Marine Biogeochemistry 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Marine Biogeochemistry 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC –(R)
Item No. – 8.9

University of Mumbai

Revised Syllabus for M.Sc. (Maritime Studies)
Paper on Marine Biogeochemistry And Ocean Optics SCMS301)
Semester – (III)
(Choice Based Credit System)

(Only for 2021 -2023 Batch) 06/04/2023

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University of Mumbai

Syllabus for Approval

No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of Course M.Sc. (Maritime Studies) Paper on
Marine Biogeochemistry And Ocean
Optics (MSCMS301)
2 Eligibility
3 Duration of Course
2 years
4 Scheme of Examination
5 Standards of Passing
6 No. of years/Semesters: Sem -
7 Level: P.G. / U.G./ Diploma /
8 Pattern: Yearly / Semester
9 Status: New / Revised
10 To be implemented from Academic Year : Only for 2021 -2023 Batch
Signature: Signature:

Dr. Francis P. A.
(Chairman of Board of Studies) Faculty of Dean

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Paper on Marine Biogeochemistry And Ocean Optics (MSCMS301)

MSCMS301E Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ocean Optics (4 credit)

UNIT -I Introduction to Ocean Biogeochemistry: (10 hours)
Primary Productivity, Role of nutrients and light, Sverdrup’s critical depth
concept, New and Regenerated production, Export Production, Biological Pump,
Solubility Pump;

UNIT -II Chemical Oceanography: (10 hours)
Chemical composition of seawater, Macro and Micronutrients, Concept of
proximate and ultimate limitation, importance of trace elements, Elemental
stoichiometry & Redfield ratio, Carbon, Nitrogen, Silicon and Phosphorus cycles,
Importance of these elements in Ocean biogeochemistry

UNIT -III Physical -Biological Interactions: (12 hours)
Coupling between physical, chemical and Biological Oceanography, Upwelling
and winter mixing, Physical factors controlling marine productivity; ocean food
web (phytoplankton to fish and microbial loop ); Growth rate of phytoplankton,
nutrient limitation, light limitation, Liebig law of minimum, Michaelis -Menton
representation, Redfield ratio, photosynthesis, size consideration of
phytoplankton (Diazotroph, picoplankton and diatom), zooplankton grazing;

UNIT -IV Oxygen minimum Zones: (4 hours)
Formation, distribution and implications; Deoxygenation of ocean,
Dentrification and annamox, Organic matter cycling

UNIT -V Biogeochemistry and Climate linkages: (12 hours)
Ocean Carbon Cycle & Ocean Acidification, Understanding of the chemical,
physical, and biological characteristics and processes influencing carbon
dynamics in ecosystems, A simple carbon -cycle model, Controlling factors of
Ocean Acidification, Ocean acidif ication and implications for global marine

UNIT -VI Ocean Optics: (12 hours)
Fundamentals of the light/matter; electromagnetic radiation; ocean color;
measurements & uncertainties, Optics of marine particles; optically active
substances (OAS); inherent optical properties (IOP); apparent optical properties
(AOP); remote sensing reflectance; downwelling diffuse attenuation coefficient;
effect of OAS on apparent optical properties; vertical propagation of light

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1. “Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics” by J. L. Sarmiento and N. Gruber,
Princeton University Press
2. “Marine Biogeochemical Cycles”, 2nd Edition, by Rachael James, Open
University Publication
3. “Fundamentals of Remote Sensing”, 2nd Edition, by George Joseph,
Universities Press.
4. “Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics,” by Jorge L. Sarmiento & Nicolas
Gruber, Princeton University Press.
5. “Dynamics of Marine ecosystems: Biological –Physical Interactions in the
Oceans”,3rd Edition by K.H Mann, John R.N Lazie, Wiley, 2013.
6. “Phytoplankton productivity: Carbon assimilation in marine and
freshwater ecosystems”, by Williams, P.J. B, Thomas, D. N, Reynolds, C.