Master of Fine Arts in Dramatics 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Master of Fine Arts in Dramatics 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Department of Dramatic Arts
Sant Rawool Maharaj Mahavidyalay
Kudal -Sindhudurg

Master of Fine Arts in Dramatic s
(Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies )

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dksd.kkyk ikjaifjd jaxHkweh] mRloh jaxHkweh vkf.k yksdjaxHkwehph eksBh
ijaijk vkgs- vk/kqfud ejkBh jaxHkwehyk le``/n dj.;kr dksd.kkrY;k
dykoarkapk ra=Kkukapk ukVddkjkapk Qkj eksBk okVk vkgs- ;k izns’kkr
‘kkL=’kq/n vk/kqfud ukV; izf’k{k.kkph xjt vkgs gs y{kkr ?ksÅu] eqacbZ
fo|kihBkrQsZ lar jkÅG egkjkt egkfo|ky;] dqMkG] fla/ kwnwxZ ;sFks
fMikVZesaV vkWQ MWªesfVd vkVZl~ ;k foHkkxkrQsZ nksu o”kkZapk iw.kZosG
inO;wRrj ukV;’kkL=kpk vH;kldze jkcfo.;kr ;s.kkj vkgs-
mÌs’k %
jaxHkwehoj O;kolkf;d xq.koRrsps uV] fnXn ’kZd] ra=K] ukVddkj]
ukV;lfe{kd] la’kks/kd] O;oLFkkid o ‘kS{kf.kd laLFkklkBh ykx.kkjs
ukV; izf’k{kd r;kj dj.ks- jaxHkweh O;frfjDr brj ek/;ekr
vkRefo’oklkus oko: ’kdrhy vls dykoar ?kMfo.ks -
 Tkkxfrd jaxHkweh >ikV;kus cnyrs vkgs gs y{kkr ?ksÅu] ikjai kfjd
ukVd o yksdjaxHkwehP;k vH;klklkscrp] Hkkjrh; o tkxfrd
jaxHkwehojP;k cnyR;k ukV; izokgkapk] jaxHkweh ’kh laca/khr brj
iz;ksxdykapk o jsfMvks] fV -Ogh] flusek] lax.kdklkj[;k ek/;ekapk o
vk/kqfud ra=Kkukpk ifjp; Ogkok ;k mÌ s’kkus nksu o”kkZapk vH;kldze
vk[k.;kr vkyk vkgs-
 izf'k{k.kkps ek/;e ejkBh vlys rjh fo|kF;kZauk brj Hkk”ksr miyC/k
vlysY;k la/khapkgh ykHk ?ksrk ;kok ;k gsrwus fganh] baxzth Hkk”ksP;k
ljkoklkscrp R;kauh fganh ukV;iz;ksx gh lknj djkosr vlk iz;Ru
dsyk tk.kkj vkgs-

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 Hkkjrh; ukV; izf’k{ fodflr Ogkoh ;k gsrwus nksu o”kkZaP;k
¼pkj l=½ vH;kldzekr dksd.kkrhy yksddyk o yqIr gksr
pkyysY;k brj iz;ksx dykaP;k vH;kl o l a’kks/kukoj Hkj fnyk
;kfoHkkxkrQsZ osGksosGh fofo/k ukV; midze vk;ksftr dsys tkrhy-
foHkkxkrhy fo|kF;kZalkscr] LFkkfudjaxdehZ o dksd.kkrY;k
ukV;pGoGhyk gh ykHk Ogkok ;k gsrwus ;k midzekr brjkauk gh
lgHkkxh d:u ?ksrys tkbZy-
 vuqHkoh dykoarkP;k eqyk[krhaps vFkok izkR;kf{kdkaps dk;Zdze
vk;ksftr dsys tkrhy rs lokZalkBh [kqys vlrhy-
 fo|kF;kZalkBh jaXkHkweh] Vh -Ogh- fp=iVk’kh laca/khr fofo/k
fo"k;kaojP;k dk;Z'kkGk vk;ksftr dsY;k tkrhy- R;k LFkkfud
dykoarkuk gh izos’k ‘kqYd Hk:u lgHkkxh gksrk ;sbZy -
 ns’kkrhy o ns 'kkckgsjhy jaxHkweh o brj ek/;ekalaca/kh ekfgrh ns.kkjh
O;k[;kus o fofo/k fo ”k;kojhy jk”Vªh; ifjlaokn vk;ksftr dsys
tkrhy ;k midzekapk lokZaukp ykHk ?ksrk ;sbZy-
 fo|kF;kZauh ifj{kspk Hkkx Eg.kwu eksB;klHkkx`gkr lknj dsysYks
vH;kliw.kZ osxGs ukV; iz;ksx jfldkauk ukeek= izos ’k ’kqYd Hk:u
c?krk ;srhy -

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Title : Post Graduate degree course in Dramatic
Eligibility : Graduation in theatre Arts
Graduation in any faculty from any
recognized university with experience of
participation in theatre activity
Entrance examination, audition and aptitude
test (theory & practical)
Duration : 2 years full time
Capacity : Batch of 30 Students
Medium : Marathi
Scheme : Theory & Practical s
Teacher : Theater teacher, Scholar or theater Practitioner
with teaching skill.
Staff Requirement : 3 Full Time Teachers , visiting faculty and
external experts from different fields of

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Standard of Passing

 As per University’s guide line
 The 90% attendance is required to appear for the examination
 Regular students are not allowed to accept any engagement to appear
on the amateur or professional stage o r in any Radio or T.V
programme s, films or undertake outside employment during the term
of their study.

The Masters of Fine Arts in Dramatics shall consist of 5 major subjects
which shall be taught in four semesters.


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Syllabus of Master of Fine Arts in Dramatic s
(Four Semesters )

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Paper I : Dramatic Literature and Theatre History
(Theory –50 Marks -2 Hours , Project And Internal Assessment – 50)
1) Origin of Theatre, Concept and development.
2) Classical Western Drama.
3) Theatre traditions and styles .
4) Folk th eatre of India with focus on loc al theatre for ms like
Dashavt ar and Chitraka thi.
5) Marathi Th eatre History form 1940 to 1960.
Paper II : Stage – Craft and Theatre Techniques
(Theory –50 Marks -2 Hours, PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)
A) Visual arts & performing arts .
B) Theatre architecture – History and development of theatre
buildings .
C) Different Performing Spaces .
A) Stage Geography .
B) Concept and elements of scenic design -line, shape, position,
colour & textures .
A) History of lighting.

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B) Objectives of Stage lighting .
A) Why make up .
B) The difference between Make -up in daily life and stage make -
C) Introduction to make -up kit .
A) Introduction of basic Ragas &Talas
B) Introduction of diffe rent musical instruments, their sound &
Paper III : Acting
(PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)
1) Working on body (Yoga, Martial art, Dance) .
2) Working on basic mental resources .
3) Working on emotions .
4) Working on voice & speech Vocal development -How does the
voice develop.Study of vocal organ & their functioning .
Paper IV : Production and Direction
(PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)
1) Study of Production styles & forms .
2) History of Direction .
Paper V : Production in Departmental Productions
(PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)
1) One Scene Work – Directed and Designed by experienced guest

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Paper I : Dramatic Literature and Theatre History
(Theory –50 Marks -2 Hours, Project And Internal Assessment – 50)
1) Classical Indian Drama
2) Marathi Theatre History from 1960 till today.
3) Western Drama – Study of following forms.
Tragedy, Comedy, Farce, Melodrama.
4) Detail Study of two Marathi Plays (Textual Analysis)
Paper I I : Stage -Craft and Theatre Techniques
(Theory –50 Marks -2 Hours, PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)
A) Principles of scenic design unity, Harmony, Contrast,
Variation Balance, Proportion and Rhythm .
B) Sketching, Painting, Property making, Poster making.
A) Colours and Stage lighting.
B) Sources of light/lighting – Angels .
C) Introduction of light equipments – Spots, Dimmers, Pulsars
and accessories of light equipments .
A) Objective of Costume designing.
B) Colour theory, colour mixing.
C) Colour and light.
D) Colour planning – Relationships between costumes and set
and lighting.

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E) Material, Texture, feel of costume and property.
Paper III : Acting
(Theory – 100 – 3 Hours Paper , Projects and internal Assessment 50
marks )
1) Actor and his role (text analysis to understand the sub -text)
Getting in to the character, relationship between the actors
body and characters body. (Improvisations, scene work).
2) AbhinaySidha nt-AanggikAbhinay, VachikAbhinay,
SatvikAbhinay, AaharyAbhinay.
3) Acting in different Styles Classical theatre, folk theatre,
Tragedy, Comedy, Farce, Melo -drama .
Paper IV : Production and Direction
(Theory – 100 – 3 Hours Paper , Practcal and internal Assessment 50
1) Drama from script to performance .
2) Five fundamentals of Play directing .
3) Different process of Directors .
4) Relationship of director and actor, writer and designer .
5) Interpreting the script .
Paper V : Production in Departmental Productions
(Theory – 50 – 2 Hours Paper, Practical, Projects and internal
Assessment 100 marks)
A) Production of one full length play (Directed by experienced guest

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B) Detail process of the Production – Script selection, Understanding
the text, Direction and the other technical aspects, Audience
response, critical analysis of the performance.
Syllabus of semester I and II will be interchangeable depending on the
availab ility of external experts.

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Paper I : Dramatic Literature and Theatre History
(Theory –50 Marks -2 Hours, Project And Internal Assessment – 50)
1) Classical Indian Drama
A) A under standing of Sanskrit Theatre .
B) Natyshastra .
C) Study of Plays by – Bhasa and Kalidas .
2) Modern Indian and Marathi Drama
A) Dalit Rangbhoomi .
B) New trends in Marathi theatre, experimental Theatre .
C) Study of major Indian Play wrights (Vijay Tendulkar,
GirishKarnad, BadalSarkar, DharamveerBharati, Mohan
3) Western Drama/ World Drama
A) Poeties - by Aristotel .
4) Play Wrighting .
Paper II : Stage -Craft and Theatre Techniques
(Theory – 50 Marks -2 Hours, PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)

1) Analysis & Inter relationship of lighting, costume, make up and all
other technical elements .
2) Understanding New approach to stage lighting (Adolph Appia) and
new concept of scenic design (Gorden Craig).
3) Set Design – Detailed study of Naturalism, Realism, Selective
Realism and Symbolism.
A) Drawing (Mechanical Drawing) and making pa per or wooden

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models to scale, using modern technology in designing.
B) Making stage property.
C) Budgeting - The cost of set and properties.
4) Make up
A) Make up in relation to realistic theatre and traditional Indian
B) Effect of colour lights on Make up .
C) Facial anatomy
Shape of head and faces, facial proportions, kind of skin and hair
the nose, the eyes and the lips .
D) Differ ent types of beards & moustache.
E) Mask making .
Paper III : Acting
(Theory – 50 Marks -2 Hours, PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)

1) Advanced dramatic games, enactment and role playing in various
styles, building a character and role analysis.
2) Acting in different styles.
Paper IV : Production and Direction
(Theory – 50 Marks -2 Hours, PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)

1) Analysis o f a play – division in to units .
2) Study of composition, metaphor, image, Allegory, space, Genre,
Style, Music, Musicality of text.

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Paper V : Production in Departmental Productions
(Theory – 50 Marks -2 Hours, PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)
1) Scene Work -(Desingn and Directed by Guest Director)
2) Class room Productions:
Scenes from well known plays -students to design and direct their
own class room productions .

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Paper I : Dramatic Literature and Theatre History
(Theory –50 Marks -2 Hours, Project And Internal Assessment – 50)
1) Modern trends in western Theatre
i) Epic Theatre by Brecht .
ii) Theatre of Cruelity by Antonin Artoud .
iii) Theatre of the Absurd .
iv) Theatre of the Opressed by Augusto Boal .
2) Study of following Styles
Classicism, Roman ticism, Naturalism, Realism, Symbolism, Sur-
Realism , Expressionism, Impressionism, Dadaism .
3) Play writing, Criticism and review writing .
Paper II : Stage-Craft and Theatre Techniques
(Theory – 50 Marks -2 Hours, PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)
1) Lighting
A) Documentation of lighting designs layout plan, ground plan,
cue sheet making.
B) Use of modern technology – computerized lighting.
2) Costume Designing
A) Principles of costume designs.
B) Costume construction and ornamentation.
C) Costume for realistic (represe ntational) theatre and stylization
in costume designing for non -realistic (presentational) theatre.
3) Background Music
A) Objectives of Back ground music on stage.

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B) Different methods of using background music, live effect and
recorded effect.
C) A brief study of m usical instruments (String, Wind blow and
percussions instruments)
D) Instruments – study of sound equipments use of technology
(computer) in background music.
E) Music cue sheet.
Paper III : Acting
(Theory – 50 Marks -2 Hours, PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)
1) Different School of Acting
Stanislavsky, Bertolt Brecht (Epic -Theatre), Mayor Hold
(Biomechanics, Constructivism), Grotowski (Poor Theatre)
2) Acting for Radio, Acting for camera.
Paper IV : Production and Direction
(Theory – 50 Marks -2 Hours, PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)
1) Study of following theatre forms
A) Indian Classical & traditional Theatre.
B) Marathi and Indian Folk forms .
C) Western theatre forms -Greek, Roman, Elizabethan,
Comedia -del-arte, Devise theatre, docu -drama.
2) Installation a rt, use of Multi -media in Theatre.
3) Stage management & Production management.

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Paper V : Production in Departmental Productions
(Theory – 50 Marks -2 Hours, PracticalsAnd Internal Assessment – 50)
1) full length plays of different styles (Directed by guest di rectors or
2) Production Process – (From Script to performance)
3) Critical analysis of the text and the performance
Following subjects should be undertaken to supplement the students in
order to heighten their awareness and develop their sensibility
1) Psychology
2) Computer
3) Music Appreciation
4) Painting – Art Appreciation
5) Puppet Theatre, Chitrkathi
6) Arts of Clown – Acrobat ics, Jugglery
7) Magic Show
8) Environmental Theatre
Syllabus of semester III and IV will be interchangeable depending on
the availability of external experts.
Project Workand Internal Assessment:
It will be based on different aspects of the syllabus taught during the

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Books for Reference:
Dramatic Literature and Theatre History
dkO; ”kkL= % xks- fo- djanhdj
la{khIrukV; ”kkL=e ¼fganh½ % jk/kkoYYkHk
HkjrkpsukV; ”kkL= % xksnkojhdsrdj
tkxfrdjaxHkweh ¼iwoZjax½ % ekf.kddkuMs
tkxfrdjaxHkweh ¼if”pejax½ % ekf.kddkuMs
yksdjaxdyk % MkW - izHkkdjekaMs
vWClMZfFk,Vj % ekf.kddkuMs
History of Theatre : Oscar Brockette
History of Theatre : Fletcher
xzhdjaXkHkweh % d`- jk- lkoar
laLd`rukV; l` ’Vh % xks- ds- HkV
laLd`rukVds o ukVddkj % xks- ds- HkV
mxevkf.kfodkl % xks- ds- HkV
Hkkjrh; ukV; ijaijkvkSj
vfHku; niZ.k ¼fganh½ % okoLirhXkSjksyk
ejkBh ok³e;kpk bfrgkl
¼[kaM&†½ % laiknd v - uk- ns”kikaMs
yksdjaxHkweh % izHkkdjekaMs
ejkBhjaxHkwehpkbfrgkl % Jh- uk- cugêh

Page 20

izfrek :ivk f.kjax % ds- ukjk;.k dkos

jaxHkweh ¼[kaM&ƒ@[kaM„½ % fo- Hkk-
ejkBh ok³e; dks ’k&
leh{kk] laKk ¼[kaM&†½ % laik- fot;kjktk/;{k
Hkkjrh; iz;ksxdykapk
ifjp; o bfrgkl % MkW - jkthoukbZd
MkW - izfo.kHkksGs
¼Yfyr dykdsUnz] iw.ks
ekul'kkL= % ¼v”oes/k izdk ”ku½
i:Gsdj] ns ”kikaMs] gGn.kdj

Stage – Craft and Theatre Techniques
A History of Make up : Maggie Angeloglou
Magic of Makeup for stage : HarladMalvil
The Art of Make Up : Serge Strenkovsky
Stage lighting : Richard Pilbrow
Guide to stage lighting : G. N. Dasgupta
Stage lighting : Percy Corry
Set Design : David Welkat

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vfHku; lk/kuk % ds- ukjk;.k dkGs
Hkqfedkf ”kYi % ds- ukjk;.k dkGs
lgkikB % lnkf”kovejkiqjdj
jaxp;kZ % d`- jk- lkoar
okfpdvfHku; % MkW - Jhjkeykxw
Hkk’k.kjaxvkf.kukV;jax % MkW - v”kksdjkuMs
LrkfuLykoLdh % An Actor Prepares
Character Building
Stella Adler : The Art of Acting
The Technique of Acting
Lee Strasberg : A Dream of Passion
Uta Hagen : The Challenge for the Actors

Production and Direction
Fundamentals of Play Directing : Dean Carra
Play Directing : Francis Hodge
ukV;fufeZrh % ;”koardsGdj