MSc BWCM SEM I and SEM II 25th July 2019 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

MSc BWCM SEM I and SEM II 25th July 2019 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Syllabus for
Two years M.Sc. course
Biodiversity, Wildlife Conservation
and Management

Revised for Sem I & II

(Choice Based Credit system with
effect from the academic year 201 9–2020)

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M.Sc. ; Semester – I (from academic year 2019 – 2020)

# Note: Field Visits may be spr ead out in Semester I and their reports will be assessed as
a part of internal assessment.

M.Sc. ; Semester - II

# Note: F ield Visits may be spread out in Semester II and their reports will be assessed as
a part of internal assessment. Paper Code Lectures Credits Code Practical Credits
Biodiversity: Global and Indian PSBWCM
101 60 4 PSBWCMP
101 60 2
Biomes & Natural History PSBWCM
102 60 4 PSBWCMP
102 60 2
Basics of Wildlife Biology PSBWCM
103 60 4 PSBWCMP
103 60 2
Planning and execution of Field
surveys PSBWCM
104 60 4 PSBWCMP
104 60 2
TOTAL 240 16 240 8
Paper Code Lectures Credits Code Practical Credits
Animal Dispersions & Animal
Populations PSBWCM
201 60 4 PSBWCMP
201 60 2
Principles of Con servation
Biology PSBWCM
202 60 4 PSBWCMP
202 60 2
Planning and Implementing
Conservation programmes PSBWCM
203 60 4 PSBWCMP
203 60 2
Advanced Techniques in Field
Studies PSBWCM
204 60 4 PSBWCMP
204 60 2
TOTAL 240 16 240 8

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 While teaching, examples from both plants and animals should be covered, wherever
 Case studies (Indian & foreign) , wherever applicable should be discussed as a part of the
 Ensure that students are in touch with latest developments especially with respect to civil
society ’s movements, Government policies, International agreements etc.

 UNIT 1 01: Biodiversity: Global and Indian (60 lectures)
101.1: Fundamentals of Ecology & Biodiversity (15 lectures)
Concept of Ecology, Biotic & Abiotic factors
Species, Populations, Communities, Ecosystems
Ecological succession
Biodiversity - Concept & Types
Climatic Zones and Biodiversity - Global & Indian
Vegetation Types
Zoogeographic Realms
Biodiversity as a natural resource
101. 2: Basics of Plant Taxonomy (15 lectures)
An overview of types of classification
Basics of c lassificat ion of
Algae, fungi , bryophytes , pteridophytes (G. M. Smith),
Gymnosperms (Chamberlain) & angiosperms (Bentham & Hooker)
Major families – Magnoliaceae, Malvaceae , Rhamnaceae ,
Myrtaceae , Umbelliferae , Asteraceae , Sapotaceae
Labiateae , Nyctagin aceae , Orchidaceae
101.3: Basics of Non-chordate Taxonomy (15 lectures)
Classification of Protozoans
Classification of Non-chordates (major phyla upto classes )
Insects up to major orders
101.4: Basics of Chordate Taxonomy (15 lectures)
Classification of Protochordates and Chordates ( up to major orders)

 UNIT 102: Biomes & Natural History (60 lectures)
102.1: Biomes & Biodiversity (15 lectures)
Biomes of the world
Characteristic flora and fauna
Threatened species within biomes
Biodiversity Hot Spots – Global & Indian
102.2: Natural History (15 lectures)
Continental drift, plate tectonics, island biogeography
Pre-historic migration and dispersal of species
Natural History of major Flora & Fauna of India
Natural History of Western Ghats
102. 3: Coasta l and Marine: Biodiversity & Management (15 lectures)

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Zonation of the sea and related distribution of species
Diversity of intertidal zones, mangroves
Overexploitation of marine resources, b ycatch and discards
Protected marine areas in India
Endangered spe cies of coastal and marine ecosystems
Climate change and threats to marine biodiversity
102.4: Urban Biodiversity (15 lectures)
Biodiversity in cities & towns
Concept of opportunistic species
Strays and feral populations
Anthropological factors in spec ies dispersal
Impact of h uman activities on urban biodiversity :
e.g. E ffect of plastic and mobile radiation
Conservation practices of Urban Biodiversity

 UNIT 103: Basic s of Wildlife Biology (60 lectures)
103.1.1: Plant Adaptations (15 lectures)
Plant ada ptations t o water, light, temperature, salinity
Adaptation s for as sociation between plants & animals
Concept of photoperiodism and thermo -periodism in plants
Seed dormancy
103.2: Animal adaptations (15 lectures)
Physiological Basis of Animal adaptat ions to
water, temperature, salinity
Deep sea & diving adaptations in animals
Role of blubber in marine mammals
Adaptations for a ssociation between animals
Hibernation, aestivation, Circadian rhythms
Hypothalamo - Hypophysial Axis and its role
Pineal gland and its role
Orientation, navigation & migration in animals
103.3: Wild life diseases (15 lectures)
Major diseases and their control
Domestic animals & wildlife diseases
Governmental role in control of Wildlife diseases
Sick animal refuges i n protected areas
103.4: Evolution (15 lectures)
Theories of Evolution : Early Theories, Darwin’s Theory, Modern Synthesis,
Origin and evolution of life across various eras, Mutation and variation
Mutation -Selection balance.
Geological time scale
Hardy -Weinberg’s Principle, Red Queen Hypothesis, Mechanism of Evolution
(Genetic variation and recombination, Random genetic Drift, natural and sexual
selection, Gene flow, Reproductive Isolation), Adaptation, Co -evolution,
Speciation and its types : Allopatric and sympatric speciation with suitable
examples, Neutral Mutation
Linking evolution to ecological adaptations and Behavioral
adaptations ; Examples: Darwin’s finches, Insular fauna including plants

 UNIT 1 04: Planning and execution of Field surveys (60 lec tures)

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104.1: Field surveys & observations (15 lectures)
Sampling methods and identifying study sites
Techniques of field observation
Camouflages & observation stations
Non-intruding / non -interfering techniques of field observations
Methods of obs erving and recording animal behaviors
Sampling Behaviours, methods of observing Behaviour
Time - activity budgets, Ethograms, Social interaction
matrices and their analysis
Ethics in Field Studies
Dos & Don’ts in field studies
Regulatory permissions fo r field observations
Field collections & field preservations
104.2: Recording & Evaluation of Data (15 lectures)
Field note book and its records
Qualitative & Quantitative data
Field kit and its usage
Cameras, binoculars, field scopes , camera trap s, celphones, etc.
Different methods of recording field observations
Use of rings / tags, colour codes, colour marking on animals
104.3: Agricultural conservation (15 lectures)
Conserving indigenous agricultural species
Conservation of Live Stock specie s /varieties
Conservation of economically important aquatic species
Significance of gene banks and germplasm conservation
Use of wild species for producing improved hybrid varieties
Seed Banks & Artificial seeds in conservation
104.4: Statistical meth ods (15 lectures)
(use examples from wildlife, forestry and field experimentation)
Concept of Sample and Population, Determining sample size
Types of Data (Qualitative and quantitative and their subtypes) and its
distributions: (Normal, Binomial, and Pois son)
Graphical representation (Pie, bar, line, histograms, frequency polygons,
Kite diagrams etc. )
Measures of central tendencies and Measures of dispersion
Null Hypothesis and Hypothesis testing, Type I and II errors
Working on quantitative and qualitat ive data :
Parametric Tests: Z, t, F,
Non-Parametric Tests: Chi -Square,
Correlation and Regression analysis and its applications.
Concepts of Confidence interval and Power

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Note :
o Field visits will be integral part of the practical. Visits to nearby zoo, museum, forest, sea -
shore, nursery, aquaria or any other relevant site must be arranged.
o The report of these visits will be submitted as part of the practical work.


1. Using photographs / paintings / co loured drawings identify and study the classification &
characteristics (representative species only) from;
 Protista – protozoans
 Non-chordates – Porifera to Hemichordata - upto classes
 Insecta – Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera , Odonata
 Pisces – Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes,
 Amphibia – Anura, Gymnophiona and Urodela
 Reptilia – Chelonia (Testudinia), Squamata, Crocodilia
 Aves – Passeriformes, Anseriformes, Falconiformes, Struthioniformes, Galliformes,
Psittaciformes, St rigiformes, Columbiformes, Ciconiformes,
 Mammalia – Proboscidea, Sirenia, Primates, Rodentia, Chiroptera, Perissodactyla,
Artiyodactyla, Pholidota, Carnivora

1. Using photographs / paintings / coloured drawings identif y and study the classification &
charac teristics (representative species only) from;
 Monera – bacteria, cynobacteria, spir ochetes
 Algae – Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta , Cyanophyta :
Study of different fresh water and marine algae; common species only.
 Fungi (upto orders ) – molds, mushr ooms, yeasts, mildews, smuts
 mosses, ferns, gymnosperms

2. Study of morphology of plants (use photographs / paintings / coloured
drawings / preserved specimen / herbarium / in field );
Leaf – morphology, modifications and phyl lotaxy
Flower – morphology & mo difications
floral formula ( Hibiscus & Pancratium )
Fruit – types & morphology
Seed – types, morphology and modifications for dispersal

3. Description of morphological characters of Angiosperm families prescribed in theory

4. Separate and identify different foraminifera from sand samples.

5. Field Report based on Paper PSBWCM 101

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1. Estimation of stomatal index in leaves (at least three different leaf types representing at least two
different micro -climatic conditions e.g. sun loving, shade lovi ng).

2. Uv-Visible spectrophotometer scan of extracted plant pigments; spinach leaves, marigold petals
and Tradescan tia leaves. Evaluation of the spectral characteristics.

3. Using suitable diagram / picture identify zonations in a pond ecosystem and
study the species distribution.

4. Using suitable diagram / picture identify zonations in a sea -shore ecosystem and
study the species distribution.

5. Using suitable diagram / picture identify stratification in a forest and study the species

6. Field Report based on Paper PSBWCM 102
1. Estimate primary production using water samples from different aquatic habitats.

2. Adaptations in plants:
Three hydrophytes :
Pistia – offset & leaf; Eichhornia – leaf & petiole; Nymphaea – leaf & petiole;
Three xerophytes : Opuntia – phylloclade; Nerium – leaf; Casaurina - leaf

3. Insectivorous plants: identification, morphological adaptations and ecological distribution.

4. Adaptations in animals: use pictures or photographs with suitable labels.

5. Identification and study of venomous & poisonous plants and animals, action of their venom -
Stinging nettle, Mucuna pruriens , Physalia, scorpion, tarantula, honey -bee, Conus , scorpion fish
First aid for snake bites - Cobra (spectacled & monoc led), Common krait, Banded krait, Russell’s
Viper, Saw scaled Viper, Pit vipers (Bamboo, Green, Malabar)

6. Study of deep sea fauna and their ecological role; (pictures / diagrams only).

7. Study of some pioneer communities in succession;
Lichen and their types, mosses and their types, coral and their types.

8. Field Report based on Paper PSBWCM 103
1. Application of transacts and quadrants in simulated pictures / photographic sheets for data
collection. Record & tabulate the data.

2. Instruments for sampling; water sampling bottles, plankton samplers, core samplers, bottom

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samplers, air samplers – construction, working and application (photographs or specimens and

3. Using a suitable hand held camera photograph the following (to record diagnostic features).
Record the camera settings and take 5” X 7” prints on three different papers;
butterfly / moth, house fly, dragonfly, a caterpillar,
Fresh fish (from market) , Mackerel, Rohu, catfish , or any other suitable subject

4. Collect matured leaves (minimum fifty for a class) from two different plants (e.g. Mango tree &
False Ashoka). Measure and record the length (in cm.) along the midrib using a flexible thread.
Tabulate the data into a frequency distribution table , make frequenc y polygon and calculate
weighted mean .

5. Collect two sets of leaves (m aximum 30 of each set). Each set different from the other set in
morphology (length / breadth etc.). Measure and record the morphological character (length /
breadth / area etc.) and obtain two sets of data. For each set, prepare a frequency polygon and
estimate the mean and SD of the two grouped series. A pply “t” test to the data and evaluate the
significance of the deference in the morphological parameter between the two sets of data .
Comment on the “p” value

6. Take A jinomoto (Chinese salt or Monosodium glutamate). Give a small pinch to a minimum of
50 volunteers to taste. Record the taste experienced by each volunteer (both male and female).
Tabulate the data (Sex wise / Age group s) and apply Chi Square test to evaluate the significance
of difference observed in the taste experienced. Comment on the “p” Value.

7. Using Vernier calipers make morphological measurements of Specimens (Any insect / fish / bird
etc.), Skull, scales of reptiles, Wing and wing feathers etc. and record morphological data. Make a
report and evaluate parameters like age, sex, species characteristics , etc.
8. Field Report based on Paper PSBWCM 104

 UNIT 2 01: Animal Dispersions & Animal Populations (60 lectures)
201.1: Population dynamics (15 lectures)
Age & Sex distribution
Recruitment ratio & population sustenance (e .g. herbivores , fish & prawns )
Effect of natality, mortality & migration
Exponential & lo gistic growth curves,
Survivor ship curves, k & r selected species
Interaction between populations;
Types of interactions
Predator – prey interactions
Fluctuations in populations
201.2: Plant – animal interactions (15 lectures)
Shelter & nesting by animals
Effect of grazing & brows ing

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Protection s trategies of plants for sustaining populations
Obligate plant – animal dependence – e.g. Fig wasp, Orchid mantis , etc.
201.3: Distribution & dispersal of plants & animals (15 lectures)
Vegetation and its effect on animal distribution
Pollination & seed dispersal
Vegetation preferences of animal species
Barriers to species distribution
201.4: Behavioural Ecology (15 lectures)
Definition & types of behaviors (including innate & learned )
Cues / triggers to behavior
Genetic basis o f behavior
Animal Societies
Establishment of hierarchies
Animal communications
Social behaviors and parental care
Kin selection , altruism, reciprocal altruism, Hamilton’s rule

 UNIT 2 02: Principles of Conservation Biology (60 lectures)
202.1: Habitat ecology (15 lectures)
Types of habitats & their major ecological factors
Ecological succession & climax ecosystems (e.g. Sholas)
Maximizing usage of habitat resources by populations
Insular habitats & insular flora & fauna
Extrem e habitats and their flora & fauna ( dark caves , deep sea etc.)
202.2: Habitat selection in animals (15 lectures)
Concept of home range, familiar areas
Manipulating home ranges to increase population density
Territoriality and habitat utilization in animals
Concept of niches, its realization & its continuity
Micro -habitats : fallen log , treetop -puddles etc.
202.3: Wildlife habitats and human welfare (15 lectures)
Concept of carrying capacity
Limiting factors in habitats
Improving carrying capa city in wildlife areas e.g. Wildlife management for
Game hunting & Fishing
The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity (TEEB)
Biodiversity as an Economic resource and its consideration in
the national economic plans
202.4: Human – wildlife interactions (15 lectures)
Conservation Vs protection
Concept of buffer zones, core areas, wildlife corridors
Strategies to reduce human -wildlife interactions
Role of government and NGOs in controlling human -wildlife interactions
Socio -economic issu es related to human -wildlife interactions

 UNIT 2 03: Planning and implementing conservation programmes (60 lectures)
203.1: Major protected areas & their importance (15 lectures)
Wildlife parks, wildlife reserves, privately owned wildlife reserves

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& Biosph ere reserves
Single species / single habitat -based conservation programmes
(e.g. Project tiger , Valley of flowers )
203.2: International conventions on conservation ( 15 lectures)
Important international conventions & treaties on nature & conservati on
India’s role & contribution (including VISION 2040)
Ex- situ & in -situ conservation
Conservation breeding (e.g. Vulture, Pygmy hog, Gharial etc.)
Institutions and their role in conservation ;
Zoos, Botanical gardens, aquaria , natural history muse ums &
Zoological survey of India, Botanical survey of India,
Forest Research Institute, Survey of India,
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
203.3: People and conservation (15 lectures)
Traditional knowledge : Ethnobiol ogy & Ecosystem people
Traditions & cultures
Tribes of Andaman & Nicobar , Arunachal
Women in conservation
Traditional societies (e.g. Bishnois)
203.4: Role of NGOs in conservation (15 lectures)
International NGOs;
UNEP, GEF, WCS, Bird Life Internati onal
Important NGOs in India & their contributions
WWF, ATREE, BNHS, WTI, Kalpavriksha etc.
Important NGO movements
Chipko movement, Narmada Bachao Andolan
Pani Panchayats , Seed Movement etc.

 UNIT 2 04: Advanced techniques in field studie s (60 lec tures)
204.1: Molecular Techniques (15 lectures)
Genomics (General concepts & applications)
Extraction of DNA from samples
DNA sequencing , Sanger’s & Maxam Gilbert methods
DNA fingerprinting , DNA bar coding
Southern Blotting a nd its applications
204.2: Molecular Techniques – (15lectures)
Proteomics - General concepts & applications in phylogenetic analysis
Extraction & evaluation of proteins
Protein fingerprinting (e.g. venom proteins, plant proteins)
Western Bl otting and its applications
Protein characterization (X-ray crystallography , Mass spectrometry)
204.3: Analysis of animal tracks & signs (General concepts) (15 Lectures)
Tracking large mammals
Studying & analyzing animal tracks & signs
Scat analysis a nd evaluation of food, feeding and health
Enumeration using tracks & signs, nest census
204.4: Modeling techniques (15 lectures)
Various software platforms for modeling ; analytical models & simulations
Collecting data for modeling

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Applications of mod eling
Basic understanding of Remote sensing and GIS techniques and
their applications
Case stud ies: e.g. Minimum Sustainable Population of commercial Fish,
Keoladeo National Park, Serengeti, Velavad ar, etc.


Note :
o Field visi ts will be integral part of the Practical. Visits to nearby sea -shore, lake, pond,
river, reserved forest, Buffer area of a reserve, inhabitations / settlements near wild life
areas or any other relevant site must be arranged.
o The report of these visits w ill be submitted as part of the practical work.


1. Using photographs / paintings / coloured drawings identify and study ecological role of characteristic
animal species (major representative species only) of various Biomes.

2. Using photo graphs / paintings / coloured drawings identify and study ecological role of characteristic
plant species (predominant trees / shrubs only) of various biomes.

3. Mount and i dentify zooplankton (preserved samples may be used).

4. Study of animal archit ecture (photographs / diagram / abandoned specimen) ;
Hive of honey bee, nest of paper wasp, nest of potter wasp,
mount of termite, nests of weaver bird and tailor bird.

5. Comparative study of mouth parts (preserved specimen / diagrams only);
House fly, female mosquito, cockroach, butterfly / moth, bug, beetle.

6. Using photographs / paintings / coloured drawings identify and study distribution and
ecological role of common bivalves and gastropods that occur along a sea -shore.


1. Behavioural observations on Siamese fighter fish in different settings; male in front of mirror,
male in front of female, male in front of male, male in front of other fish species (aggressive and
timid species). (Use specially designed small aquarium tan ks and suitable method to record

2. Identification, biology & ecological role of following introduced species;
Parthenium , Eichhornia , Lantana camera.

3. Identification, biology & ecological role of the following using suitable diagram / picture;
Pangolin, blind cave fish – as adaptation to extreme
Pollination of fig flowers by fig wasp,

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Pollination of orchids by pseudo -copulation – obligatory Interaction

4. Determination of LC 50 of a suitable toxicant (e.g. CuSO 4 / neem leaf extract) using a suitable
model e.g. Daphnia , Cyclops , mosquito larvae, Chironomous larvae, rice weevil) . Compare two
or more different toxicants and compare their lethality.

5. Extract chlorophyll from leaves of two plant species (garden plants: one shade lovin g and another
sun loving). Spectrophotometrically estimate chlorophyll a and b and find out the chlorophyll a: b
ratio and comment on the results.

1. On a phytogeogra phic map of India locate & demarcate major sanctuaries / national parks.

2. In different false colour images from a satellite imag ery, i dentify and describe land use patterns;
city, reservoir, forest, agricultural land, sea -shore.

3. Separate (serum / milk / pulses , etc.) proteins using PAGE and identify protein sizes using
a protein ladder.

4. Extraction of DNA from a suitable mammalian blood / human cheek smear / Tissue or Plant
sample (use kits / phenol -chloroform – isoamyl alcohol method / SDS – Ethanol method) .
Evaluate the purity of the extracted DNA with spectrophoto metry. Comment on the results.

1. Using a suitable camera fitted with a macro lens, take close -up photograph of the following
(to record diagnostic features). Record the camera settings and take 5” X 7” prints on
three different papers;
Head of cockroach, eye of prawn

2. Identify and study specifications & applications of various ringing & tagging devices
(photographs or models or working models and diagrams).

3. Preparation of herbaria using suitable fresh plant samples (spreading, drying, pressing
and labeling); e.g. mint, coriander, curry leaves, Hibiscus - twig with flower.

4. Bioinformatics – using BLASTA / FASTA tools, compare / analyse proteins

Revision of syllabi for Semesters III and IV shall be completed and uplo aded
later for students pursuing the same from academic year 2020 – 21.

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Total Marks – 60
Total duration – two and half hours
Total question – 04
Marks for each question – 15

Coverage of each question – each question will c orrespond to each unit taught in that semester
Options – There will be internal options in each question (within 15 marks)
e.g. Q. 1 – 15 marks OR Q. 1 – a) 8 marks b) 7 marks
Compulsory questions – All four questions will be compulsory.


Tota l Marks – 50
Total duration – Six hours
Total questions – 05
Distribution of marks – Question No. 1, 2, and 3 – 12 marks each (performance & results)
Question No. 4 – Reports of field visits – 10 marks
Question No. 5 – Viva voce – 04 marks

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No. Title Author Publisher Year
1. Protected Area Update;
Newsletter --------- Kalpavriksh Environment
Action Group, Pune ,
India Periodical
2. Zoos in India; Legislation,
Policy, Guidelines and
Strategy ---------- Central Zoo
Authori ty, New Delhi 2007
3. Wildlife ecology Aaron, N.M. W.H. Freeman Co. San
Francisco, U.S.A. 1973
4. The Book of Indian Birds Ali, Salim Oxford University Press,
Mumbai 1997
5. Wildlife
Ecology, Conservation and
Management Anthony R.E. Sinclair,
John M. Fryxell and
Graeme Caughly Blackwell Publishing,
U.S.A. 2006
6. The Book of Indian Shells. Apte, Deepak. Oxford University Press,
7. Colorful Atlas on Indian
Diseases and Disorders Arora and Bipul
Chakraborthy B.M. IBDC, Lucknow. 2008
8. Indian Wild life Yearbook Arora B. M. , Editor AIZ & WV, Bareilly and
Central Zoo
Authority, New Delhi 2002
9. Dietary Husbandry of Wild
Mammalia Arora, B.M. AIZ & WV, Bareilly and
CZA, New Delhi. 2001
10. Indian Wildlife Diseases and
Disorders. Arora, B.M.
11. Rehabilit ation in free living
wild animals Arora, B.M. AIZ & WV, Bareilly 2007
12. Reproduction in Wild
Mammalia & Conservation Arora, B.M. AIZ & WV, Bareilly.
13. A Text Book of
Developmental Biology Banerjee, S. IBD, Dehradun 2001
14. Remote Sensing for Hazard
and Disaster Assessment Barett, E.C. and Anton
Micallef Taylor and Francis,
London 1991
15. Statistics in Research Bernard Ostle and
16. Wild Animals in Central
India Brander, A.A Natraj Publisher,
17. Method of Statistical Anal ysis C.H. Goulden John Wiley & Sons
18. Environmental Impact
Assessment Canter, L. W. Graw, Mc, , Hill
Publication, New York.
19. A Text Book of Agricultural
Statistics Chandel S.R.S,. Achal Prakashan Mandir,
Kanpur 1999

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No. Title Author Publisher Year
20. Introduction to Geographic
Information Systems, Chang – Kang, Tsung Tata McGraw -Hill
Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi 2002
21. A guide to Chemical
Restraint of Wild
Animals. Chowdhury, Sushant
and Malik, Pradeep Natraj Publishers,

22. EIA – A Biography Clark, B. D., Bissel, B.
D. and Watheam, P. School of Forestry and
Environment, SHIATS -
Deemed University,
23. The Temple Tiger. Corbett, Jim Oxford University Press,
New Delhi 2007
24. Asian Elephant, Daniel, J.C. Natraj Publishers,
25. The Book of Indian Reptiles
and Amphibians Daniel, J.C. Oxford University
Press, Mumbai.
26. Resource and Environmental
Economics Fisher, A.C. New York: John Wiley &
Sons 1979
27. The conservation of plant
biodiversity. Frankal, Otto H.,
Anthony, A., Brown,
D. and Burdon,
Jeremy J. Cambridge University
Press 1995
28. Statistical Methods G.W. Snedecor and
W.G. Cochran
29. The Serengeti Lion George B. Schaller
30. Fundamentals of Wildlife
Management Gopal, Rajesh Justice Home,
Allahabad, India. 1992
31. Encyclopedia of mammals Grzimek McGraw Hill Publishing
New Delhi. 1988
32. Wild Animals, Their Minds
and Manners Hornaday, W.T. IBD,
Dehradun. 1989
33. Concepts in Wildlife
Management Hosetti, B.B. Daya Publishing House,
Delhi. 1997
34. Collection and pr eservation of
animals Jairajpuri M. S. Zoological Survey of
India 1990
35. Statistical Ecology John A. Ludwig &
James F. Reynolds John Wiley & Sons 1988
36. Handbook of Environment,
Forest and Wildlife Protection
Laws in India Justice Kuldip Singh Natraj
Publi shers, Dehradun 1998
37. Biodiversity conservation in
managed and protected
areas Katwal/Banerjee Agrobios, India 2002

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No. Title Author Publisher Year
38. Advances in Fish and
Wildlife Ecology and Biology Kaul, B.L. 1999
39. A Vet in Wilderness Khan Ali M. G. Central Zoo Authority,
New Delhi
40. Modern Textbook of
Zoology, Vertebrates. Kotpal, R.L. Rastogi Publications,
41. Remote Sensing and
Image Interpretation Lilleand, T.M. and
Kieffer, R.W John Wiley and Sons
42. Wild Animals of India,
Burma, Ma laya and Tibet Lydekker, R., Natraj Publishers,
43. Wildlife Crime Menon, Vivek and
Kumar, Ashok Natraj
Publisher, Dehradun. 1999
44. Wildlife Issues in a Changing
World Moulton, M. P. & J.
Sanderson St. Lucie Press 1997
45. A handbook of forestry. Negi, S.S. International Book
Dehradun. 2005
46. Biodiversity and its
conservation in India Negi, S.S. Indus Publishing
Co., New Delhi. 1993
47. Manual for Wildlife
Management in India Negi, S.S.
48. Fundamentals of Ecology Odum, Eugene P Natraj Pub lishers,
49. Applied Anatomy of the
Domestic Animals. Ommer, P.A. and
Harshan, K.R. Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers (P) Ltd., New
50. Natural Resource Information
for Economic Development Orris C. Herfindahl Baltimore: The Johns
Hopkins U niversity Press 1969
51. Watching and Conserving Oxford Anthology of
Indian Wildlife Oxford
University Press, New
52. Aerial Photography and
Image Interpretation
for Resource Management. Paine, D.P. John Wiley and Sons.
53. The Ecology of Wildlife
Disea ses. Peter J. Hudson,
Annapaola Rizzoli,
Bryan T. Grenfell,
Hans Heestrbeek and
Andy P. Dobson Oxford University
Press, Oxford
54. Book of Indian Animals. Prater, S.H. Bombay Natural History
Society, Mumbai.
55. Essentials of Conservation
Biology Primac k, R.B. Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Sunderland, MA 1998

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No. Title Author Publisher Year
56. Principles and Procedures of
Statistics (with special
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