MVocMLT Syllabus CBCS 7525 Pattern from 2020 21_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Iamtoinviteourattention totheordinances. Re_t1ationsandSyllabus relatingtothe
MasterofVocation (Medical Laboratory TechnoloK )(CBCS) (Sem.-ItoVI)andto
informyouthattheresolution passedbytheBoard)fDeansatitsmeeting heldon
27lhJanuary. 2021videitemo.6.7(N)havebeenaCCltedbytheAcademic Cmmcilatits
meetingheldon23rdFebruary, 2021videitemNo.6.7andsubsequently approved bythe
Management Council atitsmeeting heldon091hApril,2021videitemNo.15andthatin
accordance therewith, inexercise ofthepovversconferedupontheM~nagement Council
underSection74(4)oftheMaharashtra Public niversitesAct,20,16(Mah.ActNo.VIof
2017)theOrdinance 6619&6620Regulations 93629363andthesyllabusofMaster
ofVocation (Medical Laboratory Technology) hasbet1introduced asthesaidcoursehas
beensanctioned bytheU.G.c., ewDelhi,underSQlandthesamehavebeenbrought
intoforcewitheffectfromtheacademic year2020-21, acordingly. (Thesameisavailable on
Copyforwarded withCompliments forinformation to:-
1)TheChairman, BoardofDeans,
2)TheDirector, BoardofExaminations aodEvaluation.
3)TheDirector, BoardofStudents Development,
4)TheCo-ordinator, University Computerization Centre.
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Copy to : -
1. The Deputy Registrar, Academic Authorities Meetings and Services
2. The Deputy Registrar, College Affiliations & Development
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3. The Deputy Registrar, (Admissions, Enrolment, Eligibility and
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4. The Deputy Registrar, Research Administration & Promotion Cell
5. The Deputy Registrar, Executive Authorities Section (EA),
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9. The Director, Institute of Distance and Open Learni ng (IDOL Admin),
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6. P.A to Director, Board of Examinations and Evaluation,
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for information.
Page 3
••Admissions willbeonmerit(percentage ofaggregate
marks/gradesecuredatthequalifying examination).
Reservation criteriawillbefollowed asprescribed bythe
Masterof government atthetimeofadmissions.
Vocation in Theadmission shouldbestrictlyonmeritfortheseats
Medical allottedbytheUniversity.
Laboratory Whiledrawingthemeritlist,weightage tobegivenas
Technology below:
B.Voc. M.L.T. 50% ----
B.Sc.(LifeScience/ Zoology/ Biomedical! Chemistry up
Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ BiochemisrfY/ 40% toSecondYear
M.L.T./AppliedorAlliedBiological B.Sc.
Bachelor inPharmacy 5% ----
Bachelor's DegreeinMedicine ----
(M.B.B.S. /B.D.S./B.A.M.S. / 5%
Onedivisionof20seatseachin(M.oc(MLT-Part-I)and(M.Vc.(MLT) Part-II)
•M.Voc.(Medical Laboratory Technology) :-2Years(FourSemestrs(I,II,III,IV))4.CourseDuration andLevelofAwards:- -
Thecourseduration andcertification levelswillleadtoM.Voc. DegreeinMedical
Laboratory Technology. M.Voc.Degree(SemJ&II)andSemIII&IV)tobeawarded by
University ofMumbai andthesemesters J,II,III&IVexamintionswillbeconducted by
University ofMumbai forawardofM.Voc.Degree.
5.StudentIn-takecapacity:TheSemester EndExaminations forSemesters I,II,III&IV shallbeconducted bytheUni
versityandtheresultsshallbedeclared afterprocessing theinternalassessment andthemarks
awarded tothelearners. ThegradecardshallbeissuedbytheUniversity afterconverting
3.Eligibility forAdmission: -0\~CO2-0
Page 4
•VidyaVikas Education Society's
M.Voc(Medical Laboratol TechnoloD
FeesStructure Academic Year2020-2021
Subiecttorevision, ifany,asperUniversity ofMumbai
M.Voc(Medical Laboratory
Particulars PartI PartII
TutionFees 15000 15000
Other&E.C.A 250 250
UnLExam FeelMarksheet 2820 2820
Laboratory Fee 22000 22000
LibraryFee 1000 1000
GymFee 400 400
Adm.Proc. 200 200
V CFund 20 20
MaazineFee 100 100
IDFee 50 50
GroupInsurance 40 40
Students WelfareFund 50 50
Uni.Sports& Cultural Fees 30 30
Development Fee 500 500
UtilityFee 250 250
Computer Internet 500 500
E-Suvidha 50 50
E-Chares 20 20
Disaster ReliefFund 10 10
NSSEkakYojana Fee 10 10
ProiectFee --- 2000
Registration Fee 1000 ---
Registration FormFee 25 ---
Covocation Fee --- 250
ExamFeestoSectorSkillCouncil 1600 1600
CautionMoney 150 ---
LibrLaboratory Deposit 400 ---
Total 46725 471508.FEESSTRUCTURE FORM.VOC.(M.L.T.): ~19.3b
Page 5
Justification for New Syllabus and Course M.Voc. (Medical Laboratory Technology)
1. Necessity of starting these courses:
Objectives for Starting M. Voc (Medical Laboratory Technology)
i. To provide vertical mobility to students coming out of Bachelor of Vocation (B. Voc )
Medical Laboratory Technology started from Academic Year 2014 onwards.
ii. To provide training from entry level jobs to entrepreneurship.
iii. To integrate National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) within the Post Graduate Level
of Higher Edu cation in order to enhance the employability of the Graduates and meet
Industry requirements . Such graduates are also expected to be equipped to become part of
global workforce.
2. Whether UGC has recommended to start the said courses?
Yes. With reference to Letter F. No. 1 -25/2018 (NSQF)/756 Dated: 30/07/2019, UGC conveyed
the approval to The Principal, Vikas College of Arts, Science & Commerce for offering M. Voc
(Medical Laboratory Technology) from academic year 2019 -20.
3. Whether all the courses have commenced from the academic year 2019 -20?
As Government Resolution for starting Skill Courses (4th March , 2020) , No Objection
Certificate from Joint Director of Higher Education Mumbai (17th August, 2020) and Affiliation
letter from University of Mumbai r eceived on 25th August , 2020, M. Voc (Medical Laboratory
Technology) course has been started from Academic Year 2020 -2021 .
4. The courses started by the University are self -financed, whether adequate number of
eligible permanent Faculties are available?
The M. Voc (Medical Laboratory Technology) is a self -financed new post graduation
programme, as UGC will not give grant – in – aid for B. Voc Colleges after startup grant. The
college have to recover the expenses incurred from student fees as per existing fees fixation
policy .
Page 6
Vikas College of Arts, Science & Commerce have appointed required eligible teaching staff for
Academic Year 2020 -21.
(2020 -21)
N Appoint
ment EXPER
1 Mrs. Mitali
Sawant Assistant
Professor 04.07.2017 M.Sc. In Life
Science , in
Analytical and
Chemistry, B . Sc
in Microbiology
Bachelor of
Education (B. Ed.) Full Time 11 Years
2 Dr. Sonal
Upaddhya Assistant
Professor 01.07.2016 Ph. D
M.Sc .
(Microbiology) B.
Full Time
11 Years
3 Ms.
Mestry Assistant
Professor 01.07.2017 M.Sc. In Life
Sciences B .Sc. in
Zoology, Bachelor
of Education (B.
Full Time
4 Years
4 Mr.
Karle Assistant
Professor 21.07.2017 M.Sc.
Full Time 4 Years
5 Ms. Pranali
Gaikwad Assistant
Professor 01.08.2019 M. Sc in
Nutraceuticals , B.
Sc. in
Full Time 1.5
6 Dr.(Prof.)
G.Yeragi Retired
Professor &
Scientist 01.07.2014 Ph.D.(Zoology),
M.Sc., B.Sc.
Visiting 35 Years
7 Dr. (Mrs.)
S. Yeragi Retired
Professor &
Scientist 01.07.2019 Ph.D., M.Sc. B.Sc.
Visiting 30 Years
8 Dr. Hitesh
D. Pagare Visiting
Professor 01.12.2020 M. D. (Path)
Visiting 15 Years
Page 7
5. To give details regarding duration of the Course and is it possible to compress the course?
M. Voc (Medical Laboratory Technology) is Two Years (Four Semesters) integrated Full Time
Post Graduate Degree Course in Faculty of Science & Technology of University of Mumbai
with specialization in Medical Laboratory Technology.
As M. Voc (Medical Laboratory Technology) is Two Years Full Time PG Course with 30
Credit points per semester, it includes Theory lectures, practical and internship. Hence it is not
possible to compress the course.
6. The intake capacity of each course and no . of admissions given in current academic year.
Course Name Approved Intake
Capacity by UGC No. of Admission s in Current
Academic Year 2020 -21
M. Voc (Medical Laboratory Technology)
Part - 1 20 09
7. Opportunities of Employability / Employment available after undertaking these courses.
After completion of M. Voc (Medical Laboratory Technology), the post graduates can work in
local and Global industry in senior supervisory level at
Hospitals (Pathology Lab)
Clinics (Pathology Lab)
Medical Labs
Nursing homes
Blood Bank
Diagnostic Centre
The candidates will be able to work in various job roles such as Medical Lab
Technician, Phlebotomy Technician, Blood Bank Technician, Histo -Technican, etc
Page 8
AC - ___________
Item No. ____________
for the
Program : Master of Vocation
(Medical Laboratory Technology)
Sem. - I, II, III & IV
(Choice Based and Credit System with effect
from the academic year 2020 -21)
Page 9
AC - ___________
Item No. ____________
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course Master of Vocation (Medi cal Laboratory Technology )
( M.Voc.M.L.T. )
2 Eligibility for Admission B.Voc. ( M.L.T.) /B.Sc.(M .L.T.)/ B.Sc.(Life Science/ Zoology /
Biomedical Sciences/ Microbiology /Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/
Applied or Allied Biological Sciences)/ B. Pharmacy / Bachelor’s
Degree in Medicine (M.B.B.S./ B.D.S./ B.A.M.S./
B.H.M.S./B.P.T./B.O .T.)
3 Passing Marks 40%
4 Ordinances / Regulations
( if any) --
5 No. of Years / Semesters 02 years ( 04 semesters)
6 Level Certificate / Diploma / U.G. / P.G. √
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester √
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status Revised /New √
( Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year From Academic Year 2020- 21
Date: Signature:
Name Dr. Anuradha Majumdar
Dean, Science and Technology
Chairman/Principal of BoS
Page 10
Master of Vocation (Medi cal Laboratory Technology )(M.Voc. M.L.T. ) (Choice based
Credit System) Semester - I, II, III &IV New Syllabus to be sanctioned & implemented from
Academic Year 2020- 21.
1. Knowledge, skills, and values that prepare students for future careers in our
interconnected society, whether in advanced study
2. This programme will also give students an improved sense of self -confidence and self -
efficacy and an awareness of their responsibilities as professionals in their field
3. Learners will comprehend the foundations, process, and practices, and demonstrate
proficiency in Laboratory Technology.
4. Understand the role of Healthcare Professionals .
5. Apply knowledge and perform tests of Clinical Biochemistry, Human Anatomy and
Medical Parasitology.
6. Apply knowledge and perform tests in Clinical Immunology, Clinical Pathology &
7. Understand the s ignificance of Community Medicine.
8. Understand Risks and apply Preventive Measures and perform diagnosis of epidemics.
9. Gain knowledge to work as a skilled Technician in Blood Banks.
10. Gain knowledge and assist in Blood Transfusion Process.
11. Study, understand t he field of Forensic Science and applications of it.
12. Learn Modern / Advanced Diagnostic Techniques.
13. Apply knowledge of Hospital & laboratory Management.
14. Understand the process of Hospital & Laboratory Accreditation and Certification Process
15. Learn Methodolo gy in Clinical Research.
Dr. Anuradha Majumdar (Dean, Science and Technology)
Prof. Shivram Garje (Associate Dean, Science)
Name of Chairperson (B OS)
Member (BOS)
Member(B OS)
Page 11
Vidya Vikas Education Society’s
Vikas Night College of Arts, Science & Commerce
University of Mumbai
Master of Vocation (Medi cal Laboratory Technology)
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS ) (75:25 Pattern)
Syllabus to be im plemented from Academic Year 2020- 21
1. General Guidelines
The Credits are defined in terms of the learner’s hours which are divided into two parts
such as Actual and Notional. The value of a particular course can be measured in number ofCred
it Points. The value of One (01) Credit is equal to 15 Hours of learners load.
The scheme of Examination shall be divided into two parts i.e. Internal Assessmen
t includes Assignments, Seminars, Case Studies which will be of 25 marksand the Semester End
Examinations which will be of 75 marks. The semester wise Credit Points will be same for all
program s & the value of Credits for Post Graduate Programmes shall be of 120 Credits.
Out of 30 credits per semester, the G eneral Education component shall have 40 % of the
total credits (12 credit points per Semes ter) and balance 60 % credits ( 18 credit points) will be of
skill component.
2. Choice Based Credit System (CB CS)
Scheme of Examination
The assessment for the general education component should be done by the university as
per their prevail ing standards and procedures. The university has to necessarily establish a
credit based assessment and evaluation system for the M .Voc. Programme.
For all 4 semesters, the performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two components. The
first component shall carry 25% marks which will be an internal assessment while the second co
mponent shall carry 75% marks at semester end examination.
The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment 25% and Semester End Examinations
External Assessment 75 % are as shown below:
Page 12
M.Voc. (MLT) Course Structure
Credits and Examination Structure
M.Voc. (MLT) (Part I)/ Post Graduate Diploma
Semester I Semester II
Credits Exam Credits Exam
External Internal External Internal
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT201
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT202
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT203
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT204
Theory 4 75 25
MMLTP102 Practical I 4 100 --- MMLTP201 +
MMLTP202 Practical III
4 100 ---
MMLTP104 Practical II 4 100 --- MMLTP203 +
MMLTP204 Practical IV
4 100 ---
Internship 6 200 --- Internship 6 200 ---
Total 30 800 Total 30 800
M.Voc . (MLT) (Part II)
Semester III Semester IV
Credits Exam Credits Exam
External Internal External Internal
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT401
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT402
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT403
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT404
Theory 4 75 25
MMLTP301 +
MMLTP302 Practical I 4 100 --- MMLTP401 +
MMLTP402 Practical III 4 100 ---
MMLTP303 +
MMLTP304 Practical II
4 100 --- (Project) 4 100 ---
Internship 6 200 --- Internship 6 200 ---
Total 30 800 Total 30 800
The assessment of Part ‘A’ i.e. Internal Assessment as mentioned above for the Se
mesters I, II, III & IV shall be processed by the colleges ‘ Institutions of their learners’
admitted for the programme.
For part B that is semester end exami nation of the semesters I,II,III & IV , the University
shall conduct the assessment.
The Internal Assessment marks of learners appearing for Semesters I,II,III &IV shall be s
ubmitted to the University by the respective colleges/ Institutions before the commencement of r
espective Semester End Examinations.
Page 13
The Semester End Examinations for Semesters I,II,III&IV shall be conducted by the Uni
versity and the results shall be declared after processing the internal assessment & the marks awa
rded to the learners. The grade card shall be issued by the University after converting
the marks into grades.
3. Eligibility for Admission:
Master of
Vocation in
Admissions will be on merit (percentage of aggregate
marks/ grade secured at the qualifying examination).
Reservation criteria will be followed as prescribed by the government at the time of admissions.
The admission should be strictly on merit for the seats allotted by the University.
While drawing the merit list, weightage to be given as below:
B.Voc. ( M.L.T.) 50% ----
B.Sc. (Life Science/ Zoology/ Biomedical/
Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ M.L.T. / Applied or Allied Biological
40% Chemistry up
to Second Year B.Sc.
Bachelor in Pharmacy 5% ----
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine
(M.B.B.S. / B.D.S. / B.A.M.S. /
B.H.M.S. /B.P.T./B.O.T. )
5% ----
4. Course Duration and Level of Awards: -
The course duration and certification levels will lead to P ost Graduate Diploma / M .Voc.
Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology . Post Graduate Diploma / M.Voc. (M.L.T.)(Part – I)
(Sem I & II) and M.Voc. (M.L.T.) (Part -II) Degree (Sem III & IV) to be awarded by University of
Mumbai and the semester sI,II,III& IV examinations will be conducted by University of Mumbai
for award of M .Voc. Degree.
P. G. Diploma ( Medical Laboratory Technology )/
M.Voc.(M.L.T.) Part -I :- 1 Year ( Two Semesters ( I & II))
M.Voc.( Medical Laboratory Technology ) :- 2 Years ( Four Semesters (I, II, III,IV ))
5. Student In‐take capacity:
One division of 20 seats each in (P.G.Diploma /M.Voc.M.L.T.(Part –I))andM .Voc. (Part –II)
Page 14
6. Course Contents: -
According to M .Voc.guidelines of UGC, The curriculum in each of the years of the
M.Voc. programme would be a suitable mix of General Education and Skill Development
Components. Out of 30 credits per semester, the General Education component shal l have 40 %
of the total credits (12 credit points per Semester) and balance 60 % credits ( 18 credit points)
will be of skill component.
The Performance grading of the learners shall be on the 10 Point ranking system as under.
Percentage of Marks Obtained
Grade Point Grade Performance
80.00 and above 10 O Outstanding
70-79.99 9 A+ Excellent
60-69.99 8 A Very Good
55-59.99 7 B+ Good
50-54.99 6 B Above Average
45-49.99 5 C Average
40-44.99 4 D Pass
Less than 40 0 F Fail
The Performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Internal
Assessment and Semester End Examination.
The Learners to pass course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in
aggregate for each course where the course consist of Internal Assessment and Semester End
Examination. The Learners shall obtain minimum 40% marks (ie.10 Out of 25) in the internal
assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (ie.30 out of 75) separately, to pass
the course and mi nimum of Grade D in each project wherever applicable, to pass the particular
semester. A Learner will be said to have passed the course if the learner passes the internal assessment & Semester End Examination together.
Page 15
VidyaVikas Education Society's
Vikas Night College of Arts, Science & Commerce
M.Voc (Medical Laboratory Technology)
Fees Structure (Academic Year 20 20-2021)
(Subject to revision, if any, as per University of Mumbai)
Particulars M.Voc (Medical Laboratory
Part I Part II
Tution Fees 15000 15000
Other & E.C.A 250 250
Uni.Exam Fee/ Marksheet 2820 2820
Laboratory Fee 22000 22000
Library Fee 1000 1000
Gym Fee 400 400
Adm.Proc. 200 200
V C Fund 20 20
Magazine Fee 100 100
ID Fee 50 50
Group Insurance 40 40
Students Welfare Fund 50 50
Uni.Sports& Cultural Fees 30 30
Development Fee 500 500
Utility Fee 250 250
Computer Internet 500 500
E-Suvidha 50 50
E- Charges 20 20
Disaster Relief Fund 10 10
NSS EkakYojana Fee 10 10
Project Fee --- 2000
Registration Fee 1000 ---
Registration Form Fee 25 ---
Covocation Fee --- 250
Exam Fees to Sector Skill Council 1600 1600
Caution Money 150 ---
Library Deposit 250 ---
Laboratory Deposit 400 ---
Total 46725 47150
Page 16
Master of Vocation (Medical Laboratory Technology)
Eligibility : B.Voc. ( M .L.T.) / B.Sc. (Life Science/ Zoology/
Microbiology/Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/
M.L.T./Biomedical Sciences/ Applied or Allied Biological
Sciences)/ B. Pharmacy / Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine
(M.B.B.S./ B.D.S./ B.A.M.S./ B.H.M.S./B.P.T./B.O.T.)
Programme Duration : 2 Years
Programme Objectives : The two - year course in Master of Vocation ( Medical
Laboratory Technology ) is designed to enable prospective
learners t o achieve the following objectives:
1. Promotion of competencies for performing microscopic
and bacteriological tests of human blood, tissues and body fluids for diagnostic and research purposes.
2. Development of knowledge on innovative practices in medi cal and health care system.
3. Practice and use of various techniques relating to clinical laboratory analyses.
4. Maintenance and care of laboratory Instruments and
5. Gain knowledge on indexing, recording and storage of medical records and rep orts of patients.
6. Develop knowledge to be involved in a variety of routine administrative and clinical tasks.
7. Gain knowledge of Hospital and Laboratory Management, Accreditation and Certification Processes.
Job Prospects : After the completion of M .Voc.MLT, a challenging career
in Government, NGOs Operated and Private Hospitals ,
Private Medical L aboratory, Blood Banks , Practitioner’s
(Doctor’s )Clinics.
Common job profiles of students after completing M. Voc. ( MLT ) include: Technician in Blood Banks,
Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Laboratories.
Page 17
Vidya Vikas Education Society’s
Vikas College of Arts, Science & Commerce
Kannamwar Nagar -2, Vikhroli (East), Mumbai 400083
Master of Vocation (Medical Laboratory Technology)
M.Voc. (MLT) Syllabus
Part I & Part II
Part I / (P.G. Diploma) Part II
Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV
Paper I Fundamentals
of Medical
Techniques &
Organ Function
Tests Community Medicine,
Epidemiology & Life
Style Disorders Forensic Science,
Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Paper II Principles of
Biochemistry &
Immunology &
Immunopathology Endocrinology,
Metabolic &Nutritional Biochemistry Modern Diagnostics –
Separation Techniques & Non -invasive
Paper III Human Anatomy
& Physiology Clinical Pathology,
Molecular Biology Blood Banking &
Blood Transfusion Hospital & Laboratory
Management, Modern Clinical Practices &
Paper IV Medical
Mycology &
Virology Haematology,
Fluid Analysis &
Human Disorders Histopathology &
Modern Diagnostics Research
Methodology & Biostatistics
Page 18
M.Voc. (MLT) Course Structure
Credits and Examination Structure
M.Voc. (MLT) ( Part I )/ Post Graduate Diploma
Semester I Semester II
Credits Exam Credits Exam
External Internal External Internal
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT201
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT202
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT203
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT204
Theory 4 75 25
MMLTP102 Practical I 4 100 --- MMLTP201 +
MMLTP202 Practical III
4 100 ---
MMLTP104 Practical II 4 100 --- MMLTP203 +
MMLTP204 Practical IV
4 100 ---
Internship 6 200 --- Internship 6 200 ---
Total 30 800 Total 30 800
M.Voc . (MLT) ( Part II )
Semester III Semester IV
Credits Exam Credits Exam
External Internal External Internal
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT401
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT402
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT403
Theory 4 75 25
Theory 4 75 25 MMLT404
Theory 4 75 25
MMLTP301 +
MMLTP302 Practical I 4 100 --- MMLTP401 +
MMLTP402 Practical III 4 100 ---
MMLTP303 +
MMLTP304 Practical II
4 100 --- (Project) 4 100 ---
Internship 6 200 --- Internship 6 200 ---
Total 30 800 Total 30 800
Page 19
M.Voc. (MLT) Course Structure
M.Voc. (MLT) (Part I) / Post Graduate Diploma
Semester I
Course Code Title Theory /
Practical Marks Credits No. of Lectures/
Fundamentals of Medical Lab Tech Theory 100 4 4
Clinical Immunology & Immunopathology Theory 100 4 4
Human Anatomy & Physiology Theory 100 4 4
Medical Parasitology, Mycology &
Virology Theory 100 4 4
MMLTP102 Practical I Practical 100 4 8
MMLTP104 Practical II
Practical 100 4 8
Internship (At Microbiology / Virology Laboratory/
Department of Hospital / Advanced Diagnostic Centre /
Research Institute)
Total 800 30 32
Semester II
Code Title Theory /
Practical Marks Credits No. of Lectures/
Clinical Techniques & Organ Function Tests Theory 100 4 4
Clinical Immunology & Immunopathology Theory 100 4 4
Clinical Pathology, Cytogenetics&
Molecular Biology Theory 100 4 4
Haematology, Fluid Analysis & Human
Disorders Theory 100 4 4
MMLTP202 Practical III
Practical 100 4 8
MMLTP204 Practical IV
Practical 100 4 8
Internship (At Molecular Biology Department of Hospital /
Research Institute / Pharmaceutical Company) ---- 200 6 ----
Total 800 30 32
Page 20
M.Voc. (MLT) Course Structure
M.Voc. (MLT) (Part II)
Semester III
Code Title Theory /
Practical Marks Credits No. of Lectures/
Community Medicine, Epidemiology & Life
Style Disorders Theory 100 4 4
Endocrinology, Metabolic & Nutritional
Biochemistry Theory 100 4 4
Blood Banking & Blood Transfusion Theory 100 4 4
Histopathology & Modern Diagnostics Theory 100 4 4
MMLTP302 Practical I Practical 100 4 8
MMLTP304 Practical II
Practical 100 4 8
Internship (At Pathology Laboratory (where basic
epidemiology tests/ studies are undertaken) of State
Government Hospital / Local Governing Body Hospital /
Pharmaceutical Company/ Research Institute or at
Advanced Blood Bank)
Total 800 30 32
Semester IV
Code Title Theory /
Practical Marks Credits No. of Lectures/
Forensic Science, Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Toxicology Theory 100 4 4
Modern Diagnostics - Separation
Techniques, Non-invasive Techniques Theory 100 4 4
Hospital & Laboratory Management,
Modern Clinical Practices & Ethics Theory 100 4 4
Resea rch Methodology & Biostatistics
Theory 100 4 4
MMLTP402 Practical I II Practical 100 4 8
Project – Thesis / Dissertation
Submission – Evaluation Practical 100 4 8
Internship (At Forensic Research Laboratory or Training in
Advanced Instrumentation at Pharmaceutical Company /
Hospital & Research Centre / Research Institute /
Advanced Diagnostic Centre)
Total 800 30 32
Page 21
M.Voc. (MLT) PART I / Post Graduate Diploma
Course Code Component Unit Topic Credits L/Week
(Fundamentals of
Medical Lab Tech) Skill I Basic Laboratory Principles
4 1
Skill II Common glass wares in clinical laboratory 1
Skill III Laboratory instruments: Introduction 1
Skill IV Clinical samples, Specimens and Solutions 1
(Principles of
Biochemistry &
Biochemistry) Skill I Biophysical Chemistry, Bioenergetics
4 1
Skill II Radioactivity, Immunoassays 1
Skill III Disorders and Inborn Errors of : Carbohydrate,
Protein & Lipid Metabolism, Organ Function Tests 1
Skill IV Clinical Enzymology, Electrolytes & Blood Gas
Analysis, Biochemical aspects of Hematology 1
(Human Anatomy
& Physiology) Skill I Human Body Overview, Integumentary System
4 1
Skill II Respiratory System, Endocrine System,
Neuromuscular System 1
Skill III Human Reproductive System : Male Reproductive
System & Hormonal Function, Female
Reproductive System & Hormonal Function 1
Skill IV Pregnancy, Foetal and Neonatal Physiology &
Paediatric Diseases, Pathology 1
Mycology &
Virology) Skill I Medical Bacteriology,
4 1
Skill II Medical Virology 1
Skill III Medical Mycology & Medical Parasitology 1
Skill IV Culture Media, Staining Methods, Biochemical
Tests, Antibiotic Tests, Staining Methods 1
MMLTP101 Skill Practical of Course MMLT101 2 4
MMLTP102 Skill Practical of Course MMLT102 2 4
MMLTP103 Skill Practical of Course MMLT103 2 4
MMLTP104 Skill Practical of Course MMLT104 2 4
Page 22
M.Voc. (MLT) PART I / Post Graduate Diploma
Course Code Component Unit Topic Credits L/Week
MMLT 201
(Clinical Techniques &
Organ Function Tests) Skill I Cardiac & Lung Functions
4 1
Skill II Urino -Genital System Function – Male &
Female 1
Skill III Liver Function, Gastric, Pancreatic, Intestinal
Function 1
Skill IV Thyroid & Salivary Gland Function,
Adrenocortical Function, Central Nervous
System Function 1
MMLT 202
(Clinical Immunology &
Immunopathology) Skill I Introduction to Immune System
4 1
Skill II Complement System & Hypersensitivity 1
Skill III Autoimmunity & Immunodeficiency Disorders 1
Skill IV Immunodiagnostics & Prophylactic
Immunization 1
MMLT2 03
Pathology, Cytogenetics &
Molecular Biology ) Skill I Blood & Inflammatory Disorders,
Hemodynamic Disorders
4 1
Skill II Genetic Disorders 1
Skill III Recombinant DNA Technology 1
Skill IV Nucleic Acid Analysis 1
MMLT2 04
(Haematology, Fluid
Analysis & Human
Disorders) Skill I Blood – Composition, Haemostasis,
4 1
Skill II Haemogram, Special Haematological Tests 1
Skill III Body Fluids : Properties, Amniotic,
Cerobrospinal, Synovial, Serous, Seminal,
Sputum, other body fluids 1
Skill IV Neurological Disorders, Vitamin Deficiencies 1
MMLTP2 01 Skill Practical of Course MMLT2 01 2 4
MMLTP2 02 Skill Practical of Course MMLT2 02 2 4
MMLTP2 03 Skill Practical of Course MMLT2 03 2 4
MMLTP2 04 Skill Practical of Course MMLT2 04 2 4
Page 23
Course Code Component Unit Topic Credits L/Week
MMLT3 01
Epidemiology &
Life Style
Disorders) Skill I Basic Epidemiology
4 1
Skill II Environment and Health 1
Skill III Reproductive and Child Health & Health Education 1
Skill IV Life Style Disorders : Diseases & Mental Health 1
MMLT3 02
Metabolic &
Biochemistry) Skill I Endocrinology – Concept, Pathology
4 1
Skill II Glands, Hormones 1
Skill III Metabolism & Diseases 1
Skill IV Nutrition & Diseases 1
MMLT3 03
( Blood Banking &
Blood Transfusion) Skill I Blood Banking
4 1
Skill II Storage & Transport 1
Skill III Blood Group, Transfusionology 1
Skill IV Blood Bank Records 1
MMLT3 04
(Histopathology &
Diagnostics) Skill I Histopathology
4 1
Skill II Tissue Processing & Staining 1
Skill III Cervical Cytology & Organ Transplantation 1
Skill IV Recent Advances in Cytopathology 1
MMLTP3 01 Skill Practical of Course MMLT3 01 2 4
MMLTP3 02 Skill Practical of Course MMLT3 02 2 4
MMLTP3 03 Skill Practical of Course MMLT3 03 2 4
MMLTP3 04 Skill Practical of Course MMLT3 04 2 4
Page 24
Course Code Component Unit Topic Credits L/Week
MMLT4 01
(Forensic Science,
Toxicology ) Skill I Forensic Pharmacology
4 1
Skill II Forensic Toxicology 1
Skill III Drug: Drug, Designing & Screening 1
Skill IV DNA Profiling 1
MMLT 402
Diagnostics -
Techniques , Non-
Techniques) Skill I Centrifugation, Chromatography, Electrophoresis
4 1
Skill II Analytical Techniques 1
Skill III Medical Imaging 1
Skill IV NMR, Opthalmology, Mammography 1
MMLT 403
(Hospital &
Modern Clinical
Practices & Ethics) Skill I Management : Principles, Practices & HR
4 1
Skill II Material Management & Inventory Control 1
Skill III Clinical & Non -Clinical Services, Accreditation 1
Skill IV Reproduction, Bioethics, Therapy, Contemporary
Ethical Issues 1
MMLT4 04
Methodology &
Skill I Research Methodology - Research Field, Review of
Literature, Methodology, Analysis & Discussions
4 1
Skill II Research Methodology - Project Proposal 1
Skill III Biostatistics – Descriptive Statistics, Correlation &
Regression 1
Skill IV Biostatistics – Statistical inference, Significance
Tests, Analysis of Variance, Epidemiology 1
MMLTP 401 Skill Practical of Course MMLT4 01& MMLT402 4 4
Skill Hands -on Project Training – Thesis Submission -
Evaluation 4 4
Skill Internship 6
Semester IV Practicals :Hands -on Project Training
It is mandatory for students to undergo Hands -on Project training in a n established Laboratory,
Hospital , Diagnostic Centre , Pharmaceutical Company, Research Institute for 4 -6 months; this
should involve relevant instrumentations & techniques. Thesis / Dissertation on the same to be
evaluated by the Internal E xaminer and External Examiner for 100 Marks based on the students
performance, written matter and experimentation. A certificate/ mark list to be appended with the
thesis/ Dissertation.
Page 25
M.Voc. (MLT) Part I – Semester I
Courses Objectives :
The objective of these courses is to understand the role of Healthcare Professionals. To have a firm foundation of the
fundamentals and applications of Medical Laboratory Technology.
Learning outcomes :
By the end of all courses the student will be able to :
• Understand the role of Healthcare Professionals
• Apply knowledge of and perform tests of Clinical Biochemistry, Human Anatomy and Medical Parasitology
Code Title Credits NOS
MMLT101 Fundamentals of Medical Laboratory Technology
UNIT I Basic Laboratory Principles
Code of conduct of medical laboratory personnel - Organization of clinical
laboratory - Role of medical laboratory technician - Safety measures - Medical
laboratory professional and professionalism in laboratory workers -
communication between physician and lab technician - hospital and clinic
borne infec tion and personnel hygiene
UNIT II Common glass wares in clinical laboratory
Care and maintenance - Calibration of pipettes and volumetric apparatus - Cleaning and
sterilization methods - antiseptics and disinfectants - Principle, care, maintenance and
application of Light - Fluorescent - Phase contrast - Electron microscope – staining
techniques – vital stains
UNIT III Laboratory instruments: Introduction
Chemical balance: types, principle and practice – Photometry Principles and use - Beer
Lambert law – Wavelength, transmittance and absorbance – Centrifuges - Water bath –
Refrigerator – Autoclave - Hot air oven – Mixer – Laminar air flow - Water distillation
unit (De ionized and double distilled water) - Automation.
UNIT IV Clinical sample s, Specimens and Solutions
Specimen collection, transport, storage and disposal –common laboratory infections -
Anticoagulants: EDTA, Di -potassium salts of EDTA, double oxalate, single oxalate,
sodium citrate and sodium fluoride.
Acid - Base balance – Electrolytes - Buffer and pH - Preparation of solution : Normal ,
per cent and Molar solution - normal saline - Methods of measuring liquids - Clinical
laboratory records - Modern laboratory set up Quality control: Accuracy, Precision, an d
Reference values.
MMLT102 Principles of Biochemistry & Clinical Biochemistry
UNIT I Biophysical Chemistry, Bioenergetics
Biophysical Chemistry : Electrolytes - Definition, ionization of weak acids, weak
bases pH,HendersonHasselbach equation; Buffer systems - definition, titration curve of
weak acids,buffering capacity, physiological buffers, Respiratory and metabolic
acidosis and alkalosis;Osmosis - definition, osmotic crisis,transportation across
membrane by membrane proteins; Donnan equilibrium - Keq, membrane hydrolysis.
Biological Oxidation & Bioenergetics : Entropy, Laws of Thermodynamics , Red ox
Potential, Enzymes Involved i n Oxidation, and Reduction; transport of molecules
active and passive; involvement of ATP in biologicalsyst ems.
UNIT II Radioactivity, Immunoassays
Radioactivity : Radioactivity - types of radioactive decay with examples; Radioactive
half-life; Units of radioactivity; Application of radioisotope in clinical chemistry.
Immunoassays and Application To Biochemistry : Radio Immuno - Assays
Page 26
(RIA);Determination of Hormones by Using Radio Immuno assays (RIA);
NonisotopicImmunoAssays; Homogeneous Enzyme Immuno Assays; Heterogeneous
Enzyme ImmunoAssays;Enzyme Linked Immuno- Sorbant Assay (ELISA);
Chemiluminescen ce&Bioluminescence;Micropartical Enzyme Immuno assay (MEIA);
Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay(FPIA); Radio Active Energy attenuation
(REA) Assays.
UNIT III Disorders and Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Disorders and Inborn Errors of Carbohydrate Metabolism : Diabetes mellitus –
diagnosis, gestational diabetes mellitus; Galactosaemia; Glycogen storage diseases -
pompe’sdisease, Cori’s disease, Hers disease, Von GIERKE disease; Determination of
glucose inbody fluids - ketone bodies, lactate and pyruva te; Glycated proteins, urinary
albuminexcretion– specimen collection, storage and quantitative assay; Qualitative tests
for individualsugars in urine.
Disorders and Inborn Errors of Protein Metabolism : Plasma proteins, proteins in
bodyfluids; Analysis of pr oteins in blood and other body fluids; Electrophoresis of
plasmaproteins; Aminoaciduria -selected disorders of amino acid metabolism -
phenylalanine, MSUD, tyrosine, alkaptonuria, melanuria, cystinula, Homocystinuria,
Albinism, PKU; Analysis ofamino acids – screening test, quantitative tests for specific
amino acids; Acute phase
proteins: - Diagnosis and significance of C -reactive proteins, alpha feto proteins,
alpha1- antitrypsin, alpha2- macroglobulin, haptoglobulin etc.
Disorders of Lipid Metabolism : Atheroscl erosis and coronary artery disease;
Disorders oflipoprotein metabolism; Acyl –COA dehydrogenase, Jamaican Vomiting
Sickness,REFSUM’s disease, ZELLWENGER’s Syndrome, NORUM’s Disease,
Gaucher Disease;
Measurement of lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins; Sources of analytical and
biologicalvariations in measurements.
UNIT IV Clinical Enzymology, Electrolytes & Blood Gas Analysis
Clinical Enzymology :
Enzymes -Methods of estimation, principles of assay, normal range in tissues and
clinical conditions leading to abnormal levels of : SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline phosphatase,
Acid phosphatase, Amylase, CPK.
Mineral -Methods of estimation, principles of assay, normal range in tissues and clinical
conditions leading to abnormal levels of : Na, K, Ca, CI, O 2, CO 2, P, lodine, Nitrogen,
Zn, Mg, Li.
Hormones -Methods of estimation, principles of assay, normal range in tissues and
clinical conditions leading to abnormal levels of: Androgens, Pregnonediol, estrogens,
corticosteroids, catecholamine, thyroid, prolactin, growth hormones. FSH,LH,
testosterone, β -HCG.
Vitamins -Methods of estimation, principles of assay, normal range in tissues and
clinical conditions leading to abnormal levels of: Vitamin A, thiamine, Niacin,
Pyridoxine, Ascorbic acid, Vitamin D3
MMLT103 (Human Anatomy & Physiology)
Unit I Human Body Overview, Integumentary System
Human Body an overview: Directional and regional terms - Cavities and planes,
Tissues: Structure, functionand locations of epithelial, connective and nerve tissues.
Skin: Structure, function and pigmentation- SkeletalSystem: axial and appendicular
skeleton functions, anatomy, hi stology, Structural and functional classification
of joints and movements.
Integumentary system : Basic structure and functions of glands, layers and hair
follicles. Gastrointestinal system: Dentition –types, Gastro -intestinal enzymes,
Page 27
Unit II Respiratory System, Endocrine System, Neuromuscular System
Respiratory system: Structure and function of respiratory organs, Gas exchange,
Respiratory volume and capacities, Cardiovascular system: Structure and function of
circulatory system : Human heart, blood vessels, lymphatics, Control of heart beat,
Cardiac cycle.
Endocrine System: Basic anatomy and physiology of the Pituitary, Thyroid,
Parathyroid, Adrenals, Pancreas, Testes and ovary, their hormones, functions and
Neuromuscular system: Basic structure and function of Central Nervous System
(CNS), Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) -
Sense organs, Reflexes, Transmission of nerve impulse. Musculoskeletal system –types
of muscles,movement and muscle contraction – contractile mechanisms, Neuro -
muscular disorders.
Unit III Human Reproductive System : Male & Female Reproductive System s&
Hormonal Function
Male Reproductive System & Hormonal Function: Physiologic anatomy,
spermatogenesis, male sexual act, testosterone and other male sexhormones,
Abnormalities of male sexual function, male infertility.
Female Reproductive System & H ormonal functions: Physiologic anatomy, female
hormonal system, ovarian cycles, function of estradiolandprogesterone, female sexual
act, female infertility; Hormone replacement therapy(HRT),Menopause and post
Unit IV Pregnancy, Foetal and Neonatal Physiology & Paediatric Diseases, Pathology
Pregnancy :Maturation and fertilizati on of the ovum, early nutrition
of the embryo, function of the placenta, hormonal factors in pregnancy,response of
themothers body to pregnancy, parturition.
Fetal and neonatal physiology and pediatric diseases: Growth and functional
development of the fet us, adjustment of the infant to extrauterine life, special functional
problems in the neonate, problems of prematurity, congenital anomalies, perinatal
infections, syndrome of the newborn, immune hydrops, tumors and tumor like lesions
of infancy and childhood. The role of fetal factors in programming adult - onset
Pathology: Gynaecological malignancies- ovarian cancer, uterine cancer,
cervicalcancer, gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Sexually transmitted diseases-
syphil is,gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, human papilloma virus infection. Diseases during
pregnancy -placental inflammations and infections, ectopic pregnancy, gestational
trophoblastic diseases,eclampsia.
MMLT104 (Medical Parasitology, Mycology & Virology)
Unit I Medical Bacteriology
Classification and general properties of medically important bacteria. Recommendation
for collection, transportof specimens, isolation of bacteria from clinical specimens.
Staphylococcus streptococcus Neisseria
Campylobacter,Helicobacter, Pseudomonas, Brucella, Haemophilus,
Enterobacteriaceae, Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus,Escherichia, Klebsiella, Clostridium,
Mycoplasma, Rickettsiae , Spirochaetes, Treponema and Leptospira
Unit II Medical Virology
General Properties of viruses - Detection of viruses and antigens in clinical specimens -
Serological diagnosisof virus infections. Cultivation of viruses.Arthropod borne and
rodent borne virus diseases - Picornavirusesand diseases. Hepatitis viruses: Rabies and
other neuro viruses: Orthoinyxo and paramyxo viruses. Pox,Adeno, Herpes, Reo, Rota
Page 28
and HIV Virses, Oncogenic viruses, Viral vaccines, their Preparation and
theirimmunisation s chedules. Viruses of importance to bacteria - Bacteriophages -
Their structure, types –Typingand application in bacterial genetics
Unit II I Medical Mycology & Medical Parasitology
Mycology - Morphology, Taxonomy, clasification of fungi, detection and recovery of
fungi from clincicalspecimens.Dermatophytes and agents of superficial mycoses.
Trichophyton. Epidermophyton and Microsporurn. Yeasts ofmedical importance -
Candida, cryptococcus. Mycotoxins, Dimorphic fungi causing syste mic
mycoses,Histoplasma, Coccidioides, Opportunistic fungi.Diagnosis of fungal infection.
Immunity to fungal infections.Antifungal agents, testing methods and quality control
Parasitology - Classification, Protozoa - Entamoeba - Plasomodium, Leishmania -
Trypanosoma -Giardia Trichomonas - Balantidium.Platyhelminthus -- Taenia -
Fasciola - Paragonimus -
Schistosorna. Nematihelminthes - Ascaris - Ankylostoma - Enterobius – Trichuris -
Wuchereria - Dracunculus.Laboratory techniques in Parasitology. Examination of
faeces for ova and cysts - Concentration methods.Blood smear examination for
Parasites. Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites.
Unit IV Culture Media, Staining Methods, Biochemical Tests, Antibiotic Tests
Culture Media: Classification of culture Media; Preparation of Culture Media; Quality
Control of Culture Media; Inoculation; Incubation & purification methods in
bacteriology; Quanti fication of bacterial growth; Preservation of bacteria.
Staining Methods : Principles; Preparation of stains and re agents; Preparation of
smears; Modification of following staining methods - Simple staining, Differential
staining (Gram staining, AFB staining), Negative staining, Fluorochrome staining,
Staining of Volutin granules, Staining of spirochetes, Spore staini ng, Capsular
staining, Flagellar staining.
Biochemical Tests for Identification: Principle, Media & Reagents, Method; Tests for
metabolism of : carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids and fats; Tests for enzymes;
Rapid identification systems.
Antibiotics & mechanism of action MIC & MBC (Minimum inhibitory concentration &
Minimum bactericidal concentration); In -vitro susceptibility tests diffusion methods;
Mechanism of antibiotic resistance
M.Voc. (MLT) Part I – Semester I - Practicals
Sr. No. Experiment
MMLT101 (Fundamentals of Medical Lab Tech)
01 Calibration of pipettes and volumetric apparatus
02 Study of Laboratory Instruments & equipments - Principle, working and applications
03 Collection of Clinical Specimens and Their Processing in Laboratory
04 Preparations of Chemicals
MMLT102 (Principles of Biochemistry & Clinical Biochemistry)
05 ELISA Test (Direct Method)
06 ELISA Test (Indirect Method)
07 Determination of lactate
08 Determination of pyruvate
09 Detection of Cystine in urine
10 Detection of Tyrosine in urine
11 Determination of Phenylketonuria in urine
12 Electrophoresis of Serum Lipoproteins
Page 29
13 Separation of sugars by chromatography
14 Separation of Amino Acids by chromatography
15 Determination of electrolytes - Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Calcium
MMLT103 (Human Anatomy & Physiology)
16 Study of Integumentary System
17 Study of Endocrine System
18 Study of Hormonal Functions in Male Reproductive System
19 Study of Hormonal Functions in Female Reproductive System
20 Study of Gynaecological Malignancies
21 Study of diseases during pregnancy
MMLT104 (Medical Parasitology, Mycology & Virology)
22 Study of medically important bacteria from clinical specimens
23 Serological diagnosis of viral infections
24 Detection of fungi from clinical specimens
25 Blood Smear Examination for Parasites
M.Voc. (MLT) Part I / PG Diploma – Semester I I
Courses Objectives:
The objective of this course is to have a firm foundation of the fundamentals and applications of
Clinical Immunology, Pathology, Molecular Biology & Haematology
Learning outcomes :
By the end of the course the student will be able to :
• Apply knowledge of and perform tests in Clinical Immunology, Clinical Pathology & Haematology
Code Title Credits NOS
MMLT201 Clinical Techniques & Organ Function Tests
Unit I Cardiac & Lung Functions
Cardiac Function: Definitions of Acute coronary syndrome, angina,
coronary artery diseaseischemia , myocardial infarction, plague,
atherosclerosis, factors promoting atherosclerosis,Diagrammatic
representation of blood flow through heart and lungs , Events leading
to an acute myocardial infarction, hypercoagulable state , Cardiac
markers, symbolism and e mbolism
Lung function : Anatomy of the lung lobule air way obstruction
diseases, constrictingdiseases, interstitial diseases, Bronchial asthma,
chronic bronchitisemphyscma, Pneumonia, TB, tumors of lung and
pleura, plural cavity
Unit II Urino -Genital System Function – Male & Female
Macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of renal system,Nephrone,
glomerular filtration rate, plasma renal flow,hemodialysis,
hemostasis, erythropoietin , functions of renal system , end stage renal
disease, acute ren al failure, acute nephroticsyndrome,phyelonephritis
and urinary tract obstruction, urine analysis &itsapplications in renal
diseases, tumors of the urogenital system, prostaterelated diseases.
Female genital system including breast. Diseases of urinary tract
(kidney, ureter, bladder), diseases of cervix, cervical carcinoma,
vulva, vagina, ureter,uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries including tumors
of these organs (benignbreast diseases, inflammatory diseases,
Page 30
carcinoma breast etc)
Unit III Liver Function, Gastric, Pancreatic, Intestinal Function
Liver Function: Macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of hepatic
system , hepatic lobule, portal triad, jaundice, viral and chronic
hepatitis,cirrhosis, cholestasis, cholecystitis, liver cancer and
secondary tumors, gallbladder tumors , major functions of liver ,
enzymes synthesized by liver, their functions and clinical
significance,three specific patter ns of liver cell injury, its causes and
Gastric, pancreatic and intestinal function: Ulcer, cystic fibrosis,
steatorrhoea, acid peptic diseases, three phases of digestion, structure
and function of stomach, intestinal tract and pancreas, function and
clinical significance of intrinsic factor, hormones and enzymes
synthesized in the GI tra ct, their functions and clinical significance,
Zollinger -Elison syndrome, gastritis, pancreatitis, pancreatic tumor,
lactose intolerance and Diabetes Mellitus, stomach, intestine, rectal,
benign andmalignanttumors, reflux oesophagititis, hiatus hernia,
barret, oesophageal cancer.
Unit IV Thyroid & Salivary Gland Function, Adrenocortical Function,
Central Nervous System Function
Thyroid and salivary gland functions : Anatomy of Benign and
malignant tumors, Follicle, colloid, thyroglobulin, reverse T3, goiter,
Thyrotropin, releasing hormone, tumors of thyroid, structure and
function of thyroid gland, synthesis, regulation and metabolism of
thyroid hormones, effects of increased and decreased concentrations
of thyroid hormones onTSH levels, laboratory tes ts to assess thyroid
gland function, Hashimoto’s disease, Graves disease, secondary
hyperthyroidism and thyroidantibodies
Adrenocortical Function : Structure and function of adrenal cortex,
synthesis of adrenocortical hormones from cholesterol, hormones
synthesized by each specific zone of the adrenal cortex and their
function, Adrenal disorders -Addisons’s disease, Conn’s disease,
Cushing’s syndrome, congenial adrenal hyperplasia, laboratory tests
to assess adrenocortical function.
Central Nervous System: Anatomy of brain, spinal cord, Meningits,
CSF, brain tumors
MMLT202 Clinical Immunology & Immunopathology
Unit I Introduction to Immune System
History of immunology; Concept of Immunity & Immune response;
Innate immune system -properties and mechanism, nonspecific
defense system; Adaptive immune system -properties and
mechanism, cells involved, MHC and its role; Memory, specificity,
diversity, self vs non -self-discrimination; Structure and functions of
primary and secondary lymphoid organs; Cells Involved in Immune
Responses: Phagocytic cells and their killing mechanisms; T and B
lymphocytes; Differentiation of stem cells and idiotypic variations.
Nature of Antigen and Antibody: Antigen vsImmunogen, Haptens;
Structure and functions of immunoglobulin’s; Isotypic, allotypic and
idiotypic variations
Unit II Complement System & Hypersensitivity
Role of complement system in immune response; Complement
Page 31
components & activation pathways; Monoclonal antibodies -
production, characterization & application in diagnosis, therapy &
basic research; Important parameters of serological test; Avidity &
affinit y measurement; Definition of Hypersensitivity, Classification
of Hypersensitivity; Factors causing hypersensitivity; Common
hypersensitivity reaction; Classification & types of hypersensitivity
reaction; Autoimmune diseases
Unit III Autoimmunity & Immun odeficiency Disorders
Mechanisms of induction of organ specific (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,
autoimmune anemias, Goodpasture’s syndrome, IDDM), and
systemic (SLE, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis)
autoimmunediseases . Animal models of primary immunodeficiency
(nude mouse and SCID mouse). Specific impairedfunctions in
lymphoid lineage (SCID, Waldanstormagamaglobulinemia,
DiGeorge syndrome, common variableimmunodeficiency), myeloid
lineage (CGD, congenital neutropenia, Chediak -Higashi syndrome
and leucocyteadhesion deficiency)
Unit IV Immunodiagnostics & Prophylactic Immunization
Immunodiagnostics: Precipitation techniques & its application;
Procedure, interpretation & application of agglutination, compliment
fixation, neutralization & opsonisation; Fluorescence techniques;
ELISA; RIA; Double diffusion &Immuno electrophoresis; Procedure
& interpretation of VDRL test, WIDAL, Leptospira antibody test,
Cryptococcal antibody test, RA Factor, Blood grouping, Rh typing,
Coomb’s test; Clinical laboratorymethods for - Detection of cellular
immune function; Delayed hypersensitivity skin tests; Assay for
lymphocytes; Flow cytometry and cell sorting; Monoclonal
antibodies, hybridoma technique, purification & characterization,
application in biomedical research, clinical diagnosis.
Prophylactic Immunization: Concept & definition of immunization;
Types of immunization; Introduction to vaccines in detailed; Types
of vaccines; National immunization schedule; Vaccines-
immunoprophylaxis& immunotherapy; Types of vaccines; Immunity
against bacterial, viral, fungal & parasitic diseases, advances in the
development of vaccines
MMLT203 Clinical Pathology, Cytogenetics& Molecular Biology
Unit I Blood & Inflammatory Disorders, Hemodynamic Disorders
Blood and Inflammatory Disorders: Haemostasis – disorders and
regulation; Types of Anaemia; Bleeding disorders of man; General
inflammatory markers and specific therapeutic bioindicators; C
reactive protein (CRP); Rheum atoid Arthritis (RA); Anti Streptolysin
O(ASO); Acute inflammation - Vascular changes, Cellular Events;
Chronic inflammation - Chronic inflammatory cells and mediators,
Lymphatics and lymph nodes in inflammation; Systemic effects of
Hemodynam ic Disorders: Hyperemia and congestion -
Hemorrhage, Hemostasis, and thrombosis, Endothelium platelets,
Coagulation cascades, DIC embolism, Pulmonary
Thromboembolism, Systemic thromboembolism, Fat Embolism, Air
Embolism, Amniotic Fluid Embolism, Infraction .
Unit II Genetic Disorders
Page 32
Genetic Disorders - Diseases Caused by Change in Structural
Proteins &ReceptorProteins: Mutations - Types of mutation,
Molecular repair mechanisms, Diseases due to defected repair
mechanisms; Mendelian Disorders - Transmission pattern of single
gene disorders, Autosomal disorders, Sex chromosome related
disorders, MarfanSyndrome,Ehlers -Danlos syndrome, Familial
hypercholesterolemia, Diabetes, Protein energy malnutrition’s.
Unit III Recombinant DNA Te chnology
Recombinant DNA Technology: Necessary elements – enzymes
and their properties; DNA Ligase; DNA ligase; DNA modifying
enzymes; Cloning vectors plasmids; Cosmids; Bacteriophages;
Shuttle vectors; Expression vectors; Construction of rDNA and
cloning strategies– various methods, genomic libraries (e.g. Using
phage vectors), cDNAlibraries;Introduction of rDNA into host -
methods; Restriction maps and Sequencing
Unit IV Nucleic Acid Analysis
Nucleic Acid Analysis: Extraction; Purificati on and analysis of
mRNA from eukaryotic cells; Methods for synthesis of double strand
cDNA; Expression profiling; Transcriptome analysis; RT PCR and
Real Time PCR; Rapid DNA sequencing techniques like Sanger’s
dideoxynucleotide, partial ribonucleotide subs titution; Maxam and
Gilbert’s method; Pyrosequencing and single molecule sequencing;
Genome; Genome sequencing; DNASequence Characterization
(Open reading frames, promoters, coding frames)
MMLT204 Haematology, Fluid Analysis & Human Disorders
Unit I Blood – Composition, Haemostasis, Coagulation
Composition of Blood: Components of the blood (Plasma and
Cellular elements) and their functions – Haemopoietic system of the
body (Leucopoiesis, erythropoiesis and thrombopoiesis)
Haemostasis – disorders and regulation – Types of Anaemia
(deficiency of iron, B12 and folic acid, hemolytic, aplastic and
genetic disorders), Bleeding disorders of man
Coagulation of blood: Coagulation system - recalcification time,
activated partial throm boplastin time and thrombin time, Clotting
time, Bleeding time, Prothrombin time, Partial Prothrombin time,
Mechanismof coagulation of blood
Unit II Haemogram, Special Haematological Tests
Haemogram - Haemoglobin, PCV, ESR, RBC count, WBC count,
Platelet count, Calculations of Anaemia using MCH, MCV &
MCHC, Reticulocyte count, Absolute Eosinophil count, Differential
Special Hematological tests : Osmotic fragility – Heinz body
preparation, Blood parasites – Lupus Erythematosus (LE) Cell
preparation – Cytochemical tests, Quality control and quality
Unit III Body Fluids : Properties, Amniotic, Cerobrospinal, Synovial,
Serous, Seminal, Sputum, other body fluids
Physical propertie s :Body fluid compartments, Solutes in body fluid,
Clinical abnormalities of fluid volume regulation, Movement of body fluids
Amniotic fluid : Formation and function of amniotic fluid, Chemical
Page 33
composition, Collection, Testing – Alpha fetoprotein, Acetyl
cholinesterase, Neural tube defects, Chromosomal abnormalities,
Haemolytic disease of newborn, Gestation age, F oetal maturation
Cerebrospinal fluid :Formation, Specimen collection, Causes of CSF
pressure chan ges, E xamination- Gross , microbiological, cytological
Chemical analysis, Immunologic tests
Synovial fluid : Classification of joint disorders, Non -inflammatory
joint diseases –Osteoarthritis, Traumatic arthritis, Neurogenic joint
disease. Inflammatory joint disease – Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus
arthritis, Cell count, Chemical and serological examinations, Clinical
Serous fluid & other body fluids : Formation, Collection, Classes of
effusions, Cell types and clinical correlations. Lymph, Gastric fluid,
Urine, Faeces, S eminal fluid, Sputum and sweat, Biomarker
evaluation in body fluids for specific therapeutic prognostic and /or
diagnostic potential
Unit IV Neurological Disorders, Vitamin Deficiencies
Neurological disorders and Vitamins deficiencies : Alzheimer’s
disease, autism, Canavan’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Carpal
tunnel syndrome, Lesch- Nyhan syndrome, Lyme disease,Multiple
sclerosis, Wallenberg's syndrome and Werdnig -Hoffman disease.
Beriberi, Pellagra, Biotin Deficiency, Scurvy, Rickets,
Arabiflavino sis, Vitamin K deficiency, Hypocobalaminemia,
Paraesthesia and Night blindness
M.Voc. (MLT) Part I / PG Diploma – Semester II - Practicals
Sr. No. Experiment
MMLT201 (Clinical Techniques & Organ Function Tests)
01 1. Cardiac Function Test : a. Lipid Profile
02 Renal Function Test
a. Urea
b. Creatinine
c. Uric acid
03 Liver Function Test
a. Total proteins
b. Bilirubin
e. Alkaline phosphatase
f. Bile pigments
04 Gastric, Pancreatic and Intestinal Function Test
a. Serum amylase
b. Serum lipase
c. Serum insulin level
05 Thyroid and Salivary Gland Functions Test :
a. T3, T4, TSH and PTH
06 Adrenocortical Function Test
Page 34
a. Estimation of ACTH
MMLT202 (Clinical Immunology & Immunopathology)
07 Widal Test (Qualitative & Quantitative)
08 RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin)Test
09 CRP (C Reactive Protein) Test
10 RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) Test
11 ASO (Anti - Streptolysin O) Test
12 Radial Immunodiffusion
13 Double Immunodiffusion
MMLT203 (Clinical Pathology, Cytogenetics& Molecular Biology)
14 Methods of Staining (Romanowsky Stain)
15 Determination of Haemoglobin
16 Determination of Coagulation Time
17 Study of Cytogenetic Disorders - Study of Syndromes
18 Construction of Restriction Map
19 DNA Sequencing
20 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
MMLT204 (Haematology, Fluid Analysis & Human Disorders)
21 Direct and Indirect Coomb’s Test
22 ELISA Test for the Detection of Antibodies to HIV -1 and HIV -2
23 Rapid Detection of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HbsAg) by ImmunofiltrationMethod
24 Detection of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibodies
25 Examination of various body fluids -Pleural Fluid, Pericardial Fluid, Synovial Fluid,
Ascetic Fluid
Page 35
M.Voc. (MLT) Part I I – Semester I II
Courses Objectives :
The objective of this course is to have a firm foundation of the fundamentals and applications of Community Medicine, Epidemiology, Blood Banking & Histopathology
Learning outcomes :
By the end of the course the student will be able to :
• Understand the significance of Community Medicine
• Understand Risks and apply Preventive Measures and perform diagnosis of epidemics
• Gain knowledge to work as a skilled Technician in Blood Banks
• Gain knowledge and assist in Blood Transfusion Process
Code Title Credits NOS
MMLT3 01 Community Medicine, Epidemiology & Life Style Disorders
Unit I Basic Epidemiology
Epidemiology: definition, concepts, uses and its role in health and disease.
Use of basic epidemiological toolsto make a community diagnosis of the
health situation. Modes of transmission and measures for preventionand
control of communicable and non- commu nicable diseases. Principal sources
of epidemiological data.Definition, calculation and interpretation of
morbidity and mortality indicators. Need, uses and evaluation ofscreening
tests. Application of computers in epidemiology
Unit II Environment and Health
Water: Concepts of safe and wholesome water, sanitary sources of water,
waterborne diseases, water purification processes, water quality standards.
Physical and chemical standards of drinking water quality andtests for
assessing bacteriological quality of water. Concepts of water conservation
and rainwater harvesting. Concepts of solid waste and human excreta and
sewage disposal. Awareness of standards of housing and the effect
ofhousing on health. Health hazards of air, water, noise, radiation p ollution.
Unit III Reproductive and Child Health & Health Education
Current status of Reproductive and Child Health. Screening of high risk
groups and common health problems. Reproductive child health (RCH)
components, including child survival and safe motherhood, Universal
Immunization Programme, Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS), Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI)
and other existing Programmes. Organization, implementation and
evaluation of reproducti ve and child health program components. Various
family planning methods, their advantages and shortcomings. Gender issues
and Women empowerment Organizations, technical and operational aspects
of the National Family Welfare Programme
Approaches in health education. Methods of Health Education. Barriers to
effective Communications. Principles of Health Education. International
Health Organisations – WHO, UNICEF, Red Cross, Voluntary Health
Organisation, International Health Regulations
Unit IV Life Style Disorders : Diseases & Mental Health
Diabetes mellitus, Cardiovascular Problems - Systemic Hypertension and
Arteriosclerosis, Neurological Disorders - Epilepsy,Headache,
SleepDisorders Alzheimer's Disease,Cancer,Chronic Liver
Disease/Cirrhosis, Nephritis and Stroke
Stress and Mood disorders, Anxiety disorders, Disruptive Behavior,
Psychosis and related disorders, Substance abuse – smoking and alcoholism
Page 36
and other high risk behaviours
MMLT3 02 Endocrinology & Nutritional Biochemistry
Unit I Endocrinology – Concept, Pathology
Concepts: The endocrine system; hormones - chemical nature;classification;
hormonal action - receptors; hormone receptor interaction; regulation of gene
expression by hormones; second messengers (camp, GMP, Ca++) Protein
kinase cascade; Concepts of hormones assay.
Pathology in Endocrine Systems: Abnormal Hormone Activity; Endocrine
organ hypofunction; Endocrine organ hyperfunction; Abnormality in
hormone transport or metabolism; Abnorma l hormone receptor binding
and/or signal transduction; Neoplasms; Iatrogenic; Assessment of endocrine diseases; Endocrinal imaging
Unit II Glands, Hormones
Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland: Anatomy; chemistry; functions;
regulation; Diseases related to the hormones of these glands; Assessment of
anterior and posterior pituitary.
Thyroid Gland: Anatomy; chemistry; synthesis; functions; regulation; thyroid function test in various abnormal conditions; parathyroid – anatomy;
chemistry; synthesis; functi ons; regulations; diseases of parathyroid glands;
Hormones involved in calcium and phosphate metabolism; Diseases related
to its metabolism; Calcium chemistry and functions.
Adrenal Cortex and Medulla: Anatomy; chemistry; synthesis; metabolic
effects;patho physiology of the adrenal cortex; Assessment of adrenal
functions; Gonadal hormones – anatomy, chemistry; functions; regulations
and diseases related to these glands; Endocrinology of male and female
infertility; pregnancy and lactation.
Gastrointestinal a nd Pancreatic Hormones: Chemistry; synthesis;
metabolic effects; regulation; diseases related to the hormones of these
glands; Detection of anomalies
Unit III Nutrition
Nutritional requirements of carbohydrates; proteins and lipids; Deficiency
states of carbohydrates, proteins and lipid; Minerals and their role in
nutrition; RDA, Nutritional requirements of vitamins (fat and water soluble);
Structure, functions, deficiency states, dietary source; Nutritional
requirements of macro and microelements -functions, deficiency states,
dietary source, RDA
Unit IV Nutrition in Health and Disease
Balanced diet -Regulations of food intake and energy storage; Disorder of
nutrition -Malnutrition, malabsorption, obesity, starvation, deficiency
MMLT3 03 Blood Banking & Blood Transfusion
Unit I Blood Banking
Basic principles of Immunohaemeatology; methods of collection of
blood;preparation and labeling of anticoagulant bulbs; human blood groups
antigens and antibodies; ABO Blood group systems; sub - groups; source of
antigens and types of antibodies; Rh Blood group systems; types of antigens;
mode of inheritance; types of antibodies; Other blood group an tigens; Blood
collection; selection and screening of donor; collection of blood; various anticoagulants; storage of blood; materials and reagents used for different
investigations in blood bank; HDN; Quality assurance in Transfusion
Unit II Storage & Transport
Storage of blood ; changes in blood after storage; Gas refrigerator lay out of
a blood bank refrigerator; transportation; Compatibility testing: purpose;
Page 37
single tube compatibility techniques using AHG reagent; emergency
compatibilit y testing; difficulties in cross matching; labeling& issuing cross -
matched blood
Unit III Blood Group, Transfusionology
Introduction, overview of blood components; collection of blood
components for fractional transfusion; platelets packed Red cell, platelet rich
plasma, platelets concentrate; preparation of concentrated (packed) red cells;
techniques of preparation.
knowledge of maintenance and working of Blood bank refrigerators, Welkin
coolers, refrigerated centrifuge incubators, ovens, autoclaves etc;
Transfusion reactions - recognition and investigations; actions to take when
transfusion reaction occurs; criteria used while selecting a blood donor; Special investigations in Transfusion technology
Unit IV Blood Bank Records
Blood donation record book; recording results; blood donor card; blood
bank temperature sheet; blood bank stock sheet; blood transfusion request
form; Quality control in blood banks - specimen collection; risk assessment
for AIDS and serum hepatitis.
MMLT3 04 Histopat hology & Modern Diagnostics
Unit I Histopathology
Introduction & importance of histopathology -Branches of Histopathology,
Organisation of Histology Laboratory; Histology equipment, Specimen
Reception; Method of specimen collection - Types of Biopsy Procedures,
Examination of Tissues and Cells; Automation in Histopathology - New
Generation Microtome, Tissue Processing, Embedding, Station, Tissue -Tek,
Image Analysis, Stainers and Cover Slippers; Use of Microwave Oven
Unit II Tissue P rocessing & Staining
Tissue Fixative - Simple Fixative and their properties; Micro anatomical
fixative - Histochemical fixatives.
Tissue Processing; Decalcification - Determining the End -point of
Decalcification, Neutralization and Processing; Embedding - Microtome,
Microtome Knives, Section Cutting and Mounting on Slide; Frozen Section - Cryostat.
Types of staining – H and E Staining, Mounting of Sections, Periodic Acid
Schiff (PAS), Feulgen Stain, Masson’s Trichrome, Giemsa Stain,
Phosphotungs tic Acid -haematoxylin Stain, The Papanicolaou Stain; Stains
for : Pigments, microorganism, parasites, carbohydrate, lipids, Nucleic Acid
Unit III Cervical Cytology & Kidney Transplantation
Overview of Cervical Cytology - Pap Test - Method, Collection and
Transportation, Causes for Rejection of Specimen or Limited Reports;
Results of Pap Test - Aspects of Pap Test, Effectiveness of Pap Test,
Practical Aspects of Pap Test; Bethesda System - Types of Results,
Squamous Cell Abnormalities, Bethesda System 2001 for Cervicovaginal
Cytology Reporting, Carcinoma - Hormonal assessment, Cytological
techniques, Special collection method, Clinical applications.
Kidney transplant - Tissue typing; Mixed Lymp hocyte Reaction - Tissue
typing techniques, Minor Histocompatibility antigen
Unit IV Recent Advances in Cytopathology
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC); Thin Layer Cytology
&Immunofluorescent Techniques - Thin Layer Cytology,
Techniques, Flow cytometry; Advances in Lung Cytopathology - Advances
in Cytopathology for Lung Cancer, Advances in Urinary Cytopathology,
Advances in Cytopathological Evaluation of Lymphomas; New Techniques
for Obtaining Samples for Cytopathological Exami nation - Automation in
Page 38
M.Voc. (MLT) Part II – Semester I II - Practicals
Sr. No. Experiment
MMLT301 (Community Medicine, Epidemiology & Life Style Disorders)
01 Study of Morbidity and Mortality Indicators (Calculations and interpretation)
02 Study of Physical S tandards of Drinking Water
03 Study of C hemical Standards of Drinking Water
04 Determination of bacteriological quality of water
05 Study of Mental Health Disorders
06 Physical Fitness and Assessment Tests - BMI, BMR , Skin folds Measurement, Pulse
Rate, Blood Pressure
MMLT302 (Endocrinology & Nutritional Biochemistry)
07 Study of Glands
08 Study of Nutritional Requirements - RDA
MMLT303 ( Blood Banking & Blood Transfusion)
09 Blood Group Detection – ABO Blood Grouping & Rh Factor
10 Compatibility Testing – Cross Match
11 Study of Blood Components
12 Study of Advanced Equipments in Blood Bank
13 Maintenance of Blood Bank Records
MMLT304 (Histopathology & Modern Diagnostics)
14 Microtome & Tissue Processor
15 Fixatives
16 Tissue Processing
17 Section Cutting
18 Slide Preparation, Staining and M ounting
19 Cervical Cytology - Pap Test
20 Recent Advances in cytopathology
Page 39
M.Voc. (MLT) Part I I – Semester I V
Courses Objectives :
The objective of this course is to have a firm foundation of the fundamentals and applications of
Forensic Science, Modern Diagnostics & Techniques, Instrumentation, Hospital & Laboratory Management, Laboratory Accreditation & Certification Process, Clinic al Practices & Research in
Learning outcomes :
By the end of the course the student will be able to :
• Study, understand the field of Forensic Science and applications of it
• Learn Modern / Advanced Diagnostic Techniques
• Apply knowledge of Hospital & laboratory Management
• Understand the process of Hospital & Laboratory Accreditation and Certification Process
• Learn Methodology in Clinical Research
Code Title Credits NOS
MMLT4 01 Forensic Science, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Toxicology
Unit I Forensic Pharmacology
Pharmacology and its branches, Forensic Pharmacological studies,
absorption, distribution, pharmokinetic , metabolic pathways of common
drugs and poisons, Drug toxicity, excretion of drugs and poisons, method of
extraction, isolation, identification of metabolites. Metabolites of methanol
and ethanol, acetyl salicylate, DDT, Parathion, carbaryl, phenobarbiton e,
diazepam, amphetamine and heroin motobolite identification by GC - Mass
and LC -Mass
Unit II Forensic Toxicology
Introduction and scope of forensic toxicology. Different types of poisons
commonly encountered. Different routes of ingestion, toxicity of poisons.
Fate of drug in body. Samples in fatal and non- fatal cases. Packing
andpreservations of viscera. Extraction and screening of common poisons
and methods of analysis of poisons. Forensic toxicology of Ethyl alcohol.
Determination of alcohol in field by breath analyser
Unit III Drug: Drug, Designing & Screening
Classification and nomenclature, some medicinally important inorganic and
organic compounds and their biological role. Pharmaceutical aids: organic
pharmaceutical aids preservatives, stabilizing and suspending agents,
ointment bases and related agents and solvents
Biological testing of drugs: testing drugs in- vitro enzyme inhibition,
receptor studies, safety and efficacy, microbiological testing, screening and
testing by NMR , testing drugs in vivo: test systems drug potency,
therapeutic ratio.Use of cell lines and animal models.Placebocontroll ed
studies. Safety evaluations, followed by efficacy studies
Unit IV DNA Profiling
DNA typing systems - RFLP analysis, PCR amplifications, sequence
polymorphism. Analysis of SNP, Y - STR. Mitochondrial DNA, evaluation
of results, frequency estimate calculations, interpretations, allele frequency determination, match probability - database, qualitycontrol, certification and
Applications in disputed p aternity cases, child swapping, missing person’s
identity - civil immigration, veterinary, wildlife and agriculture cases, The
Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), legal perspectives - legal standards
for admissibility of DNA profiling, procedural and ethical concerns, New
Page 40
and future technologies: DNA chips, SNPs and limitations of DNA
MMLT4 02 Modern Diagnostics - Separation Techniques,
Non-invasive Techniques
Unit I Centrifugation & Chromatography
Centrifugation : Basic principles, procedure and working mechanism –
Different methods of centrifugation techniques (Differential, density
gradient – Zonal and isopyenic and ultra centrifugation)
Chromatography :Method s, Principles, Instrumentation and working
mechanism: Chromatographic techniques: paper, thin layer and column
chromatography, Gel, Ion and affinity Instrumentation of GC and HPLC,
applications in qualitative and quantitative analysis, comparison of GC and
Unit II Electrophoresis
Theory, types: moving boundary and zone electrophoresis, paper and
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. SDS -PAGE - and their applications.
Isolation of DNA and RNA – Agarose gel electrophoresis and its
applications. Blotting techniques (Southern, Northern and Western), PCR
techniques and their applications
Unit III Medical Imaging
Medical Imaging : Biopotential electrodes - Basic medical instrumentation
system - Radiation - X-Ray –Fundamentals of X -ray, Generation and
Detection of X - rays, X -ray Diagnostic Methods - Dual energy X ray
Absorptiometry, Electroencephalography, Recording - Electrocardiography -
Stress te sting - tread mill test- Electromyography and nerve conduction
Nuclear medical imaging : Fundamentals of radioactivity, Computed
Tomography: Basic principles, diagnostic methods - Positron Emission
Tomography - Single Photon Emission Computed Tomogr aphy
Unit IV NMR, Opthalmology, Mammography
Fundamentals imaging - of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Imaging
Fundamentals of Acoustic Methods, Magnetic Ultrasonic Resonance
Diagnostic Ultrasonography - Propagation, Methods - Transcranialdoppler
Opthalmology : Visual acuity test- Fluorescein angiography-
Opthalmoscopy - Electroretinography, Oculoplethysmography-
Oculopneumoplethysmography - Evoked potential studies
Mammography - conventional mammography, digital mammography - virtual
and conventional colonoscopy - angiography - coronary angiography,
microangiography - fluoroscopy and Thermography.
MMLT4 03 Hospital & Laboratory Management, Modern Clinical
Practices & Ethics
Unit I Management : Principles, Practices & HR
Basic concepts of Management: Definition, functions of management,
Planning, organizing, directing, controlling and coordinating and decision
making. Organizational behaviour - personality and attitudes, motivation,
formation of teams and team work
Career Planning, Promotio n Policies. Wage and Salary Administration,
Employee Benefits and Social Security, Performance Appraisals. Issues
Relating to Management of Professionals, Consultants, Specialists, Medical
Officers, Nursing Staff, Other Paramedical Staff
Unit II Material Management & Inventory Control
Materials Planning - Classification of Materials: Consumables, Non
consumables, Budgeting. Purchase Management: Objectives, Purchase
Page 41
system, Purchase Procedures, Selection of Suppliers and Store management
Classi fication of inventory, Techniques of inventory Control.
Computerization of inventory transactions, Sub -stores in
variousdepartments, Physical stock taking. Medical Stores – Functions,
Storage condition/Monitoring, Expiry dates and action, Role of drug Revi ew
Unit III Clinical & Non -Clinical Services, Accreditation
National Health Policy, National Health Programmes, Hospital
Accreditation, Role of Quality Council of India (QCI), National
Accreditation Board of Hospitals (NABH), NABL160, ISO15189:2007.
Clinical and non – clinical services: Radiology Services, Pathology and
Clinical Laboratory, Central Sterile Supply Department, Laundry and Linen
Services, House Keeping Services, Disposal of Biomedical Waste, Medical
Records Department, Mai ntenance of Building, Campus and Utilities and
Fire safety
Unit IV Reproduction, Bioethics & Contemporary Ethical Issues
Personhood – Abortion – Bioethical issues in reproduction,population
explosion and control – Assisted reproduction – Egg donation – Prenatal
screening and sex selection – Cloning - Ethical issues on life & death – Brain
Vs Cortical death – Persistent vegetative state – Voluntary euthanasia and
physician assisted suicide
MMLT4 04 Research Methodology & Biostatistics
Unit I Research Methodology - General Aspects
Identification of areas of research field - problems and needs for
experimental approach, Good laboratory practices.
Review of Literature - biological and medical abstracts, current contents,
CD Rom, Internet,Website, Citation Index - Peer- reviewed publications.
Selection of suitable methodology and statistical techniques for controlled
and unbiased experimentation – designing of experiments.
Guidelines for analysis and discussions – preparation of the manuscript for
scientific publications, ethics in research
Unit II Research Methodology - Project Proposal
Project proposal -Thrust areas -Funding agencies (National andInternational)
– Kinds of research program in India and abroad; Career development in
laboratory research. - Impact factors, principle and method of patenting
Unit III Biostatistics – Descriptive Statistics, Correlation & Regression
Descriptive statistics – Diagrammatic representation, Measures of location,
Measures of dispersion, skewness and Kurtosis
Correlation and regression - Bivartive frequency table – Rank correlation –
Multiple linear Regression
Unit IV Biostatistics – Stati stical inference, Significance Tests, Analysis of
Statistical inference – Point and interval estimation, Hypothesis testing, Test
for assigned proportion, Equality of proportions, Assigned mean, Equality of means.
Chi – Square test for goodness of fit, Contingency table, test for
independence of two attributes.
Analysis of variance –One way classification, Two way classification
Page 42
M.Voc. (MLT) Part II – Semester I V- Practicals
Sr. No. Experiment
MMLT4 01(Forensic Science, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Toxicology )
01 Extraction , Screening and Analysis of common poisons
02 Determination of alcohol by Breath Analyser
03 Biological Testing of drugs – In vitro enzyme inhibition
04 Biological Testing of drugs – Microbiological Testing
05 Detection, handling, measurement and disposal of body and tissue containing
radioactive material
06 DNA Typing
07 Applications of DNA Profiling in disputed cases
MMLT 402 (Modern Diagnostics - Separation Techniques , Non-invasive Techniques)
08 Applications of Chromatography in qualitative and quantitative analysis (GC/HPLC)
09 Applications of Agarose Gel Electrophoresis (AGE)
10 Applications of Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE)
11 Applications of Blotting Techniques – Southern, Northern and Western
12 X-ray Diagnostic Method – Generation and Detection of X -Rays
13 Electrocardiography & Stress Test
14 Ultrasonography Test
15 Opthalmoscopy Test
16 Angiography Test
Hands -on Project Training :It is mandatory for students to undergo Hands -on Project
training in a established Laboratory, Hospital, Diagnostic Centre for 4 -6 months; This
should involve relevant instrumentations & techniques. Thesis on the same to be
evaluated by the guide alternativ ely by the internal examiner for 50M based on the
students performance, written matter and experimentation. A certificate/ marklist to be appended with the thesis. External Examiner to assess for 50M as a Presentation during practical exams. Marks allotted by Internal Examiner would be scaled down if required
as per university guidelines.
Page 43
Semester I
MMLT101 (Fundamentals of Medical Laboratory Technology)
1 Mukerjee, K. L. and S. Ghosh, 2010. Medical Laboratory Technology,
Volume I, McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2 Sood.R., 2006. Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology, Jaypee, New
3 Fischbach, F.T. and M.B. Dunning, 2009. A Manual of laboratory and
Diagnostic Tests, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, New York
4 Sonnenwirth, A.C. and L. Jarret, 2000 Gradwohls’ Clinical laboratory
methods and diagnosis. M.D.B.I.,New Delhi
5 Ochei, J. and A. Kolhatkar, 2000. Medical Laboratory Science, Theory and
Practice, McGraw Hill, New Delhi
MMLT102 (Principles of Biochemistry & Clinical Biochemistry)
6 Biophysical Chemistry, By James P. Allen, 2009
7 Textbook of Biophysical Chemistry, By U.N. Dash, 2006
8 The Physical Basis of Biochemistry: The Foundations of Molecular
Biophysics, By Peter R.Bergethon, 2010
9 Chernecky, Cynthia C. an d Barbara J. Berger. Laboratory Tests and
Diagnostic Procedures, 3rded. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Company,
10 Kee, Joyce LeFever. Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, 4th ed.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001
11 Henry, John B., ed. Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory
Methods, 20th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2001
MMLT103 (Human Anatomy & Physiology)
12 Guyton A.C and J E Hall, A text book ofMedicalPhysiology,W.B
13 Talwar,G.P.andC .M.Srivastava, A text book of Biochemistry and Human
Biology.Prentice Hall of India Ltd.,2003
14 Human physiology fromcells to systems, 5th edition 2004,
LauraleeSherwood,Thomson. Asia Pvt.Ltd. Singapore
15 Physiology, RobertM.Beenu,Mathew N Levy, BruceM.Koeppem, A.Stanton,
5thEdition Mosby 2004
16 Elaine N, Benzamin, Human anatomy and physiology, 3rd edition, Cammings
publishing company, 1995
MMLT104 (Medical Parasitology, Mycology & Virology)
17 Chatterjee, K.D.,2009. Parasitology,CBS, Chennai
18 Greenwood,D., R.C.B.Slack,J.F. Peutherer,M.R. Barer,2007. Medical
Microbiology, Church Hill Livingstone,Philadelphia
19 Alexopoulus, C.J and C. W. Mims, 1993. Introductory Mycology. Wiley
Eastern Ltd, New Delhi
20 Brooks, G.F., S. Morse, K.C. Carroll, J.Butel, 2010. Jawetz, Melnick, and
Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology, McGraw Hill, New Delhi
Page 44
21 Davis, B.D., R. Delbecco., H.N. Eisen and H.S. Ginsburg, 1990.
Microbiology, Harper & Row, New York
22 Dubey, R.C. and D.K. Maheswari, 2005. A text b ook of Microbiology,
S.Chand, New Delhi
23 Landecker, E.M.,1996. Fundamentals of the Fungi, Prentice Hall International,
24 Pelczar, M. J., E. C. S. Chan and N.R. Kreig, 2006. Microbiology, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi
25 Powar, C. B and H.F. Daginawala, 2005. General Microbiology, Vol.I& II,
Himalaya Publishing House,Mumbai
26 Salle, A.J., 2001. Fundamentals & Principles of Bacteriology. McGraw -Hill,
New Delhi.
Page 45
Semester I I
MMLT201(Clinical Techniques & Organ Function Tests)
1 Griffin, J.E. and Ojeda, S.R. (Eds.), “Textbook of Endocrine Physiology”,
New York: OxfordUniversity Press
2 Baulieu, E.E. and Kelly, P.A. (Eds.), “Hormones: from molecules to disease”
New York:Chapman& Hall
3 C. Martin H. Steinb erg: Disorders of Hemoglobin: Genetics, Pathophysiology
&ClinicalManagement: Cambridge University Press
MMLT202 (Clinical Immunology & Immunopathology)
4 Owen,J., J.Punt, S.Stranford,2012.Kuby Immunology,W H Freeman, New
5 Paul, W .E.,2008 . Fundamental Immunology,William and W ilkins, New York
6 Coico,R, G. SunShine, 2009. Immunology : A Short Course, John Wiley and
Sons, New York
7 Delves,P.J., S.J.Dennis, R. Burton, I. M. Roitt, 2011. Roitt's Essential
Immunology, John Wiley and Sons, New York
8 Kindt,T.J., R.A.Goldsby, B. A. Osborne, J. Kuby and W.H.Freeman,2007.
9 Peckman,M. and D.Vergain, 1997. Basic and Clinical Immunology, Churchill
Livingstone,New York
10 Playfair,J.H.L, 2001. Immunology at a Glance, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Oxford.
11 Stewart,S, 2001. Immunology, Immunopathology and Immunity, ASM Press
Washington .W H Freeman and California
MMLT203 (Clinical Pathology, Cytogenetics& Molecular Biology)
12 Wright, Pearce (11 December 2001),” Joe HinTjio The man who cracked the
chromosomecount”. The Guardian
13 Painter TS 1923. Studies in mammalian spermatogenesis II. The
spermatogenesis of man. J. Exp. Zoology 37, 291 – 336
14 Levitsky GA (1931). “The morphology of chromosomes”. Bull. Applied Bot.
Genet. PlantBreed 27: 19 – 174
MMLT204 (Haematology, Fluid Analysis & Human Disorders)
15 Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice, Hoffman R, Benz EJ Jr,
Silberstein LE, Heslop HE, Weitz JI, eds. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders
Elsevier; 2012
16 Hemorrhagic disorders: Coagulation factor deficiencies, Goldman L, Schafer
AI, eds.Goldman’s Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders
Elsevier; 2011
17 The ABC of CBC: Interpretation of Complete Blood Count and Histograms,
D.P. Lokwani, JP Medical Ltd., 2013
Page 46
Semester III
MMLT301 (Community Medicine, Epidemiology & Life Style Disorders)
1 Grobbe,D . and A.Hoes,2009.Clinical Epidemiology - Principles, Methods and
Applicationsfor Clinical Research,Jones and Barlett, New Delhi
2 Hiremath, D.A., 2004. Essential of community medicine and practical
approach , Jaypee, New Delhi
3 Balaram,J.,2003.Community medicine: Preventive and social medicine, Jain,
4 Fletcher,R.H. and S. W. Fletcher, 2005. Clinical Epidemiology The Essentials,
Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia
5 Wallace,R.B., 2008. Public health and Preventive Medici ne, McGraw -hill,
New Delhi.
6 Gupta, M.C. and B.K. Mahajan, 2003. Textbook of preventive and social
medicine, Jaypee, New Delhi
7 Dhaar, G.M.,and I. Robbanni, 2008. Foundations of Community Medicine,
MMLT302 (Endocrinology & Nutritional Biochemistry)
8 Griffin, J.E. and Ojeda, S.R. (Eds.), “Textbook of Endocrine Physiology”,
New York: Oxford University Press
9 Baulieu, E.E. and Kelly, P.A. (Eds.), “Hormones: from molecules to disease”
New York: Chapman & Hall
10 C. Martin H . Steinberg: Disorders of Hemoglobin: Genetics, Pathophysiology
& Clinical Management: Cambridge University Press
11 MMLT304 (Histopathology & Modern Diagnostics)
Mills, S.E., 2012. Histology for Pathologist, Williams and Wilkins, NewYork.
12 Mohan, H., 2010. Textbook of Pathology, Jaypee, New Delhi
13 Godkar, P.B. and D.B. Godkar, 2006. Medical Laboratory Technology,
Bhalani, NewDelhi
14 Ochei, J. and A. Kolhatkar, 2000. Medical Laboratory Science: Theory and
Practice, McGraw -Hill, NewDelhi
15 Ross, M.H. and W .Pawlina, 2010.Histology: A Text and Atlas. W illiams and
W ilkins, NewYork
16 Sarada, S. and M. Kutty, 1995. Textbook of Physiology, Orient Blackswan,
MMLT303 ( Blood Banking & Blood Transfusion)
15 Chrostopher D. Hillyer (2007). Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine:
Basic Principles &Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences
16 Morris Fishbein, M.D., ed. (1976) “Blood Banks”. The New Illustrated
Medical and HealthEncyclopedia
17 Gartner, L.P., & Hiatt, J.L. (2007) Color Textbook of Histology (3rd ed.)
Philadelphia, PA:SAUNDERS Elsevier
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Semester IV
MMLT401 (Forensic Science, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Toxicology )
1 Sharma, R.K., 2005. Concise text book of forensic medicine and toxicology,
Elsevier, New Delhi
2 Vij, K., 2001.Textbook of Forensic Medicine, Churchill Livingstone, New
3 Basu. R., 2004. Fundamentals of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Books
and Allied, Kolkata
4 Niesink, R.J.M., 1996. Toxicology - Principle and Application, CRC Press,
New York
5 Butler, J. M., 2005. Forensic DNA Typing: Biology, Technology and Genetics
of STR Markers,Academic Press, New York
6 Norah, R., 2002. An Introduction to Forensic DNA Analysis, CRC Lewis,
New York
7 Paul, T., 1998. Rece nt Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Churchill
Living Stone, London
8 Sethi, P.D., 2005. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs in Pharmaceutical
Formulations, CBS, New Delhi
MMLT402 (Modern Diagnostics - Separation Techniques, Non -invasive
9 Brunton, L.L., J.S. Lazo and K.L. Parker, 2006. The Pharmacological Basis of
Therapeutics, McGraw Hill, New Delhi
10 Freifelder, D., 2004. Molecular Biology, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
11 Burger, A. and R. Willey, 1970. Medicinal chemistry Volume I & II. CRC
Press, New York
12 2. Tripathi, K.D., 1998. Essentials of medicinal Pharmacology, Jaypee, New
13 3. Satoskar, R.S. and S.C. Bhandarkar, 1978. Pharmacology and
Pharmacotherapeutics, Vol. I & II, opularPrakashan, Mumbai
14 Wilson, K. and J. Walker, 2004. Practical Biochemistry - Principles and
Techniques, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom
15 Chatterjee, S. and A. Miller, 2010. Biomedical Instrumentation Systems,
Clifton Park, New York
16 Khandpur, R.S., 2005. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, McGraw
Hill, New Delhi
17 Arumugam, M., 2003. Biomedical Instrumentation, Sapna, Chennai
18 Geddes, L.A. and L.E. Baker, 1989. Principles of Applied Bio -Medical
Instrumentation, John Wiley and Sons, New York
19 Grossman, D.G., 2003. The Clinical Guide to Diagnostic Imaging, Raven
Page 48
Press, New York.
20 Malarkey, L.M. and M. Ellen, 2000. McMorrow Nurse's manual of laboratory
tests and diagnostic procedures, Saunders, Canada.
21 Sharma, B.K., 2001. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, Goel,
22 Webster, J.G., 2004. Medical Instrumentation -application and design, John
Wiley and sons, New York
MMLT403 (Hospital & Laboratory Management, Modern Clinical
Practices & E thics)
23 Malhotra, A.K., 2009. Hospital management: An Evaluation, Global India,
New Delhi
24 Sakharkar, B.M., 2009. Principles of Hospital Administration and Planning,
Jaypee, New Delhi
25 Aswathappa, K., 1998. Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi
26 Das, G.J., 2009. Hospital Administration and Management A Comprehensive
Guide, Jaypee, NewDelhi
27 Dessler, G., 2002. Human Resource Management – Prentice Hall, India
28 Parthasarathi, S.K., 2003. Hospital Services Manage ment. K.J. Hospital,
29 Sharma, M., 2000. Essential of Hospital Support Services and Physical
Infrastructure. Jaypee , New Delhi
MMLT404 (Research Methodology & Biostatistics)
30 Bradford Hill, S.A., A Short Textbook of Medical Stastics . The English
Languagebook and hodder and Stoughton, London. 1981
31 Daniel, W.W. , Biostastics – A A Foundation for analysis in health science,
NewYork, 1995
32 Gupta, P. K. , Cytology, Genetics, Bio technology and Biostastics, Rastogi
Publishers, Meeru t, 1996
33 Rosner , B., Fundamentals of Bio - Stastics, Duxbury Press, California, 2000
34 Kothari C.R 1985. Research Methodology(Methods &Techniques)Wiley
EasternLtd, New York
35 GopalLal Jain , 2003 – ResearchMethodology (Methods , Tools and
Techniques)Managaldeep publications, India
36 McBurney,D.H 2002 Research methods Thomson Wadsivath, New York
37 Mason,E.J,. and Bramble,W.J.1978 - Understanding and conducting research,
McGraw Hill, New Delhi
38 Palanichamy,S,andM.M anoharan 1991, statisticalmethods for Biologists.
PalaniParamount Publication, Palani, India
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Eligibility Criteria :-
Master of
Vocation in
Admissions will be on merit (percentage of aggregate
marks/ grade secured at the qualifying examination).
Reservation criteria will be followed as prescribed by the government at the time of admissions.
The admission should be strictly on merit for the seats allotted by the University.
While drawing the merit list, weightage to be given as
B.Voc. ( M.L.T.) 50% ----
B.Sc. (Life Science/ Zoology/ M.L.T./
Biomedical Sciences/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Applied or
Allied Biological Sciences)
40% Chemistry up
to Second Year B.Sc.
Bachelor in Pharmacy 5% ----
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine
(M.B.B.S. / B.D.S. / B.A.M.S. / B.H.M.S./
B.P.T.,/ B.O.T.)
5% ----
The applications are to be accepted and processed by the college stream wise separately and
merit list will be displayed stream wise taking into account the reservation policy prescribed by the Government of Maharashtra.
a) The merit list is to be prepared and displayed stream wise.
b) In case, if no applications are received or if the seats remain vacant under“ Pharmacy” and
“Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine” after all the merit lists / forms are exhausted, the vacant seats must be transferred equally between B.Voc.(MLT) and B.Sc. courses.
c) After the first merit list is displayed, if any seat allotted to one strea m remains vacant, the
same shall be distributed equally between the remaining streams. In case of vacancy in one stream is of single/odd number of seats, the single seat is to be allotted to the B.Voc(MLT).
d) Step (c) be repeated for the subsequent merit lis ts till all the forms are exhausted or the
final merit list is displayed, whichever is earlier.
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> ,
Sr.Heading ParticularsNo.
1TitleoftheMasterofVocation (Medical Laboratory Technology)
" (M.Voc. M.L.T.)
B.Voc. (MLT) /B.Sc.(ML T.)/B.Sc.(Life Science/ Zoology/
Eligibility forBiomedical Sciences/ Microbiology /Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/2AdmissionApplied orAlliedBiological Sciences)/ B.Pharmacy /Bachelor's
Degree•Medicine (M.B.B.S.! B.D.S.! B.A.M.S.! In
C!JIGGz.o B.H.M.S./B.P. T.!B.O.T.) --
3PassingMarks 40%
Ordinances /
4Regulations (if•--
--jP.G./D.G.!Diploma /Certificate
Yearly/Semester --j
9implemented FromAcademic Year2020-21 inProgressive
fromAcademic manner.