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AC 23 -05-2016
Item No. 4.20
M. Sc (Zoology)
Paper Pattern - Biotechnology
Sem III & IV
Credit Based System & Grading System 2016-17
M.Sc Zoology sem III and sem IV Practical question paper pattern
Paper pattern for practical 1 and practical 2 of semester III and IV .
Practical III and IV (specialisation) remains unchanged. The change to be made
in view of introducing project work at sem ester III and sem ester IV level
Practical paper pattern
Semester III
Zoology - Biotechnology
Course Code PSZOBT3P1
Q1) Determination of viable cell count in the given culture of bacteria by dilutio n &
spreading technique. (25) M arks
Q1) Using mini- prep method isolate plasmid DNA from the given strain of bacteria & show
the purity of the isolate by performing agarose gel electrophoresis. (25) Marks
Q1) Preparation of LB agar plate, slant, butt & demonstration of streaking technique using
bacterial culture to o btain isolated colonies . (25) Marks
Q2) To estimate the Demonstration of aseptic technique: Work place for aseptic handling,
packing glassware (flasks, test tube s, pipettes, petridish) for sterilization, aseptic transfer of
liquids pipetting from flask to test tube. (15) Marks
Q2) Estimate number of bacteria in given cul ture of nephelometry. (15) Marks
Q3) Viva (05) Marks
Q4) Journal (05) Marks
Practical Semester III
Course Code PSZOBT3P2
Project Work (50) Marks
1) Introduction
2) Concept/Hypothesis
3) Survey of literature
4) Methodology
5) Expected outcome
Practicals paper pattern
Semester IV
Zoology - Biotechnology
Course Code PSZOBT4P1
Q1) Demostrate the effect of medium on growth curves of given microorganisms, using
enriched media. (25) Marks
Q1) Demonstrate the effect of medium on growth curves of given microorganism s, using
minimal media. (25) Marks
Q1) Prepare a bioreactor column to demonstrate Invertase activity in the bioreactor
column. (Day 1) (25) Marks
Q2) Immobilize Y east cells in calcium alginate, prepare beads & keep them overnight in
activation medium. (15) Marks
Q2) Restriction -digest the given DNA sample & demonstrate the separation of fr agments by
performing agarose gel electrophoresis. Interpret the results by comparing with the standard digests provided. (15) Marks
Q2) Demostrate the western blotting technique for the given sample of protein. (Day 1)
(15) Marks
Q3) Viva (05) Marks
Q4) Journal (05)Marks
Practical Semester IV
Course Code PSZOBT4P2
Project Presentation (50)Marks