Mechanical Engineering 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Mechanical Engineering 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 28/12/2021
Item No. - 6.4


Bachelor of Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering)

Direct Second Year (Sem. III) Admitted Students for the
current Academic Year 2021 -22 Only due to Covid

(REV - 2019 ‘C’ Scheme) from Academic Year 2019 – 20


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Program Structure for Second Year Engineering

(With Effect from 2020-2021 )

Semester III

Course Code Course Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract
. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MEC301 Engineering
Mathematics-III 3 -- 1 3 -- 1 4
MEC302 Strength of Materials 3 -- 3 -- 3
MEC303 Production Processes 4 -- -- 4 -- -- 4
MEC304 Materials and
Metallurgy 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MEC305 Thermodynamics 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
MEL301 Materials Testing -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
MEL302 Machine Shop
Practice -- 4 -- -- 2 -- 2
MESBL301 CAD –Modeling -- 4 -- -- 2 -- 2
MEPBL301 Mini Project – 1A -- 4$ -- -- 2 -- 2
Total 16 14 1 16 07 1 24

Course Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Work Pract/
Oral Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam Exam.
(in Hrs) Test1 Test2 Avg
MEC301 Engineering
Mathematics-III 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 125
MEC302 Strength of Materials 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 1 00
MEC303 Production Processes 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MEC304 Materials and
Metallurgy 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MEC305 Thermodynamics 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
MEL301 Materials Testing -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
MEL302 Machine Shop
Practice -- -- -- -- -- 50 -- 50
MESBL301 CAD – Modeling -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
MEPBL301 Mini Project – 1A -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Total -- -- 100 400 -- 150 75 725
$ indicates work load of Learner (Not Faculty), for Mini Project
SBL – Skill Based Laboratory
PBL – Project Based Learning

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Course Code Course Name Credits
MEC301 Engineering Mathematics-III 4

Pre-requisite: Engineering Mathematics-I, Engineering Mathematics- II,

Objectives: The course is aimed
1. To familiarize with the Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform of various functions, its applica tions.
2. To acquaint with the concept of Fourier Series, its complex form and enhance the problem solving skill s
3. To familiarize with the concept of complex variable s, C-R equations with applications.
4. To study the application of the knowledge of matric es and numerical methods in complex engineering

Outcomes: On successful completion of course learner/student will be able to:
1. Apply the concept of Laplace transform to solve the real integrals in engineering problems.
2. Apply the concept of inverse Laplace transform of v arious functions in engineering problems.
3. Expand the periodic function by using Fourier serie s for real life problems and complex engineering pr oblems.
4. Find orthogonal trajectories and analytic function by using basic concepts of complex variable theory.
5. Apply Matrix algebra to solve the engineering probl ems.
6. Solve Partial differential equations by applying nu merical solution and analytical methods for one dim ensional
heat and wave equations

Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
01 Module: Laplace Transform
1.1 Definition of Laplace transform, Condition of Exist ence of Laplace transform,
1.2 Laplace Transform (L) of Standard Functions like  ,  
, ℎ 
 , ℎ  ≥ 0 .
1.3 Properties of Laplace Transform: Linearity, First S hifting theorem, Second
Shifting Theorem, change of scale Property, multipl ication by t, Division by t,
Laplace Transform of derivatives and integrals (Pro perties without proof).
1.4 Evaluation of integrals by using Laplace Transforma tion.
Self-learning topics: Heaviside’s Unit Step function, Laplace Tra nsform. of
Periodic functions, Dirac Delta Function. 07
02 Module: Inverse Laplace Transform
2.1 Inverse Laplace Transform, Linearity property, use of standard formulae to
find inverse Laplace Transform, finding Inver se Laplace transform using
2.2 Partial fractions method & first shift property to find inverse Laplace
2.3 Inverse Laplace transform using Convolution the orem (without proof)
Self-learning Topics: Applications to solve initial and boundary value p roblems
involving ordinary differential equations. 06
03 Module: Fourier Series:
3.1 Dirichlet’s conditions, Definition of Fourier s eries and Parseval’s Identity
(without proof)
3.2 Fourier series of periodic function with period 2 π and 2 l,
3.3 Fourier series of even and odd functions
3.4 Half range Sine and Cosine Series.
Self-learning Topics: Complex form of Fourier Series, orthogonal and
orthonormal set of functions, Fourier Transform. 07
04 Module: Complex Variables:
4.1 Function f(z) of complex variable, limit, continuity and diff erentiability of f(z),
Analytic function, necessary and sufficient condit ions for f(z) to be analytic (without 07

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4.2 Cauchy-Riemann equations in cartesian coordinat es (without proof)
4.3 Milne-Thomson method to determine analytic func tion f(z) when real part (u) or
Imaginary part (v) or its combination (u+v or u-v) is given.
4.4 Harmonic function, Harmonic conjugate and ortho gonal trajectories
Self-learning Topics: Conformal mapping, linear, bilinear mapping, cros s ratio, fixed
points and standard transformations
05 Module: Matrices:
5.1 Characteristic equation, Eigen values and Eige n vectors, Properties of Eigen
values and Eigen vectors. ( No theorems/ proof )
5.2 Cayley-Hamilton theorem (without proof): Appli cation to find the inverse
of the given square matrix and to determine the given higher degree
polynomial matrix.
5.3 Functions of square matrix
5.4 Similarity of matrices, Diagonalization of matr ices
Self-learning Topics: Verification of Cayley Hamilton theorem, Minimal
polynomial and Derogatory matrix & Quadratic Forms (Congruent transformation
& Orthogonal Reduction) 06
06 Module: Numerical methods for PDE
6.1 Introduction of Partial Differential equations, met hod of separation of
variables, Vibrations of string, Analytical method for one dimensional heat and
wave equations. (only problems)
6.2 Crank Nicholson method
6.3 Bender Schmidt method
Self-learning Topics: Analytical methods of solving two and three dimens ional
problems. 06

Term Work:
General Instructions:
1. Students must be encouraged to write at least 6 cla ss tutorials on entire syllabus.
2. A group of 4-6 students should be assigned a self-l earning topic. Students should prepare a
presentation/problem solving of 10-15 minutes. This should be considered as mini project in
Engineering Mathematics. This project should be gra ded for 10 marks depending on the
performance of the students.
The distribution of Term Work marks will be as foll ows –

1. Attendance (Theory and Tutorial) 05 marks
2. Class Tutorials on entire syllabus 10 marks
3. Mini project 10 marks

Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test (Internal Assessment I) is to
be conducted when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test (Internal Assessment II)
when additional 35% syllabus is completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on ent ire syllabus wherein 4 sub-questions of 5
marks each will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be randomly selected from all the modules.

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5. Weightage of each module will be proportional to nu mber of respective lecture hours as mentioned in
the syllabus.
1. Engineering Mathematics, Dr. B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publication
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kr eyszig, Wiley Eastern Limited,
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, R. K . Jain and S.R.K. Iyengar, Narosa publication
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, H.K. Das , S. Chand Publication
5. Higher Engineering Mathematics B.V. Ramana , McGraw Hill Education
6. Complex Variables and Applications, Brown and Churchill, McGraw-Hill education,
7. Text book of Matrices, Shanti Narayan and P K Mittal, S. Chand Publication
8. Laplace transforms, Murray R. Spiegel, Sch aum’s Outline Series

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:


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Course Code Course Name Credits
MEC302 Strength of Materials 03

1. To understand the nature of stresses developed in s imple geometries such as bars, cantilevers,
beams, shafts, cylinders and spheres subjected to v arious types of simple loads.
2. To calculate the elastic deformation occurring in v arious simple geometries for different types of
3. To study distribution of various stresses in the me chanical elements under different types of loads.

Outcomes: Learner will be able to…
1. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge about various types of loading and stresses induced.
2. Draw the SFD and BMD for different types of load s and support conditions.
3. Analyse the bending and shear stresses induced i n beam.
4. Analyse the deflection in beams and stresses in shaft.
5. Analyse the stresses and deflection in beams and Estimate the strain energy in mechanical elements.
6. Analyse buckling phenomenon in columns.

Detailed Contents Hrs
1. Uni axial, biaxial and tri axial stresses. Principa l stresses and Principal planes-
Mohr’s circle. 3
2. Shear Force and Bending Moment in Beams:
Concept & Examples of SFD & BMD for uniformly varyi ng loads, couple and
their combinations. 5
3. Deflection of Beams:
Deflection of a beam: Double integration method, Ma xwell’s reciprocal
theorems for computation of slopes and deflection i n beams for point and
distributed loads. 6
4. Thin Cylindrical and Spherical Shells:
Stresses and deformation in Thin Cylindrical and Sp herical Shells subjected to
internal pressure
Strain Energy: Strain energy stored in the member d ue to gradual, sudden and
impact loads, Strain energy due to bending and tors ion. 4
5. Columns:
Buckling load, Types of end conditions for column, Euler’s column theory
and its limitations and Rankine formula. 2


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:
Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents a nd second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered i n Test I)

End Semester Examination:
Weightage of each module in end semester examinatio n will be proportional to number of respective lect ure
hours mentioned in the curriculum.

Page 9

1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions , each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the curriculum
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from module 3 then
part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved .

1. Strength of Materials by Ryder, Macmillan
2. Mechanics of Materials by James M. Gere and Barry J . Goodno, Cengage Learning, 6thEd, 2009
3. Mechanics of Materials by Gere and Timoshenko, CBS 2nd Edition
4. Elements of Strength of Materials by Timoshenko and Youngs, Affiliated East -West Press
5. Mechanics of Materials byBeer, Jhonston, DEwolf and Mazurek, TMHPvt Ltd., New Delhi
6. Mechanics of Structures by S.B.Junnarkar, Charotar Publication
7. Mechanics of Materials by S.S.Ratan, Tata McGraw Hi ll Pvt. Ltd
8. Introduction to Solid Mechanics by Shames, PHI
9. Strength of Materials by S. Ramamrutham, Dhanpat Ra i Pvt. Ltd
10. Strength of Materials by W.Nash, Schaum’s Outline S eries, McGraw Hill Publication, Special Indian
11. Strength of Materials by R. Subramanian, Oxford Uni versity Press, Third Edition 2016

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:
1. ials-prof.html

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Course Code Course Name Credits
MEC303 Production Processes 04

1. To familiarize with the various production processe s used on shop floors
2. To study appropriate production processes for a spe cific application.
3. To introduce to the learner various machine tools u sed for manufacturing
4. To familiarize with principle and working of non-tr aditional manufacturing
5. To introduce to them the Intelligent manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0

Outcomes : Learnerwill be able to….
1. Demonstrate an understanding of casting process
2. Illustrate principles of forming processes.
3. Demonstrate applications of various types of weldin g processes.
4. Differentiate chip forming processes such as turnin g, milling, drilling, etc.
5. Illustrate the concept of producing polymer compone nts and ceramic components.
6. Illustrate principles and working of non-traditiona l manufacturing
7. Understand the manufacturing technologies enabling Industry 4.0

Module Details Hrs.
1 Introduction to Production Processes and Metal Cast ing:
Classification of Production Processes and applicat ions areas
Machine moulding, Types of riser, types of gates, s olidification
Special casting processes : CO2 and shell moulding, Investment casting, Die
casting, Vacuum casting, Inspection 4
2 Joining Processes:
Classification of various joining processes; Applic ability, advantages and limitations
of Adhesive bonding, Mechanical Fastening; Welding and allied processes, Hybrid
joining processes. Classification and Working of va rious welding methods:
Chemical, Radiant, Solid State, Welding Joints, Wel ding Positions and their
remedies. 5
3 Forming processes:
Introduction and classification of metalworking pro cesses, hot and cold working
processes. Defects in rolled and forged components,
Classification and analysis of wire and tube drawin g processes.
Sheet metal working processes: Classification of Sheet metal operations 3
4 Machine Tools and Machining Processes:
Grinding Machines and selection of grinding wheel ( Dressing and Truing),
Broaching machines, Lapping/Honing machines (Super Finishing Operations) and
planning Machines.
Gear Manufacturing Gear milling, standard cutters and limitations,
Tool Engineering Taylor’s tool life equation 3
5 Polymer Processing: Polymer Moulding Techniques for thermoplastic and
thermosetting plastics. Applications of Plastics in engineering field.
Powder Metallurgy: Introduction to PM, Powder making processes, Steps in PM.
Compaction and Sintering processes. Secondary and f inishing operations in PM
Intelligent manufacturing in the context of Industr y 4.0,
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) 5

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Internet of Things (IoT) enabled manufacturing
Cloud Manufacturing

Internal Assessment for 20 marks: Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests First test b ased on
approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents (approximately 40% but
excluding contents covered in Test I). Duration of each test shall be one hour.

End Semester Examination: Weightage of each module in end semester examinati on will be proportional to
number of respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions , each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maxi mum contents of the curriculum
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for ex ample if Q.2 has part (a) from module 3 then part
(b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.

1. Welding technology by O P Khanna
2. Foundry technology by O P Khanna
3. Elements of workshop technology. Vol. 1 & II by S K HajraChoudhury
4. Manufacturing Science by Ghosh and Malik
5. Rapid Manufacturing –An Industrial revolution for t he digital age by N.Hopkinson, R.J.M.Hauge, P
M, Dickens, Wiley
6. Rapid Manufacturing by Pham D T and Dimov, Springer Verlag
7. Production Technology by WAJ Chapman Vol I, II, III
8. Production Technology by P C Sharma.
9. Production Technology by Raghuvanshi.
10. Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things by Alasdair Gilchrist, 2016, Apress.
11. Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Practice by Danda B. Rawat, Joel Rodrigues, Ivan
Stojmenovic, 2015, C.R.C. Press.
12. Optimization of Manufacturing Systems using Interne t of Things by Yingfeng Zhang, Fei Tao, 2017,
Academic Press (AP), Elsevier.

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:

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Course Code Course Name Credits
MEC304 Materials and Metallurgy 03

1. To familiarize the structure -property correlation in materials
2. To acquaint with the processing dependency on the p erformance of the various materials
3. To study the role of alloying in the development of steels.
4. To familiarize with the advances in materials devel opment

Outcomes: Learner will be able to ….
1. Identify the various classes of materials and compr ehend their properties
2. Apply phase diagram concepts to engineering applica tions
3. Apply particular heat treatment for required proper ty development
4. Identify the probable mode of failure in materials and suggest measures to prevent them
5. Choose or develop new materials for better performa nce
6. Decide an appropriate method to evaluate different components in service

Module Contents Hrs.
1 Introduction to engineering materials – significa nce of structure property
correlations in all classes of engineering material s
Concepts of crystals- Crystalline and Non-crystalline, Crystal systems,
Crystallographic planes and directions,
Crystal Defects: Crystal Imperfections-definition, classification an d
significance of imperfections -point defects, line defects, Surface defects and
volume defects.
Importance of dislocations in deformation and its m echanisms. Critical
Resolved shear stress, Slip systems and deformabili ty of FCC, BCC and HCP
lattice systems.
Cold Working and Recrystallization annealing: Definition, effects and
mechanism of cold work, Need for Recrystallization Annealing, the stages of
recrystallization annealing and factors affecting i t 5
2 Mechanism of Crystallization - Nucleation-Homogeneous and
Heterogeneous Nucleation and Growth. Solidification of metals and -alloys–
Cooling curves
Classification of Alloys based on phases and phase diagram -Binary alloy
phase diagram – Isomorphous, Eutectics type I and I I, Peritectic
Microstructural changes of hypo and hyper-eutectoid steel- TTT and CCT
diagram-Hardenability and its tests, Graphitization in cast irons. 3
3 Heat treatment: Overview – Objectives – Thorough treatments:
austempering and martempering – microstructure chan ges
Surface hardening processes: Carbonitriding, induction and flame
hardening, Laser and Electron beam hardening– princ iples and case depths
Alloy steels - Maraging steels and Ausformed steels 3
4 Strengthening mechanisms in materials
Fracture of metals – Ductile Fracture, Brittle Fracture, Ductile to Br ittle
Transition Temperature (DBTT), Griffith’s criteria and Orowan’s
Fatigue – Endurance limit of ferrous and non-ferrous metals -Fatigue test, S-
N curves, factors affecting fatigue, structural cha nges accompanying fatigue; 4

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Creep – mechanism of creep – stages of creep and creep te st, creep resistant
5 Basic concepts of composites, Processing of compo sites, advantages over
metallic materials, various types of composites
Introduction, Concepts, synthesis of nanomaterials, examples, and Nano
Classification of Smart materials, Shape Memory All oys 2
6 Processing - of ceramics and composites through Injection Mouldi ng
Non-destructive Testing of Materials- ultrasonic testing, radiographic
methods, magnetic particle testing 3

Internal Assessment for 20 marks: Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests First test b ased on
approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents (approximately 40% but
excluding contents covered in Test I). Duration of each test shall be one hour.

End Semester Examination: Weightage of each module in end semester examinati on will be proportional to
number of respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions , each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maxi mum contents of the curriculum
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for ex ample if Q.2 has part (a) from module 3 then part
(b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.

1. Callister’s Materials Science and Engineering, 2nd edition by R.Balasubramanium
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd

1. Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers; 8t h Edition by James F. Shackelford Pear son
2. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy,2nd edition by Sidney Avner, TataMcGrawHill
3. Mechanical Metallurgy, 3rd edition by GH Dieter,Ta taMcGraw Hill
4. Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach, 5th Edition by William
D. Callister, Jr., David G. Rethwisch, Wiley & Sons .
5. Materials Science and Engineering,5th edition by V .Raghavan, Prentice Hall India

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:
1. 09/
3. 09/
4. pdf
5. 150/pdf/PPTs/MTS_09_m.pdf
6. 150/pdf/PPTs/MTS_08_m.pdf
9. 173/Mod_1_smart_mat_lec_6.pdf
11. 173/Mod_1_smart_mat_lec_6.pdf

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Course Code Course Name Credits
MEC305 Thermodynamics 03

1. To familiarize the concepts of Energy in general an d Heat and Work inparticular
2. To study the fundamentals of quantification and gra de ofenergy
3. To study the effect of energy transfer on propertie s of substances in the form of charts anddiagrams
4. To familiarize the application of the concepts of t hermodynamics in vapour power, gas power cycles,
compressible fluid flow
Outcomes: Learners will be able to….
1. Demonstrate application of the laws of thermodynami cs to a wide range ofsystems.
2. Compute heat and work interactions in thermodynamic systems
3. Demonstrate the interrelations between thermodynami c functions to solve practicalproblems.
4. Compute thermodynamicinteractions using the steam t able and Mollier chart
5. Compute efficiencies of heat engines, power cycles.
6. Apply the fundamentals of compressible fluid flow t o the relevant systems

Module Detailed contents Hrs.
1 Basic Concepts:
Thermodynamics system and types, Macroscopic and Mi croscopic approach,
Thermodynamic properties of the system, state, path , process and cycle, Point and
Path functions, Quasi-static process & Equilibrium,
Perpetual Motion Machine of the First Kind, Applica tion of first law to non- flow
systems (Ideal gas processes with numerical) and fl ow systems, throttling device.
Significance of –VdP work, Relation between flow an d non-flow work
2 Second Law of Thermodynamics:
Perpetual Motion Machine of the second kind, Carnot cycle, Carnot theorem.
Entropy is property of a system, Temperature-Entrop y diagram, Increase of entropy
principle, T ds relations, Entropy change During a process. 3
3 Availability:
High grade and low- grade energy, Available and Unavailable energy, Dea d State,
Useful work, Irreversibility, Availability of close d system& steady flow process,
Helmholtz & Gibbs function
Thermodynamic Relations:
Maxwell relations, Clausis-Clapeyron Equation, Maye r relation, Joule-Thomson coefficient
(Only Theory) 3
4 Properties of Pure Substance:
Vapour Power cycle:
Principal components of a simple steam power plant, Carnot cycle and its limitations as a
vapour cycle, Rankine cycle with different turbine inlet conditions, Mean temperature of
heat addition, Reheat Rankine Cycle, Revision on st eam table and Mollier chart. 4
5 Gas Power cycles:
Comparison of Otto and Diesel cycle for same compre ssion ratio, Brayton Cycle.
Sterling Cycle, Ericsson Cycle, Lenoir cycle, and A tkinson cycle (Only theory). 3
6 Compressible Fluid flow:
Propagation of sound waves through compressible flu ids, Sonic velocity and Mach number;
Stagnation properties, Application of continuity, m omentum and energy equations for
steady-state conditions; Steady flow through the no zzle, Isentropic flow through ducts of 4

Page 15

varying cross- sectional area, Effect of varying back pressure on nozzle performance, Critical
pressure ratio

Internal Assessment for 20 marks: Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests First test b ased on
approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents (approximately 40% but
excluding contents covered in Test I). Duration of each test shall be one hour.

End Semester Examination: Weightage of each module in end semester examinati on will be proportional to
number of respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions , each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maxi mum contents of the curriculum
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for ex ample if Q.2 has part (a) from module 3 then part
(b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.

1. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A. Boles, 9 th edition,
2. Basic Engineering Thermodynamics by Rayner Joel, 5 th edition, Longman Publishers
3. Engineering Thermodynamics by P Chattopadhyay, 2 nd edition, Oxford University PressIndia
4. Thermodynamics by P K Nag, 6 th Edition,TMH
5. Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh, 4 th Edition New AgeInternational
6. Thermodynamics by C P Arora,1st EditionTMH
7. Thermal Engineering By Ajoy Kumar, G. N. Sah, 2 nd Edition, Narosa Publishing house
8. Engineering Thermodynamics Through Examples by Y V C Rao, Universities Press (India) Pvt Ltd
9. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Moran &Shapiro, E ighth Edition, Wiley
10. Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics by Van Wyl en G.H. & Sonntag R.E., 9 th Edition
JohnWiley& Sons
11. Thermodynamics by W.C. Reynolds, McGraw-Hill &Co
12. Thermodynamics by J P Holman, 4 th Edition McGraw-Hill & Co

Links for online NPTEL/SWAYAM courses:

Page 16

Course Code Course Name Credits
MEL301 Materials Testing 01

1. To familiarize with the use of metallurgical micros cope for study of metals
2. To study the microstructures of ferrous (steel and cast iron) metals
3. To acquaint with the material testing by performing experiment related to Hardness , Fatigue,
Tension, Torsion, Impact and Flexural Test
Outcomes: Learner will be able to…
1. Prepare metallic samples for studying its microstru cture following the appropriate procedure.
2. Identify effects of heat treatment on microstructur e of medium carbon steel and hardenability of steel
using Jominy end Quench test
3. Perform Fatigue Test and draw S-N curve
4. Perform Tension test to Analyze the stress - strain behaviour of materials
5. Measure torsional strength, hardness and impact res istanceof the material
6. Perform flexural test with central and three point loading conditions

a)List of Experiments: Total four experiments are required to be performed .

Number Detailed Contents Laboratory
1 Comparison of Microstructures and hardness before and
after Annealing, Normalizing and Hardening in mediu m
carbon steel 2
2 Study of tempering characteristics of hardened st eel 2
3 Determination of hardenability of steel using Jom iny end
Quench Test (Using different hardness testers to me asure
the Hardness) 2
4 Fatigue test – to determine number of cycles to f ailure of
a given material at a given stress 2

b) Assignments : At least one problem on each of the following top ics:
1. Simple stress strain
2. SFD and BMD
3. Stresses in beams
4. Torsion and deflection.
5. Thin cylinder and strain energy
6. Buckling of Columns
Note: Preferably, the assignments shall be based on live problems. Project Based Learning may be
incorporated by judiciously reducing number of assi gnments.

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Term Work: Including Part a and b both
Distribution of marks for Term Work shall be as fol lows:
Part a: 10 marks.
Part b:10 Marks
Attendance: 05 marks.

End Semester Practical/Oral Examination:
Pair of Internal and External Examiner should condu ct practical examination followed by Oral

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Course Code Course Name Credits
MEL302 Machine Shop Practice 02

1. To familiarize with basic machiningprocesses.
2. To familiarize various machining operations and mac hineprotocols

Outcomes: Learner will be able to…
1. Know the specifications, controls and safety measur es related to machines and machining
2. Use the machines for making various engineering job s.
3. Perform various machining operations
4. Perform Tool Grinding
5. Perform welding operations

Module Details Hrs
1 One composite job consisting minimum four parts emp loying operations
performed of various machine tools. 40
2 Tool Grinding – To know basic tool Nomenclature 04
3 One Job on Welding – Application of Metal Arc Weldi ng 04

Assessment :

Term Work:
1. Composite job mentionedabove and the Welding Job
2. Complete Work-Shop Book giving details of drawing o f the job and timesheet

The distribution of marks for Term work shall be as follows:
1. Job Work with completeworkshopbook ……. 40 marks
2. Attendance ……. 10marks

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Course Code Course Name Credits
MESBL301 Skill Based Lab: CAD – Modeling 02

Prerequisites: Engineering Drawing
1. To impart the 3D modeling skills for development of 3D models of basic engineering components.
2. To introduce Product data exchange among CAD system s.
3. To familiarize with production drawings with import ant features like GD &T, surface finish, heat
treatments etc.

Outcomes: Learner will be able to…
1. Illustrate basic understanding of types of CAD mode l creation.
2. Visualize and prepare 2D modeling of a given object using modeling software.
3. Build solid model of a given object using 3D modeli ng software.
4. Visualize and develop the surface model of a given object using modeling software.
5. Generate assembly models of given objects using ass embly tools of a modeling software
6. Perform product data exchange among CAD systems.

Sr. No. Exercises Hrs.
1 CAD Introduction
CAD models Creation, Types and uses of models from different
perspectives. Parametric modeling.

2 2D Modeling
Geometric modeling of an Engineering component, dem onstrating skills in
sketching commands of creation (line, arc, circle e tc.) modification (Trim,
move, rotate etc.) and viewing using (Pan, Zoom, Ro tate etc.)
3 Solid Modeling
3D Geometric modeling of an Engineering component, demonstrating
modeling skills using commands like Extrude, Revolv e, Sweep, Blend, Loft
4 Surface Modeling
Extrude, Sweep, Trim etc and Mesh of curves, free f orm surfaces etc.
Feature manipulation using Copy, Edit, Pattern, Sup press, History
operations etc.
5 Assembly
Constraints, Exploded views, interference check. Dr afting (Layouts,
Standard & Sectional Views, Detailing & Plotting).
6 Data Exchange
CAD data exchange formats Like IGES, PDES, PARASOLI D, DXF and
STL along with their comparison and applicability.

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Term work
Using the above knowledge and skills acquired throu gh six modules students should complete Minimum six
assignments/Experiments from the given sets of assi gnments (Two from each set) using standard CAD
modeler like PTC Creo/CATIA/ Solid work/UG /any oth er suitable software.
Set 1: Beginner Level:
3D modeling of basic Engineering components likes N uts, Bolts, Keys, cotter, Screws, Springs etc.
Set 2: Intermediate Level:
3D modeling of basic Machine components like Clappe r block, Single tool post, Lathe and Milling tail
stock,Shaper tool head slide, jigs and fixtures Cot ter, Knuckle joint, Couplings: simple, muff, flange d
Protected flange coupling, Oldham’s coupling, Unive rsal coupling,element of engine system and
Miscellaneous parts.
Set 3: Advance Level:
1) Generation of any Assembly model (minimum five c hild parts) along with Production drawing for any o f
the system by creating 3D modeling with assembly co nstraints, Interference check, Exploded view, GD&T,
Bill of material.
2) Reverse Engineering of a physical model: disasse mbling of any physical model having not less than f ive
parts, measure the required dimensions of each comp onent, sketch the minimum views required for each
component, convert these sketches into 3-D model an d create an assembly drawing with actual dimensions
The distribution of marks for Term work shall be a s follows:
1. Printouts/Plots : 20 marks
2. Attendance : 05 marks

End Semester Practical/Oral examination:
To be conducted by pair of Internal and External Ex aminer
1. Practical examination duration is two hours, based on Advance level of the Term work.
Oral examination should also be conducted to check the knowledge of CAD Modeling Tools.
2. The distribution of marks for practical examination shall be as follows:
a. Practical Exam ….15 marks
b. Oral Exam ...…….10 marks
3. Evaluation of practical examination to be done base d on the printout of students work
4. Students work along with evaluation report to be pr eserved till the next examination

1. Machine Drawing by N.D. Bhatt.
2. A textbook of Machine Drawing by Laxminarayan and M .L.Mathur, Jain brothers Delhi
3. Machine Drawing by Kamat and Rao
4. Machine Drawing by M.B.Shah
5. A text book of Machine Drawing by R.B.Gupta, Satyap rakashan, Tech. Publication
6. Machine Drawing by K.I. Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K.Ve nkata Reddy
7. Machine Drawing by Sidheshwar and Kanheya
8. Autodesk Inventor 2011 for Engineers and Designers by ShamTickoo and SurinderRaina, Dreamtech

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1: For Detailed Course Schemes, Course Objectives, Internal & External Assessment
process, End Semester Examination, Recommended & re ference Books please refer MU
syllabus of Second year (C-Scheme / R-19) Mechanica l Engineering.

2: Theory and Practical Examination will be strictl y based on above compressed syllabus.