Minutes of Ancient Indian History 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Minutes of Ancient Indian History 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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A minu tes of the meeting of Ad- Hoc Board of Studies in Ancient Indian History
Culture & Archaeology and Buddhist Studies was held on 8th, July, 2016. At Mumbai
University , Fort, Campus, Mumbai - 400 032. Following member were present ; -
Dr.Bhavana P atole( Chaiperson)
Dr.Priya M. Vaidya
Dr. Vijay Sathe and Dr.KunudKanitkar -leave of absence were granted.
1. Resolution: -
Ad -Hoc boa rd of studies in Ancient IndianHistory Culture & Archaeology and
Buddhist Studies (2016 -2019) ne ed an expert in the field of Buddhist studies , so we
pass the resolution that Prof.BaljeetHamba from Vipas sana Research
Institute,Mumbai, should be included as an invitee member .
2. As the Sem ester for F.Y.B.A. has already c ommenced so it will not be r eframe
Syllabus for Semester I. However the same Syllabus will be retained with c hange in
mark system as from this academic year 2016 -17.Semester end examination will be
of 100 marks.
The deta iles of the same are as mentioned below.
1) There are total 5 uni ts.
2) Each unit will comprise of 20 marks.
3) Paper Pattern for Sem ester I will be as follows. ( As passed by the Faculty of Arts)
Note :-
1) All questions are Compulsory.
2) All question carry equal marks.
3) Figures to the right indicate marks towards Sub -questions.
Total – 100Marks
Duration – 3 hrs

Q 1. Attempt two of the following. ( On Module I )
A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(10 Marks)
B)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 Marks)
C) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 Marks)
Q 2. Attemp t two of the Following. (On Module II )
A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(10 Marks)
B)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 Marks)

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C) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 Marks)

Q 3. Attempt two of the Following. (On Module III )
A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(10 Marks)
B)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 Marks)
C) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 Marks)

Q 4. Attempt two of the Following. (On Module IV )
A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(10 Marks)
B)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 Marks)
C) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 Marks)

Q 5. Short Notes. (Any Two) ( On Module V)
A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(10 Marks)
B)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 Marks)
C) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 Marks)
D) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 Marks)

3. Framing of new syllabus committee for UG (Sem II, SemIII, SemVI ) – Ancient
Indian History Culture & Archaeology and Buddhist Studies
The Committee f or the Sem II to Sem VI will comprise of the following member s.

Ancient Indian History Culture & Archaeology and Buddhist Studies
1) SurajPandit - (Chairman) Head and Assistant Prof ,Dept of A.I.C & Dept. od
Buddhist Studies ,
Sathaye College, Dixit Road, Vile Parle (W),
Mob- 9930830834.

2) Dr.Bhav ana Patole,
Head and Associate Professor, Dept. of History and A.I.C. Elphinstane College,
Mumbai -400 032.
Mob- 9930532099.
3) Dr.PrachiMoghe,
Assistant director, BhartiyaVidyaBhavan, MungalaGoenk Institute of P.G.
Studies &Reserch ,BhartiyaVidyaBhavan, K.M. Munshi Marg, Chaupatay ,
Mumbai -400 007.
Mob- 9820751075.

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Prachiamoghe@gmail.c om
4) Prof.KalpanaPawaskar,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of History and A.I.C., I.Y. College, Jogeshwari,
Mob- 9820074193.
5) Prof Mrs. RadhaSabnis,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of A.I.C. Sathaye College, Dixit Road, Vile Parle (W),
Mob – 9867395069

Buddhist Studies
1) SurajPandit - (Chairman) Head and Assistant Prof ,Dept of A.I.C & Dept. od
Buddhist Studies ,
Sathaye College, Dixit Road, Vile Parle (W),
Mob- 9930830834.
2) Dr.PrachiMoghe,
Assistant director, BhartiyaVidyaBhavan, MungalaGoenk Institute of P.G.
Studies &Reserch ,BhartiyaVidyaB havan, K.M. Munshi Marg, Chaupatay ,
Mumbai -400 007.
Mob- 9820751075.
3) Dr.PallaviNalawade,
Assistant Professor, K.J. Somaiya centre for the Buddhist Studies, Management
Building, VidyaViha r (E), Mumbai - 400 077.
Mob- 9833308109
4) Prof.BaljeetLamba
VipashamaReserchInstitute ,
Pagoda, Govai, Mumbai.
5) Mr. VinayakParab,
Visiting Faculty, Dept. of Buddhist Studies, Sathaya College,
Dixit Road, Vile Parle (W),
Mob- 9892601120

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4. Resolution
As the Semester for M.A. has already Commenced and the Syllabus for
Semester are interconnected it will not possible to reframe the Syllabus in short time.
So the same Syllabus will be retained for the Academic Year 2016 -17. The
committe e for framing the Syllabus is as follows.
P.G. Programme in A.I.C. Syllabus Committee will comprise of the following members.
1) Dr. A.P. Jam khedkar, (Chairperson),
President Deccan college and Research Institute,
Mob- 9820758044
2) Dr.G.K.Mane,
Retired Professor, Asial Colony, Shegaon Road, Amravati -444 607
Mob- 7798055852
3) Dr.Arunchandra Pathak,
4) Dr.ParabodhShirvalkar,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Archaeology, Deccan College, Pune.
5) Dr.SurajPandit- (Chairman) Head and Assistant Prof ,Dept of A.I.C & Dept. od
Buddhist Studies ,
Sathaye College, Dixit Road, Vile Parle (W),
Mob- 9930830834
6) Dr.PrachiMoghe,
Assistant director, BhartiyaVidyaBhavan, MungalaGoenk Institute of P.G.
Studies &Reserch ,BhartiyaVidyaBhavan, K.M. Munshi Marg, Chaupatay ,
Mumbai -400 007.
Mob- 9820751075.
Buddhist Studies - Sem I &Sem II,
1) Dr. A.P. Jam khedkar, (Chairperson),
President Deccan college and Research Institute,
Mob- 9820758044
2) Supriya Rai,
Acting Director, K.J.Somaiya, Centre for the Buddhist Studies , VidyaVihar (E),
Mumbai - 400 077.
3) Dr.Priya Vaidya,
Associate Professor,Dept. of Philosopy, University of Mumbai,
DnyneshwarBhavan, Kalina.
Mob- 9324663571

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4) Dr.SurajPandit- (Chairman)
Head and Assistant Prof ,Dept of A.I.C & Dept. od Buddhist Studies ,
Sathaye College, Dixit Road, Vile Parle (W),
Mob- 9930830834
5) Dr.PrachiMoghe,
Assistant director, BhartiyaVidyaBhavan, MungalaGoenk Institute of P.G.
Studies &Reserch ,BhartiyaVidyaBhavan, K.M. Munshi Marg, Chaupatay ,
Mumbai -400 007.
Mob- 9820751075.

Numismatics - Sem I &Sem II
1) Dr.SurajPandit- (Chairman)
Head and Assistant Prof ,Dept of A.I.C & Dept. od Buddhist Studies ,
Sathaye College, Dixit Road, Vile Parle (W),
Mob- 9930830834
2) Mr. KurushDal al,
Assistant Professor in Archaeology, EtramuralStudies ,Kalina, Mumbai
Mob- 9820136511
3) Mr. Mahesh Karala,
Asiatic Society,
Town Mall, Mumbai.
Mob- 9820477639
4) Dr.PrachiMoghe,
Assistant director, BhartiyaVidyaBhavan, MungalaGoenk Institute of P.G.
Studies &Reserch ,BhartiyaVidyaBhavan, K.M. Munshi Marg, Chaupatay ,
Mumbai -400 007.
Mob- 9820751075.
5. Syllabus for Course work ( Research Methodology ) for Ph.D. students is Passed.


Dr.BhavanaP qtole
( Chairperson)
Mumbai - 400 032 Assistant Registrar
July,2016 (Academic Authorities)

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