Master of Performing Arts in Dance MPA 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Master of Performing Arts in Dance MPA 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Item No. 4.9

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Item No. 4.9

Ordinances and Regulations for Choice Based Credit System course of MPA
(Master of Performing Arts) in Dance


To pass the examination the candidate must obtain:

a) 80% attendance for theory courses and practical components
b) For the theory courses (Core and Elective) in all the semesters, minimum 50% of marks in each course.
c) In dissertation minimum 40%.
d) With respect to the total marks obtained by the candidate in cor e and elective courses
of the examination (out of total 2000), and in Dissertation (out of total 200) class will be accordingly awarded to the candidates.

R ________A candidate who passes in the semester end examination but fails in the internal assessmen t of the course shall reappear for the internal examination of that course. However
his / her marks of the semester end examination shall be carried over and he / she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him / her on passing. R _______ A candidate who r eappears for all the subjects both theory as well as practicals
although failed in one or more subjects earlier should be permitted under the Class Improvement Scheme. Such a candidate will be eligible for a class or a scholarship awarded at the examinatio n. But to enhance their class or improvement of his / her class if he / she
appears for all the theory as well as practical he / she will be eligible for the class or prize or a scholarship awarded at the examination.
R_______An unsuccessful candidate at the M.P.A. (Dance) (Part I and II) examination held in the first half of the year 1980 and thereafter who has secured a minimum of 50 percent marks in ‘Teaching Practice including Advance Teaching Practice’ which is a college examination of 100 marks and i s treated as internal assessment with retrospective effect from
the M. P.A. (Dance) (Part I and II) examination held in the first half of the year 1980, will not be required to repeat it again and his marks in ‘Teaching Practices including Advanced Teachin g Practice’ will carried forward to his / her subsequent appearance and he / she will
be considered for the award of a class.

Rules and Regulations still existing:

R1606. To pass the examination for each of the Part I and Part II a candidate must obtain 40
percent of' the full marks in each paper; 50 percent of the full marks in each practical, dissertation and viva -voce, where prescribed, 50 percent of the marks in Teaching Practice
(College Examination)
where prescribed and 50 percent of the aggregat e marks obtainablein each part.

Those of the successfulcandidates who obtained 50 percent of the totalmarks
obtainable in Part I and Part IIexaminations taken together will beplaced in the Second Class,

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those who obtained 60 percent of the totalmarks will be placed, in the First Class and those
who obtain 70 percent or more marks will be declared to have passed the examination in the
FirstClass with Distinction
R.1600. A candidate, who has failed at the M.P.APart I and Part II examination, but has secured, 50 percent of the total marks in thetheory papers will, at his/ her option, be exempted from appearing in the theory papersat a subsequent examination, provided he/ she has obtained minimum passing marks in each of the theory papers. Similarly a candida te passing
in each of thepracticals with 50 percent of the marks will, at his/her option, be exempted from appearing in the practicals at a subsequent exanimation.

Candidates who have secured a minimum of 50percent marks in Teaching practice
.includingAdvanced Teaching Practice which will be treated as internal assessment will not be required to repeat it again but his marks inteaching practice including advanced teaching practice will be carried forwardto his / her subsequent appearance.

Further, candidates appearing with exemption in theory papers / practicals will not be
awarded a class but candidates whose marks in Teaching Practice including Advanced Teaching Practice only have been carried forward to their subsequent appearance will be eligible for the award of a class.
A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for subsequent semesters irrespective of number
of heads of failure in the semester. Student shall be permitted to complete the programme requirements of the two year programme within a maximum period of four years from the date of admission to the programme.


D______Two copies of the dissertation shall be submitted by the student to the Head of the
institution where he / she is registered.
D______The dissertation shall be of 10 credits and shall carry 200 marks. The dissertation
when submitted shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by the guiding teacher referred to in.
D_____Viva -voce examination on the dissertation will be held jointly by the external and
internal examiners and the marks for the dissertation will be awarded jointly by the external and internal examiners on the basis of the dissertation and viva -voce
D_____Each student shall work under the guidance of a recognized post -graduate teacher for
his / her dissertation.
Grading System:
The grade card issued at the end of the semester to each student shall contain the following:
a) The credits earned for each course registered that year

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b) The performance in each cou rse indicated by the letter grade
c) The Grade Point Average (GPA), of all the courses registered for the semester
d) The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
e) Overall Weighted Percentage of Marks (OWPM), and cumulative grade point average
after completing the p rogramme will appear only on the grade card for the final year.

% of marks obtained by the Student Grade Points Letter Grade
90-100 6 O
80-89.99 5 A+
70-79.99 4 A
60-69.99 3 B+
50-59.99 2 B
Below 50 (0 -49.99) 1 FAIL

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Proposed Syllabi for Post Graduate Programme in Performing Arts
(Dance) (Bharata Natyam and Mohini Attam.)

Distribution of the Credits :
Entire Graduate Programme of Two Years : 100 Credits
Year 1: 25- 28 Weeks ( 180 Working Days)
Year 2: 25- 28 Weeks ( 180 Working Days)
One Academic Year : 5 0 Credits
One Semester : 25 Credits
One Credit : 10 hrs (Instructional) + 10 hrs (Notional)
Shelf Life : 4 years
M.P.A. Curriculum Framework with Distribution of Marks and Credits
Semester I Credits External Internal Total
1. Abhinaya - Nritya 7 90 50 140
2. Nritta 7 90 50 140
3. Teaching Practice 4 50 30 80
4. Asian Dramaturgy and Indian
Poetic Tradition 7 90 50 140
Total 25 320 180 500
Semester II
1. Abhinaya - Nritya 7 90 50 140

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2. Nritta 7 90 50 140
3. Teaching Practice 4 50 30 80
4. Poetics and Western Dance 7 90 50 140
Total 25 320 180 500

Semester III
Elective A
1. Research Methodology 6 80 40 120
2. Nattuvangam 4 50 30 80
3. Choreographic Nattuvangam 3 40 20 60
4. Performance 6 80 40 120
5. Choreography (Theory) 6 80 40 120
Total 25 330 170 500
Elective B
1. Advanced Teaching Practice 6 80 40 120
2. Nattuvangam 4 50 30 80
3. Choreographic Nattuvangam 3 40 20 60
4. Performance 6 80 40 120
5. Choreography (Theory) 6 80 40 120
Total 25 330 170 500

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Semester IV
Elective A
1. Project (Dissertation +Viva
Voce) 6+4 120

80 200
2. Nattuvangam 3 40 20 60
3. Choreographic Nattuvangam 2 30 10 40
4. Performance 5 60 40 100
5. Movement Studies 5 60 40 100
Total 25 310 190 500
Elective B
1. Choreography of Varnam 4 50 30 80
2. Nattuvangam 3 40 20 60
3. Choreographic Nattuvangam 5 60 40 100
4. Performance 5 60 40 100
5. Advanced Teaching Practice 3 40 20 60
6. Movement Studies (Theory) 5 60 40 100
Total 25 310 190 500

The students are supposed to continue with the Elective chosen in the Third
Evaluation pattern for both the years will be 60:40

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That is 60% for External Examination and 40% for the Internal
Continuous Evaluation.


Proposed Syllabi for Post Graduate Programme in Performing Arts
(Dance) (Kathak)

Distribution of the Credits :
Entire Graduate Programme of Two Years : 100 Credits
Year 1: 25- 28 Weeks ( 180 Working Days)
Year 2: 25- 28 Weeks ( 180 Working Days)
One Academic Year : 5 0 Credits
One Semester : 25 Credits
One Credit : 10 hrs (Instructional) + 10 hrs (Notional)
Shelf Life : 4 years
M.P.A. Curricu lum Framework with Distribution of Marks and Credits
Semester I Credits External Internal Total
1. Abhinaya - Nritya 7 90 50 140
2. Choreography of Tarana 7 90 50 140
3. Teaching Practice 4 50 30 80
4. Asian Dramaturgy and Indian
Poetic Tradition 7 90 50 140
Total 25 320 180 500

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Semester II
1. Abhinaya - Nritya 7 90 50 140
2. Choreography of Tarana 7 90 50 140
3. Teaching Practice 4 50 30 80
4. Poetics and Western Dance
(Theory) 7 90 50 140
Total 25 320 180 500

Semester III
Elective A
1. Research Methodology (Theory) 6 80 40 120
2. Padhant 4 50 30 80
3. Tala Variation 3 40 20 60
4. Performance 6 80 40 120
5. Choreography (Theory) 6 80 40 120
Total 25 330 170 500
Elective B
1. Advanced Teaching Practice 6 80 40 120
2. Padhant 4 50 30 80
3. Tala Variation 3 40 20 60

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4. Performance 6 80 40 120
5. Choreography (Theory) 6 80 40 120
Total 25 330 170 500

Semester IV
Elective A
1. Project (Dissertation +Viva
Voce) 6+4 120

80 200
2. Padhant 3 40 20 60
3. Tala Variation 2 30 10 40
4. Performance 5 60 40 100
5. Movement Studies 5 60 40 100
Total 25 310 190 500
Elective B
1. Choreography of Thumri 4 50 30 80
2. Padhant 3 40 20 60
3. Tala Variation 5 60 40 100
4. Performance 5 60 40 100
5. Advanced Teaching Practice 3 40 20 60
6. Movement Studies (Theory) 5 60 40 100

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Total 25 310 190 500

The students are supposed to continue with the Elective chosen in the Third
Evaluation pattern for both the years will be 60:40
That is 60% for External Examination and 40% for the Internal Continuous Evaluation.
