) Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy (introductory concepts): Derivative curves & g-values,
Hyperfine splitting with respect to methyl radical and benzene radical. Applications of ESR
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Practical Chemistry:
Physical Chemistry: Non -Instrumental Experiments:
(i) Partition Coefficient: To determine the partition co -efficient of I 2 between CCl 4.H2O and to
determine the equilibrium constant for the reaction KI + I 2 = KI 3 by partition method.
(ii) Chemical Kinetics: To study the effect of ionic strength (KCl) on the reaction between K 2S2O8
and KI.
(iii) Adsorption Experiment: To study the adsorption of acetic acid / oxalic acid on charcoal.
(iv) Phase Rule: To determine th e phase diagram for the system water, chloroform, acetic acid at
room temperature.
(v) Solubility Measurement: To determine the solubility product of calcium hydroxide at room
(vi) Viscosity: To determine the molecular weight of polyvinyl alcohol by viscosity measurements.
Page 73
1. The Elements of Physical Chemistry: 4th ed. P. W. Atkins, Oxford University Press, 2005
2. Physical Chemistry: 6th Ed, G. M. Barrow, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2008.
3. Text Book of Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed, Glasstone, Affiliated East -West press Pvt. Ltd., New
4. Physical Chemistry: 2nd ed. C.B.S,K. J. Laidler and J. H. Meiser, First Indian ed. Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 1999
5. Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Friedlander, Kennedy and Joseph W., John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1955.
6. Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry: 4th Ed., Arnikar H. J., New Age International Ltd., Publishers,
New Delhi.1955.
7. Nuclear Chemistry, Maheshwar Sharon & Madhuri Shar on, Ane Books (P), Ltd. 2009.
8. Quantum Chemistry, Donald A. McQuarrie, Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2003.
9. Quantum Chemistry: 3rd ed., R. K. Prasad, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, New
10. A Textbook of Physical Chemistry, (Vol 1 – 5) K. L. Kapoor, Macmillan India Ltd, 2008.
11. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy: 4th ed. C. N. Banwell & E.M. Mc Cash, Tata McGraw
Hill Publication, 1995.
12. Organic Spectroscopy, William Kemp, MacMillan Publisher, London, 1975.
Page 74
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Ma rks)
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Assign IUPAC names of coordination compounds; deduce the stereochemistry and identify
types of isomerism in transition metal complexes.
2. Apply 18 -electron rule using the neutral atom and oxidation state method for electron counting.
3. Describe bonding and stabilization energies in coordination complexes using molecular orbital
theory and crystal field theory and compare the two.
4. Use the properties of Lanthanides and Ac tinides to identify their real -world applications in
domestic, medical, industrial and military uses.
5. Specify atomic planes, directions, and families of planes and directions within a given crystal
structure using Miller indices.
6. Analyse the structur e of materials and interpret unit cell, types of crystal lattices, atomic packing
factor and coordination number.
7. Explain types of superconductors and their applications.
8. Classify solvents and compare characteristics of non -aqueous solvents.
Module I - Co-ordination Chemistry (2 Credits)
UNIT I: Introduction to Co -ordination Compounds
a) Distinction between Double salts and Co -ordination compounds. Terms involved in Co-
ordination Chemistry: Co-ordination Compound, central metal atom or ions, complex
compound, Complex ion, Ligand: Definition, Classification, Chelates and chelating agents, Co -
ordination Sphere, Co -ordination Number, Charge of the complex ion, calculation of oxidation
and coordination number of metal, etc.
b) Werner’s Theory – postulates.
IUPAC nomenclature of Co -ordination compounds.
Sidwick Model (Eighteen electron rule), EAN rule limitations.
Isomerism in Co-ordination compounds: Structural isomerism (ionization, hydrate, linkage,
ligand, coordination position) and Geometrical isomerism and optical isomerism.
Page 75
c) Bonding in Co -ordination Compounds
Pauling’s Valence Bond Theory – Assumptions, concept of hybridization, Limitations and
Bonding in tetrahedral, square planer, trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral complexes with
examples. Inner and outer orbital complexes.
Electroneutrality principle and Back (Multiple) bonding.
UNIT II: Crystal Field Theory (CFT)
a) Basic tenets of Crystal Field Theory and effect of Crystal Field on central metal valence orbitals.
b) Splitting of d orbitals in octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes and Jahn -Teller
c) Crystal field splitting energy (10Dq/Δo) for octahedral complexes and factors affecting the
magnitude of Δo. Crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE), calculation of CFSE for
octahedral and tetrahedral complexes with d1 to d10 metal ion configurations, high-spin and low-
spin complexes.
UNIT III: Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT) of Coordination Complexes
a) Application to octahedral complexes in case of (i) [Ti(H 2O)6]3+ (ii) Fluoro complexes of Fe
(II) and Co (III) (iii) Cyano complexes of (Fe (III) and ammino complexes of Co (III).
b) Effect of pi -bonding on ligand field splitting parameter in M→L π - and L→M π - interactio ns.
Module II – Solid -state and Solution Chemistry (2 Credits)
UNIT IV: Lanthanides and Actinides
a) Chemistry of lanthanides with reference to i) Occurrence of Lanthanides (ii) lanthanide
contraction (iii) oxidation states (iv) magnetic properties (v) color and spectra (f -f transition
b) Chemistry of Uranium and Plutonium with reference to occurrence, extraction (solvent
extraction method) , properties and applications.
c) Comparative chemistry of lanthanides and actinides.
UNIT V: Structures of Solids
a) Importance of solid -state chemistry. Crystals: size and shape of crystals, interfacial angles in
crystals, symmetry and elements of symmetry in crystals. Designation of planes in crystals:
Miller indices.
b) Classification of solids on the basis of bonding. Explanation of terms viz. crystal lattice, lattice
Page 76
points, unit cells and lattice constants. Closest packing of rigid spheres (hcp, ccp) packing
density in simple cubic, bcc, fcc and hcp lattic es (numerical problems expected).
c) Structures of metallic solids. Tetrahedral and octahedral interstitial voids in ccp lattice,
tetrahedral holes, limiting radius ratios for different coordination numbers and their significance,
calculation of ionic radii and limiting radius ratio for co -ordination number 4. Structures of
sodium chloride, cesium chloride and fluorite . Structure of zinc chloride and failure of radius
ratio rule (directional bonding), structure of wurtzite.
UNIT VI: Superconductivity and Chemistry in Non -aqueous solvents
a) Superconductivity, Meissner effect. Different superconducting materials viz., conventional
superconductors, organic superconductors, alkali metal fullerides (A 3C60) and high temperature
supercondu ctors. Applications of superconducting materials.
b) Chemistry in Non-aqueous solvents: Classification of solvents and importance of non -aqueous
c) Characteristics of study of liquid ammonia, liquid sulphur dioxide.
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Practical Chemistry:
Inorganic Preparations:
(i) Synthesis of complexes:
(a) Tris-(ethylenediamine) nickel (II)thiosulphate.
(b) Bis-(acetylacetonato) copper (II).
(c) Nickel dimethyl glyoxime.
(d) Tetrammine Copper (II) Sulphate hydrate [Cu (NH 3)4] SO 4.H2O.
Titrimetric Analysis:
(i) Determination of the calcium and magnesium content of a Dolomite sample.
(ii) Analysis of calcium tablet.
(iii) Determination of metal content in Tris(ethylenediamine) nickel (II)thiosulphate.
1. Inorganic Chemistry, James E. Huheey, 3rd Ed., Harper & Row Publishers, Asia, Pvt. Ltd., 1983.
Page 77
2. D. F. Shriver and P.W. Atkins, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Ed., Oxford University Press, 1999.
3. Symmetry in Chemistry, H. H. Jaffee and M. Orchin, New Delhi, W iley Eastern, 1965
4. Symmetry in Chemistry, J. M. Hollas, Chapman and Hall, NY, 1972.
5. Chemical Application of Group Theory, 2nd Ed., F. A. Cotton, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi,
6. Molecular Orbital Theory, C. J. Ballhausen and H. B. Gray, McGraw -Hill, New York, 1965.
7. Solid State Chemistry and its Applications, A. R. West, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2008.
8. Solid State Chemistry – Introduction, 2nd Edition, Lesley Smart and Elaine Moore, Nelson
Thornes Ltd., UK, 1996.
9. Principles of the S olid State, H. V. Keer, New Age International, 1993.
10. Fundamentals of Crystal Chemistry, R. N. Kutty and J. A. K. Tareen, Universities Press India,
11. Chemistry in Non -aqueous Solvents, H. Sisler, Reinhold Publ., New York, 1961.
12. The Chemistry of Non -aqueous Solvents, J. J. Lagowski, Academic Press, New York
Page 78
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Identify sources of errors estimates the ty pes errors in chemical analysis.
2. Define the confidence limit, compare the experimental mean with a true value, identify the
detection limit and interpret statistical tests.
3. Comprehend the concept of uncertainty in measurements; identify the differenc e between
uncertainty and error; and solve numerical problems based on the same.
4. Categorize and define the sampling methods.
5. Categorize the types and define the basic parameters of chromatography.
6. Evaluate strengths and limitations of different ch romatographic separation and detection
methods in relation to the properties of the sample.
7. Define principles of liquid -liquid extraction and ion exchange.
8. Identify and illustrate principles of thermoanalytical techniques.
Module I – Errors in Chemical Analyses (2 Credits)
UNIT I: Errors
a) Types of errors, determinate and indeterminate errors, minimization of errors, constant and
proportionate errors.
b) Accuracy and precision, measures of dispersion and central tendency: mean, median, average
deviation, relative average deviation, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation
(Numerical problems expected).
c) Distribution of random errors, Gaussian curve, student’s t, confidence limits and confidence
UNIT II: Uncertainty and Errors
a) Criteria for rejection of result: 2.5 d rule, 4.0 d rule, Q test, testing for significance, null
hypothesis, F test.
b) Graphical representation of data: Method of averages, least squares method.
c) Basic concept of uncertainty in a measurement (only introduction), difference between
uncertainty and errors (Numerical problems expected).
Page 79
UNIT III: Sampling
a) Sampling techniques, equipments used in sampling of gases.
b) Methods and equipments used in sampling of homogeneous and heterogeneous liquids, sampling
of static and flowing liquids.
c) Samplers used in sampling of solids, importance of particle size and sample size, method of
reduction in sample size. Collection, preservation and dissolution of the sample.
Self-Study: Terms involved in sampling, importance and objectives of sampling.
Module II - Separation Techniques (2 Credits)
UNIT IV: Solvent Extrac tion and Chromatography
a) Physico -chemical aspects of solvent extraction: Nernst distribution law: Partition coefficient
and distribution ratio, solute undergoing association and dissociation (Numerical Problems
b) Role of complexing agents i n solvent extraction, chelation, Ion pair formation, solvation, types
of solvent extraction : batch, continuous.
c) Introduction to chromatographic techniques, basic principles, classification of Chromatographic
techniques .
UNIT V: Types of Chromatography
a) Planar chromatography: Principle, techniques and applications of Paper Chromatography and
Thin layer chromatography.
b) Gas Chromatography and High - Performance Liquid Chromatography: Principle,
instrumentation and applications . HPTLC: Instrumentation and Applications.
c) Electro -chromatography: Electrophoresis .
UNIT VI: Ion exchange Chromatography and Thermal methods
a) Ion exchange chromatography: Types of ion exchangers, mechanism of ion exchange,
selectivity coefficients and separation factors, ion exchange capacity and its determination,
factors affecting the separation of ions, applications.
b) Thermal methods: Classification of thermal methods - TGA and DTA: Basic principles,
instrumentation, factors affecting the TG curve and applications.
c) Ion Selective Electrodes: Classification of ion selective electrodes, construction and working of
Fluoride ion selective electrode.
Page 80
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Practical Chemistry:
Analytical Chemistry:
Non-Instrumental Experiments:
(i) Determination of Vitamin C by titration with potassium bromate.
(ii) Thin layer chromatographic separation of organic compound.
(iii) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of water sample.
Instrumental Experiments:
(i) Determination of the amount of fluoride in the given solution colorimetrica lly.
(ii) Estimation of Vitamin C content of a tablet by using pH meter.
(iii) To determine percentage composition of a mixture of weak acid and strong acid by
conductometric titration.
(iv) Determination of the amount of iron present in the given vitamin tablet colorimetrically.
1. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 8th Ed. D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, F. J. Holler,
Philadelphia, Saunders College Publishing, 1996.
2. Analytical C hemistry, 6th Ed.G. D. Christian, John Wiley &Sons, Singapore, 2004.
3. Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry, 3rd Ed., M. Khopkar, New Age International
Publishers, 2008.
4. Quantitative Analysis, 6th Ed. R. A. Dey & D. L. Underwood, Prentice Hall of Ind ia Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi, 1993.
5. Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th Ed, A. I. Vogel, Pearson Education, 2002.
6. Separation methods in Chemical Analysis, J. M. Miller, John Wiley, 1975.
7. Introduction to Instrumental methods of Analysis, R. D . Braun, McGraw Hill, 1987.
8. Instrumental methods of Analysis, 7th Ed. H. H. Willard, L. L. Merritt and J. A. Dean; CBS
Publishers, 1986.
9. Ion exchange separation in analytical chemistry, 2nd Ed. O Samuelson, John Wiley, 1963.
10. Ion exchange chromato graphy, H. F. Walton Howden, Hutchenson and Rossing, 1976.
Page 81
11. Thermal methods of Analysis, P. J. Haines, Blackie Academic & Professional, London (1995).
12. Thermal Analysis, 3rd Ed. W. W. Wendlandt, John Wiley, N.Y. (1986).
Page 82
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Apply the Cahn -Ingold -Prelog Rules to assign stereochemical configuration to perspective
drawings, Newman projections and Fischer projection.
2. Assign E/Z configuration to an alkene , draw the E or Z -isomer of a given alkene and identify
different types of strains in conformations of cycloalkanes.
3. Predict the fragmentation patterns expected to arise in the mass spectrum of alkanes, alkyl
halides, ethers, alcohols, and ketones.
4. Solve structural problems based on UV -Vis, IR, 1HNMR, and mass spectral data.
5. Propose plausible mechanisms involved in some named reactions and molecular
6. Recall reagents and predict products for a defined set of organic reactions.
7. Draw or describe the structure of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, chemical messengers,
carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
8. Define carbohydrates and the groups of saccharides in chemical and descriptive terms.
Module I – Stereochemistry and Reactio n Mechanisms (2 Credits)
UNIT I: Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds
a) Assigning stereo descriptors to chiral centres: Cahn -Ingold -Prelog (CIP) Rules of assigning
absolute configuration (R and S) to stereogenic centres. Assigning absolute configuration to
molecules having maximum two chiral carbon atoms. E and Z stereo descriptors to geometrical
isomers. Chemical Resolution of enantiomers.
b) Conformational analysis of cyclohexane: Angle, eclipsing and transannular strain in small,
medium and large cycloalkanes (4 - and 5 - membered rings). Mono - and di - alkyl cyclohexanes
and their relative stabilities.
c) Stereochemistry and reaction mechanisms:
(i) Substitution reactions - SNi
(ii) Elimination reactions – E1and E 2
(iii) Addition reactions to olefins – Catalytic hydrogenation and Bromination
Page 83
UNIT II: Catalysts and Reagents
Study of the following catalysts and reagents with respect to functional group transformations and
selectivity (no mechanism).
a) Catalysts: Catalysts for hydrogenation: Raney Ni, Pt and PtO 2: C=C, CN, NO 2, aromatic ring;
b) Reagents:
(i) LiAlH 4: Reduction of CO, COOR, CN, NO 2
(ii) NaBH 4: reduction of CO
(iii) NBS: allylic and benzylic bromination and bromination of position alpha to CO
UNIT III: Named Reactions and Molecular Rearrangements
a) Mechanism of the following reactions with one synthetic application:
(i) Claisen Condensation (ii) Michael Reaction
(iii) Stobbe Condensation (iv) Wolff -Kishner Reduction
b) Mechanism of rearrangements with examples :
(i) Baeyer -Villiger (ii) Wolff
(iii) Beckmann (iv) Hofmann
Module II – Organic Spectroscopy and Chemistry of Biomolecules (2 Credits)
UNIT IV: Spectroscopy of Organic Molecules
a) UV-Visible Spectroscopy: Basic theory, solvents, nature of UV -VIS spectrum, concept of
chromophore, auxochrome, bathochromic shift, hypsochromic shift, hyperchromic effect and
hypochromic effect. Chromophore - chromophore and chromophore - auxochrome interactions.
IR Spectroscopy: Basic theory, nature of IR spectrum, selection rule, fingerprint region.
b) PMR Spectroscopy: Basic theory of NMR, nature of PMR spectrum, chemical shift (δ unit),
standard for PMR and solvents used. Chemical shift, Spin - spin coupling and coupling constant.
c) Mass Spectrometry: Basic theory, nature of mass spectrum, general rules of fragmentation.
Importance of: molecular ion peak, isotopic peaks, base peak, Nitrogen rule, McLafferty
Problems on structure elucidation of simple organic compounds using individual or a
combination of spectra mentioned above (index of hydrogen deficiency should be the first step
in solving the problems).
UNIT V: Carbohydrates
a) Introduction: Sources, Classification, reducing and non -reducing sugars, D and L - notati
b) Structures of Monosaccharides: Open chain structures of aldoses and ketoses, ring structures of
aldohexoses, aldopentoses and ketohexoses. Determination of open ch ain configurations of
Page 84
Monosaccharides: Configuration of D (+) Glucose and D ( -) Fructose.
c) Reactions of D -Glucose and D -Fructose:
(i) osazone formation
(ii) reduction with NaBH 4 and Ni / H 2
(iii) oxidation with bromine water, conc. HNO 3 and HIO 4
(iv) interconversion of D (+) Glucose to D ( -) Fructose and D ( -) Fructose to D (+) Glucose
(v) acetylation
(vi) methylation [( v) and( vi) with cyclic pyranose form].
Introduction to disaccharides and structures of sucrose and maltose.
UNIT VI: Amino acids, Proteins and Nucleic acids
a) Amino acids: Introduction, Classification, Properties. Polypeptides: Introduction, peptide bond,
Merrifields solid phase peptide synthesis.
b) Proteins: Structure of proteins, classification of proteins, properties of proteins, denaturation of
c) Nucleic Acids: Introduction, classification of nucleic acids. Structures of sugars and bases in
nucleic acids. Structures of nucleosides and nucleotides in DNA and RNA.
Structure of DNA: Chargaff”s rule of DNA configuration, Watson -Crick model of DNA.
Structure of RNA, types of RNA.
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Practical Chemistry:
• Types: Solid + Solid (no carbohydrates to be given), Volatile Liquid + Solid, Volatile Liquid +
Non-volatile Liquid
• Separation of a binary mixture: Type of mixture, Separation and Identification (microscale) of
both the components through systematic scheme of identification.
• Mass of Solid: 3-4 g.
• Volume of Liquid: Volatile ~ 6 -8 mL, Non -volatile ~ 4 -6 mL
• At least 5 separations to be done.
Page 85
1. Organic Chemistry, Francis A Carey, Pearson Education, 6th Edition, Special Indian Education,
2. Organic Chemistry, Paula Y. Bruice, Pearson Education, 2008.
3. Organic Chemistry, L. G. Wade Jr. and M. S. Singh, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
4. Organic Reaction Mechanism, 3rd Ed., V. K. Ahluwalia and R.K. Parashar, Narosa Publications.
5. Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds, L. Eliel, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
6. Stereochemistry, conformation and mechanism, 7th Ed., P.S. Kalsi, New Age International Ltd.,
7. Essentials of Biochemistry, 2nd Edition, U. Satyanarayana and U. Chakrapani, Books and Allied
(Pvt.) Ltd., 201 3.
8. Spectroscopy of Organic compounds, P.S. Kalsi, New Age International Ltd., 1995.
9. Williams and Fleming, Spectroscopic methods in Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill,
10. W. Kemp, Organic Spectroscopy, 3rd Edition, Palgrave, Indian Edi tion, 2005.
11. Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, N. K. Vishoi, Vikas Publications.
Page 87
Revised Framework for B.Sc. Subjects - Biology
Details of B.Sc. B.Ed. Course
Semester B.Sc. B.Ed.
Semester 1 Botany - 1
Semester 2 Zoology - 2
Semester 3 Botany -3
Semester 4 Zoology -4
Semester 5 Botany -5
Semester 6 Zoology -6
Semester 7 Botany -7
Zoology - 8
Semester 8 Botany – 9
Zoology -10
Page 88
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. explain the fundamental concepts /diversity related to different Microorganisms and Algae.
2. evaluat e the significance of algae and fungi, its different types and their adaptive strategies.
3. discuss about bryophytes, analyze the anatomy and reproduction in Riccia
4. explai n the ultrastructure and functions of the cell organelles and cell division
5. interpret ecological adaptations, biogeochemical cycles and Concept of environmental factors
Module I: Plant Di versity 2 Credits
Unit I: Plant Diversity -1
a) Microorganisms in the living World: Groups of Microorganisms - Viruses, Bacteria, Rickettsiae,
Mycoplasma, algae, Archaebacterium, Actinomycetes, fungi, Protozoa. Distribution of
Microorganisms in Nature
b) Classification of plant kingdom: Outline of Classification of Algae according to G.M. Smith
and general characters of the classes
c) Life cycle of : Nostoc, Spirogyra
Unit II: Plant Diversity -2
a) Classification of plant kingdom 1: Outline of Classification of Fungi according to G.M. Smith
and general characters of all classes
b) Life cycle of : Rhizopus, Aspergillus
c) Economic importance of algae and fungi
Unit III : Plant Diversity -3
a) Classification of plant kingdom 2: Outline of Classification of Bryophyta according to G.M.
Smith and general characters of all classes
b) Life cycle of Ricci
c) Economic importance of Bryophyta
Module II: Ecology - 2 Credits
Unit IV: Ecology -I
a) Types of ecosystems, Food -chain, Food -web, Energy transfer, Biogeochemical cycles
b) Study of ecological adaptations: Hydrophytes
Page 89
c) Study of ecological adaptations: Xerophytes
Unit V: Ecology -II
a) Study of ecological adaptations: Mesophytes and Epiphytes
b) Study of ecological adaptations: Halophytes.
c) Concept of environme ntal factors. Soil composition, types of soil, soil formation, soil
profile, soil conservation
Unit VI: Cytology
a) Cell, Cell organelles, Cell division: Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure,
b) General structure of plant cell: cell wall, chloroplasts and glyoxysomes
d) Mitosis and Meiosis
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1. To study bacteria using Gram staining method
2. Study of stages in the life cycle of Nostoc and Spirogyra, Rhizopus, Aspergillus, Riccia
3. Study of stages in the life cycle of Riccia
4. Ecological adaptations of hydrophytes, hygrophytes, xerophytes and halophytes
5. Mitosis a nd meiosis
1. Pelczar M. J, Chan E.C., Krieg, N. R.1993. Microbiology by Pelczar Chan and Krieg 5th ed.
2. College Botany Volume I and II. 2006. Gangulee, Das and Dutta latest edition. Central Education
3. Smith, G.M. 1938. Cryptogamic Botany, vol. 1. Algae and fungi.
4. Smith, G.M. 1955. Cryptogamic Botany, vol. 2. Bryophytes and P teridophytes.
5. Sharma O.P. 2010. A text book of fungi. S.C hand’s Publication.
6. De Robertis and De Robertis. 8th Edition. 2017. Cell and Molecular Biology.
7. Odum E. P 1983. Basic Ecology, Saunders, Philadelphia.
Page 90
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. explain Taxonomy, Systematics and classification of animals, its objectives and importance.
2. describe classification of non -chordate animal
3. describe the concept of Hotspot, biodiversity values, threats to biodiversity, conservation and
management of biodiversity.
4. explai n conservation and conserve locally found flora and fauna
5. explain basic principles, causes, effects and preventive measures of different types of pollution
Module I: Animal Diversity 2 Credits
Unit I: Animal Diversity 1
a) General principles of taxonomy, International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN),
Binomial Nomenclature
b) Taxonomic procedures – collection, preservation and process of identification of biological
c) Criteria of classification: symmetry, coelom, segmentation, Germ layers, body plan, exo and
endo skeleton,
Unit II: Animal Diversity 2
a) Salient features with examples for phyla, sub -phyla and classes mentioned below; Phylum
Protozoa, Porifera and Coelentera ta
b) Salient features with examples for phyla, sub -phyla and classes mentioned below; Phylum
Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminths and Annelida
c) Salient features with examples for phyla, sub -phyla and classes mentioned below; Phylum
Arthropoda, Mollusca and Echino dermata
Unit III: Biodiversity 1
a) Introduction to Biodiversity: Definition, Concepts and Scope and Significance
b) Values of biodiversity: Direct and Indirect use value
c) Levels of Biodiversity: Introduction to Genetic, Species and Ecosystem Biodiversity
Page 91
Module I I: Biodiversity 2 Credits
Unit IV: Biodiversity 2
a) Hotspots and PAN, Threats to Biodiversity: Man - Wildlife conflict, any two case studies
pertaining to this issue.
b) Conservation Biology: ex situ and in situ methods, National Parks and San ctuaries
c) People’s Biodiversity Register, The Biological Diversity Act, 2002
Unit V: Pollution 1
a) Air Pollution: Types and sources of air pollutants, its effects and Control measures
b) Noise Pollution: Types and sources of air pollutants, its effects and Control measures
c) Climate change and Global warming, Bioremediation
Unit VI: Pollution 2
a) Water Pollution: Types and sources of air pollutants, its effects and Control measures
b) Soil Pollution and Solid waste Pollution: Types and sources of air pollutants, its effects and
Control measures
c) Radioactive pollution
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1) Levels of organization:
▪ Symmetry - Ameoba, Sea anemone, Liverfluke, Planaria
▪ Coelom – Planaria, Ascaris, Earthworm
▪ Segmentation – Tapeworm and Earthworm
▪ Cephalization - Cockroach
2) Mounting of Foraminiferan shells
3) Estimation of population density of animals by line transect method (frequency distribution&
Page 92
through Pie diagram only)
4) Estimation of population density of animals by quadrant method (frequency distribution &
through Pie diagram only).
5) Detection of heavy me tal (Lead) from the given sample of water.
1. Jordan and Verma. Invertebrate Zoology Volume II, S. Chand and Co
2. R. L. Kotpal. Invertebrates, Modern Textbook of Zoology.
3. E. P. Odum. Fundamentals of Ecology, Sunders Publication
4. Gurdeep R. Chatwal, Harish Sharma, Madhu Arora, A Textbook of Environmental Studies,
Himalaya Publication.
5. P. D. Sharma. Ecology and Environment, R. K. Rastogi Publications
Page 93
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. classify Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms and explain salient features and their
economic importance
2. apply principles underlying Bentham & Hooker’s system of classification and identify plants
from prescribed families.
3. distinguish between different types of fruits and seeds
4. explain the fundamental concepts of phytochemistry
5. outline the fundamental concepts of plant anatomy and palynology
6. summarize Sustainable Development Goals
Module I: Plant Diversity 2 Credits
Unit I: Plant Diversity –4
a) Classification of plant kingdom 3: : Classification of plant kingdom: Outline of
Classification of Pteridophytes (G.M. Smith) and general characters of all classes
b) Life cycle study: Nephrolepis
c) Economic importance of Pteridophytes
Unit II: Plant Diversity –5
a) Classification of plant kingdom 4: Classification of plant kingdom: Outline of Classification
of Gymnosperms (Chamberlain) and general characters of all classes
b) Life cycle study: Cycas
c) Economic importance of Gymnosperms
Unit III: Plant Diversity –6
a) Definition of taxonomy, systematic botany, concepts of taxonomy,
a) aims of taxonomy, Systematics: Categories and taxonomic hierarchy
b) Structural organization: Morphology: inflorescence and flower.
c) Structural organization: fruits and seeds
Page 94
Module II: Plant Diversity , Anatomy and Medicinal Botany 2 Credits
Unit IV: Plant Diversity –7
a) Family: Malvaceae and Rutaceae
b) Family: Leguminosae - Caesalpinaceae, Papilionaceaeceae and Mimosae
c) Family: Solanaceae and Amaryllidaceae
Unit V: Anatomy
a) Structural organization: Anatomy: Tissue system, Primary structure of dicot and monocot
root, stem and leaf (Kranz anatomy), Wood anatomy
b) Types of Stomata
c) Palynology: Structure of pollen grain, factors affecting pollen germination
Unit VI: Medicina l Botany
a) Medicinal Botany: Study of secondary metabolites: Alkaloids, glycosides, phenolics, gums
and resins.
b) Ethnobotany: Ethnic communities, Ethnomedicinal plants
c) Sustainable Development Goals
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1. Life cycle study: Nephrolepis
2. Life cycle study: Cycas
3. Families: Malvaceae, Rutaceae , Leguminosae - Caesalpinaceae, Papilionaceaeceae and Mimosae
Solanaceae, Amaryllidaceae
4. Primary structure of dicot and monocot root, stem and leaf
5. Chemical tests for secondary metabolites Alkaloids, glycosides, phenolics,
Page 95
6. Identification of gums and resins .
1. Smith, G.M. (1955). Cryptogamic Botany, vol. 2. Bryophytes and Pteridophytes.
2. .Chamberlain C.J. 1998. Gymnosperms: Structure and evolution. CBS Publishers, New Delhi
3. Esau K. 1993. Plant Anatomy. Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Daniel, M . 1991. Methods in Plant Chemistry and Economic Botany. Kaiyani Publishers,
Ludhiana, India.
5. Sinha, Rajiv, K and S. Sinha. 2001. Ethnobiology. Sura Publications,Jaipur, India.
Page 96
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. apply principles of classification to classify a chordate animal up to class.
2. calculate Natality, Mortality and fecundity of a population and identify different population graphs
and survivorship curves.
3. apply scientific knowledge of ecology to analyse social and environmental issues
4. calculate the concentration of different solutions.
5. comprehend the data and also prepare correct graphical presentation for it.
Module I: Animal Diversity 2 Credits
Unit I: Animal Diversity - 3
a) Salient features with examples for phyla, sub -phyla and classes mentioned below;
Phylum Hemichordata with examples
b) Salient features with examples for phyla, sub -phyla and classes mentioned below;
Phylum Chordata; sub -phylum Urochordata and sub -phylum Cepha lochordata with examples,
c) Salient features with examples for phyla, sub -phyla and classes mentioned below;
Sub-phylum Vertebrata, Superclass Agnatha, Class: Cyclostomata with examples
Unit II: Animal Diversit y- 4
a) Salient features with examples for phyla, sub -phyla and classes mentioned below;
Superclass Gnathostomata
Class: Pisces and Amphibia with examples
b) Salient features with examples for phyla, sub -phyla and classes mentioned below;
Superclass Gnathostomata
Class: Reptilia and Aves
c) Salient features with examples for phyla, sub -phyla and classes mentioned below;
Page 97
Superclass: Gnathostomata
Class: Mammalia with examples
Unit III: Ecology 1
a) Light: Relation to terrestrial and aquatic habitat, photoperiodism, diurnal migration.
b) Temperature: range, tolerance, effects of temperature on living organisms. Concept of
population and community:
c) Edaphic: Soil formation, Components of Soil, Types of soil and Soil Profile.
Module II: Ecology 2 Credits
Unit IV: Ecology 2
a) Population - Natality, mortality, population growth, survivorship curve, density age and sex
b) Community (Forest, grassland & pond) - Ecological niche, ecological succession (different
seral stages), ecological climax ( significance )
c) Concept of animal interaction: Symbiosis, Mutualism, Commensalisms, Parasitism and
predation, Antibiosis
Unit V: Lab safety, Units and Measurements
a) Introduction to good laboratory practices, Use of safety symbols: Concept, Types of
hazards an d Precautions
b) Units of measurement: Calculations and related conversions of each:
I. Metric system - length (meter to micrometer)
II. Weight (gram to microgram)
III. Volumetric (Cubic measures)
IV. Units of measurement: Calculations and related conversions of each: Tempe rature:
Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin
c) Concentrations: Percent solutions, ppt, ppm, dilutions, Normality, Molarity and Molality ,
Problems based on the calculations of Concentrations
Unit VI: Biostatistics
a) Biostatistics: Introduction and scope
b) Sampling and its types, Central Tendencies (mean, median, mode)
c) Tabulation and Graphical representations (Histograms, bar diagrams, pie diagrams)
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
Page 98
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1) Interpretation of safety symbols (toxic, corrosive, explosive, flammable, skin irritant, oxidizing,
compressed gases, aspiration hazards and Biohazardous infectious material, Radioactivity,
Environmental toxicity)
2) Calculation of Normality and Molarity
3) Calculation of Natality, Mortality, Population density from given data
4) Interpretation of Growth curves ( Sigmoid and J shaped)
5) Problems and graphs based on Biostatistics
6) Study of Central tendencies and plotting of Bar diagram, histogram and pie diagram
1. Jordan and Verma. Vertebrate Zoology Volume I, S. Chand and Co.
2. Dhami P. S. and. Dhami J. K. Chordate Zoology, R. Chand and Co.
3. Eugene P. Odum and Grey W. Barrett. Fundamentals of Ecology - Brook Cole/ Cengage learning.
4. Dash M. C. Fundamentals of Ecology -Tata McGraw Hill company Ltd, New Delhi
5. Mahajan B. K. Methods in Biostatistics, Jaypee Publications
6. Shukla, Mathur, Upadhyay, Prasad. Economic Zoology, Biostats and Animal Behaviour - Rastogi
Page 99
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. apply the basic concepts and significance of macromolec ules in various fields of plant science
2. demonstrate the use of instruments like different types of microscopes, pH mater, colorimeter,
and chromatography techniques
3. comprehend different fundamental concepts related to plant vegetative & reproductive grow th,
and role of various plant growth regulating substances
4. evaluate plants and plant products in human welfare
5. execute the techniques of plant propagation
6. assess Green tourism in India
Module I : Biochemistry and Instrumentation 2 Credits
Unit I: Biochemistry
a) Biomolecules: structures of carbohydrates.
b) Biomolecules: structures of amino acids, lipids
c) Biomolecules: structures of nucleic acids
Unit II: Instrumentation -I
a) Instrumentation and techniques: Microscopy: Simple and Compound microscopes, Phase
contrast microscopes
b) Electron microscopy, pH meter,
c) Colorimeter
Unit III: Instrumentation -II
a) Chromatography: Paper chromatography,
Page 100
Module II – Plant Growth 2 Credits
Unit IV: Physiology -I
a) Plant growth and Development: Vegetative growth: General phases of growth, Growth Curves,
Factors affecting growth – External (environmental) and internal (genetic, hormonal,
b) Role of plant growth regulating substances – Auxins, Cytokinins, Gibberellins and abscisic
acid and their commercial applications
c) Reproductive growth: Photoperiodism: Phytochrome Response and vernalization with reference
to flowering in higher plants, Phy sico-chemical properties of phytochrome, Pr -
Pfrinterconversion, role of phytochrome in flowering of SDPs andLDPs;
Unit V: Medicinal Botany -II
a) Food and Nutrition: Microbes in human welfare
b) Plants in Human Health: Diet, Role of antioxidants.
c) Benefits of phy tochemicals in disease prevention: Sources and therapeutic efficacy
Unit VI: Horticulture
a) Horticulture: Branches, Plant propagation techniques( Cutting, Layering, Grafting, Budding)
b) protected cultivation methods( Greenhouse Technology - Soilless cul tivation)
c) Green Tourism: Concept, scope, Green tourism in India - Case study
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1. Test for carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids
2. Separation of Aminoacids by paper chromatography
3. Study of Hill's reaction
4. Identification of plants in human health for Diabetes, Immunity booster, Fever, Arthritis and
skin disorders
5. Plant propagation by Cutting
6. Plant propagation by Layering, Grafting and Budding
Page 101
1. Garry D Christian, James E O’reilvy. 1986. Instrumentation analysis. Alien and Bacon, Inc.
2. Wilson K and Walker JM.1994. Principles and techniques of practical biochemistry
3. Peter K. V. (2009). Basics of Horticulture. New India Publ. Agency.
4. Manay, S. and Shadaksharaswami, M.2004. Foods: Facts and Principles, New Age Publishers
5. Noggle and Fritz. 2002. I ntroduction to Plant Physiology. Prentice Hall Publisher.
6. Taiz, L. and Zeiger, E. 2006. Plant Physiology.4th Edition. Sinnauers Associates. Saunders
land, Massachusetts, USA.
Page 102
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. distinguish between the characters of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell.
2. describe the structure and function of different cell organelles.
3. explain the evolution of increasing complexity of physiology of all life processes and its
evolutionary hierarchy.
4. correlate between the habit and habitat with the structures involved in all the physiologic processes
in different classes of organisms
5. explain the evolutionary concepts including homology and homoplasy, and detailed discussions of
major organ s ystems.
Module I –Cell Biology 2 Credits
Unit I: Cell Biology I
a) Cell theory, Generalized prokaryotic, eukaryotic cell: size, shape and structure, Plant Cell
and Animal cell
b) Nucleus: Size, shape, number and position, Structure and functions of interphase nucleus,
Ultrastructure of nuclear membrane and pore complex, Nucleolus: general organization,
chemical composition and functions
c) Plasma membrane: Fluid Mosaic Model and Membr ane receptor
Unit II: Cell Biology 2
a) Origin, Ultrastructure and functions: Endoplasmic reticulum and Lysosomes
b) Origin, Ultrastructure and functions: Golgi bodies and Mitochondria
c) Animal Tissue: Definition, Types and Functions (Epithelium, Connective tissue , Nervous
tissue and Cardiac Tissue)
Unit III: Animal Type: Invertebrate
a) Phylum - Annelid e.g. Earthworm: Systematic position, habit and habitat, Structure and
Histology of Body wall and Locomotion.
b) Type of nutrition, Structure of respiratory system and Phy siology of respiration, Structure
of Excretory system and Physiology of excretion & excretory system,
c) Structure of Reproductive system and Nervous system, Regeneration in earthworm
Page 103
Module II: Animal Physiology - 2 Credits
Unit IV: Animal Physiology 1
a) Comparative study of Nutritional Apparatus with reference to feeding adaptations -Structure
and functions:
Invertebrates - eg: Amoeba - Pseudopodia, Cockroach -biting and chewing, Vertebrates -Fish,
Digestive system and physiology of digestion with respect to Man
a) Comparative Study of Excretory and Osmoregulatory systems of:
Amoeba - Contractile vacuoles, Planaria -Flame cells, Eart hworm –Nephridia, Cockroach -
Malphigian tubules,
b) Categorization of animals based on principal nitrogenous excretory products, Structure of
kidney and nephron in Man, Uriniferous tubule and physiology of urine formation in Man
Unit V: Animal physiology 2
a) Com parative study of Respiratory systems - Structure and Function with reference to
Earthworm, Rohu, Structure of lungs and physiology of respiration in man
b) Comparative study of Circulatory systems: Open and closed, single and double , Comparative
study of Hea rts (Structure and function) with reference to Cockroach, Frog and Pigeon,
Structure and working of Human Heart
c) Comparative study of Nervous systems: Nerve net in Hydra, Nerve ring and nerve cord in
earthworm, Types of neurons on the basis of structure and function, Structure and function
of Human Brain and spinal cord, Synaptic transmission – Chemical and Electrical, Endocrine
regulation: Hormones as chemical messengers in Man.
Unit VI. Animal type: Vertebrate
a) Class – Amphibian e.g. Frog: Systematic position, Habit and habitat , External characters
and sexual dimorphism
b) Digestive system, food and feeding, physiology of digestion, Urinogenital System of Male
and Female Frog
c) Respiratory system - Mechanism of respiration , Circulatory syst em and its mechanism ,
Nervous system of Frog
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Page 104
Any Six Experiments
1) Urine analysis —Normal and abnormal constituents
2) Detection of Creatinine in urine.
3) Study of permeability of cell through plasma membrane (Osmosis in blood cells).
4) Measurement of cell diameter by occulometer (by using permanent slide)
5) Mounting of Septal Nephridia of Earthworm
6) Mounting of any Plant and Animal cell and its observation.
1. Kotpal R. L., Modern Textbook of Zoology, Invertebrates, (2016), Rastogi Publication.
2. Jordan and Verma, Invertebrate Zoology Volume II, (1963), S. Chand and Co.
3. Jordan and Verma, Vertebrate Zoology Volume I, (2004), 2nd edition S. Chand and Co.
4. De Robertis E.D.P and Robertis E.M.R,Cell and molecular Biology,CBS Publishers and
5. Gupta P.K and Pawar C.B., Cell Biology, Himalaya publication.
Page 105
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1) explain the physiological aspects of plant life with reference to water relations, mineral nutrition
and translocation of solutes
2) illustrate the concept of essential oils, fatty oils and vegetable oils and their value addition
3) explain different fundamental concept s related to photosynthesis & respiration and principles
governing bioenergetics
4) explain the industrial relevance of botanicals with respect to current demands in industry
5) explain the economic and commercial value of botanical products
Module I: Physiology and Economic Botany 2
Unit I: Physiology -II
a) Plant Physiology: Plant in relation to water: Osmosis, Diffusion, Water potential and its
components and their measurement, transport of water and inorganic solutes.
b) Mineral nutrition: role of macro and micro nutrients and their deficiency symptoms in
c) Translocation of solutes: composition of phloem sap, girdling experiments, phloem loading
and unloading, mechanism of sieve tube translocation.
Unit II: E conomic Botany -I
a) Economic Botany: Essential Oils: Extraction, perfumes, perfume oils - Patchouli, Citronella.
b) Fatty oils : Drying oil (l soybean oil), semidrying oils (sesame oil) and non -drying oils
(peanut oil)
c) Vegetable Fats: Coconut , Kokkam butter, Coc oa butter
Unit III: Economic Botany -II
a) Aromatherapy - Introduction, Botanical source and uses: Calendula, Lemon, Jasmine
a) Industry based on plant products: Fibre yielding plants, Paper yielding plants
b) Spices and condiments: Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum ), Jaivitri and Jaiphal (Myristica
Page 106
Module II: Physiology and Modern Trends 2
Unit IV: Physiology -III
a) Photosynthesis: Plant pigments and their interaction with light, Light reactions, photolysis
of water, cyclic and non -cyclic photophosphorylation, carbon fixation phase (C3, C4 and
CAM pathways).
b) Respiration: Aerobic: Glycolysis, TCA Cycle, ETS and Ener getics of respiration;
Mechanism of photorespiration,
c) Energetics and significance of photorespiration, anaerobic respiration.
Unit V: Current Trends -I
a) Industry based on plant products: Botanicals and nutraceuticals - Spirulina, Vanillin,
Garcinia indica/ Garcinia cambogia, Stevia
b) Industrial enzymes: Extraction methods and application: Cellulases, Papain, Bromelain.
c) Plants as sources of natural colorants - Bixa, Turmeric, Madder, Anthocyanin, Indigo.
Unit VI: Current Trends -II
a) Role of antioxidants in cosmetology – Antioxidants, their functions, sources, antioxidant
a) Collection and processing of herbal material.
b) Preparation of ayurvedic cosmetic formulations and its validation
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 ma
Any Six Experiments
1. Determine the solute potential of plant tissues by plasmolytic method
2. dentification of Fibre yielding plants & Paper yielding plantsas given in theory
3. Identification of Spices and condiments as given in theory
4. Study of Hill’s reaction
Page 107
5. Extraction of papain
6. Preparation of ayurvedic cosmetic formulations and its validation.
1. Sambamurthy, A.V.S.S. and Subramanyam, N.S. 1989. A Text of Economic Botany Wikes.
Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, India.
2. Salisburyand Ross. 2007. Plant Physiology.CBS Publishers & Distributers New
Delhi -110002 (India).
3. Vimaladevi, M. 2019. Textbook of Herbal Cosmetics, 1st edition, CBS (e - book)
4. Panda,H. 2015.Herbal Cosmetics Hand Book, 3rd Revised edition, Asia Pacefic Business Press inc.
(e-book )
5. Daniel, M. and S. D. Sabnis .1990.A Phytochemical Approach to Economic Botany.Kaiyani
Publishers, Ludhiana, India
Page 108
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. explain the cytological basis for variations, a pplications of genetics, sex determination, sex
linked inheritance, gene expression and regulation.
2. analyze the chemical composition of DNA and RNA and give a comparative account of the
3. explain origin of life and will know about the different theorie s of evolution
4. analyze and identify different mechanisms of speciation.
5. explain the biology of behavior which is an important basis for adaptive capacities of animals
and the needs of animals
Module I – Genetics and Hereditary 2 Credits
Unit I: Genetics
a) Genetics: Definition, scope and importance of genetics
b) Human genetics: Study of syndromes: Genetic basis and symptoms of Turner’s, Klinefelter’s,
Down’s, Cri -du chat, Patau’s, Edwards
c) Human Pedigree analysis with symbols, Autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive, X -
linked dominant, and X -linked recessive. Significance of genetic cou nselling (Can include case
Unit II: Chromosomes and Heredity
a) Chromosomes: Introduction to morphology of chromosome, Chromosome structure -
Heterochromatin, Euchromatin
I. Classification based on the position of centromere
II. Types of Chromosomes - Autosom es and Sex chromosomes
b) Sex determination: Chromosomal Mechanisms: XX -XO, XX -XY, ZZ -ZW.
I. Sex determination in honey bees - Haplodiploidy
II. Gynandromorphs
III. Parthenogenesis
c) Role of environmental factors in Sex determination - Bonellia, Crocodile and Turtle.
I. Lyon hy pothesis and Barr bodies formation in mammals
Page 109
II. Mechanisms of Dosage compensation in Drosophila and C. elegans
Unit III: Nucleic acids
a) Griffith’s transformation experiments, Avery -Macleod and McCarty, Hershey and Chase
experiment of Bacteriophage infection.
b) Chemical composition and structure of nucleic acids.
I. Double helix nature of DNA, Solenoid model of DNA.
II. Types of DNA – A, B, Z & H fo rms.
c) DNA in Prokaryotes -chromosomal and plasmid and Extra nuclear DNA –mitochondria and
RNA as a genetic material in viruses and Types of RNA (Structure and function).
Module II: Evolution - 2 Credits
Unit IV: Evolution
a) Origin of unive rse, Chemical evolution - Miller -Urey experiment, Haldane and Oparin theory,
Origin of eukaryotic cell, Theory of Lamarck.
b) Evidence in favor of Evolution: Morphology and comparative anatomy: Homology, Analogy
and Vestigial organs, Embryology: Homology of e arly development, Geographical
distribution, Paleontology, Connecting links, Physiology, Genetics.
c) Evolution of Man
Unit V: Population genetics and evolution
a) Definition and Brief explanation of the following terms: Population, gene pool, Allele
frequency, Genotypic frequency
b) Natural Selection, Sewall Wright effect, Founder effect, Mutation and Migration, effect of
these forces on gene frequency
c) Species Concept - Biological species concept and evolutionary species concept. Speciation
and Isolating mechanisms – Definition and Modes of speciation (Allopatric, Sympatric,
Parapatric and Peripatric), Geographical isolation, Reproductive isolation and its isolating
mechanisms (Pre -zygotic and Postzygotic)
Unit VI: Ethology
a) Introduction to Ethology: Definition, Hist ory and Scope of Ethology
b) Animal behavior - Innate and Learned behavior
c) Types of learning -Habituation, Imprinting and types of imprinting (filial and Sexual),
Classical conditioning, Instrumental learning and insight learning, Communication in Bees
and Ants, Mimicry and colouration, Displacement activities, Ritualization
Page 110
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1) Genetic disorders (Show karyotype spread pictoral)
2) Detection of blood groups and Rh factor
3) Problems in genetics: Multiple alleles, X - linked inheritance
4) Study of bleeding time and clotting time
5) Study of Eukaryotic cells (WBCs) from blood smear by Leishman’ s stain.
6) Identification and study of fossils: Trilobite, Ammonite, Archaeopteryx
1. E.D.P De Robertis and E.M.R Robertis,Cell and molecular Biology,CBS Publishers and
2. Gupta P.K and Pawar C.B., Cell Biology, Himalaya publication
3. Stric kberger, Evolution, CBS publication
4. Benjamin Pierce, Genetics: A conceptual approach, W. H. Freeman; 5th edition (December 27,
5. David McFarland, Animal Behaviour: Psychobiology, Ethology and Evolution, (1998), 3rd
edition, Benjammin Cumings publication.
Page 111
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. discuss Mendelian Genetics, genetic basis of loci and alleles and sex linked inheritance
2. explain the core concepts and fundamentals of plant tissue culture and its applications
3. describe the fundamentals of R -DNA technology
4. outline the fundamentals of molecular biology
5. explain the concept of databases and its applications
6. demonstrate the technique of plant microtechnique
Module I – Genetics and Biotechnology 2 Credits
Unit I: Genetics -I
a) Mendelian Genetics, Brief explanation of the following terms: Allele, wild type and mutant
alleles, locus, dominant and recessive traits,homozygous and heterozygous, genotype and
phenotype, genome.
b) Exceptions to Mendelian Inheritance: Incomplete dominance , Codominance, Lethal alleles,
Epistasis -Recessive, Double recessive, dominant and double dominant, non epistatic
c) Concept of multiple alleles: Coat colour in rabbit, ABO and Rh blood group systems and its
medico -legal importance.
Unit II: B iotechnology -I
a) Plant Biotechnology: Plant tissue culture: Totipotency, Morphogenesis, Types of cultures -
b) Production of Haploids
c) Protoplast isolation and somatic hybridization
Unit III: Biotechnology -II
a) Transcription in prokaryotes and euk aryotes: promoter sites, initiation, elongation and
b) Genetic Code, Translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
c) R-DNA technology: Gene cloning, Enzymes involved in Gene cloning, Vectors used for
Gene clonin g.
Module II: Genetics and Bioinformatics 2 Credits
Unit IV: Genetics -II
a) Chromosomal Methods heterogametic males and heterogametic females. Sex determination
in monoecious and dioecious plants.
b) Genic Balance Theory of sex determination in Drosophila, Lyon’s Hypothesis of X
chromosome inactivation,
c) Sex linked inheritance - eye colour in Drosophila, Haemophilia, colour blindness , Sex
influenced inheritance:baldness in man
Page 112
Unit V: Plant Microtech niques
a) Staining procedures, Classification and chemistry of stains
b) Tissue preparation: living, fixed, coagulating and non -coagulating fixatives, tissue
dehydration using graded solvent series, paraffin infiltration
c) Microtomy and staining permanent sections
Unit VI: Bioinformatics
a) Introduction to bioinformatics and its applications
b) Introduction and Bioinformatics resources:
Bioinformatics resources: NCBI, EMBL - EBI, DDBJ, PIR and SWISSPROT
c) Knowledge of various databases - Organization of biological data - Primary, secondary and
Structure database, sequence database, Literature database
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1) Preparation of stock solutions and Preparation of MS medium
2) Seed/ any explant sterilization and inoculation technique & Callus induction
3) To find out the amino acid sequence of the given mRNA strand.
4) Demonstration: Microtomy
5) Use of bioinformatics resources and database s
6) Basic and advanced search methods w.r.t Biological databases, use of Entrez
1. De Robertis and De Robertis. 8th Edition. 2017. Cell and Molecular Biology.
2. Gupta, P.K. 1999. A Text Book of Cell and Molecular Biology. Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
3. Westhead. 2002.Instant Notes on Bioinformatics. Taylor Francis Publications
4. Berlyn GP and Miksche JP. 1976. Botanical micro -techniques and cytochemistry
5. Hexter W and Yost Jr. H T .1977. The Science of Genetics. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
6. Kumar, U. 2000. Methods in Plant Tissue Culture, Agrobios, Jodhpur. India.
7. Bhojwani. S.S. &Razdan. M.K. 1996. Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Practice (Rev. Ed.).
Elsevier Science Publishers, New York.
Page 113
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. recall different structures of locomotory organs, muscle fibers and reproductive systems of different
invertebrates and vertebrates.
2. compare and contrast between different egg types, blastulae types and sperms in different animals
and interrelate it with their developmental process.
3. describe types of tra nsgenesis methods, gene therapy, principle of DNA finger printing and its
applications and application of biotechnology in animal husbandry and Medicine.
4. develop the research aptitude and gain experience at reading and evaluating the scientific literature.
5. develop skills, concept and experience to understand the ethical aspects of research.
Module I: Animal Physiology 2 Credits
Unit I: Animal Physiology 3
a) Movement and Locomotion: Locomotory organs (Structures and Functions) -Pseudopodia
in Amoeba (sol gel theory), Cilia in Paramecium, Tube feet in Starfish
b) Structure and function of Striated muscle fiber in human and sliding filament theory,
Structure of Non striated and Cardiac Muscle fiber and functions
c) Chemical composition, Structure and function of Cartilage and Bone, Axial Skeleton:
Vertebral Column, Rib cage, Appendicular Skeleton: Pectoral and Pelvic Girdle and Limbs.
Unit II: Animal Physiology 4
a) Reproductive system: Anatomy of human male and female reproductive system
b) Menstrual cycle in Female, Hormonal regulation of Reproduction and Impact of age on
c) Menopause and Andropause
Unit III: Embryology
a) Embryology: Structure of Sperm and Ovum,
b) Types and Patterns of Cleavage, Types of Blastula (Amphioxus, Frog, Aves, Chick.),
c) Coelom –Formation and types, Extra embryonic membranes, Types of Placentae (Based on
histology, morphology and implantation)
Page 114
Module II: Animal Biotechnology 2 Credits
Unit IV: Animal Biotechnology
a) Biotechnology: Scope and achiev ements of Biotechnology (Fishery, Animal Husbandry,
Medical, Industrial)
b) Transgenesis: Retro viral method, nuclear transplantation method, DNA microinjection
method, Embryonic stem cell method
c) Cloning (Natural and Artificial), Natural cloning - Planaria, Identical twins (monozygotic)
and non -identical twins (dizygotic), Artificial cloning -Dolly and Macaque monkey .
Applications of Biotechnology: Blotting techniques - Southern, Northern and Eastern, DNA
fingerprinting - Technique in brief and its a pplication in forensic science (Crime
Investigation), Recombinant DNA in medicines (recombinant insulin), Gene therapy: Ex -
vivo and In -vivo, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID), and Cystic Fibrosis , Ethical
issues of transgenic and cloned animals
Unit V: Research Methodology
a) Research methodology: The Scientific method - Deductive reasoning and inductive
reasoning, Critical thinking, Role of chance in scientific discovery
b) Scientific Research - Definition, difference between method and methodology
charact eristics, types , Steps in the Scientific Method - Identification of research problem,
Formulation of research hypothesis, Testing the hypothesis using experiments or surveys,
preparing research/study design including methodology and execution (Appropriate
controls, sample size, technically sound, free from bias, repeat experiments for
consistency), Documentation of data, Data analysis and interpretation, Results and
c) Scientific writing: Structure and components of a research paper (Preparation of manuscript
for publication of research paper) - Title, Authors and their affiliations, Abstract, Keywords
and Abbreviations, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions,
Acknowledgement, Bibliography; Figures, Tables and their leg ends
Unit VI: Plagiarism and Intellectual Property Rights
a) Plagiarism: Concept, its types and different ways of committing plagiarism and Ethics and
prevention, Detection of plagiarism
b) Introduction to IPR, Types of Intellectual properties: Industrial property, Artistic and
literary Property, Need for IPR, Impact of IPR on development, health, agriculture and
genetic resources, IPR in India.
c) Introduction to Patents, Tread marks and copyrights
Page 115
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1) To demonstrate immobilization of Enzyme and its activity
2) Study of striated and non - striated muscle fibre
3) Study of permanent slides on topic of Reproduction: T.S. of mammalian testis
4) Study of permanent slides on topic of Reproduction: T.S. of mammalian ovary,
5) Study of permanent slides on topic of Reproduction: T.S of Mammalian Blastula
6) Bibliography and Abstr act writing.
1. Berril N.J., Developmental Biology, Tata McGraw –Hill Publication.
2. Miller S. A. and Harley J. B, Zoology., (2005), 6th edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. E. L. Marieb, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Pearson Education Low Price Edition
4. A. Bo rem, D. Bowe. Understanding biotechnology, Low price edition –Pearson Publication
5. RC. Kothari, Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques, Wiley Eastern Ltd. Mumba i
6. Paul D Leedy, Practical research planning and design, 2nd edition, Macmilan Publication
Page 116
Page 117
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks)
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. classify Algae, Fungi and Bryophytes
2. explain the characteristics of gymnosperm
3. compare the characteristics between Dicots and Monocots
4. explain the structure of flower
5. explain the concept of microbiology
Module I: Introduction to Study of Life 2 Credits
Unit I: Study of Life Forms: I
a) Algae: Classif ication of Algae up to class. (G. M. Smith’s Classification). Salient features of
algae. Study of one alga from each class as an Example (only morphology)
b) Fungi: Classification of true fungi up to class. Salient features of fungi. Study of Rhizopus as
representative organism (Thallus structure at asexual stage).
c) Bryophytes: Salient features of bryophytes. Type study of Funaria as an example of moss (only
morphology) , Pteridophytes: Salient features of pteridophytes. Type study of Nephrolepis as an
example o f ferns.
Unit II: Study of Life Forms: II
a) Gymnosperms: Important characteristics of gymnosperms. Study of Cycads and Conifers with
one example of each i.e. Cycas and Pinus (only morphology)
b) Angiosperms: Distinguishing features of angiosperms. Comparison between Dicots and
c) Flower: Structur e of a typical flower. Floral parts and their functions.
Unit III: Plant Cells, Tissues and Organs
a) Study of typical plant cell and cell organelles
b) Types of cells. Simple and compound tissues , Organs of plants: Study of roots, stem and
leaves in higher plants w.r.t. their structural details and functions
c) Plant Functions: Importance of water in plants, Absorption of water and minerals (General
account), Photosynthesis: general outline of the pro cess and its importance, Respiration:
general outline of the process and its importance, Reproduction in plants (basic explanations of
sexual and asexual methods)
Module II: Introduction of Plant Science 2 Credits
Unit IV: Branches of Botany
a) Fundamental Branches of Botany: Introduction of Phycology, Mycology, Plant Morphology,
Plant Anatomy, Plant Physiology, Plant Genetics, Plant Cytology, Palynology and Plant
b) Allied and Interdisciplinary Branches of Botany: Introduction of Plant Histology Plant
Taxonomy, Plant Breeding, Plant Ecology, Phyto -geography, Paleobotany, Plant Pathology,
Medicinal Botany Bioinformatics and Ethnobotany
c) Productive Branches: Introduction of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Organic
Unit V: Applied Botany
a) Aesthetic Botany: Study of Ornamental Plants - Common flowering and foliage plants used
Page 118
in private and public gardens. Common indoor and outdoor plants
b) Healing Botany: Study of common medicinal plants w.r.t. their source, parts used and
therapeutic uses. Eg. Turmeric, Tulsi, Aloe, Ginger, Lemon, Amla, Clove, Pepper and Mint
c) Experimental Botany: Introduction to and applications of - Plant Tissue Culture (PTC) and
GM (Genetically Modifie d) Crops
Unit VI: Study of Fungi (Microbiology)
a) Fungal Physiology, Structure and Symbioses
i. Nutrition and Physiology
ii. Fungal Morphology, Spores and Cell Walls
iii. Symbioses and Pathogenesis
b) Some Fungi of Special Interest
i. Synchytrium
ii. Saprolegnia
iii. Mucor
iv. Schizosaccharomyces
v. Saccharomyces
vi. Neurospora
vii. Agaricus
viii. Filobasidiella neoformans
ix. Aspergillus
x. Penicillium
xi. Candida
c) Medicinally important fungi and fungal diseases , Economic effects of Fungi
Module III- Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Any Six Experiments
1) Study of habit/morphology of: Spirogyra, Rhizopus, Funaria and Nephrolepis
2) Study of habit/morphology of: Cycas and Pinus
3) To study a typical flower and floral parts in detail
4) To observe a typical plant cell and basic types of tissue
5) To study medicinal uses of Turmeric, Tulsi, Aloe, Ginger, Lemon, Amla, Clove,Pepper and Mint
6) To stain and observe morphology of Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) by monochrome staining.
1. Study of forest types
2. Importance of organic farming
3. Industrial uses of fungi
4. Study of ornamental plants
5. Traditional herbal medicines
6. Survey of genetically modified crops etc.
Page 119
1. College Botany, Volume I by Dr. B. P. Pandey, S. Chand Publication
2. College Botany, Volume II by Dr. B. P. Pandey, S. Chand Publication
3. Plant Anatomy by A. Fahn
4. Horticulture: Principles and Practices by George Acquaah, Pearson Edition
5. Handbook on Indian Medicinal Plants by M. C. Joshi, Scientific Publishers
6. Brock Biology of microorganisms, 13th edition, Madigan et al Pg 601 -603
7. Microbiology by Pelczar, 5th edition, pg no 352 -361
8. Microbiology an introduction by Tortora pg no 331 -334
Page 120
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment: 60 (40 Theory + 20 Practical)
Internal Assessment: 40 (10 Marks Internal Class test /Assignment + Practical: 30 Marks
Course Outcome
By the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. describe the level of organization
1. explain the characteristics of multicellular organzation
2. elaborate the characteristics of aquatic vertebrate animals
3. explain the concept of ecosystem
4. discuss the importance of application of Microscopy
Module I : Diversity of Animal Kingdom 2
Credit s
Unit I: Diversity of Animal Kingdom I
a) Level of organization: -
a) Unicellularity, Multi cellularity, Division of labour, Organization of tissue,
b) Development of Coelom, symmetry, segmentation and cephalization.
c) Unicellular organization: - Protozoa
b) Multic ellular organization
a) Colonization level of - Phylum - Porifera
b) Division of labour - Phylum -coelenterata
c) Triploblastic acoelomate and pseudocoelomate organization: Acoelomate organization
- Phylum Platyhelminthe
d) Pseudocoelomate organization – Phylum Nemathelm inthes.
c) Triploblastic coelomate organization:
a) Animals with metameric segmentation - Phylum Annelida.
b) Animals with jointed appendages - Phylum Arthropoda
Unit II: Diversity of Animal Kingdom II
a) Animals with mantle: Phylum Mollusca , Animals with enterocoel: Phylum Echinodermata
b) Phylum Hemichordat a
c) Phylum: - Chordate
a. Subphylum Urochordata
b. Subphylum Cephalochordata
Unit III: Diversity of Animal Kingdom III
a) Diversity of Animal Kingdom aquatic vertebrate animals (Different characteristic features and
a. Subphylum Vertebrata
b. Super class: Agnatha - Class Cyclostomata
c. Super class: Gnathostomata
d. Class Pisces (Cartilaginous and bony fish)
b) Diversity of Animal Kingdom in terrestrial vertebrate animals (Different characteristic feature s
and Classification)
a. Subphylum Vertebrata
b. Class Amphibia
c. Class Reptilia
c) Diversity of Animal Kingdom in terrestrial vertebrate animals (Different characteristic features
and Classification)
a. Subphylum Vertebrata
b. Class Aves
Page 121
c. Class Mammalia
Module II: Ecosystem 2 Credits
Unit IV: Ecosystem
a) Concepts of ecosystem, food chain and food web , Concept of biogeochemical cycles:
a. carbon
b. oxygen
c. water cycles
b) Concept of Ecosystem, Major and Minor ecosystems, Natural and Artificial Ecosystems
c) Concepts of animal interactions , Symbiosis: Mutualism, commensalism, parasitis m, predation
and Antibiosis
Unit V: Concept of Ethology
a) Introduction to Ethology - Definition, History and Scope of Ethology , Animal behaviour -
Innate and Learned behaviour
b) Ethology II - Types of learning -Habituation, Imprinting and types of imprinting -filial and
sexual, Classical conditioning, Instrumental learning and insight learning.
c) Aspects of animal behaviour - Communication in Bees and Ants , Mimicry and colouration ,
Migration in fish and schooling behaviour.
Unit VI: Application of Microscopy
a) Micro scopy: - Applications in biological science s, Principle, instrumentation and working for —
Bright field microscope ( Parts refractive index , focal length, types of lens ,microscope
resolution ) , Basic staining methods: - Monochrome staining & vital staining
b) Major Biomolecules of cells - Carbohydrates
a. Nomenclature, isomerism and classification, Functions of carbohydrates, Glycosidic
b. Types of carbohydrates: structure of Monosaccharides : Glucose and fructose.
c. Disaccharides: Sucrose and lactose
d. Polysaccharides: Starch and glycogen
e. Oxidation reaction of CHO gps - Benedicts test
a. Definition, classification of lipids with one examples , Ester linkage
b. Functions of Lipids, Physical and Chemical properties of lipids
c. Saturated and Unsaturated fatty acids (one example each )
d. Phospholipids; general structure, amphiphatic nature and formation of Phospholipid
bilayer ,
c) Major Biomolecules of cells II - Proteins
a) Amino acids: Types based on carboxylic, amino and aromatic group with 3 egs ofeach
b) Peptide bond, General study of structure of proteins: Primary, secondary, tertiary, and
quaternary structure, with one example
c) Properties of proteins (solubility , MWt ,Shape, Isoelectric pH, p recipitation by salting
out , Biuret reaction ) Biologically important protein Insulin (structure and Function
Nucleic acids and Nucleotides
a) Nucleosides and Nucleotides , Watson and Cricks model of DNA , Chargaffs rule ,
A,B and Z form of DNA .
b) Types o f RNA (m RNA,tRNA,rRNA)and their Functions
Module III - Internal Assessment 2 Credits
S.No Task Marks
1 One Assignment /Class test 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Any Six
Experiments) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Page 122
Any Six Experiments
1. Levels of organization in Animal kingdom
a. Symmetry: i) Asymmetric organization: Amoeba, Radial symmetry: Sea anemone,
Aureliam and Bilateral symmetry: Planaria / liver fluke
b. Acoelomate: T.S. of Planaria / liver fluke
c. Pseudocoelomate: T.S. of A scaris
d. Coelomate : T.S. of Earthworm
e. Segmentation i) Pseudosegmentation: Tapeworm , Metamerism: Earthworm ,
Specialization of body parts for division of labour: Head, thorax and abdomen - Insect
F) Cephalization i) Cockroach – Head
2. Animal Diversity
a) Protozoa : Porifera: Coelentrate:
b) Platyhelminthes:
c) Nemathelminthes: Annelida: Arthropoda:
d) Prawn/ crab – Cephalothorax
e) Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Plasmodium Leucosolenia, bath sponge , Hydra,
Aurelia, sea anemone and any one coral , Planaria, liver fluke and tapeworm , Ascaris -
male and female , Nereis, earthworm and leech , Crab, lobster, Lepisma, beetle,
dragonfly, butterfly, moth, spider, centipede, millipede
3. Animal Diversity
a) Mollusca: Chiton, Dentalium, Pila, bivalve, Sepia and Nautilus
b) Echinoderma ta: Starfish, brittle star, sea urchin, sea cucumber, feather star
c) Hemichordata: Balanoglossus
d) Urochordata: Herdmania
e) Cephalochordata: Amphioxus
f) Cyclostomata: Petromyzone/Myxine
g) Pisces: Chodrichthyes: - Shark, skates,
h) Osteichthyses: - Sciaena,
i) Amphibi a: Frog, toad, caecilian, salamandar
j) Reptalia: Chameleon, Calotes, turtle/tortoise, snake, alligator/crocadile.
k) Aves: Kite, kingfisher, duck
l) Mammalia: Shrew, hedgehog, guinea pig, bat.
4. Study of animal interaction:
a) Commensalism: Hermit crab and sea anemone , Echinus and shark
b) Mutualism: Termite and Trichonympha
c) Antibiosis: Effect of antibiotic on bacterial growth on a petri plate
d) Parasitism: Ectoparasite – head louse and bed bug
e) Endoparasite: Trichinella spiralis
f) Predation: Praying mantis and spider.
5. Study of Honey Bee: -
a) Life Cycle of Honey Bee and Bee Hive
b) Mouthparts of Honey Bee
c) Legs of Honey Bee
d) Sting Apparatus of Honey Bee
6. Study of ethological aspects:
a) Warning Colouration
b) Mimicry
c) Communication in animals: Chemical signals and sound signals.
7. Study of parts of Compound microscope and its handling
8. Qualitative detection test - Detection of reducing sugar using Benedicts test , Detection of
proteins by Biuret test
9. Field visit
Page 123
1. Biological science, 3rd edition – D.J. Taylor, N. P. O. Green, G. W . Stout. Cambridge University
press, Low priced edition.
2. Zoology – S. A. Miller and J. B. Harley, Tata McGraw hill
3. Modern textbook of Zoology: Vertebrates by Kotpal
4. Modern Textbook of Zoology, Invertebrates, Kotpal R. L
5. Vertebrate Zoology Volume I - Jordan and Verm , S. Chand and Co.
6. Invertebrate Zoology Volume II - Jordan and Verma , S. Chand and Co.
7. Invertebrate Zoology - Dhami P. S. and Dhami J. K., R. Chand and Co.
8. Principles of ecology – Odum
9. Ecology – Principle and application – J. L. Chapman and M. J. R eiss, Cambridge University press,
Low priced edition.
10. Animal behaviour – David Mc Farland
11. An introduction to animal behaviour, 4th edition - Aubrey Manning and M. S. Dawkins.
Cambridge University press, Low priced edition.
12. Animal behaviour – Mohan Arora. H imalaya publication.
13. Animal Behaviour - David McFarland
14. Animal Behaviour - Mohan Arora
15. Animal Behaviour - Reena Mathur
16. An introduction to Animal Behaviour - Dawkins 5. Animal Behaviour -Agarwal
17. Animal Behaviour - Tinbergen
18. Principles of Biochemistry and Molecular biology by Keith Wilson and John Walker.
19. Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques - by C.R. Kothari, Wiley Eastern Ltd. Mumbai
20. Essentials of Ecology, 3rd edition – G. Tyler and Miller Jr. Thompson Books
21. Biodiversity: S.V .S. Rana, Prentice Ha ll Publications.
22. Principles of Biochemistry, 2005, 2ndand 3rdedn. Lehninger A.L. Nelson D.L. and Cox M.M ,
23. Biochemistry, Dushyant Kumar Shrma, 2010, Narosa Publishing house PVT.Ltd.
24. Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Dr AC Deb, 1983, New Central Book Agency Ltd.
25. A Textbook of Biochemistry, 9thedition, Dr. Rama Rao A.V.S.S and Dr A Suryalakshmi.
26. Text book of biochemistry for medical students , by D M Vasudevan, Sreekumari S, Kanan
Vaidyanathan , Sixth ed,2011, Jaypee brothers medical publishers (p) ltd
27. Biochemistry - G Zubay, Addison Wesley, 1983
28. Biochemistry, L Stryer, 3rd/4th/5th ed, 1989, Freeman and Co. NY
29. Fundamentals of Biochemistry by J.L. Jain, Sunjay Jain and Nitin Jain
30. Prescott,Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology,Seventh ed, 2008,Published by McGra w-Hill
Page 124
Syllabus for: B. Sc. B. Ed. (Mathematics)
Page 125
Course Structure
Semester Module Title
I1 Real Numbers
2 Discrete Mathematics I
3 Practicals
II1 Single Variable Calculus I
2 Statistical Methods and Applications
3 Practicals
III1 Ordinary Dierential Equations
2 Linear Algebra I
3 Practicals
IV1 Single Variable Calculus II
2 Linear Algebra II
3 Practicals
V1 Multivariable Calculus I
2 Linear Algebra III
3 Practicals
VI1 Multiple Integration
2 Group Theory
3 Practicals
Page 126
Semester Paper Module Title
VIIPaper I1 Complex Analysis
2 Discrete Mathematics II
3 Practicals
Paper II4 Metric Topology I
5 Metric Topology II
6 Practicals
VIIIPaper I1 Single Variable Calculus III
2 Numerical Methods
3 Practicals
Paper II4 Elementary Number Theory
5 Graph Theory
6 Practicals
Page 127
Foundation Course
Semester Module Title
I1 Arithmetic, commercial arithmetic, basic algebra
2 Lienar equations and graphing, Mensuration, Elementary statistics
3 Practicals
II1 Set theory, functions, logarithmic and exponential functions
2 polynomials, lines and planes, statistics
3 Practicals
Page 128
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment Theory: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Module 1 Real Numbers
Learning Outcomes:
Learner will understand the basic properties of real numbers. Real numbers forms the foundation
of many advanced concepts in mathematics.
Unit I Real Number System
(a) Real number system Rand order properties of R, absolute value jjand its properties.
(b) Intervals and neighbourhoods. deleted neighbourhood interior points, Hausdor prop-
(c) Bounded sets, statements of I.u.b. axiom and its consequences, supremum and inmum,
maximum and minimum, Archimedean property(only statement) and its applications,
density of rationals. (only statement)
Unit II Sequences of real numbers
(a) Denition of a sequence and examples, Convergence of sequences, boundedness of se-
quences. Every convergent sequences is bounded. Limit of a convergent sequence and
uniqueness of limit. Divergent sequences.
(b) Convergence of standard sequences like1
1 +na
8a> 0;(bn)8b;0n)8c>
0;& (n1
n)(without proof).
(c) Algebra of convergent sequences, sandwich theorem, monotone sequences, monotone
convergence theorem (without proof ) and consequences, convergence of
1 +1
Unit III Series of real numbers
(a) Innite series in R. Denition of convergence and divergence. Basic examples including
geometric series. Elementary results such as if1X
n=1anis convergent, then an !0 but
converse not true. Cauchy Criterion. Algebra of convergent series.
(b) Tests for convergence(only statements): Comparison Test, Limit Comparison Test, Ratio
Test proof), Root Test. Examples. The decimal expansion of real numbers. Convergence
np(p> 1):Divergence of harmonic series1X
(c) Alternating series. Leibnitz's Test. Examples. Absolute convergence, absolute conver-
gence implies convergence but not conversely. Conditional Convergence.
Reference Books:
1. R. R. Goldberg, Methods of Real Analysis, Oxford and IBH, 1964.
Page 129
2. K. G. Binmore, Mathematical Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 1982.
3. R. G. Bartle- D. R. Sherbert, Introduction to Real Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
4. Sudhir Ghorpade and Balmohan Limaye, A course in Calculus and Real Analysis, Springer
International Ltd, 2000.
5. G. F. Simmons, Dierential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes, McGraw Hill,
6. E. A. Coddington , An Introduction to Ordinary Dierential Equations.Prentice Hall, 1961.
7. W. E. Boyce, R. C. DiPrima, Elementary Dierential Equations and Boundary Value Prob-
lems, Wiely, 2013.
Additional Reference Books
1. T. M. Apostol, Calculus Volume I, Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte, Ltd.
2. Richard Courant-Fritz John, A Introduction to Calculus and Analysis, Volume I, Springer.
3. James Stewart, Calculus, Third Edition, Brooks/ cole Publishing Company, 1994.
4. D. A. Murray, Introductory Course in Dierential Equations, Longmans, Green and Co.,
5. A. R. Forsyth, A Treatise on Dierential Equations, MacMillan and Co.,1956.
Module 2 Discrete Mathematics I
Learning Outcomes:
Learner will understand the behaviour of integers. Learner will also study how to establish dierent
types of relations between any two sets.
Unit IV Integres and Divisibility
(a) Statements of well-ordering property of non-negative integers, Principle of nite induc-
tion (rst and second) as a consequence of Well-Ordering Principle.
(b) Divisibility in integers, division algorithm, greatest common divisor (g.c.d.) and least
common multiple (l.c.m.) of two non zero integers, basic properties of g.c.d. such as
existence and uniqueness of g.c.d. of two non zero integers a&band that the g.c.d. can
be expressed as ma+nbfor somem;n2Z. Euclidean algorithm.
(c) Primes. Euclid's lemma. Fundamental Theorem of arithmetic (only statement). The
set of primes is innite. There exists innitely many primes of the form 4n 1 or of the
form 6n 1.
(d) Congruence, denition and elementary properties. Results about linear congruence equa-
tions. Examples.
Unit V Relations and functions
Page 130
(a) Denition of a relation. Denition of a function. Domain, co-domain and range of a
function. Composite functions. Examples. Direct image f(A) and inverse image f 1(B)
for a function f. Injective, surjective, and bijective functions. Invertible functions. Bi-
jective functions are invertible and conversely. Examples of functions including constant,
(b) Equivalence relation.
Equivalence classes. Properties such as two equivalences classes are either identical or
disjoint. Denition of partition. Every partition gives an equivalence relation and vice
(c) Congruence is an equivalence relation on Z, Residue classes and partition of Z, Addition
modulon, Multiplication modulo n, examples.
Unit VI Polynomials
(a) Denition of a polynomial, polynomials over FwhereF=Q;RorC. Algebra of
polynomials. Degree of a polynomial. Division algorithm in F[X] (without proof).
G.C.D of two polynomials.
(b) Roots of a polynomial. Relation between roots and coecients. Multiplicity of a root.
Elementary consequences such as the following.
(i) Remainder theorem, Factor theorem.
(ii) A polynomial of degree nhas at most nroots (without proof).
(iii) Complex and non-real roots of a polynomials in R[X] occur in conjugate pairs.
(without proof)
(Emphasis on examples and problems in polynomials with real coecients).
(c) Necessary condition for a rational numberp
qto be a root of a polynomial with integer
coecients (viz. pdivides the constant coecient and qdivides the leading coecient).
Simple consequence such as the irrationality is necessarily ofppfor any prime number
p. Irreducible polynomials in Q[x],. Unique Factorisation Theorem (without proof).
Reference Books:
1. David M. Burton, Elementary Number Theory, Seventh Edition, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Private Ltd.
2. 2. Norman L. Biggs, Discrete Mathematics, Revised Edition, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1989.
Additional Reference Books
1. I. Niven and S. Zuckerman, Introduction to the theory of numbers, Third Edition, Wiley
Eastern, New Delhi, 1972.
2. G. Birko and S. Maclane, A Survey of Modern Algebra, Third Edition, Mac Millan, New
York, 1965.
3. N. S. Gopalkrishnan, University Algebra, Ne Age International Ltd, Reprint 2013.
4. I .N. Herstein, Topics in Algebra, John Wiley, 2006.
Page 131
5. P. B. Bhattacharya S. K. Jain and S. R. Nagpaul, Basic Abstract Algebra, New Age Inter-
national, 1994.
6. Kenneth Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its applications, Mc-Graw Hill, International Edi-
tion, Mathematics Series.
Module 3
(A) Suggested Practical topics
(1) Algebraic and Order Properties of Real Numbers and Inequalities, Hausdor Property
and LUB Axiom of R;Archimedian Property.
(2) Convergence and divergence of sequences, bounded sequences, Sandwich Theorem. Mono-
tonic sequences, non-monotonic sequences.
(3) Examples of convergent / divergent series and algebra of convergent series.Tests for
convergence of series.
(4) Mathematical induction ,Division Algorithm, Euclidean algorithm in Z, Examples on
expressing the gcd. of two non zero integers a&basma+nbfor somem;n2Z. Primes
and the Fundamental theorem of Arithmetic. Euclid's lemma. There exists innitely
many primes of the form 4 n 1 or of the form 6 n 1.
(5) Functions, Bijective and Invertible functions. Compositions of functions. Equivalence
Relations, Partition and Equivalence classes.
(6) Polynomials.
1 One Assignment /Class test - 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Six Practical) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Page 132
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment Theory: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Module 1 Single Variable Calculus I
Learning outcomes:
Learners will understand the concept of rate of change in the motion of an object and its applica-
Unit I Limits and continuity
(a) Graphs of some standard functions such as jxj; ex;logx; ax2+bx+c;1
x; xnn
3);sinx;cosx;tanx;sin 1
; x2sin 1
over suitable intervals of R:
(b)" denition of Limit of a function at a point in a domain containing a deleted
neighbourhood of that point. Uniqueness of limit if it exists. Algebra of limits. Limits
of composite function. Sandwich theorem. Left-hand-limit lim
x !a f(x), right-hand-limit
x !a+f(x), non-existence of limits, lim
x ! 1f(x);lim
x !1f(x) and lim
x !af(x) =1.
(c) Continuous functions: Continuity of a real valued function at a point and on a set using
denition. Examples. Continuity of a real valued function at end points of the
domain using denition. fis continuous at aif and only if lim
x !af(x) exists and
equals tof(a). Sequential continuity (without proof). Examples. Algebra of continuous
functions. Discontinuous functions. Examples.
Unit II Dierentiability
(a) Dierentiation of real valued function of one variable: Denition of dierentiability of
a function at a point of an open interval. Examples of dierentiable and non dieren-
tiable functions. Dierentiable functions are continuous but not conversely. Algebra of
dierentiable functions.
(b) Chain rule, Higher order derivatives. Leibniz rule.
(c) Derivative of inverse functions(only examples). Implicit dierentiation (only examples)
Unit III Applications of dierentiability
(a) Rolle's Theorem, Lagrange's and Cauchy's Mean Value Theorems and their applications
and examples. Monotone increasing and decreasing functions. Examples.
(b) L-Hospital rule (without proof). Examples of indeterminate forms. Taylor's theorem
with Lagrange's form of remainder (only statement), Taylor polynomial and applications.
(c) Denition of critical point. Local maximum/minimum and necessary condition. Sta-
tionary points. Second derivative test. Examples. Concave/convex functions. Point of
Reference Books:
Page 133
1. R. R. Goldberg, Methods of Real Analysis, Oxford and IBH, 1964.
2. K. G. Binmore, Mathematical Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 1982.
3. R. G. Bartle- D. R. Sherbert, Introduction to Real Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
4. Sudhir Ghorpade and Balmohan Limaye, A course in Calculus and Real Analysis, Springer
International Ltd, 2000.
5. G. F. Simmons, Dierential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes, McGraw Hill,
6. E. A. Coddington , An Introduction to Ordinary Dierential Equations.Prentice Hall, 1961.
7. W. E. Boyce, R. C. DiPrima, Elementary Dierential Equations and Boundary Value Prob-
lems, Wiely, 2013.
Module 2 Statistical Methods and Applications
Learning outcomes:
Learner will know how to study a data available to him/her using the statistical techniques.
Unit I Descriptive Statistics and random variables
(a) Measures of location (mean, median, mode), Partition values and their graphical loca-
(b) Measures of dispersion, skewness and kurtosis. Exploratory Data Analysis (Five number
summary, Box Plot, Outliers)
(c) Random Variables (discrete and continuous). Expectation and variance of a random
Unit II Probability Distributions and Correlation
(a) Discrete Probability Distribution (Binomial, Poisson).
(b) Continuous Probability Distribution: (Uniform, Normal).
Unit III Correlation
(a) Correlation, Karl Pearson's Coecient of Correlation, Concept of linear Regression.
(b) Fitting of a straight line and curve to the given data by the method of least squares,
relation between correlation coecient and regression coecients.
Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics,12th Edition, S. C. Gupta and V. K. Kapoor,Sultan
Chand & Sons, 2020.
2. Statistics for Business and Economics, 11th Edition, David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney
and Thomas A. Williams, Cengage Learning, 2011.
3. Introductory Statistics, 8th Edition, Prem S. Mann, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2013.
Page 134
4. A First Course in Statistics, 12th Edition, James McClave and Terry Sincich, Pearson Edu-
cation Limited, 2018.
5. Introductory Statistics, Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean and Laurel Chiappetta, OpenStax,
6. Hands-On Programming with R, Garrett Grolemund, O'Reilly.
Module 3
(A) Suggested Practical topics
(1) Limit of a function and Sandwich theorem, Continuous and discontinuous function.
Algebra of limits and continuous functions,
(2) Properties of dierentiable functions, Higher order derivatives, Leibniz Rule, derivatives
of inverse functions and implicit functions.
(3) Mean value theorems and its applications, L'Hospital's Rule, Increasing and Decreasing
functions. Maxima-minima, 2nd derivative test. Taylor's Polynomial.
(4) Descriptive Statistics, Random Variables.
(5) probability Distributions.
(6) Correlation and Regression.
1 One Assignment /Class test - 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Six Practical) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Page 135
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment Theory: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Module 1 Ordinary Dierential Equations
Learning Outcomes: Learner will be able to classify and solve the ordinary dierential equations
according to the order. Learner will be able to apply the concepts of ODE to biological sciences and
Unit I First order rst degree dierential equations
(a) Denition of a dierential equation, order, degree, ordinary dierential equation and
partial dierential equation, linear and non linear ODE. Solution of homogeneous and
non-homogeneous dierential equations of rst order and rst degree.
(b) Exact Equations: General solution of Exact equations of rst order and rst degree.
Necessary and sucient condition for Mdx +Ndy = 0 to be exact. Non-exact equations:
Rules for nding integrating factors (without proof) for non exact equations, such as :
M x +N yis an I.F. if M x +N y6= 0 andMdx +Ndy = 0 is homogeneous.
M x N yis an I.F. if M x N y6= 0 andMdx +Ndy = 0 is of the form
f1(x;y)y dx +f2(x;y)x dy = 0:
g(y)dy) is an I.F. if N6= 0 (respM6= 0) and1
@y @N
@y @N
is a function of x(respy) alone, say f(x) (respg(y)).
(c) Linear equations of rst order, Bernoulli's equations. Applications to orthogonal trajec-
tories, population growth, and nding the current at a given time.
Unit II Second order Linear Dierential equations
1. Homogeneous and non-homogeneous second order linear dierentiable equations: The
space of solutions of the homogeneous equation as a vector space. Wronskian and lin-
ear independence of the solutions. The general solution of homogeneous dierential
equations. The general solution of a non-homogeneous second order equation. Comple-
mentary functions and particular integrals.
2. The homogeneous equation with constant coecients. auxiliary equation. The general
solution corresponding to real and distinct roots, real and equal roots and complex roots
of the auxiliary equation.
3. Non-homogeneous equations: The method of undetermined coecients. The method of
variation of parameters.
Unit III Higher order linear dierential equations
(a) The general n th order linear dierential equations, Linear independence, Existence and
uniqueness theorem, Classication: homogeneous and non-homogeneous. Wronskian.
Properties of Wronskian. General solution of homogeneous and non-homogeneous LDE,
The Dierential operator and its properties. (proofs can be done for n= 2)
Page 136
(b) Higher order homogeneous linear dierential equations with constant coecients, the
auxiliary equations, Roots of the auxiliary equations: real and distinct, real and repeated,
complex and complex repeated.
(c) The inverse dierential operator and particular integral. Evaluation of1
f(D)for the
functions like ex, sinax, cosax,xm,exVandxVwhereVis any function of xwhere
f(D) is a dierential operator with constant coecients. Cauchy's equation: a0x3d3y
dx+a3y=f(x);a 0;a1;a2;a32R.
Reference Books
1. E.D. Rainville and P.E. Bedient; Elementary Dierential Equations; Macmillan.
2. Raisinghania; Ordinary and Partial Dierential Equations; S. Chand.
3. G.F. Simmons; Dierential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes; Taylor's and
4. Elementary Dierential Equations and Boundary Value Problems; Boyce DiPrima; John Wi-
ley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd.
Module 2 Linear algebra I
Learning Outcomes:
Learner will be able to examine existence and uniqueness of solutions of system of equations and
apply them to real life problems. Learner will be exposed to concept of dimensions of vector space
Unit IV System of Equations, Matrices
(a) Parametric equation of lines and planes. System of homogeneous and non- homogeneous
linear equations. The solution of system of m homogeneous linear equations in nun-
knowns by elimination and their geometrical interpretation for
(n;m) = (1; 2);(1;3);(2;2);(2;3);(3;3):Denition of n tuples of real numbers, sum of
twon tuples and scalar multiple of an n tuple.
(b) Matrices with real entries; addition, scalar multiplication and multiplication of matrices;
transpose of a matrix, types of matrices: zero matrix, identity matrix, scalar matri-
ces, diagonal matrices, upper triangular matrices, lower triangular matrices, symmet-
ric matrices, skew-symmetric matrices, Invertible matrices; identities such as ( AB)t=
BtAt;(AB) 1=B 1A 1.
(c) System of linear equations in matrix form, elementary row operations, row echelon ma-
trix, Gaussian elimination method, to deduce that the system of mhomogeneous linear
equations in nunknowns has a non-trivial solution if mUnit V Vector space over R
(a) Denition of a real vector space. Examples such as Rn;R[X];Mmn(R), space of all real
valued functions on a non empty set. Subspace: denition, examples such as lines,
planes passing through origin as sub-spaces of R2;R3respectively. Upper triangular
matrices, diagonal matrices, symmetric matrices, skew-symmetric matrices as subspaces
Page 137
ofMn(R)(n = 2;3);Pn(X ) =fa0+a1x+ +anxnjai2R;0ingas a subspace
R[X]:The space of all solutions of the system of mhomogeneous linear equations in n
unknowns as a subspace of Rn.
(b) Properties of a subspace. Necessary and sucient condition for a non empty subset to
be a subspace of a vector space. Arbitrary intersection of sub-spaces of a vector space
is a subspace. Union of two subspaces is a subspace if and only if one is a subset of the
(c) Finite linear combinations of vectors in a vector space. The linear span L(S) of a non-
empty subset Sof a vector space. Sis a generating set for L(S):L(S ) is a vector subspace
ofV. Linearly independent/linearly dependent subsets of a vector space. A subset
fv1;v2;:::vkgof a vector space is linearly dependent if and only if there is i2f1;2;:::;kg
such thatviis a linear combination of the other vectors vj.
Unit VI Basis and dimension
(a) Basis of a vector space, maximal linearly independent subset of a vector space is a basis
of a vector space. Minimal generating set of a vector space is a basis of a vector space.
Any two bases of a vector space have the same number of elements. Dimension of a vector
space. Any set of nlinearly independent vectors in an n dimensional vector space is a
basis. Any collection of n+ 1 linearly independent vectors in an n dimensional vector
space is linearly dependent.
(b) ifW1;W 2are two subspaces of a vector space VthenW1+W2is a subspace of the vector
spaceVof dimension dim(W 1) + dim(W1) dim(W 1\W2)). Extending any basis of a
subspaceWof a vector space Vto a basis of the vector space V.
(c) Row space, column space of a matrix, row rank and column rank of a matrix, Equivalence
of the row and the column rank, Invariance of rank upon elementary row or column
Reference books
1. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra, Wiley Student Edition).
2. Serge Lang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Springer.
3. S Kumaresan, Linear Algebra - A Geometric Approach, PHI Learning.
4. Sheldon Axler, Linear Algebra done right, Springer.
5. Gareth Williams, Linear Algebra with Applications, Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
6. David W. Lewis, Matrix theory.
Module 3
(A) Suggested Practical topics
(1) Solving exact and non-exact, rst order rst degree linear dierential equations, Bernoulli's
(2) Solving second order linear dierential equations with constant coecients, solving sec-
ond order dierential equations using UDC method and method of variation of param-
Page 138
(3) Solving higher order dierential equations using dierential operators. Solving non-
homogeneous dierential equations using inverse operator. Solving Cauchy's equation.
(4) Systems of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear equations. Elementary row/column
operations and Elementary matrices.
(5) Vector spaces, Subspaces, Linear Dependence/independence.
(6) Finding basis of a vector space/subspace. Finding dimension of a vector space/subspace.
1 One Assignment /Class test - 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Six Practical) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Page 139
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment Theory: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Module 1 Single Variable Calculus II
Learning outcomes:
Learner will be able to identify Riemann integrable functions and test the convergence of improper
integrals. Also will be exposed to some applications of integration.
Unit I Unit I Riemann Integration
(a) Idea of approximating the area under a curve by inscribed and circumscribed rectan-
gles. Partitions of an interval. Renement of a partition. Upper and Lower sums for a
bounded real valued function on a closed and bounded interval. Riemann integrability
and the Riemann integral. Criterion for Riemann integrability (only statement). Char-
acterization of the Riemann integral as the limit of a sum (only statement). Examples.
(b) Algebra of Riemann integrable functions. Also, basic results such as if f: [a;b] !R
is integrable, then (i)Zb
cf(x)dx. (ii)jfjis integrable and
ajfj(x)dx(iii) Iff(x)0 for allx2[a;b] thenZb
(c) Riemann integrability of a continuous function, and more generally of a bounded func-
tion whose set of discontinuities has only nitely many points. Riemann integrability of
monotone functions.
Unit II Applications of Integrations
(a) Area between the two curves. Lengths of plane curves. Surface area of surfaces of
(b) Continuity of the function F(x) =Zx
af(t)dt;x2[a;b]; whenf: [a;b] !Ris Riemann
integrable. First and Second Fundamental Theorems of Calculus.
(c) Mean value theorem. Integration by parts formula. Leibnitz's Rule.
Unit III Improper Integrals
(a) Denition of two types of improper integrals. Necessary and sucient conditions for
(b) Absolute convergence. Comparison and limit comparison tests for convergence.
(c) Gamma and Beta functions and their properties. Relationship between them (without
1. Sudhir Ghorpade, Balmohan Limaye; A Course in Calculus and Real Analysis (second edi-
tion); Springer.
Page 140
2. R.R. Goldberg; Methods of Real Analysis; Oxford and IBH Pub. Co., New Delhi, 1970.
3. Calculus and Analytic Geometry (Ninth Edition); Thomas and Finney; Addison-Wesley,
Reading Mass., 1998.
4. T. Apostol; Calculus Vol. 2; John Wiley.
Additional Reference Books
1. Ajit Kumar, S.Kumaresan; A Basic Course in Real Analysis; CRC Press, 2014
2. D. Somasundaram and B.Choudhary; A First Course in Mathematical Analysis, Narosa, New
Delhi, 1996.
3. K. Stewart; Calculus, Booke/Cole Publishing Co, 1994.
4. J. E. Marsden, A.J. Tromba and A. Weinstein; Basic Multivariable Calculus; Springer.
5. R.G. Brtle and D. R. Sherbert; Introduction to Real Analysis Second Ed. ; John Wiley, New
Yorm, 1992.
6. M. H. Protter; Basic Elements of Real Analysis; Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998.
Module 2 Linear Algebra II
Learning Outcomes:
A learner will study linear transformations, matrices and determinants and their applications.
Unit IV Linear Transformations
(a) Denition of a linear transformation of vector spaces; elementary properties. Examples.
Sums and scalar multiples of linear transformations. Composites of linear transforma-
(b) A Linear transformation of V !W;whereV;W are vector spaces over RandVis
a nite-dimensional vector space is completely determined by its action on an ordered
basis ofV:
(c) Null-space (kernel) and the image (range) of a linear transformation. Nullity and rank
of a linear transformation. Rank-Nullity Theorem (Fundamental Theorem of Homomor-
Unit V Matrix associated with a linear transformation, Rank of a matrix
(a) Matrix associated with linear transformation of V !WwhereVandWare nite
dimensional vector spaces over R:. Matrix of the composite of two linear transformations.
Invertible linear transformations (isomorphisms)
(b) Linear operator, Eect of change of bases on matrices of linear operator.
(c) Equivalence of the rank of a matrix and the rank of the associated linear transformation.
(d) Row space and column space of a matrix, row rank and column rank of a matrix, equiv-
alence of the row rank and the column rank, invariance of rank upon elementary row or
column operations.
Page 141
(e)Rnis the space of column vectors x=0
CCCAwhere each xj2R;1jn:Equivaelence
of rank of an nnmatrix and rank of the linear transformation LA:Rn !Rm(LA(x) =
Axfor allx2Rn):The dimension of the solution space of the system of linear equations
Ax= 0 equals n rank(A).
(f) The solutions of non-homogeneous system of linear equations represented by Ax=b;
existence of a solution when rank(A) = rank(A;b); the general solution of the system
is the sum of a particular solution of the system and the solutions of the associated
homogeneous system.
Unit VI Determinants
(a) Determinant A(A1;A2) of order 2 and its properties: Determinant is a function of column
vectors. Determinant is a linear function. If the two columns are identical, then the
determinant is equal to 0. If Iis the unit matrix, I= (E1;E2) thenD(E1;E2) = 1:
(b) Results on Determinas of ordeer 2:
(a) If one adds a scalar multiple of one column to the other column, then the value of
the determinant does not change.
(b) The determinant of Ais equal to the determinant of its transpose.
(c) Two vecotrs A1;A2ofR2are linearly dependent if and only if the determinant
D(A1;A2) = 0.
(d) Letbe a function of variables A1;A22R2such thatis bilinear (i.e. is
linear in each variable), (A1;A1) = 0 for all A12R2and(E1;E2) = 1 where
are the standard unit vectors of R2, then(A1;A2) is the
determinant D(A1;A2):
(c) Determinants of order 3 3;:::;nnas the expansion of the determinant accord-
ing toi th row. Results (without proof): For two nnmatricesA&B; det(A) =
det(At);det(AB ) = detAdet(B ):
(d) Linear dependence and independence of vectors in Rnusing determinants. The existence
and uniqueness of the system AX=B;whereAis annnmatrix with det A6= 0:
Cofactors and minors, Adjoint of an nnmatrix. Basic results such as Aadj(A) =
det(A)In(without proof). An nnreal matrix is invertible if and only if det A6=
0;A 1=1
det(A)adj(A) for an invertible matrix A(without proof). Cramer's rule.
Reference books
1. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra, Wiley Student Edition).
2. Serge Lang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Springer.
3. Kenneth Homan, Ray Kunze, Linear Algebra, Pearson Education
4. S Kumaresan, Linear Algebra - A Geometric Approach, PHI Learning.
5. Sheldon Axler, Linear Algebra done right, Springer.
Page 142
6. Gareth Williams, Linear Algebra with Applications, Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
7. David W. Lewis, Matrix theory.
Module 3
(A) Suggested Practical topics
(1) Calculation of upper sum, lower sum and Riemann integral, Problems on properties of
Riemann integral.
(2) Problems on fundamental theorem of calculus, mean value theorems, integration by
parts, Leibnitz rule.
(3) Convergence of improper integrals, dierent tests for convergence. Beta Gamma Func-
(4) Rank-Nullity Theorem. System of linear equations.
(5) Computation of row rank and column rank of 3 ×3 matrices. Calculating determinants
of matrices, triangular matrices using denition.
(6) Finding inverse of matrices using adjoint.
1 One Assignment /Class test - 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Six Practical) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Page 143
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment Theory: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment - 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Module 1 Multivariable Calculus I
Learning Outcomes:
Learner will be able to compare properties of functions of several variables with those of functions of
one variable and will be able to apply the concept of dierentiability to other sciences.
Unit I Functions of Several Variables
(a) Real-valued functions of several variables (Scalar elds). Examples. Vector valued func-
tions of several variables (Vector elds). Component functions. Examples.
(b) Sequence in Rn[with emphasis on R2andR3] and their limits. Neighbourhoods in Rn:
Limits and continuity of scalar elds. Composition of continuous functions. Sequential
characterizations. Algebra of limits and continuity (Results with proofs). Iterated limits.
Limits and continuity of vector elds. Algebra of limits and continuity vector elds.
(without proofs).
(c) Partial and Directional Derivatives of scalar elds: Denitions of partial derivative and
directional derivative of scalar elds (with emphasis on R2andR3).
UNIT II Dierentiation of Scalar Fields
(a) Dierentiability of scalar elds (in terms of linear transformation). The concept of
(total) derivative. Basic properties including (i) continuity at a point of dierentiability,
(ii)existence of partial derivatives at a point of dierentiability, and (iii) dierentiability
when the partial derivatives exist and are continuous.
(b) Gradient. Relation between total derivative and gradient of a function. Chain rule.
Geometric properties of gradient.
(c) Higher order partial derivatives. Mixed Partial Theorem (n=2).
UNIT III Applications of Dierentiation of Scalar Fields and Dierentiation of
Vector Fields
(a) Applications of Dierentiation of Scalar Fields: The maximum and minimum rate of
change of scalar elds.
Notions of local maxima, local minima and saddle points. First Derivative Test. Exam-
(b) Hessian matrix. Second Derivative Test for functions of two variables. Examples.
Method of Lagrange Multipliers.
(c) Applications of Dierentiation of Vector Fields: Jacobian matrix. Relationship between
total derivative and Jacobian matrix. The chain rule for derivative of vector elds
(statements only).
Page 144
Module 2 Linear Algebra III
Learning Outcomes:
Learner will be able to identify inner product spaces, understand the geometry of vectors and will
be able to outline properties of inner products. Learner will also be able to compute Eigen values
and Eigen vectors of a matrix and use these ideas to explore some geometric ideas.
UNIT IV Inner Products
(a) Inner product spaces (over R). Examples, including the Euclidean space Rnand the
space of real valued continuous functions on a closed and bounded interval. Norm
associated to an inner product. Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Triangle inequality.
(b) Angle between two vectors. Orthogonality of vectors. Pythagoras theorem and some
geometric applications in R2. Orthogonal sets, Orthonormal sets. Gram-Schmidt or-
thogonalizaton process.
(c) Orthogonal basis and orthonormal basis for a nite-dimensional inner product space.
Orthogonal complement of any set of vectors in an inner product space. Orthogonal
complement of a set is a vector subspace of the inner product space. Orthogonal decom-
position of an inner product space with respect to its subspace. Orthogonal projection
of a vector onto a line (one dimensional subspace). Orthogonal projection of an inner
product space onto its subspace.
Unit V Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
(a) Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation of a vector space into itself
and of square matrices. The eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues of a
linear transformation are linearly independent. Eigen spaces. Algebraic and geometric
multiplicity of an eigenvalue.
(b) Characteristic polynomial. Properties of characteristic polynomials (only statements).
Examples. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem (only statement) and its applications.
(c) Invariance of the characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues of similar matrices. Minimal
Polynomial of a matrix, Examples.
Unit VI Diagonalisation
(a) Diagonalisable matrix. A real square matrix Ais diagonalisable if and only if there is a
basis of Rnconsisting of eigenvectors of A. (Statement only - Annis diagonalisable if
and only if sum of algebraic multiplicities is equal to sum of geometric multiplicities of
all the eigenvalues of A=n). Procedure for diagonalising a matrix. Examples of non
diagonalizable matrices.
(b) Diagonalisation of a linear transformation T:V !V, whereVis a nite dimensional
real vector space and examples. Orthogonal diagonalisation.
(c) Quadratic Forms. Diagonalisation of real Symmetric matrices, Examples. Applications
to real Quadratic forms. Rank and Signature of a Real Quadratic form.
Page 145
Module 3
(A) Suggested Practical topics
(1) Limits and continuity of scalar elds and vector elds, using "denition and otherwise\,
Computing directional derivatives, partial derivatives.
(2) Dierentiability of scalar eld,Total derivative, gradient. Chain rule. Higher order
partial derivatives and mixed partial derivatives of scalar elds.
(3) Maximum and minimum rate of change of scalar elds. Finding Hessian/Jacobean ma-
trix. Dierentiation of a vector eld at a point. Finding maxima, minima and saddle
points. Second derivative test for extrema of functions of two variables and method of
Lagrange multipliers.
(4) Inner product spaces, examples. Gram-Schmidt method.
(5) Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors of a linear Transformation/ Square Matrices. Similar
Matrices. Minimal Polynomial.
(6) Diagonalisation of a matrix, Orthogonal Diagonalisation and Quadratic Forms.
1 One Assignment /Class test - 10 marks
2 Practical and Journal Submission (Six Practical) 30 marks
Total 40 marks
Page 146
Total Credits: 06 (1 Credit = 12 hours, Total 72 hours)
Total Marks: 100
External Assessment Theory: 60
Internal Assessment Theory: 40 (Practical 30+ Class Test / Assignment
- 10)
External Assessment Practical: 30
Module 1 Multiple Integration
Learning Outcomes:
Learner will be able to apply concepts of multiple integrals, Line and Surface integrals in other
disciplines like Physics.
Unit I Unit I: Multiple Integrals
(a) Denition of double (respectively: triple) integral of a function bounded on a rectangle
(respectively: box). Geometric interpretation as area and volume.
(b) Fubini's Theorem over rectangles and any closed bounded sets, Iterated Integrals. Basic
properties of double and triple integrals (only statements ) such as; Integrability of the
sums, scalar multiples, products, and (under suitable conditions) quotients of integrable
functions. Formulae for the integrals of sums and scalar multiples of integrable functions.
Integrability of continuous functions. More generally, integrability of bounded functions
having nite number of points of discontinuity, Domain additivity of the integral. Inte-
grability and the integral over arbitrary bounded domains.
(c) Change of variables formula (Statement only), Polar, cylindrical and spherical coordi-
nates and integration using these coordinates.
Unit II Line Integrals
(a) Review of Scalar and Vector elds on Rn. Vector Dierential Operators, Gradient Paths
(parametrized curves) in Rn(emphasis on R2andR3). Smooth and piecewise smooth
paths. Closed paths. Equivalence and orientation preserving equivalence of paths.
(b) Denition of the line integral of a vector eld over a piecewise smooth path. Basic
properties of line integrals (only statements) including linearity, path-additivity and
behaviour under a change of parameters. Examples.
(c) Line integrals of the gradient vector eld, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Line
Integrals, Necessary and sucient conditions (only statement) for a vector eld to be
conservative, Green's Theorem (only statement).Applications to evaluation of line inte-
Unit III Surface integrals
(a) Parameterized surfaces. Smoothly equivalent parameterizations, Area of such surfaces.
(b) Denition of surface integrals of scalar-valued functions as well as of vector elds dened
on a surface.
(c) Curl and divergence of a vector eld, Elementary identities involving gradient, curl and
divergence. Examples.
Page 147
Module 2 Group Theory
Learning Outcomes:
Learner will be able to examine properties of groups, subgroups, cyclic groups and explore some
applications of Lagrange's theorem.
Unit I Groups
(a) Denition of a group, abelian group, order of a group, nite and innite groups. Order
of a group.
(b) Examples of groups including: Zn;the set of residue classes modulo nunder addition,
U(n);the group of prime residue classes modulo nunder multiplication,the symmetric
groupSn;the Dihedral group Dn, Klein 4-group. Matrix groups Mnn(R) under addition
of matrices, GLn(R);the set of invertible real matrices, under multiplication of matrices.
(c) Cyclic groups. Every cyclic group is abelian. Finite cyclic groups. Innite cyclic groups.
Generators of a cyclic group.
Unit II Subgroups
(a) Denition of a subgroup. Examples of subgroups. The center Z(G) of a group is a
(b) Intersection of two (or a family of ) subgroups is a subgroup. Union of two subgroups
is not a subgroup in general. Union of two subgroups is a subgroup if and only if one is
contained in the other. If HandKare subgroups of a group GthenHK is a subgroup
ofGif and only if HK =KH.
(c) Cyclic subgroups of a group.
Unit III Lagrange's Theorem and Group homomorphism
(a) Denition of Coset and its properties. Lagrange's theorem and consequences such as
Fermat's Little theorem, Euler's theorem and if a group Ghas no nontrivial subgroups
then order of Gis a prime and Gis Cyclic.
(b) Group homomorphisms and isomorphisms, automorphisms. Kernel and image of a group
homomorphism. If f:G !G0is a group homomorphism then ker f