Mathematics T Y B Sc syllabus2018 11_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Syllabus for: T.Y.B.Sc./T.Y.B.A.
Program: B.Sc./B.A.
Course: Mathematics
Choice based Credit System (CBCS)
with eect from the
academic year 2018-19
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Multivariable Calculus II
Course Code UNIT TOPICS Credits L/Week
USMT 501, UAMT 501I Multiple Integrals
2.5 3 II Line Integrals
III Surface Integrals
Linear Algebra
USMT 502 ,UAMT 502I Quotien spaces and Orthogonal
2.5 3Linear Transformations
II Eigen values and Eigen vectors
III Diagonalisation
Topology of Metric Spaces
USMT 503/UAMT503I Metric spaces
2.5 3 II Sequences and Complete metric spaces
III Compact Sets
Numerical Analysis I(Elective A)
USMT5A4 ,UAMT 5A4I Errors Analysis
2.53II Transcendental and Polynomial
& Equations
III Linear System of Equations
Number Theory and Its applications I (Elective B)
USMT5B4 ,UAMT 5B4I Congruences and Factorization
2.5 3 II Diophantine equations and their
& solutions
III Primitive Roots and Cryptography
Graph Theory (Elective C)
USMT5C4 ,UAMT 5C4I Basics of Graphs
2.5 3 II Trees
III Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs
Basic Concepts of Probability and Random Variables (Elective D)
USMT5D4 ,UAMT 5D4I Basic Concepts of Probability and
2.5 3 Random Variables
II Properties of Distribution function,
Joint Density function
III Weak Law of Large Numbers
USMTP05/UAMTP05Practicals based on
3 6 USMT501/UAMT 501 and
USMT 502/UAMT 502
USMTP06/UAMTP06Practicals based on
3 6USMT503/ UAMT 503 and
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Course Code UNIT TOPICS Credits L/Week
USMT 601, UAMT 601I Introduction to Complex Analysis
2.5 3II Cauchy Integral Formula
III Complex power series, Laurent series and
isolated singularities
USMT 602 ,UAMT 602I Group Theory
2.5 3 II Ring Theory
III Polynomial Rings and Field theory
Topology of Metric Spaces and Real Analysis
USMT 603 / UAMT 603I Continuous functions on
2.5 3Metric spaces
II Connected sets
Sequences and series of functions
Numerical Analysis II(Elective A)
USMT6A4 ,UAMT 6A4I Interpolation
2.53II Polynomial Approximations and
Numerical Dierentiation
III Numerical Integration
Number Theory and Its applications II (Elective B)
USMT6B4 ,UAMT 6B4I Quadratic Reciprocity
2.5 3 II Continued Fractions
III Pell's equation, Arithmetic function
& and Special numbers
Graph Theory and Combinatorics (Elective C)
USMT6C4 ,UAMT 6C4I Colorings of Graphs
2.5 3 II Planar graph
III Combinatorics
Operations Research (Elective D)
USMT6D4 ,UAMT 6D4I Basic Concepts of Probability and
2.5 3Linear Programming I
II Linear Programming II
III Queuing Systems
USMTP07/ UAMTP07Practicals based on
3 6 USMT601/UAMT 601 and
USMT 602/UAMT 602
USMTP08/UAMTP08Practicals based on
3 6USMT603/ UAMT 603 and
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Note: 1 . USMT501/UAMT501, USMT502/UAMT502, USMT503/UAMT503 are compul-
sory courses for Semester V.
2 . Candidate has to opt one Elective Course from USMT5A4/UAMT5A4, USMT5B4/UAMT5B4,
USMT5C4/UAMT5C4 and USMT5D4/UAMT5D4 for Semester V.
3 . USMT601/UAMT601, USMT602/UAMT602, USMT603/UAMT603 are compulsory
courses for Semester VI.
4 . Candidate has to opt one Elective Course from USMT6A4/UAMT6A4, USMT6B4/UAMT6B4,
USMT6C4/UAMT6C4 and USMT6D4/UAMT6D4 for Semester VI.
5 . Passing in theory and practical shall be separate.
Teaching Pattern for T.Y.B.Sc/B.A.
1. Three lectures per week per course (1 lecture/period is of 48 minutes duration).
2. One practical of three periods per week per course (1 lecture/period is of 48 minutes
Scheme of Examination
I.Semester End Theory Examinations: There will be a Semester-end external Theory
examination of 100 marks for each of the courses USMT501/UAMT501, USMT502/UAMT502,
USMT503 and USMT5A4 OR USMT5B4 OR USMT5C4 OR USMT 5D4 of Semester V
and USMT601/UAMT601, USMT602/UAMT602, USMT603 and USMT6A4 OR USMT6B4
OR USMT 6C4 OR USMT 6D4 of semester VI to be conducted by the University.
1. Duration: The examinations shall be of 3 Hours duration.
2. Theory Question Paper Pattern:
a) There shall be FIVE questions. The rst question Q1 shall be of objective type
for 20 marks based on the entire syllabus. The next three questions Q2, Q2, Q3
shall be of 20 marks, each based on the units I, II, III respectively. The fth
question Q5 shall be of 20 marks based on the entire syllabus.
b) All the questions shall be compulsory. The questions Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 shall have
internal choices within the questions. Including the choices, the marks for each
question shall be 30-32.
c) The questions Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 may be subdivided into sub-questions as a, b, c,
d & e, etc and the allocation of marks depends on the weightage of the topic.
d) The question Q1 may be subdivided into 10 sub-questions of 2 marks each.
II.Semester End Examinations Practicals:
There shall be a Semester-end practical examinations of three hours duration and 100
marks for each of the courses USMTP05/UAMTP05 of Semester V and USMTP06/UAMTP06
of semester VI.
In semester V, the Practical examinations for USMTP05/UAPTP05 and USMTP06/UAMTP06
are conducted by the college.
In semester VI, the Practical examinations for USMTP07/UAMTP07 and USMTP08/UAMTP08
are conducted by the University.
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Question Paper pattern:
Paper pattern: The question paper shall have two parts A, B.
Each part shall have two Sections.
Section I Objective in nature: Attempt any Eight out of Twelve multiple choice ques-
tions. (83 = 24 Marks)
Section II Problems: Attempt any Two out of Three. (8 2 = 16 Marks)
Practical Part A Part B Marks duration
Course out of
USMTP05/UAMTP05 Questions from Questions from 80 3 hours
USMTP06/UAMTP06 Questions from Questions from 80 2 hours
USMTP07/UAMTP07 Questions from Questions from 80 3 hours
USMTP06/UAMTP08 Questions from Questions from 80 2 hours
Marks for Journals and Viva:
For each course USMT501/UAMT501, USMT502/UAMT502, USMT503/UAMT503,
USMT504/UAMT504, USMT601/UAMT601, USMT602/UAMT602 USMT603/UAMT603, and
1. Journals: 5 marks.
2. Viva: 5 marks.
Each Practical of every course of Semester V and VI shall contain 10 (ten) problems out of
which minimum 05 (ve) have to be written in the journal. A student must have a certied
journal before appearing for the practical examination.
Course Code: USMT501/UAMT501
ALL Results have to be done with proof unless otherwise stated.
Unit I-Multiple Integrals (15L)
Denition of double (resp: triple) integral of a function and bounded on a rectangle (resp:box).
Geometric interpretation as area and volume. Fubini's Theorem over rectangles and any closed
bounded sets, Iterated Integrals. Basic properties of double and triple integrals proved using
the Fubini's theorem such as
(i) Integrability of the sums, scalar multiples, products, and (under suitable conditions) quo-
tients of integrable functions. Formulae for the integrals of sums and scalar multiples of
integrable functions.
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(ii) Integrability of continuous functions. More generally, Integrability of functions with a
\small set of (Here, the notion of \small sets should include nite unions of graphs of
continuous functions.)
(iii) Domain additivity of the integral. Integrability and the integral over arbitrary bounded
domains. Change of variables formula (Statement only).Polar, cylindrical and spherical
coordinates, and integration using these coordinates. Dierentiation under the integral
sign. Applications to nding the center of gravity and moments of inertia.
References for Unit I:
1. Apostol, Calculus, Vol. 2, Second Ed., John Wiley, New York, 1969 Section 1.1 to 11.8
2. James Stewart , Calculus with early transcendental Functions - Section 15
3. J.E.Marsden and A.J. Tromba, Vector Calculus, Fourth Ed., W.H. Freeman and Co., New
York, 1996.Section 5.2 to 5.6.
Unit 2: Line Integrals (15L)
Review of Scalar and Vector elds on Rn, Vector Dierential Operators, Gradient, Curl, Diver-
Paths (parametrized curves) in Rn(emphasis on R2andR3), Smooth and piecewise smooth
paths. Closed paths. Equivalence and orientation preserving equivalence of paths. Denition of
the line integral of a vector eld over a piecewise smooth path. Basic properties of line integrals
including linearity, path-additivity and behavior under a change of parameters. Examples.
Line integrals of the gradient vector eld, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Line Inte-
grals, Necessary and sucient conditions for a vector eld to be conservative. Greens Theorem
(proof in the case of rectangular domains). Applications to evaluation of line integrals.
References for Unit II:
1. Lawrence Corwin and Robert Szczarba ,Multivariable Calculus, Chapter 12.
2. Apostol, Calculus, Vol. 2, Second Ed., John Wiley, New York, 1969 Section 10.1 to
10.5,10.10 to 10.18
3. James Stewart , Calculus with early transcendental Functions - Section 16.1 to 16.4.
4. J.E.Marsden and A.J. Tromba, Vector Calculus, Fourth Ed., W.H. Freeman and Co., New
York, 1996. Section 6.1,
Unit III: Surface Integrals (15 L)
Parameterized surfaces. Smoothly equivalent parameterizations. Area of such surfaces.
Denition of surface integrals of scalar-valued functions as well as of vector elds dened on a
Curl and divergence of a vector eld. Elementary identities involving gradient, curl and diver-
Stokes Theorem (proof assuming the general from of Greens Theorem). Examples.
Gauss Divergence Theorem (proof only in the case of cubical domains). Examples.
References for Unit III:
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1. Apostol, Calculus, Vol. 2, Second Ed., John Wiley, New York, 1969 Section 1.1 to 11.8
2. James Stewart , Calculus with early transcendental Functions - Section 16.5 to 16.9
3. J.E.Marsden and A.J. Tromba, Vector Calculus, Fourth Ed., W.H. Freeman and Co., New
York, 1996 Section 6.2 to 6.4.
Other References :
1. T Apostol, Mathematical Analysis, Second Ed., Narosa, New Delhi. 1947.
2. R. Courant and F.John, Introduction to Calculus and Analysis, Vol.2, Springer Verlag,
New York, 1989.
3. W. Fleming, Functions of Several Variables, Second Ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, 1977.
4. M.H. Protter and C.B.Morrey Jr., Intermediate Calculus, Second Ed., Springer-Verlag,
New York, 1995.
5. G.B. Thomas and R.L Finney, Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Ninth Ed. (ISE Reprint),
Addison- Wesley, Reading Mass, 1998.
6. D.V.Widder, Advanced Calculus, Second Ed., Dover Pub., New York. 1989.
7. A course in Multivariable Calculus and Analysis., Sudhir R.Ghorpade and Balmohan Li-
maye, Springer International Edition.
Linear Algebra
Course Code: USMT502/UAMT502
Unit I. Quotient Spaces and Orthogonal Linear Transformations (15L)
Review of vector spaces over R, sub spaces and linear transformation.
Quotient Spaces: For a real vector space Vand a subspace W, the cosets v+W
and the quotient space V=W , First Isomorphism theorem of real vector spaces (fundamental
theorem of homomorphism of vector spaces), Dimension and basis of the quotient space V=W ,
whenVis nite dimensional.
Orthogonal transformations: Isometries of a real nite dimensional inner product space,
Translations and Re
ections with respect to a hyperplane, Orthogonal matrices over R, Equiv-
alence of orthogonal transformations and isometries xing origin on a nite dimensional inner
product space, Orthogonal transformation of R2, Any orthogonal transformation in R2is a re-
ection or a rotation, Characterization of isometries as composites of orthogonal transformations
and translation. Characteristic polynomial of an nnreal matrix. Cayley Hamilton Theorem
and its Applications (Proof assuming the result A(adjA) =Infor annnmatrix over the
polynomial ring R[t].
Unit II. Eigenvalues and eigen vectors (15L)
Eigen values and eigen vectors of a linear transformation T:V !V, where V is a nite
dimensional real vector space and examples, Eigen values and Eigen vectors of n n real ma-
trices, The linear independence of eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues of a linear
transformation and a Matrix. The characteristic polynomial of an n real matrix and a linear
transformation of a nite dimensional real vector space to itself, characteristic roots, Similar
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matrices, Relation with change of basis, Invariance of the characteristic polynomial and (hence
of the) eigen values of similar matrices, Every square matrix is similar to an upper triangular
matrix. Minimal Polynomial of a matrix, Examples like minimal polynomial of scalar matrix,
diagonal matrix, similar matrix, Invariant subspaces.
Unit III: Diagonalisation (15L)
Geometric multiplicity and Algebraic multiplicity of eigen values of an nnreal matrix, An
nnmatrixAis diagonalizable if and only if has a basis of eigenvectors of Aif and only if
the sum of dimension of eigen spaces of Ais n if and only if the algebraic and geometric multi-
plicities of eigen values of Acoincide, Examples of non diagonalizable matrices, Diagonalisation
of a linear transformation T:V !V, whereVis a nite dimensional real vector space and
examples. Orthogonal diagonalisation and Quadratic Forms. Diagonalisation of real Symmet-
ric matrices, Examples, Applications to real Quadratic forms, Rank and Signature of a Real
Quadratic form, Classication of conics in R2and quadric surfaces in R3. Positive denite and
semi denite matrices, Characterization of positive denite matrices in terms of principal minors.
Recommended Books.
1. S. Kumaresan, Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach.
2. Ramachandra Rao and P. Bhimasankaram, Tata McGrawHillll Publishing Company.
Additional Reference Books
1. T. Bancho and J. Wermer, Linear Algebra through Geometry, Springer.
2. L. Smith, Linear Algebra, Springer.
3. M. R. Adhikari and Avishek Adhikari, Introduction to linear Algebra, Asian Books Private
4. K Homan and Kunze, Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
5. Inder K Rana, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.
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Course: Topology of Metric Spaces
Course Code: USMT503/UAMT503
Unit I: Metric spaces (15 L)
Denition, examples of metric spaces R;R2,Euclidean space Rnwith its Euclidean, sup and
sum metric, C(complex numbers), the spaces l1and l2of sequences and the space C[a;b], of
real valued continuous functions on [ a;b]. Discrete metric space.
Distance metric induced by the norm, translation invariance of the metric induced by the norm.
Metric subspaces, Product of two metric spaces. Open balls and open set in a metric space,
examples of open sets in various metric spaces. Hausdor property. Interior of a set. Properties
of open sets. Structure of an open set in IR. Equivalent metrics.
Distance of a point from a set, between sets ,diameter of a set in a metric space and bounded
sets. Closed ball in a metric space, Closed sets- denition, examples. Limit point of a set,
isolated point, a closed set contains all its limit points, Closure of a set and boundary of a set.
Unit II: Sequences and Complete metric spaces (15L)
Sequences in a metric space, Convergent sequence in metric space, Cauchy sequence in a metric
space, subsequences, examples of convergent and Cauchy sequence in nite metric spaces, Rn
with dierent metrics and other metric spaces.
Characterization of limit points and closure points in terms of sequences, Denition and exam-
ples of relative openness/closeness in subspaces. Dense subsets in a metric space and Separability
Denition of complete metric spaces, Examples of complete metric spaces, Completeness prop-
erty in subspaces, Nested Interval theorem in R, Cantor's Intersection Theorem, Applications
of Cantors Intersection Theorem:
(i) The set of real Numbers is uncountable.
(ii) Density of rational Numbers(Between any two real numbers there exists a rational number)
(iii) Intermediate Value theorem: Let : [ a;b]Rbe continuous, and assume that f(a) andf(b)
are of dierent signs say, f(a)<0 andf(b)>0. Then there exists c2(a;b) such that
f(c) = 0.
Unit III: Compact sets 15 lectures
Denition of compact metric space using open cover, examples of compact sets in dierent metric
spaces R;R2;Rn, Properties of compact sets: A compact set is closed and bounded, (Converse
is not true ). Every innite bounded subset of compact metric space has a limit point. A
closed subset of a compact set is compact. Union and Intersection of Compact sets. Equivalent
statements for compact sets in R:
(i) Sequentially compactness property.
(ii) Heine-Borel property: Let be a closed and bounded interval. Let be a family of open
intervals such that Then there exists a nite subset such that that is, is contained in the
union of a nite number of open intervals of the given family.
(iii) Closed and boundedness property.
(iv) Bolzano-Weierstrass property: Every bounded sequence of real numbers has a convergent
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Reference books:
1. S. Kumaresan, Topology of Metric spaces.
2. E. T. Copson. Metric Spaces. Universal Book Stall, New Delhi, 1996.
3. Expository articles of MTTS programme
Other references :
1. W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis.
2. T. Apostol. Mathematical Analysis, Second edition, Narosa, New Delhi, 1974
3. E. T. Copson. Metric Spaces. Universal Book Stall, New Delhi, 1996.
4. R. R. Goldberg Methods of Real Analysis, Oxford and IBH Pub. Co., New Delhi 1970.
5. P.K.Jain. K. Ahmed. Metric Spaces. Narosa, New Delhi, 1996.
6. W. Rudin. Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Third Ed, McGraw-Hill, Auckland, 1976.
7. D. Somasundaram, B. Choudhary. A rst Course in Mathematical Analysis. Narosa, New
8. G.F. Simmons, Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw-Hi, New York,
9. Sutherland. Topology.
Course: Numerical Analysis I (Elective A)
Course Code: USMT5A4/UAMT5A4
N.B. Derivations and geometrical interpretation of all numerical methods have to be covered.
Unit I. Errors Analysis and Transcendental & Polynomial Equations (15L)
Measures of Errors: Relative, absolute and percentage errors. Types of errors: Inherent error,
Round-o error and Truncation error. Taylors series example. Signicant digits and numerical
stability. Concept of simple and multiple roots. Iterative methods, error tolerance, use of in-
termediate value theorem. Iteration methods based on rst degree equation: Newton-Raphson
method, Secant method, Regula-Falsi method, Iteration Method. Condition of convergence and
Rate of convergence of all above methods.
Unit II. Transcendental and Polynomial Equations (15L)
Iteration methods based on second degree equation: Muller method, Chebyshev method, Mul-
tipoint iteration method. Iterative methods for polynomial equations; Descarts rule of signs,
Birge-Vieta method, Bairstrow method. Methods for multiple roots. Newton-Raphson method.
System of non-linear equations by Newton- Raphson method. Methods for complex roots. Con-
dition of convergence and Rate of convergence of all above methods.
Unit III. Linear System of Equations (15L)
Matrix representation of linear system of equations. Direct methods: Gauss elimination method.
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Pivot element, Partial and complete pivoting, Forward and backward substitution method, Tri-
angularization methods-Doolittle and Crouts method, Choleskys method. Error analysis of di-
rect methods. Iteration methods: Jacobi iteration method, Gauss-Siedal method. Convergence
analysis of iterative method. Eigen value problem, Jacobis method for symmetric matrices Power
method to determine largest eigenvalue and eigenvector.
Recommended Books
1. Kendall E. and Atkinson, An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Wiley.
2. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar and R. K. Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientic and Engi-
neering Computation, New Age International Publications.
3. S.D. Comte and Carl de Boor, Elementary Numerical Analysis, An algorithmic approach,
McGrawHillll International Book Company.
4. S. Sastry, Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI Learning.
5. Hildebrand F.B., Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Dover Publication, NY.
6. Scarborough James B., Numerical Mathematical Analysis, Oxford University Press, New
Course: Number Theory and its applications I (Elective B)
Course Code: USMT5B4 / UAMT5B4
Unit I. Congruences and Factorization (15L)
Review of Divisibility, Primes and The fundamental theorem of Arithmetic.
Congruences : Denition and elementary properties, Complete residue system modulo m, Re-
duced residue system modulo m, Euler's function and its properties, Fermat's little Theorem,
Euler's generalization of Fermat's little Theorem, Wilson's theorem, Linear congruence, The
Chinese remainder Theorem, Congruences ofHillgher degree, The Fermat-Kraitchik Factoriza-
tion Method.
Unit II. Diophantine equations and their solutions (15L)
The linear equations ax+by=c. The equations x2+y2=p;wherepis a prime. The equa-
tionx2+y2=z2, Pythagorean triples, primitive solutions, The equations x4+y4=z2and
x4+y4=z4have no solutions ( x;y;z) withxyz6= 0. Every positive integer ncan be expressed
as sum of squares of four integers, Universal quadratic forms x2+y2+z2+t2. Assorted examples
:section 5.4 of Number theory by Niven- Zuckermann-Montgomery.
Unit III. Primitive Roots and Cryptography (15L)
Order of an integer and Primitive Roots. Basic notions such as encryption (enciphering) and
decryption (deciphering), Cryptosystems, symmetric key cryptography, Simple examples such as
shift cipher, Ane cipher,Hillll's cipher, Vigenere cipher. Concept of Public Key Cryptosystem;
RSA Algorithm. An application of Primitive Roots to Cryptography.
Reference for Unit III:
Elementary number theory, David M. Burton, Chapter 8 sections 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3, Chapter 10,
sections 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3
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Recommended Books
1. Niven, H. Zuckerman and H. Montogomery, An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers,
John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
2. David M. Burton, An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. Tata McGrawHillll Edition.
3. G. H. Hardy and E.M. Wright. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. Low priced
edition. The English Language Book Society and Oxford University Press, 1981.
4. Neville Robins. Beginning Number Theory. Narosa Publications.
5. S.D. Adhikari. An introduction to Commutative Algebra and Number Theory. Narosa
Publishing House.
6. N. Koblitz. A course in Number theory and Cryptography, Springer.
7. M. Artin, Algebra. Prentice Hall.
8. K. Ireland, M. Rosen. A classical introduction to Modern Number Theory. Second edition,
Springer Verlag.
9. William Stalling. Cryptology and network security.
Course: Graph Theory (Elective C)
Course Code: USMT5C4 / UAMT5C4
Unit I. Basics of Graphs (15L)
Denition of general graph, Directed and undirected graph, Simple and multiple graph, Types
of graphs- Complete graph, Null graph, Complementary graphs, Regular graphs Sub graph of a
graph, Vertex and Edge induced sub graphs, Spanning sub graphs. Basic terminology- degree of
a vertex, Minimum and maximum degree, Walk, Trail, Circuit, Path, Cycle. Handshaking the-
orem and its applications, Isomorphism between the graphs and consequences of isomorphism
between the graphs, Self complementary graphs, Connected graphs, Connected components.
Matrices associated with the graphs Adjacency and Incidence matrix of a graph- properties,
Bipartite graphs and characterization in terms of cycle lengths. Degree sequence and Havel-
Hakimi theorem, Distance in a graph- shortest path problems, Dijkstra's algorithm.
Unit II. Trees (15L)
Cut edges and cut vertices and relevant results, Characterization of cut edge, Denition of a
tree and its characterizations, Spanning tree, Recurrence relation of spanning trees and Cayley
formula for spanning trees of Kn , Algorithms for spanning tree-BFS and DFS, Binary and
m-ary tree, Prex codes and Human coding, Weighted graphs and minimal spanning trees -
Kruskal's algorithm for minimal spanning trees.
Unit III. Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs (15L)
Eulerian graph and its characterization- Fleury's Algorithm-(Chinese postman problem), Hamil-
tonian graph, Necessary condition for Hamiltonian graphs using G- S where S is a proper subset
of V(G), Sucient condition for Hamiltonian graphs- Ore's theorem and Dirac's theorem, Hamil-
tonian closure of a graph, Cube graphs and properties like regular, bipartite, Connected and
Hamiltonian nature of cube graph, Line graph of graph and simple results.
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Recommended Books.
1. Bondy and Murty Grapgh, Theory with Applications.
2. Balkrishnan and Ranganathan, Graph theory and applications.
3. West D G. , Graph theory.
Additional Reference Book.
1. Behzad and Chartrand Graph theory.
2. Choudam S. A., Introductory Graph theory.
Course: Basic Concepts of Probability and Random Variables (Elective D)
Course Code: USMT5D4 / UAMT5D4
Unit I. Basic Concepts of Probability and Random Variables.(15 L)
Basic Concepts: Algebra of events including countable unions and intersections, Sigma eld F;
Probability measure PonF, Probability Space as a triple (
;F;P), Properties of Pincluding
Subadditivity. Discrete Probability Space, Independence and Conditional Probability, Theorem
of Total Probability. Random Variable on (
;F;P) Denition as a measurable function, Clas-
sication of random variables - Discrete Random variable, Probability function, Distribution
function, Density function and Probability measure on Borel subsets of R, Absolutely contin-
uous random variable. Function of a random variable; Result on a random variable R with
distribution function Fto be absolutely continuous, Assume Fis continuous everywhere and
has a continuous derivative at all points except possibly at nite number of points, Result
on density function f2ofR2whereR2=g(R1);hjis inverse of gover a suitable subinterval
f2(y) +nX
j(y)junder suitable conditions.
Reference for Unit 1, Sections 1.1-1.6, 2.1-2.5 of Basic Probability theory by Robert Ash,
Dover Publication, 2008.
Unit II. Properties of Distribution function, Joint Density function (15L) Prop-
erties of distribution function F;F is non-decreasing, lim
x !1F(x) = 1;lim
x !1F(x) = 0, Right
continuity of F;lim
x !x0F(x) =P(fR < x og;P(fR=xog) =F(xo)F(x0). Joint distribution,
Joint Density, Results on Relationship between Joint and Individual densities, Related result
for Independent random variables. Examples of distributions like Binomial, Poisson and Normal
distribution. Expectation and k th moments of a random variable with properties.
Reference for Unit II:
Sections 2.5-2.7, 2.9, 3.2-3.3,3.6 of Basic Probability theory by Robert Ash, Dover Publication,
Unit III. Weak Law of Large Numbers
Joint Moments, Joint Central Moments, Schwarz Inequality, Bounds on Correlation Coecient
,Result onas a measure of linear dependence, VarnX
Page 15
law of Large numbers.
Reference for Unit III
Sections 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 4.1-4.4 of Basic Probability theory by Robert Ash, Dover Publication, 2008.
Additional Reference Books. Marek Capinski, Probability through Problems, Springer.
Course: Practicals (Based on USMT501 / UAMT501 and USMT502 / UAMT502)
Course Code: USMTP05 / UAMTP05
Suggested Practicals (Based on USMT501 / UAMT501)
1. Evaluation of double and triple integrals.
2. Change of variables in double and triple integrals and applications
3. Line integrals of scalar and vector elds
4. Greens theorem, conservative eld and applications
5. Evaluation of surface integrals
6. Stokes and Gauss divergence theorem
7. Miscellaneous theory questions on units 1, 2 and 3.
Suggested Practicals (Based on USMT502 / UAMT502)
1. Quotient Spaces, Orthogonal Transformations.
2. Cayley Hamilton Theorem and Applications
3. Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors of a linear Transformation/ Square Matrices
4. Similar Matrices, Minimal Polynomial, Invariant Subspaces
5. Diagonalisation of a matrix
6. Orthogonal Diagonalisation and Quadratic Forms.
7. Miscellaneous Theory Questions
Course: Practicals (Based on USMT503 / UAMT503 and USMT5A4 /
Course Code: USMTP06 / UAMTP06
Suggested Practicals USMT503 / UAMT503:
1. Examples of Metric Spaces, Normed Linear Spaces,
2. Sketching of Open Balls in IR2, Open and Closed sets, Equivalent Metrics
3. Subspaces, Interior points, Limit Points, Dense Sets and Separability, Diameter of a set,
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4. Limit Points ,Sequences , Bounded , Convergent and Cauchy Sequences in a Metric Space
5. Complete Metric Spaces and Applications
6. Examples of Compact Sets
7. Miscellaneous Theory Questions
Suggested Practicals on USMT5A4 / UAMT5A4
The Practicals should be performed using non-programmable scientic calculator. (The use of
programming language like C or Mathematical Software like Mathematica, Matlab, MuPad, and
Maple may be encouraged).
1. Newton-Raphson method, Secant method, Regula-Falsi method, Iteration Method
2. Muller method, Chebyshev method, Multipoint iteration method
3. Descarts rule of signs, Birge-Vieta method, Bairstrow method
4. Gauss elimination method, Forward and backward substitution method,
5. Triangularization methods-Doolittles and Crouts method, Choleskys method
6. Jacobi iteration method, Gauss-Siedal method
7. Eigen value problem: Jacobis method for symmetric matrices and Power method to de-
termine largest eigenvalue and eigenvector
Suggested Practicals based on USMT5B4 / UAMT5B4
1. Congruences.
2. Linear congruences and congruences of Hilgher degree.
3. Linear diophantine equation.
4. Pythagorean triples and sum of squares.
5. Cryptosystems (Private Key).
6. Cryptosystems (Public Key) and primitive roots.
7. Miscellaneous theoretical questions based on full USMT5B4 / UAMT5B4.
Suggested Practicals based on USMT5C4 / UAMT5C4
1. Handshaking Lemma and Isomorphism.
2. Degree sequence and Dijkstra's algorithm
3. Trees, Cayley Formula
4. Applications of Trees
5. Eulerian Graphs.
6. Hamiltonian Graphs.
Page 17
7. Miscellaneous Problems.
Suggested Practicals based on USMT5D4 / UAMT5D4
1. Basic concepts of Probability (Algebra of events, Probability space, Probability measure,
combinatorial problems)
2. Conditional Probability, Random variable (Independence of events. Denition, Classica-
tion and function of a random variable)
3. Distribution function, Joint Density function
4. Expectation of a random variable, Normal distribution
5. Method of Indicators, Weak law of large numbers
6. Conditional density, Conditional expectation
7. Miscellaneous Theoretical questions based on full paper
Course Code: USMT501/UAMT501
Unit I: Introduction to Complex Analysis (15 Lectures)
Review of complex numbers: Complex plane, polar coordinates, exponential map, powers and
roots of complex numbers, De Moivres formula, Cas a metric space, bounded and unbounded
sets, point at innity-extended complex plane, sketching of set in complex plane (No questions
to be asked).
Limit at a point, theorems on limits, convergence of sequences of complex numbers and results
using properties of real sequences. Functions f:C !C, real and imaginary part of functions,
continuity at a point and algebra of continuous functions. Derivative of f:C !C, compar-
ison between dierentiability in real and complex sense, Cauchy-Riemann equations, sucient
conditions for dierentiability, analytic function, f;ganalytic then f+g;f g;fg andf=gare
analytic, chain rule.
Theorem: If f(z) = 0 everywhere in a domain D, thenf(z) must be constant throughout D
Harmonic functions and harmonic conjugate.
Unit II: Cauchy Integral Formula (15 Lectures)
Explain how to evaluate the line integralZ
f(z)dzoverjz z0j=rand prove the Cauchy integral
formula : If fis analytic in B(z0;r) then for any winB(z0;r) we havef(w) =1
z wdz;
overjz z0j=r.
Taylors theorem for analytic function , Mobius transformations: denition and examples
Exponential function, its properties, trigonometric function, hyperbolic functions.
Unit III: Complex power series, Laurent series and isolated singularities. (15
Power series of complex numbers and related results following from Unit I, radius of conver-
gences, disc of convergence, uniqueness of series representation, examples.
Page 18
Denition of Laurent series , Denition of isolated singularity, statement (without proof) of ex-
istence of Laurent series expansion in neighbourhood of an isolated singularity, type of isolated
singularities viz. removable, pole and essential dened using Laurent series expansion, examples
Statement of Residue theorem and calculation of residue.
1. J.W. Brown and R.V. Churchill, Complex analysis and Applications : Sections 18, 19, 20,
21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 33, 34, 47, 48, 53, 54, 55 , Chapter 5, page 231 section 65, dene residue
of a function at a pole using Theorem in section 66 page 234, Statement of Cauchys residue
theorem on page 225, section 71 and 72 from chapter 7.
Other References:
1. Robert E. Greene and Steven G. Krantz, Function theory of one complex variable
2. T.W. Gamelin, Complex analysis
Course: Algebra
Course Code: USMT602 / UAMT602
Unit I. Group Theory (15L)
Review of Groups, Subgroups, Abelian groups, Order of a group, Finite and innite groups,
Cyclic groups, The Center Z(G) of a group G, Cosets, Lagranges theorem, Group homomor-
phisms, isomorphisms, automorphisms, inner automorphisms (No questions to be asked)
Normal subgroups: Normal subgroups of a group, denition and examples including center
of a group, Quotient group, Alternating group An, Cycles. Listing normal subgroups of A4;S3.
First Isomorphism theorem (or Fundamental Theorem of homomorphisms of groups), Second
Isomorphism theorem, third Isomorphism theorem, Cayleys theorem, External direct product
of a group, Properties of external direct products, Order of an element in a direct product,
criterion for direct product to be cyclic, Classication of groups of order 7.
Unit II. Ring Theory (15L)
Motivation: Integers & Polynomials.
Denitions of a ring (The denition should include the existence of a unity element), zero di-
visor, unit, the multiplicative group of units of a ring. Basic Properties & examples of rings,
including Z;Q;R;C;Mn (R);Q[X];R[X];C[X];Z[i];Z[p
2];Z[p 5];Zn.
Denitions of Commutative ring, integral domain (ID), Division ring, examples. Theorem such
as: A commutative ring R is an integral domain if and only if for a;b;c2Rwitha6= 0 the
relationab=acimplies that b=c. Denitions of Subring, examples. Ring homomorphisms,
Properties of ring homomorphisms, Kernel of ring homomorphism, Ideals, Operations on ideals
and Quotient rings, examples. Factor theorem and First and second Isomorphism theorems for
rings, Correspondence Theorem for rings: ( If f:R !R0is a surjective ring homomorphism,
then there is a 1 1 correspondence between the ideals of R containing the ker fand the ideals
of R. Denitions of characteristic of a ring, Characteristic of an ID.
Unit III. Polynomial Rings and Field theory (15L)
Principal ideal, maximal ideal, prime ideal, the characterization of the prime and maximal ideals
Page 19
in terms of quotient rings. Polynomial rings, R[X] when R is an integral domain/ Field. Divisi-
bility in Integral Domain, Denitions of associates, irreducible and primes. Prime (irreducible)
elements in R[X];Q[X];Zp[X]. Eisensteins criterion for irreducibility of a polynomial over Z.
Prime and maximal ideals in polynomial rings. Denition of eld, subeld and examples, char-
acteristic of elds. Any eld is an ID and a nite ID is a eld. Characterization of elds in
terms of maximal ideals, irreducible polynomials. Construction of quotient eld of an integral
domain (Emphasis on Z;Q). A eld contains a subeld isomorphic to ZporQ.
Recommended Books
1. P. B. Bhattacharya, S. K. Jain, and S. R. Nagpaul, Abstract Algebra, Second edition,
Foundation Books, New Delhi, 1995.
2. N. S. Gopalakrishnan, University Algebra, Wiley Eastern Limited.
3. N. Herstein. Topics in Algebra, Wiley Eastern Limited, Second edition.
4. M. Artin, Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
5. J. B. Fraleigh, A First course in Abstract Algebra, Third edition, Narosa, New Delhi.
6. J. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Narosa, New Delhi.
Additional Reference Books:
1. S. Adhikari, An Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Number theory, Narosa Pub-
lishing House.
2. T.W. Hungerford. Algebra, Springer.
3. D. Dummit, R. Foote. Abstract Algebra, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
4. I.S. Luthar, I.B.S. Passi. Algebra, Vol. I and II.
5. U. M. Swamy, A. V. S. N. Murthy Algebra Abstract and Modern, Pearson.
6. Charles Lanski, Concepts Abstract Algebra, American Mathematical Society
7. Sen, Ghosh and Mukhopadhyay, Topics in Abstract Algebra, Universities press
Course: Topology of Metric Spaces and Real Analysis
Course Code: USMT603/ UAMT603
Unit I: Continuous functions on metric spaces (15 L) Epsilon-delta denition of con-
tinuity at a point of a function from one metric space to another. Characterization of continuity
at a point in terms of sequences, open sets and closed sets and examples, Algebra of continuous
real valued functions on a metric space. Continuity of composite continuous function. Con-
tinuous image of compact set is compact, Uniform continuity in a metric space, denition and
examples (emphasis on R). Let (X;d) and (Y;d) be metric spaces and f:X !Ybe continu-
ous. If (X;d) is compact metric, then f:X !Yis uniformly continuous.
Contraction mapping and xed point theorem, Applications.
Page 20
Unit II: Connected sets: (15L)
Separated sets- Denition and examples, disconnected sets, disconnected and connected metric
spaces, Connected subsets of a metric space, Connected subsets of R. A subset of Ris connected
if and only if it is an interval. A continuous image of a connected set is connected. Character-
ization of a connected space, viz. a metric space is connected if and only if every continuous
function from Xtof1; 1gis a constant function. Path connectedness in Rn, denition and
examples. A path connected subset of Rn is connected, convex sets are path connected. Con-
nected components. An example of a connected subset of Rn which is not path connected.
Unit III : Sequence and series of functions:(15 lectures)
Sequence of functions - pointwise and uniform convergence of sequences of real- valued func-
tions, examples. Uniform convergence implies pointwise convergence, example to show converse
not true, series of functions, convergence of series of functions, Weierstrass M-test. Examples.
Properties of uniform convergence: Continuity of the uniform limit of a sequence of continuous
function, conditions under which integral and the derivative of sequence of functions converge to
the integral and derivative of uniform limit on a closed and bounded interval. Examples. Conse-
quences of these properties for series of functions, term by term dierentiation and integration.
Power series in Rcentered at origin and at some point in R, radius of convergence, region
(interval) of convergence, uniform convergence, term by-term dierentiation and integration of
power series, Examples. Uniqueness of series representation, functions represented by power
series, classical functions dened by power series such as exponential, cosine and sine functions,
the basic properties of these functions.
References for Units I, II, III:
1. S. Kumaresan, Topology of Metric spaces.
2. E. T. Copson. Metric Spaces. Universal Book Stall, New Delhi, 1996.
3. Robert Bartle and Donald R. Sherbert, Introduction to Real Analysis, Second Edition,
John Wiley and Sons.
4. Ajit Kumar, S. Kumaresan, Introduction to Real Analysis
5. R.R. Goldberg, Methods of Real Analysis, Oxford and International Book House (IBH)
Publishers, New Delhi.
Other references :
1. W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis.
2. T. Apostol. Mathematical Analysis, Second edition, Narosa, New Delhi, 1974
3. E. T. Copson. Metric Spaces. Universal Book Stall, New Delhi, 1996.
4. R. R. Goldberg Methods of Real Analysis, Oxford and IBH Pub. Co., New Delhi 1970.
5. P.K.Jain. K. Ahmed. Metric Spaces. Narosa, New Delhi, 1996.
6. W. Rudin. Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Third Ed, McGraw-Hill, Auckland, 1976.
7. D. Somasundaram, B. Choudhary. A rst Course in Mathematical Analysis. Narosa, New
Page 21
8. G.F. Simmons, Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw-Hi, New York,
9. Sutherland. Topology.
Course: Numerical Analysis II (Elective A)
Course Code: USMT6A4 / UAMT6A4
N.B. Derivations and geometrical interpretation of all numerical methods with theorem
mentioned have to be covered.
Unit I. Interpolation (15L)
Interpolating polynomials, Uniqueness of interpolating polynomials. Linear, Quadratic andHill-
gher order interpolation. Lagranges Interpolation. Finite dierence operators: Shift operator,
forward, backward and central dierence operator, Average operator and relation between them.
Dierence table, Relation between dierence and derivatives. Interpolating polynomials using
nite dierences Gregory-Newton forward dierence interpolation, Gregory-Newton backward
dierence interpolation, Stirlings Interpolation. Results on interpolation error.
Unit II. Polynomial Approximations and Numerical Dierentiation (15L)
Piecewise Interpolation: Linear, Quadratic and Cubic. Bivariate Interpolation: Lagranges Bi-
variate Interpolation, Newtons Bivariate Interpolation. Numerical dierentiation: Numerical
dierentiation based on Interpolation, Numerical dierentiation based on nite dierences (for-
ward, backward and central), Numerical Partial dierentiation.
Unit III. Numerical Integration (15L)
Numerical Integration based on Interpolation. Newton-Cotes Methods, Trapezoidal rule, Simp-
son's 1/3rd rule, Simpson's 3/8th rule. Determination of error term for all above methods.
Convergence of numerical integration: Necessary and sucient condition (with proof). Com-
posite integration methods; Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule.
Reference Books
1. Kendall E, Atkinson, An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Wiley.
2. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar and R. K. Jain,, Numerical Methods for Scientic and
Engineering Computation, New Age International Publications.
3. S.D. Comte and Carl de Boor, Elementary Numerical Analysis, An algorithmic approach,
McGrawHillll International Book Company.
4. S. Sastry, Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI Learning.
5. Hildebrand F.B, .Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Dover Publication, NY.
6. Scarborough James B., Numerical Mathematical Analysis, Oxford University Press, New
Page 22
Course: Number Theory and its applications II (Elective B)
Course Code: USMT6B4 / UAMT6B4
Unit I. Quadratic Reciprocity (15 L)
Quadratic residues and Legendre Symbol, Gausss Lemma, Theorem on Legendre Symbol2
the result: If pis an odd prime and ais an odd integer with ( a;p) = 1 then
= ( 1)twheret=p 1
, Quadratic Reciprocity law. Theorem on Legendre Symbol
:The Jacobi Symbol and law of reciprocity for Jacobi Symbol. Quadratic Congruences with
Composite moduli.
Unit II. Continued Fractions (15 L)
Finite continued fractions. Innite continued fractions and representation of an irrational num-
ber by an innite simple continued fraction, Rational approximations to irrational numbers and
order of convergence, Best possible approximations. Periodic continued fractions.
Unit III. Pells equation, Arithmetic function and Special numbers (15 L)
Pell's equation x2dy2=n, wheredis not a square of an integer. Solutions of Pell's equation
(The proofs of convergence theorems to be omitted). Arithmetic functions of number theory:
d(n)(or(n));(n);k(n);!(n) and their properties, (n) and the Mbius inversion formula. Spe-
cial numbers: Fermat numbers, Mersenne numbers, Perfect numbers, Amicable numbers, Pseudo
primes, Carmichael numbers.
Recommended Books
1. Niven, H. Zuckerman and H. Montogomery. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers.
John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
2. David M. Burton. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. Tata McGraw-Hill Edition.
3. G. H. Hardy and E.M. Wright. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. Low priced
edition. The English Language Book Society and Oxford University Press, 1981.
4. Neville Robins. Beginning Number Theory. Narosa Publications.
5. S. D. Adhikari. An introduction to Commutative Algebra and Number Theory. Narosa
Publishing House
6. .N. Koblitz. A course in Number theory and Crytopgraphy. Springer.
7. M. Artin. Algebra. Prentice Hall.
8. K. Ireland, M. Rosen. A classical introduction to Modern Number Theory. Second edition,
Springer Verlag.
9. William Stalling. Cryptology and network security.
Page 23
Course: Graph Theory and Combinatorics (Elective C)
Course Code: USMT6C4 /UAMT6C4
Unit I. Colorings of graph (15L)
Vertex coloring- evaluation of vertex chromatic number of some standard graphs, critical graph.
Upper and lower bounds of Vertex chromatic Number- Statement of Brooks theorem. Edge
coloring- Evaluation of edge chromatic number of standard graphs such as complete graph, com-
plete bipartite graph, cycle. Statement of Vizing Theorem. Chromatic polynomial of graphs-
Recurrence Relation and properties of Chromatic polynomials. Vertex and Edge cuts vertex and
edge connectivity and the relation between vertex and edge connectivity. Equality of vertex and
edge connectivity of cubic graphs. Whitney's theorem on 2-vertex connected graphs.
Unit II. Planar graph (15L)
Denition of planar graph. Euler formula and its consequences. Non planarity of K5;K(3; 3).
Dual of a graph. Polyhedran in R3and existence of exactly ve regular polyhedra- (Platonic
solids) Colorabilty of planar graphs- 5 color theorem for planar graphs, statement of 4 color
theorem. Networks and
ow and cut in a network- value of a
ow and the capacity of cut in a
network, relation between
ow and cut. Maximal
ow and minimal cut in a network and Ford-
Fulkerson theorem.
Unit III. Combinatorics (15L)
Applications of Inclusion Exclusion Principle- Rook polynomial, Forbidden position problems
Introduction to partial fractions and using Newtons binomial theorem for real power nd series,
expansion of some standard functions. Forming recurrence relation and getting a generating
function. Solving a recurrence relation using ordinary generating functions. System of Distinct
Representatives and Hall's theorem of SDR. Introduction to matching, M alternating and M
augmenting path, Berge theorem. Bipartite graphs.
Recommended Books.
1. Bondy and Murty Grapgh, Theory with Applications.
2. Balkrishnan and Ranganathan, Graph theory and applications. 3 West D G. , Graph
3. Richard Brualdi, Introduction to Combinatorics.
Additional Reference Book.
1. Behzad and Chartrand Graph theory.
2. Choudam S. A., Introductory Graph theory. 3 Cohen, Combinatorics.
Course: Operations Research Elective D)
Course Code: USMT6D4 / UAMT6D4
Unit I. Linear Programming-I (15L)
Prerequisites: Vector Space, Linear independence and dependence, Basis, Convex sets, Dimen-
sion of polyhedron, Faces.
Page 24
Formation of LPP, Graphical Method. Theory of the Simplex Method- Standard form of
LPP, Feasible solution to basic feasible solution, Improving BFS, Optimality Condition, Un-
bounded solution, Alternative optima, Correspondence between BFS and extreme points. Sim-
plex Method Simplex Algorithm, Simplex Tableau.
Reference for unit I
1. G. Hadley, Linear Programming, Narosa Publishing, (Chapter 3).
Unit II. Linear programming-II (15L)
Simplex Method Case of Degeneracy, Big-M Method, Infeasible solution, Alternate solution,
Solution of LPP for unrestricted variable. Transportation Problem: Formation of TP, Con-
cepts of solution, feasible solution, Finding Initial Basic Feasible Solution by North West Corner
Method, Matrix Minima Method, Vogels Approximation Method. Optimal Solution by MODI
method, Unbalanced and maximization type of TP.
Reference for Unit II
1. G. Hadley, Linear Programming, Narosa Publishing, (Chapter 4 and 9).
2. J. K. Sharma, Operations Research, Theory and Applications, (Chapter 4, 9).
Unit III. Queuing Systems (15L)
Elements of Queuing Model, Role of Exponential Distribution. Pure Birth and Death Models;
Generalized Poisson Queuing Mode. Specialized Poisson Queues: Steady- state Measures of Per-
formance, Single Server Models, Multiple Server Models, Self- service Model, Machine-servicing
Reference for Unit III:
1. J. K. Sharma, Operations Research, Theory and Applications.
2. H. A. Taha, Operations Research, Prentice Hall of India.
Additional Reference Books:
1. Hillier and Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research.
2. Richard Broson, Schaum Series Book in Operations Research, Tata McGrawHill Publishing
Company Ltd.
Course: Practicals (Based on USMT601 / UAMT601 and USMT602 / UAMT602)
Course Code: USMTP07 / UAMTP07
Suggested Practicals (Based on USMT601 / UAMT601):
1. Limit continuity and derivatives of functions of complex variables,
2. Steriographic Projection , Analytic function, nding harmonic conjugate,
3. Contour Integral, Cauchy Integral Formula ,Mobius transformations
4. Taylors Theorem , Exponential , Trigonometric, Hyperbolic functions
5. Power Series , Radius of Convergence, Laurents Series
Page 25
6. Finding isolated singularities- removable, pole and essential, Cauchy Residue theorem.
7. Miscellaneous theory questions.
Suggested Practicals (Based on USMT602 / UAMT602)
1. Normal Subgroups and quotient groups.
2. Cayleys Theorem and external direct product of groups.
3. Rings, Subrings, Ideals, Ring Homomorphism and Isomorphism
4. Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals
5. Polynomial Rings
6. Fields.
7. Miscellaneous Theoretical questions on Unit 1, 2 and 3.
Course: Practicals (Based on USMT603 / UAMT603 and USMT6A4 / UAMT6A4
Course Code: USMTP08 / UAMTP08
Suggested practicals Based on USMT603 / UAMT603:
1 Continuity in a Metric Spaces
2 Uniform Continuity, Contraction maps, Fixed point theorem
3 Connected Sets , Connected Metric Spaces
4 Path Connectedness, Convex sets, Continuity and Connectedness
5 Pointwise and uniform convergence of sequence functions, properties
6 Point wise and uniform convergence of series of functions and properties
7 Miscellaneous Theory Questions
Suggested Practicals based on USMT6A4 / UAMT6A4
The Practicals should be performed using non-programmable scientic calculator. (The use
of programming language like C or Mathematical Software like Mathematica, Matlab, MuPad,
and Maple may be encouraged).
1 Linear, Quadratic andHillgher order interpolation, Interpolating polynomial by Lagranges
2 Interpolating polynomial by Gregory-Newton forward and backward dierence Interpola-
tion and Stirling Interpolation.
3 Bivariate Interpolation: Lagranges Interpolation and Newtons Interpolation
4 Numerical dierentiation: Finite dierences (forward, backward and central), Numerical
Partial dierentiation
Page 26
5 Numerical dierentiation and Integration based on Interpolation
6 Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons 1/3rd rule, Simpsons 3/8th rule
7 Composite integration methods: Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons rule.
Suggested Practicals based on USMT6B4 / UAMT6B4
1. Legendre Symbol.
2. Jacobi Symbol and Quadratic congruences with composite moduli.
3. Finite continued fractions.
4. Innite continued fractions.
5. Pells equations and Arithmetic functions of number theory.
6. Special Numbers.
7. Miscellaneous Theoretical questions based on full USMT6B4 / UAMT6B4.
Suggested Practicals based on USMT6C4 / UAMT6C4
1. Coloring of Graphs
2. Chromatic polynomials and connectivity.
3. Planar graphs
4. Flow theory.
5. Inclusion Exclusion Principle and Recurrence relation.
6. SDR and Mathching.
7. Miscellaneous theoretical questions.
Suggested Practicals based on USMT6D4 / UAMT6D4
All practicals to be done manually as well as using software TORA / EXCEL solver.
1. LPP formation, graphical method and simple problems on theory of simplex method
2. LPP Simplex Method
3. Big-M method, special cases of solutions.
4. Transportation Problem
5. Queuing Theory; single server models
6. Queuing Theory; multiple server models
7. Miscellaneous Theory Questions.