Marking Scheme of FY Bsc computer Science 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Marking Scheme of FY Bsc computer Science 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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New Scheme of examination
F.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science
Year 2015 -16
1. F.Y.B.Sc . Computer Science has total 7 subjects as shown in table 1.

FC1 Phy-1 Phy-2 CS-1 CS-2 Math -1 Math -2
marks 60
marks 60
marks 60
marks 60
marks 100
marks 100
Table1: Theory subjects of F.Y.B.Sc
2. 4 Practical as shown in table - 2
Phy-1 Phy-2 CS-1 CS-2
40 marks 40 marks 40 marks 40 marks
Table 2: Practical of F.Y.B.Sc
80:20 scheme of examination
1. In a new scheme of 80:20% evaluations, every student is evaluated for 80%
external examination (EX) and 20% internal examination(IN) for both, theory as
well as practical .
FC-1 Phy-1 Phy-2 CS-1 CS-2 Math -1 Math -2
100 marks 60 marks 60 marks 60 marks 60 marks 100 marks 100 marks
80 IN
20 Ex
48 IN
12 Ex
48 IN
12 Ex
48 IN
12 Ex
48 IN
12 Ex
80 IN
20 Ex
80 IN
Table 3: F.Y.B.Sc. CS Theory subjects 80:20 marking Scheme

Phy-1 Phy-2 CS-1 CS-2
marks 40 marks 40 marks 40 marks
32 IN
8 Ex
32 IN
8 Ex
32 IN
8 Ex
32 IN
Table 4: F.Y.B.Sc. CS Practical subjects 80:20 marking Scheme
2. For Internals there is no minimum passing mark. Zero marks are allowed in both
Theory as well as for practical

3. There is an individual head of passing for theory as well as for practical.

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4. Minimum passing marks for theory as well as for practical are 40%.
subjects FC1 Phy-1 Phy-2 CS-1 CS-2 Math -1 Math -2
marks 100 60 60 60 60 100 100
parks 40 24 24 24 24 40 40
Table 5: Minimum passing marks for t heory subjects of F.Y.B.Sc
subjects Phy-1 Phy-2 CS-1 CS-2
marks 40 40 40 40
parks 16 16 16 16
Table 6: Minimum passing marks for practical subjects of F.Y.B.Sc
5. If student fails in any theory subject or practical, he/she has to clear only those
theory or practical component in next attempt .
6. In case “External examination” is conducted for 100 marks (for FC -1,Math -
1,math -2) and 60 marks (Physics -1,Physics- 2,Computer science - 1,Computer
science -2)then the marks are to be convert ed to 80 and 48 respectively and are
to be credited to the “External” marks component of the total evaluation.
7. Student appeared at F.Y.B.Sc. examination and has failed in the head of passing
total of which shall not exceed 220 marks in which case he/she w ill be required to
appear at the F.Y.B.Sc examination in the head of passing in which he/she has
failed either previously or simultaneously with the S.Y.B.Sc. examination and his\her result of S .Y.B.Sc . examination will not be declared, unless he/she has
passed in the heads of passing in which he/she has failed at the F.Y.B.Sc
8. Grace mark for passing in each head of passing (theory / practical ) is same as that of ORDINANCE 5042 .
9. Condonation rule is also as per the ORDINACE 5045.