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Program: M.Sc.
Course: Home Science
Branch I A: Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System
with effect from the academic year 2016–2017)
Course Code Title Theory/
Practical Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
s Periods/
week Credits
PSHSI 101 Research Methods and Biostatistics
– Paper I
Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIA102 Advances in Nutritional and
Clinical Biochemistry - I
Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIA103 Nutritional Management of Chronic
Degenerative Diseases Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIA104 Maternal and Child Nutrition
Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIA105 Food Science and Processing
Theory 40
60 100 3 4
PSHS IAP101 Biochemistry and Food Analysis - I
Practical --- 50 50 4 2
PSHS IAP102 Principles of Food Science
Practical --- 50 50 3 2
Total 200 400 600 22 24
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To build in students appreciation for high quality research.
2. To introduce students to the skills needed in conducting a research.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. An introduction to research methodology:
Objectives of research
Types of research - Descriptive vs. Analytical, Applied vs. Fundamental,
Quantitative vs. qualitative, Conceptual vs. Empirical
Other types: Cross sectional vs. longitudinal, Field setting or laboratory, clinical
or diagnostic, Exploratory, Historical research.
Research approach: Quantitative and qualitative approach
Ethics in research, applying for ethical approval/ clearance
Defining the research problem: Selecting and defini ng the problem
Literature survey
Formulation of hypothesis
B. Research designs:
Need for a research design, features of a good design
Types of research designs - Explorative/ descriptive/ experimental/ Survey/ Case
Study 15
Unit II A. Sampling techniques for nutrition research
Sample design -Criteria of selecting a sampling procedure; Characteristics of a
good sampling design
Types of sample designs: Non -probability sampling and Probability sampling
Purposive sampling, Simple random sampling, Systematic sampling, Stratified
sampling, Quota sampling, Cluster sampling, Multi -stage sampling, Sequential
Determination of sample size for different type of research
B. Measurement and scaling techniques
Measurement scales: Nominal, Ordinal Interval, Ratio
Validi ty, Reliability and Practicality
Scaling, scaling techniques - rating scales (paired comparison, rank order), likert
scales etc. 15
Unit III A. Methods/ tools of data collection
Collection of primary data: Observation method, Interview method,
Questionnaire method, case study method.
Collection of secondary data
Selection of appropriate method of data collection
B. Data processing and management
Processing operations: Editing, coding, classification, tabulation
Use of data entry software 15
Bhattacharyya, G.K. & Johnson, R. A. (1977). Statistical concepts and methods. NY: John Wiley.
Dwiwedi, R. S. (1997). Research methods in behavioral sciences. Delhi: Macmillan India.
Gravetter, F. J. &Waillnau, L. B. (2000). Statistics for the behavioral sciences. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson
Kerlinger, F. N. & Lee, H. B. (2000). Foundations of behavioral research. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt.
Kothari, C.R. (2004). Research Methodology -Methods and Techniques. New Age International Publishe rs, New
Leong, F.T.L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996). The psychology research handbook. New Delhi: Sage
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
3 100 4
Course content Periods
Unit I Biomolecules of Nutritional Significance
a. Carbohydrates – Oligosaccharides, Polysaccharides, sugar alcohols, Glycosides
b. Proteins – Essential and non -essential amino acids, Formation of specialized
products from amino acids and their functions – Glutathione, Creatine –
creatinine, biogenic amines (dopamine, norepinephrine, tyranine, serotonin,
GABA, histamine). Biologically important peptides (Insulin, ACTH, Oxytocin,
Vasopressin, Angiotensin, TRH. Four levels of protein structure and functions of Ins ulin, Haemoglobin, Carboxypeptidase, Keratin)
c. Lipids – Compound Lipids, Fatty acids, MCT’ s, Cholesterol, Prostanoids.
Unit II Cellular Communication – Digestion and absorption of macronutrients
a. Cellular transport – Principles of mechanisms of passive, Facilitated diffusion
and active transport. Na – K ATPase. Artificail membranes in drug delivery.
GLUT proteins
b. Cell signaling – General principles. Signalling via G - proteins embedded cell
surface receptors.
c. Gap junctions in extracellular commun ication
d. Interactions of cells with other cells.
e. Outline of digestion and absorption of carbohydra tes, proteins and lipids 15
Unit III Enzyme Chemistry and Metabolism of Macronutrients.
a. IUB classification of enzymes. Active site and its identification. F actors
affecting enzyme activity. Significance of Km
b. Enzyme Inhibition – Clinical enzymology – LDH isoenzymes, SGOT, SGPT,
Amylase, Use of ELISA, RIA techniques
c. Carbohydrate Metabolism - Glycolysis, TCA, Gluconeogenesis, Glycogen
metabolism, HMP, Uronic acid, Bioenergetics – ETC, Mechanism of
phospho rylation, Shuttle pathways
d. Protein metabolism – Decarboxylation, Transamination, Transmethylation,
Ammonia formation and detoxification, Urea Cycle.
Metabolism of Tyrosin, Phe, Trp, Sulphur containing amino a cids, BCAA and
related in born errors of metabolism.
e. Lipid Metabolism – Knoop’s Beta oxidation, Fatty acid biosynthesis,
cholesterol biosynthesis, ketoge nesis. 15
Berg, J. M., Tynocrko, J. L. et al Biochemistry (5th ed.) New York W.H. Freeman and Co 2002.
Brody Tom. Nutritional Biochemistry 2nd ed. New Delhi Elsevier/Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd. 2004
Chatterjee M.N. Shinde and Rana Textbook of Medical Biochemistry 6th ed. New Delhi Jaypee Brothers
MedicalPublishers 2005.
Devlin Thomas, M (ed.) Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlation New York, John Wiley and Sons
Montgomery, Rex and others Biochemistry A case oriented Approach St. Louis The C.V. Mosby Co. 1977.
Murray, R.K. and others. Harper’s Biochemistry 25th ed. Connectic ut, Appleton and large Publications. London,
Prentice Hall Int. Inc 1996.
Lehninger, A.L.; Nelson D.L. and Cox. M.M., Principles o Biochemistry 3rd ed. New York. Worth
PublishersMcMullan Press, 2000
Puri Dinesh Textbook of Biochemistry . A Clinically oriented Approach New Delhi B.I. Churchill Livingstone Pvt.Ltd.
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
DISEASES 3 100 4
1. To provide an overview of the Nutrition Intervention protocol and counseling strategies.
2. To provide in depth, research based and advanced knowledge regarding prevalence, etiology, diagnosis,
pathophysiology, drug –nutrient and gene –nutrient interactions, and various management and nutrition
education strategies.
Course content Periods
Unit I Nutritional Care Process and Counseling Strategies
A. Nutritional Care Process
• The Nutritional Care process -a detailed study of nutritional assessment,
diagnosis, planning and goal setting, intervention ,follow -up and
• Role and skills of a dietitian
• Modifications of the Normal Diet
• Hospital inpatient nutritional care.
• Relevance of research for a Nutritionist/dietitian
B. Detailed study of Nutrition Counseling theories and strategies
Unit II Weight Management
A. Obesity and overweight
• Regulation of body weight.
• Genetics and body weight.
• Etiology, classification, assessment techniques pathophysiology, metabolic
effects of obesity with special reference to obesity as an inflammatory disease.
• Management Strategies: Nutritional and dietary management, exercise,
lifestyle and behavioural changes, medical management and surgical
• Management of obesity in pregnancy, lactation and childhood.
B. Underweight and eating disorders
• Under weight: Etiology, metabolic consequences of starvation and
management strategies
• Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge eating
disorder, Eating Disorder not otherwise specifies.
Unit III Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular Diseases and Metabolic syndrome
A. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
• Etiology, pathophysiology, assessment and complications(Acute and chronic)
• The diabetic gut
• Medical (OHA and insulin), nutritional and lifestyle management strategies.
• Nutrition in exercising diabeti c populations
B. Cardiovascular Diseases
• Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis: Etiology, risk factors, diagnosis, pathophysiology and progression, endothelial dysfunction.
• Consequences of atherosclerosis: Arterial blockage, Thrombus formation and occlusion, embolism, inflammation
• Etiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, assessment and management
(Nutritional. Lifestyle ,Medical and surgical) and preventive strategies of :
Angina Pectoris, Myocardial infarction
Congestive Cardiac Fail ure 15
C. Metabolic Syndrome
• Prevalence, etiology, risk factors, complications and management
• Preventive strategies
Barrer. K. (2007) Basic Nutrition Counselling Skill Development. Wadsworth Pub. Co.
Bendich. A. (2002) Preventive Nutrition Humana Press
Blackwell Scientific Publication. (2007 ). Manual of Dietetic Practice .2nd ed.
British Nutrition Foundation. (1999). Obesity . Blackwell Science Pub.
Brown. J. (2013). Nutrition Through the Lifecycle . Wadsworth Pub Co.
Gable. J. (2007) Counselli ng skills for Dietitians , Blackwell Publishing House
Garrow. J.S (1993). Human Nutrition and Dietetics , 9th ed., Churchill Livingstone Pub.
Medeiros D. and Wildman R. (2011). Advanced Human Nutrition. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Gibney, J. M. (2005). Clinical Nutrition . Blackwell Publishing House.
Gopalan C. (2000). Nutritive Value of Indian Foods . NIN ICMR Pub.
ICMR Pub. (2012). Nutrient Requirement and Recommended Dietary Allowances for Indians
Jamison.J. (2003). Clinical Guide to Nutrition and Diet ary Supplements in Disease Management , Churchill –
Livingstone Pub.
Jeejeebhoy et al. (1988). Nutrition and Metabolism in Patient Care W. B. Saunders CO.
Joel B. Mason. (2003). Biomarkers of Nutrient Exposure and Status in One -Carbon (Methyl) Metabolism1.Journal of
Nutrition 2003.pdf. jn.nutrition .org/content/132/12/3563.
King K. (2003). Nutrition Therapy 2nd Ed. Texas: Helm Publishing.
Lee. R.D. (2003 ). Nutritional Assessment 3rd ed. M c Graw Hill Pub.
Mahan.K.L. (2012). Krause’s Food and Nutr ition Therapy Saunders Pub.
McCormic.D. (1999). Annual Review of Nutrition vol 19 &20. Annual Reviews, California.
Peckenpaugh.N. (2003) Nutrition Essentials and Diet Therapy . 9th ed. Saunders Pub Co.
Sauberlich .H (1999). Laboratory Tests for the Assessme nt of Nutritional Status 2nd ed. CRC Press
Shills. M. (2006). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease .10th ed. Lippincot William and Wilkins.
Whitney.C. (2006). Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition. Wadsworth publication
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Journal of American Dietetic Association.
Nutrition Reviews
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
Objectives :
1. To study the influence of nutrition on humans during the different stages of life cycle
2. To emphasize the importance of nutrition in mother and child health
3. To be aware and update the knowledge in the field of nutrition as applied during the life cycle
Course content Periods
Unit I I Pre -Conception Nutrition
• Fetal origins hypothesis, Nutrition related disruptions in fertility, other preconception
nutrition concerns e.g PCOS, eating disorders, PMS, Contraception, Diabetes Mellitus
• Nutrition during Pregnancy – An overview of physiology of pregnancy (normal
changes), Fetal development, critical periods of growth and development, pregnancy
weight gain, Nutritional requirements during pregnancy (macro and micro nutrients), Dietary supplements, Role of exercise
• Common problems associated with pregnancy – Obesity, GDM, PIH, HIV, multi fetal
Unit II II. Nutrition during Lactation and infancy
• Lactation Physiology – Mammary gland development, Lactogenesis, Let -down reflex,
human milk composition, Benefits of breast feeding, Nutrient needs o f lactating
mother and role of galactogogues
• Breast Feeding issues – Common conditions e.g Let -down reflex, position,
identifying hunger and satiety, feeding frequency, supplements and maternal
medications, Alcohol and other drug exposure
• Infant Nutrition – New born growth assessment, infant development – motor,
cognitive, GI system, feeding skills, complementary nutrition, nutrition needs of
• Common nutritional problems and concerns – FIT, Colic, Anaemia, Caries, Ear
infection, Allergies, Neonatal jaundice, premature infant nutrition – preterm, SFD,
Unit III III. Nutritional needs of toddlers and preschoolers, children and
• Child and Pre -adolescent Nutrition Concerns – Undernutrition, overweight, obesity,
CVD, hyperten sion etc.
• Nutrition requirements of children with special health care needs e.g SAM, PEM
Autism, ADHD, CP, PKU, Galactosemia, Epilepsy
• An overview of physical activity guidelines for children 15
Bennion, H. (1979) Clinical Nutrition , New York Harper and Raw Publishers
Brown, J. E. (1998). Nutrition Now, West/Wadsworth: International Thomson Pub. Co.
Brown, J. E., Sugarman, I. J. (2002). Nutrition through the Life Cycle , Wadsworth Thomson Learning
Donald, B., MCColmick,. Bier, D. M. (1997). Annual Review of Nutrition (vol. 19)
Goodhart, R. S. S. and Shils, M. E. (1998). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease . Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger.
Groff, J. L and Gropper, S. S. (1999). Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism , Belmount CA: Wads
worth/Tho mson Learning.
Jackson, M. S., Rees, Jane, M., Golden, Neville, H.; Irwin Charles, E. (ed) (1997). Adolescent Nutritional Disorders .
New York:The New York Academy of Science.
Lee, R. S. and Marcus, C. (1990) Omega – 3Fatty Acids in Health and Disease . – Marcel dekker Inc.
Mahan L. K. & Stump S.E. (11th ed.) (2004) Krause’s Food Nutrition and diet Therapy – Saunders USA: Elsevier.
NelmsM.,Roth S.L. and Lacey K.(2008). Medical Nutrition Therapy: A Case Study Approach. Wadsworth Cengage
Wardlawy, G. M. Insel, P. M. and Seyler M. F. (1994). Contemporary Nutrition; Issues and Insights St. Lopuis
Warthington, R., Vermeersch J. and Willams, S. (1985). Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation St. Louis Times
Mirror.Mosby College Publishing.
Ziegler, E. E. and Filer L. J. (1996). Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Washington D.C.: International Life Science
Journal of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition Reviews
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
3 100 4
Objectives :
1. To enable understanding of the chemistry of food components, the chemical and biochemical reactions in foods.
2. To impart a systematic knowledge of basic and applied aspects of food processing and technology
3. To enable students to become familiar with the quality and safety of food.
Course content Periods
Unit I I`Principles of Food Science
a) Water: States of water, water activity, water in food preparation.
b) Physical aspects of food preparation: energy and food energy transfer, mass transfer,
state of matter, dispersions, emulsions, gels, foams.
c) Carbohydrates : Properties of sugars - Hydrolysis, Caramelization, Maillard reaction.
Applications of these properties in food processing e.g crystalline candies, syrup, sauces,
jams and jellies, Starch : Structure, functional properties - Gelatinization, pasting,
syneresis, retrogradation, dextrinization. Factors affecting gelatinization and gelation.
Modified and resistant starches, Gums – Functions, sources, applications. Pectic
substances, pectin gels
e) Proteins – Properties of proteins – Amphoterism, Isoelectric point, Water -binding
capacity, hydrolysis, denaturation, Coagulation, Salting in saltin g out, Gluten complex
development, Gelatin gel, modified meat products, soy proteins, texturized vegetable proteins, non- conventional sources of protein.
f) Lipids – Properties of Fats crystallinity of solid fats, Polymorphism, Melting points,
Plasticity of Fats, chemical degradation, oxidative and hydrolytic rancidity, effect of heat,
chemical modifications - Hydrogenation, Interesterification, Winterization, Functional
roles of fats - fat replacements. 15
Unit II II. Principles of Food Preservation
General principles of Food preservation: Meaning, mode of action and changes in foods
Use of High temperature (Heat preservation) – Moist and Dry heat methods, Blanching,
Dehydration, concentration, Canning, commercial sterilization, pasteurization
Cold Pres ervation – Freezing and Refrigeration, Freezing methods – Air freezing, Indirect
contact freezing, immersion freezing, dehydro -freezing, Cryo -freezing. Changes in foods
during refrigeration and frozen storage
Ionizing radiation and microwave heating – Ionizing radiations and sources, units of
radiation, radiation effects, mechanism of microwave heating. Application of radiation
Fermentation – Benefits and mechanisms of fermentation. Fermented food products e.g
Beer, Wine, Soya sauce, Cheese, Soya bean products
Use of Food Additives an overview – Broad classes, Intentional and unintentional food
Food Enzymes and their applications in Food industry. Application of Hurdle Technology 15
Unit III III. Processing Technology of Foods
a) Cereals & Millets – Milling of cereals & millets, breakfast and fortified cereals,
Extrusion technology using cereals and millets.
b) Pulses – Processing, elimination of toxic factors soya bean products.
c) Oil seeds – oil extraction, purification, fully r efined oil, margarine, peanut butter, salad
d) Fruits and vegetables – Changes during ripening storage, dehydrated, canned and frozen
vegetables, fruit processing – jams, jellies, marmalades, puree, pastes, powders, beverages,
fruit juices
e) Milk and Milk products – Milk processing, Milk products, cheese, butter, cream, ghee,
milk powder, ice cream concentrated milk, skim milk, lactone, Vit. D milk.
f) Eggs - Quality of eggs, deterioration, egg processing – dehydration and freezing, egg 15
g) Poultry processing and Tandoor chicken
h) Fish spoilage in fish, canned, dehydrated and frozen, fish meal, fish protein concentrate
fish oils.
i) Meat – Meat tenderization ageing and curing, sausages.
j) Sugar and Jaggery - manufacture of suga r, HFCS
Convenience foods & ready to eat foods, Nano Technology
Borvers, J. (1992). Food Theory and Application (2ndEd), New York: Maxwell MacMillan International Edition.
Manay, N. S. and Sharaswamy, S. M. (1997). Foods: Facts and Principles New Delhi: New Age International
McWilliams, M (2007). Foods:Experimental Perspectives 5th Ed, New Jersey: Macmillar Publishing Co.
Potter, N. N. and Hutchkiss, J. H. (1997). Food Science, 5th Ed, New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors.
Rick Parker (2003) Introduction to Food Science , New York: Delmar Thomson Learning.
Scottsmith and Hui Y.H (Editiors) (2004) Food Processing – Principles and Applications London Blackwell
Subbulakshmi, G and Udipi, S. A. (2001). Foods Processing and Preservation , New Delhi: New Age International
(P) Ltd. Publishing.
Swaminathan, M. (1995). Food Science Chemistry and Experimental Food . The Bangalore Printing and Publishing
Co. Ltd.
Vacklavick, V. and Christian, E. (2003). Essentials of F ood Science. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum
** All new journals related to Food Science and Processing
Code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
BayensDominiezak – Medical biochemistry, Mosby Publishers, Harcourt, 1999
Brave Robert D – Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, McGraw Hlll Book Co, New York
Chatterjee and RanaShinde Medical - Biochemistry
Dandekar, S. P., Rane S. A. (2004). Practical s& Viva in Medical Biochemistry , New Delhi: Elsevier/Reed Elsevier
Feitz – Clinical Chemistry
Frelfelder D - Physical Biochemistry .Skoog Douglas A – Principles of InstrumentalAnalysis Harcourt Brace
publishers, London
Gill CV – Short cases in clinical bi ochemistry, Churchill Livingston, Edinburgh, 1984
Godkar, P. B. (2003). Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology 2nd Ed. Mumbai. Bhalani Publishing House.
Greenberg David M – Metabolic Pathways. Vols. 2 and 3, 3rd editions. Academic Press, New York
Harv ey David – Modern Analytical Chemistry, International editi
Henry Richard et al – Clinical Chemistry, Principles and Techniques, 2nd edition, Harper and Row, New York
Holme David J – Problem solving in analytical biochemistry, H & Longman Sc. And Tech, Essex
India Pvt Ltd.
Jayaram J., (1981) Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry , New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd.
John Bernard Henry, Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, Saunders publications, 20theition
Kamal SH – Clini cal Biochemistry for Medical Technologies, Churchill Livingston, London
Methods in Enzymology – Kaplan
Murrary Robert – Harper’s biochemistry, 24th edition, Prentice Hall International UK LTD, 1990
Nelson DI, Cox MM – Lehninger Principles of Biochemistr y
Ninfa Alexander J and Ballou David P – Fundamental Laboratory Approaches for Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
Fitzgerald Science Press, Bethesda
on, McGraw, Hlll, Boston
Pearson, D. (1970). Chemical Analysis of Foods , (6 th Ed), London: T.A. Churchill.
Plummer, D. T. (1979). Introduction to Practical Biochemistry . Bombay: Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.
Practical Biochemistry by David Plummer
RaoRanganathan – Text book of biochemistry 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi
Rodney Boyer Experimental Bioch emistry Pearson Publ. Sawheny and Singh
Rodrigues Fred K Carbohydrate chemistry with clinical correlations, New Age International, New Delhi
S. Sadasivan and A. Manickam, (2003). Biochemical Methods , 2nd ed. New Age International (P) Ltd.. Publishers.
Satyanarayanan – Biochemistry Course Content Periods
Unit I Bioanalytical Chemistry & Enzymology
a. Standardization of acids and alkalies
b. Preparation of buffers, indicators and use of pH meter
c. Paper chromatography of amino acids and sugars
d. Isolation, calculation of percent yield of amylase from sweet potato
and study of optimum pH, Km
e. Estimation of Acid P hosphatase
Unit II Isolation, Preparation & Extraction
a. Casein from milk
b. Cholesterol from egg yolk
c. Lycopene from tomatoes
d. Albumin & globulin from egg whites
Unit III Clinical Analysis (from blood, serum)
Estimation of:
a. Glucose by Folin- Wu Method, GOD/POD
b. Lipid profile - Triglycerides & cholesterol
c. Protein by Biuret, Fehn -Lowry
d. Estimation of Iron
e. Estimation of Calcium
f. Estimation of phosphorus
Srivascava VK and Kishor K – Introduction to chromatography: Theory & Practice, S Chand & Co, New Delhi
Stokes Joan et al – ClinicalMicrobiology, Edward Arnold, London
Todd et al – Clinical Diagnosis and Management, 17th edition, WB Saunders, Philadelphia
Upadhyaya et al – Biophysical Chemistry, Himalaya Publishing Home, New Delhi
Van Holde KE – Principles of Physical Biochemistry, Prentice Hall, 1998
Varley, Harold, & others. (1980) Practical Clinical Biochemistry . 5th Ed. Delhi: CBS Publishers & Distributors.
Vasudevan Text Book of Medical Biochemistry
Voet&Voet – Biochemistry, 2nd edition
Wilson K & Walker J – Principles and Techniques of practical Biochemisty. Cambridge Low Price Edition
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
Objectives :
1. To guide the students in their quest for the scientific principles involved in the attainment of food quality.
2. To observe and identify physical and chemical changes underlying the preparation of diverse foods.
3. To understand principles of food science involved in bringing changes in foods.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Solutions and Ice crystallization : Effect of formula and procedure on crystal size of
frozen deserts
B. Sugar cookery
i. Tests for stages of sugar cookery
ii. Effect of dry heat on sucrose.
iii. Crystalline and Non crystalline candies 15
Unit II A. Cereals and Flours
i. Gelatinization of Starch (different types)
ii. Comparison of different cereals for water absorption and consistency
iii. Comparison of - different methods of cooking rice, different varieties of rice
iv. Starches as thickening agents (potato, corn and other)
B. Temporary and Permanent emulsions in Salad Dressings, Effect of S tabilizers and
Emulsifiers in salad dressings. Comparisons of low fat and high fat French dressing: Preparation and Comparison of Mayonnaise with variations (with and without egg)
C. Principles that maintain high quality fried foods
i. Smoke point of diffe rent fats and oils
ii. Effect of temperature on fat absorption
iii. Effect of formulation on fat absorption
iv. Effect of coating and binding agents on fat absorption
v. Comparison of texture, flavor and mouth -feel of food products using fat
substitutes (if available)
Unit III A. Effect of different conditions on properties of proteins e.g. milk
i. Effect of acids (citric acid, lactic acid and acetic acid) on coagulation of milk proteins
ii. Effect of gums on gelation
iii. Effect of fat content, pH stabilizers in cream and whipped toppings
iv. Difference between natural and processed Cheese
B. Examination of properties of egg/meat
i. Denaturation and Coagulation
ii. Egg white foams – volume and stability
iii. Effect of acid and alkalies on meat/poult ry
C. Factors affecting g elatin gel - Temperature of liquid, proteolytic enzymes and whipping
D. Factors affecting vegetable pigments – Temperature, acid, alkalies
E. Pectin gel : Determination of pectin content, development of a fruit jam, using natural a nd
commercial pectin. 15
Jameson K. (1998). Food Science – A Laboratory Manual , New Jersey:Prentice Hall Inc.
Lawless, H. and Heymann, H. (1998). Sensory Evaluation of Food – Principles and
McWilliam, M.(2001). Foods – Experimental Perspectives (4th Ed.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.
Practices , Kluwer Academic/Plemer Publishers.
USA: CRC Press Inc..
Weaver, C. (1996), Food Chemistry Laboratory – A manual for Experiemental Foods ,
Course Code Title Theory/
Practical Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
Marks Periods/
week Credits
PSHSI201 Research Methods and
Biostatistics - Paper II
Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIA202 Advances in Nutritional &
Clinical Biochemistry. - II
Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIA203 Critical Care Nutrition
Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIA204 Adolescent , Adult and Geriatric
Nutrition Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIA205 Food Safety and Quality
Assurance Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIAP 201 Biochemistry and Food
Analysis - II
Practical --- 50 50 4 2
PSHS IAP202 Development of Food Product Practical --- 50 50 3 2
Total 200 400
600 22 24
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To enable in students the skills in selecting, computing, interpreting and reporting statistics.
2. To introduce students to principles of good scientific writing.
Course content Periods
Unit I Role of statistics in research
Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median, Mode
Measures of dispersion: Range, Interquartile range, Variance and Standard Deviation
Normal distribution and normal curve
Testing of Statistical Hypothesis
Type I and Type II e rrors
Guidelines for selecting an appropriate test 15
Unit II Statistical tests - Applications and interpretation
Parametric test of difference - T-test, ANOVA, Post Hoc tests
Parametric tests of association - Pearson’s correlation coefficient
Non parametric tests of difference - Chi-square
Regression Analysis
Computer applications in analysis of data: Introduction to SPSS - Application of SPSS
(Demonstration) 15
Unit III Interpretation and Presentation of data: Tables - Frequency distributions, Relative
Freque ncy, Graphs - Bar graphs, Histograms, Scatter plots, Line graphs; Pie charts,
Preparation of research report/ Publication of scientific research articles
Information search and data retrieval: Use of internet to extract evidence, Tools for
web sea rch/ web search engines, data mining of biological databases 15
Bhattacharyya, G.K. & Johnson, R. A. (1977). Statistical Concepts and Methods. NY: John Wiley.
Dwiwedi, R. S. (1997). Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences. Delhi: Macmillan India.
Gravetter, F. J. &Waillnau, L. B. (2000). Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson
Kerlinger, F. N. & Lee, H. B. (2000). Foun dations of Behavioral Research. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt.
Leong, F.T.L., & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996). The Psychology Research Handbook. New Delhi: Sage
Mahajan B.K. (2010). Methods in Biostatistics for Medical students and Research Workers, Jaypee Br others Medical
Publishers (P) Ltd.
Pagano, M. and Gauvreau, K. (2011). Principles of Biostatistics. Cengage Learning India Private Limited.
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
3 100 4
Course content Periods
UNIT I Chemistry and Metabolism of Nucleic acids
a. Structure, properties and functions of DNA, RNA. Replication,
Transcription, Translation in prokaryotes.
b. Structure and gene and its organization. Gene regulation. Operon model.
c. Mutation – Types, Physical, chemical and biological agents causing
mutations. DNA repair mechanism
d. Recombinant DNA technique. PCR 15
UNIT II Overview of Endocrinology and Organ Function Tests
a. Classification of Hormones, mechanism of action, synthesis of hormones –
Thyroxine, Catecholamines.
b. Functions and hyper – hypo states of Thyroid, Insulin, Glucagon. Adrenal,
medullary and cortex
c. Organ function Tests – LFT, RFT, Gastric 15
UNIT III Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Research and Ethical Issues
a. Pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism, Detoxification phase I and II.
b. Fundamental concepts in drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and
c. Clinical Trials – Stages I to IV, Clinical Research and its significance ,
Biomedical ethics in clinical trials 15
Berg, J. M., Tynocrko, J. L. et al Biochemistry (5th ed.) New York W.H. Freeman and Co 2002.
Brody Tom. Nutritional Biochemistry 2nd ed. New Delhi Elsevier/Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd. 2004
Chatterjee M.N. Shinde and Rana Textbook of Medical Biochemistry 6th ed. New Delhi Jaypee Brothers
MedicalPublishers 2005.
Devlin Thomas, M (ed.) Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlation New York, John Wiley and Sons
Montgomery, Rex and others Biochemistry A case orie nted Approach St. Louis The C.V. Mosby Co. 1977.
Murray, R.K. and others. Harper’s Biochemistry 25th ed. Connecticut, Appleton and large Publications. London,
Prentice Hall Int. Inc 1996.
Lehninger, A.L.; Nelson D.L. and Cox. M.M., Principles o Biochemistry 3rd ed. New York. Worth
PublishersMcMullan Press, 2000
Puri Dinesh Textbook of Biochemistry . A Clinically oriented Approach New Delhi B.I. Churchill Livingstone Pvt.Ltd.
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To provide in depth, research based and advanced knowledge regarding the mechanics of and nutrient delivery
in enteral and parenteral feeding strategies.
2. To develop an understanding into prevention of critical illness.
Course content Periods
Unit I Nutrition in the H ypercatabolic State
• Physiological, endocrine, metabolic, inflammatory and nutritional alterations in physiological stress.
• Assessment of Nutritional status in the hypercatabolic state.
• A study of Etiology ,pathophysiology, diagnosis, assessment and management strategies(pharmacological, surgical and nutritional) in:
Acute Respiratory Distress and nutritional implications of
ventilation,Guillian Barre syndrome
• Drug nutrient interactions
Unit II Nutritional Support
A. Enteral Nutrition
• Benefits and indications of enteral nutrition
• Timing of initiation of enteral feeding
• Routes of Enteral feeding and types of access.
• Enteral formulae characteristics(physical and nutritional) and
• Complications of enteral feeding: Refeeding syndrome, GI
complications, and infections, metabolic and mechanical issues.
• Advancements in composition and formulations in the enteral feed.
• Home enteral nutrition.
B. Parenteral Nutrition
• Indications and selection of patients for feeding
• Parenteral Nutrition access routes and equipments required.
• Composition and designing of parenteral formulae
• Complications -monitoring and management
• Drug Nutri ent interactions
• Managing home parenteral nutrition.
Unit III Cancer
Epidemiology of diet and cancer risk
Etiology and molecular basis of cancer
Pathophysiology,metabolicalteraltions .inflammatory processes in cancer.
Cancer Cachexia
Diagnosis and assessment of Nutritional Status.
Management strategies in various types of cancers (surgery,chemotherapy,
biotherapy, hormonal therapy, radiotherapy, Haematopoeitic Cell Transplant) ,
their complications and nutritional implications.
Medical Nutrition The rapy and Nutrition Support
Nutrition in the prevention of cancer
Barrer. K. (2007) Basic Nutrition Counselling Skill Development. Wadsworth Pub. Co.
Bendich. A. (2002) Preventive Nutrition Humana Press
Blackwell Scientific Publication. (2007 ). Manual of Dietetic Practice .2nd ed.
British Nutrition Foundation. (1999). Obesity . Blackwell Science Pub.
Brown. J. (2013). Nutrition Through the Lifecycle . Wadsworth Pub Co.
Cynober L., Moore F.A. (2003). Nutrition and Critical Care. 8th Nestlé Nut rition Workshop. Karger Publications.
Faber P., Siervo M . (2014). Nutrition in Critical Care . Cambridge University Press.
Gable. J. (2007) Counselling skills for Dietitians , Blackwell Publishing House
Garrow. J.S (1993). Human Nutrition and Dietetics , 9th ed., Churchill Livingstone Pub.
Gibney, J. M. (2005). Clinical Nutrition . Blackwell Publishing House.
Gopalan.C.(2000). Nutritive Value of Indian Foods . NIN ICMR Pub.
ICMR Pub. (2012). Nutrient Requirement and Recommended Dietary Allowances for Indians
Jamison.J. (2003). Clinical Guide to Nutrition and Dietary Supplements in Disease Management , Churchill –
Livingstone Pub.
Jeejeebhoy et al. (1988). Nutrition and Metabolism in Patient Care W.B. Saunders CO.
Joel B. Mason. (2003). Biomarkers of Nutrient Exposure and Status in One -Carbon (Methyl) Metabolism1.Journal of
Nutrition 2003.pdf. jn.nutrition .org/content/132/12/3563.
King K. (2003). Nutrition Therapy 2nd Ed. Texas: Helm Publishing.
Lee. R.D. (2003 ). Nutritional Assessment 3rd ed. M c Graw Hill Pub .
Mahan K.L. (2012). Krause’s Food and Nutrition Therapy Saunders Pub.
McCormic D. (1999). Annual Review of Nutrition vol 19 &20. Annual Reviews, California.
Medeiros D. and Wildman R. (2011). Advanced Human Nutrition. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Peckenpaugh.N. (2003 ) Nutrition Essentials and Diet Therapy . 9th ed. Saunders Pub Co.
Rajendram , Rajkumar, Preedy , Victor R., Patel , Vinood B. (Eds.). (2015). Diet and Nutrition in Critical
Care .Springer Publications.
Skipper A. (3rd Ed). Dietitian's Handbook of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition. Jones and Bartlett Learning.
Sauberlich .H (1999). Laboratory Tests for the Assessment of Nutritional Status 2nd ed. CRC Press.
SA Shikora, GL Blackburn . (1997) Nutrition Support –Theory and Therapeutics. Chapman and Hall.
Shills. M. (2006). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease .10th ed. .Lippincot William and Wilkins.
Whitney C. (2006). Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition. Wadsworth publication
Zaloga G. (1994). Nutrition in Critical Care . Mosby Pub.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Journal of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition Reviews
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
Objectives :
1. To study the influence of nutrition on humans during the different stages of life cycle
2. To emphasize the importance of nutrition in adolescent, adult and geriatric health
3. To be aware and update the knowledge in the field of nutrition as applied during the life cycle
Course content Periods
UNIT I I. Adolescent Nutrition
• Growth and development, physiological and psychological changes, nutrient
requirements (macro and micro)
• Concerns with special conditions – Obesity, underweight, pregnancy, substance abuse,
eating disorders, deficiencies of calcium and iron, chronic health conditions, sports and
UNIT II II. Nutrition in Adult Years
• Physiological and psychological changes, common nutritional concerns, dietary
recommendations and nutritional requirements
• Physical activity – factors influencing food and nutrient intake
• Chronic conditions and defensive health paradigm
• Special health con cerns of adult woman 15
UNIT III III. The Aging Process
• Physiological, metabolic and body composition changes and its impact on health and
nutritional status.
• Theories of aging, nutritional risk factors
• Nutritional requirements and dietary recommendation s, physical activity
• Nutrition concerns under special/chronic conditions – heart disease, stroke, hypertension,
diabetes mellitus, obesity and underweight, osteoporosis, GI diseases, cognitive
• Promoting fitness and well -being using both modern and traditional approaches 15
Bennion, H. (1979) Clinical Nutrition , New York Harper and Raw Publishers
Brown, J. E. (1998). Nutrition Now, West/Wadsworth: International Thomson Pub. Co.
Brown, J. E., Sugarman, I. J. (2002). Nutrition through the Life Cycle , Wadsworth Thomson Learning
Donald, B., MCColmick,. Bier, D. M. (1997). Annual Review of Nutrition (vol. 19)
Goodhart, R. S. S. and Shils, M. E. (1998). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease . Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger.
Groff, J. L and Gropper, S. S. (1999). Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism , Belmount CA: Wads
worth/Thomson Learning.
Jackson, M. S., Rees, Jane, M., Golden, Neville, H.; Irwin Charles, E. (ed) (1997). Adolescent Nutritional Disorders .
New York:The New York Academy of Science.
Lee, R. S. and Marcus, C. (1990) Omega – 3Fatty Acids in Health and Disease . – Marcel dekker Inc.
Mahan L. K. & Stump S.E. (11th ed.) (2004) Krause’s Food Nutrition and diet Therapy – Saunders USA: Elsevier.
Wardlawy, G. M. Insel, P. M. and Seyler M. F. (1994). Contemporary Nutrition; Issues and Insights St. Lopuis
Warthington, R., Vermeersch J. and Willams, S. (1985). Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation St. Louis Times
Mirror.Mosby College Publishing.
Ziegler, E. E. and Filer L. J. (1996). Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Washington D.C.: International Life Science
Journal of American Dietetic Association USA – The American Dietetics Donald, B., MCColmick,. Bier, D. M.
(1997). Annual Review of Nutrition (vol. 19)
Nutrition Reviews, New York SpringtonVerlog
The American – Journal of clinical Nutrition – USA Official Journal of the American
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
Objectives :
1. To guide the students in their quest for the scientific principles involved in the attainment of food quality.
2. To observe and identify physical and chemical changes underlying learn about the various ways of evaluating
and controlling food quality
Course content Periods
Unit I II. Food quality
• Meanings and definition of food quality , Quality factors in foods, indicators of food
quality. Meaning, importance and ways of food quality assessment
• Sensory evaluation , physiological bases, sensory characteristics of foods, types,
selection and training of sensory panel, requirements of sensory evaluation tests, types of tests, analysis and interpretation of sensory evaluation tests.
• Objective evaluation – Basic guidelines, physical methods to evalua te volume, specific
gravity, moisture, texture, rheological characteristics, chemical analysis methods,
microscopic methods, indices of microbial quality. 15
Unit II II. Food Additives and Food Adulterants
• Brief overview, classification, guidelines for u se, MAQ of food additives, toxicological
studies, tests to determine safe level – acute test, prolonged test, chronic test.
• Food Adulteration – Meaning, detection of common adulterants, PFA laws related to
food adulteration.
• Food safety, Hazards and risks – Meaning, definition, types of hazards: biological,
physical and chemical hazards. Food borne infections and intoxicants
• Natural toxicants in foods, pesticides residues in foods. Assessment and elimination
investigation of food borne disease outbreak. 15
Unit III III. Hygiene, Sanitation and Control of Food quality
• Principles of food hygiene, personal hygiene, kitchen hygiene and sanitation.
• Microbiology in food plant sanitation. Water quality assessment , insect and pest control, waste treatment and disposal, food vending and packaging standards,
employees health
• Control of Food quality – Principles of quality control. Government regulations (Food
laws, orders) and amendments and national and international standards – ISI,
AGMARK, FPO, Codex Alimenta rius, ISO, FSSAI
• Role of FDA and Consumer Guidance Society in India.
• Management systems in food quality control. HACCP, TQM and concept of food
audits 15
Borvers, J. (1992). Food Theory and Application (2ndEd), New York: Maxwell MacMillan International Edition.
Manay, N. S. and Sharaswamy, S. M. (1997). Foods: Facts and Principles New Delhi: New Age International
McWilliams, M (2007). Foods:Experimental Perspectives 5th Ed, New Jersey: Macmillar Publishing Co.
Potter, N. N. and Hutchkiss, J. H. (1997). Food Science, 5th Ed, New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors.
Rick Parker (2003) Introduction to Food Science , New York: Delmar Thomson Learning.
Scottsmith and Hui Y.H (Editiors) (2004) Food Processing – Principles and Applications London Blackwell
Subbulakshmi, G and Udipi, S. A. (2001). Foods Processing and Preservation , New Delhi: New Age International
(P) Ltd. Publishing.
Swaminathan, M. (1995). Food Science Chemistry and Experimental Food . The Bangalore Printing and Publishing
Co. Ltd.
Vacklavick, V. and Christian, E. (2003). Essentials of Food Science. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum
** All new journals related to Food Science and Processing
Course Code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
BayensDominiezak – Medical biochemistry, Mosby Publishers, Harcourt, 1999
Brave Robert D – Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, McGraw Hlll Book Co, New York
Chatterjee and RanaShinde Medical - Biochemistry
Dandekar, S. P., Rane S. A. (2004). Practicals& Viva in Medical Biochemistry , New Delhi: Elsevier/Reed Elsevier
Feitz – Clinical Chemistry
Frelfelder D - Physical Biochemistry .Skoog Douglas A – Principles of InstrumentalAnalysis Harcourt Brace
publishers, London
Gill CV – Short cases in clinical biochemistry, Churchill Livingston, Edinburgh, 1984
Godkar, P. B. (2 003). Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology 2nd Ed. Mumbai. Bhalani Publishing House.
Greenberg David M – Metabolic Pathways. Vols. 2 and 3, 3rd editions. Academic Press, New York
Harvey David – Modern Analytical Chemistry, International editi
Henry R ichard et al – Clinical Chemistry, Principles and Techniques, 2nd edition, Harper and Row, New York
Holme David J – Problem solving in analytical biochemistry, H & Longman Sc. And Tech, Essex
India Pvt Ltd.
Jayaram J., (1981) Laboratory Manual in Biochem istry, New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd.
John Bernard Henry, Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, Saunders publications, 20theition
Kamal SH – Clinical Biochemistry for Medical Technologies, Churchill Livingston, London
Methods in Enzymolo gy – Kaplan
Murrary Robert – Harper’s biochemistry, 24th edition, Prentice Hall International UK LTD, 1990
Nelson DI, Cox MM – Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
Ninfa Alexander J and Ballou David P – Fundamental Laboratory Approaches for Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
Fitzgerald Science Press, Bethesda Course Content Periods
Unit I Bioanalytical Chemistry & Enzymology
a. TLC of oils. Separation of pigments – chlorophyll, carotene,
b. Agarose gel electrophoresis for separation of serum proteins
c. Assay of Aspirin - preparation of Aspirin from salicylic acid and its
d. Estimation of sodium benzoate from jam
Unit II Isolation, Preparation & Extraction
a. Starch from potato
b. Pectin from apples/oranges
c. Essential oils from orange peels
d. Curcumin from turmeric
e. Isolation of DNA from O nion skin and Germinated Moong
Unit III Chemical A nalysis (Blood/serum/urine)
A. Renal Function Tests
a. Urea & Creatinine clearance
b. Urine Report - abnormal constituents
c. BUN - Caraway Method
d. Creatinine - Jaffe’s method
B. Liver Function Tests
b. Alakaline Phosphatase
c. Total & direct bilirubin
on, McGraw, Hlll, Boston
Pearson, D. (1970). Chemical Analysis of Foods , (6 th Ed), London: T.A. Churchill.
Plummer, D. T. (1979). Introduction to Practical Biochemistry . Bombay: Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.
Practical Biochemistry by David Plummer
RaoRanganathan – Text book of biochemistry 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi
Rodney Boyer Experimental Biochemistry Pearson Publ. Sawheny and Singh
Rodrigues Fred K Carbohydrate chemistry with clinic al correlations, New Age International, New Delhi
S. Sadasivan and A. Manickam, (2003). Biochemical Methods , 2nd ed. New Age International (P) Ltd.. Publishers.
Satyanarayanan – Biochemistry
Srivascava VK and Kishor K – Introduction to chromatography: Theory & Practice, S Chand & Co, New Delhi
Stokes Joan et al – ClinicalMicrobiology, Edward Arnold, London
Todd et al – Clinical Diagnosis and Management, 17th edition, WB Saunders, Philadelphia
Upadhyaya et al – Biophysical Chemistry, Himalaya Publishing Home, New Delhi
Van Holde KE – Principles of Physical Biochemistry, Prentice Hall, 1998
Varley, Harold, & others. (1980) Practical Clinical Biochemistry . 5th Ed. Delhi: CBS Publishers & Distrib utors.
Vasudevan Text Book of Medical Biochemistry
Voet&Voet – Biochemistry, 2nd edition
Wilson K & Walker J – Principles and Techniques of practical Biochemisty. Cambridge Low Price Edition
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
3 50 2
Objectives :
1. To apply principles of food science in development of innovative product.
2. Use of functional foods, novel (less utilized) ingredients in development of products.
3. To identify a suitable packaging label and storage conditions for a developed product.
4. To learn and apply principles of sensory evaluation.
Course content Periods
Unit I Sensory evaluation of foods
i. Threshold concentrations of primary tastes.
ii. Effect of Temperature on taste.
iii. Identificati on of samples through Difference, Descriptive and Affective testing
Generation of idea and evaluation of sensory quality
i. Concept development and testing
ii. Product development
iii. Determination of sensory evaluation methods for evaluating quality
iv. Developing score card as an evaluation tool
v. Report writing 15
Unit II Food Product Formulation
i. Enhancement of nutritive value, waste utilization, cost effectiveness, value addition of
anyone of the product categories given – Ready to eat breakfast cereals, yoghurt
beverage, salad dressing, low fat/low calorie/high fibre products; Desserts using
artificial/low calorie sweeteners
ii. Traditional Indian recipes 15
Unit III Identifying suitable packaging material, shelf life studies in various altered conditions 15
Jameson K. (1998). Food Science – A Laboratory Manual , New Jersey:Prentice Hall Inc.
Lawless, H. and Heymann, H. (1998). Sensory Evaluation of Food – Principles and
McWilliam, M.(2001). Foods – Experimental Perspectives (4th Ed.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.
Practices , Kluwer Academic/Plemer Publishers.
USA: CRC Press Inc..
Weaver, C. (1996), Food Chemistry Laboratory – A manual for Experiemental Foods ,
Program: M.Sc.
Course: Home Science
Branch I B: Food Processing & Preservation
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System
with effect from the academic year 2016–2017)
Course Code Title Theory/
Practical Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
Marks Periods/
week Credits
PSHSI101 Research Methods and
Biostatistics - Paper I Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIB102 Food Chemistry Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIB103 Advances in Food Science Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIB104 Advanced Food Microbiology Theory 40 60
100 3 4
PSHSIB105 Nutrition and Biochemistry Theory 40 60
100 3 4
PSHSIB P101 Food Science Practical - 50 50 3 2
PSHSIB P102 Analytical Food Chemistry - I Practical - 50 50 3 2
600 21 24
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To inculcate knowledge about essentials of high quality research.
2. To introduce students to the skills needed in conducting a research.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. An introduction to research methodology :
-Definition, Objectives of research
Types of research
a) Descriptive vs. Analytical
b) Applied vs. Fundamental
c) Quantitative vs. qualitative
d) Conceptual vs. Empirical
Other types:
a) Cross sectional vs. longitudinal
b) Field setting or laboratory
c) Clinical or diagnostic
d) Exploratory Research
e) Historical research.
B. Research approach : Quantitative and qualitative approach
C. Ethics in research:
a) Applying for ethical approval/ clearance
b) Defining the research problem: Selecting and defining the problem
D. Literature review
E. Formulation of hypothesis
F. Research designs:
a) Need for a research design, features of a good design
b) Types of research designs - Explorative/ descriptive/ experimental/ Survey/
Case Study 15
Unit II A. Sampling techniques for nutrition research
a) Sample design -Criteria of selecting a sampling procedure
b) Characteristics of a good sampling design
c) Types of sample designs:
-Non-probability sam pling
-Probability sampling
-Purposive sampling
-Simple random sampling
-Systematic sampling
-Stratified sampling
-Quota sampling
-Clust er sampling
- Multi -stage sampling
-Sequential sampling.
d) Determination of sample size for different type of research
B. Measurement and scaling techniques
a) Measurement scales: Nominal, Ordinal Interval, Ratio
b) Validity
c) Reliability and Practicality
d) Scalin g, scaling techniques
e) Rating scales (paired comparison, rank order), likert scales etc. 15
Unit III A. Methods/ tools of data collection
a) Collection of primary data: Observation method, Interview method, Questionnaire method, case study method.
b) Collection of secondary data
c) Selection of appropriate method of data collection 15
B. Data processing and management
a) Processing operations: Editing, coding, classification, tabulation
b) Use of data entry software (MS Excel & SPSS)
Bhattacharyya, G.K. & Johnson, R. A. (1977).Statistical concepts and methods. NY: John Wiley.
Dwiwedi, R. S. (1997). Research methods in behavioral sciences. Delhi: Macmillan India.
Gravetter, F. J. &Waillnau, L. B. (2000).Statistics for the behavioral sciences. Belmont, CA : Wadsworth/Thomson
Kerlinger, F. N. & Lee, H. B. (2000).Foundations of behavioral research. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt.
Kothari, C.R. (2004). Research Methodology -Methods and Techniques.New Age International Publishers, New
Leong, F.T .L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996).The psychology research handbook. New Delhi: Sage
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To enable understanding of the chemistry of food components, the chemical and biochemical reactions in foods.
2. To impart a systematic knowledge of basic and applied aspects of food chemistry
Course content Periods
Unit I Major Food Components
A. Water:
a) Chemistry of water ,
b) Physical properties: specific heat, latent heat, vapor pressure, boiling
c) water as dispersing medium, states of water, water activity,
d) Water in food preparation and preservation, practical applications in industry.
B. Carbohydrates :
a) Carbohydrate chemistry – Monosaccharides, disaccharides,
polysaccharides, isomerization, ring structures. Properties of sugars -
Hydrolysis, Caramelization, Maillard reaction.
b) Starch : Structure, functional properties - Gelatinization, pasting,
syneresis, retrogradation, dextrinization. Factors affecting gelatinization
and gelation. Modified and resistant starches,
c) Gums – Functions, sources, applications.
d) Pectic substances, pectin gels
C. Proteins –
a) Protein chemistry – Amino acids, protein structure, clas sification of
b) Properties of proteins – Amphoterism, Isoelectric point, Water -binding
capacity, hydrolysis, denaturation, Coagulation, Salting in, salting out, Gluten complex development, Gelation, texturization (spun and extruded
textures) ,
D. Lipids
a) Lipid chemistry - Structure and composition of fats, fatty acids ,
b) Properties of Fats: crystallinity of solid fats, Polymorphism, Melting
points, Plasticity of Fats, chemical degradation, oxidative and hydrolytic
rancidity, effect of heat, chemical modifications
c) Hydrogenation, Interesterification, Winterization
d) Functional roles of fats - fat replacements.
E. Enzymes
a) Biocatalysts, enzyme specificity
b) Use of exogenous enzymes in foods – amylases, lipases, proteases
c) Endogenous enzymes – phenol oxidases, peroxidases, oxido- reductases,
d) Factors affecting enzyme activity 15
Unit II Minor Food Components
A. Vitamins
a) Fat soluble (vitamin A, D, E & K) & water soluble (Vitamins of B -
complex & vitamin C) - sources, Bio -availability, losses and stability
metabolic role, RDA, deficiency & excess consumption
b) Fat soluble vitamins – A, D, E and K – structure, general properties and
functions 15
c) Water soluble vitamins – C and B - complex – structure, general
properties and functions
B. Mineral s
a) Principles of Mineral Chemistry, stability, toxicity, Dietary
recommendations, bioavailability , General causes of losses and
variations in mineral content of food
b) Sodium and Potassium replacers/substitutes
c) Food fortification and enrichment
Unit III Flavours, Pigments and Food Additives
A. Flavours
a) Molecular mechanism of flavor perception (sweet, bitter, salty, sour,
umami, kokumi, pungent, cooling and astringent)
b) Flavours from vegetables, fruits, spices, fats and oils, milk and meat
B. Pigments
a) Pigments in Animal and Plant tissues (Haeme compounds, Chlorophyll,
Carot enoids, Anthocyanins, Betalins)
b) Synthetic Food Colors (toxicity and regulatory aspects)
C. Additives
a) Buffer syste ms and salts, chelating agents
b) Antioxidants
c) Antimicrobi als
d) Fat replacers, sweeteners
e) Masticatory substances
f) Firming texturizers
g) Clarifying agents, bleaching agents
h) Flour improvers, anti -caking agents,
i) Gases and propellants. 15
Vacklavick, V. and Christian, E. (2003). Essentials of Food Science. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenu
Damodaran S., Parkin KL. and Fennema OR. Fennema’s Food Chemistry (4th Edition), Florida: CRC Press
Rick Parker (2003) Introduction to Food Science , New York: Delmar Thomson Learning
Borvers, J. (1992). Food Theory and Application (2ndEd), New York: Maxwell MacMillan International Edition.
Manay, N. S. and Sharaswamy, S. M. (1997). Foods: Facts and Principles New Delhi: New Age International
McWilliams, M (2007). Foods:Experimental Perspectives 5th Ed, New Jersey: Macmillar Publishing Co.
Potter, N. N. and Hutchkiss, J. H. (1997). Food Sc ience, 5th Ed, New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors.
Scottsmith and Hui Y.H (Editiors) (2004) Food Processing – Principles and Applications London Blackwell
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To learn fundamental concepts and recent advances in food science.
2. To learn industrial application of food science in food product development.
Course content Periods
Unit I Introduction
Role of food scientists, Scope of food science in the area of changing consumer
trends (unprocessed, organic)
Cereal and Cereal Products, Fruits and Vegetables
A. Cereal grains
a) Structure and Chemical composition
b) Flours, cooking cereals, breakfast cereals
c) Gluten, classes of batters and doughs, leavening process in baked
d) Effect of food processing on nutrient
B. Fruits and Vegetables
a) Structure and Chemical composition
b) Physiochemical changes during, harvesting, post -harvesting, ripening,
cooking, storage
c) Organically grown fruits and vegetables
d) Effect of food processing on nutrient 15
Unit II Milk and milk products, meat, fish and poultry, eggs, pulses
A. Milk and milk products
a) Structure and Chemical composition
b) Milk components as Food ingredients (Lipid phase, protein micelles,
milk salt system, whey proteins, lactose)
c) Use of milk in formulated foods
d) Effect of food processing on nutrients
B. Meat, fish, and Poultry
a) Structure and functions of muscles
b) Conversion of Muscle to meat (Rigor Mortis, Ageing, Tenderizing)
c) Natural and Induced post -mortem biochemical changes (cold shortening,
thaw rigor, electrical stimulation)
d) Fish – composition, spoilage
e) Eggs - structure and composition, Cooking changes, effect of added
ingredients on coagulation
f) Effect of food proces sing on nutrients
C. Pulses
a) Structure and composition, anti -nutritional factors in pulses
b) Texturized vegetable proteins, soy isolates, beverages
c) Effect of food processing on nutrient 15
Unit III Fats and Oils, Sugars sweeteners and Confectioners
A. Fats and Oils
a) Structure, function and composition
b) Functional properties of fats used in food industry
c) Changes while cooking,
d) Fat substitutes
e) Effect of food processing on nutrient
B. Sugars, Sweeteners and Confections
a) Role of sugars in food systems
b) Types of su gars and sugar syrups
c) Sugar based and cocoa based confections
d) Effect of food processing on nutrients 15
Vacklavick, V. and Christian, E. (2003). Essentials of Food Science. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum
Damodaran S., Parkin KL. and Fennema OR. Fennema’s Food Chemistry (4th Edition), Florida: CRC Press
Rick Parker (2003) Introduction to Food Science , New York: Delmar Thomson Learning
Borvers, J. (1992). Food Theory and Application (2ndEd), New York: Maxwell MacMillan International Edition.
Manay, N. S. and Sharaswamy, S. M. (1997). Foods: Facts and Principles New Delhi: New Age International
McWilliams, M (2007). Foods:Experimental Perspectives 5th Ed, New Jersey: Macmillar Publishing Co.
Potter, N. N. and H utchkiss, J. H. (1997). Food Science, 5th Ed, New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors.
Scottsmith and Hui Y.H (Editiors) (2004) Food Processing – Principles and Applications London Blackwell
Subbulakshmi, G and Udipi, S. A. (2001). Foods Proce ssing and Preservation , New Delhi: New Age International (P)
Ltd. Publishing.
Swaminathan, M. (1995). Food Science Chemistry and Experimental Food . The Bangalore Printing and Publishing
Co. Ltd.
** All new journals related to Food Science**
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. Develop an advanced understanding of microbiological issues associated with the food continuum.
2. Develop an understanding of the physiological processes by which microorganisms use to survive food processing
3. Develop familiarity with organisms identified as leading causes of food borne disease.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Review of Food Microbiology basics
a) Taxonomy, Characterization, classification and identification of
b) Role of microorganisms and microbial enzymes in food industry
c) Microbial flora in common food groups (cereals, pulses, milk and milk
products, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, sugars and fats)
B. Microbial Ecology of Foods -Foods as ecosystems
a) Factors affecting microbial growth and control in foods: intrinsic factors,
extrinsic factors, implicit factors
b) Effect of environment on microbial growth (temperature, water activit y, pH,
anti-septic/disinfectant) 15
Unit II A. Food borne illnesses
a) Produce as a source of food borne disease
b) Microbial survival in the food chain
c) Antimicrobial resistance in the food supply
d) Food borne pathogen reservoirs, pre/post -harvest control, and
microbiological quality of food
Epidemiology and etiology of food borne disease (infection and
B. Biofilms in food systems
a) Cell signalling and quorum sensing
b) Biofilm development
c) Biofilms in food systems
d) Role of quorum sensing in biofilm de velopment Identification and control of
biofilms in food processing facilities 15
Unit III A. Microbial Food safety and quality control
a) Food microbiology/safety history, disease, trends and emerging pathogens
b) New and emerging technologies for the reduction of pathogenic and spoilage
organisms in food
c) Food production plant sanitation, hygiene practices and the role of
d) Conventional and rapid methods of food analysis
-Limitations of classical methods
-Rapid microbiological methods (RMM): ma nual, semi -automated and
-Genetics -based diagnostic and identification systems (gene probes and
- Predictive microbiology models and microbial risk assessment 15
Jay, James M.; Loessner, Martin J.; Golden, David A. Modern Food Microbiology. 7th edition, Springer 2005
Biology of Microorganisms, Brock, Thomas D. and Michael T. Madigan.1988 5th Edition. Prentice halls, Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey.
Developments in Food Microbiology R. K. Robinson
Food Microbiology Frazier, W.C., a nd D.C. westhoff.1978., 3rd and 4th edition McGraw -Hill, Inc., New York
Food Microbiology- Advances and Prospects Roberts, Skinner, Academic Press
General Microbiology Boyd, Robert F.1988. 2nd Edition. McGraw -Hill, Inc., New York
General Microbiology Stainer, Ingrahan,Wheelis, Painter, 5th Edition, Macmillan
Practical Food Microbiology and Technology. George J. Mountney and Wilbur A. Gould 3RD edition
Motarjemi , Yasmine; Adams, Martin. Emerging Foodborne Pathogens. Woodhead Publishing.
Lund, B. M.; Baird -Parker, T. C.; Gould, G. W. Microbiological Safety and Quality of Food, Volumes 1- 2. Springer -
Blackburn, C.W.; McClure, P.J. (2002). Foodborne Pathogens - Hazards, Risk Analysis and Control. Woodhead
Journals: Applied and Environmental Microbiology; Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety;
International Journal of Food Microbiology; Food Control; Food Microbiology; Journal of Applied Microbiology;
Journal of Food Protection; Journal of Food Science
Adams, M.R. an d Moss, M.O. (2005) Food Microbiology 1st edition, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers,
New Delhi.
Banwant G,J, (2002) Basic Food Microbiology 2nd Edition, Chapman and Hall Inc., New York
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To acquire knowledge and understanding of biochemistry principles applied in human nutrition
2. To learn the physiologic and metabolic role of macronutrients and micronutrients
3. To understand the utilisation of nutrients from various food sources and its implications in optimal nutrition and
4. To estimate the contribution of nutrient profile of processed food in meeting required dietary recommendation
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Introduction to cell structure
a) Cell membrane
b) Transport mechanisms across cell membrane (diffusion, osmosis,
facilitated diffusion & active transport)
c) Electron transport chain: Oxidative phosphorylation, role of high energy
B. Energy
a) Units of energy
b) Law of thermodynamics
c) Assessment of energy requirements (Dir ect and indirect calorimeter)
d) Components of energy expenditure
e) Energy utilisation by the cells
f) Energy balance (Hunger, appetite & satiety, calorie density of f ood)
g) Recommended Dietary Allowances
C. Water
a) Fluid compartments in the body, fluid balance, role of water in human
b) Dehydration ; commercial rehydration solutions 15
Unit II A. Carbohydrates
a) Classification, food sources, function s
b) Carbohydrates of industrial importance,
c) Digestion (Process of digestion, resistant starch, rapidly digestible
starch), absorption & transport.
d) Metabolism of carbohydrates (brief outline of various pathways without
structures) Embden –Meyerhof pathway, TCA -cycle, Gluconeogenesis,
glycogen synthesis,glycogenolysis, HMP -shunt.
e) Consequences of hyperglycemia and significance of Glycemic Index and glycemic load
f) Dietary fibre (insoluble dietary fibre, soluble dietary fibre) - nutritional
g) Sugar alcohols
B. Lipids
a) Classification, sources, essential fatty acids (sources), function s
b) Digestion, absorption & transport.
c) Metabolism of fatty acids - beta oxidation & biosynthesis of fatty acids,
cholesterol functions, prostaglandin, recommendation for fat (SFA,
d) Composition of various edible oils –its anti -atherogenic role 15
Unit III A. Protein
a) Classification of amino acids (chemical& nutritional), protein structure,
b) Sources (animal protein versus plant protein, casein, whey protein, egg
protein, wheat germ protein, soy protein)
c) Digestion, absorption and transport
d) Amino acid metabolism (brief outline) 15
e) Amino acid imbalances
f) Significance of specific amino acid and biogenic amines(e.g. BCAA,
glutamine, GABA, serotonin, histamine, creatine), disposal of ammonia
(urea cycle without structure),protein synthesis.
g) Recommended Dietary Allowances
h) Evaluation of protein quality (NPR, NPU, DIAS,PDCAS, BV)
B. Enzymes
a) Definition, classification
b) Enzyme specificity
c) Factors affecting enzyme action
d) Enzyme inhibition
e) Enzymes of industrial significance
C. Vitamins
a) Vitamin stability, toxicity, dietary recommendations, bioavailability,
General causes of losses and variations in vitamin content of foods.
b) Fat soluble vitamins – A, D, E and K – structure, general properties and
functio ns
c) Water soluble vitamins – C and B - complex – structure, general
properties and functions
D. Minerals
a) Macro minerals (Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium &
magnesium) & Micro minerals (Iron, zinc, copper, iodine,fluorine,
chromium, selenium)
b) Sources, Bio-availability, losses and stability, RDA, specific
physiological and metabolic roles, deficiency, toxicity or effects of
excess consumption.
Agarwal A., Udipi S. Textbook of Human Nutrition, Jaypee brothers Medical publishers (p) Ltd.
Bamji, M., Rao, N. P. and Reddy, V. (2003) Textbook of Human Nutrition, 2nd Edition, Oxford and IBH, New
Delhi, India.
Nelson D.L. and Cox M.M. (2004) LehningerPrinciples of Biochemistry. 4th Edition, W. H. Freeman & Company,
New York, U.S.A.
Rastogi S.C. Biochemistry, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Whitney, E. N.andRolfes, S. R. (1996) Understaning Nutrition, 7th Edition, West publishing Company, St. Paul, U.S.A.
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To understand principles of food science involved in bringing changes in foods.
2. To observe and identify physical and chemical changes underlying the preparation of diverse foods.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Solutions and Ice crystallization :
a) Effect of formula and procedure on crystal size of frozen deserts
B. Sugar cookery
a) Tests for stages of sugar cookery
b) Effect of dry heat on sucrose.
c) Crystalline and Non crystalline candies 15
Unit II A. Cereals and Flours
a) Gelatinization of Starch (different types)
b) Comparison of different cereals for water absorption and consistency
c) Comparison of - different methods of cooking rice, different varieties of
d) Starches as thickening agents (potato, corn and other)
B. Tempo rary and Permanent emulsions
a) Salad Dressings
b) Effect of Stabilizers and Emulsifiers in salad dressings
c) Comparisons of low fa t and high fat French dressing
d) Preparation and Comparison of Mayonnaise with variations (with and without egg)
C. Principles that maintain high quality fried foods
a) Smoke point of different fats and oils
b) Effect of Temperature on fat absorption
c) Effect of Formulation on fat absorption
d) Effect of Coating and binding agents on fat absorption
e) Comparison of Texture, flavor and mouth- feel of food products using fat
substitutes 15
Unit III A. Effect of different conditions on properties of proteins e.g milk
a) Effect of acids (citric acid, lactic acid and acetic acid) on coagulation of milk proteins
b) Effect of gums on gelation
c) Effect of fat content, pH stabilizers in cream and whipped toppings
d) Difference between natural and processed Cheese
B. Examination of properties of egg/meat
a) Denaturation and Coagulation
b) Egg white foams – volume and stability
c) Effect of acid and alkalies on meat/poultry
C. Factors affecting Gelatin gel
a) Temperature of liquid
b) Proteolytic enzymes
c) Whipping
D. Factors affecting vegetable pigments
a) Temperature
b) Acid,
c) Alkalies
E. Pectin gel
a) Determination of pectin content, development of a fruit jam, using
natural and commercia l pectin. 15
Jameson K. (1998). Food Science – A Laboratory Manual , New Jersey:Prentice Hall Inc.
Lawless, H. and Heymann, H. (1998). Sensory Evaluation of Food – Principles and
Practices , Kluwer Academic/Plemer Publishers.USA: CRC Press Inc..
McWilliam, M.(2001). Foods – Experimental Perspectives (4th Ed.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.
Weaver, C. (1996), Food Chemistry Laboratory – A manual for Experimental Foods
Damodaran S., Parkin KL. and Fennema OR. Fennema’s Food Chemistry (4th Edition), Florida: CRC Press
Course code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To impart required knowledge and skills for estimation of various macro and micro nutrients in raw and processed
2. To impart required knowledge and skills for estimation of various non nutrient components in raw and processed
3. To impart the knowledge and skills for detection of common food adulterants.
4. To compare the estimated values with the recommended values and thereby assess the quality of foods.
Course content Periods
Unit I a) Estimation of ash content in different foods.
b) Estimation of moisture content by air oven method
c) Estimation of calcium content in different foods.
d) Modified Gravimetric determination of calcium
e) Calcium determination using EDTA titration
f) Calcium determination using redox titration
g) Determination of phosphorous content of foods by colorimetry
h) Determination of phytin phosphorus in foods
i) Estimation of iron content of different foods by colorimetric methods
j) Mohr titration of salt in butter (AOAC method 960.29) 15
Unit II a) Determination of iodine content in salt
b) Estimation of reducing and non reducing sugars in different foods by Lane
Eynon’s method. 15
Unit III a) Titrable acidity assessment in orange juice, yogurt, apple juice and grape
b) Estimation of tannin content in tea
c) Sodium content in different foods by Flame photometric method
d) Potassium content in different foods by flame photometr ic method 15
Nielsen, S. Suzanne (ed) (2002) Introduction to the Chemical Analysis of Foods CBS Publishers and Distributors,
New Delhi.
Egan, H. Kirk, r. sawyer R (1981) Pearsons Chemical Analysis of Foods 8th edition longman scientific and
Technical, U.K.
A.O.A.C. (1990) Official Methods of Analysis 15th ed. Association of official analytical chemists, Washington, D.C.
Meyer, L.H (1987) Food Chemsitry CBS Publishers and distributors, Delhi
ISI Publications on different foods.
Pearson, D.(197 0) Chemical Analysis of Foods, 6th ed., London, T.A. Churchill.
Damodaran S., Parkin KL. and Fennema OR. Fennema’s Food Chemistry (4th Edition), Florida: CRC Press
Course Code Title Theory/
Practical Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
Marks Periods/
week Credits
PSHSI201 Research Methods and
Biostatistics - Paper II Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIB202 Principles of Food Preservation Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIB203 Food Informatics and
Packaging Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIB204 Principles of Food Analysis Theory 40 60
100 3 4
PSHSIB205 Advances in Human Nutrition Theory 40 60
100 3 4
PSHSIB P201 Food Product Development
Practical Practical - 50 50 3 2
PSHSIB P202 Analytical Food Chemistry -II
Practical Practical - 50 50 3 2
Total 260 340
600 21 24
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To enable in students the skills in selecting, computing, interpreting and reporting statistics.
2.To introduce students to principles of good scientific writing.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Role of statistics in research
a) Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median, Mode
b) Measures of dispersion: Range, Interquartile range, Variance and
Standard Deviation
c) Normal distribution and normal curve
d) Testing of Statistical Hypothesis
e) Type I and Type II errors
f) Guidelines for selecting an appropriate test 15
Unit II A. Statistical tests - Applications and interpretation
a) Parametric test of difference - T-test, ANOVA, Post Hoc tests
b) Parametric tests of association - Pearson’s correlation coefficient
c) Non parametric tests of difference- Chi-square
d) Regression Analysis
B. Computer applications in analysis of data
a) Introduction to SPSS - Application of SPSS (Demonstration) 15
Unit III A. Interpretation and Presentation of data
a) Tables - Frequency distributions, Relative Frequency, Graphs - Bar
graphs, Histograms, Scatter plots, Line graphs; Pie charts, Pictogram
b) Preparation of research report/ Publication of scientific research articles
c) Research Proposal Writing for Funding and Academic Purposes
B. Information search and data retrieval
a) Use of internet to extract ev idence
b) Tools for web search/ web search engines (PubMed, Cochrane Databases, Google Scholar, ResearchGate), data mining of biological
databases 15
1. Mahajan B.K. (2010). Methods in Biostatistics for Medical students and Research Workers, Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
2. Pagano, M. and Gauvreau, K. (2011).Principles of Biostatistics.Cengage Learning India Private Limited.
3. Bhattacharyya, G.K. & Johnson, R. A. (1977).Statistical Concepts and Methods. NY: John Wiley.
4. Dwiwedi, R. S. (1997). Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences. Delhi: Macmillan India.
5. Gravetter, F. J. &Waillnau, L. B. (2000).Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
6. Kerlinger, F. N. & Lee, H. B. (2000).Foundations of Behavioral Re search. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt.
7. Leong, F.T.L., & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996).The Psychology Research Handbook. New Delhi: Sage
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
Objective :
To learn important methods for food preservation are to ensure the quality of processed food.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Principles of Food Preservation
a) Meaning, mode of action and changes in foods
B. Use of High temperature (Heat preservation)
a) Moist and Dry heat methods
b) Blanching
c) Dehydrat ion
d) Concentration
e) Canning
f) Commercial sterilization
g) Pasteurization
C. Use of Low Temperatures
a) Cold Preservatio n: Freezing and Refrigeration - Air freezing
b) Indirect contact freezing
c) Immersion freezing
d) Dehydro- freezing
e) Cryo -freezing
f) Changes in foods during refrigeration and frozen storage
D. Use of dehydration and Concentration
a) Benefits and factors af fecting heat and mass transfer
b) Physical and chemical changes durin g dehydration and concentration
c) Methods and tech niques used (Air convection, d rum driers and vacuum
d) Use of various evapourators for concentration of foods 15
Unit II A. Use of Ionizing radiation and microwave heating
a) Ionizing radiations and sources
b) Units of radiat ion
c) Radiation effects
d) Mechanism of microwave heating
e) Application of radiation technology
B. Use of Fermentation
a) Benefits and mechanisms of fermentation
b) Fermented food products e.g Beer, Wine, Soya sauce, Cheese, Soya bean
c) Microbial vs Industrial Fermentation
C. Use o f Food Additives
a) Broad classes
b) Intentional a nd unintentional food additives
c) Laws and regulations
D. Food Enzymes and their applications in Food industry.
E. Application of Hurdle Technology 15
Unit III Traditional Methods of Food Preservation
a) Smoking
b) Sun drying
c) Pickling/ Salting 15
d) Fermentation
Recent advances in food preservation
a) Pulse electric field special packaging
b) Use of technology for minimal processing for preservation of fresh foods
c) Use of Antioxidants in food preservation
d) Cold pressed juices
e) Use of Natural Preservatives
f) Preservatives on f ood label s
Borvers, J. (1992). Food Theory and Application (2ndEd), New York: Maxwell MacMillan International Edition.
Manay, N. S. and Sharaswamy, S. M. (1997). Foods: Facts and Principles New Delhi: New Age International
McWilliams, M (2007). Foods:Experimental Perspectives 5th Ed, New Jersey: Macmillar Publishing Co.
Potter, N. N. and Hutchkiss, J. H. (1997). Food Science, 5th Ed, New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors.
Rick Par ker (2003) Introduction to Food Science , New York: Delmar Thomson Learning.
Scottsmith and Hui Y.H (Editiors) (2004) Food Processing – Principles and Applications London Blackwell
Subbulakshmi, G and Udipi, S. A. (2001). Foods Processing and Pre servation , New Delhi: New Age International (P)
Ltd. Publishing.
Swaminathan, M. (1995). Food Science Chemistry and Experimental Food . The Bangalore Printing and Publishing
Co. Ltd.
Vacklavick, V. and Christian, E. (2003). Essentials of Food Science. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publisher.
** All new journals related to Food Preservation**
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
Objective :
To enable use of IT to make food -related information available for food researchers.
Course content Periods
Unit I Introduction to Food Packaging: Packaging Trends - Global Scenario
a) Functions/ Objectives/ Purpose of food packaging
b) Requirements for effective packaging
c) Variations in Packaging
d) Package design requirements
e) Food Packaging Materials (types, special features)
f) Packaging Closures and Sealing Systems
g) F.F.S. Operation
h) Logistical Packaging for Food Marketing Systems
i) Testing and Quality Control
j) Shelf -life evaluation of Packaged Food Products
k) Application of Nano Technology
Environmental concerns and future prospects 15
Unit II Introduction to food informatics
a) Role of food informatics in food research
b) Use of food informatics in food science laboratories and food industries
c) Important search engines
d) Software and IT skill requi rements to build a food database
e) Application in major centers of food research in India - CFTRI, DFRL &
CIFT, Food Research & Development, Ministry of Food Processing
Industries and major Food Industries in India, APEDA and MPEDA
f) Careers in food informatics 15
Unit III Application of Food Informatics
a) Avenues for application of food informatics
b) Data collection, organization in areas of food science and nutrition.
c) Data storage and distribution by using various information technology tools
and methods.
d) Database management system.
e) Application of various software
f) Visit to laboratory/facility to see demonstration of the software 15
Food Packaging Technology Hand book NIIR New Delhi
Food packaging – Principles & Practice Gordon L Robertson
Food informatics textbooks
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To familiarize students with the principles underlying various analytical methods.
2. To help understand criteria to select appropriate food analysis method.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Introduction to Food Analysis
a) Trends and demand, consumer and food industry, steps in analysis,
choice and validity of method, criteria for choice of food analysis
methods, role of AOAC International
b) Sampling and sample preparation.
c) Brief overview of physical, chemical, Instrumental and Gravimetric
methods of analysis.
B. Compositional Analysis of foods
a) Moisture and total solid analysis, ash analysis
b) Total fiber analysis
c) Protein analysis
d) Carbohydrate analysis (mono, oligo and polysaccharides, starch and
starch derivatives)
e) Vitamin and mineral analysis 15
Unit II A. Chemical properties and characteristics of foods
a) pH and titrable acidity
b) Fat characterization – Analysis of fatty acids, oil fat indices.
c) Protein separation, characterization procedures, amino acid composition,
Application of enzymes in food analysis, Immunoassays
d) Spectroscopy – Basic principles of spectro scopy, ultra violet, visible and
fluroscence spectroscopy. Atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy 15
Unit III A. Physical properties of foods
B. Chromatographic techniques
a) Principles of chromatography
b) Types of chromatographic techniques – HPLC, Gas chromatography
C. Rheological principles used for food analysis
a) Viscocity of liquids
b) Solutions and fine suspensions
D. Pigments and colourants
a) Extraction, isolation, purification
b) Measurements of natural p igments and colour analysis
E. Thermal Analysis
a) Principles and procedures of calorimetry
b) Differential scanning of calorimeters. 15
1. Nielson S.S. (2006). Food Analysis (3ndEd), Springer Private Limited.
2. Wrolstad R.E. et al (2005). Handbook of Food Analytical Chemistry: Water, Protein, Enzymes, Lipids and
Carbohydrates. Published by John Wiley and Sons
3. Wrolstad R.E. et al (2005). Handbook of Food Analytical Chemistry: Colourants,Flavours, Textural and
Bioactive food components. Published by Jo hn Wiley and Sons
Egan H., Kirk R., Sawyer R., (1981). Pearson’s Analysis of Foods. (8th Edition) Longman Group Limited
4. Dr. Latimer G. W., Jr.(2012) (19th Ed). Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International: Volume I and
5. ** All new journals related to Food Science and Processing**
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To understand the role of nutrition in health and disease
2. To understand the role of various bio- active compounds in health promotion, disease prevention and
Course content Periods
Unit I Overview of Nutrition and Digestive System
a) Nutrition and Metabolism of Carbohydrates
b) Fiber in Nutrition and Health
c) Nutrition and Metabolism of Lipids
d) Nutrition and Metabolism of Protein and Amino acids
e) Ultratrace minerals
f) Integration and Regulation of Metabolism and The Impact of Physical
g) Body Composition, Energy Expenditure, and Energy Balance 15
Unit II Nutrient requirements
b) Methods of determining RDAs
c) National vs International dietary standards
d) Food pyramid, food plate
e) Concerns of RDAs for vulnerable groups of population
Role of nutrition in health and disease
a) Metabolic and lifestyle disorders (diabetes, cvd etc)
b) Nutragenomics and Inborn Errors of Metabolism 15
Unit III Complementary Nutrition
a) Role of selected bioactive constituent
b) Functional foods and nutraceuticals in health promotion, disease prevention
and management.
c) Beta glucan/ Arabinoxylan/ Resistant starc h
d) Bioactive peptides and GABA
e) Ω-3 fatty acids, CLA, Phytosterols
f) Probiotics/ Prebiotics/Synbiotics
g) Phytochemicals (Phenolics/ Flavanoids/ Carotenoids/ Isoflavones) 15
Grodd, J.L. and Gropper, S.S. (1999) Advanced Nutrition and human metabolism .Belmount CA Wodworth/Thomson
Judith E. Broch (1998) Nutrition Now, West/wadsworth International Thomson Pub.Co.
Goodhart R.S.S and Shils, M.E (1998) Modern nutrition in health and disease .Philadelphia Lea and Febiger.
Stipanuk Martha H . 2006 Biochemical, physiological, molecular aspects of human nutrition – Saunders Elsevier.
Paul, I, Turner, E.R., Ross, Don – 2006 (2nd ed.) Discovering Nutrition – Jones and Bartlett Publishers –Canada.
Geissler, C., Powers, H (11th ed.) (2005) Human Nu trition ELSEVIER Churchill Livinstone ISBN
Zegler, E.E and Filer, L.J. (1996) Present knowledge in nutrition . Washington D.C. International Life
Gibson G.R. (2016). Handbook of Prebiotics, CRC press.
Hattiarachchy N.S. (2016). Bioactive Food Proteins and Peptides, CRC Press
Williams, Cand Devlin, T.J. (1992) Foods nutrition and sports performance E and N Sposs I Ed.
Paul, I, Turner, E.R., Ross, Don – 2006 (2nd ed.) Discovering Nutrition – Jones and Bartlett Publishers –
Prakash D. (2014). Phytochemicals of Nutraceutical Importance, CAB International
Wildman R.E.C (2016). Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, 2nd edition, CRC Press
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To apply principles of food science in development of innovative product.
2. Use of functional foods, novel (less utilized) ingredients in development of products.
3. To identify a suitable packaging label and storage conditions for a developed product.
4. To learn and apply principles of sensory evaluation.
Course content Periods
Unit I Food Product Development
a) Hypothetical proposal for new product development
b) Nutritive value of foods, Enhancement of Nutritive Value
c) Role of Ingredients
d) Understanding weights and measures, metric conversions
e) Use of Ready Reckoners /Exchange list/ NIN Food database/ USDA Food
f) Construction of Recipes (Standard, File Card format, Picture recipes)
g) Waste Utilisation , Cost Effectiveness , Value Additi on
Sensory evaluation of foods
a) Threshold concentrations of primary tastes.
b) Effect of Temperature on taste.
c) Identification of samples through Difference, Descriptive and Affective
d) Determination of sensory evaluation methods for evaluating quality
e) Developing score card as an evaluation tool 15
Unit II Food Product Development laboratory trials
a) Categories: Fruit based snacks, Long shelf life snacks, High protein
snacks/beverages (whey protein), Ready to eat breakfast cereal, Probiotic
yoghurt/ beverage, Salad dressing, Low fat snack product
b) Development of the formula (Modification of Home based recipes for
c) Preparing a flow chart indicative of the operational processes
d) Understanding the concept of scale up
e) Identifying suitable packagi ng material
f) Shelf life studies in various altered conditions 15
Unit III Marketing exercise
a) Business Analysis
b) Marketing Strategy
c) Launching of the product
d) Evaluation of product acceptability on the basis of cost effectiveness and other
e) nutritive parameters through survey 15
Jameson K. (1998). Food Science – A Laboratory Manual , New Jersey:Prentice Hall Inc.
Lawless, H. and Heymann, H. (1998). Sensory Evaluation of Food – Principles and Practices , Kluwer
Academic/Plemer Publishers.
McWilliam, M.(2001). Foods – Experimental Perspectives (4th Ed.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.
USA: CRC Press Inc..
Weaver, C. (1996), Food Chemistry Laboratory – A manual for Experiemental Foods
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To impart required knowledge and skills for estimation of various macro and micro nutrients in raw and processed
2. To impart required knowledge and skills for estimation of various non nutrient components in raw and processed
3. To impart the knowledge and skills for detection of common food adulterants.
4. To compare the estimated values with the recommended values and thereby assess the quality of foods.
Course content Periods
Unit I a) Determination of crude fiber in different foods.
b) Protein estimation in different foods by Kjeldahl method, Lowry’s method
and Biuret and Bradford method.
c) Crude fat determination by solvent extraction method
d) Fat characterization with respect to the determination of the following:
e) Refractive index, melting point, solid fat index, cold test, smoke point, 15
Unit II a) Iodine value
b) Saponification number
c) Acid value
d) Free fatty acids value
e) Peroxide value
f) Estimation of thiamin content of foods by Fluorimetric method.
g) Estimation of riboflavin content of foods by Fluorimetric method.
h) Estimation of ascorbic acid content of different foods by 2,6 dichloro
indophenol method 15
Unit III a) Different chromatographic techniques: Paper chromatography, Thin layer
chromatography and HPLC techniques
b) Estimation of lycopene in tomatoes
c) Estimation of oxalates from spinach
d) Estimation of Total Polyphenol content in green tea
e) Estimation of chlorophyll extract in leafy vegetables by spectrophotome tric
f) Visit to Research Institutes and Food Industries 15
Nielsen, Suzanne, S. (2002) Introduction to the Chemical Analysis of Foods CBS Publishers and Distributors, New
Egan, H. Kirk, r. sawyer R (1981) Pearsons Chemical Analysis of Foods 8th edition longman scientific and
Technical, U.K.
A.O.A.C. (1990) Official Methods of Analysis 15th ed. Association of official analytical chemists, Washington D.C.
Meyer, L.H (1987) Food Chemsitry CBS Publishers and distributors, Delhi.
ISI Publications on different foods.
Pearson, D.(1970) Chemical Analysis of Foods, 6th ed., London, T.A. Churchill.
Program: M.Sc.
Course: Home Science
Branch IC: Sports Nutrition
(Self Financing Course)
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System
with effect from the academic year 2016–2017)
Course Code Title Theory/
Practical Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
s Periods
/ week Credits
PSHSI101 Research Methods and
Biostatistics Paper I Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIC102 Human Physiology and
Kinesiology Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIC103 Advances in Nutritional
and Clinical
Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIC104 Nutrition and Fitness Theory 40 60
100 3 4
PSHSIC105 Principles of Nutritional
Assessment Theory 40 60
100 3 4
PSHSICP101 Diet planning Practical - 50 50 4 2
PSHSICP102 Assessment of Body
Composition and
Physical Fitness Practical - 50
50 3 2
Total 600 22 24
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To inculcate knowledge about essentials of high quality research.
2. To introduce students to the skills needed in conducting a research.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. An introduction to research methodology :
-Definition, Objectives of research
Types of research
a) Descriptive vs. Analytical
b) Applied vs. Fundamental
c) Quantitative vs. qualitative
d) Conceptual vs. Empirical
Other types:
a) Cross sectional vs. longitudinal
b) Field setting or laboratory
c) Clinical or diagno stic
d) Exploratory Research
e) Historical research.
B. Research approach : Quantitative and qualitative approach
C. Ethics in research:
a) Applying for ethical approval/ clearance
b) Defining the research problem: Selecting and defining the problem
D. Literatur e review
E. Formulation of hypothesis
F. Research designs:
a) Need for a research design, features of a good design
b) Types of research designs - Explorative/ descriptive/ experimental/
Survey/ Case Study 15
Unit II A. Sampling techniques for nutrition resea rch
a) Sample design -Criteria of selecting a sampling procedure
b) Characteristics of a good sampling design
c) Types of sample designs:
-Non-probability sampling
-Probability sampling
-Purposive sampling
-Simple random sampling
-Systematic sampling
-Stratified s ampling
-Quota sampling
-Cluster sampling
- Multi -stage sampling
-Sequential sampling.
d) Determination of sample size for different type of research
B. Measurement and scaling techniques
a) Measurement scales: Nominal, Ordinal Interval, Ratio
b) Validity
c) Relia bility and Practicality
d) Scaling, scaling techniques
e) Rating scales (paired comparison, rank order), likert scales etc. 15
Unit III A. Methods/ tools of data collection
a) Collection of primary data: Observation method, Interview method, Questionnaire method, cas e study method.
b) Collection of secondary data 15
c) Selection of appropriate method of data collection
B. Data processing and management
a) Processing operations: Editing, coding, classification, tabulation
b) Use of data entry software (MS Excel & SPSS)
Bhattacharyya, G.K. & Johnson, R. A. (1977).Statistical concepts and methods. NY: John Wiley.
Dwiwedi, R. S. (1997). Research methods in behavioral sciences. Delhi: Macmillan India.
Gravetter, F. J. &Waillnau, L. B. (2000).Statistics for the behavioral s ciences. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Kerlinger, F. N. & Lee, H. B. (2000).Foundations of behavioral research. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt.
Kothari, C.R. (2004). Research Methodology -Methods and Techniques.New Age International Publishers, New
Leong, F.T.L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996).The psychology research handbook. New Delhi: Sage
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. Knowledge and understanding of the skeletal and muscular systems
2. Knowledge and understanding of the functions of the musculoskeletal system in producing and controlling
human movement
3. Knowledge and understanding of basic biomechanical principles which govern human movement
4. Applica tion of biomechanical principles to physical activity, exercise performance and sport skills
5. Ability to analyze physical activity in terms of musculo -skeletal components and mechanical principles
Course content Periods
Unit I Skeletomuscular system
A. Physiology of Skeletal system
a) Bone cells, Bone formation & remodeling
b) Factors influencing bone formation
c) Types of joints
d) Bone injuries during exercise training
B. Physiology of muscle tissue
a) Structure, chemical composition
b) Types of muscle fibers
c) Mechan ism and energetics of muscle contraction
d) Muscle fatigue
C. Anatomical and Physiological Fundamentals of Human Motion -
a) The Skeletal Framework and Its Movements
b) Neuromuscular Basis of Human Motion
D. Fundamentals of Biomechanics
a) Terminology and Measurement in Biomechanics
b) The Description of Human Motion
c) The Conditions of Linear Motion
d) The Conditions of Rotary Motion
e) The Center of Gravity and Stability
E. Kinesiology of Fitness and Exercise -
a) Moving Objects:
-Pushing and Pulling
-Throwing, Striking, and Kicking, Locomotion: Solid Surface
b) Locomotion:
- The Aquatic Environment, &When Suspended and Free of Support 15
Unit II Digestive and Nervous system
A. Physiology of gastro intestinal system
a) Structure of GI and functions
b) The process of digestion and absorpti on of food
c) Factors affecting digestion, absorption and bioavailability of macro and
micro nutrients
B. Physiology of Nervous system
a) Structure of neurons
b) Nervous system and functions
c) Membrane potential
d) Inter cellular communication 15
Unit III Cardiovascula r, & Renal systems
A.Cardiovascular system
a) Blood composition
b) Functions of formed elements of blood and plasma proteins
c) Synthesis of blood elements
d) Cardiac cycle 15
e) Regulation of blood pressure
f) Factors influencing Blood Pressure
B.Renal system
a) Structure and F unctioning of kidneys
b) Formation of urine, composition of urine, normal and abnormal
constituents of urine, acid - base balance.
Davier, A, Blakeley, G. H. and Kidd, C (2001) Human Physiology , Harcourt Pub., 1st ed. Edinburgh Churchill
Livingstone.Laboratory Manual, NIN
McArdle, WD., Katch, F. L. &Katch, VL (1996) Exercise Physiology , (4th ed.), Williams & Wilkins, A
Waverly Company
Rhodes, R &Pflouzer, R (2003) Human Physiology , Thomson Brooks & Cole, (4th Ed).
Tortora, G. J. and Grabowski, R. S. (1993) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology , (7th ed.).Harper Collins
College Publishers.
Waugh, A. and Grant, A. (2006) Anatomy and Physiology in Health and illness Churchill Livingstone, 10th ed.
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
At the completion of this course the student should be able to
1. Describe structure, functions and metabolism of macronutrients.
2. Describe hormonal and enzymatic modulators t o the metabolism of macronutrients.
3. Describe the biochemistry and metabolism of the macronutrients during different physiological states.
4. List important micronutrients needed as cofactors involved in macronutrient metabolism.
5. Explain the metabolic inter relationship between macronutrients.
6. Have knowledge of current research on Nutrition, Metabolism and dietetics.
Course content Periods
Unit I Biomolecules of Nutritional Significance
a. Carbohydrates – Oligosaccharides, Polysaccharides, sugar alco hols, Glycosides (3)
b. Proteins – Essential and non -essential amino acids, Formation of specialized
products from amino acids and their functions – Glutathione, Creatine – creatinine,
biogenic amines (dopamine, norepinephrine, tyranine, serotonin, GABA, histamine). Biologically important peptides (Insulin, ACTH, Oxytocin,
Vasopressin, Angiotensin, TRH. Four levels of protein structure and functions of Insulin, Haemoglobin, Carboxypeptidase, Keratin) (6)
c. Lipids – Compound Lipids, Fatty acids, MCT’s, Cholestero l, Prostanoids.(3)
d. Nucleic acids
Structure, properties and functions of DNA, RNA. Outline of Replication,
Transcription, Translation in prokaryotes.
Mutation ,DNA repair mechanism 15
Unit II Enzyme Chemistry and Metabolism of Macronutrient s.& Energy Production
a. IUB classification of enzymes. Active site ,Coenzymes,. Factors affecting enzyme activity. Enzyme inhibition.
b. Digestion, absorption, transportation and metabolism of macronutrients(no
EMP,TCA,HMP,Glycogen metabolism.Cori’ s cycle
General reactions of amino acids,Urea cycle Beta Oxidation,Ketone body formation.
ETC,ATP production and Mechanism of Oxidative and Substrate level
phosphorylation 15
Unit III A.Overview of Endocrinology
a. Classification of Hormones, mechanism of a ction, synthesis of hormones –
Thyroxine, Catecholamines.
b. Functions and hyper – hypo states of Thyroid, Insulin, Glucagon. Adrenal,
medullary and cortex
B.Clinical Research and Ethical Issues - Clinical Trials – Stages I to IV, Clinical Research
and its si gnificance , Biomedical ethics in clinical trials 15
Berg, J. M., Tynocrko, J. L. et al Biochemistry (5th ed.) New York W.H. Freeman and Co 2002.
Brody Tom. Nutritional Biochemistry 2nd ed. New Delhi Elsevier/Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd. 2004
Chatterjee M.N. Shinde and Rana Textbook of Medical Biochemistry 6th ed. New Delhi Jaypee Brothers
MedicalPublishers 2005.
Devlin Thomas, M (ed.) Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlation New York, John Wiley and Sons
Montgomery, Rex and others Biochemistry A case oriented Approach St. Louis The C.V. Mosby Co. 1977.
Murray, R.K. and others. Harper’s Biochemistry 25th ed. Connecticut, Appleton and large Publications.
London, Prentice Hall Int. Inc 1996.
Lehninger, A.L.; Nelson D.L. and Cox . M.M., Principles o Biochemistry 3rd ed. New York. Worth
PublishersMcMullan Press, 2000
Puri Dinesh Textbook of Biochemistry . A Clinically oriented Approach New Delhi B.I. Churchill Livingstone
Pvt.Ltd. 2002.
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To understand the various dimensions of holistic fitness
2. To understand the concepts of stress and its implications on Health
3. To imbibe knowledge about basic nutrition and influence of nutr ition on fitness
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Definition of Health and wellness
a) Factors affecting health and wellness
b) Physiological, psychological and social health
B. Holistic Fitness
a) Definition, Types &Components of holistic Fitness
C. Physical fit ness
a) Definition, components and Factors influencing physical fitness
D. Psychological Fitness
a) Addictive Behavior and its Effect on Health
b) Risk factors of addiction
c) Harmful effects of substance abuse
d) Strategies to overcome substance abuse
E. Fitness for Li fe
a) Importance of exercise in preventing life style diseases - Diabetes, CVD,
hypertension, obesity and osteoporosis
b) Adherence to a fitness program regime
c) Factors that affect adherence
d) Difficulties faced in adherence 15
Unit II A. Fundamentals of nutritio n
a) Macronutrients & Micronutrients: Overview of the types & functions,
conditions of deficiency and excess
b) Energy: Components of energy expenditure & Energy requirement
c) Quality issues, contribution of macronutrients to total energy intake
d) Energy imbalances 15
Unit III A. Influence of nutrition on Fitness
a) Malnutrition -Over & Undernutrition
b) Changes in body composition
c) Effect of macro (carbohydrates, amino acids, EFA) and micronutrients
(Vitamins & Minerals) on physical & mental fitness 15
Powers , S. and Dodd, Stephen (1996) Total fitness , Allyss and Bacon, Univ. of Florida
Hoeger, W., Turner, Low and W. Hafen Brent (2002), Wellness Guidelines for ahealthy life style
Wadsworth/Thomas Learning USA.
Brannon, L. and Feist, Jess (2000), Health Psychol ogy IV edition, An Introduction to behaviour and
health ,Wadsworth USA.
Schafer Walt (1998) Stress Management for IV ed. Wellness Wadsworth USA.
Mind, body and soul (1998) The body shop, Bullyinch press book, little Brown and co.Bhat and Savur, S.
(1998) Fitness for life , Jaico publishing House
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To enable students understand human body composition
2. To enable students learn principles of body composition and nutritional assessment
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Body composition
a) Components of body composition
b) Human Body composition- Changes during life cycle
c) Factors influencing Body composition –Gender, Age, Exercise
d) Methods of measu ring body composition 15
Unit II A. Anthropometrical, Biochemical & Clinical assessment of nutritional status
of various age groups & gender
a) Anthropometrical assessment -Linear measurements
b) Circumference measurements
c) Impedance techniques
d) Measurement of to tal body protein & fat using standard formulae &
e) Biochemical assessments of nutritional status
f) Clinical assessment of nutritional status 15
Unit III A. Dietary & Functional assessment of nutritional status
a) Dietary surveys - Tools of dietary surveys - FFQ, Interview schedules,
questionnaires, SGA, Recall & record methods
b) Protocols: merits & demerits
c) Functional assessment: Functional indicators of macro and micro
nutrients, disturbances & interpretation, GPAQ, WPAQ, IPAQ 15
Dandek ar, S. P., Rane, S. A. (2004) Practical and Viva in Medical Biochemistry , New Delhi, Elsevier/Reed
Elsevier India PVT LTD.
Godkar, P. B. (2003) Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology , (2nd ed.), Mumbai, Bhalani Publishing
House, Mumbai
Sadasivan , S. &Manickam, A, (2003) Biochemical Methods , (2nd ed.), New age International Pvt. Ltd.
Sauberlich, H. E. (1999) Laboratory tests for the Assessment of Nutritional Status , (2nd ed.)., CRC press
Manual, NIN.
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To enable students to develop expertise in the process of diet planning for normal individuals across life
cycle stages for prevention of disease and preservation of health.
2. To underst and the methodology of developing holistic, healthful menus and ensuring adequate
macronutrient, micronutrient and fiber profile in the developed menus.
3. To become well versed with different cuisines and recipes used in India and globally.
Course content Periods
Unit I Diet Planning for a Normal Adult
A. Planning:
a) Recommended Dietary Allowances and the Exchange List
b) Principles of establishing energy intake and proximate principles
c) Principles of Menu Planning
d) Overview of the traditional cuisines and eating patterns in India and in
the Global Scenario
e) Process and relevance of detailed calculations
f) Relevance and recommendations for use and prescription of syllabus
g) Process of Standardisation
B. Preparation:
a) Standardisation of basic Indian recipes.
b) Preparing a m eal from the planned menu, Evaluation and analysis 15
Unit II Diet planning for various lifecycle conditions in adult hood
A. Planning:
a) Pregnancy
b) Lactation
c) Geriatric
B. Preparation:
a) Preparing a meal from the planned menu
b) Evaluation and analysis 15
Unit III Diet planning in infancy, childhood and adolescence
A. Planning:
a) Complementary Feeding
b) Infant nutrition
c) Childhood
d) Adolescence
B. Preparation:
a) Preparing a meal from the planned menu
b) Evaluation and analysis 15
Brown. J. (2013). Nutrition T hrough The Lifecycle. Wadsworth Pub Co.
Gopalan .C.(2000). Nutritive Value of Indian Foods . NIN ICMR Pub.
ICMR Pub. (2012). Nutrient Requirement and Recommended Dietary Allowances for Indians
Mahan .K.L. (2012). Krause’s Food and Nutrition Therapy Saunders Pub.
Peckenpaugh.N. (2003) Nutrition Essentials and Diet Therapy . 9th ed. Saunders Pub Co.
Sauberlich .H (1999). Laboratory Tests for the Assessment of Nutritional Status 2nd ed. CRC Press
Shills. M. (2006). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease .10th ed. Lippincot William and Wilkins.
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
STATUS 3 50 2
1. To enable students understand the importance of biomarkers of nutritional status in the management of holistic fitness.
2. To help the students acquire practical skills in the biochemical assessment of nutritional status of
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Anthropometrical assessment of body composition
a) Height, Weight, BMI, Circumference measurements ( Head, Arm, waist,
abdominal circumference, WHR etc.);, shoulder girth
b) Calculating body composition using standard Formulae
c) Impedance techniques (BIA & Body stat)
d) Skinfold measurements&Assessment of Body types using formulae
e) DEXA, BMD (Visit) 15
Unit II Biochemical assessment:
A. Assessment of protein nutriture
a) Estimation of serum Protein, Albumin and A: G Ratio (Biuret method)
b) Urinary creatinine/Height index, Urinary urea.
c) Evaluation of PEM in pediatric, adult, geriatric and sports persons.
B. Biomarkers of vitamin status
C. Fat soluble vitamins :
a) Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E
b) Serum Retinol, Conjunctival Impression Cytology (CIC) and Dark
Adaptation technique.
c) Serum Alkaline Phosphatase, (Vitamin D)
d) Serum Total tocopherol level and TBARS (Spectrophotom etric
analysis) 15
Unit III Biochemical assessment:
A. Water Soluble Vitamins
a) Serum and Urinary Vitamin C (dye method)
b) Microscopic examination of RBC for megaloblasticanaemia
B. Assessment of Mineral nutriture
a) Estimation of serum Iron (Dipyridal method); Calcium (clark -Collip
C. Clinicalassessment of body composition
a) Observation of clinical symptoms of nutrient deficiencies
b) Field visits/Demonstrations/Guest lectures 15
Dandekar, S. P., Rane, S. A. (2004) Practical and Viva in Medica l Biochemistry , New Delhi, Elsevier/Reed
ElsevierIndia PVT LTD.
Godkar, P. B. (2003) Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology , (2nd ed.), Mumbai, Bhalani Publishing
House, Mumbai
Sadasivan , S. &Manickam, A, (2003) Biochemical Methods , (2nd ed.), New age International Pvt. Ltd.
Sauberlich, H. E. (1999) Laboratory tests for the Assessment of Nutritional Status , (2nd ed.)., CRC press
Manual, NIN.
Course Code Title Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
Marks Periods/
week Credits
PSHSI201 Research Methods and
Biostatistics Paper II Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIC202 Nutrition for Endurance S ports Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIC203 Exercise Physiology Theory 40 60 100 3 4
PSHSIC204 Ergonomics Theory 40 60
100 3 4
PSHSIC205 Nutrition through L ifecycle Theory 40 60
100 3 4
PSHSICP201 Diet Planning for Endurance
Sportsp ersons (Practical) Practical - 50 50 4 2
PSHSICP202 Exercise Physiology (Practical) Practical - 50
50 3 2
TOTAL 600 22 24
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To enable in students the skills in selecting, computing, interpreting and reporting statistics.
2. To introduce students to principles of good scientific writing.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Role of statistics in research
a) Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median, Mode
b) Measures of dispersion: Range, Interquartile range, Variance and
Standard Devia tion
c) Normal distribution and normal curve
d) Testing of Statistical Hypothesis
e) Type I and Type II errors
f) Guidelines for selecting an appropriate test 15
Unit II A. Statistical tests - Applications and interpretation
a) Parametric test of difference - T-test, ANOV A, Post Hoc tests
b) Parametric tests of association - Pearson’s correlation coefficient
c) Non parametric tests of difference- Chi-square
d) Regression Analysis
B. Computer applications in analysis of data
a) Introduction to SPSS - Application of SPSS (Demonstration) 15
Unit III A. Interpretation and Presentation of data
a) Tables - Frequency distributions, Relative Frequency, Graphs - Bar
graphs, Histograms, Scatter plots, Line graphs; Pie charts, Pictogram
b) Preparation of research report/ Publication of scientific research articles
c) Research Proposal Writing for Funding and Academic Purposes
B. Information search and data retrieval
a) Use of internet to extract evidence
b) Tools for web search/ web search engines (PubMed, Cochrane
Databases, Google Scholar, ResearchGate), data min ing of biological
databases 15
Mahajan B.K. (2010). Methods in Biostatistics for Medical students and Research Workers, Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
Pagano, M. and Gauvreau, K. (2011).Principles of Biostatistics.Cengage Learnin g India Private Limited.
Bhattacharyya, G.K. & Johnson, R. A. (1977).Statistical Concepts and Methods. NY: John Wiley.
Dwiwedi, R. S. (1997). Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences. Delhi: Macmillan India.
Gravetter, F. J. &Waillnau, L. B. (2000).Statis tics for the Behavioral Sciences. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Kerlinger, F. N. & Lee, H. B. (2000).Foundations of Behavioral Research. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt.
Leong, F.T.L., & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996).The Psychology Research Handbook . New Delhi: Sage
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
SPORTS 3 100 4
1. To enable students understand the principles of nutrition for endurance athletes
2. To impart knowledge on sports specific n utrition & hydration guidelines
3. To enable students understand the applications of ergogenic aids in endurance sports.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Types of endurance sports; Energy & Macronutrient needs
a) Types of endurance sports; body compositional standards
b) Energy metabolism during endurance exercise & energy needs of endurance athletes
B.Macronutrient needs of endurance athletes
a) Sport specific nutritional guidelines
b) Carbohydrates -Type & Timing of carbohydrate ingestion, Glycogen
loading techniques
c) Lipids - Use of ketogenic diets, Fat loading, strategies to enhance fat
utilization/ Fat burners
d) Proteins -Requirements, Role of protein in endurance exercise 15
Unit II A. Micronutrient requirements of endurance athletes
a) Vitamins & Minerals: Micronutrients that regulate energy metabolism,
blood formation, bone health
b) Antioxidant micronutrients
c) Sports anemia and other sports specific micronutrient deficiencies
d) Water & Electrolytes: Fluid & electrolyte requirements, Dehydration
e) Fluid & electrolyte replace ment strategies
f) Sports drinks and sports gel 15
Unit III Sports specific nutritional & hydration guidelines
a) Short & long duration events eg: cycling, marathon, Triathlon,
swimming, Rowing, sailing, etc.
b) Dietary guidelines for training & competition
c) Dieta ry guidelines on season and off season 15
Ryan Monique (2015 Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes, 3rd Ed. 3002 Sterling Circle, Suite 100, Boulder,
Colorado 80301 -2338 USAISBN 978 -1-934030- 82-0
Bernadot Dan (1999) Nutrition for Serious At hletes , Human Kinetics USA.
Brouns Fred and Caustan – Cargill (2002) Essentials of Sports Nutrition – 2nd edition John Wiley and Sons,
Burke Louse and Deakin Vicky (2006) Clinical Sports Nutrition , McGraw – Hill Pvt. Ltd. Australia
Summerfield Lia nne M (2001), Nutrition Exercise and Behavior An integrated approach to weight
management ,Belmount (USA). Wadsworth/Thompson Learning
Wolinksy Ira (1998) Nutrition in Exercise and Sports CRC press Boca Raton
Wolinksy Ira, Drishill Judy (1997) Sports and Nu trition Vitamins and Trace elements , CRC Press BY.
Wolinskoy Ira, Driskell J. (2004) Nutritional Ergogenic Aids , CRC Press NY.
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To impart knowledge on t he physiological effects of exercise on human body composition.
2. To explain to the students the body compositional requirement for various athletic and sports categories.
3. To enable the students understand the role of exercise in fitness.
4. To enable the students understand the therapeutic benefits of exercise.
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Types of exercises - aerobic & anaerobic exercises,
a) Energy systems
b) Energy transfer during exercise
c) Exercise & thermal stress
d) Effect of exercise on thermoregu lation
B. Effect on Cardio -Pulmonary system
a) Effect of aerobic and anaerobic exercise training on pulmonary and
cardiovascular fitness
b) Markers of cardiovascular & pulmonary fitness -Response & Adaptation
to exercise
C. Endocrine response to exercise trainin g 15
Unit II A. Effect on Skeletomuscular system
a) Response& Adaptation to exercise - Endurance, resistance and
flexibility; and their effect on the composition and strength of muscle.
b) Effect of training on muscle
c) Exercise related muscle and bone injuries
d) Adaptation to exercise, causes and concerns
e) Markers of skeletal muscular fitness
B. Ergogenic aids -use and concerns
C. Anti -doping regulations 15
Unit III A.Exercise for Special conditions and Populations
a) Special groups – Pregnant women, Children and Adol escents
b) Benefits of exercise clinical conditions: Heart disease, Diabetes,
Hypertension, Arthritis, Osteoporosis
c) Exercise in Environmental Stress (High Altitude, Heat & Cold)
d) Exercise Program Designing & Implementation for the above conditions
(Aerobic & Strength Training) 15
Davies, A, Blakeley, G. H. and Kidd, C. (2001) Human Physiology , Harcourt Pub., 1st ed. Edinburgh: Churchill
LivingstoneLaboratory Manual, NIN
McArdle, W.D., Katch, F. L. &Katch, V.L. (1996) Exercise Physiology , (4th ed. ), Williams & Wilkins, A
Rhodes, R. &P.Flouzer, R (2003) Human Physiology , Thomson Brooks & Cole, (4th Ed).
Tortora, G. J. and Grabowski, R. S. (1993) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology , (7th ed.).Harper Collins
Waugh, A . and Grant, A. (2006) Anatomy and Physiology in Health and illness Churchill Livingstone, 10th ed.
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
Objectives :
To enable students to understand.
1. The principles and applicat ions of ergonomics in sports field.
2. The ergonomic considerations for special populations .
3. Evaluation of sports injuries and rehabilitation .
Course content Periods
Unit I A. Ergonomics
a) Definition and applications in sports
B. Competitive and Training St ress in Sport
a) Physiological Loading
b) Spinal Loading
c) Physical Loading
d) Psychological Loading
C. Measurement in sports & exercise
a) Metabolic testing & power testing
b) Optimizing training and performance goals 15
Unit II A. Environmental Influence on sports per formance
a) Sports Equipment and Playing Surfaces ,
b) Sports Clothing, Foot wear and orthotics
c) Field conditions for team games
B. Circadian Rhythms
a) Training and Time of Day , Sleep –Wake Cycle
b) Travel Fatigue and Jet Lag
c) Sleep Deprivation or Disruption
d) Nocturnal Shift Work
e) Strategies to manage normal circadian rhythms in international athletes
C. Ergonomic considerations for corporate and special populations
a) Occupational ergonomics for corporate offices, schools and colleges
b) Pediatric and adolescent sports perso ns
c) Disabled and ageing athletes 15
Unit III A. Sports injuries
a) Types, Evaluation & rehabilitation
b) Core strengthening,
c) Prolotherapy
d) Postoperative athletes
e) Protective devices for sports persons -head gear & knee bracing
f) Participatory Ergonomics - Human Enhanc ement Technologie
g) Performance and Cognitive Enhancement
h) Mechanical & psychological ergogenic aids 15
YoulianHong( 2014) Routledge Handbook of Ergonomics in Sport and Exercise, London & New York
Thomas Reilly (2010) Ergonomics in Sport and P hysical Activity, Enhancing Performance and Improving
Francs G. O’Connor et al ( 2013) ACSM’S Sports Medicine -A comprehensive review, Wolter’s Kluwer,
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
CYCLE 3 100 4
1. To understand the changes in human body composition during different stages of life.
2. To study the influence of nutrition on man during the different stages of life cycle.
3. To be aware and update the knowl edge in the field of applied nutrition during the life cycle.
Course content Periods
Unit I Nutrition during Pregnancy & lactation
A. Pregnancy:
a) Physiology of pregnancy
b) Effect of Nutritional Status on pregnancy outcome
c) Nutritional requirements and dietar y guidelines
d) Nutrition related complications
B. Lactation :
e) Physiology of Lactation
f) Human milk composition
g) Nutritional requirements & dietary guidelines
h) Benefits of Breast Feeding 15
Unit II A. Nutrition in infancy, Childhood & Adolescence
a) Physiological development, Motor, Cognitive development.
b) Energy and nutrient needs
c) Common nutrition problems
d) Nutritional concerns (Deficiency disorders)
e) Malnutrition - undernutrition & Obesity
f) Eating disorders 15
Unit III A. Nutrition in the adulthood
a) Physiological and Psychosocial changes in adults
b) Common nutritional concerns
c) Defensive Nutrition paradigm
d) Nutritional requirements and dietary recommendation
B. Nutrition in aging
a) Theories of Aging, Physiological and Psychosocial changes i n the elderly
b) The Aging Process
c) Nutritional requirements of the Elderly
d) Nutrition care 15
Bennion, H. (1979) Clinical Nutrition , New York Harper and Raw Publishers
Brown, J. E. (1998). Nutrition Now, West/Wadsworth: International Tho mson Pub. Co.
Brown, J. E., Sugarman, I. J. (2002). Nutrition through the Life Cycle , Wadsworth Thomson Learning.
Donald, B., MCColmick,.Bier, D. M. (1997). Annual Review of Nutrition (vol. 19)
Goodhart, R. S. S. and Shils, M. E. (1998). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease . Philadelphia: Lea and
Groff, J. L and Gropper, S. S. (1999). Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism , Belmount CA:
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Jackson, M. S., Rees, Jane, M., Golden, Neville, H.; Irwin Charles, E. (ed) (1997). Adolescent Nutritional
Disorders .NewYork:The New York Academy of Science.
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
To enable the students to learn
1. Health Screening & Risk Stratificati on using various techniques of body composition analysis
2. Techniques of assessment of physical fitness of various groups of population
Course content Periods
Unit I a) Health Screening & Risk Stratification
b) Theoretical explanation, demonstration and assessment of cardio
respiratory fitness
-Treadmill stress test
- Spirometry
- Step tests
- Resting assessments: Heart rate monitoring, Blood Pressure, Body
c) Cycle ergometer test etc.
d) Aerobic fitness testing (VO 2max testing) 15
Unit II Assessment of skeletomuscular fitness -Measurement of:
a) BMD (Visit/ Demonstration)
b) Muscle strength
c) Endurance
d) Strength
e) Flexibility & agility
(Bench press, Jumps, Push ups, Sit and Reach Test), Sit -ups, Shuttle run, Hand
grip dynamometeretc) 15
Unit III a) Assessment of ph ysical fitness of various groups of population - children,
adolescents, adults & elderly –case study
b) Metabolic Calculations
c) Exercise prescription for Weight Management (Underweight &
Overweight) 15
Davier, A, Blakeley, G. H. and Kidd, C (2001 ) Human Physiology , Harcourt Pub., 1st ed. Edinburgh
Laboratory Manual, NIN
McArdle, WD., Katch, F. L. &Katch, VL (1996) Exercise Physiology , (4th ed.), Williams & Wilkins, A
Rhodes, R &Pflouzer, R (2003) Human Physiolo gy, Thomson Brooks & Cole, (4th Ed).
Tortora, G. J. and Grabowski, R. S. (1993) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology , (7th ed.).Harper Collins
Waugh, A. and Grant, A. (2006) Anatomy and Physiology in Health and illness Churchill Livingst one, 10th ed.
Course code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To enable students learn planning & cooking of diet for endurance sports persons of various age groups &
2. To train the students in conducting case studies on endurance sports persons
Course content Periods
Unit I Planning & preparation of diets for Distance Running, Marathon, Ultra marathon,
Obstacle racing and Triathlon 15
Unit II Nutritio n for Road Cycling, Mountain Biking, Track Cycling, and Cyclo -Cross,
Cross -country skiing , Nutrition for Rowers and swimmers 15
Unit III Case study presentations on the Diet & Training schedule of competitive
endurance athletes 15
Bernad otdan (1999) Nutrition for Serious Athletes , Human Kinetics USA.
Browns Fred and Caustan – Cargill (2002) Essentials of Sports Nutrition – 2nd edition John Wiley and Sons,
Burke Louise and Deakin Vicki (2006) Clinical Sports Nutrition , McGraw – Hill Pvt. Ltd. Australia.
Summerfield Lianne M (2001), Nutrition Exercise and Behavior An integrated approach to weight
management ,
Belmount (USA). Wadsworth/Thompson Learning
Wolinksy I (1998) Nutrition in Exercise and Sports CRC press NY.
Wolinksy I, Drish ill Judy (1997) Sports and Nutrition Vitamins and Trace elements , CRC Press BY.
Wolinskoy Ira, Driskell J. (2004) Nutritional Ergogenic Aids , CRC Press NY. f
Course Code Title Theory/
Practical Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
Marks Periods
/ week Credits
PSHSII101 Research Methods and Statistics I Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSII102 Advanced Study of Theories of
Human Behaviour and Development I Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSII103 Advanced Study of Counselling
and Psychological Testing I Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSII104 Research in Early Childhood,
School, and Higher Education Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSIIP101 Group Research Project I Practical -- 50 50 3 2
PSHSIIP102 Early Childhood Education
Practicum Practical -- 50 50 4 2
PSHSIIP103 Counselling Practicum I Practical -- 50 50 2 2
PSHSIIP104 Psychological Testing Practicum I Practical -- 50 50 2 2
TOTAL 160 440 600 27 24
Course Code Title Lectures/Week Marks Credits
PSHSII101 Research Methods and Statistics I 4 100 4
1. To build in students appreciation for high quality research in Human Development and allied areas.
2. To introduce students to the skills needed in conducting a research in Human Development and allied areas. 3. To introduce students to princi ples of good scientific writing.
4. To enable in students the skills in selecting, computing, interpreting and reporting descriptive statistics.
Course Content Lectures
Unit I 1 A. Introduction and Overview
(a) What is a research? (b) Objectivity and subjectivity in scientific inquiry: Premodernism, modernism,
and postmodernism (c) Steps in the research process
(d) Importance of research in general, and in Human Development and related
(e) Illustration of research in Human Development and allied areas (f) Qualitative versus qu antitative research
1 B. The beginning steps in the research process
(a) Identifying broad areas of research in a discipline
(b) Identifying interest areas; using multiple search strategies
(c) Prioritising topics; specifying a topic; feasibility
(d) Review of literature/scholarly argument in support of study (e) Specifying research objectives/hypotheses/questions 15
Unit II 2 A. Variables
(a) Definition
(b) Characteristics (c) Types
(d) Levels of measurement
2 B. Measurement
(a) Conceptual definitions and operational definitions
(b) Types of validity and reliability in quantitative research 2 C. Data entry in quantitative research
(a) Codebook and mastersheet
(b) Creating data files and data management 15
Unit III 3. A. Introduction and overview to statistics
(a) Role of statistics in (quantitative) research (b) Definition/changing conceptions (c) Prerequisite concepts in mathematics (e.g., properties of the summation
sign, basic algebra)
3 B. Descriptive Statistics for summarizing ratio level variables
(a) Frequencies and percentages
(b) Computing an average/measure of a central tendency
Mean, median, mode(s) Contrasting the mean vs. median
Computing an average when there are outliers or extreme values in
the data set Robust measures of the center (5% trimmed mean; M estimators)
Quartiles and percentiles
(d) Computing a measure of variability or dispersion Why? (inadequacy of the mean)
Minimum value and maximum value
Range Interquartile range
Variance and standard deviation
(e) Discrete and continuous variables (f) Histograms and line graphs
Unit IV 4 A. Descriptive Statistics for summarizing nominal, ordinal and interval 15
level variables
4 B. Demonstration of computer software such as the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
(a) Data entry
(b) Data Management (c) Descriptive Statistics 4. C. Probability: Foundation of Advanced/Inferential Statistics
(a) Definition
(b) Role of probability in research and statistics
(c) Elementary concepts in probability
Sample space, experiment, event/outcome/element of the sample
space Equally likely outcomes and the uniform probability model
Stabilization of the relative frequency
Bhattacharyya, G. K. & Johnson, R. A. (1977). Statistical concepts and methods. New York, NY: John Wiley.
Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2011). The Sage handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Fraenkel, J. R., &Wallen, N. E. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in education (6th ed.). New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill.
Jackson, S. L. (2012). Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach (4th ed.) . Wadsworth
Cengage Learning.
Johnson, R. A., & Bhattacharyya, G. K. (2011). Statistics: Principles and methods (6th ed.). New York, NY:
John Wiley .
Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kachigan, S. K. (1986). Statistical analysis: An interdisciplinary introduction to univariate & multivariate
methods. Radius Pr.
Kerlinger, F. N. & Lee, H. B. (2000). Foundations of behavioral research. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt.
Leong, F.T.L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996). The psychology research handbook. New Delhi: Sage.
Leong, F.T.L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (2006). The psychology research handbook: A guide for graduate students
and research assistants (2nd ed.) . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Rubin, A., &Babbie, E. R. (2011). Research methods for social work (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson,
Course Code Title Lectures/Week Marks Credits
PSHSII102 Advanced Study of Theories of
Behaviour and Development I 4 100 4
1. To have students construct advanced knowledge of the theories of human behaviour and development:
(a) comprehend the relevance of personal and societal events/contexts in the construction of a theory,
(b) analyse the major contributions of a theorist, and (c) identify and address the major criticisms of a theory.
2. To develop in students an appreciation for primary literature.
3. To introduce the student to the latest theories of human behaviour and development.
Course Content Lectures
Unit I Introduction and Overview
a) Overview of the course
b) Concepts/definitions of theories, models, paradigms
c) Role of a theory in advancement of knowledge d) Process of theory development
i. The role of the context in theory development
ii. A theory as an evolving phenomenon: across the life-time of a founding theorist and across generations of scholars
Classic Theories of Development: The Psychodynamic Perspective
Sigmund Freud a) Relevance of socio-history (both personal and societal) in theory
b) Overview of key concepts
c) Advanced study of the unconscious (primary literature), the structure of the personality, and psychosexual development
e) Psychoanalysis
i. Role of the unconscious in psychoanalysis ii. Illustration using one of Freud’s case histories (primary literature)
f) Major criticisms; major contribution study 15
Unit II Classic Theories of Development: Breakaways from Freud
Jungian/Analytical Psychology: Carl Gustav Jung
a) Relevance of personal and societal events/contexts in the construction
of the theory (primary literature) b) Overview of key ideas c) The personal and impersonal/collective nature of human personality
(the collective unconscious, ego, shadow, anima, animus, persona,
archetypes) d) Advanced study of the Jungian perspective of the unconscious: the
collective unconscious; related ideas such as synchronicity,
significance of dreams, and, symbolism in art and religion (primary literature)
e) Major criticisms; major contributions
Psychosocial Theory of Development: Erik Erikson
a) Relevance of personal and societal events/contexts in the
construction of the theory (primary literature)
b) Overview of key ideas c) The epigenetic chart and psychosocial stages (primary literature) d) Major criticisms; major contributions 15
Unit III Newer developments
Revised Classic Theories of Development: Neo-Behaviorism Social-Cognitive Theory: Albert Bandura
a) Historical background: overview of classical and operant
conditioning and major criticisms b) Role of context in theory development: context of changing
c) Overview of key changes in Bandura’s approach to human learning 15
d) Major criticisms; major contributions
Contemporary Theories of Human Behaviour and Development:
Bioecological Perspectives
Urie Bronfenbrenner a) Relevance of personal and societal events/contexts in the construction of the
theory (primary literature)
b) Defining properties of the bioecological model (primary literature)
c) Microsystemic influences in development (primary literature) d) Beyond the microsystem (meso-, exo-, macro-systemic influences
in development) (primary literature)
e) Later extensions
e) Major criticisms; major contributions
Unit IV Contemporary Theories of Human Behaviour and Development: Life
Span Approaches
Life Span Theory: Paul B. Baltes and associates (primary literature)
a) Role of context in theory development
b) Life-span theories: key concepts & principles
i. Lifelong processes in development
ii. Change and plasticity
iii. Gain-loss dynamic; development as a process of selective adaptation;
iv. Culture as compensation
v. Incomplete architecture of human development
c) Five levels of analysis d) Major criticisms; major contributions
Life Course Theory: Glen H. Elder Jr. (primary literature)
a) Role of context in theory development b) Overview of key ideas with regard to life course theory
i. Social pathways
ii. Cumulative processes
iii. Life trajectories
iv. Turning points
c) Principles of life course theory (primary literature)
d) Major criticisms; major contributions 15
Baldwin, A. (1980). Theories of human development . New York, NY: Wiley.
Bronfrenbrenner, U. (1980). The ecology of human development . Chicago: University Press.
Damon, W. (Series Ed.) & Lerner, R. M. (Vol. Ed.). (2006). Handbook of child psychology. Volume one:
Theoretical models of human development. New York, NY: John Wiley.
Erikson, E. H. (1963). Childhood and society . New York, NY: W. W. Norton.
Freud, S. (1905, 1909/1990). Vol. 8 Case Histories . London: Penguin Books.
Freud, S. (1955/1991). Case Histories 2. Penguin Freud Library, Vol .9. London: Penguin Books.
Fromm, E. (1980). The greatness and limitations of Freud’s thought . New York, NY: Harper & Row.
Green, M. (1989). Theories of human development: A comparative approach . New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Jung, C. G. (1961/1995). Memories, dreams, reflections . London: Fontana Press.
Lerner, R. M. (2001). Concepts and theories of human development. Psychology Press.
Mussen, P. H. (Ed.). (1983). Handbook of Child Psychology.Vol.1: History, theory and methods . New York,
NY: Wiley.
Thomas, M. (2000). Comparing theories of child development (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Code Title Periods/ week Marks Credits
PSHSII103 Advanced Study of Counselling and
Psychological Testing I 4 100 4
1. To introduce students to the advanced study of counselling and psychological testing.
2. To have students develop insights with regard to the counselling process, skills, approaches and
3. To provide students with an overview of the field of psychological testing.
4. To have students construct advanced knowledge with regard to the various psychological tests of
intelligence, aptitude, personality, and interest.
Course Content Lectures
Unit I Introduction and Overview of counseling
a. Concept of counselling
b. Characteristics of a helping relationship
c. Core conditions of a helping relationship
d. Personal characteristics of effective counsellors
e. Stages in counselling
Initial Disclosure (attending, active listening )
In-depth exploration(questioning, theme identification,
confrontation, immediacy, advanced empathy)
Commitment to action and termination (goal setting,
action plans, termination, follow-up)
f. Achieving a professional and personal identity
g. Ethical issues in counselling 15
Unit II Counselling Approaches
a. Psychoanalytical
b. Affective (Person-Centered, Gestalt )
c. Cognitive – Behavioural (Rational-Emotive-Behavioural
Therapy, Beck’s Cognitive Therapy, Behavioural Counselling, Reality Therapy, Transactional Analysis)
d. Solution–Focused Brief Counselling
e. Crisis Intervention 15
Unit III Overview of the Field of Testing
a. Characteristics of psychological tests (reliability, validity, item
analysis, test construction, test administration)
b. Major contexts of test usage
c. Selection of appropriate tests
d. Reporting psychological assessment
e. Ethics of psychological testing
f. Future of psychological testing and relevance of computer-
assisted assessment
Unit IV Assessment of Intelligence, Aptitude, Personality & Interest
a. Assessment of Intelligence and Creativity (e.g.,Binet scales,
Wechsler’s scales, Kaufman’s Assessment Battery, Bayley’s
Scale of Infant Development, Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking )
b. Assessment of Personality (E PPS, MBTI, Cattell’s 16PF,
Neo-Personality Inventory)
c. Assessment of Interests an d Aptitudes for Vocational
Guidance ( e.g., Strong Interest Vocational Blank, Kuder
Occupational Interest Survey, Campbell Interest and Skill 15
Survey, Holland’s Self-Directed Search, Assessment of Career
Development , Differential Aptitude Tests)
Capazzi, D & Cross, D .( 2014). Counselling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions. New Jersey:
Prentice –Hall.
Corey, G.( 2016). Theory and practice of counselling and psychotherapy . Connecticut: Cengage learning.
Gehart, D. ( 2012). Theory and treatment planning in counselling and psychotherapy . Connecticut: Cengage
Groth-Marnat, G., & Jordan-Wright , A. ( 2016). Handbook of psychological assessment (6thed). New York,
NY: Wiley.
Hays, D.G. ( 2014). Assessment in counselling . A guide to the assessment of psychological assessment
procedures. New York, NY: Wiley.
Neukrug, E.S.(2015). The sage encyclopedia of theory in counselling and psychotherapy. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Neukrug, E.S., & Fawcett, C. (2014). Essentials of testing and assessment: A practical guide for counselors,
social workers and psychologists. Connecticut: Cengage Learning.
Course Code Title Lectures/Week Marks Credits
PSHSII104 Research in Early Childhood, School,
and Higher Education 4 100 4
1. To expose students to high quality research in early childhood, school, and higher (i.e., tertiary) education.
2. To build in students both appreciation and critical thinking skills related to extant research in early childhood,
school, and higher education.
3. To help students construct advanced knowledge of early childhood education, school education, and higher
Course Content Lectures
Unit I Research in Early Childhood Education Part I
1A. Research on efficacy of early childhood programs:
a) Efficacy of different types of early childhood programs; efficacy of
different types of teaching-learning strategies in early childhood
classrooms; anti-bias education
1B. Research on teacher development, teacher-student and teacher-parent
relationships in early childhood:
a) Teacher professional development and impact on student learning
outcomes in early childhood
b) Teacher-student relationships in the early childhood classrooms
c) Family engagement in early childhood programs; cocaring frameworks
1C. Research on the role of play in early development:
a) Threats to play in early childhood programmes; false dichotomy
between play and learning; teacher instructional strategies and child play activities
b) The complex role of pretend play in early childhood development
c) The role of big body play in early childhood development; importance
of natural spaces for play15
Unit II Research in Early Childhood Education Part II
2A. Research on language, cognitive, socio-emotional, and motor
development in early childhood programs:
a) Facilitation of speech-language and literacy skills in early childhood
classrooms; multilingualism, dual-language learning and speech-
language competence in early childhood classrooms; best practices
identified through research
b) Cognitive development, science and mathematics in early childhood
c) Socio-emotional development, motor development, music and
movement, creative arts in early childhood classrooms
2B. Research on assessment, transition to school, ICT, and diverse cultural
settings in early childhood programs:
a) Growth trajectories in early academic learning; assessment frameworks
in early childhood care and education
b) Transition to school; technology and digital media in the early years;
research on early childhood education from diverse cultures 15
Unit III Research in School Education
3A. Research on current status of the Indian and global school education
a) Current status of the Indian and non-Indian school education systems
at different levels with respect to access, enrolment, retention, participation in school process and achievement
b) Teachers, teacher training/education, and teacher qualifications
c) Medium of instruction and languages taught
d) Schooling facilities in rural/tribal areas vs. urban areas; schooling
facilities for children with disabilities; alternative schooling; specific
facilities in secondary and higher secondary schools
3B. Research on teaching of various subjects in the school: 15
a) Teaching of Indian languages and English
b) Teaching of Mathematics, Science, and Social Science
c) Teaching Art, Music, Dance and Theatre; Teaching Heritage Crafts
d) Health and physical education in schools
3C. Research on Curriculum development
a) Curriculum, syllabus and textbooks
b) Vocational education in schools; work and education
c) Examination reform
3D. Research in issues in school education
a) Gender issues
b) Problems of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Children
c) Use of educational technology
d) Growth in school education in India and challenges
Unit IV Research in Higher (i.e., Tertiary) Education
4A. Introduction and history of higher education
a) Introduction; the logic of mass higher education; history in the world
and India
b) Western impact on Asian higher education; English as the dominating
academic language
c) Higher education systems in India and other countries
4B. Research on key concepts in higher education
a) Academic leadership, governance and management in higher education
b) Principles and policy issues of college admissions
c) Transforming teaching and learning in higher education; student
retention and success in higher education; development in the college
years; transforming students
d) Demonstrating institutional effectiveness; higher education
e) Academic remuneration and contracts: Global and local realities
4C. Research on challenges facing higher education in India and globally;
possible solutions
a) The changing marketplace for higher education; understanding and
shaping college mission, market and management; education sector
non-profits; managing financial resources in non-profit organisations;
public vs. private higher education
b) Globalisation and higher education; higher education without borders;
the global academic revolution
c) Higher education in the digital age
4D. Research on issues in higher education
a) Diversity and equity in higher education; student engagement in higher
b) Academic freedom—realities and challenges; student political activism
c) Future of higher education 15
All India School Education Surveys (NCERT) and position papers on school education in India (NCERT)
Altbach, P. G. (2016). Global perspectives in higher education . John Hopkins University Press.
NAEYC Research into Practice Series
Yorke, M., &Longden, B. (2004). Retention & student success in higher education (1
sted.). Open University
Course Code Title Lectures/Week Marks Credits
PSHSIIP101 Group Research Project I 3 50 2
1. To facilitate students in completing the initial steps of a group research project in Human Development and
allied areas.
2. To help students learn how to execute the beginning steps of a research, namely: identifying a viable and
worthwhile research topic, specifying the research purpose, and completing a review of literature.
3. To provide students with the experience of working in a research team.
Course Content Lectures
Unit I Preliminary steps in the research process: using multiple search strategies
(Part I)
Identifying leading scholarly journals (in the college library and
through the Net): Which are the leading scholarly journals? Therefore, what are the broad areas of research related to Human Development?
APA divisions that are applicable to Human Development
Reading the table of contents in nine journals (3 different journals x 3
volumes); articles in which areas are solicited in each such journal
Scanning dissertation topics; identifying focus areas with regard to
dissertation topics; changes in dissertation topics over the years
Interviewing academicians/researchers/practitioners about
salient/priority areas of research in Human Development and allied
fields 15
Unit II Preliminary steps in the research process: using multiple search strategies
(Part II)
Visits to research centers in Mumbai
Identifying priority areas of research in Human Development
Identifying three areas of personal interest
o Selecting dissertations that match these interests
o Selecting research journal articles that match these interests
o Experts’ endorsement of such topics
Selecting one common area of interest to the group: starting a mini-
research study
o Summarising any three dissertations that match this interest
o Summarising any three research papers that match this
o Obtaining the perspective of any two experts on this topic
o Finalising the research topic 15
Unit III Preliminary steps in the research process: the review of literature and
statement of purpose
Studying the review of literature in various dissertations and research
articles and identifying key features of the content of literature reviews
with the teacher
Studying the manner in which the research purpose is stated in
dissertations and research articles
o Examples from 3 dissertations
o Examples from 3 research articles
Developing skills in paraphrasing (i.e., rewriting ideas in own words)
and avoiding plagiarism (due acknowledgement to original source)
Collecting literature on chosen topic (resource file as submission)
Writing one-page summaries of each resource in the file
Making an outline of the review of literature; finalizing the outline
Putting together a PPT presentation on a literature review and
statement of purpose; finalizing title, content of review of literature, & research purpose
Oral presentation of the literature review and purpose on chosen topic
(PPT) 15
Methods: Students engage in multiple hands-on exercises in pairs or threes. The assigned teacher explains the
value of each exercise and how to do each exercise. Students complete each exercise and submit their work.
They obtain feedback about the relevance of that work in the research process and about the quality of their work. The mini research study is to be done in threes or in a group of four. References:
Leong, F.T.L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996). The psychology research handbook. New Delhi: Sage.
Leong, F.T.L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (2006). The psychology research handbook: A guide for graduate students
and research assistants (2nd ed.) . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Course Code Title Lectures/Week Marks Credits
PSHSIIP102 Early Childhood Education Practicum 4 50 2
1. To help students apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations.
2. To enable students to plan, implement and evaluate developmentally-appropriate educational and recreational
activities for children.
3. To facilitate the development of classroom management skills in students.
4. To facilitate the development of event management skills in students.
Course Content Lectures
Unit I Introduction
a) Orienting students to various aspects of the ECCE placement.
b) Input sessions on lesson planning and conducting different activities for preschool children.
c) Developing skills in creating and composing stories and songs.
d) Developing skills in creative storytelling. e) Developing skills in selecting art and craft activities for young children.
f) Developing skills in selecting/creating games/transition activities for young
Observation of children
a) Developing a checklist and using it to observe children in the preschool
setting. 15
Unit II Individual/Small Group lessons: Beginning Competencies
a) Planning and Implementing developmentally-appropriate lesson plans
b) Evaluating Lessons (Self and Peers) c) Learning Classroom Management 15
Unit III Individual/Small group lessons: Advanced Competencies
a) Planning and Implementing developmentally-appropriate lesson plans
b) Evaluating Lessons c) Learning Classroom Management 15
Unit IV Event Management
Planning and organizing a special event for one or more of the following:
children, teachers, parents, and grandparents 15
Methods: Students are to be placed in a classroom in a preschool in Mumbai. Their placement is for one day a
week and includes planning and evaluation meetings. Students are guided in their planning, conducting and
evaluating developmentally-appropriate activities by the assigned faculty member.
Reference Kostelnik, M. J., Soderman, A. K., Wh iren, A. P., &Rupiper, M. L. (2014). Developmentally appropriate
curriculum: Best practices in early childhood educatio n (6th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
Code Title Periods/ week Marks Credits
PSHSIIP103 Counselling Practicum I 2 50 2
1. To facilitate in students a clearer understanding of themselves.
2. To get students to work on issues that may affect the effectiveness of their counselling.
3. To help students develop competencies in the microskills of counselling.
4. To provide an opportunity to students to apply these skills in an individual setting.
5. To help students develop skills in recording the counselling process.
6. To help students develop skills in reporting the counselling process .
Course Content Periods
Unit I Awareness of Self
a) Understanding Self
b) Identifying issues in self that could affect counselling
c) Translating insights into real-life settings
Microskills in Counselling Part I
Developing basic counselling skills (building rapport, active listening, paraphrasing, reflection, questioning, summarizing, goal setting,
creating comfortable closure, termination, referral) 15
Unit II Microskills in Counselling Part II
Developing advanced counselling skills (confrontation, advanced
empathy, reframing, challenging self-destructive beliefs, using the “here and the now”)
Reporting and recording counselling sessions
a) Recording counselling sessions (audiotape/videotape)
b) Preparing transcripts
c) Reporting sessions 15
Students are expected to do the following under the guidance and supervision of a faculty member:
1. Participate in self-awareness exer cises prior to observing and conducting the counselling sessions.
2. Observe the faculty member conduct at least five sessions focusing on the microskills of counselling.
Faculty member demonstrates how to do conduct the sessions.
3. Conduct five sessions of individual counselling in the classroom in the presence of the instructor (who
observes and gives feedback).
4. Conduct three sessions outside the classroom and record the same.
5. Report the counselling sessions in a file.
6. Continuously work on personal issues that could affect the effectiveness of their counselling.
Egan. G. ( 2014). The skilled helper. A problem management and opportunity development approach to
helping . Belmont, CA: Brooks/ Cole.
Nelson- Jones, R. ( 2016). Counselling Skills: A helper’s manual. UK: Sage.
Code Title Periods/ week Marks Credits
PSHSIIP104 Psychological Te sting Practicum I 2 50 2
To enable students to acquire competencies in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of selected
psychological tests of personality, self-esteem/self-perception, aptitude and interest and measures of Learning
disabilities and ADHD.
Course Content Periods
Unit 1 Assessment of Personality
a. Edward Personal Preference Schedule
b. Children’s Apperception Test
c. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
d. Neo Personality Inventory
Assessment of Self-Esteem/Self-Perception
a. Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale
b. Harter’s Self-Perception Scales 15
Unit 2 Vocational Assessment
a. Differential Aptitude Test
b. Group Intelligence Test (NVTI/OTIS)
c. Holland’s Self-Directed Search
Assessment of Learning Disabilities and Attention–
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder a. Assessment of the skills of language, memory,
perception, reading ,writing and mathematics for
learning disabilities
b. Assessment of ADHD (hype ractivity, impulsivity
and inattention). 15
a) Faculty member demonstrates and explains the administration, scoring and interpretation of each of the
tests one-by-one.
b) Students administer at least each test on at least one participant under her guidance and supervision.
c) Students are expected to strictly follow the relevant manual instructions while administering, scoring
and interpreting each of the above mentioned tests.
d) Students are expected to administer, score and interpret each of the above mentioned tests on at least
three participants/clients.
e) Students have to maintain an individual file of the test administrations.
Manuals of the above-mentioned tests
Course Code Title Theory/
Practical Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
Marks Periods
/ week Credits
PSHSII201 Research Methods and Statistics II Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSII202 Advanced Study of Theories of
Human Behaviour and
Development II Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSII203 Advanced Study of Counselling
and Psychological Testing II Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSII204 Special Topics in Human
Development: Health Psychology
& Positive Psychology Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSIIP201 Group Research Project II Practical -- 50 50 3 2
PSHSIIP202 Practicum in Other Human
Development Agencies Practical -- 50 50 4 2
PSHSIIP203 Counselling Practicum II Practical -- 50 50 2 2
PSHSIIP204 Psychological Testing Practicum II Practical -- 50 50 2 2
TOTAL 160 440 600 27 24
Course Code Title Lectures/Week Marks Credits
PSHSII201 Research Methods and Statistics II 4 100 4
1. To help students develop the skills needed in conducting a research in Human Development and allied areas.
2. To promote academic, research and professional ethics in students. 3. To introduce students to princi ples of good scientific writing.
4. To enable in students the skills in selecting, computing, interpreting and reporting advanced statistics.
Course Content Lectures
Unit I 1 A. Sampling techniques in quantitative research
(a) Probability and nonprobability sampling methods in current use/examples from current research
(b) Issues with regard to sampling techniques
I B. Research designs in quantitative research
Distinguishing between the following research designs; and, selecting research
designs that are congruent with one’s research purpose.
(a) Experimental, quasi-experimental, and pre-experimental research designs; correlational research design
Inferring causality, internal validity, external validity
(b) Survey research design (c) Other research designs: Longitudinal versus cross-sectional; exploratory,
descriptive, and explanatory; mixed methods 15
Unit II 2A. Qualitative research methods
(a) Ideology/worldview of the qualitative researcher
(b) Research designs in qualitative research
(c) Sampling techniques in qualitative research
(d) Data collection methods in qualitative research (e) Data analytic strategies in qualitative research
(f) Reporting of results in qualitative research
2B. Scientific writing
(a) Distinguishing scientific writing from popular and literary writing styles
(b) Characteristics/principles of scientific writing
(c) Examples of good scientific writing (d) Writing a research proposal
(d) Reporting statistical findings in text 2 C. Ethics
(a) In academia
(b) In research in general
(c) In research with human subjects
(d) In research with animal subjects 15
Unit III 3 A. Prerequisite concepts needed for the use of advanced/inferential
(a) Types of distribution
Frequency distribution Normal distribution
Probability distribution
Sampling distribution (b) Type I and type II errors
(c) Central limit theorem
(d) Point estimation vs. interval estimation (e) Standard error (and confidence intervals)
(f) Parametric and nonparametric methods
3 B. Using an advanced statistical method (steps in using an advanced
statistical method) 15
Unit IV 4 A. To study statistics that allows us to contrast phenomena
(a) Univariate chi-square test
(b) Bivariate chi-square test (c) t- or z- test for contrasting two independent groups
(d) Paired t-test 15
(e) one-way independent groups ANOVA
4 B. To study statistics that allows us to examine relationships between
(a) Bivariate chi-square test
(b) Product-moment correlation coefficient 4 C. Ethics in the use of statistics (e.g., the importance of test assumptions, the
number of statistical tests in a research and levels of significance)
Bhattacharyya, G. K. & Johnson, R. A. (1977). Statistical concepts and methods. New York, NY: John Wiley.
Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2011). The Sage handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Fraenkel, J. R., &Wallen, N. E. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in education (6th ed.). New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill.
Jackson, S. L. (2012). Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach (4th ed.) . Wadsworth
Cengage Learning.
Johnson, R. A., & Bhattacharyya, G. K. (2011). Statistics: Principles and methods (6th ed.). New York, NY:
John Wiley .
Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kachigan, S. K. (1986). Statistical analysis: An interdisciplinary introduction to univariate & multivariate
methods. Radius Pr.
Kerlinger, F. N. & Lee, H. B. (2000). Foundations of behavioral research. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt.
Leong, F.T.L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996). The psychology research handbook. New Delhi: Sage.
Leong, F.T.L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (2006). The psychology research handbook: A guide for graduate students
and research assistants (2nd ed.) . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lerner, R. M. (Series Ed.), & Overton, W. F., &Molenaar, P. C. M. (Volume Eds.). (2015). Handbook of Child
Psychology and Developmental Science, Vol. 1, Theory and method (7th ed.). New York, NY: Wiley.
Rubin, A., &Babbie, E. R. (2011). Research methods for social work (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson,
Course Code Title Lectures/Week Marks Credits
PSHSII202 Advanced Study of Theories of
Behaviour and Development II 4 100 4
1. To have students construct advanced knowledge of the theories of human behaviour and development:
(a) comprehend the relevance of personal and societal events/contexts in the construction of a theory,
(b) analyse the major contributions of a theorist, and
(c) identify and address the major criticisms of a theory. 2. To develop in students an appreciation for primary literature.
3. To introduce the student to the latest theories of human behaviour and development.
Course Content Lectures
Unit I Classic Theories of Development: Growth of Thought, Language and
Morality (Part I) Cognitive Development: Jean Piaget
a) Role of context in theory construction
b) Biological presuppositions and epistemological conclusions (primary literature)
c) Illustration of the epigenetic point of view (primary literature)
d) Advanced study of assimilation and accommodation (primary literature) e) Factors of development (primary literature)
f) Stages of cognitive development
g) Major criticisms; major contributions 15
Unit II Classic Theories of Development: Growth of Thought, Language and
Morality (Part II)
Language and Thought: Lev S. Vygotsky
a) Role of context in theory construction
b) Development of thought and language
c) Key generalizations about development
d) Major criticisms; major contributions
Moral Development: Lawrence Kohlberg
a) Role of context in theory construction
b) Overview of key ideas c) Stages of moral development
d) Major criticisms; major contributions stages (primary literature) 15
Unit III Contemporary Theories of Human Behaviour and Development: Systems
Approaches Introduction to Systems Theories
Mechanistic vs. Organismic/Systems Views
Key concepts integral to systems views
Dynamic Systems Theory: Esther Thelen and Linda B. Smith (primary
a) Role of context in development of Dynamic Systems Theories
b) Key ideas in Dynamic Systems Theories c) Principles of development
d) Major criticisms; major contributions
Dynamic Systems Theory: David C. Witherington
a) Extensions of Dynamic Systems Theory
i. Contextualism; organicism
ii. Circular Causality; reciprocal nature of structure-function relationships
iii. Emergence through self-organisation 15
Unit IV Contemporary Theories of Human Behavior and Development: Other New
Action Perspectives: JochenBrandtstädter (primary literature)
a) Role of context in development of action theories
b) Key ideas in Action Theories of development
c) Personal regulation of developmental processes d) The concept of action
e) Intentional self-development and personal control over development 15
f) Major criticisms; major contributions
The Development of Agency: Bryan W. Sokol, Stuart I. Hammond, Janet
Kuebli, and Leah Sweetman
a) Key concepts in the development of agency
Positive Youth Development: Peter L. Benson, Richard Lerner, Jacqueline
Eccles, William Damon and associates (primary literature)
a) Role of context in theory development
b) Positive Youth Development Theory: Key ideas c) Major criticisms; major contributions
Baldwin, A. (1980). Theories of human development . New York, NY: Wiley.
Damon, W. (Series Ed.) & Lerner, R. M. (Vol. Ed.). (2006). Handbook of child psychology. Volume one:
Theoretical models of human development. New York, NY: John Wiley.
Green, M. (1989). Theories of human development: A comparative approach . New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Lerner, R. M. (2001). Concepts and theories of human development. Psychology Press.
Lerner, R. M. (Series Ed.), & Overton, W. F., &Molenaar, P. C. M. (Volume Eds.). (2015). Handbook of Child
Psychology and Developmental Science, Vol. 1, Theory and method (7th ed.). New York, NY: Wiley.
Mussen, P. H. (Ed.). (1983). Handbook of Child Psychology.Vol.1: History, theory and methods . New York,
NY: Wiley.
Piaget, J. (1970/1983). Piaget’s theory. In P. H. Mussen (Ed.), Handbook of Child Psychology. Vol.1: History,
theory, and methods. New York, NY: Wiley.
Thomas, M. (2000). Comparing theories of child development (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Code Title Periods/ week Marks Credits
PSHSII203 Advanced Study of Counselling and
Psychological Testing II 4 100 4
O b j e c t i v e s
1. To have students develop insights with respect to areas of child and adolescent counselling and in
particular counselling children with special concerns.
2. To familiarize students with different areas of ad ult counselling and issues of human diversity in
3. To have students construct advanced knowledge with respect to assessment of individuals with
impairments/handicaps/ disabilities.
4. To sensitize students to assessment in clinical and healthcare settings.
Course Content Lectures
Unit I Specialized areas of counselling – Part 1
a. Child & Adolescent counselling ( play therapy, group
counselling, school counselling, college counselling, career counselling )
b. Counselling children and youth with special concerns
(addiction counselling; children of alcoholics, divorce, single- parent families; children experiencing death and bereavement;
children with disabilities) 15
Unit II Specialized areas of counselling – Part 2
a. Adult counselling (marriage, family and sex counselling;
parent counselling; workplace counselling; counselling for
mid-life issues; counselling older adults )
b. Issues of human diversity in counselling (counselling clients of
different genders, socioeconomic strata, sex orientations,
religions) 15
Unit III Assessment of Special Populations
a. Visually Impaired and Blind
b. Hearing Impaired and Deaf
c. Motor Disabled
d. Learning Disabled
e. Mentally handicapped 15
Unit IV Assessment in Clinical and Healthcare settings
a. Assessment of Child and Adult Adjustment, Anxiety, Self-
esteem and Depression ( e.g., MMPI, Child Behavior Checklist, Harter’s Self-Esteem Scale, Beck’s Depression
Inventory, Neuropsychological Assessment for the Geriatric
b. Projective tests in Clinical Practice (e.g., Rorschach, TAT,
CAT, Sentence Completion tests, Drawing tests)
c. Types of Assessment in Healthcare settings (Anxiety Scales,
Test Anxiety Scales, Life Experience Survey, Quality of Life,
Marriage and Family functioning, Measures of Coping,
Measures of Social Support)
Capazzi, D., & Cross, D. ( 2014). Counselling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions . New Jersey:
Prentice –Hall.
Corey, G. ( 2016). Theory and practice of counselling and psychotherapy . Connecticut: Cengage learning.
Gehart, D. ( 2012). Theory and treatment planning in counselling and psychotherapy. Connecticut: Cengage
Groth-Marnat, G., & Jordan-Wright , A. ( 2016). Handbook of psychological assessment (6thed). New York,
NY: Wiley. Hays, D.G. ( 2014). Assessment in counselling . A guide to the assessment of psychological assessment
procedures . New York, NY: Wiley.
Neukrug, E. S. (2015). The sage encyclopedia of theory in counselling and psychotherapy . Thousand Oaks, CA:
Neukrug, E.S., & Fawcett, C. (2014). . Essentials of testing and assessment: A practical guide for counselors ,
social workers and psychologists. Connecticut: Cengage Learning.
Course Code Title Lectures/Week Marks Credits
PSHSII204 Special Topics: Health Psychology &
Positive Psychology 4 100 4
1. To introduce students to special topics in Human Development and allied areas: namely, Health Psychology
and Positive Psychology.
2. To facilitate students in constructing their knowledge of the key concepts in Health Psychology and Positive
Course Content Lectures
Unit I Health Psychology Part I
1A. Introduction to Health Psychology & Health Beliefs
a) What is health psychology; focus and aims of health psychology
b) Health inequalities
c) Role of health beliefs in predicting health behaviours; intention-
behaviour gap
d) Theoretical perspectives
Attribution theory
Risk perception and self-affirmation theory
Motivation and self-determination theory
Stage models: stages of change model; health action process
approach (HAPA); social cognition models
1B. Health Behaviours
a) Eating behaviour
Diet and health
Developmental, cognitive, and weight concern models of eating
b) Exercise
Contemporary concern with exercise behaviour;
Factors predicting exercise
Improving exercise behaviour; exercise adherence and relapse
c) Sex
Biological functions of sex; sex as risk to health, including in the
context of STDs/HIV and AIDS; sex and wellbeing
Developmental and decision-making models
LGBT community
1C. Health promotion: Changing health behaviours
a) Learning and cognitive theories, social cognition theory, stage models;
changing affect
b) Modern technologies; media (negative influence, resource for positive
change, media campaigns)
c) Sustained behaviour change 15
Unit II Health Psychology Part II
2A. Becoming Ill
a) Illness cognitions; Levent hal’s self-regulatory mode l of illne ss behaviour
b) Accessing healthcare
Health care systems: primary and secondary
Help seeking and delay
Screening; adherence; patient-practitioner interactions
c) Stress and illness
The development of stress models; psychological factors;
transactional model of stress
Appraisal, self-control; changes in physiology: stress reactivity,
stress recovery, allostatic load , stress resistance; interaction
between physiological and psychological aspects of stress
How does stress cause illness; individual variability in the stress-
illness link; psychoneuroimmunology
Chronic stress: job stress, relationship stress 15
Coping, social support, personality, and control
2B. Being ill
a) Pain
Early pain theories, psychological factors, gate control theory of
pain, psychosocial factors in pain perception, subjective-affective-
cognitive processes
Psychology in pain treatment
b) Psychology through the course of illness
HIV and AIDS/Cancer/Diabetes/Chronic kidney disease
Obesity and coronary heart disease
c) Gender issues in health
d) Measurement of health status: Mortality to quality of life
e) Critical health psychology
Unit III Positive Psychology Part I
3A. Introduction
a) History and foundations of Positive Psychology
b) Character strengths, values , virtues; resilience
3B. Cognitive approaches
a) Dispositional optimism, learnt optimism, health benefits
b) Hope
c) Mindfulness
d) Self-efficacy & se lf-determination
3C. Emotional approaches
a) Happiness, subjective well-being, hedonic capacity
b) Understanding and developing positive emotions/positive affectivity
(broaden and build theory; other theories), affective forecasting,
benefits of negative emotions
c) Emotional intelligence
d) Emotional creativity 15
Unit IV Positive Psychology Part II
4A. Interpersonal approaches
a) Forgiveness
b) Gratitude, altruism
c) Love, compassion, kindness, goodness, empathy
4B. Neuroscience approaches
a) Positive neuroscience
4C. Applications
a) Positive education
b) Positive aging
c) Positive parenting
d) Positive health
e) Positive workplace; innovation and leadership through positive
psychology 15
Ogden, Jane. (2012). Health psychology: A textbook (5th ed.) . New Delhi: McGraw Hill, Open University Press.
Snyder, C. R., & Lopez, S. J. (Eds.). (2009). Oxford handbook of positive psychology (2nded.). New York, NY:
Oxford University Press.
Course Code Title Lectures/Week Marks Credits
PSHSIIP201 Group Research Project II 3 50 2
1. To facilitate students in completing the middle and final steps of a group research project in Human
Development and allied areas.
2. To help students learn how to execute the middle and final steps of a research, namely: selecting/constructing
tools, data collection, data analysis, and reporting results.
3. To provide students with the experience of working in a research team.
Course Content Lectures
Unit I Middle steps in the research process (Part I): Designing the methods of own
group research project
o Reviewing relevant tools
o Selecting, adapting available tools
o Constructing tools
o Piloting tools
o Obtaining expert feedback
Making decisions about sample size, sample characteristics, and sampling
Feasibility checks; obtaining consent from relevant organisations and
potential participants
Unit II Middle steps in the research process (Part II):
Data collection
Data entry
o Quantitative data entry: SPSS
o Identifying qualitative analysis areas
Unit III Latter steps in the research process:
Data analysis
o Quantitative
o Qualitative
Making and finalising an outline of the results
Putting together a PPT presentation on the group research project with the
final title and the research purpose as well as:
o Sampling, sample size, sample characteristics
o Measurement
o Key findings
o Brief discussion
Oral presentation of the methods and results of the group research project
Methods: Students engage in multiple hands-on exercises in pairs or threes. The assigned teacher explains the
value of each exercise and how to do each exercise. Students complete each exercise and submit their work.
They obtain feedback about the relevance of that work in the research process and about the quality of their
work. The mini research study is to be done in threes or in a group of four.
Leong, F.T.L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996). The psychology research handbook. New Delhi: Sage.
Leong, F.T.L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (2006). The psychology research handbook: A guide for graduate students
and research assistants (2nd ed.) . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Course Code Title Lectures/Week Marks Credits
PSHSIIP202 Practicum in Other Human Development
Agencies 4 50 2
1. To help students apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations.
2. To provide students with hands-on experiences in Human Development agencies other than preschools (i.e.,
counselling centres, NGOs, corporate sector, schools).
Course Content Lectures
Unit I Introduction
a) Orienting students to different Human Development (HD) agencies. b) Collecting information on possible placement opportunities in HD agencies.
Web-based information
Phone calls/emails
c) Completing feasibility checks and finalising placement in an approved HD agency in pairs.
Placement in an HD agency: Beginning Competencies (Part I)
a) Observing processes in the HD agency in which placed.
b) Making a report of the organisational structure and functioning 15
Unit II Placement in an HD agency: Beginning Competencies (Part II)
a) Completing simple-level assignments or tasks given by site supervisors
b) Making a report of the assignments/tasks 15
Unit III Placement in an HD agency: Advanced Competencies
a) Completing advanced-level assignments or tasks given by site supervisors
b) Making a report of the assignments/tasks 15
Unit IV Conducting a workshop on a relevant theme at the HD agency in which
a) Planning and organizing a workshop on a relevant theme
b) Implementing and evaluating the workshop 15
Methods: Students are to be placed in pairs at an HD agency in Mumbai such as NGOs, counselling centres,
companies etc. Their placement is for one day a week and includes meetings with faculty supervisor and site
supervisors. Students are guided in their planning, conducting and evaluating appropriate assignments including the workshop by the assigned faculty member along with the site supervisors.
Code Title Periods/ week Marks Credits
PSHSIIP203 Counselling Practicum II 2 50 2
1. To help students develop competencies in using diverse approaches of counselling.
2. To provide an opportunity to students to apply these approaches in an individual setting.
3. To help students develop skills in recording the counselling process.
4. To help students develop skills in reporting the counselling process.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Approaches to Counselling Part I
Solution Focused Brief Counselling Behavioural therapy
Cognitive-behavioural Therapy
Beck’s Cognitive Therapy
Unit II Approaches to Counselling Part 2
Transactional analysis
Client-Centered Therapy and the Carkhuff Model
Reality Therapy
Gestalt Therapy 15
Students are expected to:
1. Observe the faculty member conduct at least three sessions of each counselling approach.
2. Conduct two sessions of each counselling approach in the classroom in the presence of the instructor
(who observes and gives feedback).
3. Conduct two sessions outside the classroom and record it.
4. Report the counselling sessions in a file.
5. Attend at least one workshop that focusses on counselling approaches.
6. Continuously work on personal issues that could affect the effectiveness of their counselling.
Egan. G. ( 2014). The skilled helper. A problem management and opportunity development approach to
helping. Brooks/ Cole: CA.
Nelson- Jones, R. ( 2016). Counselling Skills: A helper’s manual . UK: Sage.
Code Title Periods/ week Marks Credits
PSHSIIP204 Psychological Testing Practicum II 2 50 2
To enable students to acquire competencies in the administration, scoring and interpretation of selected
psychological tests of intelligence, creativity, adjustment, anxiety and depression.
Course Content Periods
Unit 1 Intelligence, Developmental and Creativity Assessment
a. Wechsler’s Intelligence Scale for School Children.
b. Developmental Assessment Scale for Indian Infants.
c. Kaufman’s Assessment Battery.
d. Torrance/Passi’s Tests of Creativity. 15
Unit 2 Assessment of Adjustment, Anxiety and Depression
a. Achenbach’s Child Behavior Checklist.
b. State Trait Anxiety Inventory.
c. Beck’s Depression Inventory. 15
a) Faculty member demonstrates and explains the administration, scoring and interpretation of each of the
tests one-by-one.
b) Students administer at least each test on at least one participant under her guidance and supervision.
c) Students are expected to strictly follow the relevant manual instructions while administering, scoring
and interpreting each of the above mentioned tests.
d) Students are expected to administer, score and interpret each of the above mentioned tests on at least
three participants/clients.
e) Students have to maintain an individual file of the test administrations.
Manuals of the above-mentioned tests.
Program: M.Sc.
Course: Home Science
Branch III: Textile and Fashion Technology
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System
with effect from the academic year 2016–2017)
The candidate is required to submit the certificate of completing One Year Diploma course in : “CAD, CAM
and Computer Technologies in the Apparel Industry”before completion of M.Sc. (Home Science) course. Course Code Title Theory/
Practical Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
Marks Periods
/ week Credits
PSHSIII101 Research Methods and Statistics I Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSIII102 Global Merchandising Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSIII103 Natural Fiber Science Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSIII104 Textile & Garment Finishing Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSIIIP101 Home Textiles - Designing &
Product Development Practical -- 50 50 4 2
PSHSIIIP102 Pattern Making, Grading and
Garment Construction- Women’s Wear Practical -- 50 50 4 2
PSHSIIIP103 Value addition through Finishes -
Textile and Garment Practical -- 50 50 4 2
PSHSIIIP104 CAD- Textile & Fashion
Illustration and Design
Practical -- 50 50 4 2
TOTAL 160 440 600 32 24
Course Code Title Periods/
weekMarks Credits
Objectives :
1. To build in student’s appreciation for high quality research in each of their specializations.
2. To introduce students to the skills needed in conducting a research in their specialization.
3. To introduce students to principles of good scientific writing.
4. To enable in students the skills in selecting, computing, interpreting and reporting statistics.
Course Content
UNIT I 1 A. Introduction and Overview
a)What is a research?
b) Objectivity and subjectivity in scientific inquiry: Premodernism,
modernism, and postmodernism
c) Steps in the research process
d) Importance of research in general, and in each discipline
e) Illustration of research in each of the three specialisations: Foods, Nutrition,
and Dietetics; Human Development; and, Textile and Fashion Technology
f) Qualitative versus quantitative research
1 B. The beginning steps in the research process
. (a) Identifying broad areas of research in a discipline
. (b) Identifying interest areas; using multiple search strategies
. (c) Prioritising topics; specifying a topic; feasibility
. (d) Review of literature/scholarly argument in support of study
. (e) Specifying research objectives/hypotheses/questions 15
UNIT II 2 A. Variables
(a) Definition
(b) Characteristics
(c) Types
(d) Levels of measurement
2 B. Measurement
(a) Conceptual definitions and operational definitions
(b) Types of validity and reliability in quantitative research
2 C. Data entry in quantitative research (a) Codebook and mastersheet
(b) Creating data files and data management 15
UNIT III 3.A. Introduction and overview to Statistics
(a) Role of statistics in (quantitative) research
(b) Definition/changing conceptions
(c) Prerequisite concepts in mathematics (e.g., properties of the summation
sign, basic algebra)
3 B. Descriptive Statistics for summarizing ratio level variables
(a) Frequencies and percentages
(b) Computing an average/measure of a central tendency
Mean, median, mode(s)
Contrasting the mean vs. median
Computing an
average when there are outliers or extreme values in the data set
measures of the center (5% trimmed mean; M estimators)
Quartiles and
(d) Computing a measure of variability or dispersion Why? (inadequacy of the
Minimum value and maximum value Range
Interquartile range
Variance and
standard deviation
(e) Discrete and continuous variable s (f) Histograms and line graphs 15
UNIT IV 4 A. Descriptive Statistics for summarizing nominal, ordinal and interval
level variables
4 B. Demonstration of computer software such as the Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
(a) Data entry
(b) Data Management
(c) Descriptive Statistics 4. C. Probability: Foundation of Advanced/Inferential Statistics
(a) Definition
(b) Role of probability in research and statistics
(c) Elementary concepts in probability
Sample space, experiment, event/outcome/element of the sample
Equally likely outcomes and the uniform probability model
Stabilization of the relative frequency 15
Bhattacharyya, G.K. & Johnson, R. A. (1977). Statistical concepts and methods. NY: John Wiley.
Dwiwedi, R. S. (1997). Research methods in behavioral sciences. Delhi: Macmillan India.
Gravetter, F. J. &Waillnau, L. B. (2000). Statistics for the behavioral sciences. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. Kerlinger, F. N. & Lee, H. B. (2000). Foundations of behavioral research. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt.
Leong, F.T.L. & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996). The psychology research handbook. New Delhi: Sage.
Course Code Title Periods/week
4 100
1. To provide knowledge of international trade.
2. To impart knowledge of marketing and merchandising.
Course Content
Unit I Information Technology for Merchandising
i. Quick response business systems:
ii. Customer driven systems (POS)
iii. Universal product code (UPC)
iv. E-commerce, (ERP), Enterprise Resource Planning
v. Electronic data interchange (EDI)
vi. Smart labels and Radio frequency identification
vii. Time based competition, Agility, Partnering (external and internal) 15
Unit II Merchandising systems
i. Business to business relationships-wholesaling,
ii. Business to ultimate consumer transactions- retailing
iii. Line planning: evaluating merchandising mix and forecasting offerings,
Merchandise budgets and assortment plans, delivery and allocation plans
iv. Determining the length of selling periods: timing merchandising calendars
(selling and transition periods)
v. Forecast based merchandise plans (regional and local economic and cultural
influences during the period trend and end of period trend analysis)
vi. Line development: Line concept/ finished goods buying/ sourcing, product
development (creative design, line adoption, technical design)
vii. Line presentation: internal line presentation, wholesale online presentation and
retail line presentation
Dimensions of planning product lines
i. Pricing dimensions
ii. Assortment dimensions: Merchandise assortment, SKU stock keeping unit
Line development and computer technology:
CAD systems, PDS, PIMS, Videoconferencing, Customization: Body scanning,
Interactive on-line fashion information services, Web based data management systems 15
Unit III Role & responsibilities of a merchandiser, Market Knowledge and four P’s
Market Segmentation
i. Factors for segmentation: Demographic trends, psychographics, social force,
government influences, economic trends
ii. Market penetration and development
iii. Product development and diversification
Strategic Planning
Definition, Marketing calendar, Line preview date, Critical path method, Line plan summary, Sales forecast, Shelf stock plan, Style status report, Order tracking
Traditional & Contemporary line planning
Unit IV Quality assurance
i. Definition and importance of quality management
ii. Consumers’ perception of quality, company responsibility
iii. Deming’s 14 points, Juran’s 10 steps to quality improvement, Sigma six strategy
iv. Standards and specifications.
v. Quality determinants (raw materials, pattern and fit, construction)
vi. Quality and sampling procedures
vii. Statistical Process Control (SPC)
viii. Merchandise Checking procedures: Quantity checking and quality controllers,
Marking merchandise, Loss prevention: Shoplifting, Deterrents and controls,
Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS)
Merchandising perspectives on pricing
Income statements, Pricing and costing, Pricing Strategies, Pricing variables,
Pricing relationships and strategic pricing, Components of pricing strategies,
Costing principles and strategies, Types of costing
Boyd, H. W. (1995) Marketing management: Strategic approach with a global orientation. Chicago: Irwin /
Richard Irwin.
Davar, R. S. (1982) Modern marketing management . Bombay: Progressive.
Diamond, E. (2006) Fashion retailing: A multi-channel approach , New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Donnellan, J. (1999) Merchandising buying and management , New York: Fairchild Publications.
Ed. Hines, T. and Bruce, M. (2001) Fashion marketing. Oxford: Buttersworth Heinemann.
Jackson, T. & Shaw,
D. (2001) Mastering fashion buying and merchandising management , New York: Palgrave.
Jarnow, J., Guereira, M. &Judelle, B. (1987). Inside the fashion business. (4thEd.). New York: MacMillan.
Kale, N. G. (1995 ). International marketing . Mumbai: Vipul Prakashan.
Kale, N. G. (1998). Fundamentals of marketing and finance . Mumbai: Manisha Prakashan.
Kotler, P. (1998) Marketing management: analysis, planning, implementation and contro l. (9thEd.). New Delhi:
Prentice Hall.
Vaz, M. (1996) Export marketing . Mumbai: Manisha Prakashan.
Course Code Title Periods/week
4 100 4
1. To study the morphology, chemical constitution and manufacturing processes of natural fibers.
2. To study physical and chemical properties and end uses of cellulosic and proteinic fibres.
Course Content Periods
Unit I
Cellulose fibers- Chemistry
a) Chemistry of cellulose: Chemical composition and constitution
b) Reactivity of
different hydroxyl groups, Hydrolysis and oxidation of
cellulose, estimation of the extent of degradation
Unit II Natural Cellulosic fibres- Physics
Morphology, fine structure, properties, and varieties of cellulosic fibers including
Indian varieties.
a) Cotton
b) Jutec) Flax 15
Unit III Proteinic fibers
a) Chemistry of proteins- chemical composition and constitution of proteins,
functional groups, properties conferred by the nature of substituent
b) Morphology and histology of wool and silk, types of bonds present in wool
(including Indian varieties) and silk, Indian variety of wool and silk, properties
Unit IV Ecological concerns in manufacturing and processing of natural fibers Recent
developments in natural fibers 15
Carter, E. M. (1971). Essentials of Fiber Chemistry New York: Marcel Dekker.
Chakraverty, R. R. (1972). A glimpse on the chemical technology of textile fibres.New Delhi: The Canton
Chapman, C. B. (1972). Fibres. London: Butterworths and company.
Cook, J. G. (1984). Handbook of textile fiber. ( 5thEd.) U.K: DuramMerrow.
Corbman, P. B. (1985). Textiles: Fiber to fabric. (6thEd.) McGraw Hill Book.
Grayson, M. (1984). Encyclopedia of textile, fiber and nonmoving fabrics. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Hess, K. Paddock.( ) Textile fibres and their use. (6thEd). New Delhi: Oxford & IBH.
Hollen, N. & Saddler, J. (1988) Textiles. (6thEd.) .New York: Macmillan.
Howard, L. N. (1986). Textiles: fibres, dyers, finishes and processes. New Jersey: Noyes.
Hollen, N. & Saddler, J. (1988). Textiles (6thEd.) New York: Macmillan.
Kornreich, E. (1966). Introduction to fibres and fabrics. London Heywood books.
Kothari, V. K. (2000). Textile fibres: Development and innovation. Vol. II. New Delhi: I.A.F.L. Publication.
Lewin, M., & Pearce, M. E. (1998). A handbook of fiber chemistry. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Marjory, L. J. (1976). Essentials of textiles. New York.
Marjory, L. J. (1977). Introductory textile science
.(3rdEd.). New York.
Mishra, S. P. (2000). A textbook of fiber science and technology. New Delhi: New Age.
Morton, W. E. &Hearle, W. S. (1975). Physical properties of textile fibres. London: The Textile Institute.
Murthy, H. V. (1987). Introduction to textile fibres. Bombay: The Textile Association of India.
Sadov, F., Korchanging, M. &Matelsky A. (1973). Chemical technology of fibrous materials. Moscow: MIR
Shenai, V. A. (1977). Textile fibres. Vol. I Mumbai: Sevak.
Steven, B. W. (1975). Fiber science. New Jersey:
Prentice Hall.
Tammanna, N. S. (1973). Handbook of silk technology. New Delhi: Wiley Eastern.
Tortora, G. P. (1992). Understanding textiles. (4thEd.) New York: Macmillan.
Wynne, A. (1997). Textiles-The Motivate Series, London: Macmillan Education Ltd.
Course Code Title Periods/week
4 100 4
1. To study about the chemicals used in textile finishing, along with the essential properties of raw materials
used in their manufacture and application.
2. To study the recent developments in various finishing processes.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Introduction to and classification of textile auxiliaries, concept
of water surface activity, hydrophilic and lyophilic
Chemical finishing processes 15
Unit II Cationic, anionic and nonionic surfactants, soaps. 15
Unit III Current textile garment finishing in use:
Softening finish, stiffening finish, easy care / durable press
finish, water repellent and water proof finish, soil release finish, non slip finish, finishing with enzymes. Various chemicals and
method used in obtaining these finishes, their mode and
mechanism of reaction, effect on various fabric and fabric properties.
Eco concerns of the finishes. 15
Unit IV Current textile garment finishing in use:
Flame retardant finish, anti-static finish, anti-pilling finish, UV
protection finish, antimicrobial and anti fungal finish
chemicals and method used in obtaining these finishes, their
mode and mechanism of reaction, effect on various fabric and
fabric properties.
Eco concerns of the finishes.
Future trends in chemical finishing
Charan K. (1980). Technology of laundry and toilet soaps. New Delhi: S. B. Publications.
Davidson A. and
Milwidsky B. M. (1978). Synthetic detergent . Bombay: The Book Center.
Hall A. J. (1986). Textile finishing .
London: American Elsevier.
Nallankilli G. and Jayaprakashan S. (1997). Textile finishing . Kamarpalayam: S. S.
M. Publications
Reevco W. A., Orake G. K. and Perkins R. M. (1974). Fire resistant textiles: handbook.
Westpost: Technomic. Schindler, W.D. and Hauser, P.J. (2000). Chemical finishing of textiles. England:
Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Shenai V. A. (1980). Chemistry of textile auxiliaries. Vol V . Bombay: Sevak.
Srivastava S. B., Gupta R. K. and Gupta R. (1980). Household Detergents and Industrial Surfactants . New
Delhi: Small Business.
Course Code Title Periods/week
4 50 2
1. To acquaint students to advance techniques of pattern making for different products and styles of home made-
2. To adapt constructed blocks to the given patterns and grading according to different sizes.
3. To familiarize students with various techniques of finishing.
4. To acquaint students with the skill of handling different materials and patterns.
5. Identification, analysis and selection of different types of fabrics for particular end-uses.
6. Layout of drafts on fabric and its cutting
Course Content Period
Unit I Drafting of various made-ups- for bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom 15
Unit II Construction of Bedroom & living room products- classification of oriental
and contemporary rugs, Floor covering, Bed linen, carpets, curtains, bedlinen,
its availability in the market, Use & care of floor coverings, curtains, bed linen etc
Making products using hand and machine embroidery using old and new
material 15
Unit III Construction of kitchen and bathroom products- Table Linen & Bath Linen,
Kitchen towels & napkins,Different types of fabric used, Different sizes, Use
& care of table and bath linen , Making products using hand and machine embroidery using old and new
Portfolio Presentation
Deshpande R.S. 1978 “Modern Ideal homes for India” United Book corporation Poona.
Deshpande R.S. 1971 “Building your own home” United Book Corporation, Poona
De Van and Dorothy 1964 Introduction to Home Furnishing. NewYork, Mac Milan Co.
Winget, I (1946 )Textiles& their selection Prentice-Hall, Inc
Ana Hong, R (1935 )Home Furnishing, Wiley and sons, Chapman and Hall
Heather Luke, (2001)Lets Home Decorator, Soft Furnishing, Charles Letts & co.
Readers Digest, (1997) The complete book of sewing.
Course Code Title Periods/week Marks Credits
4 50 2
1. To acquaint students to advance techniques of pattern making for different styles of clothing for women.
2. To adapt constructed blocks to the given patterns and grading according to different sizes.
3. To familiarize students with various techniques of apparel making.
4. To acquaint students with the skill of handling different materials and patterns.
5. Identification, analysis and selection of different types of fabrics for particular end-uses.
6. Layout of drafts on fabric and its cutting
Course Content Periods
Unit I A. Basic Block Construction
(a) Adult’s Basic Block, Sleeve, Torso block
(b) Displacements of darts Concealments of darts (c ) Drafting of yokes, gathers, pleats for upper and lower garments, collars
(Shirt, Reversible, Shawl, Danton, Chinese)
B. Drafting of sleeves (Dolman, Raglan, Kimono, Magyar)
C. Drafting and adapting patterns (along with draft instructions and
markings) using anthropometric measurements and grading of upper
D. Drafting and adapting patterns (along with draft instructions and
markings) using anthropometric measurements and grading of lower
block 15
Unit II Upper Garments: Choli, Kurta/Angarakha, Partywear/Western Outfit- any two 15
Unit III Lower Garments: Chudidar, Designer salwar, Skirts/trousers/culottes- any two 15
• Construction of the above garments using plackets (Kurta/double shirt placket/continuous Kurta), collars
(Reversible/Chinese/ Shawl and Danton, yokes (T-/ U-/Straight) and gussets (simple/ sleeve/ strip), pockets
(side seam pocket/velt pocket/ bound pocket/ front pant pocket) zips (with seam/ invisible zip/ zip with fly).
• Portfolio Presentation
Aldrich, W. (1996). Fabric Form and flat pattern cutting. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Armstrong, H. J (1986). Pattern making for fashion designing. New York: Harper Collins Armstrong, H.
(1987). Pattern making for fashion design. New York: Harper & Row Bane, A. (1972). Flat pattern design.
New York: McGraw Hill
Graff. J. L. (1976). Concepts in clothing. New York: McGraw Hill.
Braddock, S. F. (1998). Techno-textiles: revolutionary fabrics for fashion and design . London: Thames and
Bradley, G. (1954). Costume design. (3rdEd.). Searton International Textbook
Bray, N. (1970). Dress fitting: The basic principles of cut and fit. (5thEd.) London: Crosby Lockwood and sons
Bray, N. (1970). Dress pattern designing: the basic principles of cut and fit . (5thEd.) London: Crosby
Lockwood and sons
Bray, N. (1978). Dress fitting. (2ndEd.). London: Granada
Bray, N. (1978). Dress pattern designing . (4thEd.). London: Granada
Bray, N. (1978). More dress pattern designing . (4thEd.). London: Granada, Blackwell Science.
Carr, H. and Latham, B. (1994). The Technology of clothing manufacture. (2ndEd.). Oxford: Blackwell Science
Cooklin, G. (1991). Introduction to clothing manufacture. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Cooklin, G. (1992). Pattern grading for women’s clothes: the technology of sizing . Oxford: S.P. Professional
Cooklin, G. (1995). More patterns and grading for women’s outsize. Great Britain: Blackwell Science
Dunn, L., Bailey. A. & Draper. W. (1970). Steps in clothing skills . Peoria. Illinois: Chas A. Bennett
Giolle. D. A. &Berke. B. (1979). Figure types and size ranges. New York: Fairchild.
Goulbourn, M. (1971).
Introducing pattern cutting, grading and modeling. London: B.T.
Goulboum, M. (1971). Introducing pattern cutting: Grading and modeling. London: B. T. Batsford.
Jan, M. (1967). Coordinated pattern fit . Burgess Publishing
Littman, C, (1977). Pattern making design: Skirts and pants. New York: Delmar
Minott. J. (1978). Fitting commercial patterns. Minneapolis: Minnesota Burgess.
Muke, A. (1980) A French touch -1 . Pittsburgh: Hermann Printing &Litho
Stanley. H. (1977). Modeling and flat cutting for fashion . London: Hutchison
Toledo, R. (1996). Style dictionary. New York Abbeville Press.
Course Code Title Periods/week
4 50 2
Objectives :
1. To experiment with the chemicals used in textile fi nishing, along with the essential properties of raw
materials used in their manufacture and application.
2. To experiment with the chemicals used in denim washing, along with the essential properties of raw
materials used in their manufacture and application.
3. To experiment with the recent chemicals and methods used in various finishing processes.
4. To experiment with chemicals and methods used in various fabrics for textile finishing
5. Portfolio & Journal
Course Content Periods
Unit I Value addition through chemical finishes- functional- softening, antimicrobial,
hydrophilic, water proof, soil release, etc. using environmental friendly chemicals and reagents on various fabric types15
Unit II Value addition through chemical finishes- denim washing using environmental
friendly chemicals and reagents on various fabric types 15
Unit III Testing and evaluation of above finishes relevant to each 15
Portfolio/Journal Presentation
Charan K. (1980). Technology of laundry and toilet soaps. New Delhi: S. B. Publications.
Davidson A. and
Milwidsky B. M. (1978). Synthetic detergent . Bombay: The Book Center.
Hall A. J. (1986). Textile finishing .
London: American Elsevier.
Nallankilli G. and Jayaprakashan S. (1997). Textile finishing . Kamarpalayam: S. S.
M. Publications
Reevco W. A., Orake G. K. and Perkins R. M. (1974). Fire resistant textiles: handbook.
Westpost: Technomic. Schindler, W.D. and Hauser, P.J. (2000). Chemical finishing of textiles. England:
Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Shenai V. A. (1980). Chemistry of textile auxiliaries. Vol V . Bombay: Sevak.
Srivastava S. B., Gupta R. K. and Gupta R. (1980). Household Detergents and Industrial Surfactants . New
Delhi: Small Business.
Course Code Title Periods/week
4 50 2
1. To enhance the creative skills of drawing, sketching and rendering colours for designing prints, weaves,
knits, garments and accessories based on themes.
2. The above ensembles to include designs in sleeves, collars, necklines, bodices, bifurcated wear, outer wear
3. To familiarize students with design process
4. Portfolio & Journal
Course Content
Unit I Design Development for rotary and digital printing of textile designs for
apparel and home furnishings- Inspiration, Forecast boards, Technical
drawings and Presentation of Design sheets using CAD Demonstrations of printing software’s in computer applications 15
Unit II Design Development for weave and knit designs for apparel and home
furnishings- Inspiration, Forecast boards, Technical drawings and Presentation
of Design sheets using CAD
Demonstrations of weave and knit designing software’s in computer applications 15
Unit III Design development for women’s, men’s and kids apparel and accessries-
Inspiration, Forecast boards, Technical drawings and Presentation of Design
sheets using CAD Demonstrations of apparel designing software’s in computer applications 15
Kybalova, L. (1968). Pictorial encyclopedia of fashion . London: Hamlyn.
Mackrell, A. (1997). An illustrated history of fashion and 500 years of fashion illustration. (1stEd.). London:
B.T. Batsford.
McKelvey, K. (1996) Fashion source book. Oxford: Blackwell Science
McKelvey, K. (1996) Illustrating fashion. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Neady, F. (1958) Fashion drawing. New York: Rotman.
Ogawa. Y. (1990). Colour in fashion: a guide to coordinating fashion colours. Bombay: India Books.
Peacock, J. (1993). 20thcentury fashion : the complete source book. London: Thames and Hudson.
Peacock, J. (1997). 20thcentury fashion: the source books – the 1930’s. London: Thames and Hudson.
Peacock, J. (1997). Fashion source books – the 20’s. New York: Thames and Hudson.
Peacock, J. (1997). Fashion source books – the 30’s. New York: Thames and Hudson.
Peacock, J. (1997). Fashion source books – the 50’s. New York: Thames and Hudson.
Peacock, J. (1997). Fashion source books – the 70’s. New York: Thames and Hudson.
software manual
Richpeace software manual
Singer (1993). Creating fashion accessories. U.S.A.: C.Y. de’Cosse.
Tate, S.L. (1987). The complete book of fashion illustration. New York: Harper & Row.
Toledo, R. (1996). Style dictionary. New York: Abbeville.
Turnpenny, J.M. (1983). Fashion design and illustration II- knitwear and jersey . London: Century Hutchison
Turnpenny, J.M. (1986). Fashion design and illustration I- basic guidelines. London: Century Hutchison.
Wonderweaves software manual
The candidate is required to submit the certificate of completing One Year Diploma course in : “CAD, CAM
and Computer Technologies in the Apparel Industry” be fore completion of M.Sc. (Home Science) course.
Course Code Title Theory/
Practical Internal
Marks Semester
Exam Total
Marks Periods
/ week Credits
PSHSIII201 Research Methods and Statistics II Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSIII202 Global Marketing and
Entrepreneurship Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSIII203 Regenerated and Synthetic Fiber
Science Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSIII204 Technical Textiles Theory 40 60 100 4 4
PSHSIIIP201 Accessory Making and Product
Development Practical -- 50 50 4 2
PSHSIIIP202 Pattern Making, Grading and
Garment Construction- Men’s
Wear Practical -- 50 50 4 2
PSHSIIIP203 Value addition through Dyeing
and Printing Practical -- 50 50 4 2
PSHSIIIP204 Fashion Photography and Visual
Merchandizing Practical -- 50 50 4 2
TOTAL 160 440 600 32 24
Course Code Title Periods/
4 100 4
Objectives :
1. To help students develop the skills needed in conducting a research in their specialisation.
2. To promote academic, research and professional ethics in students.
3. To introduce students to principles of good scientific writing.
4. To enable in students the skills in selecting, computing, interpreting and reporting statistics.
Course Content Periods
Unit I 1 A. Sampling techniques in quantitative research
. (a) Sampling methods in current use/examples from current research
. (b) Issues with regard to sampling techniques
I B. Research designs in quantitative research
Distinguishing between the following research designs; and, selecting research designs
that are congruent with one’s research purpose.
. (a) Longitudinal versus cross-sectional
. (b) Experimental versus quasi-experimental versus correlational
. (c) Exploratory versus descriptive versus explanatory 15
Unit II 2 A. Qualitative research methods
(a) Ideology/worldview of the qualitative researche r
(b) Research designs in qualitative research
(c) Sampling techniques in qualitative research
(d) Data collection methods in qualitative research
(e) Data analytic strategies in qualitative research (f) Reporting of results in qualitative research
2B. Scientific writing
. (a) Distinguishing scientific writing from popular and literary writing styles
. (b) Characteristics/principles of scientific writing
. (c) Examples of good scientific writing
. (d) Writing a research proposal
. (e) Reporting statistical findings in text
2 C. Ethics
. (a) In academia
. (b) In research in general
. (c) In research with human subjects
. (d) In research with animal subjects 15
Unit III 3 A. Other concepts needed for the use of advanced/inferential statistics
(a) Types of distribution
Frequency distribution
Normal distribution
Probability distribution Sampling distribution
(b) Type I and type II errors
(c) Central limit theorem
(d) Point estimation vs. interval estimation
(e) Standard error (and confidence intervals)
(f) Parametric and nonparametric methods
3 B. Using an advanced statistical method (steps in using an advanced statistical
Unit IV 4 A. To study statistics that allows us to contrast phenomena
(a) Univariate chi-square test
(b) Bivariate chi-square test
(c) t- or z- test for contrasting two independent groups (d)
Paired t-test
4 B. To study statistics that allows us to examine relationships between variables
(a) Bivariate chi-square test
(b) Product-moment correlation coefficient
4 C. Ethics in the use of statistics (e.g., the
importance of test assumptions, the number of statistical tests in a research and levels of
Bhattacharyya, G.K. & Johnson, R. A. (1977). Statistical Concepts and Methods. NY: John Wiley.
Dwiwedi, R. S. (1997). Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences. Delhi: Macmillan India.
Gravetter, F. J. &Waillnau, L. B. (2000). Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Kerlinger, F. N. & Lee, H. B. (2000). Foundations of Behavioral Research. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt.
Leong, F.T.L., & Austin, J. T. (Eds.) (1996). The Psychology Research Handbook. New Delhi: Sage.
Code Title Periods/
1. To equip students with the knowledge of the fashion world.
2. To provide knowledge of international trade.
3. To impart knowledge of marketing and merchandising.
4. To enhance entrepreneur skills.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Language of fashion and textile design
i. Definition and nature of Fashion Business
ii. Principles of Fashion
iii. Terminology: Style, Fashion (high and mass fashion), Design, Taste,
Classic, Fad, Trend, any others
iv. Components of Fashion/Design Elements & Principles:
v. Fashion Cycle
vi. Movement and Theories of fashion
vii. Fashion forecast and fashion shows
Leading international designers and their labels
Organization and
operation of the fashion business : Women’s wear, menswear, children’s
wear, fashion accessories, home fashions
Unit II Merchandise planning, buying and control.
i. Merchandise distribution
ii. Service quality, servicing customers in on-site and offsite ventures
iii. Personal Selling: Characteristics of sales associate, Sales presentation
Advertising and promotion
i. Classifications of Fashion advertisements
ii. Media
iii. Promotional programs and Publicity
iv. Off-site retailing: E-tailing Advantages
v. Process (creating a web-site Design development and web-site
vi. Classification of E-tailers
vii. Catalogs 15
Unit III Market Research
i. Basic, Applied (consumer, product, market analysis)
ii. Consumer research: Demographics and psychographics
iii. Product research: preferred product design and characteristics
iv. Market analysis: long range and short range forecasting
Fashion research
i. Fashion trend research
ii. Color research
iii. Fabric and trim research
iv. Line plan & styling direction.
v. Nature of retailing research and the research process
Data Collection
i. Methods for data collection
ii. Focus groups, Mall intercepts consumer panels, mail & telephone
point of sale data, corporate sales records, Web sites.
iii. Industry information sources: Trade shows, trade publications
Fashion Retailing
i. Definition of retailing terms
ii. Types of retailing and multichannel fashion retailing
iii. Understanding fashion consumers and their buying behavior.
iv. Consumer behavior and assessment theories 15
v. Concept of decision making Self concept theory
vi. Consumer analysis
vii. Customer Response (CRS)
viii. In-store shopping behavior: Situational factors, Shopper’s intentions,
stock situations (in-stock, stock-out, customer service), purchase
decisions (current sales, pot ential sales, lost sales)
Supply chain management in fashion and textiles
i. Concepts and principles of SCM: short interval scheduling (SIS), inventory
carrying costs, supply chain for soft goods. What are supply chains,
definitions ii. Information and technology in supply chain management: SCM
enabling technologies: EDI, EPOS, item coding, EFT, activity based costing,
etc. The applications of the information and technology for the SCM in the fashion industry.
iii. Marketing sourcing and logistics decisions decisions
iv. Pricing considerations: Competition, merchandise characteristics,
International sourcing process: Research, Initial orders, L/C documents,
follow-up, final quality inspection, Shipping documentation
UNIT IV Visual Merchandising
i. Environments of Visual presentations: Windows and interiors
ii. Designing and fixturing for retail environment
iii. Designing the interiors space
iv. Trends in retail environment design
i. Definition, Entrepreneurial skills
ii. Realities, profiles of leading retail entrepreneurs
iii. Starting your own business
iv. Planning capital and environment influences.
Ecology, ethics and green issues
i. Business ethics and soci al responsibility,
Ethics in retailing 15
Boyd, H. W. (1995) Marketing management: Strategic approach with a global orientation. Chicago: Irwin /
Richard Irwin.
Davar, R. S. (1982) Modern marketing management . Bombay: Progressive.
Diamond, E. (2006) Fashion retailing: A multi-channel approach , New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Donnellan, J. (1999) Merchandising buying and management , New York: Fairchild Publications.
Ed. Hines, T. and Bruce, M. (2001) Fashion marketing. Oxford: Buttersworth Heinemann.
Jackson, T. & Shaw, D. (2001) Mastering fashion buying and merchandising management , New York:
Jarnow, J., Guereira, M. &Judelle, B. (1987). Inside the fashion business. (4thEd.). New York: MacMillan.
Kale, N. G. (1995 ). International marketing . Mumbai: Vipul Prakashan.
Kale, N. G. (1998).
Fundamentals of marketing and finance . Mumbai: Manisha Prakashan.
Kotler, P. (1998) Marketing management: analysis, planning, implementation and contro l. (9thEd.). New Delhi:
Prentice Hall.
Vaz, M. (1996) Export marketing . Mumbai: Manisha Prakashan.
Course Code Title Periods/
4 100
Objectives :
1. To study the morphology, chemical constitution and manufacturing processes synthetic fibers.
2. To study physical and chemical properties and end uses of proteinic and synthetic fibers.
3. To acquaint students with recent developments in the field of fibers.
Course Content Periods
Unit I Regenerated cellulosic fibers
a) Raw materials, manufacturing process, physical and chemical properties of regenerated fibers.(viscose rayon, cuprammonium rayon,
polynosic fibers, high tenacity viscose, modal and lyocell) b) Chemically modified cellulose (primary and secondary acetate
rayon) 15
Unit II Synthetic fibres
Synthesis of raw material, Manufacturing process, properties, uses and
modification of vari ous synthetic fibers
a) Nylon 6, nylon 66
c) Acrylic 15
Unit III Other synthetic fibres
a) Modacrylic
b) PVC, PVA, Elastomeric carbon, glass
Blends currently used.
Ecological concerns in manufacturing and processing of regenerated
and synthetic fibers. Recent developments in regenerated and synthetic fibers
Carter, E. M. (1971). Essentials of fiber chemistry New York: Marcel Dekker.
Chakravorty, R. R. (1972). A glimpse on the chemical technology of textile fibres. New Delhi: The Canton
Chapman, C. B. (1972). Fibres. London: Butterworths and company.
Cook, J. G. (1984). Handbook of textile fiber . (5thEd.) U.K: DuramMerrow.
Corbman, P. B. (1985). Textiles: Fiber to fabric. (6thEd.) McGraw Hill Book.
Grayson, M. (1984). Encyclopedia of textile, fiber and nonmoving fabrics. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Gulrajani, M. L. (1985). Man-made textiles in developing countries. India: The Textile Association.
Gulrajani, M. L. (1985). Man-made textiles in developing countries. India: The Textile Association.
Hess, K. Paddock.( ) Textile fibres and their use. (6thEd). New Delhi: Oxford & IBH.
Hollen, N. & Saddler, J. (1988) Textiles. (6thEd.) .New York: Macmillan.
Hollen, N. & Saddler, J. (1988). Textiles (6thEd.) New York: Macmillan.
Howard, L. N. (1986). Textiles: fibres, dyers, finishes and processes. New Jersey: Noyes.
Kornreich, E. (1966). Introduction to fibres and fabrics. London Heywood books.
Kothari, V. K. (2000). Textile fibres: Development and innovation. Vol. II. New Delhi: I.A.F.L. Publication.
Lewin, M., & Pearce, M. E. (1998). A handbook of fiber chemistry. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Marjory, L. J. (1976). Essentials of textiles. New York.
Marjory, L. J. (1977). Introductory textile science . (3rdEd.). New York.
Mishra, S. P. (2000). A textbook of fiber science and technology. New Delhi: New Age.
Moncrieff, R. W. (1975). Mamade Fibers . London: Newnes Butterworth.
Moncrieff, R. W. (1975). Mamade Fibers . London: Newnes Butterworth.
Morton, W. E. &Hearle, W. S. (1975). Physical properties of textile fibres. London: The Textile Institute.
Murthy, H. V. (1987). Introduction to textile fibres. Bombay: The Textile Association of India.
Porczynski, C. Z. & Carroll. (1961). Manual of man-made fibres. Bombay: The new book.
Porczynski, C. Z. & Carroll. (1961). Manual of man-made fibres. Bombay: The new book.
Sadov, F., Korchanging, M. &Matelsky A. (1973). Chemical technology of fibrous materials. Moscow: MIR
Shenai, V. A. (1977). Textile fibres. Vol. I Mumbai: Sevak.
Steven, B. W. (1975). Fiber science. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Tammanna, N. S. (1973). Handbook of silk technology. New Delhi: Wiley Eastern.
Tortora, G. P. (1992).
Understanding textiles. (4thEd.) New York: Macmillan.
Wynne, A. (1997). Textiles-The Motivate Series, London: Macmillan Education L
Course Code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
4 100 4
1. To study about the various technical textiles, along with the essential properties of raw materials used in their
manufacture and application.
2. To study the recent developments in technical textiles
Course Content
Unit I Medical Textiles
1) Introduction to healthcare and medical textile devices.
a. Polymers used in Medical applications (Alginate, Chitosan, Silk, PLA, PGA, Carboxymethyl cellulose, Cellulose acetate,
Polyurethane, Polyester, Polypropylene etc )
2) Design criteria & fabrication of Medical textile products: with special focus on Knitting, Braiding, 3D weaving,
nonwoven techniques, spacer fabric, composites, Hydrogel,
Rapid prototyping, Electrospinning. 3) Interaction of cells on Polymeric textile structures (integrin
recognition, cellular signaling process, gene expression, immune
rejection, correlations with fabric structure and properties). 4) Broad general classification of Medical Textiles.
5) Non-implantable materials (existing products, limitations,
future direction) . Wound-dressing, related hydrogel and composite products.
. Bandages:Simple,Lightsupport, Compression, Orthopedic
6) Gauges. 7) Healthcare and Hygiene Products. Applications of hollow
fibres for protein purification, drug delivery, biosensor.
Implantable biomedical devices (existing products, limitations, future direction)
8) Vasculargrafts(knitting,nonwoven, electrospinning)
9) Sutures(mono/multifilament,braided)
10) Heartvalves(knitting)
11) Hernia mesh (knitted, nonwoven)
12) Extra-corporeal materials (existing products, limitations,
future direction)
13) Cartilage (nonwoven, 3D weaving)
14) Skin(nonwoven,weaving)
15) Liver (rapid prototyping)
16) Kidney,Urinarybladder(nonwoven,3D weaving)
17) Tendons, Ligaments (Silk filaments, braiding)
18) Cornea(Electrospinning,hydrogel composite)
19) Soluble factor release (Drug, Growth factor Delivery),
Enzyme (Matrix metalloprotease, proteases etc)
attachment on fibrous materials.
20) Adhesive, anti-adhesive patches for Surgical application.
21) Phase change polymers & their healthcare applications.
22) Coating & finishing technologies for medical textiles.
23) Characterizing tests, Evaluation of commercial medical
textiles products, International and National
Fundamental aspects of safety training. Legal
and ethical issues involved in the medical textiles
24) Need, type and applications of 3D structure.
25) Methods of producing 3D structures through weaving and 15
26) Warp and weft knitted spacer fabrics - production,
properties and applications
27) Ku-knit and multi-knit 3D structures.
Struto and wave
maker techniques for producing 3D nonwoven
Applications of 3D Nonwovens.
28) Production of 3D braided structures.
29) Type of composites and application areas of textile based
30) Textile reinforcement materials in different types of
31) One, two and three dimensional reinforcements and
matrix materials for composites.
32) Production and properties of performs.
33) Production of rigid composites.
34) Properties and uses of rigid composites.
Unit II Automotive Textiles
Application of textiles in automobiles.
Requirements and design for pneumatic tyres Safety devices like air bags and Seatbelts in automobiles.
Noise, vibration and heat insulation components in automobiles.
Seating fabric characteristics for automobiles. 15
Unit III Sports Textiles
Sports clothing and Equipment-Scope and classification.
Design of sports active wear.
Design of sports active wear.
Knitted structures in active sportswear. Waterproof breathable materials.
Textile components of sports shoes.
Sport surfaces and Equipment.
Textiles for Packaging
Textiles in food packaging.
Fabrics for bags and luggage. Flexible Intermediate Bulk Packing. 15
Unit IV Textiles for Packaging
Textiles in food packaging.
Fabrics for bags and luggage. Flexible Intermediate Bulk Packing. 15
For medical textiles:
Principles of Tissue Engineering, Second Edition, by Robert Lanza, RobeLanger, Joseph P. Vacanti. Tissue Engineering: Engineering Principles for the Design of Replacement Organs Tissues, by Mark Saltzman,
Oxford University Press.
Medical Textiles, by SubhashAnand, Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Medical textiles 2007: Proceedings of the fourth international conference on health and medical textiles, By JF
Kennedy, SC Anand, M Miraftab, S Rajendran, CRC Pre.
Medical Textile monthly newsletters, Technical Textiles Net Publications. Medical Textiles and Biomaterials for Healthcare, Ed by S.C. Anand, M Miraftab,Kennedy, Woodhead
Publishing Ltd, 2005.
V. K. Kothari (Ed), Technical Textiles, IAFL Publications, New Delhi, 2008. SabitAdanur (Ed), Wellington Sears Handbook of Industrial Textiles, Technomic Publishing Company, Inc,
Pennsylvania, 1995.
RichardA.Scott(Ed),TextilesforProtection,WoodheadPublishing Limited, Cambridge, 2005. A.R.HorrocksandS.C.Anand,HandbookofTechnicalTextiles, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, 2000.
Course Code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
50 2
1. To study about the accessories, along with the essential properties of raw materials used in their manufacture
and application.
2. To study the recent developments in various accessories.
Course Content
Unit I Head Gears, Stoles/scarfs & Belts- Traditional & Contemporary, brands,
labels, designers Designing and making, value addition through colouration, embroidery,
other techniques using different materials and methods 15
Unit II Bags & Footwear- Traditional & Contemporary, brands, labels, designers
Designing and making, value addition through colouration, embroidery, other techniques using different materials and methods 15
Unit III Jewelry, Watches- Traditional & Contemporary, brands, labels, designers
Designing and making, value addition through colouration, embroidery,
other techniques using different materials and methods 15
JohnPeacock,"Thecomplete20thCenturySourceBook", Thames and Hudson, London, 2000 John
Peacock, "Fashion Accessories-Men", Thames and Hudson, London, 1996 Claire Billcocks,"Century of Gavin Bags", Chartwell Books, New Jersey 1997
MalolowBlahnik- CoCollinMacdolw, "Shoes-Fashion and Fantasies", Thames and Hudson, 1989
Gavin Waddell, “How fashion works”,Blackwell Publishing
Phyllis Tortora “TheFairchildEncyclopediaofFashionAccessories”, OM
Gini Stephens Frings, “Fashionfromconcepttoconsumer”, Seventh
Dr. M. S. Sheshadri, “Apparel Marketing and Merchandising”
Course Code Title Periods/week Marks
4 50 2
1. To acquaint students to advance techniques of designing and pattern making for different styles of clothing
for men.
2. To adapt constructed blocks to the given patterns and grading according to different sizes.
3. To familiarize students with special techniques of apparel making.
4. To acquaint students with the art of handling different materials and patterns.
5. Identification, analysis and selection of different types of fabrics for particular end-uses.
6. Layout of drafts on fabric and its cutting
7. Finishing and Packaging
8. Portfolio Presentation
Course Content Periods
Unit I 1) Basic Block Construction
(a) Adult’s Basic Block, Sleeve, (b)Torso block
(c) Drafting of yokes, gathers, pleats for upper and lower
garments, collars (Shirt, Reversible, Shawl, Rever, Danton, Chinese)
2) Drafting of sleeves
3) Drafting and adapting patterns (along with draft instructions and markings) using anthropometric
measurements and grading of upper block
4) Drafting and adapting patterns (along with draft
instructions and markings) using anthropometric measurements and grading of lower block
Unit II Upper Garments: Shirt Kurta/Sherwani, Partywear/Western
Outfit- any two 15
Unit III Lower Garments: Trouser, Chudidar, shrts/culottes- any two
To include packets, zip attachment etc
Antongiavanni, Nicholas: The Suit , HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 2006. ISBN 0-06-089186-6
Byrd, Penelope: The Male Image: men's fashion in England 1300-1970 . B. T. Batsford Ltd, London, 1979.
ISBN 0-7134-0860-X
Croonborg, Frederick: The Blue Book of Men's Tailoring . Croonborg Sartorial Co., New York and Chicago,
Cunnington, C. Willett; Cunnington, Phillis (1959): Handbook of English Costume in the 19th Century , Plays
Inc, Boston, 1970 reprint
Devere, Louis: The Handbook of Practical Cutting on the Centre Point System (London, 1866) revised and
edited by R. L. Shep. R. L. Shep, Mendocino, California, 1986. ISBN 0-914046-03-9
Doyle, Robert: The Art of the Tailor , Sartorial Press Publications, Stratford, Ontario, 2005. ISBN 0-9683039-2-7
Druessedow, Jean L. (editor): Men's Fashion Illust ration from the Turn of the Century Reprint. Originally
published: New York: Jno J. Mitchell Co. 1910. Dover Publications, 1990 ISBN 0-486-26353-3
Mansfield, Alan; Cunnington, Phillis: Handbook of English Costume in the 20th Century 1900-1950 , Plays Inc,
Boston, 1973 Stephenson, Angus (editor): The Shorter Oxford Dictionary . Oxford University Press, New York, 2007
Unknown author: The Standard Work on Cutting Men's Garments . 4th ed. Originally pub. 1886 by Jno J
Mitchell, New York. ISBN 0-916896-33-1
Vincent, W. D. F.: The Cutter's Practical Guide. Vol II "All kinds of body coats" . The John Williamson
Company, London, circa 1893.
Waugh, Norah: The Cut of Men's Clothes 1600-1900 , Routledge, London, 1964. ISBN 0-87830-025-2
Whife, A. A (ed): The Modern Tailor Outfitter and Clothier . The Caxton Publishing Company Ltd, London,
Additional Reading:
Aldrich, W. (1996). Fabric Form and flat pattern cutting. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Armstrong, H. (1986). Pattern making for fashion designing. New York: Harper Collins Armstrong, H. (1987).
Pattern making for fashion design. New York: Harper & Row Bane, A. (1972). Flat pattern design. New York:
McGraw Hill
Bradley, G. (1954). Costume design. (3rdEd.). Searton International Textbook
Bray, N. (1978).
Dress fitting. (2ndEd.). London: Granada
Armstrong, H. J. (1986). Pattern making for fashion designing . New York: Harper and Row
Graff. J. L. (1976). Concepts in clothing. New York: McGraw Hill.
Braddock, S. F. (1998). Techno-textiles: revolutionary fabrics for fashion and design . London: Thames and
Bray, N. (1970). Dress fitting: The basic principles of cut and fit. (5thEd.) London: Crosby Lockwood and sons
Bray, N. (1970). Dress pattern designing: the basic principles of cut and fit . (5thEd.) London: Crosby
Lockwood and sons
Bray, N. (1978). Dress pattern designing . (4thEd.). London: Granada
Carr, H. and Latham, B. (1994). The
Technology of clothing manufacture. (2ndEd.). Oxford: Blackwell Science
Bray, N. (1978). More dress pattern designing . (4thEd.). London: Granada
Bray, N. (1995). More dress pattern designing. (4thEd.). Great Britain: Blackwell Science.
Cooklin, G. (1991). Introduction to clothing manufacture. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Dunn, L., Bailey. A. & Draper. W. (1970). Steps in clothing skills . Peoria. Illinois: Chas A. Bennett
Giolle. D. A. &Berke. B. (1979). Figure types and size ranges. New York: Fairchild.
Goulboum, M. (1971). Introducing pattern cutting: Grading and modeling. London: B. T. Batsford.
Goulbourn, M. (1971). Introducing pattern cutting, grading and modeling. London: B.T.
Jan, M. (1967). Coordinated pattern fit . Burgess Publishing
Littman, C, (1977). Pattern making design: Skirts and pants. New York: Delmar
Minott. J. (1978). Fitting commercial patterns. Minneapolis: Minnesota Burgess.
Muke, A. (1980) A French touch -1 . Pittsburgh: Hermann Printing &Litho
Stanley. H. (1977). Modeling and flat cutting for fashion . London: Hutchison
Toledo, R. (1996). Style dictionary. New York Abbeville Press.
Course Code
Title Periods/week Marks Credits
1. To study about the dyes, pigments and chemicals used in textile colouration, along with the essential
properties of raw materials used in their manufacture and application.
2. To study the recent developments in various dyeing and printing processes.
Course Content
Unit I Introduction to and classification of dyes and pigments, Dyeing and Printing
Auxiliaries 15
Unit II Fashion effects through dyeing. Testing of the same Eco friendly materials and
methods. Future trends in dyeing 15
Unit III Fashion effects through printing- block, screen, digital etc. -single and mix
methods. Testing of the same. Eco friendly materials and methods. Future trends
in printing 15
Angappan, P. &Gopalkrishnan R. (1993). Textile Testing . S.S.M. Institute of Technology.
Booth (1974). Principles of Textile Testing: An Introduction to Physical Methods of Testing Textile fibers, yarn
and Fabrics London: Newnes Butterworth.
Collier B.J. (1999) Textile Testing and Analysis . New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Handbook of Textile Testing , Bureau of Indian Standards. (1990). Testing and Grading of Textile Fibers . Part 1
New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards
Handbook of Textile Testing, Bureau of Indian Standards . (1991). Testing and Grading of Textile Fibers. Part
111 New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards
Handbook of Textile Testing , Bureau of Indian Standards. (1989).Identification and Testing of dyestuff and
Colour Fastness on Textile Materials. Part 1V New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards
Shenai, V.A. (1980). Evaluation of Textile Chemicals Bombay Sevak Publication.
Course Code Title
1. To enhance the creative skills of photography.
2. To expose students to various methods of visual merchandizing
3. Portfolio
Course Content
Unit I Various principles and methods of effective fashion photography
for various marketing end uses- online and brick and mortar Demonstrations of photography and videography editing
software’s in computer applications 15
Unit II Various principles and methods of effective videography for
various marketing end uses- online and brick and mortar Demonstrations of photography and videography editing software’s in computer applications 15
Unit III Various principles and methods of effective visual merchandizing
for various marketing end uses- online and brick and mortar.
Demonstrations of photography and videography editing software’s in computer applications 15
Kybalova, L. (1968). Pictorial encyclopedia of fashion . London: Hamlyn.
Mackrell, A. (1997). An illustrated history of fashion and 500 years of fashion illustration. (1stEd.). London:
B.T. Batsford.
McKelvey, K. (1996) Fashion source book. Oxford: Blackwell Science
McKelvey, K. (1996) Illustrating fashion. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Neady, F. (1958) Fashion drawing. New York: Rotman.
Ogawa. Y. (1990). Colour in fashion: a guide to coordinating fashion colours. Bombay: India Books.
Peacock, J. (1993). 20thcentury fashion : the complete source book. London: Thames
Scheme of Examination
The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two parts. The learner’s performance
shall be assessed by Internal Assessment with 40% marks in the first part by conducting the Semester End Examinations with 60% marks in the second part. Students a re required to pass
separately in the Internal Assessment and Semester End with a minimum of 40% marks in
each component. The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End
Examinations are as shown below: -
Internal assessment for Theory 40 %
No Evaluation type Marks
1 One seminar based on curriculum assessed by teacher of the institution
teaching PG learners / Publication of a research paper/ presentation of a
research paper in seminar or conference.
A. Selection of the topic, introduction, write up, references ‐ 15 marks.
B. Presentation with the use of ICT ‐ 15 marks. 30
2 Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries 05
3 Overall conduct as a responsible learner, communication and leadership
qualities in orga nizing related academic activities 05
Semester End Theory Examination 60 %
Theory Question Paper Pattern
External examination of 60 marks ( three unit courses)
Duration: These examinations shall be of two and half hours duration.
Theory question paper pattern :
(for 3 units)
• There shall be four questions each of 15 marks. On each unit there will be one
question and the fourth question will be based on the entire syllabus (all Units).
• All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice with in the questions.
• Questions may be subdivided into sub- questions a, b, c… and the allocation of marks
depend on the weightage of the topic.
(for 4 units)
• There shall be five questions each of 12 marks. On each unit there will be one
question and the fifth question will be based on the entire syllabus (all Units).
• All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions.
• Questions may be subdivided into sub- questions a, b, c… and the allocation of marks
depend on the weightage of the topic.
Duration: Conduct of practical examinations shall be of three hours duration.
Note : Courses with Planning as a component of the practical examination will conduct a
Planning of two hours in addition to the practical examination of 3 hours.
Sr. No Evaluation type Marks
1 Laboratory work: Semester End Examination 40
2 Journal 05
3 Viva 05