Master of Computer Application MCA1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Master of Computer Application MCA1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

AC : 11.05.2017
Item No. 4.250


Revised syllabus (Rev - 2016) from Academic Year 2016 -17
Master of Computer Applications:
Second Year with Effect from AY 2017 -18
Third Year with Effect from AY 2018 -19

As per Choice Based Credit and Grading System
with effect from the AY 2016 –17

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
From Co -ordinator’s Desk :
To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in Master Program in Computer Applications
(M.C.A.: referred as Master of Computer Applications) education, the issue of quality needs to
be addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is the principal
means of quality assurance in higher education. The major emphasis of accreditation process is
to measure the outcomes of the program that is being accredited. Inline with this Faculty of
Technology of University of Mumbai has taken a lead in in corporating philosophy of outcome
based education in the process of curriculum development.
Faculty of Technology, University of Mumbai, in one of its meeting unanimously resolved that,
Each Board of Studies shall prepare some Program Educational Objectives(PEO‘s) and give
freedom to affiliated Institutes to add few (PEO‘s) and course objectives and course outcomes
to be clearly defined for each course, so that all faculty members in affiliated institutes
understand the depth and approach of course to be taught, which will enhance learner‘s
learning process. It was also resolved that, maximum senior faculty from colleges and experts
from industry to be involved while revisi ng the curriculum. I am happy to state that, each
Board of studies has adhered to the resolutions passed by Faculty of Technology, and
developed curriculum accordingly. In addition to outcome based education, semester based
credit and grading system is als o introduced to ensure quality of Master of Computer
Applications (MCA) education.
Semester based Credit and grading system enables a much required shift in focus from teacher
centric to learner centric education since the workload estimated is based on the investment of
time in learning and not in teaching. It also focuses on continuous evaluation which will
enhance the quality of education. University of Mumbai has taken a lead in implementing t he
system through its affiliated Institutes and Faculty of Technology has devised a transparent
credit assignment policy and adopted ten points scale to grade learner‘s performance. Choice
Based Credit and Grading System a r e implemented for First Year of Ma ster of
Computer Applications (M.C.A.) from the academic year 2016 -2017. Subsequently
this system will be carried forward for Second Year and Third Year of M.C.A. in the academic
year‘s 2017 -2018 and 2018 -2019 respectively.
Dr. S. K.Ukarande
Faculty of Technology,
Member AcademicCouncil
University of Mumbai,Mumbai

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

The MCA Choice based syllabus is designed considering various modes of effective teaching -
learning and assessment that reflect in its interdisciplinary approach required for advanced
application course . This i ntegrated teaching methodology allows understanding of interacti on
between the different business areas required for IT enabled industr ies. This methodology also
allows students to develop multiple skills such as critical logic analysis, numerical ability,
Database programming, Algorithmic optimization with testing, networking , report writing,
communication skill, presentation skills ,independent research ,and working with real -life case
studies. These skills further enable the students to take a full, active and responsible role in the
IT enabled industr ies.

The syllabus is directional in wide scope and allows the much desired flexibili ty to keep speed
with the ever growing body of knowledge and explorations in IT enabled industr iesconsidering
human side of enterprise. The course structures are carefully designed so that students get
superiority in dealing with diverse situations when they step into the corporate world.

I would like to extend my thanks to Industries like IBM India Pvt. Ltd., Accenture ,RBS I ndia
Pvt.Ltd., Myglamm, N.I.C. etc for their valuable inputs to strength the scope and contents of the
syllabus. I would also like to extend my thanks to all M.C.A. F aculty members for their
contribution in designing an outcome based curriculum.

Dr.Dh ananjay R.Kalbande

Chairman - Ad-hoc Board of Studies of Computer Application,
Member - Academic Council,
University of Mumbai, Mumbai.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application (CBCGS)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2017 -2018)
Semester II I
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA301 Database Management
systems 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA302 Java programming 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA303 Information Security 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA304 Operation Research 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA305 Software Testing and
Quality Assurance 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCAL301 Database Management
systems and Software
Testing Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
MCAL302 Java Programming and
Unifi ed Modeling
Language Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
MCA PR 301 Mini Project -- -- -- -- -- -- 02
Total 20 12 -- 20 06 -- 28

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme
Theory Course Term
Work Pract. Oral
Total Internal Assessment End Sem.
Test1 Test2 Avg.
MCA301 Database Management
systems 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA302 Java programming 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA303 Information Security 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA304 Operation Research 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA305 Softw are Testing and
Quality Assurance 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCAL301 Database Management
systems and Software
Testing Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
MCAL302 Java Programming and
Unified Modeling
Language Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
301 Mini Project -- --- --- --- 25 -- 25 50
Total 100 100 100 400 75 100 75 750

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application (CBCGS)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2017 -2018)
Semester IV
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA401 Data Mining and Business
Intelligence 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA 402 Advanced Web Technology 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA 403 Computer Graphics 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA 404 Elective 1 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA 405 Elective 2 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA L401 Advanced Web Technology
and Data Mining and
Business Intelligence Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
MCA L402 Computer Graphics and
Image Processing Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
Activity Lab Soft Skill Development -- 02 -- -- 02 -- 02
Total 20 14 -- 20 08 -- 28

Subject Code Subject Name Examination Scheme
Theory Course Term
Work Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam. Test1 Test 2 Avg.
MCA 401 Data Mining and
Business I ntelligence 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA 402 Advanced Web
Technology 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA 403 Computer Graphics 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA 404 Elective 1 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA 405 Elective 2 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA L401 Advanced Web
Technology and Data
Mining and Business
Intelligence Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
MCA L402 Computer Graphics and
Image Processing Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
MCA L403
Activity Lab Soft Skill Development -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50
Total 100 100 100 400 100 100 50 750

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application (CBCGS)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2017 -2018)
Elective for Sem ester IV

SEM IV – Elective I

Course Code Course Name
MCA 4041 Entrepreneurship Management
MCA 4042 Business Infr astructure and Management
MCA 4043 ERP
MCA 4044 Ethics and CSR

SEM IV – Elective II

Course Code Course Name
MCA 4051 Digital Forensics
MCA 4052 Simulation and Modelling
MCA 4053 Next Generation Networks
MCA 4054 AI and Soft Computing

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application (CBCGS)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2017 -2018)
Semester V
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA501 Wireless and Mobile
technology 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA502 Advanced Distributed
Computing 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA503 User Experience Design 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
504 Elective 1 (Departmental
level) 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
505 Elective 2 (Institutional
Level) 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA L501 Mobile Application and
User experience Design
Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
MCA L502 Open Source System For
ADC Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
501 Mini Project -- -- -- -- -- -- 02
Total 20 12 -- 20 06 28

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme
Theory Course Term
Work Pract
. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End Sem.
Exam. Test1 Test 2 Avg.
MCA501 Wireless and Mobile
technology 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA502 Advanced Distributed
Computing 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA503 User Experience Design 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
504 Elective 1 (Departmental
level) 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCAILE 505 Elective 2 (Institutional
Level) 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA L501 Mobile Application and
User ex perience Design
Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
MCA L502 Open Source System For
ADC Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
MCAPR 501 Mini Project -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 50
Total 100 100 100 400 75 100 75 750

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application ( CBCGS)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2017 -2018)
Elective for Sem ester V

SEM V – Elective 1 - Department Level Elective

Course Code Course Name
MCADLE5041 Big Data Analytics
MCADLE5042 Machine Learning
MCADLE5043 Internet of Things
MCADLE5044 Multimedia System Design

SEM V – Elective 2 - Institute Level Elective

Course Code Course Name
MCAILE5051 Intellectual property Rights and Patents
MCAILE5052 Research Methodology
MCAILE5053 Management Information System
MCAILE5054 Green Computing

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application (CBCGS)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2017 -2018)
Semester VI
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Presentation Project Total
MCAPR 601 Interns hip –
Project 30 15 15
MCA 602 Seminar –
Research Paper 05 01 01
Total 35 16 16

Code Subject Nam Examination Scheme
Theory Course
Total Internal Assessment End Sem.
Exam. Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Total
PR601 Internship –
Project 25 25 50 100 150
602 Seminar –
Research Paper -- -- -- 50 50
Total 25 25 50 150 200

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA301 Database Management Systems 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
MCA301 Database Management
Systems 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme

Systems Theory Marks TW Pract . Oral Total
Internal Assessm ent End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Basic Knowledge of data structures

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO 301.1 Emphasize on basic concepts to organize, maintain and retrieve information from a
CEO301.2 Cover the principles of database systems and recognize how they are used in
developing data -intensive applications.
CEO301.3 To study an effective and efficient database system with the help of the rising
trends of parallel and distributed databases.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

MCA 301.1 Understand various database concepts and apply them in real life applic ations.
MCA 301.2 Determine the manner in which data can be stored, organized and manipulated in a
database system.
MCA 301.3 Apply various indexing and optimization techniques to process queries.
MCA 301.4 Analyze and design database applications using s uitable database techniques.

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Overview of
DBMS Overview of Database management System, File systems versus
DBMS, Advantages of DBMS, View of data: Data Abstraction,
Instances and Schemas, Data Models, Database Languages ,
Structure of DBMS, Role of DBA 06
2 Database
Design using
ER Model and
Model Overview of design process : Entity Relationship Model,
Constraints, Entity relationship Diagram, Entity Relationship
Design Issues, Weak Entity Sets, Extended ER features
The Relational Model: Concepts of Relational Models, Integrity
Constraints over Relations, Enforcing Integrity Constraints,
Querying Relational data, Logical Database Design: ER to
Relational with Case Studies 06
3 Norm alization Informal Design Guidelines for Relational S chema, Functional
Normal forms: First, Second, Third Normal Form and
BCNF.Introduction to De -normalization . Inference Rules for
Functional Dependencies, Equivalence of Sets of Functional
Dependencies, Minimal Set of Functional Dependencies, Properties
of Relational Decomposition -Dependen cy Preservation, Lossless
Join. 08
4 Indexing Overview of indexing : Clustered Indexes, Primary and Secondary
Indexes, Index Data Structures
Tree structured indexing : Intuition for Tree Indexes, Indexed
Sequential Access Methods, B+ Trees, Search, Insert, Delete,
Hash Based Indexing : Static Hashing, Extensible Hashing, Linear
Hashin g, Extensible Vs Linear Hashing 10

Transac tion
Management Overview of Query Processing and Query Optimization, Query
Evaluation Plans.Transaction Concepts, Transaction State,
Implementation of Atomicity and Durability, Concurrent
Executions, Serializability, Recoverability.
Concurrency Control : Lo ck-Based Protocol, Timestamp -Based,
Multi -version Schemes, Deadlock Handling
Recovery: F ailure Cla ssification, Log Based Recovery 10
6 Parallel and
Databases Parallel Databases: Architecture for Parallel Databases, Parallel
Query Evaluation
Distributed Databases: Types of Distributed Databases,
Distributed DBMS Architecture, Storing Data in a Distributed
DBMS, Distributed Transaction, Distributed Concurrency Control,
Distributed Recovery 08
7 Object
systems Structured Data Types, Ope rations on Structured Data, Inheritance,
Objects, Oids and Reference Types, Object oriented versus Object
relational 04

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Reference s:
 Korth, Silberchatz, Sudarshan, ―Databs e system Concepts‖, McGraw Hill ,2006
 Ragh u Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke ,‖Databa se Management Systems‖, Third
Edition, McGraw Hill2003.
 Elmasari and Navathe, Benjamin Cummins ,‖Fundamental of Database System‖, Pearson
 C. J. Date ,‖An Introduction to Database Systems‖, 8/e,Pearson Education,2002
 Rob Coronel ,‖Database S ystems Design, Implementation and Management‖, Cengage
 AtulKahate, ―Database Management System‖ Pearson Education. 2006


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture h ours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA302 Java Programming 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut. Total
MCA302 Java Programming 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

ng Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2(T
2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Basic understanding of any Object Oriented Programming Language.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course, the students will be able to

CEO302. 1 Understand fundamentals of object -oriented programming in Java.
CEO302. 2 Study various Java programming constructs.
CEO302. 3 Learn application development using Java Components.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to

MCA302.1 Solve computational problems using basic constructs.
MCA302.2 Find a solu tion for real world problems using Java
MCA302.3 Develop Web Applications using Server Side Programming.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1. Fundamentals
of Java
Programming Features of Object -oriented Programming, History of Java,
Features of Java, JVM Architecture, Differences between C++
and Java,Data types, variable, expressions, operators, control
structures, arrays 03
2. Object and
Classes Classes, Instance variables, Methods, Constructors, Access
Specifiers, Abstrac t Classes and Wrapper Classes, Autoboxing
and Unboxing , Inheritance, Polymorphism, Method Overriding,
Use of Static, final, super and this keyword, Garbage collection
and fina lize method, string and mutable string, Inner Classes 04
3. Packages and
Interfaces Package concept, Creating user defined package, Access control
protection, Defining interface, Implementing interface. 02
4. Generics and
Collections Generics - Gener ic Class, Creating Generic Classes , Generic
Methods, Bounded Type, Collections - Collections and Generics,
Collection Classes -Links, Vector, Linked Lists, Maps, HashMap,
WildCards , LambdaExpressions - Lambda Type Inference,
Lambda Parameters, Lambda Functio n Body, Returning a Value
From a Lambda Expression, Lambdas as Objects 05
5. Exception
Exception handling fundamentals, Exception types, Exception as
objects, Exception hierarchy, Exception Keywords - Try, catch,
finally, throw, throws, Creating User defined Exceptions,
Assertion, Annotations 04
6. Multi -
threading Java thread model, Life Cycle of Thread, Working with Thread
class and the Runnable interface, Thread priorities, ThreadGroup
class, Inter thread communication, Synchronization. 04
7. File handling Input streams and Output streams, FileInputStream and
FileOutputStream, Binary and Character streams, Buffered
Reader/ Writer, Object serialization and Deserialization. 04
8. Event handling
and GUI
programming Comparison of AWT and SWING, Applet class, Applet API
hierarchy , Life cycle of Applet, Delegation Event Model, Event
handling mechanisms, Swing components, Swing Component
Hierarchy - Basic and Advanced Components, JApplet, Layout
managers, Adapter class, Inner class. 05
9. Database
Programming JDBC architecture, Types of drivers, Java.sql package,
Establishing connectivity and working with connection interface,
Working with statement interface, Working with
PreparedStatement interface, Working with ResultSet interface,
Working with R esultSetMetaData interface. 05
10. Web
using Servlets Introduction to servlets, Servlet vs CGI, Servelet API overview,
Servlet Life cycle, Generic servlet, HTTPServlet, ServletConfig,
ServletContext, Handling HTTP Request and response –GET /
POST method, request dispatching, Using cookies, Session
tracking.. 06
11. Web
using JSP Introduction to JSP, JSP Architecture, JSP Directives, JSP
scripting elements, Default objects in JSP, JSP Actions, JSP with
beans and JSP with Database, Error handling in JSP, Session 06

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
tracking techniques in JSP, Introduction to custom tags, JSTL
tags in detail
12. Introduction to
Frameworks Introduction to Spring Framework, Spring Architecture, Spring
Aspect of Object Oriented Concepts – Join Po int and Point Cuts. 04

References :
 The complete reference JAVA2, Herbert schildt. Tata McGraw Hill
 Programming with Java A Primer, E. Balaguruswamy Tata McGraw Hill
 Core Java for beginners, Sharanam Shah and Vaishali Shah, SPD
 Java 6 Programming Black Book, Wiley –Dreamtech
 Web Enabled Commercial Application Development using java 2.0, Ivan Byaross
 Java Server Programming java EE6, Black book, Dreamtech press.
 Core Servlets and Java Server Pages :Vol I: Core Technologies 2/e , Marty Hall and
Larry Bro wn, Pearson
 Java 6 Programming, Black Book, Dreamtech Press.
 Java Enterprise in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition A Practical Guide, Jim Farley, William
Crawford , O'Reilly
 Java EE 6 Server Programming For Professionals , Sharanam Shah and Vaishali Shah,
 Spring i n Action, Craig Walls , 3rd Edition, Manning

Web References:


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for ex ample supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA303 Information Security 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
MCA303 Information Security 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Schem e
303 Information
Security Theory Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2(T
2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Computer Networks , Databases

Course Educati onal Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO 303.1 Understand information assurance as practiced in computer operating systems,
distributed systems, networks and representative applications.
CEO 303.2 Study cryptograph y and key encryption techniques used today.
CEO 303.3 Comprehend relevant security parameters in the internet, web, database systems and

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

MCA303.1 Understand the requirement of information security and a clear understanding of
its importance
MCA303.2 Be familiar with information security threats and countermeasures, and familiar
with information security designs using available secure solutions
MCA303.3 Use the database security mechanisms, intrusion detection systems, formal
models of security, cryptography, network ,web security

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction Principles of Security, Atta cks, Services and Mech anisms,
Integrity check, digital Signature, authentication. 03
2 Cryptography Private Key Cryptography: Block Encryption, DES Algorithm,
Problems with DES, Variations of DES, IDEA Algorithm, Uses
of Secret key Cryptography; ECB, CBC, OFB, CFB
Public Key Encryption : RSA
Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography together 08
3 Authentication Types of Authentication - Password -based authentication,
address -based authentication, cryptographic authentication,
smart cards, biometrics, mutual authenticatio ns, reflection
attacks, Message Digest : MD5 ,SHA,MAC ,HMAC, Digital
Certificate process, KDC -working, multi domain KDC,
Kerberos 10
4 Internet
Security Transport Layer Security: SSL, SET Email Security : PGP,
S/MIME, Comparison, IP security : IPSec, We b Services
Security : XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI, SSl, WS -Security,
SAML, Ws -Trust, WS -Security Policy 08
5 Intrusion
andDetection : Introduction, Intrusion Detection Systems , Prevention versus
Detection, Types of Intrusion Detection systems, DOS attacks,
Flooding Attacks, DdoS Attack Prevention/Detection, Defenses
Against Denial -of-Service Attacks, Malware Detection 06
6 Database
Security The Need for Database Security, Database Access Control,
Inference, Statistical Databases , Database Encr yption, 05
7 Firewalls Characteristics, Packet filters, Application Level Gateways,
Circuit Level Gateways, Firewall Architectures, Trusted System, 06
8 IEEE 802.11
Wireless LAN
Security Background, Authentication: Pre - WEP Authentication,
Authenticat ion in WEP, Authentication and key agreement in
802.11i, Confidentiality and Integrity: Data protection in WEP,
Data protection in TKIP and CCMP 06

References :
 AtulKahate, ―Cryptography and Network Security‖, McGraw Hill
 Network Security sand Cryptograp hy: Bernard Menezes, CENGAGE Learning
 Cryptography and Information Security, V. K. Pachghare PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
 M. Stamp, ―Information Security: Principles and Practice,‖ 2nd Edition , Wiley, ISBN:
0470626399, 2011.
 W. Stallings, ―Computer Security: Pri nciples and Practice,‖ 2nd Edition , Prentice Hall, ISBN:
0132775069, 2011.
 Kaufman C., Perlman R., and Speciner, ―Network Security‖, Private Communication in a
public world, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall PTR.,2002
 Computer Security, 3rd Edition, Dieter Gollmann , December 2010, Wiley Publications

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Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question pa per will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA304 Operation Research 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
MCA304 Operation Research 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Research Theory Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Basic knowledge of Mathematics and Statistics.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO 304.1 Study formulation, analysis and solving science, engineering and business problems.
CEO304. 2 Study mathematics and mathematical model ling using computers to forecast the
implications of various choice s.
CEO304. 3 Study the selection of the best alternatives from the available choices.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

MCA304.1 Apply Operations research methodology to a broad range of problems in business
and industry.
MCA304.2 Use mathematics and mathematical modelling using computers to forecast the
implications of various choices.
MCA304.3 Solve optimization problems.
MCA304.4 Think of new methods for solving optimization problems.

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No Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Nature of Operation
Research History ,Nature of Operation Research ,Impact of
Operat ion Research, Application Areas 01

2 Overview of Modeling
Approach Formulating the problem, Constructing a mathematical
model, Deriving a solution, Testing a model and the
solution, Establishing control over the solution,
Implementation issues 02

3 Linear Programming Introduction ,Graphical solution , Graphical sensitivity
analysis, The standard form of linear programming
problems , Basic feasible solutions, Simplex algorithm,
Artificial variables, Big M and two phase method,
Solution to Problems based on Degeneracy, Alternative
optima, Unbounded solution, Infeasible solutions. 12

4 Dual Problem Relation between primal a nd dual problems, Dual
simple x method, Sensitivity analysis. 05
5 Transportation
Problem Starting solutions. North -west corner Rule – least cost
methods – Vogel‘s approximation method, MODI
Method, Minimi zation and Maximization problem 05
6 Assignment P roblem
&Travelling Salesman
Problem Assignment Problem: Hungarian method (Minimization
and Maximization)
Traveling Salesman Problem: Branch & Bo und
technique, Hungarian method 05
7 Sequencing Problem Two machines n jobs , three machines n jobs, n
machin es m jobs 03
8 PERT and CPM Arrow network ,Time estimates, earliest expected time,
latest allowable occurrence time, latest allowable
occurrence time and slack time , Critical path , Probability
of meeting scheduled date of completion of project ,
Calculati on of CPM network ,Various floats for
activities , Project crashing. 06
9 Replacement Theory Replacement of items that deteriorate, Replacement of
items that fail group replacem ent and individual
replacement. 04
10 Integer Programming Branch and Bound Alg orithm, Cutting plane Algorithm 06
11 Game Theory Two person Zero sum games, Solving simple games. 03

Reference s:
 Operation Research -An Introduction: Taha H. A., McMillan Publishing Company, NY
 Introduction to Operation Research: Hillier F., and Lieberm an G.J, Holden Day
 Operations Research : P. K. Gupta & Hira, S. Chand
 Operations Research Applications and Algorithms: Waynel L. Winston Thomson
 Mathematical Programming Techniques: Kambo, N.S., McGraw Hill
 Operations Research - Principles and Practice: Ravindran, Wiley Production
 Operations Research: L E Prasad, Cengage Learning

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 Optimization Methods: K.V. Mital& Mohan New Age
 Operations Research: KantiSwaroop, Gupta P.K. Man Mohan, Sultan Chand and Sons
 Operation Research: S.D. Sharma
 Principles of Ope ration Research ( with applications to managerial decisions) – H.M
Wagher,PHI, New Delhi


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guideli nes for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (fo r example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA305 Software Testing and Quality Assurance 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
MCA305 Software Testing and
Quality Assurance 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Assurance Theory Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Students should have knowledge of Software Engineering theory.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course, the students will be able to :

CEO 305.1 Study importance of Software Testing in Software Development
CEO 305.2 Explore appropriate Software Testing Techniques for finding bugs in Software.
CEO 305.3 Study various Software Testing Tools and Quality Assurance Methods.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to :

MCA305.1 Solve the problems using Software Testing techniques and Approaches.
MCA305.2 Apply various Software testing Techniques to find bugs in software.
MCA305.3 Use open source software Testing Tools.
MCA305.4 Apply various Software Quality Assurance Techniques to ensure the quality in

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Basics of
Testing Humans, Errors & T esting, Correctness Vs Reliability, Testing &
Debugging, Principles of Testing, Test Metrics 04
2 Testing in the
Softw are Life
Cycle & Test
Levels The General V -Model, W -Model, Component Test, Integration
Test, System Test, Acceptance Test, Generic types of Testing -
Functional, Non Functional, Testing software structure,
Regression Testing 08
3 Static Testing Structur ed Group Examinations - Reviews, Static Analysis -
Control Flow Analysis & Data Flow Analysis, Tools for Static
Testing 04
4 Dynamic
Analysis Black Box Testing - Equivalence Class Partitioning, Boundary
Value Analysis, State Transition Test, Cause Effect Graphing and
Decision Table Technique, User Documentation Testing, Domain
Testing , White Box -Statement Coverage, Branch Coverage, Test
of Conditions, Path Coverage 08
5 Test
Management Test Planning, Test Management, Test Process, Test Reporting,
Incide nt Management – Test Log, Incident Reporting,
Classification, Status 08
6 Test
Automation Design and Architecture for Automation, Test Automation -
Design and Architecture for Automation, Generic Requirements
for test Tool/Framework, Criteria for selecting test tools, Testing
of Object Oriented Systems 08
7 Software
Quality Five Views of software quality, ISO 9126 Quality Characteristics,
ISO 9000:2000 & Latest Software Quality Standards, SQA
Planning: SQA plan, Organizational Level Initiatives . 05
8 Software
& Metrics Measurement during Software Life Cycle Context, Defect
Metrics, Metrics for software Maintenance & Requirements,
Measurement Principles, Case study for Identifying Appropriate
Measures & Metrics for Projects 07

Refere nces:
 Software Testing Foundations, Andreas Spillner, Tilo Linz, Hans Schaefer, Shoff
Publishers and Distributors
 ―Foundations of Software Testing ‖, by Aditya P. Mathur – Pearson Education custom
edition 2000 .
 ―The ART of S oftware Testing ‖, by G lenford J. Myers, Wiley India, Second Edition
 ―Software Testing: Principles and Practices ‖, by Srinivasan D and Gopalswamy R,
PearsonEd, 2006.
 ―Software Testing & Quality Assurance Theory & Practice‖ By
KshirasagarNaik&PriyadarshiTripathi, Wiley Student Edition.
 ―Software Quality A ssurance Principles & Practice‖, b y Nina S. Godbole, Narosa.

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 Stephan H.Kan, ―Metric and Model in Software Quality Engineering‖, Addison Wesley,
 Roger S. Pressman, ―Software Engineering – A Practitioner‘s Approach‖, Fifth Edition
,McGra w Hill, 2001
 ―Advanced Software Testing ‖, Vol. 2, Rex Black, SPD .


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAL301 Database Management systems and Software Testing Lab 03

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
01 Database Management
systems and Software
Testing Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme

systems and
Testing Lab Theory Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
-- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100

Basic Knowledge of SQL and Software Engineering concepts

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO L301.1 Make the students understand basic and relatively advance d issues in modern
database management, inf ormation storage and retrieval.
CEOL301.2 Study various database techniques in developing data -intensive applications.
CEOL301.3 Explore the need of software testing in current industry scenario, understanding
and knowledge of foundations, techniques and tools in area of software.
CEOL301.4 Understand the essential characteristics requirements and usage of Automation

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

MCAL301. 1 Design database systems using available tools.
MCAL301.2 Develop applications using basic and modern database techniques as per
organization requirements.
MCAL 301.3 Demonstrate software testing tools
MCAL 301.4 Create test design documents and test rep orts

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 DDL and DML Data Definition Language: Create, Alter, Drop, Rename,
Data Manipulation Language: Insert, Update, Delete, Select 06
Constraints Not Null, Unique Key, Primary Key, Forei gn Key, Check,
adding and Dropping a Constraint 02
2 Data Control
Language and
Control Grant, Revoke, Roles

Commit, Rollback 02
Statements Column Alias, Concatenation Operator, Arithmetic Operators,
ComparisonConditions, Logica l Conditions, ORDER BY Clause 04
4 Functions
Subquery Single Row Functions, Character Functions, Number Functions,
Date Functions, Conversion Functions, Aggregate functions
Subquery: Types of Subquery, Group by and Having Clause 06
5 Joins and
other concepts Equijoins, Non -Equijoins, Self Joins, Left Outer
Joins, Right Outer Joins, Full Outer Joins, Natural Joins
Other Concepts: View, Index 06
Practical Programming: Variables, Identifiers, Comment, PL/SQL Block
IF Statements: Simp le IF Statements, Compound IF Statements
IF-THEN -ELSE Statements
Loop: Basic Loop, WHILE Loop, FOR Loop 06
7 Cursor and
Trigger Cursor: Types of Cursor, Explicit Cursor Attributes
Trigger: Trigger, Statement Trigger, Row Trigger , Using
Conditional Operati ons. 06
8 Functions,
and packages Create Function, Function with Arguments, Executing Function,
Dropping Function
Procedures: Block Structure of Subprogram, Types of
Subprograms, Procedurewith Parameters, Executing Procedures,
Dropping Procedu res
Packages: Package Specification, Package Body, Creating
Package, Execution, Dropping Package 06
9 Parallel and
database Implementation of different types of Partitions : Range, Hash,
Distributed Database: Horizontal, Vertical fragmenta tion 04
10 Object
database Implementation of Abstract Data Type , Inheritance , Reference 04


Testing  Study of Reviews (Writing Test cases, Testing Framework,
Test Document)
 Construction of CFG & Deriving Test Cases
 Implementation of Test Cases using Unit Testing, Integration
& System Testing 04

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 Implementation of Test Cases using Equivalence Class
Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis.
 State Transition Test, Cause Effect Graphing and Decision
Table Technique. 04
13 Automation
Testing  Study of Automation Tools.
 Building Test Cases.
 Using Base URL to Run Test Cases in Different Domains 06

14  Selenium commands -selenese
 Matching Text Patterns
 Performance Testing Concepts :Load Testing, Stress Testing 06

15  Web Driver Implici t & Explicit Wait
 Cross Browser Testing
 API Testing 06

Note: Automation software testing practical‘s can be performed using open source tool like

Reference Books :
 Joel Murach, ―Murach‘s oracle PL /SQL‖ Joel Murach‘s publication Murachs and
 Sharnam shah, Vaishali Shah, ―Oracle for Professionals‖Publication SPD -Shroff
Publishers and Distributors 2011
 RiniChakrabarti, ShilbhadraDasgupta, KLSI, ―Advanced Data Base Management System
Publication DreamTech
 Chakravarti ,―Advance Data Base M anagement System‖, Wiley -Dreamtech
 RajshekharSundaram, ―Oracle 10g Programming: A Premier‖, Publication Pearson
Education 2009
 Peter Rob and Coronel, ―Database Principals fundamentals of Design, Implementation
and Management‖, Publication Cengage Learning 2011.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAL302 Java Programming and Unified Modeling Language Lab 03

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
02 Java Programming and
Unified Mod eling
Language Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme

and Unified
Language Lab Theory Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
-- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100

Basic understanding of programming fundamentals and software engineering.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEOL30 2.1 Understand, developing, testing and debugging Java programs.
CEOL302 .2 Study UML tools
CEOL302 .3 Explore object -oriented design using UML

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCAL302 .1 Develop a simple softwa re application using the object oriented approach.
MCAL302 .2 Design and develop a Java Web Applications.
MCAL 302.3 Apply UML tools for object oriented software modeling.

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
1 Fundamentals of Java
Programming Program on creation of classes and using different
types of function. Program using
constructor/method overloading Program on
passing Object as parameter to a function Program
using static and final variable and methods 02
2 Objec ts and Classes Program to perform different operations on Array
and String Program using Interface and
Program using Wrapper class to cover auto boxing
and un boxing 04
3 Packages and Interfaces Programs based on creating and using packag es
along with access control specification.
Programs based on defining, creating and
implementing interfaces. 04
4 Generics, Collections and
Lambda Expression Programs based on Generics, Collections and
Lambda Expression 04
5 Exception Handling Programs based on exception handling mechanism
covering all keywords.
Programs based on creating own exceptions. 04
6 Multi -threading Programs based on Multithreading approach,
thread priorities, Inter thread communication, and
Synchronization. 04
7 File Handlin g Programs based on Input streams and Output
streams, FileInputStream and FileOutputStream,
Binary and Character streams, Buffered Reader/
Writer, Object serialization and Deserialization. 04
8 Event handling and GUI
programming Programs based on designi ng GUI Interface.
Programs based on creating an applets, use of
containers, components, event handling, layout
managers, Adapter classes, Inner class etc. 04
9 Database Programming Programs based on database connectivity using
MS-Access/ Oracle/ MySQL as a backend
covering all the database operations. 04
10 Web development using
Servlets Programs based on handling request and response
–GET / POST method, Programs based on cookies 04

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and Session tracking.
11 Web development using JSP Programs demonstrati ng JSP Syntax and
Programs based on directives and error objects.
Programs based on session tracking. 04
12 Introduction to Spring
Frameworks Basic programs based on Spring framework 03
13 Introduction to UML UML Overview, The Nature and purpo se of
Models 01
14 Modeling Requirements: Use
Cases Capturing a System Requirement, Use Case
Relationships, Use Case Overview Diagrams 02
15 Modeling System Workflows:
Activity Diagrams Activity Diagram Essentials, Activities and
Actions, Decisions and Merges, Doing Multiple
Tasks at the Same Time, Time Events, Objects,
Sending and Receiving Signals, Starting an
Activity, Ending Activities and Flows, Partitions
(or Swimlanes), Managing Complex Activity
Diagrams 02
16 Modeling a System's Logical
Structur e: Introducing
Classes and Class Diagrams
Modeling a System's Logical
Structure: Advanced Class
Diagrams What is a Class?, Getting Started with Classes in
UML, Visibility, Class State: Attributes, Class
Behavior: Operations, Static Parts of Your Classes
Class Relationships, Constraints, Abstract Classes,
Interfaces, Templates 02
17 Bringing Your Classes to Life:
Object Diagrams Object Instances, Links, Binding Class Templates 01
18 Modeling Ordered
Interactions: Sequence
Diagrams Participants in a Sequenc e Diagram, Time, Events,
Signals, and Messages, Activation Bars, Nested
Messages, Message Arrows, Bringing a Use Case
to Life with a Sequence Diagram, Managing
Complex Interactions with Sequence Fragments, 02

19 Focusing on Interaction
Links: Communicati on

Focusing on Interaction
Timing: Timing Diagrams Participants, Links, and Messages, Fleshing out an
Interaction with a Communication Diagrams,
Communication Diagrams Versus Sequence
What Do Timing Diagrams Look Like?, Building
a Timing Diagram from a Sequence Diagram,
Applying Participants to a Timing Diagram,
States, Time, A Participant's State -Line, Events
and Messages, Timing Constraints 02

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20 Completing the Interaction
Picture: Interaction Overview
Diagrams The Parts of an I nteraction Overview Diagram,
Modeling a Use Case Using an Interaction
Overview 01
21 Managing and Reusing Your
System's Parts: Component
Diagrams What is a Component?, A Basic Component in
UML, Provided and Required Interfaces of a
Component, Showing C omponents Working
Together, Classes That Realize a Component,
Ports and Internal Structure, Black -Box and
White -Box Component Views 02
22 Modeling an Object's State:
State Machine Diagrams Essentials, States, Transitions, States in Software,
Advanced Stat e Behavior, Composite States,
Advanced Pseudostates, Signals, Protocol State
Machines 02
23 Modeling Your Deployed
System: Deployment
Diagrams Deploying a Simple System, Deployed Software:
Artifacts, What Is a Node?, Hardware and
Execution Environment Nod es, Communication
Between Nodes, Deployment Specifications,
When to Use a Deployment Diagram 02
24 UML tools and techniques for
web-based/object oriented
Applications UML Tools, Different UML Notations for Web
application 02
25 Creation of documentation
such as SRS, SDS from UML
diagrams. Generation of code
from UML model. Basic Concept, Generating by Templates, Using
Batches, Installing and Uninstalling Templates
26 Mini Project A Mini – Project based on Java Programming and
UML using an integrated approach. (Maximum
Two students in a Group). 10

Reference Books :
 The complete reference JAVA2, Herbert schildt. Tata McGraw Hill
 Programming with Java A Primer, E.Balaguruswamy Tata McGraw Hill
 Core Java for beginners, Sharanam Shah and vaishali shah, SPD
 Java 6 Programming Black Book, Wiley –Dreamtech
 Web Enabled Commercial Application Development using java 2.0, Ivan Byaross
 JDBC, Servlet, and JSP Black Book, Santosh Kumar, Dreamtech
 Java Server Programming java EE6, Black book, Dreamtech press.
 Core Servlets and Java Server Pages :Vol I: Core Technologies 2/e , Marty Hall and
Larry Brown, Pearson
 Java 6 Programming, Black Book, Dreamtech Press.
 Spring in Action, Craig Walls , 3rd Edition, Manning
 The Unified Modelling Language Reference manual, Se cond Edition, James Rambaugh,
Iver Jacobson, Grady Booch, Addition - Wesley

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
 Learning UML 2.0, Kim Hamilton, Russell Miles, O'Reilly
 The Unified Modeling Language User Guide Second edition, Grady Booch, James
Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson , Addison Wesley (2005)
 Object -Oriented Modeling and Design with UML, Michael Blaha, James Rumbaugh, PHI
 Designing Flexible Object -Oriented Systems with UML, Charles Richter , Sams

Web References:
2. -guide(en)/ch08.html

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAPR301 Mini Project 02

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract Tut Theory Pract Tut Total
01 Mini Project ** -- -- -- -- -- -- 02

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Project Theo ry Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
-- -- -- -- 25 - 25 50


Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO PR301. 1 Conceptualize knowledge with emphasis on team work, effective
communication, critical thinking and problem solving skills.
CEO PR301. 2 Adapt to a rapidly changing environment by having learned and applied new
skills and new technolo gies.
CEO PR301. 3 Study designing small projects in a multidisciplinary environment.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to

MCAPR301.1 Design, implement and evaluate a mini -project.
MCAPR301.2 Gain project manag ement skills.
MCAPR301.3 Work effectively in small groups on m edium scale computing projects.
MCAPR301.4 Demonstrate the ability to produce a technical document

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Sample Guidelines for Preparing and Documenting the Project Report

No. Module Detail ed Contents
1 Introduction  Introduction of the project(SRS)
 Problem definition
 Objective of Project
 scope of Project
2 System Study
 Existing System
 Disadvantages of Existing system
 Proposed System
 Use Cases
3 Analysis &
Design  Software/hardware Requir ement Specification
o Software requirement
o Hardware requirement
 GANTT Chart
 Flowchart/ DFD/ER/UML diagram(any other project
 Module design and organization
4 Testing &
Validation  Test cases and Report (based on manual & automation
5 User Manual  Explanation of Key functions
 Method of Implementation
o Forms
o Outpu t Screens
6 Conclusion  Project Conclusion & Future enhancement

 Rubrics should be followed for evaluation.

 References for report documentation
1. Author Name, Title of Paper/ Book, Publisher‘s Name, Year of publication
2. Full URL Address

** Mini Project will be performed by students during summer vacation of Even Semester of first year
(SEM II) Mini project will be evaluated in SEM III. Evaluation of the mini project will be intern al 25
marks as TW and 25 marks as oral examination conducted by External Examiner (Institute Level)

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Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application (CBCGS)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2017 -2018)
Semester IV
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA401 Data Mining and Business
Intelligence 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA 402 Advanced Web Technology 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA403 Computer Graphics 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA404 Elective 1 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA405 Elective 2 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCAL401 Advanced Web Technology
and Data Mining and
Business Intelligence -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
MCAL402 Compute r Graphics and
Image Processing -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
Activity Lab Soft Skill Development -- 02 -- -- 02 -- 02
Total 20 14 -- 20 08 -- 28

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme
Theory Course Term
Work Pract Oral
Total Internal Ass essment End Sem.
Exam. Test1 Test 2 Avg.
MCA 401 Data Mining and Business
Intelligence 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA402 Advanced Web Technology 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA403 Computer Graphics 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA404 Elective 1 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA405 Elective 2 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCAL401 Advanced Web Technology
and Data Mining and
Business Intelligence -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
MCAL402 Computer Graphics and
Image Processing -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
Activi ty Lab Soft Skill Development -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50
Total 100 100 100 400 100 100 50 750

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application (CBCGS)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2017 -2018)
Elective for Sem ester IV

SEM IV – Elective I

Cour se Code Course Name
MCA 4041 Entrepreneurship Management
MCA4042 Business Infrastructure and Management
MCA4044 Ethics and CSR

SEM IV – Elective II

Course Code Course Name
MCA4051 Digital Forensics
MCA4052 Simulation and Modelling
MCA 4053 Next Generation Networks
MCA4054 AI and Soft Computing

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA 401 Data Mining and Business Intelligence 04

Code Subject Name
Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
401 Data Mining and
Business Intelligence 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Intelligence Theory Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessm ent End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Basic knowledge of data base concepts

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO401.1 Acquire the knowledge of various concepts and tools behind data warehousing
and mining data for business intelligence
CEO 401.2 Study data mining algorithms, methods and tools
CEO 401.3 Identify business applications of data mining

Course Out comes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA401.1 Use conceptualization of BI techniques
MCA401.2 Apply data warehouse concepts for data analysis and report generation
MCA401.3 Develop industry level data mining skills using software tools
MCA401.4 Make use of relevant theories, concepts and techniques to solve real -world BI

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Business
Intelligence - Introduction and overview of BI -Effective and timely decisions, Data
Information and knowledge, BI Architecture, Ethics and BI.
BI Applications - Balanced score card, Fraud detection,
Telecommunication Industry, Banking and finance, Market
segmentation. 06
2 Prediction
methods and
models for BI Data preparat ion, Prediction methods -Mathematical method,
Distance methods, Logic method, heuristic method -local
optimization technique, stochastic hill climber, evaluation of models 06
3 BI using Data
Warehousing Introduction to DW, DW architecture, ETL Process, Top -down and
bottom -up approaches, characteristics and benefits of data mart,
Difference between OLAP and OLTP. Dimensional analysis - Define
cubes. Drill - down and roll - up – slice and dice or rotation, OLAP
models - ROLAP and MOLAP. Define Schemas - Star, snow flake and
fact constellations. 08
4 Data Mining
Preprocessing Data mining - definition and functionalities, KDD Process, Data
Cleaning: - Missing values, Noisy data, data integration and
Data Reduction: - Data cube aggregation, dimensi onality reduction -
data compression, Numerosity reduction - discretization and concept
hierarchy. 06
5 Associations
Correlation Association rule mining: -support and confidence and frequent item
sets, market basket analysis, Apriori algorithm, Increment al ARM,
Associative classification - Rule Mining. 06
6 Classification
Prediction Introduction, Classification methods: -Decision Tree - ID3, CART,
Bayesian classification - Baye‘stheorem( Naïve Bayesian
classification),Linear and nonlinear regression. 08
7 Clustering Introduction, categorization of Major, Clustering Methods: -
partitioning methods - K-Means. Hierarchical - Agglomerative and
divisive methods, Model - based - Expectation and Maximization. 08

8 Web mining
and Text
mining Text data analysis and Information retrieval, text retrieval methods,
dimensionality reduction for text.
Web Mining: - web content, web structure, web usage. 04

References :
 Business Intelligence data mining and optimization for decision making - by Carlo Vercellis
,wiley public ation.
 Adaptive business Intelligence by ZbigniewMichlewicz, martin Schmidt,
matthewmichalewicz, constantinChiriac
 Data Mining concepts and techniques second edition by Jiawei Han and MichelineKamber.
 Data Mining:‖ Introductory and Advanced topics‖ , Pears on Education, by M.Dunham
 Data warehousing Fundamentals by PaulrajPonnian, John Willey
 Data mining for Business intelligence: concepts, techniques and applications in Microsoft
Excel by G. Shumeli, N R Patel, P.C Bruce, Wiley

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Asse ssment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One sho uld be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In que stion paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA402 Advanced Web Technologies 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assign ed
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
02 Advanced Web
Technologies 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme

Technologies Theory Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

 Basic Understanding of Object Oriented Programming
 Basic Understanding of Web Technologies

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO 402.1 Study the architecture of Dot Net framework
CEO 402.2 Understand the basic principles of C# development
CEO 402.3 Learn advanced windows and web development techniques using dotNET

Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

MCA402.1 Create UI applications using C#
MCA402.2 Design and develop secure web applications using according to industry
MCA402.3 Define and create custom web services

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction to
Dot Net and
C# Introduction to Dot Net Framework
Architecture of Dot NET Framework, CLR -Working and
Features,CTS,CLS,Assemblies -Types,Structure and
C# Basics
Data Types (Value Types and Reference Types),Control
Structures ,Operators and Expressions, Arrays 08
2 OOP C# Classes and Objects
Instance Variables, Methods, Constructors, Properties,
Access Specifie rs,Static members and methods
Levels of Inheritance, Constructor and
classes,Delegates,Indexers,Sealed Classes,Exception handling
Collections and Generics
Bounded and Unbounded Collections,Generic Programming -
Generic classes, Functions, Con straints on Generic
Prog ramming 10
3 Databases and
C# File Handling
Text Files, Binary Files, String Processing, Se rialization and
Connected and Disconnected,Architecture of
ADO.Net,Commands,Datasets,Data Readers, Data
Adapters ,Working with Stored Procedu res
LINQ and the ADO.NET EntityFramework
LINQ Introduction, Mapping Your Data Model to an Object
Model, Introducing Query Syntax 08
4 Asp.Net Web
Applications Life cycle of Asp.Net web pages, Role of client side
scripting, postback posting and cross page posting,
compilation model, HTML Controls,Server
controls ,Calendar,AdRotator, FileUpload ,ValidationControls 08
5 Data and State
in ASP.NET ASP.NET Websites with Themes and MasterPages , Data
Source Controls, Data Bound Controls , ASP.NET State
Management -Client Side and Server Side . ASP.NET and
6 Web Services XML,Web Services Architecture, UDDI,SOAP and its
Format,WSDL,Create and Consuming XML Web Service -
Simple and Databases , WCF - Architecture,End Points , Types
of Contracts , Web Applications and Security 08

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

References :
 Beginning Visual C# 2012 Programming, Karli Watson, Jacob Vibe Hammer, Jon D.
Reid, Morgan Skinner, Daniel Kemper, Christian Nagel,ISBN: 978 -1-118-31441 -8,Wrox
 Professional C# 2008,Christian Nagel, Bill Evjen, Jay Glynn, Karli Watson, Morgan
Skinner,ISBN: 978 -1-118-64321 -1 ,Wrox Publication
 Beginning ASP.NET 4.5: in C# and VB,ImarSpaanjaars, ISBN: 978 -1-118-31180 -
6,Wrox Publication
 Professional ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB,Jason N. Gaylord, Christian Wenz, Pranav
Rastogi, Todd Miranda, Scott Hanselman, Scott Hunter (Foreword by), ISBN: 978 -1-
118-31182 -0,Wrox Publication
 Murach‘s ASP.NET 4 Web Programming with C# 2010, Anne Boehm,JoelMurrach,SPD,
Murrach Books
 Murach‘s C# 2015, Anne Boehm and Joel Murach,ISBN 978 -1-890774 -94-3,Murrach
 Murach‟s ADO. Net 4 Database Programming with C# 2010 4th Edition
 Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework – Andrew Trolsen, APress
 Advance .NET Technology second edition by ChiragPatel - DreamTech Press

Web References:
 MSDN: Learn to Develop with Microsoft Developer Network:


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from m odule 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

Page 47

University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA 403 Computer Gra phics 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut Total
MCA 403 Computer Graphics 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Graphics Theory Mar ks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Basic Mathematics

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO 403.1 Understand the concepts of output primitives of Computer Graphics.
CEO 403.2 Learn 2 D and 3 D graphics Techniques.
CEO403. 3 Study various Image Processing techniques

Course Outcomes (CO) :At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA403.1 Demonstrate the algorithms to implement output primitives of Computer Graphics.
MCA403.2 Apply 2 D transformation techniques.
MCA403.3 Analyze 3 D transformation techniques.
MCA403.4 Apply image processing techniques .

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction to
Graphics Introduction to Computer Graphics ,Elements of Computer
Graphics ,Graphics display systems. 02
2 Output
primitives &
its Algorithms Points and Lines, Line Drawing algorithms :DDA line drawing
algorithm, Bresenham‘s drawing algorithm ,Circle and Ellipse
generating algorithms : Mid -point Circle algorithm ,Mid -point
Ellipse algorithm ,Parametric Cubic Curves :Bezier curves .Fill
area algorithms: Scan lin e polygon fill algorithm ,Inside -Outside
Tests, Boundary fill algorithms, Flood fill algorithms 15
3 2D Geometric
ns & Clipping Basic transformations, Matrix representati on and Homogeneous
Coordinates, Composite transformation ,shear & reflec tion.
Transformation between coordinated systems.
Window to Vie wport coordinate transformation ,Clipping
operations – Point clipping Line clipping : Cohen – Sutherland
line clipping, Midpoint subdivision, Polygon Clipping :Sutherland
– Hodgeman polygon clippi ng ,Weiler – Atherton polygon
clipping 12
4 Basic 3D
Concepts &
Fractals 3D object representation methods: B-REP, sweep
representations, CSG, Basic transformations,Reflection,shear.
Projections – Parallel and PerspectiveHalftone and Dithering
technique. Fractals and self -similarity: Koch Curves/snowflake,
Sirpenski Triangle 06
5 Introduction to
Processing Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Processing ,Components of
an Image Processing System ,Basic Concepts in Sampling and
Quantization, Representi ng Digital Images, Spatial and Gray -
Level Resolution 05
6 Image
Techniques Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain: Some Basic Intensity
Transformation Functions: Image Negatives, Log
Transformations, and Power Law Transformations. Piecewise -
Linear Transformation Functions: Contrast stretching, Gray -level
slicing, Bit plane slicing. Introduction to Histogram, Image
Histogram and Histogram Equalization, Image Subtraction, and
Image Averaging 12

 Donal d Hearn and M Pauline Baker, Com puter Graphics C Version -- Computer
Graphics, C Version, 2/E, Pearson Education.
 David F. Rogers, James Alan Adams, Mathematical elements for computer graphics ,
McGraw -Hill, 1990
 Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing (3rd Edi tion),
Pearson Education.
 S. Sridhar -Digital image Processing, Second Edition, Oxford University Press
 Anil K. Jain -Fundamentals of digital image processing. Prentice Hall, 1989

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Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal ma rks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be p roportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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Elective Subjects

Elective -I

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA4041 Entrepreneurship Management 04

Code Subject Name Teac hing Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
MCA4041 Entrepreneurship
Management 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme

Management Theory Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

 Basic knowledge of Project Management & IT in Management.
 Knowledge of Financial Accounting & Management.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course, the students will be able to

CEO4041.1 Be familiar with Entrepreneurship basics, Skills and Qualities of Entrepreneurs.
CEO4041.2 Understand how to design effective and efficient Business Plan for intended users.
CEO4041.3 Understand and Learn various approaches for Woman Entrepreneurship, Business
Management and Development.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to

MCA4041.1 Understand the concepts and f undamentals of Entrepreneurship.
MCA4041.2 Analyse the process of Business Idea generation and converting the idea into a
Business Model.
MCA4041.3 Identify the Role of Small Scale Industries (SSI) & Institutions Supporting Small
Scale Enterprise.
MCA40 41.4 Understand the exit strategies and Social Responsibilities.

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Foundation
ship Concept, Meaning and Definition of Entrepreneur and
Entrepreneurship, Importance and Significan ce of Growth of
Entrepreneurial Activity, Concept of Entrepreneur , Traits,
Characteristics, Skills and Qualities of Entrepreneurs, Classification
and Types of Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneur vs Professional Manager. 08
2 Creating
Starting the
Venture Business Idea: New Business Idea, Pre -selection Process, Sources
of Business Idea, Preliminary Research, Business Idea Evaluation,
Other Analysis.
Business Plan: Use of Business Plan, Creating a Business Plan,
Types of Business Plan, Description of Business , Management
Team, Marketing Plan, Finance, Risk and Contingencies. 10
3 Small
Enterprise Role of Small Scale Industries (SSI), Concept and Definition of
Small Scale Industries, Government policy and Development of SSI
in India, Growth and Perf ormance of SSI in India, Problems for SSI.
Institutions Supporting Small Scale Enterprise :Central Level,
State Level and Other Agencies, Industry Association.
Setting up a Small Business Enterprise: Identifying the Business
Opportunity , Business Opportunit y in Other Sectors, Formulating of
setting SSI. 14
4 Women
ship Women Entrepreneurship Defined, Environment, Challenges in the
path of Women Entrepreneurship, Strategies for the Development of
Women Entrepreneurship, Empowerment of Woman by
Entrepreneurship, Grassroots Entrepreneurship through Self Help
Groups (SHGs), Institutions supporting Women Entrepreneurship in
India, Women Entrepreneurship in India, Case Studies of Successful
Women Entrepreneurs. 08
5 Growing and
Managing the
Venture Growth Strategies, Economic Implication of growth, Implications of
Growth for the firm, Overcoming Pressures on existing Financial &
Human Resources, Overcoming Pressures on Management of
Employees & Entrepreneurs‘ Time, Implication of Firm Growth to
the Entrepreneur. 06
6 Exit
Strategies and
Responsibility Reasons for Existing, Long -Term Preparation, Short -Term
Preparation, Introduction of Social Responsibility, Corporate Social
Responsibility(CSR), Dimensions of CSR. 06

 Vasant Desai, The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management, 2015,
Himalaya Publishing House.
 Rajeev Roy, Entrepreneurship, Oxford University Press Edition Fourth.

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 Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shepherd, Ent repreneurship, Sixth Edition,
The Mc Graw Hill Company.
 PoornimaCharantimath, Entrepreneurship Development - Small Business Enterprise,
 Vasant Desai, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 2009, Himalaya
Publishing House.
 Dr TN Chhabra, En trepreneurship Development, Sun India Publications, New Delhi
 Dr CN Prasad, Small and Medium Enterprises in Global Perspective, New century
Publications, New Delhi
 Entrepreneurial Development: S.S. Kanka, S. Chand & Company.

Web References:
 n


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the questio n paper.
 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA 4042 Business Infrastructure and Management 04

t Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
4042 Business Infrastructure
and Management 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examin ation Scheme

Management Theory Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100


Knowledge of Internet, Web and Network Systems

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO 4042. 1 Study fundamentals of conducting business over the Internet
CEO 4042. 2 Familiarize with the Infrastructure, Ethics o f electronic -business
CEO 4042. 3 Explore different kinds of business values and managing the change in digital

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to

MCA4042.1 Adopt to transform traditional business into an e-business.
MCA4042.2 Identify the Infrastructure and Security issues related to e -business
MCA4042.3 Understand the current scenarios of digital world and applications of it

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 The world of
E – Business
What Is E -Business?, Characteristics Of E -Business, Categories
Of E -Business (B2B, C2B, B2C, C2C), Elements Of E -Business,
E-Business Roles And Challenges, E -Business Requirements,
Impact Of E -Business, Inhibitors Of E -Business. 04
2 E-business
Strategies What Is E -Business Strategies, Strategic Positioning, Levels Of
E-Business Strategies, The Changing Competitive Agenda:
Business And Technology Drivers, The Strategic Planning
Process, Strategic Alignment, The Consequences Of E –
Business : Theoretical Foundations, Success Factors For
Implementation Of E – Business Strategies. 06
3 E-Business
Models Pressure Forcing Business Changes, Business Models –
Definition, Classification Of Business Models, Networked
Business Models. 06
4 The digit al
firm –
business /
commerce Electronic Business, Electronic Commerce And The
Emerging Digital Firm: Internet Technology And The Digital
Firm, New Business Models & Value Propositions
Electronic Commerce: Categories Of Electronic Commerce,
Customer – Centered Retailing, Windows On Management:
Customer Communities Become Product Development Tools,
B2B Electronic Commerce, New – Efficiencies And
Relationships, Window On Organization: Covisint: The Vision
And The Reality, E – Commerc e Payment Systems.
Electronic Business & The Digital Firm: How Intranets
Support Electronic Business, Intranets & Group Collaboration,
Intranet Applications For E – Business, Supply Chain
Management & Collaborative Commerce.
Management Challenges And Oppo rtunities: Unproven
Business Models, Business Process Change Requirements, Legal
Issues, Trust, Security & Privacy, MIS In Action: Manager‘s
Toolkit: Digitally Enabling The Enterprise: Top Questions To
Ask, Make IT Your Business. 10
5 Digital /
Markets &
Solutions Electronic Markets Defined, Functions Of Electronic Markets,
How Do Electronic Markets Differ From Traditional Market?,
Effects Of Electronic Markets, Electronic Market Success
Factors, E – Market Technology Solutions. 06
6 E-Business

Technical e -Business Challenges, Basic Infrastructure, Web
Technologies and Application, Collaborative Technology, The
role of enterprise Information Systems in e -Business.
The new IT Infrastructure for the Di gital Firm: Enterprise
Networking and Internetworking, Standards and connectivity for
the Digital Integration, Technology and Business Standards.
Support Technology for Electronic Business: Web Server and
Electronic Commerce servers, How to Integrate the w ireless Web
into Business strategy, Customer Tracking and Personalization
Tools, Web content Management Tools, Web site Performance 12

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Monitoring Tools, Web Hosting Services, The Challenge of
Managing the IT Infrastructure and Solutions.
7 Ethical &
Social Issues
in the digital
firm Understanding ethical and social issues related to systems:
Model For Thinking About Ethical, Social And Political Issue,
Moral Dimensions Of The Information Age, Key Technology
Trends That Raise Ethical Issue.
Ethics in an in formation society: Basic
Concepts:Responsibility, Accountability And Liability, MIS In
Actions: Manager‘s Toolkit: How To Conduct An Ethical
Analysis, Candidate Ethical Principles, Professional Codes Of
Conduct, Some Real World Ethical Dilemmas.
The moral dimensions of information Systems: Information
Rights: Privacy & Freedom In The Internet Age, Window On
Organizations: Privacy For Sale, Property Rights: Intellectual
Property, Accountability, Liability And Control, System Quality:
Data Quality And System Errors, Quality Of Life: Equity, Access
And Boundaries, Window On Management: Alberta Narrows
Its Digital Divide, Management Actions: Corporate Code Of
Ethics, Make IT Your Business. 08

Reference s:
 Michael P. Papazoglou , Pieter M.A. Ribbers ―E -Business Organizational and Technical
Foundations,Wiley India Edition.
 Waman S Jawadekar, Management Information Syst ems- A Digital -Firm perspective ,4th
 H Albert Napier,Ollie rivers,Stuart Wagner, JB Napier 2ed, ― Creating a Winning E
Business‖Cengag e Learning India Edition.
 Kenneth C Laudon, Jane P.Laudon ―Managing The Digital Firm , Eighth Edition,
Pearson Education.
 Kenneth C Laudon, Carol GuercioTraver ― e-commerce Business, technology,
 Dave Chaffey‖ E -Business and E -commerce M nagement‖3ed,Pearson.

Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two
tests. Besides this, students in a group of 3 or 4 have to present a case study compulsorily related
to electronic / digital Business likee -chaupal/e -governance /e -tourism/e -Learning/e -real estate/e -
Media/ Impact of e -Business on society etc.

End Semester Theory Examination: G uidelines for setting up the question paper.
 Question paper will comprise of total six questi ons.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).
In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

Page 57

University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA4043 Enterprise Resource Planning 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
MCA4043 Enterprise Resource
Planning 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Planning Theory Marks TW Pract . Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Knowledge of Information Technology, Business System Management, Software and

Course Educ ational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course, the students will be able to

MCA4043. 1 Study technical aspects of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) with its lifecycle.
MCA4043. 2 Identify the functionality in an ERP system
MCA4043. 3 Understand tools and methodology used for designing ERP for an Enterprise

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to

MCA4043.1 Conceptualize the basic structure of ERP
MCA4043.2 Identify implementation strategy used for ERP
MCA4043. 3 Apply design principles for various business module in ERP
MCA4043.4 Apply different emerging technologies for implementation of ERP

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Reference s:
 Enterprise Resource Planning - Alexis Leon, Tata McGraw Hill.
 Enterprise Resource Planning – Diversified by Alexis Leo n, TMH.
 Enterprise Resource Planning - Ravi Shankar & S. Jaiswal ,Galgotia.
 Enterprise Resource Planning : Concepts and Practices by Vinod Kumar Garg, N. K.
 ERP a Managerial Perspective by S Sadagopan
 Guide to Planning ERP Application, Ann ettaClewwto and Dane Franklin, McGRaw -Hill,
 The SAP R/3 Handbook, Jose Antonio, McGraw – Hill
 E-Business Network Resource planning using SAP R/3 Baan and Peoplesoft : A Practical
Roadmap For Success By Dr. Ravi Kalakota
 Enterprise Resource Planning, A Managerial Perspective by Veena Bansal, PEARSON Sr.
No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction to
(ERP ) Information System and Its Components, Value Chain
Framework, Organizational Functional Units, Evolution of
ERP Systems, Role of ERP in Organization, Three -Tier
Architecture of ERP system 08
n Lifecycle Project Preparation, Initial Cos ting, Requirement
Engineering, ERP Solution Selection, Technical Planning,
Change Management and Training Plan, Implementation and
Deployment Planning, Configuration, Custom Coding, Final
Preparation, Go -live 08
3 ERP and
Technologies Business P rocessing Reengineering(BPR), Data
Warehousing, Data Mining, On -line Analytical
Processing(OLAP), Supply Chain Management (SCM),
Customer Relationship Management(CRM), Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI)

Perspective MRP - Material Requirement Planning, BOM - Bill Of
Material, MRP - Manufacturing Resource Planning, DRP -
Distributed Requirement Planning, PDM - Product Data
Management 06
5 ERP Modules Finance, Plant Maintenance, Quality Management, Materials
Management, 08
6 Benefi ts of
ERP Reduction of Lead -Time, On -time Shipment, Reduction in
Cycle Time, Improved Resource Utilization, Better Customer
Satisfaction, Improved Supplier Performance, Increased
Flexibility, Reduced Quality, Costs, Improved Information
Accuracy and Design -making Capability 06
7 Introduction to
ERP tools OpenERP
JD Edwards -Enterprise One
Microsoft Dynamics -CRM Module
SAP 08

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any four from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

Page 60

University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA4044 Ethics & C SR 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
MCA4044 Ethics & CSR 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Ethics &
CSR Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Basic knowledge of Organizational behavior & Corporate Governance

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course, the students will be able to

CEO404 4.1 Acquire knowledge of Ethics in the modern era
CEO4044.2 Understanding of Ethical decision making approaches.
CEO4044.3 Understand the scope and complexity of Corporate Social responsibi lity in the
global and Indian context.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to

MCA4044.1 Understand ethical theories and ethics in profession.
MCA4044.2 Analyze global issues in ethics
MCA4044.3 Apply Ethical Code , Audit and living in real world.
MCA4044.4 Analyze Corporate Social Responsibility and its framework.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Basic Concepts
in Ethics &
Ethical Theories

Introduction, Terminology, Personal Et hics, Pr ofessional
Ethics, Life skills, Basic Ethical Principles, Moral
Development,Theories -Piaget's Theory, Kohlberg‘s
Theory, Elliot Turiel‘s Theory, Gilligan‘s Theory,
Comparison of Moral Development Theories.
Classification of Ethical Theories, Some b asic Theories 10
2 Global Issues in

Introduction, Current Scenarios, Business Ethics,
Environmental Ethics, Computer Ethics, Media Ethics,
Bioethics, Research Ethics, Intellectual Property Rights,
Professionals & Ethics. 08
3 Ethical Codes Need for Ethical Codes, Sample codes, Codes from Other
Professions, Corporate Codes, Implementation of codes,
Limitations of codes. 08
4 Ethics Audit &
Ethical Living

Need for Ethics audit, Ethics Profiles of Organizations,
Considerations for Ethics Audit, Ethics standards and
Benchmarking, Procedure for Ethics audit, Ethics audit
Report.Ethical Living, Ethical living for Professionals. 08
5 Understanding
Corporate Social
Evolutions of
Company &
Role of various
institutions in
CSR Introduction, Understanding CSR, History of CSR in India.
Theories of corporate Governance, Importance of CSR in
Corporate Governance, The Social Impact.
Introduction, Role of Government, Role of NGO‘S & Not -
for-profit Organizations, Role of Educational Institutions,
Role of the Media. 10
6 Framework for
rating CSR &
Global CSR.

Understanding CSR ratings, available Accepted Rating
Frameworks, Structure of BITC CR Index, Rating Criteria
and basic structure of the rating process. Study of Sample
Rating F ramework for Corporate.
Multinational companies, challenges of multinationals,
country specific CSR Initiatives. 08

Reference s:
● Professional Ethics ,R.Subramanian, Oxford Higher Education.
● Corporate Social Responsibility, MadhumitaChatterji, Oxford Higher Education
● Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, A.C. Fernando, Pearson 2nd Edition
● Corporate Ethics, Governance, and Social Responsibility: Precepts and Practices
,Fernando, Pearson

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

● Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
● Question Number One should be compulsory.
● All question carry equal marks.
● Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
● Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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Elective -II

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA 4051 Digital Forensics 04

Code Subject Name
Teaching Scheme Credits Assi gned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
MCA4051 Digital Forensics 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Forensics Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Information Security

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO 4051. 1 Understand the fundamental of f orensics
CEO 4051. 2 Have in depth knowledge of relationship between IT and Forensics
CEO 4051. 3 Study different aspects of digital evidences

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA4051.1 Develop computer forensic awa reness
MCA4051.2 Utilizing the knowledge for investigations in order to solve computer crime
MCA4051.3 Perform best practices for incidence response
MCA4051.4 Apply computer forensic tools for investigation

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Reference :
 Digital Forensics with open source tools. Cory Altheide and Harlan Carvey, ISBN: 978 -
1-59749 -586-8,Elsevier Publications, April 2011
 Digital Evidence and Computer crime 3rd Edition: Forensics Science, Computers and the
Internet by Eoghan Casey, 2011
 Computer Forensic and Cyber Crime: An Introduction 3rd Edition by Marjie T. Britz,
 Network Forensics: Tracking Hackers thr ough Cyber Space, Sherri Davidoff, Jonathan
Ham Prentice Hall 2012
 Android Forensics: Investigation and Security by Andrew Hogg, Publisher – Synergy
 Practical Mobile Forensics: Satish Bommisetty,RohitTamma and Heather Mahalik, Pack
Publishing LTD 2014, ISB N-978-1-78328 -831-1

Web References:
1. Computer Forensics World
2. Computer Forensic Services -forensic. com
3. Digital Forensic Magazine
4. Journal of Digital Forensic Practice Sr.
No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction

Introduction of Cyber Crime, Computer roles in Crime,
Introduction to Digital Forensics and its uses.
Forensics Evidence, Collection, Processing and the phases of
forensics investigation, Types of Computer Forensics 06
2 Data
Encryption and Decryption, Recovery deleted files, Identifying
false images and Steganography methods for media data including
text, image and audio data 08
3 Digital
Controls Uncovering attacks that evade detection by event v iewer and task
manager. Memory image acquisition techniques and their
limitations 08
4 Network
Different attacks in network, collecting and analyzing network
based evidence in windows and Unix environment, Email forensics
for standard protocols 06
5 Mob ile
Phone and
Forensics Crime and mobile phones, evidences, forensic procedures, files
present in SIM Card, Device data, External memory dump and
evidences in memory card, Android forensic fundamental, Data
extraction techniques, screen lock
bypassing techniques 08
6 Cloud
Forensics Fundamentals of cloud forensics, Cloud crimes, Uses of cloud
forensics and its challenges, Interaction of Email system with local
and cloud storage 08
7 Real
Case and Its
Tools Processing a complet e forensic case and preparing a forensic report
and Introduction of some forensic tools - Helix, FTK, Autopsy and

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
5. -basics -of-cloud -forensics/


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End S emester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as menti on in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA 4052 Simulation & Modelling 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut Total
MCA 405
2 Simulation and
Modelling 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme

Modelling Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
(T1 & T20
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Pre-requi sites:
Overview of Probability, Statistics and Discrete Mathematics and basics of Computers.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course, the students will be able to

CEO 4052. 1 Understand the basic system concepts and definitions of t he types of system.
CEO 4052. 2 Provides techniques to model and simulate each system.
CEO 4052. 3 Ability to analyze the system and make use of information to improve its performance.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA4052.1 Apply functional modeling to model the activities of a static system.
MCA4052.2 Understand the behavior of a dynamic system and create a model for a dynamic
MCA4052.3 Simulate the real systems

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction to
Simulation What is modeling and Simulation: History, Application areas,
Advantages and Disadvantages, Role of modeling and
simulation for Problem solving, Types of simulation models
and examples: static (Mont e Carlo simulation and its
application to industries), dynamic (Bank), deterministic
(arrivals at scheduled appointment time), stochastic (random
arrivals and service time), Discrete event simulation (queuing
system), continuous (communication and traffic system). Steps
in simulation study. Uses of simulation with
examples(Experimentation, experience, ethics, human
interaction). 04
2 Description
and solutions
of simulation
examples Simulation of Queuing system (G/G/1, D/D/1 ,…, M/G/1,
M/M/1 ) characteristi cs, notation, Measures of performance of
Queuing system, example of single channel of Queue, the Able
Baker call center problem.Simulation of inventory system
(News Paper seller problem), Other examples: Reliability
problem, Use of random normal numbers fo r simulation,
project simulation, Lead Time Demand, Job Shop Model. 12
3 Simulation
Models using
Numbers and
Variates Simulation Examples based on statistical distributions.
Discrete distributions, Continuous distributions, Poisson
process.Random - Number Generation: Properties of Random
Numbers, Generation of Pseudo - Random Numbers,
Techniques for Generating Random Numbers, Tests for
Random Numbers. Random Variate Generation:Inv erse
Transformation Technique –Uniform Distribution, Exponential
Distrib ution, Weibull Distribution. Convolution Method for
Erlang Distribution, Acceptance -Rejection Technique –
Poisson Distribution. 12
4 Input and
Output Analysis Input Models with Data: Data Collection, Identifying the
Distribution with Data - Parameter Est imation, Goodness of Fit
Tests: Chi -Square Test, Kolmogorov -Smirnov Test. Selecting
Input Models without Data , Time -Series Input Models
Output Analysis: Stochastic Nature of Output Data - Types of
Simulation with respect to Output Analysis - Measures of
Performance and their Estimation (Point Estimation,
confidence Interval Estimation). Output Analysis for
Terminating Simulations (Confidence Interval
Estimation)Output Analysis for Steady -State Simulation.(Error
estimation) 12
5 Verification
and Validation Model Building, Verification and Validation; Verification of
Simulation Models - Calibration and Validation of Models: -
Face Validity, Validation of Model Assumptions, Validating
Input -Output Transformations - Input -Output Validation using
Historical Input Data, Input -Output . Validation using a Turing 06

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
Test. Optimization via simulation examples.
6 Modelling and
Simulation of
Real World
Problems Simulation of manufacturing systems, Simulation of computer
systems, Simulation of supermarket. Simulation of
Transportation model, business model, Medical models, Social
Science models. 06

Reference :
 J. Banks, J. S.Carson II and B. L. Nelson,, ―Discrete -Event System Simulation‖, 2nd
Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1995.
 Simulation & Modelling - Jain, Wiley -Dreamtech
 J. A. Sokolowski, C.M. Banks, ―Principles of Modeling and Simulation: A
multidisciplinary Approach‖, John Wiley & Sons Publications, edited 2011.
 Averill M.Law and W.DavidKelton, ―Simulation Modeling& Analysis‖, 2nd Edn., Tata
McGraw Hi ll, 1991.
 Geoffrey Gardon, ―System Simulation‖, 2nd Edn.,Printice Hall of India, 1992.
 NarsinghDeo, ‖ System Simulation with Digital Computers‖, Prentice Hall of India,


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The fina l marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be propo rtional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA4053 Next Generation Networks 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
MCA4053 Next Generation
Networks 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme
4053 Next
Networks Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Computer Networks

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO 4053. 1 Relate the paradigm shift from circuit switched network to packet swit ched
CEO 4053. 2 Understand the core technologies, and architectures of the Next Generation
CEO 4053. 3 Summarize technology options for Multi -Service Networks

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA4053.1 Evaluate the importance of packet switching for NGN
MCA4053.2 Analyze and differentiate various architectures of a next generation network (NGN)
MCA4053.3 Comprehend the multiple services offered by NGN

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No Mod ule Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction Changes, Opportunities and Challenges, Technologies, Networks,
and Services, Requirements for NGN, Next Generation Network
Concept, Next Generation Society 08
2 Next
Technologies influencin g change, IP Networks (Migration from
circuit Switching to Packet Switching), building blocks fo r NGN,
Wireline NG Technologies : Fiber to Premi ses, Long -Haul Managed
Ethernet, Wireless NG Technologies : Broadband Bluetooth &
ZigBee, Long Term Evolution, VOI P, Multi service Flexible
Networks architecture. VPNs, ITU - NGN Architecture,
Numbering, naming and addressing in NGN 10
3 IMS and
Management IMS Architecture, IMS Services : Push to Talk over cellular
Service , IMS Based FMC Services 08
&HbbTV Introduction, Architecture of NGN Based IPTV, NGN Based IPTV
Services, Protocols Used for IPTV, HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast
Broadband TV) Services, HBB –NEXT, Multiple -User
Environment 08
5 Next
Technology MPLS , MPLS ser vices and components , MPLS &QoS, overview
of VPN, layer2 VPN, layer 3 VPN
Services Software - Based Business Services, High - Definition Voices, Three
Dimensional Television, Mobile and Manages Peer -to Peer Service,
Converged/ Personalized / Int eractive Multimedia Services, Grand -
Separation for Pay -per-Use Service, Consumer and Business -
Oriented Apps Storefront 10

Reference :
 Thomas Plavyk, ―Next generation Telecommunication Networks, Services and
Management‖, Wiley & IEEE Press Publications, 2012
 Next Generation Networks – NGN, Module 1: ITU NGN standards and architectures
 NGN Architecture: Generic Principles, Functional Architecture, and Implementation
Keith Knightson, Consultant, Naotaka Morita, NTT Corporation, Thomas Towle. Lucent
Technol ogies — Bell Laboratories, IEEE Communications Magazine • October 2005
 Azhar Sayed , Monique Morrow MPLS and Next Generation Networks:Foundations for
NGN andEnterprise Virtualization ", Cisco Press


Assessment consists of two tests ( T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All questi on carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA 4054 Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW Tut. Total
4054 Artificial Intelligence
and Soft Computing 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

and Soft
Computing Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Students should have knowledge of SET theory, SET relations and Probability.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO 4054. 1 Identify and describe problems that are amenable to solution by AI methods.
CEO 4054. 2 Study appropriate soft computing techniques for problem solving
CEO 4054. 3 Study optimization techniq ues based on soft computing approach

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

MCA4054.1 Understand various AI concepts
MCA4054.2 Solve the problems using neural networks techniques.
MCA4054.3 Apply fuzzy logic tec hniques to find solution of uncertain problems.
MCA4054.4 Analyze the genetic algorithms and their applications

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction
to AI Artificial Intelligence : Role of AI in engineering, AI in daily life,
Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, Different task domains of
AI, Programming methods, Limitations of AI
Intelligent Agent: Agent, Performance Evaluation, task
environment of agent, Agent clas sification, Agent architecture 05
2 Problem
Solving Prob lems, problem spaces and search: Define the problem as a
state space search, Production systems, Problem characteristics,
Production system characteristic, Issues in design of search
Search Techniques: DFS, BFS, Hill Climbing 06
3 Knowledge
Repre sentati
on Knowledge Representation : Need to represent knowledge,
Knowledge representation with mapping scheme, Properties of
good knowledge -based system, Knowledge representation issues,
AND -OR graph, Types of knowledge 09
4 Concepts of
Computing Soft Computing: Hard computing Vs Soft Computing, Soft
computing constituents – ANN, Fuzzy Logic, GA Applications of
Soft Computing 02
5 Neural
Network Artificial Neural Network: Introduction, Fundamental Concept,
Artificial Neural Network, Brain vs. Compute r - Comparison
Between Biological Neuron and Artificial Neuron, Basic Models of
Artificial Neural Network
Supervised Learning Network -Linear Separability, Perceptron
Networks, Adaptive Linear Neuron (Adaline), Multiple Adaptive
Linear Neu rons, Back -Propag ation Network.
Unsupervised Learning Networks - MaxNet 12
6 Fuzzy Logic Introduction to Fuzzy Logic, Classical Sets and Fuzzy
Sets: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic, Classical Sets (Crisp Sets),Fuzzy
Classical Relations and Fuzzy Relations: Introduction, C artesian
Product of Relation, Classical Relation, Fuzzy Relations
Membership Functions: Introduction, Features of the
Membership Functions, Fuzzification, Methods of Membership
Value Ass ignments
Defuzzification: Introduction, Lambda -Cuts for Fuzzy Sets
(Alpha -Cuts), Lambda -Cuts for Fuzzy Rela tions, Defuzzification
Methods 10
7 Fuzzy
System Fuzzy Inference System : Truth Values and Tables in Fuzzy
Logic, Fuzzy Propositions, Formation of Rules, Decomposition of
Rules (Compound Rules), Aggregation of Fuzzy Rules, Fuzzy
Inference Systems (FIS) - Construction and Working Principle of
FIS, Methods of FIS, Overview of Fuzzy Expert System 04
8 Genetic
Algorithm Genetic Algorithm : Basic concepts, Difference between genetic
algorithm and traditional metho ds, Simple genetic algorithm,
Working principle, Procedures of GA, Genetic operators -
reproduction, Mutation, crossover. 04

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Reference s:
 Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Edition, Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, S.B. Nair, Tata McGraw
 Artificial Intellig ence and Soft Computing for Beginners - Anandita Das,
 Dr. S. N. Sivanandam and Dr. S. N. Deepa,‖Principles of Soft Computing ―John Wiley
 S. Rajsekaran& G.A. VijayalakshmiPai, ―Neural Networks,Fuzzy Logic and Genetic
Algorithm:Synthesis a nd Applications‖ Prentice Hall of India.
 Kumar Satish, ―Neural Networks‖ Tata McGraw Hill
 Timothy J. Ross, ―Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications‖ Wiley India.
 Search, Optimization & Machine Learning by David E. Goldberg .


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One sh ould be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In qu estion paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAL401 Advanced Web Technology and D ata Mining and Business
Intelligence Lab (AWT and DMBI L ab) 03

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
01 Advanced Web
Technology and Data
Minin g and Business
Intelligence Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03

Code Subject
Name Examinatio n Scheme

and Data
Mining and
Lab Theory Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2(T
2) Average of
T1 & T2
-- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100

 Basic Knowledge of Object Oriented Programming concepts
 Basic Understanding of Database Systems

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course, the students will be able to

CEOL401.1 Learn advanced windows and web development techniques using dotNET
CEOL401.2 Understand Business Intelligence and Data Mining techniques
CEOL401.3 Prepare Business Intelligence applications using Web Technologies.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCAL401.1 Develop Windows forms applications and Web Applications using Dot NET
MCAL401.2 Apply Data warehousing and mining techniques.
MCAL401.3 Design and implement web enabled BI application for industry.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction
to Dot Net
and C#  Basic Windows Forms Applications
 Windows Forms Applications using Control Structures and
 Advanced Windows Forms Controls 04
2 OOP C#  Programs using Classes and Objects
 Programs based on Inhe ritance
 Programs using Static and Constant
 Programs using Interfaces
 Programs using Abstract Classes
 Programs on Collections
 Designing Generic Classes and Methods 10
3 Databases
and C#  Text File Handling
 Text Editing Application
 Binary File Handling
 Data base Connectivity in Connected Manner
 Database Connectivity in Disconnected Manner
 LINQ with Object Data Source
 LINQ with DataSet 08
4 Asp.Net
Applications  Web Applications using Web Server Controls
 Web Applications using advanced Web Server Controls
 ASP .NET Applications using Web Forms
 ASP.NET Applications using MVC 08
5 Data and
t in
ASP.NET  ASP.Net Web Applications managing States
 Web Applications using SQL Data Source
 Web Applications using Connected and Disconnected database
Conne ctivity
 Web Applications using ADO.NET Entity Framework
 Web Applications using jquery and database Connectivity
 Web Applications using ASP.NET Ajax
 Websites using Master Pages and Themes 10
6 Web
Services  Creating and Consuming a XML Web Service -Simple an d
 Creating and Consuming a WCF service – Simple and Database
 Designing Secure Web Application
 Deploying web Site 06
7 Data
g Data Warehousing using Oracle
 Setting Up and Starting Warehouse Builder
 Introducing OWB Architecture and Config uration
 Defining Source Metadata
 Ensuring Data Quality Using Data Profiling
 Defining Staging Metadata and Mapping Tables
 Deriving Data Rules and Running Correction Mappings 06

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
 Defining a Relational Dimensional Model
 Handling Slowly Changing Dimensions
OLAP with Oracle
 Analytical Queries
 Grouping Functions
 Windowing Functions
 RollUp and Cube
8 Data Mining Data Mining Using Weka/R Miner
 Introducing Weka/R Miner
 The Data Mining Process
 Using Classification Models
 Using Regression Models
 Using Clustering Mod els
 Performing Market Basket Analysis
 Performing Anomaly Detection
 Deploying Data Mining Results 08
9 BI Tools Open Source BI Tools
 Preparing Reports
 Preparing Dashboards
 Preparing Balanced ScoreCards
 Analysis of Reports 08
10 Mini Project Mini Projec t
A Mini Projects based on Data Mining and Business Intelligence
Techniques using advanced Web Technologies. 10

 Beginning Visual C# 2012 Programming, Karli Watson, Jacob Vibe Hammer, Jon D.
Reid, Morgan Skinner, Daniel Kemper, Christian Nagel ,ISBN: 978 -1-118-31441 -8,Wrox
 Professional C# 2008,Christian Nagel, Bill Evjen, Jay Glynn, Karli Watson, Morgan
Skinner, ISBN: 978 -1-118-64321 -1,Wrox Publication
 Beginning ASP.NET 4.5: in C# and VB,ImarSpaanjaars, ISBN: 978 -1-118-31180 -
6,Wrox P ublication
 Professional ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB,Jason N. Gaylord, Christian Wenz, Pranav
Rastogi, Todd Miranda, Scott Hanselman, Scott Hunter (Foreword by), ISBN: 978 -1-
118-31182 -0,Wrox Publication
 Murach‘s ASP.NET 4 Web Programming with C# 2010, Anne Boe hm,Joel
Murrach,SPD, Murrach Books
 Murach‘s C# 2015, Anne Boehm and Joel Murach,ISBN 978-1-890774 -94-3,Murrach
 Murach‟s ADO. Net 4 Database Programming with C# 2010 4th Edition
 Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework – Andrew Trolsen, APress
 Advance .NET Technology second edition by ChiragPatel - DreamTech Press

Web References:
 MSDN: Learn to Develop with Microsoft Developer Network:
 ,

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA L402 Computer Graphics and Image Processing Lab 03

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract . Tut. Total
L402 Computer Graphics
and Image Processing
Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

and Image
Lab Theory Marks TW Pract. Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
-- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100

 Understanding of Object Oriented Programming Language
 Knowledge of Algorithms

Course Educational Objectives (C EO): At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

CEO L402 .1 Understand the concepts of output primitives of Computer Graphics.
CEO L402 .2 Learn 2 D and 3 D graphics Techniques.
CEO L402 .3 Study various Image Processing techniques

Course Outc omes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCAL402.1 Implement the algorithms to draw output primitives of Computer Graphics.
MCAL402.2 Implement 2D transformations
MCAL402.3 Implement 3D transformations
MCAL402.4 Implement var ious image processing techniques.

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Syllabus :
Sr. no Module Detailed Contents Hours
01 Introduction Introduction to graphics coordinates system
and demonstration of simple inbuilt graphic
functions 2
02 Output primitives & its
Algorithms Implem entation of line generation
A. A. DDA line
B. Bresenhams line
C. application of Line drawing algos. 6
03 Output primitives & its
Algorithms Implementation of circle drawing
A. Midpoint circle
B. application of Circle drawing algos. 4
04 Output primitiv es & its
Algorithms Implementation of ellipse drawing
A. Midpoint Ellipse 4
05 Output primitives & its
Algorithms Implementation of curve drawing
A. Bezier Curve 2
06 Output primitives & its
Algorithms Implementation of filling algorithms
A. Bo undary fill
B. Flood fill
C. Scan line
D. application of Circle drawing algos. 8
07 2D Geometric
Transformations &
Clipping Implementation of two dimensional
A. Translation, Rotation & Scaling
B. Shear & Reflection 6
08 2D Geometric
Transformations &
Clipping Implementation of clipping algorithms
A. Cohen Sutherland Line clipping
B. Midpoint Subdivision
C. Sutherland Hodgeman Polygon Clipping 10
09 Basic 3D Concepts &
Fractals Implementation of 3D Transformations
( only coordinate s calculation) 2
10 Basic 3D Concepts &
Fractals Implementation of fractal generation
A. Koch curve/Snowflake
B. Sirepenski Triangle 6
11 Introduction of Animation Implementation of animation programs
(using basic inbuilt Graphical functions ) 4
12 Image Enhancement
Techniques Implementation of Basic Intensity
A. Image negative
B. Log transformation
C. Power law Transformation
13 Image Enhancement
Techniques Implementation of Piecewise -Linear
Transformation Functions
A. Con trast Stretching
B. Grey level Slicing
C. Bit plane slicing 8
14 Image Enhancement
Techniques Implementation of histogram equalization
A. Image histogram & histogram 10

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B. Image Subtraction
C. Image averaging

Reference :
 Donald Hearn and M Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics C Version -- Computer
Graphics, C Version, 2/E, Pearson Education.
 David F. Rogers, James Alan Adams, Mathematical elements for computer graphics ,
McGraw -Hill, 1990
 Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing (3rd Edition),
Pearson Education.
 S. Sridhar -Digital image Processing, Second Edition, Oxford University Press
 Anil K. Jain -Fundamentals of digital image processing. Prentice Hall, 1989

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAL403 Activity Lab Soft Skills Development 02

Subject Code
Subject Name
Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut. Theory Pract . Tut. Total
Activity Lab Soft Skills
Development -- 02 -- -- 02 -- 02

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme

Soft Skills
Development Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
-- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50

Pre-requisites: ----

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO L403. 1 To provide essential professional skills needed to make a positive impact on
work and social lives
CEOL403. 2 Understand the corporate c ulture and adapt to various situations
CEOL403. 3 Improve their etiquettes, interpersonal skills and professional image

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be ab le to

MCAL403.1 Develop skills in communication, business cor respondence, presentations, group
discussions and interviews
MCAL403.2 Apply valuable strategies and interpersonal skills thereby making themselves more
productive and better capable to lead others
MCAL403.3 Understand the importance of teamwork and lear n to perform to the best of their
ability, both individually and as team players

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

No Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Soft Skills
Introduction Soft-Skills Introduction What are Soft Skills? Significance of Soft -
Skills – Soft-Skills Vs. Hard Skills - Selling Soft - Skills – Components
of Soft Skills – Identifying and Exhibiting Soft -Skills 01
2 Communicat
ion Concept and meaning of communication, methods of communication,
verbal and non -verbal communication, barriers to communicat ion,
techniques to improve communication. Communication in a business
organization : Internal (Upward, Downward, Horizontal, Grapevine).
External Communication, 7 C‘s of communication. Active Listening,
Differences between Listening and Hearing, Critical Li stening, Barriers
to Active Listening, Improving Listening
Practical (Role plays, case studies) 02
3 Written
ion Written Communication: Principles of Correspondence, language and
style in official letter (full block format, modified blo ck format),
Business letters (enquiry to complaints and redressal), Application
letter, CV writing, , E -mail etiquette, Documentation of Meetings,
Notice, Agenda, Minutes of Meetings.
Practical (Practice on CV, Business Letters, Applications, Notice,
Agen da, Minutes of Meetings) 04
4 Presentation
Skills Presentation techniques, Planning the presentation, Structure of
presentation, Preparation, Evidence and Research, Delivering the
presentation, handling questions, Time management. Visual aids.
Practical - Presentation by students in groups of maximum 3 on
Organizational Behavior topics allocated by faculty.
Topics have to cover –
1. Personality: Meaning, Personality Determinants, Traits, Personality
types and its, impact on career growth,
2. Personality and V alues, Perception and Individual Decision Making.
3. Diversity in Organizations
4. Attitude: Meaning, Components of Attitude, changing attitude and
its impact on career growth
5. Motivation
6. Goal setting: SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,
Timely) G oals, personal and professional goals
7. Time Management.
8. Learning in a group, Understanding Work Teams, Dynamics of
Group Behavior, Techniques for effective participation
9. Leadership
10. Emotional intelligence 10
5 Effective
Speaking Public Speaking, Selecting the topic for public speaking, Understanding
the audience, Organizing the main ideas, Language and Style choice in
the speech, Delivering the speech
Practical (Extempore) 03
6 Group
Discussions Group Discussion Skills, Evaluation components, Do‘s and Don‘ts.
Practical (Group Discussions) 03
7 Interview Interview Techniques, Pre -Interview Preparation, Conduct during 03

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
Techniques interview, Verbal and non -verbal communication, common mistakes.
Practical (Role plays, mock interviews)

Reference :
 Business Communication (Revised Edition),Rai& Rai , Himalaya Publishing House.
 Soft skills: an integrated approach to maximise Personality, Chauhan &Sharma,Wiley
India publications.
 Business Communication: A practic e oriented approach, Kalia and Shailja Agar wal.
 Business Communication – Meenakshi Raman, Prakash Singh, Oxford Publication
 Stephen Robbins & Judge Timothy: Organization Behavior, Pearson Education
 K. Aswathappa – Organizational Behavior: Text, cases & games, Himalaya Publishing
 Pareek, Uda i, Understanding Organizational Behaviour, Oxford University Press, New

Internal term workwould consist of
1. A written examination of 20 marks
2. Continuous evaluation of 30 marks would be done by internal faculty on the basis of
student participation in all practical activities during entire semester.

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Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application (CBCGS)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2017 -2018)
Semester V
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA501 Wireless and Mobile
technology 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA502 Advanced Distributed
Computing 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA503 User Experience Design 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
E504 Elective 1
(Departmental level) 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
505 Elective 2
(Institutional Level) 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
L501 Mobile Application and User
experience Design Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
2 Open Source System For ADC
Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
501 Mini Project -- -- -- -- -- -- 02
Total 20 12 -- 20 06 28

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme
Theory Course Term
Work Pract. Oral Total
Assessment End
Exam. Test
1 Test
2 Avg
MCA501 Wireless and Mobi le
technology 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA502 Advanced Distributed
Computing 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA503 User Experience Design 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
DLE 504 Elective 1
(Departmental level) 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
ILE505 Elective 2
(Institutional Level) 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
L501 Mobile Application and
User experience Design
Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
L502 Open Source System For
ADC Lab -- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100
501 Mini Project -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 50
Total 100 100 100 400 75 100 75 750

Program Structure for

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
Master of Computer Application (CBCGS)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2017 -2018)
Elective for Sem ester V

SEM V – Elective 1 - Department Level Elective

Course Code Course Name
MCADLE5041 Big Da ta Analytics
MCADLE5042 Machine Learning
MCADLE5043 Internet of Things
MCADLE5044 Multimedia System Design

SEM V – Elective 2 - Institute Level Elective

Course Code Course Name
MCAILE5051 Intellectual property Rights and Patents
MCAILE5052 Researc h Methodology
MCAILE5053 Management Information System
MCAILE5054 Green Computing

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA501 Wireless and Mobile Technology 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theo ry Pract . Tut Theory Pract Tut Total
01 Wireless and Mobile
Technology 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

and Mobile
Technology Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Seme ster
Exam Test1(T
1) Test2(
T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Basic knowledge of networks and communication

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO 501.1 Learn the concepts of wireless communication and mobile networks
CEO501. 2 Identify different wireless technologies and its applications
CEO501. 3 Acquire knowledge on generation of cellular networks and its standards used

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA501.1 Understand the concept of cellular communications, advantages and its limitations
MCA501.2 Compare the various wireless technologies and its applications
MCA501.3 Apply the appropriate techn ology in the applications

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Wireless
Fundamentals Introduction to Mobile and wireless communications, Overview of
radio transmission frequencies, Signal Antennas, Signal
Propagati on, Multiplexing – SDM,FDM, TDM,CDM, Modulation –
ASK,FSK,PSK, Advanced FSK, Advanced PSK, OFDM, Spread
Spectrum – DSSS,FHSS, Wireless Transmission Impairments – Free
Space Loss, Fading, Multipath Propagation, Atmospheric
Absorption, Error Correction – Reed Solomon, BCH, Hamming
code, Convolution Code (Encoding and Decoding) 08
2 Wireless
Networks Wireless network, Wireless network Architecture, Classification of
wireless networks – WBAN, WPAN, WLAN, WMAN, WWAN.
IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, Bluetooth – Standards, Architecture and
Services 06
3 Cellular
Networks Principles of cellular networks – cellular network organization,
operation of cellular systems, Handoff.
Generation of cellular networks – 1G, 2G, 2.5G, 3G and 4G. 06
4 Mobile
communicat ion
systems GSM – Architecture, Air Interface, Multiple Access Scheme,
Channel Organization, Call Setup Procedure, Protocol Signaling,
Handover, Security , GPRS – Architecture, GPRS signaling,
Mobility ma nagement, GPRS roaming, network, CDMA2000 -
Introducti on, Layering Structure, Channels,Logical Channels,
Forward Link and Reverse link physical channels, W-CDMA –
Physical Layers, Channels, UMTS – Network Architecture,
Interfaces, Network Evolution, Release 5, FDD and TDD, Time
Slots, Protocol Architecture, Bearer Model
Introduction to LTE 12
5 Mobile Network
Layer Mobile IP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Mobile Ad Hoc
Routing Protocols – Multicast routing 06
6 Mobile
Layer TCP over Wireless Networks – Indirect TCP – Snooping TCP –
Mobile TCP – Fast Retransmit / Fast Recovery
Transmission/Timeout Freezing -Selective Retransmission –
Transaction Oriented TCP , TCP over 2.5 / 3G wireless Networks 07
7 Application
Layer WAP Model - Mobile Location based services -WAP Gateway –
WAP protocols – WAP user agent profile, Caching model -wireless
bearers for WAP - WML – WMLScripts – WTA. 07

1. Mobile Communications, Second Edition, Jochen Schiller, Pearson Education
2. Wireless Communications & Networks, Second Edition, William Stallings, Pears on
3. Wireless Communications and Networks, 3G and Beyond, Second Edition, ITI
SahaMisra, McGraw Hill Education
4. Wireless Network Evolution 2G to 3G, Vijay K. Garg, Pearson Publications.
5. Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures, Yi Bang Lin, ImrichC hlamtac, Wiley India.
6. Wireless and Mobile Networks, Concepts and Protocols, Dr. Sunilkumar S. Manvi,
Mahabaleshwar S. Kakkasageri, Wiley India

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7. Multi -Carrier and Spread Spectrum Systems - From OFDM and MC -CDMA to LTE and
WiMAX, Second Edition, K. Fazel, S. Kaiser, wiley publications
8. Wireless and Mobile All -IP Networks, Yi -Bing Lin, Ai -Chun Pang, Wiley Publications


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will b e mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syll abus.

Page 91

University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA502 Advance Distributed Computing 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
MCA502 Advance Distributed
Computing 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Computing Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Pre-requisi tes:
Computer Networks, Operating Systems

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO 502.1 Introduce advance distributed concepts.
CEO 502.2 Emphasize on design techniques and constraints of distribu ted computing
CEO 502.3 Emphasize on analysis of cloud computing, its security and its storage

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA502.1 Distinguish between distributed computing and parallel computing
MCA 502.2 Understand concepts of SOA.
MCA502.3 Demonstrate different cloud technologies
MCA502.4 Designing security and storage in cloud technologies.

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction to
Basic concepts of distributed systems, distributed computing
models, software concepts, issues in designing distributed systems,
client server model
Inter Process Communication
Fundamental concepts related to inter process communication
includin g messagepassing mechanism, a case study on IPC in
MACH, concepts of group communication and case study of group
communication CBCAST in ISIS, API for Internet Protocol .
Remote Communication
Remote Procedural Call (RPC), Remote Method Invocation
(RMI),a ca se study on Sun RPC, a case study on JAVA RMI. 11
2 Clock
synchronization Introduction of clock synchronization, global state mutual Exclusion
algorithms, election algorithms. 02
3 Distributed
Shared Memory Fundamental concepts of DSM, types of DSM, var ious hardware
DSM systems, Consistency models, issues in designing and
implementing DSM systems. 06
4 Distributed
Man agement
and Object
based System Resource management, process management, fault tolerance, code
migration, CORBA: Overview of CORBA , Communication,
Processes, Naming, and Synchronization . 09
5 Introduction to
Parallel computing, scope of parallel computing, Abstract model of
serial & parallel computation, pipelining, data parallelism, control
parallelism, scalabi lity, topologies in processor organization,
parallel computing design consideration, parallel algorithms &
parallel architectures, applications of parallel computing. 08
6 Advances in
Service -Oriented Architecture, Elements of Serv ice-Oriented
Architectures, RPC versus Document Orientation, Major Benefits
of Service - Oriented Computing, Composing Services, Goals of
Composition, Challenges for Composition, Spirit of the Approach. 04
7 Fundamentals
of Cloud
computing ,
cloud Security
and Storage
Evolution of Cloud Computing ,cluster computing Grid computing,
Grid computing versus Cloud Computing, Key Characteristics of
cloud computing.
Cloud models : Benefits of Cloud models, Public Cloud, Private
Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Community Cloud, Shared Private Cloud,
Dedicated Private Cloud, Dynamic Private Cloud, Savings and cost
impact, Web services delivered from cloud, Platform as a service,
Software as a service,Infrastructure as a service.
Cloud Security Fundamentals and Storage
Privacy and security in cloud, Security architecture , Data security,
Identity and access management, security challenges, Storage
basics, Storage as a service providers, aspects of data security. 12

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Reference s:
1. Distributed OS by Pradeep K. Sinha , PHI
2. Distribute d Computing by Dr. SunitaMahajan , Seema Shah, Oxford University Press
3. Distributed Operating Systems by Tanenbaum S, Pearson Education
4. Introduction to Parallel Computing (2nd Edition) AnanthGrama ,George Karypis, Vipin
Kumar , Anshul Gupta.
5. Parallel and Di stributed systems (2nd Edition)Arun Kulkarni, Nupur Prasad
Giri,Nikhilesh Joshi, BhushanJadhav, Wiley publication
6. Cloud Computing Unleashing Next Gen Infrastructure to Application(3rd Edition)By Dr.
Kumar Saurabh, wiley Publication


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA 503 User Experience Design 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut Total
MCA 503 User Experience
Design 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Design Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessmen t End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2(T
2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

System Analysis & Design,Software Engineering and Project Management,UML.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course , the students will be able to

CEO 503.1 Develop interest in User Experience Engineering (UXE) Process
CEO 503.2 Understand how to design Effective and Efficient User Interfaces for intended users
CEO 503.3 Learn tools and techniques for Prototyping and E valuating User Experiences

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA503.1 Understand and create interest in User Experience Design(UXD)
MCA503.2 Analyze the framework and methodological approach for user experi ence design.
MCA503.3 Apply prototyping and problems solving techniques related to user experience
MCA503.4 Design real life application wi th end -to-end understanding of User experience

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction to
UX D esign What is UX, Ubiquitous interaction, Emerging desire for
usability, From usability to user experience, Emotional impact
as part of the user experience, User experience needs a business
case, Roots of usability. 06
2 The UX Design
- life cycle Introduction, A UX process lifecycle template, Choosing a
process instance for your project, The system complexity space,
Meet the user interface team, Scope of UX presence within the
team, More about UX lifecycles. 06
3 The UX Design
Process –
Users Introduction, The system concept statement, User work activity
gathering, Look for emotional aspects of work practice,
Abridged contextual inquiry process, Data -driven vs. model -
driven inquiry, History. , Contextual Anal ysis, Extracting
Interaction Design Requirements, Constructing Design -
Information Models. 12
4 The UX Design
Process Information ,Architecture and Interaction Design and
Prototyping Introduction, Design paradigms, Design thinking,
Design perspectives, Use r personas, Ideation, Sketching, More
about phenomenology, Mental Models and Conceptual Design,
Wireframe, Prototyping 10
5 The UX Design
Process UX Evaluation and Improve UX Goals, Metrics and Targets,
UX Evaluation Techniques. - Formative vs summativ e ,types of
formative and informal summative evaluation methods, types of
evaluation data, some data collection technics, variations in
formative evaluation results, informal summative dada analysis,
formative data analysis , feedback to process ,evaluatio n report 12

6 UX methods
for Agile
Development Introduction, Basics of agile SE method , drawbacks of agile SE
method from the UX perspective, A synthesized approach to
integrate UX 06

 The UX Book by Rex Hartson and PardhaPyla, MK Publicat ion
 Smashing UX Design by Jesmond Allen and James Chudley , John Wiley & Sons
 A Project Guide to UX Design by Russ Unger and Carolyn Chandler, O‘reillyRies, Series
 Agile Experience Design by Lindsay Ratcliffe and Marc McNeill , Pearson
 Universal Pr inciples of Design by William Lidwell, Kritina Holden and Jill Butler,
Rosenfeild Media
 Human Computer Interaction by Alan Dix, New riders
 Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience by Jeff Gothelf and
Josh Seiden, Morgan Kaufmann
 Don‘t Make Me Think, Revisited by Steve Krug, New riders
 The User Experience Team of One by Leah Buley, Rosenfeild Media
 The Elements of User Experience by Jesse James Garrett, New riders

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
 Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook by Saul Greenberg, SheelaghCarpe ndale,
Nicolai Marquardt and Bill Buxton, Morgan Kaufmann, workbook edition

Web References:
Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Studen ts can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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Electives I:
Department Level
Electives (MCADLE504)

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCADLE5041 Big Data Analytics 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut Total
E5041 Big Data Analytics 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Big Data
Analytics Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2(T
2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Database Management Systems, SQL

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course, the students will be able to

CEO DLE5041. 1 Provide fundamental techniques and principles of Big Data Analytics
CEO DLE5041. 2 Identify the tools required to manage and analyze Big Data
CEO DLE5041. 3 Understand the data analytics techniques required to solve complex real wo rld

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCADLE5041.1 Develop and maintain reliable, scalable systems using Apache HADOOP
MCADLE5041.2 Write Map Reduce based application
MCADLE5041.3 Differentiate between conventional SQL and NoSQL
MCADLE5041 .4 Analyze and develop Big Data solutions using HIVE and PIG

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction Distributed file system and its issues, Introduction to big data,
big data characteristics, types of big data, traditional vs. big data
approach, big data applications 08
2 Hadoop
Why Hadoop? Hadoop architecture, Hadoop components
HDFS and YARN, comparison between YARN 1 and YARN 2
architecture, HDFS federation : Name Node, Data Node,
Resource Manager, Job Tracker, Task Tracker
Hadoop Ecosystem : Scoop, HIVE, PIG, Flume, Zookeeper,
Hadoop installation in pseudo distribution mode, running HDFS
commands 10
3 Map Reduce Understanding Map Reduce, Map Task, Reduce Tas k,
speculative execution, partioner and combiner in Map Reduce
Running sample Map Reduce Program: Word Count.
Algorithm using Map Reduce :
-matrix vector multiplication,
-grouping and aggregation
-relational algebra operations 10
4 NoSQL What is NoSQL? NoSQL - Case study, data architecture
pattern: key value, column family, document store.
HBASE overview, HBASE data model, row oriented vs.
column oriented storage, HBASE architecture,
HBASE shell commands 08
5 HIVE HIVE : background, architecture, war ehouse directory and
meta -store, HIVE query language, loading data into table, HIVE
built-in functions, joins in HIVE,
HIVE installation, HiveQL: querying data, sorting and
aggregation 08
6 PIG PIG : background, architecture, PIG Latin Basics, PIG
execut ion modes, PIG processing – loading and transforming
data, PIG built -in functions, filtering, grouping, sorting data
Installation of PIG and PIG Latin commands 08

Reference :
 Tom White, ―HADOOP: The definitive Guide‖, O Reilly 2012
 Chris Eaton, Dirk deroo s et al., ―Understanding Big Data‖, McGraw Hill, 2012.
 Big Data Analytics – RadhaShankarmani and M. Vijayalakshmi Wiley Texbook Series
 Hadoop in Action - Chuck Lam Dreamtech Press
 Hadoop in Practice - Alex Holmes Dreamtech Press

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Interna l:
Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of t otal six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

Page 101

University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCADLE5042 Machine Learning 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits As signed
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut Total
E5042 Machine Learning 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Learning Theory Marks TW Pract . Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2(T
2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Understanding of basic computer science concepts, data structures and good
understanding of Mathematical Concepts is required.
Course Educational Obje ctives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO DLE5042. 1 Understand Machine Learning and its techniques.
CEO DLE5042. 2 Study regression, classification with AdaBoost and clustering methods.
CEO DLE5042. 3 Understand support vec tor machine, Dimensionality reduction, Anomaly
Detection, Recommender Systems

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

MCADLE5042.1 Analyze the Machine Learning techniques.
MCADLE5042.2 Apply regression, classificat ion with AdaBoost and clustering methods to
real world applications.
MCADLE5042.3 Describe support vector machine, Dimensionality reduction, Anomaly
Detection, Recommender Systems

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Understa nd
Learning Introduction to Machine Learning , Overview of Machine
Learning , Key Terminology and task of ML , Applications of ML ,
Software Tools , Introduction to Big Data and Machine Learning ,
Hypothesis spac e, Estimate hypothesis accuracy, Hypothesi s
testing 06
2 Supervised
Learning -
Introduction to Supervised Learning :
Classification , Decision Tree Representation - Appropriate
problem for Decision Learning, Decision Tree Algorithm,
Hyperspace Search in Decision Tree
Naive Bayes - Bayes Theorem , Classifying with Bayes Decision
Theory , Conditional Probability, Bayesian Belief Network 08
3 Supervised
Learning -

Regression : Linear Regression - Predicting numerical value,
Finding best fit line with linear regression, Regres sion Tree - Using
CART for regression
Logistic Regression - Classification with Logistic Regression and
the Sigmoid Function 08
4 Support
Machine Introduction : Separating data with maximum margin, Finding the
maximum margin, Effective optimization with SMO algorithm 08
5 Improving
with the
AdaBoost Classifier using multiple samples of the data set, Improving
classifier by focusing on error, weak learner with a decision
stump, Implementing the AdaBoost algorithm, Classifying with
AdaBoost 08
6 Unsupervised
Clustering : Learning from unclassified data –Introduction to
clustering, K - Mean Clustering, Expectation -Maximization
Algorithm(EM algorithm), Hierarchical Clustering, Supervised
Learning after clustering 08
7 Additional
Techniques Dimensionality reduction - Dimensionality reduction techniques,
Principal component analysis , Anomaly Detection , Recommender
Systems 06

Reference :
 Machine Learning in Action By Peter Harrington By Manning
 Machine Learning, T. Mitchell, Mc Graw -Hill, 1997.
 Introduction to Machine Learning By EthemAlpaydin,MIT Press
 Understanding Machine Learning From Theory to Algorithms By ShaiShalev -Shwartz
and Shai Ben David, Cambridge University Press
 Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, J. Han and Kamber

Web References:
 -open -source -tools -machine -
 -recommender1/

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as me ntion in the syllabus.

Page 104

University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA DLE 5043 Internet of Things 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut Total
E504 3 Internet of Things 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

of Things Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2(T
2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Computer Networks

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO DLE50 43. 1 Understand the concepts of IOT
CEO DLE504 3. 2 Study IoT Architecture
CEO DLE504 3.3 Understanding the technologies used to buil d IoT applications.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

MCA DLE50 43.1 Identify the use of IoT from a global context.
MCA DLE50 43.2 Design application using IoT.
MCA DLE50 43.3 Analyze the IoT enabling Technologie s
MCA DLE50 43.4 Determine the real world p roblems and challenges in IoT .

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 M2M to IoT M2M to IoT – The Vision , Introduction: M2M ,IoT, From M2M
to IoT,M2M towards IoT – the global context, D iffering
characteristics, M2M value chains, IoT value chains,An emerging
industrial structure for IoT, The international -driven global value
chain and global information monopolies ,M2M to IoT – An
Architectural Overview -,Building an architecture, Main des ign
principles and needed capabilities, An IoT architecture outline,
Standards considerations 10
2 IoT
Architecture IoT Architecture – State of the Art Introduction,State of the art,
Architecture Reference Model, Introduction, Reference model and
archite cture, IoT reference model, IoT Reference Architecture,
Introduction, Functional view, Information view, Deployment and
operational view, Other relevant architectural views 08
3 IoT Enabling
Technologies IoT Enabling Technologies -- Wireless Sensor Netwo rks , Clou d
Computing ,Big Data Analytics , Communication
Protocols ,Embedded Systems 08
4 Real -World
Constraints Real -World Design Constraints -Introduction,Technical design
constraints – hardware , Data representation and
visualization,Interaction and remote control 04
5 Open –
Platforms for
IoT Open – Source Prototyping Platforms for IoT - Basic Arduino
Programming Extended Arduino Libraries,Arduino – Based
Internet Communication, Raspberry PI,Sensors and Interfacing 08
6 Data
Management Data Management , Business Process in IoT, IoT Analytics,
Creative Thinking Techniques, Modification,Combination
Scenarios, Decentralized and Interoperable ,Approaches, Object –
Information Distribution,Architecture, Object Naming Service
(ONS), Service Oriented Architecture, Network of Information,
Etc. 08
7 Domain

Domain specific Home Automation - Smart Lighting ,Smart
Appliances , Intrusion Detection , Smoke/Gas Detectors
Energy -Smart Grids ,Renewable Energy Systems ,Prognostics
Health & Lifestyle -Health & Fitness Monitoring ,Wearable
Agriculture - Smart Irrigation ,Green House Control
Retail - Inventory Management , Smart Payments ,Smart Vending
Cities -Smart Parking ,Smart Lighting ,Smart Roads ,Structural
Health Monitoring ,Surveillance ,Emergency Response 06

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References :
 From Machine -to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of
Intelligence, Jan Holler VlasiosTsiatsis Catherine Mulligan Stefan
Avesand StamatisKarnouskosDavid Bo yle
 VijayMadisetti and ArshdeepBahga, ―Internet of Things (A Hands -on-Approach)‖, 1 st
Edition, VPT, 2014
 Getting Started with the Internet of Things by CunoPfister
 The Internet of Things: Connecting Objects by HakimaChaouchi
 FrancisdaCosta, ―Rethinking th e Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting
Everything‖, 1st Edition, Apress Publications, 2013


Assessment co nsists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Ex amination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be m ixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabu s.

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCADLE5044 Multimedia System Design 04

Code Subject Name : Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut Total
E5044 Multimedia System
Design 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme


Design Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2(T
2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Prereq uisite:
Computer Graphics

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the c ourse students will be able to

CEO DLE 5044. 1 Study various multimedia system design components.
CEO DLE 5044. 2 Understand compression and decompression techniques and dif ferent image
CEO DLE 5044. 3 Interpret storage and retrieval technologies, Project planning and costing.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

MCADLE 5044.1 Perceive multimedia architecture and its latest applications.
MCADLE 5044.2 Implement compression, decompression techniques and different formats
for image, audio and video.
MCADLE 5044.3 Plan and develop multimedia projects

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Fundament als of
Multimedia Systems
Design An Introduction Multimedia Systems, Design
Fundamentals, Elements of multimedia, Multimedia
system architecture - High resolution graphics display,
IMA Architectural Framework, Network architecture for
multimedia systems , Defining objects for Multimedia
systems: Text, Images, Audio and video 07
2 Multimedia Input and
Output Technologies Key Technology Issues, Touch screen, Pen Input, Video
and Image Display Systems, Print Output Technologies,
Image Scanners, Digital Voic e and Audio, Video Images
and Animation, Full Motion Video. 11
3 Multimedia File
format and standards RTF, TIFF,RIFF, MIDI, JPEG DIB, AVI, MIDI audio,
JPEG & MPEG standards, MIDI Vs Digital Audio,
Analog display standards ,Digital display standards,
Digital video 10
4 Compression and
Techniques Introduction to coding and compression techniques - Lossy
and Lossless , Entropy encoding, Run length encoding,
Huffman coding, JPEG compression process, Discrete
Cosine Transform, Video compres sion- MPEG -1, MPEG -
2, MPEG -4, Audio Compression -MPEG, Adaptive
differential pulse code modulation, 12
5 Storage and retrieval
technologies Magnetic Media Technology, RAID -Level -0 To 5, Optical
Media, WORM optical drives 06
6 Planning and costing Idea Analysis, Pretesting, Task Planning, Prototype
Development, Alpha Development, Beta Development,
Delivery, Scheduling, Estimating 06


 Multimed ia Systems Design Paperback –PrabhatK.Andleigh, KiranThakrar , Pearson
Education India, 2015
 Mult imedia: Making it Work, Seventh Edition, TayVaguhan, McGraw Hill Professional,
 Fundamentals of Multimedia 2005 by Li and Ze – Nian ,Mark s Drew, PHI
 Multimedia Systems, John F. Koegel Buford, Pearson Education


Assessment cons ists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question p aper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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Electives II :
Institute Level Electives

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Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAILE5051 Intellec tual Property Rights and Patents 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut Total
5051 Intellectual
Property Rights and
Patents 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examina tion Scheme

Rights and
Patents Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Basic unde rstanding of morals/ethics, social values and technical writing.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO ILE5051. 1 Understand basics of intellectual property.
CEO ILE5051. 2 Relate the knowledge of I ntellectual Property Laws of India as well as
International treaty procedures.
CEO ILE5051. 3 Get acquaintance with Patent search and patent filing procedure and

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCAILE5051.1 Understand Intellectual Property assets.
MCAILE5051.2 Assist individuals and organizations in capacity building.
MCAILE5051.3 Distinguish information across organizations.
MCAILE5051.4 Work for development, promotion, protection, compliance , and enforcement
of Intellectual Property and Patenting.

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction
to IPR Introduction:
Concepts and meaning of Intellectual property, IPR, Different
category of IPR instruments - Patents , Trademarks, Copyrights,
Industrial Designs, Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout -Design,
Plant variety protection, Geographical indications, Transfer of
technology etc.
Indian Scenario of IPR : Introduction, History of IPR in India,
Overview of IP law s in India, Indian IPR, Administrative Machinery,
Major international treaties signed by India. 10
2 Ownership
of IPR Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: Introduction, Extent
of problem, Factors that create and sustain counterfei ting/piracy,
International Organizations, Agencies, and treaties active in IPR
enforcement (e.g. INTA,WIPO,WTO, Madrid Protocol, Paris
convention, NAFTA,TRIPS).
Ownership of intellectual property rights: Ownership, Changes of
Ownership 08
3 Emerging
Issue s and
of IPR Emerging Issues of IPR:
IPRrelationship with software and technology, Challenges for IP in
digital economy, e -commerce, human genome, biodiversity and
traditional knowledge etc.
Management of IPR:
Introduction, Overall management of IPRs ,Management of non -
registrable rights 06
4 Copyrights Introduction and law, Types of copyright, Ownership and duration of
copyright, Marking, Moral rights, Other relevant law, Copyright use
and misuse, Exceptions to copyright infringement – fair dea ling,
Taking action against infringers, Criminal liability, Copyright
licenses, Copyright internationally – general and non -technical works,
Technical copyright, Copyleft, Managing copyright 08
5 Trademarks Introduction to trade marks, Registrable tradem arks, Unregistered
trademarks, ‗get -up‘ and ‗passing -off‘, Criminal provisions and
counterfeiting, Avoid being sued, Trade marks in other countries,
Domain names 07
6 Patents Introduction, Process to get a patent, Filing a patent application,
Patent appl ications in India and other countries, Search Patents on
Indian Patent Office Website 08
7 Confidential
information Introduction, Confidential disclosure, Employees, Confidential
computer programs, Unwanted confidences, Managing confidential
information, Know -how and show -how, Legal remedies,
Confidentiality in other countries, Summary of confidentiality 05

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References :
 Vivien Irish, Second Edition, Intellectual Property Rights for Engineers, IET
 Rajkumar S. Adukia, 2007, A Handbook on Laws Relating t o Intellectual Property Rights
in India, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
 Deborah E. Bouchoux, Fourth Edition, Intellectual Property The Law of Trademarks,
Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets, CENGAGE Learning.
 Wipo intellectual property handbook
 Hyde W. Cornish, First Edition, Intellectual Property Right, Global Vision Publishing
 P. Narayanan, Third Edition, Intellectual, Property Law, Eastern Law House.

Web References:
 http://www.ipindia.nic .in/
 OAct/1_32_1_patent_act_1977 -3-99.pdf


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAILE5052 Research Methodology 04

Code Subject Name
Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut Total
5052 Research
Methodology 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme

Methodology Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Basic knowledge of Math ematics for Data Analysis, Software, Internet

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

CEO ILE5052. 1 To understand Research and Research Process
CEO ILE5052. 2 To acquaint students with identifying probl ems for research and develop
research strategies
CEO ILE5052. 3 To familiarize students with the techniques of data collection, analysis of
data and interpretation

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCA ILE505 2.1 Prepare a preliminary research design for projects in their subject matter
MCA ILE5052 .2 Accurately collect, analyze and report data
MCA ILE5052 .3 Present complex data or situations clearly
MCA ILE5052 .4 Review and analyze research findings Get the knowledge of objectives and
types of research

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 Dawson, Catherine, 2002, Practical Research Methods, New Delhi, UBS Publishers
 Kothari, C.R.1985, Research Methodology -Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, Wiley
Eastern Limited.
 Kumar Ranjit, 2005, Research Methodology -A Step -by-Step Guide for Beginners,
(2nded), Singapore, Pearson Education


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions. Sr.
No Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction and
Basic Research
Concepts Research – Definition; Concept of Construct, Postulate,
Proposition, Thesis, Hypothesis, Law, Principl e. Research
methods vs Methodology, Need of Research in Business and
Social Sciences, Objectives of Research , Issues and Problems in
Research , Characteristics of Research: Systematic, Valid,
Verifiable, Empirical and Critical 10
2 Types of
Research Basic Research , Applied Research , Descriptive
Research ,Analytical Research , Empirical Research ,Qualitative
and Quantitative Approaches
3 Research Design
and Sample
Design Research Design – Meaning, Types and Significance , Sample
Design – Meaning and Significance Essentials of a good sampling
Stages in Sample Design Sampling methods/techniques Sampling
Errors 10
4 Research
Methodology Meaning of Research Methodology ,Stages in Scientific Research
Process: Identification and Selection of Research Pr oblem ,
Formulation of Research Problem , Review of Literature ,
Formulation of Hypothesis , Formulation of research Design ,
Sample Design , Data Collection , Data Analysis , Hypothesis
testing and Interpretation of Data , Preparation of Research Report 08
5 Formulating
Problem Considerations: Relevance, Interest, Data Availability, Choice of
data, Analysis of data, Generalization and Interpretation of
analysis 08
6 Outcome of
Research Preparation of the report on conclusion reached , Validity T esting
& Ethical Issues , Suggestions and Recommendation 08

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 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any four from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as ment ion in the syllabus.

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Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAILE5053 Management Information System 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut Total
5053 Management
Information System 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject Name Examination Scheme

System Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Information Technology in Management

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO ILE5053. 1 Understand the nature of management information systems and their
applications in business
CEO ILE5053. 2 Learn the core activities in the systems development process.
CEO ILE5053. 3 Identify the major management challenges in building and using
information systems.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the cours e, the students will b e able to

MCAILE5053.1 Understand theoretical aspects of Management Information Systems
MCAILE5053.2 Know the procedures and practices for performing information system
planning and design.
MCAILE5053.3 Gain knowledge in va rious Decision Support System s
MCAILE5053.4 Understand the implications of Management Information Systems on

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Management
Systems Perspectives on Information Systems, Nature and scope of
MIS, Characteris tics of MIS, Need and Role of MIS, Impact of
MIS, functions and future of MIS, MIS: A support to the
management, MIS: organization effectiveness, MIS for a
digital firm, Case Study 09
2 Strategic
Design and
of MIS
Strategic Management of the Business, Strategic design of
MIS,Business Strategy Implementation, Development of Long
Range Plans of MIS, Ascertaining the class of Information,
Determining the Information Requirement, Development and
Implementation of MIS, MIS: Development Process Model,
case study. 10

3 Decision
Decision making concepts, Decision Analysis by analytical
modelling, Behavioral concepts in decision making,
Organizational decision making, MIS and Decision Making,
Case Study 09
4 Information,
Information Concepts, Information :A Quality Product,
Classification of the information, Methods of data and
information collection, Value of information, General model
of a human as a information processor, Summary of
information conce pts and their implications, Knowledge and
knowledge management systems, Business Intelligence, MIS ,
and the Information and Knowledge, Case Study 10
5 E-Commerce:
and Issues Introduction to E -Commerce , Scope of E -commerce, E -
Commerce Appl ications and Issues, case study 07
6 Securing
Systems System Vulnerability and Abuse, Business value of security
and control, Technology and Tools for protecting Information,
Resources,case study 07

References :
 Management Information System s- A digital form perspective, 4th edition - By
W.S.Jawdekar, TMG Publications
 Management Information Systems - A global digital Enterprise perspective, 5th edition -
By W.S.Jawdekar, TMG Publications
 Management Information System, James O‗Brien, 7th editio n, TMH
 Management Information Systems, Loudon and Loudon, 11th edition, Pearson.


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

Page 119

University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines f or setting up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for exa mple supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

Page 120

University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subje ct Name Credits
MCAILE5054 Green Computing 04

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut Total
5054 Green Computing 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Computing Theory Marks TW Pract . Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Basic knowledge of Hardware, software and netwo rking

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEO ILE5054. 1 Understand what Green IT is and how we can meet standards set for Green
CEO ILE5054. 2 Comprehend Green IT from the perspective of ha rdware, software, storage,
and networking at the enterprise level.
CEO ILE5054. 3 Strategize Green Initiatives and look at the future of Green IT

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be a ble to

MCAILE5054.1 Create awareness am ong stakeholders and promote green initiatives in their
environments leading to a green movement.
MCAILE5054.2 Adopt special skills such as knowledge about energy efficiency, ethical IT
assets disposal, carbon footprint estimation.
MCAILE5054.3 Create eco-friendly environment.

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Trends and
Reasons to Go
Green  Overview and Issues
 Current Initiatives and Standards
 Consumption Issues
o Minimizing Power Usage
o Cooling 08
2 Introduction to
Green IT  Green IT
 Holistic Approach to Greening IT
 Awareness to Implementation
o Green IT Trends
o Green Engineering
 Greening by IT
o Using RFID for Environmental Sustainability
o Smart Grids
o Smart Buildings and Homes
o Green Supply Chain and Logistics
o Enterprise -Wide Environmental Sustainability 08
3 Green
Hardware and
Software Green Hardware
 Introduction ,
 Life Cycle of a Device or Hardware ,
 Reuse, Recycle and Dispose
Green Software
 Introduction
 Energy -Saving Software Techniques
Changing the way we work
 Going Pa perless 08
4 Green Data
Centers and
Storage Green Data Centers
 Data Centre IT Infrastructure
 Data Centre Facility Infrastructure: Implications for Energy
 IT Infrastructure Management
 Green Data Centre Metrics
Green Data Storage
 Introduction
 Storage Media Power Characteristics
 Energy Management Techniques for Hard Disks
 System -Level Energy Management
Green Networks and Communications
 Introduction
 Objectives of Green Network Protocols
 Green Network Protocols and Standards 08
5 Enterprise
Green I T
Strategy  Introduction
 Approaching Green IT Strategies 08

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 Business Drivers of Green IT Strategy
 Business Dimensions for Green IT Transformation
 Organizational Considerations in a Green IT Strategy
 Steps in Developing a Green IT Strategy
 Metrics and Measur ements in Green Strategies
 Organizational and Enterprise Greening
 Greening the Enterprise: IT Usage and Hardware
6 Managing and
Green IT Managing Green IT
 Introduction
 Strategizing Green Initiatives
 Implementation of Green IT
 Information A ssurance
 Communication and Social Media
Regulating Green IT
 Introduction
 The Regulatory Environment and IT Manufacturers
 Non-regulatory Government Initiatives
 Industry Associations and Standards Bodies
 Green Building Standards
 Green Data Centres
 Social Mo vements and Greenpeace
The Future of Green IT
 Green Computing and the Future
 Megatrends for Green Computing
 Tele-presence Instead of Travel
 Tele-commuting Instead of Commuting
 Deep Green Approach 12

References :
 Toby Velte, Anthony Velte, Robert Elsenp eter, 2008, Green IT: Reduce Your
Information System's Environmental Impact While Adding to the Bottom Line, McGraw
 San Murugesan, G. R. Gangadharan, 2013, Harnessing Green IT, WILEY.
 Bud E. Smith, 2014, Green Computing -Tools and Techniques for savin g energy, money
and resources, CRC Press.
Foundation Guide.
 Jason Harris, Green Computing and Green IT Best Practices.

Web References:
 http:/ /


Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

Page 123

University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for setting up the question pap er.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

Page 124

University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)

Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAL501 Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab 03

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut. Total
01 Mobile Application
and User Experience
Design Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

and User
Design Lab Theory Marks TW Pract . Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2
(T2) Average of
T1 & T2
-- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100

Basic understanding on Java programming and XML

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEOL501. 1 Understand the entire Android Apps Development Cycle
CEO L501. 2 Apply the advanced andr oid development techniques
CEO L501. 3 Conceptualize the design of user applications using User Experience Design.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be ab le to

MCA L501.1 Demonstrate Android activities life cycle
MCA L501.2 Apply proficiency in coding on a mobile programming platform.
MCA L501.3 Design and develop innovative android applications
MCA L501.4 Create real life application with end -to-end understanding of User experience

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No. Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Introduction to
Android The android platform, the layers of android, Four kinds of android
components, understanding the androidManifest.xml file, creating
an android application
Introduction to android SDK, Exploring the de velopment
environment 04
2 User interfaces Creating the activity, working with views, using resources
Working with intents and services, Different types of layouts,
components. 06
3 Storing and
Retrieving data Using the file system, working with shared p references, persisting
data to a database, Working with content providers 10
4 Graphics and
Multimedia Drawing graphics in android, c reating animations with android s
graphics API,Playing audio & video, Capturing media 06
5 Location,
Sensors Using Location Manager and Location Provider, working with
maps, Working with GPS, Bluetooth and WiFi , Integrating google
maps, services for push notificationGoogle ads. 04
integration Using AsyncTask to perform network operations, introduction to
HtttpUrlConnection and JSON, performing network operations
asynchronously, working with OkHttp, Retrofit and Volley 08
7 Database
and distributing
androida pplicat
ion SQLite Programming, Android database connectivity using
SQLite , distributio n options, packaging and testing the
application, distributing applications on google play store 08
8 Open source
UX tools Study of open source UX tools 02
9 Creating new
prototype selecting device, defining prototype settings 02
10 Identify and
descri be the
objectives for
experiment a. Perform user research
b. User requirement collection
c. User Requirement Analysis
d. Create User personas, user scena rios , customer journey maps 08
11 UX Design – for
Web and
application a. Conceptual Design - Site Maps
b. Create Wireframe
c. Create Screens, Widgets, Outlines
d. Setting properties
e. Ordering Screens, Screen Transition
f. Adding Actions & Triggers, Header & footer 08
12 UX Evaluation
a. Set UX Goals
b. Perform UX Evaluation and Reporting
c. Usability Test 02
13 Mini project Developing mobile applications based on UED principles. 10

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University of Mumbai, M .C.A. , (Rev. 201 6)
 Android in action, Third Edition, W. Frank Ableson, Robi Sen, Chris King, C. Enrique
Ortiz, Dreamtech Press.
 Beginning Android 4 Application Development, Wei -Meng Lee, Wrox Publication s
 Helllo, Android Introducing Google‘s Mobile Development Platform, Fourth Edition, Ed
Burnette, SPD Publications.
 The UX Book by Rex Hartson and PardhaPyla, MK Publication
 Smashing UX Design by Jesmond Allen and James Chudley, John Wiley & Sons
 A Project Guide to UX Design by Russ Unger and Carolyn Chandler, O‘reillyRies, Series
 Agile Experience Design by Lindsay Ratcliffe and Marc McNeill , Pearson
 Universal Principles of Design by William Lidwell, Kritina Holden and Jill Butler,
Rosenfeild Media
 Human Computer Interaction by Alan Dix, New riders
 Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience by Jeff Gothelf and
Josh Seiden, Morgan Kaufmann
 Don‘t Make Me Think, Revisited by Steve Krug, New riders
 The User Experience Team of One by L eah Buley, Rosenfeild Media
 The Elements of User Experience by Jesse James Garrett, New riders
 Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook by Saul Greenberg, SheelaghCarpendale,
Nicolai Marquardt and Bill Buxton, Morgan Kaufmann, workbook edition

Assessment :
Term work consists of any two case studies or mini project covering the above syllabus.

Assessment consists of two tests (T1 and T2) .The final marks should be the average of the two

End Semester Theory Examination: Guidelines for sett ing up the question paper.

 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
 Question Number One should be compulsory.
 All question carry equal marks.
 Students can attempt any three from the remaining.
 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example su pposed Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

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Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAL502 Open Source System for ADC Lab 03

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut Theory Pract. Tut. Total
02 Open Source System
for ADC Lab -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03

Code Subject
Name Exam ination Scheme

for ADC
Lab Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1(
T1) Test2(
T2) Average of
T1 & T2
-- -- -- -- 25 50 25 100

Basic overview of Adva nced Distributed Computing and Cloud Computing.

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course student will be able to

CEOL502. 1 To Understand Concepts of distributed and cloud computing
CEOL502. 2 To learn open source technology.
CEO L502 .3 To teach various protection and security mechanisms for data using
cloud concepts

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course student will be able to

MCAL502.1 Design and Develop the solution to a problem using java concepts
MCAL502.2 Demonstrat e use of java Concepts
MCAL502.3 Explore various advanced distributed concepts.

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No. Session Detailed Contents Hrs
1 Remote
on Develop a program for multi -client chat server.
Concept: Develop a multi -clien t chat server application where
multiple clients chat with each other concurrently. The messages
sent by different clients are first communicated to the server and
then the server, on behalf of the source client, communicates the
messages to the appropriat e destination client. 08
2 Remote
call Implementation of Remote Procedure Call
Concept: This application will demonstrate the remote procedure
a) Implement a Server calculator containing ADD(),MUL(),SUB()
b) Implement a Date Time Server containing date() and time() 08
3 Remote
Invocation Remote Method Invocation supporting the distributed
computing in java.
Create a client and server application where the client invokes
methods via an interface. These met hods are implemented on the
server side. Create the necessary STUBS and SKELETONS.
a) Design a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based calculator
(scientific or standard).
Operations should be performed using both mouse and keyboard.
b) Retrieve time and da te function from server to client.
This program should display server date and time.
c) Equation solver.
The client should provide an equation to the server through an
interface. The server will solve the expression given by the client.
(a-b)2 = a2 –2ab + b2;
If a = 5 and b = 2 then return value = 52 – 2.5.2 + 22 = 9. 14
4 Memory
Management Implementation of Shared Memory
a) Write a program to increment counter in Shared memory 04
5 Remote
on Remote objects for database access.
Concept: Pass remote objects from the server to the client. The
client will receive the stub object (through remote interfaces) and
saves it in an object variable with the same type as the remote
interface. Then the client can access the actual object on t he server
through the variable. Make use of JDBC and RMI for accessing
multiple data access objects.
a) Retrieve the students information from the college database.
b) Retrieve the list of books available in the library.
c) Retrieve the MTNL billing infor mation from the MTNL
database 10
6 Enterprise
Java Beans 1) Sample program for basic arithmetic operations implemented
in session bean.
2) Sample program on message bean demonstration. 10

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3)Sample program to Book Information using Entity bean
4) Demonstrat e a program on Statefull and Stateless Bean.
7 Mutual
Exclusion Implementation of mutual exclusion using any of the technique.
Concept : This technique solves the mutual exclusion existing in
the process communication.
a) Centralized
b) Distributed
c) Token Ring
Note: Use any one technique 08
8 Cloud
Computing Study of cloud technologies : Virtualization Technologies, Virtual
Machine Technology, Cloud data center 08
9 Grid Services Study of Grid services using various tools.(any two) 02
10 Case studies Google, Microsoft, AWS. 06

Based on the recommended syllabus student should provide one Presentation/Case study.
Reference Books: -
1. Core Java2 Volume I & II – Horstmann, Cornell.
2. Complete Reference – Herbert Schildt.
3. Distributed computing system and concepts – Andrew Tanenbaum
4. Distributed OS - Pradeep K. Sinha , PHI
5. Cloud Computing unleashing next gen infrastructure to application –
Dr.KumarS aurabh ,willey
6. Cloud Computing insights into new -era infrastructure –Dr.Kumarsaurabh, willey

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Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAPR501 Mini Project 02

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Theory Pract . Tut Theory Pract . Tut. Total
01 Mini Project ** -- -- -- -- -- -- 02

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

Project Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2(T
2) Average of
T1 & T2
-- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 50


Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course, the students will be able to

CEO PR501 .1 Conceptualize knowledge with emphasis on team work, effective
communication, critical thinking and problem solving skills.
CEO PR501 .2 Adapt to a rapidly changing environment by having learned and applied new
skills and new technologies.
CEO PR501 .3 Study designing small projects in a multidisciplinary environment.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

MCAPR501.1 Design, implement and evaluate a project.
MCAPR5 01.2 Gain project management skills.
MCAPR501.3 Work effectively and ethically in a te am towards project development
MCAPR501.4 Demonstrate the ability to produce a technical document.

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Sample Guidelines for Preparing and Documenting the Project Report

Sr. No. Module Detailed Contents
1 Introduction  Introduction of the project
 Problem definition
 Objective of Project
 scope of Project
2 Literature
 Existing System
 Proposed System
 Knowledge Integration
 Use Cases
3 Analysis  Exploring Possibil ities
 Feasibility Analysis
 Cost Benefit Analysis
 Flowchart/ DFD/ER/UML diagram(any other project diagram
4 Methodology  Criteria & constraints (Process models)
 Tools used
 Procedure
5 Design And
A Prototype  Module design and organization
 Data D esign
 user interface design
 Model or Prototype
6 Project
Plan Plan using Project Management Tools
7 Testing &
Validation Test cases and Report (based on manual & automation testing)
8 User Manual  Explanation of Key functions
 Method of Implem entation
 Forms
 Output Screens
9 Conclusion Project Conclusion & Future enhancement
 Rubrics guidelines to be followed during project evaluation.
 REFERENCES should be written as
1. Author Name, Title of Paper/ Book, Publisher‘s Name, Year of publication
2. Full URL Address

Parameters for Evaluation:
 The mini project is evaluated for 50 marks.
 Term work should be based on 2 presentations of ten marks each and five marks for
 Oral (25 marks) should be based on final demonstration and present ation.

** Mini Project will be performed by students during summer vacation of Even Semester of
second year (SEM IV ). Mini pr oject will be evaluated in SEM V . Evaluation of the mini project
will be internal 25 marks as TW and 25 marks as oral examination conducted by External

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Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application (CBCGS)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2017 -2018)
Semester VI
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Presentation Project Total
MCA PR601 Internship –
Project 30 15 15
MCA 602 Seminar –
Research Paper 05 01 01
Total 35 16 16

Code Subject Nam Examination Scheme
Theory Course
Total Internal Assessment End
Exam. Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Total
PR601 Internship –
Project 25 25 50 100 150
602 Seminar –
Research Paper -- -- -- 50 50
Total 25 25 50 150 200

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Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCAPR 601 Internship - Project 15

Code Subject Name Teaching Sch eme Credits Assigned
Presentation Project Total
PR601 Internship - Project 30 15 15

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme
R601 Internship -
Project Theory Course Total
Internal Assessment End Semester
Exam Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Total
25 25 50 100 150

Pre-requisites: --

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

CEOPR601 .1 Achieve hands on experience in an organization
CEO PR601 .2 Relate classroom and textboo k learning to the real world.
CEO PR601 .3 Learn the professional skills and interpersonal relationship in professional

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

MCAPR601.1 Attain an exposure to real life organizational and environmental situations
MCAPR601.2 Attain technical skills as per the requirements of the domain
MCAPR601.3 Adapt professional and interpersonal ethics.
MCAPR601.4 Articulate SDLC phases in developing software project and in writing the
project document.

The guidelines regarding preparation of Internship -Project report for MCA SEM -VI

 To take hands -on experience of the real world, every candidate is required to
undertake a project of 6 months duration in an organization of repute a nd must
submit their project documentation.
 Each student should submit different documentation in a specified format illustrating
his/her role/contribution in the project and write the documentation from his/her
 One copy should be submitted fo r University records which will be retained by the
college and another one is student copy.
 Each student must submit one CD having the documentation part in PDF file format
 Hard copy of the project report must be submitted before a week of
finalpres entation.
 Students have to present their project individually.

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 Feedback form from the Industry should be submitted separately in sealed envelope
to the internal guide.
 Students must ensure the originality of the work with ethics.


Assessment consists of two presentations of 25 marks each.The final marks should be the sum of
the two presentations.

Rubrics has to be followed during project evaluation.

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Subject Code Subject Name Credits
MCA 602 Research Paper 01

Code Subjec t Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Presentation Pract Tut Presentation Pract Tut Total
MCA 602 Research Paper 05 -- -- 01 -- -- 01

Code Subject
Name Examination Scheme

MCA 602
Paper Theory Marks TW Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1
(T1) Test2(T
2) Average of
T1 & T2
-- -- -- 50 -- -- -- 50

Course Educational Objectives (CEO): At the end of the course, the stud ents will be able to

CEO602. 1 Understand analytic approach towards c hoosing a research project and acquiring
research skills
CEO602. 2 Access relevant data and present new ideas related to are a of research.
CEO602. 3 Adhere to ethical standard of research.

Course Outcomes (CO) : At the end of the cours e, the students will be able to

MCA602.1 Write a research paper.
MCA602.2 Present data coherently and effectively, outcome and counter -hypothesis
MCA603.3 Attain experience in preparation of research materials for publication or

Seminar (50 Marks) -
1. Student s must have in depth study in a specialized area by doing a survey of published
technical literature and write a research paper in IEEE format (6 -9 pages).
2. The research topic must be approved from the Institute. The institute should set up a
committee to s crutinize the topics and finalize the same
3. The research paper may be written in a group of maximum 2 students.
4. The research paper must be published in national/ international conference or national/
international journal of repute.
5. The bifurcation of marks for the seminar will be as follows:
a. Original Contribution – 10 marks
b. Paper Quality – Published (5 marks)
Contents (5 marks)
c. Documentation (Language format) – 10 Marks
d. Oral Presentation – 10 Marks
e. Conclusion (Future Scope/ Recommendations/ Suggestions/ Findings) -10

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Reference :
1. James D. Lester , Writing Research Paper s: A Complete Guide (10th Edition)
2. How to Write a Great Research Paper, Book Builders , Beverly Chin , July 2004, Jossey -
Web References:
 -2007 -02/paper/citations.html


Marking Scheme
Sr Topics Marks
1 Original Contribution 10
2 Published 5
Contents 5
3 Documentation 10
4 Oral Presentation 10
5 Future Scope/ Recommendations/ Suggestions/ Findings 10

Rubrics have to be followed during research paper evaluation.