MScI ZooSyllabus Formatted 18Aug2019 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

MScI ZooSyllabus Formatted 18Aug2019 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Syllabus Committee

Coordinator – Dr. Supriya K. Deshpande

Semester I
Paper I: Non -chordates
Convener: Dr. Manisha Kulkarni
Members: Prof. Dr. Rahul Jadhav, Dr. Utkarsha Chavan , Dr. Shital Taware

Paper II: Developmental Biology I
Convener: Dr. Roshan D’Souza
Members: Dr. Sharad Mahajan, Dr. Vinayak Parab, Ms. Sandhya Kadiru

Paper III: Genetics and Evolution
Convener: Dr. Varsha Andhare
Members: Dr. Surekha Gupta, Dr. Nandita Singh, Dr. Vinda Manjramkar

Paper IV: Frontiers in Zoology
Convener: Dr. Rajendra More
Members: Dr. Pratiksha Savant, Dr. Mangesh Jamble, Dr. S.S. Waghmode

Semester II
Paper I: Chordates
Convener: Dr. Dilip Kakvipure
Members: Dr. Alka Chougule, Dr. Sushant Mane , Dr. Sandip Garg

Paper II: Developmental Biology I I
Convener: Dr. Bhavita Chavan
Members: Dr. Dandavate, Dr. Sashibhal Pandey, Dr. Rana Ansariya

Paper III: Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Convener: Dr. Subhash Donde
Members: Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Dr. Rishikesh S. Dalvi, Dr. Gayathri N.

Paper IV: Research Methodology
Convener: Ms. Seema Ajbani
Members: Nitin Wasnik, Dr. Minakshi Gurav, Dr. Devdatta Lad

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1. Preface

2. Preamble

3. Pedagogy

4. Tables of Courses, Topics, Credits and Workload

5. Theory Syllabus for Semester I (Course codes: PSZO101 -PSZO104 )

6. Practical Syllabus for Semester I (Course code: PSZOP101 -
PSZO104 )

7. References Course codes: (PSZO101 - PSZO104 )

8. Theory Syllabus for Semester II (Course codes: PSZO201 -PSZO204 )

9. Practical S yllabus for Semester II (Course code: PSZOP201 -
PSZO204 )

10. References (Course codes: PSZO201 -PSZO204 )

11. Marking Scheme of Examination (Theory and Practical)

12. Skeleton Papers: Semester I and Semester II

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The overall objective of revising the syllabus of Zoology, M.Sc. semester I and II is to offer
students the advancements in the different components of the subject. The syllabus is framed
and designed to include the recent developments useful for the stude nts to shape their career.
The purpose of revision of the syllabus is to upkeep the student with the necessary theory
and practical, so that the learner can progress with confidence for his further independent
fields into specialized areas such as research.
The syllabus also embraces objectives and desired outcomes which will provide clear idea to
the teacher as well as learner about the expected depth of the topic.
The pedagogy supports a self -motivated learner to gain knowledge of the sub ject and prolong
the borders of a classroom. The pedagogy recommends projects, assignments, visits etc.
which is an extension to the regular classroom methodologies. It deals with the additional
suggestions for bringing the objectives into actual instructi onal activities. The suggested
resources in the reference lists would be useful in achieving the desired outcome. It would
also assist an instructor in planning the lectures in a sensible modus beneficial for the
This syllabus was developed by th e curriculum committee of 33 dedicated teachers. Their
major role was to abridge, grow, augment and give a forward bearing to the Zoology taught
in undergraduate curriculum, with projections to future requirements. They have successfully
completed the colossal task. I congratulate them.

– Dr. Deelip L. Bharmal
Chairman BOS, Zoology

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There is a vast ocean of information in various forms in today’s world of informa tion
technology. Recent research all over the world is incessantly adding and repl acing earlier
philosophies. To convert the scattered data in to the useful and applicable knowledge of the
subject for the learners , we update our syllabus from time to time.

The aim to revise the Zoology M.Sc. semester I and II syllabus is to equip and update our
learners with most recent up gradations in the field and to develop useful skills in them to face
the challenges of their future career. Th e present syllabus is prepared to provide most recent
topics useful for the postgraduate students, keeping in mind their employability as well. The
syllabus will also be expedient for the students aspiring for civil services.

The whole team of thirty two dedicated members of the syllabus committee operated in unison
and worked really hard to give out their be st for the syllabus after several conventions,
discussions, deliberations, explorations and exchange of innovative ideas. I acknowledge
their efforts.

There is always a scope for improvement in any work. So I request all stakeholders to give
their inputs, valuable suggestions and recommendations to improve the syllabus during
further revision.

Dr. Supriya K. Deshpande

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PSZO101 is ‘Non-chordates’, a study of Comparative functional anatomy, paleontology and
phylogeny as well as all internal s tructures and various systems of non-chordates like
protostomes and deuterostomes . It also assists in understanding of the anatomical similarities
and differences of various systems. Practical aspects of functional anatomy and phylogeny
could be undertaken through observation of various systems at laboratory level, field visits,
constructing phylogeneti c tree and making fossil casts.

PSZO 102 consists of ‘Developmental biology I’ which explains reproductive biology,
molecular biology, genetics an d morphology of non -chordates. The basic concepts of the
reproductive process – fertilization could be taught considering the mechanism in relation to
its molecular aspect . Applications of reproductive biology could be dealt with by taking various
examples of economic importance. Practical aspects of developmental biology could be
undertaken through observation of life cycles of various organisms that can be cultured in the
laboratory as per the ethical permission granted so that learners can understand the
theoretical approach in a much better way.

The course PSZO103 ‘Genetics and Evolution’ will help the learner for conceptual
understanding of the basic genetic principles along with genetic evolution and the impact it
creates at the genome and molecular le vel with major phenotypic variation. Short basic
experiments on drosophila or nematodes or video clips can be shown by the concerned
teacher while clearing the concept of the topics. Teachers are expected to show the video
clips or fossil photographs for t he understanding of the topic. A visit to museum, institute or
the archeological site to study fossils can be organised.

The course PSZO104 ‘Frontiers in Zoology’ is prepared to introduce emerging
interdisciplinary scientific fields such as Astrobiology and Chronobiology. For understanding
of medical imaging techniques visits to medical diagnostic centers should be organized.
Teachers are expected to elucidate the scope of medical diagnostic techniques as career
options. Guest lectures of the experts could be arranged, who can provide additional insights
to these a spects. Documentaries and video s based on climate change and global warming
can be effectively used to provide in -depth knowledge to the learners. Case studies could be
supplemented to unders tand the intensity of climatic change an d global warming and its
impact . The learners can be made aware about emotions, stress and associated health
problems through the interaction with clinical psychologist and through videos of experts
dealing the subje ct.

In course PSZO201 ‘Chordates’, an attempt has been made to inform the students the basic
comparative, functional morphology and phylogeny of chordates. Learners will be able to
acquire the knowledge of evolutionary progression of primitive nonchordate to
protochordates. They will also learn basic taxonomy of chordates, the beautiful world of
biodiversity and through this they can enter in to the field of nature conservation or strategize
to spread knowledge for future generations. This endeavor will be possible by utilizing various
teaching methodologies such as use of model, charts and available specimens. This goal will
to be achieved by the use of audio visuals, virtual dissections and observation of animals in
their natural habitat through field vis its.

In course PSZO202 ‘Developmental Biology II’ , generalized account of reproductive systems
in chordates has been included to provide knowledge of reproductive system .This can be

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taught through virtual dissection. It also deals with physiology of repr oduction where
documentaries and videos can be shown to students for effective learning. Students can be
given micro p rojects for in -depth knowledge or a visit to reproductive research centres could
be organized. It can also be taught through case study and guest lectures.

PSZO203 ‘Biochemistry and Biotechnology ’ unit comprehend s chemical and
physicochemical processes which occur within living cell or organisms and utilization of
biological processes for industrial and other purposes through the genetic manipulation of
microorganisms respectively. T he unit can be made more explicable by observin g available
video clips and visits on open day programs to the insti tutions l ike CIFE , NIRRH , ACTREC,
KEM etc. The learners can also achieve an additional knowledge on the topic through
attending free on - line courses on the

PSZO 204 ‘Research methodology ’ unit is framed to help the learners build a strong
foundation for pursuing research. Visit to relevant websites should be undertaken to make
them aware of different avenues for acquiring research grants, scholarships and funding and
also to gain valuable i nsights about various model organisms and their applications in
research. Methods of data management and analysis can be explained using different online
and offline softwares to enable the learners to acquire these skill sets. The practical should
be orga nized such that learners can be trained to manage large data sets generated via
multiple observations, arrange them in a proper format and present them in relevant
graphs/charts by adopting a hands -on in silico approach. Visits may be organized to nearby
research institutions having CPCSEA certified Animal House and labs housing various model
organisms so that students can acquire an in -depth knowledge on these topics. Guest
lectures by leading research scientists may also be arranged to enrich the learners and
stimulate their interest in forging a career in this field in the future.

– Conveners and committee members

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M. Sc. I Zoology Syllabus
Choice Based Credit System
To be implemented from the Academic Year 2019 -2020

Paper 1: Non-Chordates
Course Code UNIT Topic Headings Credits L/Week

PSZO101 1 Digestion and Excretion

4 1
2 Respiration and Circulation 1
3 Nervous System & Chemical Co -
ordination and Reproductive System 1
4 Paleontology and Phylogeny 1

Paper 2: Developmental Biology I
Course Code UNIT Topic Headings Credits L/Week

PSZO102 1 Fertilization and Early Development
in Non -chordates

4 1
2 Basic Concepts of Embryonic
Development in Non -chordates 1
3 Early Development in Non -chordates 1
4 Special Aspects in Reproduction and
Development in Non -chordates 1

Paper 3: Genetics and Evolution
Course Code UNIT Topic Headings Credits L/Week

PSZO103 1 Introduction to Evolutionary Genetics
4 1
2 Molecular Genetics 1
3 Evolution – Anthropology 1
4 Evolution and Fossils 1

Paper 4: Frontiers in Zoology
Course Code UNIT Topic Headings Credits L/Week

PSZO104 1 Astrobiology and Chronobiology
4 1
2 Modern Techniques in Medical Field 1
3 Biological Psychology and
Neurobiology of Stress and Emotions 1
4 Climate Change and Sustainability 1
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PSZOP101 Non-Chordates 2 1
PSZOP102 Developmental Biology I 2 1
PSZOP103 Genetics and Evolution 2 1
PSZOP104 Frontiers in Zoology 2 1

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Paper 1: Chordates
Course Code UNIT Topic Headings Credits L/Week

PSZO201 1 Protochordates and Agnatha

4 1
2 Phylogeny of Chordates 1
3 Functional and Comparative
Anatomy of Chordates 1
4 Assorted Topics on Chordates 1

Paper 2: Developmental Biology II
Course Code UNIT Topic Headings Credits L/Week

PSZO202 1 Generalized Account of Reproductive
Systems in Chordates

4 1
2 Physiology of Reproduction 1
3 Developmental Biology - Germ cells,
Stem cells and Induced Breeding 1
4 Animal Development – Impact of
Environment and Evolution 1

Paper 3: Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Course Code UNIT Topic Headings Credits L/Week

PSZO203 1 Fundamentals of Biochemistry
4 1
2 Metabolism and Metabolic Pathways 1
3 Processes and Techniques in
Biotechnology 1
4 Applications of Biotechnology 1

Paper 4: Research Methodology
Course Code UNIT Topic Headings Credits L/Week

PSZO204 1 Principles of Scientific Research
4 1
2 Data Management and Analysis 1
3 Scientific Communication 1
4 Model organisms and their
applications 1
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PSZOP201 Chordates 2 1
PSZOP202 Developmental Biology II 2 1
PSZOP203 Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2 1
PSZOP204 Research Methodology 2 1

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M. Sc. P art 1: Semester I (Theory)
Paper 1 : PSZO101: Non-Chordates

Unit 1 : Digestion and Excretion (15L)
 To understand functional anatom y, differences and similarities of digestive and
excretory systems of non -chordates.

Desired Outcome
 The learner will be able to differentiate anatomical and physiological modification s of
digestive and excretory systems of non -chordates like Protostomes and
Deuter ostome s.

1.1 General organization of digestive systems of Protostomes (Annelids, Arthropods
and Molluscs) and Deuter ostomes (Echinoderms and Hemichordates)

1.2 Digestive Systems with Special emphasis on the organs or glands of :
1.2.1 Annelids
 Clamworm – Denticles or Paragnaths , Jaws
1.2.2 Arthropods
 Prawn : Buccal cavity, Cardiac and Pyloric stomach , Hepatopancreas
1.2.3 Molluscs
 Pila: Odontophore, Sub -radular organ, Radula, Oesophageal pouches, Cardiac
and Pyloric chambers, Salivary gland, Hepatopancreas
1.2.4 Echinoderms
 Starfish : Cardiac and Pyloric stomach, Intestinal Caeca, Digestive glands
1.2.5 Hemichordates
 Balanoglossus : Buccal Diverticulum, Digestive Pharynx, Post -branchial canal,
Hepatic and post -hepatic regions

1.3 General organization of excretory systems of Protostomes (Annelids, Arthropods
and Molluscs) and Deuter ostomes (Echinoderms and Hemichordates)

1.4 Excretory Systems with Special emphasis on the organs /structures or glands of :
1.4.1 Annelids
 Clamworm : Coiled Nephridia
1.4.2 Arthropods
 Prawn : Antenna l glands or Green glands or Maxillary glands , Bladder, Renal
1.4.3 Molluscs
 Pila: Organ of Bojanus, anterior Renal chamber, posterior Renal chamber
1.4.4 Echinoderms
 Starfish : Water Vascular System, C oelomocytes , Intestinal caeca
1.4.5 Hemichordates
 Balanoglossus : Glomerulus or Proboscis gland

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Unit 2: Respiration and Circulation (15L)
 To understand anatomical differences and similarities of respiratory and circulatory
systems in non -chordates.
 To understand physiological processes in non -chordates.

Desired Outcome
 The learner will be able to differentiate anatomical and physiological modification in
respiratory and circulatory sy stems of non -chordates like Protostomes and
Deuter ostome s.

2.1 General organization of respiratory systems of Protostomes (Annelids, Arthropods
and Mo lluscs) and Deuter ostomes (Echinoderms and Hemichordates)

2.2 Respiratory Systems with Special emphasis on the organs /structures or glands of:
2.2.1 Annelids
 Clamworm: Parapodia, Body wall
2.2.2 Arthropods
 Prawn: Branchiostegites, Branchiae, Epipodite
2.2.3 Molluscs
 Pila: Ctenidium, Pulmonary sac
2.2.4 Echinoderms
 Starfish: Dermal papulae, Tube Feet
2.2.5 Hemichordates
 Balanoglossus : Gill slits, Branchial sac, Gill pores

2.3 General organization of circulatory systems of Protostomes (Annelids, Arthropo ds
and Molluscs) and Deuter ostomes (Echinoderms and Hemichordates)

2.4 Circulatory systems with special emphasis on the organs/ structures or glands of:
2.4.1 Annelids
 Clamworm: Dorsal blood vessel, Ventral blood vessel, Transverse vessels
2.4.2 Arthropo ds
 Prawn : Heart and Blood lacunae
2.4.3 Molluscs
 Pila: Pericardium, Heart
2.4.4 Echinoderms
 Starfish: Perihaemal sinuses, Axial gland
2.4.5 Hemichordates
 Balanoglossus: Central Sinus (Heart), Dorsal vessel, Ventral vessel

Unit 3 : Nervous System, Chemical Co -ordination and Reproduct ive System (15L)
 To compare nervous systems and chemical co-ordination in non -chordates .
 To understand similarities and differences in the reproductive systems of non -

Desired Outcome
 The learner will be able to differentiate anatomical and physiological modification s of
nervous systems and chemical co -ordination of non -chordates.

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 The learner will be able to differentiate modifications of reproductive systems of non -
chordates .

3.1 General organization of Nervous systems & Chemical Co -ordination in
Protostomes (Annelids, Arthropods and Molluscs) and Deuter ostomes
(Echinoderms and Hemichordates)

3.2 Nervous system & Chemical Co -ordination with special emphasis on the
organs/structures or glands of:
3.2.1 Annelids
 Clamworm : Corpora pedunculata, Giant fibre , Circumpharyngeal ganglion,
Peristomal cirri, Nuchal organ , pigmented Retinal cells
3.2.2 Arthropods
 Prawn : Brain, Circum -oesophageal commissure , Compound eyes,
Chromatophore, Statocysts, Tactile setae, Olfactory setae, Tangoreceptors,
Chemoreceptors, Proprioreceptors , Sinus gland X organ complex, Y organ
3.2.3 Molluscs
 Pila: Cerebral Ganglia, Buccal Ganglia, Pleuro -pedal Ganglionic Mass, Supra -
intestinal Ganglion , Visceral Ganglion, Osphradium, Tentacles, Statocysts,
Eyes, Mechanoreceptors, Photoreceptores, Temperature receptors,
3.2.4 Echinoderms
 Starfish : Ectoneural nervous system, Langer’s nerve , Eyes, Termina l tentacles,
Neurosecretory cells
3.2.5 Hemichordates
 Balanoglossus : Epidermal Plexus , Preoral ciliary organ , Neurosecretory cells

3.3 General organization of reproductive systems in Protostomes (Annelids,
Arthropods and Molluscs) and Deuterstomes (Echinoderms and Hemichordates)

3.4 Repr oductive systems with special emphasis on the organs/structures or glands
3.4.1 Annelids
 Clam worm : Gonads – Testes and Ovaries ( Temporary )
3.4.2 Arthropods
 Prawn : Male – Testes, Vasa deferentia, Vasiculae seminalis; Female – Ovaries,
3.4.3 Molluscs
 Pila: Male – Testes, Vasa efferentia, Vasa deferens, Vasicula seminalis,
Hypobranchial glands; Female – Ovary, Oviduct, Receptaculum seminis,
Uterus, Vagina, Hypobranchial gland
3.4.4 Echinoderms
 Starfish : Male / Female gonads
3.4.5 Hemichordates
 Balanoglossus : Saccular gonads

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Unit 4 : Paleontology and Phylogeny (15L)
 To understand evolution of non -chordates by studying their fossils found in Indian sub -
continent .
 To understand phylogeny of non-chordates.

Desired Outcome
 The learner will be able to understand the evolution of non-chordates and their
phylogenetic relationship s by means of paleontological evidences.

4.1 Fossils of:
4.1.1 Annelids : Serpula and Glomerula spp. found in South India
4.1.2 Arthropods : Trilobites found in Kashmir, Insects trapped in amber found in Western
4.1.3 Molluscs: Molluscs fossils found in Kutchh, Chhattisgarh and Jammu – Palmerella
kutchensis, Cimomia forbesi, Lamellidens
4.1.4 Echinodermata: Gongrochanus spp. found in South India, Echnoid fossils found in
4.1.5 Hemichordata: Graptolite fossils

4.2 Phylogenetic affinities of Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata and
4.2.1 Phylogenetic relationships of Trochophore larva
4.2.2 Similarities and differences between Annelids and Molluscs
4.2.3 Phylogeny of Arthropods – Monophyletic theory and polyphyletic theory
4.2.4 Phylogeny of Echinoderms – Asterozoan hypothesis and Cryptosyringid hypothesis
4.2.5 Affinities of Annelida with He michordata
4.2.6 Affinities of Echinodermata with Hemichordata

4.3 Construction of Phylogenetic Tree
4.3.1 Genetic distance
4.3.2 Rooting trees

4.4 Phylogenetic Tree Building Methods
4.4.1 Distance -Based Methods:
o UPGMA Method
o Neighbour Joining Method (NJ)
o Weighted Neighbour -Joining (Weighbour)
o Fitch -Margoliash (FM) and Minimum Evolution (ME) Methods
4.4.2 Character -based Methods:
o Maximum parsimony (MP)
o Maximum Likelihood (ML)

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Paper 2: PSZO102: Developmental Biology – I

UNIT 1 – Fertilization and Early Development in Non-chordates (15 L)
 To introduce learners to the concept , mechanism and molecular events of fertilization
in non -chordates
 To introduce the concept of germ layers and coelom formation.

Desired Outcome
 The learner will understand the mechanism of fertilization and its molecular events in
 The learner will appreciate the process of formation of germ layers and coelom in
animals and understand the difference in these processes between Protostomes and
Deuterostomes .

1.1 Concept and Mechanism of Fertilization
1.1.1 Types of reproduction – Asexual and sexual
1.1.2 Fertilization – Concept and types
1.1.3 Mechanism of fertilization
 Capacitation of sperm
 Recognition of sperm and egg
 Acrosome reaction
 Activation of egg
 Fusion of egg and sperm cell membrane
 Amphimixis

1.2 Molecular Events of Fertilization
1.2.1 Species specific recognition of gametes – Fertilizin and antifertilizin interaction,
Binding protein
1.2.2 Prevention of polyspermy – Fast and slow block
1.2.3 Calcium as initiator of cortical granule reaction
1.2.4 Activation of egg metabolism with respect to Sea urchin

1.3 Formation of Germ Layers and Coelom Formation
1.3.1 Post Fertilization events: Overall view of Cleava ge, Blastulation, Gastrulation
1.3.2 Formation of Germ layers – Diploblastic, Triploblastic
1.3.3 Coelom formation in Protostomes and Deuterostomes

Unit 2: Basic concepts of embryonic development in non-chordates (15L)
 To introduce basic co ncepts of embryonic development and embryogenesis.
 To understand therapeutic applications of stem cells.

Desired outcome:
 Learners would understand basic concepts and aspects of embryogenesis and stem
cell therapy .

2.1 Fate map and cell lineages: potency and commitment

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2.2 Competence and induction

2.3 Mosaic and regulative development

2.4 Cell specification:
2.4.1 Autonomous specification
2.4.2 Conditional specification
2.4.3 Syncytial specification

Unit 3: Early Development in non -chordates (15L)
 To introduce the learners about the process of early development and differences in
the pattern of development in non-chordates.
 To help learners understand specific gene regulation during development.

Desired Outcome
 Learners will understand the mechanism of early development and able to correlate
the various differences observed in the pattern of embryonic development in non-
 Learners will understand the role of certain genes in early develop ment

3.1 Development of Caenorhabditis elegans
3.1.1 Pattern of cleavage
3.1.2 Anterior -posterior axis formation
3.1.3 Dorsal -Ventral a xis formation
3.1.4 Cell specification (Autonomous and Conditional)
3.1.5 Process of gastrulation

3.2 Early Development in Drosophila melanogaster:
3.2.1 Pattern of cleavage
3.2.2 Blastulation
3.2.3 Process of gastrulation
3.2.4 Anterior -posterior pattern formation by morphogenetic protein gradient
3.2.5 Dorsal -ventral pattern formation by morphogenetic protein gradient
3.2.6 Patterns of homeotic gene expression: Homeo selector gene complexes
(Hom -C, homeotic gene complex) – Antennapedia an d bithorax complexes and their
functional domains, Realistor genes: distal less and wingless genes

Unit 4: Special Aspects in Reproduction and Development in non -chordates (15L)
 To understand diversities in reproduction and development in non -chordates.
 To understand the mechanism of regeneration
 To help learners to relate applications of developmen tal biology with forensics and IPM

Desired outcome:
 Learners will acquire knowledge about the diversities in reproduction and dev elopment
in invertebrates and the process of regeneration in lower animals.
 Learners will understand how principles of develo pmental biology can be applied in
forensics and IPM

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4.1 Sexual Reproduction in Protozoa
 Conjugation in Paramoecium sp .
 Syngamy in flagellates

4.2 Metagenesis in Obelia sp.

4.3 Polyembryony in Fasciola sp.

4.4 Regeneration in Hydra (Morphallactic) and Planaria (Totipotency)

4.5 Parthenogenesis in Aphids

4.6 Metamorphosis in insects – Indirect Development
4.6.1 Types of insect metamorphosis
4.6.2 Eversion and differentiation of imaginal disc
4.6.3 Hormonal control of insect metamorphosis
4.6.4 Study of life cycle of Blow fly -applications in forensics
4.6.5 Larval forms of non -chordates: Amphiblastula larva (Porifera), Planula
(Coelenterata), Echinopluteus (Echinodermata) and Tornaria (Hemichordata)

4.7 Pheromones in invertebrates and their role as sex attractants and in Integrated Pest
Management (IPM)

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Paper 3: PSZO103: Genetics and Evolution

Unit 1: Introduction to evolutionary genetics: (15L)
Objective s:
 To develop in learners the understanding of genes, genomes in evolution.
 To comprehend the pattern of genetic relatedness between all species.
 To understand the contribution of genetic variation in phenotypic expression

Desired outcome:
 The learners will understand the genetic analysis at the gene, genome and population
 The l earner would realize the flow of genetic information and complex networking of
genes in biological system leading to major phenotypic changes.

1.1 Cytochrome ‘c’
1.1.1 Structure of Cytochrome ‘c ’ and couple cytochrome ‘c’
1.1.2 Cytochrome ‘c’ in eukaryote s. Example Primates
1.1.3 Cox gene
1.1.4 Molecular basi s of haemoglobin gene structure. Haemoglobin as a model of

1.2 Sex Determination and Evolution of Sex Chromosome
1.2.1 Theory of evolution of sex chromosome
1.2.2 Evolution of sex chromosomes from autosomes
1.2.3 Biology of Y chromosome
1.2.4 Molecular level of sex determination in mammals
1.2.5 Sex based gene expression
1.2.6 T6sRNA

1.3 Cytoplasmic Inheritance/Extra -nuclear Inheritance
1.3.1 Introduction – human mitochondrial genetics
1.3.2 Paternal and maternal mtDNA inheritance in humans
1.3.3 mtDNA mutations and human diseases
1.3.4 Salient feature of cytoplasmic inheritance

1.4 Selfish Gene
1.4.1 Introduction and definition
1.4.2 Individual altruism and genetic egoism
1.4.3 Green beard effect

Unit 2: Molecular Genetics (15L)
 To get acquainted with application s of genes in modern science and population
 To give in -depth knowledge of biological processes through molecular mechanisms.

Desired Outcome:
 The learner will understand the molecular processes that occur in and between the

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 The learner will gain insight in most significant molecular and cell based methods
used to expand the understanding of modern Biology .

2.1 Gene Library
2.1.1 Molecular analysis of gene and gene products
2.1.2 Types – Genomic Library, cDNA Library
2.1.3 Construction of genomic library – human antibody gene library
2.1.4 Applications of gene library

2.2 Types of Genes: Definition
 Multigenes
 Repeated genes
 Single copy gene
 House -keeping gene ( constitutive gene )
 Luxury gene (non -constitutive gene )
 Pseudogene
 Jumping gene (Transposons)
 Overlapping gene
 Structural gene
 Processed gene
 Split gene
 Regulatory gene

2.2.1 Multi -gene Families and T ypes :
a) Split Genes or Interrupted genes
 Introduction
 Structu re of split genes
 Discovery and theory of split genes
 Evolution of split genes
b) Pseudogenes
c) Selfish gene

2.2.2 Overlapping G ene

2.3 Mapping units
2.3.1 Types –genetic mapping and physical mapping
2.3.2 Detection of linkages
2.3.3 Constructi on of linkage maps in diploids and their characteristics
2.3.4 Co-efficient of coincidence
2.3.5 Outline of other types of gene mapping

2.4 Gene cloning
2.4.1 Definition and strategies of gene cloning
2.4.2 Techniques in gene cloning
2.4.3 Application s of gene cloning in DNA analysis in research

2.5 Population genetics
2.5.1 Population genetics in DNA typing
2.5.2 Mutation – Selection bal ance
2.5.3 Parallelism between random drift and inbreeding

Page 20


Unit 3: Evolution – Anthropology (15L)
 To give an insight to students about the expression, perpetuation and adaptations of
animals in varied environment during the process of evolution

Desired Outcome:
 Learner will be able to gain knowledge of altruism, co -evolution and the racial
distribution of animals in evolutionary time scale

3.1 Racial distribution of Primates and Homo sapiens
3.1.1 Racial distribution of pr imates
 Distribution of Prosimians (L emurs, Lorises, G alagos)
 Distribution of A nthropoids ( Monkeys and A pes)
3.1.2 Divergence of Homo sapiens from Anthropoid

3.2 Racial distribution of Homo sapiens
3.2.1 Biological races in humans
 Caucasoid (White) race
 Negroid (Black) race
 Capoid (Bushmen/Hottentots) race
 Mongoloi d (Oriental / Amerindian) race
 Australoid (Austra lian Aborigine and Papuan) race

3.2.2 Human genetic diversity protein -based polymorphism (Blood groups, Alu
polymorphism), craniometrics

3.3Importance of Human Genetic Biodiversity
3.3.1 Application s – Anthropological , Medical, Cultural
3.3.2 Parasites and human co -evolution
3.3.3 Ectoparasite ’s co-evolution with humans (Head Louse, Scabies , Mite)
3.3.4 Endoparasites co-evolution with humans (Liver fluke, Tapeworm, Ascaris , Sickle
cell Individuals as an example of co -evolution with malarial p arasite)

3.4 Altruism and Evolution
3.4.1 Altruism – Intra-species and Interspecies, Cooperation and its evolution in human
3.4.2 Altruism and evolution in domesticated wild animals
3.4.3 Group selection and kin selection
3.4.4 Domestication and behavioral changes

3.5 Hybrid Evolution
3.5.1 Natural Hybrids – Origin and evolution of animal hybrids , Inse cts, Snails, Fish,
Frog, Lizard
3.5.2 Hybrid Speciation
3.5.3 Artificial Hybrids – Hybrid optimization – Bee Colony
3.5.4 Artificial cells in hybrids to create
 Dzo
 Mule
 Hinny

Page 21

 Liger
 Wholpin
 Leopon
 Zorse

Unit 4: Evolution & Fossils (15L)
Objective s:
 To help studen ts to solve biological problems that impact our lives and to understand
similarities and differences between human and other species with respect to body
form, behaviour, a daptation, distribution pattern and physiology.
 To understand learner that fossil records provide history of earth as they occur in a
particular order.
 To impart the learner with knowledge of preserving endangered species by the
technique of biomaterial banking, as sisted reproductive technology and frozen zoo.

Desired Outcome:
 The learner will be able to apply evolutionary principles to research and understand
aspects of evolution.
 Learner will be acquainted with techniques of dating fossils and formation of fossils .
 The learner will understand the concept of frozen zoo and will foster the need of hour
for conservation of endangered species.

4.1 Human evolution
4.1.1 Human evolutionary history and placing humans on tree of life
4.1.2 Genomics and humanness; current issues in human evolution
4.1.3 Brief Accounts of Parapithecus spp., Propliopithecus spp., Dryopithecus spp.,
Ramapithecus spp., Australopithecus spp., Kenyanthropus spp., Homo spp.,
Neanderthal, Cromagnon and Modern man
4.1.4 Concept of neutral evolution, molecular divergence and molecular clock

4.2 Fossil dating
4.2.1 Geological timescale – Eras, Periods and Epochs
4.2.2 Major events in evolutionary time scale
4.2.3 Significance of fossils and fossilization
4.2.4 Fossil dating – Types : Absolute and R elative Dating
4.2.5 Process of C -14 Carbon dating

4.3 Frozen zoo
4.3.1 Concept of frozen zoo to save endangered species
4.3.2 Techniques to create offspring from cells of endangered species, nuclear transfer,
mixing cells, creating sperms and eggs
4.3.3 Current status of frozen zoo

Page 22

Paper 4: PSZO104: Frontiers in Zoolo gy

Unit 1: Astrobiology and Chronobiology (15L)
 To introduce recent interdisciplinary scientific fields to the learners.
 To inculcate interest for interdisciplinary research among the learners.

Desired outcome:
 Learner s will get the introductory knowledge of emerging areas correlated with
 Learner s will understand the different types of biological clocks and their

1.1 General aspects of Astrobiology, status of research in astrobiology and future
perspectives , factors determining habitability on planets; extremophiles

1.2 Bio-signatures of life in exoplanet atmosphere

1.3 Search for life on Mars; searc h for extra -terrestrial intelligence

1.4 Introduction to Chronobiology – Definition and meaning

1.5 Biological rhythms
1.5.1 Introduction
1.5.2 Types
 Circadian rhythms
 Tidal rhythms
 Lunar rhythms
 Semilunar rhythms
 Circannual rhythms

1.6 Structure of Biological Clock in Insects and Vertebrates; biological clock function

1.7 Relevance of Biological Clocks for Human W elfare
1.7.1 Chronomedicine
1.7.2 Chronotherapy

1.8 Molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm (Noble Prize winning work , 2017 )

Unit 2: Modern Techniques in Medical Field (15L)
 To provide the basic knowledge of different modern techniques used in medical field.
 To provide information of applications of biomedical techniques.

Desired outcome:
 Leaner would be able t o explain the basic principles, applications of the major imaging
and DNA bar coding techniques.

Page 23

2.1 Physical aspects of medical imaging
2.1.1 Laser beam in Biology and Medical field
2.1.2 Medical lasers (Carbon Dioxide Laser, Nd: YAG Laser )
2.1.3 Applications of lasers in therapy and diagnosis.

2.2 Principle and applications of major medical imaging techniques
2.2.1 Radiography
2.2.2 Echocardiography (2D and 3D Echo)
2.2.3 Computed Tomography Scan (CT scan )
2.2.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

2.3 Radioisotope Imaging: Introduction and applications

2.4 DNA bar coding technique and its applications

2.5 Molecular Cytogenetic T echniques and their Applications
2.5.1 Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
2.5.2 Genomic in situ Hybridization (GISH)
2.5.3 Flow cytometry
2.5.4 Automated karyotyping
2.5.5 Chromosome painting

Unit 3: Biological Psychology and Neurobiology of Stress and Emotion (15L)
Objectives :
 To give learners the basic knowledge of emotions, stress and associated health
 To introduce learners to the brain regions that forms the basis of emotions.

Desired outcome:
 Learner will get acquainted with brain regions that form the basis of emotions and
 Leaner will also understand th e health problems caused due to prolong emotion and
stress on the body.

3.1 Introduction a nd general features of emotions

3.2 Neuronal basis of emotion

3.3 Types of emotion s – Definition and management
 Fear
 Frustration
 Joy / Happiness
 Sadness
 Embarras sment
 Guilt
 Shame
 Anger
 Love
 Inspiration

Page 24

3.4 Measurement of emotions
 Self-report
 Behavioral observations
 Physiological measure

3.5 Role of brain regions in emotions
 Limbic system
 Amygdala
 Cortex
 Hypothalamus
 Midbrain Periaqueductal Grey
 Neurochemicals involved in emotions

3.6 Concept of Stress, Measurement of stress, Characterising stress – Signs of stress, Types
of stressors

3.7 Stress and the Hypothalamus -Pituitary -Adrenal Axis (HPA Axis)

3.8 Remedial measures to combat psychological stress and negative emotions

Unit 4: Climate Change and Sustainability (15L)
 To provide the information about the causes of climatic change.
 To make the student aware of various national and international initiatives on climate
Desired outcome:
 The learner will understand current challenges of climatic changes and
environmental issues.
 Learner will understand the importance of the sustainable development.

4.1 Climate change
4.1.1 Introduction
4.1.2 Indicator species of climate change
4.1.3 Vulnerability and adaptations

4.2 Greenhouse effect
4.2.1 Greenhouse gases
4.2.2 Increase in greenhouse gas concentrations
4.2.3 Global warming potential of greenhouse gases

4.3 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC]: Objectives and functioning

4.4 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – Salient
Features and Objectives
4.4.1 Kyoto protocol
4.4.2 Doha Amendment
4.4.3 Emission trading / Carbon Trading

4.5 Sustainable devel opment
4.5.1 Introduction and goals

Page 25

4.5.2 Sustainable habitat – Green building, Griha rating norms

4.6 Green Audit – Introduction and Types:
 Energy audit
 Waste disposal audit
 Water audit
 Carbon audit

4.7 Impact of climate change on terrestrial and aquatic organisms

4.8 Case Studies on Climatic Change and Global Warming
 Kerala floods
 Impact of highway and road construction on animal survival
 Impact of urbanization: Dhaka – Bangladesh

Page 26

M. Sc. Part 1: Semester I Practical 1
PSZOP101: Non-Chordates

1. Study of digestive s ystems of clamworm, prawn , Pila.
2. Study of digestive s ystems of starfish , Balanoglossus .
3. Study of excretory s ystems of clamworm , prawn , Pila.
4. Study of excretory systems of starfish , Balanoglossus .
5. Study of larval forms of Annelids, Arthropods, Molluscs with reference to phylogeny.
6. Study of larval forms of Echinoderms with reference to phylogeny .
7. Study of nervous systems of clamworm , prawn , Pila .
8. Study of nervous systems of starfish and Balanoglossus .
9. Study of male reproductive systems of clamworm, prawn, Pila.
10. Study of male reproductive systems starfish, Balanoglossus .
11. Study of female reproductive systems of clamworm, prawn, Pila.
12. Study of female reproductive systems starfish, Balanoglossus .
13. A. Study of Fossils:
a. Annelids: Serpula and Glomerula spp.
b. Arthropods: Trilobites, Insects trapped in amber
c. Molluscs: Palmerella kutchensis, Cimomia forbesi, Lamellidens
B. Study of Fossils:
d. Echinodermata: Gongrochanus spp. , Goniocidaris
e. Hemichordata: Graptolite fossils
14. Constr uction of phylogenetic tree.
15. Making of fossil casts with Shaadu Clay / Muddy soil *.
16. Field visit to observe invertebrates in their natural habitat and accordingly the
modifications of various systems.
17. Field visit to study fossils to the places such as museu ms, Institutions , quarries ,
archeological sites etc.

*Note: Plaster of Paris and Plasticine Modelling clay should not be used to make fossil casts.

Page 27

Practical 2: PSZOP102: Developmental Biology – I

1. To culture Paramecium to study conjugation and binary fission under the microscope.
2. To observe development of C. elegans.
3. To culture Drosophila to study its life cycle.
4. To observe stages of Tribolium or Sitophilus to understand indirect development in
5. To study germ layers:
 Diploblastic – T.S. of bod y wall of sponges and cnidarians (coelenterates)
 Triploblastic acoelomate – T.S. of body wall of Platyhelminthes
 Triploblastic pesudocoelomate – T.S. of body wall of Ascaris
 Triploblastic coelomate –T. S. of body wall of earthworm
6. To study gemmule in sponge .
7. To study larvae of non -chordates:
 Porifera – Amhiblastula
 Cnidaria ( Coelenterata ) – Planula
 Annelida and Molluscs – Trochophore
 Mollusca – Glochidium
 Crustacea
o Nauplius
o Zoea
o Mysis
o Megalopa
 Echinodermata
o Auricularia
o Echiopluteus
 Hemichordata – Tornaria
8. To study Life cycle of Butterfly / Moth (Insecta).

Observation should be done by using Permanent slides/ Photos/Charts/ Preserved specimens/Animal
models for studying the developmental aspects .

Page 28

Practical 3: PSZOP103: Genetics and Evolution

1. To Isolate DNA from the given blood sample.
2. To study the Kappa particles in Paramecium culture d in lab oratory.
3. To study the maternal effects in Drosophila due to induced environmental changes.
4. To study the Avian brood parasitism in c uckoo, crow, Asian koel, Shiny cowbird .
5. To study Haemoglobin of domesticated dogs, cats, cattles with the help of comparative
protein sequence charts using bioinformatics tools.
6. Study of Altrusim, reciprocal altruism in Vampire bat, thumping of ground gen e in Rabbit.
7. To study different types of fossils:
a. Body Fossil s – A wall of large dinosaur bones, Turritella snail shells from the Miocene
age (Photograph)
b. Mould & casts – Ammonite , Clam shell
c. Per mineralization or petrifaction fossils – Per mineralized Dinosaur Bone ( Photograph) ,
permineralized Fern Stripe (Photograph) .
8. To study c loning in India – eg. Garima – Assame se Buffalo, Noori – Pashmina goat.
9. Study of syndromes – Cockeye syndrome (CS), Proteus syndrome, Muenke syndrome .
10. Problems on gene mapping and mitotic index .

Page 29

Practical 4: PSZOP104: Frontiers in Zoology

1. Identification of photographs with respect to chronobiology .
a. Structure of biological clock in insects
b. Structure of biological clock in vertebrates
2. Identification o f photographs of different imaging techniques .
3. Determination of concentration of iron as a pollutant from sample / sample solution by –
Redox titration or spectrophotometric method.
4. Detection of heavy metals from given sample : a) Zinc b) Lead c) C opper.
5. To estimate the amount of dust (particulate matter) deposition on the leaves of roadside
6. Study of animal s as indicators for climate change and global warming
a. Green turtle
b. Birds – Sparrow
c. Polar bear
d. Coral reef
e. Butterflies
7. Study of gross anatomical regions of brain involved in stress and emotion.
8. Environment Audit report (Green Audit / Review of EIA of a Selected Area)
9. Visit to nearby bar coding laboratory / imaging center and submission of report .
10. Assignment or report submission on pulse rate after stress .

Page 30

References PSZO101 :
1. Invertebrates – Protozoa to Echinodermata, Author: Ashok Verma, Publisher - Narosa
Publishing House.
2. Invertebrate Zoology, Authors: E. L Jordan and P. S. Verma, Publisher: S. Chand and
Company Ltd.
3. Invertebrate Zool ogy 3rd edition, Author: Paul A. Meglitsch and Fredrick R. Schram,
Publisher – Oxford University Press.
4. Introduction to General Zoology Vol. I, Author: Korak Kanti Chaki, Gautam Kundu and
Supriti Sarkar, New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.
5. Introduction to Ge neral Zoology Vol. II, Author: Korak Kanti Chaki, Gautam Kundu and
Supriti Sarkar, New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.
6. Modern Text Book of Zoology: Invertebrates, Author: R. L. Kotpal.
7. Invertebrate Zoology by N.C Nair, S. Leelavathy, et al.
8. Textbook of Zoolog y: Invertebrates Vol I 7/e by Haswell.
9. Textbook of Invertebrate Zoology by Dev Bhattacharya.
10. Invertebrates by Richard C. Brusca, Wendy Moore, Stephen M. Shuster.
11. Invertebrate Zoology: A Functional Evolutionary Approach, Authors: Richard Fox, Robert
D. Barn es, Edward E. Ruppert.
12. An Introduction to Mollusca by G. S. Sandhu and Harshvardhan Bhaskar, Campus Book
13. An Introduction to Echinodermata by G. S. Sandhu and Harshvardhan Bhaskar, Campus
Book International.
14. Principles of Invertebrate Paleontology by N. Shrock.
15. Palaeontology Invertebrate by Henry Woods.
16. Phylogenetic Trees Made Easy: A How -to Manual by Barry G. Hall.
17. Invertebrate Zoology by P. S. Dhami and J. K. Dhami.
18. Practical Zoology by K. C. Ghose
19. Practical Zoology – Invertebrate by S. S. Lal.
20. -of-squid -loligo -with-
diagram -zoology/60685

References PSZO102:
1. Developmental Biology – Scott F. Gilbert – 8th Edition, Sinauer Associates Inc., 2006
2. Princi ples of Development – L. Wolpert – 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2011.
3. Essential Devel opmental Biology - J.M.W. Slack – 2nd Edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2006
4. Modern Text Book of Zool ogy- Invertebrates by R.L .Kotpal, Rastogi Pub,10th Edn, 2013.
5. An Introduction to Embryology by B. I. Balinsky, CBS College Pub, 5th Edn, 1981.
6. Biology of the Invertebrates by Jan A. Pechenik, Tata McGraw - Hill, 4thEdn, 2000.
7. Invertebrate Zoology by P. S. Dhami and J. K. Dhami, R. Chand and Co.3rd
8. General a nd Applied Entomology by B. V. David and T. N. Ananthakrishnan, Tata
McGraw - Hill, 2thEdn, 2004.
9. Modern Entomology by D. B. Tembhare, Himalaya Publishing House,1st Edn,1997.
10. -09-blowfly -maggots -physical -evidence -forensic.html

References PSZO103:
1. Morphology of the primates and human evolution R.P Srivastava.
2. Animal behavior by S. Prasad.

Page 31

3. Text of Animal Behaviour by H.S Gundevia.
4. Animal behavior Saras publication Kenneth Oakley, Title of book.
5. Fossil in Earth Sciences by Anis kumar Ray.
6. Evolution Donal R. Prothero.
7. Principals of paleontology David M. Raup, Stanley.
8. Fossil Records, John Morris.
9. General genetics by Winchester.
10. Molecular Biology of gene by Watson et al. Vol I & II.
11. Genetics by Strickberger.
12. Molecular Biology by Friefielder.
13. Genetics by P.K. Gupta.
14. Mole cular cell biology by Darnell, Lodish and Baltimore (Scientific American books).
15. Evolution by Savage.
16. Process of organic evolution by Stebbings.
17. Evolution of vertebrates by Colbert Concepts of Genetics, 9th edition (2008), William S.
Klug, Michael R. Cummi ngs, Charlotte Spencer, and Michael A. Palladino, Publisher -
Benjamin Cummings.
18. Genes IX, 9th edition (2008), Benjamin Lewin, Publisher -Jones and Barlett Publishers Inc.
19. Principles of Genetics, 4th edition, (2006), Snustad D. Peter and Simmons J. Micheal,
Publisher -John Wiley and Sons. Inc.
20. Genetics, (1999), Daniel J. Fairbanks, W. Ralph Andersen Publisher - Brooks/Cole Pub
21. Principles of Genetics, 8th edition (1991), Eldon J. Gardner, D.P. Snustad, M.J. Simmons,
and D. Peter Snustad Publisher -John Wiley and Sons. Inc.
22. Microbial Genetics, (1987), David Freifelder, Publisher -Jones & Bartlett.
23. General Genetics, (1985), Leon A. Snyder, David Freifelder, Daniel L. Hartl Publisher -
Jones and Bartlett.
24. Genetics, 3rd edition, Monroe W. Strickberger, (1968), Publi sher – Macmillan Publishing

References PSZO104:
1. Animal Behaviour (Ethology) by Dr. V. K. Agarwal, S. Chand and Company Ltd. New
2. Chronobiology Biological Timekeeping: Jay. C. Dunlap, Jennifer. J. Loros, Patricia J. De
Coursey (ed). 2004, Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers, Sunderland, MA, USA.
3. Insect Clocks, by D.S. Saunders, C.G.H. Steel, X., afopoulou (ed.) R.D. Lewis. (3rd Ed)
2002 Barens and Noble Inc. New York, USA.
4. Biological Rhythms: Vinod Kumar (ed.2002) Narosa Publishing House, D elhi/ Springer -
Verlag, Germany.
5. Molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm by Michael Rosbash, Michael W.
Young & Jeffrey C. Hall, (Nobel Prize winner 2017).
6. Principles and techniques of practical biochemistry Ed. B. L. Williams and amp; K.
Wilson, Arnold Publishers.
7. Medical Imaging Physics by W. R. Hendee, E.R. Ritenour, Wiley -Liss, 2002.
8. An Introduction to The Principles of Medical Imaging, Guy, D. ffytche, Imperial College
Press, 2008.
9. Medical Instrumentation applications and design by John G. Webster.
10. Biomedical Instrumentation Technology and applications by Khandpur. McGraw – Hill.
11. Biomedical Instrumentation systems by Shakti Chatterjee.

Page 32

12. Hand Book of Bio -Medical Instrumentation by R. S. Khandpur, McGraw Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd. 2003.
13. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell, Erich A.
Pfeiffer, Pearson Education.
14. Bio-Medical Instrumentation by M. Arumugam, Anuradha Agencies
15. Lasers and Optical Fibers in Medicine by Katzir A.: Academic Press, Inc. 1993.
16. Techniques in life science by Tembhare.
17. Biological Psychology 3rd edition, by Frederick Toates, Prentice Hall, Pearson Education
18. Biological Psychology,10th Edition, James V. Kalat, North Carolina State University, 2009,
2007 Wadsworth, Cengage Learn ing.
19. Introduction to Psychology, 9th edition, James Kalat North Carolina State University,
Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
20. Neurobiology – Gorden M. Sheperd.
21. Principles of Neural Science – E. Kandel and others.
22. Essentials of Neural Science and Behaviour – E. Kandel and others.
23. Elements of Molecular Neurobiology – C U M Smith.
24. Fundamentals of Ecology and Environment, Second edition by Pranav Kumar and Usha
Mina, Pathfinder Publication New Delhi, India.
25. Elements of Ecology by Smith TM and Smith RL (2009), 7th ed. San Francisco CA:
Pearson Benjamin Cummings.
26. Concepts of Ecology by Kormondy E.J. (1996), 4th ed. W.H. Prentice -Hall.
27. Ecology: Global insights and inve stigations by Stiling P (2015) , 2nd ed. McGraw -Hill
28. Environmental Science Laboratory Manual For Senior Secondary Course, National
Institute Of Open Schooling A -24/25, Institutional Area, Sector -62, Noida -201309 (U.P.)

Page 33

M. Sc. Part 1: Semester II (Theory)
Paper 1: PSZO 201: Chordates

Unit 1: Protochordates and Agnatha (15L)
Objectives :
 To equip learners with the knowledge of evolutionary progression of Protochordates.
 To familiarize learner with the origin, morphology and phylogeny of the

Desired outcome :
 Learners would be equipped with the understanding of morphology and phylogeny of

1.1 Protochordates
1.1.1 Origin and ancestry of Protochordates, similarities and differences with Invertebrates
and Chordates
1.1.2 Comparison of characteristics between subphyla Urochordates and

1.2 Urochordates
1.2.1 Life history of Herdmania and its phylogenetic affinities

1.3 Cephalochordates
1.3.1 General features and phylogenetic affinities
1.3.2 Life history of Branchiostoma

1.4 Ostracoderm
1.4.1 Salient features and biological significance
1.4.2 Interrelatio nship and affinities with fish

1.5 Cyclostomes
1.5.1 Resemblance with Cephalochordates, Vertebrat es and differences from Fishes
1.5.2 Life history of Petromyzo n

Unit 2: Phylogeny of Chordates (15L)
 To provide learners with the knowledge of evolutionary progression of Protochordates.
 To familiarize learner with the origin, morphology and phyl ogeny of the

Desired outcome:
 Learners would be equipped with the understanding of morphology and phylogeny of

2.1 Ancestry of Chordates

2.2 Pisces
2.2.1 General characters of Dipnoi and affinities with Fishes, Elasmobranchs and

Page 34

2.2.2 Origin of air bladder and its relationship with tetrapod lungs
2.2.3 Deep sea adaptations of fishes
2.2.4 Origin of fins

2.3 Amphibia
2.3.1 Origin of Tetrapods
2.3.2 Pedomorphosis
2.3.3 Adaptive radiation in amphibians Lepospondyli and Lissamphibia

2.4 Reptilia
2.4.1 Origin of Reptiles and affinities with Amphibia
2.4.2 Terrestrial adaptations in Reptiles

2.5 Aves
2.5.1 Origin of Birds and affinities with Reptiles
2.5.2 Adaptive radiation in Birds – Ratitae (Flightless Birds) and Carinatae ( Flying Birds)
2.5.3 Origin of Flight – Theory of Cursorial and Arboreal origin

2.6 Mammalia
2.6.1 Origin of Mammals
2.6.2 Phylogeny of terrestrial and aquatic mammals

Unit 3: Functional and Comparative Anatomy of Chordates (15L)
 To equip learners with the knowledge of evolutionary progression of chordates.
 To familiarize learner with the origin, morphology and phylogeny of the chordates.

Desired outcome:
 Learners would understand evolution, morphology and phylogeny of chordates.

3.1 Comparative Anatomy of:
3.1.1 Chondrocranium
3.1.2 Splanchnocranium
3.1.3 Skull in different Vertebrates

3.2 Evolution and Comparative Anatomy o f Excretory System of Chordates
3.2.1 Evolutionary development of Kidney
 Archinephros
 Pronephros
 Mesonephros
 Metane phros

3.3 Comparative Anatom y of Nervous System in Vertebrates
3.3.1 Brain
3.3.2 Sense organs – Eyes and Ears

3.4 Comparative Anatomy of Respiration
3.4.1 Gills, Skin and Lungs

3.5 Circulation: Heart and Aortic Arches

Page 35


3.6 Male and female reproductive and urinary ducts of Vertebrates (Cyclostomes, Teleost,
Elasmobranchs, Amphibi a, Reptilia , Aves and Mammal ia)

Unit 4: Assorted Topics on Chordates (15L)
 To introduce learners with some interesting topics of the chordates.
Desired outcome:
 Learners wou ld obtain additional knowledge of diverse characteristics of various

4.1 Retrogressive metamorphosis in Ascidians

4.2 Pisces
 Evolutionary significance Crossopterygians, Placoderms
 Migration
 Lateral line sense organ and electric organs

4.3 Amphibia – Evolutionary significance of Labyrynthodonts

4.4 Reptilia
 Evolutionary significance of Dinosaurs
 Venom apparatus and biting mechanism in snakes

4.5 Aves
 Migration
 Flight adaptations

4.6 Mammal ia
 Dentition in mammals
 Habitat diversification
 Walking gait : Plantigr ade, Digitigrade and Unguligrade
 Comparat ive account of Jaw suspension

Page 36

Paper 2 : PSZO202 Developmental Biology – II

Unit 1: Generalized Account of Reproductive Systems in Chordates (15L)
● To introduce to the learner the generalized account of reproductive systems and
access ory structures in chordates .

Desired outcome:
● The learner will gain knowledge of reproductive systems in chordates.

1.1 Reproductive system
 Urochordata – Tunicate
 Cephalochordata – Amphioxus
 Cyclostomata – Petromyzon
 Pisces – Catfish
 Amphibia – Frog
 Reptilia – Lizard
 Aves – Pigeon
 Mammalia – Human

1.2 Accessory Reproductive Glands – Human

Unit 2: Physiology of Reproduction (15L)
● To acquaint the learner with physiology of reproduction in chordates.

Desired outcome:
● The learners will get an idea of reproductive physiology in chordates.

2.1 Biochemistry of semen – Fish, Frog, Snake, Human.
2.1.1 Sperm capacitation, decapicitation – molecular mechanism and significance

2.2 Ovarian leuteinization and mammary gland differentiation – human

2.3 Pheromones – Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia

2.4 Courtship behaviour in – Pisces, Amp hibia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia

Unit 3: Developmental Biology – Germ Cells, Stem Cells and Induced B reeding (15L)
● To introduce to the learner the germ cell migration in chordates.
● To acquaint the learner with details of stem cells.

Desired outcome:
● The learner shall comprehend details of germ cell migration and understand the
importance of stem c ells.

3.1 Introduction to germ cells
Germ cell migration in Zebrafish, Frogs, Lizard, Chick and Mouse

Page 37

3.2 Stem cells –
3.2.1 Embryonic stem c ells, Induced P luripote nt stem cells , Adult stem cells
3.2.2 Regeneration Therapy – Cardiac, bone and neuronal regeneration
3.2.3 Cryopreservation of stem cells – Concept, tools, techniques and application

3.3 Induced breeding in fish – technique and applications

Unit 4: Animal Development – Impact of Environment and Evolution (15L)
● To introduce to the learner the impact of environment on developmen t and its
evolutionary aspects.

Desired outcome:
● The learner will be acquainted with environmental impact on development and
evolution of animals.

4.1 Environmental Cues and Impact on D evelo pment
 Predator Induced Polyphenisms – Amphibian
 Temperature and Sex – Fish, Turtle and Alligator

4.2 Teratogenesis
 Alcohol, R etinoic acid , Endocrine disruptors – Diethylstibestrol, P lastics –
Nonylphenol, Bisphenol A and Heavy metals as teratogens

4.3 Developmental constraints on evolution – physical, morphogenetic and phyletic
4.3.1 Modularity of development – Example – Duffy blood group substance and
Stickleback fish

4.4 Aging and Senescence – Causes, Consequences, an d Therapeutics
4.4.1 Environmental and epigenetic causes of aging – Plastics, Pesticides, Heavy metals

4.5 Promoting L ongevity: Role of telomerase : an overview

Page 38

Paper 3: PSZO203: Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Unit 1: Fundamentals of Biochemistry (15L)
 To provide learn ers an i n-depth knowledge of the fundam entals of chemical
founda tions of biomole cules and their in teraction s.

Desired Ou tcomes:
 Learners will have in-depth understanding of the fundam entals of chemical basis of
 Learners wi ll have knowledge of the st ructures, in teractions, and importan ce of
compl ex biomol ecules a nd their significance in living s ystem.

1.1 Water as the Basic Molecule of Life
1.1.1 Structure of atoms, molecules and chemical bonds
1.1.2 Molecular structure and solvent properties of water, tetrahedral geomet ry, hydrogen
bond, th ermal prop erties of water and their biological significance
1.1.3 Ionization of w ater, Ion product of water (Kw), Con cept of pH, Dissoci ation of weak
acids and weak bases, Henderson-Hasselb alch Equation, Titration curves of strong
and w eak acids, concept of buffer, buffers in biological systems

1.2 Bio logical Macromolecules
1.2.1 Central role of Carbon
1.2.2 Common ring structure, Chirality, and Isomerization in biomolecules
1.2.3 Composi tion, structure of monome rs and polymers, functions of carbohydrates,
lipids, p roteins, nu cleic acids a nd vitamins

1.3 Int eractions of Macromolecules
1.3.1 Stability of Proteins and Nucleic Acids; Stabilizing Interactions such as Vand er
Waals, Electrostatic, Hydrogen Bondin g, Hydrophobic Interactions
1.3.2 Conformation of proteins: Ramachandran plot, secondary structure, domains, mot if
and folds, hydropathy index of amino acids, isoel ectric point ( pi) of proteins

1.4 Complex b iomolecules
1.4.1 Glycoproteins: blood group determinants
1.4.2 Complex Lipids: Phospholipids , Sphingolipids, G angliosides, Sterols and Waxes
1.4.3 Lipoprot eins: classification and functions of chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, HDL, and
free fatty acid -albumin complex

Unit 2: Metabolism and Metabolic Pathways (15L)
 To provide the learn ers knowledge of the m etabolism of various biomole cules and the
importan ce and interrelat ionships of metabolic pat hways in the bio logical s ystems.

Desired Ou tcomes:
 Learners’ will have in-depth understanding of the bioen ergetics and m etabolic
pathways of various bi omolecules.
 Learners will gain knowledge o f the regulatory m echanisms underlying various
metabolic pathwa ys.

Page 39


2.1 Bioch emical T hermodynamics
2.1.1 Laws of thermodynamics, free energy, entropy, enthal py, exergonic and endergonic
2.1.2 Biological oxidation : Electron transport chain in mitochondria; oxidative
phosphorylation – mechanism, uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and its
2.1.3 Free radicals, Antioxidants and Antioxidant system

2.2 Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism
2.2.1 Glycolysis and its energetics
2.2.2 Gluconeogenesis: Reaction sequence from pyruvate, gluconeogenesis from amino
acids, glycerol, p ropionate and la ctate
2.2.3 Glycogen metabolism: Glycogenesis, Glycogenolysis
2.2.4 Significance of the pathways: Hexose Monophosph ate (HMP) Shunt as a
multifunctional pathw ay; uronic acid pathway; glyoxalate cycle
2.2.5 Fatty acid metabolism: Oxidation of saturated even and odd carbon atom, and
unsatu rated fatty acids, metabolism of choleste rol

2.3 Regulation of Metabolism
2.3.1 Regulation of metabolic flux by genetic mechanisms: Control of enzyme synthesis,
consti tutive and inducible enzymes; induction and repression of enzymes (lac
operon and trp op eron)
2.3.2 Regulation of metabolism by extracellular signals: nutrient supp ly, nutrient
transport, endocrine control, ne ural cont rol

2.4 Amino acid and Nucleic acid Metabolism
2.4.1 Nitro gen me tabolism: Protein turnov er, amino a cid pool, ni trogen balance
2.4.2 Metabolism of Amino acids: Transaminati on, Deamination, U rea cycle
2.4.3 Formation of amino acids from Pyruvate, TCA cycle intermediates, Acetyl CoA
2.4.4 Nucleic Acid metabolism: De novo synthesis: synthesis of purine and pyrimidine
nucleotides; Salvage Pathway; Catabolism of pu rine and pyrimidine nu cleotides

Unit 3: Processes and Techni ques in Biotechn ology (15L)
 To provide the learn ers thorough knowledge on the genome organi zation, gene
expression and its control in pro karyot es and eukaryotes.
 To acquaint learn ers with the basic tools and t echniques us ed in Biotechnolog y.

Desired Ou tcomes:
 Learners will be able to understand t he processes for harnessing the potentia ls of
living syste ms for betterment of mankind.
 Learners wi ll have an und erstanding of the proc esses and te chniques u sed in
development of biotechnology produ cts.

3.1 Genome Organ ization
3.1.1 Organization of genome in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, C-value paradox and
genome size
3.1.2 Complexity of viral, bacterial and eukaryotic genomes, Cot curves, repetitive and
non-repetitive DNA sequences

Page 40


3.2 DNA replication, Gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
3.2.1 Mole cular model of DNA replication
3.2.2 Transcription and translation in prok aryotes
3.2.3 Transcription and translation in euk aryotes

3.3 Control of gene expression in Prokaryotes & E ukaryotes
3.3.1 Small regulato ry RNAs, small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) , Transcription
level control, RNA processing, Translation al level cont rol, pos t-translation al cont rol
3.3.2 Gene silencing, miRNA, RNA silencing pathways and DNA methylation

3.4 Methods in Biotechnology
3.4.1 Cloning usi ng plasmid pUC18, pU C19, d etection of recombinants by blu e-white
screening, cloning in bacteriophage, cosmid, BAC and YAC vectors
3.4.2 Chromosome walking, RAPD, AFLP, Microarrays

Unit 4: Applications of Biotechnology (15L)
 To provide learn ers the knowledge on the applications of biotechnology in various
fields .

Desir ed ou tcome:
 Learners wi ll gain knowledge on the appl ication of bi otechnology in industr ies,
medicines, agr iculture and environm ent.

4.1 In dustrial Biotechnology
4.1.1 Microbial fermentation, Microbial growth kinetics, Design of a ferment er, Organisms
used in large scale fermentation.
4.1.2 Production of antibiotics – Cephalosporin , erythromycin ; amino acids – proline,
glutamate; vitamins – cyanocobalamine, riboflavin; Aspartame and Taxol

4.2 Medical Biotechnolog y: Molecular approaches in dia gnosis and treatment
4.2.1 Peptide vaccines: synthetic drugs (engineered pr oteins)
4.2.2 Genetic immunization: Antis ense DNA, Therapeutic ribozymes
4.2.3 Anti-idiotypic vaccine for cancer treatment
4.2.4 Monoclon al antibod ies (mAbs) and their th erapeutic applications
4.2.5 HIV therapeutic agents
4.2.6 Production of biopha rmaceuticals from tr ansgenic animals – Human Tissue
Plasmino gen Activator (hTPA) and α-1Antitrypsin (AAT)
4.2.7 Pharmacogenomics and Nutrigenomics: An overview and applications

4.3 Agricultural B iotechnology
4.3.1 Plant Tissue culture methods –Broad outline and applications of Pollen culture &
Protoplast culture
4.3.2 Bacillus thuring iensis based bio-pesticides, genetic engineering of herbicide
resistance trait in crops, genetic engineering of β-carotene biosynthetic p athway in
golden rice
4.3.3 Genetic engineering of biological nitrogen fixation (Nitrogen as ecluster and
hydrogenase genes), Genetic engineering drought/salini ty tolerance trait in crops

Page 41

4.4 E nviron mental B iotechnology
4.4.1 Effluent treatment, Bioremediation, p hytoremedi ation, Biosenso rs, Biofu els
4.4.2 Cartagena protocol on biosafety – General features with r espect to obje ctives,
precautionary principle and live modified organisms (LMO)

Page 42

Paper 4 : PSZO20 4: Resea rch Methodo logy

Unit 1: Principles of Scientific Research (15L)
 To acquaint learners with the principles of scientific research and methods of
conducting scientific enquiry.
 To inculcate scientific temperament and research aptitude among the learners.

Desired outcome:
 Learner will be able to formulate res earch problem and concept research design.
 Learner will be able to execute the research problem.

1.1 Basic concepts of research
1.1.1 Definition
1.1.2 Characteristics of research (controll ed, rigorous, systematic, valid and verifiable,
empirical and critical)
1.1.3 Objectives of research
1.1.4 Types of research:
a) Pure and applied
b) Structured and unstructured
c) Descriptive, correlational, explanatory, exploratory, historical, comparative and

1.2 Formulating research problem
1.2.1 Reviewing literature: Using library, compute rized searches, evaluating literature
1.2.2 Developing a researc h problem: Importance, sources, considerations, steps,
defining a problem, formulate objectives
1.2.3 Identifying variables: Introduction, types o f variables, measurement scales
1.2.4 Hypothesis : Definition, function, characteristics, types (H 0, HA), Principles of
hypothesis, framing hyp othesis, errors in hypothesis, research question v ersus
research hypothesis, hypothesis versus non-hypothesis research

1.3 Research design
1.3.1 Definition and purpose
1.3.2 Characteristics of good research design
1.3.3 Sampling strategy and sampling size determination, e liminating extraneous
1.3.4 Types of study design: study designs in quantitative research (cross -sectional,
before and after, longitudinal, retrospective, prospective, retrospective -prospective,
experim ental, non -experimental, quasi -experimental )

Unit 2: Data Management and Analysis (15L)
 To introduce learners to various statistical tools for analysis of research data.
 To familiarize learners with the in -silico approach for data management.

Desired outcome:
 The learner will be able to develop skill set for organisation and effective presentation
of data.

Page 43

 The learner will be able to choose correct statistical test.
 The learner will be able to perform statistical analysis indifferent fields of research
using various computer programs.

2.1 Methods of data collection
2.1.1 Primary sources
2.1.2 Secondary sources

2.2 Data Classification and Presentation
2.2.1 Classification of data (Geographical, Chronological, Qualitative, Quantitative)
2.2.2 Tabulation of data (one-way table, two -way table, complex table)
2.2.3 Type of charts (Line, Column, Scatter plot, Box plot, Heat Map)

2.3 Concepts of Measurements
2.3.1 Univariate ( standard deviation, variance, quartiles)
2.3.2 Bivariate (correlation and regression)
2.3.3 Multivariate (ANOVA: one -way, two -way)
2.3.4 Level of significance and p -value
2.3.5 Normal distribution, Skewness, Kurtosis, Outliers

2.4 Testing of Hypothesis
2.4.1 Null hypothesis, Alternative hypothesis
2.4.2 Type 1 and Type 2 Errors
2.4.3 Testing of Hypothesis (single population mean, two population means)
2.4.4 One-tailed and Two-tailed tests

2.5 Parametric and Non -parametric tests
2.5.1 Parametric tests: t test, z test, F test
2.5.2 Non-parametric tests: Chi -square test, Mann -Whitney test, Kruskal -Wallis test,
Friedman Test, Wilcoxon signed -rank test

Unit 3: Scientific Communication (15L)
 To enable learners to develop skills for effective research communication.
 To enable learners to publish research paper in journals with good impact factors.

Desired outcome:
 The learner will be able to get an insight of scientific communication documentation
and will become familiar with good scientific journals.

3.1 Research planning
3.1.1 Project Proposal and research funding agencies – Research grants, scholarships
and funding (CSIR, DBT, DST, DST - INSPIRE Fellowship, ICMR, INSA, BRNS,
MoEFCC, UGC -RFSMS, Fulbright Fellowships for Indian students, Lady Tata
Memorial Trust, EPA, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, Erasmus
3.1.2 Use of reference management software (MS Word / Zotero / Men deley)
3.1.3 Scientific writing –Thesis and Dissertation

3.2 Documentation for approval from Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) and

Page 44

Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC)
3.2.1 Documents for registration, renewal and reconstitution of IAEC as per CPCSEA
3.2.2 Proposal layout for permission from IAEC for use of animals in research
3.2.3 Proposal layout based on recombinant DNA safety guidelines from IBSC
3.2.4 Proposal layout for use of transgenic animals in research

3.3 Publications and Research Journals
3.3.1 Types of research journals
3.3.2 Impact factors of Journals
3.3.3 Predatory Journals
3.3.4 Review process - benefits and drawbacks of single blind, double blind and open
peer review process
3.3.5 Understanding “h – index” and “i10 – index”
3.3.6 SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Web of Science
3.3.7 Process to obtain ISSN and ISBN

Unit 4: Model organisms and their applications (15L)
 To introduce to learner s the key species which are used as model organisms in
 To acquaint the learners with special techniques developed for studying these model
 To make them aware of the contributions of model organisms to basic biology,
genetics, development and diseases.

Desired outcome:
 The learners will be able to understand the special features of different animals that
have made them useful as a model system.
 The learners will become familiar with the specific applications of model organisms for
various biological processes.
 The learners will be able to appreciate how experimentation with these organisms has
enhanced the understanding of the basis of human diseases.

4.1 Introduction : Concept key features and importance of model organisms

4.2 Earthworm
4.2.1 Biology and genome
4.2.2 Model for studies on regeneration

4.3 Caenorhabditis elegans
4.3.1 Body plan of the worm, genetics, genome, cultivation, advantages and limitations
4.3.2 Techniques used for genetic modification , Mutant characterization, discovery of

4.4 Daphnia sp.
4.4.1 Genome, epigenetic phenotypic variation
4.4.2 Advantage and limitations
4.4.3 Model for studies in toxicology

Page 45

4.5 Drosophila melanogaster
4.5.1 Genome, advantages and limitations
4.5.2 Model for cytogenetics, development, neuroscience, human diseases and
therapeutic drug discovery

4.6 Danio rerio (Zebra fish)
4.6.1 Genome, advantages and limitations
4.6.2 Insights on embryology, ageing and toxicology

4.7 Mus musculus (Mouse)
4.7.1 Genomics, advantages and limitations
4.7.2 Model for studies on p hysiology, development, ageing, human diseases (Cancer
and Diabetes) and behaviour research
4.7.3 Transgenic and germ line transgenic mouse models, genetically engineered mouse
models (GEMMs): Knock -In and Knock -out mouse models

Page 46

M. Sc . Part 1: Semester II Practical 1
PSZOP201: Chordates

1. Museum spec imens / Photographs / Pictures / Slides:
i. Protochordates: Study of Doliolum, Herdmania, Ascidia, Botryllus
ii. Adaptive radiation in Reptiles-Turtles, Crocodile, Tuatara, Snakes and Lizards
iii. Adaptive radiation in Mammals – Talpa (mole), Tarsius, Armadillo, Camel and Sperm
2. Comparative anatomy of digestive system in vertebrates.
3. Comparative study of Pelvic and Pectoral girdle in vertebrates.
4. Types of jaw suspensi on in vertebrates- Autodiastylic, Holostylic, Amphistylic and
Autost ylic.
5. Types of vertebrae – Acoelous, Procoe lus, Opisthocoelus, Amphicoelus, Amphiplatins,
Heterocoe lus, Axis and atlas vertebrae.
6. Phylogenetic analysis of phenotyp ic characters from given data in chordates.
7. Construction of phylogenetic tree with given ancestors.
8. Pigeon – Study / Virtual dissection of
i. Flight muscles
ii. Digestive system
iii. Respiratory system
iv. Circulatory system
v. Excretory system
vi. Reproduct ive system – male and female
9. Field visit to National park / Sanctuary / Museum / Zoo or any other suitable
ecosystem to study vertebrates.

Page 47

Practical 2 PSZOP202 : Developmental Biology II

1. Identification of fish developmental stages –egg, larva, juvenile (fry, fingerling and adult).
2. Measurement of fish ova diameter using oculometer.
3. Preparation of histological slides – fish ovary / testis.
4. Study of metamorphosis in Amphibia .
5. Histology of male and female accessory reproductive glands – Human – Prostate gland,
Bulbourethral gland and pl acenta [Permanent slides].
6. Analysis of testicular extract/ semen – Fish / Chicken / Goat.
i. pH, Viscocity, Agglutination.
ii. Sperm count and motility – Fish / Chicken / Goat.
iii. Hypo -osmotic swelling of sperm – Normal / Abnormal.
7. Study of stem cells from chick e mbryo – staining and identification of cells.

Page 48

Practical 3 PSZOP203: B iochemistry and Biotechnology

1. Titration curve of weak acid.
2. Titration curve of strong acid.
3. Quantitative estimation of p roteins f rom the given sample using Bradford method.
4. Determination of glucose by Benedict’s quantitative reagent (Titrimetric method).
5. Isolation and determination of glycogen in the given t issue (live r / skeletal muscl e / kidney)
by Anthrone method.
6. Determination of saponification value of fats/oils.
7. Estimation of the number of bacteria in the given culture by nephelometry.
8. Preparation of beads by immobilization of yeast cells in c alcium al ginate.
9. Monitoring of Invertase activity in bioreactor column of immobilized yeast cells by DNSA
10. Restriction digestion of the given DNA sample and separation of the fragments by
agarose gel electropho resis.
11. Southe rn blo tting technique (assemb ly of the sandwich/ mechanical blotting).
12. Determination of effect of minimal and enriched media on g rowth curves of E. coli.

Page 49

Practical 4 PSZOP204 : Research methodology

1. Write a proposal to obtain permission for use of model animal in research from IAEC.
(Print copy to be submitted during practical exam and assessed by viva. )
2. Write a grant proposal to a funding agency. ( Print copy to be submitted during
practical exam and assessed by viva. )
3. Evaluation of journal / research paper metrics:
a. Impact factor (from the given data)
b. h – index (from the given data)
c. Percent plagiarism (usi ng online tools)
4. Interpret the given data (qualitative / quantitative) and represent as graph / chart.
5. Problems based on parametric tests and non -parametri c tests. (to be performed using
MS Excel / SPSS / Minitab)
6. Calculation of correlation co -efficient and plotting regression line from given biometry
data using MS Excel / SPSS / Minitab.
7. Calculation of diversity indices (Shannon and Simpson) using MS Excel / PAST3.
8. Descriptive / Inferential statistics using online statistical tests – GraphPad Prism
9. https:/ / -analysis -resource -center/
10. To study the characteristics and applications of animal models used in pre -clinical
11. Small animal models: R at, Transgenic mice, Nude mice, Hamster.
12. Large animal models: Rabbit, Cynomolgus macaque , Rhesus macaque, Vervet / African
green monkey, Marmoset, Chimpanzee.
13. Visit to an animal house in a research institution and submission of repor t.

Page 50

References Semester 2
1. Introduction to Genera Zoology, Volume II– K. K. Chaki, G. Kundu , S. Sarkar (NCBA)
2. Vertebrate Zoology– F. B. Monda l (Oxford IBH)
3. Modern TextBook of Vertebrates – R. L. Kotpal (Rastogi)
4. Alexande r, R. M. The Chordata. Cambridge University Press, London .
5. Barrington,E. J. W. The biology of Hemichordata and protochordata. Oliver and Boyd,
Edinborough .
6. Kingsley, J. S. Outlines of comparative autonomy of vertebrates. Central Book Depot,
Allahabad .
7. Kent, C. G. Comparative anatomy of vertebrates.
8. Smith, H. S. Evolution of chordate structure. Hold Rineha rtand Winstoin Inc., New York.
9. Torrey, T. W. Morphogene sis of vertebrates. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
10. Romer, A. S. Vertebrate Body, III Ed. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia
11. Young , J. Z., Life of mammals, The Oxford University Press, Londo n
12. Colbert, E.H., Evolution of the vertebrates. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
13. Weichert, C. K. and Presch, W. Elements of Chordate anatomy.4th Edn. McGraw Hill
Book Co., New York.
14. Montagna , W. Comparative anatomy. John Wiley and Sons Inc.
15. Andrews, S. M. Problems in vertebrate evolution. Academic Press, New York.
16. Waterman, A. J. Chordata structure and function. Macmillan Co., New York.
17. Lovtrup, S. The phylogen y of vertebrate. John Wiley & Sons, London
18. Barbiur, T. Reptiles and Amphibians: Their habits and adaptations. Hongton Miffin
Co., New York.
19. Smyth. Amphibia and their ways. The Macmillan Co., New York.
20. Jordan and Verma. Chordate Zoology, S. Chan d Publication.

Page 51

1. Comparative embryology of the vertebrates 1 – 2 (1953) McGraw – Hill Book company,
New York.
2. Comparative reproductive biology - HeideSchatter and Gheorghe Constantinescu –
Blackwell Publishing.
3. Human reproductive system – Encyclopedia Britannica by Richard J. Harrison.
4. Animal Physiology – Withers.
5. Animal Physiology - Hoar
6. Developmental Biology - Scott F.
7. Gilbert, 9th Edition.
8. Animal Physiology - Giese
9. Chordates - Jordan and Verma
10. Chordates - Parker and Haswell
11. Chick embryology - Patten
12. Chordate Zoology - Kotpal
13. Chordate Zoology -P. S. Dhami and J. K. Dham
14. Sex pheromones in amphibians -a review Vet.Med -Czech, 50,2005(9); 385 -389
15. -ebooks
16. -capacitation
17. dbook -of-stem -cells
18. -textbook -of-in-vitro-fertilization -and-assisted -reproduction -the-bourn -
hall-guide -to-clinical -and-o418.html
20. -3-642-45532 -2_15
21. -of-the-biology -of-aging/schneider/978 -0-12-
627871 -2

Page 52

PSZO20 3
Bioche mistry
1. Puri, Dinesh (2014 ). Textbook of M edical Biochemistry (3rd Edition).
2. Bhagavan N. V. and Chung -Eun Ha (2015).Essentials of Medical Biochemistry (2nd
Edition) .
3. Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry.
4. Satyanarayana U. and Ch akrapani (2014).Biochemistry.
5. Outlines of Biochemistry, (5th Edition) – 2006 – Eric E. Conn, Paul K. Stumpf, George
Bruening .
6. Lehninger, L. Albert, David, L. Nelson, Mi chael, M. Cox (199 3). Principles of Biochemistry,
CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi.
7. Stryer, L (198 8), Biochemistry, W.H. Freeman and Co mpany, New York.
8. Coop er, T. G (1977), The Tools of Biochemistry, Wiley Interscience Publication, John
Wiley and Sons, N ew York.
9. Smith (1983), Principles of Biochemistry, (7th Edition), Mc Graw Hill (Mammalian
Biochemistry) , New York .
10. Voet, D. & Voet, J (1995 ), Biochemistry, John Wiley and Sons, N ew York.
11. Basic Con cepts in Biochemistry – Hiram F Gilbert –McGraw Hill Publications.
12. Fundament als of Biochemistry – J L Jain, Sunjay Jain, Ni tin Jain – S. Chand .

1. Molecular Cell Biology (5th Edition) – Lodish, Berk, Matsudaira, Kaiser, Krieger, Scott,
Zipursky, Darnell – WH Freeman.
2. Cell & Molecular Biology: Concepts & Experiments (6th Edition) – Gerald Karp.
3. iGenetics – A molecular approach (3rdEdition) – Peter J Russell – Pearson Education Inc.
4. Molecular Biotechnology – Principles and applications of recombinant DNA (3rd Ed ition)
– Bernard R Glick &Jack J Pasternak – ASM Press.
5. Principles of Fermentation Technology (2nd Edition) – Peter F Stanbury, Allan Whitaker,
Stephen J Hall – Elsevier Publications.
6. Basic Biotechnology (3rd Edition) – Colin Ratledge & Bjorn Kristiansen – Cambridge
University Press.
7. Medical Biotechnology – S. N. Jogdand – Himalaya Publishing House.
8. Microbial Biotechnology (2nd Edition) – Alexander Glazer & Hiroshi Nikaido – Cambridge
University Press.
9. Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Pr actice – S. S. Bhojwani & M . K. Razdan – Elsevier.
10. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology – KG Ramawat & Shaily Goyal – S. Chand.
11. Aspartame Information
12. Genetic engineering of taxol biosynthetic genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . a.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 93(2): 212-24 • February 2006
13. The Golden Rice Project

Additional Reading:
1. Molecular Biology of the Cell – Alberts et al., - Garland Science.
2. Molecular Biology of the Gene – Watson et al., Benjamin Publications.
3. Genes VIII – Benjamin Lewin –Oxford Press.
4. Molecular Biology – Freifelder – Narosa Publication House.
5. Textbook of Biotechnolo gy – H K Das – Wiley India Pub lication.

Page 53

Principles of Scientific Research:
1. Graduate research - A guide for students in Life Sciences. 2nd edition. Robert V. Smith
2. Research methods for Biosciences. 3rd edition. Debbie Holmes, Peter Moody, Diana Dine,
Laurence Trueman
3. Experimental designs for Life Sciences. 4th edition. Graeme D., Ruxton and Nick Colegr ave
4. Research methodology - Step by Step Guide for Beginners. 3rd edition. Ranjit Kumar
5. Research methodology - Tools and techniques, Bridge Centre 2015

Data Management and Analysis:
1. The practice of statistics in life sciences - Brigitte Baldi and David Moore, W. H. Freeman .
2. Mahajan’s methods in Biostatistics for Medical students and Research Workers - Bratati
Banerjee, Jaypee Publishers .
3. Biostatistics: Basic concepts and methodology - Wayne Daniel and Chad Cross, Wiley .
4. Biostatistical analysis - Jerrold H. Zar, Pearson .
5. Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics – Neil J. Salkind, SAGE Publications .
6. Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics – Andy Field, SAGE Publications .
7. IBM SPSS Statistics Step by Step – Darren George and Paul Mallery, Taylor & Francis .
8. Statistics for Ecologists using R and Excel – Mark Gardener, Pelagic Publishing .

Scientific Writing:
1. Thesis and Dissertation Writing in a Second Language a handbook for s upervisors - Brian
Paltridge and Sue Starfield, Routledge Publishers.
2. The process of research writing - Steven Krause – Eastern Michigan University.
3. Animal - Use Research IAEC Project Proposal & animal imports Guidelines – NCBS Animal
Care and Resource Cen ter.
4. Academic Writing and Publishing – A Practical Handbook – James Hartley.
5. How to Improve Your Journal and Have Greater Impact – James Testa – Thomson Reuters.
7. -in/reviewers/what -is-peer-review
8. -tech/science/what -is-a-predatory journal/article21039351.ece

Model Organisms and their applications:
1. Introduction to Genetic Analysis: Griffiths, Wessler, Lewontin, Carroll. WH Freeman
Company, New York.
2. Biology. E. P. Solomon, L. R. Berg, D. W. Martin, Thompson Brooks/Cole.
3. Bier, E. 2005. Drosophila, the Golden Bug, Emerges as a Tool for Human Genetics. Nature
Reviews Genetics 6: 9 -23.
4. Howe K et al. The zebra fish reference genome sequence and its relat ionship to the human
genome. Nature 2013 .
5. Pennisi, E. (1998). Worming secrets from the C. elegans genome. Science, 282, 1972 -1974 .
6. Fly:
7. Worm: -bin/lists?celegans.txt
8. Zebrafish: http://www.ncbi.nlm.
9. Mouse:

Page 54

Modality of Assessment:

A) Internal Assessment ‐ 40%

No. Evaluation type Total
1. One Assignments/Case study/Project 25
3. Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries 05
4. Attendance – (0-25%=0 marks, 25-50%=1mark,50 -75%=3
marks and 75 -100%= 5 marks) 05
5. Overall conduct as a responsible student, manners, skill in
articulation, leadership qualities demo nstrated through
organizing co ‐curricular, etc. 05

B) External examination 60%

a) Semester End Theory Assessment ‐ 60% 60 Marks
i) Duration – These examinations shall be of two and half hours duration for each paper.
ii) Theory Question Paper Pattern:
 There shall be five questions each of 12 marks. On each unit there will be one question
and the first one will be based on entire syllabus.
 All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions. Each
question will be of 18 to 20 marks with options.
 Question may be subdivided into sub ‐questions a, b, c… and the allocation of marks
depend on the weightage of the topic.

b) Practicals 50 Marks

Page 55

University of Mumbai
Semester I / Semester II EXAMINATION
Course PSZO

Maximum Marks: 60 Duration: 2 .5 Hours Marks Option: 90

Question 1: Based on Unit I to IV (Mixed Questions)

Question 2: Based on Unit I

Question 3: Based on Unit II

Question 4: Based on Unit III

Question 5: Based on Unit IV

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. All questions carry equal marks.
iii. Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. Answer any three questions from the following( Based on all 4 units)
a. 04
b. 04

. 04
d 04
e 04

2. Answer any two questions from the following(Based on Unit1)
a. 06
b. 06
c. 06

3. Answer any two questions from the following (BasedonUn it2)
a. 06
b. 06

4. Answer any two questions from the following (Based on Un it 3)
a. 06
b. 06
c. 06

5. Answer any two questions from the following (Based on Un it 4)
a. 06
b. 06
c. 06

Page 56


Time: 10 am to 2 pm Total Marks: 50

Q.1 To study Nervous / Reproductive System of Clamworm / Prawn / Pila / Starfish /
Balanoglossus . 06

Q.2 To Study Digestive / Excretory s ystem of Clamworm / Prawn / Pila / Starfish /
Balanoglossus . 06

Q.3 Identify and describe the larva of: (preferably slides / specimens available ) 04
a. Annelida / Arthropoda
b. Mollusca / Echinodermata

Q.4 Identify and describe fossils:
a. Annelida / Arthropoda 03
b. Mollusca / Echinodermata / Hemichordata 03
c. Annelida / Arthropoda / Mollusca / Echinodermata / Hemichordata 03
(This specimen c should be out of syllabus, but should show clear characters of the phylum)

Q.5 Making fossil cast out of clay / mudd y soil and viva based on it. 05

Q.6 Field visit report and viva based on field visit. 10

Q.7 Viva ba sed on theory. 05

Q.8 Journal. 05

Page 57


Time: 10 am to 2 pm Total Marks: 50

Q.1 Major question: 14
To study conjugation and binary fission in Paramecium from given culture .
To study life cycle of Drosophila .

Q.2 Minor question: 08
To observe development of C. elegans .
To observe stages of Tribolium or Sitophilus .

Q.3 Identification: (3 marks each) 18
a) Gemmule / Germ layer
b) Larva – Porifera / Cnidarian / Annelida
c) Larva – Mollusca / Crustacea
d) Larva – Echinodermata / Hemichordata
e) Life Cycle of Butterfly / Moth
f) Coelom

Q.4 Viva. 05

Q.5 Journal . 05

Page 58


Time: 10 am to 2 pm Total Marks: 50

Q.1 DNA isolation / Kappa particles in Param ecium / Maternal effects in Drosophila . 10

Q.2 Identify and describe : 10
Parental care / Evolution of Brood Parasitism – Cuckoo or Crow / Reciprocal altruism –
Vampire B at / Thumping of Ground Gene – Rabbi t / Klepto parasitic fledglings associated
with reduced success in host family in barn owl .

Q.3 Identify the following: (2 marks each) : 14
a) Comparison of H emoglo bin
b) Type of Fossil
c) Type of Fossil
d) Example of Cloning
e) Example of Cloning
f) Syndrome
g) Syndrome

Q.4 Two problems based on gene mapping and mitotic index . 06

Q.5 Viva. 05

Q.6 Journal . 05

Page 59


Time: 10 am to 2 pm Total Marks: 50

Q.1 To determin e concentration of Iron as a pollutant from sample / sample solutio n by redox
titration or spectrophotometric method . 12
To estimate the amount of dust (particulate matter) deposit ed on the leaves of roadside
plants .
To detect heavy metals from the sample water – Zinc / Lead / Copper .

Q.2 Identify and describe 12
a) Chronobiology
b) Imaging technique
c) Imaging technique
d) Climate change / global warming indicator animal
e) Climate change / global warning indicator animal
f) Anatomical regions of brain involved in stress and emotion

Q.3 Assignment –submission of report on pulse rate after stress . 06

Q.4 Submission of report on visit to nearby DNA barcoding laboratory / medical Imaging
center. 05

Q.5 Environment audit report ( Green audit / EIA of small selected area ). 05

Q.6 Viva-voce . 05

Q.7 Journal . 05

Page 60


Time: 10 am to 2 pm Total Marks: 50

Q.1 a. Study of Pigeon – digestive / circulatory / respiratory system. 06
b. S tudy of Pigeon – excretory / male reproductive / female reproductive / flight
muscles. 04

Q.2 Identify and describe as per the instructions. 15
a. Ident ify and describe (any Protochordate)
b. Ident ify and comment on its adapt ive radiations(Reptilia / Mammalia)
c. Ident ify and comment on comparative account of digestive system (Fish / Frog / Lizard /
Pigeon / Rat).
d. Ident ify and comment on any type of jaw suspension.
e. Ident ify and comment on type of (vertebrae / pelvic girdle / pectoral girdle).

Q.3 Make a phylogenetic analysis of phenotypic characters from given data / Construct
phylogenetic tree on the basis of given data. 05

Q.4 Field visit report and viva based on it. 10

Q.5 Viva-Voce based on theory. 05

Q.6 Journal. 05

Page 61



Time 10: 00 AM to 2: 00 PM Total Marks: 50

Q.1 Estimate the pH and viscosity/ pH and agglutination/Viscosity and agglutination from Fish
/ Chick / Goat semen. 10
Determine the sperm count and motil ity from Fish / Chick / Goat semen.
Determine the hypo -osmotic swelling of sperm – Normal / Abnormal .

Q.2 Determine the diameter of the ova f rom suitable fish using occulometer . 15
Prepare block / ribbon / stained slides for histological s tudy of fish ovary / testis .
Stain and identify the stem cells from chick embryo.

Q.3 Identify and describe 15
a) Histology of accessory reproductive glands / organ (Prostrate / Bulbourethral / T.S of
b) Histology of accessory reproductive glands /organ (Prostrate / Bulbourethral / T.S of
placenta )
c) Study of metamorphosis in Amphibia ( any one stage)
d) Fish developmental stages – Egg / larva
e) Fish developmental stages – fry / fingerling

Q. 4 Viva-Voce . 05

Q. 5 Certified journal .

Page 62


Time: 10.0 AM to 2.00 PM Total Marks: 50

Q.1 Determine the pKa of weak acid/ Perform titration of strong acid and prepare the titration
curve. 16
Estimate the invertase activity in bioreactor column of immobi lized yeast cells by DNSA
Estimate glucose by Benedict’s quantitative reagent (Titrim etric m ethod).

Q.2 Estimate quantitative ly the proteins from the given s ample using Bradford method . 14
Isolate and d etermine glycogen in the given tissue (liver/ skelet al muscle / kidney) by
Anthrone method.
Determine saponification value of fats /oils.
Determine effect of mini mal /enriched media on growth curves of E. coli.
Estimate the numb er of bacteria in the given culture by Nephelometry.

Q.3 Prepare calcium alginate beads for immobilization of yeast cells. 10
Perform restriction di gestion of the given DNA sample and separate the fragments by
Agarose Gel Electroph oresis.
Perform the assembly for Southe rn blo tting technique (Mechanical / Physical blotting).

Q.4 Viva-voce. 05

Q.5 Certified Journal. 05

Page 63


Time: 10:00 am – 02:00 pm Total Marks: 50

Q.1 Perform a para metric test on the given data using MS Excel / SPSS / Minitab and
interpret the resul t. 12
Perform a non-parametric test on the given data using MS Excel /SPSS / Minitab and interpret
the result.
Calculate correlation co-efficient and plot a chart with regression line from the bio metry data
provided using MS Excel / SPSS / Minitab and interpret the result.
Calculate biodiversity indices of the given data using MS Excel / PAST 3 and interpret the

Q.2 A. Perform descriptive statistics of the given data using MS Excel / SPSS / Minitab and
interpret the resul t. 06
Interpret the ty pe of data provided and represent it in r elevant chart using MS Excel / SPSS
/ Minitab.
Perform descriptive / inferential statistics using online resources provided at Graph Pad Prism
– Quick Calcs.

B. Calculate from the given data – a) Impact factor and b) h-index. 04
Estimate percent plagiarism from the text provided and comment on the results.

Q.3 Identify the mode l organisms and commen t on their applications (a– d). 12
a and b – small animal models
c and d – large animal models

Q.4 Report of visit to ani mal house in a research institution. 05

Q.5 Submission of proposal to I AEC / Application for grant from funding agency and viva
based on it. 06

Q.6 Certified Journal 05
