Mass Media 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Item No. – 4.37
AC – 5/5/2018
It has been resolved that it be recommended to the Academic Council that the credits in
program BAFTNMP (Bachelor of Arts in Film, Television and New Media
Production) syllabus be incorporate d and the same be brought into the effects from to the
academic year 2018 -2019.
No. Name of the Subject Course Code Credits
Paper Marks per Paper 100
Marks External
Semester - I
( First Year )
1 Effective Communication
Skills BAFTNMP 101 3 40 60
2 Introduction to History of
Art/Storytelling through
other forms of Art BAFTNMP 102 3 40 60
3 Initiation to Literature &
Creative Writing BAFTNMP 103 3 40 60
4 Basics of Photography BAFTNMP 104 3 40 60
5 Film Appreciation – Genres BAFTNMP 105 3 40 60
6 Graphic Designing
(Photoshop, Illustrator,
etc.) BAFTNMP 106 5 40 60
Total Credits : -
Semester – II
( First Year )
1 Basics of Post Production BAFTNMP 207 3 40 60
2 History of Non - fiction Film BAFTNMP 208 3 40 60
3 Writing for Visual Media BAFTNMP 209 3 40 60
4 Importance of Sound and
Sound SFX BAFTNMP 210 3 40 60
5 Basics of Cinematography -1 BAFTNMP 211 3 40 60
6 Practical Film Making 1
(Only non -fiction film) BAFTNMP 212 5 40 60
Total Credits 20
Semester - III
( Second Year )
1 Introduction to Direction for
Television BAFTNMP 313 3 40 60
2 Basics of Cinematography -2 BAFTNMP 314 3 40 60
3 Understanding TV formats
& Genres BAFTNMP 315 3 40 60
4 Concepts of Story Boarding BAFTNMP 316 3 40 60
5 Graphics and Post
production (Flash, Editing
software, After effects) BAFTNMP 317 3 40 60
6 TV Production / Ad film
making BAFTNMP 318 5 40 60
Total Credits 20
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Item No. – 4.37
AC – 5/5/2018
Semester - IV
( Second Year )
1 Introduction to Direction for
Film BAFTNMP 419 3 40 60
2 Basics of Visual
Aesthetics BAFTNMP 420 3 40 60
3 Convergence and Basics of
Web Designing BAFTNMP 421 3 40 60
4 Concepts of Post Production
& Computer Graphics
(including VFX) BAFTNMP 422 3 40 60
5 Drama Production/ Writing
for Visual Media -2 BAFTNMP 423 3 40 60
6 Intermediate Practical Film
Making (Fiction Film) BAFTNMP 424 5 40 60
Total Credits 20
Semester - V
( Third Year )
Laws related to Films, TV
and Internet BAFTNMP 525 3 40 60
2 New Media Theory and
Practice (With advanced
Web design and app making) BAFTNMP 526 3 40 60
3 Aspects of Media Production
(Set design, makeup, etc.,
line production, logistics,
etc.)/ Understanding Indian
Contemporary Cinema BAFTNMP 527 3 40 60
4 Introduction to Production
Management BAFTNMP 528 3 40 60
5 Trends and Technology in
Film & Television (will
include overview of Media
Business, Pitching for funds,
distribution, marketing, etc.)/
Basics of Marketing and
Publicity Design for Films &
TV BAFTNMP 529 3 40 60
6 Advanced Practical Film
Making (Includes
Compositing, Special
Effects, etc.) – Music Videos BAFTNMP 530 5 40 60
Total Credits 20
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Item No. – 4.37
AC – 5/5/2018
Semester - VI
( Third Year )
1 Final Project - Short Film
(10-15 minutes) BAFTNMP 631 Viva Voce
by External
2 Comprehensive, which will
include writing an original
story to production and
distribution of film in the
national and International
circuit. It will also involve
creating a blog, FB page,
website for the film. Write a
20 100 (Viva by